#definitely gonna try all of this
crowkip · 13 days
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yeehaw, baby!
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Vanny can’t explain everything in the FNAF pizzaplex..
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sea-webs · 1 month
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"I don't know who I want to be, anymore."
Oc - Cirque | The Dragon Chosen by the Shadows |
| mary oliver / franz wright / chelsea dingman / mary oliver / sue zhao / can't find :( / can't find :( / i am a dog. i have blood all over my teeth. - sciencedfiction / little weirds - jenny slate / the unabridged journals of sylvia |
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"—No but like, why?" "Because you have neuroses, Barnes."
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spirk-trek · 3 months
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absolutely surreal to see william shatner seduce a man on the 1960s space show (don't worry there's a woman possessing his body)
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caelanglang · 1 year
Living Longer
a message for someone on the edge…
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from the waters of the sea, to the sands of the beach, to the concrete of the city, to the floorboards of your home — i hope you’ll be proud of yourself for living longer.
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Okay hear me out. Imagine a story where a scientist is leading a tour of kids through his lab, showing off all the inventions that will hopefully one day help humanity! In this tour is his son, who is very excited to be with his dad at his job, while also technically going to school? Win Win!! His dad has been a bit overprotective of him, but he sort of enjoys the attention. Although he isn’t too keen on his classmates who bully (perhaps one of the bullies is his brother or something) him for it, still poking and teasing him during the tour.
After awhile the dad shows off a portal machine which can open a portal to a whole new world, or at least that’s what they think it leads to anyway. The lab hasn’t fully tested it and is making a robot to send in first. The kids all ask if they can see it and the science team agrees as long as no one goes over the rails towards the portal, cause it seems to have a suction. (You can see where this is going I bet) The science team flips on the machine and the portal lights up, and while everyone is distracted the bully decides to have some fun, whispering into the Scientist kid’s ear something like “Maybe you’ll see your mom over there” or “Perhaps I should just take out trash like you. You’re just wasting dad’s time anyway” before the kid can really process what happens he is pushed over the rail into the portal, disappearing. The machine shuts off with a clunk and the dad is pissed. He is shouting at the bully about how stupid that was and how they have no idea if it’s even life sustainable on the other side! A guard nearby says that the kid is in real serious trouble for so many reasons, only for the dad to chime in that the bully better hope his kid is alive cause if he isn’t, he’ll get a murder charge. The bully explains he didn’t mean to only for most of the class saying that the bully always does this and one student even repeats what he said before he pushed the kid in. They decide to end the tour early and send everyone home, while the bully is escorted out by the guards and won’t be going home soon.
The science team asks what they’re gonna do and the dad says they’re gonna make something. Perhaps a suit or vehicle so that he can go into the portal and find his son. The team nods and quickly gets to work, they know it’ll take more than a few weeks, but maybe if they are lucky the kid will be okay, and maybe they can get it done faster.
Meanwhile, the kid flies through the portal and lands on a soft ground. Panicking he sits up and looks around, only to notice he’s on a huge bed. The portal sent him to a world that was way bigger than his own. Fear strikes him as he realizes where there is a big bed, there’s a big person. He’s right when he looks over across the room and sees a huge person sitting at a desk mumbling to themself. He’s frozen in fear and can’t move, even when the person swings around from their chair and walks over to their bed only to pause and stare at him.
The giant just stared at him, confused as to why there is a tiny child in their bed. They swear they didn’t put them there and are about to say something when the kid just burst out crying and the giant panicked. They quickly kneel by their bed and try to hush the child and tell them that it’s okay. The child keeps sobbing and soft hiccups can be heard, but eventually the kid quiets down a bit. The giant carefully asks how the kid got there, and the boy answers between sobs. The giant listens and the boy eventually bursts into tears again, crying out that they want their dad. The giant gently scoops them up, and holds them close saying “hey, hey, it’s going to be alright. You said your dad was a scientist…sooo he must have seen you get pushed in. I bet he’s trying to get back to you, he just has to figure out how to.” The kid sniffles and asks if the giant really believes that and they nod. They then reassure the kid that they won’t hurt them and that they’ll watch and care for them, until their dad comes to save them. The boy nods and the giant pauses and asks if he likes movies. The boy says yes and that he likes action like movies. The giant then decides that maybe they could watch a movie, to help the boy calm down, they’ll even let the kid choose the movie. He gets a little excited over this and the two of them go and do exactly that. Through this we learn that the worlds are almost identical, but some things are changed like Superman is Aceman, and Ice Cream is Frost Gel. All still the same thing, just named differently, which both the giant and boy find amusing.
The boy stays with the giant for little over a week, getting used to the large surroundings and the movements of the giant. The giant provides a small house to the boy, made of a box and Legos, which the boy had fun playing with and designing that part of the little home. In the other world the dad and his team finally finished the suit. It was built to survive space, acid, lava, and other possibilities. It had a backpack built into the back that held food rations, weapons, tools, and other things for survival. There was also the case, which contained all the parts for a small return portal back home. Which had been tested multiple times….just not cross dimensionally. The suit also had a built in camera that would send live video feed back to the team while the dad, who wanted to be the one who went through, was over there looking for his son. He’d also do some science stuff, like take samples and explore a bit.
The day finally arrives and the dad walks through the portal. He finds himself behind a large plush wall, and he starts to walk around it when he hears booming voices. Meanwhile the giant is laying in bed scrolling through their phone. The kid is sleeping in their little house for a quick nap. Then out of the corner of their eye they see something move out from behind their pillow. The dad looks up and catches the giant’s eye glancing at him. He freezes, and then grabs a weapon from the bag. This causes the giant to freak out and quickly flop out of their bed and onto the floor. The dad runs over and, using the mic in his suit, shouts “WHERE IS HE?!?!?” The giant, confused as hell, asks that the “crazy living action figure dude” please put down the weapon, while also asking what he means. The dad just shouts “IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO HIM I SWEAR I’LL..” the threat falls from his lips as the giant rises above him and cautiously walks over to the little house. They open the top and reach in, carefully waking the boy up and whispering that they have a surprise. The dad, still in a fighting stance, watches as the giant approaches with something in their hands. He’s about to fight, when the giant opens their hands and reveals his son, causing him to freeze. The boy pauses, not recognizing him cause of the suit, but once the dad rips the helmet off, the kid jumps off the giants hand and rushes to embrace his dad.
Both the kid and the dad just tightly hold onto each other as the giant just smiles softly, watching them. They then comment how much of a strong and loving dad the kid has and how the dad has such a brave and smart son. They both look up at the giant, who gives them a sweet smile. The dad explains they can go back home and the son is excited to tell his dad everything he learned about the place. The giant asks if there is anything they can do to help, which the dad asks if there is a safe place to setup a portal device somewhere that isn’t, well, a bed. The giant nods, and offers their hand to the pair. The son quickly hops on and the dad, carefully steps on after a bit of encouragement from his son. The giant takes them to their desk and says they can set it up in the free space near the wall.
After some time the portal is up and running and the dad has some samples, including a hair from the giant, and the small pair is ready to go home. The giant remarks that they’ll probably be seeing more of the tiny people, but says that they are welcome to visit. The boy hugs the giants hand and thanks them for taking care of them. The dad also thanks them for watching over his son, and says that he’s glad that the giant was the one to find his son. They take their leave and the story comes out in their world about what happens. The bully is still charged for some things, mostly messing with official government science stuff, but everything seems fine in the end. Plus the boy made an amazing friend, and the dad found someone he can trust to watch his son.
Anyway, basically what if a portal led to a giant world similar to our own, but it was discovered because some kids decided to mess with a kid. Resulting in the kid getting lost in that world, having to wait to be found or find a way back themself?
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shikisei · 7 months
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im doing a lot better now!
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mossy-paws · 3 months
It’s artfight time,,,
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that time of the season yall >:3 happy artfight!! I’m throwing my card in a seperate post instead of just putting it in my intro post so more people can see it!
i’m gonna be on a rampage this year- or at least I’m gonna try to be :3! I want to beat my goal of 52 attacks and 3200 points (my goal this year is 60+ attacks and 4000+ points!) so yup! I have over 100 characters bookmarked I believe- but I doubt I’ll be doing any mass attacks and revenge chains (this doesn’t apply to friends), I’m also more so focusing on attacking instead of revenging!
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itsdefinitely · 9 months
i wanna know more about the jerries/jeris
do you want to know the most horrific thing about them?
the lords did nothing to make them the way they are.
yes, the jerry jr was turned into the axeman because of the witchwood, which does what it does because of the lords, but everything leading up to that is just human nature. i see the "girl jeri is nibbly" or "they were influenced by a lord to do the thngs they do" and i need people to understand that that's just. not true. they're just like that. they were taught to be like that by their parents and, more accurately, their church. it's horrifyingly accurate how religion has shaped them into non-functional human beings, who would rather potentially lose their child to the many, many dangers of the literal woods than admit that they had sex outside of marriage.
it's only because it's hatchetfield that jerry jr grew the way he did. there was no lord's intervention in their decision to keep the baby, or to drop out of school to care for him, or to keep him seperated from any other people, or to revolve their lives around the idea that they'd committed a sin and needed to pay by pushing celibacy rather than. i don't know. properly raising their child. it was the way they were taught. the toxic pushing of overexaggerated christian ideals is what molded them. can you imagine being in their place? being a scared teenager and knowing that if you told any of the people you care about most your secret that they would shun you and disown you?
the only people they felt any kind of safe around were each other; of course they're going to be codependent. and even then, they're disgusted by each other for leading them to sin. they're stuck together unwillingly, because without the other, they're alone.
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doubledyke · 2 months
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who's coming with me
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i-really-like-phrogs · 3 months
When someone else’s art is so good you physically can’t look at it because of artistic jealousy
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#Y’all do this to me on a daily basis I swear#I literally can’t follow some people because their stuff is so good it breaks my heart#I think the art world has a lot of envy and competitiveness that no one really talks about#Sure we’re all for self expression but so many of us are so used to being “the art kid” that anyone else taking or sharing that spot feels#like losing a peice of your identity.#I’ve had some artist friends who dealt with their jealousy by tearing others down or justifying their art by going#”Well you’re bad at ____ but I’m better at ____”#Or they would give unsolicited critique that was more like gently worded criticism than friendly advice to help someone reach their goals#And because of those experiences… I never want to become that person#I definitely get the surges of jealousy… But I very much try to remind myself that fellow artists are my friends-not my rivals#The people I feel the most envy for are often the people I hype up the most#And beyond that- nobody in the art community is trying to gatekeep information from you.#If you want to learn skills from other people- don’t hesitate to ask them. Most artists happily spill their brains for you in a conversatio#(Foolish artist… they don’t even know how many brain juices of theirs I’m absorbing-MWAHAHAHA)#(I’m gonna come come back stronger as an artist… And then I can learn and grow EVEN MORE BWAHAHAHA)#So anyway… Jealousy is a valid and very real thing… but what you choose to do about it can either hinder or help you.#That’s all folks#art meme#art
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cloudyvulpine · 11 months
hate when i'm info dumping about a *FICTIONAL* villain and someone has the audacity to be like "but they've killed people" or "but they've committed crimes"
i know
but they aren't real
i still want to make out with them
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More thoughts on Kai stuck in the never space : (possible AU)
I'm no definitely stuck on the idea that time passes differently there. Ergo, he's been there for a few years, at minimum a decade when finally does get out again at some point
There isn't really lots of common food there (The banished five don't need food to survive in my opinion) so he got used to eating anything eadible. So moss, insects, whatever he can find really
Bonzle is also sharing some of her magical energy with him, so it's easier for him to survive without much food or water. You can imagine it as Kai carrying one of her eyes on a necklace like a blue orb.
Since Bonzle also doesn't have a need for sleep like Kai does, she usually covers guard duty. Without her Kai would probably barely sleep at all (he already does)
At one point Kai ends up picking up magic. Though I'm not sure how exactly yet, he probably goes by gut feeling and a combination of things that Bonzle knows and his experiences with magic users.
Inside the neverspace, there are some other creatures as well. Mostly of magical/mystical nature. Now or then Kai either fights them for practicing magic, or even hunts them for food. (Safe to say, eating magical creatures has some effects on his body as well.)
He then combines his elemental fire with his magic, and through that gets a more flexible fighting style. This definitely helps as he's basically trying to hunt down the other forbidden five inside the neverspace
Bonzle obviously tries to stop him but Kai is to stubborn so she ends up following him anyways to pull him out if a situation gets to dangerous
Kai and Bonzle definitely form a sort of codependency
Bonzle at some point also told Kai about an agent walker she met right before the blood moon, and he figured out the rest
About his looks
You can imagine it, but his clothes are pretty thrown together after so many years, with scraps he can find somehow. His main red is still but barely present after time, but he ends up combining the colors of the other ninja in to remember them better. (When you use magical energy needed for your survival to dye your clothes in other colors.)
His hair grows out, and when it's open Kai pretty much looks like his mom. Most of the time however it's braided with on of Nyas hair ties he still had in his pockets. At one point he also ripped up his ninja mask for some bandaids, and is using the rest of it now as a bandana
He also gets several new scars, be it from experemening with magic, or fights with either the remaining forbidden or other creatures existing in the never space.
That's it for now. I don't wanna put to much stuff in one post, but please tell me if you want more or have ideas foe your own. I also still don't have a proper name idea for this AU/canon divergence, unless I'm somehow predicting s2 part 2 but that would be wild.
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doveywovy · 9 days
dad kakashi & accidental child acquisition au in which Mebuki Haruno specializes in weaving ninja wire into clothes. Sakumo first takes Kakashi there when he's still a toddler- he wants him to get used to the unusual feeling of the fabric. She does good work, she's chatty but polite, and Sakumo is the type of man who'd prefer to support a young woman starting out on her own as opposed to some large established clan.
After Sakumo dies, Kakashi keeps going. She's the only civilian seamstress who doesn't try to peak under his mask, and the only ninja-wire seamstress who doesn't try to find stuff out about his clan or his dad or his anbu career or- Mebuki's good. Familiar.
He doesn't really notice her pregnancy. Technically it registers, of course; there are obvious signs, she's not hiding it, and right before she's due she gives him a heads up so he won't be shocked if the store is closed for a little while and he needs something. But he's thirteen at the time and he's in ANBU and he really doesn't notice.
He notices Sakura. She's small, and she's pink. Her little head peaks out over Mebuki's shoulder as she takes Kakashi's measurements (he's grown again, because puberty is exhausting and expensive). Mebuki keeps her swaddled on her back just like Sakumo used to do to him, but that's where the similarities end.
She's not going to be a shinobi. She has little hands, and Mebuki doesn't let her hold scissors or needles, much less kunai. She stares up at the world with wide eyes, and sometimes she cries big wet tears. Mebuki has him hold her. He learned the right way to do it when team 7 was doing babysitting missions, but he hasn't done it since.
Mebuki's a single mom, and he knows how to watch a kid even if he doesn't have much practice. She makes him stick around and keep an eye on Sakura while she repairs his outfits, sews his new ones. After a while he starts to come in when he doesn't need anything done, just to help out. She smiles when she sees him, and Sakura waves her fat little arms in excitement, and Kakashi gets to have something nice in his life.
There's an accident. Mebuki dies. Kakashi kind of forgot that could happen- that people could die and it not be anyone's intent for it to go that way. That civilians can die at all. And Sakura-
there's no father in the picture, and no family. Mebuki came to Konoha from somewhere in Wave, and she never mentioned a family Sakura could get sent back to. Sakura will end up in an orphanage. She's got no chakra, no skillset, no obvious signs of a family lineage: She won't get adopted. Or she'll end up in whatever it is that keeps taking the kids that nobody pays attention to.
Somehow, Kakashi ends up seventeen years old with a three year old on his hip, standing in the upstairs of the Haruno Shop trying to figure out what he needs to take and what he has to leave and is he really, really doing this?
And then Sakura puts her pudgy little hand in his face and says "SMOOSH!" and squeezes his cheek and yes, of course, absolutely he's doing this. how hard can raising a civilian toddler while being an active anbu agent even be?
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de1-os · 1 year
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Doodles of @serval9's Kylar!
World's oiliest, soggiest, grimiest chew toy ♥♥♥
uncolored ver:
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