#definitely not book iii
keydekyie · 5 months
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captive moth
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Eret: so yeah they burnt that sign into my flesh
Book Hiccup:
Book Hiccup: Mood are you ready to beat up sum slavers mah new fren
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howtodrawyourdragon · 11 months
LOVING that Camicazi thinks Hiccup falling into the onion soup was some stroke of genius to get the Hysterics to tell him where they keep their one potato and not the accident with a large stroke of luck that it really was.
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rendnotmyheart · 1 month
I just ordered so many new Shakespeare plays (+ Paradise Lost)
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speciouspessimism · 1 year
most ronan/ gansey interaction i had was my friend trying to gaslight me into believing that the colloquial way of saying guffaw was guffawf until i was ready to kill myself about it
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theshmeepking · 2 years
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oh yeah baby!!!
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pixelateddork · 11 months
Been super tempted to buy this but it's in Italian and I can't read italian but I want to know what the hell is going on here
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
After inspecting Beast’s records, Grelle calls her an “ugly sow”. Definitely not going to over analyse this. No, definitely not. I would never. I would never incorporate this as a key element into some Grelle whump/angst, no I would never.
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urwendii · 2 years
Got my edition of Sauron Defeated and I was not expecting it to be 480 pages 😅
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letorip · 23 days
Can you do headcanons for Jenna’s characters with a tall reader?
tall reader
it's been a little bit since i've been back on here and actively posted, but you know what i felt bad that i hadn't, so i did this to kind of assure everyone who didn't see my last thing that i'm still alive and well. sorry for not responding sooner to this request. also, if you see this, do not panic, i promise, i'm still finishing kiss with a fist [iii] and we’re only a few days from casual [iii]. the last thing i want is someone seeing me update and then immediately jumping into my inbox to ask about those, because i'm hard at work at them anyways
also, if you're not tall, just imagine it for a moment, lmao
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wednesday addams
she’s not especially expressive, so she’ll never admit to it, but she absolutely loves that you’re so much taller than her. it’s cheesy and she knows you'll tease her about it, if she does mention it
she fumbles the bag at first, when during one of your first conversations, she says "you remind me of lurch." it's not exactly flattering to be told you remind her of her 40 year old butler who looks like a skeleton, and it makes you think she doesn't like you, at first, but to be fair, she meant it as a compliment
you try to brush past it, and wednesday too, and she's confused as to why you didn't seem flattered. enid's mouth drops open when wednesday recounts your interaction, and she tries to coach her through fixing her mistake
unfortunately your next conversation is only more awkward, when she walks it back and says "you DON'T remind me of lurch." she thinks it's a good way to recover from her previous error, but you just look even more confused, and she's suddenly walking off before she fucks up anything any more
she does manage to have an actual conversation with you later, after you take the turn to initiate, and that's how you two actually begin to grow closer and closer
even in her big ass platform boots, you’re still taller than her. it closes a little bit of the distance, but you're still much taller
she grabs your tie or bunches your shirt and pulls you down to her level, in order to kiss you. it hurts your neck sometimes, but you’d never ever tell her not to do it
even when she tugs you down for a kiss, she still has to stand on her tippy toes, especially if she’s only in socks
it does make you the ideal height for cuddling, though
wednesday claimed at first that she would cut your fingers off if you tried to hold her, but she slowly learns to crave it. all you have to do is give her a look and lift up your blanket, and she’ll crawl right in, especially if it’s after an investigation and she’s exhausted
theres just something oddly relaxing about curling up and feeling you wrap yourself around her. you’re definitely big spoon in this scenario. not that she wouldn’t hold you the same— she does, especially when she’s worried about the investigation but doesn’t want to say anything— but she likes how you’re able to completely wrap around her and how she can almost burrow herself into you
wednesday absolutely adores to sit on your lap. she’ll sit on your lap whenever and wherever she can. sideways with her arms around your neck, back to front with your arms around her waist, facing you in a straddle, during the more heated moments. she said she’d never be like her parents, but she also finds your lap to be the most comfortable seat around
she plops herself down onto your lap whenever she feels the person you're talking to is laughing a little too much at your jokes. she'll wander right over, wordlessly, sit down on your lap, wrap an arm around your neck, and stare at the person you're talking to with a usual disinterest, and they very quickly get the memo and leave
not that you realise this pattern, of course
you also use your height to help in the investigation. getting books for her off of high-up, dusty shelves, giving her a boost through windows that she shouldn't be breaking into, you name it. your willingness to assist her in her crazy plan is just part of what she loves about you
"can you reach that for me, cara mia?"
she does miraculously know your measurements, of course, when it comes to buying clothes. being tall makes clothes somewhat hard, but she always manages to buy the perfect sized thing, and you're starting to wonder if she somehow measured you, when you weren't paying attention
tara carpenter
you guys begin as sworn enemies after meeting at blackmore, and it results in a lot of mean insults about each others' height. she calls you the jolly green giant and you call her dwarf. she calls you giraffe, you call her stuart little. neither of you will admit that you find the other obnoxiously attractive
she says you're freakishly tall, but you're only a little taller than chad. she never annoys him about his height, only you, but for what it's worth, you annoy her right back
it culminates one night during a drunken hookup after you've shouted insults into each others faces. tara won't admit her anger is from seeing a random girl grind on you, and you won't admit you're annoyed that ethan and chad are obviously in love with her, and doing their best at flirting
you don't know who closes the distance first, but the next thing you know, you're messily pressing your mouths together and tara is climbing you like a damn tree, i mean, this is literally her
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immediately after, you and tara try to pretend it didn't happen, and it lasts all of one week before she's jumping your bones again, only this time neither of you are drunk
you get together shortly after, but best believe the teasing doesn't stop. she'll still call you her little construction crane, and you'll smile with a faux sweetness and call her your little hobbit, until she smacks you on the arm
you're definitely a fiery couple, on both sides, but you do have your sweet moments
you give her piggyback rides because you're tall enough to do so, and she just happily wraps her arms around your neck and lets you carry her places. pretty much any time she gets tired enough (or even when she isn't really tired at all), she'll give you a cute pout and put her arms out, and you'll pick her up
tara loves to cuddle with you, but even then, sometimes you both squabble over the blanket, and she'll start complaining about how you hog the whole thing because of your height. it turns into a playful wrestling match, and while you have the obvious advantage and could flip her right around at any given moment, you let her climb on top of you and pin your arms above your head in a proud victory (which takes a lot of effort, considering how short she is)
of course, like all of your play-fights, it turns into something more
she doesn't like to talk about woodsboro, but she does find a comfort in how tall you are. it makes her feel a bit safer with you around, not that a couple inches would stop ghostface or anything
but she feels a genuine relaxation, when you can both be in bed together, and you're completely holding her in your arms, and it's not a thing she thought she'd feel again
you give her your jacket when she's cold, and she has to bunch the fabric around her elbows, or it'll absolutely swim on her. she always teases you about it, but the moment you jokingly threaten to take it back, she'll roll her eyes with a smile and tug it on with a kiss to your cheek
sometimes when you're cooking in the kitchen, she'll wrap her arms around your waist and let her head rest against the small of your back
you also help her when she's studying in the school library, by similarly grabbing books off the shelf for her
when she wants to rest her head on your shoulder, you still have to crane your neck down to let her. it's not super comfortable, but you still do it, because she looks adorable when she sleeps
she's figured out something seriously cruel. you complained about her feet being cold once, when you were snuggling, and ever since you mentioned it, tara realised she's the perfect height to press a cold foot right onto your back. she does it when she wants to start a play-fight, and it works like a charm every time
you're annoyed by it, but it definitely does make her laugh
lorraine day
your height is immediately what lorraine clocks onto, when she first sees you, because she's coming back from a shoot, getting dropped off by RJ, and she sees you in the distance, hopping a fence like it's no effort at all, when the same fence is a pain for lorraine to climb
you're the new ranch hand that her father hired while she was gone, and when she officially meets you, the both of you don't exactly get off on the right foot
you don't actually say much, which is something her father warned her of before you were introduced, but she at least expected some kind of "hello." instead, you just stare down at her from the shadow of your hat with a neutral nod, and then go off to get back to work. no giving her your name, no asking her any questions, no interest whatsoever
she doesn't know if she's more offended by your lack of manners or more upset you don't seem anywhere near as curious about her as she is about you
your height makes you ideal for most ranching activities though. you easily climb up and down from your horse and you're a speedy, fast rider.
when lorraine is on her shorter breed of horse, you're still as tall as her shoulders, and you help her get ready to go out on her horse with you and her father, even if it is wordlessly
she's only heard you speak a few times, and it's mostly been laughing with her father, which abruptly stops when lorraine gets close enough
after a rare bit of rain, lorraine's boots are slippery, and she slides out of the stirrup when dismounting way quicker than she was ready for. luckily, you're there to catch her, and she collides against you, pretty much right into your arms
unfortunately, you both fall back into a pile of horse shit, and the next thing she knows, she's hearing a nice, airy laughter coming from you. she's damn sure it's the first time she's seen you smile or laugh, and it's got her laughing too
she apologises, but you say "it's nothin," and you both kind of naturally grow closer from there
you help her up onto her horse, when she's without a saddle. you're tall enough to do so, and you hoist her up gently and set her on the animal's back with a small smile, and it kind of makes her heart beat real fast
it turns out the rough and tough cowboy exterior is a false image of you lorraine created in her mind. you're actually just a quiet, hot, tall, dork
you're feeding her horse a carrot or something, about to go out and do your job with lorraine eager to tag along, and she doesn't know what comes over her, but she leans down a little and plants a kiss right on your lips
she's the champion of sitting on stuff to reach your face: a fence, her horse, a hay bale. she likes being above you for once, and you're not complaining whatsoever
she tugs on the belt loop of your jeans when she wants you to lean down and kiss her. she also absolutely steals your baseball cap, and then to be funny, your cowboy boots, and she laughs about how big on her the cowboy boots are and clomps around in them
her family house has low ceilings, so it's kind of a pain to walk through, especially in your boots. for the most part, you live above the barn because of the higher ceilings, and sometimes (most nights) lorraine sneaks out to see you
she absolutely loves to sit on your shoulders. it's not especially comfortable for you, but you let her do it at the town events like fireworks and festivals and stuff. she sits on your shoulders for a "better view," and she'll rest her chin on top of your head
sorry to RJ, he's getting dumped the moment he comes back into town
cairo sweet
she doesn't even really realise you're tall at first, because she just sees you in your chair, on the second day of the new semester
you're new in town, a transfer kid and a cross country prodigy, with record times and future athletic scholarships up the wazoo, owed partially to being much taller than average. but the two most annoying things about you is that you can write, and you've read mr. miller's book
mr. miller seems rather pleased with having you in his class, and immediately it makes cairo hate you. her whole plan pretty much crumbles with you now in the way, and she absolutely loathes you for it
her new plan becomes to seduce you and distract you from school, and it works because you do harbour a giant, absolutely massive crush on her
your mother, who's also your coach, wants you to stay focused on athletics and not let cairo get in the way, but talking to her makes you melt, and when she finds you one day, in the locker room after everyone's left, you immediately cave when she sloppily kisses you and shoves her tongue into your mouth
your height is ideal for picking her up and pushing her back against the lockers, while her legs wrap around your waist
tree climber core again
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she says it's just a scheme, but after you earnestly ask her out on a date and you both have a fantastic time, cairo's master plan goes out the window, and she just enjoys you for you
she goes to all of your meets, and she'll stand at the railing of the bleachers, and watch you with a smile (she's too fancy to cheer like a soccer mom out loud, but know she's really rooting for you on the inside)
you're like that one track couple at the olympics, if y'all have seen the clip. you finish your run in first place, qualifying for the state competition, and before anyone can congratulate you, you're running in cairo's direction, at the bleachers.
you're tall enough to the point that you just stand there on the ground, and cairo leans over the railing and kisses you, pulling away to cup your cheeks
your height is definitely a plus, in that when cairo is especially miffed at something mr. miller said or another student, after class, she'll grab your arm and wrap it around her shoulder
you barely fit on your twin-sized mattress, but cairo owns a king in her massive ass house, so it's a plus, whenever you go over to her place to "study"
just like with wednesday, when you're over at her house, you're the person who grabs her books off her shelf for her. she'll whisper a thanks and press a kiss to your cheek. sometimes she'll stand behind you and watch you grab a book off the shelf, just to see the stretch in your muscles and watch you move. she's just thinking "i'm no better than a man" while it happens
she love love loves to lay on top of you, on the sofa, when she's got a book to read. she'll just lay back against your chest, in your embrace, with a book in hand
she'll borrow your jacket, even though she complains it doesn't match her style, but it still swims on her
absolutely loves to be princess-carried to her bed when she falls asleep on the couch reading. she'll fall asleep because it's just too comfortable there, and you'll carry her up the stairs and tuck her in
she also grabs your collar and tugs you down to her for a kiss. either that, or she'll tug on your sleeve, which you now know is cairo saying she wants a kiss or a hug
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keydekyie · 2 years
Is there anything from books I or II your surprised no one has picked up on yet, or even commented on?
Oh there's definitely a couple things! Mostly little worldbuilding things here and there, some things I've set up for later books that haven't paid off yet and probably didn't register as important on a first read, some character background stuff, things characters mentioned in passing, y'know. But I'd like to let people find things on their own. I've also received some asks with speculations that would reveal spoilers if I shared them, so I haven't answered them yet.
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frameacloud · 3 months
Some fact checks about plurality
The "Bible of psychiatry" is the DSM. In 1994, the DSM changed the name of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This was in response to a moral panic where critics claimed that the condition was fake.
The original and current diagnostic criteria do not require trauma for DID (or MPD) (DSM-III, p. 259; DSM-III-R, p. 272; DSM-5-TR, p. 331).
The international counterpart of the DSM is the ICD-11. Its essential features for DID do not require trauma, either.
Both books say that not all cases of multiple personalities are a disorder or a severe impairment. Psychiatry recognizes that medicalizing them is not always appropriate.
Plurality (or multiplicity) is a community umbrella term for many ways of being more than one person in a body. Psychiatrists who know enough about DID are aware of it. Plurality includes but is not the same as DID.
The community has always included plurals who formed for reasons other than trauma. Dividing the community by excluding non-traumagenic plurals and calling them fake is new. That only started in August 2014 on Tumblr, unheard of elsewhere.
When that started, a trauma-caused DID system created the word "endogenic." This means plurals who formed naturally rather than from trauma. The Lunastus Collective coined it in solidarity with them.
(Similarly, the coiner of another umbrella term, "alterhuman," is a member of a traumagenic OSDD system who supports endogenic plurals. The purpose of that word is for plural systems to unite with other sorts who differ from usual definitions of human individual, valuing what we do and do not have in common, instead of in-fighting about who is more legitimate.)
Community historian LB Lee gives several good reasons why-- as trauma-surviving plurals-- they choose not to call themselves "traumagenic" or divide the community by origins. If I may briefly paraphrase a couple of these: If you see suffering as your whole foundation of who you are, then you have a more difficult time envisioning a better situation. If you want others to respect you, a losing strategy is to put down people who are seen as similar to you.
Neither psychiatry nor the greater community of plurals see trauma history as an important distinction in determining whether someone is plural.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 years
As he climbed over the side of the Hammerhead, he turned back to his son and shouted, "Come ON, Hiccup!"
Someone remember he has a son again! (Yes, this is apparently the time to be salty.)
And Toothless agrees to abandon ship, as he should because the Lucky Thirteen has caught fire due to some very flammable wine. But Hiccup doesn't want to leave yet because Fishlegs is still in Berserk mode and he has his eyes set on Alvin!
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A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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sage-nebula · 23 days
Little headcanons I have about Stan and Ford's childhood, and their statuses as the golden child and the scapegoat in the eyes of their father Filbrick:
I think that, prior to starting school, there is every likelihood that their positions in Filbrick's eyes were reversed: that Stan was the golden child, while Ford was the scapegoat -- the "extra Stan," if you will. I think this is likely for a couple of reasons; Stan's personality was bolder from the outside, more confident and naturally more aggressive, and therefore more traditionally "masculine." By contrast, Ford was shyer, less confident, less "manly." And then, of course, there is Ford's extra finger -- a "deformity," an "imperfection," something that could have been seen by a man as terrible as Filbrick was as an imperfection, something he was absolutely "not impressed" by.
So it is possible that, before the boys entered kindergarten, that Stan was the favored twin while Ford was the neglected one. Of course, the boys were very young for most of these years; they wouldn't remember most of them. But they would remember some of them, and then they entered school . . .
I headcanon that Stan was hit with the double whammy of learning disabilities: both dyslexia and dyscalculia. Unfortunately for Stan, he was a child in the 1960s. Research on both of these learning disabilities was still underway, to the point where a consensus on the definition of dyslexia alone wouldn't be reached until 1968. It wouldn't appear in the DSM III until the 1980s, either. And don't even get me (someone who is afflicted with it) started on dyscalculia; most people still don't even know it exists now, in 2024, much less back then when Stan would have been in school.
So the boys are in school, and Stan is struggling because his learning disabilities make reading and mathematics very difficult for him. He is playing on hard mode. But Ford, who has neither of these disabilities, is able to breeze through his work and to the top of the class. And suddenly he is able to do something that impresses the father that, heretofore, saw him as an extra, as an embarrassment, as a weakling with a "deformity." Meanwhile, the previously preferred son is the one who is now being an embarrassment by not even being able to do simple addition and subtraction, by struggling to read books that are meant for kids even younger than he is no matter how hard he tries.
And so the positions flip. Ford becomes the golden child, Stan becomes the scapegoat.
When he's little, Stan really does try with his schoolwork. He really does. But no matter how hard he tries he still can't get it to make sense in his brain, and his father and his teachers insist that he's just not trying, that he doesn't care, that he's lazy, that he's a slacker no matter what he does, so eventually he stops trying. Because if they're going to say he's not trying anyway, and if he's not going to get it even when he does try, then why bother? What's the point? So he gives up and decides to just copy Ford's homework.
And as for Ford, well . . . he realizes at some point somewhat early on that there is something up with the way Stan processes things. Of course, as a child, he doesn't know about things like "dyslexia" or "dyscalculia" either. But he'll see Stan look at a math problem, and go to copy it down, and the numbers will be transposed. Or he'll see Stan read a word out loud and mispronounce it as if the letters are flipped. And he thinks, there's something going on here, Stan's not doing this on purpose. But he's afraid to say anything. Because what if there is something wrong, and they get it fixed, and then suddenly Stan is just as good at school as Ford is? And then Stan is their father's favorite again, and Ford is once again just the unwanted, deformed extra? He can keep Stan from flunking out of school by letting Stan copy his homework. Their father won't be impressed with him, but so long as Ford lets him copy his homework and cheat off his tests, it'll be okay. That'll be fine. Ford remembers just enough of early childhood (and sees enough of the way Filbrick treats Stan) to know that he doesn't want to be the scapegoat again. The guilt eats at him, but he feeds it the justifications that he is still helping Stanley, anyway, by helping him cheat. So he kept quiet.
Years later, when they're on the Stan-o-War II, memories of their childhood resurface. Ford thinks about Stan's difficulties doing homework, and thinks about how difficult reactivating the portal to bring him home must have been -- both the reading and the mathematical equations involved, all that Stanley pushed through for thirty years to accomplish something that, for him, should have been impossible. (And Ford feels guilty for thinking that, but it's nothing compared to how bad he feels for the nasty things he wrote about Stan's reactivating of the portal in his journal. His face burns with shame when he imagines Dipper and Mabel reading those pages, and he only hopes they didn't share them with Stanley.) He does inevitably bring it up one evening over Irish coffees.
"Stanley, did you ever get tested?" "For what, STDs? Yeah, a few times. Why, do you need to get -- " "NO, for the love of -- for a learning disability. For -- " "Whoa, time out, what're you suggestin' I'm disabled for? I know I'm not the smartest guy in the world -- hell, we all know I'm dumb as bricks -- but -- " "That's exactly -- not it. You aren't stupid. I think you have -- do you know what dyslexia is?" "Sounds like an STD for nerds." "I need more whiskey in this coffee."
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
Rivals at School? More like on Bed Pt III (Karina x M Reader)
You laid down on the street, still breathing, but definitely knocked out. People started rushing towards you, and the last person to do so is Jimin, the person you tried to get away from. She gasped as she saw your body, on the verge of tears, before she composed herself, rushing to your body, taking your helmet off before she, and others, helped you get into her car, before she drove off to the nearest hospital.
Once at the hospital, you were guided to the ER by the nurses while Jimin follows you but one of the nurse interrupts her, asking her to wait at the waiting room, and she reluctantly follows her orders. Jimin grabbed her phone, looking through her phone book, before she called a certain person. Ring.....
"Did you remember what I said would happen if you ever ring me again?" The person on the other side of the phone picked up Jimin's call. "Ahyeon, not now. It's about Y/n, he's in an accident. He's in Park Memorial now, they're in ER." Jimin told her shortly, before she heard Ahyeon hung up the phone.
It took another hour before the nurse got out of the ER. "Excuse me ms, are you a relative of Mr Park Y/n?" The nurse asked. "No, I'm...... his girlfriend." Jimin replied, shocking herself as she identified her as his girlfriend. "Well, ma'am, we're happy to report that he didn't sustain any major injuries apart from some broken ribs and a bruised collarbone. He's currently resting on room 3100, the VVIP room for our owning family. You may visit him, he's currently asleep." The nurse reported, and Jimin nodded at her.
Jimin decided to visit his room, and saw him asleep, breathing unaided. She moved her shirt by a bit to see his collarbone, and she was devastated to see how bruised it was. She then took a chair, before sitting down to his side. "Y/n, where do I even start. I'm sorry. I chickened out. I broke your trust, and I feared that you'll start bullying, insulting and doing thoughtless things to me, which is why I held my guard high. I realized it too little to late that I've fell in love with you, and there's nothing I can do now, I've truly broke your trust tonight. I'm sorry, I love you, and I'll leave you alone from now on." She said, sobbing into tears. She got up and pecked you on the lips, before leaving the room, hoping that you heard her words. Unbeknownst to her, you truly heard all of her words, and you felt relieved, and happy, hearing her words, knowing you felt the same way with her.
Jimin left your room and headed for the elevator but as she got to the elevator, she was greeted by your sister, Ahyeon, as well as your parents. Ahyeon saw Jimin's sad and teary face and rushed to her, hugging her, trying to comfort Jimin. Jimin hugged her back and started crying more onto Ahyeon's shoulders.
After a short while, the two pulled out of the hug. "Is he okay?" Ahyeon asked. "Yeah. They say he only suffered broken ribs and a bruised collarbone. He's asleep right now. They also said his alcohol level on his blood was quite high, so he might forgot the last few hours." Jimin replied. "Thank you Jimin. For saving him." Your parents said, and hugged her. Your parents went into your room and left Ahyeon and Jimin out there.
"So, you told him didn't you?" Ahyeon asked Jimin, fully knowing what she meant. "Yeah. I couldn't bear the pressure. I had to." Jimin replied. "Be honest with me, how did you got first on the scene?" Ahyeon asked, and Jimin gave a terrified look, knowing that the other Jung might kill her for this. Jimin then guided Ahyeon to sit down, as she tell her the full story.
"So, we went partying at Aeri's place. Neither of us knew that we attended the party until Aeri introduced us. Then, after Aeri's request, he started explaining about how he got and lost his last fling, which obviously was me. After he finished the story, he grabbed a bottle of vodka and started drinking it. I tried to stop him, and eventually did, but the words were out too late. He faced me with the truth, the reality of what I did to him, not noticing how he can be affected by my actions. So, he left afterwards on his bike, and I followed him on my car. Then, at the intersection, I caught up to him and he started speeding up. As he crossed the intersection, I think he braked a bit, before getting hit by a car and eventually crashing." Jimin told Ahyeon the whole story, now crying even more.
"I'm sorry Ahyeon, I should've not done that." Jimin added. "NO! I mean, I'm obviously sad that you got involved in my brother's accident, but I understand your view, like, you're chasing someone you love." Ahyeon said, before adding, "So, what's next?" "I'll let him be. He's suffering from my actions, so I'll leave him." Jimin said, and Ahyeon reluctantly nodded, before Jimin got up and left the hospital.
(Timeskip to 11 AM)
You saw light. The first thing you did was opened your eyes, and you were shocked at the light, immediately groaning. This also caused you to feel pain on your bodies, mainly your ribs and collarbone. You saw Ahyeon, asleep by your side, so you grabbed her hair and pulled it. "Fuckkk." Ahyeon groaned as she woke up, seeing your smirk. She then gasped, before launching herself onto you, hugging you. "OPPA!!!" "ARGH!" You groaned, feeling your ribs again. "Thank god you're awake." Ahyeon said, and you smiled, feeling relieved.
"Yeah. By the way, who brought me here?" You asked Ahyeon, looking for confirmation. "Jimin unnie did." She replied. "Oh." You said. "You know, why don't the two of you just fuck again and get together?" Ahyeon asked you, and you grabbed a pillow to smack her on the face. "I wish it's that easy." You replied. "It is. Just get to her condo, give her chocolates and fuck her." Ahyeon replied, as you grabbed another pillow and smacked her again.
"I heard her confession. When I was asleep." You said, and Ahyeon smirked at you. "See, you know how she feels about you, and I know you feel the same way too. Just do it then!" Ahyeon encouraged you. You contemplated about it, before your parents entered the room. "Y/N!!!!" The two of you screamed and hugged you.
(Timeskip to a week later)
You were discharged from hospital 4 days ago and now, you already returned to school. You took your car, a black G63 AMG, and drove it there, along with your twin sister of course. You parked your car at your usual spot, and as you got out of the car, you noticed Jimin's car, but without her presence. You then walked to class, sitting next to Ni-Ki as your first class, AP Calculus, began.
(Timeskip to lunch break)
You got out of class, parting with Ni-Ki as he had dance class meeting. You decided that you wanted to eat, so you put your bag into your locker before walking to the canteen. As you walked, you spotted Jimin on her locker, along with Aeri next to her.
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You decided to walk to her, and held her hand. "Jimin-ah, can we talk?" You ask her. "Sure. Let's do it here." She replied. "No." You said. She was about to say something, but before she could, you held her hand and walked towards the furthest classroom, which was situated at the corner, and you could say that it's also a storage facility since it's not used.
You opened the door and entered the room, not forgetting to lock the door after she's inside. You grabbed two chairs, sitting down as she did so too in front of you.
"Thank you. Thank you for saving me and bringing me to the hospital." You said to her. "Of course y/n. I'm also sorry, for triggering the events that happened before the crash." She replied. "No. It's my fault too. I should've not drank too much." You told her, and she nodded. You then reached into your pockets and gave her a cadbury, her favorite type of chocolate. She took it, muttering a quiet 'thanks' before grabbing it and standing up, walking towards the door.
"Jimin-ah, I heard your confession." She then froze, literally, at your words, not believing how she got caught. You then stood up, walking towards her and turning her around. "I uh, that time I also didn't know how to react, but now I know." You told her, before leaning into her lips, kissing it. She replied with the same intensity, wrapping her arms around your neck as you moved your hands onto her thighs, caressing it before you lift her up, earning a shriek from her as you two continued making out, her legs wrapping your hips as you walked towards the couch.
You sat down on the couch before you started moving your hands onto her clothes, unbuttoning them one by one as you moved your kisses downwards onto her jawline and neck. Once unbuttoned, you saw her exposed body, covered in a white push-up bra. You then lowered one of the cups, leaning into her tits, sucking it. "AHHHH!" Jimin moaned, enjoying your tongue on her tits. She starts grinding on your cock, before stopping and reaching for your trousers, unbuttoning them and lowering them, exposing your cock out onto the open air.
She starts stroking your cock, making you groan more. "Are you safe?" You ask her, and she nodded, assuring you. You moved your hands down to her skirt, going under her skirt as you set her panties aside, fingering her. She starts moaning as she strokes your cock harder, trying to match your fingering speed. It didn't take long for before you reached your climax so you stopped sucking her tits and started kissing her again, rubbing her clit aggressively as you came on her stomach, dropping your load intensely, before Jimin clenched and came on your fingers as well. "Ahhhh!" The two of you groaned, reaching your orgasm. After you two came down from your highs, you took a tissue and cleaned her up, before wearing your pants again, as well as fixing her clothes.
"As much as I wanna fuck you and bend you over, breeding you, we have class in 5 minutes." You told her. "My place, 8 PM, tonight." She instructed, before hopping off you, leaving you in the room.
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