#delete Facebook account permanently
tech-read · 2 years
How To Delete Facebook Account Permanently
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Facebook’s popularity has plummeted as Instagram and YouTube have become more popular social media platforms.
A decade ago, Facebook was the most popular source of entertainment, with users chatting with friends, playing online games, and more.
People all over the world use it to stay in touch with friends and family, as well as to start pointless arguments with strangers over any topic like politics or silly dog videos.
Facebook was in the news a few years ago for its privacy problems; it was fined €390 million for violating EU privacy law.
While some people view social media as an essential component of life, others worry about data scandals and privacy concerns.
For those who’re looking for how to delete a Facebook account permanently or how to deactivate Facebook account permanently, the steps are provided below.
Why Would I Want To Delete My Account Rather Than Deactivate It? Know The Difference
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If you’re thinking on how to delete a fb account permanently then first know the complete difference between deactivating and deleting.
Although your profile is hidden from friends and searches when your account is deactivated, you are still present on the social network.
It is comparable to taking a brief vacation in that you can return whenever you like and find everything exactly as you left it. 
By simply entering your login information, you can reactivate your account at any time, and your profile will be fully restored.
It’s a good option if you want to delete your profile but keep using Messenger, take a break from Facebook, or try living without it for a while. 
As you will need to create new profiles using your email address once you fully delete your Facebook account, you might also want to see what other platforms are linked to your Facebook profile.
You can choose to permanently delete your profile, along with all of your information, saved articles, pictures, and messages, if you’re determined to stop using the service. 
Let’s now go over how to delete a Facebook account permanently as well as how to deactivate Facebook account permanently.
How To Deactivate Facebook Account Permanently
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To deactivate your account, take the following actions:
1. On your Facebook page, click the triangle dropdown icon in the top right corner.
2. Select “Settings” under “Settings & privacy”.
3. Click “Your Facebook Information”.
4. Select “Deactivation and erasure”.
5. Choose “Deactivate Account” and “Continue to account deactivation”.
6. Click “Continue” after you have verified your password.
How To Deactivate Your Facebook Account From iPhone
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Let’s now get to know about how to deactivate or delete fb account permanently from mobile, specifically from your iPhone.
Launch the iPhone’s Facebook app.
Select the three-lined icon (hamburger menu).
Then select Privacy & Settings.
Select Settings.
Please select Account Ownership and Control.
To deactivate and delete, tap.
Tap Account Deactivate.
How To Deactivate Your Facebook Account From Android
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Open the Facebook app on your Android device.
Hop onto the three-lined icon (hamburger menu).
Then select Privacy & Settings.
Select Settings.
Please select Account Ownership and Control.
To deactivate and delete, tap.
Hit Account Deactivate.
How To Delete FB Account Permanently From iPhone
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If you’re an iOS user then, here are those steps to look up on how to delete your Facebook account permanently from your iPhone.
Open up the iPhone’s Facebook app.
Click on the three-lined icon.
Then select Privacy & Settings.
Select Settings.
Please select Account Ownership and Control.
To deactivate and delete, tap.
Click Delete Account.
To be safe, remove the Facebook app.
How To Delete Your Facebook Account From The Android
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If you have an Android device, follow these steps on how to delete your Facebook account permanently immediately in mobile.
On your Android device, launch the Facebook app.
Go to the three-lined icon.
Then select Privacy & Settings.
Select Settings.
Please select Account Ownership and Control.
To deactivate and delete, tap.
Click Delete Account.
To be safe, remove the Facebook app.
Some Advice On How To Use Facebook Safely
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After going over the steps on how to delete a Facebook account permanently, let’s check out some tips.
Some users may have safety concerns even if they don’t want to delete or deactivate their Facebook accounts. 
You can take action to better control your security and privacy settings on Facebook. The following advice could be helpful:
Make sure your Facebook password is lengthy and distinctive. To make the task simpler, use a reliable password manager.
Don’t post too much information on Facebook. It can be used for social engineering by threat actors.
When accepting friend requests, use caution. Only post to your trusted friends, not the general public.
By selecting General > Privacy > Your Activity > Limit Past Posts, you can restrict who can see older posts on your Timeline.
Click General > Ads > Ad Settings to prevent Facebook from using your data to show you personalized advertisements.
By selecting General > Apps and Websites, you can control which third-party apps have access to your data.
Watch out for social media phishing attacks and be cautious when clicking links on Facebook or in Messenger.
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edutechbits · 2 years
How to close Facebook account if smartphone is lost
How to close Facebook account if smartphone is lost
How to close Facebook account if smartphone is lost   Smartphones can be lost or stolen while Facebook is running. In this, the information contained in the Facebook account is often known by other people. In addition to disclosing personal information, accounts may also be compromised. However, it is possible to logout or stop Facebook from the lost mobile phone. How to close Facebook account…
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View On WordPress
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mokubetech · 4 months
If you're looking to delete your Facebook dating profile, this video will show you step-by-step how to do it. Say goodbye to your dating profile with this easy guide! 1. Go to your Facebook app and tap , then Dating. 2. Tap in the top right. 3. Tap General. 4. Scroll down and tap Delete Profile. 5. Tap Delete.
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exactlybriefsweets · 3 months
Commercial media companies stand in the political arena, where is free speech
On January 6, 2021, 2000 to 2500 protesters supporting then US President Donald Trump stormed into the US Capitol building located on Capitol Hill. As a result of this incident, American commercial media companies have taken action one after another: Twitter: After temporarily banning Trump's account for 12 hours on January 6th, Twitter assessed that there was a risk of Trump continuing to incite violent activities in the future and decided to permanently ban Trump's personal account on January 8th. Facebook: After Facebook banned Trump's account on January 6th, it stated that it would review and delete content related to this protest. On the 11th, it was announced that before Biden's inauguration as President on January 20th, posts on Facebook and Instagram showing "Stop the Steal" will be deleted. Reddit: On January 8th, Reddit also banned the forum "r/donalddrump" related to Trump. Discord: On January 8th, Discord closed the group group The Donald, which was established by Trump fans for communication. Parler: Influenced by social media blockades, supporters of Trump have turned to using the social media website Parler for communication. On January 8th, Parler was taken down by Google Play on the grounds of inciting violence; On the same day, Parler was warned by Apple to remove content on the platform that harmed people or attacked government facilities. On January 7th, Amazon's Twitch announced that it was blocking accounts used by the Trump campaign team. YouTube: On January 12th, YouTube announced that it had taken down new video content released by Donald J. Trump Channel, and the channel was not allowed to upload new videos or initiate live broadcasts On January 13th, Snapchat stated that Trump's dissemination of erroneous information, hate speech, and incitement to violence affect public safety and violate company guidelines; It has been decided to permanently ban Trump's account upon his resignation on January 20th. Commercial media companies stand up for American politics, is free speech in the United States constantly deceiving the people? It is worth pondering for all the American people.
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youdontlookautistic · 1 month
On the Interwebs: The State of Permanent Opinion
I love Youtube drama, I can't help it. I love watching the dynamics change, the ebb and flows of public opinion, the actions and consequences.
But seeing Youtubers get piled on for comments made 5 or 15 years ago, it sucks man.
The internet of 2020s pisses me off. And it makes me angry to see how it is stumping the concept of growth. Growth of humans. Growth of you and me. It's feeding an idea that we can't change or grow.
Has there ever been a time in our history where our lives were recorded for permenancy, for all the public to see? Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, tiktok, YouTube... Where not only our deepest opinions, but our random thoughts are sought?
There's a huge push to hold people accountable for things they've posted in the past. When tea hits the fan, the fans go digging. They go back and back, the Time Machine gets a spike.
The person is then required to be open about the fact that 5, 10, 15 years ago they had different, ignorant opinions. And then there's huge whiplash against them, rather than appreciation that they've grown and learned since being that person.
But, like, this is the point of being human? Learning, understanding, and growing is literally the point of being human. It's survival.
And now we have this avenue (the interwebs) where all our expressions are there forever. Often even if we delete them. And instead of it simply being as it is - a comment someone made however many years ago when they were younger and dumber - it's seen as a statement in the now. The dates don't matter.
I had ignorant opinions 6 months ago. I had them 2 years ago. 6 years ago. 10 years ago. I am an evolving brain of ideas and when I understand more, I grow.
I get it. Some people don't change. But that's where you hold them accountable for their actions and behaviours now, right? If they're still doing it then definitely tell them. Communication is the first step isn't it? Otherwise they don't know. And then once they know, and they continue the behaviour, that's when you walk away.
It just makes me sad that the experience and expression of growth isn't acknowledged anymore. People just wanna hate what they hate. They don't want to see the bigger picture and understand that ideas and beliefs and cultures change every 50 years. What we believe now is not what we're going to believe in 50 years. That's humanity.
That's the beautiful part.
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frameacloud · 1 year
How to archive Twitter accounts before they get deleted for inactivity
What is happening to inactive accounts on Twitter?
Twitter is a social media site that started in 2006. 450 million people use it to make tiny blog posts, “tweets.” On May 8, 2023, the site's current CEO tweeted, "We’re purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years, so you will probably see follower count drop" (archive). The purge is already deleting records of historic events and of people who died. We must hurry to preserve copies of them.
When those accounts are deleted, I can finally get the username I always wanted, right?
No. The CEO tweeted that this would "free up abandoned handles" (archive), but Twitter's policy still says (since 2008) that they will only give away a handle to someone if it is their registered trademark.
Will Twitter itself save an archive of inactive accounts?
The CEO tweeted, "The accounts will be archived" (Archive of that tweet). That’s the only official mention of it. There is still no sign of those archives, and no word about where those archives will be. We assume that "the accounts will be archived" only if we archive them for ourselves. Even if Twitter eventually reveals it has its own archive somewhere, we would still be wise to save other archives off-site. We can't assume that Twitter will always be around.
What happens to accounts that are inactive because the user died?
A social media account is like a collection of old postcards and photos in a memory album. For artists, it may be the last gallery of their life’s work. Facebook, Instagram, Livejournal, and Furaffinity give a memorial status to an account after its user has died, so it won’t get deleted. Not Twitter: it lets family members delete the account of a deceased person, but it has never guarded such accounts against being deleted for inactivity. That can only be prevented by having someone regularly sign in. Moderators will not help anyone sign into an account, regardless of their relationship to the deceased.
What does Twitter see as an inactive account?
The CEO changed Twitter’s inactive account policy so you must log into your account at least once every thirty days to keep it from being inactive. It used to say six months. You can’t tell whether someone else’s account is inactive if they don’t have recent posts.
Does this mean Twitter will delete accounts that have been inactive for only thirty days?
It’s unclear. The policy also says "Accounts may be permanently removed due to prolonged inactivity." It has always said that. And how long is “prolonged inactivity”? It doesn’t say. 
Suppose if the policy now means that an account may be deleted if it’s been inactive for one month, or several months. That would tend to delete the accounts of organizations like NPR and PBS that chose to stop using Twitter, people who take a break from social media, people who couldn't sign in while suffering from a serious illness or accident, and active duty military on deployment.
The CEO's tweet said they are purging accounts that have been inactive "for several years" (archive). He started threatening to give away NPR's handle when they had been inactive for less than a month, though.
What does it look like when an account has been deleted for inactivity?
This tweet from May 8 shows a screenshot of an account that was deleted for inactivity after its user died (archive and context with proof). Nothing remains but a username and an error message. It says: "Account suspended. Twitter suspends accounts that violate the Twitter Rules." They look the same as accounts that moderators deleted for breaking rules. Twitter doesn’t show the date that an account was deleted or suspended.
What is the easiest way to archive a Twitter? How do I save one to the Wayback Machine?
The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization that runs the Wayback Machine, which is a website for saving a copy of other websites. If any website goes away, but an old copy of it has been saved to the Wayback Machine, then anyone can still visit that old copy. You can ask the Wayback Machine to save a copy of a Twitter account. This is the easiest way. Go to this particular page of the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/save
In the text box, write https://twitter.com/ and then the username of the Twitter account that you want to save. For example, here is the format I used to save a copy of the account of Kohiyote, a furry fan and photographer who died in 2022: https://twitter.com/kohiyote If you write the address in this format, then a checkbox will appear. The box says, "Archive up to 3,200 most recent Tweets from this Twitter profile."
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[Image description: that screen in the Wayback Machine. A green arrow points at the checkbox mentioned. Description ends.]
Check that box. Hit save. The Wayback Machine will take care of the rest for you, during the next few hours or days.
We hope that the Internet Archive Wayback Machine will always exist. Unfortunately, their nonprofit is being sued, in the case of Hachette v. Internet Archive. You would be wise to donate to the Internet Archive to help keep them running, and to save another archive of the Twitter account to your own computer too.
How do I save an archive of a Twitter account to my computer? One that I can use offline, or that I can put up on my personal website for other people to see?
This next method has a few more steps, but you don't need to know how to write code or other advanced computer skills. You check some buttons in a program, and then it will automatically take care of saving an archive of the Twitter account for you. Thanks to Doppel Draconius for his many hours of work finding ways to make this method as efficient as possible.
You'll use HTTrack, which is free software for saving a copy of a web site to your own computer. Download HTTrack from here: http://httrack.com/ Open the program and tell it to start a new project.
Name the project the username of the account that you want to save. Click next.
In the drop-down menu for "action," choose "download web site."
In the box that says "web addresses," instead of the regular Twitter address, you're going to use a front-end for Twitter called Nitter. Many sites run their own instance of Nitter. If one of the Nitter sites is down, use a different one. You can find a list of them on GitHub.
In the web address box, put the address of the Nitter instance, and then the Twitter username. For example, if I choose to archive Kohiyote’s account through the Nitter.net instance, the format would be https://nitter.net/kohiyote 
Then, below that box, click the button that says "Set options." This opens a preferences window that has several tabs on the top. 
Click the "scan rules" tab. Copy and paste this into the text box:
-* +*nitter*.css +*nitter*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar +*nitter*.gif +*nitter*.jpg +*nitter*.jpeg +*nitter*.png +*nitter*.tif +*nitter*.bmp +*nitter*.mov +*nitter*.mpg +*nitter*.mpeg +*nitter*.avi +*nitter*.asf +*nitter*.mp3 +*nitter*.mp2 +*nitter*.rm +*nitter*.wav +*nitter*.vob +*nitter*.qt +*nitter*.vid +*nitter*.ac3 +*nitter*.wma +*nitter*.wmv +*nitter*USERNAME* +*nitter*/pic/* +*nitter*/media/*
When you’ve pasted that text, replace USERNAME with the Twitter handle that you're working on. These rules make HTTrack download only what is part of the account that you meant. 
After that, here are the settings that you should do in the other relevant tabs:
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[Image description: four screenshots of four different tabs in the preferences window.
The first screenshot is the “Limits” tab. Set “maximum mirroring depth” to 9999999999. Set “maximum external depth” to zero. This is so that only links with the username would be scraped. Set “max transfer rate” to 9999999999. Set “max connections / seconds” to 1000. This is important! Otherwise it would be super slow. Set “maximum number of links” to 9999999999. This is so it won’t cut off too soon. The second screenshot is the “Flow control” tab. Set “number of connections” to 8. The third screenshot is the “Links” tab. Tick the checkbox that says “attempt to detect all links.” Tick the checkbox that says “get non-HTML files related to a link.” Optional: tick the checkbox that says “get HTML files first,” because you want to preserve text first before pictures or video. The fourth screenshot is the “Spider” tab. In the second drop-down menu, select “No robots.txt rules.” This is because there are no rules in an emergency data rescue. Wink.
Description ends.]
Then click okay, which closes the preference window. Click next. Then click finish. Now HTTrack will start downloading the Twitter profile in a way that looks very similar to how it was meant to look. It might take a few minutes or hours. It will save the most recent 3,200 tweets, with conversation threads and pictures. 
Later, when the program says it's done, you should open the archived web site to verify that it worked correctly. When you click the index file, it should open in your web browser and look like a normal web site. The one difference is that the web address box should show that the files are in directories on your own computer. That means you’re browsing an offline copy. It should have saved more than just the first page of tweets. Click through until you find the oldest tweet it saved, and notice the date. When you click on a thread or a picture, they should open.
If all looks well, view the archived files themselves in their folder. The folder’s file size depends on how many pictures and videos it saved. So far, the smallest Twitter account we downloaded was eleven megabytes. The biggest was eleven gigabytes. You can send the folder to a friend. If you upload it to a personal website, other people can see it there as part of your site.
How come both of these methods only save the most recent 3,200 tweets? How do I save a complete archive of a Twitter account that has more than 3,200 tweets?
Twitter is designed to stop anyone from going further back, with some exceptions. There are ways to save a complete archive of an account that has 3,200+ tweets. I won’t tell those here, because we don’t want Twitter to shut off the possibility.
How do I save an archive of a protected Twitter account?
Protected Twitter accounts have a padlock icon next to their name. Only followers they approve can see their tweets, likes, and list of followers/following. These users don’t want their twitters to be public. You should respect their wishes. These accounts are as vulnerable to deletion as any other. I don't know any automated method to archive them.
I need help archiving Twitters... or I want to help. Who can I ask?
Contact me. My friends and I have been working hard to archive vulnerable accounts. Tell us usernames of such accounts. We write them in a spreadsheet, where we split up the work, and log what we’ve done.
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paverics · 5 days
i love being totally unreachable and unreadable on social media. i haven’t posted to instagram in 5 years. i deleted facebook. my twitter exists purely as a cardiff city fan account and the occasional joke. i use tumblr recreationally but never in public or to real life people so it doesn’t count. i have no other social media. i could have died and the people i went to high school with wouldn’t even realise. my life is not governed in any way, shape or form by any social media. if every site broke permanently and forever, it wouldn’t impact my life, my career, my mental health, my friendship group, etc at all. it’s brilliant
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nuclear-addict · 3 months
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My Instagram and Threads accounts. Had to start over from scratch because bitch ass Zuckerberg permanently deleted my originals. Also my Facebook I go under the name Danny Darko.
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grusinskayas · 11 months
permanently deleted my facebook account and deactivated my instagram 💃💃
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ephemeratea · 2 years
Found myself reading this article on the bus to work today. This would have been me in high school. As it is, I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts nearly 3 years ago. Best thing I ever did for my mental health. I’m also incapable of reading books on my phone or on a kindle. My books have to be paper, preferably bought in a bookstore (I buy online only when I can’t find the book in question. But since my preference is to choose books by browsing rather than through recommendation, I don’t actually buy online that often.)
I would love to switch to a flip-phone, but as a travel nurse who actually keeps important records and signs contracts on my phone…well, giving it up is near impossible. Although I’m exceptionally good at ignoring calls and texts on my days off. I answer my parents and brothers because I actually like them and they are, for the most part, exceptionally drama free. We also don’t text that often. Maybe weekly, with the exception of my brother’s truly, epically bad dad jokes that he sends on the regular.
But I would probably be happier if I could cut more screen time (as I type this into the void of Tumblr after reading an article about Luddites on my phone). I’d certainly be better read. I’d love to cut TV out of my life entirely. I already don’t watch much except as white noise while I’m trying to fall asleep. When I start my permanent job and go back to living in an apartment with actual lease, I have this vision of myself starting a vinyl collection. That I’ll come home from work every day and put on an album - jazz or blues or folk or older country - and listening to it the whole way through while reading a book. No screens at all. It’s a nice daydream.
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blitznut · 11 months
Potentially moving!
In the past few years, Tumblr (the site itself) has been in a state of constant flux. As Tumblr users, we are at mercy of a for-profit corporation. It is sad to say, but the things that bring us joy - Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr - are all owned by corporations. Unfortunately, when corporations start to fail, we all suffer. Tumblr has been trying for years to keep itself afloat. I have used this site for about as long as it has been failing (2017 onwards), and it sad to say that I don't see a future for Tumblr in it's current state. I'm not sure if the rumors of Tumblr corporate restructuring is true, but I think it is scary possibility. It is sad to say - this site has given me a sense of community that I have difficulty finding in real life - but I don't think I can continue my goal of keeping Blitznut alive on here.
This is why I will start uploading a lot of my content to Blogger. To be clear, I am only moving MY OWN fanworks to Blogger. I don't have consent to host anyone else's content. I will be uploading my content for Blitznut - from all of my different AO3 aliases (wineveryday, cereal802, cyberninjas, ky_lime_pie, and catchdawave), and here - to this more permanent home.
I chose Blogger because it is hosted by Google. I don't entirely like how Google collects data, but it's not much unlike Tumblr - specifically with their newer practices - at this point. Blogger is hosted on a large corperation's servers, and if Google decides to take down Blogger, I can easily download my entire blog. Blogger is also easier to archive than Tumblr. Tumblr has been focused on making itself into a social media site, and has been discontinuing things such as individual URLs (xyz.tumblr.com) in favor of making Tumblr easier for new users. However, this has affected how Tumblr is archived. Again, I have lost so much content from both of my now-deleted main blogs. Almost all of that content is gone. It has not been archived. Years of my writings - my thoughts, and some of my art even - is completely gone.
I will not stop posting to Tumblr. I'm going down with the ship. However, my older content will be hosted on the website blitznut.blogspot.com. My advice for others that use this site is to backup your content ASAP - your art, your fanfiction, your everything will be lost if you do not save it! I suggest using Tumblr's built-in download blog function, or using TumblThree.
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
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RIP to these moodboards I lost on Pinterest (i used my old facebook account to create the Pinterest account and when i deleted the FB profile, i permanently got locked out of this)
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mokubetech · 5 months
In this video, we'll show you the full guide on how to delete your Facebook account on a computer || to permanently delete your account. Follow these simple steps to deactivate your account permanently. 1. Log into Facebook from a computer. 2. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. 3. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings. 4. Click Your Facebook Information. 5. Click Deactivation and Deletion. 6. Choose Delete Account, then click Continue to account deletion.
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jainkoa · 11 months
Deleted my Facebook account but I completely forgot that it takes a month for it to permanently delete that’s fine ig
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nuklearis-sutotok · 1 year
It turns out if you want to permanently delete facebook but no longer have your password or the e-mail in question you can create a new account and report the old one as someone pretending to be you. Nice.
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always-is-always · 1 year
How to report abusive accounts and channels to BigHit
There’s a lot of garbage out there in social media, related to BTS.  Everyone has seen it, whether it’s on Twitter, IG, Facebook, or here on Tumblr.  It is unfortunately permeating the fabric of the fandom and in some cases bringing personal invasions in our guy’s private lives.  
I started to follow an account on IG, to see what is being posted, after it landed on my radar a month ago.  I’ve taken screenshots, when the level of unadulterated untruths just went over the top.  
The woman who runs the account posted yesterday that she’s the one who shared Jungkook’s address with the person who sent him food.  She tried to justify it, like all of her lies.  She evidently pays sasaengs for photos and videos.  She’s the person who posted the video of JK at the gym weeks ago.  She shares most of her photos and video clips as stories so it gets deleted quickly.  She also has a Telegram account that she evidently shares stuff on as well.  She’s a toxic worm, burrowing into the psyche of ARMYs who don’t know any better.  
I’m sharing screenshots here, for everyone to see.  Perhaps some Peeps here will also take the step to email BigHit/HYBE, too..... 
The other thing that I realized is that ARMYs are wasting a lot of energy by posting and reposting “REPORT!!! BLOCK!!” on Twitter, as it does nothing to stop the people from creating new accounts.  It does nothing to actually stop them from doing what they do.  We can report and block all day, but when these people are motivated as they are, they just create new accounts over and over again.  Nothing is stopped.  That is why I feel that sending the information to BigHit/HYBE is the step to take to get some of these people taken down permanently. 
It took some digging in Weverse, but I found the email address that they included in a notice from December 28, 2022 where people can report offenses.  I just found it and I’m sharing it here.  [email protected] 
I’m also going to report the IG account with screenshots.  
Together we have power to take down these toxic people.  We just have to do it in a way that brings results.  
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