#dean loves easily and he loves hard. we know that. he craved a home and we know that too.
eileenguy · 1 year
pls tell us ur prequelcrit opinions btw
ANON IM SO FUCKING SORRY THEY DELETED YOU OH MY GOD. anyways here's the answer under the cut that i had to rewrite in its entirety<3
so um. this must feel very weird because it was just announced that the prequel was cancelled by the CW so i rlly don't think me airing my problems with it remains fruitful but STILL. as a marygirl and johncrit/john-understander AND frequent participant of toxic tragic maryjohn """"shipping"""" i have to say (as someone who has not watched this show keep that in mind pls this is just from what i have seen on the dash). it's very weird that the writers and producers decided to focus on how dean's feelings must be hurt and on dean's need for a hashtag apple pie normal happy domestic home life and dean's closure and ignored basically everything about the actual mary and john.
i thought it was very disrespectful to mary in particular, who had to marry a man she despised (and vice-versa on his part) because of divine manipulation from heaven. one thing about mary's story was that she did not want to be a hunter in the end and that she craved safety for her and her loved ones instead of the dangers for hunting. despite this she could never get out of the hunting life because her destiny was to be used as a pawn in the celestial game leading upto the apocalypse and the end of the world which like! fucking sucks! and she loved her children and probably also her husband (how much of the latter was genuine and not the aforementioned celestial fuckery we'll never know) but that doesn't mean her life and marriage were happy or normal.
john as well. he was forced to fall in love with a person he "couldn't stand" due to higher forces orchestrating it since the beginning of humankind apparently. but unlike mary he didn't stop believing in his destiny. before her death we know that mary was considering divorce but we don't know if john felt the same. what we do know is that immediately after her death he spiralled so hard that he decided to risk him and his children's lives to seek revenge against her murderers, which unfortunately led to him discovering hunting and raising his kids up to be hunters, which is the only thing mary didn't want. infact, ending this cycle of hunting was the main reason she made sure he remained ignorant of hunting and her past life as a hunter. and we know that instead of doing any of this, john could've easily talked with mary's ghost (see 1x09) and consulted with her on how to parent their kids, or heck, even just straight up ASKED her who her killer was, but he didn't. because talking with mary would mean having to talk about their cringefail marriage and life together. he held up an ideal of her as the perfect wife and their relationship as the perfect marriage, and he sacrificed his life and his sons' lives at this fake altar. (keep in mind, it is very IMPORTANT to his character that he does not know shit about hunting before mary's death)
mary also does this, in a way, when after being brainwashed by the bmol (boooo!) she retreats into a mental fantasy where she's younger, dean is a toddler and sammy's an infant and refuses to "look at" the older dean who repeatedly asks her to see him and hear him. tellingly, john isn't a part of this fantasy.
so obviously all of this affected dean. knowing that your father would rather choose a life of danger and uncertainty over a healthy and safe childhood for you and your brother, knowing that him and your mother never "truly" loved each other, knowing that their marriage was on the verge of ending before your mother's death all fucking sucks. knowing that because you turned out leading the life you mother did not want for you to have, having your mother come back after so many years but she's about a decade younger than you and would rather go back to what's known and comforting to her (i.e. hunting) over parenting your adult ass and confronting her new reality has also got to suck. after being traumatised and put in harm's way his entire childhood and early adulthood by his father, who was acting in the interest of protecting the perfect made-up ideal of his angelic mother and their perfect life before her death, he was even denied the closure of having a mother and regaining that type of life when she was actually present for it.
this absolutely does not mean we should write and produce shows where dean's form of "closure" is travelling the multiverse (you will NEVER be spiderverse etc etc), finding a perfect reality that exists where we retcon his parents as better people who DID love each other, actually, and they ALSO had brown and queer friends and they were like, totally cool with that, and the impala is a time travelling car now. maryjohn is not a love story. it is a tragedy. it is a horror story. it can even be a fucking comedy if you think about how absurd it all is, but it is NEVER a normal happy romance.
they fundamentally cannot end up together and be happy about it. and you cannot ask me to be happy about such a story! i would've even been ok with the show if they presented us with dean who is dead in heaven, refusing to meet his similarly dead-and-in-heaven parents, completely dissatisfied with how his life was and instead of finally resting, choosing to time travel across multiverses to find a reality where his life had the potential to be happier, where his parents stayed together willingly and resolved all their conflicts, where he had a better childhood. and presented us with all of this as the insanely tragic, terrifying thing that it is instead of some nostalgic, forever 21 wardrobed, 70s scooby-doo-esque, retro funfest.
i don't fault people (especially dean fans) for liking this show. i understand how seeing dean again, and seeing him happy, seeing him finally "save" his mother, could be cathartic or even just plain enjoyable for a lot of people. but im unhealthily obsessed with a lot of the source material this show plays so fast and loose with and it's so unacceptable to me lol.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
the first step is always the hardest.
Pairing: au!dean winchester x reader
Summary: Huntercorp!Dean asks you out on a date.
A/N: I'm happy with how this one turned out. It's very different from my usual to do, but so cute! au!dean lives in my and in brazil right now sjhsjs. Anyway, this is my part for @firefly-in-darkness 2k challenge! Congrats again, honey. My prompt was “I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.” And this was requested by @anaelsbrunette.
Warnings: mutual pining and adorableness.
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Some things aren't supposed to be hard. In Dean Winchester's opinion, this is one of them. What he's about to do isn't quite professional or preferred by his dad -- although, not exactly against HunterCorp's strict code of conduct. Alright, he might have to report to HR about the relationship due the anti-harassment policy if you two ever get that far, but that's another point. The fact right now is, it shouldn't be this hard to blurt out a simple 'would you like to go out with me?' towards the woman he had been pining for weeks. 
Dean asked girls out before, and three out five said yes. Usually, his goofy way of flirting is enough to make them take the lead. When it doesn't happen, though, the Winchester laces his hang out proposal with wiggling brows and a suggestive smirk. They'd laugh and a date was settled.
He isn't shy. Dean gets embarrassed easily and yes, he is a little too spoiled to have a larger vision of the world, but he can get his way with the women he's interested in. Therefore, it shouldn't be that difficult, right? In theory, safely hiding in the back of his head, it isn't. The hunter remains passing some vague steps on his mind: 1.) Go to you. 2.) Try not to get lost at the sight of you. 3.) Don't try his Spanish to impress you because it's not going to work. 4.) Smile in a boyish way, just being cool. 5.) Ask you out. Samuel said it was a good plan. He just needs to execute it, get through his words and make them into actions. 
So why is it so excruciatingly hard?
You, a HunterCorp's rookie, recently graduated in their new worldwide program to recruit willing hunters that weren't born in the life. You are smart, bilingual, pretty, strategic, spontaneous, and strong. You laugh loud as if joy should be going inside everyone's ear, but you also fight to kill with both words and trained combat skills. You, one of the best hunters of HunterCorp, which is the only thing Dean would ever try to say he was compared to you. You, Y/N Y/L/N, the girl with fancy red boots and tight jeans, is everything Dean never dreamed of and way out of his league.
You are a ferocious scream in civility that shakes his ground and makes him want to know how human savagery felt like after years being spoiled. You tease the green eyed hunter, never leading to evilness, and always with a beam that makes him feel lucky to be the fool to your kingdom. Dean feels comfortable with you, like taking his expensive socks off at home and chuckling with his mouth full, or even attempting a new food that makes his tongue experience marvelous flavors never felt before.
The eldest Winchester brother is almost dancing around his own feet for five minutes and counting. Gulping nervously every time he hears the noise of a door opening as he shuts his eyes, picturing the perfect ending of 'asking Y/N on a date' plan.
Okay, fine. Maybe he does have a reason for envisioning the possible difficulties of this situation. How could he not? Dean wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking you out again if you said no today. It's a now or never situation. How can he not be sweating in his levis?
“Duncan?” you ask, your voice exhaling a name that isn't his, but it catches Dean's attention nonetheless. He must have been listening what you were saying before even turning around to catch a glimpse of you. “Duncan!”
You poke his arm, causing him to move quickly to face you. Despite getting his name wrong, you look gorgeous: your hair was a mess like usual after spending too long in your office, sunglasses on the top of your head, and a joyful grin on your painted lips.
He straightens his posture to regain some confidence. “Dean. Dean Winchester.”
Your eyebrows knit together in a weight of confusion. "Who are you?"
This is it, his mind whispers. Rule number four, be cool. Say that thing that guy says in the movie which Sammy made you watch! Dean licks his lips, leaning against the counter. He shrugs, attempting to get in a persona that would only be him in another universe. “I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe. You know, Dean Winchester.”
His shoulders drop as you let out a laugh, and suddenly the perfect threat in his fantasy became a funny joke. He doesn't even waste time being too embarrassed, though: he loves that sound.
“I'm kidding, Dean Winchester. I know who you are. You know, you're kind of the owner of this building?” you say humorously, pointing around the establishment.
Dean's brows arch quickly as he replies: “Technically, it's my father.” 
“Who cares about the technical, right?” Of course you would say that with your own sequin smile and a playful wink. Who gives you the right to make his heart go wild? God, he sounds like a chick-flick. “Anyway, do you need something? I noticed you standing at my door.”
“Yes.” His stupendous moment. The stage is his and he better make it worth it. Dean's going to ask you out now, and then, he sees your features changing into curiosity. You're so adorable with your soft frown and head cocked, hair cascading down like one of the surrealistic paintings decorating his office walls. It reminds the Winchester of the way their brilliant colors and space tangle together to make something so gorgeous he couldn’t bear to give it another name but art. God, what if you say no? What if you say yes? What if everything is weird after that? “No. I mean, yes. I...”
“Are you okay?” You place a hand on his bicep. One touch, a blaze starting to burn in the best ways. His heart gives out, beating too crazily to be properly felt -- that doesn't help one bit.
“Yeah, this muchacho is okay.” Dean points at himself with two thumbs. Here goes all the rules in less than three minutes of chatting. He sighs to himself, offering you a pageant smile. “Just forget about it. I was going to ask for a report on your last hunt, but you can send it to my email.”
“Sure thing. I'll send you them after I come back from lunch. McDonald's waits for me.” The Winchester doesn't know if his mind is playing tricks on him, but he can swear he saw disappointment on your face. It could've been that tell, your hair brushing your lips like he craves to, or even how you blink so adorably under the dim light that makes a sudden glimmer of newfound courage hit him. Granted, it's with a trembling voice, but still.
“Maybe I could go have lunch with you?” Dean can practically hear his brother saying, be assertive, ask her out. He rushes to correct himself. “You. You could grab lunch with me. If you want. We could go have lunch together.”
“You like McDonald's?” You bit your bottom lip, arms crossed despite your subtle chortle.
“Of course.” Dean scoffs, gaining a glare of yours for a few seconds before he sighs with a shrug, a flush of pink coloring his cheeks. “No. Processed food isn't a thing in my house. Dad likes to spoil us with homemade meals and scotch.”
“Well, I'm sure John doesn't know how to cook quesadillas. I know the perfect place we can go.” You grab his wrist, and despite all empirical evidence to the contrary of such strong euphoria stemming from a simple touch, he goes against every scientific rule and gets to heaven on earth. “And Dean?”
His voice is lighter, happier by that mere gentle gesture which causes Dean's cheeks to dimple with branded delight as he answers: “Yes?”
You don't bother pulling your hand away. Instead, you intertwined your fingers, smiling like a baby when you notice his sweaty palm. At least you aren't the only nervous here. “Our second date will be at McDonald's.”
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
Chapter 10
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​​​​​
Square Field: Cas
Word Count: 1750
Warnings: Series finale spoilers here!! Mentions of canon character death, Mentions of grief, some fluff, probably language in there too. This is the heaviest chapter of this series honestly. Mentions of past smut. I think that’s it.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 11 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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Dean’s sock-covered feet dragged as he made his way down the stairs, and into the kitchen in search of his morning coffee. You were still wrapped up warmly in bed, sound asleep when he’d forced himself up, and made himself get out of bed. 
God knows he didn’t want to get up. He would have rather stayed right there, wrapped up against your warm body, but that would have led to something he wasn’t sure you were ready for yet, and he didn’t want you to feel like just because you were a couple now that you had to sleep with him. 
Sex was something that had been somewhat polluted for Dean over the years. It was just a mechanical function he used to blow off steam or to just scratch that itch. It never meant anything, just another nameless face he’d forget in the morning. With Lisa, it was mostly just something to do to stave off the mind-numbing boredom, but still, even though he did care about Lisa to an extent, it meant nothing. 
When the time finally did come, and they decided to take that step, he wanted it to be different, to actually mean something for him. He wanted that connection he’d always craved, but never been able to achieve. He didn’t want to just go through the familiar physical motions. He wanted more this time. 
He was standing at the kitchen window, looking out over the snow-covered lawn with a cup of coffee in his hand, and his mind swirling in the stress-induced storm that had become his norm over the years when you slipped up behind him, and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his broad back. He seemed to relax a little as soon as your arms were around him, and you would have given your left arm to know what was going on inside that head of his, but you knew Dean, and it was best to let him work himself through it, and if he wanted to talk he would. 
“What’s got you up so early?” Dean asked, sitting the coffee cup down on the counter in front of him and turning to wrap his arms around you, pulling you tighter to him. “You were sound asleep when I got up.”
You shrugged against him, you didn’t want to admit you weren’t asleep when he got up, but rather was just laying there enjoying the warmth his body was providing until he decided to randomly sneak away. 
“Just woke up I guess. What’s got you out of bed so early?” you asked him. 
Dean sighed deeply, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Couldn’t sleep, didn’t want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful laying there.” 
The two of you stood there in comfortable silence for a long time, even though neither of you said anything you could almost feel the wheels turning inside Dean’s head. Dean was a strange, complicated person on a lot of levels. You knew he wasn’t going to completely open up to you overnight, but on days like this, when he seemed stuck in his own head, you wished more than anything he’d let you in. 
Suddenly, Dean stood up straighter, letting go of you and stalking towards the little tree in the living room. The stance of his body had yours suddenly on high alert. It was a predatory prowl that Dean only reserved for hunts or immediate danger, and it had your own hunter scenes on edge. 
Reaching behind you to the knife draw you pull out a butcher knife, never taking your eyes off of Dean as he stalks his way into the living room, seemingly headed for the Christmas tree, but looking around him as if something were going to jump out of the corner of the room and attack at any moment. 
Finally, he reached his goal and stooped down to retrieve what looked to be a deep blue something, warped with a red bow, and a card you hadn’t noticed until he retrieved it. 
Slowly you made your way towards the center of the room where Dean was standing with the little package in hand, your curiosity getting the best of you. 
“What is it Dean?” you ask him quietly, and you were surprised when he jumped a little. Dean didn’t startle easily. 
Dean turned, showing you the little bundle of what looked like silk material, and the folded card, confusion etched deep in his perfect face. 
“You didn’t put this there?” he asked, nodding in the direction of the tree. 
“No, I’ve been with you all night,” you reply, looking closely at the little bundle in Dean’s hand, an uneasy feeling still deep in your bones. 
Dean turned the card over in his hand, reaching it in silence. You watched his features change from something hard and calculating, to soft and almost vulnerable. In fact, you could have sworn he was about to cry. 
He swallowed thickly, handing the card over to you for you to read. It was written in an unkept, child-like scrawl you never thought you’d see again, it was obviously Jack’s handwriting. 
Merry Christmas. Here’s a little something from some of those you have waiting on you in Heaven. Even though we can’t be with you in person this year, we’re here in spirit. So here's a little something to remember them by. 
With love, 
Cas, Mary, and Jack.
Dean’s hands shook as his thick fingers pulled the little silk ribbon, undoing the little bow on the bundle and opening it slowly, revealing Cas’s blue tie, wrapped around Mary’s charm bracelet he’d only ever seen once in his life when he’d traveled back in time to try and stop his mom from making that fatal deal; as well as the mixed tape he’d made Cas so long ago. 
Dean sat down slowly, the little trinkets in his hands that shocked ever so slightly, one single tear sliding down his face as he held the reminders of those he loved and lost. 
You sat down quietly next to him, your hand resting comfortably on his thigh. You wanted to give him his space, but you wanted to also let him know you were there for him. 
“I thought this was lost in the fire,” Dean said finally, shifting the little charm bracelet in his hand. “I looked for it once I returned back to my time period. Looked all through Dad’s stuff, but I never could find it. I just wanted something to hold onto that was hers.”
His eyes shifted to the mixed tape he’d made Cas as he laid the other items down on the coffee table in front of him. “I didn’t even know Cas had kept this.” 
From what little bit you all knew, once Cas had been taken to the empty Jack had rescued him, and they were rebuilding Heaven. You knew that the loss of Cas had affected Dean greatly, you were there sitting outside his door on the nights he thought everyone else was finally asleep, listening to him pray to his friend, begging him to come back just one more time while he thought no one was listening. 
Dean closed his eyes and leaned into you. You didn’t hesitate in wrapping your arms around him, grounding him, letting him quietly work through his emotions. 
“Tell you what,” you say, running your fingers through his sleep tossed hair. “We’ve done enough for me. What do you say we have a Dean day. Sit around here, bake a pie, watch slasher movies or some old westerns, and not even get out of our PJ’s.”
Dean sat up slowly, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. “Let’s save that for tomorrow, today I thought we might head downtown so that you can have a look at those shops that sell that old stuff you love so much, and they’re also having a Whiskey tasting on the main street today. One of the local breweries is throwing it for Christmas.”
Dean sat up, looking at you with a hint of excitement that was hiding behind those shining green orbs of his, the ghost of those memories from the past still lingered there, but he seemed to be handling it well. If you knew Dean, he didn’t want to pass up a whiskey tasting, and you did want to go through those old shops. You loved antique things, and those places were usually littered with them. 
“Okay fine, only if we can go get some more of those waffles from that waffle house first, I’m starving,” you tell him, and watch as his face lights up like you had told him he’d won the lottery. 
“That’s my girl,” he said, pecking you on the lips before gathering up his gifts, carrying them off upstairs to hide them away until he can take them home and add them to that little wooden box he keeps for his most precious possession. 
“Get dressed woman! I’m starving,” he yells down over his shoulder as he disappears from sight, and you smile as you stand from your place on the couch. 
“Thanks, Jack, thanks for giving him something to hold onto,” you whisper to the wind. 
Dean never really got any closure from Cas’s death, and Mary was taken so suddenly away from him again, you could think of no better gift from them this holiday season. This was his first Christmas without Cas, nowhere near the first without his mom, but it was a nice little reminder that even though they weren’t physically here with him, they still were watching out for him. 
Dean wrapped up his gifts back in Cas’s Tie, and placed them safely in his duffle, a soft smile on his face in spite of himself. Sure, it had caught him completely off guard, and at first, the reminder hurt, but the peace he now had in knowing that his mom and Cas were in Heaven waiting on him was an unsuspected gift he wanted, but never thought he’d be able to get. 
It also gave him hope that maybe, for the first time in a long time, he was moving in the right direction and not just in circles of more pain and torment. Hopefully, this was a sign that what he had started with you was the beginning of the peace he’d always wanted, but was never allowed to obtain.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Series Tags: 
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It's Wednesday night Amber... what does sweet lil Sammy do when Dean comes home drenched in the last girl's blood? 🤔💉🔪
"Did you fuck her?"
Sam's voice was barely a whisper. His vicious words slicing into Dean's skin like the harsh, unforgiving tail of a whip. Jagged nails digging bright red scratches down the back of his brother's neck as he pulled Dean closer.
There was something cruel dancing just on the edge of his gaze, now. Dangerous and razor sharp. Something terrifyingly similar to the bloody switchblade hiding in Dean's back pocket.
"Why? You jealous, Sammy?"
The older boy's voice was full of mock sympathy when he smiled down at Sam. Fingertips still warm and sticky with his victim's blood as runs them softly over his little brother's pouty bottom lip. Teasing him.
"Of some dead slut? Not a chance," Sam growled, catching Dean by the wrist with an iron tight grip. One fueled only by jealousy and spite. That fierce look in his pretty eyes almost as intoxicating as the look of pure terror Dean had witnessed in the eyes of his latest victim...Sarah? Or was it Stacy?
Fuck, Dean couldn't even remember. Probably because it had been his little brother's name on Dean's lips, not the girl's, when he'd drug his knife across pale, delicate flesh. Like it was every time Dean had the urge to kill.
"You're actin' awfully catty for the slut who's about to beggin' for this dick."
"You're acting pretty cocky for the fucker who's dying to use me like a fleshlight."
Dean smiles, wide and sinister, when his little brother's grip gets tighter. Long, bony fingers digging deep purple bruises into his sore skin.
"Ya think I'm that desperate?" he bites out, tone full of poisonous vemon.
"I know you are, you always want me...after."
Dean fights back a surprised groan when Sam yanks on his wrist hard, guiding his brother's blood soaked fingers back to that sinful mouth.
Dean's eyes roll back in his head when he feels his index and middle finger slide easily down the length of his little brother's warm, wet tongue. Sam, of course, proving his point with sick joy and enthusiasm as he greedily sucked the blood of off Dean's fingers like he was getting paid for it.
Playful flicks and swirls and damn near pornographic moans almost bringing the older boy to his knees in a matter of seconds.
"Okay, baby. Okay," Dean grits out, using his free hand to squeeze his throbbing dick through the rough denim of his jeans. God, if Sam kept playing this twisted little game, there was no way he was going to last.
"You're right."
Sam hummed happily around Dean's fingers, drool slowly dripping down his chin when he pushed them further into his mouth. Forcing his brother's fingers past the opening of his throat until his eyes were blurry with tears and his lungs were working double time for air.
"Fuck, Sam. I said you win."
Dean knows that his little brother can hear him, but it's clear that he's not listening. And when Sam gags, loud and disgusting, around Dean's fingers, that's all it takes for the older boy's skin to breakout in goosebumps and his willpower to disintegrate.
Jesus. That sound was so fucking hot that it physically hurt Dean. Those wide fearful eyes of Sam's knowingly looking up at him with the kind of innocence and curiosity that Dean craved from his unsuspecting prey.
Fuck, sometimes Sam slid so easily into the part of helpless victim that it made Dean's head spin and his trigger finger twitch.
"Sorry, Daddy."
"Not yet, you jealous little brat. But you will be."
@writinginthesecrettrees 💕💕 because I know how much we both love our serial killer!Dean. 💋
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 11
The beginning of our little trip in France. I hope you’ll like it as much as i did writing it.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Friday March 1
Fate was messing around with him lately. The Dean's grandson, a gifted sexual hunter, who had the natural skill to please absolutetly everyone in bed, was doing some idiotics stuffs with his boyfriend. And I like it. They were leaving for France this evening, but before that, Liam wanted to do something for his bestfriend's birthday. And that was why he, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, was doing shopping. Me, wandering in a mall to find a present. I'm doing the errand, that's not normal at all. Since his baboon had lessons to attend to, he had volunteered to find a... a thing. It was a new fairy figurine from a collection that Nate had been looking for since its release. But the blond junior had been searching in three stores so far, and he hadn't found this shitty fairy yet. According to Liam, it was famous and easy to find. Easy my ass. Fuck this boyfriend, I can't say no when he puckers. Anyway, the Dean's grandson had enough of this shit. He took his phone and called Nancy straight away.
"Pussy in fire to the god of sex, do you need any assistance ?" she answered quite fast.
The lad felt a bit relieved when he heard her voice. At least someone who still sees me for what I am. It was so infuriating to act like a nice boyfriend sometimes... Even if a part of him loved it.
"I'm looking for a fukin' doll. I mean a fuckin' fairy figurine newly released... Hell, it's for a friend, of course."
"Of course."
Her tone said she didn't trust him at all. Now this is a real shame. First, Archie had discovered his relationship with the baboon. Nancy wasn't stupid either, she would find out soon. What will happen to my reputation, I wonder ?
"I got this Little Fairy Stephania which is quite rare. There's one copy in a shop near your university."
"That's what I bloody need." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey sharply stated. "What do you want in exchange for the adress ?"
"Well... I was craving for a new pick of your butt since three days so..."
Once he got back home, the young man made diner. Well, more like a feast. Since Nick's flat was kind of small, they all agreed to make Nate's birthday party here. They hadn't much time anyway : their departure to France was at ten pm. It had been a long time since I've invited this many people here... Well, except for threesomes. No sex tonight of course. Only this dummy Liam and his friends with their pathetic silliness. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was almost done with the cake when he heard a knock at the door. Who the hell is bothering me ? They can't be there yet. He opened, frankly pissed, and stared at a girl.
"Hi, I'm Leila Hart." she introduced herself. "I'm the secretary of the women defense club."
"Yeah, and you can go fuck yourself right back in the trash you come from. I'm busy."
He tried to close the door, but she put her foot in the way.
"D.R sent me." she declared. "I have a message for you."
The Dean's grandson looked daggers at her. What on earth D.R wants ?
"Talk, pasty."
From times to times, D.R would send a minion instead of coming herself. At first, he had felt a bit insulted, but he got used to it. After all, it was an opportunity to have sex. But not tonight. I have priorities. To be calling the baboon his priority, he couldn't believe himself.
"She only wants to be sure you'll protect our student abroad. I'm here to remind you the rules. May I come in ?"
"Definitely not, you idiot." he grumbled. "I already know the stuff, stupid. And do not even dare ask me about it. Just leave."
This asshole hesitated. But when she glimpsed his eyes, she decided to obey. Good. At last, he could go back to his cooking.
At first, this birthday diner went mainly well. Liam and Nick managed to have some fun, and Nate eventually loosen up. As for Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, well, all this nonsense wasn't his cup of tea but... I must admit, whenever I see my baboon smiling like that, I'm melting. However, the lad was a bit pissed by Nate's appetite. This moron wasn't eating at all. While the two glutton were finishing everything, Liam's bestfriend showed no interest in the food. It hurt the chef at two level. Mainly because he was a fucking good cook, and everyone loved his cuisine. But also because he could feel Liam sadness about it. I agreed to help this dwarf, but I don't like him for all that.
"Why are you all grumpy ?" whispered his boyfriend at his ear.
"I'm not grumpy." mumbled Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. "I'm only thinking."
Liam took his hand and kissed him.
"I know this isn't perfect, and I know you don't trust people easily but please, be patient. I'm sure you'll love Nate with time."
How the hell do you guessed I was pissed about Nate ? This dreamy baboon could be very observant sometimes.
"Fine. I'll make an effort."
Liam Saturday March 2 – Sunday March 3, in France
The unicorns advised him to be careful in France. He lengthly thought about what it meant. Nate was improving, and he had admitted he was glad to have celebrated his birthday. But maybe the magical creatures sensed another peril... Liam did his best to be wary during the flight, but he quickly lost track of time. When they arrived to France, Dami had to wake him up because he had fallen asleep (with the time difference, he was struggling to stay awake anyway). They went to the hotel, where he was sharing a room with Nate and Nick. And for the saturday, their professor gave them free time.
"We won't start the group project before monday." decided Nick. "We'll visit the economics department on tuesday anyway. So let's take advantage of Paris guys."
They did as he suggested. Liam had a lot of fun visiting museum (well, in truth he didn't even remember what museum they went in, because Dami was always distracting him). (No, he wasn't distracted all by himself, it was his boyfriend's fault this time). Nate relaxed a bit, and he seemed to get back a little of his joie de vivre. Frenchs people were nice (they often insulted Liam to be so slow, but he supposed it was their way to be polite). (Several girls also tried to take Colton and him to go out, but they always declined). (Dami declined for him which his usual sweetness : "get lost bitches !"). And so the weekend went well. However, Paris had another good thing to offer : food. There were restaurants everywhere, and they offered delicious dishes. In order to make the most of it, they tried as much establishment as possible. Liam's boyfriend paid for almost everything, but the chestnut lad had also saved a bit for the occasion. Nick and him finished the day more than full. Even Colton and Nate were eating way more than usual. But everything tasted so succulent ! Liam couldn't hold himself but devour absolutely everything they had on the menu. On Sunday's evening, they entered a restaurant called Chez Bocher. They proposed a food challenge which attracted the young students.
"We definitely should try this." said Nick, more than happy to be there. "I'm sure Liam can do it, and it'll be a free meal."
C'mon, I'm not that gourmand. Don't put too much hope on me. Honestly, he was eager to try. He quickly checked on Nate. His bestfriend outlined a smile.
"I guess it can be fun." he whispered. "At least if you think you can manage to eat the whole thing ?"
"You're warned, I'm not paying if you fail baboon." intervened Dami. "Your call."
Even Colton seemed curious to see that. They're all so insistent. (Yeah, nobody insisted, but it was Liam's excuse for what he was about to do.) (He just wanted to test his limit so badly !).
Maybe it was a bad idea after all. Only the unicorns knew how much he already ate. But he had still two plates to finish in order to win the challenge. He was so stuffed. His belly was hard as a rock, like a giant basket ball underneath his now too tight sweater. He had openned his belt and trousers a while ago, to let his stomach expand freely. I don't know if I can do this. It was more food than Dami ever gave him. He wasn't used to such an amount anymore. But the cheerings of his friends were pushing him beyond his limits.
"I mean, that's truly incredible." spilt Colton after a while. "What an appetite."
"I didn't know you had this in you." added Nick. "That's amazing."
"Guys... Imma collapse..." confessed Liam with a loud burp.
He managed to eat two more mouthfuls with reluctance. It was painful. Each morsel of food was pushing further his distented belly. He glimpsed Dami who was texting someone. His boyfriend wouldn't help in front of everyone, since they were still a secret. (Well, Nick and Nate knew, but not Colton). (Or he didn't say it). (And anyway, Liam knew that his boyfriend was a bit sadistic, he would let him suffer).
"I'm sure you can do it." assured Nate with a grin. "My bestfriend isn't a quiter."
He was apparently enjoying the whole thing. Glad to know you're having fun.
"Burp. I will do my.... burp best..."
With slowness, he cleared the next plate. One left. Unicorns please, send help. He felt like a soon-to-explode balloon. His hand rubbed diligently his overstuffed midsection. It was so round, so big.
"C'mon baboon. Let's get this done." grumpled Dami.
He took the cutlery and he fed himself his boyfriend. Thanks to his help and their's friend cheerings, Liam managed to polish the last dishes. The waiter couldn't even believe it. Neither the students to be honest. (Liam felt so proud of himself.) (But also soooooo sick).
"Now that is what I call a new record." congratuled Nate.
Liam smiled to him, but his bestfriend's face suddenly crumpled. Because right behind them, at the entrance, was standing Kilian, Liam's ex.
The chesnut lad couldn't move. Not only because he was stuffed like a turkey for christmas. He couldn't think properly. How is it possible ? There is no way. No way. The force of evils just struck. And struck strongly.
"Liam." whispered Kilian. "and Nate. Hi."
Around him, his french's friends looked at them curiously. But the young dreamy lad didn't do anything. He didn't answer, he didn't do a single move. He was like frozen.
"It's... surprising to see you there." continued his ex. "I mean, you're supposed to be in America."
This evening can't be worse. I need to react. To say something. Tons of things were crossing Liam's mind. Why the force of evils did this ? What should he say ? What would Dami think ? He really wanted to run away, but his bloated stomach prevented him to.
"Trust me, we're surprised aswell." responded Nate after a while.
"Sorry to be the one who break the mood." took part Dami. "But who the hell are you, and why you three look like you've seen god itself ?"
"I'm Liam's ex-boyfriend, Kilian De Beauchêne." replied the main concerned party.
A blank followed. A very long and scary blank. Liam was completely panicing. (At least internally). (His painful belly probably prevented him to do a panic attack). He was short-winded and very stressed by the situation.
"You know what ? Let's not continue this awkward moment." decided Dami. "Liam, get up, we're leaving. This is way too bizarre."
The chestnut boy was more than glad to obey. Nate helped him to stand up, and they all left as fast as possible with their overfed friend.
Barbara Sunday March 3 – Monday March 4, in France
"Sounds cool. Doesn't work."
The blonde girl sighed. When she decided to make an alliance with Rebecca, she never planned this. Well, I wanted her support but... The athlete had come to France with her sophomere friends, Chelsea and Matthew. The first one was a nice but a little stupid law student. As for the dude... I can tell he's sleeping with both of them. Seems like he has a blast.
"I mean, you want to ridicule Nick by charging him of cheating with false evidence." summarized the lad. "It really is a good idea, but the professors will never fall for it. This geek is a real genius, who finished his 12th grade with one hand tied behind his back. Why on earth he would have to cheat eh ?"
I guess you're right. Barbara shrugged, a bit annoyed. It was already Sunday's night, and they didn't have even the beginning of a plan.
"Let's make it easier." suggested Rebecca. "We can make his whole trip a true hell. And in the meantime, we'll think of something."
"I think I have an idea." smiled the short girl. "You told me he was scared of water, right ?"
"Yeah, why ?"
"You'll see tomorow. I swear it will be fun to watch."
Indeed, they have this cruise on the Seine on Monday. Barbara carefully watched Nick when he went aboard. You looks so scared... Poor little thing. Just wait. She had other project for today anyway. She headed towards the back of the ship, where Colton was talking with Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. I don't get it. Why the king was talking with her ex ? What was special about him ?
"Hi guys." she smiled. "Are you having fun ?"
"Go fuck yourself little roach." answered sharply the junior. "I already told you, no more favor."
"Everything's fine." replied more diplomatically the brown-haired lad. "Well, Liam and Nate decided to stay at the hotel because the first wasn't feeling well, but otherwise we're great."
She didn't care about her chestnut classmate yet. She would catch him a bit later. Besides, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey wasn't making any progress. He managed to make Nate comes, but he got nothing in return so far.
"You know, I heard some strange thing about you Colton." she revealed. "People nicknamed you the Good Samaritan. Did you make a big donation or what ?"
"I'm just being my usual self." he explained. "Nothing more, nothing less. I didn't do anything related to money. Why ?"
Crap. He's a true mystery. He looked so stupid, so idiotic. But everyone seemed to like him. Since the prof called him, Colton left them, and she hadn't made any progress.
"You're so funny you pathetic bitch." laughed the Dean's grandson. "You're so blind and deseperate you didn't even realise why he was so popular in highschool. Stupid short chick."
"What do you mean ?" (She decided to ignore his cuss words.).
"Are you that dumb ? Your ex-boyfriend doesn't have to do anything special, dumbass. He's so sweet and nice that everyone wants to be close to him. Nobody thinks to hurt him because he's so shining. But there you are, a stupid moron who thinks he had nothing for him. Numbskull."
Was it the real explanation ? She couldn't be sure, but it seemed possible. Anyway, I guess it's too late to turn back. I'll take care of Colton later. For now, let's focus on this asshole of Nick.
He was standing in the middle of the barge, apparently stressed. Since Liam and Nate weren't here, he was alone. Rebecca was making fun of him.
"Don't worry so much ! You've a natural life preserver." she teased. "You have no balls or what ?"
Barbara came closer, amused by this situation. Back in highschool, she thought bullying was bad, but she had finally understood it was a way like another to get the power she needed. To avoid their mocking, he tried to go away and came closer to the edge. That's why I wanted. Nice. There was some bright side to be so small. She could sneak between people so easily. The blonde girl came closer as discreetly as possible. She was so close to him that she could smell his sweat. He was so stressed by their surroundings. How pathetic. Barbara took her phone out. She was about to do something bad but well... She had understood very well how things worked in real life. Be a predator or you will be eaten. And so, she pushed him overboard.
To be continued
France is famous for its cuisine after all ! That’s pretty normal for Liam and his friends to enjoy what this country has to offer.
Aaaaand here he is ! Kilian is back. For those who doesn’t know him, he’s a main character in the last part of The High School Game, my first story. Maybe we’ll finally learn what happened between Liam and him ? :)
Damian is falling hard for his boyfriend, that’s kind of funny. And yes, he’s a feeder at heart.
Being in another country is also the prefect opportunity for Barbara to be nasty again. I liked this girl back then. Now, I don’t.
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jay-and-dean · 6 years
Je ne te mérite pas (I don’t deserve you) Chapter 5.
Warnings : Smut, swearing, Fluff, Smangst, Dean being jealous, drunken Dean and unprotected sex (you are smarter than this).
Future warnings : Smut, Fluff, Angst, Violence.
Words : 5k (I got carried away again sorry…)
Chapter summary : The heart has its reasons that Reason know nothing of. And Dean is experimenting this...
Serie Summary : Dean and her can’t be together.If you ask Dean, he would list so many reasons : Her age, first. Not like she was a kid anymore, but he remerbers picking her from highschool not so long ago. Then Jody, damn, the girl is like a daughter to her, what kind of friend would he be ? He’d talk about her boyfriend and how he’s the opposite of himself. Of course he would expose how poisonous he is, how dangerous it is to be around him. He’d say he want to keep her away from nightmares… And he would conclude with certainly that she just won’t ever love him, why would she ?
If you ask her, she just might whisper with a heartbreack in her voice : “I don’t deserve Dean Winchester”.What if they where wrong ?
Note : It is my first time writting in english, so, forgive the errors.
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Dean's Pov
Her name is Carla and she's beautiful. I slip a hand through her hair and moan exaggeratedly, she knows what she's doing. She takes me deeper in her mouth and a sudden flash of Y/n drags me away from my own body for the third time tonight.
"Shit" I say, feeling my chest tense and my cock go slightly soft again.
"You okay Dean ?" Carla says.
"Yes, yes... I'm sorry sweetheart I've got a lot on my mind."
She stops and comes next to me, sitting on the bed. I wince and sight but my arousal fades way too easily.
"Okay Dean, what is it ?" she asks.
Carla is the only girl I never really dated with whom I slept several times. She's a beautiful, strong, independent woman. I don't know her age precisely but I'd say she's around forty. She's the bartender of the bar I like the most, less than one hour drive away from the bunker. She thinks I'm an outlaw, selling drug or robbing banks I don't know, I never contradicted her ; and she thinks I'm hot, a better lover than her kind but boring, father-of-the-year but cheating husband... So we sometimes have sex.
"Nothing" I say, getting up naked, taking a beer from the table.
"Is there a girl ?" she asks smiling, staring hungrily at me.
She's smart, and I need to talk. Carla is the only person I know that Sam and Y/n will never meet, she's my inner sanctum.
"Yes there is a girl" I sight and she sits up, an exited smile on her face.
"Dean is in love !"
"I'm not. I'm not in love, just..." I rub my eyes and take my boxers from the chair.
"No of course you're not, you just can't think of anything else even when you're getting an amazing blowjob." She looks at me, defiance in her eyes.
"It was amazing indeed" I smile back kindly.
"But you can't think of anything else..."
"I can't" I admit, defeated.
"Have sex with her" she advises. "Break the spell".
"Already have... Several times." I sight.
"You're screwed then" she laughs. "You love her."
"No... I don't. That's not how it works."
"It is" she says. "Have you ever been in love ?" she asks and I think hard.
I’m pretty sure I have... Cassie was the first girl I thought I was in love with, but I recovered from her quicker than I thought and it seems so distant now. Lisa was the woman I thought I will love all my life, but I was a mess with her, I even grew secretly angry at her for showing me I was unhappy living the life I dreamed for so long, the life that was supposed to fix everything, this one stung. Amara doesn't really count...
Fuck. She may be right, I never felt that.
"Of course" I bluff.
"Tell her" she says, taking me in her arms while I sit on the bed next to her.
"I can't. I won't."
I realize I didn't deny loving her this time and my heart falls in my stomach.
"Why ?"
"I shouldn't even think of her or look at her the way I do..."
She kisses my neck and giggles.
"Wow you sound really in love !" she teases me.
What if she is right ? What if I fall in love with Y/n, in love for real. I was sure I would be able to hold back any feelings of mine, yet I keep touching her and kissing her... That can't be. I have to forget Y/n now.
I turn around and start kissing Carla, touching her. Taking a condom from her pocket, I whisper in her ear :
"I'm gonna do what I came to do. I'm gonna fuck you sweetheart. Y/n or not"
"And yet" she pants when I slip my fingers inside her. "That's her name you're saying, and you'll keep thinking of her when inside me...".
Carla was right. She was right about everything.
I am in love with Y/n.
And I did think of her every second I spent inside Carla.
I had sex two times and drank the all bar, yet I still want Y/n, in my life, in my arms, and in my bed... Shit I don't know if I drank too much or not enough.
Now I stubble out of Baby and there is only one think I can think of : see her.
Since the last time she let me touch her, she went to Jody's for two day to help her with a hunt, declining our help because I had been "badly hurt" ; then she visited Sasha on her way back, staying only one night before coming home. For the last four days, I watch her, craving, as she acts like nothing happened between us.
I almost fall on the stairs and laugh at myself. I reach the War room and take a glass, in my current state, I decided if I still think of her it's because I'm not drunk enough...
Your Pov
So Dean's home. You hear him stubble in the War room and you hear the whiskey bottle hit the table pretty hard.
5 am.
5 fucking am.
You hate it when he's not home, when he goes out alone. You hate it because you miss him, because you are worried, and because, well, you can't stop imagining his perfect moans in the ear of a...
Don't be like that Y/n, Dean doesn't belong to you. And you don't deserve him.
You get up and go toward the noise, shivering at the contact of the tiles on your bare feet. There he is, and he looks drunk, like you never seen him. His eyes are a little unfocused and he stands leaning on the table with the hand that's not carrying a full glass of whiskey. His car keys are on the table.
"Dean ? Did you drive home ?" you say to his back.
"And of course she's here…" he mumbles harshly, sending your heart to the ground.
"Excuse me..." you say staring to turn back to join your room before he finishes you off with a word.
He turns quicker and stand before you, so tall and so handsome as always, but he seems angry, his look stern, pupils blown. You shiver and hang your head, impressed by him, angry at him for making you feel all that, afraid of him a little, because he can destroy you with a mean word.
"Why aren't you sleeping ?" he asks. "Go to bed, Y/n, it's late".
"I'm not a kid" you're own irritated tone surprises you.
He sighs and comes closer. You can smell the perfume of a woman everywhere on him, and see makeup stain on his shirt. You could puke right now.
"You should go to bed" he says like it was a threat.
"Or what ?"
Your blood is boiling and you clench your fists, for the first time in your life, you want to hurt him, to hit him, to slap Dean Winchester. You don't know what makes you furious the most, but it could be that smell on him or the mean thing he just imply when you enter the room. Why does it have to be so painful to be in love with him ? Why can't it just stop ?
He doesn't answer and it makes you even more angry. You look at his incredibly green eyes and try to find answers to questions you can't figure out.
"What do you want Y/n ?" his husky voice challenges you. "What are you trying to do ?"
"I'm not doing anything Dean..."
"Oh sweetheart you are. Sneaking beside me in the middle of the night, half naked, pushing me when I'm drunk..."
"I'm not sneaking, I'm not half naked..." you mumble suddenly feeling like a bird before an hungry lion.
"You are..." he says coming closer, running his hand along your tight, stroking the rim of your panties on your ass, under the large flannel.
"Don't touch me Dean, I don't want to get STD" you grumble.
He take a step back and look at you with what could be rage and talk through his teeth :
"Then go to bed".
You half run to your bedroom, tears filling your eyes. You hear him mumble and drink, you seat on your bed, hanging onto his every movements. When you hear him come near your room, you feel this odd mix of rage and eagerness. He knocks.
You get up and open the door, his lips instantly crashing on yours. Surprised, you take a step back, he follows you, keeping his lips on yours and closes the door behind him.
"You smell like a whore" that slips through your lips and he looks at you in the eye, coming even closer, taking you by the waist.
"She's not, she is a nice person" he dares saying, his breath smelling whiskey.
"Why are you here in that case ?" you ask with scorn.
"She's not enough..." he says kissing your neck.
You push him away.
"Do you hear yourself talking ? Dean !"
He takes you closer and bites your neck.
"It's your fault Babygirl. I thought of you all the time I was fucking her" He pants, licking and biting your throat.
You hate him for what he's saying and it's hurts like hell to think of him fucking that girl just a few hours ago, but he's saying he needs you. This time you know exactly what he desires. You're torn. Your heart feels like he could make you die any moment.
"That smell is gross... Did you at least wash ? You really think I'm..."
But you can't talk anymore because he just ripped your flannel open, bending to kiss your breasts.
"I washed a little, but... Please... Let me have you Baby." He says kissing your chest frantically. "I don't deserve it but I need it so bad..."
He nibbles at your tits moaning. You slide your hand through his soft hair and let your head fall back. He's letting go. Like you always wish he would, no restraint. His hands are scratching your sides and he falls on his knees.
"Please, I need it" he begs.
Dean Winchester, on his knees, begging you to let him take you. You begged him in your head so many times, daydreaming about kissing his neck, his hands, anything. Your head is dizzy and you close your eyes for a second, feeling him caress your ass and kiss your stomach. You can't say yes, he's drunk and he just had sex with another woman, this is wrong...
He gets up and kisses you again. This time, you allow him access to your mouth and let his tongue... A idea terrifies you : Gross! You break the kiss and take his hands of off you.
"Gross... Did you ?" You can't finish your sentence because it makes you want to puke.
"I didn't go down on her" he says simply, understanding, and you want to punch him for making you hear those words.
But he kisses you again, and starts to open his belt. When he lifts you up, you wrap your legs around him. He pushes you against the door and kisses your throat moaning. His crotch dancing against yours.
"Ah fuck ! Y/n... Fuck... I need..." his voice is music to your ears, you can hear his want, you can feel his need. You loved him for so long, you never thought you'd hear those heavenly sounds.
You should ask him to stop, even really drunk he wouldn't insist, Dean is not that kind of person. You should tell him to go to bed and leave you alone because he still smells like that other woman you hate despite not knowing her. You should tell him this is so wrong.
"Dean..." is all you manage to say.
Then you feel his finger slip under you panties, exploring you, caressing you until you start to shake, you haven't come yet but you can feel you're soaking his hand. He's still nibbling at your neck.
"Do you feel what you do to me, witch ?" he presses his erection against you once more.
You moan and he bites your lower lips while your mouth is open, then you feel him push your panties to the side.
"Y/n... "
You put your hand on your pussy to prevent him from entering you, and he understands :
"Condom, Baby, I always..."
How can he say that, never using it with you. Fuck that man !
"She is everywhere on you" you almost sob between the moans he steals with kisses and caresses.
"No, you are everywhere..." he whispers in your ears as he enters you.
He's drunk. You can feel it by his smell and the imprecision of his movements, especially his hands, by the directness of his words... but this is still amazing.
He pushes inside you slow two or three times and then his thrusts become sharp, then very sharp, making you gasp.
"Touch me Y/n..." he says panting and groaning in the same time, thrusting forcefully inside you, making you see stars.
With is words you realize you aren't touching him, you are always hungry for his skin, but this time you let your arms on his shoulders.
"I need you so bad..." he is whimpering now, his hips bashing your ass against the door.
You lift one of your hand and take his cheek in it, kissing his lips like you can.
"I need you" he repeats like his life depends on you kissing him.
And without any warning, your orgasm spreads inside you brutally. This time you let out a scream, and Dean immediately puts his hand callously on your mouth to keep you from waking Sam or Jack. Your orgasm triggers his, his manly hoarse voice groaning in your ear while he's filling you up.
"I..." he talks out of breath. "I want you more".
Without leaving your body he carries you toward the bed, laying you there under him. He is softening inside you and finally withdraws, letting his cum run on your ass cheeks. Your flannel is ruined, open wide, buttons on the floor, steams ripped ; you still wear your panties. And on top of you, Dean is still fully clothed, lazily kissing your chest.
"I want you again" he mumbles dozing.
"You need to sleep Dean..." you chuckle stroking his wet hair.
"I'll sleep only right after I made you come once more" he says right before falling asleep.
Your phone lights up and you realize your legs and back are really sore. Dean is still on top of you, sound asleep, snoring slightly. The zipper of his jacket is hurting your hip and is weight is killing you. You have to move...
And yet you could suffer a little more just to keep him here with you, his beautiful head on your chest, because you know waking him up will break the spell, make him run away. Your parted thighs are so numb and you can't move them at all.
"Dean..." you whisper touching his face gently.
He stops to snore but doesn't move.
"Dean... you're crushing me"
He opens his eyes, and you can see he has a hard time putting his thoughts in place, he doesn't move for a second and finally, he grunts and gets up laboriously, rubbing his eyes.
You shut your legs in a held groan and try to move your back. He looks down and puts his dick back in his pants with a sigh.
"Sorry" he grumbles between his teeth.
He gets up, looks at you, and gives you a hand, helping you. You get mentally ready to see him disappear through the door, biting your cheek to take the pain.
But he comes closer and closes your ripped flannel. Then he takes you in his arms and you relax utterly, his hand rubbing your sore back.
"I'm sorry" he says low.
"It's okay Dean, you were just crushing me a little..."
"For all of it" he says and you feel your heart sink.
"Don't say that, Dean."
You look at yourself in the mirror, your headphone screaming in your ears.
It's been a week and that tiny bruise you had on your lower back is fading. It was your favorite, this little bruise, witness of your last night with Dean. Drunk, dirty, but still your Dean, his hand and his mouth and him inside of you...
Your finger brush the purple and yellow mark and you sigh. Sasha is waiting for you, you're going to be late. You have to tell him tonight, that Dean is the man you love, that you live with him. This lie is a bad one, Sasha deserves to know.
He wants to have a drink ; when you come home with him, you'll tell him. You have to, you don't want him to touch you anyway. Nothing compares to Dean, there is only Dean and if he doesn't touch you again, so be it.
Dean's Pov
It's wrong, I know it's wrong. Fucked up even. Sick.
This girl is making me loose my damn mind. I can't sleep without dreaming of her, I can't have sex with another woman...
I'm in love with her.
So I traced her phone signal, and I know where Sasha lives... I found a case there. A false case : I'm pretty sure this suicide was indeed a suicide, but I manage to convince Sammy, he trusts me, when I say there is a case, he doesn't doubt it ; the problem is that he came with me.
So here we are, sitting silent in the impala. He's staring at his phone and I'm having a stomachache with anticipation. This is wrong. Y/n never told us where Sasha lives, she's so secret about him, my plan is to fake chance while walking on the bar where Y/n seems to be. There is a risk she doesn't believe me, there is a risk Sam doesn't believe I choose this bar by chance, and then he's going to realize there is no case...
Never mind, I'll deal with all of it later. I just need to see him, talk to him. The guy she comes back to every time, the guy she says she doesn't love but who gets to have her since high school. Her first maybe. The guy they call her boyfriend. I need to see her with him. Maybe it will help me stay away, maybe she lied to me and love him. I'm so lost.
I need to see them, together. And to get over with this unwelcome love.
I park the car and my hands are shaking a little. Sam sighs, he always does when I suggest we drink a beer or two ; and I always do anyway.
I push the door open and the warm of the lightning and music doesn't comfort me. People are drinking and laughing, playing pool. I look around I try not to look for her ostensibly. Sam and I seat at the bar and then I see her...
She is facing me on her seat but haven't see us yet, there is four people at her table, a girl is sitting next to her, and I can't see the two guys facing them. She seems faraway, eyes in the bottom of her glass, no smile on her face, that stern look I haven't seen on her features for a while.
"Y/n is here, Dean !" Sam says really surprised.
"What ?" I ask, trying to figure out what to say.
"Oh, she's going to kill us" he half laugh.
At this moment she lifts her eyes and see us, her face burn red and her eyes widen. I see her lips say excuse me, and she walks toward us. I want to kiss her.
"What is it guys ?" she asks worried.
"Nothing" Sam says. "We choose this bar for no reason ! We are hunting in this town. I can't believe this..."
She looks at me with black cold eyes and I just shrug. While she asks Sam about the case, I see the guys she was with turn around, one of them seem have Indian origins, the other one seems suddenly worried and gets up.
He is very handsome... Black perfectly curled hair, tan skin, black eyes with long and thick lashes, the kind that make people look like they were wearing makeup. He is as tall as me, but looks way more muscular. He comes toward us and puts his hand possessively around Y/n's waist. She shudders silently and bites her lip.
"Is there something wrong ?" He asks looking me in the eyes. "Hunt ?" He whispers.
"No... yes." She rubs her eyes. "Sasha, this is Sam and Dean, guys, this is Sasha".
We shake hands and he keeps looking at me like he knew. Fuck maybe he knows.
"Your eyes are so green Dean, it goes perfectly with your freckles" he says and I clench my fist, ready to fight, not even knowing what he fucking means.
"Sash..." Y/n says, hanging her head.
"Don't you think Y/n ?" he asks, looking her in the eyes. "This is an incredible coincidence... How old are you ?"
I don't know what it means but Y/n seems to be uneasy and weary. Sam looks at me with a strange look. Sasha waits for an answer, but she sighs.
"Do you know how else looks exactly like that ?" He asks me.
But Y/n turns around and pushes him icily.
"Stop that now" she says.
"So I'm right" he declares. "Why did you lie to me ?"
"Go home, please" she says. "I'll join you."
"No way" he says. "Not now that I can have answers."
"Please" she begs, eyes suddenly full of tears. "Please don't..."
My heart aches seeing her like that. I want to take her in my arms. What did she tell him ? What does she fear ? All my instincts are screaming at me but I stay still. And she abruptly takes him by the arm, leading them outside.
"Do you know what is happening Dean ?" asks Sam.
"No." I answer sincerely.
Your Pov
Your heart is beating like crazy. The air is cold outside, and you feel a tear run on your cheek. You dry it with your fingers quickly.
"It is him !" Sasha says. "Look at you it makes you cry ! I've never seen you cry, and I’m your oldest friend  !"
You don't know what to say so you say nothing.
"You lied to me. You told me the guys you were living with... you... you told me it wasn't him. But it is..." tears fill his eyes. "The only thing you agreed to tell me about this mysterious perfect love of yours was how green his eyes were, how cute his freckles..." he sighs. "Did you sleep with him ?"
You hang your head.
"Please don't tell him" you beg low. "It would ruin my life..."
"Just answer, I won't ruin your life, you know I love you." He says stern.
"I did..."
Before you can finish your sentence, Sasha storms inside the bar, you follow him panicked.
He walks quickly toward Dean and punches him in the face. Before Dean can hit him back you run between them and scream :
"Sasha ! PLEASE !"
Dean looks at you, at your eyes filled with burning tears and he doesn't move.
"You don't even know how precious she is..." he says to Dean, his friends joining him worried.
And he leaves.
Dean's Pov
Everything is silent, except Baby's engine. She seems asleep in the back. But I know she's faking to avoid talking to us, she wouldn't just fall asleep after that, I know her.
"We need to talk, Dean" Sam says.
"I know. Just, not now."
She went directly in her room, not saying a single word to any of us, not even answering when Jack asked her how come she was home. When I came to her door, trying to figure out how to apologize, I heard her cry.
It broke my heart.
I couldn't sleep at all. Trying to understand what happened. I knew sleeping with her was a bad idea, each time. I knew needing to see Sasha would make her furious. I didn't see that pain coming. He knows I had sex with her, he doesn't know I love her, nobody does. She told me it was how their relationship worked, so why did it surprised him so much ? He loves her, I would have gone crazy myself... Why did he talk about my eyes and shit ?
I stare at the ceiling. Then I hear her talk, calmly. I can't perceive what she says, but I guess she's talking to him. I would have called her too, hell, I wouldn't have gone without her.
This is not about you Dean. You ruined everything. A usual.  
Morning comes and I hear Sam walking pass my room, then nothing. For hours. I can't move, I feel weak and craven.
When I get up, needing to pee and drink coffee, I find a note on the table.
“I won't be here today, I took Jack with me. You have to talk to her, fix whatever you did. Then we need to talk, or I will call Jody. Sam”
I crumple the paper in my hand and make a coffee, then put it in two mugs, heading for her bedroom with my heart on my stomach.
"Y/n ? Can I come in ?" I try.
"Of course..."
"I made you coffee" I say, handing her the mug.
She just came out of the shower, her hair wet and her shoulders red from the really hot water, as she likes it. Her eyes are still red from crying so much. She's wearing a tank top and jeans. She's beautiful.
"How is your face ?" she cuts me.
"I'm okay, just a bruise".
"I'm sorry." She says.
"No, Y/n, I am sorry..."
She doesn't talk so I come next to her and sit on the bed. She doesn't look at me. I want to put my hand on her, for comfort, but I think I shouldn't touch her right now.
"He knows... about… you know. ?" I dare to ask.
"Yes" she sighs.
"I shouldn't hav..."
"No it's my fault" she cuts me again. "The deal was I never lie to him. And I lied."
I don't know what to say. She looks at me and smile, a sad, beautiful smile.
"I hoped it would at least make things clear between us. But he still wants to be with me. Why is everything so complicated..." she continues.
He still wants her. That makes me internally panic. It's stupid, I'm not going to be her boyfriend anyway, I should be relieved to hear her perfect boyfriend won't leave her because of me. But I've seen him now, and it makes the idea of her kissing him even more unbearable, the rest is worst even...
"Everything is complicated" I tell her.
"No... not everything" she says and she leans to me.
I'm taken by surprise as she kisses my lips.
Why ?
I want to kiss her so bad I forget all the questions, and I allow her to kiss me deeper. She takes my face in her hands and kisses me like she liked me. Hell, if I close my eyes, I could pretend she loved me. I want to kiss her everywhere, so I do.
My hands travel from her shoulders to the back of her head, and I start tasting her neck, and her collarbones. She moans shyly. I love her voice, I love her moans, I love her so much. I can't tell her that, but I want to show her. I take her tank top off and she tries to get rid of my t-shirt so I help her. I toss her bra to the side and lay her gently on the bed. Her stomach shivers and I can see the beating of her heart making her breasts move. My hand roam her body like they had been starving, I kiss her chest and take her nipple between my lips. Her hands come to my hair and I can feel her nails scratching my scalp.
My name has never felt so right. I love her, God, I love her so much. I want her to say my name again, to moan my name. I want her to feel what this boy could never make her feel...
I kiss every inch of skin I can reach, and open her jeans taking it down while kissing her thighs, her knees, her calves, this scar she told me about. Then I come back to her face and kiss her, she wraps her legs around me and takes my face in her hands again. Everything she does is beyond my dreams, we are natural, we are like dancers that have learned together. This feels like making love. This is what I do.
I go down again, taking her panties down. And I kneel on the floor, between her legs. She tries to squeeze them together, shy.
"Let me baby..." I say kissing her thighs, and taking big gentle bites.
"Dean..." she begs. "Come here, I want to feel you."
"Oh you're gonna feel me..."
And I kiss her folds. She jumps a little and squeezes her thighs against my head again. So I wrap them with my arms and kiss her again, and again... And I start to lick between her folds gently.
"Dean... Dean..." she begs, arching her back.
Every time she says my name is a victory. My tongue explore her and my cock becomes harder and harder. I didn't know I could be so hard, it hurts like a bitch. I release one of her leg to open my jeans before it explodes, and use that hand to open her to me hand I start really eating her out. With passion, like it was her mouth I was kissing, like I was saying I love you with my tongue, like my life depended on her pussy. And I feel like it is true.
"Dean, oh God..." she moans, and I look at her flushed face and neck.
She's beautiful wriggling under me, begging silently, her mouth telling prayers I can't hear, her hands grabbing the sheets with force, sweat breaking through her soft skin.
I moan against her and it makes her jump. I can feel her pussy clenching, her breath whistling slightly, she's close already.
I can't take it anymore and slip a hand on my pants, stroking myself before I go mad. I moan. My mouth close for a second, unable to focus on what I was just doing.
"Fuck, baby..." I almost cry.
And she wails, landing one of her hand on my head. I manage to keeping touching myself and eating her out in the same time. She's delicious, her arousal his soaking me and I want more and more.
"Dean, I need to... Anh !... I need to feel you inside me... please… Baby please..." she whines, almost making me come instantly.
She called me baby, I could die now. I slip a finger inside her, then another and she cries and comes.
Just like that she comes screaming my name in silence, her body shaking, her hand coming to my face, trying to push me away and keep me close in the same time.
This is way too much and I cum in my hand, panting and sweating.
I love her.
I love her so fucking much.
Feedback is soooo appreciated ;)
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princesssjared · 6 years
I believe in us.
Dean got out of the hospital and slowed his steps when he saw Sam leaning against the back of the impala, with a six-pack. Here we go he thought, Sam wasn’t subtle about his feelings, but he was going to let it all out now, Dean knew it. He would have to be so strong right now. Damnit, Sammy, why can't you ever give up? Dean knew the reason well and he wasn’t angry at Sam for feeling this way, because hell, he could never do what he was asking of his little brother right now.   
Dean took the final steps to meet his brothers, the tension and sadness was coming out of Sam like waves and Dean could feel them like his own. Come on Dean, you gotta do this man. This is bigger than the two of you.  
Dean tried to lighten the mood, but Sam was determined to let it all out. He could only blame a little of it on the alcohol, Dean knows it’s been there in every sad and angry moment their family have had. Sam was angry and broken and Dean just couldn’t find it himself to not take all of his little brother’s pain away. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, fighting the inevitable. 
“You’re sorry? Huh, how sorry are you? Are you sorry that after all these years, all our lives, after I've looked up to you, after I've learned from you, after I copied you. I followed you to hell and back. Are you sorry that all of that means nothing now?" 
“Who’s saying that?” How dare you Sam, you know you’re the best and the most important thing in my life! Dean thinks, but doesn’t reply.  
Sam kept talking, getting angrier and pushing Dean. “We’re the guys that save the world, we just don’t check out of it!” Dean kept trying to reason with Sam but he just wouldn’t listen. Why would he? But then, Sam said one thing that made Dean stop.  
“I believe in us, Dean!” Dean looked at him, but looked away quickly. Sammy had always believed in him, even when Dean couldn’t bring himself to believe in himself to just go through the day. Sammy was always there to bring him back on tracks, to remind him there was still something worth fighting for. They still had each other. In the dark places of his mind, sometimes even that wasn’t enough, but Sam was always there, until it was again. It didn’t matter what they were facing, they’d always have each other. But not this time.  
Distracted, Dean didn’t notice when Sammy hit him in the face, but in that moment all Dean could think wasno. no. This was not the way they were doing this. He was getting ready to spend eternity away from his brother and he couldn’t bare the thought of this being their last conversation.  
“I believe in us!” Sam tried to hit him again, but Dean grabbed his hands. “Hey, hey, hey.” Dean held his arms and, immediately, Sam gave up the control and threw himself against him, holding tight and grasping Dean’s jacket like he was holding on for his life. Dean held his brother in his arms with equal need.  
“Why don’t you believe in us too?” Sammy asked, his voice sounded so vulnerable, his face was between Dean’s shoulder and neck, he could hear it so clearly, he sounded like a kid. Sam’s body felt so small in Dean’s arms. For that one moment, he was Dean’s little (small) brother again.  Five years old Sammy holding tight on him, begging him to stay by his side and don’t go away; he was his stubborn little brother that could never take no for an answer; he was Dean's loving little brother that would always, always, run straight to his arms and tell him how much he'd missed him when he was gone. Dean was holding his little brother in his arms again and that was it, this time he couldn't say goodbye to him and promise him he would come back. This time, Dean would stay by his little brother side. He would stay where he should have never gone away not even once.  
Dean closed his eyes and made his decision. The decision to keep on being Sammy’s big brother. 
“Okay, Sammy. Let’s go home.” Dean broke the hug and looked into his eyes, tears were rolling down his brother’s face and Dean could read in his eyes, the joy of having hope again, but the inevitable fear that this wasn’t over yet. “I believe in us, Sammy. I do. Now let’s go home.” 
Dean reached out one more time and touched Sam’s face, whiping away the tears. “But don’t hit me again, okay?” He asked softly and leaned up to kiss his little brother. It didn’t last long, but Dean’s body ached for more and if he didn’t stop there, he couldn’t stop anymore. Sam felt that, too. 
They entered the car and drove away from the hospital, without a thought to the building and the people inside it.  
Sam’s hand was on Dean’s tight the whole time he was driving, caressing, feeling his warmth. The touch was welcome. This was always their way of reassuring each other of reality. We’re still here, still together. This is real, we’re real.  
Sam’s hand moved up, tracing the insides of his tights until they touched Dean’s hard on. Dean looked at Sam and got the same look back. That’s it, they weren’t gonna make it to the bunker. Dean parked the car on the road side and turned off the engine. When the sound of the engine died, Sam was already on top of him. 
They locked their mouths together, wet and rough. Sam’s tongue was dancing inside his mouth and it felt like he was feeding Dean his own life.  
“Hmm, Sammy...” He half moaned, sucking everything Sam was giving him. Sam opened his mouth wider and Dean sucked on his tongue as much as he could. “Give me everything, baby.” Dean broke the kiss and opened the door. Sam got out first, then pushed Dean out and pressed him against the closed back door. They pushed their bodies together, keeping them tight. Dean didn’t want to lose any part of Sam he could feel.  
They kept kissing, Sam rocking his cock against Dean’s own, moaning into each other’s mouths. Dean’s hand went everywhere, touching Sam’s ass, going up and down his back, tender and reassuring. They kissed for so long, but both of them needed more.  
“On the back or the hood?” Dean asked, smiling to his baby brother. Sam seemed to think for a tiny second before answering. “Where I can fully open my legs for you, Dean.”  
The comment was supposed to be sexy, but Dean was somehow overcome with joy and relief, he wasn’t going to die tomorrow, after all. Just to be capable of having one more of these moments with Sam made him feel like laughing. So, he did. For a split second, before pushing Sam to the front of the car, taking all of their clothes off. 
When Sam was naked, laying on top of their car, their home, Dean took a moment to just stare at him. His long legs, he started kissing them, from the tip of his toes. His scarred and fit torso, his nipples needed extra attention, so Dean gave them, sucking slowly and pressing just the tip of his tongue against the nip. Dean was starting to kiss his way down to suck on Sam’s cock, when he grabbed his face and pushed Dean up for a kiss. 
“Don’t want it right now, Dee. I need you inside me. That’s the only thing I wanna feel right now. You. Us, together as one.” Sam whispered in the same tone he used earlier, his voice broken with plead. 
“That’s what you want, Sammy? I’m gonna give it to you, everything for you, my love.” Dean didn’t use that term often, but every time it had a meaning. He kissed Sammy one more time, biting his lower lip and pushing back, Sam groaned but he only increased the bite, pain was never an issue between them. He let go of Sam’s lip, only to kiss it again, wet and tender this time.  
In the mean time, Dean reached out his hand to Sam’s mouth and pushed two fingers inside. Sam sucked and licked on them, getting them wet enough so Dean could press them inside his hole. Just the vision of Sam, his eyes closed sucking his fingers were enough to leave him on edge. His brother was something else, so fucking beautiful. His face would be the only thing on Dean’s mind, when. If he ever needed to go inside that damn box.  
Dean pushed his fingers, both at the same time, inside Sam. His muscles gave in easily, Sam surrenders so easily to Dean, always. He felt the inside of his brother, so warm and welcoming he couldn’t wait to be fully inside him. He started moving his fingers in and out, Sam’s moans getting higher. Dean closed his eyes and focused on the feeling on his fingers and the sound of Sam. He touched Sam’s sweet spot, then, and Sam let out the most sinful and gorgeous sound. Dean groaned in response and opened his eyes. 
“Now, Dean. Please.” Sam pushed Dean on top of him, their chest touching. Dean reached out and lined up his dick in Sam’s hole.  
“I love you, baby brother.” Dean let out as he slowly moved to get inside Sam, his voice broken but this time for pleasure. “You know you’re the only thing that matters to me, right? The only one that gives me hope.” Dean started his movement, patiently, enjoying the feeling.  
“I know Dean, please never forget that. I won’t ever leave you. Can’t leave you.” Sam whispered on his ear, the meaning of that sentence was there for them. Dean had to accept that Sam wasn’t capable of living without him, because Dean also couldn't do that. The realization of that, even after all these years, still affected him. 
Dean started to move faster, driven by the love he felt for Sam. Sometimes, when they had sex, it was like a ceremony, a spell to make them be just one. In moments like these, they feel the certain of baring just one soul. In these moments, they are whole, they are everything. Together.  
Both of them craved for that feeling now, and Dean went deeper. Sammy moved his hips in sync with Dean’s. Dean leaned for a kiss and Sam’s mouth was already open, their tongues connected and danced together while they moved together in chase of their climax. 
“You’re too good for me, baby.” Dean said inside Sam’s mouth. “I’m sorry for hurting you so many times.” As an apology, Dean caressed Sam’s hair.  
“Doesn’t matter, Dean. What matters is we’re together now.” Sam spoke the truth. Punches and harmful words were exchanged between them so many times before, but they were still here. Dean still loved Sam more than life itself. 
They were close now, Dean could feel it. Every cell of his body was trying to mutate with Sam’s own. He moved faster, deeper, as Sam started to breathe heavy, moaning loudly in the empty road. That sound was like Dean’s air, he needed it to live.  
Dean grabbed Sam’s cock and started to stroke, one, two, three and Sam was coming all over both of their chests. Sam screamed and the sound was enough to make Dean come as well. He kept moving through the after shocks, falling on top of Sam while both of them tried to remember how to breathe. 
Dean tried to move, then, but Sam held his ass to keep Dean inside him. “Stay like that, please. Don’t want to feel empty now.” Sam asked and Dean smiled at the thought. 
“You’re not empty, baby boy. You always have me with you, during sex or not.” Dean leaned for a kiss again. “We’re one soul, Sammy.” 
Sam relaxed and Dean moved to lay by his side on the hood of the car. He noticed Sam was shaking a little, so he stood and grabbed a blanket in the back seat to cover them. Sam smiled in gratitude, because Dean always knew what he needed without speaking.  
They stayed like that, in silence, watching the sky full of stars. Dean’s arm was wrapped around Sam and his head was leaning on his shoulder. Dean could smell his hair and feel it softly against his cheek. He wished to never forget those feelings, never forget the smell of Sam and how soft his skin was. Never forget the sound of his voice and how his body looked. He wished to never be apart from Sam. 
As if the same thoughts were crossing Sam’s mind, he said “I know you want me to let you go, if the time comes. I know that, Dean. But you have to know that I won’t give up. I’ll find another way and if I don’t, I’ll go down with you, one way or another. You can’t expect me to live without you. We’re past pretending that we can and I won’t promise you that.”  Sam looked up, searching for Dean’s eyes. He wanted to make sure Sam was going to keep fighting without him, but he was right. They’ve tried this before and it didn’t work.  
So instead, he smiled and brushed Sam’s hair behind his ear. “I know, Sammy. I know. That’s why I’m counting on you to figure out another way. I believe in you.” Sam pushed him down and they kissed again, touching lips. The deal was sealed.  
Part of Dean was still afraid that there wasn’t another way, but he was peaceful. It was a mistake to think he could do this without Sam. Now, they were doing things together again and he could hope that things were going to be okay. He owed Sam that, not only the chance to save him, he owed Sam their lives. There wasn’t one without the other.  
Sam was quiet again and when Dean looked down, he had fallen asleep in his arms. His face was peaceful now and Dean admired it for a second, Sam was depressed and stressed ever since he found out Dean’s plan, but now his confidence was back and he looked beautiful.  
Dean moved carefully to not wake him up and pushed Sam out of the car, into his arms. He was definitely heavier than when he was a kid, but Dean was used to carry his weight. Sam noticed the movement and opened his eyes a little, wraping his arms around Dean’s shoulder. 
“Shhh, baby boy, go back to sleep.” Dean whispered, like he used to when Sam was a small kid on his arms. “We’re going back to bed.”  
“Will you stay there with me, Dee?” Sam mumbled, half asleep. 
“I will, Sammy. I’ll never leave you, again. Promise.” Dean said as he entered the car. He sat on the window side and let Sam on his lap, his legs spreading on the seat. He closed the doors and prepared to sleep like that, kissing and brushing Sam’s hair.  
He thought Sam was already sleeping again, his own eyes almost closing, when he spoke again. His five year old voice was back.  
“I believe you, Dee.” 
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bamby0304 · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas- Ch.4
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Jingle Bells
Series Masterlist
Bamby’s Masterlist
Summary: While Dean is out on a supply run you decide to make some hot chocolate... only to be interrupted by Sam.
Prompt: Hot Chocolate
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Smut. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Food play. Praise kink.
Turns out the cold weather wasn’t going to go anywhere, so according to that meant the bunker needed to be stock full of all the junk food he could find.
You, of course, didn’t see the point in joining him. It was too cold, and you hated shopping with either of the brothers- one was a whiny health nut, the other was over excited and had the appetite of a child. Well… normally you didn’t mind shopping with them, but the weather was getting you down.
In ordered to boost your mood, you decided to focus on your Christmas plans. Which is how you ended up in the kitchen, brewing up some hot chocolate.
“Need some help?” Sam asked as he came bounding into the kitchen.
You glanced at him over your shoulder with a smile. “If you wanna help make hot chocolate, sure. But I doubt you do, so I’m all good.”
“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to help?” He moved over to lean on the bench next to you.
“Umm… because any kinds of sugar that doesn’t come from a fruit makes you run off with your tail between your legs,” you noted before turning to give him a pointed look. “You don’t like sweet things, Sam.”
“You’re sweet.” He shrugged, picking up a mini marshmallow and tossing it into his mouth as he grinned widely at you. “And I like you.”
Your cheeks flushed as you smiled lightly, getting back to making your drink. “Careful, Sam, you might give a girl idea.”
“What kind of ideas?” He stepped closer then, to the point where he was almost touching you.
Not wanting the chocolate to burn on the stove, knowing Sam was going to relentlessly try to distract you, you quickly took it off the heat. He was, thankfully, fast to react and pulled out two mugs. You didn’t question him or comment on the second mug, just simply poured some of the chocolatey drink into each mug.
“So, what have we got?” He turned to the few extras you’d set on the bench.
Marshmallows, whipped cream, cinnamon, roasted coconut, crushed Oreos, and salted caramel. Basically, you’d grabbed anything and everything you could find in the kitchen that felt like it would taste nice with the drink. Now that Sam was looking at the ingredients, you got the feeling his thoughts were turning to something a little more… intimate.
“How about some of this, first?” He grabbed the can of cream and brought it to the tip of his finger before squirting some onto it. You watched with a watering mouth as he lifted the finger to his mouth, and sucked the cream clean off. “Mm, that’s good,” he moaned, closing his eyes.
You knees wobbled as you continued to stare and watch.
Not looking to you, Sam turned to the rest of the ingredients. “We definitely need some of this.” This time he reached for the caramel.
Again, you watched as he drizzled some onto his finger. You didn’t even realise your lips had parted on a wanting breath as he licked the sauce off, closing his eyes once more like it so too good for all his senses. His moan vibrated through to your bones and soaked your panties. Fuck the man was sinful… and he knew it.
Opening his eyes, he glanced at you. “Wanna try some?” You didn’t even get the chance to respond before he was reaching for the cream again. “You should have them in the same order… tastes better that way.”
Stepping towards you, he got so close that you had to crane your neck to look up at him. That meant your lips parted a little more, which seemed to be what he wanted. Lifting the free hand that wasn’t holding the cream, he grabbed your chin with one finger and his thumb, before pulling down to pry your mouth open more.
“Open up. Yeah, just like that.” His darkened eyes stared at your wide mouth as he brought the nozzle of the can to your bottom lip. He rested it there for a second, letting you get prepared before he pressed the button and let the white cream spray into your mouth.
The look in his eyes almost had you fainting on the spot. Watching him watch you as your mouth filled with the cream. It was obvious where his mind was going… yours was headed in the same direction. Even though it had been years since you’d felt the warm weight of his cock on your tongue, you still craved it- especially in that moment.
Letting your chin go, he watched as you swallowed the cream, every last bit of it. “Doesn’t that taste delicious?”
“Mm.” You nodded, licking your lips.
“You have to try the sauce, too.” Discarding the cream, he grabbed the caramel bottle again. When you opened your mouth without being asked, you swear you saw him twitch. “Good girl.”
Bringing the bottle up, he let the tip of it run along your bottom lip, teasing the taste, before he squeezed a little into your mouth. It was sweet, almost too sweet with how concentrated the sauce was, but you didn’t complain. You just stood there with your mouth open as he drizzled a little more into it.
Then he ‘slipped’.
“Oops.” The sauce drizzled out of your mouth and down your chin. “Should clean that up. Don’t want to waste any,” he noted as he leaned down to lick and mouth at the stick sweet trail.
Not realising the bottle was gone, too engrossed by the feel of his mouth, you tilted your head. You moved to give him more access as he moved to your jaw… which meant you’d given him more access to your neck, too.
You jumped at the cool feel of sauce being drizzled onto your neck.
“Oh no,” Sam sighed against you. “My bad.” His lips trailed down slowly. “Let me just…” His lips sealed around the spot and sucked it clean.
As Sam continued his assault on your neck, your knees finally gave out. Luckily he was right there to catch you, save you from falling. His arm wrapped around your back and pulled you flush around him as his lips remained on that same spot. Turning the two of you, he lifted you onto the bench and positioned himself between your legs.
Finally, he pulled away, only to quickly free you from your shirt. When it was pulled away you were left with a bare chest, which just made him groan.
“No bra?”
“Lazy day at home,” you explained, breathless.
He brought his hand up to your breasts and cupped one, before reaching to run the pad of his thumb against your budding nipple. “They look delicious… bet I can make them better, though.” Not giving you the chance to protest, he brought the bottle of caramel sauce to your chest and drizzled it onto you.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the cool feel on your skin. Your head went dizzy with uncontrollable lust as Sam then leaned in to suck your nipple into his mouth.
Leaning back against the tiled wall, you submitted to Sam’s touch as he sucked dark marks onto you chest. You didn’t even think about the fact they would be visible for days, you didn’t care. All that mattered was the pleasure it brought you.
Slowly, he began to trail down your body, lips pressing light kisses down to your navel as his fingers began to work on pulling your pants down. You didn’t fight, you put up absolutely no resistance, as he undressed you.
Standing up again, his lips claimed yours in a bruising kiss. When he cupped you mound you gasped against him, melting even further as your hands then slid up his arms to rest around his shoulders. Sam grinned against your lips, loving how responsive you were, loving how you give into him so easily.
Two fingers stroked your folds slowly, teasingly, gradually building up your desperate need… before they pushed into you.
Your back arched as Sam dragged his fingers in an out of your pussy slowly. It was torture, the way he took his time but made sure to press into all the right places. Gradually, he picked up the pace, taking note of what made you twitch the way he liked.
Reaching up to rub at your clit with his thumb, he worked his fingers in and out of you faster, harder, making sure to pay close attention to your sweet spot. Right as you began to squeeze him, on the edge of cumming, he pulled his hand away and replaced it with his cock. You hadn’t even realised he’d pulled himself free from his pants until you felt the heat of his tip pressing into your pussy.
The first thrust was hard, he pushed in until you were completely full… and then you were tumbling. Screaming, writhing, clutching at the back of his head for dear life, you came undone as his thick, long, hot cock stretched you open and filled you.
Grunting into your shoulder, Sam waited for your climax to begin to fade, before he started moving. The second he started to thrust you were coming again, your senses too overworked and sensitive. He was too much, and it was utter perfection.
Holding on to dear life, you whined and cried as Sam began to fuck you mercilessly on the kitchen counter. Clutching at his hair, tugging as your body spasmed over and over, you buried your face in the crook of his neck. Sam held on to you, arms wrapped around your waist tightly as his hips began to buck. Your pussy was squeezing him, clenching him so much, he was losing control.
With bated breath and a groan, he spilled into you, body twitching and hold on you tightening. You swear you could hear jingling as you fell into another climax. You were so sensitive and surrounded by everything Sam, it was like your ears were ringing with the sound of bells.
Once he was finally finished, Sam pulled his softening cock from your folds with a hiss. Your arms remained wrapped around him, however. You were feeling a little vulnerable and needy after that onslaught of sensations.
“I’ve got you.” He pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
Whimpering, you buried your face into his neck a little more. “Sam…”
“Come on.” Wrapping your legs around him completely, he lifted you from the counter. “Let’s get you to sleep.” As he started to walk, you looked back at the mess on the counter. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up. And I’ll bring you your drink.” This time he pressed a kiss to your temple. “But you need to rest.”
Not having the energy to protest, or a point to argue with, you let him walk you to your room. By the time he reached his destination, you were already drifting off. It took no time before you were asleep once your head was resting on your soft pillow.
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deans-baby-momma · 6 years
Love Knows No Bounds
That evening, by the time John and Sam had returned with thier catch Dean and Mary had went seven rounds. Being 25 had not slowed his stamina down one bit.
In the shower he had fell to his knees and ate her out like it was his last meal. She had came so hard on his face that he had to wash it twice, just to get clean. When she returned the favor by ripping the towel from around his waist and sucking him down her throat he almost lost his balance at the attack.
"Fuck mom," he exclaimed. "Warn a guy next time."
Mary popped off his dick and looked up at him. "Well if you don't want reciprocation..."she said but he quickly pulled her head back to his groin.
"I didn't say that," he moaned as he thrust gently into her mouth. Mary placed her hands on his firm ass and squeezed, silently telling him she wanted it all.
Dean groaned as he pushed in and felt the head of his prick push pass her throat. "Oh my god! I didn't know you could do that. You been holding out on me?" he asked looking down at her. He could see the bulge of his cock in her throat. "God damn that's sexy as fuck!"
Mary swallowed and the squeeze of her throat on his dick brought Dean to his end. She drank down every drop and then kitten licked his length clean.
"You taste good," she said as she stood up to go find some clothes. Dean quickly enveloped her in his arms and began kissing her neck.
"Honey, we're home!" John called out as he and his youngest son came through the door. Dean was laid on the couch watching some show on the television.
"She's in the bathroom," he told his dad sitting up.
"Oh okay," John said. "How you feeling son? Your mother take good care of you today?"
"Yes she did," Dean said, smirking at just how well they took care of one another.
Sam walked in with a large green cooler and John directed him to take it to the kitchen.  "Hope you like trout because we have lots of it," John threw over his shoulder as he went to check on his wife.
"Love fish," Dean said, smiling to himself.
Upstairs, Mary was bent over the toilet. She had already thrown up everything in her stomach and was now just waiting to make sure the dry heaving had gone away. How the fuck did she let this happen? She thought to herself. The idea of carrying John's child excited her but the idea that she was carrying Dean's was thrilling. She knew she could easily pass the child off as John's since no one knew she had been fucking her own son for the past seven years.
A knock on the door brought her attention back to the present. "Mary, darling? We're back," John said through the barrier of the door.
"Okay. I'll be down in a minute," she answered as she stood up to rinse her mouth out. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was pregnant and would give birth to another Winchester. She flippantly hoped it was a girl this time. She placed a hand on her still almost flat stomach. She got butterflies just thinking of whose child she hoped she was carrying. She would have to make a doctor's appointment as soon as they returned to Lawrence.
John and Sam worked together to prepare the fish for Mary to cook while Dean kept up the facade of still feeling ill. He could see into the kitchen from his place on the couch and caught himself multiple times watching his mother. The way her body moved, the sway of her hips, the pure unadulterated joy on her face as the three of them joked and carried on. Dean was in love. With his own mother. Mary would occasionally catch him staring and subtly wink his direction, no one else any wiser than the two of them of the secret they shared.
When Dean groaned at the first bite of food, it sent chills down Mary’s spine and a heat to her core. The sounds he was making were the same he made when he was inside her, filling her up. She shivered slightly and looked away from the table. A mother’s love for her children was one thing but this was totally and completely different. A mother isn’t supposed to crave and lust after her own flesh and blood, right? What they were doing was wrong but oh did it feel so good. As long as Dean didn’t go out and get a girlfriend and they kept their escapades on the down low, Mary had no desire to stop.
After dinner, Mary surprised everyone with pie. Dean eyed the dessert with a passionate stare. She knew he loved pie but when had she had time to actually bake it he wondered.
“Mom, when did you make this?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“When you were napping, baby boy,” she answered. And it was true, after their fourth tryst, Dean had actually taken a nap. But he had fallen asleep with his arms around his mother’s nude body. Apparently she hadn’t rested. He looked at her in a whole new light now. Even after fucking him four times, she made a pie and then they fucked three more, plus the shower/after shower oral. Damn that woman is good, Dean thought.
His mouth salivated as he watch her cut into the pastry and give each of them a slice. Dean saw the small smirk she gave him as she served him his slice of cherry pie. Dean practically drooled as he caught on and hated that there were two other people in the room. He wanted to smear the pie over her body and lick it off.
That night, as they all were headed to bed John asked Dean if he felt up to joining him and Sam tomorrow. “I don’t know, Dad. I’m still a bit queasy. The boat rocking might make me seasick. Can I let you know in the morning?”
John nodded in acceptance and headed to his room. Dean lay in bed, faintly smelling his mom intoxicating scent on his sheets. He was grateful for a private room because he knew he was going to have to rub one out.
Half an hour later he was still at it. He couldn’t finish; he would get right to the edge and then it would just go away. Dean was getting frustrated. He had tried everything, from closing his eyes and picturing his mother bouncing on his dick to spitting in his palm and pretending it was her wet hot mouth. When the door creaked and opened slowly, Dean hurriedly covered himself. Mary slipped into his room and he whispered, “Mom what are you doing in here?”
She saw the tented sheets and smiled. “John’s in there sawing logs. I just wanted to come check on you baby. I see you’re having the same problems I am.”
“I can’t get off Mommy,” Dean whined. “I’ve tried everything. I think you’ve ruined me.”
“Same goes for me baby boy,” Mary said. “I have an idea. It’s a mutual kind of thing. We both benefit. Wanna give it a try?”
Dean watched as Mary pulled her nightgown over top of her head and was shocked to see she was completely nude underneath. The sight of her naked body made his dick twitch in his hand. He threw the sheet off his body and pumped his length, putting on a show for his mom.
“So how will this work?” he asked.
Mary approached the bed and put her knees on the edge. “I’m going to suck you while you eat me,” she explained. Dean watched as his mom straddle him backward and then maneuver herself until she was hovering over his face. Dean looked up at the site of her gushing pussy above him. He licked his lips and then wrapped his arms around her thighs and dove in.
Mary bit down on her bottom lip to stave off the scream she wanted to let out as Dean devoured her. She fell over onto her palms, his leaking dick staring her in the face. She took her tongue and lapped up the precome gathered at his slit and felt him growl into her. The vibrations causing the coil in her abdomen to tighten. She took him into her mouth and gave as good as she got. Dean mumbled into her cunt and Mary could feel his dick thicken right before he shot down her throat. Feeling his load hitting her uvula she swallowed as she drowned her son’s face.
“Damn Mom,” Dean laughed lowly. “You squirted all over me.”
She crawled off him and watched as he licked as much as he could from his lips and around his mouth. He even licked his hands as he wiped her spendings off his face. “Goodnight Dean,” Mary said as she redressed and slipped out the door, to re-join her husband in bed.
“Definitely a good night, Mommy.” Dean mumbled as he turned on his side to go to sleep.
@natura1phenomenon @squirrelnotsam @kricketc27 @pretty-fortune @winecatsandpizza
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x13 “Lebanon” (300th episode)
in which i compare this episode to pumpkin soup, because I’m craving more Cas
all righty, thing is still downloading, and there’s a 720p version queued up so that’ll be downloaded by the time i’ve watched half. i have snacks, i’m gonna half close my blinds so i can see, but I DON’T HAVE HEADPHONES AGAIN which is the worst. why do headphones break so easily, that’s what i want to know. (just gotta pray there’s a good sound quality i guess. my laptop speakers suck)
...2 minutes left on the download c’moooooon
“dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
i don’t know if it’s dean’s little baby voice (HE’S MY AGE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? I CAN’T) or the laptop speakers or the video sound quality, but dean sounds like a kid in a 1980s disney cartoon, with that vintage prickle in my ears and i love it
okay look it’s super hot 'cause it’s summer, and my fan is on, and there’s cicadas... i think i gotta shut the window and turn the fan off aND SLOWLY ROAST IN HERE BECAUSE I CAN’T HEAR THIS PROPERLY
i’m 9 seconds into the recap u_u
it’s gonna be one of those days i guess
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is that the monkey again?
yeah it’s the monkey again
dead black guy already????????????????????
are those kids meant to look like the kids from stranger things? because they kind of do. and the movie theatre as well
cas is in this episode, right??
if he isn’t i’m gonna scream
misha had a tv guide cover so maybe
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every single one of these kids is cute and i’m offended
“weird sidekick with the trenchcoat” i am further offended, but also smiling
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the plaid though. she’s a dean mirror 100%
edit: i did doubt this for a second but nope, i was completely right
i mean, she drives the car as well
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dean doing the puppy eyes is 
a) cute
the hand that popped out of the smoky cigar box
dean: “this is like the best/worst thing that’s ever happened to you. ‘cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns”
sam: “are you sure you don’t wanna call mom, or wait for cas”
“michael out of my head”
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john: “now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and lucifer’s kid”
he took that surprisingly well
 a little too well
probably part of dean’s wish that he takes it well
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the face he made when he saw mary sdjgfd
ahahah dean and sam awkwardly leaving while their parents make out
dean kinda looked like he was gonna stay, lil bean
the fact dean was so adamant that he said he wanted michael out of his head, but then is now defending the fact he wished for his dad back instead
says a lot about what dean says he wants =/= what dean actually wants
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john is much sweeter and more understanding than anyone remembers him (at least than i remember him, or could infer from all the stories about him)
i really do think dean brought him back nicer
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i love seeing sam have emotions, it’s so refreshing
sam kinda looked like he panicked when john touched him aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
there’s a sign for “castle storage” in the background and i think about that sometimes. hill of a forty dogs or something??? i forget, it was so long ago
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also switching to 720p now
never mind switching back, the sound was better on the lower quality video u_u
oh no, nobody knows them
this universe-sam: *kinda smug* “god bless kale, am i right?”
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zachariah: “c’mon, constantine”
cas: “i don’t understand that reference”
zach: “you wouldn’t”
i kinda missed this cas though. like. i’m not even mad
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life goal of mine: have a sign like that in my house as decor
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okay first off i got so involved watching cas beat dean up (again) and dean being unable to stop him (D: D: D:) (kind of expected dean to croak “i love you” but um no....... that didn’t happen)
and then mary’s egg timer went off 
and it reminded me i’m hungry again so brb
well actually i’m not hungry..... but my body is shutting down because i need fat and magnesium to function which means i need to eat or else i can’t see, but same difference
okay i’m back
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john: “i thought you’d get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family”
dean: “i have a family”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
sam: “did you see them, at dinner, the way they looked at each other, they seemed happy”
and then there’s the way max looked at the girl she was crushing on
it stresses me out when people wash dishes but only rinse using the dirty water not fresh tap water
they’re about to send john back, he’s holding mary’s hand
all the rainbows behind dean’s head
betcha he’s thinkin about cas
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john: “i love you both, so much”
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“i love you too”
he says it ......he never used to say it to anyone
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but also???????
so....... that end scene where john’s like “i’m on my way back, i’ll see you soon”
was that meant to be in the past, 2003 era? the flip phone would say so, but his visible age kind of confuses matters
i mean i get that it’s hard to make someone look 16 years younger
but still
unsure about that
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it’s over
i dunno
that was definitely a special and important episode, and i appreciated seeing this side of john, this is gonna make it way easier to write fanfic of him without the story ending up as a trauma survival fic
i was kind of underwhelmed
things i rEALLY REALLY WANTED that didn’t happen:
john actually reacting to dean saying they made friends with an angel (and a werewolf, a vampire, demons, etc etc)
john meeting cas
cas being part of that family meal (i get that the point was he was 2003!cas and not there, but still)
jack being in this even a little bit??
and as the story went on and reached the end, what it really lacked, for me, was a comparison where we can then see how john/mary & max/her crush = dean/cas...........and that just didn’t happen
i think it just ended too soon, really
and there was a lot more they could’ve done with the altered timeline, could’ve brought a whooooooooole lot back from past seasons and just made it a smorgasbord of nostalgia
i get that it was focused solely on john, which gave it an emotional core, so there’s not actually a problem there, i loved that
but it felt kind of dull and slow and....... soupy..........?
(i just mean. the emotional feeling in my brain as i think about it. feels like soup. specifically pumpkin soup. warm and spicy and goopy and nutritious but ultimately not very filling)
then again, if the pacing had been sped up, i would’ve complained it was too rushed. so there’s no winning, it was probably fine ?
i think my favourite part was the kids. i loved the kids. i love the lil gay romance going there. i loved the fact it was a destiel/team free will parallel (even if that part of it was OVER SO DAMN QUICKLY MOST PEOPLE MISSED IT). i loved the kid in the hat, he reminded me a lot of the actor thomas brodie-sangster, and also johnathan byers from “stranger things”
also enjoyed sam vs. the serial killer clown, and that whole aspect of hunting that we haven’t seen in a while, felt very nostalgic
also enjoyed 2003!cas, but was both distressed and frustrated by him fighting dean and then NOT GETTING ANY CLOSURE ON THAT WHATSOEVER. the point was to make dean and sam realise they really needed to send john back, so essentially, in some respect, they did choose cas being their friend over john being around, but that part of the overall problem was never mentioned at all, cas wasn’t mentioned at all after the fight
i’m just looking forward to coda fics that start where this episode leaves off, and dean talks to cas, because i am craving that SO FUCKING BADLY i can’t even express. like. it’s becoming maddening. i just. want. them. to have. a conversation
and the black guy dying at the start?? and the other black kid running away from the ghost and never being seen again? and besides the unnamed diner guy offering info on skip day, being the ONLY PEOPLE OF COLOUR IN THE ENTIRE STORY??? NOT COOL, not a fan >:{ (still better than it used to be, but soooooooooo many white people. so many. so. many)
anyway. um
so that wasn’t my favourite episode, but not because it was bad, but because it didn’t live up to expectations. i tried not to have any expectations (i really tried) but there were just... basic things this episode needed that i felt it was lacking (*cough* cas *cough*), and i can’t really shake that feeling
HOWEVER, having seen 2003!cas be the thoughtless drone that he was, i can appreciate just HOW MUCH character development has happened while he’s been around, which.... i suppose, is a sort of nod to his entire existence ???
anyway, 9/10, and a big ol shrug
but yeah. seeing john be kind and understanding was amazing (and completely changes how i’m gonna write him in my fics in the future, since he’s probably gonna be in the fic instead of just mentioned) and having him say he’s proud of dean and he loves him was just a super nice treat c:
sam being emotional is the best, too. sam confronting his feelings 10/10
i just. i want aaaaaall of this. but with cas. i really want that. so goddamn much. ;~;
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Sharing is Caring:
Part 2
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Paring: Dean Winchester x Female Character x Sam Winchester
Warnings: This is followup porn. Feels, some fluff. SMUT, anal sex, little bit of praise kink, threesome (NO WINCEST). I think that’s it.
A/N: There has literally been so much porn on my dash, I decided to do a follow up to my other 1 shot called Sharing is Caring (as part of my Dirty 30). hope you guys enjoy! As always, unbeta’d all mistakes are mine, pics are not!
 Part 1 HERE
There were a lot of areas where Sam and Dean were similar. The bedroom, wasn’t one of those areas.
As lovers, they were both fantastic. Each man knew what he was doing and always made sure you came every single time. Their differences were in the way that they had their time with her
Dean, ever the pleaser, like the art of seduction. Making dinner, drinking good whiskey together, making out like teenagers. Or going to a bar, flirtatiously playing pool and grabbing handfuls of her ass just so every guy staring would know who she was going home with. Dean loved oral, giving was his favorite, which she quickly learned after her third toe curling orgasm. When it came to sex, he wanted her close; on top of him, riding him, him behind her while they were both on their knees. He craved intimacy; sweet words mixed with dirty ones, hand holding, hair pulling, leaving his mark on her. He loved holding her after they cleaned up, he knew Sam was more than capable of taking care of her, but when she was laying in his arms, he KNEW she was safe.
Sam, well Sam was different. Sam craved control, he was in the driver’s seat when they went for a romp, he had no problems making that clear when they were together. He could be just as sweet and romantic as Dean, but he wanted her to submit to him, which she happily did. The filth that came out of Sam’s mouth when he had her tied up and fucking her senseless would make a porn star blush. Like Dean, Sam loved leaving his mark. Finger shaped bruises on her hips, hickies, love bites; he loved seeing her marked up because of him. Sam always did the after care; if things had gotten too rough, he would make sure he held her a little tighter, endlessly praising her. He took his time rubbing lotion into her skin, gently cleaning up her skin with warm wash cloths.
Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, as she had learned from their first encounter together. All though, when it was the three of them together, SHE was the one in charge. She told each man where she wanted them and how she wanted to be touched. This round, she craved sweetness. All of the sweetness she could take. She pulled them by their shirt collars into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. She sauntered over to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his lips. She felt a different set of hands glide across the globes of her ass, Sam’s hands were demanding. He wanted to touch and feel everything, he quickly found the button on her jeans and popped it open. He pulled the zipper down, plunged his hand into her underwear and grinned.
“Dean, she’s soaking already.” Sam nearly growled.
“That right?” Dean asked as his tongue traced over her bottom lip. She sighed and let him in as she spread her legs a little bit more to accommodate Sam’s fingers.
“Good girl opening up for me.” Sam murmured in her ear before giving the shell of her ear and playful bite.
She moaned into Dean’s mouth as his tongue danced with hers.
“Someone LIKES being bitten Dean.” Sam commented as he stroked her from clit to hole.
“Hm, does she?” Dean asked as he kissed her again. She nodded as Sam yanked her backward and caged her in his arms, kissing her neck.
“Can’t let Dean have all the fun.” Sam said as he sucked on the sensitive flesh below her ear. She moaned out loud as Dean hooked his fingers into the waistband of her jeans and peeled them off of her.
“Fuck, she’s soaked.” Dean said as he sank to his knees, his hands gliding up and down her thighs. Sam quickly yanked her shirt off and pushed the cups of her bra down. Her nipples popped up almost instantly as Sam took them between his pointer finger and thumb, rolling them as Dean helped her wriggle out of her panties.
“Ahhhh!” She moaned as Sam bit down on her neck and then tugged at her nipples. Dean threw one of her legs over his shoulder, flattened his tongue and slowly licked up her length, drawing another long moan out of her. Dean spread her legs a little wider and pulled his head back.
“Fucking beautiful.” He said, admiring her.
She was strung out and needy for both of them as her chest took on a rosy tone. She quickly unhooked her bra, casting the offensive article aside as Sam easily covered both breasts with his hands.
“Mhhh,” she moaned “oh fuck, Sam!”
“Tell is what you want,” Sam told her “your wish is our command.”
She looked up at him and pressed a kiss on to his lips.
“You keep doing what you’re doing.” She told him “Dean, I want you down on me.”
With a slight nod, both brothers agreed; Sam kept up his ministrations while Dean spread her lower lips open, giving his tongue better access to her soaking folds.
“Yes,” she moaned loudly “Oh yes, like that!” Both men continued to slowly play with her and work her up. She writhed against their touches, their mouths seeming to swallow her. Dean flicked his tongue over her swollen mound while Sam’s tongue tangled with hers. She moaned loudly as her hands searched for anything to hold on to. She grasped Sam's bicep and Dean's shoulder, her nails digging into their skin. Dean’s fingers dug into her thighs as he buried his face between her legs. Sam bit down on her bottom lip as he rolled her nipples again. She cried out loudly as flames of passion consumed her body, she moaned their names as Sam sucked on her neck. She threw her head back and let out a scream as the tight knot in her belly snapped and she gushed into Dean’s mouth. He moaned as he lapped up everything she had to give him before he pulled back, licking his lips as she sighed.
“That was amazing.” She breathed
“Mh,” Sam said “now it’s my turn.”
She pouted and asked
“When do I get to do something for you two?”
“Don’t be a brat,” Sam said as he and Dean switched positions “there’s plenty of time for that, we want to have our fun too.”
Dean’s mouth sealed over hers, she could taste her own juices on his mouth. For some reason, this made his taste even more appealing. She moaned as Dean’s tongue worked its way into her mouth as Sam’s tongue flattened and licked her from hole to clit as she gasped into Dean’s mouth, her hips rocking into Sam’s face. He held her hip still with one hand and said
“Be still or I’ll spank you.”
Another lightening bolt of pleasure shot down her spine as she shuddered.
“I think someone LIKES being spanked Sammy.” Dean said “She went ridged as soon as you said it.”
Sam smirked and then looked up at her
“Behave.” He demanded of her as he went back down on her, his eyes lightning up with mischief.
She reached her hand behind her as she ran her hand up and down Dean’s denim caged erection. He moaned into her mouth and dragged her over to the bed. Sam followed and cleared his throat as the two of them fell on the bed.
“Fuck her Dean,” Sam told his brother “I wanna see how she takes it.”
Dean quickly took his clothes off as she got on her hands and knees on the bed.
“Looks like she’s about to take it good.” Dean said as he crawled on the bed behind her.
“Face me.” Sam told them. She made a one eighty turn on the bed and watched as Sam sat in the corner of the bed. She felt the head of Dean’s cock gloriously pressing against her opening. “Spank her Dean,” Sam told his brother “I wanna see how well she takes it while she’s getting fucked.”
She felt the crack of Dean’s hand across her backside as she cried out
“She just clamped so hard,” Dean said “she LOVES being spanked!”
“Spank her some more.” Sam said
Dean cracked a hand over her behind as he fucked into her tight wetness. She let out a scream of delight, her ass turning pink as he smacked the other cheek.
“Dean, oh god, Dean!” she yelled for him as she reached out desperately for Sam.
“What baby?” he asked, lacing his fingers with hers “What do you want?”
“Sam,” she gasped “need you Sammy, please!”
“Fuck!” Dean yelled as he slowed his pace down, she clamped down harder than he'd expected.
“Where sweet girl?” Sam cooed as he kissed her “Tell me where you want me.”
“Wanna-AH!-Wanna ride you Sam” she breathed out, she wasn't going to last much longer, but she had to feel them at the same time.
“What about Dean?” Sam asked, kissing her again.
“Want-FUCK!-want Dean too,” she struggled to say “in my ass.”
At this, Dean stilled, she'd never asked for that.
“You?” Dean asked “You sure sweetheart?”
“Please?” she begged “I wanna try it.”
Sam and Dean looked at each other and shrugged
“Got any lube?” Sam asked
“In my bedside drawer.” She said as Dean pulled out of her and grabbed the bottle.
“You're sure?” Dean asked before he even popped the top on the plastic bottle.
“I wanna try it,” she told him as she looked over her shoulder as him “who better to try with than you two?”
Sam stripped out of his clothes and climbed on the bed
“You're gonna have to relax okay?” Sam asked “Use the safe word if it hurts too much.”
“What's the safe word sweetheart?” Dean asked as he kissed her shoulder blades.
“Red.” she answered dutifully. The color system was the easiest they had figured out.
“That's a good girl.” Sam said and kissed her lips. “I'll work on her clit,” Sam said “get her nice and relaxed for you.”
Dean looked up and nodded at his brother as he kept kissing her neck and shoulders, making her whine. Sam slipped his hand between her legs and used his fingers to play with her clit. Dean held her hips steady as she moaned against Sam's mouth. She heard Dean pop the top on the bottle of lube, her heart starting to pound.
“Relax,” Sam said soothingly, taking her face in his hand “I got you okay?”
She nodded and looked back at Dean, whose face was filled with apprehension and lust.
“You got me, right?” she asked
He leaned forward and kissed her sweetly
“I've always got you.” he told her with a smile.
She nodded as she watched him slick up his cock, at the same time, Sam laid down and pulled her on top of him.
“Ride me for a little bit,” he instructed “then Dean's going to come in, okay?”
She nodded and climbed on to Sam's lap, taking his cock deep into her. Dean held her from behind as she rode Sam and he murmured in her ear.
“Mh, look at you riding him like a fucking champ,” he said lowly “so fucking sexy sweetheart. You're such a good girl for me at Sam.”
“Yes, yes I am.” she said
“Say it,” he commanded “tell Sammy what a good girl you are for us.”
“I'm a good girl,” she said as she rolled her hips making Sam gasp “just for you two.”
“Yes you are,” Dean cooed in her ear as the head of his cock brushed against her asshole “such a good girl letting me have this. You gotta bend over a little for me sweetheart.”
She did as Sam kissed her and the head of Dean's cock slipped inside he tight hole.
“There ya go,” he said as he held her hips “you okay sweetheart?”
“Yes, green.” she said
He eased inside of her, adding a little more lube so as not to hurt her. She felt full and Dean wasn't even all the way in yet.
“Relax,” Sam said soothingly “you're doing great isn't she Dean?”
“Yes,” Dean said in a strained voice, she was fucking tight and he was fighting not to blow his load right away “she's doing amazing, taking me so well.”
She took a deep breath, stilling on top of Sam as Dean went past the tight ring of muscle, nearly fully inside her.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned, the feeling was weird but pleasurable all at the same time “oh god, the feels so good.”
Dean bit his lip hard, she felt amazing around him. Sam took the reins and started to move under her as Dean slowly moved his hips behind her. It felt like she was about to be split open by the two of them, but she didn't care. She wanted this, to feel this full of two men who loved her.
“Oh fuck!” she cried “oh my god, GOD, that feels good!”
“Gonna come,” Dean grunted out as he started to pound into her “Fuck, I'm gonna come.”
“Come,” she begged as her eyes rolled back into her head, her brain was filled with lust and barely able to form words “Come Sam, come Dean. Come for me.”
Dean let go first, spurting his load deep into her ass as he moaned out her name. Sam wasn't far behind that, his cock swelling inside her as he watched her get off. He slammed deep into her at let go with a cry as she finished with a scream that sounded like both of their names jumbled together. Both boys pulled out in tandem as she collapsed on to the bed, a twitching, blissed out mess. Both Sam and Dean laid on either side of her, breathing hard. Dean looked at her and said
“I think we broke her.”
She shook her head
“I'm fine,” she said sleepily “tired, but I'm fine.”
“You wanna get cleaned up and then come to bed?” Dean asked.
“Sounds good. Sam?” she asked and looked at Sam, who had closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
“Show off,” Dean snorted “he can fall asleep anywhere.”
After a quick shower, she climbed into bed between Sam and Dean. Upon movement in the bed, Sam woke up and realized what was going on. He found his boxers and pulled them on as she and Dean settled into bed side by side. Sam came up behind her, spooning her as Dean's arm settled under her head.
She looked up into Dean's eyes as he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.
“Go to sleep sweet girl,” he said quietly “you earned it.”
She gave him a smile, but had to admit that she couldn't deny how she felt about them.
“I love you both so much,” she told Dean “I didn't think that was possible, but I do. You're both so amazing and wonderful.”
“Love you too.” Sam said sleepily, kissing the back of her neck and finally falling asleep.
A slow smile crossed Dean's face as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
“I love you too.” he told her and kissed her lips.  
Hope you guys enjoyed that!!!! Feel free to leave me some kind feedback, don’t forget to share and like, hit that follow button if you feel so inclined!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​​ @girlborninstorms​​​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​​​ @deanscarlett​​​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​​​ @animerose96​​​​​​ @l8nit-l0vr​​​​​​ @drakelover78​​​​​​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​​​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​​​ @mirandaaustin93​​​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​​ @atc74​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​ @biawol​​ @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​ @spaceystacey123
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Imagine being an Omega and during a night out in a bar you meet your true Alpha mate, demon Dean.
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“This is such a terrible idea.” you groaned as you followed after your friends.
“Will you stop being such a cock-block already?” one of your friends asked and you rolled your eyes.
“If a cock-block to you means having some actual sense in me, then no. What we're doing is simply reckless, don't you see that!?” you tried to keep yourself from raising your voice.
“Oh come (Y/n/n) just live a little! It's not the first time we're going to a bar after sneaking out in the middle of the night!”
“She's right, stop complaining and relax! Just enjoy this!” she threw an arm over your shoulders and you shook your head in disbelief.
“Sure and then as a ghost I'll say to my parents, mom, dad, don't cry that I died just know I enjoyed it!” you said full of sarcasm, glaring at your friend.
“Geez (Y/n) you're not gonna die tonight, relax! It's just a bar like any other.” she shrugged.
“Do you need me to point out for like the millionth time that there was dead body found here just last night?!” you looked at them with wide eyes “It was all over the news!”
“Really? Cause I don't see one here.” she giggled and you glared at her.
“I'm serious about this! That place in there is full off not just asshole Betas. There are killers in there and there are Alphas that I- I don't wanna think what they're capable of.” you shuddered but they just brushed it off “There is no place for Omegas in there, the second they catch smell of us we're screwed! Come on, let's just go back.”
“Oh please (Y/n), some of us may be Omegas but they're not gonna be all over us just for that! We lived in a country with laws, we don't just act like animals whenever we want to.”
“Some Alphas do.” you chewed on your lower lip “I tell you doing this is not a good idea, if we've got some asshole Alpha on our tail after this-”
“We'll deal with it, hush now. Plus, who knows maybe we'll end up being lucky instead tonight and find some cute Alpha to take back home.”
“At the age of twenty and this is what my life has come to.” you shook your head.
“Yet you still haven't left or run away, so that proves a point!”
“It proves the point that I care about you and don't wanna lose my friends!” you retorted.
“Or there is a pull! There is something stronger, in there, probably your own Alpha waiting for you walk in and rock his world! Both literally and metaphorically!” she giggled as you rolled your eyes.
“Just shut up, you'll love it you'll see. Black Spur is the best choice for tonight, and we're about to get in!” and with an ever so dramatic move she pushed the door open, all of your friends giggling and laughing as a laugh slipped from your lips. You were a little overwhelmed as it usually happened with any bar when the door first opened, but it wasn't unpleasant in the least bit. If anything you could actually say that if it wasn't for what you'd found out you would probably show up regularly here.
There were enough people around you, both men and women. Different scent letting you know that thankfully there were already a few Omegas around, like the blonde waitress herself who offered you a small smile as you entered. Your eyes moved all around and you did notice a couple men already staring at you, in an all too familiar way. Being young, unmated Omegas certainly made plenty of heads turn when you walked in a place. Those men were no exception, and they just screamed asshole Alpha in all kinds of ways. It made your skin crawl but you knew the best option was to not challenge them any further by continuing your staring. You recognized a couple Betas in the crowd as well, their scent being more subtle.
But as your eyes skipped all around the place there was one thing that made you freeze in your place, even as your friends walked ahead of you. It stood out like none ever before had to you, you could probably spot it from miles away. It was both not just the strongest but also most delicious scent you had ever had the chance to smell. It evoked a different mix of emotions through you that overwhelmed. A heavy feeling sat at the pit of your stomach, your heart leapt to your throat and your whole body shivered, your mouth watering and your throat closing. Your heart hammered inside your chest as you searched all around for the source and sure it didn't take you long to find it, because the person was also looking for an equally strong and appealing scent to them.
Not just any person, though, your Alpha.
You felt the shivers run down your spine once you locked eyes with his gorgeous green ones. He was at the bar with just a beer next to him, his whole demeanor would otherwise scream trouble but you didn't have the mind to think about it at the moment. He seemed to have a dark aura around him but for some reason those green eyes didn't give you the feeling that he could be real bad. You saw him lick his lips and jump up from his seat, striding towards you.
Without a second thought you did the exact same, the closer you got to each other the stronger the scent and your feelings got. You almost felt dizzy, your breathing becoming ragged and you couldn't control how hard your heart beat inside your chest. He was faster than you, having reached you more quickly and the moment you were only inches away a whimper actually left your lips.
“Alpha?” you whispered and when you got a growl as a response and you instantly the craving build inside you. The craving to have him all over you, and although not easily turned on just by a man's looks you struggled real hard to think straight this time. He looked even better from up close and if those lips weren't to sin for then you didn't know what.
“Omega” his voice was rough, naturally so, and husky as he stared at you with blown pupils Without a warning he took hold of your arms and pressed you tightly to him, burying his face in the crook of your neck after pushing away every piece of fabric that could prevent him from having skin to skin contact. He held you by your waist while his other hand was at the back of your neck. You did the same, tugging away at the flannel he was wearing a little too roughly, fisting the fabric in your hands and trying to press yourself as close as possible, which gained a chuckled from him.
“Hey lovebirds-” your friend's voice sounded so distant “The whole bar's staring at you, you can take it somewhere else yeah?”
“Sh-she's r-right-” you stuttered breathlessly but you didn't pull away, you just couldn't “Alpha” your choked out although your lips skipped over his skin, trying to inhale as much as of that wonderful scent as possible. Your hands were roaming each other unable to stop.
“”Mega.” he growled softly, pulling just barely away to take a look around him “Let's go.” he breathed out huskily, taking hold of your hand and only giving you a small tug before you just followed after him.
“You rock his world girl!” one of your friends cheered after you and you looked at her with wide eyes, still following after your Alpha. You caught him chuckle at the words and looked down with burning cheeks, thankfully when you got out for the cold night air hitting your face.
He lead towards a beautiful car you had noticed from before and pressed you against it, staring deeply into your eyes for a few minutes before finally breathing out “Damn I'm a lucky bastard.”
“Name's (Y/n).” you whispered with a small chuckle and he grinned at you.
“Dean, sweetheart. Hell, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Trust me, pleasure is all mine.” you breathed out shakily, making his smile widen.
“So tell me, little one, what's a pretty Omega like you doing in a place like that?” he paced his hands on your hips, and using a leg to parts yours, bringing his face close to your cheek “You've got all kinds of Alphas looking at you the moment you entered the place-” he almost growled and said in a scolding voice “To the point I thought I'd be spilling lots of blood for your pretty eyes tonight.”
“Wh-what?” you whimpered softly, but it wasn't just at the fear that rose up in your chest. As much ashamed as you were to admit it you had to bite your lip to keep yourself from moaning when he pushed your hips with his. It hadn't happened before but then again this was your Alpha, your body was reacting to his touch without you even realizing it, it was basic biology. That, plus the insanely handsome but dark man could have any woman undressing in front of him with just a look.
“Dean” a voice was heard before he had the chance to respond and he sighed in frustration, looking over his shoulder for just a split second just as you did to notice the blonde waitress from before standing there with a somewhat crestfallen look on her face.
“Busy now.” he growled, looking back at you and never tearing his eyes off you, his hands roaming your entire figure and face buried in the crook of your neck again.
“Crowley-” she cleared her throat, her eyes lingering on you for a moment before she looked away “Crowley says he needs to talk to you, it's important.”
“Tell him I'm busy.” he growled, just as frustrated but as you ran your fingers through his hair you felt him relax and smile almost wickedly as he looked up at you.
“Love the effect you have on me already.” he said in a husky voice and you couldn't stop a giggle.
“But he said he needs you to do something, some plans. He-” she spoke again and you saw him roll his eyes.
“I don't care!” he snapped angrily, slamming his hand on the car and making you both jump. But he instantly turned to you, holding your chin with his hand.
“Easy Omega.” he said in a still rough voice “Alpha's not gonna hurt you. Never.” he leaned in, his eyes still dark but somehow giving you only a feeling of safety because you actually felt that his words were real “Say it?”
“Never” you whispered, nodding your head as he did. It wasn't just the command or how you naturally did as he said but because you actually felt yourself relax.
“Good, baby girl.” he, unlike what you'd have ever thought, leaned in and kissed your cheek almost tenderly so.
“Tell him I don't care what his game is, I'm not his toy. I have my own plans for-” he looked at you, licking his lips “Tonight and for the rest of the way.” he smirked slightly when you bit your own lip.
“Al-alright.” she hesitated but was back inside without a further word, your eyes following her every step inside and you couldn't help but wonder for a moment.
“Alpha” you whispered, catching his attention immediately “Is she-”
“Of no importance.” he completed your sentence without waiting a bit “Don't think about it now, baby. You're my Omega, aren't you?” he raised an eyebrow and you gave him a small nod.
“Good, because there is something else more important here to talk about.” he pulled slightly away to look you in the eyes “You need to have some courage to at least come in a bar like this, especially if there was a murder just last night, right? What are you doing here, Omega?”
“I-” you cleared your throat, maybe your nature meant you were submissive to your Alpha but you wouldn't listen to the rules and play weak, not when you could “I simply wanted to have a night out, some fund with my friends. We snuck out in the middle of the night just so that we could see the infamous Black Spur from up close, murder or not.”
“Quite the rebel, aren't you?” he smirked “So what, not put off by the idea that there was blood here just 24 hours ago?”
“It is a little bit but my friends say I should stop being such a goodie-goodie and a cock-block so- I figured to tag along.” you shrugged and he hummed.
“So what-” he tilted his head “Are you not afraid, little Omega? Are you not afraid of the monster that could do this?”
“There are no monsters, Dean. Only people with real tough pasts and problems.”
He grinned “You're too pure for this world, sweetheart, but not everything's that sugar-coated.” he shook his head, lifting his chin slightly “If anything, the real monsters are closer to you than you think. Let me ask you, what are you really afraid of, (Y/n)? We sure all have our own fears.”
“What are you afraid of?” you questioned back and he chuckled slightly.
“I asked you first you know.” he pointed out with a smirk.
“We are all scared of a thing or two-” you shrugged “Even if you won't admit it so are you.”
“I just love it when you play fearless.” he grinned “You're an interesting, Omega. Not like the ones I've come across.”
“You mean not a submissive little bitch?” you scoffed a laugh “We live in the 21st century, Dean, of course I wouldn't be. If anything, true mate or not, you'll have to fight to win me over, just so you know.”
“Have I not already?” he grinned and you scoffed a laugh.
“Let's pretend you haven't, no.” you giggled “And... to answer your question, there is probably only one thing that... scares me.”
“What exactly?”
“Demons” you breathed out, the smile falling from your lips “Real demons, their black eyes and what they're capable of.”
He hummed, clicking his tongue as he leaned in “Probably... but not for their Omegas.” he said in a rough voice before his eyes turned pitch black.
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Love How You Hate Me - Sam x Reader
A/N: I guess the drabble didn’t post? I’ll have to fix that later. For now, have this. I’m going to have a busy end of the week. So, we’ll see when I post the next bit. But, hopefully this holds y’all over. As usual, feedback is always incredible. If you want tagged, please send an ask or message so I for sure see it. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Show level violence. Injured Reader. Makeout session.
Word Count: Roughly 3,700
The shadowed being was doubled over. Breathing raggedly as she held her middle. Too absorbed in the bombardment of her new senses to hear you approach until it was too late. A single hiss left her as she poised to attack. Finally zeroing in on the thump of your heart. Bloodthirsty, as most were.
Without a moment of hesitation, your arm lifted. Sending the red hair rolling across the room with a single, heavy blow. Blood splattered over your the skin of your face. Warm and sticky. Letting the smell of iron drift up to your nostrils.
You stood there for a moment. Simply basking in the strength that seemed to settle into your bones. It didn't matter who she'd been. Only who she'd become. A danger. One that wouldn't be free to slaughter anyone else.
Straightening your shoulders, you prepared to go to work. More at home in your skin than you'd been just a moment before. Letting the adrenaline take away all the lingering negativity that danced in your mind.
One by one, the other five vampires fell under your watch. Almost too easily. No loud cries. Only a few scratches lined your arms. Their arrogance being their ultimate downfall. The craving for a decent fight danced in your veins. You were desperate for the sense of control that came with the hunt.
As the last body on your wing collapsed at your feet, you stood quietly. Listening for anything more. Short of your own whispered breathing, nothing stirred the air.
With a heavy sigh, you wiped your blade on the shirt of the corpse on your feet. Moving out to the doorway to meet the brothers. Believing that all would be needed was destroying the evidence.
Your footsteps weren't nearly as light on the way back. Daring something in the building to find you. To give you a real challenge.
Half of you wondered if it'd goad Sam into lighting into you. The thought made your lips curl to one side. At least he could be counted on for that.
Just as you got close to the entrance, a loud scream echoed through the halls. Your head jerked up to the noise. Attempting to decipher where the sound had originated from. Tightening your grip on the machete, you were on the move.
Sam blinked awake. Everything blurred together as he tried to focus. To remember what he could. A single tap against an empty can had opened the eyes of the vamp he'd been about to hack up. Another must have been behind him. After that, everything went dark.
Female voices talked over another as he made sense of where he was. Rope bound his arms behind him in the morgue. Being watched by hungry, tired, pissed off women with jagged points emerging from their lips. When he turned his head, he found Dean awake. Trying to undo the knots, quietly.
Twisting his fingers, Sam glanced around. Trying to see where you were. When he realized you weren't there? That the surviving members of the nest only mentioned them? He couldn't help the relief that swept through his body.
He might not have been your biggest fan, but being turned was a fate worse than death. Beyond the endless hunger, and inability to be human in the ways most strove for, it was sentence to Purgatory. He wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not after seeing it himself. Not after hearing what Dean and Cas had endured in the pit of it.
Everything stopped as a slam sounded out in the hall. A low, heavy thud sounded. Too familiar to be missed. Someone's body had fallen. Sam's chest rose and fell rapidly as he waited to see you being carried in. Sure that you'd fallen.
Instead, when the door opened? It was you standing on the other side. Wearing that damned smug grin on your lips. Blood speckled across the exposed skin. It pooled on the floor from what was carried in your hand. The dark hair blocked the face, but did nothing to hide the fact you held a decapitated head. Is she insane?
Dean's eyes were wide, but nowhere near as frantic as Sam felt. Certain that you'd just signed a death warrant in blood. That you didn't stand a chance against the nest. Knowing Dean would witness it made his gut twist further. 
He didn't know how they'd take it. But, that didn't seem to matter to you. You didn't even look their way as the vampires straightened up to take in their new prey.
“I believe this belongs to you.” The head rolled towards the blonde woman in the middle. Assuming she was the head of the nest. “You really need to invest in better guards.” All tease and no bite. There didn't appear to be any tension in your body.
Doesn't she realize she's in danger? Sam was going to have a stroke. He was sure of it as he watched your calm demeanor.
“Someone like you?” Blonde haired and bloodshot eyes, she stood tall. Eyeing you up as if you were a prize to be held rather than a meal. Sam's heart kicked up as he imagined the fate you'd set yourself up for. “All guts and glory...you'd fit right in.”
“Yeah... I don't know about that.” It was only a second. But, he hadn't imagined it. Your E/C gaze flicked over to him. “I'm not really into the whole blood drinkin' business. I'm kinky. Just not that kinky.” Sam almost laughed at the jab. Knowing it was meant for him. Just as bratty as ever.
You scanned the room as you moved in deeper. Exposing yourself to the vampires as your hand reached down into your pocket. If they didn't kill you, Sam decided he would. Giving you the death you clearly wished for.
It all happened in a blur. The rush of an impatient, overly cocky vampire your way. Flesh slammed into flesh. Knocking you backwards from the strength of the attack. Sam forgot to breathe as he was forced to witness it.  
A scream filled the air as a body fell backwards. Huffs of air left both the brothers when the needle was spotted. Deadman's blood. Curling up, the vamp wailed in agony. Lowering the number you were up against effectively by one.  Your eyes remained planted on the other threats around you while you fixed your balance.
“You're fast. Strong...but you could be so much better.” The leader purred your way. Only seeing a warrior for her cause. Someone to replace those she'd already lost. “You'd never fall victim to a man, again.”
“Again?” It was said, flippantly. As if you didn't really care. “You know my life story?” But something flickered in your eyes that Sam didn't like.
“Downside to being female, honey: we all fall victim to a man at some point or another.” Came the scoff. Dismissing the idea that it had never happened in your life.
“You know,” Your bloody blade spun in your fingers as you played with it. Standing taller than Sam had ever seen you. “I'm all for women wanting to feel empowered.” There was a 'but' hidden in your tone. Sure enough, it was just a breath away. “But, you take it to the extreme.” Your chin lifted as you took her in. “I prefer a nice, happy medium. I'd tell you to try it sometime...But, I don't think that's going to happen.”
“You're making a mistake.” She promised. Fangs slipping down as she prepared to strike. Furious at someone challenging the authority she'd worked so hard to gain.
“Nothing new.” What you lost in strength due to being one handed, you made up for in momentum and the sharpness of your blade. The body closest to you hit the floor with a sickening plop as your other blade came out to sink into the throat of another.
Sam dug his rope against the sharp point sticking out on the pole, struggling harder to get free. Needing to assist. Give you a chance. Dean struggled to find something to tear his own rope apart.
You were fast, but not fast enough. The four newer vampires struck at once. Grabbing onto your arms and weapons. Disarming you in a sweep.
“Don't touch her.” The command sounded as a set of teeth scraped against your jugular. Prepared to rip it out. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you stared defiantly at the leader.
“So, what?” You bit out, jerking your body forward in an attempt to escape. A pointless, but instinctive reaction. “You can't convert me, so you kill me?” Your chin was still lifted as you were forced upwards. A bloodied heretic willing to die for her cause, Sam thought. “Classic.”
Sam lunged forward as if he could stop what was happening. Ignoring the way his wrists strained at the same time Dean finally called out, “You're really going to kill her? Someone that strong? She just took out two of you in a single sweep.”
His way of trying to give you a chance. To come up with something. Anything.
“Enlighten me,” You fought the hold on you even more as the leader moved towards Dean and Sam instead. Your eyes growing wild. “How does someone so attached to males benefit me?” He didn't have an answer. A short, bark of a laugh left her. Then, she lunged.
Dean's shoulder popped audibly as he rushed forward. Roaring your name as the pained cry filled the air. Sam jerked his head away. Refusing to watch the end of you. So certain he'd been right all along. Hunting would kill you.
Another, higher scream filled the air. He looked up to see you'd pulled another blade from somewhere on your body. It lodged into the head of the nest's throat. Separating the spinal chord from the skull. Another needle was lodged into the one in the back's leg.
Your body dropped from the leader's grip as the corpse fell. The weapons that had been pulled away were rearmed. As you stood, you slashed out at the legs of the women standing by you. Giving them no chance to hold themselves up. Whimpers filled the air. But, it did no good. Their heads rolled unforgivingly.
Not a word left you as you took care of the final two. Cutting the misery of deadman's blood short. Blood rolled down along your throat. Yet, you didn't once reach up to check how bad it was.
Instead, you moved over to Dean, “You alright?”
“You're asking me?” Came the pained chuckle. “I'm fine...thanks.”
“Any time,” A ghost of a smile played on your face as the rope fell away from his arms. He stretched the muscles. Wincing at the pain in his shoulder as he got to his face.
“Told you,” You dropped down behind Sam. Not quite smug. Simply matter of fact. “I refuse to be a victim.” He didn't say a word as the tightness around his wrist faded.
Your small blade was pulled from the leader's throat. Cleaned, and placed away inside a small wrap underneath the back of your shirt. It was thin enough that he hadn't noticed it, but enough to keep the blade away from your skin. You loaded up your machetes. With that, you walked out of the morgue. Not another word leaving your lips.
“What the hell just happened?” Sam asked his brother. Still in shock as he looked around the room.
“I'll take care of this. Set this place up to burn. You go check on her.” Dean rubbed at his wrists, looking at the carnage. It wasn't a question. It was an order. A way to avoid answering the question.
With a sigh, Sam listened. Turning to follow after you. He didn't bother to try and catch up. Instead, he stayed back as you practically ran back to the car. Stewing over every detail of what had happened.
“You're something else, you know that?” The sudden fury surprised Sam more than it had you when he finally caught up.
You kept your attention on what you were doing. He found you sitting beside the Impala. One leg out, the other curled up to your chest as you cleaned your weapons. The wound on your neck was raw and bloody from the bite. Not appearing to be deep enough to kill you. Still oozing slowly from the recent trauma.
“You say it like it's a bad thing.” You didn't look up at him. Focused in on what you were doing. As though you didn't have a care in the world. “I saved your ass.”
“We would have gotten-”
“You two are the best.” You looked up to him, finally. That damned cool mask on your face. “Don't give me that look, Sam.” The dry tone made the surprise turn back to anger. “You've survived against some of the biggest, baddest, things to run in this world.” You turned back to your blade as it didn't matter. “But, you got caught in a bind. And needed help. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“You think that's what my problem is?” An easy shrug was your answer. “I expected you to die in a hunt. Maybe even this one.” He blurted out. Trying to get a little bit of something out of you. To get that mischievous glint back into your eyes. To work you up as much as he was.
“Boy, you were wrong.” You threw out, making your brows raise his way. As if asking him if he had a point.
“I figured you were going to be another one on the list.”
“The list?” That made you set down the blades, and look at the younger Winchester. You pulled up your other leg and rested your arms across your knees. “What are you talking about, Sam?”
“The list of the people Dean's lost.” Sam looked down, pushing away the sadness before letting his eyes meet yours. Dean was a weak spot for you. He expected you to get more riled. To give him more of the fight he craved.
“Dean's not the only one who lost people, Sam.” You leaned your head back against the metal. A knowing look in your eyes as you looked up at him carefully. You'd caught onto his game, and refused to play by his rules. After all, you got your fight in already. You were too drained to give him more. “You were there, too. You've lost just as much. If not more.”
“More?” He didn't like how easily you shifted the conversation. Zeroing in on his own insecurities.
“Dean knew your mom. You never did. He was old enough to remember at least a little of the normal life. Your earliest memories are of being raised by your brother as you bounced around the country. You were in Hell for a considerably longer period of time. Trapped with Lucifer himself.” You let out a small laugh, “Sam, you're so blind to yourself, it's unreal.”
“Oh, and you know me so well?” His voice hardened as he looked down at you. Forgetting that it was supposed to be you worked up. That it was you who should've been on the defensive over the way you'd thrown yourself to the vampires.
“Let's just say that I have a unique perspective.” It wasn't said with malice. Simply that easy, blown off kinda way that got under his skin. Almost immediately, you shifted away from it. “Dean burning the place down?”
“Yep.” He relaxed considerably. A deep, steadying breath left him. Until he realized he'd been played, again. You'd turned him every direction you could, until he'd forgotten why he was mad in the first place. Thoughtfully, he watched how carefully you handled your weapons. “I'll give it you, you're good-”
“Not interested in your approval, Sam.” You got to your feet, almost angrily. Something finally digging underneath that empty exterior. “In fact, I really just want to be alone.”
“No can do.” He leaned against the closest tree. Comfortable with the newest shift. “Dean wanted me with you.”
“Since when did that matter?” You turned back to the car, opening the door roughly. Growing angrier by the second. “He's wanted us to be a big happy family from the beginning. It didn't work, Sam.”
“Because I didn't give it a chance-”
“Not going to argue there.” You shot back, reaching inside bag you'd stored there. “But, somehow I don't see you in the brotherly light. So, there's really no point in trying now, is there?” You pulled out a new batch of clothes and a first aid kit.
“Never said I wanted to see you as a sister, Y/N.” Sam had no control over the way his voice lowered. In fact, that's the last thing I want. His eyes slid over your form. Taking in the way the jeans outlined your ass.
Slowly, you turned to him. Forgetting what you'd been about to do. Catching the way the deep hazel raked across your body.
The blood still dried to your skin should have been a turn off. Instead, it drew him closer. It was proof that you were everything he'd never expected.
You weren't weak. You could handle anything he could throw at you. He was sure of it in that moment.
“You are the single most frustrating human being I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.” You turned away, shaking your head. Refusing to give into the urge to lean in.
His hand came out, gripping your upper arm. Forcing you to turn his way. Your hands came out, pushing against his chest. Keeping some distance between your bodies. Eyes filled with heat. He didn't know if it was anger. Or desire. But, it was something he couldn't resist.
“I could say the same thing.” Was his quiet, rough response. His hand came up to your head, pulling you in to press his lips against yours. If Sam had thought about what he was doing, it never would have happened. He just wanted- needed- to taste the stubborn lines of your mouth.
The lack of response made him still. Forcing him to realize the colossal mistake he'd made. Immediately, his hands left you. Backing away, he acted as though he'd been seared.
He didn't get far before your hand came up, wrapping itself in his hair. Your body pressed flush into his as you yanked him back down. Molding those once stiff lips against his greedily. The other hand dug into the meat of his shoulder. Not letting him run like he'd intended.
Sam didn't hesitate once he had his opening. One hand held your hip as close to him as he could get it. The other pressed deep into the middle of your back. His teeth tugged at your bottom lip. Demanding entrance. As soon as he got it, he deepened the kiss. His tongue stroking lightly against yours.
You'd imagined a lot of things. But, nothing could have prepared you for the actual feel and taste of Sam Winchester. The heat of him. The way his long fingers held you so firmly.
Everything about the man was overwhelming. It let him get, and stay, in control of the situation. Leaving you content to follow his lead. To just give for once instead of fighting. Instead of being cold, you were just as heated as him.
It only got better when you were lifted, and pressed against the muscle car. His mouth devouring you. One of those too large hands dug into the meat of your thigh to hold you in place. The narrow hips pinned you to the metal. The other hand slid roughly up the side of your body; pulling your shirt with it. Eager to feel skin instead of cloth.
Your own hands moved between you two; trusting him to support you, instead of clinging to him. His skin felt impossibly warm as your touch slowly moved upwards. Sam sucked in a breath before his mouth jumped to your neck- opposite of the forgotten wound.
A small moan left your lips as he bit lightly at the tender skin at your throat. Primal growls left him at the contact before he pressed an open mouthed kiss against the tender skin to soothe it. You continued to explore his body. Appreciating the bunching muscles as he repeated the process in another spot.
“It's done!” Dean's voice broke past the passion. You pushed Sam away from your throat immediately. He practically dropped you in his hurry to escape once he realized what- who- was coming.
“Good!” You yelled back, fixing your shirt. Searching to ensure your best friend hadn't witnessed your downfall. In the distance, his shadow moved through the brush. You were safe. “Hurry up, and let's go before someone comes to check out the smoke!” The puffs of black danced up into the air. Signaling the end of the hospital.
“We're not done.” Sam promised, drawing your attention back to your most damning problem. You should have been more apprehensive at his words than you felt. Not feeling a thrill shooting through your body as you watched him reach down to fix the tent forming in his jeans.
“We'll see, Samuel.” With that, you climbed into the backseat of the Impala. Shutting the door behind you roughly. Using it as a shield between you and him.
You couldn't deny you'd enjoyed it. Wanted it to happen again. But, the glaring truth stared you back in the eyes. You'd given Sam Winchester a well honed- toned- weapon to use against you. Himself.
Part Eight
Tag: @burningmusicmachine @missmarrinette @sherlockedtash88 @rathersuspiciousbumblebee @sasbb23 @nothinbuttrouble2 @baby-bunker-pie @neii3n
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon @supernaturalginger
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
The Hunter Diaries- Chapter Eleven
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Series Masterlist // Rose’s Masterlist
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester had been your best friends for as long as you could remember. Being Bobby Singer’s adoptive daughter, it was sort of inevitable to know the brothers. You knew you’ve had a crush on the elder brother for a long time, but you always thought nothing would happen between the two of you. You’re not the picture perfect model and you aren’t the image every girl strives to be. But maybe, just maybe, you were wrong, and he’d like you too.
This is a story of love, death and demons. A story about a girl who fell in love and hopes to survive long enough to act on it.
Pairing: Dean x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings: Language, blood, Aamon
A/N- Two? One? More chapter(s) left. I’m still not sure. This chapter is incredibly important and you may or may not find out what the fuck Aamon is.
Aamon was restless. The moon was to rise in a little less than two hours, which means that the ritual had to be prepped and ready to go by then.
It had been nearly a week and a half since he had taken you from your home. A week and a half of hearing your sarcastic and smart-ass remarks. He couldn’t hurt you, for he needed you for the ritual, so he simply ignored you. He brought you food that you left untouched for nearly five days before you got so hungry, you scarfed down anything you could. He locked you in a room, but it was suited to your comforts. A large canopy bed sat against one of the walls, a large bathroom with a jet tub was off to the right and the room was lit during the day by windows making up two of the walls, overlooking a deep valley of lush, green, snow topped trees and tall grasses. Blue mountains sat far in the distance, the sun waking you each morning by peeking over them, spreading its rose tipped fingers across the land and into the valley below. A tall bookshelf inhabited much of the east wall of the room by the locked door, full of various genres and languages, all ranging from different time periods. They were your only form of entertainment in your confinement to the room and you had already read close to a third of them.
A knock sounded on your door and you lept off your bed, standing straight and tall as Aamon walked in, his jet black hair moving like waves down his back and around his shoulders as he walked. “Hello, love.”
“Come to kill me yet?” You asked. He sighed, shaking his head.
“You ask me that everyday, yet the answer is all the same,” He said. “‘Not quite, but you just wait’. But, unfortunately for you, today is the day.” He smiled at you and held out his hand. You eyed it suspiciously, taking a small step forward.
Just as you had planned for the last week and a half, you brought the jagged piece of metal you had broken off your bed and jabbed it into his neck, pushing him down and sprinting from the room. He let out a growl of rage, a crimson fountain spouting from the side of his neck from where he pulled the metal from his flesh.
“You won’t get far, Y/N/!” He yelled. You panted as you sprinted down the twisting hallways, turning into corridor after corridor, desperately searching for a way out. You seemed to be in a castle almost, the walls cobblestone, torches lighting the your way.
A large wood door sat at the end of the hall and you sprinted as fast as you could, pumping your arms and breathing heavily as you ran. You smashed into it, pulling on the handle.
“Come on!” You yanked at the locked door as hard as you could, glancing behind your shoulder. Your impending doom was almost set in stone and your heart raced in your chest at the mere thought of it. You gave yourself up, yes, but the thought of you dying in merely two hours set fear deep within you. You weren’t ready to die, not without seeing Dean one last time.
Your thoughts were cut short when a hand tangled itself in your hair, yanking your head back, your throat exposed to the monster above you.
Aamon’s eyes burned like embers, his lips curling back over his teeth, multiple sets of dagger sharp canines breaking through his gums. Your eyes widened as you watched the new teeth peek through.
He bent down, latching his teeth into your flesh. You screamed at the searing pain, your skin breaking easily, your blood flowing hot into his awaiting mouth. He drank deeply before lapping at his fresh bite, throwing you to the ground. You brought your hand up and pressed it against your neck, backing up down the hall and away from him. He brought his hand up and wiped his mouth, smearing your blood across his lips and staining his ashen skin.
“Holy… Shit…” You croaked. He smiled down at you, his fangs retracting back into his gums.
“I’m anything but holy, love,” He said. He gripped your hair and tugged you up. You groaned and hit at his chest, but he only chuckled. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Y/N, but you left me no choice. You disobeyed, which means you needed to be punished.”
“You’re… A demon-vampire? How the fuck?”
“We need to work on your language. I don’t want you using the last hours of your life letting filthy words spew from that beautiful mouth.” He smirked down at you as he dragged you down the hall, his hand tightly gripping your hair.
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“This may work,” Bobby said. “But I’ve never done it before.”
“Just do it,” Dean snapped, his pacing beginning to annoy Sam. Bobby sighed and set the large spell book on his desk, flitting about the room gathering ingredients.
“You should have called your angel friend,” Bobby grumbled.
“You don’t think I’ve tried?” Dean hissed. “I screamed myself hoarse in the junkyard. The junkless bastard won’t get down here.”
“Excellent.” Bobby replied dryly. He placed his bowl in the center of the desk and layed the ingredients out. His stomach was clenched tightly with anxiety and he had to resist the urge to drink himself to a stupor. You were the apple of his eye, the only reason he hadn’t committed suicide years ago. He loved you with every inch of his being. You may not have been his biologically, but you were his daughter, the only thing keeping him sane. The only thing that brought him happiness and love.
He carefully measured each needed ingredient and poured them in carefully. It had taken him the whole week you had been gone to find a spell that had at least a fifty percent chance of working. Keeping his fingers crossed, he grabbed the map, pouring the potion over the parchment. Taking a match, he lit it, dropping it onto the corner. The map burst into flames, the orange blaze going around the edge of the map.
“Inveniet eam,” Bobby said. The flames roared, raising high and tall. The old hunter cringed from the heat, watching the map burn and flake away, leaving a small circle of wrinkled parchment. He glanced up at the boys before looking down at it.
“She’s in the state, somewhere in the Black Hills.”
“The mountains?” Sam asked.
Dean jumped up, automatically grabbing the small piece of map and heading towards the door. “Let’s find her. Let’s find my Y/N.”
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“So I know what you are now,” You said. You sat in a metal chair, your hands cuffed to the arm rests and your ankles bound to the legs. Aamon stood a few yards from you, preparing for the spell. “You mind letting me know where I come in to all this?
Aamon sighed, his blue eyes flicking up to you. “If I must,” He muttered. “As you know now, I’m half vampire, half demon. A ‘Sato daevam’ if you please. We’re an incredibly rare species. I’m the only living one at the moment. But you… You are the key to unlocking my true potential.”
“How?” You asked shaking your head. “How can I possibly be the key.”
“The spell requires harvested angelic grace from an indirect source. One of many ingredients of the spell. You, my dear, have that. Have you ever wondered how you heal slightly faster than other people? How you have this… Spiritual feeling? How you make everyone around you happier? You’ve got angel grace in you, love. And I need it.”
“What will the spell unlock?” You murmured.
“Excellent question, my dear. As of now, I cannot create new Sato daevams. I can’t drink the copious amounts of blood I always crave, for the vampire part of me is still partly human, and I’ll get sick. That being said, the part of the vampire that is still human doesn’t have full power. I’m not as strong, I can be killed. But once I cast the spell… Oh, Y/N, you won’t believe what I’ll be capable of. I’ll be unstoppable. And once I become at full power and the spell is completed, one of the seals will be broken, inevitably taking us one step closer to freeing our rightful king.”
“Lucifer,” You breathed. Your heart clenched, tears welling in your eyes. Not only will you break a seal, you’ll be the key to unleashing an immortal creature into the world. One that will no doubt rein absolute terror on the world. And you’ll be at fault for it.
“So,” Aamon said, holding up a silver tipped knife, the moonlight gleaming through the skylight, shining perfectly on the silvery blade. “What do you say we get started?”
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noprodigalson · 6 years
❥ !! /from deacon w/ love
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close. 
touch ;  a sensation that meant more than just fingertips that lingered against dry skin, the swells of muscle, and pockets of scarring that seemed to litter the body from years of use and living. a worn in vessel, markings that told tales and history, stories of past adventures. and mistakes. with a single touch one could learn about the past like reading a weathered rock or small carving. the same touch passed on information as well and that was dangerous. dean preferred to not let his secrets slide out into the open so easily. he refrained from reaching out to others, pulled back away from offered hands ––  there was safety in isolation. 
but there was safety in grounding, in holding one’s self stable and steady. it was a trait that dean struggled with, thoughtlessly reacting to any perceived threat or taunt. with a simple touch, however, a hand hovering just slightly over his arm, brushing slightly over the faint hairs that covered his skin, dean could feel himself being pulled back into the moment. grounded.  
     so easily dean had lost himself to his emotions. a small comment, inconsequential in any matter and harmless considering what the hunter has gone through before. his mind had treated the words as a threat ;  not towards him, no. dean would have easily laughed that off, dismissed the person in front of him as a minor annoyance ( dean had dealt with so much worse than a human who put more effort into keeping the crisp, ironed, lines of their work shirt than actually putting in any work at all  ) .  no, the pointed words weren’t directed at the hunter rather than towards the man beside him. the man that lived up to their last name so easily, who dean had grown to admire and even love. 
one could easily try and threaten the hunter, but threaten his friends ?  his loved ones ?  dean had killed people for less. 
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eyes narrowed, gaze rounding on the offending officer that deacon worked with.  dean was already with reputation in the precinct, both good and bad depending on who you asked, but also with a healthy amount of suspicion and fear. dean had to admit he liked it that way, especially if that meant they’d be watching themselves around deacon just to stay on the winchester’s good side. 
 ––––––         “ this wasn’t made with a knife, what even lead you to that conclusion ?  ” words spoken as if it was common sense, as if it was an obvious observation to have been made. there was some sputtering amongst the group, dean distracted by the simple officers to notice deacon watching them from the sidelines. 
“ sure, the body’s been skinned. big whoop, not like it’s hard to do. people aren’t that much different from animals really, cut just between the layers of the dermis and keep from harming the muscle, it’ll practically slide right off. look here though, ” dean mentions, pointing out a small section of the body, rougher and a bit bloodier than the rest. he begins to point out the tears, the bloodier bits and gouges in the muscle that shows that it wasn’t just a simple skinning. something had pulled the body apart, finger nails digging in sloppily to get their prize. during the explanation, some seemed to pay attention, taking genuine interest. most seemed practically sick however, the descriptions dean used forcing the weaker stomachs away from the remaining pile of flesh.
                     “ how do you know all this ?  ”
dean couldn’t help but to grin, looking over at the man who seemed a little pale in the face as they tried not to get a glimpse of the body. “ i’m a bit of a survivalist hunter. learned a few tricks about what works and what doesn’t. not fun to be out in the woods with a broken knife, knowing that in a few weeks the temperatures were gonna start dropping. gotta do what you can to survive, right ?  may not be able to get a clean cut, but you’d be surprised what one can manage with a sharpened rock and determination. ”          ––––––
dean feels deacon’s hand rest against his arm, pulling him away softly towards the warm body that stood besides him. a smooth, simple, gesture, but one that pulled dean away from craving to see just how that man would enjoying threatening deacon with his job and other bureaucratic nonsense if dean had a knife digging in-between the layers of skin and muscle. how badly in that moment he wanted to remove that smile by pulling the skin off their face. “ it was a pleasure to meet you finally, but we gotta go. promised to grill this man a decent steak. i’ll be seeing you around, i guess. ”
a brush of fingers against aching skin, body so sore and tired from the day that the weariness has filled one’s self to where even wearing clothes felt heavy and painful. dean knew he wasn’t unique in feeling this weight, shoulders tired and sore from the constant pressure that had been weighing him down ever since the age of six. simple moments like this were what made it all the more noticeable however. a motel room, silent except for the passing cars that traveled past without thinking twice about just who was staying in these run down rooms. did a thought even pass through their mind ?  a small voice whispering to the back of their head as they traveled from city to city, from home to work, that in that very motel, there were two people who were responsible for saving hundreds of lives ?
dean didn’t care, preferred it actually if they didn’t give him recognition for the job he does, didn’t admire him for being a so called hero. in that silent room, it seemed as if time only passed by outside the walls of their room. the lack of noise was oppressive,  shadows crawling up the fading wallpaper as the room seemed smaller and smaller. a small liminal space, a place that was beyond reality of the world but yet not quite in possession of it’s own. the only thing that dean cared about were the rough fingers that moved along the muscles of his arm, dragging against the hairs before pulling the hunter’s body. a simple touch that broke through the loud, buzzing, silence that filled dean’s head, clearing away the static of his mind. 
he finds himself falling against the mattress, this time being the one to drag the other body along with them. there’s a grin on the hunters face, aware of the hand that remained on his arm. body moves closer, seeking a comfort and reprieve from that soreness and weight. dean focuses on the touch that is shared between their bodies, leg intertwining between the deputy’s, arm laying across deacon’s waist. only the simplest of touches, but dean quickly was able to find comfort in the contact, find grounding and safety. words lingered in the back of his throat, unable to say them. instead, dean pressed forwards, making sure that his body lined up against the other man’s, removing all space in-between as he rested his head just below their chin. 
while the hunter may speak poorly, struggle to voice his emotions, all it took was a simple touch for him to voice his thoughts and feelings.
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jay-and-dean · 6 years
Je ne te mérite pas (I don’t deserve you) Chapter 3.
Warnings : Smut, swearing, Fluff
Future warnings : Smut, Fluff, Angst, Violence. Many smutty times in the next parts, I don’t know how I will deal with it given the recent event on tumblr, I’ll let you know
Words : 4233
Chapter summary : He finally can’t resist her...
Serie Summary : Dean and her can’t be together.If you ask Dean, he would list so many reasons : Her age, first. Not like she was a kid anymore, but he remerbers picking her from highschool not so long ago. Then Jody, damn, the girl is like a daughter to her, what kind of friend would he be ? He’d talk about her boyfriend and how he’s the opposite of himself. Of course he would expose how poisonous he is, how dangerous it is to be around him. He’d say he want to keep her away from nightmares… And he would conclude with certainly that she just won’t ever love him, why would she ?
If you ask her, she just might whisper with a heartbreack in her voice : “I don’t deserve Dean Winchester”.What if they where wrong ?
Note : It is my first time writting in english, so, forgive the errors.
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Your Pov
This son of a bitch made it real. He made your fantasies real. You were in love with him but it was a whimsical fantasist though, like you didn't even deserve to think of him in any other way than pure admiration.
And he let you kiss him...
He took you by the wrist and looked at you with desire, made you touch his lips...
And now it's fucking real.
Sasha is over you, buried inside you, kissing your neck and caressing your thighs, and you are thinking about Dean Winchester. What would it be like to have him kissing you neck like Sasha does ? What kind of lover can he be ? He's a man, a almost forty years old warrior man, you probably couldn't handle him anyway. You can't stop thinking about all the ladies he had sex with, the luckiest girls in the world, but so oblivious... having Dean Winchester but not even knowing what it means.
Sasha kisses you and only then you realize it's over, he is soft again, lying beside you and kissing your mouth almost eagerly. You break the kiss and smile at him, you stroke his hair and lay a kiss on his forehead then you get up and head straight for shower.
The water is warm and the bathroom is misty, you use Sasha's masculine shower gel and still, your stomach hurts because Dean is not here. You're going to find an excuse to come home sooner today, you need to be in the bunker, Sasha's apartment makes you claustrophobic, it's been three days and you just want to see Sam, and have Dean around.
It's strange to think of it, why would Dean want you close ?Seeing you half naked doesn't usually turn men on, all those scars... You always keep your clothes on when you sleep with someone, expect with Sasha, he knows you by heart and he doesn't ask questions anymore.
Maybe it's just because you are the girl that's there, available. The bunker is filled with men, and you happen to have boobs, that's it.
 Dean's Pov
I put the keys on the table, they're still a little bloody, I sight and rub my neck, fucking vampire. Then see Sam's phone light up : "I'll be home around 8. I'm bringing food."
Y/n wasn't supposed to come home this early, she said she'd drive by night when she left. Is there a problem with Sasha ? Did they have a fight ?No one would come back soon when they can see their loved one only once or twice a month. But I won't know anyway.
My chest narrows at the thought of seeing her, that kiss made it worse and now I'm a mess. I spent the weekend asking myself what she was doing with him, if he wanted her like I do, how she acted with him, why she kissed me... I'm just craving to kiss her again, to touch her body and, in a primal way, to take her like I owned her.
I shake my head and chase away these ideas, joining Sam in the kitchen.
 When I hear the door, my heart races. There she is, smiling at me again, hands fool of bags, her eyes bright, her jeans tight.
We eat all together, Sam, Cas, Jack, Y/n and I, and all falls into place naturally, like it's how it's supposed to be. She is asking Sam about the case she missed and apologizing to Cas that he can't really appreciate what she brought. I try not to stare at her, but she's just next to me, she doesn't smell like she usually do, she smells like a man, Sasha's been all over her and I hate it, I just want her to smell like herself again. Did he thought she smell like us when she came back to him ? What the fuck are you thinking Dean, she's not yours, people don't belong to other people, and you're not some kind of animal that sniffs girls.
Cas is gone with Jack, and when Sam gets up, saying he's heading to his room, he asks Y/n if she's coming with him. Before she can answer, I offer her a drink.
She stayed, not only for that drink but for the others, and the next time and the night after. Each time I ask her to stay with me, to come with me to do something, she does. I try hard to have her talk about herself, but most of the time, she just manages to make me confide in her.
"I swear this girl was crazy !" she says, stretching her legs toward me on the couch, one feet resting on my thigh.
Y/n and I spend our evenings together when we’re not hunting, it’s become a routine, my favorite. Sometimes, she still joins Sammy to fall asleep with him, and he told me she confessed hating falling asleep alone, because those nights she has nightmare. Last night, she fell asleep on the couch and I carried her to bed, still fighting the urge to touch her more than needed.
She relaxed over the evenings and nights we spent talking, her body relaxed to, and she now lies here, next to me, legs on mine, her head on the armrest.
"I can't believe she still has all of her teeth" I joke, taking a sip of my beer.
"I try not to fight, last time I did, the guy went to hospital", she laughs a littler and frown. "I guess I have too much anger, or a too violent story like Claire told me, anyway..."
"Wow, when was it ?" I ask.
"Mh, I don't know, 11th grade maybe... I broke his jaw and he, he had penis surgery..."
I look at her in shock, my eyes wide.
"What the ! Y/n, remind me to never make you angry !Wow ! What did he do ?"
Her smile fades away and she almost seems still mad. She stretches out a little bit on the couch, getting closer to me in the process. Under her long sleeve-shirt, I can see she not wearing a bra, and I try not to look there.
"He said something wrong about the wrong people." She says and she shyly smiles at me.
Our fun and lightweight discussion is turning serious and I lay my hand on her calf, craving for contact, looking at her.
"What did he say ?" I ask.
She hesitates and looks at my hand instead of my face.
"It was when Sam and you where often at Jody's and, you picked me out of school sometimes. Haha, I loved it, seeing the Impala waiting for me..."
I remember this, she was always alone when she get out of the building, and she always rushed toward the car, like it was a relief.
"Well, there was this guy, Troy" she continues. "He was hitting on me, kindly at fist, like... he said I was pretty and all that crap. But I pushed him away each time, and when he became insistent I told him something like "not even if you where the last blabla". Troy was not used to rejection, and so he spread a rumor, that I was a slut or whatever."
I clench my fist and mutter "Son of a bitch".
"But I didn't really care, I already was the creep of high school anyway... I was planning on a spell to give him crabs or whatever" she laughs and bite her lips mischievously.
Then she starts touching her hands, playing with the silver ring she always wear and she opens and closes her mouth a few times. Then finally she starts to speak.
"But one day, you had picked me up the day before, and seeing your car wasn't here he said something like "Alone ? Maybe ex-convict-weirdo-uncle choose to screw your mother and not your slut ass today". And so I broke his jaw, and hurt his manhood pretty bad. I had to do community services after that..."
I can’t move, my own anger making my blood boil. I try to speak and the only thing that comes out of my mouth is :
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be” she says. And then she punches my arm. “Dean ? I shouldn’t have told you that…”
I ask her why and she just says she doesn’t know. Then she suddenly sits so her body is very close to mine, her leg still in my lap, the other under her. She looks at me closely and I want to take her in my arms and touch her everywhere. Fuck, this Troy was right about one thing.
“Maybe I am indeed like an ex-convict weirdo uncle” I say low.
She sights deeply and put her head on my shoulder. We’ve never been this close, it’s like we’re cuddling and I want her so bad it makes me feel guilty.
“There it is…” she says with sadness in her voice.
“What ?”
“Self-denigration.” She whispers. “You’re not a weirdo, Dean, you’re a hero.”
Silence falls on us, her hand on my lap next to her thigh, her head resting on my shoulder, mouth toward my neck. I want to push her away but it’s far beyond my strength ; instead of that, my hand comes on her waist by itself. She smells so good, she is so close, I could drift any second and it scares me to death.She sights and lifts her hand from my knee to my chest, resting it there, certainly feeling my heart beat like crazy.
“I could easily sleep here” she murmurs “You’re comfy”.
I’m burning, her sweatpants seem so thin, her hair so soft. My other hand comes to rest on her knee, but something clicks inside my brain, like it has gone off. My fingers starts to gently caress her knee and she lets a really quiet moan out.
Fuck everything.
I stroke her thigh and go up, reaching her ass like I always dreamt of. She starts to shiver and I restrain myself from getting further. I’m high, not even knowing what I’m doing, but trying hard to stay on Earth.
Then I feel it, her mouth open kissing my throat, her hand on my chest pressing harder, her breath is so hot and her lips are wet. And I lost it. My hand slips under the edge of her shirt and I close my eyes. Her leg readjusts so she’s straddling me a little more, but not entirely and she buries her face on my neck, I’m trying to hide my panting. I just need to make her moan, make her shiver, make her mine… So my hand comes on her thigh again and travels on her front, timidly caressing her pussy through her pants. She moans and licks my throat. My heart is going to explode, my underwear too.
“Y/n…” I exhale.
My name. She said my name in an exhale of pleasure, I’m about to burst in flames.
And suddenly it all comes back.
Her age.
The life. My life.
“Y/n, y/n… I’m sorry I can’t. This is wrong.” I say hating myself.
She lets go easily, like she agreed, she gets up and smiles at me, her face flushed. She looks at me, I wish I could get up, hide my arousal and be a man about it. But I’m like a child that’s been abandoned.
“It’s okay Dean. Just… Friends ?” she asks.
 Your Pov
You can’t sleep. Your body is too shaken, your mind is going mad. You haven’t really slept in three days.
Three days.
Dean touched you there and you had a taste of his skin on your tongue. Everything is different. And it goes on and on in your head : flashes, ecstasy, excitement, fear, sadness, emptiness, hope, fear, flashes, butterflies, sadness…
Did you tease him ? Was it your fault ? Maybe he didn’t even want it to start. You talk to him about being calling a slut and then you act like one… But he touched you, he started it didn’t he ?Maybe he wanted you after all, he doesn’t have to know you love him. If he just wants sex, you are willing to give him anything he wants, even if that breaks your already shattered heart into smaller pieces.
Sasha called you yesterday and you talked for an hour. He knew something worried you, so you told him a little piece of the truth : “I saw him. I’m just sad.” You said. He didn’t understand why you were sad about it, “Was he with a girl ?” he asked… And you just told him everything was complicated in your mind, he tried to convince you to visit him but it wasn’t the right time.
Sam looked concerned too, seeing you forget to eat, and losing your keys, resting in bed all morning. But when he questioned you, you just didn’t answer, shrugging.
Dean was all natural, casual, and when you noticed he acted as usual, even with you, a part of the weight on your stomach disappeared.
Then a complicated hunt made you clear your mind. The stubborn Winchesters fell into a trap and you saved their life, preventing an Ancient God to bleed them to death, Sammy had lost a few but the guy is tough.
After the hunt the three of you went to a bar to celebrate and of course Sam was too tired to stay, he had to recover. So Dean and you stayed together, and it was the first evening you spent together in a long time, telling your drunk stories to each other and drinking a lot.
 The morning after you wake up with a bad hangover, on Dean’s bed, him lying beside you. You look at him and think, with butterflies in your stomach, that this man you love is becoming a very close friend, and the hope of being that to him is more than you ever dreamt.
“Mh…” Dean groans, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it ?”
“What ? Oh !” he stretches and sits, holding his head in his hand. “That last bottle was definitely too much… Nightmares ?” he asks turning to you.
“No… I slept like a baby. A passed out baby.”
As he says nothing, grabbing a bottle of water and realizing it’s empty, you continue.
“That’s why I often sleep with Sammy you know. It seems that sleeping beside a Winchester prevent me from nightmares. So thank you for protecting me from the monsters inside my head. ”
He smiles and kisses your forehead before getting up.
In ten days, you have slept one time with Sam after watching movies, seven times on crappy motel rooms, one night with Sasha, one night on one of the chair of the Forteress of Deanitude, and ten times with Dean, on a couch, on his bed or in yours.
Sometimes you just fall asleep drinking or talking or watching a movie, sometimes after a nightmare you join him and coil like a cat beside him over his blanket, sometimes, he carries you to bed and stays with you. And sometimes, he hears you scream in you sleep and joins you, slips under your cover and puts a shy hand on your shoulder telling you he’s here.
This is one of those nights.
Dean came to your bed and told you you were safe, he did exactly like he always does, except he was a little closer. It is the best thing in the world, having Dean beside you all night, but you are craving for him.
Why not ? You cuddle with Sam, you could get a little comfy with Dean. And having his arms around you like it happens some mornings is the closest thing to heaven. So you let yourself get even a bit closer to him, and he immediately respond, taking you in his strong arms from behind.
Having him so close is the best filling in the world, you feel like in one of those rare dreams, the ones which are better than reality, that feel like heaven. His smell makes you dizzy and you are aware of every inch of your body that's in contact with his. His foot brushes your heel and his knee is nestled against your leg, his waist doesn't touch you but you can feel his belly when he breathes deeply, his massive arm rests on your stomach and you know he feels how trembling you are. His head is just next to yours, face toward your hair ; how can not kissing someone be painful ?
You know he can feel it, this electricity, your body shaking and his burning, sweat breaking through his delicious skin. Maybe it is the reason why Dean have had so many conquests, his body made for love, reacting like a volcano when he touches a woman's body, making hers melt. Or maybe it is your love for him that’s consuming you.
He feels it, because his finger gently brushes the skin that your t-shirt doesn't cover, and your breathing begins to tremble intensely. And when you turn your upper body slightly to face him more, his starts to shake too. It's dark, but you can see his eyes staring at yours, and his mouth slightly open, so close. His finger is joined by another on your burning skin and finally all his hand rests on your stomach.
He closes his eyes for a second and his hand comes up, very slowly, until he is touching your breast. You stop breathing, your heart beating his hand like it was try to join it out there. His head gets close to yours and his lips brush your neck, his body is getting close and you can now feel his chest rising with force against your shoulder and arm. The big strong hand that was on your breast starts to explore to other one and find a way under your shirt.
"Stop me..." he whispers like he was out of breath.
"Y/n, tell me to stop".
His voice desperate against your throat is the hottest thing you ever heard and felt, so you let out a quiet moan and reach out to touch him, your hand falling on his waist. He groans and sticks his entire body against yours. That's when you feel how hard he is, and that sends an electric shock to your panties. You think you’re going to faint… or die.
He starts kissing your throat and biting it gently, and his mouth finds its way to your jaw, he turns you over so you’re fully on your back and he puts his body a bit more above yours. You’re a mess, panting and shaking and you think you could come like that, Dean Winchester devouring your skin.
You turn your head, desperately avid for his mouth, crushing your lips to his, and he kisses you.
He kisses you like he was feasting on your throat a minute ago : fiercely and deliciously. His tongue caressing yours is the permission you needed, and you wrap one arm around his neck, like you’ve always dreamed of, and let the other linger on his back, feeling his muscles tighten and relax under your fingers. He’s so manly yet tender, and you have a single thought for Sasha : This, this is not the same, Dean is not the same.
When he’s completely above you, gently rubbing his boxers against your thigh, you realize what’s going on, and you start to panic.
There is no fucking way you are making Dean Winchester feel those things. You know now you are going to have him inside you… fuck this was not supposed to happen, it’s like you’re blessed. It’s so overwhelming you could cry, he is everything, always have been and he gives himself to you, how are you supposed to survive when it’s over ?
He must be feeling your anxiety because he breaks the kiss.
“I can stop.” He says panting. “I should.”
“No…” you whine and you try to pull his underwear down.
He groans low and starts devouring your neck again, his crotch moving along with his tongue. Then things speed up : He’s touching you everywhere and kissing you, biting you, and in an instant your pajama pants are gone, along with you panties, you didn’t even realize he moved, you’re high on him. You’re pulling his boxers down when he stops moving, resting his forehead against yours.
“I shouldn’t… This is…” he starts to murmur, completely out of breath, but you kiss him and wrap your legs around him.
“Dean…” you didn’t recognize your own voice, it’s low, desperate and obscene, and in the same time it sounds like a prayer.
He sighs, mumbling Oh fuck to himself and one of his hand comes to your thigh. You finally feel him right where you didn’t even allow yourself to dream you would. His tip against you, his mouth on yours.
And he enters you, fills you completely, slowly but firmly.
Everything is blurry and perfectly clear. In the same second you can feel the intensifying smell of his sweat, your body stretching to welcome him, his stomach shaking, the air he’s breathing out in your mouth, every inch of him inside you, your heart screaming for him, his arms around you, elbows on each side of your head, how big and strong he is, how tall, the heaviness of his charisma you’ve always loved so much, his powerful lower back holding himself back... Everything. But you can’t clearly tell where you end and where he starts for a second.
You didn’t realize your eyes were closed, until you open them and drown in his. You kiss him like you always dreamed you would, without any reserve, finally giving in, letting the control blow up.
Kissing you back he starts to move, thrust, moan and you can’t concentrate on his lips anymore, letting your head fall onto the pillow, mouth agape, breathing his smell like it was the more powerful drug in the world. You try to focus, you want everything, not just the intense pleasure he’s giving you, you want to feel him and see him. So you open your eyes again and he’s still watching you, sweaty and serious, his face so beautiful it makes you shy again for a second, like he was between pain and ecstasy. You want to talk to him, tell him how beautiful he is and how good this is, how no man ever had that effect on you, how letting go was such a big deal for you, you would also tell him to let go, that he’s not hurting you, that this is okay, that you want all of him… But you can’t trust your mouth now, because between moans and panting, all it would let pass your lips would be I love you. And this is never going to be said. Ever.
He doesn’t say anything either. It's silent and you're in the dark, he's so tall and strong, you love him so much that he eclipse everything anyway. Just him over you, over the world.
You hang onto him, and let the pleasure devour you, you can't breathe properly because your body doesn't know how to react to so many sensations and feelings.
Then it hits you without warning. An orgasm so strong everything shuts down for a minute, you open your mouth wide, like you were screaming but no sound comes out. Dean kisses your lips and bites your throat, he groans with restraint and you feel his body shake ; you try to look at him, but everything is blurry, and he hides his beautiful face on your neck anyway.
You're suddenly cold, and burning at the same time, he is still buried deep inside you but he stops moving. Your pussy and your legs both keeping him there, he's out of breath and his body weights a little more on you.
Finally he withdraws and lets himself fall beside you, still lying on his stomach, a hand across your chest. He looks at you.
His beloved face, all sweaty, looking at you so closely. You wish you could die like that. And you look at him, letting a bit of your infinite love show, wishing the dark hides it for you.
"We didn't use a..."
"I'm on pill" you cut him on the same volume, barely a whisper.
He is silent. You thought he would have left already but he stays there watching you watching him.
"I know, Dean" you say calmly, it's not like you have thought he would want anything more. You're ready for it, you had more than you could dream of, now it's over. You just don't want him to make it awkward.
"It's just" he starts "I shouldn't ha..."
"Dean" you stroke is cheek gently and kiss his lips one last time. "It was great, but it's over. I have a boyfriend and we are friends."
He nods and sights.
 The night is going to be long, because there is no way you are going to sleep, you are going to make it last every damn second you can.
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