#debate chamber
terven-queen · 4 months
To all trans men reading my blog out of hate/boredom/existential despair/curiosity/etc: I love you, I hope you have a good week, idk anything about y’all but wherever you are in life, I wish you healing. Please don’t believe any myth that radfems hate you: we don’t. We want to protect you and other female humans more than anything in this world. You deserve to be happy and I hope one day you are.
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tokiro07 · 6 months
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Love triangle?
I prefer love molecules
...Wait, is that why they're called polycules???
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steakrogers · 5 months
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...i'm really not so with you anymore -
i'm just a ghost ,
so i can't hurt you anymore , so i can't hurt you
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fem-lit · 3 months
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Ryan, Barbara. “BEYOND EMBARRASSMENT: FEMINISM AND ADULT HETEROSEXUAL LOVE.” The Centennial Review, vol. 37, no. 3, 1993, pp. 471–86.
JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23739489.
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news4dzhozhar · 4 months
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clever-fox-studios · 5 months
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Started as a gag but then it turned cute on me.
Echo is a naturally curious guy who likes to ask anything that comes to mind, no matter how random or out of pocket it might be. Sometimes the others are put off by his bizarre thought process.
But Jenn? Given she loves to learn and share her findings, questions don't bother her much (usually) and she loves exploring and discussing things like morality and philosophy.
Echo's questions almost always result in her also getting curious about the answer and going on a deep dive if they don't spend an hour discussing it first. It's how they bond.
This time it was about ethical cannibalism because Echo learned humans taste like pork.
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silvashapeshifter · 27 days
sliva, I heard from Miles that something happened regarding proshippers, r u okay?
that's very kind of you to worry, but it's okay ! I didn't get harassed or anything, even if the amount of proshippers answering to tell me i'm wrong in the comment section of a post of an actual proshipper did scared me at first. I'll block the ones who are disrespectful, that's all !
if anything ever goes wrong/makes me deeply uncomfortable, i'll report it, don't worry 👍
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naradreamscape · 1 month
In spite of my roasting of them, do not interact with zio replies, reblogs, posts, etc. Block and try to forget what you saw. They will not respond to any semblance of fact that counters their perceived reality and values, and they feed off of working you up into an angry state so they can claim you are the irrational and violent one. In short, zionists love over-militarization to the point where they have even weaponized being stupid and shitty. Block them, and you will see them even less in the notes of posts
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Considering canon has given us:
The True Love’s Kiss spell break during Dark Cupid 
AND Sleeping Beauty-mode frozen Adrien Agreste in Style Queen
What are the odds that as things go dark...and maybe once they know who Hawkmoth is (or perhaps because of it), we see both of these two concepts finally meet in the middle.
Given all the craziness they’ve already gone through and how being close in Ephemeral, even fleetingly was all Gabriel needed to turn the tides in his favor in the darkest way possible, I kind of doubt even if the Love Square reveal to each other happens before Hawkmoth is unmasked.  If anything their love and their doubts might make them both only pine that much harder.
Until Adrien tries to break free of Gabriel’s control.
Gabriel already has the alliance rings to pretend his son is there and real.  
And with no Nathalie to keep Adrien in line...and the Gorilla’s competence already in question, it wouldn’t be a leap to see Gabriel take a drastic move.
Especially since he conveniently has had at least two glass coffins for his wife since he seems to be pretty prone to smash the glass in a fit of rage.
At least to anyone who might not be watching him close enough.
Of course, Marinette would know.  She would absolutely worry...and with maybe only Alya else to lean back on, her Gabriel Agreste theory might come back up... (especially since Alya’s early theory was far more spot on than either of them ever realized.)
It just would make Adrien’s suddenly compliant behavior all the more suspect.
She wouldn’t let him suffer.  Not when she could do something about it.
We know from Style Queen that Plagg could be free when Adrien was in stasis, so long as he escaped.
We also know Adrien still has the spy tools he picked up from when Felix dropped them.
Getting down into the basement would be easy.  And with Plagg unseen by cameras, he could easily mess with the cameras to hide Ladybug’s presence in the Agreste basement.
Surely it would be shocking for Ladybug to see Adrien’s mother lying prone in the middle of the basement, after she was supposed to have been dead for more than a year.  But it would be seeing Adrien lifeless and unmoving that would be the most chilling.  Especially after knowing how free and animated as Chat Noir that Adrien had proven himself to be.
It all felt wrong.
She tried jostling him.  She tried pleading.
She even tried crying.
Her mind raced and must have tried a dozen more things -- to include her Lucky Charm to bring her Prince back to her.
Until, finally, a mad, truly reckless thought occurred.
True love’s kiss had worked once before.
She just hadn’t realized why.  She never would have imagined Chat Noir and her Adrien were one in the same.
So, Ladybug’s powers weren’t the only ones she had.
Which meant there was hope. 
With her earrings beeping furiously, Ladybug leapt forward, hastily pressing her lips to Adrien’s chilled one before she could second guess herself again.
Not daring to breathe.  At least not until he finally did.
Adrien’s green eyes fluttered open.
The soft pink glow of her de-transformation haloing around her head as Adrien slowly smiled back up at Marinette, his hand lifting up to dry the tears from her eyes.  “Hello, my Lady.”
She dove back against Adrien as he sat up, hugging him for all he was worth.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Adrien smirked, fingertips hovering just over his lips.  “But this isn’t exactly the way I expected to be woken up.  Your plans never fail to amaze me.”
Bracing her hands on either cheek, she covered her lips over his once again.  “It was a last resort,” she assured, exhaling as she backed away from him a little more.  “However, unless you want that kiss to be our last, we both need to suit up quick, to deal with your father.”
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jellyfishvibes · 8 months
It might be because I've fallen down a research hole on the master sword but half the Zelda theory videos I've been watching as background noise just make me annoyed?
Like most of them are fine, fun even, even if they don't fit into my personal insane version of what I accept as canon I do like watching them, but now I might just be accidentally picking only theory's about the sword but they are starting from a standpoint that's wrong
Like I understand alot of Zelda canon, yes some of it is complicated and contradictory and shakily built on retconns but it's a 20 year old series that's expected
What's been lost over those 20 years is what used to be canon
Like for example a theory that the master sword in the wind waker is a different master sword then the one in oot, fine theory, fun depending where you go with it but the foundations?
You have to consider what was canon at the time of wind wakers release, you can't approach evidence like Ganon saying "go back to its maker and tell them it's garbage" or a change in art style as canon and they are now
Wind waker, and all the games before skyward sword, were running with lttp canon, in which the seven sages made the master sword and it's one big ability that made it so special as a sword was that it was resistant to magic, even to the magic of the Triforce, that was it's only claim to fame and why it was the blade of evils bane, this is during a point in canon before the golden goddesses had names, before they had finalized the colours corresponding to each goddess (the pendant of power is blue and the pendant of wisdom is red) the sword isn't even that special, it's level 2 of a 4 level upgrade system
And for the art style, Wind wakers version (while toonified) is remarkably faithful to the oot version, the original version of the model which has since been retconned into matching ss and beyond designs
The actual design change happened in twilight princess to bring it in line with the gritter more realistic artstyle
I do find it fun to find in canon reasons for these design changes over time, I'm literally in the middle of a redesign series of the master sword doing just that, but you can't make theory's about things that are currently canon without any mention of or even reference to what was canon, idk it is just ticking me off to watch multiple videos about the master sword and see no reference at all to lttp or the real world timeline of the swords design while trying to use symptoms of those designs to build theory's about current canon
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
you can't even say leftist white people need to go fuck themselves without someone mansplaining racist voters to you anymore
#just had this happen to me on twitter. what's crazy is i don't even think the guy meant anything by it he's just annoying as hell like do#you think i dont know that poor people vote for them in part because they think the left betrayed them (in 65 years we've had TWO socialist#presidents for a total of...19 years and yes objectively they betrayed the people who voted for them. the last one from 2012 to 2017 had#EVERYTHING the two chambers the regions the cities literally the majority of everything was left-wing and the only good thing that happened#was: gay marriage but not after 10 months of debate where homophobia was rampant. macron was literally his minister of economics. like#awful awful man. anyway) what's very annoying and frankly condescending (to poor people voting for the far-right) is that they also do it#because they're RACIST and xenophobic like respect them enough to acknowledge that it's not an innocent silly mistake the woman that#prompted the tweet that prompted my tweet is 60 years old! she's an adult! she's lived a life! she knows racism is supposed to be bad!#like i'm very sorry that i don't think being poor is a good reason to hate immigrants muslims and people of color and to think we're great#replacing you by literally just being here#(did you know that the great replacement theory comes from the french far right...pas mal non c'est français)#there's something VERY sinister about only thinking about everything with a socioeconomic lens like just because they're poor doesn't mean#they can't be our political enemies lmao#and like i say: brf slt
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sapphia · 9 months
btw i’ve been banned from reddit for trying to post about the fact our suicide hotline is never open. so if you see me here a lot all of sudden that’s probably why
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georgespaniel · 1 year
genuinely blocking matty's name on twitter is the best thing i have done would recommend
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vitrines · 1 year
IS THERE DISCOURSE OVER ARG!SUNSHIP. no way. i think they’re evil and messed up and silly and toxic yuri and i love it like
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madeofvoid · 11 months
Y'all can we please stop with the moral high ground thing about the israel/palestine shit? Like holy fuck no matter who you support you're going to be biting a good thousand or so lives in one bullet. The issue here isn't that we should tear ourselves apart trying to root out what side is what and what celebrity is one brand of anti-Semite vs the other. (Because newsflash, Both Judaism and Islam are Semitic, sorry) The issue is that a lot of us here in the west here raising a funk about this on opposite sides could all be calling for an end to the violence instead. I don't care whatever figurehead there is spouting shit while never setting foot onto an active warzone has to say! Fuck the he-said she-said! We have to say "No."
Once we're all done screaming, we can work out what the root cause of the problem is and work to fix it. But again,
Step 1:
We can work out the rest when we're not filling our fellow man with lead and explosives of both the improvised and plastic varieties.
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soulnotseer · 2 years
thinking about c!endersmile and talking about it in dms and ask boxes isn’t enough, i need to explode about it here. but i’m also god awful at doing posts w/o my rambles getting distracted so i need like. prompts and questions on what to ramble Pls
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