#decan walk
l3xistentialism · 1 year
ARIES I 🔥 - I’m doing a decan walk this year, and this new year has been coming in *hot* for me. Lots of extreme highs & lows, emotional intensity & irritation, and Mars wreaking havoc on my 5th and now my 6th house. Aries I is represented by the II of Wands and the Emperor. I’ve been focusing on being clearer with my intentions (that natal Mercury in Pisces be confusing) and having more confidence in my work in all aspects. Chronic illness takes its toll (all this Aries energy had to set off some inflammation) but I’ve been making space for rest.
All in all these past ten days have been eye-opening. I’m capable of doing a lot, even when I’m not feeling well. I’m honest to a fault & could probably take some time to rethink before I just say shit. & most importantly I’m enough, I’m whole & I’m complete as I am.
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inherentquerent · 2 years
I think im gonna do my first ever decan walk.. mayhaps I will record my findings on this here site.. stay tuned
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yandere-fetish · 7 months
Yandere Ballerino X Female Reader
Part One
warnings: slight stalking, obsession,
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Yandere Ballerino visits his regular gym and while lifting weights, he comes across a cute (H/C) woman; You. He can't take his eyes off you while you stretch your limbs out, getting ready for the intense workout you're about to put yourself through.
Yandere Ballerino is too focused on your assets to realize he's half-ass weight lifting. It gets so bad that his personal trainer, who comes back from another client, has to yell his name loud enough to catch his attention, which in turn catches your attention.
You two lock eyes before turning away.
Yandere Ballerino swears his heart bursts from his chest at your quick look. He dubs you as shy beauty now.
Yandere Ballerino can't help but blush red after your sudden expression when you notice his naked body. He automatically wants to see more of your facial expressions and experience different faces from you.
Yandere Ballerino gets mad when he's forced to focus on his strength training instead of the pretty thang that’s working the stair stepper at the moment. He continues to sneak peaks at you when his trainer wasn't paying attention— which was rare since the trainer was dedicated to his job.
You never notice the wandering eyes that stall on your figure, nor do you hear the forlorn sigh coming from his mouth at the sight of your ass bouncing up and down.
Oh, how he could only see the sight of you bouncing on his dick— wait.
What is he thinking? He shouldn't be sexualizing you! He shouldn't be paying attention to the way your breasts move when you jog on the treadmill or the way your waist looks so flexible when you're exercising on the balance ball.. but how can he stop when you're all ready so tempting on the elliptical?
He silently lamented over what other workouts you could make tantalizing.
Yandere Ballerino becomes a mess when he can't find you in the gym after so long. It gets to the point where he cancels his session with the personal trainer and asks the front desk about you.
Yandere Ballerino immediately whispers your name when the receptionist tells it to him after sliding a hundred dollar bill his way.
Yandere Ballerino walks away after getting what he needs from the receptionist. He grins and repeats your name as if it were his new mantra.
“(Y/N).. (Y/N). *smiles* It suits her.”
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It's been a whole week since he saw you.
Yandere Ballerino has been non stop distracted since he saw you for the first time. Wondering about you keeps him from getting his much needed sleep, focus on staying in shape, practice for the numerous positions and steps of the upcoming shows, and even having his nutrition off balance.
He was becoming obsessed with you and he's never even spoken a word to you.
Yandere Ballerino finally expresses his feelings to his teacher and mentor, desperately needing the advice.
“Teacher.. I don't know what to do! She plagues my mind with every second I'm not near her! I can't even pirouette without thinking about her!”
“Hmm.. and you're serious about this girl?”
“Yes! I only know her name, but she won't leave my head! What am I supposed to do? I can't sleep, I can't eat— I can't even practice right anymore!”
“Find her.”
“Go out into the world and find her. Decan can hold your position for a few days— but nothing longer than a week! After that, if you can't find her, you must forget her.”
“Oh! Thank you, Teacher! I'll make sure I come back in new spirits!”
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Yandere Ballerino constantly searches for your presence everywhere. He went to the malls, the salons, the stores, and even the few parks littered around, but he still couldn't find you.
His spirits were low and the expression on his face said it all; he'd never see you again.
Yandere Ballerino was on his last leg when he walked into a coffee shop and instead of buying a drink, he ended up wearing one.
Just before he could freak out, Yandere Ballerino sees the face of his attacker and instantly melts. It's you! It's (Y/N)! The girl he's been looking for for five days straight! God has finally answered his prayers.
He silently thanks God for what he's gone through to have the two of you meet before hearing the feminine gasp and apologies from the cutie (you) in front of him.
“I am so so sorry, sir! I promise I didn't mean to…”
“It's all right… if you let me take you out for dinner?”
“Ah, um. *blushes deeply and avoids gaze* Me?”
“*smirks* Is there anybody else around who spilled their coffee on my very expensive shirt?”
“I— I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to! I should have been watching where I was going.”
“It's okay cutie.. as long as you agree to meet with me for dinner on.. let's say— Friday?”
“Okay.. *blushes* I'll guess I can go out with you on Friday since I messed up your shirt.”
“Great! Here's my number. I'll text you, (Y/N).”
After receiving your phone number, Yandere Ballerino began sweating bullets, hoping you wouldn't catch his slip up. It was too late now to regret it, so Yandere Ballerino just gives you a dashing smile and strolls right out of the coffee shop without a coffee.
You were too starstruck at his handsome appearance and his tall physique that you didn't catch your name falling from his lips without you speaking it first. You were too happy to finally have a date after so long that you were seeing stars instead of people. Your heart races and your palms are sweaty, but you try not to get ahead of yourself since it's only a date.
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Do NOT steal from my blog. I say this so everyone can enjoy my stories without the hassle of plagiarism or infringement.
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yermes · 27 days
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Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
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The cards
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Gain 🩰
Nine of disks, Venus 2. decan of Virgo, Yesod through earth
The act of being is a delicate act. Yes you need money for you need resources to survive. But at what point does materialist thinking devolve into a vicious cycle of abuse, of your own self and others. At what point does the greed for more eat so much of your brain capacity does it completely destroy you. While it is great to be so fortunate, you must not devolve into the shit.
Dominion 🍁
Two of wands, Mars in the 1. Aries,Chokmah through Fire
Money doesn’t keep you afloat, your will, your ambitions, your creativity. This keeps you afloat. Being crafty, being able to take care of yourself and not being coddled your way to success is something that will walk with you your entire life. This will make the successes you gain that much more sweet, the money will come but elevating your skills is much more valuable.
Prudence ☘️
8 of disks, Sun in the 1. Virgo,Hod through Earth
You cannot move when you are so stingy and prude with yourself and others. None of us are top shelf, the atoms that orient and create us are indifferent to our identity and our worth, we are all the same. The money will not make you more valuable, the matter which creates the universe is indifferent to what you do or do not have.
Hit overtime in two days and I am exhausted
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ghostinthegallery · 8 months
“This isn’t the end” for Tarzyn/Orikan (bonus points for necrontyr era)
Next prompt request! CW for discussion of cancer/oncological stuff.
The ink pot shattered when it hit the floor, spilling a pool of black across the stone tiles. Trazyn cursed, began reaching down to pick up the ceramic remains, but his long sleeve caught the edge of the paper on which he had been writing. That fell too, landing in the dark puddle. Ink saturated the page, erasing hours of calligraphic work.
”Damn it,” Trazyn swore. “Damn it, damn it, damn it!”
Most of his blasphemy was not towards the ruined page, although that was frustrating. No, primarily he cursed at his hand which refused to stop shaking. 
“It will only get worse, I am afraid,” the oncomancer had said. “Motor function will fail first.”
First, which implied something else had to fail second. Trazyn tried to forget the whole conversation as he grabbed a rag to clean his mess. It was well past midnight, so he could not summon a servant to deal with this. He had come to the palace’s library this late specifically for privacy. So that no one would see the difficulty he had holding a pen or a brush. He wanted to be able to take his time, wait out the tremors and maybe finish some of his work before he—
“Having some difficulty, old man?”
Trazyn’s heart sank. Of course if anyone had to see him like this, hunched on his knees, turquoise robes stained with black splotches it would be him.
”Orikan.” Trazyn sat up, tucked his hand into his sleeve to hide its quivering. “You’re up awfully late. Are the stars going to tell you about the weather next decan? Or perhaps some scion has asked to pick out their most auspicious marriage prospect? I hear you’ve become quite an adept matchmaker lately.”
Orikan’s brow wrinkled in annoyance, disturbing the single eye tattooed across his forehead. There were other such marks, cryptek nonsense, scrawled like tears down his cheeks, around his neck, and along his arms. Those were the only ones Trazyn had seen, though he imagined there were more, hidden under the white and blue robes draped loosely over Orikan’s frame.
”You lords are a petty sort,” Orikan said. “That I am forced to indulge you is a trial, but one well worth it given the benefits to my actual work. And at least I am not stuck copying old poetry like some temple scribe.”
Normally, Trazyn would have come up with some retort. Pointed out that he was in fact reproducing the last illustrated copy of the The Book of Sixes, the earliest recorded example of necrontyr poetry written in hexameter. And Orikan would have rolled his eyes and they would have argued until some other scholar came and shushed them, but tonight Trazyn could hardly summon the will to speak at all. 
“Perhaps it is a waste of time,” he said, looking at the ink-soaked page. “When one doesn’t even know how much time is left.”
“I see old age has made you melancholy,” Orikan scoffed.
Trazyn did not feel as if he had been alive enough to be called old. Just a handful of decades. How could that be considered old? The Old Ones, damn them, had lived millennia and more. They were old. Not him. 
He had outlived so many of his contemporaries and still it was not enough. 
“You will no doubt be thrilled to hear that barring unexpected circumstances you will be the victor in our rivalry,” Trazyn said. “I will not be able to defend myself from the tomb.”
“Stop raving.” Orikan walked past the shelves of datascrolls and paper manuscripts to stand over him. “I always did suspect the sun was taking your wits.”
”Not my wits just yet.” Trazyn lifted his hand and let the silk fall away to reveal his trembling fingers. 
Orikan’s eyes went wide. “What is this?”
“They say the sun attacks the limbs of the worker, the heart of the warrior, and the brain of a scholar..” Trazyn let out a bark of mirthless laughter. “The oncomancers say the larger turmor is growing against the nerve center governing voluntary muscle function. That will go first. Once I can barely move, my memory will likely desert me next, then speech, and then—”
To Trazyn’s shock, Orikan dropped to his knees. He seized Trazyn’s quivering hand, tightening his grip until it was almost painful. Dark ink soaked the diviner’s white robe.
“Coward,” Orikan hissed. “You think you can escape our conflict so easily? A martyr, taken in his prime by sunsickness. How convenient for you.”
Despair shifted into anger. “I did not develop a brain tumor to spite you, astromancer,” Trazyn snapped. “Nor can I will it away.” His breath hitched. “I am going to die. I am going to die soon, with so much left unfinished.”
“You are not going to die.” Orikan leaned forward, dropped his voice so low Trazyn struggled to hear him. 
“Is that what the stars tell you?” Trazyn said. “I fear they’ve deceived you.”
“You are not going to die,” Orikan repeated. “None of us are.”
The scent of perfumed incense filled Trazyn’s nose. Orikan always smelled of incense and clean night air. It was one of the most irritating things about him. He was uncouth, uncultured, abrasive, spiteful. And brilliant. Tenacious. Beautiful. Half of the time Trazyn wasn’t sure if he wanted to strangle him or—
“Orikan—” Trazyn began.
Orikan grabbed the beaded front of Trazyn’s robe and yanked him forward. Their lips crashed together. The kiss took him off guard, but he did not pull away, even as the force of it pressed painfully against his teeth. The warmth of Orikan’s mouth, the taste of him, drove out all other thoughts. For a brief second he forgot anger and despair and death.
”What do you mean,” he muttered against Orikan’s lips. “None of us will die?”
”The Silent King has a plan,” Orikan replied, wrapping his hand around Trazyn’s neck, deepening the next kiss. “He has found the power to take the secrets of immortality denied to us. He has asked me to read the plan’s future, but he is sure it will work. And when it does…” Orikan looked into Trazyn’s eyes, his gaze piercing and green. “This isn’t the end. Don’t you dare leave me or let that damned tumor take you because this is not the end.”
“Why Orikan,” Trazyn said. “I didn’t realize you cared.”
“I care about proving once and for all that you are a vainglorious fool.” Orikan huffed. “I cannot do that if you retreat into death.”
Trazyn pressed his hand against Orikan’s cheek, drew him back into another kiss. More gentle this time. 
“I’d best survive until then,” Trazyn said.
His knees hurt from being forced against the stone floor, but Trazyn did not care. There was always a little pain when it came to Orikan. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself without it.
It seemed too good to be true. An end to death, to suffering, all the time Trazyn could ever want. Alongside a rival who would ensure not a single moment of immortality was dull. He was not sure he believed it. Coming from anyone else he would have considered it madness. But this was Orikan. The stargazer was a fool in many ways, but in this moment, Trazyn believed him.
For the first time in years, Trazyn felt true hope. This would not be the end. Not of him. Not of his work. Not of the necrontyr. 
And, as Orikan dragged him up from the floor with a strength that belied his slender frame, Trazyn realized this was not the end of their night together either.
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scarscannotbereplaced · 3 months
Scorpio rising men are intense, magnetic, and powerful, with each decan bringing its own set of nuances and influences. Here’s the no bullshit breakdown:
First Decan (0°-10° Scorpio) - Mars Influence
Planetary Influence: Mars
Sign Influence: Scorpio
Good Themes:
Intensity and Drive: These guys are fueled by an insatiable hunger for success and domination. They don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
Magnetic Presence: Their sheer presence demands respect. They walk into a room and heads turn.
Determination: Relentless and unstoppable. If they set a goal, they’re gonna bulldoze through any obstacle in their way.
Darker Themes:
Aggression: That intensity can tip over into outright aggression. They’re not afraid to fight, and they fight to win, no matter the cost.
Possessiveness: Everything and everyone they care about is theirs. They’ll go to extreme lengths to protect what they see as theirs.
Destructive Tendencies: When crossed, they don’t forgive and forget. They aim to annihilate their enemies, scorched earth style.
Second Decan (10°-20° Scorpio) - Jupiter Influence
Planetary Influence: Jupiter
Sign Influence: Pisces
Good Themes:
Visionary: These men see the big picture and have the foresight to plan long-term. They’re strategists.
Generous: When they’re loyal to you, they’ll give everything they’ve got. They’re the kind of guys who’ll back you up, no questions asked.
Wisdom: They’ve got an almost prophetic understanding of the world and can see through bullshit from a mile away.
Darker Themes:
Self-Righteousness: They can be arrogant as fuck, believing their way is the only way.
Manipulative: They’re skilled at bending situations and people to their will without anyone even noticing.
Escapism: When shit hits the fan, they might drown their sorrows in booze, drugs, or any other vice to escape reality.
Third Decan (20°-30° Scorpio) - Moon Influence
Planetary Influence: Moon
Sign Influence: Cancer
Good Themes:
Emotional Depth: These men have a profound understanding of their own emotions and those of others. They can be surprisingly empathetic and nurturing.
Loyalty: When they commit, they’re all in. Their loyalty is unwavering and fierce.
Intuition: They’ve got a sixth sense that guides them. They know things without needing to be told, making them excellent at reading people and situations.
Darker Themes:
Moodiness: They can be moody as hell, swinging from one extreme to another. It’s a rollercoaster, and not the fun kind.
Paranoia: Trust issues galore. They’re always suspicious, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Manipulation: They know how to play on emotions and can twist and turn feelings to suit their needs, often leaving others feeling used.
General Traits for Scorpio Rising Men
• Magnetism: Regardless of the decan, Scorpio rising men exude a magnetic charm. People are drawn to them, sometimes against their better judgment.
• Power Play: They thrive in situations where they can exert power and influence. Whether in business, relationships, or personal goals, they aim to dominate.
• Secrecy: They keep their cards close to their chest. You’ll never know their full story, and that’s how they like it.
• Sexual Energy: There’s a raw, almost primal sexual energy about them. They’re intense lovers and know how to use their sexuality to their advantage.
To sum it up, Scorpio rising men are forces to be reckoned with. They’re powerful, determined, and capable of both great generosity and great destruction. They live by their own rules and don’t give a damn about what others think. If you’re in their inner circle, they’ll protect you fiercely. Cross them, and you’ll regret it.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Rehael - 3 Swords Talon Abraxas
Shem Angel 39 Rehael is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Reh-Heh-Ah. The name means God Who Forgives, Quickly Forgiving God or God Who Receives Sinners. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Powers, under the rulership of Archangel Camael aka Chamuel. Rehael is the Angel of Healing and Submission. He helps us turn negative energy into positive and transmutes any wonky power dynamics, especially in relationships between children and fathers. The crystal to invoke this Angel is rose quartz.
Rehael rules the time between 12:40 and 13:00 but you can invoke him whenever you need his assistance. He primarily rules the dates 4-8 October, corresponding with the 3 of Swords covering the first five days of the second decan of Libra. Yeiazel is the angel corresponding with the final five days of the second decan of Libra. Secondary rulership for Reahel covers 15 February, 29 April, 9 July, 26 September, and 7 December.
Rehael and the 3 of Swords The 3 of Swords (Saturn in Libra) is a card of heartache and isolation. Saturn is the stern authoritarian and can represent any authority figure in our lives, our own father or the inner stern critic (inner voice of the father). However, Saturn is exalted in Libra which means that this card represents an opportunity for deep heart healing and restoration of harmony in any relationship where there is a question of authority and submission.
The 3 of Swords is, in one sense, the card of the prodigal child who returns to the loving arms of his father after breaking both his/her own heart and the heart of his/her father. But it can also represent a parent who alienates his/her children by the use of excessive disciplinarian measures and cruelty.
If you feel hard done by because your birthday falls under the flag of one of the least popular Minor Arcana cards, bear in mind these words by Rumi: ‘The wound is the place where the Light enters you.’
By engaging fully in your own healing, you become a great light for others who may be struggling. This is especially true if you are afflicted by mental health problems. Your superpower is to completely be able to reprogram negative subconscious thoughts into positive ones. Your other superpower is to heal deeply problematic relationships where most would just give up and walk away.
Reh-Heh-Ah Mantra
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magistralucis · 4 months
it's not like I really needed to visit you anyway ( ˶•̀ _•́ ˶) [Trazyn/Orikan snippet]
(Excerpt from the second chapter of Viridian. Set during a past sequence, the major turning point of their relationship - Trazyn invites Orikan to his home for the first time, and Orikan agrees hesitantly, not knowing what wonders await him in Solemnace. At this time he's running hot and cold towards Trazyn, about 90% tsun and 10% dere, though this will change soon. 😌
This is one of the only SFW passages I could quote from the chapter fhhghghg)
Orikan gazed at him warily under the veil as he approached, noting the lord was dressed more ceremonially than the usual. "What do you want?"
Trazyn beamed back at him, manifestly joyful. "I am soon to be the Overlord of Solemnace."
"Congratulations?" Trazyn had not previously spent time at Solemnace, as far as the Diviner knew, nor was Solemnace especially known among the Nihilakh. Orikan had no idea what he was going to do there, nor what kind of demesne he would shape. "About time you acted your age. Became responsible."
Whatever he was up to, it was about a decade overdue. Trazyn's two older brothers had ruled their own realms almost as soon as they'd come of age, yet the lord archivist had waited close to his thirtieth year to take up his inheritance; an act of supreme sloth, or perhaps hubris, since merely surviving to that age was a privilege denied to many necrontyr. "You'll miss my whimsy when it's gone, I'll warrant." The overlord chuckled, and Orikan gave him an incredulous look. "The man I am will not be so affected by material differences, as hard as it may be to believe. But why not see for yourself? My palace is still being built, but would you care to visit me at Solemnace when it's done?"
"I neither care nor care not!" Orikan huffed - but deep down, he was intrigued. It helped that around that time he had moved up significantly within the Sautekh court, and his anxiety had increased alongside the honour, as if he'd been forced to creep above thin ice. Suddenly going abroad for a while seemed like a fair idea, even just for a breather, for his dynasty was a vicious one and he liked to plan ahead.
But for that to happen Solemnace must be finished, and moreover, Trazyn had to be serious about wanting him there. And while he'd softened towards Trazyn, he did not fully trust him, not half as far as he could throw the overlord. For two seasons Orikan's lack of faith persisted - until one clear day in the heart of springtime, he was greeted by a messenger at the temple gates. Not a cryptek, but a Nihilakh groundskeeper, who walked with undaunted pleasure at the new grounds he'd been given to keep. In his hands he bore a small golden box, and as soon as Orikan saw it he knew the promise was kept, for engraved on top of it was none other than Trazyn's sigil.
Inside it he found two scrolls, a map of Solemnace and an invitation in the lord's own hand. The palace was finished and Trazyn's household had moved in, it said, and if Orikan could spare a decan to visit the overlord would be most honoured. The letter specified nothing else about the nature of Solemnace, which Orikan's heart tried to spin into distrust: it was never for no reason when a noble requested a cryptek's attention. Perhaps, under the guise of leisure, Trazyn wanted his advice. Wanted to sweeten Orikan up for a favour, or simply to show off his riches. Perhaps Trazyn wanted his fortunes read, or that of his people - which Orikan would not be able to do, and would rather die than to admit it and be humiliated. But then again, maybe Trazyn didn't care about those things. It hurt his pride to acknowledge it, but Orikan had little appeal as a true seer in Gheden, for the Nihilakh already had one of those. They might want to see how I measure up against the Yyth Seer, he thought, and heaved a sigh. The Nihilakh never seemed short of anything, not in wealth nor their chronomancer sects, nor the grim head of the Yyth Seer spinning prophecies unknown to outsiders.
He was exhausting himself. If existing next to Trazyn was a headache, he could not even fathom how hard being in Solemnace might be.
But Orikan was no coward. He mulled over it for one day then responded yes. Whatever awaited him might be bad or good, but rejecting a good-faith invitation would definitely not help his standing with the overlord. Besides, Trazyn had made his efforts hard to ignore: the letter itself was beautiful, handwritten on peach-tinted parchment and gilded at the edges. (Trazyn only happened to be the finest scribe among the Eastern dynasties, after all, and perhaps among all necrontyr.) If Orikan was to refuse the intrigue he'd have to write back, and he really did not want to do that, good penmanship had not been a priority at the temple and his handwriting was genuinely very terrible and he did not wish to be mocked. And so, with great reluctance, Orikan gathered together his finest attires and left the following week for Solemnace.
It turned out to be the best decision he'd ever made for himself.
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visiblenostalgia · 5 months
The Future of The Internet: An Intuitive Deep Dive Into The Madness Of Millions
First off: This is gonna be a prediction on such a mass scale. I don't expect anyone to really FULLY pick this up (it is a prediction after all, so it's like throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks). But from what my spirit guides are telling me to do right now, they want me to push this out as far as I can because of the Pluto In Aquarius permanent ingress happens next year. We're all changing for the better and somehow the internet is going to FULLY reflect that. Why am I capitalizing 'fully'? Three of the most mundane planets are influencing this. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The icey planets are changing the paradigm soon and it's gonna flip a whole switch on our digital reality. Kind of like a 'whopping us into some sense' type of way. A rough face slap essentially. Or would it be like a baby giraffe who just arrived and has gotta walk on stubbly legs? Who knows. And because of the current state of hateful and aware affairs.... it looks pretty tribal and yet all too liberating at the same time. Without further ado, more below the cut!! ~ <3
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Now most aren't really too speculative on where the internet started, but with a little research on hand, there have been speculations that the original basis for the internet and how it was programmed in it's "alpha" form, would be around October 29th, 1969. It was mainly a military owned and insider personnel type thing. Used for the benefit of the government to send messages to its military at a faster rate than normally possible at that time. Doesn't help that if we keep it to the basics of the sun being in scorpio (the personification of what 'underbelly' means), and knowing the ruler of that sign being Pluto (which so happens to be in a mercurial/communicative sign, Virgo), insider communication seems to check out perfectly. Setting the precedent of what's to come.
On closer inspection Pluto sat at the last decan of Virgo. Taurus being its sub-ruler. Which brings its slow-notoriety and slow-growth to the public eye.
Because after over a decade, the internet has its "beta" release because of Xerox's more interactive systems. Networks being more common, has brought more information sharing and an ultimate release for IBM systems. The computer went from a government owned invention, to a technological advancement for business and relaying data on stock prices on January 1st 1983. Very much a business incorporated sign for it to be born in, being Capricorn, we look to its ruler Saturn for extra conformation. Again, more notions of privacy and economy come to the internet. It sits once more in Scorpio. Dealing with the 'underbelly' once again. Taking another chance to look at the ruler of the sign Saturn was sitting in, it brings us to Pluto being in Libra. Which libra does deal with connections and solid foundations among people. Agreements and liability. Saturn's exalted sign as well, don't forget.
So the two (Saturn and Pluto) are in mutual reception. Businesses and powers-that-be are in symbiosis despite neighboring one another. Neutralization of any discomfort (which makes me think of a sextile -- a sextile that isn't a sextile at all (man, ping that to your notes about mutual reception hehe)).
Then, when 1984 came around, the Macintosh released the FatMac. Bringing the computer to the Homefront with a 'computer for the rest of us'. A bit of virtue signaling to the future of where computers were ULTIMATELY headed. We love Apple. God bless the genius of Steve Jobs y'all <3 (besides we'll do a whole bit on this at some point the more I think on that). But to bring the internet to the Homefront, coding had to have improved. Which, once more and finally, do we get to the internet "driving down your neighborhood street". It finally comes home on April 30th 1993. A nearly exact opposite to the "alpha" release we discussed all the way at the beginning of this section. This is where the 1.0 phase of the internet comes in. The World Wide Web ("www"). From personal studies on dates I thought were significant, colored blue like this, this day would particularly stick out to be a very Saturn and Moon dominant day. Jupiter being in third. It brings a structural (Saturnian) and personal (Lunar) backdrop to what's coming down later. HTML was released this year as well. Bringing more of an emphasis on that structure. Setting off more of the creativity in some people. In terms of modality, it was Cardinal heavy. Pioneering and brand new. Plus, because of the newness to this invention and the fact that this IS the 1.0 release, it started a... settling the Oregon trail kind of energy.
I know, the connotations of saying that are very dark, but an analogy is an analogy. We colonized the digital space as a human race. And we still do with the sphere of the STILL current invention of Virtual Reality.... lil food for thought..
Let's backtrack to the nineties once more shall we? I'm not done (cause we're only getting started!)
Established and released in November of 1994, this started the wide WIDE reach to have people start their own website. A lot of the energies involved were once again tied to Scorpio. Now beginning to show the Piscean side on top of that. Tying in more creativity and personal-ness to the sites people had made. Capricorn being involved too, enhancing the structure of the internet once again with the infamous release of this digital product.
To make another very similar analogy to American history, the internet has brought a sense of decentralized-ness. Or, if we were going to use a more 'american-historical' term, it was a 'confederation of sites'. No big central power to the way in which it worked. Even if you had search engines. It was all of the people who made them.
To make an astrological connection to this, Saturn (structure and now coding), was in Aquarius. A sign dedicated to the underdog and smaller man. The 'we-the-people' kind of energy that we see now with Pluto in Aquarius in 2024.
God had blessed the United States back then am I right?
Time flies and now we land on the date December 17th 1996. CSS and coding for the 'look' of a website makes itself a lot more accessible and easier for people to grasp. Better yet, it was a tool released for the folks willing to enhance usability and design for their digital experience at the time.
The energies on that date were relatively splashed. Nothing too significant. And with my synesthesia, the one thing that comes to mind when someone says 'splash' is paint and iridescence. Bringing more of that emphasis on the freedom to design and enhance a users experience in the personality of sites that were created. By 1996 though, Pluto has finally reached Sagittarius! GEN Z REIGN SUPREME (despite our never-ending depression we'll get through it though I promise you that)!! Again, igniting that need to bring a sense of adventure. More people start to join the online space. With Saturn at zero Aries by this day (structures in detriment and a new Saturn cycle sadly), there's a theme of freshness and the slates wiped. So, again, more pioneering and newness. Hell. This is where Saturn and Pluto are in trine with one another. And if the powers-that-be externally meet up in harmony like this, oh you know it's gooooooddd.
The golden age of the internet begins.
Although started with water, invert the alchemical triangle to the upright position..... and alchemy begins to take shape. so to say~
Alrighty! We made it to the y2k movement pre-2000s. color was all the rage thanks to CSS and HTML makes it much more possible to code ones own sites. The tools continue to evolve and become more advanced. Not to mention the commodified Windows 95 and 98 experience was well underway this year, and Macintosh brought in Mac OS by this point. I mean... do you see this absolutely gorgeous graphics on both of them????
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(even though they were rivals, they both had a lovely look to them)
what comes next after these years? 1999 of course! A BIG PROPRIETOR FOR 2.0
Geocities get's acquired by Yahoo! (January 28th 1999): This day was huge with a lot of energies being torn between Taurus and Aquarius (yet, I see the contrasting energies actually quite beneficial to one another). Most of the Taurus comes from the degrees in which some of the planets were situated (using degree theory as a base for this). But the contrast on both has fixed earth and fixed air. Some would say it's because the detached and logical energy of Aquarius doesn't get the slow to grow and traditional ways of life side of Taurus, but I see them coexisting. Like how fog creates the dew in grass on those very revitalizing yet calm 'last days of school' that you may have experienced. Take what resonates as usual. If it doesn't es fine. But it's foggy air, calm winds and the dew sitting on cool crisp grass. It's a good mix. Hell one could say it's Venus and Uranus working together. A wonderful (Venusian) surprise (Uranian) to the collective. Hell it made Geocities far more accessible because of Yahoo being a rising name in the internet search engine space.
HTML 4.01 (December 1999) Maybe it was an attempt to absolve the 'y2k' bug, maybe it wasn't. But what it DID bring, was more unanimity to the eventual structure of the internet. The Taurus-Aquarius energies are still prominent, yet it was slightly different with Jupiter at 25º of Aries. Doubling up on Aries energy since 25º Aries is on an Ariean degree. So, more luck in pioneering more sites for more online adventures. Saturn in particular was in 11º Taurus (in the Aquarian degree) when the released occured this month. Bringing more of that 'stability' aspect to the freedom to code. And then the outer planets were set in Aquarius to Taurus degrees. Except for Pluto..... Sagittarius 10º.... Capricorn degree. This was gonna lead to success either way.
So, what else? We made it to 2000. And 2.0 was at its time. It brought such big risers like YouTube, Facebook and MySpace this decade. Geocities continues to be used and with that, there was more of an emphasis on respect for what people brought to the online space.
It of course raised the question about living double lives and with the invention of proto-social media, personas slowly begin to fall. Eventually there's more real-life integration and an 'everyone in' type energy because of Pluto in Sagittarius destroyed the boundaries of intercontinental travel with the advent of speaking to someone on the other side of the planet with your PC. Fucking wild shit man.
Soon, the 2010's approach. Windows 8 is soon to release in the next few years
.... it brings us to another component.
2013 - Neocities
The indie web. An alternative to Geocities because it used HTML4.whatever at this point. Evolution is pretty hard to pay attention to when you're tryin' to write a whole thing on the history of how we function on the web; just to prove a point.
Before we go on about the astrology of such, this year also marks a turning point in the internet. I personally see this as the seed for delusion and craze. Social media starts to make our real life selves more noticeable. Sure, it enhanced communication to an even MORE personal level. But, the internet was highly synthetic and had fictional tones. So, the homogenization begins with bringing those same sites who were rising stars in the 2.0 era, into the current state of affairs. They became big conglomerates. Years continue with them starting to implement ad-revenue systems, stock exchange and other such money-power-lucrative systems that the newly ingressed Pluto in Capricorn is willing to expose. By 2019, geocities is completely shut down. Personality has been swiped away in trade of Wix's dull and corporate look.
Back to my point, a secret stem to this internet begins to slowly form. Neocities.
June 28th 2013
Because this site is a major nostalgia revamp, its ultimate goal of replicating and replacing the former private-on-public-server brethren has since reached its goal today. Look to Tumblr and you notice the culture if you throw in the hashtag for it. Most people don't notice since they're too busy protesting thanks to Neptune in Pisces being our current cycle. Yet, when you want to leave the homogenized internet for something a little more personal and free to your own designs, then this would be your ticket. But it's gonna take effort to code a site.
Much like it takes effort to build a home, this release has a slight pull toward more of a water dominant presence. Bringing the full story of privacy and personality full front and center. But, because of the addition of fire in its chart, there's a lot of support for the freedom to adventure out and stand out. So, Fire and Water heavy.
It's best to work in short bursts. But put your ALL into it when you can/do.
With the advent of Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, and Pluto in Aquarius being on the precipice of what's to come, I think there'd be point where the homogenization of the internet is going to be too much to bear. I'm not trying to make this an eventual doomscroll, but don't you feel like the internet is kinda..... dying? Do we really need AI? Do we really need Bitcoin? Do we reallyyyy need this or that or anything to digitally exist other than just a little taste of our souls? I see a split (fracture) and a break.
if push comes to shove and we DON'T regulate AI or make it so where it's NOT subscribe able and it's a free service (i.e. we teach people the ways of building these mechanisms and make it easier to do so), then the internet is gonna split.
You'll have social media (the first one in the group), suddenly fall. The toxic nature could start to die down and become less and less significant as we get around to moderating our use. Respect could come back this way, but with the advent of that, it's the responsibility that comes with using the internet. Being careful with what you put out and more needs to teach digital literacy at a younger audience.
Fandom could take a slight hit because of this. Having a full-circle experience of everything I had to know about what it means to be in one, from being banned, blocked to accepted and loved, as well as the arguments over logistical means in a fictional world (which by the way Neptune in Pisces loves to blend reality with the incomprehensible imagination and raw emotions we get). Antiship and Proship wars too. (That's also gonna be something I wish to talk about with my Neptune in Aries predictions) But because of the 'digital literacy' clause and intent of stuff stated above, it'll take a slight hit where fandom may have a more respectful way of saying or doing such and so. Silent blocks, DNI alerts, the usual that we're so encompassed to.
Other than that: Forums or modified forums become the norm as we revert to a more personal and open lifestyle with the digital space. Doxxing and callouts will still happen, yet I feel as a greater disdain and utter repulsion for it could occur. All of this could be known as ADAPTATION for some. Better yet, true RESPECT.
If push comes to shove and the internet space begins to get a little too dicey and personal, basically making it more of that TRIBAL sense of finding your people (not to mention it starts to also devolve to where there's cases of subconscious levels of aggression and too many 'what-if's' being thrown around -- i.e. assumptions, accusations and subliminal hate), then something out there or somewhere is gonna completely tear apart the fabric of the internet. For a bleak example: a foreign country hacks into our digital region. Our VPN.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars rules knives and seperations. Wars. If Neptune rules over the subconscious over everyone, this could bring about primal actions on a structure like this.
! not to mention that Saturn (code, structure), conjuncts with Neptune (dissolution and dissolving/illusions and spiritual destiny)... and Aries is known for the anger and drive that it has......
we could revert back to a 1.0 like state of mind. Addictions to social media will have huge withdrawals. Attention and clout chasing will get worse outside of that, and it just straight up becomes a crime.
One thing's for certain. We learn a lesson of being careful to not put our personal information out there. .... but that break gives a chance for the proto-web to come back. Hyper-personalization and drive to keep it within chat services like Discord could become even more so the norm or remain as they are. HTML 6 could come out and bringing the retro look with offline capabilities to the public. So as long as we're careful not to once again put our information out there, then that might bring us to once again let the people shine. The key theme with the break is RESTART.
I apologize if it did seem bleak or aggressive. It’s what I channeled and like I said, if you don’t resonate with it, don’t have to worry about it. 🧘✨ my last couple of statements before we close this off with resources, and one is gonna sound a lot like Smokey The Bear.
Care will prevent the destruction of our exchange in ideas and communication. Only YOU can prevent the 'break'. so let's strive for a 'split' alright? ~visiblenostalgia
and then there's something one of my professors had admitted.
"We have more information than ever, but we're more uninformed than ever."
and a small song before I really tie this up.
love you guys <3
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balancedearthylioness · 6 months
🃏 Introduction to Decan Walk 🃏
What is a Decan Walk?
The decan walk is a technique that focuses on the 36 minor arcana cards (2-10 of each suit) and their astrological correspondences. Each card corresponds to a 10-degree segment of the zodiac, known as a decan. By tracking the sun's movement through these decans, you can connect the energy of the corresponding tarot card to your personal experiences.
🌟 Using Decan Walk with Natal and Progressed Charts 🌟
1️⃣ Natal Chart:Your natal chart represents your birth chart and provides a snapshot of the celestial bodies' positions when you were born. Overlaying the decan walk onto your natal chart allows you to understand how the energy of each tarot card may manifest in different areas of your life based on the houses.
2️⃣ Progressed Chart: A progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves over time. By incorporating the decan walk into your progressed chart, you can explore the shifting energies and experiences you encounter as you grow and change.
🌕 Decan Walk Activities 🌕
- Journaling: Reflect on the themes of each decan and how they relate to your life.
- Meditations: Focus on the energy of the corresponding tarot card for each decan.
**Personal Growth**
- Study: Research the tarot cards associated with each decan to deepen your understanding.
- Shadow Work: Address any personal challenges or blocks that arise during each decan.
- Art: Create art or crafts inspired by the tarot cards and their corresponding decans.
- Writing: Write poetry, stories, or affirmations based on the themes of each decan.
- Altar: Create a dedicated altar for each decan with corresponding crystals, herbs, and symbols.
- Ritual Baths: Take ritual baths aligned with the energy of each decan.
- Candle Magic: Perform candle magic using colors and intentions corresponding to each decan.
- Group Discussions: Participate in online or in-person discussions about the Decan Walk experience.
- Collaborative Projects: Work with others on creative projects or rituals for each decan.
Engage in these activities throughout the Decan Walk to deepen your connection with the tarot and the astrological influences of each decan.
🔥 First Decan of Aries (0-10 degrees): 2 of wands
As we just wrapped up the first decan of Aries, we embrace the ambitious and pioneering energy of the Two of Wands. in the following post i will share my experiences with the first 19 days (degrees) of the astrological new year.
🌙 Stay tuned for updates, and remember to explore the magic of tarot in your daily life! 🌙
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santoschristos · 4 months
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Sun in Gemini I
Gemini decan 1 are high in passion which is unusual for such a geeky sign, but this is due to the emotional Hyades and lusty Pleiades. They are also passionate about what they believe in, but because they also have been ‘appointed by God’, they can also be incredibly arrogant. Having God’s Soldier here is all very well, but its volatile energy could turn the Aldebaran glory into gory, if the subject gets too big for his boots.
Austin Coppock calls this decan ‘The Apple Of Eden’ which is very appropriate for a decan so keen on knowledge and wisdom. But Austin warns that “Those who walk this face may be similarly paralysed by the sheer abundance of knowledge possible. No being could take in and process the amount of information the world provides.” [1] He also makes the point of twins, duality being associated with binary numbers.
Binary code makes computing possible which is just so Gemini. He goes on to say that “The mind powerful in the art of analysis bisects the soul, initialising the realisation of its dual nature. Alive with spirits of both light and darkness, day and night, the revelation of dual-being shatters the unity of experience. The devil and angel exist within one body, one soul.”
The “Good V Evil’ duality of Gemini is strong here not just because it is the Gemini decan, but mainly because of Aldebaran’s dragon-slaying tendency. As St Michael, god’s first soldier, he is, therefore, the chief slayer of all things Satanic.
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” --Carl Jung
Geminis belong to the mutable group, making them natural shapeshifters in any situation, and as an air sign, they love to learn and socialize.
Image: Gemini From The Zodiac Series by Jake Baddeley
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l3xistentialism · 11 months
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LIBRA III 😴 | who woulda thought a 9th house transit could be so chaotic. I’m putting a lot of things to rest at the end of this season. Mindsets, relationships, shit that doesn’t suit or serve my highest good. I put a lot of mental energy into situations that I should just let play out naturally. My anxious brain will get it one day. I’m a fast learner but a slow adapter apparently. The upcoming eclipse in Taurus is already showing its ass & I just have to let things play out how they will. Letting go of expectation & just allowing myself to ride the frequency.
Thank you DC, thank you Thundercat, Coco & Breezy 😎
Here’s to me dominating while Mars, Mercury & the Sun ignite my 10th House 🦂
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*Dr. Flug and Decan walking into the staff bathroom*
Dr. Flug: I don't get it, Decan. How could you have possibly lost your shoes and it- *notices that one of the toilet bowls is overfilled*
Oh my God! What's wrong with the toilet!?
Decan: Looks clogged
Dr. Flug: What the hell, I just had these all in perfect working condition!
Decan: It must be my shoes.
Dr. Flug: Your shoes? What're you talking about??
Decan: Well... when I said I lost my shoes, I didn't mean I didn't know where they WERE. Just that they were GONE
Decan: It's an anxiety thing, Flug! Everyone's moving so fast all of a sudden, it freaks me out! Flushing things gives me control! It's a thing!
Dr. Flug: That's not a thing!
Decan: It's a thing!
Dr. Flug: It's not a thing! I've never heard of that thing! Alright, I gotta take them out.
(Yeah, out of everyone in black hat organizations, Dr. Flug is the one who's most annoyed by Decan's stupidity and weird ways of coping with stress and anxiety. He pretty much hates Decan more than Dementia for that)
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readingsbylibramc · 4 months
birth chart reading for @withallthingslove
hello! welcome to your reading. l'm gonna give you a quick overview of what l'm going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn't clear, of course. you'll find out your dominants' influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits' analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. saturn has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around understanding your feelings, your life purpose, your potential and emotional growth. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, financial life and also your self-esteem, your perception of yourself and your life.
your dominant planets are the sun, mercury and neptune. you are probably quite creative, or at least you have a passion for creative outlets; you may like music, reading, cooking, etc. you may be a trendsetter among your peers, or you may even become pretty well-known in your field. you are very sensitive and empathic, it comes natural for you to understand and absorb others' feelings. as a result, you might be quite introverted, you get tired easily when in social contexts.
your dominant sign is pisces. you're a genuine, caring person who loves daydreaming. it's a sort of way to escape reality, but it gives you an enormous amount of creativity. you also possess a strong intuition, which can make you have a sort of sixth sense.
your dominant element is earth. you're a loyal and stable individual. you value longevity in your relationships, and that makes you quite picky. you can easily appear as cold, as opening up to someone you don't know well is too much of a risk for you. once you do, though, you'll stay forever. money and material possessions are important for you, as you understand that financial stability is one of the main qualifications in life.
🌎 ascendant in aries, 15° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
your approach to the world is spontaneous, you don't like thinking before acting. you don't really do this with malice, though; you're just very honest. even though you appear really confident to others, you may find yourself feeling a little insecure. that comes from the fact that you're a perfectionist, even though you want to be perfect to show it to others rather than for yourself. hence, you feel pressured. even though you may appear as rude, once you get to know someone you truly care about you're willing to control yourself, just for them. that's how far you'd go for someone you love. physically, aries risings are usually very fast, active and athletic in general. you may walk fast, and you have quick reflexes. aries are fit; even if they're overweight, their body will still look good, with a nice and toned structure. you may have strong, almost masculine features: thin lips, thick eyebrows and lashes, broad shoulders, sharp nose... you also have a very provocative look in your eyes, making them magnetic too.
aries ascendant opposite libra mars: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. this manifests both in your face and in your words. you could say things impulsively, and sometimes you're too blunt and hurt people's feelings. you don't do it on purpose, though, there's no malice behind your acts; it's just your natural way to express your opinions. on the other hand, you probably have a very strong charisma to you that makes you look very captivating and bold. people see you as a leader, and hence they could get intimidated by your presence. to cope with this placement, you can try controlling yourself and your words before speaking. I'm aware that it's a way to vent your anger, but you can find another way that doesn't hurt others.
🌞 sun in leo, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by the sun and jupiter
just like the sun, you shine brightly. you're confident, independent, brave and friendly. you're the only who can handle your life, no one can tell you who you are, what you want or what you need. sometimes you can get insecure, as you feel pressured to always be perfect. you try to be nice and kind to everyone, as you don't wanna be seen as someone unpleasant to be with. even though you may be into gossip and rumors, you try to avoid being involved with them at every cost. the thing with leo is, you're either loved or hated. no inbetween. some may admire your confidence, assertiveness and determination, others may be jealous of you. you have celebrity-like presence, you don't go overlooked. you're most probably the life of the party, and you enjoy living a life full of fun and amusement. you're also amazingly creative. with your heavy leo influence, you have the potential to do and achieve whatever you want, you're very resolute. even though you look very open to getting to know new people, you're secretly very picky about who you call your friends, or even when choosing a partner. you always try to be perfect, and hence you want someone that looks and tries just like you do.
leo sun conjunct leo venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, unless they start getting on your nerves by disagreeing with your opinions or being too bossy. you’re very feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity, especially with your leo placements. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
leo sun square scorpio pluto: probably during your childhood you couldn't make your own decisions. you might have been highly influenced by someone in your family, probably your father, and hence now you feel the need to have everything under control. maybe too much. you despise authority, you may even quite rebellious. maybe your parents have tried to convince you following their religion, ideals etc., without giving you freedom. or perhaps, they are overprotective and avoid to make you have experiences. I imagine that getting rid of your control issues, which are caused by this sense of not being in control of your life, may be the first step to finally heal your wound, which is somehow linked to the relationship with your friends and casual partners in your everyday life. start trusting others more, and don't be afraid of being 'fooled'. you're totally capable of understanding when someone is trying to hurt you, follow your intuition. even though it may be hard, even painful, it'll be the key to transform and overcome pluto's lessons to achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in pisces, 20° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
you're extremely empathetic and sensitive, you care a lot about others and you treat others' problems as if they were yours, you get totally immersed in them. you have quite a vivid imagination, you're able to idealize and picture anything you want. while this placement gives you an incredible amount of creativity, it can also make you uncomfortable. in fact, you may actually find yourself imagining every detail of every situation, even the worst ones. let's suppose you hear of a rape at the news; you literally start imagining the scene detail by detail, and it makes you extremely uncomfortable. actually, it literally ruins your mood, as it's as if you actually lived that scene. going back to the creativity matter, you have the soul of an artist; you have very enhanced emotions, and you're able to express them through artistic outlets. you could be amazing at writing poetry, books, art, music... also, your particular empathy of human's intellect can also make you an amazing psychologist or actress, as you're able to understand others' feelings and make them your own. you're extremely spiritual, and if you don't feel like that, you just have yet to have your spiritual awakening. you may be able to talk to spirits, for example, or perhaps you have very meaningful dreams. or maybe, you could literally predict the future through them. you're also most probably an avid daydreamer, you tend to get distracted easily because you're too busy thinking about random scenarios in your head. seriously, you could even make a movie out of them. you're also an hopeless romantic, and you dream of finding not just your spouse, but your literal soulmate. to make it simple, you want all of your daydreams to become reality.
pisces moon conjunct pisces saturn: you tend to hide your emotions under a severe, strict mask. the way you approach others is influenced by your sense of defensiveness, making you lack genuinity. this comes from a fear of intimacy and dealing with your inner, deeper self. it's like you're hiding from your own emotions, so of course you will never be able to express them properly if you're not aware of them. to learn saturn’s lessons, you need to overcome your trust issues. find someone you truly trust and open up to them; it’s only a small step, but once you become more comfortable with someone else, you’ll start feeling better in your own shoes too, trust me.
🗣️ mercury in virgo, 5° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible. you may have an elegant, yet neat handwriting. your voice probably sounds very calm and collected, yet you don’t have any problems speaking at a louder tone.
virgo mercury square sagittarius jupiter: this placement emphasizes your intellect. your mind is so broad that you can come up with different theories and philosophies, making you a sort of genius. you're probably good at memorizing things, and you could even have a photographic memory. yet, with this aspect, you may have trouble being consistent with your ideas. you may overestimate your needs and thoughts; for example, you may promise yourself to get all As in maths, then you get tired and bored and you end up getting Cs. same goes for your handwriting, for example: you may start writing in the best way possible, then you get lazy and end up writing in a sloppy way just to take notes. you also overthink a lot, and that causes you self-esteem issues. on the other hand, you're very open-minded and objective, as you look at the big picture. you'd do very well as a journalist, for example, or perhaps also as a judge of any kind. you may also be naturally skilled at foreign languages, you can mimic accents pretty well. you're probably also very poetic and / or wise, you're like a teacher for your friends.
❤️ venus in leo, 17° / 2nd decan ruled by the sun and jupiter
with leo venus you're very picky, as you have high expectations for your future partner. you always try to be at your best state, and you want those who surround you to be perfect too. it's hard for you to fall for someone, as you take everything in consideration: personality, physical appearance, fashion sense... it may look like it is too much, but once you find the right one that truly satisfies your standards, you're in for a long ride. you'll want to travel, live your life in the best way possible with the person you love. you look at them as if they were the brighest star in the sky, and you want to be seen like this as well. you may even be a bit clingy, but your partner needs to be aware of that. they can't repress your need for affection. you see love as a way to revive your inner child, you feel younger when you're in love. even though you want someone fun and outgoing, you also need someone ambitious, hard-working and generally serious when it comes to committing. there's no room in your life for flaky people.
☄️ mars in libra, 13° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and uranus
there’s this stereotype that libra mars people are passive-aggressive. it may be true, but only partially. in fact, you try to avoid conflicts exclusively when you’re in public, or maybe with someone you don’t know well. in that case, you can eventually try to avoid the problem. with people you’re close to, you’re pretty much the opposite. you may say the worst things that you probably don’t even mean, you may even have the istinct to throw hands. you’re driven by a strong sense of justice, and you probably were the class’ snitch during daycare/primary school. you also strive for equality, hence you may get very defensive when it comes to proving your innocence, or just really anyone’s. overall, you’re a fair person with strong morals, who acts based on the situation you’re in.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in aries. you fulfill your ego through your actions and willpower. you always try to live your life to the fullest, with no regrets. you prefer trying and getting hurt rather than regretting it. you're extremely passionate about everything you do. you probably also find your confidence in your ideas, love life and even looks! even though at first, you probably had problems embracing your true identity, possibly because of your family. with the ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house, you are probably known for your habits: you may have a strict routine, like a skincare, a workout routine, haircare routine etc. that makes something about you noticeable. you may be known for your work ethic.
your 2nd house is in taurus. you have the ability to recognize value in everything you see and own, from material things to relationships. on a downside, this could make you a bit too materialistic. venus, the ruler of this house, is in the 5th house; your confidence may depend too much on your material possessions (clothes, shoes etc.), finances or on your love life. you like spending money for your appearance, as you enjoy taking care of your looks. you also finding yourself engaing in casual dates often, you're not too strict with your love life, you prefer having fun and going with the flow.
your 3rd house is in gemini. you adore communicating and getting to know new people. you enjoy learning new things, and you're probably skilled at a variety of things thanks to this placement. you may have the tendency to procrastinate, though, so be careful about that. on the other hand, you also have the ability to see the big picture, hence you're quite good at giving advices. however you probably only developed these skills recently. I imagine that when you were younger, you had a pessimistic view of the world that made you struggle to have solid bonds with others, or even with your siblings. you managed to shape your personality through communication, friendships and learning. you're also quite talkative, and you're known for you extroversion. or at least, if you're introverted, you're not shy.
your 4th house's cusp falls in cancer. you're grateful for your family. in fact, you probably still live near them, maybe in the same city. your family matters are one of the most relevant things in your life; your idea on marriage may be influenced by your family. you could either see eye to eye with your parents, or maybe you have their opposite opinion. no inbetween. in general, your childhood and family environment have a great impact on your life; you find yourself being very attached to your home, and you may search for stability and security even in your future family. you may love to maintain traditions, you're very sensitive and appreciative of your roots. however, due to your emotionality, you may tend to act irrationally sometimes, you're often driven by feelings rather than thoughts, therefore you can be quite moody.
your 5th house is in leo. your sun and mercury are also sitting in this house. you shine bright when you're able to express your creativity and need for fun and light romance/sex. you have great problem-solving skills, you are extremely intelligent and astute. when you were younger, you probably used to be the winner at games like hide-and-seek. this placement also enhances your thirst for knowledge of any kind, you want to learn at least a little about anything, from science to foreign cultures. yet, since you want to learn so many things all at once, you may lack precision and be a little bit superficial. on the other hand, you're a fast learner. your flirting style most probably includes jokes, teasing… things like that. even though you may seem flaky, as you like experiencing romance with different types of people, you’re actually quite picky. in fact, in order to fall for someone, you need to feel mentally attracted to them, not just physically. someone ignorant and stubborn that doesn’t care about learning something most definitely isn’t for you.
your 6th house is in virgo. mars and mercury are also placed in this house. you care about your duties, hence your job plays a crucial role in your day-to-day life. you're also fond of your health, and you try to take as much care as possible of it. with this placement, you must be careful to not be pessimistic, or it will most probably mess you up. with chiron sitting here, you probably underwent a series of transformations in your routine and also in your body, which shaped the person you are today. for example, you might've changed jobs a lot, or maybe you enjoy dying your hair, or you lose/gain weight easily. stuff like that, that makes you feel brand new. your life revolves around being productive. you don't like to waste your time, you always try to learn and gain something useful from everything you do. that's caused by the fact that you're motivated to be perfect in what you like; this, combined with your competitive nature, may often cause you to burn out. in fact, the downside to this placement is that you may overwork yourself too much. this is bad, as if you work too much you don't have time to travel with your mind, you can't relax and have fun. in fact, it may be hard for you to endure too much hard work. you're capable of achieving your goals, but in order to do that you also need a break from time to time.
your 7th house is in libra. your partners are probably very similiar to you; you share the same personality and needs, which is both good and bad. in fact, your partners don't bring anything new in your life, hence you could easily get bored of them. you may also come across unusual partners or unusual situations in your love life. you're very romantic, you're not looking for a partner, you're looking for a whole disney prince(ss). you do care about looks when choosing a lover, but not necessarily a conventionally beautiful person. they have to appear perfect to your eyes, and this usually depends on the way they treat you. in fact, you despise vulgar, rude people. people that act like that immediately become unattractive to you. you're also very picky, exactly because you're looking for the perfect lover.
your 8th house is in scorpio. jupiter and pluto are also sitting in this house. you are extremely brave, and you can seem collected even during hard times. your feelings and approach to intimacy are intense, almost life-changing. you're probably also very spiritual. you may be fond of taboo topics, such as sex, astrology, horror and so on. you’re an extremely goal-oriented person. you want to be the best at everything you do, not only to be better than others but also the best for yourself. you’re very astute, it’s impossible to trick you, and you always find a way to be in charge and get what you want. yet, you can get quite obsessed about your goals, that you could do extreme things to get what you want. in fact, people with this placement can even manipulate others, as they’re totally capable of doing that. people are naturally attracted to you, you have a way with words, and hence you’re always able to convince others into giving you what you want. but luckily, this doesn’t turn into manipulation, you probably don’t even realize this skill of yours, and hence you don’t use it to damage others. you are very persuasive, but you don't do it on purpose, you could actually be a little naive. when you get angry, you could actually get scary, though. your emotions are very intense, it’s hard to calm you down. you may be very sarcastic and aggressive with your words. you could hurt people, but you don’t do it on purpose. most of the time, you don’t even mean the things you say. you may also vent your anger with physical action, hence you could slam doors, punch or break things etc.
your 9th house is in sagittarius. you were a good student, as you enjoyed studying subjects like philosophy, literature etc. after all, there's a romantic side to you that loves poetry and self-expression. overall, you love filling up your life with new adventures and trips that allow you to open your mind and come up with new ideas, theories and views of the world and society. your open-mindness manifests through creativity, hence you may enjoy reading (especially novels), writing, watching meaningful movies and so on. you are an extremely wise person, and you believe strongly in your beliefs. you rarely change your mind, but most of the time you’re an open-minded person. you love learning about anything, and you may also have a good memory.
your 10th house is in capricorn. neptune and uranus are also placed in this house. you're very ambitious and serious about your career and reputation. this placement may make it hard for you to achieve your goals at first, but it won't be a problem if you work hard, which is something you probably don't lack due to your aries energy. your ambition makes you want to be the best wherever you are, and you may actually overwork yourself to achieve your goals. establishing your status is important for you. you may not be the type to act instantly, you prefer taking your time to follow a plan. in fact, you probably write down what you have to do in an agenda, or even in your phone's notes app. you have this strong sense of duty, as you feel 100% responsible of your fate. you're sure that, if you don't work hard, you don't deserve success and recognition. in fact, you don't take orders from others, you are your own boss. you could have materialistic tendencies, as wealth is what motivates you the most to work or just take action in general.
your 11th house is in aquarius. you love working in groups, especially if you're the leader. once someone becomes special to you, you'll do anything to protect them. you strive for independence, as you focus your existence on your witty intellect. you have the ability to achieve great things, as your mind is literally revolutionary, even though you may struggle to make those projects concrete. a downside to this placement is that you may not give enough importance to your words; you’re brutally honest, and you may often hurt someone with your thoughts. you’re also quite stubborn, and you take particular pride about your ideals. you may feel offended when people disagree with you. or maybe, you don’t even say your opinions, because you could be aware of the weight of your words and you don’t want to hurt others, or you’re afraid of being judged. people may define you as cold, but you’re really not.
lastly, your 12th house is in pisces. your moon and saturn are also sitting in this house. your dreams are pretty meaningful, and with the moon here you may also feel comfortable expressing your persona through religion and spirituality. you could dream about dead people, sex, or even have prophetic dreams. you may be able to have prophetic dreams, talk to spirits, read tarots or birth charts… anything that has to do with your higher self and world. yet, due to saturn, I assume it could be hard for you to fully embrace these skills of yours. in fact, you may be a bit too pragmatic to embrace your spirituality. I think you’re already working this out since you’ve booked an astrology reading to discover more about yourself, but remember that you should definitely try to get more in touch with your soul! even doing simple stretching, meditation or yoga can help give you some space to think about your identity, your wants and your needs. the 12th house is also the house of fears; you may be afriad of authority, like the police for example, or anything that appears to be much bigger and more supported than you. it may also manifest in fear of not being organized, and also fear of money / success loss.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract libra, leo, aquarius, scorpio, capricorn and aries placements. you seek a partner that is loyal, ambitious, good looking but also quite sexual. you need your spouse to understand your deepest feelings and behaviour. you could have troubles in your love life, especially in your earlier years. it's something you managed to solve with time and awareness of your potential.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was very maternal with you, and she probably had cancer/water placements. yet, she could've been quite strict and close-minded as well, repressing you from totally embracing your creative needs. your father was also very dominant in your family, and he was probably older than your mother. he's possibly a capricorn or another earth sign. you may have lots of siblings, and they have fixed/earth energy. I feel like at first your relationship with them wasn't the best, but now you may get along.
📊 career
I certainly see you being successful in your career, you will most likely work alone and you'll most likely be a boss. you're very hard-working, so I can see you having your own business for example. otherwise, you may also do well in an aesthetic field, you probably have great creative talent. you may be an artist, a creative director, a screenwriter, a writer, a singer, a musician... or even more practical jobs like lawyer, judge, possibly also a therapist or psychologist. in particular, I can see you doing well in a job where you get to interact with people; you would make a great nurse, for example. you may also work in a field related to fashion and the arts in general. my advice is to pick the career that makes you feel more emotionally fulfilled, as your success is highly influenced by how you feel. if you're not satisfied with your job, you're automatically going to underwork and feel stressed. you also have heavy energy in the upper half of your chart, making you very future-oriented and extroverted. I can definitely see you taking the spotlight in whatever you decide to pursue.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
keyword for your wardrobe: black. every leo venus loves black, it's probably my favorite love story. after all, it's such a versatile color! it can be both badass and classy, how can I blame you. you may also have a thing for anything that looks luxury and high quality; you probably enjoy wearing designer brands, especially in your belts and bags. you may also like wearing fitted clothes, even just simple skinny jeans or tight tops. aside from black, you could as well use white and bold colours like gold, hot pink etc. also, you may as well be into pastel colors, and you could like following fashion trends.
👁️ past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had trouble with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared of the idea of marriage, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis, june 1
in the last few months, you could have undergone sudden changes in your finances. however, with jupiter transiting gemini this summer, your financial life is going to take a turn for the better. I see that summer is going to be a profitable period for you, it's the best time to work, sell and play the lottery, as you may gain abundance from it.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
- libramc xx
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yermes · 6 months
Pac 🪱
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Are YOU a worm?
A small little creature dying on the side walk hoping for mercy in a cruel and unkind environment? Have you been moved into a better environment and now your thriving? What can you do?
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. Maybe ill record Thursday ! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
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The cards
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Power 🍵
Four of disks, Sun in the 3. decan of Capricorn, Chesed through Earth
You have gained quite a lot but the fear creeps in when it comes to loss. While struggling and thrashing to find your place in the world even in a place of comfort you are extremely discomforted by the comfort. Do not overreach find peace within the peace do not doubt it.
Defeat 👹
Venus in the 1. decan of Aquarius, Geburah through air, Five of Swords
In your thrashing, in your constant changing environment, it is changing how you view the world and yourself. With the changes and the pain you find yourself. It will not be pleasant but when you are gently put back in the grass and allowed to thrive you will grow exponentially.
Sorrow 🍊
Three of swords, Saturn in the 2. decan of Libra, Binah through Air
You may face the painful truth that sometimes a divine hand may never come to pick you up to save you. The sobering fact is you are usually the one who must save yourself and not some fetishized hero.
Tummy hurt
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undereveningstars · 1 year
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
Mercury will station retrograde early tomorrow morning (Eastern time) in the second decan of Taurus. To understand the meaning of this retrograde, I considered the decans it will take place in and the corresponding Tarot cards. If you’re interested in what this retrograde might mean and how it lines up with the Tarot, keep reading below the cut!
Mercury in Taurus is the Magician in the realm of the Hierophant. Here, the Magician walks a well-worn spiritual path. The collective experiences of the many travelers whose feet have defined this path are distilled into texts and archived in the Hierophant’s sacred library. The realm of the Hierophant is well-charted; it is hard to get lost in this place. Such is the advantage of tradition: there is always a map, or someone to ask for directions.
The correspondence of the Hierophant with Taurus is a reminder that Venus (Taurus’s ruler) has been associated with priesthood*. Venus works for comfort and harmony, protecting our spirituality from disruptive forces by organizing spiritual teachings and practices into traditions and creating beautiful sanctuaries within which those traditions may live – places like temples and monasteries. Things tend to happen on a schedule in these places. Within the container of ritual, we enjoy a certain amount of protection from outside intrusion. But something may yet stir within us, struggling against the boundaries of tradition. Perhaps there is a voice of doubt, or an experience of personal gnosis that contradicts traditional teachings.
Even the least dogmatic tradition requires some boundaries, or its coherence begins to fall apart. Venus is always trying to keep things together, to maintain coherence and cohesion. Spirituality becomes coherent in Taurus. But Mercury, the Magician, invites contradiction, chaos, and doubt into the sanctuary of Venus’s High Priest. The first decan of Taurus (the Five of Pentacles), which Mercury rules, is a decan of anxiety and doubt – here, we fear being excluded from the sense of safety and belonging we enjoy in the Hierophant’s realm. What if there are essential parts of ourselves we can’t reconcile with what our spiritual traditions expect of us?
Mercury may find some answers in the second decan of Taurus, presided over by the High Priestess (the Moon) – the natural counterbalance to the Hierophant. The spirituality of the High Priestess is not dictated by tradition, but by intuition. She is the heart of the sacred, which, despite the efforts of the Hierophant, cannot be organized, defined, or made coherent. That she has an office in the Hierophant’s realm – in the second decan of Taurus – tells me that within a healthy spiritual tradition, there is room for contradiction, for unique personal gnosis, for innovation, for flexibility, for change. The exclusive boundaries of the Five of Pentacles make way for the generous inclusivity of the Six. In the second decan of Taurus – in the Six of Pentacles – everyone has a seat at the table.
I used to be an active member of the Anglican Church. The director of the kitchen ministry at my home parish was an outspoken atheist who would engage in good-natured theological debates with our incumbent priest. This church was a house of contradiction without losing any of its meaning or coherence. When the parish gathered together for a service, we entered the realm of the Hierophant – we spoke and sang the same words at the same time. The ritual followed a familiar, predictable schedule. But the Hierophant is only the visible part of spirituality. What could not be seen during the service was the very real presence of the High Priestess within each parishioner – the collection of deeply personal encounters with the sacred (whether they be encounters of faith or doubt, or some mixture of both!) that, if compared against each other, would be an absolute mess of contradictions.
Mercury, as befits their association with the Magician card, presides over the hermetic arts of astrology, magic, and alchemy. Interest in these Mercurial arts is growing, as are communities of practitioners. As old traditions are recovered and new traditions establish themselves, I hope those of us who practice astrology and magic take inspiration from our patron’s role as a rule-breaking, boundary-defying trickster. When technique and tradition are given priority over intuition and inspiration, the Hierophant and the High Priestess become unbalanced. Mercury’s extended stay in Taurus is a reminder that the Hierophant’s role is to provide a container within which contradiction, paradox, intuition, and personal gnosis may thrive.
*Venus corresponds to priesthood in the writing of Vettius Valens, and to “houses of worship, virtue, adhering to religion, performing devotions” in the writing of Abu Mashar.
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