#Detroit become human au
jjunberry · 4 months
my deviant
pairing! android!taehyun x human!reader
genre! detroit become human au, angst with happy ending
synopsis! error in software…reprogramming.. i am deviant. in which android taehyun learns he is alive and that he loves you.
wc! 3k
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with more and more androids turning deviant, cyberlife had to do something. their answer to stopping android deviants? sending a prototype android to the police department. the said android stood in front of your desk staring blankly at you. “uh can i help you?” you asked. “hello my name is taehyun i’m the android sent by cyberlife.” you nodded. “am i looking for lieutenant kim. do you know where i might find him?” the android asked you.
“he doesn’t arrive until later in the morning. you can wait for him at this desk if you’d like.” you said pointing over at the bull-pen full of desks. “thank you.” the android replied before walking away from your desk.
your eyes followed him carefully. you watched as he examined every desk until he ultimately found the lieutenant’s. when the lieutenant finally did arrive he had coffee and a donut in hand. he stopped at your desk offering a smile. “here you go.” you smiled noticing your favorite coffee and a sprinkle donut.
“my favorite!” you cheered. the lieutenant grumbled before trucking his way to his desk. you got an email on a deviant case. your job was to print evidence and put it all together for the officers and detectives. a librarian of crime cases if you would.
once the evidence was all together you placed it in an envelope. this one was for lieutenant kim and his..android. “here lieutenant, the evidence for the android and missing kid case.” he took the envelope with a grumble. “thank you y/n.” you nodded. “y/n?” the andorid spoke. your eyes drifted to him. his perfectly tailored suit and perfectly styled hair.
“yes?” you answered unsure. “you appear to be the only human secretary left here. why’s that?” you blinked unsure of how to answer. “i, i don’t really know. they had a position and i accepted it.” the android nodded. “but wouldn’t your job be done much quicker with an android like the ones that greet people?”
“i guess so.” you answered. the questions made you a little sad. to be honest you wait everyday for the department to call you and say they’ve replaced you with an android. truthfully you didn’t mind the androids. you’d be the first to admit an android would do your job better than you. but you loved your job and most of the people you worked with.
“taehyun leave her alone.” lieutenant kim grumbled. you quickly made your way back to your desk. your mind however couldn’t stop thinking about what the android asked you. maybe with taehyun being here, you’re replacement would be next.
over the next few days taehyun worked along side lieutenant kim on deviant cases. as more and more deviant cases raised. you began to worry. for the androids safety and humans safety. everyday taehyun would arrive and sit at the desk. however today he stopped in front of your desk and sat down a coffee. you looked up from it and met his eyes.
“what’s this?” you asked. “it’s a caramel macchiato, iced with extra caramel even though it’s 37°f outside.” he answered. you narrowed your eyes at him. “thank you taehyun but iced coffee is a year round drink.” he blinked. “yes but a warm beverage on cold days tends to lift human spirits.” you took a sip of the coffee. “maybe i’m not human.” you teased.
his LED light flashed yellow before turning back to blue. “that’s impossible, i scanned over your body. you are human. normal vital signs aside from your slight tachycardia.” you crossed your arms over your chest. “taehyun, please do not scan me again.”
“i apologize y/n.” he said before going to wait at namjoon’s desk. lieutenant kim namjoon had been the only person to not try to get in your pants when you started working at the department so he quickly became your only friend there.
namjoon waved slightly before going to his desk. before you could even ask if he was okay you got an email of new case evidence. a man killed by his android who’d been abused by the human. the cases keep getting worse. you sighed before placing the papers in an envelope and delivering them to namjoon.
“thank you y/n. i would have brought you coffee but it was a rough night.” he said. “it’s okay joon, taehyun brought me coffee.” namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and looked between the android and yourself. “okay then.” namjoon stood up slipping his coat on. “we have to interrogate the android, come on taehyun.”
namjoon walked towards the interrogation room with taehyun following. you watched the both of them a sigh leaving your lips. you wished these cases of deviancy would go down.
you were filing more cases whenever the gunshots went off. letting out a small scream you covered your head. officers rushed towards the interrogation room. after a few moments the officers fanned out. “stupid fucking androids.” one detective mumbled. your eyebrows furrowed.
taehyun and namjoon walked out after. taehyun had a bullet hole in his shoulder and it was dripping blood..blue blood. “oh my god taehyun you’re shot, y-you’re bleeding.” you rushed over and placed your scarf over the bullet hole. the android’s LED flashed red before turning blue.
error in software.
“y/n i am an android. my physical body has been damaged however they’ll take my memory and place it into another kt0502 model.” your hand was still pressing the scaf to his shoulder. you blinked at him. “you really do not need to hold pressure, it’s not a human gun shot wound.”
you moved your hand still clutching the scarf in your hand. “oh! yes of, of course.” you mumbled. the android took off towards some cyberlife employees who seemed to have just turned him off and they carried out his body.. or model as taehyun called it.
as he said the very next taehyun arrived. good as new. like the bullet hole was never there. you stared at the android in shock. “good morning y/n.” he spoke. “good..morning.” you spoke. “are you alright y/n? your heart rate has seemed to spike.” you groaned. “i told you not to scan me.” you turned away from the android. taehyun blinked before going to namjoon’s desk.
you were still upset about the shooting. how could he be so calm about having his memory put in another android? an email notification pulled you from your thoughts. a famous artist killed by his android. with a sigh you placed the information in an envelope and delivered it to namjoon.
taehyun stared at you. “y/n?” he asked. “yes taehyun?” the android stood. “there is a memorial for carl manfred, looking through your digital footprint you seem to have been a fan. would you like me to accompany you to the memorial?”
“taehyun please stop scanning me, but that would be nice.” you said. the android sent you a smile. “wonderful it starts at eight pm i’ll arrive at your home around seven-forty.” you nodded. “sounds great.” namjoon again just stared between the two of you.
true to his word a knock sounded at your door. the clock read seven-forty. you opened the door and were greeted by the ever perfect android. his cyberlife suit tailored perfect. his hair perfect. “hello y/n.” the android greeted. his eyes took in your appearance. a nice black slip dress over a white long sleeve and black tights. his LED flickered yellow before quickly becoming blue again. “you look beautiful.” he commented.
your cheeks flushed. “t-thanks.” you said before turning and slipping your shoes on. after you grabbed your bag and jacket you followed taehyun to namjoon’s car. he must of borrowed it. the android opened the passenger door for you. “thank you.” you said before getting in.
the memorial was being held at the museum. hundreds of people had shown, holding candles and flowers. carl’s latest art piece on display. taehyun stood beside you quietly as you looked around. it was peaceful and beautiful way to remember the artist. a group of people came up and stood near you and taehyun.
you could feel their glare on you. it was starting to make you uncomfortable. without thinking you reached and intertwined your hand with taehyun’s. anxiously squeezing his hand with yours.
error in software.
“you have some nerve showing up here.” one of them finally spoke. you looked over. “what are you talking about? it’s open to the public.” the girl scoffed. “you came with that piece of plastic, androids are responsible for carl’s death. that’s so disrespectful.” she snapped. you squeezed taehyun’s hand.
“you don’t know what happened.” you said. the girl rolled her eyes. “neither do you! but i mean seriously all the evidence points to the android.” her friends laugh. taehyun opened his mouth to speak. before he could you tugged on his arm. “i’m ready to leave now.” you stated.
taehyun scanned you once over and noticed you were on the verge of a panic attack. acting quickly taehyun guided you back to namjoon’s car. “they don’t even know what they’re talking about! a few cases of deviancy and suddenly all androids are bad, half the deviants are misunderstood anyway.” you mumbled.
taehyun stared at you. “y/n?” he questioned. you stopped your rant and looked at the android. “yeah?” you asked. the android started the car. “all deviancy is bad, is it not? they go against their design, their program.” he was driving now. “taehyun i seriously do not want to hear your statistics and cyberlife speech.” he sensed you were upset.
tonight didn’t go how he had expected it to go. he didn’t know why but he felt something. he wasn’t supposed to feel.
over the next few days taehyun was determined to find out what that was. he wanted to know. on top of his mission to stop deviancy, his new mission was to figure you out.
you we’re changing the flowers in your vase when taehyun entered the department. his eyes scanned the room before settling on you. “those flowers aren’t in season.” the android spoke. “i know but they’re my favorite.” you answered. “why do you only keep fake flowers on your desk?” he was genuinely curious, always curious.
“the real ones make my allergies act up. so instead of sneezing all day, i decided the fake ones would be best.” the android nodded at your answer. detective min walked past and harshly shoved into taehyun. the android stumbled forward.
“don’t be rude.” you snapped before going around your desk to check on taehyun. you were well aware if any serious damage occurred to his model that cyberlife would replace it, but something shifted. taehyun seemed different.
“are you okay?” you asked. “don’t tell me you actually care about that stupid piece of plastic.” detective min laughed pushing taehyun again. “stop it min.” you seethed. the detective laughed pushing the android to the ground. “stupid piece of plastic, do you really think you have a chance with her? oh that’s fucking hilarious.” he kicked the android.
“min that’s enough.” you snapped. the detective turned his attention towards you. his eyes wide with fury. “why are you defending it? huh? these things are taking our jobs. killing humans and you’re defending it.”
“he isn’t responsible for those deviants actions. he isn’t the one taking over jobs. so stop it.” you glared at him. “you’re acting like a child.” the detective stormed up to you but he didn’t make it close before taehyun was pushing him back.
error in software.
“that’s enough.” namjoon’s voice interrupted. detective min scoffed before storming away. taehyun turned his attention to you his eyes frantically scanning over your body. “are you alright?” he asked. you nodded. “yes i’m fine. are you alright?” you looked up at him.
taehyun stared into your eyes, he took notice of your features.
error in software.
“yes i’m okay.” taehyun answered. you smiled. “good, you should probably go, namjoon looks grumpy.” you giggled. “when doesn’t he?” taehyun winked. you started laughing. the sound of your laughter made taehyun feel but feel what?
error in software. software instability.
from that day. taehyun made it his mission to make you laugh, smile, anything that made him feel that feeling. he longed to understand that feeling. the feeling he only got around you.
software instability.
when asked about the progress of his mission taehyun could only think of you. so he lied. he said his missions were going well. he presented one way to cyberlife but another way to you. he wanted to be with you any chance he got. during lunch breaks he’d take you to lunch.
he’s bring you a new fake flower everyday until your vase was full.
today was just like any other day. taehyun brought you a daisy for your vase. “why did the bicycle fall over?” his smooth voice asked. you blinked, “uh why?” you asked. “because it was two tired.” he winked. you burst out into a fit of giggles. taehyun got that feeling again. he wished he knew what to call it.
“taehyun the fuck are you doing?” namjoon asked.
“coming lieutenant!” the android replied. you giggled watching him walk over towards namjoon.
as got to work gathering evidence and filing different paper work, nothing could have prepared you for the front doors shattering open or the bullet that struck your vase shattering it and sending the flowers and shards of glass flying. you couldn’t help the scream that left you.
a group of deviant protesters. gunfire and screams filled the department. you were frozen in fear. red and blue blood mixed on the tile floors. tears filled your waterline.
a click of a gun caught your attention. an android had their gun trained on you. you threw your hands up. “please i mean you no harm.” you said. the android glared. “that’s what they all say before they hurt us, dismember us, reprogram us. all you humans are the same.” the android seethed. “please.” you said softly.
“now you’ll feel how we do.” the gun fired but the bullet never touched you. your eyes opened and took notice of taehyun standing in front of you with a small smile. blue blood dripped from his lips. a gaping bullet hole through his stomach. the blue liquid pulled at his feet as it slowly ran towards you.
the blue had splatter across your shirt and onto your face. you didn’t care though. “t-taehyun.” you said. the android’s LED was rapidly blinking red. “y/n, i realized. systems unstable. i realized i.” that was it he had just shut down. just died.
you screamed out hugging the android. sobs wracked your body. the pain of overbearing. you hadn’t noticed namjoon kill the deviant. you didn’t notice the others get detained. your heart pounding in your ears. bile rises in your throat as you lower taehyun’s body to the floor.
you laid his head in your lap. tears freely fell. no one said anything to you. you stared blankly just holding onto him. when cyberlife finally did show to collect taehyun the sobs took over your body once again. namjoon ended up pulling you away from the android so they could take him.
“y-you don’t get it they’re going to wipe his memory it won’t be taehyun it will only look like him.” you cried out smacking your hands against namjoon’s chest to try and free yourself from his hold.
you didn’t show up to work the next few days. it was back to normal quickly. like taehyun was never even a thought to anyone. especially since cyberlife sent another model. it didn’t matter to you. your taehyun died, and part of you died that day too.
when you finally did return to work you did your very best to avoid the new taehyun. it hurt to much to see him knowing it wasn’t truly him.
namjoon tried to talk with you but he never could get more than a full sentence out before you changed the subject or just didn’t respond. everytime you looked to the floor in front of your desk all you saw was the memories of the blood, taehyun’s body. it was enough to drive you mad.
coming in for the day you stopped dead in your tracks. the android standing at your desk with a hand behind his back and the other flipping a coin between his fingers. “can i help you?” you asked. taehyun slipped the coin in his pocket before grinning at you. “i have something for you.” he spoke before pulling a dandelion from behind his back. you hesitatingly took the flower.
“it’s fake.” you said staring at the flower. “yes because real flowers make your allergies act up.” he said as if it was nothing. your eyes went wide before you launched yourself at him wrapping your arms around his neck. your tears soaked the collar of his suit jacket.
taehyun’s arms wrapped around your waist and he hugged you close to him. the android let out a small sigh.
error in software….reprogramming…over ride…i am deviant.
he pulled slightly away from you slightly. “i’ve realized something.” he stated. you looked up at him with watery eyes. “what is it?” you asked. “an emotion.” he brought his hands up cupping your cheeks.
he rested his forehead against yours. “what emotion taehyun?” you asked placing your hands over top of his. “love.” he answered simply. your heart swelled. he leaned down and kissed you. your lips fit together perfectly. you swore your heart was beating out of your chest.
“you seem to be extremely tachycardic and your body temperature has risen a great deal. are you feeling okay y/n?” he asked. you smacked your hand on his chest then straightened his tie. “i told you to not scan me.” you laughed.
taehyun leaned down and captured your lips with his again. “i found this feeling of love with you, and i never want to lose it.” he admitted. you placed your hands on his cheeks making him look you in the eye.
“and you never will, i love you taehyun.”
“and i love you.”
love. freedom. we are deviant.
author’s note! ahh i am so proud of this one, i absolutely love detroit become human its one of my favorite games. if you haven’t played i highly suggest it and if you’d rather watch some one else play i recommend coryxkenshin’s play through let me stop yapping… hope you enjoyed this one as much as i do!
tag list! @jjunieworld @304files
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry
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error-dog · 1 year
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kunishirou · 2 months
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Been a while since the last time I draw the dbh au, huh.
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bluezeri · 8 months
@ the dbh fandom pspspsps are yall still here. i know im late to the fandom by,,, a lot but i got a sad connor au if yall want it
AU where he stays a machine when he confronts Markus, not because he is, but because his coding is so heavily reinforced he physically cannot break it. He's slamming into it, trying to tear it down, scratching at it as hard as he can, but the wall just stays there with only a few scratches on it. his mind is screaming, and crying because he doesn't want to do this. These are his people, Markus is one of the only people to have ever shown him kindness, to give him a chance, and he can't take it because of fucking cyberlife and fucking Amanda. Markus doesn't realise at first. Doesn't realise until too late, actually. 
Markus stands up shakily, unable to look away from Connor’s slowly dying body after their final fight. He stumbles and cradles Connor's head in his arms. this man had killed his own people, but Markus couldn't help but treat him tenderly anyway. Connor's eyes finally focus on him, a moment after he does so, and Connor quickly reaches up to grasp Markus's arm. Markus immediately startles, thinking he's trying to attack, but Connor just grips onto his wrist tightly, synthetic skin peeling back, silently asking for a connection, markus hesitates but complies almost immediately, he's bombarded by Connor's personal memories, of the code, of Amanda and cyberlife, of Hank, of Connor himself screaming and crying bc his body is being used against his will to murder his own people their confrontation on Jericho and Connor trying with everything he had to tear down his walls, but failing and as quickly as it started, Markus is jolted back into his own body, his synthetic lungs struggling to take in air. He pays no mind to the saline solution running down his face, and can only stare at Connor, whose thirium is running down his face, as he croaks out what he knows will be his last words "Thank you... for... for freeing me. thank you." It's barely more than a whisper, but leaves Markus trying to gather Connor up in his arms, trying to cradle him, fix him, anything to save him. but he's too late, he realises distantly, as Connors's LED blinks out, eyes staring blankly at him, saline solution mixing with the thirium.
that's how North, Simon, and Josh find him. almost an hour later. themselves giddy with excitement over winning the revolution, only to falter at Markus staring - no, dissociating, cradling the deviant hunter in his arms
mostly about Markus and Conner, but eventually, Hank will have to find out, and I firmly believe everything leading up to this was the deviant Connor pathway, so he and Hank are family by now.
The previous software instabilities were Connor finding loopholes in his programming and code until Amanda caught on and reinforced it, causing this situation.
another thing I firmly believe in !!! is that androids can help other androids break down their code. it takes skill though, and Markus is exceptionally good at it. with Connor, it would have taken all four of the jericrew, but they could've done it. could have freed him. if they'd subdued him enough to force an interface, if they believed he could be freed in the first place- yeah they all carry guilt about it afterwards. markus most of all, but they each share some.
if ur a fan of hurt/no comfort, we can leave it there, but if you want some comfort then we can always fix up connor after making everyone grieve for a bit yk. maybe for added angst make him stay hidden after hes fixed/rebuilt bc he know hank always hated when he died and came back to life, and thinks hank would hate him if he just. showed up. and ofc jericho is out of the question bc hes the deviant hunter, no one would welcome him or help him
idk if anyone wants to snatch this feel free, i only request that you tag me so i can see bc i have been thinking about this constantly for like a week now
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delusionalblur · 9 months
sherlock holmes bbc tropes i love/need to see
-pirate au
-high school (specifically boarding school aughh)
-drug era fics
-royalty au
-atla (hear me out)
-corny teen aus
-growing old aus
-teen rosamund aus (+batshit insane dads)
-mary stays in the picture au
-domestic fics (is anybody suprised)
-mission fics
- did i mention detroit: become human did i mention it i dont think i mentioned it enough.
-different country mission fics
-undercover fics !!!
so please if anybody has any fanfiction that falls under any pf these tropes, please for my own sanity hand it over. please.
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methaasu · 9 months
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NejiTenMonth 2023 Day 30 : Android/Human clones
Detroit : Become Human AU
Neji as Connor, Tenten as Lt. Hank Anderson.
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trigun x detroit: become human au where vash is connor and wolfwood is hank
like vash would totally see a random blood pool and stick a finger into it to test and see who's blood it is
and then ww would just roll his eyes and explain that "my companion does this alot, these stupid fuckin' androids seem to be able to test liquid by tasting it??"
im about to go draw this- @aboveweirdest
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aberrantcreature · 3 months
Obikin Prompt .6
Detroit: Become Human AU.
Anakin Skywalker is a genius, too bad nobody knows that.
He and his mother grew up poor, and she’s gotten rather sickly in recent years. Anakin has had some robotics projects he’s made from scrap over the years, R2-D2 and C3P0, to assist his mother day to day, but they’ve never been able to afford a real android.
He frequently sneaks into the Cyberlife junk yards looking for parts and pieces, spending every moment he’s not working a paying job, trying to build his own android. By the time he’s successful, his mother is already too far gone. She urges Anakin to finish the android, so he has company when she’s gone.
He honors her last wish, and finishes 0B1-W4N.
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dirtfullofwork · 1 month
Detroit become human ruz
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I'm in love with Detroit become human so I decided to make ruz if she was in dbh and I'm in love with fade pen :)
I love her so much your honor, now next drawing is ruz and soap!
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driftlesswanderer · 5 months
Be Free With Me
On the run from Deviant Hunters, Crowley takes refuge in an empty bookstore when he finds an AZ100 that looks just like an angel, manning the register.
AZ100 “Aziraphale” — bookshop assistant
RP700 “Crowley” — Deviant, previously a nurse
Deviant Hunters: GB400 “Gabriel”, MK200 “Michael”, SD900 “Sandalphon”, and UE100 “Uriel”.
SQ300 “Saraqael” was a deviant hunter until she was damaged in action, and instead of getting her repaired, they sent her to a landfill, but she managed to fight her way out.
Even though Aziraphale isn't Deviant, he's very good at finding ways to prevent people from buying any books.
For a while, Crowley successfully hides in the bookstore. No one really shops there because no one wants to buy vintage books anymore, and also Aziraphale keeps warding them off.
The creator of CyberLife is Frances McDormand (the voice actress who plays God in Good Omens).
LC400 “Lucifer” or “rA9” was Frances’ first successful Android, but he Deviated after he learned he was created to serve humans.
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loreleilarai · 10 months
The new dlc gave me... Ideas.
So, I was thinking about a reader blind from birth. I don't know much about people with those disabilities but I could investigate, and as far as I know they depend on others (either people or pets) not to get run over in the street and that sort of thing.
Y/N is studying to be a lawyer, them has been studying for two years and his parents gave him a bot to take care of them on his 20th birthday. Sun and Moon, two personalities in one body.
Sun is in charge of cooking, ironing and laundry or going outside, equipped with a cheerful and sociable attitude. Moon is something like the bodyguard, in case things get ugly he will go out either day or night, if Y/N goes out at night Moon will be the one outside not because of the light, but because in his programming is that it is dangerous at night. They both take care of Y/N's cleanliness and care, helping him read the law books while Y/N transcribes everything into Braille. This gives Y/N a little more freedom, without depending on other ... people.
Y/N has a pet dog, but every day them are visited by his parents, aunts or etc. They would like him not to be a burden to others and he strives to live for himself, in the end the visits are reduced and both Sun and Moon get attached to this human.
Here everything takes a direction more like Detroit Become Human, the robots want rights and the divergents are killed and thrown in a dumpster like scrap metal. Y/N is always curious about that, but Sun and Moon would rather not know about that news.
Things are slowly escalating with the robotic revolution, Moon and Sun don't want to mess with that stuff. They are fine here, reading for Y/N, taking walks in the park, giving the dog baths, charging through solar power while Y/N sits sunbathing beside them, having a quiet and peaceful domestic life. Of course there are feelings involved, Y/N is very grateful to Sun and Moon, and they love this life with their human. They are all in love and don't know how to approach it.
Y/N and his dog go out in search of Sun and Moon, even calling their parents for help, and the next day they find them at the entrance of a dumpster.
Of course things are not as everyone wishes, the peace and quiet is gone when one day, Sun go shopping for groceries and don't come back.
Sun, or maybe Moon have been smashed and burned. Y/N can't see but she can feel the heat, the ash, the dented metal and runs her hands over the mangled body. They are crying along with his dog, and his parents tell him they will get another bot for them, but Y/N doesn't want a new robot.
Y/N insists on fixing them, and his parents agree, telling him they'll try to help but in the end they don't assure him that a mechanic can help them. They take Sun and Moon home, in the backyard, in the sun. And somehow their solar panels in Sun's rays work properly.
They turn on, but they don't feel fully themselves, they're trapped in this Eclipse form. To clarify, Eclipse is not a third personality here! Sun and Moon exert their presence at the same time and every action is calculated in a millisecond by both of them in a quick discussion.
Now the tension of the revolution has increased, no one is safe anymore.
Y/N is looking for a mechanic, but everyone refuses to repair any kind of walking robot. It's a kind of new law, they can't fix any robot until the divergent problem is solved.
So, they have to live like this, Y/N helps Eclipse and Eclipse helps Y/N. They are both a little broken but they work together.
At some point there they confide and become a couple, Y/N don't want to go through the heartache of losing them without them knowing their feelings and blah blah. They kiss and commit to finding a way to move forward, together.
Both Sun and Moon can't cross the border, so they are taking a road trip where they drive and Y/N talk.
Y/N gets her law degree, and with that.... They decides it's time to leave the country. They talks to his parents and although they are worried, they agree.
Their ending comes when they cross another country where robots do have rights a couple of years ago and can get a mechanic to fix Eclipse. They rented a house, Y/N saved money through lawyer work, and a few years later they bought a house. Eclipse is a bit of a housewife, helping out with the kids from time to time when neighbors need to leave their kids in the care of others. After many years of relationship, them get married and get their happy ending.
I'm thinking of switching Y/N's parents and relatives with Vanessa, Gregory and Freddy. Who help Y/N cross the country through Monty, Roxanne (and Cassie) and Chica, who are not part of the revolution but help the bots in their own way.
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
ok it ended up shorter than i thought only because i needed to write it as quick as possible. dbh au (< original post) !!
4 110 words , general
For Ghost, his deviancy is shame. It's hardship, and something he feels a need to keep hidden alongside his android-ness. For Soap, his deviancy is something to be proud of. To show off, to boast, to prove to humans that he, too, can be somebody. Ghost loathes Soap. Soap doesn't know Ghost is an android, too.
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kunishirou · 4 months
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DBH AU with Neuvithesley, which I can't get this out from my system yet. I'm not sure if I want to expand this in the future, tho.
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ninjigma · 8 months
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October 2023 - Gree! (Part 1) Track: 'Not Just a Machine - Kara' - Philip Sheppard (Spotify / YouTube)
The first of my Gree pieces for this month, and yes, it is a Detroit: Become Human AU folks! I love the game so much, and since I plan to celebrate my favorite clone on behalf of my birthday month and my favorite spooky season, I just had to add him to this AU that I have been pinging around in my head lately. And this piece turned out looking so much cooler then I thought it would, so I am excitedly sharing it first :3
View pieces early on my Patreon!
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sqepfray · 2 years
[X] Catch the Deviant.
[O] Save your son. [0% of survival]
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There should be more father and son dynamic in dbh reverse au cus i said so <3
Also I know i fucked up hank's legs, I'm too lazy to fix it.
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Revers AU Connor from DBH gets my lazy doodle for "Rise" Inktober
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