#deku didn't even get an all might pose
sapphic-agent · 15 days
You wanna know who the #1 beneficiary of the tech power creep is in this series? Momo. One thing this mech suit shows is that Momo totally wasted her time trying to beat people with sticks. The idea of trying to create items in a battle as a form of problem solving is stupid, or at best, should be done as a last resort. Her power was always meant for technology. That's the true power in this world. She should have been trying to be Ironman. You know how All Might spent his fortune on the suit, and that was meant to be a limiting factor as to why this tech can't be widely used? Well, guess who has the ability to generate materials with no cost. Even the idea of her inventions requiring studying to make things more complex stops holding water when you look at the torture device she tried to strap Midoriya into during Class A vs Deku. She made that in an instant and it posed an immediate threat. What could she make if she wasn't trying to do it during stressful battles with enemies right in front of her? So, her limiting factor really is her ability to study advanced concepts and have people explain them to her, and most importantly, what an author is willing to let her do. The path forward for her was always to pay people smarter and more educated than her to invent things and then she can have them explain it to her so she can recreate it. If her family had paid the cost to design that Iron Might suit, then she'd pay it. Once. And then be able to use the schematics to create as many of them as she wants. Or better yet, make killer robots except use the tech inside of the suit. Create an entire army of them so she never has to be in any sort of danger at all. Control them remotely. UA has been shown to have advanced AI robots who have personalities. Said bots have enough restraint to never kill any of the kids in the sports festival or entrance exam. This could be used for hero work. This also gets into what a valuable resource Mei Hatsume is and how if you wanted Momo to be a god, you could just have them meet in middle school. Mei just has to design a working device, once, and then Momo can study it and forever use it. What could she come up with, if the idea was that Momo would hide somewhere, perhaps in an APC, while she uses drones and robots to fight at a distance? Energy/food costs for her also aren't a concern. She's clearly able to output more energy than she takes in, given she can create cannons and things that weigh more than her. So she could use up all of her lipids creating a dead meat cube that contains as many calories as she's capable of packing into an object, then eat it. And repeat this process as needed.
This is definitely interesting.
Momo absolutely has the potential to be the most OP in the series. Horikoshi originally wanted to give her quirk to a pro but recognized that someone experienced would nerf the entire story.
I don't necessarily think that making things for problem-solving is the issue; I think it's way more that Horikoshi just didn't have the creativity for it. Like you said the entrapment device she made during 1A vs Izuku was maybe her most effective creation. Instead of disinfectant, imagine she made poison gas and simply knocked Kendo and the other 1B students out (not sure if she can create chemical reactions, but she could theoretically cause one by using components right).
I doubt she would be comfortable doing next to nothing as a hero. I do wish we knew her motivations, but relying purely on her money while doing minimal work doesn't paint a great picture for her. I like that in canon she doesn't rely on her status or wealth for hero work, she relies on her intelligence.
Momo should be an underground hero. She could be the equivalent of Batman (no this isn't my love for Batman over Iron-Man talking), strategizing and having any gadget she needs at her disposal. I would love to see more tech incorporated into her work as a hero. I also wouldn't mind the bo staff if she was allowed to actually use it like a bo staff (seriously she barely does anything with it what's the point of giving it to her. Nah give my girl a sword and let her cut people)
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itsumoegao · 21 days
'❓' + Two questions: How did you come up with Black Swan AU? And what are your pet peeves when it comes to rp? (nuravity)
☠ ― Send '❓' + a question to ask the MUN.
[[ A mun after my soul, legit, I love talking about this verse sm ;; THANK YOU !!
I'll answer the pet peeve rq. Unless the other person's muse is a legit mind reader, no, your muse can not read mine's thoughts. It drives me nuts when another mun's muse physically reacts to something my muse thought about. Ex. My muse is thinking about getting a glass of water or something to drink then other mun's muse gets up and pours them a drink.
Ok, it is a nice gesture that your muses did that but no... mine was thinking. I know that probably sounds like something not worth getting annoyed over but it does.
Back to the 1st question !
So short story: I wanted to challenge myself.
Long Story:
Before I made this blog, I was speaking with my wife, @shiningxfates about her Bakugou and she mentioned something along the lines of "I have roleplayed with villain Dekus before." and I remembered thinking "Oh goodness! Villain Deku?? How would that sweet baby bean be a villain??" It just sounded so foreign and jarring to me, this kid with the lifelong dream to be a hero... be written as a villain.
I can't recall when or how this next discussion happened but she said something like "It's popular for Deku to turn into a villain from 1 of 2 ways. From Katsuki's bullying or during Deku's vigilante arc." Note, I have a horrible memory so I can't recall the exact words or even when this was said but that was the jist of it.
And it got me thinking.
If those two were the most common ways, I wanted to make my own villain verse but not with those origins. I added a quirkless factor to make it more challenging. Y'all. That was difficult as hell. I do recall wracking my brain for days, trying to think what would motive Izuku into being a villain outside of the bullying and since he would be quirkless, how would he turn so soon since he received All Might's consideration in episode 2.
One thing stood out to me. Izuku had said in episode 1 "Mom, that's not what I needed you to say." Izuku ... what do you mean by needed ? Why did you need to hear her say 'You can be a hero' ? Which then lead to the fact that All Might first said to him "Some Villains can't be defeated without a quirk." and then the pro heroes berated him for stepping in and trying to save Katsuki.
There was the motivation. Remember the saying "All things come in threes" ? Three times. We hear his dream crushed 3 times. It's ok if Black Swan Origin hasn't been read yet but there is something I want to point out which I don't know if anyone noticed. In the Origin, Izuku asks Why to his mom, All Might and to the Pros.
He never directed this to Katsuki.
Towards the end, Izuku says "Lies. Lies. Lies." To what his mother, All Might and the Pros said to him. To what Katsuki said, he didn't utter "Lies." Izuku doesn't blame him at all for taking this path. His motivation, after hearing he could not be a hero, was to prove them wrong by defeating heroes.
I wracked my brain again because Izuku is very intelligent and I wanted to convey that. I remember Hawks infiltrating LOV as a Spy and I thought "If there is a spy in the Swan's ranks, how can he stay discreet when it comes to discussing which Pro hero he is taking down?" I gave him a gambling habit, to gain money, but it also worked for him to give the heroes code names via suit cards.
And making his public face that of a woman came from the saying "False information is worse than no information." I try to keep him many steps ahead. Hell, all of the heroes who go missing... they're not dead. They're basically used as leverage in case he ever gets captured.
As for the name well, in finances, the term Black Swan means "a rare, unpredictable, and random event that poses significant downside risk"
Black Swan also means "an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect and severe consequences"
Izuku also has a very slender body, like a swan but there's a more obvious reason why he picked it. Esp if you saw the first episode of MHA. Some time after I made my Black Swan verse, I asked my waifu what kind of traits does Quirkless Villain Izuku have and she said "He is usually a hacker." Which I can see but I prefer the one I made, a chess master ! ]]
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
On Giving AFO the Chainsaw Man Treatment
Below the cut, find a pair of asks about the chances of AFO's threat being resolved in a similar way as Chainsaw Man deals with its Act I villain. I'm not planning to actually discuss that CSM resolution, but even a passing description of it represents a major spoiler to anyone who's only following the anime, so hit the jump only if that's not an issue for you.
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I gotta say, anons, if anyone in this series has to get age-reversed for a do-over, my first choice would be AFO.
Forgive me; I'm going to talk a lot about the widespread Age-Reversed Shigaraki prediction below. I know you didn't bring up Shigaraki at all—for all I know, you hate that theory just as much as I do!—but most of my familiarity with Baby!AFO is through that filter, so it's through that filter my answer comes. But I don't think either character should get age-reversed, which I'll get to in the latter half of this post. Please just skip to the next bold header if you don't want to read me comparing the two.
Better AFO Than Shigaraki:
So like, as far as I'm aware, the general assumption is that if Shigaraki (the only other candidate for whom reversion to infancy is ever proposed) is rewound to an infant, he’ll truly be an infant, with his memories wiped clean.  And this, it's implied, will give him some kind of moral clean slate whereby the person who committed all the many, many crimes Shigaraki has committed will have “died” and therefore be beyond punishment.
If that would be morally acceptable for Shigaraki Tomura—arguing that the person who caused all that harm and death doesn’t exist anymore—why would it not be morally acceptable for AFO?  If the people who lost homes and loved ones to Shigaraki would be expected to just let bygones be bygones because That Is A Child, why would the same not be true of those AFO hurt?
Of course, the easy answer is that Shigaraki is himself a victim of AFO, whereas AFO is not—so far as we know—the victim of anyone.  Thus, Shigaraki is perceived to be deserving of a second chance, while AFO is not.  But if the karma gets wiped clean regardless—if you can make AFO a better person instead of killing him, give him a chance to grow up as a person who will put good into the world instead of bad—I don’t see the two as being all that different.
If anything, I think it’s a better answer for AFO than it is for Shigaraki.  Narratively speaking, Shigaraki is a product of Hero Society’s failures as much as he is AFO’s upbringing, so addressing those failures is every bit as important as saving him from AFO for the challenge he presents to feel adequately resolved.  AFO, conversely, isn’t challenging a bunch of societal mores,[1] so I feel like the story giving him a do-over wouldn’t feel like it was trying to sneakily evade answering that challenge by raising him up as a good little law-abiding, paradigm-accepting citizen.
Also, the heroes having to deal with Baby!AFO is much, much funnier than them having to deal with Sweet Blameless Tenko.  As someone who staunchly believes that All Might has done sweet fuck-all to earn some kind of saccharine Dad Might Raises Baby Tenko ending, I would far rather see him having to navigate the fraught waters of raising the innocent child version of his lineage’s archenemy.
It Won't Be Either of Them, Though:
All that said, I think it’s going to be a moot point regardless because Ujiko’s little Rewind serum is clearly not working on AFO’s memories, nor was the raw version, so to speak, ever shown to affect Deku or Mirio’s.  Baby!AFO with his memories intact doesn’t solve the problem AFO presents at all, any more than it would for Baby!Shigaraki.  At best, it might reduce the raw physical threat they pose, but if their mentality is unchanged, it’s just kicking the problem down the line for a decade or two.
Even setting the memory issue aside, though, AFO has been pretty clear that the serum has put him on a timer.  He’s fretting about getting to Shigaraki because there’s something he needs to do before he, like Eri’s father,[2] gets Rewound to nonexistence.  I suppose there are ways around this—having Erasure work on the serum’s ongoing effect, having the serum just run out of efficacy before it can eat through AFO’s prodigious lifespan, etc.—but from the current setup, I don’t think a Nayuta-style resolution to AFO is on the table.
And It Shouldn't Be:
And that's just as well. While I think Baby!AFO would be funny, I can really only say that because AFO as we have him here in the endgame is so two-dimensional that he barely registers as having an identity to lose to the ego death of reversion to infancy.
That ego death is why I don't much care for resolutions that involve returning a villain to infancy. Usually, when I see that plot, the unspoken reasoning runs that the affected character had their life and innocence stolen from them, and thus they deserve a second chance at being happy and having a normal childhood. Maybe that's a comforting thought for some people, and I wish those people well of it.
To me, though, it smacks unpleasantly of rhetoric that says that once someone has been hurt enough, scarred enough, changed enough by their suffering, they might as well just die and start over because they're too damaged to ever find happiness again, so why bother trying? I am Extremely Not Here for that message.[3]
Now, there's probably a whole different discussion to be had about how that plot reads symbolically when the author/readers believe in reincarnation. I have no idea where Horikoshi falls on that in the Shinto/Buddhism spectrum most of Japan occupies. Still, I don't know that it can rightly be called reincarnation, if the person has to grow up with the exact same name they had before and is probably being raised by someone who remembers everything they did under that name previously and is always going to have half an eye on making sure they don't grow up the same way again. That's a pretty lousy "new life," isn't it?
IRL subtext aside, I'm also against the idea because, as I mentioned earlier, Magically A Baby Again is too easily used as an end run around having to meaningfully address a character's anger, trauma, wickedness, or whatever motivation is so insurmountable that it can only be defeated by completely obliviating it. That definitely shouldn't happen to Shigaraki, but even with AFO, it feels like it would serve the same function as a Disney Falling Death: remove the villain's menace without dirtying your heroes' sparkling clean hands with the moral responsibility for a death.
Thanks for the asks, anons, and your patience.
------------------ FOOTNOTES ------------------ 1:  Narratively speaking, I mean.  Obviously, as The Supervillain Of All Time, AFO challenges all kinds of societal mores!  But the reader isn’t encouraged to think of those challenges as legitimate the way they are with Shigaraki.
2:  And it only just occurred to me in writing this, if Eri’s quirk requires the consumption of her horn to power the Rewind effect, and we saw it go from Very Large to Tiny Nub just in taking six months off Mirio, what on earth is the explanation for her Rewinding her father out of existence?
3: This is also why I've got zero time for the whole idea that "Shigaraki Tomura" has no meaningful existence of his own; that the thing going by that name is just fifteen years of AFO's Grooming caked on top of an inner perfectly innocent, perfectly preserved, Shimura Tenko.
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Thanks for da likes and follows from the beautiful (I had a little malfunction there I forgot how to write beautiful hehe..) people and.... My Todoroki one got likes a little fast so what's my hero academia without cinnamon roll deku right?
Spelling mistakes, wrong use of words sorry about those
This is FLOOF I mean simply Fluff! And a UNLIMITED CUTE IZUKU MIDORIYA!! Ahem... Carrying on....
•sometimes, you should thank the friend that exposed your liking towards someone•
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It was a beautiful day.. the sun was smiling.., PERFECT temperature, the wind taking your hair on a ride, you didn't feel sleepy, and you were early .
You were peacefully sitting on your chair inside your class untill one of your classmates arrive. As you were zoning off staring into a Blank wall while imaging a fake scenario of you being a total badass. You saw Kirishima enter the classroom, you were quiet amazed "you were the last person that was on my mind to enter the class this early.. I expected bakugo!" You said joyfully "oh no! He's here he was here before me technically but he went somewhere else to do something he told me it was none of my business" he said as he smiled at you with his shark like teeth showing witch is supposed to be scary but it made you we warm. "OI! Shitty hair did you take my drink?!?" He screamed which made both of you jump at his oh so angelic voice (he's pointing a gun at me 😭) "oh, yea you left it on the bench I took it because I thought you forgot it! Here.." he handed it over "DO YOU THINK IM THAT IRRESPONSIBLE HUH?!?" he shouted, but yet sounded like those angelic high notes in choirs (hElp 🙏) "dude it isn't like that! I jus-" he got cut off by the handsome spik- (OMG IM SORRY DONT KILL ME HAVE MERCY BAKUGO!) gentleman " WHA-" now he got cut off by the REAL ANGLE "Shut up! My brain can't process a fight this early so shh don't you have stuf- nvm" you cut off mid sentence because you didn't want anymore chaos happening.
Soon one by one of your classmates entered inside the classroom totally not looking like dead corpses. But as the dead was entering the spotlight was taken away by the All Might obsessed Izuku Midoriya approaching you and slapping two movie tickets on your desk "PLEASE COME TO THE MOVIES WITH ME BECAUSE NO ONE ACCEPTED MY INVITATION TO WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE... THAT DIDN'T MEAN THEY HATE IT OR SOMETHING THEY JUST DIDN'T-" you cutoff holy child's gibberish speaking and said "whoa dude, slow down are you ok and it isn't even that hot in here and you are sweating for a second I thought you fell into a pool!" You said as you tried to process everything he said "BAHAHAHAHAA, YOUR SO FUNNY BUT CAN YOU PLEASE GO WITH ME BECAUSE IM LONELY AND IM SCARES OF THE DAR-" he posed and thought about the words he said •they won't bully me about it right? I'm probably a definition of coward to them right now! But.. anything for Y/N-chan to come with me!• he thought in his clean mind "your scared of wha- nvm that but perfect timing Izuku because I wanted to got watch it really bad and I'm free too!" You said excitingly " OH REALLY!? Thank you so much!" He said as he started walking in a weird way...
You were done with your morning classes and now it's time for food ! You can't even remember what anyone said you don't even know what you had! You were still a little worried about Izuku's way of talking to you. You went to his women killing room mate and and scanned with your eyes around the lunch room to see if Izuku was near by so you can ask him and hopefully get rid of your curiosity " hey pokéball!" You said joyfully "oh hey Y/N, would you please consider not calling me pokéball I prefer icyhot or half-and-half" he said in his calm voice "oh hell no, besides I don't like copying you know? Never mind that but do you know what's up with Izuku?" You said curiously "oh, I think you mean the way he talked to you this morning right? He has a 'big crush' on you according to what I heard him say when he deflated himself on the floor as he regret saying he's afraid of the dark to someone..." He said "what!" You said as you formed into mina "yes, you should be careful.. I'll try talking him out of his thought of crushing you to death but lock your doors and windows before going to bed.." he said like a concerned father. "Huh? Never mind you and your thinking right Todoroki but are you sure he said ..'big crush?'" you whispered the two words "yes, oh look izuku's coming you should give him some space to sit we have important business to talk about-" he stopped as he saw your inner sonic appear as you ran fast. "Was Y/N talking to you?" Cinnamon butt cheeks said (oml what wrong with my simile's 😭) "yes, she asked me about you wired behavior and I said you have a big crush on her now you have no chance to crush her- Midoriya?" He said worriedly looking at his pale face "You- s-said w-h-what?.." he said dumfoundedly. "I said 'you have a big crush on he-" He was cutoff by a deflated balloon Midoriya on the floor.
You were getting all dolled up to accept or confess or whatever to be izuku's "OMG IN GONA BE A GIRLFRIEND!" You said excitedly. You went to izuku's dorm since he was late to show up to yours and knocked on his door " hey! Izuku!" You heard clashing inside of the room you got a little worried and said "hey, is everything... Okay?" You heard more clashing. You got worried so bad you tried opening the door surprisingly it was open "Izuku?" You said concerned •dammit why do I always forget to lock the door• Izuku cursed to him self while hiding under his bed "Izuk- hey what are you doing under the bed, bro what?" You said confusingly •oh, I got caught I'll just act like nothing happened maybe todoroki was just joking with me• he got out from the hiding place "uh... H-hi!" He said nervously "hey izu, didn't you get ready!?!" You said as you were looking at his face which made him have butterflies "oh yea, sorry about that I'll be quick stay here" he clumsily walked to the bathroom with his clothes and everything while celebrating the fact todoroki joked at him which is sus but what else should he think right?.
After a while you both got ready and started walking to cinema peacefully untill you decided to be brave and hold his hand "this is okay right?" You asked while trying to read his reaction 'y-yeah it-its fine" he said as he was turning to a pink flower that just got some butterflies attention. He held his stomach as he felt the butterflies going crazy in there "sooo.... I heard you have a crush on me is... Is this true or Is it just a lie" he froze then and there •of course todoroki didn't lie that's totally suspicious of him-• "umm.. I know your too shy to admit so let me just say I like you too.. Izuku Midoriya" you said as you rubbed your neck nervously.
He's falling... not to mention he fell into a soft surface that was suspicious.. the ground is normally hard and he is supposed to be bleeding to death by now.. he looked up and saw you red face after a few seconds he has processed the fact that he was on y/n's soft cuddlable boobies, he turned into a beetroot as he started mumbling apologies to you and saying he should suffer himself for doing this to you "ARE YOU Crazy izu? It was just an accident besides you didn't tell me the answer... " you grabbed his face and made him get face you and said "you like me or not sweetie?" You said Izuku was internally dieing it was so damn hot "YE-yes i- I lov- like you v-veh-very muha-much.." he said as he was falling apart by being so close to your face. he successfully built his confidence to kiss you and he tried leaning in but.." so you just like me? I was told you loved me though.." You said dramatically you were technically the queen of teasing so it's your job to tease ya know? "Huh... Oh-oha-ohaky u-uh i-i l-loa-louw you vewy much" he said as you were squeezing his freckled red cheeks and then he finally received his price "good boy!" You kissed him gently and I took him to a trip to cloud 9 "thank you momm-" he said but the last word made you smirk "what did you just say?" You said smug "NOTHING" He shouted "okay then, let's move on shall we, I don't like wasting prescious money on movie tickets and not going to them" you said as sarcasm dripped down like blood. "Okay.." he said as you both held hands and made your way to you movie...
I hope ya'll like it if you like my work please feel free to double tap and give me a note a.k.a like
If you wanna see more of my work feel free to follow me to and sorry about the spelling mistakes and all babes! Love ya! Goddesses and have a great day byeees!..
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knowlessman · 6 months
okay, if every episode is 20-odd minutes, then I should have about 2 hours and change left of this arc. …I'm gonna end up making it at least 4 aren't I. bnha s6e20-25
"My Villain Academia." "okay class, say hi to Mr Rotten, he'll be subbing in for this one" saxophones start up
I remember hearing about a song from this show called You Say Run. …Was that one of the other openings? …shit, looks like it was and I didn't even notice. plays song I… don't really recognize it? : / Like, it's good, just… generic. Maybe it's been playing throughout the show whenever stuff gets real and I just kind of didn't take notice of it cuz it seems to be an instrumental.
Merry-Go-Round does go pretty hard tho
don't you have hedgehogs to plot against?
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Tomura: "I'll burn it all down. The most beautiful horizon you've ever seen!" Toga: "except for Deku, right?" Tomura, prolly already killing her in his mind: "of cooourse"
okay so that weird duck-dog thing controls the puke-teleport quirk ig
"his body gets bigger during combat. he attacks every three hours. he finds shigaraki no matter where he hides" okay so, you get a million dollars, but there's this giant snail…
"a voice changer?" I mean, the principal of UA is a capybara or whatnot, why couldn't Twice's contact be a chipmunk?
Tomura: "You're right, Meta Liberation Army, I can't beat you." pointing over his shoulder at All for One's number one fan "But he can."
ah, it's not the little red book of commulism. it's the little red book of libertarianism.
buh? oh right, I forgot about Captain A-Pose 'XD guess it makes sense that a guy who looks so much like Mr Incredible would be a libertarian. : /
"they won't release the nomus. you don't have any; the last ones you had were weak; and you tried to get the last one you released back." Mr Green here making lots of assumptions. eh, or maybe he's just saying stuff hoping the hostage will accidentally tell him something
(toga's villain origin) so, yeah, more or less what you'd expect
oh, yeah, I guess we have seen this Giran guy before. dint recognize him without his glasses and cigarette
"I've been trying not to get hurt because I was worried that I was a clone!" huh. twice dun oops'd himself into a breakthrough. good for him, I guess? -- "so as I pray… Unlimited Shadow Clone Works" -- "what about your trauma?" "love and courage fixed everything!" 'XD love, courage, and crucially, the opponent accidentally unlocking your power because he didn't fully understand why you weren't using it
oh yeah, and Spinner's here too. completely forgot about him. …and about whether he even has a quirk.
♪ they were looking kind of dumb with their fingers and their thumbs in the shape of an L on their foreheads… ♪ (been thinking this since the first time Mr Green did it)
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"show the world that everyone is a hero, and no one is!" ohai syndrome, you got a very different gameplan this time around. heck, OG syndrome thought he was a commulist.
"I'm sure he will touch the tower. It's what I would do." …Twice's clones of other people can not only think, but know themselves well enough to predict what their originators will do. Twice makes smart zombies, like in Return of the Living Dead. Kinda hated that movie tbph; the zombies were OP. …Twice is OP, but in the cool way where you can still write a story around him. -- This also means that Twice is even more of a horror story than I thought; not only did he think he might be a clone, but the clones that he does make are entire people. It's like that one arc of Schlock Mercenary. … : / Or Mr Meeseeks I guess.
somebody skipped… uh, head day? okay, not so sure about that one tbh
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-- yeah this… okay no I did forget his name completely. Mr Green, then, has been reminding me of Mosquito from Soul Eater with the suit and the limb embiggening -- and the nose, come to think of it
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"that means you have big guts!"
"re-destro! it's coming your way!" 'XD I completely forgot about godzilla. on the one hand, it's starting to look like they won't need him, but on the other, they also might be able to handle him now, since the Liberation Army keep accidentally powering them up
full pants? and they're PINSTRIPED? dude, Bruce Banner and Ben Grimm are BOTH laughing at your fit
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(tenko villain origin) …well I guess this is easier to understand than Stain's gibberish, at least. oh joy, and there's a part 2. part 1 had him killing his dog, let's see if this gets darker than that
aye, bystander effect.
the sheer… accidental appropriateness of that episode being followed up by the OP coming in with "whoa, whoa, it's alright, everything will be alright" 'XD
(pajama sam's the new president of liberty city) …yup. absolutes about freedom tend to just become the freedom to oppress. the strong/rich get more freedom than anyone else, which in practice means they're the only ones who get any at all. -- "these nine people are my lieutenants. other than that, we do what we want!" no rules, but there's a chain of command, but no rules. -- also hang on, I thought Tomura said he'd split up the League after that fight during his epiphany? he said "after this, the rest of the League can do what they want"?
"Feel Good Inc"? Feel Good Inc? "Now watch me as I navigate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"
I must be hella shallow, Laserguts can turn his lasers into a sword now and I'm like "okay, maybe I could get to like him" 'XD yeah tho, gawd this random feelgood stuff with the UA kids is needed after all that heavy shit
"I never thought I'd be able to talk… normally? With Kacchan" Have better goals Deku, jesus. …The whole entire rest of this mess, well okay most of it, is stuff that more or less makes sense. Why is Bakugo? WHY is he?
"Tsukauchi wants you to postpone your meeting with Stain" !!!??? I thought the fucker was dead! …Gawddammit, I didn't want another chance to attempt parsing whatevertf his whole deal was. 'XD
"We all have an expeditionary assignment on the same day?" is it another tournament arc
…exactly. four. hours. maybe like ten minutes short of it. …well, que sera or whatever.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Number One Dad
Yagi Toshinori/All Might x gn!reader (familial/Dad Might)
Idk why I had a thing for writing dad fics but I am honestly not complaining (other than it's old writing so it's cringe /j)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 823
ao3 link to fic
"I am here!" a very dramatic voice called, sliding from a side room to the hallway, directly in your path. "With lunch!" The number one hero, All Might, turned to you in your small group of friends that consisted of Sero and Ashido, and held out a small brown paper bag.
"Oh, ah, thanks," you stammered. You awkwardly took the bag, keeping your head down as you walked around your pro hero father to avoid your friends' weird looks.
"What was that all about?" Ashido asked, yellow eyes looking back at All Might who walked back into the teacher lounge with that same grin stuck on his face.
"Yeah," agreed Sero, "and why did he give you a lunch?"
God, this was embarrassing. You knew he didn't mean anything by it, and it was a nice gesture, but nobody except for the teachers knew you were the child of the number one hero. You wracked your brain for an excuse, face red with embarrassment as you tried to pull yourself together.
"Oh, u-um, I must have forgotten it in his class earlier," you lied. If you gripped the paper bag any tighter it would tear right in half, you were sure. "It was nice for him to return it, huh?"
Ugh, jeez, why did your voice have to crack right at the end too? You just wanted to hide and never see the light of day again.
"Yeah, that was nice of him!" the pink haired girl agreed, seemingly oblivious.
"What else could you expect from the number one hero, All Might?" Sero added on, running ahead and turning around just to pose like your dad.
God your friends were so dumb. But, right now, it was a life saver.
"How was your bento?" your dad asked curiously, his eyes following you excitedly to hear your answer. He was now in his small form, no longer the extremely buff hero, but a scrawny, seemingly innocuous guy.
"It was really good, dad, but did you have to give it to me in front of my friends?" When you turned to look at him, he seemed downtrodden at the idea that he couldn't give you something in front of the rest of the class. "N-Not that it's a bad thing! It's just... no one knows you're my dad. So when you give me things, it looks more like teacher favoritism than anything else."
He nodded, hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't think about it that way," he muttered.
It was quiet for a few minutes as you put your school stuff away and got changed. But when you came back to the living room, he was sitting on the couch with a finger on his chin, thinking through everything he had done that made it seem like he was playing favorites with his class.
He'd done really well not giving you any special treatment in his class, which you appreciated. You wanted to become a hero and you couldn't do that if you were being held back, kept from your true potential. On the other hand, he wasn't very good at hiding his worry when you'd get a little scratch or bruise from training. It was all part of the job, he knew, but seeing his kid hurt hurt him.
You sat down next to him, leaning forward to see his face hidden behind his long bangs. "Dad, it's okay really," you said, voice quiet to not startle him too much. "I just know that you want to keep the fact I'm your kid a secret, but that just means being more careful about how you treat me in front of my friends at school."
Not even Deku knew about it. Of course, you knew your father transferred his power to him. You didn't mind; One For All sounded like a heavy burden and you wouldn't be able to carry it as well as Izuku did. Besides, you had a quirk derived from your mother's, so it kinda worked out anyway.
All Might sighed, looking at you from hollowed eye sockets. Of course, you were right. He had been a little careless, too worried about Deku and All For One coming back to power, he didn't even think about exposing you to the rest of the school or even the world should news get out.
"I just want to protect you."
You smiled at him. "I know, but I'm not a little kid anymore. I've learned how to protect myself, and my friends, too," you told him. "No matter what, I'll always be your kid. And I know you'll always have my back, dad."
He slowly grinned. It looked odd in this form, but it suited him just as much. You jumped up from the couch, hand in the air in a mighty stance.
"Now come on, Small Might, we have dinner to cook!"
"I told you not to call me that!"
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F.M.$. | Closet Perv HCs
/tw/dark content, dubcon, cuckolding, degradation, incest, voyeurism, exhibition,
Put yo ass, on my dick..
and pose on tha shit.
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many people confused his dislike of public speaking with meekness
social anxiety did not stop your boyfriend from fucking you in front of his two best friends
they both watched his beloved little sister grow up a few years after them, so it was only fair they got to see how big you'd gotten
"She can take all of you?" Neijire asks, knowing first hand how big Tamaki feels inside you, watching as he has you splayed out on his bed with his hands planted firmly on your hips so he can push his cock into you inch by inch in a relentless slide
not only was he long but he was thick and curved just right to make you lose your mind behind your gag (your slick panties he crammed in your mouth when you tried to tell him it didn't turn you on to get fucked in front of his friends) every time he bottomed out inside you, his heavy balls slapping against your ass- a requirement he'd given you once you'd turned 19
"After training her every weekend of her second year at UA? Yeah, my little princess can take every, inch, of her big brother's attention."
He grinned at the way your eyes crossed every time he used your favorite toy on your clit while he just kept you stuffed full of him, liking the way you trembled and clenched around his cock while you came again and again and again...
"Takes a while to warm her up for anything fun though." By 'fun' he meant throwing your ankles over his shoulders and pounding into you with enough force that you pulled the most sinful ahegao face every time his balls slapped against your ass
It always made you squirt and babble mindlessly, a mess of his name and pleas for more, for him to let you take a break, anything
But the next day he blushed bright red when you brought him his lunch at school
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he really didn't like having to guess what you really thought, even though it was your shyness that drew him to you in the first place, because guessing meant you might be hurt in someway and he wouldn't know
so after consulting Bakugou, Kirishima, and Midoriya on how they would get a shy partner to open up, you're bound and gagged and sat on his lap with his almost painfully thick shaft splitting you open
you're both at his desk, and he's going down a list of questions about hard and soft limits, preferences, kinks, anything else he can think of, and taking notes on how your pussy reacts
"Do you wish to be in control in our love making? It may seem redundant considering how you haven't stop gripping me since I got you like this, but I want to be thorough."
you hate that you can't stop your pussy from quivering around him when he asks if you like to be degraded, and with a carefully written note in the journal he has open in front of you both he murmurs almost too politely, "It's alright. It won't be hard to point out how slutty you are darling, you've been soaking my jeans for the past half hour."
and so it continues, until you've soaked the soft silk scarf gagging you in tears of frustration. you don't want to answer more questions you want to get fucked
but Sho tells you time and time again, "we're done when I say we're done."
and every question gets answered before he closes his journal, just like he promised.
but then you're bent over his desk being fucked within an inch of your life by a man who now knows every filthy kink and button to press to make you cream on his cock
"Come on baby, squeeze daddy's cock, fuck just like that-"
And when you cum with a cry of "Daddy!" he's filling you up deep and hard so that you have a limp to go with the cum staining your thigh highs
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it wasn't fair to your boyfriend
who'd made you promise so many times while you were dating that you wanted him and not his boss
who you'd told honestly time and time again that Deku wasn't your type and that you liked bad boys like Bakugou just to make him laugh and relax
but you're soaking your panties the first time you hear your name in the pro hero's mouth
you're frozen where your boyfriend, the hero's sidekick, is somewhere beside you introducing the "two most important people" in his life
cause the greenette is looking you up and down and the way he licks his lips before saying your name is messing you up inside
"Nice to meet you, Deku," and fuck his eyes get darker hearing you say his hero name
Your Boyfriend, as great as he seemed a moment prior already seems so.. average
Izuku can feel himself getting hard in his dress pants because of the disappointment he can see in your eyes when your boyfriend takes your attention back
at first its just the looking
Deku looking at you whenever you have to come from your campus to bring your boyfriend lunch
You looking at Deku when he's already ripping his shirt off to change into his costume the one time an emergency alarm went off while you were in the office
but then you're walking back to your dorm after a party and some creep won't stop following you, you're to grateful to hear Deku's cheerful voice calling your name from his car and offering you a ride
it's not until the fear fades (approximately one second after the door closes and you're surrounded by the scent of pine and Izuku) that you ask what he was doing at your college
"Oh I just wanted to swing by," in that aw-shucks tone of his that made your panties grow soaked in seconds
when you don't take the bullshit excuse, "I'm high as a kite and I still can't believe you thought I'd buy that,"
he tells you your boyfriend was sent out of town for a two week training camp
maybe it's because you're still buzzing with the energy of the party you'd spent hours working yourself into an aroused stupor dancing and imagining the green haired man next to you
but you're able to meet his gaze when you tell him, "Then we should be going to your place. Dorm furniture is not reliable enough for what I'm gonna need you to do make this worth it."
It's the last big girl shit you say for the rest of the night.
because you're stone cold sober when his bedroom door closes behind you, trembling as you realize just how big he is when his naked body is over yours
if you try at all to cover yourself, close your thighs when he uses the breadth of his shoulders to bully them open wide, it's all
"Where ya going puppy? If I'm gonna make this worth your while you gotta let me see what I'm doing."
if you try to run from him when he's fucking you on your knees (you'd long since lost the ability to hold yourself up at all),
"Nuh uh, no running lil girl. I've waited too long to have my fill of your wet little pussy."
but what were you supposed to do? there's no way your boyfriend's average dick could compare to the heavy girth of the eight inches rearranging your insides
"You're not getting enough cock if you're this tiny," the greenette grunts above you as his large fucking hands hold your hips still so you can't escape every deep thrust that knocks right into your cervix
"Y-you got, two weeks," you wheeze as he fucks the breath out of your chest, and the way his cock twitches inside you kinda ruins his image as he hits your ass with a smack that has you moaning and calls you a slut
(maybe I'll do Kirishima and Shinsou in a pt two but damn this is getting long lmfao)
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tromlui · 3 years
“All might was going to leave bakugo to die to the sludge quirk”
No he literally wasn’t he was going to leave due to the fact he was already pushing the limits of how long he could use his quirk and the fact there were already multiple hero’s there handling the situation. Who he /trusted/ would be able to save bakugo.
Not to mention the fact that he uh ya know DIDN’T leave bakugo because the moment he saw deku in immediate danger the other hero’s wouldn’t be able to prevent he jumped in there despite the physical risk it posed to him due to the fact he’s ya know MISSING INTERNAL ORGANS.
And even better is “he could have caused deku to kill himself!” Like? first of all why the hell would he assume dekus reaction to what was /ultimately/ the honest truth would be to JUMP off a building. in all mights eyes he was trying to prevent a quirkless boy from getting himself killed trying to be a hero he didn't have the context of all the bullying he faced or the fact bakugo had told him to kill himself?
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Oh are we talking about costumes??? I have my own lil mini rant about costumes.
Mainly that they're. Costumes.
Like, no one but heros wear that shit. You're basically painting a huge target on your back while you're in public AND broadcasting your every move to every villain in your area. Like it's all well and good for citizens to see you "doing" your job but villains ALSO can see you. If a villain wants to commit a crime, they'll know exactly when and where the most powerful heros are.
Yes, there are situations where the costuming is useful: Eri knew Deku and Mirio were heros because they were decked out in their costumes and the above mentioned citizen morale. But even if every hero needs a costume, they shouldn't all be wearing them all the time. Even Aizawa, who is an underground hero, wears a getup that immediately outs him as a hero. Toga, Dabi, and Shig minus hands blend into the crowd (pre becoming Japan's most wanted, though I think Toga even without her quirk would still blend in just fine) because they didn't wear stupid costumes.
The point of costumes is to hide the identities of the hero--thats why All Mights costume routine worked, especially towards the end, when he could transform. But then you have heros like the Iidas or Water Hose or Endeavor who wear costumes and have a bunch of information available to the public--last names, addresses, routines (because they wear costumes all the time), oh and can't forget ALL THEIR KIDS INFORMATION. Even without the UA Sports Festival and even if the Iida, Todoroki, and Water Hose households all have water tight security, the children of at least two of the three families were not homeschooled, thus meaning they couldn't just rely on the safety of their homes. And Iidas middle school was recognizable enough that he only needed to say it's name for people to have heard of it.
It would make much more sense for heros to at least use costumes less, if not get rid of them entirely inthese cases--especially for heros who have secrets that REALLY NEED TO BE PROTECTED. And I don't mean All Might and OFA because All Might really didn't have a life outside of OFA pre-Izuku. OFA could be protected by just not talking about it. Compare to Endeavor, who's four kids and civilian wife are public knowledge. He's the number 2 hero and no one thought it would be a bad idea to let the general public know that he had a civilian family? Why are y'all so shocked that Natsuo got attacked by High End? You're telling me Endeavor NEVER prepared ANY of his children on what to do if a villain attacks them? AND THEIR EXISTENCE IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE?????
Sorry, that went off from costumes, but it's related to my point. Hero costumes pose a huge safety risk the way they're used in the BNHA universe, especially for heros who have dependants, even if those dependants want to be heros. And getting rid of costumes doesn't mean they have to be completely unguarded; I'm sure support departments can make clothes suitable for hero work but also inconspicuous. And like I said, there are some cases where costumes are appropriate and even necessary. Iida and Todorokis shit first costume give more disadvantages than advantage (we all laugh at Todorokis shit first costume, but they gave him a costume that LITERALLY RESTRICTED HALF HIS MOVEMENT) but Tsuyu and Ochakos costumes are actually, you know, functional (I included Ochako as someone who does need a costume because floating things and then dropping them at high speeds is dangerous and she should be wearing a helmet and protective gear). On the other end, we see Jirou and Kaminaris costumes that just look like normal clothes. Maybe a bit too fashionable to be really inconspicuous, but they do look like stuff non-heros would feasibly wear in normal everyday life.
Another example of how costumes are unsafe is that they focus way too heavily on quirks. We all know Hagakure and Momo's costumes are silly, but they also show a problem in how hero society views quirks. The only thing in mind for their costumes was "how do we maximize quirk use" without any thought to any potential disadvantages. Yeah, Momos costume lets her pull swords out of her tummy easy peasy, but it also lets other people put swords INTO her tummy easy peasy. Yeah, Hagakure is completely invisible without her gloves and shoes, but if she steps on glass, she's gonna be leaving a blood trail, defeating the whole purpose of invisibility. The idea these costume makers have is that any advantage to quirk use trumps any disadvantages, which results in costumes that, if you thought about them for five minutes, are clearly just awful.
Oh jeez this wasn't a little rant. I'm so sorry.
I mean I don't know why you'd expect good parenting of Enji, of course he wanted to show off Shoto and was super neglectful of his middle two children's safety. I do think Kouta is likely homeschooled as well, considering they don't even send him to daycare when all of them are busy training students in their middle of nowhere camp. Eri, most likely to be adopted by Aizawa, is also homeschooled and even without the "end of the world as we know it" arc I expected her to continue being homeschooled once her quirk was handled. The Iida's seem to be the odd ones out, but they're also both super well trained to protect themselves and might not have attended primary school before the fancy middle school- and their costumes do cover their faces at least, though Tensei takes his off for commercials anyway. Maybe their parents were more careful of their identities when Tensei was in school, who knows. Vigs also shows that Aizawa does take off the costume to replace it with disguises when he's on undercover assignments, it's just when he's not... Well I'm not sure if he owns any other clothes to be honest. I don't even think those pink sweats are his, he just stole em.
Anyway yeah the utter lack of secret identities really does a number on the costumes and really narrows the list of like good ones down to: Mic, Snipe, Thirteen. Guess we know which teachers *aren't* the ones signing off on costumes...
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gamergirlshelby · 3 years
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"Can we talk about the BNHA OC Comeback timeline? I've been dying to talk about my theories for the BNHA OC Comeback timeline all day!"
-Me to anyone willing to listen.
Here are the ramblings of me, someone who has no restraint when it comes to coming up with crazy theories about their interests, rambling about their theories on how the BNHA OC Comeback timeline could work.
Note: this is all speculation, and if the people in charge of the AU deem it to not be canon it is not. This was just something I did for fun because I wanted to do some writing. That is why I said could happen and not should happen, because this is all just fun speculation, and none of the other fandoms I am a part of have been able to scratch that itch for me lately.
Also, I will be talking about spoilers for a majority of the anime, but mostly stuff revealed in seasons 3-5, with a little bit of stuff from seasons 1 and 2, since those are the seasons with a lot of the important details that I will be attempting to write work arounds for. I will also be using the Wiki's names for story arcs (a list of which can be found here) when referring to specific plot events.
My ramblings about my theories are under the read more:
Also, to start this off, this speculation was pretty much brought upon by this post from the official BNHA OC Comeback blog, but what is important here is the tags.
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I think the idea of Class 1-A and Class 1-B being third years would be a good starting point for what I want to be diving into.
First point should be a little obvious but in this timeline, Deku still inherits One for All from All Might. This is mainly because if he didn't, if someone where to write or draw an interaction between this version of class 1-A with, lets say class 1-X for this example, Deku would likely not be there, due to not having a quirk, causing the question of "who is the 20th student in class 1-A?" One for All would likely be passed down to someone else (most likely Mirio because Nighteye was going to recommend him to All Might in the first place, and if Deku is not going to inherit it, I doubt there would be anything in the way of Mirio getting One for All)
Second point I want to point out is the battle between All Might and All for One that had happened before the events of the show. I think All Might will still suffer from his injuries from the fight, and continue being the symbol of peace, even if it is killing him. BUT I think it would be best if All for One gets defeated and gets put into hiding, not initiating any of his plans or finding Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura never getting taken in by One for All would also cause the League of Villains to never form (at least not in the way we are familiar with) so we.
Third Point is, although this is speculation, and I do not know where Nomus come from, I do think, even without the league of villains, there would be some sort of lab somewhere where Nomus are being created, likely as one of the last things All for One was able to set into motion before going into hiding in the AU. (I mostly went with this because I think Nomus as a concept are really cool, and I think it would be great to have some sort of generic enemy for the 1-X and 1-Y students to have to face without the need of creating a new organization)
Fourth Point is because All for One is in hiding, so All for One can not force All Might to reveal his "injured form" (I dunno what else to call it), but I do think when All Might and Sato get engaged, he will maybe (and this is a big maybe) reveal it to the public on his own, as more of a "I'm retiring and settling down now" then a "You must keep fighting because I can not" thing, causing crime to not sky rocket, but still rise because there is no more symbol of peace, since there is still the possibility (at least in the publics mind) that All Might could come out of retirement and go back to saving people.
Alright now I begin with some of the actual stuff that actively happened in the show that Class 1-A and Class 1-B had experienced.
Alright so everything at the beginning of the anime is the same, going up until the USJ arc. This is because, as stated previously, there is no League of Villains to attack the USJ. The only thing I can think of that could possibly stay the same is the All Might vs Nomu fight, because I think Nomus as a concept are cool and that was an awesome fight. The only way for the fight to happen though is that the Nomu is let loose somewhere else, like a highly populated area, because it makes no sense for it to be at USJ without the League.
Next is the sports festival, and this would also go the same. But after that is probably the most interesting arc I leave mostly unchanged, being the Hero Killer Arc. This is because, even without a League of Villain's, there would still be people following Stain's ideologies after he is detained, so I think maybe there could be some sort of small unorganized group of people following Stain's beliefs that there are no more "true" heroes. The group of stain followers would likely be the characters that had joined the League of Villains after the Hero Killer Arc (like Dabi, Himiko Toga, and Twice). It is also unchanged in the sense that the students are interning with Pro Heroes, and that Nomus are running around, being a cool concept (can you tell I like Nomus? I just think they are neat.).
Next is the Final exams Arc, which would go unchanged, but the next arc, the Forrest Camp Training arc, would also not have a League attack (because there is no league), and Class 1-A and Class 1-B have a normal experience at the training camp, causing there to be no Hideout Raid arc, because there is no hideout to raid.
Next, the Provisional License Exams are the same results, so no change here, except Camie Utsushimi would be there instead of Toga's impersonation of her, and still ending up to need to take the Remedial Course.
After that is the Shie Hassaikai Arc and then Remedial Course Arc. The Shie Hassaikai Arc would actually largely go unchanged because it is mainly just another internship for the Hero Course students, with the only change to the arc being the League involvement being removed, even though this would leave some plot holes, which I will fill by saying the small unorganized Stain followers would take the place of the league (since Toga and Twice are apart of the Stain followers group, so they would still end up working for them, filling the same rolls they had in the original Arc). Also Overhaul doesn't lose his arms because there would be no reason for him to get them ripped off (because there is no League of Villains). ALSO this means Eri would be canon to the BNHA OC Comeback, which I wanted to mention since from my knowledge she is a fan favorite. After that, the Remedial Course would go unchanged.
I'm also going to say that Mirio will have already gotten his quirk back during the main events of the AU, since Nighteye had predicted that he would get it back before Nighteye had died. How he gets it back will likely go unanswered, since I have not read ahead to the most recent chapter of the manga, only watching the anime, so we should leave the answer to how he got it back to be unclear just in case he gets it back in a spoiler-y way.
Then, lastly as of right now, the rest of the arcs would go unchanged up untill the latest arc where Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo are interning with Endeavor, excluding the parts of the arc going into the Meta Liberation War, which can not properly go through thanks to their being no League of Villains, but especially because there is no Tomura.
Alright now we get to the stuff some of you are here for, being the new info and timeline stuff that occurs during the year Class 1-X and 1-Y are first years. First off, Class 1-A and Class 1-B would now be third years, which was a concept brought up in the original post that cause my brain to go into theory mode.
I would also like to pose the idea of a new "Big Three", replacing Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado (and also the nameless "Big Three" from when 1-A/1-B had been second years in this AU) since 1-A and 1-B are now all third years. This new "Big Three" would be made up of Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya, seeing as out of Class 1-A and Class 1-B, those three have shown to be the most consistent heavy hitters (and also being the most relevant to the original plot).
Aside from that, Class 1-A and 1-B would not be doing that much in the AU aside from the new "Big Three" occasionally helping out the first year Hero Course students with their studies.
Anyway if you read this far I really appreciate it. I have some more ramblings about stuff in the tags, but its more side stuff that doesn't really effect this AU within another AU.
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bestjeanistmonster · 5 years
Featuring class 1a
Plus teacher chaperones
(Aizawa, All Might, Present Mic and Midnight)
Cause let’s be real these kids need more than two chaperones at this point
(Class 1b are in America for their roadtrip btw)
Just lots of shenanigans
Mina, Kami and Tsu going coin fishing in a fountain
Finding out who can draw on Bakugou the longest without waking him up
Todoroki taking selfies that are always just him doing a peace sign while chaos goes on behind him
Iida trying his best to keep the peace
The coach running out fuel so they all have to help push it to the nearest gas station
Tokoyami buying a bag full of apples at the gas station while rest of them go nuts buying junk food
Deku filming all of the hijinks, but everyone keeps on stealing the camera at random times
staying at a motel, and there’s a red stain on the carpet of Jirou and Toru’s room
so they could be sleeping in a place murder happened
lets be real they won’t be sleeping that night
Momo buying snow globes at landmark they happen to pass by
She has soo many fucking snow globes now
The teachers taking turns driving
and them playing their own tunes on the aux cord
Mic just Rick Rolled everyone on that bus
Aizawa put on a podcast
Midnight put on 90’s rnb
All Might put on some calming music (he says it’s relaxing he just wants these kids to fucking sleep)
The kids chanting for McDonald’s
Aizawa orders a coffee
at one point he considers dropping them all of on the highway and driving away
but he can’t because paperwork (he’s become too attached)
Bakugou dropping Kirishima’s crocs down a cliff
it needed to be done
but bold of me to assume Kiri has only one pair of crocs
Koda’s hat blowing away and Sero helping him catch it
At one point the leave for the road and like 30 minutes later they notice one of the kids isn't there. They come back and the kid was stuck inside a bathroom and decided to just fall asleep on the floor
That kid would be Todoroki
Who didn't even try to fight his way out
Then Aizawa appears on Izuku's film saying that thing from Spider-Man: Homecoming
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iida trying to take photos of the scenery but someone always photobombs by doing weird poses
hes just given up
everyone singing random songs together on the bus
it all started will little eintstiens
at one point they lose Aizawa's sleeping bag
he threatens to expel them all if they don't find it
turns out it was under his seat the entire time
they eventually get lost and the teachers leave the bus to ask for directions
while in the bus, everything is peaceful until Aoyama spots a big ass spider on Ojiro's tail
After that... well you can guess what happened
bakugou tried to drown kaminari when they stopped at the beach
he also tried to fight the sun when he refused to put on sunscreen
seagulls kept on trying to steal shoji's sandwich
shinso(who is also there) may or may not have snuck a stray cat onto the bus
at one point when they stopped at city hotel, the teachers had a night out and they may have gone a little overboard at that bar cause their all drunk
all except all might, who has to find a way to navigate his intoxicated friends all the way back to the hotel without the kids seeing
their dignity will not stay intact if the students see them drunk
Hagakure sees them getting in and spills the tea in the groupchat
she also sends a blurry pic of All Migjt fighting to get Mic inside the elevator
the next morning they're all sworn to secrecy
Surprisingly Tsuyu is the only little shit that dares give Aizawa a wine cup as a gift from their next stop and the group tries to contain their laughter
Aizawa lets her off with a warning that shes on thin fucking ice cause it has a cat pattern on it
Kaminari drew a dick on Bakugou's face with permanent ink while he was sleeping and no one dares to mention it once he wakes up
He finds finds out eventually tho
Kirishima just barely managed to stop him from skinning kami and using his intestines as a scarf
sato just randomly eating banana budding out of a mayonnaise jar just to freak ppl out
they attempt to leave mineta behind everytime they stop
road work ahead?? y e a h i sure hope it does
someone in the bus farted big time, and no one can find out who it was so they're all dying in there
It was mic
Jirou keeps getting the aux chord somehow and accidentally ends up playing Barbie Girl on loop
Midnight as it turns out, has road rage
she's basically shouting at the car in front of her for being *being so fucking slow* while the rest of them look at her with fear
Cept mic and Aizawa
They would eventually find that cat that Shinsou stole
By that time all the students would’ve banded together to hide it from their teachers
they failed
Aizawa takes the cat and it’s his now
Aizawa: Srry Hitoshi but the cat has chosen a worthier candidate
Iida: excuse my potty mouth
Iida(turns towards his rowdy classmates): S H U T T H E F U C K U P
I can not count the amount of times they’ve tried to leave mineta behind at pit stops
Believe me even the teachers want to, but the can’t leave a student behind because they’re heroes and also paperwork is a thing that exists
All mights just glad that their all bonding
Aizawa just sleeps most of time(surprising absolutely no one)
Present Mic’s trying to kill the entire bus w/ his book of terrible jokes
Midnight just wants to eat her chicken nuggets in piece
At some point they all end up camping under the stars✨. They’re all singing songs, telling jokes and telling stories. They’re eating hotdogs and s’mores while mic and midnight try to get Aizawa to sing a cheesy song he wrote about a cats. The students are all laughing and playing around like the kids they are.
It’s a nice way of forgetting all their problems.
It’s a nice break from having to save the world.
(Yall can add on more if you want to!!!)
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linphd · 5 years
husband!toshinori x wife!reader | beans and rice [angst]
toshinori yagi x reader
female reader
At All Might’s funerals, his wife gives him a speech, as a farewell.
warning : death, angst, y'all gonna cry like I did.
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spoil desperate housewives S8 : totally inspired by Mike's funerals episode, hence the video at the end of the story
if you watched it I hope you thought abt that when you read the title
notes for the story : (S/N) is son's name, you're in your 40s and you have been married to all might for 15 years, your son is roughly 10 years old.
          'Heroes always get remembered, but legends never die'. That was what was pronounced on TV when the All Might passed. It was not long enough after his students graduated from Yuei. The Symbol of Peace just wasn't anymore, and All for One had came back to avenge himself, once more. Deku, the 'new All Might' arrived to fight the villain, finally defeating him after all those years.
            But his mentor died a few minutes after. Journalists were there -they were always there- and recorded the whole scene. Oh, how sad it was. And how much Toshinori had talked about what his wife, his child, and Deku meant to him. All for One had actually came for his whole family, but even with his quirk almost totally gone, Toshinori had fought until he couldn't anymore, to protect his wife. Thanks God, (S/N) wasn't at home.
           (Y/N) had run to her husband once she was sure All for One couldn't do anything anymore. He was bleeding, so much. Most of it was coming from the wound the villain had made during their first fight. ''MIDORIYA ! DO SOMETHING !'' She screamed, holding her man's body close, pressing at the wound like it would prevent the blood from falling. But he couldn't do anything anymore, except joining her to listen to the man's last words.
         Many many people came to the Symbol of Peace's funerals, but only his family and friends were allowed to assist to it. (Y/N) had a speech, of course she had one. She didn't prepare it, but she knew she was going to say some thing at some point. And she finally was able to walk to the microphone towards the end of the ceremony. She waited for a few seconds to catch her breath, and sighed heavily before starting.
           ''I... didn't prepare anything, actually. I mean, you don't prepare yourself to assist to someone's funerals, so...'' (Y/N) wasn't crying, no. She wasn't going to cry in front of everyone. 'Don't forget to smile.' Toshinori had taught her. She wasn't going to disappoint him now !
         ''You know, when you're the number one hero, you don't think that you can have time to take care of your family, and to take care of the citizens at the same time. But, Toshi managed to find a balance between those. Of course, we waited a bit for him to weaken before having a child, because I wouldn't have dare disturb him during his Golden Age, right ? He was so busy.''
         She had to blabber about his hero life a lot, since he was mostly known for that. It had always been his dream ; to be the number one hero. His existence itself decreased the attacks of villains ! She couldn't skip this part.
         But the part (Y/N) really wanted to talk about was the Toshinori Yagi's part. The man behind the hero. ''I loved him. Even when he wasn't smiling, even when he was weak. I still love him, and I think that... I'll love him forever. How many times I saw him exhausted, spitting blood, but still changing our baby's diaper, and helping me out in the house. He was also working on his teacher's job, and I really don't know how his organs didn't just stop functioning at some point.''
        That made some people chuckle, and that was a good thing. You need to smile, All Might said it. ''And for that, I'll be forever grateful. We'd been married for 15 years, and I think I saw him fully relaxing like 5 times only. And I was worried that he was always overworking himself, but it was to do all the things he loved.''
         People were crying, though. They managed to crack a smile every now and then, but almost everyone was crying. All of his students were there, and every single one of them were admiring him. But those were silent cries. The speech was the only thing that could be heard.
        ''I know that he had a good life, and he had nothing to regret. For some, he was a hero, someone to admire, and an example. For some, he was a friend, a parent, actually a human that could show weaknesses and feelings, and wasn't only this machine that could destroy any villain. But every single one of you knew about his family, about (S/N) and I.''
        The woman's eyes were wet, but it didn't look like any tear was going to fall and roll down her cheeks. ''And you told us 'don't be sad for him, he is in a better place'. But, I'm not sad for him. I mean, I am sad, but I actually believe that he really is in a better place.''
          That was weird how she liked beans for some reason, and how he liked rice because of it was the easiest meal to find in a hurry where they lived. But they both used to mix it so they'd both be happy with what they were eating. She stopped, thinking about this meal, wondering if she'll ever mix those ingredients ever again now. It's weird, how insignificant things travel your mind when the person dies. It was so natural you weren't even noticing it, and now that you won't do it anymore, you remembered the existence of that special thing.
       But, (Y/N) needed to focus on her speech, and kept talking instead. She still couldn't cry yet. ''I believe that he's fighting some villains, citizens everywhere, cheering for him. He's eating with his family, eating too fast so I have to tell him to calm down, because there's no need to rush, and (S/N) is laughing, wearing his All Might onesie. He's training his students, encouraging them. He's hanging out with his colleagues, telling me everything they talked about during those meetings once he's back home. And he's also on the beach, with 'Young Midoriyaaaa' to talk about his quirk.''
        She chuckled when she imitated him. He was surely yelling 'I WAS HERE' to those villains he was fighting, doing some poses if he was ever spotting a camera. ''And because he's at all those wonderful places, I have to tell him goodbye, now.'' She approached the coffin, it was still open. She put a hand on her heart, and the other on the coffin, looking at her husband for the last time. She sighed heavily, once again, before telling him her farewell.
''I love you once.''
For his hero form, the Symbol of Peace, the All Might.
''I love you twice.''
For his normal form, vulnerable, that he only showed to people he trusted.
''I love you more than beans and rice. Goodbye, All Might.''
I actually wanted to write this story with Shouta or Shoto, but I made them die once already djdjsk and the I love you once I love you twice was really fitting with Toshi's forms, so yeah
I also watched his fight against All for One again and got emotional
This gif didn’t help and I oop
can we note that in every anime books I have, I put desperate housewives references ? I love this TV show so much omg
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Ch. 3
Rin's Hero Costume, Mk. 1 👇
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Alright guys, we get our first look at the ExWire gang in this chapter. I made Bon's personality a bit more out there just because he has a seduction quirk and holds power over everyone else because of it. He's still the same genius, straight-laced guy, and that will show up in later chapters once we spend more time with Rin's friends.
Over the days, routines were made. Get up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and head off to school. And every day Yukio insisted on hugging Rin goodbye, while Rin kept trying to punch him for it.
Some of Rin's classmates saw and seemed very confused.
"Hey, Okumura!" Kirishima called him over. He walked to him, Kaminari, Ashido, and Hagakure. "What's up?" He greeted. "Who's the guy that's always hitting on you?" Ashido wondered. "Mina! You can't just blurt things out like that!" Hagakure hissed.
They were cut off by Rin's laugh. "Nah, it's ok. That's my twin. He's got some attachment issues. Guess that's what happens when you've got no one to take care of you but a brother a couple hours older than you, huh?" Rin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Wait, you don't have parents?!" Hagakure exclaimed. Rin shook his head. "Nope! But don't feel bad. It's better this way. Trust me."
"Yeah, no curfew and no rules." Kaminari grinned. Rin sighed. "That would be a lot of fun, but Yukio insisted we needed curfew and rules to keep us safe and under control. We kinda just raised ourselves since no one else could. We had to grow up real quick." Rin shrugged. Kaminari frowned. "Aww, party pooper." He joked. They all laughed.
At that point, class started. They went to their regular classes like English and Math.
Finally, lunch rolled around. Rin found his brother with his friends and sat with them. He knew Yukio didn't really like anyone but Shiemi.
"Hey Suguro! How're you holding up in the second hero course?" Rin wondered. He groaned. "If fuckin' Monoma doesn't shut his trap about beating Class 1A, I'm gonna bring him to his knees and it's gonna be painful." He growled. Rin laughed. "Shiemi, Shima, what about you guys?"
Shiemi smiled, playing with the little leaf-man she'd made out of seeds and leaves."Oh, things are going well. Everyone is nice. They're kind of noisy though..." She trailed off. "There's this one chick named Hatsume. She keeps hitting on Shiemi, but Shiemi's too oblivious." Shima snickered. They all laughed at the girl's red face. "H-Hey! I don't really know how to handle that stuff!" She cried.
"It's okay, Shiemi. If you find you don't mind Hatsume's presence and don't mind spending time with her, I can help you figure out what to do for a date and what goodies to give her." Shima promised. "Uh, no, I will. I don't trust you and other people's partners." Rin shook his head.
"Oh, so you trust the guy with a seduction quirk, but not me?!" Shima huffed indignantly. "Yes. Because I have total control of the guy with the seduction quirk." Rin answered. Suguro smirked and pulled the fire user into his lap–something he knew would annoy the younger, placing his chin on the boy's shoulder. "What was that about having control over me, blueberry?" He snickered. "Hey! Suguro!" He growled, elevating his body temperature with flames so the boy let go of him. Rin laughed at his friend's grumbling before he spotted Midoriya across the cafeteria watching them curiously. He waved.
The green haired boy blushed at being noticed and then looked down at his food.
"Deku, what's wrong?" Uraraka questioned. Iida looked at him. "Something is bothering you, Midoriya?" He guessed. "Uh...no, it's just...Okumura-kun and his friends. They look so comfortable together." He said wistfully. Just as he said so, the aforementioned people walked up and sat down around the trio. Midoriya wondered how they'd gotten there so fast.
"Hey Midoriya. Whatcha up to?" Rin greeted. The poor boy jumped out of his skin. "Kinda skittish, huh? He's like Shiemi." Izumo commented. The blonde smiled at the green haired boy. "Hello. I'm Moriyama Shiemi. I'm Rin's friend. It's nice to meet you." She introduced. Rin's friends gave their introductions, following her lead.
"And I'm Yukio, Rin's twin." The taller boy sitting on the other side of Iida said. "Hmm, you guys don't really look alike." Hagakure and Ashido had apparently made their way over. "Mina!" Hagakure sounded exasperated. Suguro guessed she just blurted out whatever she was thinking a lot of the time. "That's okay. I wouldn't wanna be a pretty boy like Nii-san." Yukio teased. "Watch it genius, I feed you and you don't know what I put in that food." Rin warned playfully.
"Rin's kinda snappy today, huh Okumura?" Suguro grinned, wrapping his arm tighter around Rin's waist. Ashido squealed. "Is this the guy with the seduction quirk?" She asked.
"Well, nothing escapes you, does it?" Izumo snarked. "Hey," Rin shot a small flame at her arm, where it sizzled on her sleeve. "Be nice. Not everybody is as observant and snobby as you, Eyebrows."
"I told you my name is Kamiki Izumo!"
"Ooh, cat fight." Shima grinned, leaning forward. "Do I look like a girl to you?" Rin turned to the pink haired boy.
"You guys are so mean to Rin." Uraraka giggled. "How is that funny?" Iida questioned. "Nah, s'okay. We know each other well enough to trash talk each other and still be friends. Long as no one steps over the line, we're good. I can call Kamiki a stone cold bitch all I want and she won't do anything cause she knows it's true." Rin brushed it off.
Except right after that, birds started pecking at his head. "Ow, ow, Kamiki, call off the birds!" Rin held his arms up in defense.
Rin heard a familiar laugh and glared at Bakugou from across the room. "Uh oh. I sense a rivalry." Hagakure sang. "I think Bakugou has a three way rivalry with Midoriya, Rin, and Todoroki. That guy's got some serious issues." Ashido added. When the explosive blonde in question turned away, Rin spit a tiny ball of fire and they all watched until it hit it's target: Bakugou's hair. Rin cursed("Ohshit") and ducked behind Suguro. Bakugou turned to glower at Rin and didn't see him, so he immediately got up and ran out of the room, no doubt hunting the boy down.
Rin came back up, grinning. "Nice one, Rin. Now he'll be running in the halls like a maniac until he realizes you're still here and that he just looks like an angry psycho." Shima snickered. "We should refrain from using our quirks out of classes." Konekomeru put in quietly. "Yes, I agree with Miwa-kun." Iida did karate chops in the air with his hands. Rin snorted. "Little too late for that, guys."
The bell rang and the group split, going to their more abnormal courses.
As they waited for the teacher to arrive, Rin heard running in the hallway and cocked his head to the side in confusion right before All Might burst into the room.
"I HAVE.....COME THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL!!!" He yelled. Rin snorted out a laugh. It seemed like he would rather have come in through the window. Some students freaked out and got excited, some students fanboyed(Midoriya), and then some just smiled and laughed.
The Number One Hero posed in front of the class and began talking(well, it was more like shouting....).
"Hero Basic Training-The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes!"
He showed them a card. "No time for dallying, today's activity is this! Battle!" He shouted. Rin couldn't help but smile at the man's excitement. He seemed genuinely happy to be here teaching them, whereas Aizawa was more like a teacher that never wanted to be a teacher in the first place, but needed a job and just took what he could get.
Something slid out of the walls, revealing cases with numbers on them. Are those.....?
Rin grinned once All Might announced that these were their hero costumes they'd ordered. They all retrieved their numbers. Everybody cheered and headed to the changing rooms to put on their costumes.
Rin grinned as he slipped on his gloves and moved to lace his boots up. He went out to meet everyone else. Kirishima was with Kaminari. The redhead had metal all over his body and even across his face and Kirishima just had some kind of device on the side of his head. "Hey Okumura!" He greeted. "So, what's up with your costume? Going for the Assassin's Creed look?" Kaminari teased. Rin grinned. "It's all fire proof and it's easy to move in. Plus, the material guards me from anything like Mina's poison." Rin explained.
"Oh yeah, your quirk. What exactly is your quirk?" Kaminari wondered. "It's fire." Rin held a hand out and a small blue flame appeared, flickering in his palms and on his fingers. "I can breathe it, I can blast it from my hands, I can cover my body in it. My brother and I grew up in a rough neighborhood, so we made sure to keep our quirks trained in case anything happened so I can even control the temperature of my flames too, though the lowest I can get it is about 23°C." Rin answered. "It's so hot it's blue? Interesting!" Kirishima examined he small flame in tins palm.
"Wow, that sounds awesome! I can only do one big blast, but it kinda fries my brain, so...." Kaminari scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"I can harden!" Kirishima shouted excitedly, hardening his arm until it looked like rock. Rin stifled a laugh behind his hand. "I'm pretty sure every guy can do that, Kirishima." He sniggered. "Oi, that's not what I meant!" The redhead complained. Rin and Kaminari laughed, leaning on each other while Kirishima's face turned redder than his hair.
"Alright! Now that you have these costumes, from now on, you are all heroes!" All Might announced. Rin heard footsteps and looked behind him. Midoriya was just arriving from the tunnel behind everybody. Man, this guy is a mess.
Rin had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. The boy's costume was his own signature color, but it was pretty obvious who he modeled it after. Rin looked between Izuku and All Might and he could tell the Number One Hero had noticed. Midoriya, stop trying so hard!
All Might explained how they were going to work in teams and fight each other as heroes against villains.
This is either gonna be insane fun or a complete disaster......
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franeridart · 7 years
Didn't they all take the practical exam at the same time in the manga?? I'm confused....
Yeah, they changed that part orz I’m really unhappy about that for a number of reasons, but I guess their reasoning was that they wanted the anime to end with the Baku Deku vs All Might fight and in the manga that’s, like, the second fight to be done with? And if they had kept the order the anime would have ended with Mineta and Sero, so… I guess I get why they went for this, but still. I can’t say I like it orz
Anon said:I’m sure you’re expecting this ask but kiribaku study date!! :3 I can’t believer Bakugou ACTUALLY tried to beat the learning into kirishima XD
Well, it’s beginning-of-the-story-Bakugou after all, what else could we even expect from him hahaha Kirishima passed the written part tho, so it must have worked!!
Anon said:Wait hold up you’ve got me interested now. So I’m like a little past halfway through soul eater and I haven’t started the manga YET (I totally will now that you’ve suggested it) but… When did tsubaki turn into a boy??
It doesn’t happen in the anime! It’s ch 72 to… 74? 75? They go somewhere where all the girls get turned into boys and vice versa for a while! (That’d be Soul, Maka, Blair, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kilik, Thunder and Fire) (Liz and Patty look especially amusing lmao)
Anon said:what do u think abt kats*deku???? If u dont ship them - why?
I’m pretty sure I gave an in depth answer to this question a couple of times already, but do you think I’ve been able to find it? (I haven’t) so to make a fast recap, I only like them as friends, nothing sexual and nothing romantic - I really, really, really want to see them become friends, but I can’t see the necessary chemistry for any other kind of relationship between them, right now
And that’s also why I don’t ship it? I just can’t see it working in a way such that both of them are as happy as they can be, and I only ship if I can see both characters being happy in the relationship - foundamentally Bakugou and Izuku are different on all the wrong things, a big part of the reason why they fight so much is that their ways of living are different, to make a space for each other in their lives big enough that they won’t step on each other’s toes every two steps they take they should change their core personalities a lot. 
And I’m not talking about Bakugou, specifically, I’m talking about both of them. I do know that the fandom likes to pick Bakugou and turn his personality inside-out to make him fit with Deku in such a way that Deku will be happy, but realistically that’s only gonna make Bakugou miserable. It’s true that most faults rest on Bakugou’s shoulders as far as their relationship goes, but Deku isn’t the sort of person fit to be with Bakugou either - and I can’t have Bakugou make a 180° on his personality, force himself to be someone he’s not, just to accomodate Deku. I like Bakugou as he is, and I want to see him grow up while growing into himself. And while I do prefer Bakugou as a character, I happen to like Deku as he is very much as well, I don’t want him to turn into another person just to accomodate Bakugou’s personality either
So this turns into “either I change these two characters to make them fit together, or I let them be just friends and actually find characters that do fit with them as they are already”, and personally, I’m always gonna go for the second option. I mean, why would I want to ship them when I can ship bakushima t b h
Of course you’re free to ship it if to you the chemistry is more obvious than it is to me! It’s just not my cup of tea at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anon said:Could I possibly see a comic with Kirishima being tied between Ashido and Bakugo??? I thought it’d be cute since some people *cough cough* me *cough* may or may not be tied between Kirimina and Bakushima. :3
I………….. can’t do that, sorry orz triangles aren’t my thing at all. It’s either the polyship or bakushima, triangles get on my nerves more than any other plot device does to be completely honest with you. Triangles are the bane of my existence
Anon said: Hi there! I just wanted to say I’ve been scrolling through all your Bakushima art for ages and it’s healed me :,) fr tho i lov how you portray them and their dynamic and you have a lovely art style! Thank you for blessing us ahah
Anon said:hey there! just wanted to drop by and let you know that I find your art super inspiring? like i am IN LOVE with your art style, and I absolutely adore it. i love how the characters you draw have perfect expressions, i love how natural their poses look and i love how you portray characters friendships + relationships in comics it feels completely natural. even if im not into the stuff you draw, i love looking at it because its so great?? keep being wonderful because you deserve good things ^u^
Holy shit thank you??? I honest to god don’t know how to answer this??? means a lot??? fuck thank you I might go and cry for a bit ( •̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥ )
Anon said:Hey your art of sero carry bakugou give me life honestly good posts all around
Thank you!!!! :O Sero carrying Bakugou is something I myself need more of in my life tbh hahaha what a good concept I should draw more
Anon said:your latest bakugou I’m crying… he’s gorgeous and Buff and strong and could highkey bench press me I’m swooning
GLAD YOU LIKED HIM!!!!! :O you guys actually liked that one WAY more than I thought anyone would holy smokes!!
Anon said:Umm… I hope you don’t mind, but I showed a friend so e of your work, and I think it got you a new follower lol they really liked what I showed, and when I told them you do Kaminari, too, that was that. Can’t talk fave artists, without you 💜✌
:O !!!!!!!!!!!! why would I mind omfg, thank you so much!!!!!
Anon said:Okay, now I’ve been through your account since 2 hours ago, i can say I’m officially Bakushimanari trash. Omg i had never seen something as good as what you did to these three. (Btw sorry if my english’s not very good, but i had to say this)
!!!! Happy you liked them!!!!! They’re a good group, those three (灬ºωº灬)♡
Anon said: Yesterday was a shitty day, but today I woke up and saw your art, and stalked your blog, so I feel today will be a much better day. Happy boys are good. Never stop making happy boys happy.
I hope your day was actually a great one, anon!! And I hope today was great for you as well!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff, happy boys are indeed my greatest weakness and favorite subject to draw haha happy boys and girls and nb and anything else too, really, happy people are good for my soul~
Anon said:Someone doesn’t know Soul Eater?! Now I feel old (・・;)
Haha, well it’s not really about being old/young as much as it’s about how long one’s been into anime/how far back they go when they decide to watch something new~ Soul Eater hasn’t had an active fandom for ages now, after all!
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