#defective inhibitor chip
bibannana · 2 years
Order 66: Defective Inhibitor Chip P.O.V
He had never questioned his Commander's orders before.
Why would he? There had never been any reason to do so.
But this was wrong.
Plain wrong.
The Commander had just ordered them to kill their general. Said that it was for treason against The Republic.
That all of the Jedi were now traitors.
But his general, his Jedi, had not done anything wrong.
And then that kriffing phrase was being repeated on all comm channels.
"Execute order 66."
He did not know what those orders meant.
But it looked like his brothers did.
He watched as they raised their blasters without hesitation.
Watched as they had opened fired without mercy.
The had general cried out.
Asking us to stop.
Pleaded with us.
"Why are you doing this?" They had gasped out as the blaster bolts hit them continuously.
And then it was over. Almost as soon as it had begun.
With the General's barely recognisable form now laying on the ground.
Their fallen lightsaber besides to them.
When he returned to Kamino his brothers were cheering.
"The war has ended!" They cried out in joy.
"Long may The Empire reign!"
His brothers voices were so similar, but so different at the same time.
A hollowness that was present in their voices that had not been there before.
"What is The Empire?" He had asked.
"The future." Was the only reply he was given.
"Why did we do that?" He queried later that night, alone with his squadron.
"Do what?" One of his vod had asked
"Murder the General." He had replied, voice barely above a whisper.
"Because we are good soldiers, and good soldiers follow orders." Another of his vod had answered quietly.
And almost like he was trying to convince himself of what he had just said, he repeated in a small voice.
"Good soldiers follow orders."
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Killshot Part 8
Summary: You and the Batch go on one last rescue mission.
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader/Howzer x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, oral (both receiving), threesome, guns, angst
WC: 6.1K
A/N: This is the last part of Killshot. Thank you if you've read this far!!! If you haven't yet, go check out the Killshot Vid that @moonstrider9904 made! It's amazing! <3
Killshot Masterlist
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You feel his fingers tease your lips. You try to take them in your mouth but he pulls away. You pout and he chuckles. 
“Please…” You gasp. 
“Patience, princess.” He purrs from behind you.
You whimper as you feel his fingers wrap around your throat, his lips at your ear. Your entire body’s on fire. You’ve never wanted another person so bad.
“Tell me who this pussy belongs to.” He demands in that seductive smoky voice you love more than anything.
“It’s yours.” You pant. “It always will be.”
“That’s right.” He starts to tease your clit. 
You lean back against him, grinding your ass against his length. He groans, pressing up against you. He chuckles, teasing your clit even more. You need more.
“Say my name.” He whispers.
“Crosshair.” You sigh.
“That’s right, cyare.” He brushes his lips against your neck.
You sigh, closing your eyes. 
When you open your eyes again, you’re in the droid locker back on Kamino. Your squad lies around you, lifeless. You realize you’re the one holding the gun. 
“Please… cyar’ika. Put it down.” You hear Crosshair beg you, desperation in his voice.
You look up to see him on his knees in front of you with his hands up in surrender.
Put down the gun.
Why can’t you put the gun down?
“I’m sorry, my love.” You pull the trigger.
You’re thankfully thrown out of your dream by Wrecker telling you that you’ve arrived on a planet called Ord Mantell. You sit up in a slight panic, panting and sweating. 
“Are you alright?” Omega asks you, concerned.
You try to smile with a nod. 
“I’m alright.” You lie.
You’re supposed to be meeting Echo’s old captain from his GAR days, who’s been helping clones around the galaxy since Order 66. You’re just hoping he can help you find Howzer. 
Once you’re off the ship, you make your way into some bar called Cid’s. It’s kinda grungy but you see why it’s safe for the clones. No one will be looking for them here. 
Omega told you that they call themselves the “Bad Batch” due to them being defective clones, which you find funny. Crosshair never told you he was a defective clone, of course. You suppose you should’ve taken a guess when they didn’t look like regular clones. 
Hunter calls you over to a booth in the corner of the bar where he and Echo are sitting with another man. Echo’s former captain, you realize. He looks up at you, making eye contact as you sit next to Hunter, across from Echo. 
Hunter introduces you and Rex reaches across the table to shake your hand, smiling politely. You see that he still has his clone armor on under a giant poncho. You hope that he realizes it’s not a very inconspicuous look. 
“Captain.” You smile back.
“Hunter tells me you’re a former TK trooper?” He asks.
You nod. “I was.” 
“And you’ve decided to leave the Empire?” He questions you. The ‘Why?’ was silent. 
“I realized a little too late what the Empire is doing is horrible.” You tell him. 
“So, why are you looking for this clone captain? Howzer is it?” He asks you, a little suspiciously.
You understand that it’s a valid question. He probably wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to turn Howzer over to the Empire or something. You just don’t know exactly how to answer the question.
“I helped him escape prison on Ryloth.” You tell him, softly. “We’re friends. I just want to make sure he’s alright. Not to mention, I don’t know if he knows about the inhibitor chips.”
“Probably not.” Rex nods. “I’ll help you find him, though.”
“Thank you.” You reply, relief in your voice.
He finishes his drink and stands up. “I’ll be in touch.”
You watch the blond clone walk out of the bar, hopeful that he’ll be able to find Howzer. When you turn back toward the other two clones, they’re staring at you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, fidgeting with your hands.
“Are you alright?” Hunter asks you. 
“Yeah.” You nod, getting up to go back to the ship to lay down. 
You didn’t want to have that nightmare again, but at the same time, you didn’t want to be awake. You just want to be left alone. 
You think Hunter understands that, because when Omega offers to go with you to the Marauder, Hunter tells her he needs her help with something else. You shoot him a grateful glance and he nods with a soft smile. 
When you lay down, you fall into a dreamless sleep, thankfully.
A few days pass before Rex finally comes back. You’re helping Wrecker with cleaning weapons on the ship when Rex comes aboard. 
You’ve been trying to keep your mind busy by helping Echo and Tech with repairs, helping Wrecker with weapons cleaning, and helping Hunter teach Omega about things that only girls understand. 
“Captain.” Echo salutes Rex.
“Echo.” He nods.
He greets you as you set the blaster down and stand up to shake his hand.
“I have some good news. And I have some bad news.” He tells you.
“Okay.” You nod, getting that bad feeling in your stomach again.
“The good news is… I found him.” He tells you. “The bad news is that the Empire also found him.”
Your stomach drops as you sit back down, looking up at the captain. 
“We have to find him.” You tell Rex and Echo.
“Commander.” Admiral Rampart looks at Crosshair when he enters his office.
“Sir.” Crosshair takes his helmet off and sticks a toothpick in between his lips.
Crosshair hasn’t been able to sleep for days since you left with his brothers. He didn’t regret sending you with them. In fact, he’s never been more sure of anything. He knows you’d be safer with them. He knows you’d be happier, eventually. He saw the way you were quickly becoming attached to the kid. 
He wondered if you wanted children of your own some day. He knows he would have given you whatever you wanted. As long as you were happy.
“We’ve caught the clone captain from Ryloth again. He was found with a group of insurgents we believe were with Saw Guererra. See what you can find out.” Rampart tells him.
Of course… 
“Yes, sir.” Crosshair replies, reluctantly.
Crosshair makes his way down to the cells, toward where Howzer is being kept. He’s internally grumbling with himself. 
This di’kut is terrible at trying to flee. The Empire ought to just throw him out. He was clearly useless. 
The TK troopers at the cell door open it for him and he walks in, allowing the door to close behind him. Howzer looks pitiful with his head in his hands, his clone armor long gone. 
“You’re really not good at this whole escaping thing, are you?” Crosshair leans on a hip, crossing his arms. 
Howzer looks up at Crosshair with an annoyed look. “Oh great… it’s you.” 
“If it were anyone else, you’d probably be dead by now.” Crosshair informs him. “You really ought to be thanking me.”
“Thank you for what? Catching me when I was trying to find your riduur? To make sure she was safe?” Howzer whispers.
Crosshair straightens up at the mention of you, unable to hide it. 
“You know where she is?” Crosshair turns around, walking to the keypad, typing in a code to disable the audio.
“There were talks of a group of defective clones traveling with a woman and a child. Sounded like your old squad. The ones who saved the Syndullas. Didn’t take much to put two and two together.” Howzer leans back against the wall.
Crosshair clenches his fists at the thought of you being in danger. If Howzer knew, who else did? If the Empire were to get to you, it’d be the end for you. Perhaps you weren’t as safe with the Batch as he previously thought. 
“So, what are you suggesting? That I let you go?” Crosshair turns to look at Howzer again.
Howzer’s serious face looks even more serious with that scar, Crosshair notices.
“She’d be safe with me.” Howzer promises him.
“You got caught again.” Crosshair sneers.
“Because I was finding out information. Guererra’s people came across squad 99. I was trying to find her.” Howzer explains. “When I find her, I’ll take her to a planet in wild space, away from the Empire if I have to.” 
“And then what? You live happily ever after?” Crosshair asks, annoyed.
“If that’s what she wants.” Howzer answers him. “I can make her happy.”
“So, what then? You love her?” Crosshair questions him, coming across more angry than he intended.
“Yes.” Howzer replies, point blank. “Don’t you?”
He knows it’s just his jealousy peeking through. Howzer could give you a life that he couldn’t. Crosshair knows Howzer could make you happy. It still hurts him to think about another person living a life with you that he wants. 
He made his decision. 
It’s tempting. Perhaps that would be the only way you’d be safe, though. Crosshair looks at Howzer fully in the face, realizing that he’s about to go against the Empire… again. This could be his only chance to make sure you’d be truly safe.
Time is fleeting. Crosshair knows that. If he didn’t make a choice soon, another Imperial would come in and take over. He knows, though, that he’d do whatever it takes to make you safe.
“Alright.” Crosshair decides, walking toward Howzer, yanking him to his feet roughly, knowing the cameras are watching.
Crosshair puts the binders on Howzer’s wrists and points his gun at him and walks him toward the door. The door slides open and Crosshair pushes Howzer out.
“Uh, Commander, where are you taking the prisoner?” The obviously inexperienced trooper asks. 
“Rampart would like to see him in his office. He has information about the insurgents.” Crosshair tells him. “Is that alright with you?”
“Yes, sir.” The other trooper replies, clearly intimidated. “Sorry, sir.”
They start to follow Crosshair and Howzer down the hall toward the elevator.
“I don’t need to be chaperoned by two inexperienced plebes such as yourselves. Get going.” Crosshair barks at them.
They nervously nod. “Yes, sir.”
They take off the other way quickly.
“Di’kuts.” Howzer chuckles.
“Tell me about it.” Crosshair smirks then puts his helmet back on. 
Crosshair leads Howzer through the Imperial base with the gun pressed to his back. The halls are mostly clear, except for a few stray TK troopers. But no one messes with Crosshair. Not since they heard what happened on Kamino and how he survived. 
Once they get down to the hangar, they start toward a shuttle.
“Here’s the plan-” Crosshair murmurs.
“Commander.” They hear Admiral Rampart’s voice interrupt.
“Kriff.” Crosshair grunts.
Crosshair and Howzer turn around. They half expect their ruse to be up. They weren’t exactly being sneaky.
“Where exactly are you taking our prisoner?” Rampart questions him.
The admiral still made Howzer’s skin crawl. It didn’t take much to figure out the guy was actually an evil son of a bitch. He wished that he could just shoot the guy now. 
“He’s told me where to find Saw Guererra. I thought I may just toss his body with the rest.” Crosshair lies, expertly.
“Excellent.” Rampart nods.
“Yes, sir.” Crosshair nods, pushing Howzer toward a shuttle.
“Oh and Commander?” Rampart smirks.
“Sir?” Crosshair responds.
“Do actually stay on schedule this time. We don’t need another Kamino incident.” Rampart taunts him and then walks away.
All of a sudden, they hear blaster fire across the hangar, along with a loud explosion. They take cover behind a stack of crates, peeking around it and finding the Batch, Rex, and you shooting at TK troopers. Crosshair notices you immediately. It would be hard not to. You’re taking down so many troopers, so quickly, he’s reminded exactly why he chose you for his Elite Squad.
“Look at our girl.” Howzer elbows Crosshair with a smirk.
Crosshair can’t even hide his smile, he’s so happy to see you. He’s not one to show his emotions so freely, but he’s so relieved to see you. His heart clenches, watching you in action. Crosshair sees that Hunter has painted the Batch’s skull symbol on your chest piece,over your heart, and the 99 symbol on the side of your helmet. It suits you. 
“Should we make a run for it?” Howzer shouts above all the blaster fire. 
Crosshair unlocks Howzer’s binders. “Run.”
“What about you?” Howzer shouts. 
“I’m of more use here. Now Run!” Crosshair demands.
Howzer shakes his head and starts to run toward you, the Batch, and Rex. 
You see Howzer running toward you and your heart leaps out of your chest. Then, you see Crosshair and all of the air leaves your body. Without even thinking twice, you run toward him. He takes his helmet off at the same time that you leap into his arms, dropping it to the ground. 
“Mesh’la.” He sighs and you take your helmet off so that you can crush your lips to his.
It’s desperate and needy and passionate and you know the Batch probably thinks you’re an idiot for pulling this in the middle of blaster fire. You can’t bring yourself to care. All you care about at this very moment is him. And then you remember Howzer watching and you want to pull him into your arms as well. 
“I love you.” You tell him, holding his face so that he has to look at you. “I love you so much and I need you to come with us. I can’t live without you, Crosshair. Please…”
He looks down into your eyes and sighs. “I should stay here.” 
“I was afraid you’d say something like that.” You set your gun to stun and shoot him, making him drop to the ground. 
You wave Rex over to come help you drag Crosshair to the ship. You weren’t leaving without him this time. He can be mad at you all he wants. You meant what you said. You can’t live without him.
Rex drags him onto the ship, setting him in one of the bunks. The rest of the batch follow after. Tech immediately flies the ship out of the hangar and launches into hyperspace. 
You look at Howzer with a smile and launch yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. He breathes you in, spinning you once. When he pulls away only slightly, you can’t help but glance at his lips.
He knows not to kiss you here in front of everyone, no matter how bad he wants to. You pull away from his arms and turn to Crosshair. 
“Tech, where’s the chip scanner?” You ask him.
“On my workbench.” He tells you, pointing in that general direction.
You grab the scanner and set it on Crosshair’s head and press the button on Tech’s holopad. It takes a moment but when it finishes, there it is. A red dot, indicating that there’s an inhibitor chip in his head.
You look at Hunter, who’s reading the scan over your shoulder. “He lied.”
“Why would he lie?” Hunter looks down at Crosshair, confused.
“What is an inhibitor chip?” Howzer asks, also looking at the scan.
Rex explains the inhibitor chips and about how the Kaminoan kept more secrets than anyone knew. Howzer gets angry, rightfully so. You tell him about how you’re headed to a planet called Bracca to get them out.
A few hours go by and Crosshair finally wakes up, sitting up immediately and glaring at you across from him on the other bunk.
“What have you done?” He asks you, standing up.
You stand up as well. “I just saved you.”
He shakes his head. “And how exactly do you think you ‘saved’ me?”
“I just helped you fake your death.” You look up at him, unable to stop glancing at his lips.
He was so infuriating, and yet you still wanted to kiss those lips. Then, you remember he lied about the inhibitor chip and you’re angry all over again. You still don’t understand why he’d lie about it.
“Help me understand something…” You tell him, calmly.
“What?” He glares at you.
The venom in his voice takes you by surprise. Why was he so angry with you? 
“Why did you lie about your inhibitor chip?” You ask him.
His brows furrow, confusion clear on his face. “What are you talking about?”
“You have an inhibitor chip.” You pull up the scan on the holopad.
He takes it from you, his brow somehow furrowing even more as he looks at it. 
“They told me they took it out…” He tells you, softly. “I guess they probably put a different one in. It seems as though you and Howzer were correct.” 
That definitely wasn’t easy for him to admit about Howzer. Or the Empire.
“You’ve sacrificed so much for the Empire, Cross. You don’t have to anymore.” You tell him. “You can put all of it behind you.”
He glances up toward the cockpit at his brothers.
“They want you back, too.” You take his hands, bringing them up to your lips.
He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t want me back after all that I put them through.”
“Brothers forgive each other.” Howzer tells Crosshair, softly, appearing in the doorway.
You smile warmly at Howzer, happy to have him back. 
Crosshair looks between you two and stands up and walks to the fresher. When you look at Howzer, he nods for you to follow Crosshair. You give him a grateful smile and walk to the fresher door.
You knock a couple times. “Cross?”
“Come in.” You hear quietly.
You open the door, finding him with his hands on the edge of the sink, looking down into the bowl. You slide in behind him, closing the door behind you, and wrap your arms around his torso, resting your cheek on his back. He stands up straighter, placing his hands over yours. You love the warmness of them… the warmness of him. 
You love him. 
“I couldn’t leave you behind again.” You whisper.
“I understand.” He whispers back, bringing your hands up to his lips.
He turns around, wrapping you in his arms so that you can rest your head on his chest. 
“I love you, Crosshair. More than anything in the world.” You tell him.
“You love Howzer too.” He replies, quietly.
You look up at him. There’s no venom in his words, nor his eyes. He’s just stating a fact. He’s always been so observant.
“I really care about him, yes. I’m attracted to him, yes. I love you.” You murmur. 
You know you have feelings stronger than caring for Howzer but right now, in this fresher, you want Crosshair more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life. You need him like you need air to breathe.
“I love you.” Crosshair whispers, brushing his lips against yours. 
You sigh into it and he holds you gently. You don’t need gentle, right now. You need him to be in control and firm. You were afraid he’d never say it back… but he loves you too.
“It’s okay if you do.” He tells you. “Love Howzer, that is.”
“Good to know, but Cross?” You whisper.
“Yes?” He smirks, knowingly.
“Fuck me.” You beg him, desperation in your voice.
He snakes a hand up in your hair, grabbing a fistful and yanking your head back, his smirk never leaving his face. “I thought I taught you better than that.”
“You’re not my commander anymore.” You smirk back.
“That doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful. You know how to ask for things, cyare.” He kisses your lips so lightly, you’re almost unsure if he’s actually done it. 
“Please, Cross… I need you. Please.” You beg him, giving him pleading eyes.
“That’s better.” He kisses you with more force. “I don’t think I can be nice right now.” 
“Then don’t be nice.” You plead. “Use me.”
With one hand, he pulls his length out and with the other hand in your hair, he forces you to your knees. It reminds you of the first night you met. You become instantly wet, remembering how he had your head pressed against the stall wall with his cock down your throat.
He pushes his length past your lips letting it slide down your tongue until it hits the back of your throat. He waits there for you to give him the okay to start moving. You hum around him and he starts thrusting, his pace already a bit quicker than what you’re used to. He lets out a groan and you can tell he needs this. He needs you. 
You need him too.
“You like being used, don’t you, princess?” He has his eyes closed, allowing the feel of your mouth overwhelm him. “Always gonna be my little cockwhore, huh?”
You moan around him and the grip he has on your hair tightens. You know your scalp is going to be a little sore later but it’s worth it right now. You want him to use you and cum in you until he’s got nothing left. 
He picks up his pace and starts thrusting deeper into your mouth, starting to go down your throat, forcing you to gag around him. He pushes you against the wall like he did the very first time and you can feel the need absolutely radiating off of him. You try to brace your hands against his thighs so you have something to hold onto.
“That’s right, cyare. Take it just like that.” He demands. 
You whimper around him and he chuckles.
“Does this also remind you of the first time?” He whispers.
You hum around him to let him know it does. You allow him to fuck your face as hard as he wants and in no time, he’s coming down your throat so quickly, you barely have to swallow. 
He tries to stifle his groan by biting his hand and you smile up at him when he pulls out of your mouth. He looks down at you and lets out a sigh of relief.
You stand up as he tucks himself away. “Feel better?”
“Much. Thank you.” He kisses you. “Your turn.”
“You can take care of me later.” You poke him in the side of the head. “Once you get that out.” 
“Maybe Howzer and I both can.” He smirks. “It’s a date.” You kiss him again.
He stops you immediately before you leave the fresher. You look at him curiously.
“You have my symbol on your armor.” He finally notices the crosshair symbol on your forearm piece. 
You put it there on purpose after Hunter had helped put the Batch’s symbols on your armor, officially making you feel like one of them. You wanted something to always remind you of him whether he joined the Batch again or not.
“I want you to always be with me.” You smile. 
He pulls you to him again, cupping your face in a gentle manner with one hand and pulling you as close as possible by your waist with the other hand. You never wanted his hands to leave your body. 
“I love you.” He pulls away to look into your eyes, like he’s searching.
He says it as if he needs you to understand it. You nod in understanding. He smiles, places a kiss on your forehead and opens the door. You both leave the fresher and walk out to the cockpit. 
“We’ll be on Bracca soon.” Tech announces.
Crosshair keeps an arm around your waist and Howzer takes your hand, bringing it to his lips when no one’s looking. It was them letting you know they’re here and they’re not going anywhere ever again.
When you finally reach Bracca, Crosshair kinda freezes up. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“Last time he was here, he got burned.” Echo tells you.
“Quite literally.” Tech adds in.
“Which was his own fault.” Hunter adds in.
You squeeze Crosshair’s hand and start to walk out of the ship with him. 
“I’d like for you to stay here with Echo.” Hunter tells you. “In case we run into trouble and need an assist.”
You nod. “Alright. Makes sense.” 
Crosshair walks over to you, kissing you once more. 
“Make sure you come back to me this time.” You smile. 
He smiles back with a nod. “Just with one less piece of me.” 
“It’s the worst part anyway.” You playfully shrug. 
You turn toward Howzer and kiss him on the cheek. “You better come back to me too. We have stuff to talk about.”
He pulls you into his arms, kissing you fully. Your heart does a little flip and you think to yourself… This is it for you. Howzer and Crosshair. The Batch… What more could you want in life?
“We’ll be back.” Howzer promises you.
When they leave the ship, Echo is looking at you funny.
“What?” You grab the broom.
He shrugs with a chuckle. “None of my business.”
You roll your eyes, tossing him a towel. “Just help me clean.” 
“Does the fresher need to be cleaned too?” Echo teases.
You look up at him, giving him “Are you done?” look. He laughs as he starts to wipe down the seats. So, they had all heard. Oops. 
A couple days later, you’re finally back on Ord Mantell. When you walk back into Cid’s, Omega comes running into Hunter’s arms and then yours. When she sees Crosshair, she smiles up at him. He nods to her with a soft smile. 
You show Crosshair and Howzer to your room above Cid’s where you’ve been sleeping since landing on Ord Mantell. You’re glad to finally have a moment alone with them.
Once the door shuts behind you, you look at the two men standing in front of you. They’re both watching you, curiously, waiting to see what you’ll do. You’re finally free to do as you please with them. Nothing is holding you back anymore. 
“Cyare.” Crosshair sighs, holding out his hand for you. 
You glance at Howzer and he’s smiling so sweetly at you, nodding for you to go to Crosshair. So you do. You take Crosshair’s hand and he pulls it to his lips, kissing it so gently, your heart clenches with love.
“I will do anything to keep you safe.” He promises you. 
“As will I.” Howzer joins you, tilting your chin up toward him gently, brushing your lips with his.
“I can’t live without either of you.” You tell them.
“We won’t make you.” Crosshair promises you, kissing your neck.
You tilt your head, granting his lips access. Howzer kisses your lips again, sighing softly, happily. You smile into the kiss when Crosshair makes his way down your breasts, pushing them together slightly as he nips at them. He pulls away for a moment to pull your shirt off. 
You think back to the first time you, Crosshair, and Howzer did this on Ryloth and how Crosshair had said it was only a one time thing. He’s clearly not jealous anymore. 
Crosshair pulls away so that Howzer can pull your body against his own, kissing you deeper, running his hands up your back, making you feel safe and secure. You feel Crosshair’s lips on your shoulder and neck moments later. You sigh into his touch. 
This is exactly what you’ve been waiting for. To feel wanted so completely, like this.
You used to be afraid that you and Crosshair would never get to this point, but oh how silly you feel now for ever doubting you would. He was made for you and you for him, and the same with Howzer. 
Howzer’s touch was more gentle than Crosshair’s, like he was afraid he’d break you.
“You can be rough with me. I won’t break.” You assure Howzer, breaking away from the kiss.
He chuckles. “I know. We have all the time in the world to be rough though. I want to take my time with you this time.”
You understand now. He was in a hurry and a rush to escape the Empire the last time.
“Is that alright, cyar’ika?” He murmurs against your lips.
“Yes.” You gasp as his hand trails down your front, pulling your pants down slightly so that he can tease your wet entrance. You feel Crosshair help you out of them the rest of the way and then hear him drop them.
Crosshair tilts your face toward his so that he can kiss you now as Howzer continues teasing your folds. You whimper against Crosshair’s lips and he smirks.
“Missed the sounds you make, princess.” He bites your lip, teasingly.
You moan for him and then again, slightly louder as Howzer inserts a finger into you. You gasp when he starts thrusting into you. You know you must be coming off as needy, but you don’t think they mind. 
Crosshair guides you down to the bed and you land on your back, looking up at them both standing at the foot of the bed, watching you. Crosshair’s already out of his clothes, so Howzer gestures for him to start. Crosshair joins you on the bed as Howzer starts stripping out of his clothes. You have to admit, you miss Howzer’s turquoise colored armor. It made him look beautiful. He’s still beautiful. Scars and all. You wouldn’t change anything about him. 
Crosshair starts kissing you again, bringing your thoughts back to him. 
“You’re ours.” Crosshair whispers, against your lips. 
“Always.” You nod, your eyes still closed. 
You feel the bed dip toward the bottom, indicating that Howzer has joined you. You feel his lips on your legs and you sigh into Crosshair. 
“Need more.” You beg Crosshair. 
“Lead the way, cyare.” He smiles.
You sit up, pulling away from Howzer after cupping his cheek to kiss his lips. Then, you straddle Crosshair’s lap, holding his length so that you’re hovering over it. He waits patiently for you to sink down on him. You smirk down at him and he runs his hands up to your breasts, groping you lightly. You hum with pleasure. 
“Love the way you touch me.” You whisper.
Without a warning, you sink down on him and he groans loudly, his grip on your breasts tightening. You grin, excitedly and then start bouncing on his cock while he continues kneading at your breasts. 
Without a word, he flips you over so that you’re on your back and he’s above you. He starts thrusting deeply into you, keeping a slow and even pace. Your whimpers and moans are soft as you look up into his golden brown eyes.
“Say my name… Please.” He begs. 
“Crosshair.” You moan as he thrusts deeper, your legs wrapping around him. 
“Fuck, cyare.” He groans, yanking you down the bed some. “Howzer, give that pretty mouth something to do.”
“Sure thing.” Howzer nods, joining you in the center of the bed. 
Howzer kisses you again before guiding your head down to his cock so that you can lick a stripe up the underside of it before taking it in your mouth. He lets out a sigh.
“Missed that mouth, angel.” He groans as you take him further down, swirling your tongue around him.
You moan around him as Crosshair picks up his pace. Howzer reaches his fingers down so that he can play with your clit and you let out a whimper around him. Both of the men chuckle, clearly entertained.
“Listen to those sounds.” Crosshair muses.
“I told you, didn’t I? Purely angelic.” Howzer hums.
“You’re right.” Crosshair nods, slamming his hips against you. 
The whimpers and cries that come out of you don’t cease as you continue to bob your head up and down on Howzer. His free hand makes its way up to your hair, gripping your hair, helping guide your mouth. 
“Does his cock feel good, mesh’la?” Crosshair asks you.
You nod as much as you can with your mouth stuffed, making both men chuckle. 
“So good for us.” Howzer praises you, making your pussy clench around Crosshair.
“Tell her more.” Crosshair groans. “She loves it.”
“So brave coming back for us.” Howzer continues rubbing your clit. 
“She’s so close.” Crosshair tells him, noticing how tight you were getting, nearing your edge. 
“You’re the most beautiful person either of us have ever seen. We’re going to do this to you for the rest of our lives.” Howzer promises you. “Make you feel so good. Fill you up so full every day.”
You feel the galaxy shatter and come crashing down around you as you cum on Crosshair’s cock. Seconds later, he fills you up, making you spill out over the sheets. You’re both panting as Howzer pulls out and replaces Crosshair, gently pushing into you. He pulls you up into his lap, holding you firmly against him. 
He bucks his hips up against you and you bounce on his length so perfectly that he has no choice but to stifle his moans in the crook of your neck. You pull away so you can drown his moans with your mouth. 
“Want you every day.” You promise him, running your hands up his neck, forcing him to look at you. “Please…”
He grins. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.”
You look at Crosshair for translation. 
“He loves you.” Crosshair tells you.
You look at Howzer and crush your lips against his, clenching around him. His hips falter right away as he fills you with rope after rope of cum. You wanted all of him, every day.
You reach for Crosshair and he joins you, kissing you hotly. You stay like that for a bit, kissing the two men. Finally, Crosshair suggests a shower and helps you to the fresher. Howzer stands in the doorway, watching you as Crosshair washes you clean. 
“We need a plan, you know.” Howzer tells Crosshair.
“I’m aware.” Crosshair nods, starting to wash your hair. 
“What are you guys talking about?” You ask them.
“You stormed an Imperial base,” Crosshair tells you, quietly. “took their prisoner and a commander. You don’t think they won’t come after you?” 
“Oh…” You whisper. “We’re safe here on Ord Mantell, aren’t we?”
You knew that storming that base for Howzer and Crosshair would be risky, but you didn’t think the Empire really cared that much to go looking for you.
“You mean with my brothers.” Crosshair starts to wash the soap out of your hair. “The ones who have been on the run from the Empire the entire time?”
You see his point. “Okay. So, then what’s the plan?”
Crosshair and Howzer exchange a glance.
“What?” You ask.
“Howzer had a plan to take you to a planet in wild space. Start a new life.” Crosshair tells you. “It’s a good plan.”
You look between the two of them, confused. “When did you plan that?”
Honestly, the fact that they planned anything together is impressive. You should take it as a good sign that they’re agreeing.
“When I was supposed to be interrogating him for Rampart.” Crosshair answers you.
You switch with him so that he’s under the shower now. “I don’t understand. I thought the whole reason you wanted me to go with your brothers was so that I’d be safe.”
“And then you went storming into an Imperial base.” Crosshair looks down at you.
“For you.” You poke him in the chest.
He sighs. “Look, I told you I’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe. If that means finding another planet away from the Empire’s eyes, then so be it.”
“And what about your brothers and Omega?” You ask him.
“They can come with us if they want.” He shrugs. “My main priority is you.” 
“As is mine.” Howzer tells you.
“And if you’re worried about my vod, they want the same thing for Omega. Safety.” Crosshair tells you, tilting your chin up toward him.
You look at Howzer again then back at Crosshair with a sigh. “Alright. So, I guess we’re going to become space explorers, then.”
Howzer lets out a chuckle and you smile at him. You know as long as you’re with Howzer and Crosshair, everything would be okay. You could start a whole new life, build a house, start a family.
“Hopefully, we can figure out how to build a house big enough for eight people.” You grin at them, suddenly excited.
“We can build two.” Howzer winks. “With lots of rooms.”
You’re ready for your new life to start.
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @zoeykallus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ben-is-a-hoe @maulslittlemeowmeow @moonstrider9904
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dragonrebelrose · 3 years
Okay so I’ve seen this thing going around...
That Crosshair wasn’t lying about the chip being out. About how the writers/producers/whoever “confirmed” it. Not sure where the original source of that is, if anyone has the link I’d like to see it, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this:
Crosshair wasn’t lying, because he truly does believe that the chip is out.
Bear with me here...
EVERYTHING we see and hear after he says that points to the chip STILL BEING THERE.
1. He doesn’t give a specific date when the chip was removed. Why not just say, “It was after Bracca” ? That would be easy to say, but he doesn’t, because he doesn’t know when it was “removed” because it never was. The Empire just made him THINK it was removed, or brainwashed him.
2. He has a headache IMMEDIATELY after he defies his orders and helps the Batch. THIS right here is the part that made me think that the chip MUST still be there. It makes more sense that he would still be getting headaches because the chip is there, rather than create some new thing where the chip is removed but it is leaving residual effects, which has never happened in ANY other clone EVER.
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3. There is absolutely NO indication of a scar where it should be. Some people say that they took the chip out through his wounds on his head but like...it’s not really in the same place, and it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. These chips have always been touchy and they need to be taken out PRECISELY where they are otherwise they cause a whole host of problems.
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4. WHY would the Empire remove their trump card from play? Logically speaking, this makes no sense on the Empire’s part. If Crosshair requested the chip to be removed they would have refused, probably thinking that he wanted to defect. But then why would the Empire remove the chip on their own accord, AND also tell Crosshair? It would make him more prone to desertion, it would remove their stranglehold over his mind and actions. But if they TOLD him they “removed it,” or BRAINWASHED him into thinking that all these actions are his own, they could trick him into being more loyal to something that he normally wouldn’t be loyal to.
5. “Soldiers follow orders!” Crosshair said that line again, which ONLY fully-activated chipped clones say. He never said this before the chip’s activation, and no one else in the Batch said it, except for Wrecker when HIS chip was active. This batch of clones does not fully believe in following orders, there’s no reason he would still be saying this if his chip was out.
6. He has ANOTHER headache! Seriously, if the writers truly intended for Crosshair to be speaking the truth about the chip being gone, they would NOT write into the script: “Crosshair holds his head in his hand, groaning in pain” 3 SEPARATE TIMES (I’m including the one from episode 1). NOTHING in animation is wasted, every single frame is written into the script, story-boarded, animated, and then fully lit. If they truly wanted us to think that Crosshair was without his chip, they would NOT have animated this 2 times after he said that.
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7. I don’t think he’d be loyal to the Empire if the chip wasn’t there. Yes, we know all about how he feels betrayed by his brothers and that’s why he’s staying with the Imps, but in all honesty if the chip wasn’t there, he would defect. Maybe not go back to his brothers because there’s obviously a lot of issues there, but he wouldn’t stay with the Empire. This is all speculation on my part, but it’s the vibe we seem to get from Crosshair.
8. Crosshair saves AZI, a droid which has the capability of detecting and removing inhibitor chips on his own. Remember how AZI removed Fives’ chip? The fact that AZI was saved by Crosshair (he was probably focusing on Omega, but he couldn’t very well attach that grappling hook onto her body, it had to be on AZI) is definite foreshadowing that AZI will return the favor by removing the chip from his head.
AZI didn’t NEED to be saved in the script. Omega could have floated to the surface in her pod and she would have been safe, but she goes back to save him, and Crosshair ends up saving them both. The writers could have written AZI out of the script entirely with his death by tragically floating to the bottom of the ocean, but the writers wanted him ALIVE. Why? He must serve SOME purpose or function other than being Omega’s friend. It’s not like the Bad Batch NEEDS another droid when they have Gonky and, to an extent, Echo and Tech, to serve those needs. AZI is being saved for later in season 2 for a specific purpose. Let’s hope that’s the case.
In the end, I will probably be 100% wrong and the writers are doing the stupidest thing by saying “the chip is out” when clearly the animation and script says otherwise. I will DIE on this hill until it’s completely confirmed IN THE SHOW in season 2.
I’m in it for the long haul lads, anyone want to join?
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ahsoka-dyke · 3 years
New clone just dropped!!!
And his inhibitor chip doesn't seem to be working? There are so many questions. Did the Syndullas help him to get rid of it? Is his chip defective? Maybe it has something do do with his scars? Anyway I feel like it's going to be a plot point next week
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sorry-but-no-sorry · 3 years
@ct-9904 @kaijusplotch you asked for it
Thanks @exhaustedtech99 for read-proofing!
I’m not a writer and it’s a tweaked copy past of what I wrote on the discord I’m in
Fair warning: indigestion of item, self arm, relapsing at the beginning
The inhibitor chip took a serious toll on Crosshair. Unable to move or think without the high ups’ say-so, it was torture for him.
But there was something Tarkin or Rampart couldn’t take away from him
It was this urge. This inexplicable need to have something in his mouth, something to chew, something to sooth, something non-nutritional, and it was, sadly, this something that he felt he still had a control over. Something even that chip couldn’t erase.
And well... he relapsed
He wouldn’t stop until his stomach started to ache, ‘good’ he thought as he kept going, if he became sick, that would stop himself from hunting down his squad, meaning this family would be safe from his actions, unwanted or not.
He couldn’t help but smile knowing that. Before the supply closet started to feel like it was spinning, then sinking, before fading to nothing..
Tarkin: now can you explain why a trooper found CT-9904 on the ground in the supply closet ?
Nala se: it seems that CT-9904 has ingested a dangerous amount of adhesive past, thin pieces of wood and plastic trinkets for the past week
Tarkin: that’s unusual
Nala Se: CT-9904 always had that defect but not with that amount in this sort time
Tarkin: no matter. how long do you think you can... ‘clean’ everything? I still need his marksmanship.
Behind the one way mirror separating the Grand Moff and the Kaminoan.
Crosshairs was laying on the med bed, sedated by the mindless droids beside him ready to fix the damage he caused in his digestive system.
While unaware and unconscious, his mind wondered to an old memory
There he was in his barracks, in his old training armor. He and his brothers were just finished with a very stressful simulation. Back then, Wrecker had 2 eyes, Hunter’s hair was short and Tech didn’t lose his, *oh marker, how that changed*
He remembered that he was sitting on his bed, fidgeting with the mattress to only pull out a bottle of adhesive paste. As he was about to take it to his mouth, a hand slapped the container out of his
Hunter: Cross, I thought you said you quit, where did you get that ?
Cross: kriff- my mattress ? Leave me alone, today was already stressful enough
Hunter: you know what I mean. Cross, we just got back from med bay, we can’t do this whole thing again
Cross: what are you suggesting then ?
Hunter: I.. I don’t know maybe Lula ?
Cross: i’m not a child anymore, I don’t need that doll !
Wrecker: you take that back !
Cross: I’m.. I’m not going to chew her ear again. I’m too old for that.
Tech suddenly got up and started searching through his boot locker “ah there it is” he said before trotting to Crosshair, handing him a worn metal tube.
Cross: what’s that ?
Tech: toothpicks, you said you were too old for Lula, and since a bounding chemical can harm you, like last time, I had planned an alternative for your stress coping mechanism
Hunter: are you insane, he can swallow them !
Cross: the box looks... * takes out a pick * worn, how long did you have this ?
Tech: a couple of months ago, never opened it
Cross: you had that this whole time and you bring it up now ?
Tech: you never mentioned it before
Cross: and what makes you think I won’t eat them ?
Tech: you don’t like how wood taste, you always complained about the tongue depressor during our regular check ups
Cross: you’re.... not wrong
Hunter: are you really sure about this, Tech?
Tech: of course I do.
He looked at Crosshair who started to chew on a pick
Tech: I trust you
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saberdeity · 3 years
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 》 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
pairing 》 bad batch sergeant hunter x fem ! reader
summary 》 when Omega gets taken, you try to keep everyone, including hunter calm
warnings 》 slight mentions of injuries
word count 》 2,478
a/n 》 this was requested by @amessywritersmind!! thank you sm for the amazing idea, I really loved writing this!! I got very carried away In side story lines for this but I really hope you like it 🥺💕
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Clone force 99, also known as the bad batch, were a group of genetically different clones, they were also your home. Ever since you met whilst on assignment with the repulbican armies back before order 66, you knew they were going to be a big part of your life.
You’d never had as much fun as you did with them, everyday was different and somehow you all managed to make the best out of a bad situation. You grew close with Hunter, very close actually. You couldn’t help but fall for the defective clone, little did you know he fell for you also. The only two people who didn’t see how completely and utterly in love with each other you were was you and Hunter.
One night when you were landed on a planet, completing the usual supply run after Wrecker informed us that the rations were getting low again.
The light had begun to fade fast, the beautiful sunset beginning to happen as you sat on the side of the ship looking into the sky and thinking about things, specifically Hunter. He was always on your mind.
You felt his presence just before he sat beside you, his shoulder touching yours as you enjoyed one another's company for a little while. The others were on a supply run, usually Hunter would lead the run but when he heard you volunteer to stay behind he knew that it was his only chance to tell you how he really felt.
Hunter was more than shocked to learn that you returned his feelings, he didn’t think someone as amazing as you would love someone like him and that broke your heart a little. He deserved all the love and happiness in the world and you were going to do everything in your power to give him that.
Your relationship blossomed from there, of course the teasing from the other boys never died down but it was all totally worth it, you’d never been happier than you were with the bad batch.
Then you met Omega. You instantly bonded with her, your maternal instincts kicking in almost immediately and all you wanted to do was protect her. You made sure she was with one of you all at all times, making sure to keep her in your sight line and never letting her go anywhere without someone with her. You, Omega and Hunter instantly became a little family within a family, it was truly beautiful.
Omega and you were inseparable ever since she arrived. You explained the beauty of some parts of the galaxy, teaching her as many new skills as you could. Hunter and Echo taught her the basics of combat, she was a fast learner and it amazed you how well she could do things sometimes even better than the rest of you which only made you smile wider.
After learning about the bounty on Omega, you went into full protective mode, constantly using the skills taught to you from a young age to keep her safe and out of trouble but of course, as Sue told you, children will always find a way to get into trouble.
Seeing Rex again was something you never imagined would happen, the shock of the newly shared information on the inhibitor chips inside their heads made your blood boil. You couldn’t help but let your mind wonder, what happened if they did turn? What if they hurt Omega? Hunter would do everything he could to fight the effects of the chip but from what Rex was saying it was impossible to control it.
You did your best to keep a level head, stay calm and make sure everybody else did also. You knew Rex was right and the batch needed to have their chips removed, for not only their safety but your own also. You didn’t want to lose any more family.
As you walked through the long abandoned Jedi cruiser something didn’t feel right. You weren’t alone through your journey into the darkness of the cruiser, others were with you in there and you knew of it. You kept Omega as close as possible to you, keeping your eye on her just like any mother would under exceptional circumstances.
When Wrecker couldn’t fight the chip anymore it was one of the scariest things you’ve been through, not being able to protect the ones you loved hurt you more than anything. Even Hunter couldn’t bring him back from the effects of the chip. You felt useless, unable to keep Omega safe as you told her to do the only thing you could think of, you told her to run and hide and you promised to come and find her as Wrecker took down Rex. HE threw you to the side as you stood between him and where Omega was, throwing you into the hard, sharp metal of the dismantled ship causing you to hit your head and knock unconscious.
When you eventually regained consciousness, you instantly looked round for Hunter and Omega, noticing her sitting next to an unconscious Wrecker. You instantly went to get over to her, your hand flying to your head when the throbbing became apparent, letting out a soft whimper in pain.
“Easy you took a hit cyar’ika, Omega is okay as is Wrecker, the chip removal process is complete we are just waiting for him to wake up” He says as you sigh in relief, carefully getting up with the help of hunter and walking over to omega.
You knelt down in front of her, examining her face and arms checking for any possible injuries she might have had.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” You ask softly
“I’m okay, i’m glad you’re okay” She smiles in return, the softness of her voice instantly calming you, her palm moving to rest on your right cheek. You smile softly, resting your head a little on her hand.
You were extremely anxious when Hunter went under to have his chip removed, the relief of Wrecker awakening quickly leaving your body. You could tell Omega was anxious when Hunter went under, her hand intertwined with yours as she pressed into your side. You did your best to soothe her but you were just as anxious as she was, you just knew how to hide it better.
When all of the chips were removed you were relieved to say the least and the rest of them were also. Rex left and you were left on this planet alone, another uneasy feeling settling in. However, whilst everyone was recovering, it gave you all some time to brush up on teaching Omega some skills.
Wrecker was teaching bomb disarming that day as you stayed back at the cruiser. When Hunter’s COM link went off with Echo informing us of the Scrappers spotting us and Omega explaining that Wrecker was in pursuit of said scrappers, you and Hunter both looked to one another knowing it was bad.
You all eventually managed to regroup, coming together to come with the next steps. Echo wanted to leave but Hunter knew we had no funds or anything and there was a perfectly stocked jedi cruiser that could provide you with some funds to get supplies. So the plan was simple, collect some items that you were able to sell and get off the planet. Others had other ideas.
Tec was downloading some files from the mainframe, knowing if they could be sold they would go for a good price, you stayed with Hunter as Omega went to see if she could help Tec. Tec announced that we had a company, the empire’s company and you knew your exit plan was a lot more complicated at this point but your priority was keeping Omega safe.
Crosshair began his attack, watching him being controlled and being able to do nothing to stop it broke your heart into pieces, he was misunderstood by many and to see this happen to someone a part of your family hurt.
Hunter came up with a new plan to get off that planet but it didn’t quite go off as planned, leaving him with a blaster shot to his chest and a missing Omega. When Hunter informed all of the bounty hunters who took Omega everyone instantly went into tracker mode, doing everything they could to find her location. However, Crosshair wasn’t making it easy for us to get to her any quicker but we managed to jump to hyperspace just in time.
It was difficult to get Hunter to sit still long enough to tend to his injuries, luckily it wasn’t as serious and his chest plate took most of the damage which you were thankful for. You knew he was blaming himself for Omega being taken but he did everything he could to keep her safe when you were all separated and you made sure he knew that.
You couldn’t help but panic, your mind running at a thousand miles per hour at the horrific thoughts of something bad happening to Omega. You prayed she was being smart, trying to find a way to get her location to us just like you all had taught her in her bad batch training series as she liked to call it. You quickly wiped the tear that fell from your eye as you thought of the worst thought unable to calm the anxiety and anger bubbling inside you.
The boys were growing restless, tension was running high but we managed to find the republican file on the bounty hunter who had Omega, Cad Bane. He was merciless, an incredible bounty hunter who always had a high price for his victims, so only someone with a lot of money and power would have been able to hire him.
When Tec explained about Omega having first generation DNA, meaning that she was a direct replica of Jango Fett, it made it a lot clearer why they needed her so desperately. But it only made the horrific thoughts in your head worse. The only way you were going to get more information on the possible whereabouts and possible people who hired Cad Bane was from Sid and that’s where you went.
You were all sat in the control part of the marauder, waiting anxiously to hear back from sid. Echo informed that she knew all about Cad Bane but not on how to find him and that made everyone even more tense, a sense of panic rushing through the ship.
The ship was silent for a few seconds until the beep of the COM link line brought everyone into reality.
“Come in! Anyone?” Omega said through COMs, your heart jumping slightly as you heard her voice. She was alive.
“Omega? Are you there? Omega?” Hunter replied as Echo tried desperately to boost the signal of the COM.
When she eventually replied to Hunter, you sighed happily in relief, saying a brief sentence before she began to explain that she didn’t know where she was. Tec began to explain how to get a relay of her position by creating a power surge; it was the only way she was going to get her location to us.
“Let me go! Hunter, I need you!” she pleaded through the comms link, your heart broke at the panic and scared tone to her voice. She was gone again. HUnter tried desperately to regain the COM link to Omega but it was no use; she wasn't replying and the link went dead once again.
Hunter’s fist slammed into the edge of the control panel, Wrecker angrily hit the chair and Echo along with Tec sighed in defeat. They were panicking as were you but you knew being panicked wouldn’t help Omega in any way shape or form.
“Hey! We need to stay calm and stay focussed, Omega knows what she’s doing she may still have a lot to learn but she’s learnt from the best, we have to trust her like we do all the time, she’s got this okay?” You said as you picked Hunter’s head up from its sad position, doing your best to keep the team focussed and filled with hope.
“You’re right, she’s got this” Hunter replied, intertwining his fingers with yours and kissing the back of your hand softly, in an attempt to keep himself calm.
“Tec keep scanning for that power surge” You added as he instantly nodded getting back to trying to find the signal.
When you found the signal of the location of Omega, you’d never moved so fast to get the ship to that location, arriving just in time to grab the pod she’s managed to escape in.
Wrecker instantly was at the connection between the pod and the ship, opening it to reveal a petrified OMega, sitting on the seat with her hands bound. Your heart broke at the fear in her eyes. Wrecker instantly helped her from the ladder she climbed, wrapping his arms tightly around her for a moment before they pulled away from one another.
She launched herself at Hunter, her soft whimpers were all that could be heard as she desperately hugged him tightly. Hunter instantly relaxed, dropping to his knee to be her height as you joined, kneeling beside the man you loved and in front of your little girl.
“Are you okay Omega? Are you hurt?” He asked softly, his voice laced with anxiousness.
“Why is this happening? Why are the kaminoans after me?” She asked in between sniffles, her eyes matching yours and filling with tears.
“Hunter, y/n, you have to tell her” Echo said as you and Hunter looked at one another and nodded.
“You’re valuable to them, more than other clones even more than us, you’re different” Hunter explained
“Different? How?” she asked curiously, even after everything she was still just as curious.
“That doesn’t matter right now, we will explain soon what matters is that you are safe! Are you hurt anywhere? Did they hurt you?” You ask, frantically beginning to check her over, wincing a little when you saw the bruising from where the restraints had been.
“I’m okay now” She whispers, wrapping his arms tightly around you as you stand, lifting her into your arms tightly and holding her as close as humanly possible to you.
The tears flowed from your eyes as you held her tightly, Hunter wrapping his arms around the two of you also, making you feel extra safe and relieved. You smiled when you felt a larger pair of arms wrap around you, then another and another soon you were wrapped in a group hug, much to the love of Omega. When you turned your head you were met with the biggest smile from Omega, watching as Hunter matched her smile.
“I’m home” she says softly, smiling impossibly wider as the others smile also.
She was home.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea (pt 10)
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers' dad and betrothed are asses.
Chapter Ten: The Echo
Greeting your companions the next morning was just as awkward as bidding them goodnight after the debacle last night. You’re stiff, bruised, and the dirtiest you’ve ever been in your whole life. Lightly retying the corset to support yourself, you collect Gonk from where she’s curled in the Hammock and brace yourself before heading out onto the deck of the ship. It’s already very bright out, and the crew is as rambunctious as ever. With the Captain throwing orders around here and there, Tech and Wrecker working the sails, and Crosshair shouting back down to Hunter. It’s marvellous how they work together when they're not disagreeing about something.
You feel Gonk leap off your shoulder with a curious noise before bounding away, her speckled wings bouncing behind her. She looks clumsy for a lizard, but then again, how many lizards did you know that have feathers?
“Good Morning!” Wrecker shouts to you when he notices your figure. You give him a smile and a small wave. Tech returns your smile and watches you as you glance around. Appreciating the sea and the vessel you’ve found yourself on.
The water of the Corillian run is a rich blue with just enough green to look magical. And the waves the churn underneath you look more powerful than any carriage or speeder you’ve seen before. Just as you’re wondering how deep it is, there's a commotion behind you. Hunter is glaring deadly at Gonk, who’s held by her neck feathers in front of his face. And from the way her wings are flapping and her front claws grab at him, it's no mystery where she was, or where she’s trying to go.
“I’m sorry!” You say, gathering your skirts and rushing over. The Captain glares at you as he shoves her into your arms, her grey feathers bunching up as he does so. His tunic is rolled up again, and in the morning light you can see the symbols on his forearm more clearly. Traitor.
When the wooden ruler collided with your desk you yelped in fear and surprise. Was it the first time this had happened? Absolutely not, and if these lessons continued this way, it certainly wouldn't be the last.
“Pay. Attention.” The Pantoran woman growled at you, she was very smart. You could just tell, and the fact she was instructed to dumb down your education infruiated the both of you. “As I was saying…” She eyed you - a dare to look out the window and start daydreaming again.
“Teach me about the war.” You blurted out the statue of the emperor they were erecting, catching your eye again.
“This is a language class.” She said with a sigh, before placing the ruler down. “I’m guessing you want to know about the Clones.”
“How did you kn-”
“It’s all anyone ever talks about.” She interrupted you, which was shocking in itself, but not unwelcome. Perching herself on the birch coloured desk, you found her staring out the window as well.“It’s well known that there was scarcely a better soldier than a Kaminoan Clone. And so when the war came to its end, and the Jedi went rouge, well they hardly stood a chance. Those who sided with them were caught and killed or branded traitors. Why they let any of them survive is beyond me, but those clones were so fiercely loyal. Some of them just couldn't shake that. No matter how hard the Kaminoans or the Emperor tried, there were millions of them, and some…” She paused for a moment, glancing back at the door as if someone was watching you through it.
“Well even if an inhibitor chip is 99.99% effective, out of one million, there will still be one hundred defects.”
You try to stop staring, you really do. But by then Hunter has caught your eye, and is glaring even harder than he was before. Cautiously you take a step back, finding yourself in the company of clones is one thing, those willing to defy Nython, another. But enemies of the Galactic Empire was a different kind of dangerous.
“Courtesy of your betrothed.” The Captain grits out, and whatever softness was there from the night before is gone. Scared, you clutch Gonk to your chest like a child would a blanket. “What did you do?” You ask, looking him up and down. Even with the scars on his knuckles of cuts and burns, He didn't look like the horror stories you’d been told as a kid, in fact, he didn't look dangerous at all. But the symbols were there, scared into his skin some time ago. Something flashes in his brown sugar eyes, like the ping of a blaster bounces off of his iries in the heat of battle. Like he relives combat right in front of you.
“What we did was rescue a prisoner of war.” He spits, walking towards you and backing you into the banister that overlooks the pain part of the deck. “That hammock you’re sleeping in belongs to someone.”
“I’m sorry.” You say trembling. Looking to the side to see Wrecker place a firm hand on his sergeant's shoulder and pull him firmly away from you.
“Echo’s was in the hands of the Techno Union for some time.” Wrecker explains defusing the situation. “He’s waiting for us on Alderaan, after some much needed rest.” Hunter, who’s now swatting Tech - and whatever device he’s trying to scan him with - away, seems to be ignoring you.
“I-I didn’- I didn’t mean…” You tell Wrecker shakily.
“I know, and it’s okay.” He says with a smile, but Hunter's words resonate with you. Haunting you of acts you have had nothing to do with.
In his cabin Hunter throws his hat as hard as he can against the wall. He hates you, he hates the Empire and most of all he hates Nython. And what’s even more infuriating is how innocent you are, how your morales are driving you away from your betrothed, and how you saved the shit disturbing reptile that seems to like himself and yourself too much. And no matter how much Hunter wants to despise the empire, if it’s still filled with people like you, it means there’s still something to fight for. But if he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t know how much fight he's got left.
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
“What did he mean, courtesy of my betrothed?” You have to walk quickly behind Crosshair in an effort to keep up, his long legs easily outpace you and even though you’re both still injured he moves quickly. You follow him into the storage area that you’re all too familiar with, nearly bumping into him when he stops to look for a specific crate.
“Why don’t you bother Tech with your questions?” Crosshair says pushing boxes around.
“Because you’ll tell me the truth, no sugar coating.” You tell him, nudging him aside with your boot as you lean over to grab what he couldn’t reach. Perhaps being smaller wasn’t a disadvantage after all. Proudly you hand him the strange looking fruit.
“I need the whole crate.” Crosshair tells you unimpressed, before giving you the singular Meiloorun fruit and leaning over the stack of crates again. “And to answer your question, he was talking about the scars on his hand.” You lean against the tower so you can try to read his face as he yanks the crate forward.
“The burns or the wounds?” You ask, mulling over the fruit in your hands.
“Same thing.” Crosshair explains. “From a mission on Kashyyyk, Nython had the whole forest alight, and Hunter got trapped behind a blast door.” He watches as you cover your mouth with one hand as you remember the boasts, the gloat, the pride Nython had when he recounted the battle.
“You should’ve seen it,” There’s awe in Crosshair's voice now. “The Regs wanted to label him MIA, but that's not Hunter, not the Sergeant of ‘Force 99. When the squad hoisted him into that medical bay, he was barely alive.”
“No wonder he hates me.” You breathe, looking at the clone in front of you who shrugs.
“Don’t take it personally, he hates mostly everyone. We all do, it’s…” Crosshair stops and composes himself, like being honest or genuine with you is a weakness. “Nython decimated everything in his path. There’s what? A handful of Wookies left, half of those are thanks to him and all he can think about is how many he didn’t save.” You gently place your fruit on the box Crosshair is standing before you with. “It’s all a bit narcissistic if you ask me.” You smile at Crosshairs sass.
“You’d know.” You counter, trying to ease the tension in the room. “Thank you, for being honest.” You tell him, catching a smirk as he starts up the stairs.
“It’s one of my many endearing qualities.” He says, before shouting to his brothers about something that you don't even bother trying to understand.
With a look back at the hiding spot that you had chosen when you boarded the ship, you start up the stars and get back into the daylight. The captain is still gone, but Tech, Crosshair and Wrecker are each peeling a Meilroon fruit. You smile at them, they look so picturesque right now. The sea in the background and the three of them scraping the tough skin off of the fruits with knives. You’re reminded of children's picture books of pirates mulling over gold.
“Hey! What’s so funny?” Wrecker calls when he sees your big smile. Walking over, You plant yourself on the floor leaning against the banister.
“I half expected you all to break out into a sea shanty.” You tease reaching up to pick up a fruit.
“Ha ha.” Crosshair said dryly, giving you the handle of the knife to take from him to peel your own fruit. “Try not to chuck it at Tech again will ya?” you nod and very carefully start running the blade along the fruit.
“So no sea shanties then?” You ask, popping a piece into your mouth.
“We don’t sing.” Tech states.
“Yeah we do!” Wrecker argues, jamming his knife into the lid of the crate, “we know that one from-”
“Ferrik if you start singing that again.” Crosshair grumbles.
“THERE ONCE WAS A SHIP THAT PUT TO SEA” You all cringe when Wrecker starts shouting rather than singing, both of his brothers shout back simultaneously for him to stop, while you giggle from your spot on the floor. You could almost get used to their company, that and the fresh salty sea air, you are already beginning to enjoy the life of sailing. On the second floor, emerging from the captain's quarters, Hunter generally steps. Even someone without enhanced senses would have heard Wreckers incessant shouting and he has every intent on giving the three of them a lecture when he hears something else entirely.
“There was once a soldier who carried a mighty sword, and he had saved the village, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.” Your voice accompanies soft taps to the wooden boards to create some kind of beat. The sound stops as soon as it starts.
“Don’t stop on our account.” He hears Tech's voice, and a stealthy Hunter moves to try and get a better view, he wants to know what you’re up to, and if you’re still trying to manipulate his crew.
“I’ve been told I have an atrocious singing voice.”
“It’s better than Wreckers.” Both Crosshair and Tech comment simultaneously. And Hunter hears you let out a half laugh. Some kind of reserved dainty thing that has him rolling his eyes.
“There was once a sailor, he had travelled the globe, his love he was chasing. oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.” You continue tapping again, “And there will come a captain who’s heart is completely pure, he will find those who are lost, oh lei,...” He hears you stop. As something catches your attention. And Hunter takes the opportunity to make an appearance.
You hear the captain’s footsteps before you turn your gaze away from the birds flying alongside the ship. “Who let the Aaray get a’ hold of a knife again?” He says looking down at you, the fruit and the blade. Hesitantly, and with only half of the Meilroon fruit peeled you give the knife back to Crosshair the same way he had originally given it to you. Pointing the handle towards him whilst gently holding the blade.
“I wasn’t going to…” You start.
“Going to what? Try and kill one of my crew again?” Hunter raises an eyebrow as if he’s daring you to disagree. You take a deep breath in, and hoist yourself onto shaky feet. Wrecker gives you a hand when your legs shake still in pain. Letting out your breath you lock eyes with the captain.
“I understand your hatred for that man,” You begin softly.
“No.” He snaps, “you don’t” You plead with his unforgiving eyes, and the way his half tattooed face scrunches in annoyance.
“You can’t be reasoned with.” You say hopelessly, knowing that whatever you say, it won't be enough.
“I should not have to reason with the likes of you.” Hunter bites. And at this point even Wrecker has given up trying to reason with him. Behind you, Tech’s Holopad beeps.
“I am not my Fiance!” You exclaim. “And yet you attribute all of his crimes to me, even the crime of trying to rid myself of Ny-”
Before you can react, Hunter moves fast as lightning, a hand on your throat, his own vibroblade dangerously close to you, bending you against the banister that stops you falling into the abyss alone. The three others brace themselves and when they move to help you, stop at the growl of anger from their sergeant.
“You do not. Say that name. On. My. Ship.” He tells the trembling woman beneath him.
“What happened to you Sergeant?” You breathe out, searching for the man that his brothers seem to think he is. Everything they tell you about him, every ‘he’s not like this.’ All of his actions point to the fact that he is like this. Something changes in his face, like he remembers where and who he is. And like Hunter is on fire, he steps away from you. The second there's room, Wrecker forces you behind him protectively.
“Sarge.” Tech says, his voice echoing like blaster fire in the mountains. “I think you should come with me.”
Tags: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses @loverofclones @beizm @gunsmoke-blu
@logina6 @wondergal2001 @lafy-taffy @lafy-taffy @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
@starskenobiwan @lordellbell @kaetavlos @violetjedisylveon @​​vergol @Lackofhonor
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aquilacalvitium · 2 years
I see everyone talking about the clone in episode two like they don't know who he is. Just a down on his luck clone, right? Right! BUT OH SO WRONG!
That's not just any clone! We know EXACTLY who that clone is! And we can figure it out by process of elimination!
So, how many clones do we know that defected from the army? Eight. And four of those are the Bad Batch so we can immediately scratch them off the list of possible clones. Our remaining list is Cut, Gregor, Wolfe and Rex.
Cut has a wife and children and had them for the better part of the war, so clearly it's not him. Wolfe has an unmissable scar over his right eye which has gone blind, and this clone very clearly has two undamaged eyes, so it's not him. Gregor is a tad tougher as he doesn't have many physical attributes that set him apart from the others, but his voice and laugh are unmistakable. That clone is not Gregor.
That leaves one candidate. Let's lay out what we know about this clone. He's obviously defected from the army hence not being employed by the empire, has no noticeable physical traits that couldn't be hidden, and is wearing 501st armour.
Yup, it's our boy Rex. "But Rex has short blonde hair! And this clone has grown-out brown hair!" Yeah! Rex is presumed dead by the empire and most likely in hiding. He was Anakin's first in command and most trusted soldier. He's assumed dead by the empire. And he most likely wants to keep it that way.
So what do you do when you're in hiding from the government, you look like thousands of other people and your only defining trait is your hair? You change your hair! You change it's colour, you grow it out, you completely remove the one physical thing that anyone knows you by.
And bear in mind, we haven't seen Rex since a few days after the war ended, when he met with the Bad Batch and helped them to remove their inhibitor chips. This is ten years later. And in another five years he'll be living on a nowhere desert planet hunting giant fish with Gregor and Wolfe. Sure he'll have his signature hair back by then, but when you're on a planet that no sane person in their right mind would ever go to, it's bound to be safe to return to how you looked before everything went to shit.
The only other possibility is that this is a different clone who defected. Could it be Howzer? Yeah, for sure, I wouldn't count him out. But last we saw he was being arrested and we have no idea if he's even still alive. It could even be a clone we've never met before. But based on evidence and the clones we know, Rex is our safest guess.
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cc-9784 · 2 years
My predictions for TBB S2:
I already gave my major predictions for season two of the Bad Batch in another post but the release of the trailer that I wouldn’t watch to completion if you had a gun to my head made me realize I left something out.
Everyone and their mother (cough Cody cough ) will continue to defect from the Empire and miraculously overpower their inhibitor chips because lore consistency is for losers who don’t want to make money off major characters. (Disney, probably)
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Come Back To Me
Summary: Crosshair is searching the galaxy for you and getting close to find you, his once upon a time love, so the Bad Batch are here to protect you.
Pairing: (Eventual) Crosshair x You
Warnings: Angst, mention of death
A/N: This is my first Crosshair fic. Please forgive me if it's not good.
Part One ︱Part Two
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“General.” Echo smiles, happy to see you once again.
“Good to see you!” Wrecker scoops you into a hug.
“Good to see you too, Wrecker! And Echo… Please. I’m not a general anymore.” You hug him once Wrecker sets you down.
“You’ll always be a general to us.” Hunter fake salutes you, making you chuckle.
You pat Tech on the back before another figure hops out of the Marauder and walks up to you.
“Who is this?” You look to Hunter for an explanation, shock clear on your face. “A child?”
“I’m Omega. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She grins up at you. “Can I see your lightsabers?”
You laugh with delight. “Hello, Omega. Maybe later, yeah?”
She nods, enthusiastically and you look back at the guys as she goes back on board the Marauder.
“Omega is a clone. Like us.” Tech explains.
“How is that possible? A girl clone?” You ask. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
Tech explains everything to you about Omega. About her being a 100% DNA clone of Jango Fett and how she is their technically older sister. Hunter never takes his eyes off her. You could see the protectiveness in his eyes.
“So, you’re a dad now, huh?” You tease Hunter.
He rolls his eyes. “Feels like it.”
“So, where’s Crosshair, is he still on board?” You ask them, glancing at the ship.
Maybe Omega went to grab him.
They all shift uncomfortably. Your stomach drops. “No… Don’t tell me he’s…”
“No, he’s not dead.” Echo sighs.
You sigh with relief. “Thank the Maker. Where is he then?”
“Crosshair joined the Empire…” Hunter tells you, regretfully.
“W-what?” Your heart sinks again, making you feel wobbly.
Hunter guides you to the steps on the Marauder.
“He… he’s only ever been loyal to you guys, though.” You’re confused.
“It’s his inhibitor chip.” Omega’s voice is behind you. “He can’t help it.”
“An inhibitor chip?” You look at Tech.
“A behavioral chip inside the clones’ heads that makes them do whatever is commanded of them. That’s why Order 66 happened. It wasn’t that the clones willingly wiped out the Jedi… they were forced to do it.” Tech explains.
“Crosshair is getting close to you. We found you, so it’s only a matter of time before he finds you.” Echo says.
You sigh. “You don’t think he actually would… kill me… Do you?”
“We don’t know.” Tech says. “That’s why we’re here. To protect you.”
“Wait. Do you guys not have inhibitor chips?” You ask them.
“Rex helped us get ours out.” Wrecker says.
“Rex has his out? He’s okay?” You clutch your heart and they nod. You had always been close to Rex, serving together under Anakin and Obi-Wan. You missed them so much.
“Any word on Obi-Wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker?” You look up at them. “Ahsoka Tano?”
They all look at each other.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi is not dead.” You stand up, firmly.
“No, he’s MIA. So is Ahsoka Tano.” Echo tells you.
They were definitely alive, then.
“And… Anakin?” You’re almost too afraid to ask.
“General Skywalker went to the dark side… He’s the one who killed all the younglings.” Tech responds, clearly uncomfortable.
“Oh…” You collapse to the stairs again, your heartache even worse than before.
Hunter makes sure you’re steady again. Hunter was always so kind to you. You clutch his hand for comfort.
Anakin was your friend. Someone you were close to. Someone you had looked up to. He always did good by his padawan and the clones… How could he turn to the dark side? You suddenly feel angry.
“Did any of you…” You’re definitely afraid to ask. “Kill…”
“No. Our inhibitor chips seemed to be defective.” Tech tells you.
“Like us!” Wrecker says, excitedly.
“So why did Crosshair’s activate?” You ask.
You had so many questions.
“It’s probably best if we get going. We can answer all your questions on board.” Hunter pats your shoulder sympathetically.
You nod. “Let me go pack a bag really quick and then I’ll be on board.”
They nod and let you be alone. You think about Crosshair as you pack, tearing up, thinking about him siding with the Empire. How could he do that to his brothers? Chip or no chip…
“Cyar’ika…” You hear that familiar voice.
The voice you would know anywhere. You can still picture him moaning your name in the bunks of the Marauder.
“Crosshair.” You turn to find him in the doorway of your bedroom, bringing your lightsaber to life.
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symeona · 3 years
At the expense of sounding like I'm late to the party only to arrive and punch everyone in the face... :
Idk if in Episode 3 Lucas was planning to tell us about the inhibitor chips inside the Clones or if Filoni pulled it out of a hat, but.. it really seemed like the Clones just followed orders in the movie. They didn't look brainwashed.
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Which makes sense to me, and it's more heartbreaking, because of course. The boys grew up with Jango's code and he is their Mand'alor. So if Jango told them to listen to the hooded man, they'd listen.
But a lot of them obviously grew very close to the Jedi they served with. I imagine they'd want to tell their Generals what was about to happen, but that would be going against their Mand'alor. Who, aside from being like their dad, could kill Jedi with his bare hands so..
... I just can't imagine living with the burden of knowing you'll have to kill your friends because otherwise your brothers would kill or abandon you...
Also it then makes sense for someone like Rex to defect. Because I think he's said this a lot? That he's loyal to his General and his brothers. Which sounds like a very normal thing unless he meant "I won't follow my Mand'alor." And it makes sense that Anakin I-prioritize-my-feelings-over-the-rules Skywalker's Captain would do that.
Idk I think it would break my heart, and I don't like brainwashing as a plot device in general, so I like this version more yay *pain*
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kopykunoichi · 3 years
Okay, there seems to be a lot of confusion on how the inhibitor chips actually work.
First, people keep on saying "the chip hasn't been activated" in certain clones. This isn't correct. The inhibitor chips were always active throughout the clone wars. They make clones less aggressive, and more willing to obey orders. They also influenced them to be loyal to the Republic instead of merely the Jedi they served. This was done so that if the Jedi ever defected, the clones wouldn't follow them blindly, but remain true to the government. Inhibiting someone's free will is only effective if you program them to be loyal to you specifically - otherwise, they'll be so suggestable, they'll follow anyone and be easily turned. Even with these measures, some clones were a lot less pliable than others - Slick, Cut, Fives, etc.
Now, I think what most people are thinking when they say the chips weren't activated is referring to Order 66. Order 66 simply activated a sub-program of the chip that caused the clones to prioritize eliminating the Jedi over any mission. And what were they told? That the Jedi had betrayed the Republic...which the clones are programmed to believe is the highest good. If the Jedi betray the Republic, they automatically become its biggest threat and so the clones are especially motivated to follow this order.
However, Order 66 caused some of them to seem to lose their personalities entirely. It's important to note that this didn't happen to all the clones - contrary to popular belief, not all the clones became mindless robots. And once the Jedi were all dead, the sub-program that prioritized the mission to kill them was no longer pressing on their minds.
All the clones received Order 66 - they were all told the Jedi defected. Whether or not a clone was directly working under a Jedi was irrelevant - for the program to work, they all had to believe it happened. Rex was quite clear on this when he told Ahsoka "It's all of us. The entire GAR has been ordered to hunt down and kill the Jedi Knights". Presumably, clones who didn't work under Jedi probably didn't struggle as much with programming because they might not have been pulled from their assignments to hunt Jedi - it was enough that they believed the Jedi betrayed the Republic.
Here's where I think some of the free-thinkers are starting to pop up again - like Howzer. The Republic was "re-organized" into the Empire. Some of the more pliable clones might have just accepted this without question, seeing it as just another name for the government they were taught to be loyal to. They may be confused, but all they know is how to be soldiers, and they can continue to do that under the Empire. This isn't so much the chip's influence as it is just the way they were raised and trained. They're still needed and they have standing orders to remain...for now.
Except, we know that the Empire is beginning to see the clones as obsolete. They want a new class of soldier. In the books and comics, we saw how many clones (Cody especially) resented "War Mantle", the directive that started replacing clones with civilian troops. Incidently, that's the name of the episode after next week, so I'm sure we'll see more of this play out. Either way, we're bound to see a lot more clones showing their personality and questioning orders when they realize the Empire is not as worthy of loyalty as the Republic.
Howzer and his team are just some of the first to acknowledge that the Empire is not the Republic. They were programmed to be loyal to the former, and the latter is proving to be quite different in its ideals and methods. The inhibitor chips that made them unswerving loyal to the Republic are less effective at keeping them loyal to the Empire, and with the Order 66 programming fulfilled, the overall effectiveness of the chips may be lessening. They're still more pliable than other soldiers, but they're certainly not mindless zombies.
In Crosshair's case, we know they dialed up his chip to make him more loyal - but I suspect that we'll find a lot of his behavior has been influenced by his own personality, not just the chip. Sorry, Crosshair stans, but a lot of the ideas about the nature of Crosshair's character are straight out of fanfiction or headcanons and are not reflected in the actual writing. In any case, time will tell how much of his brutality toward his brothers is the chip and how much is him.
In any case, clones questioning orders is not as impossible as many seem to think. The Jedi are gone, Order 66 isn't pressing on them, so for any clone who didn't have his brain permanently altered from the initial override, they are more or less exactly how they were before the war ended. Rex went back to normal after having the chip removed (though he's still loyal to the Republic even with the chip gone). Many of the others are back to normal too, with the chips back to performing their primary functions...with varying degrees of success, just as they always did.
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I decided to rewatch the entire first season before episode 16 comes out and I happened to come across small details that I never picked up on before, one of them being a moment in episode 1.
As the batch are leaving Onderon, Tech reveals that Omega is a defective clone, just like them. Hunter instantly makes the decision to go back for her and the batch agree, showing no hesitation as well to help Omega. Crosshair on the other hand, makes it clear that he is against this.
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This picture is their reactions. Their faces says it all. The fact that Crosshair didn’t want to go back (most likely influenced by his inhibitor chip) clearly did not sit right with any of them. Observing each face, they look disappointed, angry and almost offended that Crosshair wouldn’t help not just any a clone, but one of their own.
Yes I could start a whole other topic on how they went back for Omega and not Crosshair but I’ll save that for another time lol.
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
Jfjfjfhfh I really did try.
Bad Batch spoilers/rant under the cut.
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I... wow. Where to begin.
For months now I have been preparing myself to bear the weight of Crosshair having an affiliation with the Empire; I think that this is a widely-accepted speculation among us, I think the occurrence is going to be inevitable.
However, never did I expect the context of his Imperial tenure to be what I read today.
Crosshair does not get enough credit, as a member of the Bad Batch, as an individual. I am a Crosshair apologist, but I am not a Crosshair justifier. His behavior and actions at times are truly terrible and disappointing to see and warrant a good ass whooping; I will never say that either his attitude or venomous words are okay. They are not. Crosshair is about as flawed as a character can get.
And yet: he is most dependable, loyal, and resilient. We very much have Dee Bradley Baker’s own words to back this; especially regarding Crosshair’s dependability. His strong fundamentals point to admirable traits right off the bat.
What I was looking forward to most was Crosshair being presented in a new, refreshing light, and for those core beliefs to be wonderfully fleshed out. With the little screen time received and the seemingly tedious effort to keep the Clones “in character” (i.e. ‘emotionally neutral’, but that’s a whole other can of worms for another post) during the CW series, Crosshair’s mannerisms have been very much stunted all throughout, stigmatizing him to being but a stiff, malicious bastard with a superiority complex. This negative presentation has greatly ostracized him from warm reception by the mass of fans. And I, in my heart, cannot accept that that is all there is to Crosshair. Y’all know how much I love character analysis. There is so much more to that man than anything Filoni and Co. could ever dole out.
Today’s spoiler is proof.
Why. I have to know who in their right mind thought that Crosshair’s “shifting loyalties” (in the context of WILLINGLY, mind you) would be a compelling and satisfying storyline. The problem with mass media today is that there is too much stigma and not enough subversion; there is not enough chance for these misunderstood and misrepresented characters to thrive and grow into themselves. They’re all fated to the same monotonous, uninspired, and disillusioned tropes, and I’m beyond sick of it. It’s so detrimental to those who seek hope and relatability in these characters; time over again we are let down in this regard. I do not understand why this continues to happen; especially in Star Wars. These particular creators and storywriters are seasoned and know better. They know. Not a cool move.
And yet here we have, the “aloof bastard joining the bad guys because he can and it looks cool”.
Newsflash: It’s not cool.
Crosshair. Of all people.
Back to my original thoughts: I suspected him having to correspond with the Empire to some degree. But the thing is: I suspected it under the (reassuring) pretense that it was an UNCONTROLLABLE (or at the very least GRUDGING) enactment. That he UNWILLINGLY contributed. Of no volition of his own. That’s the key.
Not this “shifting loyalties” garbage.
Of course, on the flip side: I fully understand how the description can be deceiving; it’s rather vague already and many interpretations can be ascertained from just that one sentence. Perhaps his “loyalties shift” due to brainwashing/the inhibitor chip and this is just a clever ploy to throw a wrench in our speculations; it has yet to be specified.
But the surrounding context is what bothers me. His loyalties shift AFTER his team “defects from Imperial service”.
It’s all so negatively and shamelessly conveyed in a way that implies Crosshair’s new allegiance was a sound, conscious decision, born from an impersonal and indifferent standpoint the creator’s seem to keep pushing us to believe about him. Any budding character development, this revelation muddles. It waters him down completely. This new information paints Crosshair to lack conviction, virtue, and selflessness, and that is just not true. We cannot seriously be made to believe that Crosshair has no care whatsoever for his brothers—at least, not enough to make him choose them over the Empire. We cannot seriously be made to believe that Crosshair is not, when conscious, loyal to his brothers and his brothers only, ready to give his life for their welfare without a moment’s hesitation.
To be given information that seemingly contradicts any interpersonal drive Crosshair has...
I am not happy with this at all.
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floaromaxtowns · 2 years
Can clones be controlled like robots?
Before anyone come @ me: This is merely my interpretation, I'm not familiar with the lore in its entirety.
// That's the tragedy of clones.
In theory they can't be controlled because they are humans, with the ability to think for themselves. However, in practice it becomes very apparent just how easy it was to control these guys. They are humans, they are living beings, but their upbringing and other factors prevent them from truly being humans. In order to have the best soldiers for an army, they had to make the clones as compliant and obedient as possible.
Regardless of the canon material you follow. Apparently the creators of the show came up with the story of the inhibitor chips pretty late into the clone wars' story, because prior to it the clones were entirely on "their own accord".
With the chips' route, you can say how that's HEAVILY controlling, suppressing and instigating the way clones act and think. That's why in the new canon, you can claim how helpless they were when order 66 was issued (which led them to turn on their jedi generals). The chips feed the clones' need and drive to follow orders (that drive varies depends on the individual in question, but they all strive to achieve their goals), and there are some commands which the clones simply cannot oppose and they lose even more the small amount of humanity they have. I love the clones, and I'm dead sure the chips came in as an attempt to make them redeemable in one way or another. On top of trying to lessen the impact, of what they did.
However, if you choose to go with the un-chipped route, things can get a lot darker IMO. Because then you are delving into indoctrination, they were brain-washed to be always attentive/cautious towards the jedis, to such an extent they had no issues in turning on the people who supposedly helped them so much. And according to the old lore, many clones couldn't handle the aftermath of order 66 (the number of clones that defected or refused to follow the command was higher). They followed orders, but I'd say here they can be a tad more difficult to be controlled (ofc depending on the position).
I think I rambled too much haha so the short answer is...
Yes they can be controlled, but not at all like a robot or a droid.
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
She is his treasure, part 1
Crosshair ( The Bad Batch ) x F Reader
Rating: General
Warnings: Not really, it is mostly self indulgent fluff, especially since E8. 
Summary: When Omega told him that, his head seemed to split open and the biggest of headaches ran him over like a speederbike. For the first time since he was ordered to tie up all loose ends, he was in serious doubt and he doubted the order given to him. It was as if some switch in his mind was pulled and the duplicity of all that happened came rushing into his mind, all at once.
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Crosshair never was much of the emotions. He was a soldier and a good soldier follows orders. After his inhibitor chip was enhanced, he did exactly that, following orders, to a tee. He even turned against his brothers from Clone Force 99, better known as the Bad Batch. Clones with a defect, or more humane clones as his brothers might have considered themselves. Now, Crosshair was once more just a soldier for the Empire. But the last message he received had him torn to his core.
It was three days ago he received that coded transmission and it was a good thing he took it in private. Omega had contacted him which was already surprising to him, after all he had expected it to be one of his brothers to contact him in a gamble to reach the old him. But what Omega had to tell him….. Well, this was completely unexpected.
When he was ordered to hunt  the rest of CF99, he had no doubts and used all of their old contacts to track them down. Though the Empire was only interested in his brethren and Omega, he had an extra incentive to find them fast now. She was with them when they deserted and she was his reason now to find them all even faster.
“I think you should know, she is pregnant.” When Omega told him that, his head seemed to split open and the biggest of headaches ran him over like a speederbike. For the first time since he was ordered to tie up all loose ends, he was in serious doubt and he doubted the order given to him. It was as if some switch in his mind was pulled and the duplicity of all that happened came rushing into his mind, all at once.
All he could think of now was to find her. Her and their unborn child.  “Our child….. “ Something seemed to tug at his heart and he had no idea what to do with it. The headache was still there in the background, but to him it was just an inconvenience. Fully geared up he was about to depart from the freighter when one of the troopers approached him. “Are you sure you should go at this alone sir? If they are here, you might need backup.” Cocking an eyebrow he growled at the audacity of the trooper to question his orders. “ You have your orders, follow them.” Putting on his helmet he flicked his toothpick in a bin, departed and let the rest of the troopers take off to look for his brothers on the other side of the planet. There was no way he would lead them straight to her, ‘them’, if he could avoid it.
It was a shock to everyone there when they saw the shuttle crash down, and even more so when they realised it`s occupants had somehow survived the crash. To think that the empire would try and take down a shuttle with innocent people in it was one thing, but a medical shuttle? People were outraged and they made sure to be vocal about it, until the troops came pouring in and made their way to the crash site. That was also the moment Hunter quickly decided to take his brothers and Omega away from the place. You would be safe, since nobody would expect a civilian to be tied to them, especially a pregnant one. That did not mean he would lose track of you though, and when Omega pulled him aside to talk, he realised once more how smart this young girl truly was and how much promise her idea had. But first things first, time to make sure that you were treated well and that you would recover soon. Safety above all, he instructed his brothers on how to move ahead.
“You all know that Y/N is best off without being directly tied to us. The only one who knows her as well as we do is Crosshair, and I doubt he will have informed the Imps on her. At Least not fully.” Hunter paused for a moment before continuing what he had to tell them and to give them their instructions. “Her chaincode has been forged and she also covered up her scars and tattoos. The only way the Imps will know who she is would be when Crosshair recognises her while he is with them.” Tech, Echo, Wrecker and Omega all nod at this simple statement.
“Right now the safest place for Y/N to be at is in the medical ward here in the city. We took a big risk moving her from one side of the planet to the other, but she made it and is treated now. Omega has a plan for us to get our lost brother back and also help Y/N.” 
For a moment all of them seemed to be lost in thought. The idea that you were injured already shook them, the idea that it might be used to reunite with their lost brother? Well, it gave them a double feeling. On one hand they felt as if they would use your condition and might endanger you if their brother was beyond saving. On the other hand it would give them that one good chance to either saving their brother and reunite, or give him the ultimate freedom if they failed. Either way, this was, as Hunter said, their one good chance and they would grasp it with both hands. Thankfully, they did have some help on the planet, especially since they helped out some of the inhabitants with an imperial problem. Corrupt officials were pretty normal, wherever you would go, you could find one or more of them. This one was no challenge and they made quick work of getting rid of him. Now they could rely on the help of one of the doctors in the med bays and that was a key part of Hunter's plan. 
Omega was restless as she was sitting at the side of your bed. Looking at you, deep asleep and not knowing what was happening around you, she could not help but smile. “I don`t know if you can hear me Y/N, but I really hope my plan will work. Especially for you.” Grabbing your hand, she squeezes it slightly and sighs. “You are always so kind to me and you help me understand things the men can`t. I want you to be happy.” Tapping her foot on the floor, Omega looked around the room they had you moved to. Far away from the other patient rooms and private enough to make sure that they would be able to confront Crosshair without causing too much of a ruckus in the ward. Everything was now in place and all they could do was wait for their  missing brother to turn up. He already landed on the planet, now it was just a matter of how many would come and how well prepared he was for this confrontation, he surely knew would come.
Notes: This is my first TBB story and it is a 2 parter, i am currently working on part 2. I hope you all like it. English is not my native language so if there are any mistakes please do let me know :D And as always i demand Crosshair to be set free and reunited truly with his Vod !  @loth-wolffe  I am redoing all the tags. somehow they never showed up right lol
So i edited this post because, it became a 3 parter >.< I blame the guys for not letting me do what i intended to do and Crosshair for being so kriffing awesome and loveable <3 
@nahoney22 Boo i hope you also like this story or maybe have some tips for me. @reluctant-mandalore I wanted to tag you as well because as a fan of your work i would highly appreciate any tips you could also give.  If i did not tag you, it really does not mean i do not want your words of comment or advice etc. I highly appreciate advice or when i did something wrong. I just am a lazy tagger most times and am not the most secure in tagging when it is about my works :D
@catbustours​ Thought you might like it even if it is not as awesome as Coriolis ;)
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