#de core podcast
affogonellamarmellata · 4 months
la mia musica potrebbe essere la colonna sonora di metal gear solid
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multiplasidentidades · 3 months
Boyceta é uma identidade transmasculina.
Pessoas transmasculinas são aquelas que foram designadas mulheres ao nascer, mas cujas identidades possuem alguma relação com ser homem e/ou com masculinidade. Boyceta é parte dessa ampla categoria, mas com características específicas que a distingue.
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Uma das características mais notáveis é a aceitação e ressignificação de características sexuais congênitas. Ao contrário de algumas narrativas transmasculinas que buscam a remoção ou alteração de características sexuais consideradas femininas, boycetas escolhem por reconhecer e subverter essas características, transformando esses aspectos corporais como parte de sua masculinidade ou transmasculinidade. Em resumo, aceitam suas bucetas como masculinas; de homens.
No contexto brasileiro, a identidade boyceta tem uma importância cultural e social significativa. Ela oferece uma alternativa às narrativas cisnormativas sobre sexo/gênero, promovendo uma perspectiva mais inclusiva e diversificada da experiência humana. Ao ressignificar características sexuais e desafiar normas estabelecidas, a identidade boyceta abre espaço para uma maior aceitação e compreensão das múltiplas formas de existir.
Como todas as identidades que desafiam o status quo, a identidade boyceta enfrenta uma série de desafios. Ataques e preconceito são realidades frequentes. O rapper Jupi77er concedeu uma entrevista ao podcast "Entre Amigues", e uma das várias pautas discutidas por ele foi sobre sua identidade de gênero em que ele conta sobre ser boyceta. Ao falar sobre sua identidade de gênero como boyceta, ele virou alvo de discursos de ódio e viu seu rosto estampado em perfis de representantes da extrema direita.
O termo boyceta teria surgido oficialmente em 2020, mas veio de processos mais antigos de autorreconhecimento. A autoria da concepção da identidade de gênero é dada a Roberto Chaska Inácio, um boyceta indígena e PCD ligado à cena rap paulistana — o nascimento do termo, inclusive, acontece na Batalha Dominação, um evento protagonizado por pessoas cisdissidentes, que ocorre no centro da capital paulista.
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A bandeira mais popular da identidade boyceta no contexto brasileiro foi criada em 17 de março de 2024 por Key Zimmer. Os significados para as cores da bandeira são azul para representar a transmasculinidade, sendo a transição do azul brilhante para azul claro a conexão entre gênero e corpo físico, destacando a interação entre esses dois aspectos. O rosa simboliza as características; corpo de cada pessoa transmasculina e boyceta, reconhecendo a diversidade e a individualidade dentro dessa identidade. O roxo representa não-binariedade, indicando que a identidade boyceta está além do binário de gênero ocidental.
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A flor de Clitória (de "clitóris") é utilizada como símbolo na bandeira, remetendo ao natural, belo. Como também por conta da associação das flores desta videira com a anatomia de uma vulva. Outro símbolo, que é levemente diferente do símbolo masculino tradicional, evidencia a unicidade e o "arco de possibilidades" que a identidade representa. A escolha da flor Clitória enfatiza a aceitação e subversão das características sexuais congênitas, um dos pilares dessa identidade.
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claudiosuenaga · 1 month
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O que lê o primeiro diretor da AARO do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick?
O que lê o primeiro diretor da AARO do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick? Flying Saucers from Outer Space de Donald Keyhoe, ou talvez The UFO Experience de Josef Allen Hynek, ou ainda Passaporte para Magonia de Jacques Vallée?
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Não sei, mas o que eu sei é que ele lê o nosso coletivo The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, como podemos ver neste frame de uma entrevista no YouTube de 11 de agosto de 2024 concedido a Brian Keating (podcast "Into the Impossible": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUJucfWAGGU),  conforme notou Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos.
Atrás de Kirkpatrick, há uma pequena biblioteca de livros de referência com muitas obras de peso, certamente. Você consegue reconhecer o primeiro volume à direita na prateleira mais baixa? Sim! É o nosso livro The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony!
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Como vocês sabem, tive a honra de ser um dos seletos convidados pelo insigne Ballester Olmos, que foi um dos organizadores e editores deste alentado livro científico-acadêmico junto com o igualmente insigne Richard W. Heiden, a escrever um trabalho sobre a "confiabilidade do testemunho de testemunhas de OVNIs", aspecto crucial das pesquisas ufológicas, já que, na falta de evidências materiais do fenômeno, esta é a fonte primária com que lidamos, a "matéria-prima", digamos assim, a perpassar nossas análises, ainda mais para quem não lida apenas com relatos de "segunda mão", mas os vai colher diretamente com as próprias testemunhas, em por vezes rudes e hostis condições de campo.
Em minha contribuição intitulada "A Objetividade das Testemunhas e a Subjetividade dos Testemunhos" ("The Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testemonies"), procedi a uma análise crítica da base de referência geral do problema OVNI, o testemunho, visto como fonte cultural autêntica e indiscutível, mas que apresenta sérias distorções. Um dos principais pontos por mim questionados foi o valor exato dos depoimentos que formam a base dos relatos e, portanto, do fenômeno OVNI. Procurei dar um tratamento científico adequado a esses dados e fatores relegados a segundo plano pelos ufólogos: os parâmetros subjetivos observacionais, os aspectos perceptivos, a linguagem e o contexto histórico-cultural da testemunha e as variáveis psicossociológicas, ou seja, tudo o que foi depreciativamente chamado de "ruído de fundo", o "refugo sociológico" desprezado em detrimento do "sinal".
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Consulte e tenha sempre à mão, portanto, assim como Sean Kirkpatrick, este que é o primeiro grande livro a enfocar de forma abrangente a discussão e as visões atuais sobre os problemas e desafios apresentados pela confiabilidade dos testemunhos de OVNIs, um compêndio interdisciplinar de artigos de 60 autores de 14 países diferentes.
Este livro de 711 páginas foi lançado online no portal Academia.edu, onde pode ser baixado gratuitamente:
Simultaneamente, a UPIAR Publishing House (Turim, Itália) publicou duas edições impressas em formato A4 de capa mole, uma em preto e branco, outra em cores (ISBN: 9791281441002). O livro pode ser adquirido através deste link:
Saiba mais em meu Patreon aqui: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83281117 e aqui: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83285171
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doverobbie · 6 months
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☀ PENSAMENTOS ALEATÓRIOS ! 6 headcannons sem muito sentido que são 100% verdadeiros ( na minha cabeça ) a respeito da Dove .
Os olhos de Dove possuem um círculo que brilha em dourado ao redor das írises. Como o poder da mulher é lágrimas curativas, a água que lubrifica os olhos também possui a mesma propriedade. Muitas vezes, existem algumas parte dos olhos com pontos dourados, principalmente pela concentração de magia que possui.
Ninguém pode julgar a Robbie (ou talvez possam, na verdade), mas é uma grande fã de true crime, sejam livros ou podcasts. Como uma estudante de neurociência, existe algo único em perceber como funcionam as mentes de pessoas que cometem crimes terríveis, ainda mais quando pensa a respeito do modus operandi. Mas, ei, como nem tudo é dor e sofrimento, ama um bom água com açúcar, viu? Aqueles livros bem duvidosos que só quem gosta é sua mãe de 50 anos.
As unhas de Dove sempre estão perfeitamente feitas com as diferentes artes que a Robbie viu em algum momento no Pinterest. Adora explorar tamanhos e formatos, assim como estilos de artes diversas. Quando estava entediada durante a faculdade, a filha de Apolo decidiu fazer um curso de nail art aleatoriamente e, desde então, faz as próprias unhas.
Os sabores favoritos dela sempre são os mais exóticos possíveis. Gosta sempre de experimentar coisas novas, tanto que o seu sorvete favorito é o de banana, então sempre está se aventurando em mundos gastronômicos diversos. Quando era pequena, adorava colocar diferentes tipos de pimenta em sua comida, mesmo que fossem muito picantes. Para a Dove, isso nunca foi um problema, já que significava que estava descobrindo um novo sabor. Até os dias de hoje, só consegue comer uma comida se tiver um sabor muito marcante.
Toda mulher inteligente também tem as suas futilidades. No caso de Dove, são muitas. Adora planejar as suas roupas para que estejam impecáveis e o seu estilo geralmente é composto por cores claras, mas variam entre várias. Quando não está muito criativa, volta para o cottagecore, principalmente porque faz com que lembre da sua vida antiga no interior do Texas.
Mesmo que tenha sido criada sem nenhuma história com a cultura tailandesa, principalmente por ter sido adotada, Dove tenta recuperar um pouco por conta da sua ancestralidade, principalmente em questões de comportamento e também na alimentação.
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Some of the leading academics pushing for mandatory ethnics studies courses are ardent anti-Zionists.
Christine Hong, chair of the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies department at UC Santa Cruz, co-chairs the UC Academic Senate working group developing the admissions proposal. She recently co-founded the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ), which declares on its website that Zionism is a “colonial racial project” and that Israel is a “settler colonial state.”
“The information provided above makes it crystal clear that the UC faculty driving the ethnic studies admission requirement proposal view opposition to Zionism and activism to harm the Jewish state and its supporters as core components of their ethnic studies discipline,” this week’s letter to the UC board states. “They promote antisemitic stereotypes of Jews and the Jewish state and encouragement to antisemitic activism as ‘part and parcel’ of ethnic studies courses at the University of California and beyond.”
Last month, Hong argued during a podcast interview that ethnic studies should teach “the extraordinary violence of Zionism, the settler colonial violence, [and] the militarism that is inflicted on Palestine and Palestinian people.” She added that “a critique of Zionism is part and parcel of the field of [ethnic studies].”
In the same interview, ICSZ’s co-founder Emmaia Gelman said academics should “tie [Zionism] to this much larger Western supremacy and white supremacy” and “de-link the study of Zionism from Jewish studies.”
Hong is also organizing ICSZ’s first conference next month — part of which will take place at UC Santa Cruz — titled “Battling the ‘IHRA Definition’: Theory and Practice.”
The conference will focus on combating the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which has been widely accepted by Jewish groups and well over 1,000 global entities, from countries to companies. Beyond classic antisemitic behavior associated with the likes of the medieval period and Nazi Germany, the examples include denial of the Holocaust and newer forms of antisemitism targeting Israel such as demonizing the Jewish state, denying its right to exist, and holding it to standards not expected of any other democratic state.
Critics argue that applying double standards to Israel and opposing Israel’s continuation as the nation-state of the Jewish people may not necessarily be antisemitic, creating tighter standards around when anti-Israel speech and activity is antisemitic.
In this week’s letter, the nearly 100 organizations said the ethnic studies admissions requirement’s ideological roots make it “an outrage” and “both wrong and highly dangerous.”
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i've listened to A LOT of podcasts and here are some not on your master list yet:
YKS Your Kickstarter Sucks, and Howell Dawdy's Fast Track (in the extended bigsofttitty universe)
Nymphowars, Straightiolab
Baby Geniuses, POOG
Unexplained *with Richard Mclaine Smith, Otherworld, Radio Rental, Spooked (by Snap Judgement)
ADDitude and Food Psych
Higher Learning with Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay
Queens of Adventure, 3 Black Halflings and Dark Dice
Gaylords of Darkness, Faculty of Horror, Switchblade Sisters, Horror Queers, and Girls, Guts and Giallo
White Lies and S-town (very Alabama-core)
My Momma told Me (part of the Why Won't You Date Me/Scam Goddess EU)
The History of Rome
In Our Headphones, The Runcast, El Cancionero de Kurt
Todo Chido, Everything's Cool
The Toni and Ryan Podcast (tumblr would love these two)
Lost Women of Science, The History Chicks and The Curious History of your Home, The Art History Babes
Nice White Parents
Added to the list!
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newmusickarl · 6 months
5-9’s Album of the Month Podcast – now on YouTube with our latest episode out now!
It’s an exciting new era for the 5-9 Album of the Month podcast, as we have just launched our official YouTube channel! Each month, we will publishing the latest full podcast episode as well as individual album reviews and our monthly highlights outside of the albums discussed. To explore all our video content so far, including our January and February episodes, you can find our new YouTube channel here. And please, be sure to like and subscribe!
For those new here, the 5-9 Album of the Month Podcast is where I take a seat alongside 5-9 Editor Andrew Belt and Check This Out’s Kiley Larsen to review five high profile album releases from the past month in music, and ultimately name one as our Album of the Month at the end of the discussion. On the Spotify version, we also have some insightful background information to each album from Blinded By The Floodlight’s Matthew McMcLister and you can also hear our picks of the best songs from each record!
For our February 2024 episode, the five albums we discuss are:
Girl With No Face by Allie X
Phasor by Helado Negro
Prelude To Ecstasy by The Last Dinner Party
Loss of Life by MGMT
If you want to listen to this or any previous episodes simply follow the links below, but also be sure to follow 5-9 Blog on Instagram, Twitter and now YouTube for more news and polls relating to the podcast.
Listen to the new episode on Spotify here
Watch the latest episode on YouTube here
Choose which album joins our April 2024 lineup by voting in our poll here
Album & EP Recommendations
Filthy Underneath by Nadine Shah
Whilst everyone was going through their own personal turmoil during the last few years, much revered musician Nadine Shah was going through a particularly tumultuous time. Not long after releasing her 2020 album Kitchen Sink, Nadine would tragically lose her cancer-stricken mother during the height of the COVID-pandemic. Locked in isolation with her grief, Nadine entered a downward spiral that would play out over the next two years, with heavy substance abuse leading to depression, divorce and even an attempt to take her own life in 2022. Thankfully Nadine survived, agreeing to enter rehab where she would get the help and support she desperately needed.
Now out of rehab, substance-free and most importantly finding her happiness again, Nadine has returned with a new album that is just an absolute tour de force from beginning to end. Playing out almost like a cathartic exorcism of all the demons that have plagued her the last few years, Filthy Underneath is the sound of Nadine laying everything bare for the listener. Brutally raw, deeply personal and gracefully honest, the heavy lyrical inspiration for each track is carefully balanced with liberating, synth-drenched and rhythmic instrumentation, with the live-sounding production adding a theatrical touch to proceedings too.
While it’s an album best experienced as a complete work from start to finish, there are a few standout moments here. None more so than Greatest Dancer, a song where Nadine recalls getting high on her mum’s prescription medicine in front of an episode of Strictly Come Dancing, with pulsating synths reverberating and tribal drums pounding away as she recounts her feelings in that moment. Sad Lads Anonymous is another high point, a poetic spoken word confessional that sees Nadine describe her woes to a work experience kid in an awards show bathroom. Both these tracks present the whole album as a microcosm, filled with sounds that draw you in and make you want to dance, whilst the stories at the core are quite dark and harrowing. It all eventually culminates in the album’s hardest moment, French Exit, an ominously tense track on which Nadine openly confronts her suicide attempt. It’s a truly devastating end to an utterly enthralling record.
It’s no secret that often the darkest times can produce the greatest art. Filthy Underneath is a testament to that, with Nadine bravely and openly sharing her story as both a lesson to others but also, no doubt, her own personal catharsis. Shocking and upsetting at points yet always refreshingly honest and completely captivating, this is without a doubt one of the best albums of the year so far.
Watch the video for Greatest Dancer here
Listen to the full album here
Bleachers by Bleachers
As a producer, Jack Antonoff is partly responsible for some of my favourite records in recent years, working his magic on career-best efforts from the likes of St. Vincent, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, The 1975 and, of course, Taylor Swift. It’s strange then that up until now, his own band Bleachers haven’t done much for me. Instead, Antonoff has been more engaging musically to me when he’s working in the studio behind the scenes than performing out in front. However with this new self-titled effort, their first on new label Dirty Hit, Bleachers might be starting to finally win me over.
Let me start with the caveat that admittedly there’s not too much originality to this record. At every turn Bleachers evoke other bands with their nostalgic brand of indie-pop, with their inspirations also offering up more than they do here. Bruce Springsteen is the constant comparison of course, but shades of some of Antonoff’s recent collaborators like The 1975, The National and even Bon Iver also come through strong, which maybe isn’t surprising given both Matty Healy and Aaron Dessner appear on tracks here. The good news for Bleachers though – I love all of those bands/artists. So whilst it may not reinvent the wheel, I actually find myself drawn to the warm, familiar sounds put forward on this record.
The other big selling point of this album though as just mentioned – the collaborators. Antonoff has gone through his phone book and lined up an exceptional list of guest features who lend their talents to this album, which in addition to Matty Healy and Aaron Dessner include Lana Del Rey, Kevin Abstract, Florence Welch, Annie Clark, Clairo, Bartees Strange and more. It makes for an album filled with highlights, including all four singles (Modern Girl, Alma Mater, Tiny Moves, Me Before You) and a stellar back-end run of Call Me After Midnight, We Are Going To Know Each Other Forever and Ordinary Heaven.
So, whilst it may not win any originality prizes, this is an album I’ve had in heavy rotation since its release. With catchy hooks, groovy guitars and a smattering of saxophone, give it a chance and you may find yourself taken with Bleachers’ self-titled too.
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Beholder by The Blinders
It is sadly becoming all too frequent. Last month I wrote about nothing, nowhere’s financial pressures when writing and releasing new music as an independent artist and it seems Manchester indie outfit The Blinders are in a similar boat. Shortly after the release of this their third album, The Blinders released a statement to say that they were cancelling their EU tour and taking a step back from the band following the conclusion of their UK tour. It is the sad times we live in unfortunately, where independent artists and music venues are struggling more than ever to make a living, whilst the bigger artists and musical organisations just stand by and watch everything else collapse.
Hopefully the tide in the musical landscape will turn soon, but indeed if this is to be the last Blinders record, they couldn’t have asked for a better final outing. With hazy psychedelic guitar passages and passionate vocal cries from frontman Thomas Haywood, there’s rarely a dull moment across the 39-minute runtime. There’s also some of the bands very best moments too, with the likes of While I’m Still Young, Always, Nocturnal Skies and Swallowing Static all standing out.
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Songs That Aren’t Mine by Matt Maltese
Having delivered one of my favourite 50 albums of last year with Driving Just To Drive, singer-songwriter Matt Maltese has wasted little time in delivering this follow-up project. However rather than all new material, Matt’s decided to take on a different challenge by serving up this intriguing covers album. Taking on much-loved classics from various eras, Matt very much puts his own stamp on the songs chosen here, turning each of them into timeless, melancholic swoons. With his selection including songs from Neil Young, Bob Marley, T-Rex, Prince, Belle & Sebastien, Avril Lavigne, Sixpence None The Richer & more, his unique takes breathe fresh new life into these well-established tunes.
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Fantasies EP by Bombay Bicycle Club
A band that just don’t seem to miss, indie-heroes Bombay Bicycle Club have followed-up their much-acclaimed sixth album, 2023’s My Big Day, with this fantastic new four-track EP. Very much keeping the collaborative spirit of that record alive, each track features a female guest vocalist to compliment Jack Steadman’s signature vocals, with the wonderful Matlida Mann, Liz Lawrence, Lucy Rose and Rae Morris all appearing on a track each here. My personal favourite is Better Now with Rae Morris but if you’re a Bombay fan like me, then you’re sure to enjoy this short-but-sweet companion piece to My Big Day.
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Work In Progress EP by Holly Humberstone
Having finally released her debut album Paint My Bedroom Black last year, Lincolnshire singer-songwriter Holly Humberstone is already back with more new music, with this new EP’s arrival coinciding with her current UK tour. Forged out of unfinished tracks left on her notes app, Holly has taken the time to complete her favourite demos that didn’t make the cut for her previous EPs and debut album. Anthemic recent single Dive is still a highlight, but the spacey stripped-back title track, the saxophone-backed Down Swinging and the simply stunning Easy Tiger all hugely impress too.
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Also worth checking out:, BLUE LIPS by ScHoolboy Q, How To Make A Master Peace by Master Peace, Daniel by Real Estate, The Past Is Still Alive by Hurray For the Riff Raff, Chorus by Mildlife, A Mirror Brightly by Geographer
Tracks of the Week
Broken Man by St. Vincent
The year is heating up in terms of new releases and in the last few weeks, we got news that the ever-amazing Annie Clark would be dropping her seventh solo record next month. Titled All Born Screaming, the first taste of the record is this absolute ripper of a single, filled with electrifying industrial rock and featuring none other than Dave Grohl. We’ll be reviewing the album for our April podcast and I personally can’t wait!
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Wild God by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Another big artist with a new album on the way, Australian rock legends Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds will release their 18th (yes 18th!) studio album this August. The first single is the title track and Nick Cave’s claims that the band are “happy” this time around seem legit, as Wild God is as joyous as they’ve sounded in years.
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Our World by James
Also due to release their 18th studio album this year, Mancunian indie legends James are preparing to drop their new album Yummy next month. Whilst I wasn’t completely taken with the first single, Our World is James at their best. Boasting an infectious pop groove but with a powerful political message at its heart, it’s succeeded in getting me excited for their next opus.
Watch the lyric video here
The Dream of Delphi by Bat For Lashes
Due to release her sixth studio album in May, which is also her first in five years, Natasha Khan AKA Bat For Lashes is back. Revealing her new record’s title track, it is a typically mystical composition anchored around her ever-stunning vocals. Welcome back!
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A Dream Is All I Know by The Lemon Twigs
Having been named our Album of the Month in May last year, the D’Addario brothers are planning a repeat in 2024, with their fifth studio album A Dream Is All I Know due for release this May. The singles for the record so far have been great but this title track is the best yet, filled with their trademark harmonies and vintage rock riffs.
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Passing Judgment by Been Stellar
Having caught them live this month supporting The 1975 on their current EU tour, its safe to say the buzz around Been Stellar is justified. Drawing shades to other NYC indie outfits The Strokes and Interpol, their upcoming debut is aptly titled Scream from New York, NY and if lead single Passing Judgment is anything to go by, it could end up being one of the debuts of the year.
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Mirror Muscles by SOFT PLAY
It’s great to have SOFT PLAY, the duo formerly known as SLAVES, back making music. Having released Punk’s Dead last year which ended up being one of my songs of 2023, you get the sense a new album is on the way and, based off these two singles, it may just be their best yet. New single Mirror Muscles is the one that adds further weight to that claim, boasting some monster riffs and lyrics that take digs at vanity gym goers, it’s sure to go down a storm this coming festival season.
Listen here
Monkey In The Middle by Marseille
And finally this week we have an up-and-coming indie outfit from Derby - Marseille. Influenced by the 90s Madchester scene, their singles up to this point have drawn comparisons to The Stone Roses and Monkey In The Middle is no different, thanks to its sprawling, psychedelic guitar passages. With some particularly scintillating riffs in the back end that would leave even John Squire himself impressed, Marseille are most certainly a band to watch going forward.
Listen here  
Also worth checking out: Gears by Divorce, Change Shapes by Lauren Mayberry, Pull The Rope by Ibibio Sound Machine, What A Devastating Turn of Events by Rachel Chinouriri, Makes Me Violent by Bob Vylan, New World Flow by Joe Goddard & Fiorious, You Make Me Feel So Dumb by Walt Disco
REMINDER: If you use Apple Music, you can also keep up-to-date with all my favourite 2024 tracks through my Best of 2024 playlist. Constantly updated throughout the year with songs I enjoy, it is then finalised into a Top 100 Songs of the Year in December.
Add the Best of 2024 playlist to your library here
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sprintingowl · 2 years
Pasion De Las Pasiones
Pasion De Las Pasiones is a tabletop telenovela roleplaying game (ttrpg), and it's super good.
Tone-wise, Pasiones is dramatic, passionate, and silly. You take on the roles of telenovela archetypes and pick up from a season already in progress, trying to guide your characters towards their objectives.
Also you play the roles of an audience that is watching this show from their couches at home.
Pasiones is built on the PbtA engine (Monsterhearts, Masks, Nahual,) which emphasizes simple, meaningful choices.
One of these choices, from a design perspective, is not to track HP, wounds, or the like. When something hurts you in Pasiones, you take an emotional state. And when you're full up on emotional states you have a meltdown and act impulsively.
Think of it as a pre-loaded critical fail, except instead of setting back your progress it shoves you forward into more drama.
The Playbooks all have different emotional states that they can mark, and on the flipside they have core Questions that show when they're in a position of power. For example, El Gemelo (the twin) gets a bonus on rolls whenever they can answer yes to "are you taking advantage of your twin's reputation?"
The game's art and layout are simple and direct, with lightly accentuated photos on most page spreads. It's a look that works for Pasiones, and it compliments game's cheesy-but-sincere-and-intense atmosphere.
In terms of useability, this book does an excellent job of teaching you how to play rpgs, and about telenovelas, and how to find the most drama in any given scene. If you've played even one rpg before, you won't be lost. And if this is your first rpg, the book will get you up to speed really quick.
As far as GM utilities go, there's scenarios included, but PbtA games are so "yes and..." driven that they don't tend to need much prep.
Overall, if you're looking for something lavish, indulgent, and dramatic---and especially if you're looking for something to play for an AP or a podcast---I strongly recommend checking out Pasion De Las Pasiones.
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hawktrainer · 1 year
Evolutionary orientation
When I was a kid my father seemed to have a fascination with human evolution and ancient peoples. I remember he read Donald Johanson’s book “Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind” and excitedly talked about it each night at the dinner table for several nights in a row. We took several trips to the Southwestern US to visit Ancestral Pueblan sites, like Mesa Verde, Canyon de Chelly, etc. We was a geologist for the petroleum industry and I think from that he gleaned an interest in fossils, the history found in rocks, and the amazing ways that humans had inhabited the rock formations on the Southwestern desert of the US.
I had always had a deep interest in how everything around me came into being, but especially anything human-made, so there was certainly an overlap between his interests and my own, and I his excitement impressed upon and transferred to me in a lot of ways. During my teens and much of my 20′s my interest was more in socializing and other things, but my work with coiled basketry and cotton rope rekindled my interest in human evolution in my early 30′s. I understood, or at least had some strong hunch, that the roots of the techniques and materials I was using were quite ancient, and I wanted to get an idea of just how ancient. Quick spoiler alert: we have no real answer, but some of the most current evidence goes back around 50,00 years ago. 
While making that type of work I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts and audiobooks, and gravitated toward science, and nonfiction in general. Carl Sagan’s books and Cosmos series helped me to get an understanding of Deep Time, Big History, and Deep History. These concepts profoundly effected my understanding of everything, and will continue to give me goose bumps and shake me to my core.
Later, in 2014 or 2015, I read Yuval Harari’s Sapiens, after reading Jared Diamond’s The Third Chimpanzee the preceding year. These really lit a fire in me. My knowledge of human evolution had been quite basic, something like the deeply flawed popular 1965 illustration, “March of Progress”. I now see that most people, if they believe in evolution at all, also seem to carry this basic understanding of human evolution, and of evolution in general, which is unfortunate. Anyhow, reading those books introduced me to the idea that not only had numerous other humans species existed (as the genus Homo), but several of them existed concurrently with us (homo sapiens) for many thousands of years.
So, over the last 10 years I have read at least a couple dozen books, and watched countless documentaries and videos around this topic. I can’t seem to get enough of the subject, and have been seriously considering getting another degree in anthropology, though I’m quite hesitant. Through all this reading there have been many changes in my perspective human culture/behavior, past and present. There’s obviously an infinite amount to talk about on the subject (literally, as there will never be “answers”), but one thing has been on my mind a lot lately, enough to take the time to write this.
In speaking and writing about evolution, there is often (maybe even mostly) usage of words/phrases that imply either an intentionality or the sense of being consciously directed by a force/deity/higher power. Perhaps more often, words are used that imply something happened instantly. Of course this appears in most of the articles and videos in mass-media related to evolution, but I’ve noticed in many books written by experts in biology, anthropology, sociology,  and other related sciences. It always irks me because it seems to undermine the very idea of evolution, and thwarts much of the effort to educate people about evolution. Some examples of these types of words often used to describe evolutionary phenomena, which I find to be problematic: 
-strategy (like an animal has an evolutionary “strategy” for survival) -tool (used much like “strategy”) -design (obviously implying some intentional shaping my an outside force or conscious internal force) -created (used in a way that implies active, intentional creation) -suddenly (this is often used in a way that implies things appeared within one generation of even a few years; or that they appeared one time in one place) -missing link (lots of writing about why this is incorrect) -using the word “developed” or phrase “came up with” in reference to some biological feature in a way that implies that an animal or group of animals consciously decided to change their genes. -first (as in “the first neanderthal”, the “first dinosaurs”)
If you watch or read anything about evolution try to notice this type of language. You will probably find that it is everywhere. Even when an author is trying to be careful to be accurate, they’re often thwarted by the same pitfalls in thinking about evolution and the nature of how everything came to be as it is. Evolution happens very slowly, over many generations. Genetics and archeology have shown us that there is no purity of species- that all living things are an incredibly complex and always changing blend of ingredients from many sources, and those sources were also all incredibly complex blends. There was no “first” Neanderthal, or dog, etc. What we have defined as a species came about through a gradual series of changes over a very long period of time. Its not like suddenly a Homo Habilis female one day gave birth to a baby Homo Erectus.   Evolution is also basically random and chaotic. The biological traits and behavior of living things were not designed, strategized, or created, given tools, or given abilities. Those traits and behaviors developed randomly over many generations, through the chaos of time and nature. Traits also tend to fade in and out multiple times, very gradually, across time and geography, blending together in complex ways. Furthermore, changes in traits and behaviors brought about by human intervention (such as the many breeds of dogs, or different types of tomatoes for example) are not considered natural evolution. Those are referred to as “artificial evolution” or “selective breeding”, but are often confused with the process of evolution.
Beyond this, there’s a general attitude that evolution = improvement. This seems to arrive from the old idea of evolution as “survival of the fittest”, which sees evolution as a process of “weeding out” species that aren’t well-enough adapted to pressures in their environment. This implies that evolution is a process of optimization, and that the current/latest form of the species is the “best” or most finely adapted or perfected to their specific environment. We don’t have to look much further than our own homo sapiens bodies to see that this isn’t the case. Our bipedalism introduces so many potential orthopedic problems, causes us to move quite slowly, etc., that if evolution were a process of optimization our skeletons and musculature would be very different. 
I’m not a writer, so I’m sure there are many weakness in how I’ve tried to make these points, but in general I hope the idea is getting across. I’m also not an evolutionary biologist - so I’m sure some of what I’ve written is incorrect in a number of ways. There’s so much more to say about this topic, though, and maybe I’ll expand upon this in the future. Learning about evolution has taught me as much about how humans currently tend to, or want to think about and explain the world than how the world actually is/was. My issues with this says a lot about me specifically, perhaps - how my brain works, my insecurities and fears, etc.
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affogonellamarmellata · 5 months
procedendo a basare la mia intera personalità sulla puntata podcast di diodato a De Core
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Audio Mystery Theatre brings you mysteries which are dark, edgy, retro and pulpy... but with a modern twist.
If you’re not familiar with Felix Stone yet, then why not get to know him now before the new series comes out. In fact, why not listen to all new A.M.T mysteries. See the blurbs below.
1950’s London. Felix Stone, an openly gay P.I, is approached by a mysterious woman who pays him to shadow her husband. What at first seems like a run of the mill adultery case, soon turns out to be much more serious. When the people involved in the case suddenly start dying around him, Felix finds himself embroiled in the world of cold war espionage and his life is put in danger.
1949. The East End of London is still recovering from the blitz. Fitzgerald O’Sullivan is a young man with romantic notions of living like an impoverished writer. In an attempt to escape his past, he abandons his life of privilege and rents a room in the East End. There he meets Roy Parker, a chirpy Cockney with a working-class charm. Roy asks Fitz to write a story about how he saved the lives of two Jewish ladies during the war.  What follows is a far-fetched tale filled with lies and exaggerations. This is a noir thriller where nothing is what it seems. A dark tale of love, bitterness and vengeance set in the chaotic aftermath of the Second World War.
The year is 1888. ​Detective Sergeant John Billings has been sent to a remote house in the Yorkshire Moors to investigate the suspicious death of Roger Thornton, a young man who seemed to have everything to live for. He gets a frosty reception from the lady of the house and her rag-tag collection of domestic staff who try to put him off the scent, but as Billings delves deeper into their lives, he uncovers hidden passions, bitter rivalries and a truth so dark and sinister, it will shock you to the core. Fusing Gothic romanticism and fin-de-siecle melodrama, 'Death Takes A Lover' is a chilling entry into a world which some may not want to enter, but if you do, don't say you haven't been warned...
The easiest way to find this show on your favourite podcast provider, is by clicking on the link below, and check out the icons above.
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charliepopmusicblog · 2 years
Yungblud and his activism
My project will be about the artist Yungblud. The main object will be about his activism through his songs and how he shows up when events shake the world.
My keys questions will be: how is Yungblud an activist? How is he connectiong with his audience through this activism? What are the core issues he advocates for?
My primary sources are going to be:
his songs -> found on Youtube : YUNGBLUD - YouTube -> 'Machine Gun' / 'Polygraph Eyes' etc...
interviews -> by Spotify / Independant.ie/ NPR
Twitter (fans' reactions/ Yungblud's publications)
Recorded interviews (on Tik Tok/ Youtube...) -> from the BBC/ Vibe Kultur
Podcasts -> Authenticity with Yungblud - The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet | Podcast sur Spotify
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legiongamerrd · 2 years
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#Gamefemerides Hace 23 años se lanzó Dead Or Alive 2. Es un juego de peleas de la serie DEAD OR ALIVE, desarrollado por @teamninjastudio y publicado por Tecmo (@koeitecmous ). Debutó en Arcades, y fue luego lanzado en @sega Dreamcast (la versión que conmemoramos) y @playstation 2 al año siguiente. Varias ediciones mejoradas fueron lanzadas, incluyendo Dead Or Alive 2 Hardcore y Dead Or Alive 2 Hard*Core. #LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Tecmo #DeadOrAlive #DeadOrAlive2 #DOA2 #SEGA #SEGADreamcast #PlayStation #PS2 #Xbox #Peleas #Multijugador https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNaBB1oGH7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superspy2222 · 2 years
(tener en cuenta esto para armar outfits para podcast o photoshoots)
I learnt how to be a lady
nuestra señora del carmen
miss magic jesus
cantos militares
terrorismo 90s
baila baila princesita
el tatuaje de la rosa azul en la barriga
piledriver waltz
bromas que matan
I made you and I can destroy you just as easy
violet, new name
me como a mi
tratame suavemente
tatuado alejo en la planta del pie
alice, a stripper
vestido azul
flores amarillas
dance with me the gallowdance
the toxicity of our city
how do you own disorder?
you could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me?
a little peace of heaven
zapatos rojos
me como a mi
tratame suavemente
tatuado alejo en la planta del pie
daniela suicidandose dsps de perder el pageont
Lizzy grant
“Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer”
“Prison isn't going to keep me from you”
zapatos dorados, sombrero rosado, labios rojos
limusina negra
seul national university
💗 avenged sevenfold
a little piece of heaven
cause a really always knew that my little crime would be cold thats what a get a heater for your thighs
jenny humphrey
lonely boy
lipstick longs longer but gloss is more fun
fantasia pop
mia colucci
elite way school
the ballad of the sexual dependency
por la musica olvide que yo era la unica
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karaokulta · 19 days
🎮 ¡La reinvención está en el aire de Riot Games! 🎶 Así es, estimados colegas y aficionados del gaming y la innovación, la noticia está fresca como la estrategia de un buen e-sport: Riot Games da un giro estratégico y pone a prueba su flexibilidad corporativa integrando sus sectores de esports, música y publicaciones creativas. 🚀 John Needham, nuestra estrella en ascenso y veterano de la industria, ahora navegará como presidente de publicaciones y esports. Su misión: Forjar experiencias integradas que, sin duda, redefinirán la interacción entre estos universos convergentes. Aquí van mis predicciones llenas de especias y anticipación: - Vamos a presenciar **eventos híbridos** donde los campeonatos serán también conciertos y galerías artísticas. - **Colaboraciones musicales** serán la norma, con soundtracks que no solo ambientarán juegos sino que impactarán en las listas de éxitos. - Ya me veo escuchando **podcasts** y viendo series animadas que expandirán el lore de nuestros títulos favoritos más allá de la pantalla. 🕹️ Imaginemos la sinergia que esto puede crear: esports al ritmo del aire de nuestras canciones favoritas, o descubrir novelas gráficas que narran las épicas hazañas de campeones virtuales. ☝️✨ La clave será cómo Needham & Co. mantendrán la esencia core de Riot al mezclar y agitar estos ingredientes. Tras su paso por Lionhead y como CEO de Cryptic Studios, si alguien sabe de navegar las aguas turbulentas de la innovación, amigos, ese es John. Así que, ¿listos para subirse a esta montaña rusa de esports y entretenimiento? Emocionados, inquietos o simplemente curiosos, les invito a compartir sus propias predicciones y comentarios. Y, por supuesto, etiqueten a esos amig@s que estarían entusiasmados con estas noticias. A divertirse y fantasear con lo que nos depara el futuro: #RiotGames #Esports #InnovaciónEnGaming #LiderazgoCreativo #JohnNeedham 🎉🔥 👀¿Qué crees que nos espera con la nueva estrategia de integración de Riot? ¡Suban sus apuestas en los comentarios!✍️
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bnavmo · 2 months
the self-aware
romantic love is capitalism's greatest achievement
and you can totally agree or be in disagreement
and the news are fake, they feed us on concealment
they pretend to care, but ultimately cause mistreatment
breaking generational curses
they're as heavy as this verse is
burying down lineage and churches
suddenly everything here reverses
don't wanna take a guess
just wanna get it done fast
and don't wanna be the best
as long as i'm not damn last
you said i'm always making everything about me
and i get it, but it's not that i don't feel empathy
it's just that sometimes my brain can't comprehend your emotions
and you expect me to cease your storms and match your explosions
but let me explain something to you
there's no shared relationship, there's me and then there's you
two different realities, you're red and i am blue
and it may sound harsh, but accepting it is all we can do
cause we get so carried away by the emotional
that we forget about the logical
yes, we're so engrained in the behavioral
that we don't realize this is all perceptional
conozco bien lo que es sentirse fuera de lugar
gravitar hacia lo desconocido y perderse en el mar
y me encantan esos vientos que me arrastran y toman el control
pero tu instinto te traiciona y te dice que voy a causarte dolor
pero no los escuchas, no les prestas atención
porque mi cuerpo es arte puro, mucha musa y sutil seducción
y no puedes decir que no, te dañas solito y causas tu perdición
te lo juro, i'm nice, i promise
i'm just direct and too honest
and you may hear deafening noise or maybe a fresh melody
cause i don't care who you are, i'll always match your energy
broadcast, podcast
true becomes what i cast
just present, no past
freely dances the outcast
self-control as a moral system
all these lessons give me wisdom
the people from my past, i don't miss 'em
the pain and the suffering, i ain't miss 'em
living is pretending
and pretending is an art
art is never-ending,
utterly complex and dark
see my reflection on the mirror
i never looked this good before
i'm feeling myself, true to my core
is this what it feels like to be a whore?
la vida no se trata de alcanzar un estándar de felicidad
se trata de acoger las partes rotas y verlas como una oportunidad
para sanar y evolucionar, para aceptar las fallas en nuestra identidad
para debilitar el ego y aumentar la humildad
la vida no es más que una experiencia que moldeamos según percibamos la realidad
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