#december queens
mypuchiart · 1 month
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zu-is-here · 7 months
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✧ Dreamtale x The Snow Queen ✧
[3/5] Happy anniversary ♡
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
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violetteforevernever · 10 months
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sometimes I prayed to a god
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kooki914 · 17 days
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Nobody asked and yet you're getting it anyway, my Dess interpretation! Tbf I love a lot of other people's Dess designs maybe more than my own based on complexity/symbology alone, but this is what my original take for her was so I'm sticking to it. Extremely long list of factoids for her under the cut!
Dess hasn't seen a hairbrush in 8 years.
Opening her first fountain was an accident, and so was entering the dark world, but it was something she desperately needed at that point. She was knighted by Spade King, before being dubbed the Roaring Knight by the general public after she opened the second fountain and people started (correctly) assuming she was trying to cause the apocalypse.
Dess is mtf trans! She was out since she was 9, and took puberty blockers for a while, but stopped after she disappeared because she, y'know, didn't have access to them anymore. Strangely, even though she's been off of them for so long, there's very few side effects. You can just see her Adam's apple sometimes and muscle mass started building for her easily, but that's it. She's silently grateful that her dad didn't pass down any beard-making genes.
The reason why it's been so mild is due in part because of the effect of being in the "void" for too long, aka the space so dark and isolated you can't even feel your own limbs. She was stuck in the code of the game, basically, and it's had adverse effects on her mentally and physically, the only positive effect being less testosterone production in her body.
The physical effects are odd. Though she's grown and her body's age is what it would've been if she never disappeared, she's still in the same clothes she was when she ran away, but they sized up with her. The black nail polish she had on is still there too, not even chipped. As previously mentioned, her hormones are out of whack but, somehow, she's still clearly a grown adult, as if she just went through a very, very mild puberty.
The mental effects of being stranded in the literal nothingness are as expected as they are odd. The standard effects of not having contact with another person for so long have, somehow, never taken hold. It's like the social part of her brain was just put on pause. However, part of the madness she DID get was her very much considering her memories might just be made up. As if she was always here and managed to, somehow, delude herself into thinking she had a life outside of this place, when she never did. Essentially, she stopped existing, but retained some level of consciousness.
The whole "not existing for a while" thing as well as the fact that she's pre-hrt trans means she absolutely hates mirrors. Give her a mirror and she'll give back about a hundred shards of it. When she was younger she usually just had dysphoria over looking too boyish (hence why she never cut her hair) but nowadays she has weird feelings about something as simple as Having Knees (the existential horror of having a body after being formless in the nothingness during your formative years).
Her journey as the Knight was mostly about rediscovering herself, trying to find purpose and trying to help the people around her. She spent her whole life feeling helpless, and wanted to destroy that feeling, for everyone. Her violent behavior was rewarded by the equally maladjusted Spade King, and they teamed up under the pretense of helping all of darkner kind.
Dess set out to cause the Roaring, per his instruction, without knowing what it even was. All she knew is that, apparently, she was the only one who could, and that gave her a sense of purpose. Once she learned it'd bring about the end of the world, she was so detached from the world that she carried on anyway, not concerned with the life that could be lost because, god, she spent so long outside it, how COULD she know what life was worth now?
Dess went by neutral pronouns (they/it) as the Knight because it was another mask she used to distance what she Knew of herself and what she Had to be (kind of like Asriel calling himself "Flowey" in Undertale, actually). Being called "her" was too familiarising and humanising, being called "he" made her break out into hives and start killing, so she stuck with the alternatives for utilitarian reasons. Somewhere along the way she got sick of it and started missing her feminine pronouns, but decided to just stick to the bit anyway. The world was gonna end soon anyhow, who cares?
Once she's out of the role of Knight and back in the light world, you bet your ass she's switching back to exclusively she/her. Fuck neutrality, this girl needs gender affirmative language.
Rediscovering music, and specifically playing and making music, was one of the things that helped Dess get back in touch with being a person again after the whole Knight debacle. She plays piano and harmonica of her own volition, and the violin because of her mom's insistence, but her true favourite will always be the guitar. She was a little small as a kid so playing it used to be difficult, but now that she's an adult having it in her lap is easy, and honestly it just makes her feel alive. One of those dreams she had as a kid that she forgot about along the way, y'know?
Her and Asriel were just family friends at first, but when they ended up going to the same class together too, they quickly became best friends. They were there for each other through everything, Dess got Asriel into games, he was there when she came out, and they were practically inseparable. Asriel was a hard worker and Dess was a super active sports kid, they balanced each other out well and were known as the highest achievers in their class, the golden kids.
Kris and Noelle got dragged into their adventures basically on accident, Noelle because Dess was the one babysitting her all the time, and Kris because they wanted to spend time with their brother. They often spent time outside together because Dess loved being anywhere but at home. She didn't mind Azzy's house, though. Kris was a lot to deal with sometimes and Dess scolded them in a lot of the same ways adults scolded her (minus the hitting them over the head with stuff, what was all her). She has no idea the impact she's had on their behavior.
She was always kind of violent, but when she was younger it wasn't really an issue, more like an excuse to get her into sports. She learned to act out because causing problems was the only context in which she'd get attention from her very busy parents. With Noelle specifically, Dess took on a semi-parental role and quickly developed a habit of taking on way more burdens than she could handle. Even with Asriel as a best friend and the Dreemurrs as a surrogate family, the control her mother Clarice commanded over her life was just too limiting. It all boiled over.
Dess started lashing out at other kids around when puberty hit, starting fights and genuinely hurting people. She never got expelled because her mother was the mayor, but Dess started getting grounded more and more often, which meant less and less time with her only real friend, and more with her very dysfunctional family. She loved Noelle, but her little sister became another responsibility, another liability that could get Dess in trouble, it was way too much for her to handle maturely when she was only 13.
Dess "disappeared" because she ran away from home. She hated living there, but neither of her parents could admit that, hence her disappearance being so "mysterious" to the other townsfolk, they genuinely thought she vanished from inside the house. It was only after Kris admitted they saw her in the woods near the bunker that night that the case got more complicated, and the legend only grew more terrifying.
Her original plan was to just catch a bus to out of town and hope for the best, but when she ran into the woods in pitch blackness, she couldn't find her way around. She was too reliant on light, and couldn't manage in darkness. She found the bunker in her aimless wandering and, hoping to sleep off the night and make up excuses in the morning, she went inside. She couldn't have known that nothing was in there.
The effects of her sudden disappearance rippled throughout the whole town. Most obviously, Asgore got fired for not being able to find her and Rudy quit his job to be a stay at home dad for Noelle's sake. Less tangibly, Asriel and Clarice both started burying themselves in work to avoid grief. Kris and Noelle socially shut down for a few years, it's why neither of them have any real friends other than the strained relationship they have with each other. Asriel took on Dess' habit of "be anywhere but home" when his parents started having marital problems, and Kris latched onto him even harder to avoid losing any more people in their life. Through all this, Dess was nowhere, silently wondering if anyone even noticed she's gone, if her life was even real to begin with.
One of the strange things that happened to her while stranded in nothingness was almost being able to hear someone mumbling to themselves. When she called out, the voice vanished, only to re-emerge an uncertain amount of time later and excuse himself for getting startled. He just doesn't get guests often, you see. And guests get him even more rarely. It was refreshing to hear a consciousness separate from her own, but his mind was even more broken than hers, unable to answer her questions about what was real and what was imagined as he seemed to think he himself was a product of unreality. Plus, he never really stayed for too long and he never wanted to talk about himself either, as if mentioning his own name could shatter him to pieces.
The reason Dess didn't lose her mind from to his influence like Jevil and Spamton did was because she's just fundamentally pragmatic. You can throw philosophy and existential questions at her all you want but as long as she talks and thinks, she exists, which means reality is Something, even if it's completely eluding her grasp. It might also have something to do with her being a (homestuck warning) Void player, meaning the idea of the innate meaninglessness of life and unanswerable questions about reality itself don't really sound earth-shattering to her.
She used her knife to open fountains at first, the one she brought with her from the light world, but along the way she picked up a rapier and decided it was way cooler than a knife so it's her go-to now. She's not actually that good with swords, though. She uses them like baseball bats. Despite this, Spade King still praises her as if she's the best warrior they've seen in generations. It might've gone to her head.
Her relationship with King is fundamentally a mentor and a student. He gave her flawed information, but taught her a lot about herself, the world she found herself in, and the role she could choose. And, that's the most important part, he let her CHOOSE, because he was genuinely under the impression that she was just a really powerful darkner and not a lightner. His strictness and high standards reminded her of her parents, mostly her mom, but his willingness to give HER control over her own destiny is what made her favour him over every other adult in her life. Discipline that treated her like a valued person rather than an asset was basically unheard of for her until then. Plus, reminding her of her parents gave Spade the bonus of every time he encouraged her on anything it'd activate the "parental approval" neurons in her brain that were terribly starved up to that point.
From Spade's point of view, the Knight (as a darkner) is everything he wants to be, but can't be. At first he mentored her mostly as an excuse to live vicariously through her, but in getting to know her better he discovered they have a lot more in common than he first thought. Unregulated emotions, unresolved pasts, the constant feeling that you need to do More and Louder in order to make any kind of impact... he started to genuinely care about her. If/when he's redeemed, finding out the Knight has been a lightner this whole time might not even be that much of a betrayal. Seeing her face and learning her name as she apologies for lying is like reconnecting with his own wounded, younger self. Letting it be water under the bridge means he doesn't lose connection to himself again, doesn't lose connection with his best student. Plus, December IS a nice name.
She met Lancer, but didn't pay him much mind. She was busy with overthrowing the other Kings and was too tired to be a babysitter again. Due to her rancid vibes as the Knight (and the fact that she quickly became the favoured child even though it wasn't her intention) Lancer doesn't like her that much. She left Card Kingdom pretty quickly, anyway (Spade's advice to seek another worthy kingdom to grant a fountain to), so she never got much of a chance to get to know him, even if she wanted to.
Her relationship with Queen is even more fraught. Due to Queen's tendency to mimic the "mother" personality for every lightner she meets individually, as well as her more Explicitly Controlling tendencies, Dess quickly became rebellious and then antagonistic towards her. Queen tried to choose FOR her, to get her to open fountains on HER terms, and Dess wasn't having it. Yes, following Queen's instructions would've caused the Roaring much, MUCH sooner, but, like. Not at ALL in a satisfying way.
She has no idea who Gaster is. When asked, she'll assume he's a Darkner. If asked about the man in the nothingness, she'll shrug it off. Now that she's out, she doesn't know if he's actually real or something she just made up in her head, though she laughs that off as well. "I sound a lot like him when saying that, huh?"
Learning Asriel goes to college is complete whiplash for her. Her sense of time is WRECKED. Like, yeah, she can wrap her head around Noelle and Kris being teens now, but ASRIEL??? What do you MEAN he's not still stressing over chemistry exams and cramming for spanish class, and is, like, actually studying something he's interested in???? Unheard of.
She makes fun of him SO much for his little beard stubble, dude. It's all in good fun, but like, you can only be called "mini Asgore" so many times by your childhood best friend before it starts to cut deeper. On the flipside he has literally nothing bad to say to her. She nearly caused the apocalypse, but like, he gets it. He would've done the same in her shoes (hooves??). He thinks her Dark World armour is so kickass and he could never pull it off like she can.
Unsurprisingly Asriel has a crush on Dess. He always kinda had one, even when they were kids, but reconnecting as adults just Fully bashed him over the head with the fact that he's had repressed feelings for her and he has NO idea what to do about it. He's anxiety incarnate and thinks Dess already KNOWS he has a crush on her and just isn't saying anything because she's playing it cool, or doesn't wanna hurt his feelings, or thinks he's too lame to date or something. He thinks she's the coolest person who ever lived and has no idea how to cope.
Meanwhile in reality, Dess is a clueless aro/ace. She doesn't really know what having a crush even means. She thinks being a couple is, like, flirting and fighting behind closed doors (you can tell the only couples she knew personally were her parents and Asriel's parents), so she thinks it's just exhausting and doesn't know why anyone bothers. When Noelle tells her she has a crush on Susie Dess is like "Hell yeah, love is love........ wait do you mean you like her or you want her to crush you with a boulder" and Noelle sweats for a while before replying with "b-both?"
Dess has never been to Castletown. Most likely will never go.
Her and Kris reconnecting is a bit awkward at first, mostly on account of the fact that Kris and their posse are the ones that had her bash her over the head as the Knight to get her to behave in the first place, but Dess doesn't really focus on that. Kris thinks they hurt her, she just thinks of them as a little hero. Susie kinda helps facilitate them talking like people again, at least at first, because she has no baggage with Dess other than hitting her with an ax over dark fountains and getting stabbed in return, but like... Out of all the people they fought Dess is the only one who actually said sorry for being a jackass, so it's all good in Susie's book. Kris is just happy to have Dess back, man, that bunker and their memory of it has been haunting them for entirely too long, now.
Like Kris and Asriel, Dess learned how to play piano in church. Unlike them, and unlike Noelle, Dess has actually become fully agnostic after her time in the void. If there IS an angel looking out for her, it certainly isn't one that could've helped her, so what's the point of worship? Plus, Asriel and Noelle are two angels looking out for her as is! Why add divinity to that? (I am extremely subtle, I know.)
To this day, she's still apologising to Asgore for getting him fired. He is still apologising for not being able to find her. It's a pity party.
No-one tell her parents but she smokes weed. Once she reformed from being the Knight, she had a lot on her mind, man, weed is the most harmless thing she could've taken to cope. Seam is a good dealer, they have the good stuff.
She's absolutely called King "dad" by accident before. He doesn't really mind. No-one tell Rudy though, he's gonna be pissed.
On that note, I feel the need to add that she was never as close to him as Noelle was, because he only really started being an active parent after Dess went missing. It's kinda tragic, and he feels REALLY guilty about it, but if he ever verbalises that guilt he's gonna actually crumble into dust. His confidence is all a mask as is, actually admitting that he was kind of garbage at being a dad with his first kid is just gonna make it so much worse. But, until Dess hears an apology, she's not really gonna be able to actually mend their relationship, so they're at an impasse.
Inversely, her time away from the light world kinda made Dess forget the way her mother acts. She sorta got a bit of "once away from the abuser you forget the abuse", especially knowing she herself was a kid when it all happened so she kinda started justifying her mother's actions to herself when away from her. After like 2 weeks of living with her again Dess fully remembers why she ran away and packs her bags to live literally anywhere else. Preferably with King if that's an option, though that might just make Lancer move out as well.
She doesn't know what minecraft is.
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s Candlelight Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 烛火之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under the Cut]
【Subbed Video】
【Chapter 1】 
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After being stuck in traffic for over forty minutes on the way to the airport, I slam on the brakes once again, staring in despair at the unmoving stream of cars ahead. 
The weather outside is gloomy, the sky overcast with heavy dark clouds, and the wind howls through the crevices of the car windows. 
Even though the evening has barely fallen, the sky is already darkened completely. 
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MC: Feels like it’s gonna be pouring hard... 
MC: I don’t know if Li Zeyan’s flight has been affected. 
Just as I am about to look up the flight information, his call comes in. 
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LZY: I’ve arrived. 
MC: That’s great! It looks like there’s gonna be a heavy downpour outside, so thank goodness you landed on time. 
MC: On the downside, though, I’m stuck in traffic... 
LZY: Given the weather, I could guess that already. 
LZY: Don’t rush, safety first. Turn on your headlights and take your time. 
MC: Don’t worry, I promise to follow the traffic rules~ So, I must apologize to CEO Li and ask him to wait for me a little longer~ 
LZY: No worries, I’ll just take this time to think about what to make for Pudding. 
The day Li Zeyan is returning from his business trip also happens to be Pudding’s birthday, and we’ve planned to have a small celebration at home. 
As I picture Li Zeyan making a birthday cake for the little kitten, the corners of my lips involuntarily curl upwards. 
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MC: Pudding’s parents are so thoughtful! The little birthday boy is blessed with the luck of tasty treats today. 
MC: Rest assured, I’ll definitely get you to Pudding safely and in one piece. 
LZY: With a certain someone “braving the wind and waves” to come pick me up, I’m already luckier than those who can’t get a cab. 
MC: Hehe, this time it’s my turn to be the prince who cuts their way through thorns and thistles to rescue the sleeping princess! 
LZY: Well, it seems like I’ll have to wait a hundred years then.
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MC: ...you just told me to take my time. 
A soft chuckle transmits from the other end of the phone, and carried by the car’s stereo, it spreads through the entire space, giving me the illusion as if he is right next to me. 
LZY: It’s not contradictory. 
LZY: Even if it takes you a hundred years, I’ll still wait.
[Tidbits]:  This conversation here is a reference to one of Li Zeyan’s earliest ASMRs, “Sleeping Beauty,” where LZY said in response to MC’s question that if he were the prince, he wouldn’t let the girl he loves wait a hundred years. Whereas, in the reverse scenario here, he tells you that if he were the sleeping princess and you the prince, he would gladly wait a hundred years (இдஇ; ) though, for a man who literally did wait 17+10000(*n) years for you— a hundred years is, well, still unbearable to think about ahah (ノಥ益ಥ) 
【Chapter 2】
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I park the car near the exit, and as soon as I look up, I see Li Zeyan walking towards me, dragging his suitcase. 
I immediately push open the car door and run up to him, throwing myself into his arms as hard as I can. Both his hands are occupied by luggage, and I collide against him so hard that he staggers back a few steps. 
His familiar scent wraps around me securely, instantly dispelling all the tension and fatigue from the road. I nuzzle against his chest contentedly, earning a soft chuckle from above my head. 
LZY: Why the lack of courtesy right off the bat?
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MC: I haven’t seen you for days, and I’ve made our big busy person wait so long. I can’t afford to be polite anymore. 
Li Zeyan smiles, lets go of the luggage, and draws me into his arms, lowering himself to rest his head on my shoulder. 
A soft sigh sounds next to my ear, and I sense how exhausted he is. I put aside my playful thoughts and stroke the back of his head. 
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MC: I hoped you could get some rest after getting off the plane, but I didn’t expect this weather… 
MC: I’ll head out earlier next time! 
LZY: You already got here much faster than I expected. 
LZY: Let’s go, there’s a birthday boy waiting at home. It’s raining hard outside; I’ll drive on the way back. 
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As we head home, rain begins pouring down in torrents. Even with the wipers operating at their highest speed, the visibility only clears for a fleeting moment. 
Through the impenetrable curtain of rain, the emergency lights of nearby vehicles flicker faintly. The water pooling on the ground reflects the surroundings like mirrors, and the streets have transformed into an utterly bizarre kaleidoscopic labyrinth. 
I hold up my phone to record the scene outside the window when suddenly, a blinding flash of lightning splits the sky not far away, followed by a rolling thunder approaching from the distance, pressing closer and closer. 
I can’t help but shrink my neck and set my phone down. 
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MC: This weather is just ridiculous… I’m sure today’s Moments posts are gonna be flooded with candid shots of the rainstorm. 
LZY: A certain someone has made significant strides. 
LZY: A few years back, you would get so nervous in this kind of weather that you’d grab onto other people’s clothes. Now, you'd just make a fuss about it on Moments. 
MC: Huh? When did I grab onto your clothes? 
I turn my head to look at him with a puzzled expression. Li Zeyan glances at me, and before he can even speak, a smile creeps onto the corners of his lips. 
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LZY: That time when you asked me if I dared to like you. 
I freeze for a second, the familiar feeling of nervousness and anticipation surging to the forefront of my mind. 
Memories flood back along with the warmth of my cheeks, as I’m reminded of a similar night in the past mirroring this raging storm. 
The pitch-black darkness that descended after the power outage was so thick that one wouldn’t even be able to make out their own hand in front of them. I felt like danger, and the unknown would swallow me whole at any moment. But he was there with me, accompanying me for what felt like an eternity on that apocalyptic night. 
Back then, I felt like I couldn’t handle it on my own, so I wanted to cling to a straw, to hold onto this steady and exceptionally gentle person beside me. 
Snapping out of the reminiscence, I clear my throat to dispel my embarrassment. 
MC: Y-You don’t need to remember such things so clearly! 
MC: But come to think of it, ever since I met you, I don’t seem to have gotten rained on much. 
MC: Even if I forget my umbrella or can’t catch a ride, you always manage to “scoop” me up right on time. 
LZY: So, as a result, a certain someone has developed the bad habit of not checking the weather forecast before going out? 
MC: …It clearly taught me the good habit of how to “scoop” people up in crucial moments! 
The car stops at the intersection, waiting for the traffic light. Li Zeyan casts a glance my way, his lips curving into a smile as he strokes my head. 
LZY: Given that the person “scooping” me up is also the one I want to see, it does feel pretty good. 
His warm palm rests on my head for a moment before sliding down to my cheek with yearning. A small sense of satisfaction leaps in my heart, and I smile, poking his cheek. 
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MC: I think I can understand why the prince braves countless perils to reach the princess.
MC: For this moment right now, I’m willing to endure any hardship~
[Tidbits]:  The call-back of the apocalyptic night is from one of Li Zeyan’s earliest dates, “Doomsday Date,” where MC asks him if he’d dare to like her and if he’d dare to be by her side even if doomsday arrived – and the rest, as they say, is history, quite literally in this case ahah~ (இдஇ; ) 
【Chapter 3】
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As I step through the doorway and flip the switch for the pendant lamp, to my surprise, the light flickers and then abruptly goes out. 
The inside of the house is instantly taken over by the dimness from outside the windows. Pudding, who was originally crouching at the door to welcome us, lets out a yelp and scurries under the table. 
My mind automatically starts concocting a horror movie scenario, and I immediately step back a few paces. 
MC: What did the power suddenly go out? It was perfectly fine before I left... 
My words are barely out of my mouth when a series of extremely bright streaks of lightning flash outside the window. 
The howling gale rattles the window frames, while the water pipes exposed to the downpour on the side of the building, pelted by large raindrops, are making peculiar noises. 
The continuous flashes of lightning project the wildly swaying shadows of the trees onto the floor, making the storm outside seem even more terrifying. 
Li Zeyan sighs and steps forward, taking hold of my hand that is frozen in mid-air. 
LZY: Are there any spare lights or flashlights in the house? 
MC: Yes, there are, in my room... 
While saying this, I clutch Li Zeyan’s arm and carefully start walking towards my room. A hand reaches out and pulls me into a familiar embrace. 
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LZY: Wasn’t a certain someone “scooping people up” pretty amazingly just now? Why are you so nervous now that we’re home? 
MC: ...I guess I’ve been overdoing it with the horror movies lately, and the after-effects are still a bit strong. 
I laugh awkwardly and, relying on the dim light of the flashlight, dig out a large, bulging bag from the storage box. 
MC: Rechargeable desk lamps, some decorative fairy lights, and lanterns. 
MC: They should work if we plug them into the power bank. 
LZY: ...That’s it? 
MC: They can provide light and serve as tools to set the ambiance. Isn’t that wonderful? 
Li Zeyan turns on a palm-sized rechargeable desk lamp and releases a small sigh. 
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LZY: In that case, the gift I brought you can also be included to make up the difference. 
MC: Huh? What gift? 
Li Zeyan rummages through his suitcase, takes out an exquisitely wrapped box, and gestures for me to open it. 
I lean in closer and find a very charming candle holder with a glass cover nestled inside. 
MC: It’s so beautiful! As expected, CEO Li’s eye for things can never go wrong. 
LZY: Simultaneously doing the job of adding flowers to the brocade and delivering charcoal in snowy weather一 it definitely seems to be maximizing its value.  
LZY: Come on, let’s go and light up all the lamps that we can use first. 
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈
With me “lending a hand” by holding the flashlight through the entire process, dinner and Pudding’s salmon cake are soon prepared. 
Pudding, who had been hiding in the corner this entire time, also forgets his fear under the temptation of delectable food and begins prancing around again. 
After eating and drinking to our fill, I sit on the carpet with another small blanket, light a scented candle, and carefully set it in the candle holder Li Zeyan gifted me. 
Li Zeyan then casually plops down at the foot of the bed where I’m leaning, naturally stretching out his arm for me to use as a pillow. 
I look at Pudding grooming his fur not far away and can’t help but sigh with emotion. 
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MC: Time sure flies! Pudding has grown another year older. I wonder what progress he’ll make this year. 
LZY: He wasn’t very brave when he was younger, but now he, too, looks after the house on his own and appears to be fairly calm and composed. 
MC: Why did you use “too“? I suspect you’re insinuating something about someone else. 
LZY: Just stating facts. 
LZY: The way a certain someone acted when she walked into the house earlier didn’t exactly resemble the “prince“ who came to pick me up. 
I glance again at the flashes of lightning and thunder rolling outside again, scratching my cheek awkwardly. 
MC: The house just went dark all of a sudden; I wasn’t mentally prepared. 
LZY: What about now? 
LZY: Are you still scared? 
I turned sideways to watch him. The dancing candlelight paints his side profile in a warm glow, and the subtle fragrance of the scented candle melds into his calm gaze, making me gradually relax. 
I hug his arm and pull him into my arms, beaming a wide smile at him. 
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MC: I have my “fragrant princess“ in my arms now, and I fear neither getting swept by wind nor being battered by rain any longer. [3]
LZY: Are we sure about who’s in whose arms? 
MC: Does it really make a difference who’s in whose arms? 
Li Zeyan gives me a look that says “whatever you say,” and I smile victoriously at having my way before turning to glance at the pitch-black darkness outside the window.  
The small lights in the room are mirrored on the glass, reminiscent of stars, blurring into a cluster of halos by the unrelenting rain. 
Serenity and turmoil are separated by only a wall. I grasp his wrist and tilt my head, pillowing into his palm and nuzzling against it. 
MC: Luckily, you came back today. Otherwise, I would have definitely dragged you into “simmering a pot of telephone congee” with me all night long. [4]
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LZY: That wouldn’t have been too bad either. 
MC: Well, that’s true, but it would have made me seem like I haven’t grown at all... 
I raise my head and look into his slightly puzzled gaze, feeling a little embarrassed as I lower my voice. 
MC: I’m clearly not a child anymore, and many of the things I used to fear shouldn’t be a big deal now. 
MC: Yet when running into situations where I’m not entirely confident, I can’t help feeling a little afraid. 
MC: For instance, a pitch-dark empty house, not being able to find the kitten, and a thunderstorm that I don’t know when will end. 
MC: I still can’t seem to be like you, to be able to keep myself from thinking the worst regardless of the kind of situation I’m confronted with... 
I soliloquize in a whispered tone, and the palm I’m resting my head on suddenly moves. I look up, and my fingers are immediately swept up in a reassuring warmth.
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Li Zeyan is pillowing himself on my bolster, covered by a blanket that is clearly not big enough for him, creating for a rather comical scene. Yet, I find myself solely captivated by his extraordinarily serious gaze. 
He quietly watches me like this for some time before finally opening his mouth to respond. 
LZY: Then just be afraid. 
MC: ...Huh? 
LZY: Building courage doesn’t mean you should be absolutely fearless. 
LZY: If you have no reaction to the unknown and uncontrollable, that, on the contrary, is dangerous. 
LZY: For a dummy, knowing how to dodge in the right direction at a critical moment is also progress. 
He strokes the back of my hand meaningfully, and I clasp his fingers even more tightly in tacit understanding. 
In moments of fear and anxiety, I always want to hold onto something, to reassure myself that I’m not facing it alone. 
And this man in front of me, as fortune would have it, always happens to be within my reach, catching my insecurities and leading me along slowly. 
I think back to the first time I “grabbed onto” him, the gentleness in his tone that I had rarely seen, and I can’t help but laugh. 
MC: Well then, it seems I’ve been making progress since the first time I grabbed onto your clothes. 
LZY: Mm-hmm, it hasn’t been easy. 
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MC: But I can only advance a little bit at a time. I’ve kept you waiting for so long. 
The corners of his lips curl up slightly, and his eyes, sparkling with a smile, gently embrace me. 
LZY: This isn’t work; nobody is asking anything from you. 
LZY: If you’re afraid, just light up a lamp.
[3] LI ZEYAN WRITERS!!! CRIES AT THE SACRIFICE I HAD TO MAKE AND HOW THE BEAUTY OF THE WORDPLAY JUST GETS LOST IN TRANSLATION HERE 😭 anywho, as you might’ve already noticed, “rescuing the sleeping princess“ theme and the “seeming“ role reversal has been one of the running themes of this date. The term used here is 软香 (lit. meaning soft fragrance), which is usually used to refer to the delicate scent of a woman or a woman in general and, in the context of the times, a palace beauty. The full term MC uses here is 软香在怀 (lit. meaning having ‘soft fragrance’ in one’s arms), which also conveys a deep emotional closeness, a sense of security and comfort as scent is something very sensitive. What the writing does here is kill three birds with one stone— (i) conveying MC’s “prince and princess role reversal“ quip, while also delivering the emotions of the candlelight monologue two sentences prior, i.e., (ii) the fragrance melding into his calm gaze, the vivid imagery of her sensitivity to his presence itself, (iii) the reassuring effect of his being. 
[4] I’m gonna cry; this is such an adorable expression haha 😭 the term MC uses here is “煲电话粥,” which really does mean “simmering telephone congee.” The idea of it is to have a marathon phone call with sb, but it’s more intimate— similar to how simmering sth can take a long time and porridge essentially is a comfort food 😂 
【Chapter 4】
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The night is dark, and the rain seems to have weakened a bit. I hug the blanket and squeeze onto the small bed with Li Zeyan. No matter in which position we lay down, most of our bodies are pressed against each other. 
I watch the person beside me becoming a part of the scene I’ve been familiar with since my childhood days, and for a long time, I find myself unwilling to close my eyes. 
MC: It feels so surreal to have you and Pudding together at my place. 
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MC: It’s like having guests at home, but at the same time, it feels like welcoming new members to the family. 
LZY: So, which one do you hope I am? 
MC: I’ve long regarded you as the latter in my heart, obviously. 
MC: However, this situation makes me seem like I’m not being a gracious host... 
MC: Having to deal with the bad weather is one thing, but who knew the electricity in the house would be unstable at a critical moment, and now my bed isn’t big enough either. 
I look up at the small pink pillow under Li Zeyan’s head and sigh softly. Li Zeyan, however, just smiles calmly and brushes aside the hair falling over my face. 
MC: Be careful when you roll over. If you’re afraid of falling off, just hug me a little tighter~ 
LZY: [i’m cRY at how he just plays along with you haha] It’s certainly something to be afraid of. 
Li Zeyan says this as he gets up to turn off the lights, and the room is plunged into darkness once again. 
I reach out my arms towards him and am immediately swept back into his arms. 
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MC: Thank you, CEO Li~ How about I repay you with a goodnight kiss? 
LZY: That’s it? 
MC: Then what else do you want? 
I blink my eyes at him, and suddenly, he lifts his hand to cover my sight. 
A soft warmth captures my lips, swallowing my confusion. 
He holds me too tightly in the square of his arms, and his broad palm accidentally presses on my nose, causing my already erratic breathing to become even more difficult to maintain. 
I punch him indignantly, and Li Zeyan finally moves his hand away, his fingers cradling my face. 
LZY: Didn’t you say you wanted to repay me? 
MC: T-This isn’t what I had in mind! 
LZY: Is this not good? 
His warm finger pads caress the side of my face in a back-and-forth motion, leaving me with no refuge to escape but to gaze into his smiling eyes. 
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LZY: Instead of letting your imagination run wild every time you’re scared, why not think about something that can put your mind at ease?  
LZY: For example, me. 
LZY: So, consider this as collecting a tip in advance to cover your memories.  
A soft chuckle drifts from above me, and he lifts my face again. With the last hint of light also overlaid, I close my eyes, welcoming this novel memory pertaining to the night’s darkness. 
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈
The next morning, the sky finally clears up. 
The entire city looks as if it has taken a bath. Under the early morning sunlight, there are glittering lights refracted by water droplets everywhere. 
I summon every bit of my self-control and more to extract myself from Li Zeyan’s warm embrace and rise early to make breakfast. 
Originally, I planned to have him take the day off and recover from jet lag, but as soon as he gets out of bed, he receives a call from LFG, saying there is an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with in person. 
I watch as a certain someone at the dining table finishes his breakfast with a sullen look on his face and can’t help but burst into laughter. 
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MC: Who knew even CEO Li could show such a “rebellious” expression about having to work overtime. 
LZY: ...It’s just that I haven’t gotten over the jet lag yet.  
MC: Who told you not to sleep obediently last night? 
I stand up with a laugh before he can glare at me and push his suitcase to the door for him. Li Zeyan dons his coat, seems to hesitate for a moment, and then turns back to look at me. 
MC: What’s wrong? 
LZY: Nothing. 
MC: It doesn’t seem like you’ve left anything behind, have you? 
I look around to check while speaking, but I realize that Li Zeyan has kept his gaze trained on me, with no intention of searching for anything. 
I blink my eyes, and an adorable guess bubbles up in my heart. 
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MC: Could it be that... CEO Li is unwilling to leave? 
Li Zeyan grips the handle of the suitcase, averts his eyes, and smiles. 
LZY: Let Pudding stay at your place for one more day. 
MC: No worries, we’ll get along perfectly. 
He doesn’t give a direct answer to my question, so I take it as his tacit assent and continue along with his words. 
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LZY: He ate quite a lot last night, so feed him less cat food today. 
MC: Understood~ 
LZY: Be careful with the electricity today, and if you run into any issues, reach out to me right away. 
MC: Uh-huh, anything else you want to remind me of? 
I stare at him, smiling giddily. Li Zeyan opens his mouth, but in the end, he just displays a helpless expression and says nothing. 
The rare instance of not being able to find the words to say, the rare moments of being dumbstruck and not knowing how to reply, the rare scenario of dragging his feet about going to work... 
All of this shows that he is really unwilling to leave. 
I smile even happier and tiptoe up to lock my arms around his neck.  
Li Zeyan seems a bit puzzled, but he promptly supports my waist and arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. 
MC: Hehe, consider this as a tip you’re paying in advance. 
MC: This way, whenever you feel overwhelmed in the future, you will think of only me. 
I mimic his words from last night, and even reach up to muss his hair. 
LZY: Little copycat. 
Li Zeyan seems to want to resist this “childish” act subconsciously, but his arms betray his honest feelings and draw me in even tighter. 
He looks at me with a silly smile on my face, about to say something when I suddenly feel a tickle on my ankle, as if something furry is rubbing against it. 
Just as I’m about to look down, my face is pinched by someone. 
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I’m compelled to raise my head and see the sunlight falling on Li Zeyan. 
The locks of hair hanging over his forehead and eyelashes are all bathed in dazzling, golden-bright luster. He reminds one of a big cat who has just woken up, making people irresistibly want to get closer to him. 
And he does exactly as I wished, taking the initiative to bring this warmth to me. 
The distance between us is reduced to zero, and I naturally close my eyes, welcoming this kiss infused with the warmth of the sunlight. 
Even if a person grows accustomed to the humidity of this city, they will still rejoice when the sky clears and the sunshine beams down. 
Even for those who can see the person they love every day and kiss them whenever they want, they will still find that any small separation feels too long. 
The meow of the kitten rises from our feet, as if it also wants to participate in this wordless goodbye. I gently bite Li Zeyan’s lips, and he, rather reluctantly, pulls back just a bit. 
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MC: Mr. Customer, you’re being too generous with your tip. 
With his eyes cast down, he continues to gaze at me, his breath still lingering at the edge of my lips. 
LZY: Because I’ve already fulfilled the conditions you set. 
LZY: Now that I’ve paid double the tip, I’m asking for an upgrade on the terms. 
He raises an eyebrow, as if he is genuinely negotiating with me. 
At such proximity, my mind is already a muddled mess, yet I still manage to capture the answer he desires from the look of yearning in his eyes. 
I strive to muster my willpower, rise on tiptoe, and kiss his lips again.
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MC: Then you must work diligently and clock out early... 
MC: And who knows, perhaps I’ll suddenly appear when you’re missing me?
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 9 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
I was Queen Elizabeth II’s long-lost granddaughter. I told her I used to think she was God.
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katie-is-tired-yay · 1 month
arcane and the dragon prince both having their final seasons within a month of each other…
Post finale depression gonna hit hard this winter
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charlotte-of-wales · 10 months
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Three new photographs of the Norwegian Royal Family have been released by the Royal Court of Norway in honour of Prince Sverre Magnus' 18th Birthday this weekend | December 1, 2023
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itsmebeff · 4 months
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im on that dess grind today
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poetryoutloud · 10 months
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December Nights - V.W.
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royalpumpkinplanet · 9 months
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17th December 2023 // The King, Queen, Crown Princess Victoria and her two children, and Princess Sofia and her two oldest sons were seen on an evening out at the Royal Opera in Stockholm, watching The Nut Cracker.
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yardikins · 24 days
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“I feel it comin’ together~”
I feel obligated to share this information too
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powerful-niya · 3 months
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— (вєиєαтн тнє ¢яσωи.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚hαppч nαruhínα mσnth єvєrчσnє!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟹: 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 + 𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 - (𝙽𝙷𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝟸𝟹)
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Link To Oneshot Below ↴
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Night after night, General Naruto grapples with nightmares from the battlefield, haunted by the specter of war and its horrors. Luckily, Queen Hinata has a special knack for soothing him, knowing just how to ease his mind and make him feel all better.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Alternate Universe - Medieval • Angst • Dark •  Dark Themes • December 3 • December 23 • Empire • Evil Queen • Forbidden • Forbidden Love • Heavy Angst • Historical AU • Historical Eras • Heavy Angst • Hurt & Comfort • Mature Themes • NHmonth • Nhmonth23 • OOC • Power Differences AU • Queen • Queen X General • Royalty AU • Secrecy • Secret Lovers • Sexist Beliefs Mentions • Slight Feminist Beliefs Mentions • Tryst • War • Wartime AU • War General • War And Love • 2023
NSFW Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚  Body Worship • Cock Worship • Codominance • Claiming • Cunnilingus • Deepthroating • Dirty Talk • Desperation • Explicit • Face Grinding • Facesitting • Fellato • Femdom • Freaky • Free Use • Frottage • Hands Kink • Kinky • Lingerie • Masturbation • Multiple Orgasms • Oral Sex • Overstimulation • Panties • Praise Kink • Power Play • Pussy Worship • Rough Sex • Scars • Scent Kink • Scratching • Sideways Sex • Size Difference Kink • Somnophilia • Spooning Sex Position •  Squirting • Sweat Kink • Vaginal Sex • Unprotected Sex • 2023
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚17.6k
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚1.7k
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Hinata Hyūga goes by many names as ruler. 
But many hailed her as the formidable Ice Queen. 
During the medieval era, centuries ago, the world was ruled by brutal principles of survival—conquer or be conquered, kill or be killed. 
In this unforgiving world, the stakes were high, leaving no room for mistakes or hesitation. Any sign of weakness was quickly snuffed out, often resulting in a quick and merciless death. 
Strength was the ultimate arbiter of one's fate. 
Compassion was a dangerous liability, and only those with a ruthless disposition had any hope of thriving.
Ambition fueled every action, every scheme, and every grand vision. 
Alliances were fragile, easily shattered by the ever-present threat of betrayal, making loyalty a rare but precious commodity.
It was a harsh world where the only true currency that held value was power.
And Hinata Hyūga possessed a wealth of it. 
Immense power. 
But it was never enough.
The entirety of Hinata's reign was defined by her unwavering ambition, an insatiable hunger for more and more power. 
That same drive, that relentless desire to rise above all others, coursed through her veins, a legacy that had been passed down through generations of greatness in the esteemed Hyūga royal lineage.
As ruler, her father had been great, as had his father before him, and so on and so forth. 
And now….
Hinata, too, embodied that same greatness.
She was a force of nature, a cold-hearted bitch that struck fear into the hearts of all who came across her, hell, even to those who just heard about her conquests. 
She conquered kingdoms with absolutely no problem, extending her empire far and wide without fail or mercy. 
Her strategic brilliance and unrelenting pursuit of power earned her a reputation as a ruler who tolerated no resistance—a reputation Hinata flaunted proudly, with her tits thrust forward and her head held high.
Kingdoms fell like dominos in her path, their banners absorbed into the ever-growing tapestry of her empire, each now bearing the emblem of the Hyūga dynasty.
When her army marched forth, destruction was only promised. 
Fields were left behind strewn with the fallen.
Streets ran red with blood.
Kingdoms and cities fell to ruin.
Kings were overthrown.
Her enemies' subjects subdued, their cries of defiance silenced by the swift and merciless hand of the Hyūga army. 
Rebellions arose in kingdoms far and wide in Hinata's name.
Seeds were sown, alliances were made, thus, the Hyūga dynasty expanded. 
That is how it always should go in Hinata's eyes. 
To Hinata, it was all simply a game, one of laughs and fucking giggles to her. 
It came easy to her. 
Being queen. 
Being a leader. 
Being a conqueror.  
She navigated a world dominated by men like it was child's play, effortlessly assuming the role of a leader just as well as any man.
She moved with a grace and precision that earned her respect and fear in equal measure, solidifying her place as a dominant force that won't rest till all bowed before her.
But Hinata was more than just that.
She wasn't merely a monarch defined by the clash of swords; not just a woman born from a lineage of blood and conquest.
She wasn't just a fearsome ruler capable of instilling terror with just a glance, who gets what she wants with just a command. 
Not in the slightest. 
Hinata stood as an ethereal beauty, her presence a whispered legend that traversed kingdoms both far and wide. 
She was no ordinary mortal, not just any woman; she was one that embodied grace and refinement, a living manifestation of elegance that inspired awe in all who gazed upon her.
Her eyes, lavender in hue and pupil-less—an unique trait shared only among the Hyūgas—held a depth that spoke of wisdom beyond her years. 
Her smile had the power to illuminate even the darkest of chambers, and her beauty was a force to be reckoned with—a weapon wielded with the allure of a siren, capable of captivating even the most hardened of hearts. 
"Fools." She would always sneer. 
Whispers reverberated her name, ensuring that she remained the focal point of every conversation.
From the grand halls of courtiers to the bustling camps of warriors and the humble villages of common folk, all tongues wagged about her. 
Even amongst her own people who proudly carried the Hyūga banner, discussions about her were rife—whether they had caught a mere glimpse of her, heard tales of her exploits, or were merely fueled by rumors.
Everyone wanted her. 
But they always wanted something from her. 
Courtiers lusted after her in hopes of being crowned as kings.
Warriors vied for her favor, yearning for a chance to spend just a night with her.
And a simple commoner, bless their hearts, sought her out with a wish to be freed from the chains of poverty and misfortune.
But no.
No one can have her. 
Hinata remained untouched. 
A closed-off fortress, one might even describe. 
Hinata was a woman of independence, resolute in her choice to rule alone, free from the influence of any man.
A queen who answered to no one.
A queen that bowed down to no one…
only to herself.
Alone, untouched by love's embrace, her sole ambition was to reign supreme, a quest that consumed her every waking thought. 
That's all that mattered to her. 
And she was content with that…
at least on the surface. 
Because amidst the blood-soaked battlefields and the cold stone walls of her fortress, Hinata harbored a secret. 
A forbidden secret. 
It was a love that went against everything she believed in and stood for, challenging her vow to shun love from her heart entirely.
It was a love that persistently gnawed at the corners of her mind, fueling an insatiable desire to savor its forbidden sweetness with every passing moment, be it day or night.
It was a love that dwelled within her that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade she presented to the world, a delicate balance that teetered on the edge of collapse.
A love that was for…
Naruto Uzumaki.
Her most loyal and courageous general.
He was the only man who possessed the power of thawing the heart of the Ice Queen, of kindling her flame.
He, and only he, was the one Hinata longed for, the sole object of her burning desire.
Naruto was many things: a jack of all trades, a wild card, a man truly one of a kind.
Hinata knew that from the first moment she laid eyes on him. 
With his unwavering loyalty and unparalleled skill in warfare, he stood by her side as her most trusted advisor and also the leader of her formidable army.
He was the very man who guided the Hyūga troops into battle.
Without fear.
Without hesitation.
Without mercy. 
Just like his queen. 
The battlefield was his domain, a territory Naruto claimed without hesitation, fearlessly commanding the front lines better than any man. 
He led with a ferocity that mirrored his queen's, rushing into battle, ready to slaughter anyone who stood on the other side. It didn't matter who his enemies were; nobles, seasoned warriors, or mere foot soldiers—none were spared from his wrath.
He cut through the lot of them like it was nothing, happily killing in Hinata's name.
And each time, the result was the same; each battle's end unchanged. 
Naruto emerged victorious. 
Time and time again. 
Naruto stood as the driving force behind every triumph that echoed throughout the current Hyūga dynasty, a harbinger of inevitable victory for the Hyūga forces.
A man who single-handedly instilled fear on the battlefields and beyond.
Many called him the warrior of warriors.
Others referred to him as the bearer of grim gifts.
For it was he who had happily made it a tradition to present his queen with the grisly spoils of war upon her throne after every battle—the severed heads of her enemies.
A morbid treat, but one that he knew delighted his queen like none other. 
Naruto's loyalty to Hinata extended beyond mere duty; it was a deep-seated commitment, ingrained in every fiber of his being.
Every step he took was for her.
Every thought was consumed by her.
Every decision he made was for her. 
And every battle won was for her. 
Naruto sought nothing. 
He sought nothing in return from his queen.  
He harbored no desire for the benefits her status as queen or her unparalleled beauty could bestow upon him.
His loyalty was unconditional, dedicated solely to her and her cause. Naruto existed solely to ensure her success, to safeguard her sovereignty, and to defend her at any expense.
And Hinata appreciated his devotion beyond measure. 
No one could rival the bond shared between them, a connection forged in the fires of battle and sealed with the blood of their enemies.
To commemorate their victories, they would eagerly retreat to the comfort of their bed chambers, to hide from the world within the embrace of one another's arms. There, Hinata would shed her gowns, and Naruto, his armor, and fuck like there was no tomorrow, relishing in the sweet sensation of their naked bodies pressing against each other. 
And in those tender moments they spent together, they were allowed the freedom to shed their masks, baring their souls freely to one another. Then, naked and safe within the confines of their bedrooms, they revealed a side of themselves never before seen from the outside world. 
Naruto let go of his stoic mask and revealed his softer side.
Hinata shed her icy exterior and allowed herself to be vulnerable.
She showed Naruto the depths of her passion, allowed him to be more than just her sword, teaching him how to cherish the moments stolen from the chaos of their conquests. 
Amidst it all, only their stolen glances and kisses were the traces of their hidden affair.
Only their bedroom walls knew of the profound love they had for one another.
They understood the risks. 
As queen and general, they were aware of the potential havoc that could be wrought if their forbidden relationship were to be exposed to the world.
They were aware of how their love had the potential to jeopardize the solid foundations of the empire they had worked tirelessly to build.
War and love was usually a precarious balance, after all. 
But for them, it worked.
Risk or not…
Forbidden or not, they were happy. 
Continue Reading On Wattpad Or AO3.
And so, together, they ruled with ice and fire, their love a force that could not be conquered, even by the mightiest of empires.
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— (⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆)
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princegeorgeofwales · 2 years
The Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince George and Princess Charlotte greeting The King and Queen at the Together At Christmas Carol Service tonight  ❤️
@ royalfamilysupporters on Instagram
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