#deeper than skin
random-xpressions · 1 year
Introduce me not to a love so shallow that just stays at the skin. I've only known to sink my teeth deep into someone's soul, I know no other way, except to love with all the fury of hell...
Random Xpressions
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starlight-artbby · 5 months
You guys, I am not okay after the new X-Men 97 episode. Like I am still literally Heartbroken.
Remember it. Remy is a goddamn hero and it breaks my entire soul that Rogue wasn't able to tell him that she chose him. And then Magneto's sacrifice too?! Like she lost the only person she can touch and the only person she loved in one go. Not to mention she couldn't even touch her own brother like this episode highlighted all of her fears and mine too. I am just so heartbroken right now. Rogue went through so much this episode.
I just want her to be happy. On another note, the fight sequences where animated beautifully and Rogue and that Red dress really ate down. She is such a a girl boss and I love her with every ounce of my soul.
Scott ATE DOWN. He was one hundred percent correct, the only reason all those ungrateful people where alive was because of the mutants that they hate so much. And not Jean getting mad at Scott for being in love with Madeline. She was a literal clone of Jean. Her entire personality was Jean. They had a kid together. Like not to much on him when you kissed Wolverine like 5 minutes ago. But that doesn't make what Scott did to Jean any better. Honestly, we just need to see the end of that bitch Sinister and then maybe those two could be happy.
Also Madeline being able to see Cable/ Nathan was everything and you know she was a real mother because she recognized her son IMMEDIATELY.
I am still heartbroken over ROMY like stop feeding us ROMY angst. I truly thought we were gonna see Life death part 2 but instead X-Men decides to injure me and worst of all, next week will probably be Life Death part 2 and I will still be wondering if Gambit and Magneto miraculously survived.
My heart literally broke seeing Rogue cry and hearting her cry like... Guys I am just not okay right now nothing is okay 😭
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braceletofteeth · 9 months
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Strangers From Hell Incorrect Quotes [13/?]
#strangers from hell#seo moonjo#yoon jongwoo#gifset#*#incorrect quotes#//#ok so technically the quote is from IWTV#but what inspired me was this one fic I read yesterday#where Jongwoo tells Moonjo he hates him while they're making out#and the Moonjo there enjoyed that so much. So much you'd think that's dirty talk to him#and. hm. yeah. to me that tracks.#the idea of being able to get under Jongwoo's skin deeper than anyone else#to provoke burning and disorienting reactions with your existence alone#in such a way you just CANNOT be ignored#that sounds. uh. pretty good. very satisfying. from a Moonjo point of view.#but. why did I match this dialogue with this scene you may ask-#well for one I really like the acknowledgement that comes with ''as you should''#no denial. no begging. no bargaining.#if that person hates you that's because you gave them a reason to and you know it#you know you deserve it#you deserve the consequences of your actions. your punishment.#this time. from this one person.#the one person you hold in higher regard than yourself. the only one whose feelings matter more than your own.#if you're in the receiving end of their rage and disgust you should cherish it#that might be all you are ever gonna get from them. all of them that is ever gonna be yours.#their hatred might be the most personal‚ most intimate feeling they will share with you.#... and that's why I picked this scene: the closeness. the intimacy.#Moonjo's surrender. the way he just lays there and wait. watch. the look of reverence in his eyes.#reverence tinted with fondness and pride. with bliss.
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onlyarogue · 2 months
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So here's the thing...Remy is not at all misinterpreting Rogue's signals like Scott and Jubilee think he is. They know she is resistant to touch, obviously, and they are seeing the situation from their angle. BUT LOOK AT THAT ZOOM IN ON ROGUE'S FACE! That is not the expression of somebody who is uninterested. She wants him and it probably takes a lot of self control on her part not to just kiss Remy right there.
Why does she react so aggressively then? Because Gambit is tempting Rogue with things she cannot have or do without hurting him. She is upset, but not because his flirtation and proximity is unwanted. Quite the opposite, she wants all of it but needs Remy to STOP TEMPTING HER before her will power vanishes. How does she do that? Be as harsh as possible and hope he stops trying. She insults him, hits him, and reminds him that she can't touch....can't (not doesn't want to.)
Unfortunately for her, Remy is apparently into that.
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robotshowtunes · 3 months
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"Some things be deeper than skin, chère."
— Remy Etienne LeBeau
Photo of model in cherry red T-shirt from CUSTOM INK
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fun-k-boards · 5 months
Whenever people fail to understand that what we as an audience know is sometimes entirely different from what the characters know I get genuinely heated I need to put the phone down and just breathe in a serene forest or something because otherwise my blood pressure would get to a dangerous level
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theladysunami · 1 year
Amusing SVSSS AU thought I had:
Shen Qingqiu, the Luna Moth fae, with his Spider fae husband, Luo Binghe.
Everyone is super concerned about the spider thing, since spiders eat moths, and at least some arachnid fae are known to eat gossamer winged fae too.
Of course, Luo Binghe would never. He may trap his husband in webbing and bite him sometimes, but that’s for sexy purposes only.
As for how they met…
Luo Binghe is probably only half ‘Spidren’, the other half being some type of wingless ‘Pixie’ or ‘Elf’. He joined Shen Qingqiu’s ‘class’ as a presumed full blood pixie, and was often made fun of for his lack of wings (since the fairy ‘Cang Qiong’ equivalent is mostly home to ‘Sylphs’ and other gossamer winged fae). Shen Quingqiu dealt with the bullying matter by keeping him close and doting on him constantly.
Naturally some type of drama eventually happened revealing the whole spider thing, but Shen Qingqiu won’t hear of throwing out his precious boy! Look at these spider silk robes Binghe made for him. Isn’t he the sweetest! ♥
(Assume Huan Hua Palace is mostly wingless elf-like fae. Demons are fae with the attributes of various creepy crawlies: arachnids, other wingless arthropods, and some snakes too).
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reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
[ @thehordemultimuse | Reblogged for a starter!]
She could feel it...taste it...the wavering fog that nearly seemed to permeate an entire continent...her stomach rumbled silently at the thought, tongue poking out of her mouth for a moment to wet her lips. Even if Ten wasn't her true self, the desire to be out amongst all that anxiety...all those nerves...
All that fear...
Was nearly overwhelming.
Tax season was upon this part of Mobius- and today, she intended to drink her fill of the fear suffusing the nation.
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"Hey, Hope!" She called- perhaps a little loudly- to her roommate. "I was going to go out into town for a bit- do you wanna come with?" May as well invite faer- even if Ten's motives were simply food...maybe she should pay for a meal for Hope while the two were out. Now, where was Mayo...? Ten wanted to get a few pats in for the not-quite-cat before she left.
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stargazerley · 5 months
Asexuality and Rogue
I headcanon Rogue as a romantic ace. Why? Because she cannot touch anyone. But it's not that she can't that causes her to be ace. That's just the reason she doesn't know it yet.
Think about it, you cannot touch another person but watch everyone around you participate in all the conventions you have been told are expressions of love, kisses, hugs, sex. But you cannot do these things. You never take the time think about which of these things you want, if any. You simply want to be "normal." You want to fit in and feel love like everyone else.
Now here's a man who claims to love you despite the lack of touch. He says he doesn't care but you don't believe him and despite yourself you fall in love with him. You know he'll want to touch you, he teases you about it and you turn him down time after time but that love goes nowhere. And yet, the man continues to love you.
This is all I've ever wanted even before I figured out I was asexual. I wanted a man who loved me regardless of whether we could have sex or not. I relate to Rogue on this level. Relate to her feeling romantic love and not knowing how to express it and relate to the pressures of society to express love in a specific way.
So Remy telling Rogue that "some things are deeper than skin" spoke to me. It was his way of telling her that he loved her even if sex and touch weren't options. He loved her so much he didn't care that touching her could kill him. I want that. I want a man like Remy LeBeau.
I have a fanfic, one of my few completed pieces, that is about Remy and Rogue and their potential first date where I have Rogue express her thoughts about being ace. I'm waiting for an invite to ao3 and it'll probably be the first thing I post.
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and-classics · 25 days
when people conflate skincare with makeup in their diatribes about fearing ageing or whatever the fuck the thesis statement is, it makes me want to scream honestly do you floss? do you stretch? do you put on hand cream when you've been in an extremely drying environment and your skin is about to split bc you do in fact understand how the rest of your skin works? why do you think supporting the functioning of the skin on your face is somehow unnecessary while you acknowledge that all the other functions of your body need support as you move through life??? it is your body's first line of defence!
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tlaquetzqui · 9 months
Dude dude dude what if my goblins’ entire way of life revolves around hunting, and they define raiding as hunting for property, and they hate labor except for making tools to hunt (and raid) and processing game, so the only things they trade are weapons, armor, potions, etc., and everything else they take in raids or harvest directly from prey?
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onlyarogue · 2 months
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Dead over them squabbling about cooking.
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kylatea · 28 days
Well I’m Starting it
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shrekyaoi · 1 month
i love the way you characterize everyone you definitely influence the way i write and how i interact with certain aspects of the plot, i think you’re real cool and i wanted you to know :)
thank you! i really appreciate hearing that. i know this fandom has been around for aeons and has soared in popularity long before i started writing strzygoń, not to mention spiral, but i‘m glad i could contribute something for you
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vampcaprisun · 9 months
recovering from top surgery and starting scar care has really given me a new appreciation for how fucked up astarion’s back must be from those scars. like excuse me sir get over here and let me give you a massage bc i KNOW that skin doesn’t move the way it should anymore
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sawthefaeriequeen · 2 months
My little brother and I really liked Freaks and Geeks, and he said he wanted to see more classic, character-driven teen shows, so I said, well let’s watch Skins Gen 1.
Halfway through the second episode, when Tony is ribbing Sid about the drug dealer, my brother says: “So this Tony…am I supposed to like him?”
Which is…a question with a very loaded answer. Lol.
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