#definitely can't 36 star
eluxcastar · 1 year
AAAA does anyone have any tips on farming primos quickly I've got a couple ways but they take a fair bit of time 😭
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poisonous-honey · 4 months
36-Stars of Jealousy
(This is a re-upload: originally posted on UniverseUchu sometime around Sumeru's release)
Who’s Here: Venti
Contains: SAGAU (Not Cult AU), Angst (Venti is jealous of Nahida)
Note: This is incredibly self-indulgent and mostly was just me writing my frustrations with the Sumeru Abyss through Venti. I'm so glad we're done with Sumeru honestly their Abyss floors sucked shit.
Venti didn't usually get jealous, but right now he could feel it building in his heart and simmering throughout the rest of his body. He can hear the cheers and laughter from his player beyond the vale, the absolute elation in their voice obvious to anyone in Teyvat. Usually he would bask in their happiness, whether the cause was him, something or someone else, he didn't care. All that matter was that they were happy... But... This was an immensely special occasion.
The player had finally finished the Spiral Abyss with 36 Stars. A complete clear. After getting severely unlucky over and over again with artifacts and throwing themselves again and again at floor 12 only to come out a loss every time, this was definitely a momentous occasion. Venti wanted to be happy for them, he truly did, but he cannot for the life of him let go of his seething jealousy. When the player first booted the game it was very obvious he was the reason they even got it. He was the reason they continued after learning about the gacha system. He was the one they were most excited about when seeing multiple vision users on screen. His nation was their favourite. His element was their favourite. He was the first limited 5 star they got the first constellation for. He was their favourite. One of their strongest and most used units. So why... Why wasn't he needed... Why was dropping him off the team what brought the Abyss to full completion. Why was replacing him with the Dendro Archon, the one with such a half assed build, the play that brought them victory?
Now Instead of being the object of their affection, he was watching them gush over Kusanali. Instead of him partying with his team, he's sitting here sulking in Old Mondstadt mourning his permanent removal and seething over his replacement. He can't even cry in the solace of the Teapot since it's not set to Inazuma, Top 8. It's set to Sumeru, Abyss Champions. Just thinking about it makes him want to cry.
He knows he's being dramatic. He knows he should just get over it. He's still their favourite that hasn't changed. He's still firmly placed in the Inazuma layout. Their still happy to use him and still want to get him better artifacts than what he currently has. Even if all of that wasn't true he still has a role to play and can't afford the Player to see him like this. Despite all of that he can't help but feel like Kusanali is slowly going to replace him, not only in his team, but in the Teapot, in usage, in their heart. He's anxious and jealous and wants nothing more than to prove somehow he's still better than her. Absolute confirmation that she'll never take his position as favourite. But more than anything, he wished she never joined in the first place.
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monzamash · 1 year
ooh boy, no36 w/Daniel?? 😳
36. “you sent me pictures of you naked while i was in a work meeting!” rating – mature (sexual references, mentions of nudity, coarse language) word count – 1.1k a/n – i went smut free on this one and made it a little less shouty because i can't imagine a world where danny ric would be angry about a cheeky nude. js xo masterlist
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You were bored. Dying behind the eyes kind of bored. And it was raining in London, torrential so everything you would normally do to cure the boredom, like take your pups out for a walk or pop down to the café on the corner for a coffee were a no-go. To make matters worse, Daniel had sworn he’d be home by 2pm, promising to pick up food and your favourite flavour of ice cream too.
It was nearly 6 now and pitch dark outside, street lights bellowing into your lounge room. You hadn’t so much as heard a peep from him since he left you in bed this morning, begging for him to stay curled up under the warm sheets with you. The same frown on your face that you had when he kissed you goodbye, unintentionally leaving you high and dry because he was running late had reappeared. He was ghosting you.
Ignoring your wife is rude. You typed, fingertips hovering over the send button before a mischievous though intrusively broke through.
You were up like a shot, tossing the orange texas state t-shirt that you’d stolen from Daniel on the floor and posing in front of your bathroom mirror. The photos weren’t too scandalous, just a tasteful mix of come hither and this is what you’re missing out on with the beauty lighting smoothing out all the shadows. And if Daniel were so miserably caught up at work then maybe this would be a nice distraction, you thought as you pressed send, nervously awaiting a response.
Being needy wasn’t really you. In fact, the reason your marriage worked so well was because both of you were independent, happily travelling through life waiting for the other patiently. That was the type of love you had and cherished with every part of your being. But when Daniel was home, so close you could reach out and grab him, you wanted him with you every second of every day. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to waste a second of the time you had together, or if you let go for too long he’d disappear again. You weren’t sure what possessed you when you sent that message and those photos and Daniel definitely didn’t expect it when he opened your message and saw you, perky, needy and fully naked.
Fuck. He coughed and quickly closed his phone, hoping Michael hadn’t glanced over but knowing his audible gasp probably caught the attention of everyone in the room.
“Yo, was that…?”
“Was what?” Daniel snapped wide-eyed, shoving his phone into his pocket and staring his best mate down. The deer in headlights expression on Michael’s face confirmed to Daniel that he definitely knew better than to comment on whatever he just saw.
Michael shook his head and averted his eyes to the laptop in front of him, “Nothing, mate.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Daniel grumbled, maddened but internally thanking his lucky stars that it was Michael who saw the pictures and not one of the other ten dudes in the room. At least he knew that he wouldn’t mention it again, respecting you too much to pay it any mind and knowing if he did, Daniel would throttle him. A young lad from the engineering team probably wouldn't have been so generous with his discretion, especially when you looked like that.
The meeting finished up not long after your lewd text came through, Daniel’s mind officially turned to mush as he packed up and bided everyone goodbye. As furious as he was about you interrupting such an important meeting and getting caught, he couldn’t stop thinking about you sitting in your shared home, lounging around wearing nothing but a smile on your angelic face, desperate to be appreciated the way you deserved.
The front door clicking open caused you to sit up and immediately start nervously chewing on your thumb, anticipating. You were feeling uneasy because Daniel hadn’t messaged you back, giving you nothing to analyse while you waited for him to get home and deep down, you knew it was precarious sending a photo like that. But you were willing to risk it all for whatever his reaction was going to be. And boy, were you in for it.
“Where are you!?” Daniel yelled out, searching the kitchen first before appearing in the living room archway, tired eyes and an unreadable expression present his handsome face, “You.”
Hey. You blinked, small grin threatening to give you away but you managed to suppress it, waiting for any semblance of a reaction from the man standing in front of you. Anything more than the silence you were drowning in.
“You’re in trouble.”
“Why?” You asked, feigning innocence and causing Daniel to scoff loudly as he threw down his backpack – stern faced but soft spoken.
“Don’t fuck with me. You know exactly what I’m talkin' about.”
He was weirdly calm as he stepped forward, towering over you gazing up at him from the couch, “You sent me naked pictures while I was in a work meeting – a very important one, in fact. And on face value, loved ‘em. Love you. You’re hot – I know it, you know it but…”
You were smirking now at the compliment and Daniel couldn’t wait to wipe the smug look off your face, “Michael accidentally saw them…”
“What!” You shouted, gasping and covering your mouth with your hand. Mortified.
“Tits and all, honey. That’s what you get for trying to distract me from my work.”
"Nooooooo! No, no no!" You wailed.
You shrivelled up into a fetal position on the couch, wishing the ground would just swallow you whole and take you away from the humiliation, “What did he say?”
“Well, he was shocked to see my wife, his friend, naked on my phone. Like I said, you’re so unbelievably hot but you’ve gotta give a guy some warning before dropping nudes on him. Just a little like, ‘warning may contain titties’ or something – anything”
Daniel’s voice was slightly strained, and faintly humoured as he started to peel you out of your shame, little by little. You chuckled into his chest as he pulled you up into in his strong embrace, kissing your neck and brushing his hands under the hem of your his shirt.
“I was so turned on that I forgot to pick up food and your ice cream.”
His confession was quiet and you hummed before snaking your arms over his slumped shoulders and carefully dragged yourself into his lap, “S’okay. I knew would be so I got sushi delivered after I sent you the message.”
Daniel tilted his head back against the couch and cocked an eyebrow, “You think you’ve got it all figured out, don’t ya?”
And of course you nodded, baiting him and hoping to be put in your place. Even he couldn't deny that you had him figured out, down to a tee – every whim had been accounted for as you made him groan with pleasure, pressing down on him, teasing.
“You started all of this so you’re gonna be the one who finishes it, yeah? So fuckin' cheeky.”
“You’re going to wish you left that meeting hours ago, baby.” “We’ll see about that,” Daniel winked. Eyes wide, desperate to see it all.
+ + + let me know what you think!
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thelostgirl21 · 8 months
Oh. My. God.
Hugh... Hugh, you are awesome...
I was watching an interview they made with Hugh, Cassie and Graham where they asked Hugh "Does music play a part in you developing your characters?"
He answered that it was a conversation that he and Cassie had actually had, because they'd both made a bit of a playlist for theirs, and he'd been listening to Jobriath to help get himself in the mood.
And when he said that, I went "Wait, hold on..." because I remembered there was another interview - where they'd asked him if the actors had any say when it came to choosing the wig their character would wear - where Hugh mentioned that yeah, they did, and that he'd wanted his looks to be a bit inspired by '70s Glam Rock...
Jobriath was the 1st openly gay Glam Rock artist, whose career suffered a major backlash from homophobic audiences (from what I understand, the way his publicist chose to exploit his sexuality as a marketing tool didn't help), that sadly died of AIDS back in 1983 (at age 36).
He played in the musical "Hair", and here is how he looked back then...
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But the picture that fucking killed me, however, is this one...
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Because, I mean...
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Another interesting fact: His birth name was actually Bruce Wayne Campbell.
He changed it to Jobriath Salisbury after deserting from the US Army.
They eventually did find him and arrest him, though, and he spent about 6 months in a military psychiatric hospital after suffering a breakdown.
Just thinking about poor Radovid attempting to run away from the Redanian court, only to be pulled right back in, and definitely looking right in the verge of a breakdown here...
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(I'm hoping Radovid's story get a happier ending than what happened to Jobriath IRL, though...)
One of his songs is actually called "Take Me I'm Yours"...
And it's totally worth a listen!
Baby, you just amaze me and daze me
You're the blind spot in my consciousness
C'mon and forsake me and break me
And drink the blood of my obsessiveness
Make me cry out and die out
Of love for this world's fallacy
Refuse me diffuse me
To the corners of the galaxy
Take me I'm yours
Take me take me I'm yours
Take me I'm yours
Take me I'm yours
I can't say if this particular song was a part of Hugh's playlist when developing the character, but...
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... suddenly feels like an even more inspired line to me.
There are other songs and lyrics from Jobriath that do give me some solid Radskier feels...
I've always wanted a movie queen
To call my very own
That bright and shining star
I've worshipped from afar
Came to earth to be with me tonight
I've always wanted a superstar
To cherish as my own
But so high in the sky
I never dared to try
To take the steps that I can take with you tonight
So basically, Hugh Skinner was offered to play a gay Prince/King on a major fantasy show...
And apparently, thought that he'd take the opportunity to draw inspiration from, and subtly pay homage to, a near-forgotten gay cultural icon.
And it's perfect!
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thatyoutubereviewer · 2 months
Watch "The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals" on YouTube
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Genre: sci-fi horror comedy musical proshot
Date posted: Dec 24, 2018
Closed captioning: very good 👍👍
Runtime: 1:52:36
Youtube description: summary of the show with full credits of cast crew and direction, as well as time stamps for both scenes and songs
Trigger warnings: fake blood and guts, blue shit, smoking, drinking, vulgar language, guns, gunshots, the US government, gaslighting
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟
Full spoilers free review below vv
What a better video to review than the one that *really* got me sucked into YouTube. Of course, I'd been watching YouTube for years before that, even the same channel. But this musical? Fucking transcendent!
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (tgwdlm) pushes the boundaries in every way. From the adult comedy that can't *quite* make it on Broadway, to the suspenseful sci-fi apocalyptic plot you can't find anywhere else, this show is perfect for theater lovers and those wishing to dip their toes into the musical world. A story that takes place over two days, after a meteor hits and people start singing, what will the guy who doesn't like musicals do?
The characters are brilliantly written and all stand apart from each other. Even when an actor is playing another character on stage, you can always tell who they are supposed to be. It's a cast of eight performers onstage, which is wildly impressive to me that it seems like a whole town with only eight people. There is... decent representation, while most of the characters are straight white men, there is one black man with a lesbian daughter. Trust me that Starkid vastly improves their representation if that is something of importance to you.
Jeff Blim's musical writing paired with the cast's talent made a wonderful soundtrack with genres ranging from 80s rock ballad to coffee showtune it'll leave you in whiplash in the best way. All of the songs make sense for the scenes and flow well with the plot. Let's just say I've jammed to this album a few,, several times.
The pacing starts slow, then picks up and doesn't stop. There's so much to chew on, but the show gives you enough time to swallow it. Nick and Matt Lang's writing has always been really good, but a lot of people consider tgwdlm their magnum opus. Tgwdlm is one of three musicals set in the small town Hatchetfield, and if you like this, you'll definitely like those.
Tgwdlm has an active fandom on tumblr and twitter, though I highly recommend you watch all three hatchetfield musicals before you interact for fear of spoilers.
I rated tgwdlm at a 6 out of 5 stars because this show gave me joy and community when I didn't have a lot. It's hard not to fall in love with these characters, songs, and plot. Also, when it first came out, I watched it several times over just because it was so good. I highly recommend to anyone willing to spend their time on something cooky, fun, and a little spooky.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
How do Perfumer and Ptilopsis stack up against each other?
Both of them are pretty great Multitarget Medics with different uses, although one of them (Ptilopsis) is notoriously OP.
Ptilopsis is good. Crazy good. So good in fact that she dumpstered all the other non-Warfarin Year 1 medics and HG had to make some pretty heavy Arts damage stages so that Ptilopsis would also stop dumpstering Nightingale, the 6 star Multi-target Medic. The secret to behind why she's so busted is the combination of her incredible talent, and her Skill 2.
Ptilopsis' talent increases the SP recovery of all operators who recover SP over time by 0.3/s when she's E2. That's a 30% increase to SP recovery, cutting down a lot of time on skills with large SP costs. Let's say you have a skill that costs 50 SP. Instead of waiting 50 seconds, with Ptilopsis on the field that skill is charged in 38 seconds. It's simple, and very powerful.
Then there's Ptilopsis' S2. Her S2 extends her range, reduces her ATK interval (meaning she greatly reduces the animation for doing one heal, meaning she heals way faster), and the skill lasts for a ridiculously long time: 36 seconds at level 7. If your team's ever taking a beating, you just activate Ptilopsis' S2 and she starts rapidly healing up to 3 allies at once, which lets you tank through huge damage spikes by her sheer healing speed. This thing was so good it let Ptilopsis deal with most sources of Arts damage, which Nightingale the 6 star was meant to counter. This led to HG eventually introduced heavier and heavier arts damage from enemies to make Nightingale's niche more pronounced.
But as busted as Ptilopsis is, perfumer's no slouch either. She's a 4 star, meaning she's much easier to raise, but she also has a very powerful talent: when she's deployed, every ally on the field regenerates health every second, the amount of which is a % of her current ATK. This regeneration even works on non-healable allied units, such as Musha Guards, Juggernaut Defenders, or summons from Summoners. For very obvious reasons, this is insanely good and makes Perfumer almost irreplaceable for certain maps (where you can't place a medic close to your units that you wish to defend) or team comps (with unhealable units).
You'll definitely want to raise both eventually, the unique utility these two provide can make all the difference in difficult stages.
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hotcat37 · 2 months
@technicallycleverdetective here's the IKEA! Jance version <3
8: what happens if one of them gets sick?
Nace is a natural caretaker so he'd be running back and forth doing whatever it takes to make Jan feel better. He'll cook soup, take Jan's temperature and stay with him until he falls asleep.
Jan himself isn't used to having to take care of other people but if Nace is sick, he'll make sure that his boyfriend doesn't try to do everything himself. He'll keep Nace stuck in bed by immobilizing him with blankets (+Igor and Ollie) and take care of whatever errands Nace was supposed to do that day
11: do they try to hide their emotions if upset?
I do think that would be a bit of a struggle, at least in the beginning of the relationship. Jan already isn't the type of person to open up easily while Nace struggles with feeling safe enough to be vulnerable. They're very considerate of each other tho and they don't pressure the other into talking about their feelings if it's too soon
12: do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
This is a lill spoilery because there will be a chapter containing an argument and I don't wanna spoil their way of handling it yet haha But in general, no. Jan is extremely careful not to escalate arguments into fights and Nace is conflict avoidant so a huge fight is unlikely to occur
15: do they always say I love you before leaving?
They're the type of couple to use love confessions more sparingly so I don't see them saying it every time before leaving. Actions are a more meaningful way of showing love to both of them than words anyways
17: who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Neither are very likely to do this as they enjoy casual intimacy and don't do big dramatic acts of affection. But I can see Nace picking Jan up in an enthusiastic bear hug and giving him a lill kiss <3
20: choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby-Cigarettes After Sex (the vibes are very much IKEA Jance)
Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine🎶
22: what reminds them of each other?
Jan: Djungelskog/teddy bears in general and the color purple Nace: leather jackets and cats <3
36: who's most likely to fire up the stove at 2AM because the other is hungry
Nace <3 Jan finds it difficult to take care of himself sometimes so it wouldn't be uncommon for him to go to bed on an empty stomach only for Nace to make him some food once he's awoken by Jan's stomach growling
41: which one would take off their jacket and drape it over the other's shoulders?
Jan has the tendency to assume that he'll be fine wearing just a leather jacket instead of a coat lol. Nace will always share his scarf and jacket with him <3
44: who would dance in the kitchen making dinner?
I think they'd dance together :D Cooking is supposed to be kind of a silly relaxing moment for them so if a good tune comes on they'll each do their own groovy moves lol
51: what's a non verbal way they say I love you?
Jan comes to visit Nace at work often to give him kind of a break from an occasionally stressful day which allows Nace to snap out of customer service mode if only for a few minutes. Also he'll take small plain snacks with him in his pocket whenever they go out in case it's hard to find some place to eat
Nace is already very attentive in their day to day life, but if Jan is struggling through a depressive episode, he's got his full attention on his boyfriend. He'll wash Jan's hair when he can't find the energy to do it himself and he'll motivate Jan to go outside at least a few minutes a day. He'll just show Jan even more love than usual and reassures him that he'll stick around even when Jan isn't doing too good mentally
55: do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
They're more into cloud watching <3 They'd definitely point out weird cloud shapes to each other haha
60: who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
Jan finds Nace to be super cuddly so he often can't resist just squeezing his big teddy bear against his body. Nace tends to get overheated easily at night tho so the squishing might be met with a dissatisfied whine 😅
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serendipminie · 2 months
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Hi! I’m serendipminie, but you can call me Minie/Vasha!
You might know me from either of the following:
~ @aventurine-official (A roleplay blog for Aventurine from HSR!)
~ @serendipminie-writes (My writing sideblog!)
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I’m a K-Pop multistan and HoyoVerse simp who loves reading, writing and music. I’m a February baby, my personality type is ISFJ and my pronouns are she/her. I'm fluent in English and French and I’m openly panromantic :)
I'm known among my mutuals as the Wonhyuk girl, the aesthetic queen, and the lesbian witch-- I will take those titles gladly. I play both Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail, and I’m super lore-oriented. In fact, I currently run 36 rp blogs for different fandoms ahaha~
If you’d like to see the list of roleplay blogs I mod, take a look at the intro post over at (@minies-ask-game-prompts)!
I write both original stories and fanfiction for a few fandoms too. AUs are my joy. I like writing personalized fics for my friends, making aesthetic moodboards, and sending my mutuals music or art through the DMs. 
My current top ship is Aventio, and my current favourite character is in fact, Aven! I happen to be an Aven myself– both in rp and to my platonic Veritas @blak-ie :) 
List of my lovely mutuals here!
Want to be mutuals? No problem! Just let me know :)
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If you want to sort through my tags:
for my mutuals: If you are a mutual, anything with this tag is for you!
it's definitely queue ✨: Any posts from my queue!
minie's fic recs: Really good fanfic that I'll reblog here
minie's manuscripts: Anything that I write for fandom that I post here!
minie's media: Any media I consume
minie's musings: Any random thoughts I might have!
minie's moodboards: I make moodboards for my writing or by request!
minie's playlists: Playlists I put together, often kpop but can be other music too
minie's roleplay rambles: Messages or asks from other mods that end up here!
minie's song recommendations: Songs/MVs I post that I encourage others to listen to
aventurine stone: Aventurine / Aventio tag because I can't be normal about Aven or his boyfriend
creator of life/my wife: Ruan Mei content
dearest darlings: Yangyang/Jianxin content
genshinposting: Genshin Impact thoughts or reblogs
kaveh my babygirl: Most likely me stanning Kaveh
kpop pic collage: I make picture collages of idols and groups, find them here
my hyukie: Wonhyuk content
neuvillotter: My tag for Fontaine's Hydro Dragon. Distinguished French gays have got to stick together
ult culture: Anything having to do with my ult biases, you will find here~
starrailposting: Honkai: Star Rail thoughts or reblogs
sunturatio: Toxic yaoi throuple. Need I elaborate
wuwaposting: Wuthering Waves thoughts or reblogs
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I found K-Pop in late 2019, before the pandemic. The first song I ever heard was BTS's Idol. Then, I became curious and fell headfirst into the K-Pop world. It really helped ground me throughout the pandemic, and I haven't came out since.
Ult groups: BTS, E'Last, Oneus, Seventeen, Kingdom, Everglow, TXT, Dreamcatcher, OnlyOneOf, Lucy, Xdinary Heroes
Top four ult biases: Jimin, Wonhyuk, Seoho and Kim Wooseok
K-Soloists I stan: Sunmi, ChungHa, IU, Taeyeon, Jackson Wang, and Kang Daniel
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Genshin Impact:
I dove into the game's lore before ever playing, fell in love with the character designs and simply had to join the fandom. Kaveh caught my heart immediately and he has not let go (I love you pathetic blonde babygirl)
I play on the American server, my user id will be added below if you want to add me as a friend!
Current main: Ningguang!
Current main team: Ningguang, Jean, Freminet and Xingqiu!
My favourite characters: Kaveh, Neuvillette, Ningguang, Kokomi, Lynette, Yanfei, Chiori, Pantalone
My favourite ships: Haikaveh/Kavehtham, Wriolette, Ayathoma/Thomato, Dottolone, Beigguang, Kazuhei, Eimiko, JeanLisa, Kaebedo
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Honkai Star Rail:
I’m not ashamed to say that Aventurine drove me to this fandom. Because I save so much Haikaveh stuff on Pinterest, and the recommendations are visually sorted, it wasn’t long before my algorithm started mistaking Aventurine for Kaveh. 
I was very intrigued, actually— I quickly became obsessed after I saw the gay-ass lightcone. Aventio? ...Yeah, it was over for me. I started playing in late december of 2023, and I saved my pulls from the beginning to pull Aventurine ever since I knew he would be playable :) I was successful and now have a very well-built Aventurine, his lightcone and his Veritas.
I am obsessed with Harmony chars. I have each one except Ruan Mei (but I plan to fix that), and they're all built exceptionally well.
I play on the American server once more, my user id will be added below if you want to borrow my support Aven!
UID: 617315133
Current main: Aventurine!
Current main team: Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Luocha/Bronya and Robin
My favourite characters: Aventurine, Ruan Mei, Luocha, Madam Yukong, Tingyun (rip cutie), Asta, Kafka, Fu Xuan, Misha and Black Swan
My favourite ships: Aventio/Sunturine/Sundatio, Kafhime, Renheng, Jingren, Topasta, Bronseele, Acheswan
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Wuthering Waves:
I saw lots of adverts for the game and was really interested in the lore (oh god I'm such a lore player) and I ended up really liking the gameplay! A lot of people are comparing it to Genshin but honestly..? I like the gameplay of WuWa more skgdkagksgax but the lore is equal in my head. I play with the CN voice dub because it actually has emotion!!
I fell in love with Jianxin before the game's release when I was scrollong through wikis, and adored Yangyang as soon as the game began lol. Camellya was fun to meet because she matches a concept I had for an oc almost exactly-- which is fun!!
I play on the American server, and my user id is below for friendship and coop!
UID: 500879444
Current main: Jianxin!
Current main team: Jianxin, Calcharo/Danjin and Verina!
My favourite characters: Jinhsi, Jianxin, Yangyang, Camellya, Taoqi
My favourite ships: Scarover
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I hope you enjoy the blog~!
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thecloudstan · 1 month
Oooh, if you're accepting stuff for the OTP + Character Ask thing, then for Rufus/Cloud... Let's go with 3, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, and 39. Lmao, I know that's a lot. Please, thank you, and sorry. XD
Yes, yes, yes! Still doing!! I'll answer the first ask or two and put the rest under the cut so this post doesn't get too long.
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
I think it's pretty obvious that Rufus is the one who initiates PDA, but only when he feels especially bastard-like. I do think he'd naturally draw the line in situations that would make Cloud genuinely uncomfortable (like in front of his friends/family/comrades), but strangers? Eh, who cares? Mostly, though, Rufus likes to be almost caught, it's the tension of possibly being seen that excites him, it's watching Cloud squirm that amuses him most. If Cloud is drunk, he'll act physically possessive without much pretense at all.
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren’t interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real].
Rufus would rather call. It's the business man in him. Real businessmen don't text important shit. It's also bad form to put things in text. Too formal, some things are better communicated verbally (this may be the fact that I work in a law office speaking). Cloud is the one who is abysmal about texting at first. If Rufus is inwardly concerned that Cloud isn't interested, he'd keep it to himself.
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
Irritatingly lavish because Rufus plans them all. This is not Cloud's forte. He barely wants to be seen in public, let alone seen in public with someone who loves to be seen in public. A night in would be perfectly fine with Cloud. Still, I can't see this as being planned by anyone other than Rufus, and the "night in" would be a "night in a 5 star suite complete with room service and wine that costs almost as much as the room itself."
17. Who is more competitive?
Tie. They're both so bull-headed. Have you played the game(s)?! Have you heard these two men throw insults (flirt) back and forth?! This is what makes the ship so much fun!
18. What are they like when they’re drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one’s sober?
Cloud - fewer words, if you can believe it, but no filter. Will say the mean things and the soft things and the sweet things. Holds a sour face. Bebi-shaped (always).
Rufus - horny and somehow even more elegant. Difficult to tell except for the slight flush to his cheeks. His smile reaches his eyes more.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
Which one of them is a bigger liar.
22. Love languages? How do they get around differences, if any?
I think Cloud's love language is pretty clearly Acts of Service. He can't help but help. For Rufus, I would lean toward Quality Time. At least in the case of Cloud, he knows he needs the right hook. He finds ways to make sure they're alone, repeatedly, without interruption. He is not at all feigning attentiveness. And at least in terms of NTYC, they get around differences primarily by Fucking. It can be very cathartic and can really re-frame whatever things you were arguing about beforehand, LMAO.
25. (a lil sappy, but..) What do they like about each other?
Hmm. I think Cloud likes the directness, even though there are times Rufus is clearly playing a game. He likes that he can say whatever he wants without really having to worry about stepping on Rufus' toes or hurting his feelings. Rufus likes having a worthy opponent in Cloud. By many definitions of the term.
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Bathroom at a heavily attended private event. This is in the story but I also just think it tracks for the ship, generally.
29. First date? (Give as much or little detail)
Something suitably over the top that would make Cloud flush the entire time. Something that included a private car and an expensive dinner, maybe an illustrious night at the theatre because Rufus is important enough to get box seats. Everything is a competition, after all, and if Cloud is shocked speechless, Rufus is pleased. He's winning.
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
Rufus would absolutely use pet names (again...he's ruthless). Cloud? No. Absolutely not. Unless things uttered milliseconds before climax count as "pet names."
31. How do they spend their anniversary?
Alone. I don't know if either of them are sentimental enough to put much stock into an anniversary.
32. Who’s so affectionate they can’t stop touching the other?
Probably Rufus, but I don't know how much of this is genuine affection or that desire to claim and overwhelm. It's probably still motivated by affection, he just tells himself otherwise. You have to fuck Cloud into submission for him to start feeling comfortable enough to get touchy-feely.
36. Who is more protective?
Cloud. No one on the planet is more protective than Cloud.
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)?
Cloud is practically already a co-dad, so I think we kinda know his parenting style. Or, I like to indulge myself in writing MORE about it. I think his mother was probably a wonderful parent and that he was quite close to her, so that's what he'd emulate to the best of his ability. Patience, protection, never a raised voice.
Rufus...aaaah, yikes. That's tough. I don't think he has much use for children. Can't picture it. I would like to believe he'd want to be a better father than his own, but I think his fear of failing would create a self-fulfilling prophecy, of sorts.
39. Do they get along with the other’s family? If not, how do they deal with the other’s family?
Well enough. Cloud is combative with the Turks because old habits die hard, but in the end they'd have each others' backs, right? I believe so. And Rufus will be perfectly cordial to anyone who is important to someone who is important to him. He takes that sort of thing seriously. He values loyal people.
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anxiety-banana · 1 month
just bought star wars: knights of the old republic and here is my honest and mildly sleep deprived review
-not worth ten bucks, glad i bought it on a steam sale
-no idea when it was made but it felt like an intern in 2003, so nostalgic graphics but also 2003 graphics lol
-it's one of the first star wars video games (i think?) so it's definitely not as developed as the newer games, but i can't blame it for that
-instead of using wasd they use wscz(ad) which is an insane combination of keys and actually rather annoying if i do say so myself. you can still use wasd if you're willing to move with rotation mechanics instead of direction, which i don't mind, so it didn't bother me
-character creation and combat mechanics are styled after DND which i love conceptually, but for beginners is a little hard. they do have a "recommended" button so you don't have to worry if you don't understand it, but it's a little intimidating if it's your first time playing
-fun concept! i like the storyline
-i have a friend who played 36 hours and i just have a lot of questions. i barely got through four
-i had a really hard time understanding the combat mechanics. it's turn-based like DND, but i didn't really get how my stats were playing into my moves, and if combat was automatic after engagement, or if i had to contribute.
-they did a pretty good job of explaining beginner gameplay within the dialogue, and had an option to repeat it as many times as needed, which was SUPER helpful. I wish they did more of it in the combat, though
overall, definitely pretty good for the times! i wouldn't recommend if you're a beginner gamer, and i'd wait until it's on sale, as i'm pretty stingy with buying games and i don't think i'd have felt it was worth it for ten dollars.
i'll be doing a star wars: the old republic review soon! i've spent many more hours on it haha
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imogenkol · 2 months
12, 26, 36, 44, 48, 53, 55 for the otp ask <3
Thanks so much!! I’ll answer these for Jayde and Nadya 💕
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Luckily they don’t argue too often, but there have definitely been some instances when they've had to step away from each other for a bit and cool off. Jayde can't sleep without Nadya next to her, though, so their fights hardly ever carry over into the next day and they usually end up talking things out and/or coming to a compromise. One thing about their relationship is that they know no matter how bad their disagreements are, they'll still be together.
26. What are their vices?
Jayde has a laundry list of self destructive habits that range from alcohol abuse to never being able to walk away from a fight. It stems from her lack of self preservation due to her survivor's guilt. She gets better over time, but her behavior can be a point of contention in their relationship.
Nadya, on the other hand, is a workaholic. She buries herself in tasks or school work or hours at the clinic to bolster her sense of self worth while also not giving herself the time to think about/acknowledge her past traumas. She is really good at hiding her pain because of it, too.
36. Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Jayde all the way. And she has cooked for Nadya that late, too. Cooking is one of her love languages and all it takes is one little comment from Nadya about something she thinks sounds tasty and Jayde is on it.
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
Once Jayde gets comfortable with music again she'll sometimes sings to herself while she cooks and Nadya joins in on the fun by dancing until she can finally pull Jayde away from the stove to dance with her as she sings. RIP to the accidentally burnt casualties along the way tho.
48. Who’s the better driver?
On paper, Nadya is. She actually has a legal license lol. Jayde picked it up on her family ranch curtesy of her dad, but never actually took a driving test and got her license. Jayde can pull off some crazy ass maneuvers under a ton of pressure, though! Whereas Nadya tends to panic behind the wheel while they're being shot at or run down. Understandably.
53. Would they go skinny dipping?
They both love to go skinny dipping! But only if there's a really private area. Jayde actually found a secret watering hole not too far from the Lodge and took Nadya there for her birthday one year (the birthday she proposed) and they spent a good chunk of the afternoon skinny dipping.
55. Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
They do both, but their favorite by far is star gazing. Especially on camping nights where they've hiked all day and it's just the two of them out in the middle of nowhere all snuggled up by the campfire.
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fourthreee · 8 months
Saw a post a while back about favourite and least favourite bits of star trek and I wanted to join in. So here's my two cents :
Original Star Trek
Favourite: Spock. Bones. Scotty. Uhura. Kirk. Chapel. Sulu. Chekov. EVERYONE. The sets. The lighting. The camp. The blatant homoeroticism. The do or die for each other crew. That time they found an alien that was just a pomeranian wearing fancy headgear. The fact that every episode is self contained and ends with a little bit where everyone stands around the conn and chats. Leonard Nimoy. Sulu with a sword. Sulu the rest of the time.EVERYONE. This is my favourite trek, and the one I return to over and over again. First trek is best trek.The bell bottom trousers and cuban heel knee high boots. More kinky boots, modern trek, d'ya hear me? More kinky boots.
Least favourite: When the show reveals how terribly it can abandon everything that makes it good. Of all the episodes, there's about a third I just cannot watch. Times where they fill it full of weird christian metaphor.
Favourite: Geordie and Data. And Spot. I keep trying to watch this but I've only ever seen A Fistful of Datas. IT was great. And horribly horribly slow. (oh. And one where Picard chases bandits through the ship armed only with a saddle and while dodging a laser car wash. That one was great. Except for when I rewatched this as an adult. When it was horrifying.)
Least favourite: Invented the holodeck which gets used too much later and which always confuses me. Can't watch holodeck episodes without obsessing over how it works. Everything is carpeted and it panics me. Why are there wall to wall carpets in the future. In high traffic areas. Also it was genrerally too slow and difficult to watch. And whil I love Hornblower I have a headmaster nor a Naval Captain fetish, so Picard never does it for me.
Favourites: Everyone. Everyone together. I want Sisko to be my dad. Or my friend. Or my Captain. All of the above. Julian Bashir trans icon. Jadzia Dax trans icon. Everyone is poly and queer. Ferengi episodes. Kira Nerys lesbian energy. Every 36 hours I turn into a liquid. I can swim. The whole Odo marrying Lwxwna episode. Our Man Bashir. He was more than a hero. He was a Union Man. It's written all over his back.
Least favourite : When they switched to serialised I do struggle to keep watching. Taking away Kira's butch haircut and stompy boots. Show never recovered from that. Any time they give Kira a beard. I've never finished the series bc I couldnt face the Julian/parents arc or the Jadzia death/Julian and Ezri thing. When they stopped Andrew Robinson from being on screen with Siddig El Fadil. Any time Dukat got more than a minute airtime. Any executive decision Rick Berman made.
Favourites: Seven of 9. Harry Kim. Janeway. B'elanna. The time they all opereated the French Resistance out of a bar. Stand alone episodes. The time Janeway definitely slept with Amerlia Earhart. The time Janeway ran around in a dirty singlet with a big gun. That episode where they hide the telepaths in the buffers of the transporters to sneak past a moustache twirling villain while Janeway flirts with him like they're both opponent pirate captains with insane homoerotic tension. Ther's coffee in that nebula.
Least favourites: The Doctor. Seven not getting a uniform. Tom Paris any time he's not just Harry Kim's boyfriend. Janeway's inconsistent characterisation. The fact that phages might be a real world last line defence against antibiotic resistance but thanks to voyager it will always terrify me. I've never made it to the end because Tom/B'elanna was too hard to watch and I didn't know how to deal with them actually getting home. Ithink they never should have. Any executiev decision Rick Berman made.
Favourites: I have seen two episodes and Hoshi Sato has my heart forever. Phlox is great. Tight-wound angry queer british guy can stay too. Travis is great. Theme song is terrible and I love it. It's so incongruent. Sounds like the sort of country song you listen to while committing suicide in the bathtub. Can't stop singing it. The fact that it killed Rick Berman's career.
Least favourite: Everything else. The dog in particular. Why is it there. Why is it soulless. Poor Jolene Blalock. Why are their uniforms so bad. I love a jumpsuit but they didn't colour code them properly! Every executive decision Rick Berman made.
JJ Abrams:
Favourites: Nothing. This is terrible.. If you can't make up you own characters why are you butchering my boys. Go away.
Least Favorites: Trying to remake wrath of Khan (the worst movie with the original cast imo) without even bothering to buiild the relationship that makes us care. Why is he still white? Why are they in a brewery? Why is Pike a hot dad now? He's a wreck of the american masculine heroic ideal who exists as a counterpoint to Kirk. If tumblr wants to make his doomed ass a poor little meow meow fine. JJ Abrams shouldnt put him in his movie. Every exectuive decision they made about women in this movie. Making Sulu gay in massive disrespect to Takei's depiction of him and Takei's own acting skills. Making everyone else straight in the worst possible way. Pretending miniskirts in 2009 meant the same thing as in 1969. Also I stoppped after the first couple because it was starting to feel like self harm. Blue orbs. The fact their chracterisation feels like if you'd never star trek but a cabbie had explained it you once badly, and the fact that literally WAS WHAT HAPPENED
Oh wait. Leonard Nimoy cameo. only good thing.
Favourites: Wanted to love it. Couldn't see what was going on because it was too dark. Everytime I tried in spite of that I fell in love with many parts of it, then they immediately fucked it over. they fucked over a thing I love. Michael Burnham? In jail for unfair reasons. Cap. Georgiou? Dead. Burnham should be Captain, and I think she still isn't. I don't know I couldnt see. Etc etc. Apparently it gets better but It's too serialised to start in the middle.
Least Favourites: Too dark. Bad uniforms (Why would you bring back the ENTERPRISE uniforms of all things?) The fact that klingons are now middle eastern coded so that they still align with the zeitgeist of who we're being xenophobic again right now. (OOHscary FIGHTYculture is Russian. No WAIT black. NO middle eastern. yeah) Jason Isaacs. I liike my villains NOT on the crew. Why does EVERYONE have to be related to Spock
Lower Decks: I don't do this format of cartoons.
Prodigy: I don't do this kind of animation either.
Too dark to see. Also stop just redoing the original characters. Make your own. For years now I get excited about new Star Trek and it ALWAYS either too dark to see or animated to see or just about tos characters done badly. At which point I'll just go watch tos. Also remember when Star Trek uniforms actually looked futuristic? Yeah, me too.
Turn the lights back on and maybe we can talk.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
Hi human I am human answer this list please
Hi human Yes.
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
Are you a cop
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
3. Ever done any drugs?
Depends on your definition, do antidepressants count.
4. What piercings do you want?
More in general
5. How many people have you kissed?
How many grandparents do you have?
6. Describe your dream home.
A strawberry
7. Who are you jealous of?
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
Are you being served
9. Do you watch porn?
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Inside a blackhole
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
To die inside a blackhole
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Ask your nan and she'll tell you my answer
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
Find a way to launch myself into a blackhole
15. Are you in a relationship?
Ask your nan
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
I am one, in a way.
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
The world
18. What tattoos do you want?
A ladybug hidden somewhere as a surprise
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
To something better
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
Blackholes. We have established this please keep up.
21. Describe your best friend.
I have none
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
God does not have a tumblr account
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
I can't remember anyone
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Edge of a blackhole
The heart of a blackhole
The middle ring of a blackhole
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
I find a cat in the street that lets me pet it
26. What’s your favorite season?
27. What’s your pet peeve?
Not liking me
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
All of star wars. I have not watched any.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
God does not have a tumblr account
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
One where we have discovered how to launch people into blackholes
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
More slutty, more miniskirts.
34. What’s your coffee order?
Decaff, french vanilla cappuccino.
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
I hope they're dating someone worse or dying
37. Have any tattoos?
38. Do you drink?
39. Are you a virgin?
Ask your nan
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
God is not my mutual
41. How many followers do you have?
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I have never felt guilt
44. Do you read erotica?
I write it
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
He talked about a girl he was interested in and how much he wanted to ask her out on a date while we were on a date.
46. How many people do you follow?
More than 1k
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
48. Describe your ideal partner.
49. Who do you text the most?
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
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butterflysociety · 1 year
 𓂅 ⸙ pick a pile ; past life edition ❀
Cards ; Fairy Oracle illustrated by Arthur Rackham and written by Jaymi Elford, Dungeons & Dragons Tarot Deck, Prisma Vision Tarot, Wild Unknown Tarot
Note ; Reincarnation can extend past than just one (1) reality, whatever you got from your pile chosen may contradict your current world's history due to xyz logic listed. Anyone can have past lives that can't be perceived easily from current lifetime's lens.
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Ꮺ pile 1 ; Oracle Cards ; 11(Secrets), 36(Rejoice), 23(The Collector) Tarot Cards ; 7 of Cups(Upright), 9 of Pentacles(Reversed), Temperance(Reversed), 10 of Wands(Upright), 2 of Pentacles(Reversed), Knight of Cups(Upright), 10 of Swords(Upright), 3 of Cups(Reversed) Additional Cards ; The Fool(Upright), King of Wands(Reversed), Illumination(Upright), The Star(Upright), Page of Chalices(Upright) Back of Deck: Knight of Chalices(Reversed) Astrodice ; 10H Pisces Neptune, 9H Scorpio Mars, 4H Taurus Jupiter
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Once we lived an illusion we soon realised we could not live up to.
Pile 1's were definitely incredibly charming and deceitful people in their past life. Able to wrap people around their finger, yet still reliant on other's validation and with a terrible sense of self. Possibility of Pile 1's working in the service industry, or something more mundane such as an office job where they overcommitted to their job. In a sense, this persona they put on is a heavy illusion that even managed to delude themselves into thinking this was reality. It seemed as though Pile 1's had a relatively easy early life, comfortable and simple. However, in a strange sense, even that is an illusion for what was about to come.
Pile 1's are dedicated individuals, likely interested in religion and passionate about learning. Due to their relatively easy early life, they were quite naïve. Pile 1's in their past lives were also an easily obsessive person. When they loved, they loved deep and were easily obsessed and engrossed in whatever they were currently passionate about. They feel incredibly deeply. Pile 1's seem very childish in maturity.
Somewhere around your later years, 25 onward a betrayal happened. This could be a romantic betrayal via a spouse, or a workplace betrayal via gossipy coworkers due to Pile 1's commitment to their job. Because of Pile 1's easy early life and naivete, this betrayal wounded them deeply to a point they lost sight of who they truly were, falling deep into addiction and a desire for salvation, to find a sense of paradise and peace, which led to them starting a cult. This cult, detached from society became Pile 1's safe haven, a false reality of paradise purged of the evil. As Pile 1's natural charm is quite strong, they easily collected people into their cult and their secrets too due to their trustworthy appearance. Pile 1's may not have had any malicious intentions while creating this cult, but the cult brought more harm than good.
Pile 1 may know about magic in the process of creating this cult as well, which is how the cult prospered for so long enough with improvised rules and ideals set altogether. This has strengthened their ambitious goal to create the safe haven for anyone who felt the same way, as they get drowned into this insecurity wanting more to chase after the perfect vision emerged from the "beautiful destruction". Loneliness after they lost the grounding support of their family passing away (extended branch on the other hand? Pile 1 couldn't bring themselves to reach out to them or they don't know their locations), and then the betrayal? Pile 1 rather set this strict compass to find their people instead, closing off their heart with bittersweet illusions. Their cult is their beloved family they looked after, nobody can steal that away from them– not even the traitors within who are similar to the past backstabber could stop their control.
Alas, there comes the demise at their early age. Pile 1's eternal passionate obsession in experimenting a plan to reinforce this cult and demolish any enemies standing in the way led them to dying in overconsuming magic. There's a stage for the usual meeting interrupted by the enemies, the dramatic fire emerging from Pile 1 which soon made them realise that everything they worked so hard for creating this cult is a complex illusion stemmed from their endless hurt from a wound that never healed. The split second before death is pure regret, and they spent their last moments wishing for a better chance in the next life where they could've been more mature and sharp than their past self when hurt by the backstabber. There's nothing genuinely deep from the cult members' bond, only mutual cycle of worsening each other.
Reasons for reincarnating in this lifetime of this world; Pile 1 wanted a better chance to redo their lifetime by seeking genuine connections in this world. Despite their habit to control everything, they tried to get another perspective from the different, current experiences that they felt hurt from which led them to clarity and wisdom. There may be more karmic connections they have to go through here, nevertheless it didn't deter them from taking the choice in meeting others who inspired the change. You might've regretted alot of actions you made in this current past, but that doesn't make you a bad person. As long as you take responsibility of your own actions, you improve yourself.
trinkets ; Aponia (Honkai Impact 3rd), weeping angels, battle flames, war, fire engulfing paintings, renaissance paintings, three of cups image, 2222, disharmony, imbalance, deep blue, sword, alcohol, quiche, silver cutlery, meeting many people as a leader, outdoors, glass, white veils
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Ꮺ pile 2 ; Oracle Cards ; 33(Community Celebration), 30(Distraction), 25(Revaluation) Tarot Cards ; 5 of Swords(Reversed), 6 of Wands(Upright), Ace of Swords(Upright), 6 of Swords(Upright), 2 of Swords(Upright), The Hanged Man(Reversed), 7 of Pentacles(Upright), Justice(Upright) Astrodice ; 11H Leo Saturn, 11H Libra Saturn, 8H Aries North Node
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We wish silently without ever bypassing the boundaries of here and there.
Pile 2 is born into family debt. Some form of injustice occurred in their childhood that led them to be born into a struggling family. There are two younger siblings or well family figures who ended up leading very different lives, who Pile 2 has had to provide for during their high school years. Pile 2 is an outgoing, popular person. Pile 2 is also known in their school for being a very pretty and kind person. It seemed in High School, people had crushes on Pile 2, and Pile 2 is a serviceable soul. Pile 2 lives to help others, striving to be around people and social connections constantly. Pile 2 is easily influenced as a person. Due to peer pressure, Pile 2 lost themselves in partying all night and day in their High School years, and because of this felt an awful guilt because they wanted to do well in school to be able to provide for their family. It seems there was also a love triangle between two love interests during High School, or two choices Pile 2 had to choose between. Sometime, Pile 2 is given the opportunity to travel for an internship program abroad, where they are alone by themselves and start to rediscover who they are. There's an abundance of opportunity in this internship program, and they begin to study harder again and step back from needing to please everyone.
Pile 2 went to a relatively local university, before landing a job as a government official of sorts, Pile 2 works in the field of law or the government, something along those lines. They married rich and into authority, and had possibly two children. In terms of their siblings, one most likely became addicted to drugs and died of overdose at 28, whereas the other one lived a simple life as an office worker with a wife and three kids. Illness struck a family member, and Pile 2 lost someone (A parental figure) due to illness. Pile 2 has always tried to provide for their family especially after marriage, but restrictions from the spouse had prevented them from helping their family as much as they'd like.
Pile 2's relationship with their spouse (Most likely a dominant male figure who has placed too many restrictions on Pile 2's lifestyle) seems to be a little bit rocky, but not exactly hard to live with. There are disagreements and feelings of restriction within the relationship(on Pile 2's end), but both have the best interests for their children and put their differences aside when needed. The relationship seemed to have started as a Mentor and a Trainee. The marriage between the spouse and Pile 2 seemed to be one of convenience, where the spouse saw a pretty person and Pile 2 saw money. There doesn't seem to be romantic feelings between the two that go beyond lust or financial reasons. Pile 2 seems to have building up feelings of resentment due to the restrictive feeling of their lifestyle, feeling unfulfilled. There is an innate desire to travel left unaccomplished, burdened with the lifestyle of parenthood and their job.
Pile 2 died peacefully of old age, and their desire for reincarnation is simply a chance of a less restrictive lifestyle ready to travel and see the world. Overall, Pile 2 lived a relatively and painfully normal lifestyle, where they never truly discovered who they were or what they wanted. Due to the feeling of accomplishment from their past life, they desire to figure out their life purpose and a desire for freedom. There's a strong urge to see the world in this life and a strong urge to break past society's restrictions and an even stronger urge to truly discover who they are. I can see that Pile 2's are quite into astrology and tarot, more spiritually inclined people.
If you picked this pile, you seem to also be quite an impulsive soul in this life, and seemingly are quite self assured. You desire to live for yourself, not anyone else due to this past life.
It is also a reminder that in this life, to be careful of being too impulsive and to not jump into things without thinking. Freedom comes with responsibility, and while in your past life you were burdened with too much, this life is about finding balance, not the other end of the spectrum.
trinkets ; aries rising, straight brown hair with a braid, olive skin, round brown eyes, flatter face, high school uniform, government spy, rocky river, hippie culture, impulsivity, 333, 444, enfj (past life), esfp, 7w6, creative arts, manic pixie dream girl, skateboarding, running around in the city with friends, SpyxFamily (vibes), gemini moon, 222, february
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Ꮺ pile 3 ; Oracle Cards ; 31(Gossip), 20(Demise), 5(Tribe) Tarot Cards ; 4 of Cups(Upright), 7 of Swords(Reversed), The Hierophant(Reversed), The Chariot(Upright), Knight of Pentacles(Upright), 6 of Pentacles(Upright), 5 of Wands(Reversed), Page of Cups(Upright) Additional Cards ; The Fool(Upright), 6 of Swords(Reversed), 4 of Wands(Upright), the Magician(Reversed), King of Wands(Upright) Back of the deck ; The World(Upright) and Queen of Pentacles(Upright) Astrodice ; 9H Cancer Sun, 7H Aquarius South Node, 10H Taurus Pluto
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Those who accepted the darkness as part of themselves, are the ones who finds empowerment.
Pile 3 is your true villain who's above mindless slaughtering, outward power and forced influence. I can see that this is set in medieval era, the story starts when Pile 3 gets betrayed by their tribe/community who's supposed to hold them up as they should (especially their parents, but they're relatively toxic). They're accused for something they didn't do, making them an outlaw on the run as the government officials believed in the accusation. There's tearful bitterness towards this situation, yet Pile 3 quickly took up the phrase from the tribe, "If you wanted me to be the bad guy so badly, then I'll be the bad guy!".
For the sake of surviving, Pile 3 is forced to learn how the cruelties of the world works, right after they experienced the wonders back when they're a child. From manipulation to necessary crimes committed, each tool adding up to their belt that they became feared as the villain by the name even if the public doesn't know entirely of their actions. The evasive wit to cover their presence all the time is what Pile 3 is capable of doing, like they said before you're doing it wrong if your crime is public known when you're supposed to do it discreetly.
Despite this route they chosen, there was a thrill everytime they efficiently executed the plan that crumbles all of the domino blocks. The freeing feeling when they could travel to anywhere else they wanted to see sights they never seen before, all the while doing their own thing at their own pace. There's also helping those worthy of their attention, for example stealing the rich to give the poor they needed of, which also led them to somehow recruiting group members that will follow them loyally. These said members accepted their offer to resolve their long-term problem plaguing their life (ranging from financial situation to life purpose).
Both Pile 3 and the gang are inseparable as a team even if their connections are strictly mastermind-minions. Normally Pile 3 wouldn't get attached as they closed off their heart after the betrayal, but overtime they get really attached to their group they recruited who does the same to their leader as well. Honestly I would say I almost cried from this wholesomeness of chaotic dysfunctional found family–
Unfortunately, Pile 3's story comes to an end when they protected one of their members from danger of a situation that's unlike anything they faced. Pile 3 overexerted themselves to reach this far, which caused them to unable to sustain themselves much enough. The public and Pile 3's gang sees them as this untouchable force who's strong, very powerful and clever– it's a huge shock that they would see this true villain fall to their death by sacrificing themselves selflessly. Especially their found family who were in grief rage that their beloved leader who they see as their pseudo-parent, completely destroyed the battlefield and cried for Pile 3 to come back again. Pile 3 could only smile at the times they spent together, a wish that they live normally without the burdens of villainy.
That wish is what got Pile 3 to reincarnate here, to see their found family again and experience a second chance where they're only civilians living a fulfilling life full of experiences. Also, I'm getting the feeling that the found family has turned into your soul family who followed by your side to this same lifetime. You may or may not have met everyone else together here, the feeling that something clicked just by conversing alone. This lifetime is a chance to heal from your past life that pushed you to be the villain, to reclaim back your inner power and redefine how you view this reality, to live a life.
trinkets ; Lilith (the goddess), 4444, 9999, 000, entj, intj, infp, 8w9, 3w4, black cloak, silver hair, glowing eyes, a group behind the leader (you), bundle of apples, thorny throne, huge castle, burning fields, tears on cheeks, fantasy, warmth from the hugs, blankets, the word "empowerment", books, "We're family, right?", "I missed you so much", "Come back to us, please.."
─── ・ 。゚❁ : .☽ .* :۰🌷 . ───
Ꮺ pile 4 ; Oracle Cards ; 35(Take Flight), 18(Rejection), 1(Connection) Tarot Cards ; Page of Wands(Upright), 8 of Pentacles(Upright), 4 of Swords(Upright), Ace of Cups(Upright), The Tower(Upright), The Lovers(Upright), 3 of Pentacles(Reversed), 6 of Cups(Reversed)
Additional Cards ; The Towers (Reversed), 10 of Pentacles (Upright), 3 of Wands (Upright), 4 of Wands (Upright), The Sun (Upright)
Back of the deck ; Page of Chalices (Reversed) Astrodice ; 1H Capricorn Sun, 6H Gemini Pluto, 5H Libra Neptune
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Dedication with fixation births the wildest creations.
Pile 4 is either the mad scientist or a genius inventor, also a huge mood throughout this previous lifetime. A gifted student who might be neurodivergent (this may resonate to some taking this pile). Emotionally constipated due to their childhood when the adults present undermines their dreams after they presented it. These ideas coming up from their mind completely contradicts the norms which they looked impossible to be made into reality, which is why they're put down to choose other ambitions instead. But of course, they don't listen to those people as they eventually take studies to support their path. I can definitely see them having multiple degrees at high levels, because with this way they can gain valuable tools for their own personal goals.
Into their near adult stage, their hardworking nature dedicated to communicate and finalise their creations landed them to be popular amongst other geniuses acknowledging their originality. This presence spreaded throughout the world the moment one of their inventions managed to cause an evolution to the era they lived in, by the way completely proving the past people who put them down wrong. Pile 4 is such a girlboss honestly, because they don't really care much of their reputation other than whether they have access to their resources to make things or not that enriches their life with constant intellectual simulation. They're really knowledgeable in their field too, taking their research and studies seriously at their own league.
Pile 4 has connections with those who took interest and know the importance in their inventions, has alot of acquaintances and very few friends. I'm seeing that they have at least an assistant who helped out in their workshop, mostly to have an alike mind that bounces off ideas at each other despite the obvious gap in the fields. There were many opportunities taken such as travelling abroad to personally make something commissioned by the clients, experimenting with coworkers and collabing for a big invention (again to change the world).
For their personal life, despite the Lovers card there's no interest in romance. I'm getting the feeling that Pile 4's appalled "No, wtf??" when they're asked too many times about their "dating life", they really genuinely only focused on finding the truth in new things they seek to obtain. They were given many options to pursue sure, however they chose to stick by their path to creation. This entire lifetime is solely about reconstructing from their childhood to just simply express their creativity through something they're passionate of and show it to the world when they want to.
Pile 4 died in old age out of sheer will (and spite those who doubted they can create as many inventions as they want), with their last words that still projected their sarcastic humor that says something like "If you want to take inspo just at least credit me, otherwise I'll sue you from afterlife you would get your inventions destroyed in thin air!!!" plastered on their grave by their demand to. In the midst of seeing their friends' tears, they really have to make the last impression to them so it will remain in their memories forever that way and not miss them too much, otherwise that would be too sad (I can't with interpreting this pile right now, even my wording is getting affected 😭 ~Infi).
Out of all of the piles channelled here, Pile 4 you really reincarnated out of slight boredom and came here to gain a new skillset. Why? Because you simply wanted to. Not to mention that this is a pick a pile that uses spiritual tools to get answers from spirituality and intuition, it's safe to assume that you're really curious of learning spirituality by coming into this current lifetime to do so. Since you simulated enough of your brain with inventions from the past, you decided to dip your toes into something completely new. You may or may not have the urge to share what you discovered to a like-minded community (if you're a private person, you share it to your group instead). Even when you're not known with what you shared, the most obvious trait is that you don't really use the methods from the community and instead stick by what it feels right to you in terms of handling your life (and/or Tarot reading too).
trinkets ; Mobius and Vill-V (Honkai Impact 3rd), 1111, 111, 777, 498, 345, entp, istp, 5w4, 5w6, beakers, science experiment set, dim ceiling lights, neon lights, notebooks stacked on top of each other, lightbulb, steampunk aesthetic, gears, machinery, oil smell, air conditioner, chairs, clocks, smirk, feline eyes, tied ponytail, cup noodles
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boethiah · 2 years
Can we please hear some of your thoughts about Almalexia and Vivec's relationship?
i go back and forth on how romantic i think their relationship was though i do think they were definitely romantically involved. vivec for hir part seems to idolize almalexia-- in the 36 lessons ze writes about her glowingly, calling her beautiful and comparing her to the stars, and there are multiple points in that narrative where vivec deliberately seeks almalexia out for comfort and reassurance, which is a sort of trust ze doesn't seem to have in anyone else. it's harder to say how almalexia felt in return because she's much more guarded with her feelings and we rarely get to hear her opinions, but given that she writes about vivec in a flattering way in the homilies (cf the embarrassing childhood sotha sil stories) and the fact that she didn't really have it in her to criticize vivec during her villain monologue (cf the deep vitriol she aimed at sotha sil there). so it's safe to say they were very fond of each other
that said i think there are two major dark spots in their relationship, one that influenced them as mortals and one that influenced them as gods: nerevar and the septim armistice
for nerevar-- both almalexia and vivec had very complicated relationships with nerevar. in the 36 lessons vivec associates marriage with trauma; almalexia is married to nerevar. vivec also identifies nerevar with trauma (in sermon 34), but goes to almalexia for comfort before confronting that same trauma (in sermon 18). this combined with the near idolization of almalexia in the lessons makes me think that, for vivec, almalexia was somehow wrapped up in how ze was processing hir own experiences-- maybe ze projected onto her, maybe ze saw her as a sort of savior. again, ze strongly associates marriage with trauma, and almalexia married nerevar. i don't think that's coincidence. there's no real canon evidence about how almalexia felt about nerevar, outside of the fact that she either killed him or let him die, and then, when he was reincarnated, gleefully attempted to get him killed again. but, knowing what we know of her in the games as a strongly independent and proud person, and knowing nerevar was a much older man from a common background who kinda stole the limelight from her, i can't imagine she was very happy about that marriage. and vivec had been the one that brought nerevar to mournhold in the first place. so there's nerevar between them, a point of resentment at best and of active trauma at worst.
the second dark spot and the thing that irrevocably ruined their relationship imo was the armistice vivec signed with tiber septim. this time we have a much better idea of how almalexia felt. from 'on morrowind':
"Though the Imperial legions and navy were widely considered undefeatable, House Indoril and the Temple hierarchy proposed to resist to the death. [...] The situation changed radically when Vivec appeared in person in Vivec City to announce his negotiation of a treaty with Emperor Tiber Septim, reorganizing Morrowind as a province of the Empire [...] A shocked Temple hierarchy, which apparently had not been consulted, greeted the announcement with awkward silence."
the story here is fairly clear to me: faced with the invasion of tiber septim, almalexia (the traditional war-leader of the tribunal and herself a member of house indoril) was prepared to resist, even at cost of death of herself and all her followers. to prevent an inevitable slaughter, vivec went behind her back to negotiate the treaty, and then announcing it, forcing almalexia to fall back into line. if my interpretation of this seems unlikely, keep in mind that this isn't the first time almalexia would chance her own death to defeat an enemy; according to 2920 she nearly died during the battle against mehrunes dagon, and she later attempted a suicide mission (along with sotha sil) against dagoth ur. the armistice is messy; vivec was motivated to sign it to prevent almalexia from getting herself (and 10,000 of her closest friends) killed, but to someone like almalexia, servitude is literally worse than death. i don't think she could ever forgive vivec for putting her under the empire's control and the armistice marked the effective end of whatever relationship they had before.
all this to say that i do think vivec truly loves almalexia, the sort of love where ze'd choose to have almalexia hate hir forever if it meant saving her life. and i do think almalexia loves vivec in turn, in her own complicated and guarded way, especially since she seems to rely on hir and trust hir with the wellbeing of morrowind, which is a major vote of confidence from someone who lives for her job. whatever messy feelings they each had about nerevar probably brought them closer together more than it did push them apart.
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thebonerpit · 9 months
multiples of six please 😘
6) Do you prefer movie theatres or your couch?
Honestly, my couch. There are definitely films that are INCREDIBLE to see on a big screen but like... at what cost lmao. I can't stand hearing other people chewing and rustling and talking tbh.
12) Subtitles or no subtitles?
Usually none, unless of course it's in a language I don't speak!
18) Favourite actor
Oof, I mean how can I choose?? I tend to prefer characters over actual actors, but I do love anyone who just lets themselves go fucking feral in a role... like Tom Hardy, Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, etc.
24) Do sequels always ruin originals?
Of course not! I mean, hello, Aliens??? Alien is one of my all-time favourite movies but Aliens fucking slaps.
30) Are you looking forward to any upcoming releases?
Yorgos Lanthimos' Poor Things for SURE. Dune 2 but that's been delayed. I'll probably wait to see Killers of the Flower Moon until I can watch it at home because it's just... too long, but I read the book a few years ago and loved it so I'm curious about the film version.
36) Which movie star would you want to meet?
None tbh. I've never really been someone who cares about meeting celebrities? I've seen a lot of them in person at TIFF and it's cool but also like, what do you even say? Oh I loved you in [x], ok great, bye? Lol.
42) Show me a pic of your favourite movie poster.
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It's a classic for a reason!
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