#dean winchester verse > demon
samanddean76 · 2 months
A Fistful Of Sammy's
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An ancient grimoire has been searching for the man that is destined to wield it for the good of all.  With the power that was imbued upon it, Lux gained sentience and hid herself away, appearing as nothing more than a smoothly polished rock.  Now she waits.  The problem?  The Stanford-Era Sam Winchester that the grimoire meets is not the only Sam searching for it.  And thanks to a little time travel the list of those seeking her is growing longer by the minute.  Once Soulless Sam and Demon Dean are added into the mix?  Things start to go sideways.  But then a couple of Hollywood actors trapped in Canada, who happen to look just like them and know everything about them, turn out to be crucial to Sam and Dean being able to save the day. 
Will an Apocalypse World Bobby (no, not that one) and a battle ravaged Castiel help or hinder?  Will the all-too helpful Gabriel guide Sam to the truth, or lead him astray?  And will Sam ever get the happy ending he so desperately deserves? 
Come along on a wild ride, with Metallica as the soundtrack, and an ending that hinges on one impossible choice.
Fandoms: Supernatural and Supernatural RPF
Rated: Explicit | Word Count: 33.6K (and climbing)
This is what happens when you have four Sam's, four Dean's, two Castiel's, two Jared and Jensen's, one Gabriel, one John, and one Jack in the same story.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Demon Dean/Soulless Sam, Sam Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Sam Winchester
Major Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Additional Tags: AU, Time Travel, Will Reference Events From All Seasons Plus Prior To Series, Jared & Jensen from Season 6 - The French Mistake, Stanford Era Sam, Dean, & John, Soulless Sam, Demon Dean, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Dubious Consent, Non-Graphic Violence, Unorthodox Demon Healing, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sam & Dean Being The Best Of Brothers, Castiel Gets A Power Up, Sam Gets A Power Up, An OC For The Ages, Literally
Chapter One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight on AO3
Hey! How about we turn it into The Samstraveganza Verse? Mmmm, okay, I'm sold.
Tell Me Something I Don't Know - Soulless Sam/Demon Dean one-shot on AO3
Excerpt from Chapter Six under the break....
Sam could see himself through Dean’s eyes.  From the moment he was the baby lying in the maternity ward.  Later when he played in his crib in the nursery of his only real home.  How scared Dean felt as he raced out the front door with his little Sammy held tight.  Through more dingy motel rooms and abandoned houses than either of them ever wanted to think about.  On the first day of middle school, when Sam had been so scared, Dean had looked down at him with pride, assuring his kid brother that he was going to be better than any of his classmates.  Helping Sam to get ready for his first dance, pinning on the boutonniere that he had stolen from the flower shop.  Wishing how it would have been him to escort his Sammy. 
“I would have danced with you, at least once.  Spun my big brother around the floor.”  The words echoed across his mind, and when Dean tried to deepen the kiss that they were sharing, Sam knew that he’d heard it, and shared the sentiment.  He thrust harder into the willing flesh before him, finding untold joy as each thrust was matched by Dean pushing back with his own hips.  Trying to help Sam sink in even deeper. 
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demons-and-demigods · 6 months
Demons and Demigods Part One: The Beginning
Sally is Mary's younger sister. I wanted her to be a Winchester but I also wanted her to have grown up hunting more, so. Mary wanted to escape the hunting life and so did Sally. As soon as she turned eighteen, Sally moved to NYC and changed her name from Campbell to Jackson and went no contact with her entire family except for Mary. 
Sally and Mary were super close growing up and even once they lived so far apart, they still kept in contact. Sally came and visited Mary and John for the births of Dean and Sam and she was so excited to be an aunt and she was so happy for her sister. But one night, a few months after Sam was born and Sally had returned to New York, Mary called her in the middle of the night crying and told Sally about her deal, she begged Sally to look out for her boys. Sally promised to try. 
Mary died. 
John and the boys disappeared and Sally tried to reach out and she tried to find them, but John refused to answer her calls and she always seemed to be one step behind. 
Then, nearly a year after Mary had died, John appeared at the doorstep of Sally’s shitty apartment, Dean and Sam nowhere to be seen, and told her he was hunting down whatever had killed Mary because he knew it wasn’t some gas leak, he knows what he saw, and he saw his wife burning on the ceiling of Sammy’s nursery with her stomach slashed open. 
Sally tries to ask where her nephews are but John keeps dodging her questions and refusing to answer her. He disappears again and she tries to keep tabs on him, she does, but anywhere she manages to track him to, there’s never any mention of two little boys with him and she starts to think that maybe her nephews are dead. (Spoiler: they’re not. When Sally learns just how shitty their childhoods were, she hunts down and murders John ^-^) 
Sally mourns her nephews and curses her brother-in-law and prays that Mary can forgive her for breaking her promise. 
Eventually, she tries to move on with her life, and she meets a handsome stranger and falls in love because she knows that he’s a god, and she was taught that all gods are cruel, capricious monsters who need to be killed but Poseidon is nothing like that, nothing like she’d been raised to believe and before long she has a little blessing of her own. 
She uses what she knows from growing up a hunter to try and keep Percy safe for as long as she can. 
She marries Gabe and makes sure she has iron and silver and salt in the house at all times and she has a go bag ready to go for both her and Percy. 
He turns twelve. He is dragged into the demigod world and Sally always knew this day was coming but that doesn’t make this any easier. She already lost her sister and her nephews, she doesn’t think she would be able to survive losing her son, too. 
Percy is thirteen and Gabe is dead and their lives are better and then one day Sally gets an alert from a search algorithm she had long given up on that a Samuel Winchester was enrolled in Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. 
She wanted to reach out, but she had never told Percy about her sister or nephews and she had no idea if Sam knew she existed. She doubted John would have talked about her and Dean had probably been too young to remember her. So she didn’t try and contact him, but she did keep an eye on him and how he was doing. 
Four years later, Percy has survived the Great Prophecy and beaten Kronos. (“Mom, when did you learn how to fire a shotgun?” “About ten seconds ago,” she lied. She felt bad lying to her son, but his life was dangerous enough with just the Greek world to worry about, he didn’t need to worry about everything else that was out there. From what she knew, the Greeks were pretty strict about not mixing pantheons, so she hoped that he would never run into any other kind of monster.) He’s sixteen and traumatized but healing and he has her, and Annabeth, and Grover, and all his other friends from Camp. Sam is twenty-two and about to graduate from Stanford as Valedictorian and continue into law school. She sees pictures of him online on Stanford’s website and years books and he has Mary’s smile and John’s nose and she couldn’t be prouder of him even if he doesn’t even know she exists. 
Sally has her baby boy, safe and by her side as he heals from fighting a war too young, she has Paul, a wonderful, loving husband that takes care of her and Percy, and she knows that Sam is alive and doing well, free from whatever hell John must have raised him and Dean in, and while she wishes she knew for certain that Dean was alive and okay as well, she was happy with what she had. 
But then Percy goes missing. 
Annabeth Iris Messages her to tell her that Percy has gone missing from his cabin at Camp, the one place he is supposed to be safe, and they’ve been looking for him for almost a week now but there’s been no sign and the gods aren’t answering anyone’s prayers and Mr. D was called back to Olympus and Annabeth is so sorry but she doesn’t know what to do and Sally deserved to know that her son was missing. 
Later that day, she reads a news article from California and learns that Sam’s girlfriend died in a fire exactly like Mary did.
Next up: First Written Scene <3
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normaltothemax · 4 months
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Last of Us (Show) Starters ❝ you keep your eyes on me. and don’t look anywhere else. ❞ (jason m&m)
Jason remembered dying the first time. Remembered what it felt like. The pain and the cold and the nothingness. He was strange mix of them, now, laying there, struggling to breathe on the cool, hard ground. Somewhere between feeling cold and feeling nothing at all, all that pain still lingering.
Those weren’t the worst parts about dying, though.
No, the worst part was the fear.
The fear of knowing it was all coming to an end, that he was going to die and it was going to hurt and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. That Dean couldn’t do anything to stop it. There wasn’t time. Jason was hurt far too badly, had lost far too much blood. It wouldn’t matter if Dean broke the sound barrier driving, Jason wouldn’t make the trip.
But it was okay, because this time, Jason wasn’t alone.
This time, someone had made in time.
This time, his dad was here with him.
His grip on Dean’s hand was weak, but he held on stubbornly, not willing to give up the contact if he could help it. “N-no—” Blood speckled his lips and chin as he coughed, the harsh sound tearing up his throat. “No deals,” he choked out. “N-no…no deals.” Jason didn’t want that. He didn’t want Dean throwing away his life for him. He didn’t want to be brought back if it would cost him the very best thing he had. “P-promise.”
Promise him, Dean.
He was fading fast, couldn’t tear his eyes away from Dean if he’d tried. Not that he would. Jason wanted that comfort, he wanted that feeling of safety, even if he knew it wasn’t real. Even though he knew it wouldn’t last.
But his eyelids were growing heavy. It didn’t hurt anymore—he remembered this, knew it was time—and he was so very tired. His eyes slipped closed, the barest hint of a smile on his lips. “S’okay.” It was okay. Dean was here. The last words he spoke were a mumbled, “Love you,” Jason needing Dean to know that, before he gave in and let the darkness take him.
@therebetterbepie (x)
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lostxndbroken · 1 year
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A semi plotted/somewhat impulsive starter with Demon Dean for @blackwatchxbandit
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A nice little bar on a highway road, not that busy, but busy enough to keep the demon entertained for a little bit. A large, strong drink resting between his fingers, sipping it as he studied the place and quickly found someone who didn’t quite belonged here, just like himself.
A grin grew on his lips, downed his drink and got up from his seat while his hand looked for the demon blade in his coat. “Keeping taps for daddy dearest?” He said with a sarcastic tone, facing the other.
“You’re out of line,” The other demon said.
“Yeah well, I don’t listen to anyone, especially not to that old fart. I do what I want, when I want.” Without further warning, he jammed the demon blade through the bottom of his chin, up his brain. A golden flash flickered while the demon screamed until it all died out and tumbled to the floor.
The rest of the bar was in uproar. Men drew their guns and women scuttled away with yelps and screams. None of it phased Dean. “Now, now… I did you all a favor, a demon less…” His eyes turned black and dodged the bullets coming his way before he went to slaughter every fucking human in the bar.
At the end of it, Dean was covered in a mixture of human and a bit of demon blood. “A nice little mess…” He walked over to the bar, grabbed the bottle to drink from it.
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grimmusings · 11 months
😈 Summon a demon (Katherine & Dean 👀) @pleinsdemuses
Answered here! 👀
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samwinchesterswifu · 7 months
Exile on Main Street (Dean Winchester x Reader) Angst
Requested: No
Season 6 x Episode 1
Warnings: slow burn, deeply setted angst if youre ready to cry.
Song Inspiration: "Every Rose Has Its Thorns" by Poison, "Faithfully" by Journey
A/N: Oofta. This one got me a little emotional.
Word Count: 1386
Summary: Dean returns to ask her back in the game. Broken and destroyed by the memory of him leaving her for Lisa, she's unsure whether or not that would be a good idea, but these Winchester boys are known for their apologizes.
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She sighs, entering her apartment late one evening. Kicking off her shoes, she strides over to the kitchen. Turning on the water she begins to handwash the few dishes left over from last nights dinner. Flashbacks replaying in her head of the brothers, of her past lover, of what her life used to be like before Sam jumped in the pit.
She turns over to her radio that sat on the counter, tuning into the classic rock station that Dean had consistently on. ‘Every Rose Has It’s Thorn’ by Poison turns on and she goes back to cleaning the dishes while humming along. A small tear seeps through her eyes thinking about Dean. Before Sammy jumped in the pit, they had gotten into a deep argument that lead to their break up. Dean had disappeared and she assumed it was to be with Lisa.
She always felt second best to Lisa after finding out about her. She just felt like a toy for Dean, something to hold and to have sex if there were no other options. She knew deep down it wasn’t the case, but after leaving her the way he did, that’s all that ran through her brain.
Wrapping up from dishes, she is completely unaware of the fact of someone breaking into her apartment. The last verse of the song begins to play from the radio and she turns up the sound. Grabbing a whisky glass from her cabinet, and the bottle from the counter, pouring herself one extra large shot. As the song ends, she slams the whisky glass onto her counter, accidentally shattering it in the process.
Another sigh left her lips as her hand began to bleed from the smashed glass. Sneering at picking out pieces from her hand she takes a moment to look up at the window. Seeing a shadow of a man behind her. She stops, quickly turning around to find none other than Dean. Her eyes darts between Dean and her gun that was on the table.
Dean holds up his hands and moves towards her, giving her just a split second to dive towards the table. She’s getting to pulling the trigger when suddenly the gun is knocked out of her hand and her arm is twisted behind her back. Looking up she’s met with Sam’s eyes. She tries to wiggle free of Sam’s grip, getting desperate with tears rolling down her face.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Dean speaks up from behind her now.
“It’s us, see?” Dean takes out the demon knife, and slices on his bicep.
Still trying to wiggle free, Dean also looks for salt in her cabinet, doing the whole routine.
Taking a deep breath, she finally calms down enough to warrant Sam letting go of his grip. Rubbing her wrist to ease the pain she looks between both brothers. Utterly confused.
“You wanna explain whats going here before I beat your ass until you see stars Winchester?” She says through gritter teeth looking directly at Dean.
Dean clears his throat and shifted on his shoes.
“Can you give us a minute Sammy?” Dean voice sounding shaky, almost nervous to be in the same room as her.
“Sure, I’ll be in the car.” Sammy says giving her a look that almost said to hear them out.
Sammy leaves her apartment shutting close the door that they lock picked.
“So?” She says, standing in her kitchen with arms crossed over her chest. Sending daggers towards the man she thought she lost forever in the woes of a woman he loved more.
Dean mentions to sit at her table. She shrugs, moving for him to do so. But she felt comfortable standing. Giving her an advantage to move if she still felt like beating his ass. Dean coughs at the awkwardness.
“You got 5 minutes Winchester,” She states sternly.
Dean takes a deep breath and begins to explain everything. How he got poisoned and how Sam saved him, everything happening with Sam and their family. It was a lot to take in, and time seemed to fly by getting later in the night.
“…So we came to see if you wanted to be back in the game.” He asks, eyes looking towards her in the same old puppy dog look he used to give after a bad hunt.
She was about to say something when she realized the radio was still on. ‘Faithfully’ by Journey started to play through the crappy speakers. Tearing at her heart strings as another flashback occurs of when they were younger, dancing to this outside of the impala.
“Why now Dean? What about Lisa? Ben? All that apple pie life? What do you what me to come back?” She says, choking as she tried to hold back tears.
Another deep sigh left Deans lips.
“I miss you, Y/N, what I did was totally wrong and I’m so sorry I never fixed anything after Sam jumped. I abandoned you and I  acknowledge that I made that action,” Dean takes a pause. She turns back towards her cabinets, grabbing a glass to pour another drink of whisky.
Dean studies her from the table and she can feel his eyes burning into the side of her cheek. She pauses for a second, trying to console herself before speaking to him. However, she breaks, tears start streaming down her face. She grips onto the counter, white knuckling, allowing emotions she pushed down to resurface after a year.
She hears the chair Dean was sitting in scraping against the hardwood floor as he stood up. Crying harder, she was engulfed in a large bear hug. She let it all go. All the memories of their times together whether that was romantically, after a good hunt, or a bad one flood her brain. The memories of her doing everything she did to make sure Dean didn’t jump the gun to say Yes to Michael. The love they made after he returned from the trip of the future and finding out she got bit from Croatian virus and he had to kill her. It was too much to keep down anymore.
Dean consoled her with quietly voiced shh’s. Petting her hair while laying his head onto of hers. One arm was still wrapped around her waisted tightly. To afraid to let go.
She finally calms down after a good while. Checking the clock it was way past midnight at this point. Certain that Sam had probably left the two to chat.
They stand in silence for a little while longer. Letting her bask in the feeling of Dean’s body weight against her after all this time. Taking a deep breath, she signals to Dean to let her take a step back. Which he does reluctantly, still holding on to her arms at arm’s length.
“If I come back, what’s gunna happen Dean? Between us?” She asks, voice hoarse from the crying.
“Whatever you want. We can start over, take our time. If you want nothing to do with me, then I would understand.” He takes a moment to pause before continuing.
“I can’t continue on like this. I need you here with me, with Sam. Hunting or figuring out whatever the hell is going on does feel right without you sweetheart.” Dean says, tucking a strand of hair that fell out her ponytail behind her ear.
“Okay.” She whispers.
“Okay?” Dean asks, heart pound against his chest.
She nods, and Dean lets go of the breath he didn’t even realizing he was holding. He leans down to give her a small kiss on her forehead, hovering for just a moment.
“I have so much to take care of before we leave, this apartment, my job, so I can pack up tomorrow.” She says looking around the place she had gotten used to calling home.
“Yep, nope, totally understand, whatever you need Sam’s and I’s help in we will.” Dean says, letting go of her arms.
“Thank you,” She whispers. Receiving a nod in return.
“I’ll uh, text Sam to come get me, I think he may have left.” Dean says looking out the window assuming he’s  trying to find the Impala.
“Stay for tonight,” She asks. Dean looks towards her longingly.
“Okay.” He speaks out. “Whatever you want.”
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
Dunno if y’all take requests but I’d love a list of vintage destiel reccs, like canon or canon divergent season 4/season 5.
We do take requests! I'm sorry it took a while to come up with this list but here are a few of our favorites from early seasons.
A Different Kind of Falling by Lyrial [Explicit, 72k words]
“I will do it then,” Castiel said with confidence that he did not truly possess. “I will pretend to be a hunter and gain the trust of Dean Winchester so that we may locate Michael’s grace and restore him. I might not be as familiar with humanity as Balthazar is, but I am still a master tactician. I am certain that deceiving a few humans will be well within my capabilities.” As the humans would say, famous last words. (Dean is the fallen archangel Michael. Castiel is sent on a mission to restore him to his angelic self. Things get complicated, however, when Castiel finds himself falling for Dean.)
A Different Kind of Monster by roadtonowhere (lastoryx), xfancyfranart [Explicit, 89k words]
Something in Bodie, California is luring truckers to their deaths and Dean’s on his way to take it out. It’s the first time Bobby’s given him a case and, with Sam at Stanford and his dad off chasing demons, he's finally hunting monsters on his own. When an accidental encounter puts an as-of-yet-unknown monster in the passenger seat of his car, Dean decides to ice him, taking his dad's old adage to heart: a monster is always a monster. Unfortunately, Dean can’t seem to figure out what kind of monster "Castiel" is and he certainly can’t shake him.
Faith Healer by punkascas (earlwyn) [Explicit, 75k words]
Dean hates faith healers. Scam artists and power-hungry dicks, all of them. But with Sam nearing the end of his rope and desperate for a way to keep their father’s last words from being true, Dean has no choice but to turn to the enigmatic and irascible Castiel, more tattooed junkie than spiritual leader, in hopes of finding a way to cure Sam. Yet Castiel hides dangerous secrets, and Dean soon learns they have more to worry about than just Yellow Eyes and Sam’s growing demonic abilities. War is coming. Canon divergent after 2.10.
Good One's Gonna Be by remmyme [Explicit, 37k words]
Castiel Novak receives a rather alarming text message from an unknown number, and what started as a simple misdial quickly turns into the greatest friendship Castiel has ever known. But Dean has many secrets, dangerous truths about the life he lives, and would like to tell Castiel exactly none of them. A (slightly) AU, (mostly) text fic, S3 fix-it romance (of sorts).
Holy!Dean verse by bunnymaccool [Explicit, 120k words]
Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life the last couple years. But this crap? This takes the CAKE ... or pie, rather. Now he's been thrown a whole new curve-ball. The kind that has ended the Civil War in Heaven ... but resulted in Raphael taking over, and hunting for Dean's ass on a silver platter. Not to mention dealing with Balthazar acting like a self-righteous prick, Sam having some big damn epiphany on his big brother's sexuality, and Cas eying him up like he's the world's juiciest cheeseburger. All that mixed with the chance to fix it all and set everything to rights ... but only if Dean is willing to sacrifice himself. Again. Seriously, if he ever meets that bastard God he's gonna- ... oh hey, Chuck! What are you doing here?
On Falling by kettleknight [Mature, 34k words]
After saving Dean from Hell, Castiel is tasked with convincing him to say "yes" to Michael should the apocalypse come to pass. But the time to complete this mission is quickly running out, and his superiors are expecting an answer soon. Desperate for a solution, Castiel asks his vessel for help and is forced to make a decision: help the apocalypse follow through, or crash head-first into humanity and damn the consequences.
Profoundly Different by amireal, tiamatv [Explicit, 190k words]
"Castiel?" Sam calls out, carefully. Both of them lower their guns but don’t put them away, yet: there’s no sign of a struggle, but the guy did just break out of an insane asylum by squishing an orderly. With a bureau that he shouldn't have been able to move. "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean." There's a loud silence. Dean can hear the wind rustling through the structure. A deep voice suddenly speaks up. It’s coarse and raspy and sounds like it hurts coming out; he’s never heard anything like it. It sends shivers down Dean's spine. "Dean?” the man asks. “Dean Winchester?" (A Season 4 AU: what if the fallen angel Dean and Sam ran into was Castiel, not Anna?)
See the World in Green and Blue by parenthetical [Explicit, 8k words]
Castiel spends a day learning what it's like to be human.
So Says The Sword by komodobits [Explicit, 85k words]
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’ Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
Strandlines by aeli_kindara [Explicit, 40k words]
It’s September 18, 2008. Castiel is being deployed to rescue Dean Winchester from Hell. He lands in Dean Winchester’s motel room in 2003. Things go from there.
The Girlfriend Experience by rageprufrock [Explicit, 15k words]
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Thursday’s Child by strangeandcharm [Explicit, 114k words]
Thursday's child has far to go.
You can also check our time travel tag. We've reviewed some fics that play around with them going back in time. Here are a few:
a turn of the earth by microcomets [Mature, 95k words]
adam bites the apple by sicsempertyrannis [Teen, 11k words]
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord [Explicit, 25k words]
Face to Face with the Skies by quiddative [Explicit,42k words]
Like a Comet in the Sky, I'll Follow You Across the Universe by super_skam310 [Explicit, 107k words]
the weight of water by eddiegirl [Explicit, 46k words]
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Switched lives
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Title: Switched lives
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Actress!Reader, Jared Padalecki x Huntress!Reader
Square filled for @samwinchesterbingo​: RPF!Verse
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, relationship problems, almost smut, light somnophilia?, alternative universes
Words: 1,5k+
This is Jared’s version to this story: Switched
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“You know what? If you don’t want me around any longer,” you exhale sharply. It’s too painful to think that the man you love doesn’t love you back, “I could try to find that alternative universe you and Dean visited years ago. Where your name is Padalecki, and you had the guts to marry me!”
“Y/N, stop being irrational,” Sam argues with you. “I didn’t say that I want you gone. I just thought about having a break. With everything happening lately, we need a break from everything. Hunting. Fighting. Arguing.”
You snort. “Having a break means breaking up.”
“In which language?” Sam furrows his brows. You sigh as, for a smart man like Sam, he can be so stupid sometimes.
“In any language, Samuel,” you snap at him. Hurt feelings can be a bitch. You know that it was too good to be true when Sam and you finally made the next step. “Fine. Let’s have a break then. I wish I could meet that other you. Maybe he would be a nicer guy to be around.”
You storm off, almost running Dean over. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He calls after you.
“Your brother is an asshole and just broke up with me. I’ll spend the next week in my room.”
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“Fuck, baby you smell so good. I can’t get enough of you.” You whine in your sleep. Sam’s big hands run up and down your thighs. You can feel his weight on top of you, and his lips nip at your neck. “I bet you want me to ruin this cunt again.”
“Sammy…” you whimper. “Please.”
“Oh…we are in that mood again,” he chuckles in your neck. “I knew the moment we met that you are a dirty girl. Fuck, I love when we roleplay.”
“Say my name again, baby.” His purrs in your ear. He moves down your body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his way. “Say it!”
“Sammy!” You cry his name. Your eyes snap open, and you gasp watching Sam spread your legs to bury his face between your thighs. “Oh-fuck! What has gotten into you?”
He lifts his head to grin up at you from between your legs. “It’s my birthday and I thought about having the best breakfast I can imagine.”
“Your birthday?” You splutter. “Sam, did you hit your head? Did you forget that your birthday is in May? It’s July, you know.” You sit up to look down at Sam.
He looks a little different this morning. His hair looks shinier, and his skin looks better than yours. But the biggest difference is that you can feel his wedding band against your thigh.
“Babe, I know you are into roleplay, but it’s my birthday and I kinda feel left outside when you are talking about Sam all the time.”
“OH. FUCK. NO!” You push against his shoulders to get him off you. “You’re not Sam. But that Padalecki guy.” Looking around the room you realize, you’re not in your bedroom, nor Kansas any longer.
“Babe, did you hit your head?” Jared laughs. “The last time you called me Mr. Padalecki was when we first met.”
“Shit. Fuck.” Panic rises in your chest. The last thing you said to Sam was that you wanted to end up in the alternative universe. “What did I do?”
You slip out of the bed and flee toward the door.
“Wait. Babe. What happened? I thought we wanted to spend my birthday in bed and have fun. Did you change your mind? We can still roleplay. If you want me to be your Sammy, I’ll do it. Let me get a flannel and the fake demon knife.”
“You won’t believe me.” You turn around to look up at Jared. He looks so much like your Sam but is a completely different man. “I’m not your wife. Not in my universe. My name is Y/N, and I’m Sam’s girlfriend…or was…”
“What? I—” Jared frowns. “No one knows about the breakup yet. Only Jensen and I already go the script. I wanted to ease you into the change in the series.”
“Mr. Padalecki, I’m not your wife. Sam and I got into a fight, and I said things I didn’t mean. Now I ended up in your world and I’m afraid your wife is with my boyfriend.”
Jared looks you up and down. He dips his head and repeats your words in his mind. There is no denying, you look different from the woman he fell asleep with last night.
You’re not wearing your wedding band, nor your jewelry. There are scars on your legs and biceps he never saw before. And the anti-possession tattoo on your stomach looks real, not fake.
“You must believe me.” You hope Jared will believe you. He’s your only chance to find a way back home.
“Am I going crazy or does this story sound familiar,” he says and furrows his brows. “My wife and I are struggling too. She’s not happy lately. We said nasty things last night too. She said that Sam would be a better husband and that she wishes that it’s possible to meet him in his universe.”
“We said the same thing. Maybe even at the same time,” you hum thoughtfully. “This could be the key.”
You start pacing the room while Jared watches you. He can’t wrap his mind around the fact that you are not his wife and that the woman he loves ended up in a different universe.
“If this is a bad dream, I want to wake soon. I want my wife back,” Jared says, making you stop in your tracks. You want to say something, want to calm him but a crashing sound alerts you.
“Do you have a gun?” You whisper and point toward the door. There is a commotion outside of the bedroom, and you hope it’s a burglar, not a demon. “Salt? A demon knife maybe?”
“What? I—” Jared gapes at you. “Salt is in the kitchen.”
“Got it.” You nod. “You better hide in the closet or something.” You look Jared up and down, realizing he’s as tall as your boyfriend. “Shit. Just don’t leave this room.”
You look around the room for a weapon and huff. In lack of a weapon, you grab the lamp from the nightstand and sneak toward the door. You silently open the door, hold your breath, ready to attack whoever is outside.
“Whoa, sweetheart. It’s me!” Dean grunts. “What the fuck, Y/N!” He raises his hands. “Don’t hit me with the…” He cocks his head. “A lamp?”
“Dean! Did you find her?!” Sam jogs toward you and Dean. He laughs as you still hold the lamp above your head, not knowing if this man is Dean or not.
“Safeword, Dean,” you lift one brow.
“Candy cane,” Dean grumbles. “It’s me, Y/N. Sammy dragged me with him after bugging Rowena. She opened a portal for us to bring your doppelganger home and find you.”
“Y/N, you’re here!” Sam remembers why he came here. “I was so worried about you. How have you been?” 
His features darken. He balls his hands into fists and grunts when Jared steps out of the bedroom.
He’s only wearing his boxers and Sam sees red. “YOU TOUCHED MY GIRL!”
“Sam! No!” You drop the lamp to block Sam’s path. You’ve got no other choice but to tackle him to the ground. “Fuck, you’re hard to take down.”
You sit on top of his lap and hold him down by his shoulders. “Let me hit him! He touched you.”
“Uh-not really,” you bite your tongue. If Sam gets to know his splitting image tried to go down on you, he’ll freak out. “Calm down. How did you even find me?”
“Rowena, Crowley, a lot of cursing and yelling. Sam punched faces and threatened anyone holding you hostage,” Dean sighs. “Now that we found your missing love bird, can we go back home, Sammy?”
Dean looks Jared up and down. He wrinkles his nose as he remembers the last time something like this happened. “You remember the last time this happened, right? I won’t let that Ackles douche touch my girl again.”
“She’s safe at home,” Sam argues. “Unlike my girlfriend.”
“I never felt safer,” you sass. Sam quirks a brow as you look down at him. “How was your adventure with my alternative version?”
Sam grins. He knows you are possessive and jealous. “I asked you a question, Winchester!”
“Jared? Baby!” You groan as your alternative version walks past you and Sam to throw herself at Jared. “I was so scared. They call themselves Sam and Dean. I think they’re crazy. We should call the cops.”
“And that’s our cue to get the fuck out of here, guys.” Dean jerks his head toward the hallways. “Get up and run. You can make up later…”
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“Baby, I’m sorry,” Sam mumbles. He gives you his infamous puppy dog eyes, hoping you’ll forgive him.
“You’re lucky I didn’t let that Padalecki guy finish what he started. He seemed to be damn good at giving heads.”
“HE WHAT?” He growls. “If anyone touches her, it’s me. Your pussy will only feel my mouth on her.”
“Oh-I thought you wanted a break.”
“No. I want to break you…”
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lol-jackles · 3 months
First off, big fan of your blog! I read it like a newspaper every day.
What I wanna know is, if the SPN revival ends up happening, what route do you see them taking where they don’t mess with the canon? I think it would’ve worked out fine had Jensen not ret-conned quite a bit with the prequel. Now what? Will TW be considered canon? Is it better to let Sam and Dean rest and just base the revival between 15x19 and 15x20 so the endgame is not impacted? Wanna hear your thoughts specifically.
Also, a lot has happened between SPN’s end and now, and a lot more will happen still before the revival takes place. Speaking in terms of J2 and their friendship and their dynamic, particularly post prequel gate, should we expect to see slight changes in the SamDean dynamic come the revival as well? It can’t possibly be the exact same as how we got used to seeing it s11-s15 with this domestic bliss, we-are-eachother’s-endgame bliss.
Thank you friend.
The Winchesters was retconned to take place in an AU, so it is irrelevant to the main SPN-verse. Think how the Apocalypse World where Sam and Dean were never born has very little impact on the main SPN-verse. There is a pair of AU Sam and Dean running around in Brazil but again, no impact in the main SPN-verse.  So while TW is canon, it is entirely separate from our SPN.
Jared seem to like the idea that 5 years passed between 15x19 and 15x20 so I think there is a fair chance the revival could take place during those 5 years, Since Jared actually looks younger now than he did in season 15, then it can work.  (Sidenote: Jared started out looking normal in season 15 but midway through he trained for the marathon and gave himself the gaunt "runner face" that significantly aged him in appearance.)
 With Jack remaking heaven and keeping the angels away from earth and Rowena keeping demons away from the Winchesters, the brothers’ hunts return to the simpler days of monster hunting and explore new urban myths.
During these so-called simple monster hunts, Sam and Dean could go deeper into dealing their personal issues, which will draw them even closer leading up to the fateful Barn Scene day. Among the drama I would like to see closure to unresolved arcs, like what happened to Sam power?   Where are all the demons that Dean made during his apprenticeship as hell’s torturer?   Belphagore opened up that opportunity in season 15, which we also saw clues that not all demons are going to follow Rowena. Then we can have queen Rowena seeking help from the Winchesters to wrangle wayward demons either back into hell or into the Empty.
I expect we will still see the same Sam and Dean dynamic. First, based on the first and second convention after the prequel mess, the J2 magic was still there. Think of the times you haven't seen friends or family members for years and as soon as you re-connect, you immediately fell back into the old dynamics out of habit. Second, Hollywood is like an endless high school.  You may not have liked your high school but you find yourself going to every reunion because nobody else in the world know what you’ve experienced other than your classmates even if you hated them back in the day.  Many deep and casual relationships are based on shared experiences rather than actual compatibility. 
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princessmisery666 · 10 months
Meeting In The Darkness
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Summary: You forgive Dean for what he did when he had black eyes but he can’t forgive himself.
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, blood, implied torture, Demon!Dean, MOC!Dean, unresolved angst.
W/C: 2,882.
Pairing: past Dean Winchester x fem!reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Bingo: @jacklesversebingo Square Filled: “Well one of us has to be wrong, and it’s not going to be me.”
A/N: @justagirlinafandomworld and @pink-sparkly-witch helped with ideas and feedback, thank you, but it has changed a little since then.
Betas: @slytherkins // all mistakes are my own.
Graphics: made by me on canva, divider @talesmaniac89
Master Lists: Dean Winchester // JAckles Verse Bingo // Main
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It’s dark. Too dark. Your gun is out along with your flashlight, scanning the corners of the abandoned warehouse but the darkness seems to swallow anything beyond the end of the barrel.
Something is off and your gut tells you to get out, run fast and far. But you won’t, at least not until you find Dean. He called hours ago, said he was hurt and needed help. He sent the location pin and it brought you here. But it doesn’t feel right, it's too…quiet. Like the shadows are listening to your heartbeat. 
You tried calling Dean when you arrived but it rang out until his voicemail picked up. Sam’s not answering his phone either, maybe he’s hurt too? 
One foot over the other, that’s all you can focus on, not the worry making your heart beat faster. You desperately wish you’d called for back-up. Jody, Donna, hell even Garth. Except it was Dean. Your affinity for the surly hunter often clouded your judgment. He might not have time for you to wait for back-up. If Dean is hurt, he needs you now, not when the sun rises, though you doubt the dawn would penetrate the dark depths of the damp smelling warehouse.
“Dean,” you call out in a soft whisper. “Sam?”
Dean’s location blips on your screen, you're standing right on top of it, but he must be a floor above you because there’s no sign of him, and you’ve checked below. You're afraid of what you’ll find, and looking down at the illuminated screen blinds you further in the blackness that surrounds you.
“This isn’t right,” you say and have the eerie feeling someone hears you. 
Your phone rings, startling you so much, it drops to the floor. Of course it lands face down so you can’t see it.
You scramble around, flashlight scanning for it, and as you step forward, you manage to kick it further away. You follow as it slides across the dusty floor, and the corner hits the wall just as it stops ringing.
You're quick to pick it up and the smell hits you as you straighten up. It isn’t dust… 
You sigh with relief when Sam’s name flashes on the caller I.D again. “Sam.” 
He doesn’t offer a greeting, frantically asking, “Where are you?”
“I’m at the warehouse. Dean called, he said you-”
“Get out,” Sam panics, “get out now, run!”
You freeze, terrified to turn around as the sudden sense you aren’t alone makes the hairs on your arms stand on end. 
“Sam what’s going on?” You ask, slowly backing up, trying to follow the same path to ensure you don’t trip over anything.
“Dean isn’t Dean,” Sam explains, “the Mark, it changed him. He’s a…” he struggles to finish the sentence taking a deep breath, and he utters the word as you back into a solid chest, “demon.”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Dean’s voice whispers against the shell of your ear, and it sounds as dark as the shadows. 
He takes the phone from your hand and hangs up, throwing the device over his shoulder. He runs his fingers down your arms, shoulder to wrist. For the briefest of moments, you convince yourself it’s a gentle caress, a sweet ‘I missed you’ in Dean’s language, until he wraps his fingers around yours and the gun.
You forgot you had the weapon, despite Sam’s frantic warning, you’ve never feared Dean, and it’s not like you’d have shot him. But you know you’ll soon regret that thought.
“Give it up,” he instructs, with little room for argument, almost crushing your fingers beneath his. 
You surrender it, cautiously taking a half step forward and turning at the same time when you feel Dean lean back to hand off the gun to someone you can’t see. He’s unnaturally fast, and before you can take a breath, he has you pinned against the wall, arms above your head. The flashlight falls, making the shadows dance, and as if on cue, the room's light illuminates, blinding you.
You squeeze your eyes shut against the assault and debate whether to keep them closed, afraid of what else is lurking in the room.
Dean demands, “Look at me,” and you know you’d be a fool to disobey.
Finally, when you find the courage to follow his command, you look up at him. Black drowns his pretty eyes, and his smile is fiendish.
“Please don’t say here’s Johnny,” you quip though you feel yourself start to tremble.
Dean laughs, but it doesn’t hold an ounce of amusement. “Johnny ain’t got nothing on me.”
You look over his shoulder, an army of demons line the walls looking at you with a fatal hunger. 
“Is this…” You can’t say it, recognizing that this is the place Crowley kept the alphas. The room where you saved Meg from Alistair’s clutches. You don’t know what you're asking for exactly; to be let go, to make it quick or something else, but the word falls from you in a shaky breath. “Please.” 
“Oh, don’t start begging yet,” Dean tuts, “you’ll spoil all the fun.”
“See Sammy doesn’t believe that I’m no longer his big brother,” he explains, sounding irritated and bored.
“Dean, you don’t…” 
His hand wraps around your throat, lithe fingers reaching from ear to ear, and he cuts off your air to stop you from talking. “I’m tired of telling him to leave me alone, so I thought it’s time to really show him what I am. Maybe when I’m done here, he’ll let me go.”
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Dean POV
I watch you thrash and squirm in your sleep. I know better than to wake you. Luckily, my reflexes saved me from any real damage but I have the scar to remind me of the knife you keep tucked under your pillow. 
“Dean, you don’t…” you whimper into the dream world.
Only, I know it's not a dream. It's a memory, playing out in full high definition. Unfortunately, I remember what happens next too.
I’ve tried running from the man - thing - I was, but I guess I’m too slow. It catches up to me in waves, winds me so much I clutch my chest, digging my fingers into my skin, hoping I’m somehow strong enough to break the flesh and rip my own heart out. Because that’s what it feels like while I watch you struggle. Every thrash or whimper is a blow to my chest, and I can’t catch my breath. 
I’ve waited at the bottom of a hundred bottles, drowning while I waited for you to come back. Waging a war against myself, punishing myself the only way I know how, abusing my body and falling into bed with any woman willing to sleep with the down and out drunk. 
I denied myself access to you. And you never called me. When finally I thought I had gotten away with it and felt a spark of relief that I wouldn’t ever have to face you again, like magic, you appeared.
That agony swallowed me whole, and I still feel like some big bad is chomping on my insides. It’s no less than I deserve, and heaven knows I’m never getting over you or what I did.  
I remember the pact you made, a vow etched in your blood as I slowly and painfully drew it from your body. “When all this is over,” your lip trembled, but the conviction was in your eyes. So much so, even the demon in me was intrigued with the absolute belief written on your bloodied features. “When Sam has fixed you…” you swallowed thickly, found a last ounce of strength and told me - him - “I can wait for you at the bottom. I can stay away if you want me to, and I’ll wait for years if I have to, but I’ll see you again, and I’ll forgive you, Dean.” 
I thought when your blood dried, you’d take it back, but apparently you haven’t. Because here you are, back at the bunker, sleeping in your old room. Is this what your forgiveness looks like? Pretending like nothing happened, even though you still have the scars, physical and mental, to show that it did. 
Your jerking movements stop and I hope that the nightmare has passed when you roll to lay on your back. I wait a few minutes, watching your body relax, your eyes remain closed, and your frown smooth as your breathing evens out. 
It sounds intentional but you still look like you're asleep. You sigh heavily, hand coming up to rub your eyes open, and then you’re looking at me. A mixture of tiredness and weariness in your expression. 
“Did I wake you?”
I can’t help but huff a laugh. You woke me. Seriously? I’m literally the thing in your nightmares, but you’re worried about waking me. It’s infuriating and typical. 
“No, I haven’t been to bed yet.” I haven’t been sleeping much lately, but with you here, I knew it was useless to even try. 
You roll on to your back, stare up at the ceiling and ask, “Where’re you gonna run to?” 
You’re not completely wrong. I thought about jumping in Baby and hauling ass in any direction. I wish I had. I didn’t because I owe you at least an opportunity to tell me how much you hate me, remind me that I fucked us up, all because I couldn’t lose Sammy. Worst part is, I think you know I’d do it again.
Silence deafens me for a long time, and I can’t be sure if you’ve fallen asleep or not, until you deliver a blow I never expected. 
“I still love you.”
I really did do some permanent damage because that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and you’ve never said it before today. It’s always been on the tip of your tongue. I could see it in the moments you wanted to say it, especially the moments it wouldn’t have changed anything because then you’d have been saying it for you, to make yourself feel better, knowing I was going to hell or purgatory or wherever I was headed knowing how you felt. But now you're saying it for me because it’s what I need to hear, despite that I doubt the truth of it.
You shuffle to sit up, stare at me through the darkness, repeating, “I still love you, Dean.”
“You shouldn’t.”
You lean over to switch on the lamp, a slight jesting smirk when you look back at me. “Well, one of us has to be wrong, and it’s not going to be me.”
You say it so unbelievably casual as if you're commenting on the weather, and I know you’re trying to lighten the mood, but I just don’t have it in me to make jokes.
“There’s a first time for everything,” I counter, “and this is that time. You don’t love me, you love the idea of me, and I wish I was the guy you think I am, but I’m not and I won’t ever be.” 
You sigh, and though you're too far away from me, I swear I feel it. As if a ghost just showed up, the temperature drops a few degrees, and a cold shiver runs through me when you mutter, “I know,” looking down at your fidgeting hands in your lap.
Son of a bitch. Why does that sting like a rock salt shot to my chest? 
“But you're not the villain you think you are, either,” you say, softly, as if you're talking to yourself, and you may as well be because I’ll listen, but I won’t hear it.
“Villain, monster, all means the same.”
“You know what your problem is?” There’s no softness to your tone now. You're getting angry, and that makes more sense to me. You should be angry, furious, murderous even, but you won’t claim it like you should.
Regardless of your right to be furious with me, I bite back, “I have a few, but why don’t you tell me?”
“You don’t think you're worthy of love, that anyone who cares for you has been fooled into doing so, but what you don’t see is that you prove yourself worthy over and over again. The sacrifices you make, you put everyone - damn, the world - above yourself, and that makes you worthy.”
There’s that conviction again, the same undeniable faith you had when I had you tied down and bleeding out. You believe everything you just said, but it's the second time you’ve been wrong today.
“You’re wrong,” I say. “All the sacrifices I make are for selfish reasons, to save Sam, so I don’t have to live without my brother. That’s not commendable. And all the other times it was probably to fix a mistake I made trying to save Sam. I’m not worthy. I’m a screw up.”
You shrug, “Difference of opinion, I guess.” 
Letting out a frustrated sigh, I shake my head, looking up at the ceiling as if I’ll be able to see the sanity you’ve so clearly let go of floating around up there. As my eyes drift back down, they land on your duffle sitting on the chair. It’s packed up tight still, the clothes you were wearing when you arrived neatly folded on top, boots on the floor beneath it. 
You’re saying all this, claiming you love me but it looks as though you're ready to leave at the drop of a hat. “Not planning on staying?”
“Hadn’t decided yet, needed to know if I was too much of a reminder or if you could get past it all.” 
“Get past it?” I shout. “It’s not some minor accident, YN. I didn’t accidentally step on your foot. I ran a blade through your skin, repeatedly. I took pleasure in hearing you scream. I was proud of how your blood dripped onto the floor!” 
My rage makes you jump out of the bed. You, quite literally, won’t take this sitting down. You cross the room and get in my face. “I got past it, so why can’t you?” 
I laugh, there’s no humor in it, but it's either that or smash my fist into the door. “You're past it, huh? So I wasn’t just stalking your sleep, walking around with black eyes and a knife soaked in your blood?”
You avert your gaze and take a half step back. I’ve won, I see the fight drain out of you in the way your shoulders slump. I don’t feel good about it. 
“You came here to forgive me.” You meet my gaze and it’s right there, I can see it reflected back in your tearful expression.  “But I don’t need it,” I say, as the first tear slips free, “and I really don’t want it.”
“We can’t go back.” 
You’re not asking a question, you're speaking the realization aloud. But to be sure you understand, I add, “And there’s no going forward.”
Your gaze flicks to your unpacked bag. You inhale slowly and hold it for a long pause. “I won’t stay where I’m not wanted,” you exhale, “So when I leave, I’m not coming back.”
That’s not true. You are wanted, more than you’ll ever know and more than I could ever express, but it doesn’t matter. Wanting you is not enough to keep what I did in the shadows.
It’s a dick thing to do, but the hurt I’m causing you now, the pain that is free flowing from your eyes, is nothing compared to what will happen if you stick around. “Finally,” I sigh, “something we agree on.” 
You hand flexes at your side, balls into a fist while you decide whether to strike me or not. I brace myself, expecting the blow. I deserve it. It’s what I need, a flare of anger, a singular moment to show me that I haven’t slaughtered the fight left in you.  
Your hand relaxes, and the resolve, with such a finality I’ll never forget, settles in your eyes. 
You’ve given up on me.
It’s for the best and there’s nothing left to say, so I turn and walk away.
It doesn’t take you long to get dressed, and I can’t bear to watch you leave, but I wait around the corner, out of sight, listening to your movements. 
When you leave your room, I follow your departure through the halls, trying not to inhale your scent too deeply, knowing the memories it will ignite will burn my resolve.
Your truck door slams, but the engine doesn’t start, and I hold my breath. Are you fighting with yourself to leave or stay? 
I don’t know which would make me feel worse. 
The engine starts, and I drift closer to the garage door. I push it open a crack, enough to see you resting your head on your hands that grip the wheel so tight, I can feel the sting on my own palms. Your shoulders heave with your tears that the old cranky engine drowns out. 
I do nothing but stare. The irony isn’t lost on me, I did the same thing that day in the warehouse; waiting, watching. The only difference is, as you drive away I’m the one left bleeding out and tortured.
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Tags Info.
Tags: @alexxavicry / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @deandreamernp / @deanwinchesterswitch / @fandom-princess-forevermore / @foxyjwls007 / @jc-winchester / @justagirlinafandomworld / @katbratsupernaturalwhore / @leigh70 / @letsbys-library / @lyarr24 / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @nancymcl / @shanimallina87 / @stoneyggirl2 / @waywardbaby / @wildbornsiren / @writercole / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @pank0w / @kmc1989/ @deans-spinster-witch / @spnbaby-67 / @roseblue373
Master Lists: Dean Winchester // JAckles Verse Bingo // Main
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Don't Blame Me (Pt 2/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
What exactly happened to you?
"NO!" You screamed but knew you couldn't move fast enough. The Okami was faster and stronger than you. You watched in horror as her claws ripped into Dean's chest, him jumping in front of the intended target.
Your hands shook as you buried the small box in the dirt. He'd never forgive you, neither would Bobby or Sam but you couldn't let him go. He was stronger and more important than to be ripped from the world by one damn Okami. You took a deep breath then spoke the few words needed aloud. Within moments a guy wearing a black suit and a wicked looking grin stood not three feet from you "Am I really looking at Dean Winchester's better half?:"
You swallowed your nerves before saying "I want to make a deal"
The flight was supposed to land in Dublin where you were meeting a couple of hunters Bobby knew. It wasn't a case she and her wife had offered to show you around and to help you do some research and chase down a few things you couldn't find on your end of the world.
The first bout of turbulence hadn't bothered you, neither had the third but when the masks came down from the ceiling you knew it was bad.
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The first thing you could remember after the crash was pain, crippling burning all consuming pain. Even in the state you were in it didn't take a lot to piece together what had happened. The plane had crashed, you were dead and considering your contract you were in hell and on the racks.
You weren't sure how long you'd been in hell, how many demons had dug their claws into you or how you still had any consciousness left at all. You could feel yourself slipping away. Dean's face was harder to imagine, the shade of his eyes was slipping away.
The torture was never ending. Everyone knew who you had been engaged to, you were Dean's which meant you had a target and even the flunkies were getting a go at you. You couldn't handle it much longer. You'd snap and eventually your soul would die, burnt away to consume any of you that was left.
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You couldn't pinpoint Crowleys first visit to your rack. You just knew when you could hear his voice the pain would stop. He had a proposition for you, he wanted you as one of his right hand demons. All he had to do was finish twisting your soul just enough to break it.
You refused him for three hundred years until one day you couldn't take another moment. "What's the offer?" You'd asked and he'd been damn near giddy "Why you were a hunter darling. You'd well versed in killing demons and other gruesome things, I need that"
"You want me to hunt?" You'd been confused but he'd shrugged "In a way. I want you to be my threat I can make good on. If other demons see I took someone who was once such a strong enemy and turned them to my side. It would make a good argument for me"
"You want me to be your attack dog?" You'd asked with a weak laugh and he nodded "Or I can snap my fingers and let them get back to work" you'd nodded slowly, whispering a final goodbye to Dean and the life you once lived before saying "Do it"
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"Dammit Crowley" Dean growled when the demon wouldn't answer his call. "Are you sure this is where he said to meet the contact?" Sam asked and Dean nodded "Yeah, from the looks of it he didn't tell them that"
Dean tried calling Crowley again and this time the demon appeared in front of Dean "Calm down squirrel. I'm a man of my word" Dean rolled his eyes then motioned around "Where's the damn scroll you said you could get your hands on" "Don't worry she's coming" "She who?" Sam asked about the time the door to the old house swung open.
You couldn't believe Crowley had you popping all over the world to collect the pieces of a scroll. The damn little leprechaun got on your nerves at times even if you had to admit being his attack dog wasn't that bad. The black eyes on the other hand had taken getting used to.
You landed at the house he'd told you to meet at and pushed the door open.
Dean felt like he'd been dipped in ice. "Y/N" he breathed your name aloud for the first time in years. You'd frozen in the threshold staring at him. "Crowley what is this" when you spoke he felt his heart flip. He took a step towards you but your eyes flicked from the color he'd always loved to black.
He moved without hesitation. Your body was slammed against a wall, the demon blade at the neck. He'd be damned if some demon would be using you as a meatsuit. "HOW DID YOU GET HER BODY?" He demanded.
Your eyes met his and flicked back to the natural color. He felt his grip loosen as you looked into his eyes. He wanted to believe it was you, would give anything for it to be you but he knew there was no way. You swallowed before letting a small smile slip onto your "Dean it's me"
He let you go suddenly, stumbling back from you as he shook his head. "No, y-youve been dead for years. The plane...there was no recovery of bodies...any of the bodies" he looked from you to Crowley "What is this?"
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The moment Dean turned his eyes to Crowley you blinked out of there and back to your car that was in Washington state. You fell heavily against it and slid down to the cool dirt. Oh look, demons could indeed cry.
The horror in his eyes, the hatred and anger. You'd avoided him for so long, you'd rather he mourn you and still love you then know you were alive or well sort of alive and hate you. You'd kill Crowley for this, he had known what he was doing the moment he came to your rack in hell that this would happen.
Now Dean wouldn't even love the memory of you. Your deal that saved his life way back had just made certain of the fact that he'd never love you again.
@lacilou @suckitands33 @lyarr24 @decadentstrangernacho @nix-rose @irgendwas122 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @tas898 @starkleila
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according2thelore · 5 months
Ohmygod this was my askkkk!! I am so so happy with thiss, rolling around it like a kitten I am sooo fed!!! Tysm!! The twist with it being their intention all along for ES!winchesters to find out…..I am dead, absolutely dead. You are so good, soo creative. ES!Sam you are in for a ride, and ES!Dean, you better get over with your hangups soon and accept what it is.
My imagination is running wild now and because of this being intentional, I am imagining LS!Winchesters now fully staging this setup, lure ES!Sam in it because he would be easier to convince and LS!Sam knows that Dean *deserves* to be with a version of himself, pre cage, pre demon blood, all pure and innocent and fiery and angry and confident - something he is only rarely these days. This Sam will take what he wants. So LS!Sam arranges this thing for LS!Dean and ES!Sam, tells his Dean to enjoy! And my oh my does he. ES!Sam is his to claim first now???? This precious thing, eager to please but also has this arrogance in him that makes him so so so much Sam. Meanwhile ES!Dean is off to run some errand (by LS!Sam's design) but he returns early and sees his baby bro with that older version of himself and LOSES IT. HOW DARE DEAN NOT ONKY DEFILE HIS OWN LITTLE BROTHER BUT ALSO ES!DEAN'S!!!!! HE IS FURIOUS AND YEARNING AND HATES IT THAT HE WASNT THE ONE AND STARTS STRAIGHT UP MURDER BUT LS!SAM MAYBE CALMS HIM???? OHMYGOD
(also??? thank you so much for correcting the misread ask???? I would have taken with greedy grabby hands if you had completely misread it also!! I am OBSESSED with this verse! You are the nicestestestest)
GAH! this ask was so cute and nice i was kickin' my lil feet!
this idea is so great! your mind!
this falls into a similar category as one of my most recent posts, and i wrote it accordingly. do i think that LS!Dean would deprive ES!Dean of being LS!Sam's "first" dean? no, i don't think so. that bastard is so possessive i think he can respect the insane-brotherwife grind.
so this is just a delightful hypothetical based on your prompt!
without further ado, enjoy!
"plan b?" dean asks, and sammy lifts his head from his arms. his temples throb with a headache.
dean is sitting across from him at the dining table, nursing a glass of something sam can smell from here. sam snags the glass and takes a sip that curdles his nose hairs before passing it back.
"were we really this stupid? like this dumb?" sammy groans, rubbing a hand through his hair. "i mean, i believe you would be this obtuse, but me? i was just studying for the LSAT like a year ago!"
"oh here comes the big fancy college boy with his big triangle words. you're still gagging for me so hard you're getting an aneurysm." dean rolls his eyes. sammy rolls his eyes right back.
it hadn't worked. they had set those little fuckers up, and expected at least a conversation to happen. but sammy just walked in on their younger selves in the kitchen the other day and they didn't even break apart abashedly! no awkward explanations at all! there wasn't even anything to explain--they were standing on opposite sides of the room!
"did we make it worse?" sammy asks. dean considers this.
"nah. we can fuck it up at least three times as bad if we put our heads together."
so they put their heads together.
"you want me to what?" sam asks, and there's that blush. sammy tilts his head away so the kid can't see him smile. it's going to make this so much harder if he thinks he's being laughed at.
"pour some sugar on me," dean says, waggling his eyebrows.
sam's face sours.
yup. made it harder.
"not really," sammy is quick to correct. "just...make it look like something's happening."
sam's eyes narrow.
and isn't that the crux of the whole damn thing. sammy's done some weird things in his life. he's been to the past. he's been to the future. he's been to hell, been to alternate dimensions, and killed just about every type of monster one can think of.
and yet, having to explain why he and dean want to "parent trap" their own younger selves to said younger self might rank high on that list of weird.
"guy's in love with you." dean says, before sammy can say anything. sammy clenches his jaw. way to just jump into this thing.
sam blanches. "no. he's not. you're--he's my brother. you don't know what you're talking about."
"i don't know dean?" dean asks, eyebrow raised. sam sputters.
"well, you know you. but my dean is different. he's not--" heat creeps onto sam's cheeks, as if remembering the compromising position he caught them in the other day. "you."
dean mhmms flatly.
"then what's the harm? he walks in on this, is not jealous, and it doesn't do anything." sammy posits.
"easy for you to say! you have--" sam gestures at dean, but doesn't look at him. "if my dean caught me like that, if he knew--he'd...he'd never talk to me again. he'd...he'd be disgusted."
sammy and dean share a look. after having been tested so often, so deeply, and reaffirming their...bond--as chick-flick and meaningless as it sounds--the distance they had gained from this depth of anxiety removed the sting from it.
sammy will always remember working himself literally ill over it. but when he feels like that, he has the comfort of walking up to dean and biting down on the place where his neck and shoulder meet. he has the comfort of dean putting sticky notes that read "kick me" on the back, and then holding his face like he's the only thing that's ever mattered.
their younger selves deserve this. sammy has no idea if this is going to change the past. he doesn't know if these two will leave here tomorrow or in a week or in a year and be completely wiped-clean, or if they'll keep it all. but they deserve that comfort, that confirmation, that reassurance, as long as they can have it.
and honestly, fuck it. sammy wants a younger dean to be with his younger self. he sees their insecurities and their weird dance around each other and kciks himself for ever being so blind.
not having dean as soon as it was possible to have him will always be one of his biggest regrets.
so, sammy says,
"okay, listen. if it doesn't work, we have a mirror in 219 that erases the viewer's memories from the last 24 hours. all of 'em. so if we try this, and it doesn't work, we can slip it under dean's pillow, and he won't even remember. a zero sum game. no harm, no foul, right?"
sammy can feel dean's eyes on the side of his face, but he maintains intense eye-contact with his younger self.
no, they don't. they absolutely do not have that.
but for the first time, he can see something like hope in the kid's eyes, and--again, fuck it. in for a penny.
"he won't remember?" sam repeats, slowly.
"not a thing." sammy says, wondering if this counts as lying or self-delusion. sam is quiet for a long moment. he looks between him and dean for a few times, suspicion melting.
"yeah. okay." he says finally, looking at dean with a strange hunger in his eyes that brings sammy up short. oh shit. should he-- "i'm in."
getting dean out of the bunker is embarrassingly easy.
"you know what i would kill for right now?" sammy asks, suddenly, while they're all sitting around a table in the library. sam jolts, even though he had been expecting it. "pringles. do we have any pringles left?"
"oh, man." sam says, his eyes widen. "me, too."
even though they planned this out ten minutes ago, sammy's dean perks up like he's going to say something decidedly not-on-script. sammy shoots him a warning look. he sighs.
"whoops. i think i ate them all." dean looks at the table, like he's a football player forced to be in the school play for extra credit.
"oh." younger dean says. he sits up straight. he looks back and forth between the sams. "i mean. yeah. if we need a grocery run, i could go get some."
his nonchalant tone is belied by the fact his almost trips over his own feet to get up.
"i'll be back!" he calls, already in the doorway.
"god, i'm so fucking transparent." older dean mutters directly into his own palms as he hides his face in his hands. sam pats him on the back comfortingly.
forty-five minutes later, it's all in motion.
sammy knocks against the door twice as he hears dean's footsteps shuffle down the hallway, and rushes away, rounding the corner so dean won't be able to see him.
sam and older dean are set up in the garage. dean had pulled up one of the cars right next to the door so younger dean could see everything.
they had laid out clear ground rules: no actual kissing, no touching "bathing suit territory" (dean had proposed that addendum solemnly, and sam's face had screwed up, like he was considering if he actually felt anything but annoyance for his brother.)
they had decided on signals: two knocks when dean was coming, one knock if things were going to plan, three knocks for "i'll go get the mirror" for sam, and "oh shit we gotta have a plan c" for dean.
sammy had made sure the door was perfectly cracked to give dean some assurance of anonymity, and they had figured that was the best strategy, since dean was known apparently to peep when he suspected his older self and sammy were getting close.
sammy hadn't expected being able to hear sam and older dean's voices from down the hallway, but he can. he can also hear younger dean's footsteps falter as he gets closer to the door.
"no, you're doing it--" an aggravated sigh. "c'mere." a shuffling of limbs. "you see how the drive belt comes this way? we need to loop it around the--"
a pause.
"what're you lookin' at?" dean's voice has lowered an octave, and sammy shifts, a pavlov reaction to hearing dean like that.
"i'm just--" sam peters into silence. a gasp. younger dean's gasp. did he think it was sammy in the garage this whole time? sammy stifles a smile against his hand.
"you lookin' at me, sammy baby?"
"baby?" sam repeats indignantly, but is cut off by a gasp as something in the room clatters to the ground.
"yeah, that's right. you're my baby brother, aren't you? my baby brother. you like seein' me like this? bigger than you? i know my sammy likes it when i throw him around a little. show him who takes care of him."
sam is breathless, and sammy can hear it, when he says, "dean."
sammy wonders how they're set up. does dean have him pressed to the front of the car? hiked onto a table, like he and sammy were set up that first time?
he realizes that it's killing him not to know.
a coo, from dean. "oh. look at you, sweetheart. you're so hard, and i haven't even touched you yet. you think i could make you come just by talkin' to you? hm? you like big brother tellin' you how much he loves takin' care of you that much?"
sammy realizes that he's started to chub up in his jeans. and he also realizes that younger dean hasn't said anything yet. sammy's torn between wanting to look around the corner and see if he's still there and staying put.
what if sam was right, and younger dean's just not ready for this yet? sammy's dean had reassured him in no uncertain terms that he had been lusting after sam since a truly concerning age.
but what if the jealousy is too much? what if seeing them like that carves an impossible chasm?
"dean, i--i" sam sounds much more unsure, like he's losing control fast. sammy bites down hard on his tongue.
he makes a split-second decision.
he rounds the corner.
and dean's got a fucking gun.
sammy starts in a dead sprint just as dean kicks open the door to the garage.
"you sick fuck!" he yells. sammy's behind him in a second, pulling his arms back. dean's starts kicking immediately, even as sammy is able to pull him mostly off the ground.
"he's a kid!" dean's still yelling. "we promised, fucker! we promised!"
sammy looks around dean's flailing body, and sees sam's horrified face. he looks like he's about to be sick. older dean's leaned him up against the side of the car, and he's not even touching him, just standing a few inches away. sammy's dean has visibly paled.
"hey, that's not--" he starts, but dean's already going off again,
"get your goddamn hands off of him!" sammy starts hauling him away, and manages to kick the garage door closed--but not before dean shouts a parting shot, "you think he wants those disgusting fucking hands on him?!"
sammy manages to wrestle dean a couple steps down the hallway before dean starts to go limp.
"i'm calm," dean says, and his gun hand does actually go limp, so sammy starts to let him go.
"what the hell happened back there?" sammy asks, heartbeat in his throat. play dumb! play dumb!
dean tucks his gun back into his pants. he's looking at the wall over sammy's shoulder.
"he shouldnta' been sayin' that." dean mutters. "not his place to. sam is...never mind."
not his place to.
"his place?" sammy prompts. despite the fact that he's pretty sure he had a heart attack back there, he tries really, really hard not to smile. he's taking this very seriously.
dean's phrase is dangerously close to the point of all this, and sam should not celebrate because he's positive older dean and sam are powering through some angst (that sammy will have to deal with later) in the next room right now.
sammy feels like one of those tv show therapists with big glasses, armchair, and ballpoint pen. and how did that make you feel?
"i don't--" dean's eyes fall to his. "i don't know why i said that." his brows furrow. "i gotta go. i need some fresh air."
and without another word, dean turns around and walks away.
operation: go convince your brother to kiss you, but also not you is a-go.
before he walks away, sammy remembers the knock code: once for success, two for dean's arrival, three for failure. and honestly?
sammy knocks on the door once. and he trails after dean, barely resisting the urge to whistle.
oh yeah. they got this in the bag.
@aj-carryon au contraire! you are the nicest! i hope you enjoyed this little ficlet, aj! (i hope that's your name, if not, then i hope you enjoyed, friend!)
your asks always make me giggle and twirl my hair, lol! kissing u on both cheeks!
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demons-and-demigods · 6 months
Demons and Demigods Part Eight: Context Before More Plot
Alright, so we're gonna hop back to Sally, Paul, and the Winchester boys for a bit here! Yay!
This part is to give some context about who knows what and kinda what's been going on with these guys while we've been focusing on the demigods along with backing it up a bit to talk about Paul.
Sally had not been told about Dean’s deal and the fact that he only had a year left to live and what-not. Telling Bobby and having Sam find out had been hard enough, and with everything she was going through with her son being missing and then being sent on a deadly quest to try and save the world, Dean figured she had enough to worry about without putting his impending doom on her shoulders too. He made Sam and Bobby swear that if they couldn’t save him, they would tell her it was just a hunt gone wrong, that they wouldn’t tell her about the deal, ever. They did, but only because Dean begged them to. He also begged Sam to stay with Bobby and/or Sally when he was gone, to help them and him deal with his death without doing anything stupid. Sam promised, but only because he insisted that it wouldn’t come to that.
Further down the road, when it does, indeed, come to that, Sam keeps his word and he and Bobby tell Sally that Dean died hunting a werewolf and she makes them both stay with her and Paul since Percy is still at Camp helping rebuild. Ruby doesn’t get her hooks into Sam and so there’s no demon blood junkie arc and no killing Lilith and no Apocalypse gets triggered, and Lucifer doesn’t get free, etc, etc. The angels and demons are still fighting over seals and trying to start the apocalypse, but Sam and Dean don’t go for it. Cas still saves Dean from Hell and rebels against Heaven for him, but he tells Sam and Dean what the angels are trying to do and about the last seal being killing Lilith so they just nope outta that plotline because I said so. But we’re not quite there yet. Gotta finish up some other stuff first.
Now, for Paul and some mortal Thoughts on Percy:
When Percy first went missing, Paul tried to cash in like, all his vacation days at the school to stay with Sally and do what he can to help find Percy and support her and Annabeth, but Goode is the best (because this is my au and I do what I want) and just gave him paid leave after hearing that his step-son had gone missing and likely been kidnapped (again, from the mortal world’s perspective). So the school was just like oh shit yeah no take all the time you need, we’ll keep paying you, we hope you find your step-son and that he’s okay. His colleagues call to check in every now and then, because they’re his friends and are genuinely worried for him and his family and want to make sure they’re holding up okay and they hope that it’s all figured out soon so that he can have his kid safe at home again. Some of them even stop by the apartment with casseroles or other homemade meals to spend some time with him and Sally to support them.  
They both appreciate this very much. And their friends who haven’t met Percy (most of them, because they’re mostly fellow teachers at Goode and most of them either have him in their class but aren’t aware that Paul’s-step-son-Percy is also The Percy Jackson or have never had him in their class) ask Paul and Sally to tell them about him which they are both more than happy to do, they love talking about Percy. More than a few of the teachers however have gone home afterward, googled Percy Jackson, and had a crisis. Because, like, the google results are all over the place. There are articles calling him a delinquent kid and a terrorist suspected of blowing up a couple of buses and also the St. Lewis arch and possibly killing his mother, but other articles say that he was actually kidnapped along with two other kids and the bus and arch incidents were him and the other kids trying to escape. But then obviously Sally is still alive, and her and Paul both talk about Percy like he is the sweetest, kindest kid out there who’s had a really rough life but really he’s just a sweetheart and such a good kid and they couldn’t be prouder of him. Some of them even look through Percy’s school records and find all the schools he’s been kicked out of for fights and explosions and other weird situations that he always seems to be at the center of and the fact that on paper he is clearly a troubled kid with all sorts of issues and a long list of disciplinary problems and they just can’t make it match up with the smiling boy with eyes that look too old on such young features in all the pictures Sally and Paul showed them or with all the stories Sally and Paul shared.  
Look, I just think it’s really funny when Sally and Paul talk about Percy and only off-handedly mention some of the wild shit he’s done that’s literally been on the news and they’re talking about him all ‘oh he’s just so sweet and caring, he’s a counselor at the summer camp he goes to and all the little kids love him,’ and etc. And then, because one of them made an off-hand comment about like, ‘oh yeah, he started going to camp when he was twelve after he got kidnapped and it was a whole thing where the media kept calling him a terrorist even though he was just trying to escape this awful man,’ or whatever and so the friend goes home and googles Percy Jackson and ends up just like, staring at their screen like holy fuck what the hell is this kid. And if they’ve never seen him, from the way Sally and Paul describe him, they’re expecting Percy to be, yknow, a normal looking kid, maybe on the taller end around 5’10 or so, probably with a bright, sunny grin and soft features. And then they meet him and he’s six feet tall at least made of solid muscle and covered in weird looking scars with an rbf that would make the bravest soldier shit their pants. He looks like he was carved from marble with his high cheekbones and sharp jawline and his eyes are unreal in their vivid intensity. His smile is crooked and in the glimpse they catch, his teeth seem too sharp, just a little too perfect. And he has a presence that fills the whole room as soon as he enters it, drawing their attention as their basest instincts begin screaming at them to either run or try to hide. But Sally and Paul are just like ‘hey, kiddo, how was camp,’ completely nonplussed like he’s not a fictional character with a dark past and even darker secrets come to life, like he’s not a manifestation of some dark god from the myths of times forgotten. Godsdammit sorry I got off track talking and thinking about demigods and especially kids of the big three being eldritched.
Anyway, little off track there, but this is my au and my post and my blog so I get to say what I want and I wanted to talk about Percy being Unnerving as Fuck to mortals for a bit because it tickles me.
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normaltothemax · 2 months
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Extremely Self-Indulgent "Shit People Have Said" Meme "I miss ten seconds ago when I didn't see that." (jason but here we are)
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The All-Blades could only be summoned around pure evil. So, the two of them happening across a random demon possessing a clearly dead body in the middle of the warehouse district had seemed like the perfect time to pull them out of thin air. Jason had used them to cut a long slice in each forearm—not too deep, just deep enough to draw enough blood to satisfy them—taking advantage of the demon’s momentary confusion to kill it. Now, having sent the swords back to the All-Caste, Jason turned his frown from his bleeding arms to Dean, raising a brow. “What?”
@therebetterbepie (x)
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lostxndbroken · 1 year
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kitsune024 · 1 month
SPN|Dean Winchester ||Fics I Love|| Pt6
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Inheritance of a demon by WoodiestComic I Chapters: 22/? I
The Bell Tolls by Miss_Indecisiveless I Part 1 - 2 I
The Providence Verse by Nova42 I Part 1 - 2 I
Adventures in Babysitting (Apple Pie Life) by alexjanna91 I Part 1- 8 I (has a sequel)
mad and dead as nails by EclipseWing I Chapters: 9/9 I
Dean Winchester, Agent of SHIELD by enigmaticblue I Part 1 - 23 I
Blunt Instruments by heretoday898 I Part 1 - 3 I
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