#debated cutting that last bit but i think it works a bit better. ig
tillman · 2 years
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
You’ve got some really bad habits
some can be interpreted platonically, and others are not up for debate. Lucky enough, I have more than enough bad habits to draw inspiration from (that’s not something to brag about, I know.) - day
warnings : nothing too serious. things that seem quite trivial ig, but bad habits nonetheless
requests : Could you do a fic where the seven and whoever like checks up on the readers? They take care of them and their unhealthy habits?? Thank you!
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P e r c y
Biting your nails
The two of you were lounging on a picnic blanket on top of half-blood hill, watching as the sun set sooner than either of you would have liked. You laid back on Percy’s arm, one hand rested on top of his chest and feeling it fall and rise with every breath.
He made a noise suddenly and raised your hand to his face, examining it closely and sighing, “You’re still biting your nails down to the nub I see.” His lips rested against the middle finger, turning his head to connect eyes with yours, “You promised you’d try not to do that anymore.”
You looked away guiltily, pulling your hand away, “I tried, but it’s hard to break a habit like that.”
He chewed his lip in thought, “Hey, my mom had the same issue, and she had this nail polish that helped her stop.” He looked back to you with a small smile, “I’ll ask if I can borrow it next time I visit!”
A n n a b e t h
It wasn’t like it was a big deal, it certainly didn’t make her uncomfortable and she actually thought it was really funny. Annabeth always looked forward to hearing which combination you could come up with next and how it would fit the situation you used it in.
But when you visited Olympus on the occasion of returning one of the gods stolen pieces and came out with more than on swear, she felt like it should be discussed where you can use this language. She was laughing a little when she reprimanded you, so you didn’t know if she was serious or not but promised anyway to watch what you say and where you say it.
F r a n k
Being late
Poor Frank must be a ball of anxiety by now, you thought. You were running late to your first date with Frank and that was not something for you to be late to. There was no excuse to use to cover for yourself. Your time management has always been a big flaw of yours.
You swung open the door to the cafe to see Frank sitting there tracing the lines of the wooden table. Apologies left your lips before Frank even knew you were there, his face relaxing once he realized you hadn’t stood him up after all.  
He laughed and assured you that he was just glad you came at all but commented on your horrible time-keeping skills. You smiled at his light-hearted nature and promised you’d work on them just for him. The occasion became sort of an inside joke between the two of you afterwards.
H a z e l
Biting your lip
It was hurting both of you in entirely different ways. For you, it was peeling your lip, causing it to bleed and become more sensitive than it ought to be. For Hazel, it was tormenting to watch the plump flesh being pulled and bit between your teeth, only to be let go with a silent pop.
She stayed quiet about it for the most part, deciding that kissing you whenever you did so and when it was appropriate was enough to stop the habit. But you did it one too many times today, causing even the good-tempered Hazel to snap.
“Good grief, y/n” she sighed exasperatedly, “can you not go one minute without biting your lip?”
You stared wide-eyed at your girlfriend, entirely unused to her scolding. You couldn’t help but laugh and lick your lips to tease her further, “What else am I to do that keeps them preoccupied?”
J a s o n
Cracking knuckles
Jason hated the sound so much. Anytime you did it, he would make a face and express how much he disliked it. It was a point of teasing at first and he made it a point to show you how much he hated it by giving you a certain look that was manufactured just for the times you did that.
It was the breaking point for Jason when you did so in front of him when you were out with Leo to buy some Christmas presents. He gave a groan and spun to look at you with that look again, “Y/n please stop doing that! At least when I’m around.” His voice softened when he saw the embarrassed look on your face. 
Leo mumbled a “yikes” and turned into the first store he saw; a boutique.
You rubbed your arm uncomfortably and whispered a small, “I’m sorry” before walking into the shop behind Leo, leaving Jason to regret the way he handled the discomfort.
P i p e r
Not being able to say no
Okay, you’ll admit that you were crying, but you weren’t going to admit why. You were supposed to meet up with Piper to play Volleyball with her and a few others, but when you didn’t show up, she got worried. She didn’t even knock which is what took you off guard.
She watched as you hurriedly tried to wipe away the tears, but they just kept coming. Piper moved to sit beside you, turning your head so she could see your red eyes, “What’s wrong? You didn’t show to Volleyball, did something happen?”
You shook your head and forced a smile, “Just tired, Pipes. I’m sorry and I’ll make it up to you.”
Her head turned in thought, eyes searching your own for an actual answer. You were about to make a joke about your tears when she spoke up first in an accusatory tone, “You know you’re not obligated to say yes to everything, right? You’re stretching yourself too thin and it’s stressing you out!”
You gaped, stammering for words but finding none. She sighed at this and collected your hand in her own, kissing the back of it, “Let’s start by not rescheduling volleyball and letting you make time for yourself instead.”
L e o 
Waiting to do things last minute
You were hurriedly throwing your things together; you were being picked up from camp by your family soon; and by soon that means that they are actually waiting at the border for you at that moment. You were mentally cursing yourself for bringing so much with you to camp, but you weren’t expecting to stay just for the summer this year.
Leo sat in your desk chair, shaking his head at your procrastination, “Y’know you could’ve at least packed the things you don’t use--”
You shoved the rest of you clothes into your suitcase and threw yourself on top in order to shut it, “You know I work better under pressure!” With one suitcase down, you moved to grab another to fill it with the rest of your belongings, “Besides, I don’t have to bring everything back home!”
He sighed and rested his head in his palm, “Okay yeah but there’s working under pressure and then there’s stressing yourself out.” But it didn’t seem like you were listening to him, too busy running through the list of things to take in your head. He resigned to letting you be for now; he would work on your bad habit when you came back to him.
W i l l
Wearing hair ties on your wrist
You’d only just woken up, barely eaten anything that morning when Will was at your table. You glanced up, startled by his arrival, and turned to face him, “Can I help you?” But his eyes weren’t on your face, but on your wrist on which held many marks from the hair tie you kept there.
He pointed, “You know that’s not healthy.” seeing your confusion he continued, “Wearing that on your wrist can actually cut off blood circulation.”
You hummed and turned your wrist as you examined the black hair tie, “Well not to sound ungrateful for the information, but I think there are more life-threatening things in my life than a hair tie.” You gave a smile and turned back to your food without another word. You then watched Will wander out of the dining hall.
You didn’t talk to him for a few days after finding all of your hair ties cut in half after breakfast.
N i c o Staying up way too late
You had no clue when the sun had set. Ever since Apollo decided to set the sun around 4-5 every day, you always assumed it was much earlier than it was. So, when Nico swung the door open to the arts and crafts center, you couldn’t tell if his expression was due to his exhaustion or if he was completely over your bad habit.
“Do you have any clue what time it is?”
You were frozen, feeling like you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar, “uh it’s 3 pm somewhere!”
Nico sighed and leaned against the doorframe tiredly. Silence overtook the room, and you knew that he wasn’t going to leave until you did too. So, you capped the paints and put away all of the crafting tools you drug out for your project. You didn’t comment on the small smirk of victory on Nico’s pale face, you’d deal with that tomorrow.
all fics taglist : @beneaththeiceandsnow​
frank zhang taglist : @goldglitteryfoxtrot
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wthzoe · 4 years
Until You’re Mine | Kuroo Tetsurou
Genre: fluff ig??
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.5K+
Warning(s): swearing lol
Prompt:  “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.” “Can I pick?” from here
Note: i honestly don’t know if this fic makes sense but i wanted to try anyway. give me some comments on how i can improve! or maybe leave requests so i can practice? i don’t think i’m good, though. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
It was probably a few months ago when you first met Kuroo. Your friend had forced you to cut classes and watch your school’s boy’s volleyball club to ‘support’ them during their practice match against Nekoma. That was obviously a lie. You both know that neither of you knew shit about volleyball. Well, maybe a few but still not enough to get you to cut classes. Her promise of treating you your favourite food convinced you though.
 So there you were, at the gym’s second floor pretending to be interested in the game occurring before you. It didn’t help that your eyesight was half shit so really you can only mostly see black and white blurs playing against red ones.
 On the times where you could focus your sight, though, you were absolutely amazed at how they hit the ball so hard, as if it would rip someone’s arm off if they ever touched it. However that didn’t happen (disappointingly) when two half-blurs held out their arms to stop the strong ass 'spike’. See, you know at least that much.
 You were curious what the blocker looked like so you shifted your position to take a closer look. You finally focused your sight on him and fuck was he hot. With black messy hair, smug grin and firm looking muscles. You were feeling things, those heart fluttering, holy shit things. 'But he looks like a fuckboy. He probably has girls left and right. Therefore, no thanks.’
 "Bokuto’s pretty good at this, huh.“ Your friend muttered.
 "Huh? Bokuto’s here?” You looked over at the spiker and surely enough, you saw your classmate frowning at the hot blocker.
 "The fuck kinda rock have you been living in? He’s pretty well-known you know.“ You shrugged at her statement and continued watching.
 The match finishes with your team’s win and Bokuto’s loud "Hey, hey, hey!” along with the rest of the team’s cheers. Just as you and your friend stood up to leave, you heard your names being called.
 "Oi, (Y/N) and (F/N)! What are you doing here? We have classes at this time!“ The loud bastard said.
 "Keep it down, you’re gonna get us caught, you owl!” You shouted back before approaching your school’s team. “You better shut up about this.”
 "Oya? Who’s this Bokuto?“ You turned to see who was talking only to see none other than the black haired hottie from Nekoma. "Cutting classes eh? Rebellious, I like that.”
 "Ah, these are my classmates (Y/F/N) and (F/F/N).“
 "Pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand to you after slightly bowing to your friend, making her scoff, feeling quite offended. “Kuroo Tetsurou.”
 You pondered whether you should accept his handshake, honestly having your decision lean more towards rejecting it yet you didn’t want to seem rude. You held his hand and shook it. They were calloused, most likely from playing volleyball, and it made him seem hotter to you for some reason.
 "Nice to meet you, too.“
 "Say, your name sounds pretty. I think it will look nice in my contacts as well. So, may I have your number?” Fuck. That was smooth. Too smooth.
 You were about half an inch close to giving him your number but remembering your thoughts earlier, you held back. Also, you lowkey wanted to see how he’d handle a rejection and boy were you surprised.
 "Sorry. I don’t really feel like giving my number to you, Kuroo-san. I don’t think you’re my type.“ You teased. Expecting him to be dejected or annoyed, you were surprised at how he just smiled at you with amusement.
 "Is that so? Too bad. Next time, then.” He gave you a smile and a wave, which you both returned on the way out of the gym. Upon exiting, your friend slung an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to her.
 "You’re such a liar. You and I both know he’s a hundred and twenty percent your type.“
 "So why’d you reject him?“
 You stopped and pretended to think. "I dunno. To play with him or something. Test him? Not really sure yet.”
 And that was where it all started. Of course he wouldn’t just let a cute girl like you walk away like that, leaving him empty handed. He pestered Bokuto for your number and very easily acquired it.
 Ever since then Kuroo had been pestering you with texts. From 'good morning’ texts to 'goodnight, dream about me’ texts. You planned on ignoring him but how could you when he’s being unexpectedly adorable and funny? He even went as far as pestering their coach to arrange more practice matches with Fukurodani just so he could see you. He also offered to pay Bokuto with beef to get you to come watch his official matches which he couldn’t do because, as stated earlier, you don’t know shit about volleyball.
 Eventually your feelings grew deeper for the “Rooster Head,” as your friend liked to call him, seeing his efforts towards you. 'Definitely not a fuckboy,’ you thought. The sound of your phone’s notification tone distracted you.
 Sender: Rooster Head
Subject: game @ friday 1pm
 come watch me?
 You debated whether you should go, seeing as you do have classes at the time. Nah, who are you kidding? You have zero problems cutting classes. However, you did want it to be a surprise so you decided to lie.
 Sender: My (Y/N)
Subject: idk
 i have classes
 Kuroo sighed. He’s not getting any younger. For every match, he’s afraid if it will be his last seeing as he’s a third year. He might not get to show off to you during a game at this point. Well, what can he do. So he went on with practice.
 Friday came around quickly and you didn’t even bother going to school. Your initial plan had been to attend the morning classes at least then sneak out but what the hell, right? Skipping school entirely is easier, except for the part where your friend has been cursing you out over the phone for at least ten minutes. She did stop when you said you were going to Kuroo’s game.
 She went from 'bitch what the fuck how could you leave me alone’ to 'yes, girl, go get your mans. i’ll take notes for you. goodluck!’
 You prepared yourself, working on making yourself look good™️ to calming your erratically beating heart.
 It was 12:56 p.m. and Kuroo hadn’t stopped glancing at the bleachers from time to time. Holding onto your 'idk’ and hoping you would show up last minute. This went on until during warm-ups and his team couldn’t help but notice.
 "Oi, Kuroo. You seem distracted.“ Yaku started. "The match is about to start so pull yourself together.”
 Kuroo sighed. Yaku was right. He had to pull himself together for the match. The players were told to line up and bow to their opponents. After that, they stood at their positions in the court.
 'One last time,’ he thought. 'Let me just look one last time.’
 He raised his head and scanned the bleachers and to his surprise, there you were. His eyes widened but then he thought he might be hallucinating.
 You saw Kuroo amongst the players. This time you made sure to wear your contacts so you could at least see him play. The contacts proved to be helpful as you even saw how his eyes widened upon seeing you. You smiled at him and waved. Then you put your hands towards your mouth as a way to increase your voice’s volume.
 "Go, Kuroo! Knock 'em dead!“ You yelled which made you regret it as it sounded a bit too violent.
 The way Kuroo’s heart warmed up from hearing you cheer for him was unbelievable. He just wanted to run to you and give you a tight hug but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the whistle. Now knowing you’re there watching him and cheering for him, it gave him strength to just win this thing then run to you and hug you. Maybe even kiss you.
 You couldn’t take your eyes off of Kuroo as he played. He was hot. You knew that, from the moment you laid eyes on him during that practice match. But damn, he was next level hot when he’s extra serious during an official match.
 Soon enough the match ends with Nekoma’s victory. Not surprising, seeing as they are a powerhouse school and that the captain had inspiration amongst the bleachers. After bowing to their opponents and supporters, you head down to the court (you weren’t really sure if that was allowed but you did it anyway). Kuroo saw you and also walked towards you.
 "Hey, congratulations on the win. You looked pretty cool out there.” You said as you try to fix his (sweaty) fringe.
 "Yeah, I know. It’s me, what do you expect.“ Kuroo said as he let you do as you please. "So, you ended up falling for my charms, huh.”
 You stopped what you were doing and scoffed upon seeing his smirk.
 “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.” Kuroo was taken aback but he masked it with his smirk as usual.
 "Can I pick?” He said, slightly leaning down to your hight. You rolled your eyes and laughed softly.
 "Sure, go ahead.“
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ofcdove · 4 years
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             𝓻𝓪𝓺'𝓼 ( 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 )  𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 001
hey y’all  it’s  me,  lowering the bar  for  us  all.  here’s  the  plot  list  i’ve  been  promising  but  have  yet  to  do.  hopefully  this  one  turns  out  way  more  organized  and  aesthetically  pleasing  than  the  trash bin  that  was  my  other  one.  you’re  more  than  welcome  to  snatch  up  something  that’s  open (  just  shoot  me  a  dm ) ooooooor , lmk  if  i  missed  any  plots  because  spoilers  i  definitely  will so  no  i  didn’t  drop  plots,  i’m  just  a  forgetful  idiot!! you’ll  also  find  all  the  resources  to  everything  you’ll  ever  need  to  know  about  my  muses below  as  well. see something  you  don’t  vibe  with  anymore?  tell  me  lets  change  things  up.  alright,  yee?  yee. 
last  updated :  4/1/2020
𝔻𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘  /  23 
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  normani. cis-female. she/her.  /  dove darling just pulled up blasting pressing me by rico nasty — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty three year old actress/musician, i’ve heard they’re really stubborn, but that they make up for it by being so vivacious . if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say early 2000s r&b playlists, princess cut diamonds, and shiny lipgloss over perfectly lined lips . here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble !
intro here. 
pinterest tba. 
vc:  doja  cat  &  normani 
she’s  a  hollywood  starlite  but  also  kinda  a  meme.  daughter  of  an  actor  and  a  socialite  --  dove  comes  from  bunches  of  money.  she’s  a  bit  spoiled,  but  that  doesn’t  really  make  her  any  less  friendly.  tends  to  expect  people  to  like  her  cause  she’s  so  good  at  pretending.  still,  she  balances  that  with  being  genuine.  often  described  as  surprisingly  quirky in  the  media  dove  is   honestly  too  fucking  silly  for  her  own  good.   probably  anime  trash  on  the  low.  your pr  team’s  wet  dream  thanks  to  her  squeaky  clean  public  reputation .   just  because  she’s  never  been  caught  doing  something  bad --  definitely  does  not  mean  she’s   an  angel  by  any  means.  
current connections: 
best / close  friends:  nathalia,  kaia ,  maeve,  adore, valentina, parker, heather, jack, allie, ashley , korday
current  pr boyfriend :  brodie 
ex childhood best friend: milena
enemies; becca ,  zar,  &  cassie?  i  guess. 
ex on good terms:  rhett  
exes on bad terms: ricki 
 fwb:  damian 
flirtationship:  logan 
party friends: xavi 
ex fiance: harris
wanted connections:
 party friends aka people dove really only hangs with in passing,  usually  after  a  few  drinks . 
ex on bad terms  there  probably  aren’t  many  of  these !  but,  give  her  one  that  just  really doesn’t  like  her  bc  they  dated  after  her  engagement  was  called  off and she  was  more  emotionally  unavailable  than  ever. 
ex pr relationships:  self  explaintory  but,  i’d  like  to  see maybe  one where they  fell for  her  and  she’s  like “lmao this is fake... relax.” 
enemies ! the more the better to balence out how many friends she has skajafs
anything else! 
ℕ𝕠𝕖𝕝 𝕃𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 / 22
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―   chance perdomo. he/him. cismale.  /  noel laurent  just pulled up blasting a boy is a gun by tyler, the creator  — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-two year old rapper, i’ve heard they’re really reckless, but that they make up for it by being so altruistic. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say rolled up sleeves on an oversized sweater, missed 2am calls, messy notebooks filled with lyrics. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble !
intro here 
pinterest tba 
vc: kevin abstract
aka   gay   panic .  my mother  trucking  baby.  period.  too  kind  to  ever  really  stand  up  for  himself.  my  one  muse  that  is  definitely  a  pacifist  and  avoids  confrontation  at  all  costs  -- unless you’re  coming  for  someone  he  loves. ( but tbh even  then  he  doesn’t  really  want  smoke sgkads)   literally  just  a  sweet  boy. super  soft  inside  and  out,  loyal  to  a  fault,  and  overall  well meaning.   nurturer /  dad  friend .  will  often  ignore  his  own  problems  simply  for  what  he  thinks  is  the  greater  good  of  his  friends.  selfless  to  a  fault.   tendency  to  fall  into  bad  situations  thanks  to  his  reckless  nature  and  inability  to  say  no.
current  connections: 
best  /  close  friends:  xavi ,  future  iridescence  boys,  valentina,  milena,  brodie,  maeve, nathalia, 
ex on bad terms: ricki 
neighbor /  light  meaningless  admiration : harris 
past  fwb:   zar,  heather 
he’s  scared  of  them:  parker lmao
past  hookups: valentina 
friendzoned  friends :  kaia
flirtationship: adore 
people he produces for: lavender, korday
 wanted  connections: 
his sister..  listed  on  the  main  but  lmk  if  you  ever  want  more  info  on  that! 
more  of  the  irridesence  boys  ( deadass  the  next  person  who  brings  one  of  them  will  get  free  dash  icons  from  me.  any  style.  i’m  begging.  bribery?  it  works !  )
unlikely  friends ! 
exes  on  bad  terms  and  good   terms. 
people  he  produces  for . 
anything  else  your  sweet  lil  head  desires !  
𝕊𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕥.𝕁𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 / 23
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luke hemmings. cismale. he/him. /  scotty  st.james  just pulled up blasting despicable by grandson — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-three year old musician, i’ve heard they’re really  detached ,but that they make up for it by being so venturesome . if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say old guitars, the smell of cigarettes and bourbon, and hundred dollar bills thrown in the air . here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( it’s me! the raq )
pinterest here 
vc: 5sos /  luke hemmings
a  hot.... mess  tbh.  scott’s   been  through  so  much  so  he’s  really  guarded ,  over  protective ,  and  self  loathing  as  hell.  tendency  to  keep  everyone  at  an  arms  length  unless   you’re  someone  very  special  to  him  and  does  not  deal  well  with  whatever  he  deems  betrayal.  though,  that  doesn’t  stop  him  from  being  an  absolute  buffoon  when  it  comes  to  seriously  committing. as  a  side  effect  though,  if  you’re  on  the  list  of  people  he  really  fucks  with  he  will  fight  for  you.  also,  will  fight  cause  he’s  short  tempered  and  shit  at  expressing  himself.   really  fears  abandonment   seriously.  lowkey  scared  of  the  dark  eye -- :( he’s  such  a  sweet  boy  on  the  inside  but  outwardly  a  prick  like  99.9% of  the  time. 
current  connections: 
best  /  good  friends:  brodie ,  harris ,   maeve ,   gus  and  parker 
enemies:  xavi,  remy ( eh? debatable )   
acquaintances ( aka  friends  but  he’s  too  much  of  a  dick  to  claim  them ):  cassie, ashley,  heather??, kaia??
ex on  really  bad  terms:  genevieve /  nathalia  / korday 
adoptive sibling: stas
childhood  girlfriend  /  something  really  complicated :  maeve 
friends: ricki 
wanted  connections: 
unrequited crush on him because im sure he milked that bc he wants affection w/o the commitment
party “friends”  friends  is  so  loose because  he...  never  calls  more than like 4  ppl  his  friend  but  he  treats  them  like  friends akass
a very  bad ex  pr  relationship  that  he  publicly  cheated  on  so  they  could  end  things  because  he  literally  can’t  fucking  stan  pr  shit akjdfas
neighbors ! 
an enemies with  benefits Perhaps? dont see that going further than they bicker but also smash ig sakfdjafd
anything else ! 
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xylianna · 6 years
AO3:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/13085040/chapters/29934303
Five times Ignis and Gladio thought they were discreet, and one time they were definitely not. 
Author’s Note: This fic is brought to you by my inability to be mature when Gladio says "Want some?" during combat sequences in game.
I have no beta.  All my mistakes are my own.
Do you want to be my beta?  That would be neat. :D
Chapter 1: Want some?    
Waking up from a good night’s sleep was supposed to be pleasant. You were supposed to have those hazy moments when you hung in between the waking world and dreaming, when you weren’t quite certain what was real and what was a fabrication of your sleeping mind.
Ignis desperately wished the intensely hard erection he was sporting upon waking that particular morning was such a fabrication.
Moreso, he wished he was simply dreaming that he was curled against Gladio’s back, his cock pressed firmly against the larger man’s ass.
Alas, it seemed the Six had a twisted sense of humor, as such wishes were not to be granted.
Ignis did his best to move away from Gladio as inconspicuously as possible, praying to every Astral - even the outcast Infernian - that the Shield would stay blessedly, peacefully asleep.
“Mornin’, Iggy.” A bass rumble, filled with knowing amusement.
The strategist felt his cheeks heat with an incriminating blush. “Good morning, Gladio,” he returned the greeting cautiously, as he put on his glasses. He definitely wanted sharp sight. Ignis sat there in the tent, still dark in the pre-dawn hours, the only audible sound the snores of their other two companions.
When Gladio rolled over, giving Ignis a spectacular view of his naked, well-muscled chest, the man’s sun-bronzed face was cast in a smirk, amber eyes lazy and half-lidded, tongue sliding over his lower lip leisurely as he regarded Ignis.
Gladio opened his mouth to speak, but Ignis surged to his feet in the awkward half-stooped posture they had to assume inside the tent, taking care to angle his legs and arms in such a way as to hopefully mask the way his cock was tenting his pajama pants.
“I’d best start breakfast,” Ignis said briskly in Gladio’s general direction before he left the tent and set to doing just that.
Astrals, he knew this road trip would be challenging - knew he’d made it harder on himself by insisting that he and Gladio maintain what he had called an ��appropriate distance’ around the younger men - but knowing something on a logical level was far different than actually living through it.
Ignis loved Gladiolus with all his heart, and he was beyond joyful in the knowledge that his love was fully reciprocated. But with their duties, the lives they led, their love was kept behind closed doors. Easier to do back in Insomnia where they had doors to close.
Sharing a blasted tent with two other men afforded none of them any privacy. Ignis had already had the misfortune of walking in on each of the younger men masturbating - Prompto had been horrified and embarrassed, Noctis rather nonchalant, if mildly irritated at the interruption - and all four of them had long since grown tired of the lack of personal space. Not to mention, a tent full of four men’s morning breath? Not pretty. Four men who’d had no chance to bathe after days of hiking and combat? Downright ugly.
Ignis had a fire started in short order, and started cooking up some simple skewers. He made sure the veggie chunks on a couple were cut smaller than the rest - perhaps His Highness would eat them if they were mostly hidden between large chunks of meat. The meal preparation was simple, not requiring much of his attention, so he watched the sun rise in silence for a while, until he heard the sound of a zipper announcing another man was leaving the tent. Mentally squaring his shoulders (his actual posture was already exemplary, thank you very much), Ignis slanted a look toward the tent, and just barely suppressed a sigh.
Of course it was Gladio walking towards him with a shit-eating grin on his face and a bounce in his step.
Ignis wasn’t sure whether to be irritated the man hadn’t thrown on a shirt, or just enjoy the view.
He decided the options weren’t mutually exclusive, and crossly eyed the half-naked man walking towards him.
“Smells good,” Gladio said amiably as he plopped down in one of the camp chairs.
“I hope the taste is as pleasant as the aroma.”
Gladio chuckled. “Can you actually cook bad food, Iggy?”
The banter began to help Ignis’s earlier embarrassment fade, and he smirked over at his lover in good humor. “I do enjoy a challenge.”
Raising his hands in mock-defense, Gladio was quick to demur, “Don’t try. Please.”
Ignis laughed softly, and turned over the skewers, noting they were almost done.
“Gooooood morning!” Prompto chirped happily as he burst out of the tent in a riotous blur of messy blonde hair and exuberant hand gestures. “Man, it’s great out today! Ooh, that smells ah-MAZE-ing, Igs!” The bubbly blonde clapped a friendly hand on Ignis’s shoulder as he passed, gave Gladio a playful noogie, and then half fell into one of the empty chairs around the fire.
Ignis couldn’t help but smile at the younger man’s sheer zest for life. While he may have had his doubts about Prompto when Noctis had initially befriended him, they were long gone. The endlessly-cheerful man was an undeniably good influence on Noct.
And speaking of Noct…
Ignis pushed to his feet. “I’d better wake His Highness. Gladio, keep an eye on the food, would you?”
“You got it,” Gladio agreed.
“Good lu-uck!” Prompto sing-songed.
Climbing back into the tent, Ignis didn’t bother to quell the deep sigh that arose seeing Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prince of Lucis, burritoed so tightly in his blankets it was a wonder he could breathe.
Ignis tapped Noctis on the shoulder. “Highness. Good morning.”
Noct mumbled something unintelligible and batted his head ineffectually in Ignis’s general direction.
This time, Ignis grabbed Noct’s shoulder, squeezing it firmly. “Noct.”
“G’way, Ig,” Noctis muttered, burrowing deeper into his blankets.
Ignis briefly debated setting those blankets afire. But, that wouldn’t be a prudent use of their magic stores. Instead, he settled for grabbing a free edge and yanking as hard as he could, the comical - yet successful - result being to spill Noctis out of his cocoon and onto the tent floor.
“What’d you do that for? Ugh,” Noctis complained. “I’m up, I’m up.”
“Very good, Highness. Breakfast is ready. If you go back to bed, I can’t guarantee Gladio won’t eat your share.” With that, he walked back out and began serving food to those who were ready.
Noctis appeared in short order, and much to Ignis’s dismay - thought he wasn’t surprised - the Prince unerringly ate around even the tiniest piece of vegetable. Oh, well. Perhaps the juice from the veggies soaked into the meat, and he’d get some of the nutrients that way? One could hope.
Then, it was time for the group to break camp. More accurately, it was time for Gladio and Ignis to break camp, while Prompto and Noct huddled over their phones, engrossed in King’s Knight.
“Hey, Iggy, grab my pole,” Gladio drawled, holding out a tent-pole.
Ignis was not impressed by his partner’s suggestive leer. Wordlessly, he took the proffered piece of hardware, packing it into the case with the others. Thankfully, they got the rest of the gear loaded with no further wisecracks. Ignis was in no mood.
His erection may have subsided, but Six preserve him, he couldn’t get his thoughts out of the proverbial gutter.
And Gladio wasn’t helping one bit.
Damn the man. He knew precisely what he was doing.
While Ignis drove them across Cleigne to their next hunt, every time he looked in the rear view mirror, he’d see Gladio’s golden gaze latched on the back of his head, the man’s kissably-full lips curled in a knowing smirk.
Ignis tried to join in with Noctis and Prompto’s conversation, but each time Gladio added a comment in that low, lazy purr of his from behind his book, Ignis’s thoughts devolved into a desperately longing to hear that same tone shaping the sound of his name, moaned out in ecstasy.
At last they joined the hunt, and even during battle, Ignis wasn’t safe. It was a simple enough fight against a pack of saberclaws, not one requiring his undivided attention, though he was certain to keep a careful eye on Noct in case the Prince should need his aide.
Rather than His Highness, it was the Shield that Ignis found himself teamed up with, fighting back to back as they made short work of the enemy.
When Gladio shouted out his familiar taunt, “Want some?!” Ignis could swear he saw the large man wink at him. In the middle of battle, for Astrals’ sake!
Moments later, the Shield roared, “Try this!” as he spun his greatsword in a graceful arc, decapitating one of the monsters with ease, his hips continuing his body’s rotation in an incredibly unsubtle thrusting motion.
Ignis chided himself internally. No, he ranted at himself internally. Easy fight or not, he had no cause to be so distracted from his duty. He would never admit how difficult it was to tear his eyes away from Gladio and refocus on Noct. But he was mollified slightly that Gladio made no further efforts to tease him, and in short order the battle was concluded successfully.
“Yeah!” Prompto cheered, jumping and pumping a fist in the air. “Dun-nuh-nuh-nuh, nuh, nuh, nah-nuh-nahhhh!” he sang a silly little victory ditty.
“I’m wiped,” Noctis dismissed his weapon to the Armiger and sighed. “Are we done for the day?”
“Quite,” Ignis replied. “This was our only hunt today. Come, let’s collect the bounty, shall we?” He smiled as if he was about to offer them something rare and wonderful - and indeed he was. “I think with the funds earned, we can spend the night at the Leville.”
“A real bed? A bath? Woohoo!!” Prompto yelled.
Ignis found his gaze drawn to Gladio, and was unsurprised to see the man staring at him with heat in his eyes.
He coughed and looked away, entreating them all to pile in the car so they could head in to Lestallum.
While he was driving, only half listening to the other mens’ chatter, Ignis realized he didn’t have it in him to feel remotely ashamed of how selfish he was being. Because yes, booking a hotel on their limited funds might seem an altruistic gesture towards the Prince, towards Prompto, letting the boys have beds and junk food and video games. But really, Ignis was thinking of himself.
Was thinking of Gladiolus.
He could stretch their coin enough to secure two rooms and have money to spare. And since Noct and Prompto would certainly insist on bunking together…
Ignis cleared his throat, willing the flush that crept up his neck to fade before anyone noticed his discomfiture. He made a marked effort to refocus on the boisterous conversation filling the Regalia.
“So we load up on pizza, chips, soda, and settle in for a freakin’ tournament!” Prompto was exclaiming, half hanging over the back of the passenger seat to gesticulate at Noctis.
“Sure,” Noct said agreeably enough, waving a hand lazily. “I’ll catch a nap while you shop.”
Gladio snorted. “Just don’t stay up so late that you’re useless tomorrow, Prince Charmless. And that goes for you too, Prompto.”
The aforementioned young men rolled their eyes in unison before exchanging a put-upon look that all but shouted their intentions to stay up gaming until the crack of dawn.
Ignis couldn’t help it. He smiled to himself in a manner he was certain blurred the line between twitterpated and anticipatory. He didn’t even try and convince himself it was for any reason other than knowing not only would the boys be busy all evening, they’d sleep away half the day tomorrow, giving him more than ample time to spend with Gladio before they set out on their next hunt.
He was startled out of his brief reverie by Prompto shaking his shoulder, eliciting a sharp look from the advisor. “Prompto, please do not manhandle me while I’m driving. You could get us all killed.”
“Nahh, you’re way too good to ever lose control of the wheel,” Prompto argued cheerfully, going so far as to cheekily mess up Ignis’s hair before settling back more properly into his seat.
“Yeah, Ignis,” Gladio chuckled from the backseat. “You never lose control, right?” His voice was just a touch too innocent, which was how Ignis knew the Shield’s subtext was anything but.
“As much as I appreciate the votes of confidence,” Ignis retorted in a clipped tone. “Kindly keep your hands to yourself.” He cleared his throat. “Now, Prompto, I presume you were trying to get my attention for a reason?”
“Yeah, I had asked if I could go to the market with you when we get to Lestallum, but you didn’t answer!”
“Apologies,” Ignis said. “I was lost in thought. You’re certainly welcome to accompany me. Be warned, it could take a while. I intend to do a full inventory of all the marketplace has to offer, replenish our curatives and food supplies…” he blathered on about more shopping minutiae than anyone should be able to come up with. Ignis fancied he could hear Prompto’s eyes glaze over not even halfway through his recitation.
“Uh… on second thought, I think I can grab our snacks on my own,” Prompto broke in to Ignis’s monologue about the different types of cleaning agents hastily. “Unless you really needed the help?”
“Quite all right, Prompto,” Ignis demurred smoothly. “You and Noctis should enjoy your evening. I’m uncertain when we’ll have the luxury of a hotel again.”
The remainder of the drive passed without incident, and soon Ignis was pulling into a parking spot. Noctis and Prompto were off and running - well, in Prompto’s case, at least - practically before he had the key out of the ignition.
“So,” Gladio captured Ignis’s gaze with his own, eyes of molten amber gleaming with a myriad of emotions - amusement, love, nerves, lust. “Did you really mean all that about the shopping extravaganza?”
Ignis adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and let out an impatient sigh. “Of course not. I simply didn’t want Prompto’s company.”
“Really,” Gladio drawled, slamming his door shut and walking around the car towards Ignis, his gait liquid, almost predatory. “Who’s company did you want?” He latched on to Ignis’s phrasing with perhaps too much clarity.
It didn’t surprise Ignis, though. No one knew him better than Gladio.
Before Ignis could verbalize an answer, Gladio was there, reaching out and grabbing him by the biceps, yanking him against his heavily muscled form. The Shield maintained unbroken eye contact with the Royal Advisor, and the indecision present in his gaze moments earlier had faded. His eyes held nothing but longing now, stark and honest, even as his mouth curved in a teasing smirk.
“G-Gladio…” Ignis stammered. He had to tilt back his head to continue to meet Gladio’s eyes. When they stood this close, the height difference was quite apparent.
And he liked it. It made something basic and primal inside him purr in recognition. Gladio was a massive behemoth of a man, and while he was charged with protecting the Prince, he took it upon himself to guard the entire group. He stood half a foot taller than Ignis, and outweighed him by at least fifty pounds of pure muscle.
Ignis felt Gladio’s fingertips dig in to his arms hard enough he’d certainly have bruises the next day, and he knew he wasn’t going anywhere until the Shield chose to relinquish his hold.
Oh, yes. He liked it quite a bit.
“Asked you a question,” Gladio growled, leaning down to nip at Ignis’s ear.
“Yours,” Ignis blurted out quite inelegantly. He flushed, realizing how flustered he must sound, and tried to regain some equilibrium. “If you’d let go of me, we could go check in. Noctis is certainly not going to be pleased at having to wait for that nap.”
Gladio scoffed loudly. “Princess can wait,” he muttered, nuzzling along Ignis’s neck, his beard scratching against the sensitive skin deliciously. “I can’t.”
“O-oh.” Ignis’s hands rose to grasp Gladio’s hips for balance, even as he canted his own against the larger man, a moan slipping past his rapidly deteriorating self control as he ground himself again the other man’s hard-on.
“C’mon,” Gladio said. After pressing a brief, fiery kiss to Ignis’s lips, Gladio took his hand and half-led/half-dragged him towards the Lestallum city limits. He kept walking until they had left the City, heading southward. As the sun began to set, they stumbled into a haven, and fell upon each other like a pair of starving men.
Not an entirely inapt comparison, Ignis mused as Gladio almost tore his own shirt in an attempt to remove it quickly. They hadn’t gone this long without sharing physical intimacy… well, ever, really, once their relationship had reached that level. Ignis began removing his own clothing a bit more calmly than Gladio, who now appeared to be fighting with his pants.
Once they were both naked, the men took a long moment to just look at each other. While catching sight of one another changing at camp wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, it wasn’t as if they could just stop and stare. Noctis and Prompto might be a bit naive about romance, but surely they’d notice if Ignis decided to ogle Gladio when he was dressing.
As one, they came together in a clash of lips and tongues and teeth, their kisses hungry and demanding, mouths warring for dominance as they surged against each other, hands sliding over sweat-slicked skin almost frantically.
“Was gonna make you wait,” Gladio pulled back to murmur, resting cheek-to-cheek with Ignis. “You’re the one who said we had to ‘behave’ on the road trip.” He sunk his teeth into the juncture where Ignis’s neck met his shoulder firmly enough that Ignis knew he’d be wearing a high collared shirt on the morrow to hide the teeth marks and bruising. Gladio indulged himself in sucking on the delicate skin hard, enjoying the way it made Ignis gasp, before he continued to speak. “Was gonna make you beg.”
Ignis slung one around around Gladio’s waist, his hand resting on the firm curve of the other man’s ass. His free hand wrapped around his partner’s cock, stroking it slowly, emerald eyes bright with desire as he spoke softly, the words almost seeming filthier carried, as they were, in his impeccable accent. “You want me to beg, Gladiolus? Oh, I’ll beg. I won’t rest until I’ve got this cock buried so deeply inside me I cannot ascertain where you end and I began. I’ll beg for you to wreck me, Gladio, and I’ll thank you when you do it.” Ignis gnawed on his lower lip, momentarily looking a bit uncertain at his own boldness, before he pushed the unconfident train of thought right off the tracks and sank to his knees, still working Gladio’s cock with dexterous fingers. “But, if you’ll forgive me for ceasing my pleas a moment…”
Where words had begun to fail him, actions spoke far more eloquently. He took Gladio into his mouth slowly, savoring the taste and texture that he had been without for so long, dragging his tongue over the thick vein that ran along the underside. Ignis pushed past his gag reflex and managed to almost engulf his lover’s cock completely. He kept his hand wrapped around the base, pumping in synchronous motion with his mouth, angling his head to the side and rolling his eyes up to keep looking at Gladio, knowing how much the other man got off on watching Ignis’s face when he was sucking him off.
Gladio cursed under his breath, at length and creatively, as he first listened to Ignis’s honeyed words, and then drank in the sight of his lover down on his knees, worshipping his cock. “Yeah, Iggy, just like that,” he sank his hands into the strategist’s ash-blonde hair, curling his fingers tight against his scalp, reveling in the shiver he watched course through Ignis’s frame at the firm touch. “Gods, you take my cock so good.”
Ignis moaned around Gladio’s cock in response, his eyes sly since he knew full well doing so would drive Gladio wild. And it worked, if the hands tightening harder in his hair were any indication. Ignis reached between his own legs with his idle hand to trace fingers lightly over his own engorged cock, gathering the precome leaking from the tip and beginning to tease himself open. While it wouldn’t be as thorough a job as he could do with proper lube, he was beyond caring.
“Damn it! Iggy, stop, I’m gonna come,” Gladio let go of Ignis’s hair after tugging his lover’s mouth away from his shaft. He reached down to haul Ignis to his feet, pulling him close and purring into his ear. “Don’t wanna do that til I’m inside you.”
Ignis hissed out a sharp breath as he felt himself forcibly removed from Gladio’s cock and lifted to his feet. Any irritation he felt at the interruption was eclipsed by the surge of desire pounding through him in response to both the manhandling, and Gladio’s impassioned words.
“Gladiolus,” Ignis drawled, cupping his partner’s cheek tenderly in one hand. “Shut up and fuck me.”
For a man who normally didn’t swear, when he did, it was hot, Gladio decided. “You got it, Iggy.”
With careful precision, Gladio lowered the pair of them to lay on the pile formed by their discarded clothing, the fabric a welcome barrier between naked skin and the dirt of the haven grounds. He climbed over Ignis, kneeling between his legs, leaning forward to brace himself on palms planted firmly in the soil to either side of his beloved’s head. When Gladio’s lips met Ignis’s, the kiss was deep and expressive, as Gladio endeavored to non-verbally communicate the depth of love he felt for the other man.
Ignis wasn’t having it. He was far too lustful for things to go languid and romantic now. With a frustrated sound, he sank his teeth into Gladio’s lower lip, hands clenching on the larger man’s forearms hard enough to leave marks on the sun-darkened skin.
“Gladio,” he whined, not caring how breathy and needy his voice sounded. “Please.”
“I see we’re back to the begging,” Gladio said teasingly.
Ignis was silenced with a kiss. And mollified when he felt one of Gladio’s hands work down between them, fingers teasing at his entrance, checking his readiness.
“Iggy, love… this is gonna hurt.” Gladio’s tone a mixture of concern and desire.
“I’ll use a potion at the hotel,” Ignis said decisively, taking matters into his own hands and reaching to align Gladio’s cockhead with his asshole, never more grateful for his flexibility. “Now. Please, Gladiolus. Now.”
Gladio heeded his lover’s supplication and slowly pushed himself inside, giving Ignis’s body time to adjust to the intrusion. When at last he was fully within the tight heat that was Ignis, he lingered in stillness a long moment, scattering soft kisses across the other man’s face and neck.
Ignis’s response was to bite Gladio’s forearm. Hard.
And then, the tactician began to rock his pelvis upward against Gladio, in an effort to start the rhythmic movements he so desperately craved.
Gladio couldn’t help but chuckle. “Damn, you are thirsty tonight.” He began to thrust, trying to go easy on Ignis at first, but rapidly losing control of his tempo and momentum.
“You won’t break me,” Ignis snapped crossly when he could sense Gladio’s hesitance. He pushed himself against Gladio’s body with enough force that the Shield would have bruises from Ignis’s hipbones the next day. “At least, not in any way I don’t wish to be broken.” His clipped tone shifted into something softer, voice going languid and blurred.
Gladio moaned, and wrapped one arm underneath Ignis’s waist, lifting the other man half off the ground, the other still propping him up, fingers digging into the dirt beneath his palm as he pounded into the other man. “Don’t wanna break you. Gonna wreck you, though. You’ll be feeling this for days.” Gladio interspersed his words with kisses and bites, working his way across Ignis’s collarbone from his right shoulder to his left. “We’ll be out huntin’ and you’ll still feel me inside you.” He gave a particularly hard thrust for punctuation. “You’ll be cookin’ dinner, thinkin’ about my cock down your throat.” Gladio licked his way up one side of Ignis’s neck, before taking his throat in his teeth and holding on lightly enough to do no real harm, but firmly enough that the threat was there.
It was enough to push Ignis over the edge and he came hard, clinging to Gladio fiercely, the blunt edges of his nails drawing blood. “Gladio!” His pupils were blown wide, brilliant green reduced to a more hint around the blackness, as he howled his lover’s name at the setting sun.
The combination of feeling Ignis’s entire body tense against him - around him - and the way the strategist’s voice was so completely undone when he screamed Gladio’s name was enough. Gladio shouted something that was meant to be Ignis’s name as he came a moment later, before he sank his teeth into Ignis’s shoulder as his body shuddered with the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm he’d had in months.
Gladio came back to himself enough to carefully pull out, and rolled over to lay next to Ignis, trying to catch his breath. He shot a sated grin sidelong to Ignis and couldn’t help but tease. “That musta been one helluva dream you had this mornin’.”
Ignis smirked, responding simply, “Quite.”
The boys would have probably gone from pissed to worried by this point - the sun was almost completely down, and the older men had been quite obliviously ignoring their phones. But neither Ignis nor Gladio could bring themselves to care, caught up in the afterglow as they were.
They cuddled on the scant cushion formed of their discarded clothing, in a secluded haven out in the wilds of Cleigne, and enjoyed the moment. Maybe it was irresponsible. Maybe it was reckless.
But it was exactly what they needed.
I can't be the only one who takes almost all of Gladio's battle dialogue in the dirtiest way possible, can I?
... I am?   Oops.
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freerebelmentality · 7 years
The night she went away pt4 (Final)
Word Count: 1,920
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Herman wakes early in the morning, he sits in the kitchen debating if he should make breakfast or not. He watches the coffee maker brew a fresh pot of coffee. You stir awake, reach over and find the other side of the bed empty. You look around the room to see if Herman is still home or even in the bath room.
His kutte is draped over the arm chair thats placed in one corner of the room and knew that he is still home. You begin to get out of bed slowly, reach for your robe thats hanging behind the door and put it on. You walk out and head down the stairs where the noises are beginning to get louder. You knew he is in the kitchen scrambling around making breakfast.
“Wow, smells good in here” you say as you walk towards the coffee maker
Herman turns around and sees you walking beside him. He has a wide smile on his face, the smile you have always loved. Even when that smile is for you.
“I woke up early and made coffee first. I went to sit out on the deck for a bit and debated if I should make breakfast” he says while scrambling the eggs with the spatula.
“Or not cause you havent been home or still a sleep when I make something” he adds while his smile fades away and slowly turns to his cooking thats sizzling on the stove top
Your smile fades as soon as he says that and that made your heart break. You knew you have been blocking him out on this major issue you have.
You knew it was time to explain to him why you have been distant with him and finally time to let him in.
“I need a lot of explaining to do and I have been wanting to tell you but thats the hardest part” you explain as you look away from him.
You are trying to hold in your sob thats already begin to tighten around your throat and tried to hold back the tears that are ready to stream down your face.
Herman’s silence signals for you to continue, he reaches over to place his hand over yours. A signal for you to take your time.
“A couple of years ago, my best friend and I had these plans of moving to New York. We were on the verge of getting the careers we wanted but” you stop mid sentence and try to contain yourself
”Take your time” he says while rubbing soothing circles with his thumb
“She got sick, hospitalized once but she got better. We took our time with the moving and decided to stay back in Tacoma because she didnt want to worry her parents. So I stayed to” you continued while smiling to the faint memories
“Thats when I decided to go to school for nursing, so that I could help her in some way” you say while thinking back to all the late nights of studying, while she sat across from you studying as well.
She was already well on her way of going to school to become a lawyer and you were happy she is determined enough to pursue that. Knowing with how sick she got at times. She didnt let her lupus get in the way of enjoying life.
“When we graduated, is when we decided to make the move soon. Right after I was done my residency at the hospital is when we were going to make the move” you continue as tears begin to blur your vision
“She got really sick, ambulance rushed her to the ER and I was working that night. Paramedics, me and a few others rushed her to operating room to try and get the blood clot away from her lungs” a lone tear falls and streams down your face.
Herman also had tears in his eyes, he knew that you watched her die right in front of you. The one person you could have counted on for anything was slowly deteriorating and all you could do was try to save but couldnt.
“We were to late, she died on the operating table” you let out a sob as the tears begin to fall more
Herman rushes to your side, he pulls you into his arms and hugs as tightly as he could. He didnt know about the friend you have lost or the sister you lost.
“Her memorial is coming up and I thought I let go but the day looms closer and I just cant get the idea that she is gone. I cant because I dont want to” you sob out as the tears fall even more
“You shouldnt have rushed yourself to let go so fast, its ok to grieve for a long period of time and when the time was right. You would feel when its ready to let her go and time for you to heal” Herman says as he slowly pulls himself away from you and looks into your eyes.
“I thought I was ready. I thought I was doing the right thing by letting go like that but I wasnt ready” you tell him as you begin to wipe the tears away.
Herman gets up to get a box of tissues for you from the living room. You have always placed a box on top of the coffee table in the living room. He walks back into the kitchen and pulls the chair closer beside you and hands you the tissue
“You know, the guys, Tara and Gemma are all worried about you. Asked me how you have been and I told them what was going on” He says breaking the silence
“What did you tell them?” you asked while blowing your nose and wiping the tears from your eyes
As Herman looks to you and sees how puffy your eyes are. Is when he comes a little closer and kisses each eye. You loved how he can be so tender with you, especially while something like this is clouding your emotions.
“I told them you were going distant from me and I couldnt figure out why. I told them how you would stay out on the deck for long periods of time, sleeping all day, eating less and less” he says in a tinge of woe because of all the times you have been distant is when he thought he has done something wrong to piss you off.
That wasnt the case.
“They also mentioned, if you cant talk to me. You can talk to Chibs, Tara, Gemma and everyone else at the club. They dont want you suffering alone or suffer in isolation long” he adds as he places a kiss to your fore head.
“I got a text from my friends mom and they are having a candle light vigil in Tacoma and they are also having a dinner” you tell him as you smile at the amount of people who are concerned for you.
“So when are we leaving for Tacoma?” he asks looking hopeful that you will take him along
“Well since the memorial is next week, I thought we should leave Sunday and you can meet my other family” you smile at calling your best friends family yours, since the both of you were practically sisters.
“I’ll let the guys know at the club house that I will be away for a bit but Im sure they wont mind” he says while looking to you
“I will let Esther know that we are coming” you tell him as you bring out your phone to call your mom.
Esther didnt mind you calling her mom, since she considered you as her daughter as well. When you moved away is when she got worried about you, not because of the club but because you let go of everything so fast. The more she worried, the more she called, the more the text messages came and all unanswered. She was happy and relieved once you finally answered her text and telling you are coming.
Sunday came around very fast, you were packing the final things you needed for the trip and took the bags down the stairs to wait for Herman to come home and hit the road. You go into the kitchen and decide to make some snacks for the road and even made a thermos of coffee too.
You hear a bike pulling up the drive way and you begin to smile as the roar is cut off and hear him walking into the house.
“Ready babe?” he asks as he wraps his arms around you waist and gives you a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Yeah, all set. You pack the truck while I clean up here a bit” You tell him as you begin putting the stuff away
He heads outside to pack the truck, he waits for you to come out. As you finish putting the things away and clean up a little bit is when you take one last look to the kitchen and satisfied with the clean up is when you grab the house keys from the bowl. Open the door and lock it up. You walk down the drive way and open the passenger door of the truck and hop in.
“Everything is good to go?” he asks looking to you.
“Yeah, lets head out” you answer and he starts the truck and backs out of the drive way.
As you and Herman drive out of Charming, you knew that this was a good choice to head back home and be there for your other family. Be there for yourself and embrace the times the both of you had.
Once you and Herman arrive in Tacoma is when the both of you drove directly to Esther’s house and surprise her. Along with introducing her to Herman, they got along great. After the short visit is when you went to your moms house, she couldnt believe you came for the memorial and even shared a few tears as she hugged you tightly.
She was happy you brought Herman.
As the candle light vigil begins, Esther has you carry Leah’s picture and hands you a candle. You look to the picture and its Leah with a huge smile, looking happy as ever. Her siblings hold pictures as well. Her sister April begins to share a few words and thanks everyone for showing up. Her older sister Betsy begins to hand out lanterns and place each candle into the lantern. Each of you let go of the lanterns and see each of them fly away.
Herman holds you tightly as he kisses the side of your head, you release a sob as tears begin to stream. Esther places her hand on your arm and gives a gentle squeeze. The rest of Leah’s sisters and brothers crowd around you, Herman and Esther as each of you watch the lanterns get further and further away. Her oldest brother Ryan tells everyone its time to head to the community hall and have supper.
Being with the family and yours is what you needed and most of all. You needed to have Herman with you as well and couldnt ask for a better out come. Everything went perfect but nothing felt as though anyone was missing. You felt your best friend all around everyone and it was like as if she was there and thats what brought you comfort.
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myriadimagines · 7 years
He’s Dangerous? Well, So Are We
Marvel (The Defenders) One Shot
Characters: [FEMALE] Reader x Luke Cage + Jessica Jones
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing and violence
Request: “Cause a while back actually I had an idea that was reader is a college student who is insistent upon helping Luke Cage and he's like no you're gonna get yourself killed and then in some kind of fight it's revealed that reader has powers (idk what kind something crazy tho) and then she does team up with Luke and eventually the other defenders and she's kinda the little sister of the group.  Maybe an eventual romance with one friendly neighborhood spider-man.” - racheltheclumsy
Word Count: 2,760
A/N: hope i encompassed everything, and sorry for not including Peter !! first Jessica Jones request/one shot! (i’ve kinda twisted events a little so it’s not exactly what happened in the series but whatever hope it’s alright. and i kinda copied the bar fight scene shhh)
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“Back again?” Luke asked teasingly as you strolled up to the bar, slamming your bag on top of the counter and huffing as you hopped onto the seat. “You’re going to drink yourself to death.”
“Well, cheers to that.” you responded sarcastically as Luke turned around to get your usual drink. “There’s so much damn work, I can barely keep up.”
“That’s college for you.” Luke chuckled as he slid the drink over to you. You slid your fingers around it and raised the glass, raising your eyebrows at him before taking a large swig from it. You spluttered for a moment, after drinking too fast, and coughed for a moment as Luke laughed to himself.
“I told you you’re going to drink yourself to death.” he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the bar. You shrugged, quickly recovering before taking another sip.
“Shut the hell up,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes but smiling. “You’re not my dad.”
“I might as well be.” Luke muttered softly to himself as he turned around to put some glasses back on the shelves. It was late, close to closing time, which was the only time you came to the bar. You had started showing up a few months ago, and it didn’t take long for you to become a regular. Surprised at how you only came to the bar during its quieter times, instead of busier times like your other fellow college classmates, Luke decided to strike up a conversation with you whilst he cleaned up the bar.
He discovered a lot about you. You attended a small, public college, but barely spent any time on campus. You were a bit of an outsider, as Luke had observed, and preferred spending time alone. You studied English literature, which you were often reading in between drinks, and you were distant from your family. You never talked much about them when Luke asked, but he could get a sense of what things were like at home -- estranged parents and an older sister who had moved away a year ago. No wonder why you didn’t spend much time at home.
Meanwhile, you didn’t know much about Luke. He seemed rather guarded, and you knew better than to pry. You knew he owned the bar, but it wouldn’t take much of a genius to figure that out -- the bar was named after him. You knew he was previously married, but she had died in a bus crash.
Other than that, you didn’t know much about the man. But for some reason, you felt like you could trust him. And he felt like he could trust you.
“You should finish up,” Luke flung a cloth over his shoulder and gestured to your half empty class. “I’ll call a cab to take you home.”
“Are you kidding?” you rolled your eyes. “I usually have at least 3 drinks.”
“You have an exam tomorrow, don’t you?” he asked, and your mouth dropped open. Before you could ask for an explanation, he jerked his chin in the direction of your bag, where half your books and papers had spilled out. On top of the pile was a thick stack of papers with the syllabus, as well as the date for your exam in bold.
“Clever.” you snatched your bag and hastily shoved everything inside.
“Wait a couple minutes.” Luke insisted as you zipped your bag up. “The cab won’t take long to get here.”
“I can just walk home.” you replied, getting to your feet, and Luke shook his head. “What? I can take care of myself.”
“It’s not safe at this hour.” Luke said, his expression serious. You laughed, and Luke folded his arms across his chest. “I’m serious, y/n.”
“I’ll be fine.” you insisted. “I’m stronger than you think.”
You reached into the pocket of your jeans for some change as Luke ignored your last comment and reached for the phone. You rolled your eyes and gestured for Luke to hang up as he listed the address of the bar, before putting the phone down triumphantly.
“The cab’s already on it’s way, so you might as well wait.” Luke smirked, and you groaned and sat back down. You slid the cash over, but Luke waved his hand. “This one’s on the house.”
“Thanks.” you grinned, resting your elbows on the bar as you looked around.
“So tell me about your literature.” Luke said, and you rolled your eyes. “You know, if you’re not enjoying it, you could just study something else.”
“I know, I know, but-” you sighed, but paused when you heard the door open. You turned around to see a group of men approach Luke, and you looked back at Luke and saw his expression harden. You slowly got to your feet, the atmosphere in the room getting intense.
“y/n, get behind the bar.” Luke instructed, and you paused. “Now.”
You tossed your bag over the bar before hopping over it yourself, and Luke stepped outside to confront the men. You had noticed that the men had Luke surrounded, and you looked around the bar for a weapon of sort.
“Who are these people?” you asked, wrapping your hand around a knife you say under the bar.
“People from the past.” Luke responded vaguely, not looking at you as the men stepped closer. Raising his hands, Luke continued, “I don’t want any trouble.”
“You don’t want any trouble?” the man scoffed. You looked out the window to see a cab pull up, and briefly debated running outside to it. But instead, a young woman came out wearing a leather jacket. She peered into the bar through the window, before rushing inside. The man grabbed Luke’s shirt and growled, “We have unfinished business, Cage.”
The man swung his fist, and Luke caught it as the woman rushed into the bar. The men clambered onto Luke, shoving him towards the window, and you and the woman exchanged glances as the both of you helplessly watched Luke. You leaned forward, ready to jump over the bar to help, when Luke suddenly managed to push everyone away from him. The woman stepped closer, grabbing the man in front of her and shoving him to the floor as Luke slammed another man into the bar. You jumped back, watched as the two of them took down all the men. You almost laughed to yourself when you realized how bored Luke looked, then watched in horror as a man raised his arm above Luke’s head, wielding a bottle.
“Luke, look out!” you exclaimed, but the man had already brought the bottle over Luke’s head. The glass shattered, but Luke didn’t flinch, and you squinted at the back of his head. Perhaps it was from the dim lighting, but you could’ve swore that the glass didn’t break his skin -- you didn’t see any bleeding.
Luke rolled his eyes, grabbing the man’s head and slamming it against his knee.
“Psycho bitch!” you turned around to see another man try to punch the woman, but she threw him across the bar. You leapt back, a large grin breaking across your face. You looked up to see the woman glancing at you briefly, and she smirked slightly when your eyes met.
Both of you turned when you heard more shattering of glass, and you gasped as you watched another man drive the broken top of a bottle into Luke’s neck. You clasped a hand over your mouth, but watched in surprised as Luke didn’t react, and the man looked at the bottle.
“It didn’t cut…” he stammered, before Luke grabbed his head and shoved it onto the bar.
“If you come back here again,” Luke snapped, his voice low. “I will do worse. Now leave.”
The man tried to murmur something as you grabbed your bag and hopped out of the bar, hovering by the doorway. Luke said something before releasing the man, and he staggered backwards, before slamming the bottle on the floor and storming out, the rest of the men following.
“You alright?” Luke asked, as he walked over, and you nodded, still trying to understand how Luke had managed to not get stabbed by a glass bottle.
“Yeah,” you straightened your jacket, looking between the two of them. You didn’t know the woman, but Luke seemed to know her. Clearing your throat, you said, “I don’t know about you guys, but I thought that was pretty awesome.”
The woman smirked again, turning to face you. She nodded, glancing at Luke as she said, “I like her.”
“y/n, Jessica.” Luke introduced you, and Jessica held out your hand and you shook it. “Jessica, y/n.”
“You a friend of Luke’s?” Jessica asked as Luke slowly turned around to the other customers in the bar. You shrugged, grinning as you watched Luke began to pick up the pieces of glass on the floor.
“Of sorts.” you responded. “He kinda just keeps me company when I come here to study.”
“Study?” Jessica scoffed, before suddenly realizing how young you looked. “Oh Jesus, you’re still in school?”
“College.” Luke clarified as he dumped the glass into a trash bin before dusting his hands off. Turning to you, he grabbed your arm firmly and said, “Can you please go home now?”
“Why, she got a curfew?” Jessica teased, and you laughed. Luke rolled his eyes, looking outside to see if there was a cab you could take.
“No, I just don’t think it’s safe for her to be around here.” Luke responded, and you stuck your tongue out mockingly as Jessica snorted.
“I think she can handle herself more than you know, Luke.” Jessica looked you up and down, feeling an aura of defiance surrounding you. You grinned triumphantly at Luke, who sighed.
“I always thought the two of you would be good friends.” Luke shrugged, letting go of your arm. He turned to Jessica and raised his eyebrows, and her expression turned serious. “I’m assuming you’re here because you have a new lead?”
“On Kilgrave? No.” Jessica brushed her hair out of her face, looking frustrated. Your eyes widened with curiosity, and Luke immediately shook his head.
“y/n doesn’t need to hear this.” Luke grabbed your arm again and led you outside, and you tried to jerk your arm away. You meekly waved as Jessica, who waved back and mouthed ‘We’ll meet again’, before Luke let go of you outside.
“Who’s Kilgrave?” you demanded, and Luke shook his head. “He sounds scary. Well, he better be with a name like that.”
“Don’t get involved, y/n.” Luke instructed, and you rolled your eyes.
“Come on, Luke!” you exclaimed as Luke tried to wave down a cab. “I could help you! I’m a lot more powerful than I look.”
“y/n, don’t.” Luke said as a cab pulled up besides you. He jerked the car door open and gestured for you to get inside, but you stubbornly crossed your arms over your chest. “Kilgrave is dangerous, and I’m not going to put you in that kind of danger. You’re going to get yourself killed.”
“At least tell me how that guy stabbed you and you’re not bleeding.” you replied, exasperated. Luke rolled his eyes, pointing inside the cab. “Nothing makes sense!”
“I’ll explain another time.” Luke insisted, and you groaned. You reluctantly got inside the cab as Luke slammed the door shut behind you. He leaned towards the front of the cab and told the driver your address as you sulked in the backseat.
“Promise you’ll explain?” you quickly rolled down the window as the car began to pull away from the curb.
Luke nodded as the cab drove further away from the bar, and called out, “Promise.”
You slammed your books down at the bar as Luke filled up a glass of beer for another customer. Luke didn’t look up, and continued to fill the glass before handing it to the man next to you. You cleared your throat, drumming your fingers on the bar, until Luke finally looked up.
“You promised.” you reiterated, and Luke sighed.
“Just can’t give it a rest, can you?” he asked, and you shook your head. For the past week, you had been pestering Luke to let you help him and Jessica, but he had been refusing. Before Luke could turn away, you suddenly grabbed a pen from your bag and stabbed it into his hand. Luke looked at you in surprise, but didn’t react. You slowly moved your pen away, and shook your head when you saw there was no wound on his hand.
“You have unbreakable skin, don’t you?” you asked quietly, and Luke looked around to make sure no one was looking before nodding in confirmation. “Well, that’s pretty crazy.”
Luke shrugged nonchalantly and was about to move away when you lunged across the bar and grabbed his arm.
“I’m not done yet.” you snapped. “Who is Kilgrave?”
“For the last time, y/n,” Luke growled. “Don’t get involved.”
“Jesus!” you exclaimed, jerking back. “I’m not as vulnerable and weak as you think I am!”
Luke faltered and opened his mouth to apologize, but you had already stormed out the bar. Luke quickly rushed after you as you hurried down the street, your arms angrily folded across your chest.
“y/n.” Luke called out after you, but you didn’t turn around. “y/n, stop!”
You were about to yell something over your shoulder when a man suddenly appeared out of the shadows of the alleyway in front of you. He grabbed your arm, and your heard the click of metal before you noticed the gun he had pointed at your forehead. The man looked you up and down, jerking his chin at your bag.
“Give me everything that’s in there.” the man demanded, and you rolled your eyes. He jammed the pistol further into your face.
“Now!” he yelled, and you heard Luke come up behind you. The man aimed his gun at Luke, his face full of anger. “Take another step closer, and I’ll kill both of you.”
“Oh, shut up!” you yelled, and both the man and Luke looked at you in surprise.
“Say another word,” the man growled. “And I’ll-”
Luke lunged forward to attack the man, but you had already dealt with him. You opened your hands, which had be balled into fists the whole time, and the man’s eyes widened when he saw electricity sparking from your fingertips. You directed the energy at him, sending him flying down the street, and his body crashed into a couple of trashcans. Luke gaped at you as you continued to march towards the man, more electricity manifesting in your palm. The man groaned and tried to reach for his gun, but you kicked it away and stood over him, resting your foot onto his chest.
“Stay away from me,” you hissed. “Or I’ll electrocute your face.”
The man nodded desperately, and you stepped away from him and watched as he quickly limped away. Luke jogged up behind you, still not able to understand what he had just witnessed.
“Holy shit.” he finally said, and you looked over your shoulder and stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jacket. Taking a deep breath, you quickly composed yourself.
“Can I help now?” you asked, and Luke scoffed and folded his arms across your chest. There was a pause before he finally turned to walk back to the bar, and you threw your hands up in the air. “Are you kidding? Did not you not just see me about to electrocute that guy?”
“Follow me.” Luke instructed, and you sighed as begrudgingly complied.
“Shit!” Jessica leapt back as you held out your palm, electricity sparking from your fingertips. She turned to Luke, who was leaning on the doorframe, her eyes wide. “I like her even more now.”
After the incident with the mugger, Luke had brought you to Jessica’s, saying he had found someone new to help with Kilgrave. You could see the disbelief in Jessica’s eyes, so Luke stepped aside and told you to show her your powers.
“Can I finally know who this Kilgrave dude is now?” you asked, and Jessica pressed her lips together. She leaned against her desk and put her hands in her pockets, exchanging a glance with Luke before nodding.
“I’m warning you now, y/n, Kilgrave is extremely-” she said slowly, but you scoffed.
“He’s dangerous? Well, so are we.” you interrupted her, and you could see a small smile appear on her face. “Let’s take him down.”
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va-faen-culo · 7 years
Jonas x Noora pt. 2
((S/o to everyone who gave my first post so much love back in January!! It was literally just a random idea that popped into my head and I was expecting like 2 notes, and I suggest you read that first if you haven’t already!.))
•So a few people have mentioned how it might be kind of weird for Noora to date yet another one of her best friends exes
•But in actuality it wouldn’t be weird at all. In fact Eva is one of their number one supporters. Being close to both of them, she realizes more than anyone that they are perfect for eachother. She’s always going to have some lingering feelings toward Jonas but she has her own boyfriend now and she’s just happy that Noora is over that dickhead William.
•Also I live for Eva being their go to for any problems! “What should I get Noora for her birthday?” “Do you think Jonas’ parents will like me?” “Do you think Noora would get mad if I send a dick pic?” “How do I get Jonas to cut his hair?”

As for the rest of their friends:
•Jonas and Noora are a force to be reckoned with. When both of them get fired up it gets a little bit scary. 

•Magnus and Vilde are probably the most intimidated. It’s one thing to get called out by one of them, but when both of them get on you it’s terrifying. And let’s be real the two of them can make some pretty ignorant comments. 

•They are THE power couple. Evak is that gross domestic couple that are probably going to adopt like 3 kids and rescue a dog, but Joora are that world domination type.

•But that doesn’t stop them from constant couple competitions, because Isak and Jonas are typical bros and proud boyfriends and can’t help it. “Nooras article was just featured in the news.” “Even’s painting is going to be in that new art exhibit.” “Guess who got laid last night!” “Guess who got laid last night…twice!”

•Everyone in the group would refer to them as mom and dad (it started as a joke but let’s be real, they are totally the parentals)

•Jonas, Noora, Sana and Mahdi. Do I need to explain?

•They debate a lot, but they rarely fight. But when they do fight it’s like World War IV. Everyone around them feels it. (You know it’s bad when Linn is asking you what crawled up your ass).

Some more Random HCs:

•They lowkey have pet names.Jonas calls her “Red” and Noora calls him “Curly” (and sometimes Jonas is a brat and calls her “Palída” and then she calls him “Cabezal” or “Pendejo” because my favorite hispanoblantes are sassy as fuck)

•They support the hell out of eachother. Jonas sends her articles for her feminist fashion blog, and Noora makes occasional appearances on the new YouTube channel Jonas starts. Even though Noora doesn’t use most the articles (because “Jooooonas complimenting a girl’s ass is NOT empowerment!”) and they usually just end up bickering on his channel (it was actually going to be a couple channel but 3 videos in they realized that was not going to work) {s/o to @shadeandadidas for helping me sort out the blog v. YouTube thing}

•They are super competitive but it’s always passive aggressive. Noora will casually mention she got a 6 on the essay that she heard Jonas telling Isak he got a 5 on. Jonas then casually mentioning the article he sent her for the blog got more notes than the other ones she had posted over the week.

•Jonas and Noora trying to be #fitnessgoals, but it’s not exactly working. Neither of them are that great at sports (they tried to play basketball once with Sana and it was a disaster). They tried running for a while, but running sucks so that ends pretty quickly. They try going to the gym, because dammit Evak cannot be in better shape than them and they are running out of options.

-One day they head off to the gym, but are informed that the space is being used for a yoga class. But it took way too much effort for them to get here and they’ll be damned it they leave now, so they end up taking the class! And that’s how Joora become yogis. They start posting couple poses on IG much to the dismay of Evak (“Faen Even! Why didn’t we think of that??”) Sometimes before class Jonas pops an edible, but Noora doesn’t mind turning a blind eye (and if she tried it once no one has to know).

•And to answer the question from earlier Jonas’ parents fucking adore Noora
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
My truemate pt2
Word Count: 2,162
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“Hey sweet cheeks, nice scent you have. How about giving me a taste right now” He says while pulling you away from your brothers.
“What the hell gives you the right to come at me like that huh?” You bark back as you pull away from his tight embrace.
“You disrespectful little slut shouldnt talk back to an Alpha” As he yells, your brothers turn around to find you missing from their side and immediately rush to your side right away.
“Exactly what she said, what the hell gives you the damn right to touch her. If she doesnt like it than leave her the hell alone” Dean growls back, and showing no signs of backing down from the creep of an Alpha.
Sam has you hidden behind him while Dean is sizing him up and it works, no one ever dared to start a fight with your older brother well your brothers in general.
As the Alpha backs down is when the manager of the place comes out to the floor, he is this tall, scruffy looking and the most gorgeous blue eyes you have ever seen and his scent gives him away which is not surprising he is an Alpha.
“ROMAN!!!! How many times have I told you? You harass my customers again I will throw you out on your ass and never let you back in” He says with authority in his voice and that ruffles a bit of your feathers but sure hope that wouldnt be that obvious.
“Oh c'mon Benny! With that fine piece of Omega ass you have to give me this one acceptance” Roman creepily locks eyes with you but you stay hidden behind Sam and as you stand there you begin to feel completely violated.
“Hey, hey, hey, I got you ok, I've got you” He says as he pulls you into his arms. Sam senses your fear and about to walk in the direction of the front entrance.
“Hey sweet heart ditch the moose and meet me out back” Thats when Dean throws the first punch and tackles him to the floor. The manager and another customer get Dean off of the creep he tackled.
“Michael, get Roman out of here before this guy kills him” The manager says as he has his hold on Dean but wouldnt be long before he will break that hold and tackle Roman again. Michael takes him out the door and makes sure he doesnt go any where near you.
“Oh c'mon Mikey, I know how to share. You can have her after Im done with her or we can both have her at the same time. Looks like she can handle two knots at the same time.” The creep looks to Michael with an evil grin on his face. Sam is about to punch the creep square in the face when Michael cuts him off and he does instead.
“THATS NOT HOW YOU SPEAK OF A PERSON!!” Michael practically growls at the creep and gets up very quickly to run off.
After the scene before you is when you started to get unusually aroused on how Michael used his alpha voice to yell back at Roman but you hope that it wouldnt be that obvious to your brother Sam because you didnt want to gross him out completely.
You started to get a whiff of his scent and to you it was pleasant well more than just pleasant it was more in the lines of protector, provider and for some odd reason “mate” You couldnt bring yourself to think of him that way but the thought still lurked.
Sam watches and still has you in his embrace as the both of you watch him disappear from the restaurant.
“Miss are you ok? Dick is a dick like literally” the man says as he slowly approaches you and Sam.
“Sorry she is still shaken up but um she is starting to settle down though. Think as soon as my brother settles down inside we are just going to head home.” Sam says to the man as they both stand not far from one another and you still cant bring yourself to look at the person who threw out the douche that laid his hands on you.
“My name is Michael, Michael Cuthbert” He sticks his hand out to shake his hand.
“Cuthbert as in Cuthbert realtors?” Sam asks as he shakes his hand.
“Um yeah but that would be my mother” He answers as he takes his hand away from Sams hold.
“Sam, Sam Winchester and this is my sister Y/n Winchester” Sam introduces himself to Michael along with you but you dont have the heart to greet him right now.
“Think meeting the both of you on better circumstances would have been better and not this way.” Michael says looking to Sam but couldnt look to you since you have been hiding behind your brother the whole time.
“Anyways she sold us the house in the outskirts of town” He says while looking from you to Michael.
“Oh you mean the house on lake manitoc or um Poughkeepsie Road?” He asks keeping his gaze on your brother knowing he didnt want to scare you off by constantly looking at you.
“Yeah Poughkeepsie Road” Sam says but you nudge his from behind.
“The lake is also called Lake Manitoc” You whisper to Sam.
“Oh right yes on both” Thats when the manager comes out to see how you were doing but stay hidden behind Sam.
“Im sorry for the trouble Roman has caused ya and wanted to make sure you were alright. I wanted to also let you know that you do not need to pay for any meals for the rest of the week. I just feel incredibly horrible for such behaviour and in hopes you will except my gracious offer. Im Benny by the way, your brother Dean is alright and is settled in one of the booths eating my famous pecan pie” He says while he is looking in your direction hoping you would accept his apologies and offer.
You dont meet his gaze but still shake in fear, Sam notices it right away and Dean comes out.
“Baby girl you ok?” He asks running towards you and you do the same.
You began to shake even more in your brothers arms.
“Its alright, I got you, we've got you. We got you. Its alright” He says while whispering at the top of your head.
“I wanna go home” You whisper right back to Dean.
“Ok we will go home alright, c'mon kiddo lets get in the car” He opens the passenger door for you, you slide directly in the middle and grab Sam's arm to slide in the front seat as well because you wanted to hang on to your brother Sam while heading home because you couldnt do that to Dean while he is driving.
“Thanks for all you've done, both of you” Dean says before he gets into the driver seat.
“Its not a problem really, how about leave me your address and I'll have the food delivered to your place, how does that sound?” Benny asks
“Yeah that sounds great actually, since I dont have time to leave an order but um surprise us” Dean says and gives one last wave and gets into the car to start her up and drive home.
“Benny?” Michael says while still standing in the same spot.
“Ye- wait a minute, you mean?” He looks to Michael and he gives him a nod.
“Oh sweet lord on bicycle” He says looking away from Michael and to the disappearing car while he covers his mouth with his hand.
“I think I found my true mate Benny” He says in a whisper.
“If you did, what does she smell like to you?” He asks looking to Michael as they enter back inside the restaurant and go to the kitchen to put in a surprise order.
“She smelled like freshly grinded coffee, with the smell of banana's and another sweet smell of caramel just so perfectly blended together or having a freshly made cup of coffee in the morning with a banana sandwich spread on top with Caramel sauce” Michael says with a fond smile across his face as he describes your scent.
When you and your brothers get home and walk into the house and take off your jackets and shoes at the door to hang on the coat rack Dean has placed near by the door. You walk to the kitchen very slowly and realize that your older brother Dean is right behind you.
“Y/n you ok?” He asks as he leans against the fridge debating if he should grab a beer or get some hard liquor from under the sink.
“I will be fine in a minute, I just uh need a little time to get myself together” You answer him honestly as you sit at the counter table.
“Ok thats fine um just so you know Benny says he is going to have someone deliver the food and mentioned its on the house” He says as he makes his way to you from the fridge.
“Y/n you can press charges if you want” Sam says from behind the both of you.
“Right and have them laugh in my face while they tell me its all my fault and finish off with I encouraged it” You tell your brothers in a shaky voice you didnt realize that it came out that way.
“No they wont because we can back you up on this, and not only us but Benny and that guy Michael can be your witnesses to” Sam says as he gives you his puppy dog eyes that are basically pleading with you to do something about the fondling at the restaurant.
“I dont know just, Im just going to go rest in my room for a bit. Let me know when dinner is here” You tell them as you slowly get up from the chair and push it back in to get upstairs to your room to have a few moments to yourself.
“I hope she takes the bastard to court, the way he was looking at her and how he touched her just pissed me right off” Dean says with a growl, a deep throat growl down in his chest and all he can see is red in his rage.
“Dean, calm down y/n doesnt need this right now. I just hope she follows through with this because here in the state of Washington its against the law to harass an Omega against their will and will be punished as soon as the other person calls it in meaning just as long as y/n calls it in” Sam says as he tries to calm down his older brother and once he got him to listen to a word he is saying is when he started to cool down from his hot rage.
You lay in your bed replaying the images over and over again in your head
'I need to do something about this' you think to yourself as you lay there. A knock is what brings you out of your thoughts and you tell the person to enter.
“Hey y/n the food is here” Sam says as he enters into the room and the scent of a Beta swirls into your room so knowing the scent is neutral.
“Ok” Is all you say when you get up from the bed to go down the stairs to eat with your brothers.
“Hey y/n look what I cooked” Dean says once you enter the kitchen as he reveals the entrees which are three stake dinners with caramelized onions, minced garlic, baked and mashed potatoes, with grilled asparagus and sated mushrooms. You chuckle at Dean when he mentioned he had prepared the meal all by himself.
“There is that beautiful smile I have been waiting to see” Your older brother says leaned against the chairs at the table.
All three of you seat yourselves at the table as Dean served out the food, between the three of you is when random conversations were being started at the random moments between meals about what else to do with the house. Dean mentioned about making book shelves for the living room since he has been so curious about Michael's warehouse.
When he brought up Michael is when you thought about the scent he gave off back at the restaurant and to you it smelt like fresh rain falling on the first day of Summer with an earthy scent that gives off fresh mint sprouting into the air and if you smell close enough you can also smell cool crisp air that has come during the first day of Fall which meant protector, provider, kind, home and mine. And than it hit you
“Oh god” You mutter out loud not realizing you were thinking out loud.
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marketerarena-blog · 6 years
One Last Love Letter to My Cat Vegas…
So I have some bad news… a lot of you have followed for a long time and been through ups and downs with me. And I appreciate it so so much. I know there are Brazilians of people you could catch up with online and I’m very lucky, happy and grateful that you stop by here or @RunEatRepeat on IG to say ‘hi’. Thank you.
And I know a lot of you loved my cat Vegas so I’m extra sad to tell the Vegas fans that he went to kitty Heaven this week.
He was close to 14 years old and lived a good life. And I’m sad. But I’m grateful I had so much time with him and that so many of you loved my RER co-star.
I had to put Vegas down a few days ago. And even though it was hard it was peaceful and for the best.
And I want to share some happy pictures and stories to remember him.
How I got Vegas…
One random weekend morning I was dropping my brother off at his high-school job and then hit up my bank that was in that same shopping center. After using the ATM I heard a lil meow and looked around… the meowing continued and I found a kitten walking near one of the stores across the parking lot. Most of the other places in the center were closed because it was early so there weren’t any people around and we weren’t close to houses so he was obviously very lost.
I scooped up the kitten and walked over to the store my brother was working at to go tell him I found a cat and ask his thoughts on trying to take it home… Do you think mom would be cool with this? … But I didn’t get to ask him because as soon as he saw me he said, ‘What are you doing in here with a cat?’ and he didn’t really seem interested in helping me come up with a plan to convince my mom to let me keep this stray kitten.
So – I took the fur ball home and told my mom sometimes God just does things in our lives that we don’t understand or plan on (my cousin had passed away unexpectedly a bit before this so we were all a bit more lost and leaning on God that might be the norm previous to that)… Anyway. She likes cats and/or was too tired to argue with me so – I got a cat! And Vegas moved in and proceeded to sleep, eat, barf, meow, get dirty, sleep more, repeat… until a few days ago.
He had been slowing down since December a lot. He got in a bad fight in December and just never came back from it 100%. He suddenly seemed to have arthritis and couldn’t jump on the couch anymore so he’d kind of climb up it. And he was VERY UPSET he couldn’t go outside anymore. He’d been an inside/outside cat his entire life. At my mom’s house we had a big yard and dogs so he was free to roam around. When Vegas moved into the condo with me and Ben we let him go outside whenever he wanted. Mostly he’d sit on the fence and people watch – or maybe cat watch? But every now and then he’d jump off the fence and get in a fight with another cat.
Transitioning an Outside Cat to Inside Cat –> I wrote this post after that
Oddly he mostly only fought with other orange cats. I guess he wanted to be the only ginger cat around!! When he was young the fights were not cool but not that damaging. And we’d run out and break them up if we ever heard anything starting. We tried to only let him out if we were outside too – to try and stop any potential cat fights (other  fight-y cats wouldn’t come around if we were around). But he was not happy staying inside. He wanted to be an outside cat that came inside to sleep or have a snack. He didn’t like to sit at the window and watch the world. He didn’t like cat toys. He didn’t like me. Well, sometimes he didn’t.
Where was I going with this?
Oh, after his fight in Dec I didn’t let him outside when he’d ask but he never ‘got over it’ or forgot like people said he would. He’d run out when I’d come back from the store or take out the trash. He didn’t really want to stay out that long – I think he just wanted to know he could.
And I’m kind of conflicted on keeping him inside 100% of the time being the best thing on some philosophical level… it felt like clipping his wings.
Yeah, it prevented him from getting in a fight.
But it also made him miserable to be stuck inside when his entire life previous up till this he got to go out. He didn’t want to play with a cat-nip mouse, he wanted to go the F outside.
And before you argue with me – this isn’t about Vegas… I’m projecting my feelings on this. Some of this is how I relate this to me and the situations I’ve been in… I think when I apply it to my life – I’d rather go outside and have a shorter life than stay inside and live longer but unhappy. Ya know?
Anyway. The point is – I did my best. Vegas was awesome and he had a good life. And I miss him.
Now he’s in kitty heaven running around outside and eating tuna all the time!
I don’t want to focus on the end of his life… I think I just needed to process that lil inside / outside debate to help me get some of the random thoughts and memories off my chest.
I want to focus on cute cat pics and happy times. So here are a few of my favorite Vegas the cat posts…
Some of my top cat posts:
Ben is better – this post is from 2011!!
I almost threw my cat away
Vegas might love me a little bit
Vegas is trying to kill me (this might negate the previous post)
Vegas tries to kill Ben
I’m turning into Vegas my cat (trigger warning: Ben pics in this one)
No cats were harmed in the making of this blog post – This might be one in my top 86 favorite blog posts of all time, it’s random but fun.
Vegas helps me decorate
That time I peed on my cat
And kinda related… if you have a friend allergic to cats – Tips on How to Clean When a Friend / Visitor is Allergic to Cats
  My favorite things about my cat:
1. He was my only friend / roommate and didn’t care if I did weird stuff like dance around randomly while making dinner singing Britney Spears songs.
2. He hugged / attacked my running shoes.
3. He let me dress him up (for 2 seconds).
4. He greeted me when I got home with a hello ‘meow’ – he didn’t always get up and come to me but he’d always meow a few times and I’d respond and once he confirmed it was me he’d go back to sleep or ask to go outside.
5. He talked to me… when I’d ask him something he’d respond. He knew the cadence of a conversation.
6. He was pretty chill.
7. He head-butted me and it was like a confirmation of our affection.
8. He let me do the cat dance with him (I would just hold him and dance around)
  There’s so many pictures I want to post! But I should cut it here and just say thank you for following me and Vegas. xoxo.
The post One Last Love Letter to My Cat Vegas… appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
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