#dear cupcake
happy-thou9hts · 1 month
Latter!! (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑) (,,>ヮ<,,)
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imogenegomi · 4 months
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sanvees · 6 months
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favorite couples of 2023 (in no particular order)
yang/phoomjai (love in translation ; thailand) | segasaki/yoh (my personal weatherman ; japan) | songkram/ai (destiny seeker ; thailand) | hotae/donghee (unintentional love story; south korea) | shogun/maitoh (why you y me ; thailand) | chen yi/ai di (kiseki: dear to me ; ) | yai/jom (i feel you linger in the air ; thailand) | togawa/nozue (old fashion cupcake ; japan) | pluem/kawin (ghost host ghost house ; thailand) | hantae/baram (sing my crush ; south korea)
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Who were some of your favourite overall performances in terms of physical acting? Hands, face, body, whatever you prefer.
Have a great Day💜
 Hmm this is is a really hard question to- 
Billkin in I Told Sunset About You
Billkin as Teh is one of my favorite physical performances, not just in BL but of all time. I said this in The Conversation episode where we talked about I Told Sunset About You but for a boy that does not say much, Teh is incredibly loud as a character. The way he sits up, the way his face falls, the way he always circles, the grandiose and the miniscule ways that his body reflects his emotions. Do not get me wrong, PP is gorgeous and devastating in his role as Oh, but Billkin has a very very difficult character to contend with and to embody and from the posture, to the motion, the anger, the tears, the jealousy, the joy. He is constantly, constantly moving: tapping his fingers, shaking his leg, pacing, peeking, there is no way Teh is not an exhausting role to play, and he absolutely nailed it.  
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[the rest of these are in no particular order, but there are so many, you really need to limit me to like..five cause I can’t do that on my own.]
Nike Nitidon in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us 
Nike as Inthawut is an understated physical performance that I really enjoyed, Inthawut as a character is incredibly self-isolating, distrusting, shameful, and Nike carries that character very stiffly, squared shoulders, rimrod back, but he still moves with such grace to him. I watched all of 180 Degrees just thinking “he’s moving like a dancer” the entire time. Which is such a fascinating way to exist in a story where Inthawut and Sasiwimol as characters are engaging in a sort of social dance around each other and around Wang as they attempt to deflect questions about Siam. 
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Hagiwara Riku in My Beautiful Man: Eternal 
Hagiwara is incredible generally but I really want to highlight his performance in My Beautiful Man: Eternal which has one of my favorite acting moments of BL. That is his performance when he is rescuing Kiyoi from Anna’s stalker. He moves so swiftly, so gracefully on a dime between threatening and violent, to soft and loving in his body and in his voice and in the shimmer in his eyes. Is it a surprise that he was able to pull that off? No, he showed such incredible range in his physical performance in the original season jumping between the timid, awkward, pushover to the loud, aggressive to the point of needing three people to hold him down, when he is defending Kiyoi, but it was truly so fun to watch him turn it on and off at any time. 
Also just an additional shout out to Yasei Yugei, specifically for the scene in Utsukushii Kare 2 when Hira tells him he doesn’t love him. The way his face fell? Incredible. 
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Hasegawa Makoto in Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto
I wouldn’t say Hasegawa as Miyata is overall my favorite physical performer, however he had one of my favorite face changes of all time in the episode 4 sex scene. The way he sets his lips, the challenging look in his eyes, it was such an incredibly impressive shift in Miyata who has until that point been rather annoyed, bitchy, or awkward. 
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Tod and Boy in Ghost Host, Ghost House
Again, I wouldn’t say they have one of my favorite physical performances overall BUT Tod and Boy in Ghost Host, Ghost House had one of my favorite physicality moments of all time with their sex scene in Episode 4. More accurately with the build up to their first time. Kevin in his shorty little short shorts knowing exactly what he was doing. I can’t even describe the whole thing or what exactly it was about the scene that really did me in but you can absolutely feel the desire, the tension through the screen, and that is in huge part due to the physical performance of both of those actors. Pluem covering his mouth, trying to look away, ugh, exquisite. 
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Nishijima and Uchino in Kinou Nani Tabeta? 
I think the hardest thing for me to appreciate with a lot of the Japanese actors is that I haven’t watched a ton of Japanese media so I rarely see the actors cross over between shows or genres and that makes it hard for me to understand just how talented they are at embodying their characters. But oh my god, these two, they are just. Their hug at the end of season one is one of my favorite moments of all time, it makes me so emotional. The full body panic that washed over Shiro’s body when Kenji turned to leave in the first ever episode of What Did You Eat Yesterday? Kenji’s face during the “I know you’re hurting” line, the increasingly frequent smile from Shiro in season 2. Just AHHHH they are both such good physical performers. 
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Louis Chiang, Hsu Kai, and Takeda Kuohei in Kiseki: Dear to Me & Old Fashion Cupcake (respectively)
Louis and Hsu gave me the same physical acting moment in Kiseki that I loved in Old Fashioned Cupcake which is the body responding to something differently than the brain is, especially in something as physically demanding and choreographed as a kissing scene. All three of them did such phenomenal jobs in their respective scenes with Ai Di looking so fucking confused when Chen Yi kisses him, and actually kissing back for a split second before biting him, Fan Ze Rui kissing Bai Zhong Yi back while trying to push him away and then immediately giving up, and Nozue fully doing calculus in his head while still kissing Togawa back. I appreciate actors so much because I could never oh my god. 
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Milk and View in 23.5 Degrees
I gotta get some ladies on here and who better than the loves of my life Milk and View. Milk I just want to commend how variable her performance is between 23.5 and Bad Buddy. I am so so here for all the rolling, flailing, fainting, screaming. She’s doing such an incredible job in what I am sure is a very physically taxing role. 
View going on the complete opposite end of the spectrum with a very stiff character with a very flat affect. I love everything about Aylin, and I especially love those little moments of emotion that do break through. The small smile Aylin gets, the crying breakdown she has on the basketball court, the delay before she too runs all gangly and awkward to the door to greet their friends. Stiffness feels like a hard thing to embody without it feeling like bad acting, because I think a lot of what I see of bad acting comes from people who are too stiff, for completely non-character related reasons. 
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This kid. Was. SO. CREEPY. I am so proud of him! When I first saw Barcode on screen in this show, I thought they picked him for the role of Non because he was the sweet, baby-faced little boy you remember from KinnPorsche and thus would garner sympathy. But no. 
It is because BARCODE IS A FUCKING POWERHOUSE at 18 years old. The laughter, the smiles, the absolutely deranged behavior. The breakdowns. This kid. Holyyyyyyyyyy shit. 
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In truth there are so so so so so many moments, performances, actors that are just absolutely incredible and worthy of praise, and the nice thing is that even small moments can make huge impacts on me, on an audience as a whole. Sometimes it’s not just the physicality of the actors that really makes the performance, it’s the anatomy of the scene, it’s choreography, it’s lighting, it’s sound. The silence in Our Dining Table, Episode 8 when Yutaka reaches back for the briefest of moments. The editing of the masturbation scene in I Feel You Linger in the Air cutting between Jom’s hands on Yai’s back and Jom’s hands on his own body. Han Baram’s sad, sad little face and his sad sad little song and the way he and Im Han Tae cuddle even when they are platonic in Sing My Crush. Sam Lin + Alcohol in We Best Love. Like ugh there’s just so many beautiful physical moments out there. 
Additional Shout Outs: 
First Kanaphan, Mark Pakin, Fourth, Ohm, Singto: all of these boys are so impressive in their physical acting in so many ways. First as Yok and First as Akk was almost completely unrecognizable to me when I first saw them. First is an incredible physical actor, and I wish that GMMTV would actually let him maintain complex characteristics rather than turning him in to the weepy boy every time. But from a physical acting standpoint, he’s incredible. Mark Pakin truly is GMMTV’s six man: he was on The Warp Effect, Moonlight Chicken, and My School President which all aired at the same time, with him playing three very different characters. It was such a treat to see Fourth and Gemini back to back in MSP and MLC as well, but the happy bouncy puppy dog that was Gun compared to the jaded, angry young adult that was Li Ming was just marvelous to behold, I swear to god I saw a storm cloud pass over that kid’s brow at one point during MLC. Ohm because of course. Singto because that dude is able to convey so much by moving so little of his face, it’s truly astounding. 
James Supamakong in Bed Friend, Episode 4
This is honestly more from a vocal perspective but the way he fucking screamed and cried in both attempted rape scenes haunts me to this day. 
The cast of Ossan’s Love Returns, but especially all of the fight scenes between Hayashi Kento (Maki) and Yoshida Kotero (Kurosawa), they were so fun to watch, especially because they are supposed to present as such put together characters, and the sustained fight scene in Episode 6 was fucking hysterical. 
Non-BL mentions: 
Toby Stephens and his voice acting in Black Sails
Matthew McFayden and the hand flex in Pride and Prejudice 
Kalki Koechil and physically portraying cerebral palsy as an able bodied actress in Margarita With a Straw (you can check out my write up for my thoughts on the ethical component of that though)
The fencing scene from The Court Jester
I have never watched the movie, but Christopher Reeve’s Clark Kent to Superman transition
Sense8. All of it. 
I haven’t even seen it, but Orphan Black
What are some of yours?
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christmasxmas · 6 months
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channnel · 5 months
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It's been three days on Twitter. Happy birthday, Alan!
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Why hello! I don’t see why we can’t keep the Top 5 trend alive in the new year so…
From one chronic rewatcher to another, what are your top 5 most rewatched scenes?
Sorry this took so long, @wen-kexing-apologist! I'm just now getting back to posting a bit more regularly after the holidays got me totally off track, and this question brought up a lot of Thoughts so I've been chipping away at it for weeks.
So, um, this is the best question ever. Except it’s the meanest question ever, because I'm terrible at choosing between things like this.
I am a massive rewatcher, whether you’re talking about whole series, episodes, or scenes. Scenes especially. Why watch an entire thing when you can go right for the best part/s and watch them over and over? This is also one of the reasons I have way too many gifs saved on my phone.
I thought about coming up with a list that was based more on what would make a good post, and/or what would make me look less uncool, than what I actually rewatch the most. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to be honest instead. So at the risk of seeming even more like an Utsukare obsessive and overall one-trick pony, I'm going to talk about the five scenes I think I've actually rewatched the most, even though four of them are from my perennial obsession.
The four Utsukushii Kare scenes are in the order they occur in the series, not from most rewatched to least. Then I'll talk about a fifth scene from another series that I've been pretty vocal about appreciating, and I'll mention some runners-up.
“who do you like, him or me?”
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If gif posts are any indication—gifs are the smallest increment of rewatching, after all—some of my favorite scenes to rewatch aren’t that popular with other rewatchers. This one gets gif’ed, sure, as you can see. But it's not as popular a choice for this kind of treatment as a lot of other Utsukare scenes.
There are a few reasons this one is a favorite of mine. One is that I tend to like some jealousy in my romance. I have my theories about why it’s so appealing to me specifically, but I’m not entirely sure how to explain it. I also love a good aggressive shirt-grab. (Utsukare certainly delivers these regularly.) But the main reason I keep coming back to this moment is that in just a few sentences, a bunch of character development happens. Well, I guess it would be more correct to call it character revelation. This is the first time we really see this side of Kiyoi, and in that respect, it foreshadows the big perspective shift that’s just around the corner. The viewer picks up a lot of hints that Kiyoi has feelings for Hira prior to this point (even if Hira remains stubbornly oblivious to them). We’ve even seen Kiyoi kiss Hira already (even if he did push him to the ground a split second later). But this is the first time we see such direct evidence of the strength of his feelings for Hira. Kiyoi is so unguarded for this brief moment. The mask slips and what’s underneath is total desperation.
Hira, of course, misses the real meaning of what Kiyoi is saying despite how obvious it is. Which means it's also the viewers’ first indication of how intensely Hira clings to his favored view of reality in the face of evidence to the contrary.
"sorry I like you"
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This is another scene where so much is happening in a short span, all because Kiyoi got desperate enough to talk about all of the unspoken bullshit between him and Hira. As usual, Hira doesn’t get it. But he might be starting to. 
This scene is pretty rough watching in some ways. When this episode first aired and it ended with this scene followed by each of them on their own and feeling terrible, I was a bit of a mess. It was silly of me to worry. There were plenty of favorable signs in the preview for the finale. I knew the novels had a happy ending. But it was just so sad and so real that it got to me anyway. But I also enjoyed it, because for an obsessive analyzer like myself, seeing these important relationship dynamics finally come to the surface in such concentrated form was fascinating. It was also a relief to see things out in the open.
Both leads turn in such great performances here. Yagi Yusei really steps up. It’s even more impressive given his relative lack of acting experience. His performance is so raw and affecting. If he had been less vulnerable, Kiyoi’s point about how contradictory Hira’s actions and statements are could seem like a kind of “gotcha” moment designed to win an argument--like he was pointing out that Hira was hypocritical in a bid to score points. Instead, Yagi shows viewers how deeply being caught in this double bind with Hira has hurt Kiyoi. 
Hagiwara Riku, in contrast, portrays Hira as so confused that he’s basically dissociated. Hira has a really strong tendency to see the world in whatever way suits him, regardless of the truth. Kiyoi’s words force Hira to set his usual narrative aside and see how much clinging to it is hurting the person he claims to love, and it throws him off to such an extent that he seems to be experiencing a form of psychomotor slowing. He looks like he’s moving through molasses. He can’t form sentences, or at times, even words. His normally expressive eyes seem like they’ve shrunk to half their normal size. He’s really come unmoored, and it shows. The more I think about Hagiwara’s work in this scene the more impressed I am by the insight and physical control he had to bring to bear in order for it to work. 
Of course, if I watched this scene on its own habitually, this level of blorbo distress might take a toll on my mental health. Which is why I usually follow it up with…
"I'm not going to kiss you for a while"
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I’m busting out the bullet points for this one because otherwise it might take me all day.
This scene works on so many levels!
Well, the main ones are:
Relationship progress! Character growth! 
The whole kiss fakeout thing is hot
Hira gets some payback and frankly, he deserves it
The other highlights for me are: 
Even after repeated viewings and knowing very well what happened in the story, I still feel kind of relieved to see that Kiyoi came back, especially right after rewatching the scene prior to this one. 
When Kiyoi asks Hira why he thinks he came home and he says, “to punch me?" he does it in the most weirdly cute way.
Kiyoi’s absolutely lethal snotty face/voice when he response to the possibility of punching Hira with “maybe” is so perfect that it's hard not to think that Hira might have a point about this whole King deal. 
Hira apologizes and it’s actually sincere and not just some knee-jerk bullshit. 
The way Hira closes his eyes and waits for Kiyoi to smack him is a rare case of him actually letting go and putting himself in Kiyoi’s hands instead of his usual topping-from-the-bottom thing.
More about the kiss fakeout:
Hagiwara does a great job of telegraphing Hira’s expectant response. In scenes where two characters are going to kiss but get interrupted, it's not uncommon to see a kind of hesitation or other subtle signal that the actor knows the kiss isn't going to happen. But there's none of that here. Hagiwara even does this sort of gulp/swallow thing like he thinks the kiss is going to start any moment. When the kiss doesn't materialize, he nails an absolutely pitifiul sad puppy expression.
Kiyoi’s vulnerable voice and facial expression when he explains about the kissing boundary thing is so sincere and cute. Could he be any more different from season 1 episode 1 Kiyoi?
I’ve written about how the no-kissing-until-Hira-takes-Kiyoi-seriously policy might seem like a controlling move or an inappropriate ultimatum to some viewers but it actually better resembles what Harriet Lerner calls a “bottom line,” resulting in a boundary that is not only justifiable but downright healthy…or almost healthy, at least. It's a bit on the extreme side, and the fakeout part remains a little mean. But they're understandable given what Hira has put Kiyoi through. 
Here's my s2e4 writeup that includes that discussion:
“sorry, Kiyoi”
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So, I’ve already written quite a bit about this scene. In one instance, I wrote a propaganda blurb when it was in bl brackets’s kiss bracket.
Here's the original blurb I wrote for @bl-bracket when I nominated the scene, as used in the post where people voted:
Hira and Kiyoi Final Kiss: "It’s an important plot point (because Kiyoi has said he won’t kiss Hira until he stops putting him on a pedestal and now Hira is making progress on that front, and because Hira hasn’t initiated physical stuff in the past, and initiating is itself a way of treating Kiyoi more like an equal). It’s also just a really well-acted and effectively shot kiss, and as a result it communicates so much about the characters and shows a side of their relationship not portrayed elsewhere in the show. And of course, it’s super hot. That includes the kind of weird but suggestive details that are typical of the show, like Hira passing candy/candy spit to Kiyoi through the kiss and then switching into this really distinct sexy voice that makes it sound almost as if he’s changing personalities."
And here's an additional, longer propaganda post I wrote to lobby for votes:
One of the points I tried to make in that post about why this scene is special was that it really does represent a leap forward in how both leads portrayed intimacy in this series. Prior to this scene, viewers had seen a dead fish kiss on graduation day, a more intense makeout situation in the season 1 finale that was shot so impressionistically that it was often hard to tell exactly what the actors were doing, and some interrupted kisses earlier in season 2. And then this happened. Here's a quote from what I wrote previously:
Personally, despite being a fan of both actors and thinking they did amazing work on the series, until I saw this scene I really didn't know if they had it in them, if they could actually pull off something that felt real. But they brought it. They're not holding back. As opposed to more stylized kisses you see in BLs and other romance dramas sometimes, I found it very naturalistic, like the way a couple of real kids in their early 20s would kiss.
So, yeah. I thought it showed real growth on the part of the actors as individuals and as a pairing/team.
This scene also caused me to dig deeper, with the help of some very knowledgeable mutuals, into what “persistent” and “cute” mean in a sexual context in Japan. My main post about that is below.
Noticing Hagiwara's use of Hira's "persistent voice" also helped me to notice something else when I checked out his other work, and that is that he often uses his voice in very different ways in different roles. I recently watched a drama he did before Utsukare and I was struck by this all over again. Again, it shows a really impressive degree of control.
And now, for our one non-Utsukare scene in the top 5:
"I'm trying to seduce you"
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I also wrote a nomination blurb about this scene for the kiss bracket. (If you're seeing a pattern here, well, yeah, it's a pattern.) The original voting post here but I'll go ahead and quote it in its entirety since it's pretty short.
This kiss is ridiculously hot and is a culmination of so much that’s been simmering beneath the surface for the entire show up to that point. Togawa has been pining so hard for Nozue for so long that when Nozue gives him a glimmer of hope and then tries to leave, everything he’s been bottling up comes surging out. Kimura Tatsunari exudes a level of desperate lustfulness in this scene that’s as intense as anything I’ve seen in any genre. We’re all familiar with the idea that people look at a person’s mouth when they want to kiss them, but Togawa looks at Nozue’s mouth like he dreams about it every night and sees it every time he closes his eyes. No wonder he feels a need to stick his thumb in there. Takeda Kouhei also communicates so much in this scene. Nozue is shocked and confused but he can’t help but respond to Togawa’s kisses. You can see the gears turning—and refusing to turn—as he tries to make sense of what’s happening—and keeps kissing Togawa back even though he still can’t process it. Togawa’s declaration, “I’ve been trying to seduce you, with everything I have,” is the cherry on top.
There's another bit of subtle physical communication here that I find interesting, and I think you might too, @wen-kexing-apologist. Just recently I've been thinking about the meaning, in kissing scenes, of what for lack of a better term I'll call the head-bonk. By this I mean the thing where one person puts their forehead against the other person's, often with at least a tiny bit of an impact that renders it a bonk rather than, like, just touching them together. Togawa kisses Nozue once, then a second time, and then goes in for a third that Nozue avoids by sinking toward the floor. The third kiss doesn't happen, but when Togawa starts to initiate it he does an absolutely sublime head-bonk. I'm still figuring out what I think about the head-bonk thing. All I know is that, from my vantage point, that little move on Kimura's part practically screams "I've been holding this back for five goddamn years and I can't wait one more second to kiss this person."
Runners-up and honorable mentions:
Semantic Error:
Their first kiss in the restaurant after Jae Young calls Sang Woo "hyung" - I have watched this so much that if I had been asked for my top 6 this would have been #6.
Jae Young demonstrating the features of the "free trial"
Minato’s Laundromat (season 1, of course):
Shin freaking out about Minato being alone with Hanabusa
The washing machine kabedon
The “smelling the sheets” scene
Kiseki (I just watched this for the first time a week or so ago and I have already done so much scene-rewatching it's ridiculous):
That incredibly angsty sex scene with Ai Di and a drunk Chen Yi, you know the one
Chen Yi's confession to a physically restrained Ai Di
The scene at Ai Di's bar where Chen Yi puts him in a double kabedon
Ai Di and Chen Yi's conversation after Ai Di gets out of prison, where he says he fucked Chen Yi "just for fun" and offers to let him do stuff to him as "revenge"
Ai Di trying to scare Chen Yi by stroking his chest and asking him if he wants to "play" and then getting weirded out when Chen Yi asks, "What if I say yes?"
Jheruei and Zongyi's first real kiss and subsequent A+ lap-sitting moment
And as a bonus, here's my most-rewatched non-QL moment:
There's a scene I'm obsessed with in Something in the Rain where Jun Hui comes to Jin A's home and sees her ex-boyfriend there with her and her parents, lobbying to get back together and manhandling her, and he reacts exactly the way you'd expect as someone to who's in love with Jin A. It is tattooed on my brain. If I ever learn to make gifs I am gif'ing the fuck out of that scene.
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lady-guts · 6 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
@nuwildcat thank you for tagging me! As a fellow ace, I'm going to copy the aesthetically part of this list, because wanting carnally is really not my thing.
1. Tay - Kinnporsche
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He is the definition of gender envy. No one wins him in aesthetics, he has them all. I want him and I want to be him, but I will settle by being able to raid his closet.
2. Porsche - Kinnporsche
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That gold skin, that itty-bitty waist, and those smiles. Aesthetically, him and his high waist trousers have won me over, and the suits by the end of the show are just *chef's kiss*. He's the best, and I love him, and since I don't think we'll get more of him, I'll just keep drawing him.
3. Kinn - Kinnporsche
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Look at those long fingers. Look at them. And at his effortlessly casual dominance in everything he does (until he meets Porsche, and all that ice melts). I just love him. Also, what's better than a big sad boy? A big sad boy with huge tits, and Kinn has those to spare.
4. Vegas - Kinnporsche
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Vegas bewitched me. He's such a pathetic, soggy mess, but then when you least expect it he whips out his murder raincoat and looks even cute with blood all over. I also want to raid his closet, and steal all his oversized witchy shirts (except for the velvet ones, he can keep those)
5. Choi Yu Na - Semantic error
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She's everything. Yet another character I want to steal clothes from. Shes just so cool and so perfect, and I want to have a spin-off of centered on her.
6. Kurosawa - Cherry magic
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Kurosawa is just so dear to me. He tries so hard to be this perfect cool guy, when he is the dorkiest person on earth, and somehow still manages the whole gentlemanly thing all together. I can't get over how he wrote a whole CV to meet Adachi's parents, and I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
7. Togawa - Old fashioned cupcake
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Look at this boy eat! I love love love people who enjoy their food, and Togawa's hamster cheeks are the cutest of them all. He gets extra points for how he proposes in the special episode.
8. Nozue - Old fashioned cupcake
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Those little three piece suits he wears look so nice on him. He's so babygirl too, batting his eyelashes at Togawa without realising his feelings at all. He's another case of the eternal dilemma of whether I want him or I want to be him.
9. Ai Di - Kiseki: Dear to me
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Is half of this list characters whose clothes I want? Perhaps. But look at the kind of sweaters Ai Di wears all throughout the series, can you blame me? That and his chokers, and his hair.... He's also the best friend ever to Bai Zongyi, and he and Chen Yi stole the whole show for themselves.
10. Jack - HIStory3: Trapped
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Just that smile (and maybe his boobs too just a little bit). He would come onscreen, smile like that, and I would miss half of what was happening from how much it distracted me.
Special mention. Fujisaki - Cherry Magic
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Fujisaki is just so dear to me, she's one of the first explicitly ace characters I ever seen in a show. I read the manga for Cherry Magic, and while she's hilarious there, I'm so glad they gave us this version of her in the show.
I'm not sure who has or hasn't done this, so no pressure! @dummerjan, @dramarec, @mortimerlatrice
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absolutebl · 10 months
Heyo! I have a friend I'm trying to get more into BL. She's watched KinnPorsche and I recently got her to watch 3 Will Be Free (I know, not BL). She's somewhat picky about the romance she likes to consume, so I thought I'd ask you which BLs you think would be best to get her started with the genre. Her specifications are 1) a good, solid plot (any type is fine); 2) slow burn; 3) and good chemistry. She also loves sci fi and fantasy. My initial thoughts are MoD, Not Me, and AToTS. Any additions?
BLs with: 1 Good Story, 2 Slow Burn, 3 Good Chemistry, 4 PNR elements if possible
I have not one specific list for you, but several! Many of these not updated so likely to recommend pre the 2023 madness. (Imma rag on some of your choices briefly: KP & MoD only satisfy one criteria - chemistry IMHO.
I did give you a final list of winners at the bottom tho!
1) BLs with the best stories:
2) BLs with best slow burn:
3) BLs with the best chemistry:
(by my definition)
4) PNR BLs (paranormal, sci-fi, or fantastical elements)
P'ABL did the math:
BLs that do or should show up on most of those lists:
Dear Doctor I’m Coming for Soul (Thailand) - the first one I thought of that satisfies all criteria. Good story, great chemistry, PNR & slow burn. By your friend's accounting, this should be the perfect BL. I'm a fan of this show and I have a full review here BUT I don't actually rec it often. Why? My quibble with DDICFS is that for dyed-in-the-wool BL or romance fans the ending may not satisfy, BUT that seems to be the one thing your friend is NOT - so this should be perfect.
Triage (Thailand) - good chemistry, frustratingly slow burn, def PNR, and good story. This was my second pull. It suffered at the time of airing from distribution issues and (perhaps more sadly) being up against KP. It's really good tho. A “correct the past” Groundhog Day plot, that has narrative baggage I normally do not like but is so clever about time loops, I have to forgive it my hang-ups. About a doctor who must save a boy to fix reality, but not in the usual way. 
Until We Meet Again (Thailand) - GREAT story, decent chemistry, very PNR, but not slow burn. It’s a perfectly executed fated mates reincarnation plot, fantastic well-seeded twists & reveals, and the only BL I would love to see adapted by other countries or read professionally translated. 
Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan) - slow burn, great story & chemistry, no PNR. This is a deceptively simple office romance that actually has a lot to say about life, love, maturity, and pancakes. It’s charming but also deeply moving and loving in its exploration of what it means to give up, and how connection can bring with it second chances. It’s also beautifully filmed and acted. 
Seven Days (Japan) - slow burn, great romance plot, good chemistry, no PNR. This is a pitch perfect elegant little YA romance that stays completely true to its yaoi roots but neatly avoids all the flaws of the genre. The story is deceptively simple but allows for angst and miscommunication to develop with VERY good reason, and is almost worth studying because of that. As a romance, it is elegant. I can see why it got stolen adapted.
1000 Stars (Thailand) - solid romance, very slow burn, okay chemistry, no PNR. All BL is romantic, but not all BL is a modern romance in the literary sense of the term, but 1k* is just that, an absolutely glorious slow burn gay romance that nods at BL but isn’t behooven to it. It’s just a really well executed linear romance story.
HIStory 3: Trapped (Taiwan 2019 Viki) - not PNR and maybe not exactly slow burn but aces everything else. (This was MY KP when it aired.) Taiwan often struggles with story because their BLs aren’t always long enough to really get stuck in, Trapped is different. It has a baby murder investigation that promotes conflict between the leads, so the romantic tension is between plot and character, it’s so smart. The leads did a GREAT job of showcasing mature chemistry. The side dishes in this series are wonderful too. The main couple has an amorphous ending, but like with Dear Doctor, that shouldn't rank under these specific circumstances.
My School President (Thai 2023 YouTube) - great chemistry, very slow burn, okay story, no PNR BUT you have to like YA. I know not everyone does. This is very youthful. GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORE this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? Possibly too slow burn for some, we wait many eps for that pay out, and Tin's pining is NOT quiet, but it defines dorky and earnest, so when the payout comes? Lovely.
About Youth (Taiwan 2022 Gaga) - exactly the same criteria as MSP just Taiwan's version. A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by an almost real world queer authenticity and grit. Full review here.
See You After Quarantine? (Taiwan 2021 Viki) - it's short there isn't a ton of story development, but it's a nice nugget introduction to Taiwan's style. Great chemistry, def slow burn, and CUTE. This under-appreciated gem is Taiwan’s answer to Gameboys and is just as charming and adorable yet still quintessentially Taiwanese. It features a Japanese love interest and the cutest most confused disaster gay. Slow burn because the two have almost no actual screen time together and yet manage some truly amazing chemistry. How does Taiwan do it?
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Why no KBL?
Fascinating but despite the fact that KBL tends to earn the highest ratings from me and occupies the most slots in my 10/10 BLs of all time, because they are so short they tend to fall... erm... short in the arena of story and slow burn. Also, until recently, not a lot of great chemistry.
So here are a few others I considered but ended up eliminating for not containing enough of your required elements:
He's Coming to Me (Thailand) - review here
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) - this has a 12th Night meet Cinderfella feel to it, plus some great story tricks like a plot that requires a historical setting (I love it when narrative elements are codependent). 
Our Dining Table - It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me with the best of what Japan can do, it’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, it’s OK with me, but not totally BL.
DNA Says Love You (Taiwan) - full review here
Ghost Host Ghost House - if your friend likes horror and culture immersion this might be a winner. Boys shack up with ghosts and each other. The story is weak but everything else is on point and it has some of the best slow burn HOT chemistry ever to hit our screens. No... really. The THIRST is real.
Semantic Error (2022 Viki) - Simple story, no PNR, not slow burn, but for Korea it’s some of the best chemistry the traditional studios have ever managed. It is flawless BL. Truly, perfection for the genre. If your friend doesn't like this, BL is probubly not the right genre. Full review. 
Light on Me - def slow burn but story is a little weak and while there is chemistry, it's not really acted upon. Also v YA and a little stiff. I love this BL unreasonably.
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KP not tagged to protect me from the fandom. Don't troll me and prove my point. Remember I can has ban hammer and am not afraid to use it.
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Ze Rui is about to get the Aaron Samuels Award that Porsche from KinnPorsche has been holding on to for over a year.
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"Cady, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back."
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"Your hair looks sexy pushed back."
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happy-thou9hts · 3 months
my bro said that my selfsona looks like Eddie's little brother so yeah–-
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dramarec · 6 months
BL/GL/QL people I desire carnally
I wasn't tagged, but I wanted to participate (overshare in a long ass post) anyways.
Khun Nita (Gap the Series): I support women's wrongs. Especially hers.
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Gyoza (Love Senior): I don't think this one requires explanation. Who wouldn't want her?
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Porsche (Kinnporsche): I hate when everybody wants to fuck the protagonist, bc it usually makes zero sense. Not in this case. I, too, would risk it all for him. His beauty makes me believe in the existence of a higher power and intelligent creation.
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Sand (Only Friends): What can I say. There's something in First Kanaphan, that brings out the sadist in me. He'd look so pretty covered in tears & blood. I need him on my lap. His smile is everything.
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Eugene (Not Me): I love my sibling more than anyone else in this world, but let's just say White is stronger than me for saying no to her.
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Nadia (My Ride): She is gorgeous. She's a mess. Can I make it anymore obvious?
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Prapai (LITA): One more dommable big bambi eyed boy for the list.
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King & Uea (Bed Friend): Yes, both of them. What about it?
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Yo (Only Friends): Yes. Yes, I would take care of her.
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Kim (Kinnporsche): my cringefail crush whom I could never pull. Even if he were desperately in love with me, we're both too emotionally constipated to make a move. Yet I am allowed to dream, and I dream of him. I need him on my lap. I need him crying, covered in blood. (if you've noticed a pattern, no you did not)
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Nozue (Old Fashion Cupcake): That old man will need a hip replacement once I'm done with him. He's so attractive + he can cook.
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Tay (Kinnporsche): hey boy, it's me, the ps5! Leave his cheating ass, we don't need him~~~ Seriously, look at those lips.
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Ahn Ga In (Girlfriend Project): she makes college group projects worth it. I love women who look intimidating, but are actually soft.
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Kato Yuki (Plus & Minus): His beauty makes me dizzy. How am I supposed to be normal about him?
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Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear To Me): He's insane, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Terrible. Grabbable. Manhandleable. At the risk of repeating myself: In my lap. Covered in blood. Whimpering.
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sanvees · 6 months
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characters that made me feral in 2023 (in no particular order):
ohara yamato (kimi ni wa todokanai) | dongfang qingcang (love between fairy and devil) | yang yanfeng (love in translation) | kusakabe ritsu (the end of the world with you) | tantai jin (till the end of the moon) | seo jaewon (the eighth sense) | babe (pit babe) | pu yiyong (oh no here comes trouble) | chen yi (kiseki dear to me) | togawa (old fashion cupcake)
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alizera62quartz · 1 year
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Happy B-day Alan!! 🎉🎂🎁
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imwritesometimes · 2 months
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😺🧁 Kitty Cupcakes 🧁😺
- Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla whipped cream frosting and kitty decor -
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cuthalions · 2 years
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I was scared of what would happen after saying "I love you". I'm sorry, I was running away again. I'm sorry. But not having you next to me tomorrow is far more scary.
Takeda Kouhei as Nozue OLD FASHION CUPCAKE (2022)
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