#dd Margaret
darkestprompts · 5 months
I hope you guys realize I'm not kidding about Musketeer/Duelist toxic yuri as a way to enhance their backstories. Margaret disappears one day because she was Haunted By The Horrors and needed to find answers, then Sahar sasukes after her because I'm Your Rival How Dare You Dump Me then slowly discovers how far down the rabbit hole goes. Perfect shitstorm of drama and terror.
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taco-with-butter · 10 months
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just some sketches, why not?
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cynthplop · 2 years
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FOR THE ANON still waiting on me to answer your ask, fear not, I’ve read it and just wanna make sure I can answer you properly! I have a big milestone in my thesis coming up this week so not much time for me to draw :”))) have a couple sketches of some ladies and a disturbing image of Robin with his dad’s hair color in the meantime lol 
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ddwardiswriting · 5 months
Chapter 15: Conspiracies
We sat in the Witch and the Willow, a public house that managed to straddle the line between noble and commoner. Fiona had suggested it. It didn’t demand membership or reference from another member. The walls had extensive mahogany paneling. The game designers had placed decorative ceramic tiles between the panels. Somebody had painted a wide array of subjects on the tiles. The pub was lit by lanterns, and the gloom was only somewhat banished as a result. The smell of oil smoke mingled with the smell of spilled beer. The crowd was not yet raucous, but well on their way, and volume was rising. 
In Moonlight Hearts the player could go on dates with the suitors. Each suitor had a list of preferences, things which they liked or disliked. By giving liked gifts and choosing liked locations, the player could raise a suitor’s interest and respect. I knew Fiona’s likes and dislikes well. This pub wasn’t one of them, it was one of Vincent’s favored locations. I assume she knew of it from Vincent.  
A half empty glass of red wine sat in front of me. Fiona and Amy hadn’t touched their wine yet.
“So now what?” Fiona asked, “We have to do something. This is treason.”
Amy drummed her fingers on the table, “We don’t know what the deliveries are yet. We don’t know what Hyperborea is doing. It might be something else.”
Fiona nodded, “This is true. Amy makes a good point. We do not know. We can only speculate. It might be smuggling. And it might be treason. It might be smuggling and treason.”
“Whatever it is,” I said, “I plan to find out. If we can expose this, then Lynn won’t marry that abusive monster. A monster who also happens to be a werewolf. I’d honestly prefer we just kill him.” 
Amy raised her hand, “But that could spark a war. As a psychometrist, the government would draft me to the front lines. The military uses psychometrists as trackers and such. I don’t want that. I’m not cut from material suited for battle.”
I shivered at the thought of Amy forced to fight on the front lines. Of the three of us, she felt the most fragile to me. And my feelings for Amy made my brow furrow as I considered the consequences of war with Hyperborea. Fiona and Amy fighting on the front lines was a mental image I couldn’t stand. I felt my heart beating in my chest. I took several slow breaths to calm my heart and tamp down my worry. Then I realized that Fiona was speaking.
“We could use what we find as leverage,” Fiona said. “I doubt Hyperborea would want Ys to expose them like that to other nations.”
So, we find out what is happening. And then what do we do?” Amy asked.
“I would prefer that we expose them to the house of Lords.” Fiona said.
“Can you expose them in secret?” I said, “That way the council can use the evidence we find to put pressure on Hyperborea.”
“The subtleties of politics are wasted on me,” Fiona said. “But that does sound like the way politics work.”
“You’re a countess. Politics are your job.” I said.
Fiona nodded, “And I am infamous for my leaden touch in negotiations.”
“So, we’re giving the council of lords blackmail material?” Amy asked.
“If we can, yes.” I said. Then I stopped talking. Something was wrong. The room was spinning.
“Ladies? Is the room spinning for anyone else?”
“You are two and half glasses of wine in,” Fiona said.
“Oh, that’s nothing,” Amy grinned, “My lady can down a bottle herself, without any trouble. It shouldn’t be the wine.”
“Whatever it is, it’s getting worse.” I said.
“Are you going to become sick?” Fiona asked.
“I think I’m going to pass ou-”
And then darkness. I felt the darkness as well as saw it. A light bloomed before me. White roses bloomed in a circle, and within that circle of flowers, I saw a small stone house in a city. The architecture looked Yssian. Around the house several hundred soldiers massed, with flintlock rifles and sabers. My vision moved inside the house. Lynn stood in the house, surrounded by ten men in common garb, tunics and trousers. Although I noticed that they wore good Hessian boots. A strange body half covered in fur lay in the center of the floor. I noticed a pile of blood-spattered bones in the corner. The bones looked human. 
The soldiers were about to come down on the house like a hurricane. What had caused this? Why wasn’t I protecting Lynn, where was I? And my vision pulled back in both space and time. 
I saw myself standing before my father. Yellow roses coiled around the edge of my vision, their petals wilting before my eyes. I caught wisps of conversation.
"...everyone who gets caught pays the price..."
“You’re one of them, daughter. It gives me no pleasure to do this, but... ...You will not be welcome back in Castle Octavian until you come to your senses..."
“Then I suspect that somebody should escort me off the premises…”
“Is she breathing?”
“Yes. But the breathing is irregular.”
“Her aura is reaching out. But I can’t tell where it is reaching.” 
I coughed, my chest felt tight, and I found myself scrambling for air. 
“Something is wrong! She is panicking!”
I felt as though I were struggling underwater. I tried to kick to the surface.
“Hold her legs! Hold her legs!”
That was Amy! And the other voice, Fiona! I was having a vision. A real vision! I was hallucinating. Oh god, I could be hurting them flailing around like this. I needed to calm down. I focused on loosening my muscles. I willed myself to relax. 
“She’s calming down.”
I felt my vision returning, the interior of the Witch and the Willow swam into focus. Amy and Fiona knelt above me. I was laying on the rough wooden floorboards.
“Are you alright? Lady Ren? Are you alright?” Amy touched my cheek, gentle as a summer breeze. 
“I’m alright,” I said, “I’m sorry for the drama. I haven’t had a vision quite like that before.”
Fiona raised an eyebrow, “You had a vision? Your precognitive gift?”
I pulled myself up to a sitting position, “My gift. My inconvenience is more accurate.”
“Are you well?” Amy asked.
“What did you see?” Fiona asked.
“Show some concern for her health! Um, your excellency.” Amy stammered. 
Fion grinned in response, “I have as much concern as you do, but you already asked after her health. I did not want to duplicate our efforts.”
“There’s that warm Fiona touch,” I said with a smile.
“Was that a joke? Fiona asked, matching my smile.
“A little bit.” I said, “I’m fine Amy. Thank you both for your concern.”
“Yes. But what did you see?” Fiona said. 
“I saw a horde of soldiers surrounding Lynn and ten strangers. The soldiers were preparing to attack. And I asked why I hadn’t helped her? And then I heard my father casting me out of the house.”
“The vision was about Lynn?” Amy asked.
“That does not sound hopeful. Was there any hope in the vision?”
“When they cast me out, I took it like a badass. Does that count?”
“Perhaps.” Fiona said the word as though it had three syllables.
“Sorry, that’s all I’ve got for you.”
“Whose uniforms were the soldiers wearing.” Fiona asked.
“They were Yssian. They were Marine Infantry.”
“Why would Yssian military attack Lynn? Why especially would the navy do so? Leon would rage like a lion if that happened.” Fiona said.
“Then we’d better be ready for a lion,” I said, “Because visions are never wrong. Incomplete yes. But never wrong.”
I grasped the table and tried to stand up. But my legs gave out, and I stumbled. Fiona and Amy stepped in unison and caught me on either side. I looked around and realized the entire pub was watching. 
“Happy to put on a show folks.” I muttered. Louder, I said, “Thank you ladies. Could you help me get home?”
“Of course, Lady Ren.”
“It would be my pleasure Ren.”
- - -
By DD Ward and Margaret Lovelace
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outrunningthedark · 22 days
I absolutely hate the fact that even the official 911 Insta now is putting the mother Shannon Diaz onto a pedestal. I really thought we all were over her and have moved on. Guess i was wrong.
The thing is, Shannon actually WAS a good character. Bad moms are depicted on tv and in film, there's no debate about it, but a bad mom of a disabled child? On a show that highlights the importance of family (in all its forms) on a weekly basis? When do we get to see that? But then fandom dd what fandom's still doing now, which is fail to separate good character from good person, and make excuses for her behavior to "justify" why they like her so much. PSA: You can like shitty characters! Just acknowledge that they're shitty when you're doing it! I've said this probably ten times before, I know, but the fact that people are so quick to uplift Shannon while simultaneously attacking Margaret (who wanted to die after her son did, mind you, some of us know that story very well) or Helena speaks volumes to those who understand Chris's story better than most. If Shannon walked away from her able-bodied son, I guarantee the reaction would be much less sympathetic because almost anyone can put themselves in the position of the child. Walking away from a child with a disability, though? Particularly a disability that isn't seen as "something everyone has" and doesn't get talked about as frequently? They don't know what that's like and can't say they wouldn't do the same. (Neglecting your remaining children after burying one, on the other hand? That's not even a question. 😑) (And the truly sad thing is, they know it's ableist and don't care because it doesn't affect them in any way.)
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zenitsustherapist · 3 months
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Margaret!! :DD
imo it doesn't completely look like her but whatever
I got the idea from an acquaintance on pinterest:3
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hi Ri. It’s me again 😭
This isn’t a request, you rlly don’t have to write this bc I can see that you’re kinda overloaded right now. Take your time, don’t burn yourself out, take care of yourself!!! Sit ur lovely ass down and watch as I try to make sense of this word vomit:
So I saw this book called Margaret and Margarita and had a thought:
Miguel not knowing english very well inhis childhood. Think ages between 3-9. (ik this isn’t accurate to his lore but just bare with me)
because of this, his only friends are probably Gabri and his mom 😭 he’s a pretty nerdy kid, building massive lego structures in his down time, reading books translated into spanish,, that sorta thing. I feel like he can understand it just fine, but speaking it is where he’s hard up. Grammar, spelling, essays? Yeah, those things are a little too difficult for him. (Ik im projecting bc i was the same when I was his age lmao)
imagine filo! reader’s family moving in next door, and reader, like miguel, doesn’t know english that much. Reader is a little more extroverted, but their english is kinda bad 😭 so imagine when Conchata (i think that’s her name, miguel’s mom right???) wants to meet the new neighbours, so she drags miguel and gabri along with her. She tells miguel that they have a kid his age, and that makes him a little shy. Miguel is probably nervous, cause what if he trips over his words and makes a fool out of himself??? So reader and miguel are kinda in the corner while their mom mingles with reader’s parents (I’d like to imagine gabri as a little baby here, so he’s just chilling in their mom’s arms lmfao) and so reader, being a sweetheart, tries to make conversation.
“What’s your name?”
“Ah, okay.”
So after a few more minutes of silence, reader decides to try and play with him. Turns out, they have a small box full of Legos. Miguel is absolutely enthralled, and he starts to build like he normally does. And reader is so amazed kjaidja.
“Abaaa, ang galing mo!”
Miguel picks up on the fact that what reader just said was a compliment, so he just smiles and mutters a small ‘Gracias.’
SO THEY BOTH CONTINUE TO PLAY TOGETHER, DESPITE BOTH OF THEM NOT FULLY UNDERSTANDING EACHOTHER 😭😭😭 i feel like since Filipino has a lot in common in Spanish, they could pick up little phrases from eachother (Like in ur miguel x filo reader headcanons hehe)
AHHHHHH i don’t normally read childhood friends trope, but man 😭 i love this concept sm sm smmmm!!! Kung gusto mo, I’d like ur opinion on this lololol
-leonara <3
HI PO ATE, LMAO, SORRY NGAYON KO LANG SINAGOT AHAHHAHAHAH pero omg. i want this. this shit is my canon event. AKO YAN, AKO CHILDHOOD FRIEND NIYA !! pero yuhs, ANG CUTEEEE they'd probably get along so well >:DD
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darkestprompts · 5 months
hello! i have discovered ur blog and i am absorbing everything like a sponge i love the rambles and interpretations i am obsessed... i enjoy the character rambles the most and i was just wondering how you feel on Margaret and her character? I feel like her only fan on this entire planet... i need to hear someone speak about her in some kind of depth to a degree, her lore, how they see her potentially Cope™, etc. its tough being a margaret enjoyer when nobody seems to give too much of a care about her </3 i feel like she deserved better if i make sense!!! have a nice day/evening/night/morning🔥🔥🔥
Oh Light, this is so sweet... I'm actually feeling a little guilty because long-time followers will know I'm definitely not a Musketeer person lol But for you only, OP, I will try to cook up something.
To be totally transparent here, my beef is how her premise was utilized. First, as alt skin for the Arbalest (watch as I force myself not to rant about THAT particular choice) and second, her general character focus.
Someone who pierced through the veil of reality by complete accident has potential to be an interesting character! But her barks lean heavily on the "aristocratic huntress" thing, which is not the way I would go in a game about broken souls (also it kinda steps on Audrey's toes). Make her sound a little more obsessed, a little more haunted, hint at the fact that maybe, just maaaaybe, seeing what she was never meant to changed her forever. Make her "hunt" less of a choice to soothe her pride over one competition (srsly) and more of an irresistible pull from the very Heart of Darkness. NOW we can talk.
Let's add this too: when she gazed at the abyss, did the abyss gaze back? Eyes in Darkest Dungeon are a symbol of awareness of the horror of reality and it was an eye she found at the other side of her gun. If the thing saw her, did it only see an ant? Did it see food, something to draw into the trap that is the Hamlet? Or does it have another purpose?
In this reading, I would put her in the same category as Sarmenti and Amani as people who never had any intention to reach out to the occult but have a natural inclination to fiddle with it... Maybe even attract the eldritch? Imagine how disturbing, to be the one the most unnatural monsters like to swarm to. In a bad timeline, she could have been a cultist witch.
Besides, with a title like Musketeer, we could stand to give her more grit. Ok, she's a competitive shooter, but musketeers were military units. It's possible they wanted to avoid overlap with other military heroes, especially Arbalest, but that wouldn't be a problem if her uniqueness was emphasized in other ways. Notably, the French musketeers were an elite unit that served both as royal guard and in open battle. I know Butcher's Circus tried to differentiate her, but what if instead of backline healing (which doesn't resonate with her theme) she got a guard skill and a few lines about serving some noble house? It would be a way to give her a bit more of a storied past. She directly references The Three Musketeers, for goodness' sake, make her reference some adventures! Intrigue, romance! Maybe a Cardinal Mazarin expy, why not!
To end, can I someone please tell me what her hair color is meant to be? The portrait is blonde, her full body art is redhaired, the Butcher's Circus art leans brunette/auburn. I know consistent design does not exist in Darkest Dungeon but. At this point I'm headcanoning that she dyes it a different color every time to cover early gray hair from the Horrors. She's the only one who has a grey haired alt skin, IIRC.
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taco-with-butter · 1 year
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bunwithantlers · 9 months
Thank you for tagging me @swearingcactus to make an oc with this picrew!! (I loveee oc tag things I'm very happy :DD)
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I wanted to make my Cyberpunk OC Viper first, but sadly there weren't any green hair options. Instead you enabled me to talk about my new DnD character Yorick, weirdo kind of undead gravetender who was buried on a graveyard to become its churchyard grim. His best friend is an urn he found abandoned on his graveyard, containing the ashes of a woman named Margaret. He also likes to read and write poetry, which he sometimes reads to either Margaret or other dead denizens of the graveyard.
I want to tag @julskee specifically, but also anyone who would like to make one too!
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ddwardiswriting · 5 months
Chapter 14: Wandering
“What do we do next?” I asked Fiona and Amy,” I can’t imagine that we have time to do a regular investigation.”
“We could use your precognition.” Fiona said, “Or my gift of sensing auras.”
“I don’t have much control over my gift. It happens when it happens.” I deflected, “And using your gift would mean that we have to  go around and question people one by one. I don’t think those are options.”
Amy raised her hand, “You could try to force a vision, Lady Ren. I know it doesn’t always work. But it’s an option. Also, I can do more than I have with my gift.”
“Indeed? What else can you do?” Fiona asked.
I shook my head, “I’ve already got you bleeding for my sake. No, you’ve done enough.”
I wiped at Amy’s face with a fresh handkerchief. She brought her hands up and clasped them over mine.
“Ren. I have done this before. I do have control over my gift. It hurts a little when I push things. But this wouldn’t do that. But I would need you to watch over me and keep me safe.” She smiled. 
I didn’t say anything. 
Fiona steepled her hands together and spoke, “Your willingness to help is commendable. What would you do?”
“I could activate my power and let the link pull me to the strongest association.”
My eyes narrowed, “Pull? How would it pull you?”
“From the outside it looks as though I’m sleepwalking. And like sleepwalking, I am unaware of my surroundings. The gift prevents me from bumping into walls or falling down stairs. But my gift won’t account for people. So you two would need to run interference.”
Fiona nodded, “This is excellent. Exactly what we need.”
“It’s dangerous,” I said, standing and shaking my head. “If the traitor puts two and two together and figures out what we’re doing, it puts Amy in jeopardy.”
“Where is your loyalty to Lynn?” Fiona asked.
“You stopped me from chasing after her.” I said.
“Yes. But I did not intend for you to stop helping her.”
“She told me not to help.”
“And do you think she is safe on her own?” 
I tensed. And I found myself clenching my jaw. I didn’t want to put Amy at risk to protect Lynn. I didn’t want to leave Lynn in danger to protect Amy. A layer of tears formed on my eyes and I struggled to contain it. 
Amy stood up and wrapped her arms around me, drawing me into an embrace, “I can do this. Let me do this. I know you can protect me. I trust you.”
I swallowed. This was why Lynn wanted to follow the preset game path. If she did, then she could feel certain that things would turn out in a predictable manner. By playing outside the parameters of the game, I was in uncharted waters. 
Amy squeezed me again, “Please. Let me help you.”
I sagged, and let my breath out- deflating against Amy.
“Alright. Amy, I'll protect you. Do your thing. I’ll have your back.”
Amy smiled and dropped a second peck on my cheek, and I smiled in spite of myself. She stood, her back straight, and clasped her hands around the badge a second time. Her gaze seemed to go distant, and her eyes developed a milky shine.
“She reached the state almost immediately this time.” Fiona said. 
Amy began walking towards the door of the parlor.
“We better get that door. I don’t know if she can open that in this state.” I stood and strode past Amy to open the door.”
“She did not mention doors.” Fiona said.
“I’ll stay ahead of her. You walk beside or behind her so nobody bumps into her from behind.”
Fiona nodded.
We followed as Amy sleepwalked out of the parlor and into the drawing room. Lynn was speaking to her father in the corner. Several girls I recognized as distant cousins were playing a card game with tarot cards. 
The Baron noticed us and furrowed his brow. He raised a hand and called to me, “Karen, child!”
“Yes, uncle?” I tried not to betray any worry.
“What is that maid doing?” My uncle asked. 
My mind raced. I’d already exposed my relationship with Amy to Fiona. And while I trusted her to keep it secret, I didn’t want anyone else to know. What could I say? 
“Amy has the mystic gift of object reading,” I answered, watching Fiona and Amy move away from me. “She’s helping us find a lost object. But I’m sorry uncle. I need to go. It’s like she’s sleepwalking and I can’t let her bump into somebody or worse.”
“Wait, what object? Where are you going?” Lynn asked.
“Something. Clothing I lost. Hats. Very nice hats. I want them back. I’m sorry Lynn. They’re getting away from me. I have to go!” 
I scampered off as best I could. Ignoring Lynn calling after me. I caught them as they exited the drawing room and entered the smoking room. The fumes wafted at me like a wall of perfumed death. The walls of the smoking room had been madder red when the paint was new. They had since stained to a dark oxblood from the smoke. My great aunt Cecile looked up from an enormous cigar she had dipped in a cup of brandy. I only recognized her because Lynn showed me the concept art book for Moonlight Hearts. She didn’t appear in the game. She wore a white and cyan sack-back gown. The gown surprised me. Most of the fashion thus far had been from the nineteenth century. The sack-back gown hailed from the eighteenth century. I assumed that the designers were trying to emphasize her age. She wore what looked like a stainless steel chain necklace.
“What’s with the sleepwalker? Isn’t that your maid?” She asked, her voice a testament to the dedication she held to her cigars. 
“Yes, she is my maid.” I nodded. “She’s using her mystic gift to track down a hat I lost.”
Cecile snorted, “You want hats, marry a milliner.”
“I’m gay, Aunt Cecile.”
“So marry a gay milliner, and do the dirty dirty with the maid. This one is cute. Start with her!”
I flinched, “Aunt Cecile, I am so glad she can’t hear you. I’ve managed to convince her I’m not a complete bitch anymore.”
“You’re not? That’s a shame. I always liked your sass. Scare the little buggers and keep them off balance. You should keep some of it, so you don’t get boring.”
I looked as Fiona opened the door from the Smoking Room to the Gray Room, “I’ll take that under advisement Aunt Cecile. I can always be a bitch special for you. But I have to go.”
She cackled at me, “That’s the spirit. Keep people off guessing. Hah! Now you chase that hot little piece of ass!”
I could feel my face heating up. “Not the goal Auntie, but thank you!”
I followed Fiona and Amy and closed the door behind me. The gray room was empty. And so we had a respite. 
“Who was that?” Fiona asked.
“Which one?”
“The one with the cigar.”
“My great aunt. She’s a clairvoyant, and worked as an advisor to Duke Leon’s father years ago.”
“She has the most intimidating aura I have ever seen.”
“You should see her if she ever gets mad.” I answered. 
“About Amy,” Fiona said.
“Careful there,” I answered.
“I can see why you like her. I like her. She is pleasant, compassionate and brave. She is also beautiful. And she is loyal and determined. She is a sweet girl. You both are.”
“I’m twenty one. I’m only seven years younger than you. In the scheme of things that isn’t a lot. Where’s the line between girl and woman?”
“How did you know my age?” Fiona asked.
“I have the gift of precognition, and my cousin was about to meet her suitors.” I said. I still hadn’t actually had a precognitive vision, but it was proving a good excuse to explain my knowledge. 
“Oh indeed. I understand. But I had a point. I understand the attraction to your Amy. And though I worry about the consequences of exposure, I will not ask you to desist in your relationship. With luck, she will become my friend in the long term. And should we marry, I can hire her away from Castle Octavian.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t sure it was fair to call her ‘my’ Amy. But I couldn’t articulate my objection, so I said nothing. 
Then Amy stopped walking. We turned and looked. Amy was standing motionless in front of a small oak door in the back of the gray room. 
Amy’s head straightened up, and she looked around. Turning, she saw us and clapped her hands, “This is it!” 
I nodded, “Apparently it is.”
Amy’s smile faded, “What’s wrong?” 
I pointed, “Look where you stopped.”
Amy turned back around and gasped. She took three steps back, as though the door was going to bite her.
“Oh no.” She whispered.
I nodded, “Yeah, big screaming oh no.”
Fiona looked at us, “Whose study is that?”
I looked at Fiona, “That study belongs to my father.”
Fiona nodded, “Oh no, indeed.”
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hungryhannya · 5 months
I am tempted to inquire by a lot of these titles (I might have to send a separate ask), but I have to push the bhf agenda first and asks for more of, "Death's Door at the count of 10 - Boxing AU" pretty please!! 🥺 👉 👈 💕💕💕
Haha, of course you would! Ty for the ask, I need to get back on this too! Feel free to ask for others too if you would like :D
Boxing AU or Death's Door at the Count of 10 is a modern AU featuring Coach Tardif and his rookie boxer, Damian - while both men lost their way and try to rebuild themselves on their own, both ended up at each other sides. Now they are both on the path to see how long can they last in the cruel world of boxing. It's way easier than fighting eldritch horrors but they still need to pay the bill.
Plan to add other DD characters too, like Margaret and Dismas, with a lot of boxing references. It was slightly inspired by a picture of Damian with a black robe - my mind raced towards "oh this is how he would look like as a boxer", and the story slowly started to form. It's definitely a fun project, hopefully can release sometime soon since first and second chapter only needs some editing. Hope to return to this one in the near future~
Ch1 snippet:
„Okay smartass. Last question: you remember what happened to you?”
The lunatics eyes focused on him. His expression changed to an unnerving smile – full teeth, ear-to-ear, the blood on the lips just adding to the maniac feeling.
„Ah, it was a fun night! It was such a lovely, lovely fight! Ended too soon sadly.” His grin shows off a clipped, no, a missing tooth. There was no blood there, not a recent injury – this wasn’t his first fight ending badly, Tardif guessed.
„Wouldn’t call getting beat up a fun night. You’re lucky they couldn’t take a hit, or you would have been in trouble.”
„Well, good to know a guardian angel showed up for me. Thank you for helping me out.”
Tardifs scoffs. Thats a first. To be fair to him, he was hit multiple times in the head not even an hour ago. He may or may not be concussed.
„So tell me – where did you take me, dear angel?”
Definitely concussed."
And for you Jozzyh, some ch2 (or ch3?) content! (sorry its still pretty rough!)
CW: a lot of swearing for no reason
There in kitchen he saw a tall muscular woman, her red hair tied up in a knot, now having a staring contest with a broken blender. Around her, there were sings of vegetable scraps thrown around – it was hard to determine if it was the cause of the blender or her.
„Good morning to you, Bobo!”
„Go fuck yerself.” The red-headed murmured, barely registering her roommate entering the kitchen. She was still focused on the broken piece before her, clearly lost both the fight and whatever food she was trying to make.
„Bad morning? Did the forces of the universe bend their will to make your life miserable?”
Oh how lucky she would be, he envied.
The woman, Boudica, turned to Damian, her vegetable scraps covered face showing killing intent. Damian always loved being the target of that look, but the forces this time spared him from her righteous anger.
„Blender broke down.”
„How unfortunate. Is this the third time? I hoped it has warmed up to our presence.” the man sighed, scratching his covered wound on his face. It stopped hurting a bit, might actually healed up faster than usually. The itchy feeling was stronger than usual.
„It cant warm up to us if that fucking whore of a woman keep selling me broken down shit.” Boudica swapped Damians hand off his wound way more gentle than her attitude and temper would make you believe she could do. „A good deal she said! I’m gonna strangle her next time i saw her.”
Damian looked over the broken blender, with its blades turning downside, with more cuts on the downside of the blender than the veggies around it. The plastic wrapper outside barely hold unto the base, only remaining still in place since Boudica was still holding it down.
„She can give you your money for it back, right?”
„If she wont, I strangle her even harder.”
She let go of the plastic, which fall down on the counter, some fluid leaving its contains.
The woman let out a low sigh, like a lioness letting out a low growl, seeing how her prey run away from her.
„Fuck it. Soup it is.” she started gathering the vegetable pieces off the counter.
„Want me to cut up the vegetables?”
„Be my fucking guest.”
He helped her clean up the blended out and exploded juices, taking the salvagable part out and into a pot, cleaning the remaining vegetables off the floor.
Boudica started cleaning up some carrots and cucumbers, giving it to Damian to cut them into sizable pieces, a familiar routine started form between them.
„Don't cut your fingers off.”
„No promises.”
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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coffee-in-veins · 1 year
What are your headcanons for DD characters' eyes? We never see them, and as much as it is a hidden gem of a design choice, I've always been curious what other people think of this.
hello hello! o/ thank you for the ask
In fact, I actually do, quite a few of those. I love overanalyzing things, and eyes were a thing I loved poking (figuratively! mostly...) in my characters. I wish naming eye colours wasn't so exhausting, though, because let me tell you it is a mess! It almost feels like everyone tries to outshine the name from another site, so I'll try my best to be descriptive but won't add images because finding proper ones is a doozy.
Please note that mostly I have headcanons for characters used in the fic the most (since most of those headcanons are for writing RRR), and some will be far less thought-through than others.
Abomination/Bigby – dusty green eyes with a bright, yellowish-green shine to them when he transforms or is close to transforming or uses his power; imagine the colour of the veins on his beast form arm's veins.
Antiquarian/Josephine – light, amber eyes, almost the colour of linden honey. Because of them, she looks trustworthy, sweet and approachable, and she knows that. Do with this what you will.
Arbalest/Missandei – light brown eyes with a bit of yellow and a dark limbal ring, which can make them appear black at a glance under a right angle.
Bounty Hunter/Tardif – brown eyes with grey flakes, but very few people ever saw those.
Crusader/Reynauld – bright blue eyes with a steel tint to them and a ring of tiny yellow flakes around the pupil, but those are almost impossible to see from afar.
Flagellant/Damian – striking, pale baby blue eyes which look amazingly out of place on his face and with his stature.
Grave Robber/Audrey – prominent bottle green eyes with a darker ring around the pupils. Prefers dusty-blue clothes to make them look shinier.
Hellion/Boudica – bright, leafy-green eyes with a prominent limbal ring and sparse yellow flakes.
Highwayman/Dismas – dark, almost black, brown eyes with tiny yellowish specks around the pupils, but very few people know about their existence due to him not liking people being close to his face and squinting quite a lot.
Houndmaster/Willam – grey eyes with prominent green flakes, darkening and more green than grey around the pupil.
Jester/Sarmenti – he has incomplete heterochromia; most of his eyes are dark hazel green with sectors of brown in each eye. This was one of the reasons he was forced into the role of a jester, who often had deformities in the middle ages.
Leper/Baldwin – pale brown eyes with milky, hazy pupils due to his deteriorating condition. Used to be brown, maybe with a bit of amber flakes.
Man-at-Arms/Barristan – dark grey eye, paling in colour to the pupil.
Musketeer/Margaret – sapphire blue eyes with hazel flakes around the pupils.
Occultist/Alhazred – dark carob eyes with a greyish ring around the pupil. His eyes probably look dark wine-red/purple if the light falls under a right angle, but that is mostly a result of his Pact.
Plague Doctor/Paracelsus – steel-grey with a prominent, thick dark limbal ring. They appear foggy behind her glasses if she's without her mask.
Shieldbreaker/Amani – dark brown eyes, almost the colour of buckwheat honey, since those are considered the prettiest colour in the part of the world she supposedly is from, and she is 'a beautiful thing' after all.
Vestal/Junia – warm brown hazel eyes with gray flecks which appeared in them after her 'enlightenment'. She believes this was because of her 'rejuvenation' by the Light.
Phew, that was a lot! Hope you liked my ideas ^^ Did they match any of yours?
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comfortcomes · 1 year
wait zach braff trying to make his version of margaret is cracking me up… fuck off dude you’ll never be kenneth lonergan MD PHD Esq DDS
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An aptronym is a name that is aptly suited to its owner’s occupation.
John Tory, leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party
Larry Speakes, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary
Chuck Long and Willie Thrower, NFL quarterbacks
Joe Strummer, guitarist for The Clash
Tiger Woods – a professional golfer
Prince Fielder – a professional baseball player
Martin Short – an actor who is uncommonly short for a male
Sue Yoo, a lawyer at Sullivan & Cromwell
Jeffrey M. Advokat, lawyer in Morristown NJ
Cynthia Houser, realtor in Silver Spring, Md.
William Dement, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford
David Dollar, economist at the World Bank
Dr. Richard Madden, Anger Management, Hudson NY
Alan Heavens, Astronomer, University of Edinburgh
Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education
Ngoc Quang Chu, DDS Bethesda, Md.
Dalbert Fear, Jr., DDS Ann Arbor, Mich.
Ken Hurt, DDS, Albuquerque, N.M.
Kenneth Krowne, DDS, Brookline, Mass.
Les Plack, DDS, San Francisco
Anthony J. Pulier, DDS, Richmond, Va.
Randall Toothaker, DDS, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Barth, Lacy and Craig Toothman, DDS, Columbus, Ohio
Joey Goodspeed, former running back, St. Louis Rams
Quentin Jammer, cornerback for the San Diego Chargers
Dr. Tom Fillar, DDS
Dr. Dick Bone, an osteopath
Patricia Feral, animal rights activist in the Stamford, Connecticut, area
George Hammer, St. Matthews Hardware in Louisville KY
Dr. Beever (vet) and a physician Dr. DeKay, Parsonfield, Maine
Sir Russell Brain, famous English neurologist
Dr. Hertz, DDS, Fort Lauderdale
Roland Cruz, Mechanic
Dr. Aichen, DDS
Dr. Jonathan Terdiman, a gastroenterologist (submitted by another Tumblr)
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djmusicbest · 1 month
Beatport After Hour Essencials April 2024: UK Garage / Bassline
Tumblr media
- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-24 GENRES: UK Garage / Bassline Tracklist : Dampe - Clay Mood II Swing - Closer feat. Carole Sylvan Kizzy - On The Loose TwoStep2 - Drives Me Crazy Sam Deeley - Move On (I'd Like To) Cassiopeia - Long Autumn Luis Bravo - Bruma Howiewonder - Nintendoparty Margaret Danger - Soulfree CESRV - Avisa Harry K - The Way I Feel About You IAN CARRERA - Get Back To Speed Stones Taro - Tales Radical DJ - Time To Shine Vet3ranz - Light of my soul K-Lone - On The Down Low Jubley - Back Then ODF - B-Side Bubbler BWK Project - Tears Harvey Ross - Give You Up Zed Bias - London Town Insectoscope - Huldu Douvelle19 - Shook Philippe Cerveau - Equinox Arfa - Everything DD Soundz - Take Some Time Flatmate - Blood On The Ground DRC1 - SW17 Zefer - Fly On The Wall BWK Project - Love Ya Oculist - Mosaic Chris Quadrant - The Vibe No Nice Things - Got No Love Skyhigh - All You Got 2Sleep - Night Vibes Stillhead - Dropkick Jo Read the full article
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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