#day 3 lets goooo
icy-gendango · 1 year
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afterlife-2004 · 27 days
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entirelysein-e · 17 days
Having a bad mental health day today. Bf makes Dino nuggies for dinner to cheer me up :((
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scalpelsister · 6 months
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The Ranch Of Rivershine - Crystal Lake - 3/?
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fish-shaped-mango · 4 months
Riptide boat banjo! Ignore the fact that the Benjo sucks
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mitamicah · 7 months
Stickers (or more specifically concerts) updates - plot twist!!
Let's start with the less surprising news:
I finally got mail from the first stickers company about the order. The stickers and keychains should go into production now (I got the mail yesterday). Meaning that if I allow myself to be optimistic for this thought experiement it means they'll send them monday making it so they arrive somewhere between thursday (for context friday is the latest day I will be able to get the package given I am travelling to my parents' house for the night *it's closer to the airport*) or the monday after (too late). In short, this is cutting it way shorter than I am confident with so I fear there's a pretty good chance they won't make it :'3
Now news about the second order: I also got a mail about those yesterday that they are on their way. I hope this means that maybe they'll arrive BEFORE the expected date (Wednesday) but that is yet to be seen. I'm somewhat confident these have a chance of arriving on time but I dare not hope too loudly.
Ending this update revealing the plot twist of the title. Thanks to @naniyo I now also have a ticket to the first Helsinki concert in a week (March 2 2024)!!! Ngl that was a pleasant surprise I hadn't seen coming :'D thank you so much for selling me the ticket and I am looking forward to meeting you there ^V^
For obvious reasons I won't be able to make stickers for this gig however :'D So I was thinking about maybe taking a blog of post it notes and a pen with me and offer little doodles for people in the queue? (if I arrive early given I have plans with Anniina @formulalakana and Niini @btw-it-also-travels-in-time about visiting Vantaa/the käbnb together) What do you think of that post it idea? is it too weird :'D?
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ni-kol-koru · 1 year
KnB 30-Days Challenge
Day 14 : Favorite Member of Kaijō
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Kasamatsu Yukio 💙
Well, it took me quite a few rewatches and quite a lot of thinking to realise that Kasamatsu Yukio is probably the best captain in the entire series, and my favorite Kaijō member. Everything about this guy is amazing.
I will never forget rewatching Season 3, for the millonth time, and finishing the Kaijō-Seirin match and needing... a moment. It suddenly struck me, out of blue, the urge to think more deeply about Yukio. In the matches he has played in Season 3 he showed some amazing qualities that I never seemed to notice before. He showed some incredible skill as a player, he showed how determined, motivated, strong, serious and sensible he is, he also never failed to support his teammates and motivate them to fight. I suddenly needed to rewatch some other matches, and when I did, I just fell in love with this man more. What surprised me the most was how awesome he was on the court, and how I never noticed that? He never allowed himself to loose his cool, for the sake of keeping the good mood and the victorious and undefeatble feel in the team. He is also very serious, focused and, oh, incredibly skilled. When I watched KuroBasu with a friend who is into basketball, after we finished the show, I asked him who his favorite player was. He said Yukio, without hesitation. Why? Because he has polished the most fundamental skills and became a weapon on both the inside and on the outside. He is good at dribbling and getting through opponents, finishing under the rim and scoring with a layup. However, if he is ever stopped or the circumstances don't allow him to score from the inside, he just shoots from the outside, sinking the ball in with ease. After The Generation of Miracles and The Uncrowned Kings, he is one of the best players. What I love about him is how he is extremely courageous. He never hesitated to face opponents who he knew were stronger than him. He literally didn't even think twice before trying to stop players like Daiki and Shōgō. His will and fighting spirit are to not be underestimated!
His past is something that I also somehow ignored at first, and noticed just later. It is pretty tragic, and honestly, ever after thinking about it, I cannot watch the scenes where he cries without needing a moment to let a tear out. He has gone through so much grief, and now he is a captain, and the pillar, of the Kaijō team, respected and known.
Now, I wouldn't be me if I didn't talk about personality at least a little. He is pretty strict and he respects hierarchy, he knows his worth and he demands respect. Usually, those are the only things people know. He is most usually that way, there is no denying in that, but he has another side that people seem to talk about a lot less. It usually gets exposed when he is with, well, girls. He becomes so awkward, shy, blushes heavily and stutters when he tries to speak. He is so frozen up that girls from his class only talk to him by asking him Yes-or-No questions! That is just so unexpected, but also so sweet and maybe even a little cute to imagine! Seriously though, he is really handsome, he is a sportsman, he is a good student, pretty smart, he plays the coolest instrument even, the guitar, he is just so cool, and I know many girls like him. Perhaps, Ryōta should teach him how to be less awkward when he is introduced to a cute girl!
Well, I also want to talk about another aspect of him: his mental strength. After missing a pass that cost Kaijō an important victory, he felt such blame and guilt that he decided he was quitting basketball, something that he was exceptional at, something that he put so much time, effort and love in. However, his coach not only didn't allow him to do that, but he made him the captain of the team. It must have been so hard for him. He surely needed a lot of courage to accept the jersey with the number 4 on it, a lot of strenght to bear the responsibility of leading a team that he previously disappointed, betrayed. Still, after everything, he became who he is now. I also have to mention the Jabberwock-Strky game. The fact that he stayed so calm and composed after he literally got humiliated and made fun of on the court and had enough respect amd decency to offer a handshake and thank his opponents for the game, and in return had to listen to Nash's 'Kill yourselves' talk and get spit on his hand... He didn't deserve that, at all. However, in that scene, he proved how mature he was and showed incredible self-control. His mental strenght is on another level.
I love Yukio. That's all. 💙✨️
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thespacelizard · 10 months
Graduation Ceremony
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Tags: original drow characters, D/s dynamics, teacher-student relationship, master/apprentice, mutual pining, restraint, drunk!Ashenivir
Summary: Ashenivir has passed his exams, and now receives his final reward—graduation from the Arcanum, a Master himself, ready to take his brother’s place as wizard of House Zauvym. But an offer from Rizeth has him rethinking all his plans, and amidst much celebration, Ashenivir must make a choice; be the good son he has always striven to be, and serve his Matron? Or take a chance on his Master and an unknown future?
Keszriin’s Chataurvvin picnics were the stuff of legend, but the one she’d arranged for Ashenivir that day had been a quiet one. Just the five of them, secreted away in a perfect grove of young zurkhwood stalks, with narrow nightlight fungi providing soft, faintly pulsing illumination. They were deeper into the fungal forest than could entirely be called safe, but they were all wizards of no small ability, and besides, the Myconids never came up this far. The worst they had to worry about was a giant centipede or two taking an interest in their food.
Ashenivir was glad for the peace of it, and that Keszriin had taken to heart his dislike for the grand designs she’d had the last time he’d been poised to graduate. He was less glad at the extravagant gifts she’d presented him with. It was nothing to her, with House Eilist’tra’s coffers at her disposal, but receiving such things always made him uncomfortable.
Moonstone earrings, enchanted with Eilistraeen blessings of protection and good fortune, now decorated his ears. And a new cloak too, also enchanted; it would shift through whatever style was fashionable as he—or rather, as Keszriin—wished it. She liked playing dress-up with him, given half the chance. It was folded away in his bag now, over by the remains of the picnic. He and Keszriin lay side by side on the blanket, on their backs with their ankles hooked together.
“Feeling okay?” she asked.
“Fine,” Ashenivir replied. Keszriin knocked the toe of her boot against his.
“You sure about that? You got through the exams alright, but if you go off the deep end again about the ceremony—”
“I’m alright, Keszriin, I promise. If anything, I’m excited.”
There was a shriek from the edge of the grove, and the sound of magic ricocheting off an arcane shield. Dresvan and Pellanue had wandered over there a while ago, certain they’d seen a rare moth, and tipsily determined to catch it. Vuzree had gone after them, though whether for supervision or entertainment, Ashenivir wasn’t certain.
“Don’t burn the damn forest down!” Keszriin shouted, and was rewarded with a chorus of cursing. “Idiots.”
She reached over and linked her fingers into Ashenivir’s, lifting their hands into the fading duskglow. It was getting late, and even accomplished wizards knew to be careful in Chataurvvin at night.
“I’m going to miss you,” she said.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Ashenivir said. “You know where I live, you can visit whenever you like.”
“I know, but it’s not the same. And your Matron will be there, waggling her eyebrows at us.”
Ashenivir sighed. It wouldn’t be the same. Keszriin and the others might visit, but they’d still be apprentices doing the thing he loved the most, and he’d be stuck weaving decorations for the Zauvym estate and keeping his mother company.
And he wouldn’t be able to see Rizeth at all.
Read more on AO3
Obedience is a D/s, m/m dungeons & dragons fic series set in my homebrew drow city, featuring two wizard boys, the kinky magic they get up to, and the feelings they definitely don’t have for each other.
Read the series so far here: Obedience - thespacelizard
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xamaxenta · 1 year
I think anyone who sees this post is very handsome and pretty and beautiful
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v4miiii · 7 months
Haven't done it in a while but... DAY 4 OF DAILY TOAST DRAWING POSTIINGG 🔥🔥
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Song: Thirteen by Icon for Hire
We're back and angstier than ever (I was having feelings and projected on Leo again)
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00queasy00 · 10 months
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blorbolaundry · 8 months
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tieflingbi · 1 year
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That post that's like.
You're either frolicking through the meadow with me, or against me.
Yeah. 🌼🌹🐇🌼🌹🌼
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zackcollins · 1 year
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Golden Beach Cowboy || Cassidy || Overwatch 2 - Season 4 || 04/20/23
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phecdasolar · 2 years
I wish a good things and great day upon @autisticamerican and autisticamerican alone
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