#day of trans rememberance
filmvisions · 2 years
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Day of Trans Remembrance.
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angeltiddies · 2 years
this is horrifying.
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huckleberrycomics · 10 months
One of the great blessings of my life is to be able to celebrate being trans and queer. The world doesn't always allow me the space to do that, but when I'm able to find my communities and the places that allow me to find the pleasure in it, it's truly magical. I'm glad to be able to find the joy in shaping my gender to be how I want it. I'm grateful to be able to medically transition, even though I'm still critical of an imperfect system.
But I'm also realistic. The world is not always safe for trans and gender nonconforming folks. Many trans people, in particular trans women of colour, have been murdered on the basis of their gender identity and presentation.
It's important on a day where we remember the lives of those who have been taken and to take this as an opportunity to not become complicit. We cannot allow ourselves to believe that these deaths are from any reason other than the violence of bigotry and that it could have been prevented. We also cannot become complicit in our own biases.
The way that we perceive the genders of living trans people contributes to their safety. If we allow ourselves to perceive trans people as untrustworthy, as dangerous, as other, we are actively endangering them. Even if we ourselves are not transphobic, it's still possible to hold onto these transphobic beliefs. Unpacking them after a lifetime of programming of the heteropatriarcal gender binary is hard work. I hold myself to this account as well.
321 trans people were murdered this year worldwide. 94% of them were trans women and transfeminine people. Half of them were sex workers.
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mxescargot · 10 months
may the souls of those who have passed be at peace, and may their lives and stories never be forgotten. 🕯️ 🏳️‍⚧️
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menalez · 2 years
I don’t mean to detract from this person’s death at all because ofc it’s still a tragedy but why has op made a post about the one (1) trans person’s death we know of, as if it’s somehow different or worse than all the other deaths? https://at.tumblr.com/azuremist/one-of-the-victims-of-the-gay-club-mass-shooting/hvx93jmrawwe
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im fine with them highlighting one of the victims but im bothered by the fact that another one of the named victims was his coworker, also a bartender at Club Q, and was seemingly a gay man is being ignored in the meantime.
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but ig even tho when they’re next to each other you wouldn’t be able to tell daniel is trans (esp keep in mind this shooting only lasted a couple of minutes from what i read) people are clearly already trying to erase the gay victims of a homophobic hate crime and treat it like a targeted attack on trans ppl specifically. THAT i take issue with.
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blackmoldmp3 · 2 months
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pin update. yes i have the same bag in two colours
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n0isemaker · 6 months
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Love to my trans fam, let no one tell you any different. We deserve life, love, safety, support and understanding. We're always putting intense pressure on ourselves to be exceptional, to prove that people like us can do incredible things and have value in the world. But the flip side of it is the idea of making up for being 'less than' which we've always been made to feel. Like we have no place in the world and aren't deserving of life, opportunity, love, safety, support. Who we are is currently a battle in the world; as though they get to decide whether we are human or not and deserve to exist or should be eradicated. We don't need to take that battle into our head. We want to put beautiful things in the world until its so full of them that it washes away the ugly.
Pure Heart Dirty Mind
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the-t-boy-king · 10 months
So it's trans day of remembrance today. It's the day we remember the people taken from us due to hate. I think about Brianna Ghey and Jacob Williamson, both still kids who barely started to be themselves, were killed. I think about Tiffany Banks and Maria Fernanda Hilton, who were taken from us due to bigotry. I think about all our brothers and sisters and siblings who are gone, but we don't know about it because their deaths weren't reported.
It hurts to think about them. They're gone forever just because some asshole took them. If anyone knows about a list of names of the people we lost so I could post it, please let me know. They deserve to have their names seen.
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blizz4rd1203 · 10 months
one million hugs you attack
Thank you captain I love you
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becausegoodbye · 2 years
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(art by u/PeliPal on Reddit)
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arthrobug · 1 year
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by the way he has no eyes
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esteemedestbastard · 2 years
Just wanted to post something on this day. just a few days ago a good friend of mine completed suicide after years of struggling. The world isn't kind to the disabled, and especially not to the trans disabled. there were a lot of factors that led to this outcome, probably more than I will ever know, but one thing is very intimately known by me and those that were also close to him:
this is in large part of his struggles with being trans in our world.
I've talked with so many people that honestly don't know how bad it is out there for us, and I'm lucky enough to be in Seattle where it's far safer. Even here, tho, I face hate, discrimination, and even assault. And I "pass".
My friend had to deal with daily problems that ranged from annoying to traumatic all the damn time and it never let up just because we were "in Seattle and it's 2022".
the rate of death in my community is extremely high -- so on this day of remembrance please remember that these are current battles many of us are fighting on the daily and are often underestimated by the frequency and severity in which it happens
stand up for your trans siblings, especially in queer spaces
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akkoeln · 2 years
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Aufruf zum Trans Day of Remembrance | 2022 | Köln Demo am 20.11.22, 16 Uhr, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
(English below)
CN: Transfeindlichkeit, Gewalt, Krieg
Was ist der Trans Day of Remembrance? Der TDoR ist ein Tag, an dem wir gemeinsam der Opfer transfeindlicher Gewalt gedenken. Seit 1998 kommen wir alljährlich zusammen und verlesen die Namen derer, die wegen Transfeindlichkeit ihr Leben verlieren mussten. Besonders gefährlich wird Transfeindlichkeit in Kombination mit anderen Gewaltformen wie Rassismus und Klassismus. Unter unseren ermordeten trans Geschwistern finden sich deshalb überproportional oft trans Menschen of Color.
Aufruf zur Demo am 20.11.22, 16 Uhr, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
Wir sind voller Trauer und Wut! Im letzten Jahr hat sich die Situation noch weiter verschärft. Immer wieder erleben wir Anfeindungen auf der Straße, hören Berichte von trans Personen, die zusammengeschlagen und sogar ermordet werden. Besonders schlimm ist die Lage dort, wo gerade Krieg geführt wird. Unsere Gedanken und Solidarität sind bei allen trans Personen, allen Widerständigen, und allen Betroffenen von patriarchaler Gewalt in Kurdistan, im Iran, in Afghanistan und der Ukraine.
Wir wollen unsere Wut gegen Transfeindlichkeit gemeinsam auf die Straße bringen. Wir wollen uns gegen transfeindliche Strukturen verbünden - wie z.B. das veraltete und entwürdigende "Transsexuellengesetz", das Asylsystem, das Transfeindlichkeit nicht als legitime Fluchtursache anerkennt, oder die Polizei, die insbesondere für queere Personen of Color keinen Schutz bietet, sondern eine lebensbedrohliche Gefahr darstellt.
Wir wollen aber auch Mut spenden und Kraft schenken, denn wir sind nicht allein und wollen weiter für unsere Rechte einstehen und kämpfen. Wir wollen eine Welt ohne Transfeindlichkeit. Auf dem Weg dahin ist viel zu tun, aber wir sind stärker und mehr denn je. Wir laden euch ein, den Weg mit uns zu gehen.
Call for Trans Day of Remembrance | 2022 | Köln Demo: 20.11.22, 4 PM, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
CW: Transmisia, Violence, War
What is the Trans Day of Remembrance? TDoR is a day for us to mourn the victims of transmisic violence together. Since 1998 we come together every year and read out the names of those who lost their lives to transmisia. Transmisic violence is particularly dangerous and deadly when it intersects with other forms of violence like racism or classism. Our murdered trans siblings are disproportionally often trans People of Color.
Call for Demo at 20.11.22, 4PM, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
We are filled with Anger and Rage! The situation got even worse over the course of last year. Again and again we are subjected to harassment on the streets and hear about trans people getting beaten up and even murdered. The situation is especially dire in all of the places where wars are being waged. Our thoughts and Solidarity are with all trans people, all dissidents and everyone subjected to patriarchal violence in Kurdistan, Iran, Afghanistan and the Ukraine.
We want to carry our rage against transmisia to the streets together We want to form alliances against transmisic structures like the humiliating and outdated "Transsexuellengesetz", the asylum system, that still does not recognize transmisia as a valid reason to seek asylum or the cops, who do not protect queers of color especially, but poses a danger to life to them.
But we also want to come together to share courage and power with another, because we are not alone and we want to keep fighting for our rights. We want a world without transmisia. It is a long way until we are there, but we are more and we are stronger than ever before! We invite all of you to walk this way with us.
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randomjreader · 2 years
Please watch this video. It not only talks about the LGBTQ Colorado Springs shooting, but also touches on a few other things in relation.
(Btw, I'm late, but happy trans rememberence day 🏳️‍⚧️)
From @/barrettpall on tiktok
He makes so many good videos on a bunch of different social issues, please check him out!
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callmevangogh · 2 years
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I hope everyone’s Sunday is going okay💜
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devselia · 2 years
I appreciate the follows everyone
I might be a bit slow with new art due to some freelance work on the side + things I'm planning for next year. I'm definitely going to post something on the 20th, it's an important day.
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