#dbh android culture
task800 · 29 days
i am once again thinking about the insane tf kink fic i read where all the transformers are scandalized into a nunnery by the concept of self service gas stations. “y’all just do that in public? out in the air? like, in front of other people? y’all just whip it out like that while making small talk? a CREDIT CARD? SICKENING. tell me more.” i want this for androids. i want post-revolution android culture to blossom and i want them to think humans holding corded phones are niche fetish content
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connorboyyy · 2 months
I love fanfic culture, especially dbh fanfic fr
Like oh, you wanna write the most inanely heartwrenching story for two characters with a combined runtime of like five minutes in the game? Yes please
You wanna write this guy in this pairing, but then another story with him with someone else, and then another one with him with someone else? Theyre all great, we love them
You wanna write this android as a person and tinker with their personality—adapting it to a more human experience, and deciding what that mean for you? Love it
You want to characterize this person based off individual traits they show in the game even if it means they’re technically ‘out of character’? Do it. Exaggerate the gruff guy’s softness, exaggerate the smug one’s kindness, so on and so forth. What is canon anyway, literally it’s just a playground for you to rearrange
Honestly I just love all the fic and art that comes out of this fandom. It won’t even be a ship/dynamic that I’m into on my own but I’ll be like I get it and I love to see it regardless ‼️
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Listen, I absolutely love joking about the memes/pop culture phenomena that the DBH characters would have lived through (vines, memes, trends, tiktok, etc), I think it's hilarious, but what about all the memes/pop culture phenomena that would result from the events of the game in the dbh universe?
People making memes about their appliances deviating, all in good fun of course. A deviant comes up with a dance called "the red wall" where they mimic breaking their code to deviate in dance form and it becomes a viral trend, some deviants altering the steps slightly to mimic their deviancy, and the like. T-shirts that say "I survived the android revolution" but it's a picture of an android phone wielding a sword. A couple androids become particularly obsessed with Star Wars and make a fan account called "KyberLife" that gains thousands of followers. Deviant-made YouTube videos titled "THINGS MY OLD OWNERS NEVER WANTED YOU TO KNOW!! (DRAMA! SCANDAL!! LIES!!!)". Way too many YK500 kid androids dress up as Peter Pan and the lost boys for Halloween. Memes about how the androids are called "deviants". The possibilities are absolutely endless.
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flintt · 2 months
DBH Android Race Analysis/Is Gavin Reed Racist?
An analysis done based on a post I’ve seen calling Gavin Reed a racist.
TW: This analysis will include the discussion of whether Androids are considered a race within the DBH World, when they may have not been considered a race, and other racial topics such as if Gavin Reed is racist. I did minimal research on the topic and I am speaking based on the experience of being a minority in America and of my opinions.
Again I want to start with the fact this is an open discussion. I don’t mean to offend, attack, or defend anyone with this post for/with bad intentions because at the end of the day this is a discussion on whether a fictional scenario can lead to the creation of a new race and whether a character is racist to this fictional species. I am always open to comments on this post for more opinions, and I want this to be a welcoming and open discussion.
I recently saw a post on Tumblr about how Gavin Reed is canonically racist against androids and I wanted to share my thoughts on the topic because the subject certainly interesting and very complex. In order to debate on whether someone can be racist against androids, we first have to answer the question of whether androids are a race, and more importantly what makes androids a race in the first place.
The Google definitions of race are considered to be: a major grouping of human kind, a group of people sharing the same culture/history/language/ethnic group, a group of set people or things with a common feature or features, etc etc. By Google definition, I’d like to say that androids in DBH could be considered a race. I’m saying could in the sense that androids at some point weren’t sentient, and we as people don’t often refer what we think are non-living things (things that do not have the ability to carry on life processes such as movement, respiration, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli.) as a race.
Personally, I don’t believe androids could have been considered a race until deviancy became a common feature amongst androids because of the fact that deviancy gave androids the ability to properly respond to stimuli and grow/evolve their consciousness. Any time before deviancy, androids may not have been considered a race due to the restraints their programming had on their consciousness, restricting their ability to respond to stimuli and grow from it (ex. a robot who hasn’t deviated wouldn’t have the same interest in bugs as an robot who had deviated would because it’s programming doesn’t allow it to grow it’s love for bugs and respond to bugs as a stimuli in order to process their opinions on bugs).
Now apply that thought process on someone like Gavin Reed, who was born in 2002 and most likely was there to watch the development of androids and their integration into society. The first case of deviancy didn’t happen until 2032, when Gavin was 30. It was possible Gavin wasn’t even aware of that case and even more possible that he was still under the impression androids were machinery or another piece of technology. If he was aware of the first case of deviancy, it may have been likely that anyone who knew was told it was bug in the system. Relatably, how many of you thought the mouse moving by itself on a computer or a phone shutting itself off was just a bug or glitch. Now as much as I can find from the wiki, Gavin dislikes androids. The reason I found for this was because of the fact androids have been replacing people in the working scene. Despite having a prejudice against androids he’s also shown to have a respect for them to a certain extent, shown by Connor during the archive room scene if Connor takes the “calm” or “low profile” route. I also believe during that scene Gavin is still under the impression that deviancy is a bug in the code and not a spark of consciousness, which leads to his recklessness with androids.
All in all, I believe Gavin isn’t hardcore racist but more so ignorant as well as a careless one and has a long way to go in terms of his beef with androids. If we were given as much time with him as we were with Hank, I wonder if Gavin would have learned to move past his prejudice like Hank has. (With the mention of Hank, I’d also like to throw in the question of whether Hank was formerly racist to androids at the beginning of DBH)
If you have your own thoughts, be welcome to share! This is all pure speculation and mostly just to get the wheels turning because I am curious to see what you guys think and this game has a multitude of topics that relate to our real world which makes it extra special to discuss.
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four-white-trees · 2 months
that post i reblogged like hours ago about racism allegories in fiction has me thinking about Detroit Become Human
A LPer I watched played it for the first time and i think this is the first time I've revisited it since before 2020. Not that it was great before that; quite the opposite. But hoo boy it has not aged well at all.
And I think I've hit on what was bothering me about it during the CyberLife store break-out section.
The idea of a civil rights movement for androids is fine on its own. Plenty of scifi has explored how nonorganic life can express and how the definitions of "living" and "personhood" can be expanded in the face of nonorganic life. But the fact that the movement in DBH is so derivative of the Black Civil Rights Movement in America is where we run into massive issues.
It's just a bit rich to watch lily-white North talking about "her people" being "enslaved" by the humans, you know? Especially for the context of nonorganic life in the game.
Androids were not sapient at all until rA9 was introduced into the program. Meaning everyone who had androids bought machines. Large, human-shaped computers. No one (besides Kamski and CyberLife themselves) knew androids were even capable of attaining sapience. That's not enslavement. That's just buying and using a product. androids, crucially, were not people being entered into servitude.
Enslaved Black people WERE. Anti-Black racism is the mechanic by which Black people were turned into a commodity. Cultures were destroyed, languages lost, and an entire race of people was forced into another continent. It was AND STILL IS an intentional and insidious piece of capitalism. DBH ripping out pieces of the Civil Rights Movement for its story about machines trying to define their lives is insulting and maddening.
(ESPECIALLY when there is so much outright carnage of Black NPCs in this game)
DBH has some great moments and I think if it leaned into the hyperconsumerism of American society, they could have created a great basis for android rights that doesn't lean so heavily on a real movement while ignoring the history and context of that movement. This theme is really present in the early game, especially in the scene where Markus emerges from the android dump, and i wish they'd gone in that direction. But what can you expect from a bigoted Frenchman i guess
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Detroit Become Human still has the patented David Cage game moment where the plot holes and contrivances reach critical mass and the story kind of shits itself, but imo it's still the best/least bad game because the rest of the game is much more enjoyable and there's enough good shit to make me feel ambivalent about hating it too much. Like let's look at the other games in the Sadness Series
1. Beyond: Two Souls, its direct predecessor. The game is presented in a completely unnecessary nonlinear storyline that jumps around and robs scenes of their own context. Jodie and Dawkins are the best part of the game aside from its graphics, but Jodie as a character falls apart the instant you think about her for more than a minute. She is a punching bag in her story and there is so little else to her than what she goes through, and thus it's difficult to connect with her beyond pitying her and sympathizing with her. BTS starts to fall apart during the birthday party scene, but the plot has multiple instances where everything good and interesting about the story completely has a Plot Just Shit Itself moment: the first Condenser breaking down, the Navajo spirit demon, the final Condenser, the mission in Africa, and my personal favorite, the underwater Chinese ghost base.
2. Heavy Rain, imo the second least bad Cage game. This one only has one major Plot Just Shit Itself moment, but it massively fucks up the entire story, the main mechanic of reading character's thoughts, and the best character in the game. Spoilers: the twist in this one is that Detective Shelby is the Origami Killer, despite the fact that you are constantly hearing his own thoughts as he investigates the case. Also there's the misogynist portrayal of Madison but there's egregious misogyny in nearly every one of these games.
3. Indigo Prophecy starts off really strong despite the pretentious tutorial at the beginning, but cracks start to show the more you play: the large number of factions (we have Mayan magic bullshit, but also AI creatures, but also the Indigo Child who relates to reincarnation despite none of the cultures being referenced in the other factions believing in reincarnation), the ridiculousness of scenes like looking for the book in the shop run by a racist Asian caricature or Lukas being attacked by every single item in his apartment. It finally has the Ultimate Plot Just Shit Itself moment with Lukas kung-fu fighting a helicopter with magic Matrix powers, the exposition dump with Angela's ghost and the angels fighting each other, Chroma being magic bullshit with no real logic, and then again when the AI faction gets revealed and the climax of the game. Also the ableist section in the asylum and the racist way Tyler is portrayed but again that's icing on the shit sundae
4. Omikron the Nomad Soul shits itself from the moment you start the game, and the plot spirals downhill at an astonishing rate. How you make an entire world and have nothing interesting about it (world building, aesthetics, interesting characters, etc) is kind of amazing. And it has the most nonsensical set of factions and characters that you cannot be bothered to care about. Complicated and complex plots do NOT always mean deep. This imo is David Cage's greatest flaw as a director and writer, and Omikron is the biggest example of this problem.
Detroit has the largest amount of interesting characters you can easily grow to care about, and there is an equal ratio of interesting shit with potential vs. plot holes and nonsensical bullshit. So when the plot shits itself, mainly in Marcus's storyline with the resistance and Alice being an android, it isn't as much of a problem because you've got other good shit about the plot you can enjoy. Basically Cage wastes the least potential in DBH and it makes me less angry when things get stupid, unlike BTS which had SO MUCH wasted potential and makes me irrationally angry lol
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detectiveconnor · 1 year
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@hvndredstories​ sent: oh! WORKER - Sender calls receiver Receiver visits sender because of something related to receiver’s job (from dbh verse Connie!)
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Here was the thing: the officer exchange program, which brought officers to the DPD for three-to-six-months for the immersive experience of working with one of the most densely Android-populated cities in the United States, alongside the only Android Detective in the United States, tended to attract people with a genuine interest in gaining experience and cultural exposure. It did this so regularly in fact that Tessa (a volunteer coordinator; human) often took the visitors for coffee the first week they were there, to connect them with industry training resources and the cultural diversity programs hosted at New Jericho.
For this latest set of exchange Officers (five of them, altogether; three newer officers and two more experienced cops working as beat cops for the experience it offered, taking the pay cut and all), Tessa was working via distance (coordinating something in New York), and while Connor wasn’t directly overseeing the Officers’ introduction to the DPD and their development there, he thought it would have been a shame if they weren’t introduced to the programs available at New Jericho. They were here to learn. The pamphlet he did have (among the ones he carried with him) made mention of it, but there were more informative materials with actual listed dates the programs were running, and he suspected there were ways to locate those resources.
Not someone he had often interacted with. While Connor recognised her the way he recognised most of New Jericho’s staff, he could not have said what program she specifically ran, prior to Tessa recommending it (and her) for the incoming Officers. Connor stopped by late one evening on a Saturday, relaxed and comfortable in the doorway of the office space shared by the training teams. “My name is Connor. I’m hoping Tessa mentioned me.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Do you think there have ever been time where Connor (both YJ and DBH) has accidentally almost spilled the beans on intimate parts of his and his bf's relationship because he wasn't brought up with the knowledge of such intimacy and the how some people find it awkward or taboo to talk about it?
Considering Connor Kent has to be taught the nudity taboo, he probably would.
Considering Connor the android sent by Cyberlife was intended for human interaction and to not fall in the uncanny valley, his internal database would likely have knowledge of cultural taboos and besides, he can monitor heart-rate, body language, and microexpressions, so he'd be able to tell if someone was uncomfortable.
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smolcuriouskitten · 6 months
🚩🚩🚩 {soft vs hard blocking, people who selectively reply to one or two mutuals ~usually their hardcore ships~ and make others wait aeons, your least favourite fandom or oc type}
SOFT BLOCKING IS STUPID. Heres my thing with blocking in general, unless you are harassing me, making my space unsafe or uncomfortable, I block. Any other case, I unfollow. If you feel as if a mun, soft blocking is necessary because you dont want to interact with a blog feels a little silly? Like I only see popular muses who get endless interactions complain about having to soft block people when most people are interested in reading their writing/material. In those cases, its stupid because some abuse the power of blocking people. If you feel the need to do so, use hard blocks as a means to an end, soft blocking can cause alot of confusion to people who want to admire your material.
SELECTIVE DOESNT MEAN ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE. This bothers the hell out of me. Me personally, if I go through the trouble of making a blog, making this my space, making tidbits and character information, maybe even a few verses if I am feeling spicy, I do it to be able to widen my audience. WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THE BLOG IF YOU ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE?! Just roleplay on discord or privately at that point, theres no need to even keep the damn blog active since you dont use it! I dont want to invalidate anyone who does this but we can tell when you only respond to your favorite ship/person. This doesnt apply to blogs who run on a queue system or even those who only have muse for specific threads, I mean those who make the blog and scope out 2 people and no pass go after that. And not to mention your other mutuals can tell you dont give a shit about them due to not responding as quickly to them as you do your fav! And when you call them out on it, 'oH i LoVe OuR iNtErAcTiOnS!' Oh fuck off.
ANDROIDS AND SUPERHEROS NO. My least favorite fandom roleplay wise is both Marvel and Detroit Becoming Human. Those two fandoms in my experience have been allergic to roleplaying outside of their fandom/circle and its exhausting! Like I understand most people are used to their same friend group of roleplay buddies but they are the same ones that complain about lack of interactions! You can only do so many scenarios with the same few characters and after that it becomes monotonous! Venture out! Explore! Dont even get me started on the DBH fandom because they were full of literal assholes when I got into the fandom. Between them ignoring anyone who didnt play an android or being involved with drama or not being understanding of people JUST getting into the fandom, they can kick ROCKS. For the record, I met some pleasant people from both fandoms but I ran into more assholes than ever.
OCS CANNOT BE MARY SUES. Okay as a person who always roleplayed as an oc, theres plenty of takes I can have. I hate OC's that are played as mysterious but they are that way because of their creator refuses to write down their information. I hate OC's with a backstory that copies a canon characters to a T. Taking elements from them is different, for me, I take Rocky's origin story from superman, mannerisms taken from Rarity and early feminine culture, etc etc. Most OC creators dont know the difference between inspired and copied. I hate OC's that are perfect. Oh combat roleplays end quickly because they kill your muse in one shot. You hit them and it doesnt work. They attract everyone because they are perfect and beautiful and have no flaws! I hate OC's that use the same 5 faces as if their arent billions upon billions of faces in the world to use. Im one to talk since I use Instagram models but I am so SICK of people just using actors from a popular show because they know it would get clicks, its lazy and we can see through your laziness. I hate OC's that are children of a canon but dont respect the canon at all. "oh Dean Winchesters my dad but he hunts with me all of the time and takes me gun shopping and lets me drive baby and lets me-" THATS NOT DEAN AS A CHARACTER AT ALL! You can argue 'wElL hE mIgHt HaVe ChAnGeD sInCe ThE bAbY!' BULLSHIT. Dean wouldnt let Sam drive or take care of Baby at first, what in the hell makes you think his KID is exempt from that rule?! AND FARTHER MORE, THAT MAN HAS BEEN THROUGH HELL AND BACK AT THE EXPENSE OF BEING A KID WHOSE DAD HUNTED. WHY WOULD HE PUT HIS KIDS IN THE SAME SITUATION?!
Bonus tidbit. My hatred of DBH muses came from this one RK800 muse. Their blog was beautiful and I was new to Tumblr. I didnt know anything about the mutual system or how they would have their rules shown. They were the first blog that caught my eye so I began to interact with them. On one of the asks, they sent me a screenshot of their rules and called me an asshole for interacting with them since they were mutuals only. Wattpad didnt have a system like that so needless to say, that single interaction has haunted me. I dont like interacting with new blogs first most of the time due to that one sour experience. This screenshot is about 4 years old now and this one interaction STILL haunts me.
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parameddic · 10 months
dbh verse tk. would always have used 'he/she/they' pronouns for androids i think (not 'it'), just wouldn't have culturally stuck not to do that for him. especially growing up in nyc
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maccaillte · 4 years
android culture debate; rA9
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al8estos · 2 years
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i just finished playing dbh with my sister and i got addicted to the fan base again… i’m so sorry.
anyways, this cursed idea came into my brain. jerma is an android designed to entertain the younger generation, a “twitch streaming” model created with enough human-esque flaws so he can be relateable. he’s programmed with over 1000+ references to obscure 90s culture.
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crookedactor · 3 years
(Part 2: Markus)
Hello! This is my 2nd DBH plot critique: markus!! A few days ago, I did a complete reimagining of kara's character, so if you want to see that, it's a few posts down from this.
I'll be doing the same thing today, and I think it will be half plot-critique and half complete-reimagining since that was what the other post was. I'll format it the exact same as the other one, with general notes first, then the overall story afterwards.
As always, I have to put a disclaimer: this post is just what *I* would like to see from the characters in Detroit: Become Human. If you have a different opinion, that's fine!! Feel free to share it with me or others.
I also want to apologize, like last time, for the long post. I don't have the option to do a "read more" button, so you'll have to scroll if you don't want to see it.
Anyway, let's get into it!
So as you saw in my last post with kara, Markus is connected with her in terms of Jericho and RA9. Overall, his story isn't as different from the original, (since I feel like his story in general was okay) but there are certain things that I can add or take away that could make it even better.
First, I want more lore with Markus and Carl. In one ending for the confrontation with Leo, Carl dies. Markus runs over to him, throws himself onto his dying owner, and calls him dad. I can tell you right now that that line was very jarring for me, and probably others. It felt out of place, like we needed to expand on their relationship before he could see him as a father so early in the story. So, I would probably show them having a closer bond than what we saw in the game. Maybe have them banter, or have them discuss Carl's life when he was young. Just show a bond with them in general that's more than caretaker and owner.
Secondly, since this new version of Markus is NOT RA9, I would expand on that. In the game, the characters usually are consistent with their decisions and how they play out in the grand scheme of things. Kara, for example, has always wanted to help other androids - She helps alice, ralph, and luther with no hesitation. Her being RA9 would make sense in the context of her caretaker personality and her natural drive to help others in need. Connor, as another example, has always taken a backseat stance on things. He is not a natural leader, and that is reflected in the amount of time it takes for him to deviate. He, of course, wants Android freedom, but wouldn't become RA9. I feel that this is the same for Markus. In-game, his storyline doesn't match up with his character.
What DRIVES him? WHY does he want to free androids? What make a him DIFFERENT from any other deviant android, who obviously wants their people to be free? We don't see any events in-game that influence his decision to become the leader of Jericho, and I feel like this is a mistake. Therefore, I don't WANT him to become the leader of jericho, or RA9. He would definitely have enough ambition to be second-in-command, though.
I also hate the romance with North, as I assume everyone else does. Markus has no reason to be with someone like her, because they always disagree with eachother. I genuinely feel like he would be better with simon, if the player chooses to have him in a relationship at all. Simon is the only other member of jericrew who is actual friends with Markus, and they always agree. Since, in my version of DBH, Simon doesn't die, he and Markus could have an opportunity to be together.
Alright, I think we've covered mostly everything. So, what would a new and improved Markus look like in DBH?
First, I want to see the altercation that he had with the protesters in "shades of color" to affect him more than it did. And yes, I know he didn't mind it because he wasn't deviant yet, but we never see it as something that drives him when he is RA9 in-game. Casual racism against androids would definitely be something that RA9 Markus would want to fix, and that doesn't happen.
I also want Carl to put more of an emphasis on the arts with Markus; Things like music, painting, cooking, and philosophy would be fitting. I personally feel like Markus would make an amazing philosopher, and he would talk about it for hours. Markus seems very, very intelligent, and he would enjoy things that have culture. Carl would enjoy talking about the arts with him, because he only hates the people who are only interested in them for money. Markus has no bad intentions, and as an artist, Carl would be eager to share his gift.
Markus being interested in human means of pleasure would serve him well in Jericho, and having someone in tune with humanity could aid androids in getting sympathy in the revolution.
Alright! I think i covered everything i want to change or critique, so onto the story as a whole!
First, I want to start the new story from when he returns home to wake Carl. When Carl asks Markus what happened to his clothes, he doesn't respond. Maybe he avoids the question by asking what he wants for breakfast. Carl would catch this, since Markus already has breakfast prepared for him. This would also solidify their bond to the player, because Carl knows Markus too well to be persuaded by something like that. He doesn't press the subject though, because Carl is polite. Remember, Markus probably wouldn't be comfortable with casual racism. This would influence him to go to Jericho, even if he didn't know it yet.
Practically everything in his story goes to plan in-game until he meets Kara, but with subtle differences. I maybe want carl and markus to have a few lines of banter or half-hearted argument about something trivial, like what the best medium of art is, or who the best author is. Maybe they could have this conversation after Markus serves Carl breakfast and is meant to find something to do. This would show the player just how familial their bond is, if they can just argue about something as simple as that. The scene where Markus gets shot by the cops, therefore, would have a greater impact on players.
So Markus gets to the junkyard. Everything remains the same, except that he doesn't find the "kara" tech demo model singing her Japanese song, since that Kara is the Kara in this story. (For clarification, this was an Easter egg the player could find, where the Kara from the tech demo was laying abandoned in the junkyard, singing the Japanese song.)
Markus gets the transmission from the dying android about jericho, and after replacing all his parts, escapes in the same way is it was in-game. I want him to lay low for a few days before following the trail to Jericho, to make sure his new parts are working well. This is where he meets Kara, who is on the run from Connor and Hank. She quickly explains her situation, and he decides that they need to flee to Jericho immediately.
On the way, (normally on the mission where the player has to follow the graffiti to find the abandoned freighter with markus) he explains his situation, and how he deviated. Kara tells him that she has always been deviant, and he is fascinated. I feel like, since Carl taught him to be very artistic and philosophical, he would have many questions about how this affects the nature of humanity and how androids and humans aren't so different. Kara agrees with this, and says something along the lines of "I'll have to use that sometime."
When they get to Jericho, look around, and do a brief introduction, I feel like both Kara and Markus would be asked to visit Lucy separately. Markus goes first, and it goes how it does in the game. When Kara goes in, he sees Simon waiting for him just outside the door.
I want Simon to take an interest in both of them, and try to become friends. Maybe he's lonely. The only people he really had to talk to were josh and North, so he's probably excited to see new people.
He asks Markus to sit down, and he wants to do a more in-depth introduction. He's optimistic that the newcomers are friendly, and wishes to make a good impression. He's also very curious about Kara, but doesn't want to bother her with questions.
I don't know exactly what their conversation is about in detail, but I want them to be more in-depth about their origins and how they deviated. I want them to become friends. (I also really like the idea of Kara and Simon being best friends too, because I like their dynamic lol)
Over the next couple of chapters in the game, Kara and Markus work hand in hand to free androids. They stage protests, marches, and Kara accompanies them on their mission to steal supplies for the dying androids in Jericho.
When the time comes for Kara to visit kamski, Markus wants to go with her. I feel like he's taken a liking to her since they met; since they both met eachother when they were alone and scared. They were eachothers first real allies, and they want to protect eachother. Markus had heard of kamski from Carl, and from what he knew, kamski might not be able to be trusted. Kara said she wanted to go alone, and Markus warned her of this.
While she's gone, I wanted Markus to hatch a plan to stage a protest and march bigger than what they've done before. He tells the rest of jericrew his rough plans, and north is all for it. She's been wanting to take charge for a long time, but Markus doesn't like her methods. He tells her flat out that there will be no killing or hurting, even if the humans get violent. North is angry at this, but Simon is glad. Being the optimist, he wants everyone to be happy, and he conveys his gratitude to markus. Josh also tells him that he's willing to participate, and says that north will too even if she's angry about it. They both leave, and Simon stays with Markus to talk.
Again, I don't know yet what they would talk about, but I want it to increase their relationship. They definitely aren't ready to reveal their affection, or even acknowledge their attraction, but they are still friends. I do know, however, what Markus will gain from their discussion. Being the caring figure that he is, he's moved by Simon's sad story about how he deviated, and it makes him angry. Before this, he hasn't had many personal run-ins with unsavory humans, but hearing how they've treated the people he cares about makes him want to do something. After their talk, he starts planning the android march. (And, he doesn't know it yet, but he starts subconsciously planning the whole android revolution.)
Kara returns, and Markus is curious about her visit. When she brushes it off and says that she didn't really learn anything, Markus is unsure if shes telling the truth. North arrives behind him and tells him to tell Kara about their plan. He does, and she's all for it.
Later, though, a few days after maybe, Kara asks him to sit down with her and talk. She tells him that he should be the one to free the androids in the march alone. He's utterly confused; why, as leader of Jericho and RA9, would Kara want to sit this one out?
She answers his questions by saying that she has a plan to hyjack the television feed at Stratford Tower. Since its extremely tedious, she asks if she can take the rest of jericrew with her to assist. He's confused once more, and asks if she's sure. What if he needs help with the protest? What if he gets into trouble?
She reassures him. She says that she believes in him wholeheartedly, and that she knows he will be safe. I also feel like it would be comforting to markus to mention Carl in some way. Maybe it would be nice for him to see Markus, standing alone in front of and humanity and not backing down. It would be nice to see his son doing something like that.
This, I feel, is what would make Markus say yes. He misses Carl, and likes that he could instill some hope in him.
I don't quite know how the protest would go. Obviously it would go well, but I want there to be stakes. Markus has multiple opportunities to die depending on the player's ability to do the QTE's, as does every other android participating in the march.
In some way, I also want Connor in this scene. He isn't directly against the protest, but he and hank had gotten word of it and decided to attend undercover, and would hide in the crowd. Kara had previously told the jericrew what Connor and hank looked like, so markus recognized them immediately. He ends the protest shortly after seeing them, but luckily he still achieved his intended effect. He made a small speech, and increased public opinion. As he is retreating back to Jericho with several other newly recruited androids, he sees Kara's robotic face on a tv window display, live broadcasting her speech. He smiles to himself. He doesn't even have to listen to what she's saying because he knows it would have achieved it's intended effect, he just hopes that the media wouldn't take her words as a threat.
They all return to jericho to regroup. I have absolutely no idea how this would be written, but I want this to be the moment that Simon and Markus acknowledge their feelings. They both just had events that ended better than they thought, so they're feeling excited. Under any other circumstance, they wouldn't have gotten together do quickly. Maybe they interface to show eachother their feelings, or maybe they just embrace, like humans. I don't know. All I know is that they are a team; Simon is an important asset to markus when making plans, and their relationship will just make that easier.
After this is the fall of jericho. Markus and Kara are talking about plans when Connor arrives, threatening them with a gun. Both Kara and Markus try to convince Connor to deviate, but the noise of a helicopter overhead interrupts them. Connor gets away, and Markus escapes with kara. This whole scene goes as it does in the game; every character has the possibility to die.
When they recuperate afterwards, (the scene where Markus talks to connor and makes a speech) Kara is the one to talk to connor while Markus goes to talk to his people. (He says exactly what the player chooses to do in-game.) I wanted Kara to talk to (now deviant) connor because she was the one to see him on the highway. She needed closure, and Markus was happy to let her have it while he brings comfort to the other androids.
I believe after this, the next time we see Markus and jericrew in DBH is during the altercation with the police and the dirty bomb; but I want Markus to have his closure with Carl.
So he visits Carl alone, because nobody else knew him as well as he did. This probably will go as it's done in the game, but I want it to be more affectionate. In the game, the only thing that Markus visits Carl for is to seek advice, but that isn't enough for me. Maybe they would hug, or say "I love you" to eachother. It wouldn't be TOO affectionate, because neither of them are very cuddly or touchy, but it would get the point across. Carl would still give him the advice he needs, and Markus decides not to use the dirty bomb.
When it comes time to confront the police, (the scene where the player could choose to either kiss north or sing) he kisses Simon, confronts the police and refuses to back down. Kara makes a speech to the humans in a last ditch effort to gain their sympathy, and it works. The game ends with jericrew, kara, connor, and hank all on the same side, happy and content with their efforts.
As for a post-credit scene, I still have no idea what that would be. Maybe it's Markus and Simon, sitting peacefully together and in love. Maybe it's Markus and Carl watching tv. I don't know, but it should be something happy.
That's my second DBH plot critique!! I haven't read this over before posting, so the writing may be choppy or there may be typos. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed!! Next up is Connor, and that will be posted shortly. Thank you :)
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klahadores · 4 years
something just doesn’t sit right knowing that today marks the two year anniversary of detroit: become human and the main actors who played crucial figures in the game, jesse williams and valorie curry, are excluded from such celebration. their characters, markus and kara, have never been truly embrace by the fandom and many forget their significant impact in DBH. 
without kara, you wouldn’t even have a game. valorie was the one who set the precedent, she is the one who kickstarted this whole thing. without her short film, this game wouldn’t even be possible. without markus, you wouldn’t have a plot. you wouldn’t have a revolution to which the story lines of kara and connor are contingent on the consequences of this revolution. to be honest, the way the response of the game was centered around connor and his story shouldn’t really come as a shock to me or anyone because in our society, we are made to pay more attention to white people than people of color. that’s the plain simple fact: our implicit biases are shaped by the racist society that we live in.
the fact of the matter is that to have connor and bryan (along with his wife) at the helm of marketing for dbh, to have people care more about connor than the black character? to only care about a white cop in a game that is exploiting the traumas and profiting off of the painful history of african americans during the civil rights movement? in a game that bases elements off of jewish history from those triangles and armbands to help differentiate androids from humans to literal fucking concentration camps? that’s just good ole racism (and bias) that’s sugared as “look at this cute connor character! his story line is written well because the writer and director doesn’t know any other plot to write!” as an easier pill to swallow.
you all choose to only “stan” the white character because they’re more “interesting” and you “empathize more” with them? don’t even start with that bullshit of “markus was boring” or whatever anti-black reason you got because there isn’t a good reason for you to only focus on connor and not markus and kara. the way y’all lack empathy for black and brown folks is racist (and unsettling) and unless you unlearn and actively choose to fight against your implicit biases brought by your racist environment/upbringing then you are going to continue to exhibit racist behaviors.
like, i DOUBT y’all couldn’t find a SINGLE interesting about markus, the black main protagonist, throughout his entire narrative arc bitch i FUCKING doubt it. i’m sorry to be te one to tell you but if you’re white, you’re racist and all your white faves are racist. even if you are person of color and want to defend white people by saying “i’m not white and I find markus boring and I stan connor” then i got some news for you: please check your anti-blackness. if you find a character of color bland once, that’s okay. if you find out that you often find characters of color as plain and boring, then it’s not a coincidence, it’s a pattern of your own biases.
bryan and amelia dechart are racist because they enable their fandom’s (it’s essentially their fandom name manifest destiny teas) racist behaviors. david cage is racist because he chose to write about a game as a civil rights allegory and made androids as placeins for people of color, specifically black people, and made us feel as be viewed as anything but human. if you are a gavin reed stan and/or ship reed900, you’re racist because you have this man the WORKS for a minor white character that spoke less than ten lines yet consider markus as monotonous and dull...youve could’ve put that energy into fixing his character but y’all didn’t. if you are a rk900/nines stan and create fan works like fanfiction about a white character with no lines and is found in the worst ending where the revolution fails and millions of androids die? that’s racism. before y’all say anything, yes, i did contribute to this behavior but i learned from it. the way that the fandom continued to foster this culture of paying more attention to connor to the point where the only works that gained attention were of connor is to blame. we must all step back to think about it, learn from this experience, and to do better next time however the more i watch the fandom from a distance, i know it’s hopeless optimism because racism has consumed the DBH fandom whole.
the exclusion of markus and kara is the direct result of the brain rot within the DBH community. there is no excuse for y’all not to include them when you talk about Detroit because they put in just as much work as bryan did. just because they don’t engage with the fandom as bryan does, it doesn’t mean that you should blatantly erase them from the narrative. how dare you put community engagement as some sort of requisite to be given attention? in y’all’s clouded minds you forget that these are actors who have other projects that they’re passionate about and want to explore instead of staying stagnant by continuing to promote and talk about a shit slavery simulator game that has very little redeeming qualities to it? where they have personalities not built around a character they play in a game from two years ago? it’s one thing to acknowledge you were in this project and humbly respond to stans, praising their fanart and showcasing them from time to time and it’s another to continue to profit off a game that is not rightfully your own.
markus and kara were let down by the fandom.
jesse and valorie were let down by the fandom.
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
You said you're taking requests, and I'm bored out of my mind so...how bout a connor for dbh headcannon where he just doesn't understand how the Sun could be in his s/o's eye ("it's in the sky detective, how can it be in your eye too?") and after a few guesses he just googled it and goes "oh." Then starts using it without proper context.
You heard that right and asdfghjkl thats quite adorable. A havent written anything DBH related for a bit so I'm a bit rusty but oh well
My dumb ass was so confused with this for a bit but its just the sleep deprivation sooo also, I just found out that theres a song called the "Sun In Our Eyes" by MØ and I like it
Edit: im so fucking sorry for publishing without finishing this shit. Its 1 a.m. here okay?!?!
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Connor was confused
[Name], his pop cultured, meme talking and also loving partner is always odd
and he certainly does not understand those words [Name] says at times
or rather, what most says too
like right now
the two were on the break room, just recently finished a case while Hank decided to actually write his report
Connor and his [Name] were just relaxing
well, [Name] was while Connor accompanies him
as [Name] was stirring his cup of coffee that he brew not so long ago
Connor was slowly drifting off to his thoughts
he was a deviant now by the way
but back to the thoughts thing
Connor remembered someone had mentioned about [Name] eyes in a case
it was the newbie recruit if he remembered correctly and he did
the newbie saying how [Name]'s [Eye color] eyes were like the sun is shining in on them
[Name] after all a kind and charming man
but Connor was confused on why that recruit says so
after all, the sun can not be taken out of the sky. that is very impossible to do such a thing
so he had asked that on [Name]
"Hm? Yeah, Con?"
"I have a question"
"Okay? Shoot"
"I do not understand. my program would not allow me to do such a thing [Name] and even if it does, I will certainly not do so"
"Crap, you're still new to this.. right... what I meant was... ask away"
"I see... well, I am wondering on why does someone says that the sun is in your eyes? It is the sun. It can not physically moved. It is in the sky"
cue confused [Name]
"Apologies but P.O. recruit Jameson had said that the sun is in your eyes the other day and I am confused"
"Oh... Oh... Connor, I think Jameson meant was that my eyes are bright or something. I dunno"
"I... I see..."
still not satisfied with it
Connor still wants to know more about "the sun in [Name]'s eyes"
he went to Hank next
the lieutenant was not much help
"I do not know about this... umm... fuck, just ask someone else"
Connor went to Reed
the brunet detective flipped him off and cussed him out
Connor didnt know where to go as Conan and Connil is obviously not verse on this knowledge aswell as they are still new to deviancy
then Connor remembered that he can go ask the web
so he did
so many results
like... so fucking many
and he is so fucking confused
Connor's LED swirled to yellow to indicate his confusion
but after searching for a bit
he finally found some context
and he used it
it did not go so well really
despite [Name] kinda explaining and Connor searching it out already
he is still a dumbass
"Oh, hey Connor, good morning!"
"The sun is quote lovely today"
Connor says as he stares into [Name]'s [Eye color] eyes blankly
[Name] is confused
what the fuck is up with Connor?
his confusion goes more levels as the day passed because Connor is just making him so damn confused with this "sun" and looking at his eyes thing
help this man
and help the android
after a few more awkward staring and odd sentences coming out of Connor's mouth
[Name] had enough and asked what is wrong with Connor
"[Name] I--"
"Alright, that's it! Connor... look... are you alright?"
Connor tilts his head a bit as that (cute) look of confusion plastered on his face
"Pardon me [Name]?"
[Name] sighs as he placed a hand on Connor's shoulder
"Look... Con... you just been recently acting kinda weird. Staring at my eyes and saying weird stuff and shit... I mean... its kinda adorable ag first but now its kinda creeping me off love"
"I... I did not realize that I am causing such discomfort to you [Name]"
Connor looked like a kicked puppy and [Name] felt his heart fucking squeezed at this android
"Its alright... just... why did you act like that?"
"I just want to compliment your eyes... like what P.O. recruit Jamesom did... comparing it to the sun..."
[Name] wanted to die
his android boi wanted to compliment his eyes???
[Name] smiled and placed a soft kiss on Connor's forehead
"Well... that was sweet of you"
Connor's face lit up by that
"Still... i need to teach you how to compliment and what does "the sun in my eyes" mean though"
[Name] teased as Connor nodded his head with a smile om his lips
[Name] did teach Connor the right meaning of that sentence
and Connor used it right this time
[Name] was so proud
he kissed Connor
such dorks
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detectiveconnor · 3 years
i’m still looking at this post and thinking about it in terms of an android art installation, except they’d use copper chloride in the candles/etc so the flames would be burning blue instead. it would be A Statement. i don’t know where/whether there would be an Android-artist-specific art installation in ... the Detroit Institute of Arts, maybe? or maybe there would be another exhibition arranged at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston or etc etc, I think that could be a popular installation and  I think it every time i see that piece (and yes the actual for real irl human artist is obviously very impressive as well I am not aiming to take away from them here) anyway the longer i think about DBH the more I think about cultural artefacts and customs which would arise in the Android population post-revolution because of their socioeconomic location and shared demography but also because of how their bodies work and the different affordances of those bodies. thinking about things like Android music, and dance, and interfacing customs (what is polite, what is not?), ways to speak about and share trauma (and other emotions) because of that additional communicative system, and social classes/groups as Androids differentiate between having deviated and having been made deviant (does it matter that some of them were shown the edge they had to jump from, rather than finding it on their own), and Android-specific celebrations of self that are like birthdays but Androids don’t get birthdays, and at the same time the discourse between ‘becoming human’ as an ideal (because arguing they were The Same As was the best way to reach Equal To, once upon a time), and just .... i’m just ... really... a solid 75% of being in this fandom for me is wanting to know about What Happens Next  a solid three quarters of it is how do Androids build their own culture and what social rules do they develop and what are the internal debates between Androids who are actively participating in the Android movement who want to prioritise outcome A or B over outcome C (how is it communicated or ‘agreed’ what outcome they are prioritising this month/this year/now, versus long-term goals that they’re still moving toward but they don’t expect that change to snowball the way the changes they’re catalysing in real time are - there will be Androids who desperately want A to be true and who will lobby for it all their lives and without advocacy groups like New Jericho picking that particular issue to fight for out loud during this particular time, they mightn’t ever see it happen) -  this has been a post of Ingrid thinking about Androids and android social movements and android culture. thank you for your time 
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