#deceptive recruitment
Unification Church's deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 2
Second in a two-part series from May 1997 about deceptive recruiting tactics of the Unification Church in San Francisco.
5:00 Ford Greene: “The pitch that is always made is a pitch to conscience, is a pitch to a person’s highest, most moral inner yearnings and the ultimate result is enslavement.”
Unification Church’s deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 1
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wyvernquill · 3 months
I'm rewatching Anastasia and this convo would really fit in your AU
Hob: look, Murphy, I'm just trying to help Murphy: do you really think I'm an Endless, Hob?
Hob: you know I do.
Murphy: then stop bossing me around
I'm sorry, this ask is already over a year old, but I finally got around to writing a scene based on it! (Plus some Murphy&Gil bits I wanted to put in somewhere, anyway.) Hope you enjoy!
[Mild warning for contemplation of one's potential death, and having once lost the will to life - I wouldn't call it suicidal ideation, it doesn't quite go there, but I figured I'd better be safe than sorry.]
Link to Anastasia AU Masterpost!
(Tag list, let me know if you want to be added or taken off: @10moonymhrivertam @martybaker @globglobglobglobob @anonymoustitans @sunshines-fabulous-legs @dreamsofapiratelife @malice-royaume @kcsandmanfan @acedragontype @okilokiwithpurpose @tharkuun @silver-dream89 @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch)
“Hob.” Murphy interrupts, eyes flashing with frustration.
(Today’s how-to-be-a-Dream-Lord lessons are not going well - not that any of them have, but this one is a particular catastrophe. Gil has already given up on their contrary charge for the evening, and with the way Murphy’s shoulders are up and tension bristles between them, Hob is unlikely to make much more headway tonight.)
“Tell me. Do you truly believe I am him? The Prince of Stories? The Dream King?”
“Yes,” Hob lies, easily, unflinchingly, and with a smile on his face. A good lie has to be treated like the truth, and maybe, one day, it’ll actually turn into one. They’ve been trying so very hard to teach Murphy this, he should know it by now. “Of course.”
“Then, perhaps,” Murphy spits, and despite his feral arrogance, despite the way he holds his head high and squares his slender shoulders, it’s not the regal indignation of a King, but the helpless tantrum of an angry child who’s failing in class. “You ought to finally treat me with the fucking deference an Endless is owed, Hob Gadling!”
(There are tears in his pale-blueish eyes, Hob can see them, can hear the crack in Murphy’s hoarse voice.
Nobody has treated this man with respect in all the years he remembers, that much is obvious. Nobody but his birds. And he knows, they all know, that he’s no prince, that his blood runs red, not blue - runs at all, come to think of it. Endless don’t bleed.
But he wants to be. He wishes he was. Murphy is not Dream of the Endless, but he is ravenous for the spoils of such a role. Desperate to be respected, to be worshipped and revered, desperate to be owed the sort of treatment he has never received.
Hob ought to be ashamed of himself for taking advantage of that helpless hunger for kindness and decency… and he will be. For the rest of his immortal life, he’ll live with the shame of what he did to cheat Death, and still not regret it.)
Hob plasters a smile over his impatience and opens his mouth, gentle, calming words already on the tip of his tongue. Murphy is lonely and frightened and frustrated, that much is obvious. Fine. Hob knew it wouldn’t be easy, to teach their false Dream all he needs to know, and this is not an insurmountable roadblock. If Hob can only reassure him, earn his trust, be his friend, even, it will make everything much easier. Poor thing, lashing out like an injured animal. But Hob can surely coax him into-
Murphy recoils. Flinches back from the admittedly-half-faked warmth, his face, his entire bearing collapsing into itself like a heavy portcullis rattling shut.
“Don’t you dare,” he growls, pointing one of his stick-thin fingers at Hob’s face, “don’t you DARE! I have no need for your false pity, and I want no part of it! I want-” the white of his eyes is bloodshot, and in his terror, in his fury, in his desperation, awash in unshed tears “-I want out. This deal is off. Find some other poor sucker to teach how to play Endless, I won’t do it! I’ve had enough!”
And before Hob can say as much as a single word, Murphy has snatched up his coat and slipped out onto the rainy street, Matthew following - but not after awarding Hob with a colder glare than he would’ve thought a mere raven capable of.
Murphy does not manage to flee very far.
He is in an unfamiliar town, with no money, no valuables besides the clothes on his back that are now slightly finer than he used to be; and the winter is cold and deep and stifling. He gets no further than a handful of streets until he slows halfway across a bridge, shaking with cold more than anger, snowflakes dancing around him. It is a quiet, windless night - and it has always calmed him, to stand underneath the dark sky at night, and know that most of the city lies asleep around him.
Matthew settles on the bridge’s parapet, caws. Hops closer, cocks his head to one side. There is a clear question in his bearing, a what now? glinting in his eyes. Birds are open and honest - unlike humans. Liars and hypocrites all.
“...I do not know, Matthew.” Murphy admits quietly. He has taken the coat, but forgotten the scarf in his haste, so he tugs at his collar, to keep the cold air from trickling down his spine. “I truly don’t.”
He does not have the means to return to London on his own - and at the same time, does not have much desire to do so. He had nothing and no-one there, but for the birds. Pockets can be picked anywhere - he could make a new start in this nameless town.
…if only it weren’t winter.
Murphy shivers, feeling his bones rattle with it. The night is calm, but bitterly cold, and it will not end well for him, sitting in the snow until morning. In the dark of winter, he cannot afford a night without shelter, a day without a sure way to come by some food to keep his strengths up. In London, he would have known where to go. Here, he is helpless.
Damn Hob Gadling, and may Destruction take him! Murphy will have no other choice but to crawl back to him, and hope he’ll be kept on as Endless-impersonator. Hope, because Murphy’s made a right pig’s ear of it so far, slow and clumsy to learn, and outright refusing to play at nobility. He will always be a gutter rat, Murphy knows it. They can’t fashion him into a Dream King, and perhaps this flare of temper will prove to Hob once and for all that there is no point in trying.
There is no point in trying.
Murphy gives up on his collar, and rests his hands on the parapet. Matthew caws, and presses his head against his arm, a far better reassurance than Hob’s false smiles. It comforts Murphy, at least a little. He’s not alone, never alone - no matter how lonely he might feel.
Underneath them, a foreign river flows just fast enough to avoid the freeze. The water does not reflect any stars, but the snow dancing over the surface makes it almost look as if. His own reflection wavers and breaks across the waves.
(Some nights, he dreams of a darkened shore and a sea stretching far past the horizon, black waters that fold up into the night sky, indistinguishable from each other. Of a wooden pier, and galaxies swirling underneath.
Whenever he leans out too far, the reflected eyes he meets are not his own, and he wakes with a scream lodged in his throat.)
Murphy shivers again, and savours the last remnants of his pride, before it, too, will have to be cast into the dirt and abandoned.
“I believe you forgot this, young friend.”
Murphy’s head snaps up.
Dreams and nightmares approach without a whisper, perfectly silent at night if they choose to be. Gilbert is no exception; and if Murphy were to pay attention to anything but his heart racing like a startled hare, he would perhaps be a little distressed by the fact that there are no fresh footprints in the snow beside his own.
But it’s only Gilbert, kind-eyed and not-human, holding out Murphy’s scarf like a peace offering.
Murphy does not take it.
“Did Gadling send you?” he asks, wary.
“Robert informed me what had transpired between you two.” Gilbert admits. “But rest assured, I am here on nobody’s behalf but my own - and, well, yours. Frightfully nippy tonight, wouldn’t you say?”
Murphy does not say. He trusts Gil as little as Hob, perhaps even less. A dream attempting to betray the memory of his master seems hardly like a paragon of virtue, and is perhaps even more suspicious than a deceitful human.
(He does, however, take the scarf now. It’s too cold to be stubborn, and when he winds it around his neck, it smells of sunshine on a summer meadow, warm and comforting.)
“And if you truly wish to leave… dear boy, I won’t stop you.” Murphy does not like the way Gilbert looks at him, as if trying to see someone else beneath his skin. He does not meet Murphy’s eyes, if he can help it. “In fact I would send you off with well-earned compensation for your time, and travel fare. Unless…”
Gil steps up to the parapet beside him.
“...unless I can convince you to stay…?”
“Why would you?” Murphy mutters, instead of why would I, if you’re offering to pay me off? “It should be perfectly obvious that I’ll never pass muster.”
“Ironically,” Gilbert smiles, but only at the man he pretends to see whenever he looks at Murphy, “it is well known among the former denizens of the Dreaming that His Lordship was often prone to very similar bouts of pessimism. I have faith in you, Murphy - and so does Robert Gadling. Please, do not leave. I rather doubt we will succeed without you.”
"You…" Murphy struggles with the words, the sentiment behind them lodging uncomfortably in his throat. "You have great respect, even love, for Dream of the Endless' memory. So why do you pretend? Why try to fool his siblings that I am him?"
For a moment, Gilbert seems ready to insist, as always, that Murphy is, or at least might be - but, to his credit, he does not play Murphy for a fool, in the end. Not this time. Not like Hob always, always does.
"You are quite correct. I loved His Lordship deeply, in a way that could never be understood by anyone but a dream and their creator." Gilbert sighs, his soft meadow-green eyes gazing far into the distance of better days, lined by old grief. "He made me to be the Heart of the Dreaming, and he was the Dreaming, so I knew his heart and self better than any other. The loss, when he… you cannot imagine it, young friend. I thought I would wither away and die. I thought that would be a mercy. To live as a dream in a universe that does not contain Dream of the Endless seemed entirely unthinkable, and to be quite frank, I did not think I would survive longer than a year at most in the Waking."
"I understand," says Murphy, quietly, and he does. He is no stranger to the feeling of being so untethered, only floating along with the end looming over him, death - not Death, no longer, the Endless have been cast from their domains - only biding its time.
(In the first year he can remember, Murphy did not think he would see another, either.)
"And yet, the year passed. And I lived." Gilbert smiles, faintly, taking off his glasses to polish them. "I suspect it was humanity which saved me, for all that they robbed me of my home and Lord, as well. I found… such joy, in this world. In my human form, wandering among them. Calling a few select individuals friends, even. Young Robert's companionship was a particular blessing, and I owe him more than he can ever know."
He sets the glasses back on his nose.
"Lord Morpheus is dead." Says Gilbert. Says it like fact, like something too absolute for the sort of dream-creature born of hypotheticals he is, like an unshakeable truth he has resigned himself to. His voice only barely breaks over the words. "And I shall grieve him for all the rest of my days… but I must live to mourn him. Life goes on, young friend, and we must all move along with it. And, well. I cannot speak for Robert's motivations, but the true reason why I have agreed to this mad scheme…"
Gilbert takes Murphy's freezing hands in his own. His fingertips are not lined quite right, they would not leave prints that look even remotely like those of a human - but aside from that, his grip is warm, avuncular, firm, reassuring.
"I fear that his siblings will not be able to live on without him." Gilbert confesses, quietly. "They are not made to accept change and move on from a loss as monumental as what humanity has wrought upon them. To have you… not him, not entirely, but perhaps enough… it is my most solemn hope that it might give them some form of closure at long last."
"So that's what it is?" Murphy laughs, bitterly. "Charitable concern for the well-being of personifications of abstract concepts!?"
"No." Gilbert corrects mildly. "Love. For my creator's family."
Murphy scoffs. His chest aches with it.
"What you, hmm. What you must understand, about Lord Morpheus…" Gilbert seems to be choosing his words very carefully. "...is that, for all that he was often harsh and commanding, he was so very loving, always. My Lord loved with all his self, even if he would attempt to turn a cold shoulder to the world - and I think you are much like him in temperament, young Murphy.”
Murphy does not acknowledge that. He doesn't think he can.
“He loved his family, and he loved the Dreaming, and all the beings in it. I was his heart, or near as, you must recall, I knew the truth at the core of him.
Memories or not, love as he did, and you will be a credit to his name, and a comfort to all who knew him."
(Murphy does not have it in himself to love like Dream of the Endless did. He already struggles to love at all.
But perhaps, for the sake of the entity whose memory he will dishonour, he can try.)
“So. Will you come back and resume your lessons?” Gil asks, very gently. “You may leave, now or any other time, of course you may. But it would be to your benefit, as well as to that of many others, if you did not.”
“I’ll stay,” Murphy forces out. He could blame the way his hands shake on the cold. “For now.”
“Thank you, dear child. Thank you.” This time, when Gilbert smiles, it very nearly feels like it is directed at him, after all. “Now, let’s get you out of this cold, hm? And Matthew as well.”
Murphy lets Gilbert herd him back to their inn, sits through Hob Gadling’s apology and wonders if it was sincere - he can never tell, with this infuriating man - and continues to learn as much as possible about the life of Dream of the Endless.
But he’s slowly realising, if anything will convince the Endless siblings, then it certainly won’t be the trivia. He’ll have to learn to love like the Lord of Stories, for their deception to have a snowflake’s chance in hell.
(Oh, wonderful. As if this wasn’t difficult enough already…)
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danse--macabre · 4 months
honestly the most offputting thing about ch'lakhou & astarion travelling together post-canon is that it's TERRIBLE party comp. he's a ranged/melee damage dealer and they're a melee damage dealer. Where's the tank? Where's the healer? Where's the wizard who knows utility spells like detect magic or message or feather fall or fly? They're gonna get smashed if they try and solo a dungeon. They might be my two biggest party damage dealers but they don't have the range ;-;
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paarthursass · 9 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character? (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
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rolanpilled · 6 months
BG3 Patch 5 Spoilers
New content from the ending scene of BG3. This is all from the perspective of a redeemed Dark Urge who romanced Shadowheart and Halsin, and recruited every "good" ally possible.
people at the party: all your companions, scratch, owlbear, volo, and a bard in the middle playing a song (his name is milil)
lae'zel is the only one who isn't here physically, she sent an astral projection instead because she's been busy fighting vlaakith
astarion explains why he ran away (ashamed) when the sunlight hit him, he's become a "hero" who adventures and has accepted himself
(romanced halsin) you can hug halsin, he's missed his friends and you. you can do both the hug and the kiss, it's really sweet. he's turned the shadowlands into a community, repursing reithwin and moonrise towers into homes for people
jaheira's daughter rejoined the flaming fist, she's been working on rebuilding the harper network. the upper city was entirely destroyed by the battle but has been mostly rebuilt. she jokes that you might be a parent soon
wyll gives you a choice between three stories, a stegosaur/dinosaur battle, an impossible lich, or a young dragon. he lost his warlock powers but has been managing the best he can, and has become a RANGER ("a true hunter of monsters"). duke ravengard is commanding the flaming fist and help rebuilding the city, and he's very proud of his son
minsc and boo guard the streets while jaheira is "occupied with harperish manners". they "went to give a tickle" to the zhentarim, then got locked up in a zhentish cell, awaiting execution? idk if i'm reading incorrectly but he seems to be implying that he actually GOT executed but withers brought him back just in time lmfao
gale has become "professor gale dekarios of blackstaff academy, educator of the esteemed school of illusion". tara is with him. he surrended the crown of karsus to mystra, who cured him of the orb in exchange (his tattoo is gone), though his students still think he's explosive (he implies that he uses it as a threat to keep his class under control). he tells his students about your adventures together. he also implies you're welcome to visit his tower
shadowheart (main romance) - the game told me that we settled down together to live a happy, peaceful life on a farm in the countryside. shar still hurts her (if parents are saved), especially when she can sense that SH is enjoying herself, but it's been getting less frequent because she's been "losing interest". there's a new hug and kiss scene for her too, so i'm assuming this is for ALL companions and not just halsin/SH/whoever
withers will speak to you about karlach, explaining that she won't be able to come back. he jokes about her, which is rare for him, and you're given to opportunity to grieve her loss. in "a dozen tendays" (assumedly how long bg3 is), "an entire life was lived, she lived several centuries" (not exact quote).
milil, the bard playing in the center, does NOT want to be there. he's pissed that no one recognizes him (he's pissed specifically that i'm a bard and don't recognize him), i had to pass a deception check to recognize him and he cheered up and offered to change the song he's playing
there's a chest called "Chest of Grateful Words" filled with letters from your allies!
"Official Guild Letter"
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"Letter from Barcus"
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"Letter from Art"
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"Letter from Valeria"
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"Letter from Ravengard"
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"Letter from Sebastian"
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"Letter from Florrick"
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"Letter from the Gur" (unascended Astarion)
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"Letter from Alfira" (durge, killed quil grootslang)
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"Letter from Dammon"
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"Letter from Elminster"
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"Letter from Nocturne"
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"Letter from Voss"
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"Letter from Hope"
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"Letter from Mayrina"
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"Letter from Nine-Fingers"
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"Letter from Zevlor"
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"Harp-stamped Letter"
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Baldur's Mouth Gazette
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If you find anything interesting I missed, please let me know.
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chappelroans · 6 months
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"use deception. lie. leave out important information. establish front groups. promise to fulfill their dreams. diminish doubting by separating your new recruits from each other and surround them with happy, true believers, so when in doubt they will do what everyone else around them is doing. surround them with unconditional love and attention. find their weak spot. use this information to control them."
mind control made easy, carey burtt
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4dango-the2nd · 10 months
4Dango Comic Masterlist
These are mostly twitter links right now. I’ll slowly replace them with the tumblr posts as I upload the comics here!
Bennett’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Childe’s Birthday (twt 2021) (2022)
Diluc’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Eula’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Jean’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Kaeya’s Birthday (twt 2020) 
Kaveh's Birthday (2023)
Kokomi’s Birthday (2022)
Razor’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Rosaria’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Sara’s Birthday (2022)
Xiao’s Birthday (2021)
Zhongli’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Secret Santa (2020)
Father’s Day (twt 2021)
Christmas (2021)
New Year (2022)
Voices in Ice & Snow (Corrupted Albedo dj, Completed) [twitter] [webtoon]
Cold Tolerance & Homunculus Body (ft. Albedo, Aether)
My Sword (ft. Albedo, Aether, CW: GORE)
Ghost AU page test (ft. Albedo, Aether)
“Father” (ft. Albedo, Subject 2, Dainsleif)
Fleeting Shadow (ft. Albedo, Subject 2, Aether)
Teasing Huffman (ft. Albedo, Huffman)
Dawn Winery centric (Diluc, Kaeya, Adelinde):
Eye (ft. Diluc & Kaeya)
Badass Adelinde
Diluc’s Raw Strength (ft. Diluc, poor hilichurl)
Long Live The King (ft. Kaeya, Diluc, Kaeya’s father)
500 Years (ft. Kaeya, Kaeya’s father)
Rain Anthology flipbook animation
LUPICAL (Modern AU) [webtoon]
Mondt Gala [twitter thread]
Klee’s Big Bang skill (animation)
Use Your Claws, Boy (ft. Razor, Rosaria)
If You Hurt Him (ft. Razor, Rosaria)
Shadows (ft. Diluc & Rosaria, crack ship)
Growing Up (ft. Razor, Klee) [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Ties (ft. Diluc, Razor)
Summer Event (ft. Razor, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Dvalin)
Viktor & Lily
LIYUE Anthology
Ancient Liyue Collection
Burning Karmic Debt (Indarias’ death)
Farewell Harvia
Xiao’s Hobby
Qiqi’s Wish (Lantern Rite comic, ft. Qiqi, Xiao)
Resonant Wave zine entry (ft. Tartali, Childe/Zhongli)
INAZUMA Anthology
Teppei’s Ambition (ft. Teppei, Aether, Scaramouche)
Familiar Fatui Recruit (ft. Aether, Childe, Chouji)
Grand Aspiration (ft. Kazuha, Kazuha’s Friend)
Orobashi & his Generals (character fandesigns)
Rui & Kanna Kapatcir (character fandesigns)
KAGOME [Webtoon compilation]
Kabukimono's Tales of Tatarasuna
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
If Niwa, Katsuragi, & Nagamasa comes back to life (ft. Wanderer)
If Niwa comes back to life (ft. Wanderer, Kazuha, Niwa)
Standalones not featured in my books:
Catharsis (ft. Wanderer, Dottore)
Wanderer animation (based on Deko’s illustration)
SUMERU Anthology
Bug Talks (ft. Collei, Cyno)
Following Footsteps (ft. Cyno, Collei)
Caretaker & Protector (ft. Collei, Cyno, Tighnari)
Pay Attention, Or Else (ft. Collei, Cyno, Tighnari, Aether)
Do You Remember (ft. Nahida, Aether, Lumine)
Ashes & You (ft. Kaveh, Alhaitham)
Samsara (ft. Dottore, Nahida)
Flower for my most gallant knight (ft. Dehya, Dunyarzad)
Your Turn, Milady (ft. Dehya, Dunyarzad)
The Gilded Sand’s Lullaby (ft. Jeht, Jebrael)
Falcon’s Sunset (ft. Aether, Tadhla)
Child of Snow & Forest (ft. Alphonso, Rana, Arana)
Waiting Forever (ft. Alphonso, Aether, Iotham)
Zandik’s Dream (ft. Zandik/Dottore, Rukkhadevata)
Character Fandesigns
Professor Cyrus [grandpa energy] [fandesign]
Pari [part 1 twt] [part 2 twt]
Sheikh Zubayr (doodle)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata (before cutscene release)
Nabu Malikata, Goddess of Flower 
Rhinedottir fandesign
We Promised (ft. Aether, Lumine)
“I’m Just A Feeble Scholar” (commission, ft. Alhaitham/Aether)
Albedo vs Childe rough animatic
Abyss Memories [part 1, ft. Kazuha, Kazuha’s Friend] [part 2, ft. Lumine, Enjou, Kazuha’s Friend]
Missing You (ft Aether, Lumine, Albedo)
Humble Wish (ft. Lumine, Dainsleif, Aether)
Deception (ft. Aether, Venti, Zhongli)
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ataraxiaspainting · 5 months
Presentiment of Massacre.
Yan Geto x F Reader.
Synopsis: Of all the people in your village, why were you the only one spared?
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, major spoilers for the start of JJK S2, some not SFW implications, and violence/slight gore.
Word Count: 900.
“You can see them, can’t you?”
The man is tall, so much taller, so much taller than you who is curled up into a ball in the corner of your home, to hide, an intention that was more or less popped like a balloon. He is so much taller than the corpses littering the floor with their blood, their vomit, their tears. Gazing at the disarray with a mix of revulsion and frustration, he found himself devoid of any trace of it on his person, his exasperation evident as he muttered the word monkeys repeatedly along with quick, muffled talks of cleaning and baths and stains.
“Miss. You can see them, can’t you? The beings around us.”
As he receives no response once more, he pivots. A terrifying grin adorns his face, an unsettling visage that seems to transcend the boundaries of humanity. It appears as if it is a mere appendage, capable of detachment at whim, akin to a magnet or a metallic fragment. This facade, a deceptive guise, conceals the malevolent demon lurking beneath its surface.
“...I… Please… Please just ge-”
“Answer my question.” Interrupting, he maintains a sickeningly warm smile and tone, though his words possess an entirely different temperature. They are demanding. Frigid. For nothing burns quite like the icy cold. “I know you can, from the way you are looking around the room and hiding. Stop pretending you can’t.”
Even when his gaze was averted, his vigilance never wavered, always deciphering the motives behind your awkward, apprehensive behavior. He possesses an uncanny ability to interrogate as if presiding over a courtroom, posing probing inquiries that unveil the heart of the matter. Every response you offer seems to hold the power to determine your verdict: a life of freedom, confinement, or even death.
Opting for honesty may prove beneficial. It could potentially strengthen your position, although there are no guarantees. Contemplating the act of praying, you ponder its efficacy, hoping for assistance from any divine entity that may exist. You certainly wouldn't want to become another disfigured body within the grasp of the beast behind the man's monstrous jaws.
So, after weighing all of this out, your lips part instinctively.
“Ah, I knew it. Unlike these monkeys, you are worthy.” As a reaction to those two sentences, about a million thoughts and questions sprout in your mind. “You will be spared if you join us. You do not want to be rotting on top of these filthy monkey corpses, do you?”
In an instant, you vigorously shake your head, causing a fleeting sense of dizziness, as you promptly respond to his inquiry this time.
“I’ll… I’ll… do it.” As anticipated, the act of surrendering proved to be a complex experience, simultaneously challenging and effortless. This situation resembles a collision of opposing forces, resulting in a powerful and explosive event. However, due to an innate instinct and the familiarity acquired from past encounters with your inebriated father, you find yourself succumbing once again. “Anything.” You don’t think of saying that word specifically, and you regret it later than sooner. “Just… Just please. I want to live.”
A gentle pull brings you to your feet as his hand reaches out to grasp yours.
“I am glad you accepted my conditions. Very glad.” The man brushes his side bang out of his face, his grip becoming slightly looser. “I am Suguru, Suguru Geto. Now, what is your name, my new recruit?”
“...[First].” You whisper your name so softly, questioning whether Geto caught it. “Do I… Do I have to use that too? Because…”
“No, you don’t. Though if you want you can be taught to wield something, something weaker than this.”
He responded to your question as if you were a young child inquiring about the purchasing of infants from a retail establishment. “...But do I have to?”
Geto shook his head and called the beast with two waving fingers. It is a dragon, you think, from how long it is and how it has large white scales, even whiter teeth, and long golden hair partially stained red, and how its large blue eyes stared into your soul.
“That depends on the future.” He says, his grip dwindling even further. The monster disappears with another wave of his hand. He chuckles. “Depends mainly on what you do, and why you do it.”
“…What do you think I would do?”
“You’re not good at hiding your emotions, you know.” Something creeps up your thigh, and before you have the chance to scream he puts his hand on your mouth and his other hand grabs one of your arms. “That gives way to not being able to hide your plans very well. You’re planning on running the first chance you get, aren’t you? Before you do such a silly little thing, I must tell you that I can give you protection, and luxuries beyond your imagination… everyone and everything will bow down to you.”
He looks down at the slimy red thing with at least six eyes, the build and size similar to that of a basketball. Its lips were sucking on your flesh with words like love leaving them in between moments. That was the answer to your unspoken question.
“All you have to do is follow me, okay? No matter where I go, follow me. Do that, and your life will be so much better.”
From the look in his eyes, you already know he had already made the decision for you.
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hawnks · 7 months
Word count: ~2,800
warnings: a/b/o typical sexism, abuse of authority (from side character), mention of leg injury
He brings the storm with him.
You learn him in whispers, along with a bevy of myth and rumor. He drifted here from the East. His clothing has been mended at least a dozen times, but his shoes are sturdy, expertly crafted. He makes no noise when he walks — hardly any noise at all. Rōnin, not samurai. And you can’t trust a man with no honor.
He killed his old master, I heard.
No, he was exiled.
Maybe he killed his master because he was exiled.
“He’ll be gone tomorrow once the rain lets up,” the innkeeper says, cutting off all further speculation. “Now, mind your work, not the guests.”
Beside you, someone grouses, “He chose a funny season to wander, if he’s afraid of the weather.”
The rain does not let up.
It puts everyone in a sour mood. The streets turn viscous and tacky, the air brutally cool. You draw the short straw, sent to fetch the days meat in the early morning, a long trek to the fishmonger that leaves you drenched down to your underwear.
It takes twice as long as usual — you lose your sandal a few times in the muck — and when you arrive the stand is vacant. The old man had come down with pneumonia.
Frustrated, you take the long way home. They can wait for the bad news, and you’re so soaked a few extra minutes won’t make any difference. You catch the eye of a few of the daimyō’s men, leering at you from beneath awnings, snickering as you walk by.
“Wanna hear a joke about wet omegas?” one of them calls to you.
You grit your teeth and keep walking.
You deliver the news about the fish to the innkeeper at the door to her room, so you can dart out again before she has a chance to say anything. God forbid she sends you out on another errand.
Soaking, furious, you change into your uniform, and begin your shift at the tavern.
The work is tedious, but decently lucrative. You like to talk to travelers, learn what’s happening beyond the boundaries of your town. It’s hard to put into words what you get out of this, hoarding information like you’re starved for it. Maybe the sheer notion that there is someplace else. That this town and its people are not the only things in the world.
The comfort of knowing away is still possible.
You expect to ask the rōnin the same, starry eyed questions, regardless of how the other server is avoiding him. It might even be enough to salvage this shitty morning.
But you don’t get a chance to ask him where he’s from, what he’s seen. You open your mouth to say something, and choke on air thick with the scent of wisteria.
He meets your gaze.
He won’t look away.
Your wet hair drips on his table.
You can’t feel your fingertips.
Shoving yourself away from the table so hard it rattles against the floor, you excuse yourself in a mumbled tumult. You recruit the other server to take over your tables for the rest of the morning. You must look as awful as you feel, because she doesn’t even question it as you retreat back to your room, throw yourself under the quilt. Close your eyes and pray for your heart to settle.
The one thing the gossip didn’t prepare you for — an alpha.
Another day of storms. Another morning you draw the short straw.
Another day you limp home through the mud, empty handed.
The soldiers don’t leer today. Instead, the daimyō is waiting for you. It feels like he’s always waiting for you, that he could swoop in any moment, as quick and ruthless as a hawk.
He’s said he could follow your scent straight to you, no matter where you’re hiding. Sometimes you believe it.
He’s leaning against a wall under an awning, but you know the casual stance is deceptive. He can be fast when he wants to be.
He calls your name, an inferred order to come.
You pretend you didn’t hear, keep walking.
He’s standing straight now arms at his side. Ready. Your insides feel leaden. It takes all your willpower to keep moving forward. To disregard an alpha is one, painful thing. To disregard the daimyō is simple insanity.
Water blurs your vision. You can’t tell from the corner of your eye what expression he’s making. Sometimes he finds your insolence humorous.
Sometimes not.
Just a dozen feet further and you’ll be at the bend in the road.
“You should greet me,” he says. Quiet, but you’re so hyper-vigilant, there’s no way you could miss it.
“Good morning, My Lord,” you whisper to your feet.
He doesn’t step out into the rain, but his voice follows you around the corner. Teasing, condescending. “That’s a good omega.”
He could kill you for your bad manners. A servant, ignoring their lord. No one would question it, no one would dispute it.
But then — he would be killing the only omega in the whole town.
As much as he resents your disobedience, he would resent the loss of you even more. An alpha must have an omega, he told you. That is his right.
Chin tucked and scurrying, you don’t realize you’re on a collision course until you’ve already run into the man. The impact sends you tumbling to the ground.
Through the buffer of the downpour, it takes you a minute to recognize him. His scent.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says. “I apologize.”
He bends to offer you a hand up. You just stare at his outstretched palm. Silent. Reeling.
You wait for him to give an order. Demand you take his hand, or that you come to stand on your feeble legs all on your own. It’s simply an alphas nature to wield their power like a cudgel, to bend everything and everyone to their will.
And now you have two of them to deal with.
Another moment of stillness. Your breath steams. Your pulse drowns out all other sounds.
He kneels.
Like this, on the same level, you can see the color of his eyes. So perfectly brown they’re almost black.
“Are you alright?” he says.
His voice is staid and calm. Not demanding. Not cruel. It — confuses you. You don’t understand what he wants from you.
You rise to your knees, shoving him with all your strength. He doesn’t budge. He remains solid and upright beneath your hands. You can feel the muscle, the innate strength. He’s warm, beneath the wet clothes. So incredibly warm.
You wonder if he could soothe your chill. You wonder if the touch of his bare skin would burn.
With a gasp, you tear away, appalled and mystified by your own reaction.
He stays kneeling as you rise and step away. He stays as you rush home, the scent of wisteria heavy in your lungs.
The innkeeper is displeased with your performance, of late. She gives you a stern warning that you shouldn’t let your “licentious nature” interfere with work.
“I don’t know why I agreed to take an omega on,” she sighs. “Not like you’ll be around for much longer, anyway.”
You wince. “Am I fired?”
The old woman laughs. “No, no. Not yet, anyway.” She waves at you, a full body gesture. A reference to the omega in you. “You’ll be wed to His Lordship soon, anyway. You won’t have to worry about the toil of work anymore.”
You excuse yourself shortly after.
The days are a monotony. Even the fear is so commonplace you lose track of it. The daimyō grows impatient with you. He calls to you from the shelter of the awning, each time a little bolder, a little less demure about his intentions.
“You know, I have a bad habit of breaking my things when I get bored of them,” he tells you. “I wonder what other tricks you have to keep me entertained.”
You hang your clothes to dry every evening, and the drip becomes a steady cadence, like the ticking of a clock.
This is your life.
The rain.
The rain.
The rain.
The decree is issued that afternoon. Marriage.
You’re to report to the royal estate before sundown, along with everything you own. You will not be coming back.
You pack your bag; you take the road out of town. With the city at your back, you’ll have to pass through the outskirt woods. Then across the river, a dangerous gambit when the water is this high, but that just means you won’t be followed.
You can’t imagine the consequences if they catch you.
The path grows looser the further you go, the mud deep, silt as slick as ice. Arduous and exhausting. And dangerous, too.
You don’t realize your footing is off until it’s too late. You slip, land badly. You cry out before you can stop yourself.
You struggle to your knees, get one of your legs beneath you. A shock of pain has you tumbling down again.
You can’t stand. You can’t run.
Just moments after you fall, a shadow overtakes you. And a man, looming, familiar, crouches before you.
“I heard your voice,” he says. “Can you walk?”
You shake your head, timid, overwhelmed.
“Pardon me,” he says, before hefting you up into his arms.
The ease he does it with is startling. An alpha’s superior strength.
He brings you to a small hunting cabin. Clearly abandoned, but decent enough. It’s dry, and a small fire is going in the hearth.
There’s no furniture except for a rudimentary pallet, which he sets you down on.
“May I?” he asks, hands hovering above your stockinged leg.
He takes your silence as answer enough, unrolling the material gradually, trying not to disturb your injury. He inspects it briefly, pressing carefully. You wince, he stops.
He reaches for his bag, retrieving a small tin. “Your ankle is sprained,” he tells you. “You should return to town in the morning.”
“I need to leave,” you return absently. “I have to get past the bridge.”
He frowns.
“The bridge has collapsed. The river is impassable.” He had tried to leave that morning, only to face the same dilemma. He considers you leg. “Besides, you won’t make it very far.”
The reality of your situation dawns on you, a slow tide of dread.
You missed your chance. You’ve lost your only opportunity at freedom.
You yank out of his grasp, dragging yourself across the floor, to the corner on the far side of the cabin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you—“
“No. No.” You gnash your teeth at him, feeling wild with fear, unable to see past the dark curtain of it. “I have to go. I can’t be trapped in here with you.”
He raises a hand, a placating gesture, but all you see is motion, canting toward you. An alpha. A threat.
You grab whatever is closest. You throw it at him.
The stick doesn’t even hit him, but that doesn’t stop you. You throw everything within reach.
He just waits for you to give up, but soon enough he realizes how stubborn you can be.
“Enough,” he says. His voice fills the shack, not loud, but indomitable. The undeniable command of an alpha. “I’m not going to hurt you. I would appreciate if you would offer me the same courtesy.”
You drop the stone you were going to hurl at him, suddenly incapable of aggression. You feel — groggy, but less terrified now. Very nearly calm.
His pheromones, you realize.
The notion that he’s using them on you should incense you, but you can’t muster it. You close your eyes, exhausted.
Eventually, after long minutes of tepid silence, he murmurs, “I was here first, you are aware of that, right?” His tone is almost — sullen.
And for some reason, that very human show of petulance is enough to thaw you.
You laugh.
You can’t stop. You laugh so hard it’s hardly laughter anymore. It’s so intense it makes your ribs hurt, brings tears to your eyes.
It feels like the first time you’ve been able to think clearly in weeks.
When you finally calm to a few soft hiccups, you lay down and throw your arms out. Passive.
“Alright, swordsman,” you say, “Fix me.”
He’s slow to approach you, cautious of another rock coming at him. But you remain still.
His touch is gentle, so soft it’s like he’s barely handling you at all. He retrieves the tin of salve you kicked out of his hand, and begins to apply it. It’s cool, slightly astringent. Beneath that, the scent of wisteria.
His fingers are just as warm as the rest of him.
It’s over before you can get used to the sensation of him touching you. He pulls away, returns the tin to his bag. “That will help with the swelling. You should still avoid putting weight on it until it heals.”
“Thank you,” you force yourself to say.
You think you hear him chuckle.
Night blooms, full and dark.
Despite your anxiousness, the waiting has grown tedious. Unbearably so.
“Is there anything in that bag to alleviate boredom?”
He glances at you for a moment. Hesitating.
Finally he reaches inside, pulls out a small binding. He passes it to you.
A book of poems. You recognize the shape of the sentences, some of the words. You wonder what use a swordsman has for literature, but the swordsman is full of surprises evidently.
Th pages are worn, the edges soft from thumbing.
“I can’t read,” you say. You look at him. Expectantly.
You hold the book out. He takes it, slowly, gingerly.
He reads.
He’s not much of a performer, although you didn’t expect him to be. It’s clear he’s not used to reading aloud, but he knows these passages well. He’s tone is even, with little inflection. The words come out perfectly paced.
They’re love poems. Not flowery or decadent, but earnest, gentle.
It seems at odds with what you know of him, what you’ve assumed from his status, both as a rōnin and an alpha. You’re not sure what to make of him anymore, how to reconcile the image you built of him in your head and everything you’ve witnessed here.
His swords are leaned against the wall beside him, sure proof of a history of violence.
The question comes, unbidden. “Have you ever killed someone?”
He pauses, glances at you. He searches your face for something, the fear that should accompany those words. But your expression is blank.
Silence, fraught with the tense memory of how you ended up here. What were you running from? Why? He must understand, to some extent. No one reaches desperation without pretext.
“Yes,” he says, simply.
“If I asked you to kill someone,” you murmur. “If I paid you…”
The implication feels enormous within the tight confines of the cabin.
“I don’t believe that’s what you want.”
“What do I want?”
“To not be put in a position where you have to make that kind of decision.”
That makes something in your chest feel tight, on the verge of snapping. Another thing you can’t wrap your head around. Another emotion you can’t name. Uncomfortable, but not frightening. Not like before.
You feel displaced, unmoored.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I’m not being nice,” he says. “You need help. I’m in a position to provide it.”
And that seems wrong to you. Just because someone has the means doesn’t mean they’ll offer them, certainly not freely. Especially not when someone is a such a burden.
“I’ve never met an alpha who’s kind to an omega just for the sake of it,” you say despite his denial.
He mulls that over for a moment, head cocked as he decides how to respond.
“I didn’t know you were an omega until tonight,” he says, quietly. “I had my suspicions, but…”
“Were my bountiful charms not enough to tip you off?” You snort at his blank expression, too polite to disrespect you with an answer. “Why now?”
“Your scent. It’s…subtle. Easy to miss, especially under these circumstances.”
“What do I smell like?”
He smiles, for the first time since you met him. It softens his severe features, makes him look younger. Less world-weary. “You smell like rain.”
He continues reading as the sky continues to churn, until you can hardly keep your eyes open, just barely holding on to the soft thread of words.
“Sleep,” he says gently. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Despite yourself, you believe him.
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sprout-fics · 11 months
sometime after the kerfuffle with the 141 and Kortac is done, I'd like to see Konig's reaction to Maus going missing when trying to recover. I think man's would be terrified out of his mind that his sniper just up and disappeared while injured, meanwhile her whole team is just like "ffs not again, get the net and blanket and look in the vents"
Ohoho see I think the team would have so much fun with Konig, would send him on a wild goose chase just to get back at him for all the grief he caused them in the past. (Messy little drabble, not exactly a oneshot)
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It had been three hours since you’d gone missing. 
Four, technically, because König had arrived at the infirmary an hour after your disappearance, encountering a fatigued medic who had tiredly informed him of your sudden absence. She’d merely raised a single eyebrow to König's frantic efforts to get more information, and had eventually waved him off with a jaded comment of ‘This happens all the time.’
As if that somehow made him worry less.
You couldn’t have gone far, he theorized. With a sprained ankle, a broken arm, and a mild concussion, it was unlikely that you could have made it to the other side of the base by the time he had started searching for you.
That was three hours ago. Now, as the afternoon slowly crept towards evening, König could feel his panic rising at the idea you had simply vanished. He had searched everywhere. Your room, the mess hall, the rec room, the gym, the firing range, the training course- He’d even checked Price’s office, wondering if you had sought refuge there instead of being in your bed where you belonged.
When he had knocked on the door Price had leveled him with a look, wondering why the newest member of the newly formed SpecGru dared to darken his doorstep. Yet when König had belayed his concerns to the captain, Price had lifted his report to his face and idly told König to once again check the mess hall. 
(König didn’t see the wry, sadistic smile that sprawled across Price’s lips)
Yet with the mess hall still empty, he had instead found Ghost, who tilted his head at the Austrian as König tried to explain why he was all but racing around base trying to find you. Ghost made a strange little huffing sound in response that, If König didn’t know better, he might almost mistake it for laughter. He then suggested looking into the women’s barracks to see if you had somehow disguised yourself as one of the recruits.
(That venture went over rather poorly)
As he’d been chased out, König had run into Soap, who had cackled at the Austrian’s misadventure and consequent flowery aroma resulting from one of the women throwing a shampoo bottle at him. 
“Rookie?” He’d echoed, looking surprised. It took him a moment to understand, at which point a peculiar smile pulled at his mouth, sly and amused at König's quest. 
“Aye.” He intoned, eyes averted so Konig couldn’t see the utter glee in them. “Y’know what? I saw her over at the training grounds climbing up into the tower. Bet you anything she’s still there.”
König had thanked him profusely, had darted off in the direction Soap had spoken of, unseeing of the way Soap hid his laughter until he was gone. 
(The training grounds were empty, of course.) 
As daylight darkened König resisted the urge to tear at his hood in frustration. It seemed, to him, that you were exactly where the men said you were, only to seemingly read his mind and vanish to a new location every time he drew near. Maybe they were alerting you, for whatever sadistic reason, sending him on a wild goose chase for pure entertainment. 
Eventually, when he had run into Gaz, König had all but fallen at his feet pleading for assistance, trying desperately to find you and haul you back to bed so as to not injure yourself further. 
“She has a habit of hiding in the vents.” Garrick told him with a straight face, not an ounce of deception in his eyes. “Usually over by the armory, or the officers quarters, or the kitchens, or the infirmary…” He trailed off, looking nonplussed, and eventually offered König a small shrug. Then Gaz had brushed past him with a small excuse, and as König rushed off towards the locations Garrick had suggested, Gaz sent a small message to you:
“You owe me one.”
(You were nowhere in the vents, naturally)
König spent until dark asking every person he ran into if they had spotted an injured soldier running around earlier that day. It took several explanations for them to understand, and when they did König inevitably saw a weary, annoyed expression cross over their faces before they shooed him away in favor of their current task. 
Eventually, König had collapsed  against a pile of crates in one of the nearby warehouses, shoulders slumping as he desperately wracked his brain for any other possible location where you could have hidden. Half a day had passed since your disappearance, and not once had anyone seen you. To his knowledge you hadn’t eaten, hadn’t taken your medication, had failed to be present for your check-in-
König couldn’t stop the dark, churning thoughts that in your weakened, vulnerable state someone might have taken it upon themselves to abduct you. The fact that the team didn’t seem to share his concerns only made his heart drive higher in his throat, stifling the air in his chest as he pleaded with the heavens to return you. You drew his gaze upwards, to the rafters of the warehouse, wondering if somehow the heavens could hear his prayer. 
A small shape, just above the upper walkway, not entirely obscured by one of the long steel beams that supported the roof. 
The shape stiffened. 
König scrambled to his feet, eyes locked on the figure lofted high above the warehouse floor, on a flat, wide beam that effortlessly supported you. As he called once more, a chagrined expression turned down towards him, a guilty smile offered in apology.
“Hi, Konig.”
Distantly, König could hear the sound of something in his mind fracturing. 
“Maus, get down here.” He nearly bellowed, voice thundering upwards. Yet far from scaring you, you only offered him a little pout and replied with a small:
“Mmm, no.”
You giggled, and the audacity of your refusal was nearly enough to send König onto his ass once more. Cursing under his breath, he realized the only way to get you down from the precariously high perch where you lay was to come get you himself. 
Two ladders later, and 50 feet up in the air, König could see you facing him, blanket draped over you, cheek propped on one hand, and snack wrappers littered about you. It was like you had made a little nest up here, intent on avoiding anyone who may pester you.
“Not a Mouse.” He thought wearily. “Perhaps a baby bird.”
You refused, initially, to leave your little loft that remained just out of his reach, even as König clung to the railing and tried to reach for you. Yet eventually when his frustration had given way to a near frantic, pleading whine, he could see genuine guilt color your gaze, and eventually you had performed the delicate maneuver of scooting yourself forward so he could hoist you into his arms. 
Yet rather than immediately try to take you down and back towards the medical wing, König instead slumped against the railing of the walkway, his arms fastening around you and a heavy sigh of relief tickling across your hair. 
“Please.” He begged, gathering you tightly to him, a protective hold to refuse your escape as much as it would protect you. “Please don’t ever do that again, Maus.”
Warm, wrapped in his scent, you smiled, nuzzled against his chest with a weary little murmur. 
“I won’t.” You promised, feeling your boyfriend completely and entirely relax against you, head falling gently back against the railing in satisfaction. 
(He didn’t see your fingers crossed behind your back)
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piracytheorist · 6 months
The kindness surviving
As I can't stop saying, one of my favourite things about Spy x Family is how focused it is on humanity's innate kindness. Its premise is three lonely people finding a family (and themselves) with each other, the story's endgame is to secure peace, it's hopeful in the midst of its realism, and it allows characters to be vulnerable when it comes to family and connections.
And one more thing that is added to that, is how Yor and Twilight (to a less obvious degree) have retained their kindness and compassion through their violent lives and professions.
Yor started the assassin gig when she was just a teenager.
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Adding to that how it was a choice she made out of despair and lack of any other choice, and how the Shopkeeper seems like a despicable person to work under (there's no moral merit to recruiting children for assassinations, let alone orphans with no other choices left), this could have easily made into a story of how Yor became cold and emotionless and cruel.
Instead, particularly thanks to having Yuri in her life, she's remained as kind as ever, even when she kills people. She doesn't torture her targets, would rather refrain spilling unnecessary blood, and she's careful and quick in her job.
And through all that, her priority has never been herself.
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She's kind, almost to a fault. She's polite and when it comes to everyone else but her targets, she thinks they have the best interests at heart and can even be confused sometimes as to why some people behave in a rude or cruel way.
She's human. Her reason to start and continue being an assassin was to ensure her brother's carefree life, and now that she's bonded with the Forgers, they've joined Yuri in the way she wishes to protect their peaceful life.
It's showing that despite her violent work, her humanity has prevailed, making her selfless and nurturing. It's in our nature.
Twilight's case is handled differently, as he has denied himself any identity and attachments to ideals, aside from protecting the peace.
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He's not supposed to "have" traits or a personality. He was trained to be able to adapt to any situation and become the role he's acting as. When he acts as a father, he can be kind and caring. When he acts as a terrorist, he can be cruel and violent. And when his job gives him no option but to kill people who stand in his way, he'll do it without remorse.
But again, like Yor, his reason to do everything he does is to ensure peace remains, so that no-one will have to suffer like he did. That's a very empathetic and compassionate motivation, and though the circumstances of his life made him bury it deep, the moment Anya cries and clutches onto him for comfort he's reminded securely of that.
As he is when he sees Anya smile.
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He cares for the next generation and wants to provide it with a better future than he had. And while the previous season showed many moments of instinctual kindness (saving the kid from the charging cow, sparing the German shepherd, thanking Bond for saving Anya, encouraging Carroll Campbell to play fairly) and understanding of how humans can work together (his discussion with Desmond, talking about how despite different stances, people can still meet in the middle if they try), the cruise arc showed how he prioritized on making Anya happy. While at first he was confused by the concept of "having fun", he eventually ended up observing Anya and encouraging activities that would make her happy.
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Again, after a certain point the "mission" is nowhere in his mind and he only worries how Anya's mood will affect her and the family. As he focuses on that, he turns compassionate, empathetic, and dare I say, sweet.
And I can't help thinking those are traits he doesn't have to pretend that much to show, if at all.
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He's a master of manipulation and deception. He could act tooth-rottingly sweet to deceive his targets, but seeing how open and unprecedentedly honest he becomes with Yor, and how (even if he doesn't realize it) he actually learns to be a good father to help Anya with her mood, I don't think that's the case with those two (three, if you count Bond too!).
If nothing else, we (and Anya) have the advantage of hearing his thoughts, and while we joke about how "For The Mission" is his flimsy excuse to himself for the feelings he's developing for his family, it's truly important how he's started to not need the reminder; how he can instinctively care for them, because it's what his compassionate nature tells him to do.
And I think, just like Yor, it's very important and telling that through his life of violence and deception, his humanity has survived just under the surface and is starting to show more the longer he stays with the Forgers. He's not "learning" to be compassionate and caring; those are traits that already existed, but he had to cover with all his fake identities. However, since they were what led him to become a spy in the first place, the way didn't replace the motivation.
He's human, even though he willingly trained to suppress any such vulnerable spots, they could never be extinguished entirely.
This story is full of hope for humanity and how kindness can survive and prevail among anything else. Its characters would logically follow the example.
And I love them for it.
(Anime only here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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Unification Church's deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 1
4:00 Ford Greene
“At the outset there is never a disclosure:
1) We are the Unification Church 2) We believe that Rev. Moon is the second coming of Christ 3) We believe that you are dominated by Satan 4) The way for you to become free from Satan is by being unconditionally obedient to Moon because he is the only human being who has ever conquered and defeated Satan.”
1:30 Allen Tate Wood “…The purpose of getting there is to get them off to a training center, run them through a training regimen of 7, 21 or 40 days. When that is complete that person is going to be on a bus for the next seven years, working 16 hours a day. They are not up front about that.”
CARP is a Moonie front group. Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
Illinois panel tells Colleges to watch Cults that use coercion to recruit and retain members (1994)
CARP went to Paris for a festival in 1990; Hyo Jin Moon fled in a black Mercedes when the police arrived!
Ford Greene on Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church
Allen Tate Wood (was also interviewed by News Center 4) LINK to a webpage of interviews with Allen Tate Wood
Excellent book on Bay Area Moonies (Ford Greene is included): Moonwebs by Josh Freed (with added photos)
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Unification Church’s deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 2
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jellycreamjammedart · 10 months
I have such a brainrot idea of post-betrayal Cassie teaming up with Roxy to help get her out but with the elevator destroyed they have to take the long way back, aka going through the entire PizzaPlex again. Roxy is determined to get Cassie out no matter how hard it is but Cassie decides she has a lot more to do down there in the meanwhile.
First thing turning M.X.E.S security back on but it's very weak and vulnerable without the security nodes. The Mimic is down there somewhere still but it certainly will try to follow and escape once it's no longer stunned. So Cassie offers M.X.E.S her vanni mask as a first initial node (with M.X.E.S and Helpi instructing her how to do so,) so that the security bunny has some grounding to start on. This allows both Helpi and M.X.E.S to talk to Cassie through the mask's implant.
So on the long way back Cassie tries reactivating the parent nodes and child nodes.
Since she gets on better terms with M.X.E.S it no longer tries to get her killed, meaning most past threats aren't gonna be prone to attack her... but thats not enough for Cassie.
She goes out of the way to help those broken, confused things seemingly tortured beyond repair. She tries to save every thing stuck down there with her. She clings to the idea and need to there being some meaning in a little compassion in such cruel, twisted world.
Getting her hands dirty pulling trash and rotten food out of Chica's body to disobstruct these nasty things from her endo ontop of returning her voice.
Getting her hands scratched up trying to reboot Monty after draining the water he was electrified in.
Getting her hands sore trying to pull out every sharp metal seen impaling into Prototype Glamrock Freddy.
They join Cassie along with roxy.
Reactivating the mini Music Men, they help her through too vertical vents. Reactivating the wet floor bots.
Basically undo everything the Mimic tricked her into doing, with an additional offer of bits of kindness. It was her kind heart that led her down. It can lead her back up. And she's taking everyone up with her.
Trying to patch and fix Bonnie up. Recruiting the Daycare Attendant so they're not doomed to an empty lonely daycare.
Cassie tries to make everything better for everybody. By god does she wish she had the power to just fix literally everything! But she can't... so she sets on her heels and tries to fix whatever she *can* fix.
By the time they make their way back to the lobby where this nightmare and deception started, Cassie has gathered a large group of unlikely friends. They're finally here! They finally can leave. See the sun. Be free! Be happy again!
As beautiful of a sentiment that is... it's not that simple.
They can't all just leave; they need to stay to help M.X.E.S keep the Mimic sealed away. They're guardians as much as M.X.E.S is. And if a similar crisis happens again, M.X.E.S needs guardians to send distress signals to to come and help. It can't guard the place alone.
Cassie can leave though. She earned it. She deserves her happy ending. She did enough- no she did more than enough. She did more than many ever did.
But if it's her happy ending, then why does she feel her heart breaking? Why does it feel so unfair? Looking at those disfigured broken faces (or lack thereof, in the case of Prototype Glamrock Freddy,) she can see real friends there, despite everything they've gone through. Real friends that would show up to her birthday party in a heartbeat, she knows. Real friends that wouldn't leave her behind. She's never had such friends before in her life!
And now she's the one who has to leave them behind?
This feels awful. She feels awful. It doesn't feel like a happy ending at all. All she can bring herself to do is cry her heart out while hugging and clinging to those metal monsters.
But it's necessary, as painful as it is to part ways. It's the right thing. They have a very important mission in there, and Cassie has a whole life ahead of her-- she shouldn't stay really, there's no proper or safe food for her down there. And this is no place for a child, this is no longer the fun Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex where people come to play, eat and watch the Glamrock band. Those are times long passed, long gone, and forgotten by most.
Besides, she can leave with her vanni mask, the first and now last node. Even if history repeats itself, there would always be one node left. It's a perfect safety plan.
Or... Cassie can choose to stay a little longer, if to check if there's anything else she can do... such as unlocking that mysterious scooper room... it sure is scary, the thought of getting down there again. But with those new friends by her side rather than trying to stop her, the trip back down is quite easier, if still rather dangerous due to the place's hazardous condition. But she will not fail this time. She's determined not to.
Maybe then, she can make everything right again, for them all, after all.
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nathabat · 6 months
Can you write something about the reader having secret feelings for Kuai Liang but gets heartbroken when he chooses Harumi and eventually moves on in a committed relationship with Smoke?
sure thing anon <3 I struggled formatting this but I hope it's to your liking!
✰ content: ## SFW, angst (unrequited feelings/lack of communication tbh, pining), GN!reader with you/your pronouns used. Somewhat proofread but I could've missed some stuff
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Maybe it was Bi-Han's betrayal that had forced Kuai Liang closer to you. Just for a short time, as the weight of responsibility tugged and ebbed in the corners of his mind as he tried desperately to keep himself together for Tomas's sake until he figured something else out. The Lin Kuei, torn from his hold just like that. And he had begged and fought all his life, as far back as he could remember. Both with his Brother and Father at times like he was sinking his teeth into the reigns to keep it all together. An attempt that frayed like an old worn rope under his weight the second Shang Tsung sung that song of deception- and Bi-Han was all to eager to snap his hungry maw at the propositions he offered.
Even before that point you knew that fluttery feeling that swarmed in your chest around the revered Scorpion wasn't right, even as it flared and reared its once doormat head the second he sought you. Just as a friend, uttering and rambling until the tangles and snares in his mind started to loose.
Only for yours to take on the excess he shed. It was a simmering boil at the back of your mind that you kept a lid on, for his own sake rather than yours.
You couldn't risk hurting him more, could you? What friend would you be if you admitted to such a deep rooted affection in the midst of his worst time?
So you bit your tongue. Even as your hand soothed up and down his tensed back, easing Kuai Liang's bunched up shoulders until you heard that familiar sigh- heaving from his lips as he melted under your words and touch alike. It felt wrong doing this, even as it helped him. The pot in your mind roared, spilling out at the rim as a smile instinctively forced its way to your lips as he thanked you.
"You have done more for me than I could realistically pay back."
Kuai Liang would whisper, and even behind the bandaging across his features you could feel the softness in the depths of the brown hues that welcomed you nonetheless. You stammered your response, brushing him off with a light nervous laughter that danced off your lips like a melody, praying to not give yourself away as he took your hand in his.
His hand was worn and heavy, power underlying his movements as his fingers gently squeezed around yours like you were made of the gentlest of breezes he didn't want to release. Until you forced yourself to pull away, wishing him a good night before stepping quickly away.
That night was still fresh in your mind as he sought you out. Time and time again, whether the sun be in the sky or the waxy moon. And Gods, did it kill you inside. The rolling boil more like a parasite now, if it could even change its shape. Gnawing at your guts and snarling to you, eating you damn near alive. You couldn't shut him out now though, not when he and Tomas credited your support to what pushed them both to keep chasing their futures in this harsh world.
And to eventually fight back against Bi-Han, of course. While that was leaps and bounds in the future, the progress made was steady.
Only made quicker by Kuai Liang's recruitment of Harumi. The tales you had heard of her were long and winding- it was just suspicions at first, teasing between the brothers playing in your mind the entire morning until she arrived, smiling and greeting Kuai Liang like an old friend.
Tomas was the only one to notice how you almost turned green. Not from envy, but rather nausea. His own hands were gentle and careful as he helped escort you away, bowing his head to his brother and his female companion with some excuse as he tugged you away.
And things moved much faster after that. The Shirai Ryu was off the ground thanks to Harumi, with Kuai Liang quick to take up most duties. Only with her guidance.
Nights he'd come to you for advice were traded for nights you could hear their voices in his quarters, laughing and then muffled. Tomas couldn't guess what was wrong, quick to believe you when you recounted your stressful days to his empathetic ears. He was by your side through it all, your rock even if he didn't know it. Things you remember doing for Kuai Liang were suddenly things Tomas would do for you in a heartbeat, but he went above and beyond.
His hand gentle on your waist as he took you out early to watch the sun, insisting the crisp air would get you out of another steep episode that still haunted you even a year later. Picking flowers through the fields with you, chattering of anything that popped into his mind just to keep you distracted- or to steal your attention all for himself. He wouldn't tell you which it was now.
His fingers nimble and strong as he showed you how to braid blades of grass and flowers together, or how to make a press of a small flower for you to keep nestled between the pages of a book somewhere, even if you're not much of a reader. With countless days like this, it's no wonder it became so easy to move on.
With Tomas all to happy to welcome your company everyday you wished to be with him. Whether it be training initiates or sparring, or even going to the market for supplies. The most boring mundane things became easy with him, soothing what ache remained beneath your ribs.
While pain never fully leaves, you found ways to make room for it amidst everything else. Your duties, your connections, all of it. It just became another facet of your personhood. A part he may not know, but one Tomas was happy to kiss and adore with the rest of you.
Even though he did tend to hold his breath the times you'd get close to him, leaning over to watch him braid the flowers together even if you had seen it thousands of times by now. Why? Well... It would be lying to say it isn't fun watching him become so clumsy, accidentally trapping his finger within the leaves when he gets distracted by the sounds of you just breathing beside him.
Even as you teased him just a little, he still enjoyed you. Trailed you like a lost dog at times, sure, but it was routine.
As was sneaking out to the courtyard when you found him awake and unable to sleep, staring up at the endless sky. The nights were known to be brisk though, chilly at best and freezing at worst.
That's okay. Because Tomas would shield you, strong arm securing you against his warm side as he pulled you in. His heart thumped under your ear, steady and quick.
But you were warm, comfortable, and had a nice view. Even if that view was his flushing face, Tomas didn't mind. The night was only broken by the kiss you two shared, shined on by the stars hanging above your bodies, the air between you filled with the sounds of breaths and laughter as you broke apart.
"I love you."
He was the first to say it, blurting it out with the weight of his chest behind it, blinking at you as your expression shifted. He watched the emotions at play, clear in your eyes even as you glanced away and as your throat ran dry. Words you never thought you'd say to anyone else were quick to expel from yourself without much input from your still racing mind, and yet... It felt right. To love and finally be loved.
"I love you too, Tomas."
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☄. *. ⋆
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eu-nicola · 4 months
Young Love - Luke Castellan x Reader
summary: You and Luke never got along until you started to realize that you would have the same feeling towards the Gods.
no warnings
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From day one at camp you got along badly with the boy named Luke, you just didn't like him because there was something about him that made you distrust and you had to validate it knowing who his father was.
Luke, cunning and charming as he was, was the son of Hermes, the god of deception and theft. Influenced by his father's cunning, he is an expert in pranks and tricks. He always seeks to surpass you in games and challenges, and you, on the other hand, were the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and passion. Blessed with your mother's beauty and charm, you had a natural grace and an ability to win hearts.
Her divine ancestry seemed to fuel their rivalry, as they believed their destinies were destined to collide in a battle of epic proportions.
But destiny had other plans for you. Both of you reluctantly joined in with camp tasks and activities they certainly couldn't help but spend more time together and share conversations even if they were short. In all that time you and Luke discovered that you had more in common than you thought. They shared similar experiences of pain and loneliness, and both longed for a world where demigods could live in peace and harmony.
At first you didn't let that ring much in your head but maybe there was a slight possibility of creating an alliance just with him, and if you despised him but more so with the gods and maybe this was the only way to start gaining allies. As time went by and they got to know each other better, they both opened themselves to the possibility of stopping the fights and began to see beyond the labels of rivalry that their parents had initially passed down to them and realized that they could work together to find a solution.
One night while everyone was sleeping, you and Luke sat together in a quiet corner of the camp, with the intention of talking about what they should do. Luke, always full of ingenious ideas, thought that you should charm the campers, he suggested taking advantage that you had of the charisma that a everyone loved it and ability to connect with people. Luke planned to reach out to the campers, listen to their stories, and share his passion for the cause that brought them together. Together, they realized that their combination of talents could be a powerful tool in recruiting powerful demigods.
As you and Luke recruited powerful demigods, your group became more and more formidable. Together, they trained and honed their skills, preparing to face anything. At that time you realized that many here had the same feeling that you had towards the Gods and that was good.
Meanwhile, in the camp, news of Percy's triumphant return spread quickly, filling the place with celebration and joy. However, in the midst of the euphoria, you knew it was time to leave, you and Luke did it first because from the beginning the plan had always been for the two of you to flee first and later the others would follow, something that everyone was aware of. That same night It happened and without a trace they disappeared.
This wouldn't be the last time they would see you, much less hear from you.
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Intuit: “Our fraud fights racism”
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Tonight (September 27), I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine. On October 2, I'll be in Boise to host an event with VE Schwab.
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Today's key concept is "predatory inclusion": "a process wherein lenders and financial actors offer needed services to Black households but on exploitative terms that limit or eliminate their long-term benefits":
Perhaps you recall predatory inclusion from the Great Financial Crisis, when predatory subprime mortgages with deceptive teaser rates were foisted on Black homeowners (who were eligible for better mortgages), resulting in a wave of Black home theft in the foreclosure crisis:
Before these loans blew up, they were styled as a means of creating Black intergenerational wealth through housing speculation. They turned out to be a way to suck up Black families' savings before rendering them homeless and forcing them into houses owned by the Wall Street slumlords who bought all the housing stock the Great Financial Crisis put on the market:
That was just an update on an old con: the "home sale contract," invented by loan-sharks who capitalized on redlining to rip off Black families. Back when banks and the US government colluded to deny mortgages to Black households, sleazy lenders created the "contract loan," which worked like a mortgage, but if you were late on a single payment, the lender could seize and sell your home and not pay you a dime – even if the house was 99% paid for:
Usurers and con-artists love to style themselves as anti-racists, seeking to "close the racial wealth gap." The payday lending industry – whose triple-digit interest rates trap poor people in revolving debt that they can never pay off – styles itself as a force for racial justice:
Payday lenders prey on poor people, and in America, "poor" is often a euphemism for "Black." Payday lenders disproportionately harm Black families:
Payday lenders are just unlicensed banks, who deploy a layer of bullshit to claim that they don't have to play by the rules that bind the rest of the finance sector. This scam is so juicy that it spawned the fintech industry, in which a bunch of unregulated banks sprung up to claim that they were too "innovative" to be regulated:
When you hear "Fintech," think "unlicensed bank." Fintech turned predatory inclusion into a booming business, recruiting Black spokespeople to claim that being the sucker at the table in the cryptocurrency casino was actually a form of racial justice:
But not all predatory inclusion is financial. Take Facebook Basics, Meta's "poor internet for poor people" program. Facebook partnered with telcos in the Global South to rig their internet access. These "zero rating" programs charged subscribers by the byte to reach any service except Facebook and its partners. Facebook claimed that this would "bridge the digital divide," by corralling "the next billion internet users" into using its services.
The fact that this would make "Facebook" synonymous with "the internet" was just an accidental, regrettable side-effect. Naturally, this was bullshit from top to bottom, and the countries where zero-rating was permitted ended up having more expensive wireless broadband than the countries that banned it:
The predatory inclusion gambit is insultingly transparent, but that doesn't stop desperate scammers from trying it. The latest chancer is Intuit, who claim that the end of its decade-long, wildly profitable "free tax prep" scam is bad for Black people:
Some background. In nearly every rich country on Earth, the tax authorities send every taxpayer a pre-filled tax return, based on the information submitted by employers, banks, financial planners, etc. If that looks good to you, you just sign it and send it back. Otherwise, you can amend it, or just toss it in the trash and pay a tax-prep specialist to produce your own return.
But in America, taxpayers spend billions every year to send forms to the IRS that tell it things it already knows. To make this ripoff seem fair, the hyper-concentrated tax-prep industry, led by the Intuit, creators of Turbotax, pretended to create a program to provide free tax-prep to working people.
This program was called Free File, and it was a scam. The tax-prep cartel each took a different segment of Americans who were eligible for Freefile and then created an online house of mirrors that would trick those people into spending hours working on their tax-returns until they were hit with an error message falsely claiming they were ineligible for the free service and demanding hundreds of dollars to file their returns.
Intuit were world champions at this scam. They blocked their Freefile offering from search-engine crawlers and then bought ads that showed up when searchers typed "freefile" into the query box that led them to deceptively named programs that had "free" in their names but cost a fortune to use – more than you'd pay for a local CPA to file on your behalf.
The Attorneys General of nearly every US state and territory eventually sued Intuit over this, settling for $141m:
The FTC is still suing them over it:
We have to rely on state AGs and the FTC to bring Intuit to justice because every Intuit user clicks through an agreement in which we permanently surrender our right to sue the company, no matter how many laws it breaks. For corporate criminals, binding arbitration waivers are the gift that keeps on giving:
Even as the scam was running out, Intuit spent millions lobby-blitzing Congress, desperate for action that would let it continue to privately tax the nation for filling in forms that – once again – told the IRS things it already knew. They really love the idea of paying taxes on paying your taxes:
But they failed. The IRS has taken Freefile in-house, will send you a pre-completed tax return if you want it. This should be the end of the line for Intuit and other tax-prep profiteers:
Now we're at the end of the line for the scam, Intuit is playing the predatory inclusion card. They're conning Black newspapers like the Chicago Defender into running headlines like "IRS Free Tax Service Could Further Harm Blacks,"
The only named source in that article? Intuit spokesperson Derrick Plummer. The article went out on the country's Black newswire Trice Edney, whose editor-in-chief did not respond to Propublica's Paul Kiel's questions.
Then Black Enterprise got in on the game, publishing "Critics Claim The IRS Free Tax Prep Service Could Hurt Black Americans." Once again, the only named source for the article was Plummer, who was "quoted at length." Black Enterprise declined to tell Kiel where that article came from:
For Intuit, placing op-eds is a tried-and-true tactic for laundering its ripoffs into respectability. Leaked internal Intuit memos detail the company's strategy of "pushing back through op-eds" to neutralize critics:
Intuit spox Derrick Plummer did respond to Kiel's queries, denying that Intuit was paying for these op-eds, saying "with an idea as bad as the Direct File scheme we don’t have to pay anyone to talk about how terrible it is."
Meanwhile, ex-NAACP director (and No Labels co-chair) Benjamin Chavis has used his position atop the National Newspaper Publishers Association to publish op-eds against the IRS Direct File program, citing the Progressive Policy Institute, a pro-business thinktank that Intuit's internal documents describe as part of its "coalition":
Chavis's Chicago Tribune editorial claimed that Direct File could cause Black filers to miss out on tax-credits they are entitled to. This is a particularly ironic claim given Intuit's prominent role in sabotaging the Child Tax Credit, a program that lifted more Americans out of poverty than any other in history:
It's also an argument that can be found in Intuit's own anti-Direct File blog posts:
The claim is that because the IRS disproportionately audits Black filers (this is true), they will screw them over in other ways. But Evelyn Smith, co-author of the study that documented the bias in auditing says this is bullshit:
That's because these audits of Black households are triggered by the IRS's focus on Earned Income Tax Credits, a needlessly complicated program available to low-income (and hence disproportionately Black) workers. The paperwork burden that the IRS heaps on EITC recipients means that their returns contain errors that trigger audits.
As Smith told Propublica, "With free, assisted filing, we might expect EITC claimants to make fewer mistakes and face less intense audit scrutiny, which could help reduce disparities in audit rates between Black and non-Black taxpayers."
Meanwhile, the predatory inclusion talking points continue to proliferate. Nevada accountants and the state's former controller somehow coincidentally managed to publish op-eds with nearly identical wording. Phillip Austin, vice-chair of Arizon's East Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, claims that free IRS tax prep "would disproportionately hurt the Hispanic community." Austin declined to tell Propublica how he came to that conclusion.
Right-wing think-tanks are pumping out a torrent of anti-Direct File disinfo. This surely has nothing to do with the fact that, for example, Center Forward has HR Block's chief lobbyist on its board:
The whole thing reeks of bullshit and desperation. That doesn't mean that it won't succeed in killing Direct File. If there's one thing America loves, it's letting businesses charge us a tax just for dealing with our own government, from paying our taxes to camping in our national parks:
Interestingly, there's a MAGA version of predatory inclusion, in which corporations convince low-information right-wingers that efforts to protect them from ripoffs are "woke." These campaigns are, incredibly, even stupider than the predatory inclusion tale.
For example, there's a well-coordianted campaign to block the junk fees that the credit card cartel extracts from merchants, who then pass those charges onto us. This campaign claims that killing junk fees is woke:
How does that work? Here's the logic: Target sells Pride merch. That makes them woke. Target processes a lot of credit-card transactions, so anything that reduces card-processing fees will help Target. Therefore, paying junk fees is a way to own the libs.
No, seriously.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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