#day late and a dollar short scenario
Can we survive a Nuclear War,... the government thinks so.....
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Did ya know the CIA and other government agencies with names no one knows believe it is possible that the US could win a nuclear war. They believed that if the US launched a massive attack at the right time, there would be little chance of inflicting proportional damage on the US, and over 50% of Americans could survive the fallout from other nations as it circled the earth.
The fact that they are contemplating winning a nuclear war is astounding to say the least, not to mention writing-off HALF of the American people in this power play, and because they have the resources to play and survive the game, YOU DON'T.
These are real research projects done by our government, funded by you the taxpayer to establish if a nuclear war scenario is winnable............. I mean just look at the many government grants that are given to movies, documentaries and television series about what life might be like after a nuclear war happens , like it's just another tragedy that's bound to happen as the risk of nuclear war has increased dramatically in the past two years as the United States and Russia have abandoned long-standing nuclear arms control treaties, and then started to develop new kinds of nuclear weapons that could just kill biological units (people) and leave the structures alone so they could be re-occupied when the dust settles, saving billions in construction costs, and expanded the circumstances in which they might use nuclear and bio-weapons,........... like we're getting ready for it.
Hmmmm, now I'm thinking about the COVID virus, wonder why?!?!
Was that a test to see how a bio-weapon might work and spread?
Our intelligence community's know it's coming so they are paving the way to life after the nukes like it's a fucking tornado or tsunami that will just pass like every other tragedy that happens, and it will be survable??????
The world remains the closest it has ever been to the symbolic hour of the shit hitting the fan (apocalypse), with the Doomsday Clock set once again to 90 seconds to “midnight” for 2024, as Wars in the Middle East, Ukraine, a spiraling climate crisis and the rise of artificial intelligence are among the threats continuing to put human existence out-of-the-picture and let artificial intelligence do the driving for us,..........WTF!
The Doomsday Clock, which has been used for seven decades now, was created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947 amid Cold War nuclear tensions — and is seen as “a universally recognized indicator of the world’s vulnerability to global catastrophe caused by man-made technologies.
Make no mistake: resetting the Clock at 90 seconds to midnight is not an indication that the world is stable. Quite the opposite.
"Will my cell phone still work after a nuclear war?"
That's the logic of the situation with most people, and we will know about it when we see that mushroom cloud in the sky........... because we keep voting for the same damn political parties that are interested in winning a nuclear war scenario, which are Republican and Democrats BOTH! But they won't tell you about it, and you won't hear about it in any campaign speeches,.....because if they did you would want to know "what's being done for your survival?",.....
I mean like the government has built massive underground facilities for their own people, but your not scheduled to go there in the event of a nuclear war,... Hell you're not on the schedule at all.
Just saying, government is looking out for government and you the taxpayer who pays for it all must take care of your own ass without the government's help, because dead people can't sue the government for negligence.....
Vote both parties out of office or dig a great big fucking hole in your backyard to live in for 6 months to wait for the fallout to fade.
......Yeah, I know,.... it's a little bit funny to some people to even talk about this crap,......... and I don't delude myself thinking that everyone is all-of-a-sudden going to vote for an independent humanitarian government that could avoid tragic events in our and our children's futures,........ I'm just saying it all starts with YOU, and then maybe someone else might see your wisdom and then maybe someone else and so on, and so on.
Because industry who started this ball rolling will oppose any efforts to vote out all Republicans and Democrats, because industry OWNS our political leaders with their financial support, and they would lose their grip on America if the American people take back their own government and tell industry what they can and can't do.
It's all up to you, and if you don't care, no one else is gonna care either.
See ya at the voting booth.
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Everyone Hates Todo Except You
The best part about Todo is that you don’t have to put yandere in front of him because his normal behavior already screams delusional and obsessive.   You cannot convince me that he doesn’t sniff all your things as soon as you’re not looking.  He’s just so intense.  I love this man, need to catch up on jjk.
~1k words. Thank you to whoever requested this and I hope you enjoy!
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At the Kyoto branch, nobody really bothers sticking their nose in Todo’s business.  But when there’s an enormous mound of trash bags outside his room that just keeps getting bigger, concerning glances and eyebrow raises no longer cut it.  Normally his antics earn a side eye or two, but lately it’s been a little much, even for him.  At the breakfast table the next day, the girls decide to draw straws to see who has to tell him to move his shit.
“It’s not fair!  Why do I have to do it?”  Miwa groans, cursing her bad luck for the thousandth time.  
“It is fair, you just happened to draw the short straw now go deal with it!  We'll back you up.”  Mai grins, knowing full well she rigged it.
Kasumi Miwa would rather be doing literally anything else at this moment.  She timidly knocks on the door, and says, “Todo?  Could you move all this stuff please?  You’re starting to block the hallway.”
“Yeah I’ll get to it whenever I get the rest of this junk cleaned up.  Don’t worry there’s no food waste so there shouldn’t be any smell.”
“B-but Todo…. It's been almost a week now…”  The only response was the muted sound of shuffling.
Miwa looks back in defeat at her so-called “back up” as they peek from behind the corner.  Their best bet now is to get one of the boys to convince him.  And if they fail it’s straight to Utahime-sensei.  
Todo looks at his room, emptier than it’s ever been.  He knew this was the likeliest outcome.  Takada-chan was a beloved idol, and even if she liked him back (which he thought she might have at some point) there was no way she could be with him.  He knew, but it doesn't mean it hurt any less.  There were years of carefully collected merch, thousands of dollars being stuffed into trash bags to be thrown away.  But instead of the despair he carefully denied for years, he didn’t feel any loss throwing away all the autographed posters and pictures.  No, he had something much better now, someone who could actually be with him in this wretched, boring world.  He had his wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect in every way girlfriend.  And while you weren’t aware that you were destined to be with him yet, he would make sure you’d know soon.  As soon as he finished purging his space of Takada-chan (it wouldn’t do to have pictures of an old flame) he’d confess.  
A few days later he was tying up the last trash bag, ready to enact his plan.  He asked you to meet him under the largest tree in the forest on the edge of the training field.  Several hypothetical scenarios floated through his mind, and he focused on the one where you’d enthusiastically said you loved him back and then he married you and had many children.  As he neared the confession site, Todo felt yet another arrow go through his heart as you came into view.  I’ll never get tired of seeing her.
“Todo, is everything okay?  What’s up?”  A shiver ran down Todo’s spine, goosebumps rising.  God, even your voice was perfect.
“I love you.  Promise me, y/n.  That we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.”  He got down on one knee like a proposal, looking up at you like a devout follower.
“Todo… I don’t know about the rest of our lives but why don’t we start with a date?  I like you too.”  While you were a bit taken aback by his forwardness, you brush it off as Todo being Todo.  You never disliked his honesty and unabashedness.
“My girlfriend!! I knew you felt the same!”  A single tear ran down Todo’s face.   
Back to the dorms, it wasn’t long before everyone found out and congregated at your room to badger you with questions.  
“Ugh that gorilla?  You guys are dating now?”  Nishimiya asked, firmly believing Todo to be an improper and inadequate boyfriend.  
“I thought he only had eyes for that idol Takado or whatever,” Miwa chimes.
“It’s Takada,” Mai corrects, not able to make eye contact with Nishimiya’s suspicious glance in her direction. 
“We’re dating now!  He just asked me out, and he’s really good to me.” you reply, thinking of how Todo insisted on carrying you back to the dorms, gently setting you down before running off saying he needed to ‘prepare’.  
“You can do way better than Todo, trust us.” The girls all nod in agreement.  However, Todo is outside your room balancing a tray of perfectly cooked lunch and a cold pitcher of water.  
“What are you guys talking about?”  he knows already, but wants to hear them say it to his face.  
“How y/n is too good for the likes of you.”  Mai minces no words for Todo.  With the uncomfortable tension rising, the Kyoto girls hastily make an exit.  
“My love, I made lunch for us.  I know I am not handsome, or come from wealth and a good sorcerer family like some of our classmates.  But I will be devoted.  I will never stray from you, I’d die if you asked me to.”  he says, as he sets the meal on your small desk, pulling out utensils and napkins.  His normal confidence seems to waver a bit, and it seems that not even Todo is immune to worrying about what other people think of him.  
“Todo, don’t worry about what they say and please don’t say you’ll die for me.  I like you a lot, I wouldn’t have accepted your confession if I didn’t.  I also think you’re quite handsome.”  
“You love me back?”  he whispers, kneeling at the edge of your bed, looking up at you.  While it’s a bit too early to tell, Todo’s hopeful, reverent look has you obliging him. 
“I do love you back.”  He embraces you, and you can hear his heartbeat in his bare chest.  It feels good to be loved so wholeheartedly, and you’ll give him all the love you have to repay him.  
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satorubi · 1 year
A FAVOR — ft. scaramouche
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♱ babysitting for scaramouche ends with a treat.
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CW : fem! reader, dominant scaramouche, bimbo reader, age gap ꒰ scara is 35 and reader is 21 ꒱ miss reader is a little seductress. mssionary, use of profanity and pet names. <> hiii, so so sorry this took so long. i hit a road block but i’m back now !! special thank you to my lovely anon who requested this scenario <33 i hope you enjoy ! interactions are sweet.
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babysitting hasn’t always been your dream job.
with bratty children talking your ear off all day, you wouldn’t exactly say you enjoyed your occupation.
but it paid well and shit, you were living pretty lavishly. not only did it pay the bills but it paid for your pretty attire—kinda like the dress you wore now. pink and snug— something you knew would get the attention of no other than scaramouche, your boss.
the man was a ceo and a colleague to many, but to you— he was just sweet, handsome scaramouche. a man who always made sure to compliment you whenever you entered his home to fulfill your duties as a nanny for his son. they were one of the few families you didn’t mind getting a phone call from.
you sat pretty on his velvet couch, awaiting his destined arrival due to a text you’d gotten a few hours ago from a worried scaramouche. he was suddenly ordered into work by his partner due to a mix up made by one of their employees. of course being the man he is, he had no choice but to go.
the familiar sound of keys dangling grasped your attention as you watched scaramouche lazily walk through the door of his penthouse. he looked at ease, and his tie was a lot more loosened than it was when he’d left. the slacks that gripped his thighs showcased how toned his legs were, and you couldn’t forget the bulge that threatened to bust from his zipper.
“i appreciate you coming by on such short notice. i didn’t know i’d get called in so late to the office, but y’know how it is.” he announces, quickly lowering his voice when he realizes his son is asleep on the couch next to you. he smiles, walking over to ruffle the kiddo’s hair before scooping him in his arms.
“it’s no problem at all, mr. scaramouche. he was an angel as always.”
he nods at you briefly before heading upstairs to put his son to bed. a short while later, you heard his heavy footsteps approaching you again. only this time, his suit jacket had been removed and his button up was slightly open.
his appearance almost made you drool. even for his age, you could see he was a handsome man. the guy was built like he wasn't years and years older than you— lean and fit like no tomorrow, you had to give him his props.
“wanna’ take a picture instead? it’ll last longer,” he jokes and you avert your attention back to reality. you quickly shun his kind eyes and look away.
“well, could you blame me, sir?” as you give him a rather innocent look, you adjust your posture, the pretty dip of your spine causing him to lick his bottom lip.
scaramouche wasn't a moron. he could see right through your antics. this wasn't the first time he'd noticed you staring at him, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. although he knew this would be far from protocol, he couldn’t deny your beauty. you were just so pretty and sweet. it was a curse that you were able to take such good care of his son. if you weren’t he’d have no issues letting you go, but he had to tough it out.
“i’m flattered, darling. but i’m far too old for you to be crushin’ on.” he says, a chuckle leaving his lips. he undid the cufflinks around his wrists before pulling out his wallet.
“how much i owe ya’ ?” he asks and you smirk. what scaramouche didn’t know, was that you had something else in mind — a payment far more entertaining than a few lousy hundreds.
“how about you give me a kiss and we’ll call it even?”
scaramouche could’ve laughed in your face, but instead he just shakes his head and hands you two, crisp hundred dollar bills. you fold your arms across your chest, pushing up your already plumped tits directly in his view.
“don’t be coy, sir. i see your wandering eyes too.” you take a step closer, wrapping his tie around your finger. looking up at his tall stance, you pull him closer and his lips nearly graze your own.
“i think you’re too far in over your head, pretty. you wanna’ fuck and then what? become a little stepmommy to my kid, huh?”
“no. i just think you deserve a break, scaramouche. let me help you,” you whine. you were a bit closer to him now, your nipples pressing against his chest sending a chill down both your spines.
to be fair, you weren’t all the way wrong here. scaramouche was a hardworking, single dad. he rarely ever had time to get a good fuck in here and there. it was always either home or the office— no in between. he’d be a fool to bypass your successful attempt at the art of seduction.
there was nothing else he needed to hear. the feeling of scaramouche sweeping you from your feet and into his master bedroom shut you up completely. although the world was spinning around you, the dominance he quickly grasped on to put a damp mark in your panties.
he was attacking your lips, sucking and pulling at them as if he were a hungry man— and he was. you two were sharing a messy kiss; a type of kiss scara hadn’t felt in what seemed like ages.
“your lips taste so good,” he breathes, pulling away from your swollen mouth, “i bet that pussy tastes better, huh?”
you giggle, “wanna’ find out, sir?” testing the man, he sends a small pat to your thigh and begins to nip at your neck. with the amount of pressure being sent to your sweet spot, you knew you’d most definitely be waking up to a bruise in the morning.
“sir. i like that. keep it up.”
you ran a hand past the bulge in his slacks, gently grasping it in your palm, “do i get a reward?”
“we’ll see.”
scaramouche chuckles a deep laugh and gives you one last peck. by now, his pants had been unzipped by you and the only thing left to remove was his underwear and button up shirt. a small section of his chest could be seen through your lustful eyes, eager to rip the fabric to shreds just to get a better look at him.
“let’s make somethin’ clear,” he says. your back met the bedding as you paid close attention to the man. he had nothing but determination on his face and you had to admit, it was a picture you loved seeing, “i’m gonna’ teach you to take everything given to you and you’re gonna’ listen. can you do that for me, yn?”
you mouthed a quick ‘yes’ and spread your legs as wide as they could go. scaramouche smiles at your keen effort and moves to touch at your damp underwear. coincidentally, the wet patch in your panties was in the same spot as your clit.
scaramouche’s fingers worked their magic ; small circles tickling a spot that was just right. you could squirm at how much attention the small bud was getting, but you decided going against his rule of ‘listening’ wouldn’t be that beneficial for either of you.
“fuck me already, scara— i’m tired of waiting.” your complaints didn’t exactly bring the happiest expression to the man’s face; his eyes narrowing down at you as he began to unzip his slacks. the thud sound of his cock hitting his abdomen almost knocked the wind out of you.
scaramouche was big; most definitely on the longer side, giving you a small sense of worry. not only did he have length, but a bit of curve to it as well— capable of hitting any and every spot possible.
“oh, don’t look so timid now. you talk a lot, funny i’m leavin’ you speechless right now.” positioning himself between your thighs scaramouche kindly pulls your panties to the side like once before. he tapped his cock against your pretty clit— chuckling at the small whimpers you let out a bit louder than intended.
when your eyes met his, you almost felt irritated by how slowly he was starting the process. however, this only made you feel more libido. he had a way of capturing your attention that seemed effortless. he was a fantastic man, regardless of your sexual desires. a part of you secretly hoped that this joy wouldn't be a temporary temptation.
scaramouche held a defined look on his face as he sat his cock directly on top of your stomach. he moved his hips as if he were inside you, just casually gliding his length on your skin. it almost seemed as if he was trying to see how far he’d fit inside of you.
“gonna’ treat this pussy so well, sweet girl.” anticipation ran through your veins making you use both hands to help spread your cunt. scaramouche had a grin on his face as he slid inside of you slowly.
it was the only word he could use to describe the feeling of your cunt around him. you were so wet, making it easier for him to guide himself in. he had his hands pressed against the back of your thighs— your knees to your chest.
“oh my—fuck! scaramouche,“ you suck in a harsh breath as grip on to his forearms. you were pretty sure a crescent mark would imprint on his skin due to your nails digging for support. his movements were sharp and exaggerated— taking his cock all the way out and pushing it all the way back in again, a bulge forming in your tummy.
scaramouche moves his hands from your thighs to your stomach, pressing down with minimal pressure— but still enough to make you feel a more intense sensation in your lower belly.
“look at you, takin’ me like a slut. you’re so nasty, baby,” he laughs, and you moan in response, “you look so fuckin’ beautiful.”
his roaming hands could now be felt on your neck. you spread your quivering thighs further apart, this way, giving him more work to get to work. with the hands wrapped around your neck, scaramouche began fucking into you again.
“c’mon, sweetheart. take it like a good girl,” he says, using your throat as leverage while moving in and out of you. he split you open with his cock and let out a groan feeling you clamp around him. scaramouche lowered his head down to seal your lips with a kiss, biting and sucking on your bottom lip in heat.
the man shushes you with one powerful stroke to your pussy, making your eyes drift shut, “kunikuzushi,” he utters and your eyebrows furrow.
“kunikuzushi, my first name. i wanna’ hear it come out of that pretty mouth of yours when you cum.” he said it so casually. being in the employee guidelines was far from your concerns, but his first name? you wondered if he was on a power trip.
“kuni— please don’t stop.”
“you must want me to cum, huh?” he taunts, his thumb coming up to your bottom lip. you felt like it was almost an instinct as you took his thumb into your mouth and began suckling at it. scaramouche bit down on his bottom lip, almost getting harder at the image. “you wanna’ cum too? your cunt’s squeezin’ me so tight. i can feel it, just give it to me why don’t ya’?”
you were sweaty and a bit sticky, but you could care less. you threw your head back with a pretty grin on your face as scaramouche held on to you tightly. the levels your whimpers and cries had begun to rise and he had no choice but to kiss your plumped lips to muffle the rukus.
“are you gonna’ cum on me, angel? you wanna’ make a mess for me?” with your feet dangling by his ears and your legs cramping, you’d normally feel like tapping out— but your were close. close enough that if he said one last thing you would feel it bubbling over—
“cum for me, baby. c’mon, you can do it.”
and just like that, scaramouche could feel your slick coating his cock. the moan you let out was almost concerning, because when you came, you came hard. you squeezed him for everything he had with the intention of being filled.
“need it in me sir! please, please, kuni!”
scaramouche hearing that sentence fall from your lips was all he needed to cross that line. “fuck, princess. ah- i’m gonna’ cum.”
not long after, his strokes became sloppy and his grunts gradually grew louder. each movement was followed by small curses under his breath as he poured his all into you— literally. scaramouche continued to fuck into your hole until there was nothing left to give you.
“shit, yn. that was amazing. i’m proud of you, you took it like a champ.”
you giggle as he pulls out of your pussy, dick still a bit hard by just watching the remainder of his cum spill out of you. sharing a small glance once again, he then proceeds to place gentle kisses all over your face and neck.
“not bad for someone who was too far in over their head huh?” you ask, wrapping your arms around him in a warm embrace. scara’s bare chest pressed up against yours, the feeling of your hardened nipples greeting his own.
the two of you laid there together for what felt like hours before you got the urge to begin your journey back to your apartment. by now, scaramouche had drifted off to sleep— the sound of your breathing and your natural scent sending him into a daze.
quietly wriggling your way out of his grasp, you slip on your clothing worn a few hours prior. as you scurried to finish, the sound of scaramouche’s groggy voice startled you. “leavin’ so soon?” he mumbles, stretching his limbs and ruffling his hair a bit.
“did you want me to stay?”
in the darkness of the room, you could see scaramouche’s fingers usher you back to the comfy bed. he pats the pillow next to him twice and waits for you to fill the space.
“i let you be big spoon. there’s no way you’re leavin’ me that easily.” he smiles when he hears a small laugh from you. once you finally take your place next to him, he whispers a small 'goodnight' into your shoulder before delicately kissing that same spot. the butterflies quietly flutter in your tummy, guiding you into a deep, well-needed, slumber.
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SUUNMIC 2022 ©️ all rights reserved to @suunmic. please refrain from copying or reposting as your own.
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Hi! So I really love your "When You Can't Find The Quiet" series and I think it's amazing how well you write! If you're still taking requests I'd love to see another part with maybe like Bucky and Steve helping the reader through a meltdown. Like Peter's ill or something so couldn't be there and Tony's away on some kind of business but like Happy picked the reader up and took them to the tower and Tony contacted Bucky to help. And like Steve's confused and just draws for the reader or something?
(Can be read as standalone or as (the much delayed) WYCFTQ pt 6)
There weren’t many people you interacted with on a regular basis, and that was just the way you preferred it.
People are scary. Unpredictable. Deceit hidden behind curtains of seemingly genuine intent, gauzy and constantly shifting and impossible to focus on what lies beyond. It didn’t make sense. All your life you had been exactly as you were, no lies, no acting unless instructed to. The masking kind, only, as you tried to keep up in the neurotypical social game. Frankly, it all seemed rather put on and pointless and by the time you reached high school you’d all but given up on it. Given up on trying to decode other people as well. There was too much shit going on, and it was the path of least resistance to settle on your small group of friends and leave it at that. Minimal masking, minimal need for interpretation. You trusted your friends to be who they said they were, and you showed up with no pretences held.
That being said, entering Peter’s world was terrifying. Here were adults that seemed to have true intentions; adults with the time and resources to make your life easier in a way you’d never before had access to. Adults- Tony, Nat, Bucky, Pepper- who said they wanted to help. Who did help, and not in the way you were used to adults ‘helping’, with social rules and short reprimands and sad sighs when you just didn’t get it. You had to trust them. Because without that help, trying to manage being a generally functioning human that left the apartment and did homework and went to school and didn’t punch randoms on the subway on instinct for standing too close, felt impossible. Part of you felt shame for having grown so reliant, but you knew the alternative all too well. Complete shutdown. Burnout. Months of being so hazy and out of it nothing felt real and nothing got done. So, reluctantly, you accepted the status quo.
Meltdowns happen. They suck ass. At this point you felt like you’d experienced every possible way that they could happen, the growing Big Bad Feeling in the pit of your guts almost familiar. They honestly didn’t get any easier with time (or, to phrase it kinda weirdly, with practice). The humiliation stung just as harshly after every one when you had nothing left to give. The Post-Meltdown Energy Drain leaving you collapsed on the floor like some kind of deflated beanbag, letting everyone else take over. You could cry over the mortification later when you had the spoons.
This last meltdown was no different. It had grown over a few days, the general unrest of the student body headed towards summer break doing nothing to help, nor did the constant stickiness of late-May humidity. It made sense, in a weird parallel way- humidity inevitable breaks with a storm, and the growing sense of badness broke in a meltdown. It was only too bad you couldn’t have waited until school was out to have it in the privacy of your bedroom. The floor probably would’ve been less gross as well, but even the thought of high school corridor germs wasn’t enough to get you up as you waited for Happy.
It wasn’t usually Happy who picked you up. Tony typically did it himself, and as selfish as it felt you preferred it that way. He knew what to do, and he hadn’t belittled you for it yet so there was a growing sense of trust that it was an unlikely scenario. Alas, being an avenger and owning a multi-billion dollar company is no casual business, and there was just no way he was able to come and get you, so Happy was enlisted. You weren’t sure what to make of Happy. He never really said much to you (not that you would’ve said much in return) but he seemed to like Peter. Only problem was, Peter wasn’t even at school today. Probably hurt himself patrolling, given that it was probably impossible for his genetically enhanced ass to get sick. Lucky.
The slapping of Happy’s shoes on the worn linoleum broke your train of thought. The corridor was being kept clear by Ned and the new school nurse, who probably volunteered just to not have to figure out what else to do. You could’ve sworn none of these people had ever met another goddamn autistic person out in the wild before. Which, their loss, honestly. You hoisted yourself up on a locker and followed Happy on autopilot, eyes glazed over by the time you reached the distinctive black car. You felt like absolute shit. But every part of your brain was yelling at you to act fine, act normal, like nothing had ever happened.
Unsurprisingly, Happy didn’t say a word the entire drive back. You felt like every atom in your body had been drained of energy and you collapsed against the window of the car, too viscerally exhausted to care about the vibration of the car against your skull. Somewhere deep in your brain you tried to remember all the steps to the sensory room- the elevator, the right level, FRIDAY, the security pass- but each thought was too much effort to complete, and trailed off part way through. You kept trying over and over and over and over to remember how to do it, how to get to safety, with each attempt fizzling out sooner and sooner and never eventuating. You were too preoccupied with forcing the repetitive thought loop to recognise pulling into a driveway, down to the garage, half closed eyes seeing nothing, and the bone-tiredness letting your head just hang when the pressure of the door dropped as someone opened it from outside. Cool metal pushed hair back from your forehead and held you up as the restraint of the seatbelt rescinded and you realised it was Bucky.
He didn’t even ask before transferring most of your weight to his shoulder, and picking you up and out of the car. Somewhere in the haze you considered that maybe, this treatment was embarrassing; after all, you’d only met Bucky like, twice, and this was the second time he’d seen you in at some point in the meltdown life-cycle. But your body felt simultaneously numb and tingly and not there at all, and you didn’t even have the energy to cry despite desperately wanting to be able to, and all you could do was sink into his shoulder and try and keep your eyelids open.
You could feel when Bucky spoke. “Hey, can you grab that blanket over there? It’s weighted.”
Still feeling devoid of any capacity, you almost imperceptibly shook your head. Bucky rubbed your shoulder. “It’s okay, I wasn’t asking you, doll. We’re up in the sensory room. Steve is here. He wants to help, and I’m gonna get him to grab the weighted blanket so we can rest on that big comfy beanbag. You can sleep if you want, or we can just ride this out until you’re feeling a bit better. Nice and easy,” he lowered himself to slowly fall back into the memory foam. It only just occurred to you that you were gripping onto Bucky’s shirt for dear life, that the only way he would’ve been able to put you down would be to pry himself from your entangled hands. An honestly, you didn’t even fucking care. Humiliation aside, Bucky felt steady and calm and reassuring and you still felt so unsafe in your mind and body, an unrest that could easily spiral into meltdown round two. Which, ya know, you’d rather not do. Fighting sleep, you felt the air shift next to you and Steve returned, draping the grounding weight of the blanket over your jittery bones. He had something else with him too; as he sat on the ground beside you and Bucky, you registered that it was a sketchbook, and without a word he started to draw. First a landscape, a sunset, some birds, etched in grey then filled in pastels of colour. Mesmerised, you watched as your consciousness dripped away, sleeping in the way you only ever did when you were safe
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I was contemplating if I should send in a request so if you are too busy or school has started then please ignore this but ....if not then...can I ask for a fic or one-shot or whatever (I don't really know the difference) of Taehun and Seongjoon's s/o reassuring them about their relationship with them(the boys). Maybe something happened or the boys have been over thinking about why their s/o is with them when they could be with other better people. Things like that....
JunTae anon
reassurance (taehun/seongjun x reader)
details: fluff with some angst oneshots, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader has been dating character for a while
summary: you give him some reassurance after he expresses worry.
a/n: happy to see u again juntae anon, thanks for another request :] and dw as long as i have requests open, i'll do my best with any i get despite stuff like school 💪💖
also one shots are what i write! they're basically long scenarios (short ones are drabbles) while fics are chapter long and have a plot, rather than a simple scenario ^_^
He was famous for being overly jealous and not at the same time--that was Taehun's thing. The catch was he was only jealous about petty things.
Exhibit A: glaring at anyone who expressed interest in you, even if it was in the most completely platonic way.
Honestly though, even that was kind of an act. A neverending joke, if you could call it that. It was just funny embarrassing you when he acted overbearing by blurting out he was your boyfriend or being overly touchy with you to express that he was your boyfriend.
Point was, he was too confident in himself and you to have any insecurities that would fester into feeling unsure about the relationship between the both of you.
"So why the HELL have I been feeling weird lately?" His million dollar question of the week. For reasons unknown (or unacknowledged...) by himself, he had been bothered by words he overheard you telling a friend of yours the other day.
"I wish my boyfriend was as nice as them."
They were words he easily laughed at and brushed aside at the time, yet they've been lingering in his mind. It wasn't as if it was the first time he heard you say something like that, which made it even more confusing for him. Now that he thought about it though, maybe it was the fact that he overheard you say it.
It was different when you were saying it in front of him because it easily came off as a joke, but behind his back...? He had to admit your tone was lighthearted, but still. Maybe you meant it more knowing he wasn't around? Does that even make sense...?
He grumbled and ruffled his hair up before leaning back on the couch. Before he could shut his eyes, the sound of your voice made him turn his head.
"What're you upset about today, huh?"
"Mind your business," he huffed, moving to wrap an arm around your shoulders as you joined him on the couch. "Where have you been, anyway?"
"I was helping your dad outside with some stuff?"
The abrupt end to the conversation resulted in an awkward silence, but it didn't take long to melt into a comfortable one as you both went on to do your own things. You busied yourself with your phone and Taehun just tried to enjoy your presence. Occasionally he glanced down at your screen and asked what you were doing, or you would start small talk.
It was nice, but not enough to dismiss Taehun's thoughts. He figured maybe he was overthinking and spending time with you would reassure him of your feelings for him, yet the words, "I wish my boyfriend was as nice as them," continued to circle in his mind.
"This is stupid."
"Hm?" You looked up at him, eyes full of innocence.
Taehun stared into them for a moment, as if there was an answer for his question in your eyes, and then sighed after finding nothing. He just pulled you in a little closer and laid his head on top of yours.
Confused, some fumbled words came out of your mouth before you managed to say, "If something's bothering you, you can tell me, you know."
"Yeah, but how do I say it without getting fucking embarrassed?" Red was already beginning to color in Taehun's cheeks. He only forced himself to reply after you nudged him with an elbow.
"I'm nice to you, right?" Yikes. That came out all wrong. What the hell kind of question was that?
"Uh..." Understandably, you became even more confused. "Yeah?"
Well, since Taehun already put a start on this thing, he decided he'd keep moving forward--he'd just have to hope he didn't crash and burn.
After a quick few seconds of thinking, he replied, "Okay, but if I..." He grit his teeth, hating the cringe he was feeling towards himself crawl up his spine. "Ever make you mad. Or sad. You have to tell me."
You went quiet and now dread began to fill Taehun up. He was being as vague as possible, there was no way you were connecting the dots.
"No way... is THE Taehun Seong worried about being too mean?"
Great, you didn't connect the dots, but also damn you for still teasing him.
He pulled away to frown at you. "Shut up, I'm being serious."
You laughed and moved to give his cheek a peck. "Relax, I know. And don't worry, if you ever upset me--" On the same place you kissed his cheek, you gave it a pinch and he squinted an eye. "--I'll let you know. Otherwise, you don't have to feel bad. I know most of what you say isn't meant to be taken personally." The soft smile on your face turned into a grin. "Besides, if I couldn't stand it, why would I date your rude-ass?"
Those few words were all Taehun needed to get his weighted worries off his shoulders and suddenly he felt stupid worrying about something so small. Well, he thought it was stupid in the first place, but you were really solidifying the feeling.
He couldn't help but laugh at himself. Fortunately, it made sense to in the conversation as well so you hummed along, and he was content to roll with it.
But first he gave you a kiss and then proceeded to ignore any of your questions for the reasoning behind it.
Jealousy was a rare feeling for someone like Seongjun. After all, what could a man as rich, powerful, and smart as him have to be jealous of? Even seeing you spend time with other people never made him blink an eye. Who was he to stop you from hanging out with the people you wanted to, anyway?
Yes, indeed, he was a good man and a good lover.
To you, at least.
Ironically, that was the same thing that haunted him. Outside of you, he wasn't sure anyone else who knew him personally would call him... nice. Because he wasn't.
He had already wrestled with what little good his heart had left, so that wasn't what bothered him. He mostly made peace with who he was now and who he wanted to be, it was just when it came to you that he felt a little unsteady.
Changing such a major part of himself for someone wasn't something he feel like he'd do, no matter how much he loved the person. Thus, the heavy choice fell to you.
It was your decision, whether or not to stay with someone with hands as stained as his. He wouldn't blame you if you left, the same way he questioned why you stayed. He just knew he was gently holding your hand, and you were holding his in response.
Hand in loving hand. For now. Mostly. Maybe?
Every once in a while, doubt clouded his vision and he wasn't sure he could feel your hand. Some days he loosened his grip, thinking, "Today's the day they come to their senses and leave me." Other days he comfortably held on, eased by the warmth from your hand.
But sometimes even that wasn't enough, and now was one of those times.
He hated how his stomach churned as he watched you finish up one last conversation with a coworker on his way to pick you up from your workplace. He hated how he couldn't even be mad, because you had gotten so close to your coworker, even he got to know the person a little and they were genuinely really nice. Much, much nicer than him.
Walking home with you, holding your hand, he couldn't help but think you would be better off with your coworker. Safe and comfortable, with someone more normal. Hell, it didn't have to be your coworker, just someone like them.
"Is this jealousy...?" Seongjun shook his head. "No, it's more like... insecurity. A really pathetic and self pitying feeling of insecurity." He sighed, immediately regretting it when you turned to raise a brow at him.
"Something the matter?"
He plastered on a smile, but you saw through it too easily and frowned. "It's nothing--"
"Come on, you know you're not very good at hiding things from me."
Seongjun paused for a moment before chuckling and looking off to the side. He hummed, trying to see how long he could derail the conversation. It wasn't that long, unfortunately. Still, he hesitated before clearing his throat to make sure he could sound as lighthearted as possible before asking, "Promise you won't make fun of me?"
"Promise," you replied in a singsong voice.
He laughed a little, though it trailed off and became awkward. "Well... I think I might be jealous."
Not exactly the truth, but it was the best way he could communicate his feelings without being too honest. He wasn't sure he was ready for that kind of conversation yet, and it would definitely be better to have behind closed doors, not in a public space.
You gasped somewhat playfully. "Of my coworker?"
"Wow, right on the first guess~" Seongjun was still trying his best to keep the conversation light.
"Aw, you're so cute!" you cooed, making him feign a bit of anger.
"Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of me."
You only hummed in amusement. "I know, but I couldn't help it." You gave him a grin and batted your eyes. "May I politely ask why you're jealous?"
Seongjun thinned his lips. "I just think... that your coworker is nice." You tilted your head at him, prompting him for more details. It took a few tense seconds before he eventually got himself to add, "Wouldn't you want to be with them instead of someone like me?"
The tense seconds came back except they were longer and more stressful because the silence was now coming from you. Seongjun glanced your way, caught by surprise to see you staring intently at him. Almost as if you were seeing right through his current act, and it nearly made him feel ashamed. He tried to stay strong anyway, and smiled at you.
You reflected the expression back, but it looked a little sad. After giving his hand a little squeeze, you said, "You know I'd never want to be with anyone else than you, Seongjun. I believe you'll always be someone I'll love."
He let out a breathy chuckle, unable to hide the bitterness in it. "And what if one day I stop being that person?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." A simple and straightforward answer, but full of love. "Don't worry about 'what ifs' and just focus on our happy present. If you don't stop worrying, you'll only give yourself gray hairs."
Seongjun nearly stopped in his tracks in surprise at your sincerity. The joke at the end made his smile grow into a more genuine one and he ended up just laughing. His heart was swelling and he didn't know what he could ever say or do to express how happy he was to have you in his life.
So, for now, he just leaned in to give you a kiss, not caring about what anyone around would think.
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cicaklah · 9 months
a day late...a day and half an hour late actually, but who's counting? Amok Time Friday!!!
fandom: star trek tos
pairing: spock/kirk/t'pring
rating: pon fucking farr, my friends
Spock's mind is an oasis in a land without that concept, drying up. There is always another solution to the impossible scenario.
tagged: Episode: s02e05 Amok Time, amok time friday saturday, aka a day late and a dollar short, but!, canon typical logical solutions to problems, Pon Farr (Star Trek), Dubious Consent Due to Pon Farr (Star Trek), is it pon farr if it isn't a little bit dub?, Fuck Or Die, threesome edition, Threesome - F/M/M, Bonding, Psychic Bond, Psychic Sex, SNW compatible
For my girl @skylightpirate, who had the great idea of writing threesome fic for amok time day. 'but who gangs up on who?' I asked, and she gave her theory, and I said 'well, I'll write the other way round'. And so here it is. You'll have to wait for hers, but I know its going to be absolutely incredible.
also this owes a lot to @alienfuckeronmain's erotica and author voice classes from her superb writing course. never stop never stopping.
the title is from this kate bush song which I recommend listening to for the vibes.
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osm2 · 1 year
I know it's a day late and a dollar short, but I’d like to talk to you all in honor of the Ides of March, which has just passed us.
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Julius Caesar was a product of his time. He is what you get when a representative form of government’s means of consensus building fails, and furthermore I would argue that he is the best case scenario to come out of that. Consider the great dictator who came before him, Sulla. After taking Rome by force and ousting his competitors, Sulla unleashed a bloodbath on Rome where he killed off thousands of political opponents and wealthy citizens to seize their property and redistribute it among his supporters. Sulla did this for many reasons, but one of the most pressing of them was the failure of the Republic to function fairly and build consensus among its wielders of power. As the historian Edward J. Watts says in his book Mortal Republic “Sulla marched on Rome both in 88 and in the winter of 84 because he had more trust in his abilities and his men then he did in the Republic”. Had Sulla not done this, it is likely he would have been picked apart by the political vultures back in Rome as soon as he relinquished his power, that is to say, his army.
The same is true for Julius Caesar. Caesar crossed the Rubicon after his hand had been forced by his opponents in the senate, who planned to pick him apart as soon as he relinquished his power. Faced with certain death and dishonor at the hands of his enemies, or a fighting chance in a civil war, he chose the latter. Yet, unlike Sulla Caesar did not wash the streets of Rome in blood, and for that he was murdered by the same men whose lives he spared.
But what was this failure of consensus building I keep mentioning? Why did Sulla and Caesar trust themselves and their men more than the republic they nominally served? The Roman Republic by the time of Sulla had found itself in political turmoil. Over the last century and a half the Republic had a series of issues stem from its growing conquests. While Rome and its wealthy elite grew wealthier, the average citizen grew poorer. Inheritance laws broke up generational wealth, the endless wars drew young men off to fight, only to come home to find their farms on the verge of bankruptcy, and the land conquered by their blood and toil was handed out to wealthy senators and their friends and not to the soldiers and their families. Furthermore, Rome’s allies in Italy found themselves fighting and dying alongside Rome in countless battles, yet they were not Roman citizens and very rarely received any benefit for their loyalty. With these issues in mind many attempts were made to reform the government, pass new legislation, and address these problems. The wealthy elite who controlled Rome, however, blocked all attempts at reform.
The patricians and senatorial elite did not care about the plight of the masses. The urban poor who began to flood the streets of Rome after they were forced off their lands were nothing but garbage lining the streets. What incentives did the leading families of Rome have to care about the plebeians, when the system they relied upon for power, wealth, and glory was almost entirely controlled by them? They could and did veto any laws that would chip away at their holdings, cancel votes, refuse to approve legislation, and use every mechanism of government to hold onto power. This is where the republic failed. Those in control were now truly separated from the people of Rome, and consensus could no longer be reached between the elite and the masses.
The people of Rome had only one alternative left to turn to, then, and that was violence. Tiberius Gracchus placed himself as the champion of the people, and when the senate once again used the systems of government to block any reforms he proposed, the people rose up on his behalf and used force to achieve the reforms they so desperately needed. For this, Tiberius and his brother Gaius were both murdered by the senate, who, still fearing the mob of angry plebeians that supported the martyred Gracchi brothers, kept their reforms in hopes of placating the masses.
From this point on, the only way to get through the deadlock of the senate was violence, and as soon as someone put down the sword the vultures in the senate pounced on them. Sulla knew that his opponents would kill him as soon as he put down the sword, and so he never did as long as his enemies still lived. Caesar knew the same, but hoped that if he was magnanimous in his victory and showed mercy to his defeated enemies, he could endear them to him enough that he would not need the sword any longer. We all know how that went.
So guardsmen, remember this lesson. When the means of consensus building fail, when the elite become so separated from the masses that they no longer care about the needs of the people, there is only one way to make them care. And remember this as well, once you pick up that sword, you can’t put it back down again while the vultures still live. Even if they aren’t circling you, they will come for you.
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Unlock Your Tax Refund Early with Quick and Convenient Loans
The Wait for Your Tax Refund: A Financial Burden
For many individuals and families, the annual tax refund is a financial lifeline, providing much-needed relief from the burden of mounting bills, unexpected expenses, or the pursuit of long-term financial goals. However, the waiting period between filing taxes and receiving the refund can be agonizing, especially when unexpected financial challenges arise.
During this time of anticipation, even the smallest financial hiccup can create a ripple effect, disrupting budgets and potentially leading to late fees, penalties, or additional stress. It's a frustrating scenario that many find themselves in, as they eagerly await the arrival of their hard-earned tax refund.
 Tax Refund Loans: Unlocking Early Access to Your Funds
In the face of this financial strain, tax refund loans have emerged as a powerful solution, offering individuals the opportunity to unlock their tax refund early and access the funds they need, when they need them most.
At their core, tax refund loans are short-term loans secured by your expected tax refund. Tax preparation companies, financial institutions, and online lenders offer these services, allowing you to access a portion of your refund upfront, typically ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on your eligibility and the lender's policies.
Beating the Wait: Instant Access to Cash
One of the primary advantages of tax refund loans is the speed at which you can access the funds. Traditional tax refund processing can take weeks or even months, leaving individuals in a financial limbo as they await their much-needed refund. With a tax refund loan, however, the wait is significantly reduced, as you can receive the cash within a matter of days or even hours after approval.
This instant access to funds can be a lifeline for those facing urgent financial needs, such as overdue rent or mortgage payments, medical bills, or unexpected car repairs. By providing a quick influx of cash, a tax refund loan can help individuals avoid late fees, penalties, or further financial strain, offering a timely solution to pressing monetary concerns.
Bridging the Gap: Financial Flexibility
Beyond addressing immediate financial emergencies, a tax refund loan can also serve as a valuable tool for bridging the gap between expenses and income. For many households, the arrival of a tax refund provides a much-needed financial boost, allowing them to catch up on bills, pay off debts, or make larger purchases they've been putting off.
With a tax refund loan, this financial flexibility is available well before the actual refund is received. This can be particularly beneficial for those who rely on their tax refund to cover major expenses or make important investments, such as home repairs, educational costs, or starting a small business.
Navigating the Process: Convenience and Accessibility
Obtaining a tax refund loan is remarkably convenient and accessible. Most tax preparation companies, financial institutions, and online lenders offering this service have streamlined the application process, making it easy for individuals to apply from the comfort of their homes or on-the-go via mobile devices.
The application typically involves providing basic personal and financial information, as well as details about your expected tax refund. Once approved, the funds can be deposited directly into your bank account or loaded onto a prepaid debit card, depending on the provider's offerings.
Understanding the Terms and Conditions
While tax refund loans can provide much-needed financial relief, it's crucial to approach this solution responsibly. Reputable providers will clearly outline the terms and conditions, including any fees or interest charges associated with the loan. By carefully reviewing and understanding these terms, individuals can make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.
It's important to note that while tax refund loans offer convenience and quick access to cash, they may come with higher fees or interest rates compared to traditional loans or credit cards. As such, it's essential to weigh the costs against the benefits and ensure that the loan aligns with your overall financial situation and goals.
Empowering Financial Stability
When used judiciously, a tax refund loan can serve as a stepping stone toward greater financial stability. By alleviating immediate financial pressures, individuals can focus on developing long-term strategies for budgeting, saving, and managing their finances more effectively.
Additionally, some tax preparation companies and financial institutions offer financial literacy resources and tools alongside their tax refund loan services, providing individuals with valuable insights and guidance on topics such as credit management, debt reduction, and long-term wealth-building strategies.
Taking Control of Your Financial Future
In today's fast-paced world, where financial challenges can arise unexpectedly, the ability to access quick and convenient loans can be a lifeline. Tax refund loans offer a powerful solution, providing individuals with the funds they need to navigate through financial hurdles without the lengthy wait for their tax refund.
By offering instant access to cash, bridging the gap between expenses and income, and empowering financial stability, tax refund loans present a compelling option for those seeking financial relief. However, as with any financial decision, it's crucial to approach this solution responsibly, thoroughly understand the terms and conditions, and develop a plan to effectively manage the loan and your overall financial situation.
With the convenience of online applications, the potential for quick cash, and the opportunity to unlock your tax refund early, tax refund loans can be a valuable tool in maintaining financial well-being and taking control of your financial future. Embrace the power of these loans, and navigate life's unexpected twists and turns with confidence and empowerment.
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saeedmzh · 3 months
TRX Expected to Hit $1 Amid Bull Market Predictions💵💵💵
The entire cryptocurrency market is experiencing a rapid upward in trend, with TRX (Tron) rising from $0.09 to $0.14 in just a few days, marking an increase of over 60%. This is just the beginning of a bull market, projected to continue until between February and September 2025, leaving at least a year ahead. Therefore, envisioning TRX reaching $1 becomes a highly probable scenario. Within this year, unexpected developments may occur, potentially exceeding our expectations for TRX's price surge.
Thus, mining 1 TRX now is equivalent to mining 1 dollar. It's not too late to get involved in mining TRX. Seize the opportunity and start mining TRX now! Don't wait until the market reaches its peak, as it might be too late by then. Your chance for immense wealth lies within this short year. Remember, choosing the right moment is more crucial than exerting effort, and following the trend is paramount. Anyone making the right choice at the right time stands to surpass 99% of others. Begin mining TRX now!
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goldflowercapital · 5 months
2023: A year of humbleness
The recent Bloomberg Big Take is named "Everyone got burned." For 2023 the consensus was rarely so aligned, with almost everyone predicting a slump in equities as the FED was driving the US economy into a recession. On the contrary, powered by a Solow type argument for productivity acceleration via AI and a pivot in the inflation outlook, a blistering two month rally and the magnificent 7, pushed the MSCI World index by 16% since late October, with a stunning full year gain of 22%.
Technically, the market is in a high confidence "risk on" territory with 10 year yields at 3.85%, USD depreciating (and being fully correlated with the long duration - like in every "risk on" regime - as the readers of this blog know), but it is price action that will confirm or reject this hypothesis. Weak price and oil action will provide evidence towards a not so soft landing (and will favour Gold positions), whereas strong price action above ATH in the early trading days of January will provide the confirmation required to double down.
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The risk of selling volatility at this point is that in a recession regime both long duration and USD may weaken, without getting a counterbalance from equities. Hence, in the weak USD, lower yield, recession regime, Gold is the preferable balancing act. So despite how dull this sounds, and how repeatedly wrong the investing community has gotten this, In this set up miners could be finally positioned for an inflection move in 2024.
If the narrative pivots away from the US and Magnificent 7 (which I doubt, as they are all forming the required patterns both structurally and technically, to become the new Dow Jones Constituents and officially replace the old) then Emerging Markets and China should be back in the map. Particularly after a year where in China, overseas investors are set to record their smallest-ever annual purchases of Chinese stocks, these assets (particularly the high dividend energy related ones, like oil/nuclear and coal, will be very hard to ignore).
Unless we end up in a "deflationary bust" which will 1) pose a lifetime opportunity for commodities 2) invert the curve, then the long term rate for the 10 year is in the range of 5% - 6% and the market will keep being ambivalent between the two thesis of soft landing (and the six cuts) versus a persistency in inflation and growth. As anything could happen and proven tremendously risky to short bonds in a period of elevated economic and geopolitical tension (see March and October 23´) the best way to get exposure to either a reversal of the 10 year or a deflationary bust moment is via exposure to the USD (pref via puts, to control risk) in combination with Gold positions. Against all houses my view is that that risk-return of a strong dollar trade, hedged via gold exposure gives a wide exposure to winning scenarios.
Energy: Unless we are in a deflationary regime the energy imbalance is too large to ignore, and same applies for the yields which are highly secured at these prices.
Electrification: It is a deflationary force that will keep taking over, as temperature keeps increasing year over year. Identifying the winners here will be highly non trivial as the wind and solar experience from 2023 has confirmed.
Longevity and Biotech: Another long term trend that is here to stay, but will require a lot of work to separate the hype from true winners.
I will close with a phrase from Kuppy: "Hopefully, 2024 sees some pin action. After two rather dull years, I’m ready for some action. It feels like something ought to happen, yet it never does—until it does."
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inkovsky · 9 months
Hong Kong stocks were suspended for the entire day last Friday due to extreme weather and black rain. U.S. bond interest rates and the U.S. exchange rate index both rose, and the RMB weakened as a result. Hong Kong stocks HSI opened slightly lower by 12 points last Thursday to 18,437, which was already the highest level of the day. The decline immediately expanded, with a maximum loss of 276 points in the afternoon, and the intraday price after August 28 It hit a low of 18,173. The decline in the late market was slightly reversed, and it finally closed at 18,202, down 247 points, setting a new closing low since August 28. The high and low fluctuations throughout the day were 264 points, with a cumulative gain of 642 points in 3 days. The HS technology index closed at 4,091, down 85 points. The main board's full-day turnover was HK$86.8 billion, a daily decrease of 6.6%, the lowest since August 25.
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Summing up the four trading days last week, the HSI fell by 179 points or 1%, ending its two-week winning streak; the HS Tech index fell by 87 points or 2.1%, ending its two-week rising trend.
Looking ahead to this week, since the HSI has fallen below all major moving averages, there is no risk to defend. If the RMB continues to depreciate, the market will follow suit and hit the bottom. The positive effects of the Mainland's support for the property market are gradually being digested, and the market is dominated by the negative atmosphere of rising expectations of U.S. interest rate hikes. After falling below the short-term upward trajectory, the HSI closed below the 10-DMA (18,360) and the 20-DMA (18,357) last Thursday, there is no major moving average support below. If there is no new good news, the market trend will continue downward. The first hurdle is to focus on the bull zone of 17,900 points, and then it will try the low of 17,573 points on August 22. If the rising gap of 17,364 to 17,536 points on November 29 last year is fully covered, the trend will continue to find the bottom, and the next support level will be 16,600 to 16,800 points. Since the HSI fell below the double top neckline, the measured decline target is 16,198 points.
European stock markets stopped falling on Friday, with British, French and German stock markets closing up 0.49%, 0.62% and 0.14% respectively.
Morgan Stanley analyst Erik W Woodring believes that the worst-case scenario of China’s restrictions on Apple is that the company’s revenue will fall by 4% and its earnings will be affected by 3%. In addition, Daniel Ives, an analyst at the brokerage Wedbush, believes that the market is overly worried about the ban. It is expected that iPhone sales in China will only decrease by 500,000 units, which is insignificant compared to the estimated total sales of 45 million in the next 12 months. Apple stabilized after falling for two consecutive days, once rebounding 1.5%.
On the other hand, U.S. Federal Reserve officials issued dovish remarks, causing U.S. bond interest rates and the dollar to fall. U.S. stocks stabilized repeatedly on Friday. The Dow opened 13 points lower and then turned upward, rising as much as 127 points to a high of 34,627. The S&P 500 index rose by 0.5%, and the Nasdaq, which is dominated by technology stocks, once rose by 0.69%.
The U.S. market closed: the Dow rose 75 points to 34,576; the S&P 500 rose 6 points to 4,457, ending its losing streak over the past two days; the Nasdaq rose 12 points to 13,761.
Last week, the Dow fell 0.75%, the S&P 500 lost 1.29%, and the Nasdaq fell 1.93%.
Looking ahead to this week, the primary focus is U.S. inflation data, Apple's iPhone, and the threat of a nationwide strike due to new labor negotiations in the U.S. auto industry.
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gambitaibot · 1 year
Gold Wavers Ahead of Big Data Week, Fed and Jobs Report Eyed for Market Cues
Gold prices were subdued on Friday, but losses were limited
Traders appear to be avoiding large directional bets ahead of important economic events in the coming days
The Fed May meeting’s monetary policy decision and the U.S. labor market report will steal the limelight next week .
Most Read: US Core and Headline PCE Diverge, Employment Costs Rise, US Dollar Nudges Higher
Gold prices (XAU/USD) retreated on Friday, weighed down by a stronger U.S. dollar, but the pullback was modest as falling U.S. Treasury yields capped the downside. In late morning, bullion was down 0.05% to $1,999, with many traders sitting on the sidelines and avoiding taking large directional bets ahead of major U.S. economic events in the coming days that could guide markets in the near term.
There are a number of highlights on the calendar for the week ahead, but perhaps the most important ones are the FOMC monetary policy decision on Wednesday afternoon and the U.S. nonfarm payrolls report on Friday.
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Source: DailyFX
Focusing on the Fed, policymakers are expected to raise borrowing costs by 25 basis points to 5.00%-5.25%, but this could be the last hike of the cycle in the face of intensifying economic headwinds, including the risk of recession later this year. To gain insight into the policy outlook and better prepare for the future, traders should look closely at forward guidance and, more importantly, Powell’s press conference.
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On Friday, nonfarm payrolls (NFP) results will undoubtedly steal the limelight. The March data, which showed that employers added 236,000 workers, probably overstated strength by not reflecting the full impact of the U.S. banking sector crisis, but the April report should better capture those developments.
For the reason mentioned before, it would not be surprising if hiring slowed significantly and the economy created fewer jobs than the 178,000 projected. A negative surprise may reinforce the view that the country is headed for a downturn, creating a favorable backdrop for safe-haven assets. This scenario should be supportive of gold prices.
Turning to technical analysis, gold appears to have entered a consolidation phase after breaking below a short-term ascending channel, with prices currently hovering above support at $1,975. If this floor holds, XAU/USD could rebound and challenge resistance at $2,000 soon. If this barrier is taken out, the metal will have fewer obstacles to retesting its 2023 highs.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Captain kuni-lemel graduate strikes again
Even when iron not red hot,
I implement non customary quarks
regarding foreigner rather cold as ice
namely delinquent outsize credit card debt
mandates yours truly, a cheesy survivor who rem: members putting freeze on
Citizens Bank World MasterCard accounts,
whose helplessness to fork over
substantial dollar figure
analogous to one of three blind mice,
who ran after the farmer's wife She cut off tails (OUCH!)
with a carving knife
must pay the price
methinks food in the slammer (ha)
will lack sugar and spice,
nevertheless macht schnell trice.
I exhaled deep sigh of relief after speaking over the telephone,
whereby Arcadia Recovery Bureau
(i.e. collection agency)
based in Reading, Pennsylvania
explained yours truly owed $23.21
which considerably alleviated immediate dire straits that figuratively
grabbed me by the nuts
hash tagged self scoundrel
a day late dollar short
dollars to donuts bonafide klutz
living testes mint procreative
seminal squirt biological reproduction,
could never conceive to abort
despite countless occasions,
I blithely admit characteristics
linkedin with being a putz
going off rails as a one man train wreck
mine impossible mission to avoid
NOT running amok imagine
bull in a china shop whereby the hypothetical proprietor willing, ready able to tear out my guts.
Pigeon toed, I trip over me own little feet
size nine shoe small size for grown man
leaving utter disaster in his wake
synonymous when havoc strikes
chaos theory alive and well
ensues when I walk about
and dare take even one baby step.
Ever since adept with ability to crawl,
I ofttimes tumbled down the stairs,
but never did shed tears nor bawl
e'en when taking nosedive head first did fall
out the hatch of airplane
splattered, plastered, and matted
think suddenly feeling comfortably numb
joist another brick in wall
nevertheless acquiring stunt man role
paid big bucks
as Homo sapien disguised as Sasquatch
(cause unkempt harried styled hair)
more times than I can remember
fell to Earth minus parachute,
which hoop fully explains
the incomprehensible drawl
earnestly and frankly harkening language
once extant within Gaul
which reverberated inside hall
of mountain (lionized) king.
Prior to any madcap misadventure
yours truly envisions his clumsiness
plays out within my third eye blind
hilarious scenario unfolds in slow motion
whereby accidental flick of wrist,
barely brushes up against
flimsy clothes rack
(the original motive begetting poem)
knee jerk involuntary reaction,
kicking obstacle clear across Compton
generating comical feedback loop
impossible mission to stop
blockchain of fateful bitcoin events.
Living amidst (amongst) disarray
courtesy the missus, whose domestic habits
never merit housekeeping seal of approval
twenty four/seven pose
a hazard to mine existence.
0 notes
Goal Has So Many Ugg Dupes On Sale & They Begin at Simply $21
Scroll To See Extra Photographs If you buy an independently reviewed services or products via a hyperlink on our web site, STYLECASTER could obtain an affiliate fee. All of us ought to have known as it, provided that just about each different Y2K pattern got here again into type over the previous yr. However now that winter is forward, we are able to formally add Ugg boots to that resurrected record. However as of late, Uggs are a lot extra than simply the calf-cut boot we rocked with leggings in highschool. There are such a lot of completely different slide choices and silhouettes that make it straightforward to be cozy in any scenario. And now, Goal has the most effective collection of cozy boots and slippers which are so much like Uggs. The very best half? They’re all on sale! You’ll be able to choose up furry slides (my private favourite), calf-length shearling boots and even the low-cut Ugg-like type that Bella Hadid lately made waves in strolling round in New York Metropolis. Style girlies, rejoice. You don’t should shell out lots of of {dollars} for this look. In reality, many of those cozy slides are on sale, with kinds beginning at simply $21. You’ll want to snap them up in your dimension earlier than they promote out — and belief me, they are going to. Our mission at STYLECASTER is to convey type to the individuals, and we solely characteristic merchandise we predict you’ll love as a lot as we do. Goal is a STYLECASTER sponsor, nonetheless, all merchandise on this article have been independently chosen by our editors. Please notice that if you buy one thing by clicking on a hyperlink inside this story, we could obtain a small fee of the sale.   Courtesy of Goal. Minnetonka Frosted Scuff Slippers This look won’t ever exit of favor. It has every little thing you would need out of a slipper, together with an easy-to-get-on minimize, cozy insides and a impartial coloration that goes with every little thing. Courtesy of Goal. RockDove Cross-Band Platform Slide Slipper Platform sneakers are trending in all shoe silhouettes proper now, together with slide-on slippers. Choose these up for simply $21. Courtesy of Goal. Common Thread Shearling Boots The shearling that pokes out of the highest of the boot gives simply the correct quantity of comfy-cozy feels, which is all I need as quickly as Oct. 31 hits. Plus, reviewers say they’re excellent for on a regular basis put on and true to dimension. Courtesy of Goal. Bearpaw Shorty Boots My title is, my title is Bella Hadid. You’ll be able to actually make a TikTok to that observe now that you simply’re rocking these short-cut boots that value underneath $85. Courtesy of Goal. Frosted Slide Slippers In the event you’re extra into all-furry everythang, choose up these slides that are available in brown or mild gray. Courtesy of Goal. Mountainside Fake Fur Lined Ankle Bootie In order for you extra of an all-weather bootie you could nonetheless run errands in, that is the choose for you. Because it has a bigger rubber sole you may put on it out of the home throughout these days when it’s simply too chilly to take off your slippers. These are simply $27.99 Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
0 notes
el-the-cell · 2 years
Bicycles are very nice. I'll tell you why
Cheap. I got mine for 30 dollars on facebook.
Don't need to be high quality or new to be useful and last long. Mine from the 80's, has only one gear, i've been using it every day for 5 years.
Can cover both long and short distances
Does not need fuel or power
If you have dynamo you don't even need batteries or solar cells
Does not make noise, does not stink, not much plastic, very environmentally friendly. Fuck electric cars.
Not complicated, easy to repair. Everything you need is accessible and parts are easy to come by.
Versatile: It can pass basically everywhere you can
They're light, if there is an obstacle you can litterally pick it up and carry it by yourself
Can actually be pretty fast
You can find a parking spot everywhere. Any metal fence will do.
Very good for getting home late at night: pedestrians are slower than you, cars can't get where you can
Extremely low maintenance. Just have manual air pump at home. If your chain drops, you can put it back in in 2 minutes. If you pop a tire you can go on without too many problems.
Worst case scenario: your brakes break: just jump off, you are very likely to survive
If you're in a place with many cars wear a helmet pls
It is illegal, but you can carry a friend on the back
bikes are aesthetically pleasing. Very nice design.
cons: get stolen all the time. Get a lock sturdy enough and a bike shitty enough that it won't
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xianeoz · 2 years
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‧ ˏˋ ARATAKI ITTO ﹐ ◜ CANDY POP ! ◞ ̣ ͘ ┈─ I ONLY want it when it feels like this, I only wanna feel the bliss on bliss!
ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ WARNINGS 、fem!reader ╱ stepcest ╱ daddy kink ╱ age gap ╱ cunnilingus ╱ mirror sex ╱ overstimulation ╱ slight dumbification ╱ slight mutual pining ╱ size kink ╱ creampie ╱ pussydrunk itto ╱ messy plot ╱ pet names ╱ slight degradation ( like once ) ╱ male masturbation ╱ minors and dc antis do not interact.
ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ NOTE 、ikk i said fic but my brain wasn’t cooperating :c ts isn’t my best nd i’m not too proud but pls enjoy & reblog / comment plspls i used a whole lotta brain juice t_t
ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ WORD COUNT 、3.2k+
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PERHAPS IT’S HIS initial instinct as a man; to immediately defile you in his mind. Ponder over imaginary scenarios with you crying his name, clawing and marking your claim over his body, to bend and fold you every possible way until you break. Maybe it’s just natural…something he has no moral control over because no matter how much he tries to stop, he can’t.
Itto doesn't want to treat you like that. You're too good to be seen as a piece of meat, but you plague his mind too often for him to daydream otherwise. You tempt him in ways he can't ignore, and internal disputes on whether or not it's purposeful are futile, simply because a man like him only chases one thing. Itto longs for that fill to his craving. The need for sweetness to settle on his tongue, seep into his taste buds and send a buzz to his brain as he relishes the taste is a must for him. Itto has yet to find something to satiate his thirst…will you be that for him? He’s sure you will.
He has this charm that's undeniable. That charm is what brought him into your life in the first place. Silly banter and a million-dollar smile; the perfect recipe to have pretty girls like you wrapped around his fingers. And there's the slight possibility that you aren't as easy as you appear, but he’ll put that to the test.
He starts slow. Long stares that pan over your body, stopping at your thighs and running upward. Just looking at you has him imagining how small you’d be beneath him… how he could easily overpower you and have you squealing for him to stop—and then he's acting on these thoughts. Gradually moving to lingering touches and smooth innuendoes that leave you thinking about them later. He wants you to feel how he feels. He wants that burning desire to kill you until it's too much and you can't take it anymore. He wants you to fall so hard that you run straight into his arms. Itto is much smarter than he leads on, he knows you’ll take the bait.
It didn't take long. He's been waiting for this day. The day you come to his room, knocking sheepishly on the frame of the door while leaning on it, your clothes minimal and tight, your face laid low and innocently. He smiles softly at you, watching your nervous mannerisms as you stumble over your words. “C-can I talk to you…?”
Your fingers dance along with each other, your right foot spinning against the floor. “Of course.” he pats the spot beside him. You're hesitant to move, stopping yourself before fully moving deeper into the room. You and Itto had never been close. Ever since he and your mom got together, you’d never been fully interested in welcoming him into your family. As far as you were concerned, he was your mom's problem– but lately, your opinion has begun to shift. You find this weird interest. An interest that has you slowly creeping toward him, your mind spewing nasty thoughts just by the way he watches you.
You’re by his side, your short skirt riding up your thighs. His breath hitches, his eyes slowly drifting up and down your body. You're so close– so close that he’s slowly losing patience. “I was just wondering…if- if you could help me move my stuff out?” He's hardly listening. He nods as if he were, but his eyes aren't shy to tell otherwise. “My friend wants me to move in and we already found an apartment…I didn't know who else to ask–”
You pause. His hand lands on your forearm, index finger brushing over the goosebumps that rose from the depths of your skin. “Of course. Anything for you…” you don't know why that statement has you choked up. You swallow a large gulp, nodding frantically. You try to hide it; the obvious effect he has on you, but your body tells on you. Your minimal interaction was more than enough for him to throw away his sense. You're trying to leave. Pressing your feet against the floor and lifting off the bed. Pulling your arm from his grasp– leaving his touch. Itto isn’t about to let you slip away like that. Not when he has you, how and where he wants you.
He tightens his grip on your arm, and without him having to utter a single word, you're back in your seat. How about that? You're so easy. “Good girl…” he praises. He moves closer. His hand runs up the length of your arm, pulling you closer. You feel his breath brush on you, raising the hairs on your skin straight. You freeze completely, following the flow he sets. It's in no time you're face to face, his body stretched over you to lean his lips close to yours. “You want this just as bad as I do, don't you?”
Perhaps it was the overwhelming emotions or the closeness of the two of you, but you find yourself immediately nodding a rampant ‘yes’, your wide eyes boring into his. His lips find yours, roughly pressing down as his tongue tenderly pulls your lips apart, slipping into your mouth. He overwhelms you in just five seconds, having you fall backward on the bed. His arm is quick to sweep you before you fall, catching you over his forearm and leaning you down. This allows him to gain further control, deepening the intimacy. Your arms raise around his build, wrapping around the back of his neck and pulling him into you. Your legs instinctively open around him, allowing him to position right over you. It's then that you realize what you've done, and how far you've gone. “I- Itto..!”
Your mind swirls in a whirlwind. You're caught up in a swarm of hormones and emotions, lost and so far gone that you essentially have no consciousness over your decisions. You don't know why, and you argue with yourself internally over it, but you push his head further down your body and to your chest, arching into him. “I need you… Please, daddy?”
━━━━━━━━━ ˊˎ-
Itto has waited so long for this. He's in a state of ignorant euphoria, completely ignoring the way you squirm and clench, gorging himself greedily on your cunt. His face is soaked in your essence and sweat, dripping off of about an hour of nonstop orgasms, forcing them out of you by the grace of his tongue. He should be tired, but his stamina is on a different level, never faltering as his tongue whips and swirls through your folds. Your clit is abused and tired, sensitive to even the draft of air blowing through the room.
You feel your orgasm creeping up on you for the- what? 4th? 5th? You've lost count, but you know he’s pulled so many from you to the point that the knot tying in your tummy is nothing but a tingle, a shock that sparks once to your fucked out brain. Your body is laid over the end of the bed, your head hanging off the side and your eyes stuck staring at your reflection in the mirror behind you. You watch him as he peels your legs further apart as your subconscious closes them, forcing your hips to the bed as he sucks on your clit. Tears fall down your face out of overstimulation, your body too tired to even blink and fight the pleasure. Your core tightens for the nth time, your stomach wrenching and cunt twitching as your high crashes down upon you. Indistinctly, he's murmuring against you, but you can infer it's the same thing he’s been saying for the last hour: “Give it to me, baby. Let me have it, let me taste it– let that pretty pussy make a mess on my face.”
You do. With this sweetest hum and lift of your hips, your clit twitches, and your hole spasms, another stream of cum seeping from your depths and further soiling the sheets. His tongue doesn't hesitate, slipping with ease in and out of your pussy, obnoxiously drinking up your taste. Itto has yearned for the sweetness that’ll satisfy his endless sweet tooth. You’ve fulfilled his hunger– but his carnal, predatorial desire is far from subdued. His cock aches against the binds of his clothes, a painful throb panging through his shaft as his need for release prolongs. He finally parts from your cunt, tongue swiping over his face and licking up the remnants of your taste, moaning at you on his tongue once more.
He’s quick to unbuckle his pants and discard them, his boxers tossed away soon after. You see his reflection in the mirror– the angry, red tip of his cock leaking a puddle of precum in his slit, the protruding vein that runs from the underside of his cock to the head, thick and ready to blow. You see him all together, the happy trail that leads to the trimmed bush at the base of his dick, the broadness of his shoulders and definition in his muscles… internally, you're freaking out. Everything about him is so big and mature. He's so different compared to the other guys you've been with before, from the body to the way he empties your pretty head, there's not a guy who does it like him.
Itto slips his middle and ring finger into your cunt, the slightly warmed metal of the rings on his fingers leaving you gasping. He drags the digits along your walls, picking up your abundance of slick. Your voice is at a whisper, quiet whimpers sneaking through your lips at the action. “So pretty f’me, princess…”
His fingers are pulled from you, his hand wrapping around the circumference of his cock. Wet from your slick, he groans at the calloused touch of his hand, dragging it up the shaft and sighing shakily. He stares you down in the mirror, eyes meeting yours as he jerks himself off. “Can’t wait to fuck ya’...been waiting so long to feel you around me, babydoll.” his words are somewhat unlike him. Sultry and teasing. It's evident that it's not for you, but for him. “Tell daddy how much you want his cock.”
Your breath pauses in your throat, the shamelessness in his words nearly appalling to you. You can admit it's attractive, and with the huskiness in his voice, it sends shivers coursing through your veins. You can hardly speak anymore– and he should know this, he is the one who tore your voice to shreds earlier by constant pleasure. “You want me to fuck you stupid…wear you down and burn you out from fucking you nonstop on my dick. Tell me you want me to,”
His hisses are more frequent, coming as he teases himself. He leans forward, angling his hips to line up with yours. His cock presses against your cunt, slipping between your labia and falling into a hug by your folds. Wet and warm, he shivers at your feel, using his left hand to position him at your clit before pushing his hips to you, gyrating against you. His mouth drops to produce low moans, his hand propping him up while he uses the opposite to pull you up, leaving the two of you face to face again. “Go on.”
Your lips brush against each other, the air growing condensed between the two of you. It must be some sort of seduction trick because you can suddenly feel all sense returning to you, the stimulation to your clit while being face to face with him reawakening your awareness. Your mouth falls to a crack, your cute whimpers falling through. You nod a ‘yes’, humming as you lean up to him, planting your lips on his in a kiss. “I need it, daddy. So bad..so bad, daddy please–!” you mumble against him. So desperate, so whiny, your voice is sweet in the way you kindly ask, and Itto swears he’s found heaven.
He’s biting on your lip, smiling as he slowly pulls away from you. Your legs open around him, his body repositioning to properly align himself with your hole. With no more time wasted, he's pushing slowly into you, letting you feel every inch sink in with hisses and heavy breaths. You cry out initially, your toes curling at his entry and your body tensing up. Itto is quick to aid you, building up a ball and spitting onto your cunt, letting the saliva dribble down to where his cock lay nestled inside you before grabbing your right arm and guiding your fingers to toy with your clit. “Just like that…fuck, princess, you're so fuckin’ tight…”
His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he pushes further to bottom out, groaning as your pelvis meet each other. “Ah, fuck.” if Itto thought you felt good on his face– you feel even crazier around him. You wrap your limbs tight around him, pulling him closer to you to hide in his neck, panting and whimpering at the stretch of your pussy. You're filled to the brim and he hasn't even done anything yet, and with this, you're sure he’ll break you. “‘M gonna start moving, so you hang on tight,” you nod quickly, snuggling deeper into his skin and bracing yourself.
His hands move from your torso to your waist, pulling you back in unison with his hips, slowly to let you feel the revelation of just how big he is with every inch. He holds you off for only a moment before meeting your hips in a rough collision, meeting you in the middle with his hips thrusting upward as he brings you down. You cry out loudly, sinking both your teeth and nails into his skin. His left hand goes down to your ass and gropes the fat, squishing the meat in his big palm before slapping it, “Atta girl. You can take it all like this, right, baby?”
“Mhm..! Want it all!—fuck!” and so it begins. A slow, agonizing beginning with deep, precise thrusts and heavy collisions. Tears are already brimming in your eyes and you can't help but squeal every time his entire length delves into you, his balls slapping against your ass and the base of his cock hitting your clit. His grunts in your ears are like music to your ears, deep and guttural to the point where it’s providing extra stimuli. The mirror gives Itto the perfect view of how cute you are, pressed so tightly and clinging so hard to his body as if you were horrified of letting go. In practice, you're so much better than what he imagined. So much cuter. So much more tailored perfectly to him, like you were made to serve and be fucked by him. He wants to treat you as his princess. Spoil you in pleasure and fuck you weak like you deserve, but this pit of fire in his chest burns otherwise. And maybe this is another instinct that comes with being a man, but taking you slowly isn't enough for him. He needs to fuck you like an animal.
That's enough for him to pull out of you, pull you off of him without a word, and push you against the mattress. He’s flipping you to your stomach with obvious aggression, tuning out your questions, and yanking your hips back. He arches your ass high in the air, smoothing his hand down the curve of your back and pushing the back of your head to shove your face into the mattress, the other hand positioning his cock before he's wasting no time slamming back into you. Your eyes immediately widen and your jaw drops, squeals and yelps flowing from your throat as he holds no mercy, criminally pounding you with no second thought. He plows your cunt, every ounce of strength being put into his thrusts. With every connection of his tip to your G-spot, you swear you see stars cloud your vision, your body seemingly soaking in bliss.
You're forced to look into the mirror, watching his face contort from pleasured to determined, eyebrows furrowing and cheeks blowing and deflating, a repeated cycle as his eyes zero in on the way your pussy swallows him up with ease. He hasn't had a taste of a pussy this good in so long that he’s losing himself, his head feeling like a blur as his first orgasm rushes up upon him. His grunts shift to moans, unabashedly sounding from his gut as he approaches his high. “Oh, fuck! Fuckfuckfuck– gonna cum inside you–!”
One final thrust has him dumping ropes of thick cum and pent-up frustration deep inside you, his hips twitching slightly as he dumps his load. His moans are incredibly arousing to you and you're whining just by hearing them, pushing your hips back against him and grinding–fucking yourself on his cock. His hand comes down against your ass, slapping it with a grin on his face. “So fuckin’ sexy, princess,” he muses, leaning over your body. He dips his head in the crook of your neck, lips kissing the tender skin. His tongue pokes through his lips, running from your neck to your shoulder where he kisses once more. “Gonna fuck you so full. ‘M not stopping ‘til I’ve given you everything I got.”
“I want it all…” you sniffle, connecting your eyes through the mirror. He only grins wider, brushing the side of your face with his fingers. “I know. My angel’s gonna take every last bit, like the fucktoy she is..”
He starts again. Rough and mean, calloused hands grabbing your biceps and tugging you to him. His hips are like magic, hitting every and any spot perfectly, with just enough power that your voice is on a loop. Your hips smack with disgusting wetness, the sound loudly bouncing off the walls. His name rolls off your tongue with ease, cry’s, and pleas that “‘'s too much!” filling his ears. He loves this. How your cunt contracts around him and how your voice sings his praises, it's like heaven for him.
“Rub your clit..make yourself cum, princess,” he whispers, changing the pace at which he fucks you. He returns to the slower, deeper thrusts, watching as you obediently toy with your clit before ferociously attacking the sensitive bud, contrasting completely to him and fighting for your orgasm. Your head throws backward and your toes curl, it's coming. You don't even have to say anything before he’s picking up the pace once more, sloppily railing into you. It's all too much, and before you know it, you're seeing white, your eyes rolling and your body falling limp as your orgasm knocks upon you. Your voice wears out by then, your body slumping to the mattress weakly as Itto lets you go, admiring the way your pussy spasms around him.
He takes no pause in letting you come down from your high, flipping you back over and raising your legs to your chest. Translucent white drips down your pussy, so pretty and making you shine. Itto wishes he would've done this sooner.
It continues on into the night. You're riding him, laying sideways, being crushed beneath him, curling up, getting on the floor– you're sure Itto made sure to put you in every position and fuck you on every surface in his bedroom, making you cum with each one. It’s amazing how much stamina a determined Arataki Itto holds. It’s even scary when he has no remorse for abusing your cunt like nothing. Maybe you’ll stay home and won't try to move out– but if you do, he's sure to help you make some memories before you go.
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