#delia dent
thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
Hello librarian ! I really appreciate the work you and I was wondering if you could help me once again. Do you know of any 8th year fics where Harry is severely mental scared / suffers from a mental illness due to the traumatic events of his life ? Thank you sm for you help have a great day/night 🥰
Hello! Your holds have arrived!
I went ahead and opened this ask up to include any 8th year fics where Harry or Draco are struggling with mental health, PTSD, or trauma. If you enjoy these fics, be sure to check back next week for part two of this rec list!
Eighth year + Trauma
Who We Are At Night by @stargazing-enby (708 words, rated M)
“Just… hold me. Please. That’s what I need.”
Text Message by @drarrily-we-row-along (1,204 words, rated T)
The 8th Years get cellphones as part of their muggle studies class. Draco didn't really listen to the instructions, but was pretty sure he'd figured everything out.
What He Needed by @phoebe-delia (2,205 words, rated M)
Harry and Draco are tasked with fixing the Room of Requirement after the war—but one day, the door vanishes and they can't leave. Oh no! Whatever will happen when two former rivals-turned-awkward friends are stuck in a small space together for a night?
Tangled Up in Midnight Memories (and you) by @ronbinary (8,870 words, rated T)
In which Hogwarts brings in a Mind Healer they all desperately need, inter-house unity inspires socials, the eighth years turn socials into games of truth or dare (Thank you, Pansy), and dares turn Draco into Harry’s.
Golden Daffodils' Sea by @laudh8 (11,840 words, rated T)
The months after the Battle of Hogwarts are sunny and beautiful, even though it feels like the sky should be falling around Harry. He tries to get through grief while fixing Hogwarts, capture some Death Eaters, return to his last year of school and befriend one Draco Malfoy. However, he’ll have to realize grief is not the only thing he has to fight now that he came back from death.
Edificabo by DoubleApple(18,663 words, rated E)
Numb and exhausted after the war, Harry returns to the only real home he’s ever known. Hogwarts needs help, too.
Nice Things by aideomai (22,052 words, rated M)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
A Dented Old Street Sign by @orphanghost (27,425 words, rated M)
Draco knows they aren't the only students who will be completing their NEWTs this year, but they are the only ones whose home fireplaces were disconnected from the floo network by the ministry.
At least, Draco assumes as much until he sees the light falling out from the front door of one of the other rickety old houses in front of them and the three figures cast in its warm glow. For a moment they look like some sort of strange, many legged creature. An acromantula, or a particularly massive Blast-Ended Skrewt. Then Draco hears Pansy make a disgusted sound beside him and the light falls in a less blinding way, and Draco can see that it is actually Potter and the Weasel carrying a large couch between them, and Granger fluttering around them with her wand out, seeming concerned.
Two to Lie and One to Listen by @fluxweeed (84,562 words, rated E)
It’s weird when Hermione announces that she and Ron have broken up. It’s weirder when this is followed by the revelation that she’s already moved on—and the new object of her affections is Draco Malfoy.
Things only get worse from there.
where all veins meet by @saxamophone (146,114 words, rated E)
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too.
Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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By the Grace Of [Sorcerer Rogier x Fem!Tarnished] - Chapter Fifteen
Summary: While Delia fights for her life, Rogier fights for a chance at her love. With a little blood and a lot of heartbreak, maybe they’ll finally reach each other.
Author’s Notes: 3.3K words! Obviously, I’ve completely mangled (a whole interaction and) the order of events for a certain in-game fight scene. But this is my story and I can do all of the things I want this way, so if you noticed, no you didn’t. 😉
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or events from Elden Ring
Warnings: suicide (minor character; brief description and brief references, including a non-explicit explanation), mild language, canon-typical violence, abstract horror? I think? Unedited (basically)
Rogier beat against the barrier and shouted for Delia until his fists were bruised and his voice was hoarse. She obviously couldn’t hear him.
She had backed away from the shade of him, sword hanging limply at her side. He could just make out her mouth moving, though he could not hear her. He could only hear the blood roaring in his ears. 
The spirit lifted its rapier, and Rogier froze. The blade phalanx rose around it. Delia took a step back, raising her hand between them in warning. Her sword hand twitched, but she did not lift it.
There was a horrible, long moment of waiting. 
Then, the spirit lunged. Delia’s blade came up, blocking the blow, before she stepped forward and vanished, reappearing two paces back. She rolled when the phalanx launched toward her, narrowly escaping its beams. Rogier closed his eyes, took a steadying breath, and searched his memory for any spell that might shatter this barrier. He opened his eyes.
He had nothing.
Despair filled him as he watched Delia. She fought, but defensively. She had yet to swing at the spirit before her.
“She wouldn’t hurt me,” Rogier whispered as understanding dawned. Ice filled his veins as Fia lifted her hands. Delia’s head snapped in her direction as three more spirits rose from the ground.
It gave his spirit ash an opening.
It thrust under her guard, drawing blood from her side. Rogier shouted as she flinched back, curling instinctively over the wound.
Scarlet dripped to the ground.
Rogier began to scrabble at the barrier again. He picked a direction and followed it.
It must end somewhere.
He tried to focus on finding a weakness, but he couldn’t keep his attention from Delia. She darted gracefully, backstepping and lunging, swinging her blade in wide arcs that kept the spirits at bay.
“Split them up,” he murmured.
As though she could hear him, she did.
In his peripheral vision, he saw her slide between the spirits, knocking one back with a mighty blow. The moment it hit the ground, she was upon it, severing its spine in a devastating slash downward.
She flipped backward, distancing herself from his spirit ash and the others. The glintblade phalanx rained down around her and she rolled, again and again, just out of its reach. The largest of the spirit ashes raised a staff, casting a Death spell that Rogier did not recognize.
Delia whirled from her course, only to step into the swing of a spirit ash with a vicious katana.
Rogier froze as she went down on one knee. Before he could move, she was up, spinning back and distancing herself again. She tipped back a glowing crimson flask, rolled her shoulders, and raised her sword. Rogier choked on a relieved half-laugh.
That laugh caught in his throat when Delia raised a tiny, silvery bell. Before her rose a wispy figure wielding a familiar knife and wearing a familiar hood. 
The Black Knife Assassin vanished as quickly as she’d appeared, only to reappear behind the largest of the spirits. She reached around him, blade sliding neatly between plates of armor. Delia flitted forward, swinging her sword down with both hands like a hammer. She dented the large spirit’s armor with the force of her blow. Then she was retreating, defensive again as Rogier’s own spirit ash advanced on her. The large spirit tossed the assassin aside as though she weighed nothing, turning toward Delia. 
She had turned to the spirit with the katana, trading blow for blow. She was beating it back with her heavier weapon, but was forced to dodge a strike from the largest spirit’s épée. 
There was a surreal moment where Rogier saw Delia as she had been the first time he’d seen her- a slim shadow vaulting through a window far too tall for her to have reasonably reached; a phantom flitting beneath the feet of god eatin easily thrice her size. Her movements were so fluid, so graceful, that the weapon in her hand hardly mattered. She hadn’t needed a fancy sword then, and she did not need one now. 
But to watch her wield one was a thing of beauty. 
In a flurry of movement too quick for him to follow, she’d disengaged and come back to cleave the head from the shoulders of the katana-wielding spirit. 
“Yes,” he whispered. He’d abandoned his search for a weakness in the barrier, pressing both hands against its surface with his eyes glued to Delia. In his peripheral vision, he could see his spirit ash locked in a fatal dance with the Black Knife Assassin. 
Delia and the large spirit circled each other cautiously. Neither seemed keen to make the first move. 
Rogier was just beginning to get antsy when the large spirit swung. Delia neatly sidestepped, almost carelessly swinging her sword back. It drew blood. The large spirit raised its staff, but Delia knocked it from its hands. She flitted backward, out of range of a powerful thrust, only to burst forward with a heavy swing of her own.
The large spirit went down on one knee.
She advanced, rolling out of the way of a haphazard swing of the great épée, only to leap forward. Her sword came down with enough force to lodge itself in the large spirit’s dented helmet. It did not move.
“Yes,” hissed Rogier. He brought his fist down on the barrier in victory as Delia wrenched her weapon free from her slain opponent. Then his heart stopped.
She turned at the same moment he saw it- his spirit ash’s hat appearing behind Delia. She raised her weapon to block, but the ash thrust forward, rapier piercing her torso. Rogier shouted as her knees hit the ground, blade falling by her side. Rogier slid down the barrier, ready to vomit. She had slain gods and kings and he had done… what in return? His head was filled with a cacophony of nothing. 
After everything, after all this, was he to lose her without another word? Without an apology, without holding her again? Without begging for her forgiveness and her love? Was she to be reduced to another mark on the staggering list of his failures?
She would die because of him. And he would never forgive himself for this.
In a moment, several things happened at once.
His spirit ash arched back and was lifted into the air. Suddenly, Rogier could see the slight protrusion of a curved knife.
His spirit ash was cast aside by the Black Knife Assassin. Delia reached for it.
The barrier dissolved.
The Assassin turned to Fia, stalking forward gracefully.
Rogier scrambled to his feet, racing for Delia.
He shouted for her; she turned her head. She mouthed his name. The expression of shock and utter longing on her face nearly stopped him in his tracks, but he forced his body on.
Behind Delia, a shape rose from the ground. Rogier stumbled as it came into focus.
It was impossible.
A golden head, a silver gauntlet. A scarlet cape, frayed at the edges, and a greatsword of twisted metals.
He was dead.
Delia, still clutching at her waist, looked over her shoulder. Her body went rigid. “Devin, no!”
Devin. Not Darian.
But Devin wasn’t listening. His gaze was locked on Fia, who stared back in utter terror. What little color she had had drained from her face, and Rogier could see her hands begin to shake.
With a blood curdling yell, Devin launched himself toward her, drawing his sword. Delia hauled herself painfully to her feet, fumbling her sword hilt in her blood-slick hands. Rogier tried and failed to close the distance between them. Injured though she was, she moved with purpose toward their shared friend and foe. The Black Knife Assassin flitted in and out of sight. 
Fia raised her hands. Devin and Delia raised their swords. Rogier raised his staff. The Black Knife Assassin rose up behind Fia, lifting her sword arm. Fia flicked her fingers, spraying a black mist around herself. The Assassin crumpled and vanished. Delia swore. 
In a practiced move that made Rogier’s heart clench, Devin snapped to attention with his blade upright. Fia’s eyes widened as she turned toward him, drawing back to cast another dark spell. Rogier swiftly calculated the distance between them all. 
He cast a pebble spell, barely enough to knock Fia’s hand aside. Then, with a sharp breath in, he cast a spell he hadn’t used in an age and drew a Carian greatsword. He lifted it over his shoulder, then swung down with all his might.
The blow connected, but too slowly; at the same moment that a wave of gold issued from Devin’s blade, Fia loosed another black and golden cloud. Rogier felt his blood freeze in his veins. Delia shouted and turned, running back to throw herself at Rogier and bearing them both to the ground. She scrabbled at a pouch at her waist, pressing a dark pulp to his lips. The black boluses. Rogier’s heart swelled and he couldn’t stop his arms from clasping her tighter to him, even as Devin’s clear voice rang out. 
“You will know vengeance for Darian. The wrath of D…”
Rogier and Delia scrambled to their feet, turning helplessly to watch the scene before them unfold. 
Devin had closed the distance to Fia. He stood now, leaning heavily forward against the sword he’d thrust through her midsection. Fia’s face had drained of all color. Her lips moved frantically, but no sound came from them. 
Devin laughed breathlessly. “This is revenge, you witch!” He wrenched his sword free. Fia’s body tumbled back, unmoving. Rogier swallowed. Delia had stepped forward. 
“Devin, let me-”
Devin cut her off with a raised hand. Rogier realized with dread that he could see Deathroot wrapping itself slowly up and around his legs. 
“Now,” he said softly. “I can look my brother Darian in the eye.”
“Devin, he’s…” Rogier’s voice broke off. Devin turned slowly to face Rogier. 
“Honeyed rays of gold,” he began.
Rogier did not understand. 
Delia did.
She leapt forward with a yell that nearly drowned his next words. 
“Deliver my spirit.”
Rogier understood the moment Devin raised his sword, but was too late to stop the violent plunge of it. 
He shouted. 
Delia screamed. 
Devin’s body hit the packed earth with a sickening thud. 
Rogier couldn’t tear his eyes from Delia’s face over the glow of their fire. Her eyes were dull with exhaustion and pain, her dark hair knotted and wild. Dirt streaked her face, blood coated her arms and armor, and gore flecked her from head to toe. 
She was the most stunning creature he’d ever seen. 
It had taken an age to drag her from the place Devin’s corpse had disintegrated before them, wailing in grief. 
It had taken another age to pry her apologies from her lips, profuse and wretched as they were, and Rogier was sure she wasn’t quite convinced that she’d been forgiven. With blood pouring down her side, his own apologies had been lackluster and sparse.
“Why would you forgive me? ‘I can tell a good lie when I need to’, that’s what you said before. How do I know you’re not lying now?”
The words had stung, but he’d said nothing. How could he? They were true. And as she said them, she fell unconscious into his arms. 
When he’d imagined finding her again, he’d pictured taking her in his arms of her own free will; pictured falling to his knees and begging for her forgiveness; pictured grabbing her and kissing her until she didn’t remember that he had ever opened a rift between them, ever pushed her away in the first place. 
Instead, she lay curled in on herself on the other side of the fire they’d built. He hadn’t pictured finding Fia there. He hadn’t pictured Devin's arrival or subsequent death at his own hand. He closed his eyes against the image, but it was there too. 
“I could’ve saved him.” Delia’s voice was hoarse and sorrowful. Rogier opened his eyes to see that she’d closed hers again. Tear-tracks streaked through the grime, the physical embodiment of her emotional pain. 
Rogier, perhaps disturbingly, but unsurprisingly, felt very little. He’d felt nothing but dread when he’d seen Fia, and less than that when he’d tried to kill her. He’d felt a sharp stab of pain when he saw Devin, but only because he thought he was seeing Darian.
He’d felt only terror watching Delia fight for her life.
Now, he felt empty.
What had he expected? That she would come running to him? That she would be overjoyed to see him, without so much as a trace of skepticism as to his sudden change of heart?
Not to mention the upset of watching yet another friend die.
“I know,” he said softly. “But Da-” He squeezed his eyes shut as his heart clenched. “Devin would never allow himself to be… tainted.”
He could feel the weight of Delia’s gaze on him. She said nothing, so neither did he.
With Delia’s flask empty, Rogier had been left to his own strength to carry her out of the Depths. By the grace of some higher power, he’d ended up at the grace they sat by now. Delia had come to long enough to replenish her flask and he’d sat for long minutes, tipping small doses past her lips until the bleeding slowed and eventually stopped. Selfish though the thought was, he longed for that moment of having her close.
“You’re not tainted, you know.”
He snorted in surprise. “I suppose not, at least any more.” He swallowed. “Delia, I-”
She held out a hand and Rogier’s heart sank. “You don’t have to apologize. I would have been angry, too.”
“I’m not angry. Not any more. And I overreacted to begin with.”
Delia only shook her head, and Rogier let out a huff of frustration. He stood before he could think about it and walked to her side of the fire. She looked up at him warily, raising herself onto her elbows.
“Woman, let me apologize. And…” Rogier knelt and leaned over her, movements slow enough for her to stop him.
She didn’t. “Let me…” he whispered. He reached forward, tucking one curled finger under her chin. She let him tilt her head up. She let him lean down.
She let him, finally, kiss her.
Maybe the timing was wrong; maybe she wouldn’t want him after the way he’d behaved; maybe she’d never wanted him to begin with; but no, he wasn’t imagining the hitch in her breath or the way she leaned into him.
Her lips were so soft.
His heart nearly beat out of his chest, but he forced himself to move slowly, to kiss her languidly rather than with the feverish urgency he felt. He spread his fingers down, curling them gently around the back of her neck. He braced himself against the ground when she pulled herself up by his shoulders, sliding his hand down to her waist. She’d knocked his hat off in her haste and now, she fumbled to untuck his hood from his collar.
He drew in a sharp breath as the night breeze touched his bare skin. Then her hands went to his hair and he could do nothing to stop the anguished sound that escaped him. His grip on her waist tightened as she tilted his head up, fingertips caressing his scalp. His eyes slid shut as she pressed closer, tongue parting his lips to dip into his mouth.
And now, now, she was really kissing him. 
And he was lost. 
Instinct drove him as his thoughts failed. He wound his arms about her, crushing her to his chest as her mouth moved on his. She abruptly shifted her weight forward and he found himself falling flat onto his back. Her hands protected his head, taking the brunt of the impact to the ground. Before he could worry himself, Delia was giggling, crawling forward to straddle him.
His breath caught in his throat. 
His hands roved her curves, squeezing and pulling at her as gently as he could manage. He wanted to devour her. He slid his tongue into her mouth, running it along the inside of her lip, and delighted in the shudder that ran through her
He needed her closer.
He tucked his hands behind her knees and pulled her forward, unbalancing her enough for her to stop kissing him. He took the opportunity to latch his lips onto the tender flesh between her throat and shoulder, biting lightly and sucking hard. 
She moaned, loudly enough to slap a hand over her own mouth, and Rogier felt a bolt go through him. He growled in response and, remembering his dream, he gripped her waist and rolled until his hips pinned hers beneath him.
She looked up at him, stunned and a little breathless, and he felt his heart crack with longing in his chest.
He lowered himself gently, careful not to crush her beneath him. He lightly kissed her cheek, then the corner of her mouth, and then her lips before resting his forehead against hers. 
“Tell me you love me,” he murmured. Delia’s breath caught, and Rogier froze.
He hadn’t meant to say it.
The words had been ringing in his head since Ranni had said them weeks earlier.
“She loves only you.”
It was too late now. He swallowed his detachment and his self-loathing and his fear and spoke, summoning the pitiful sum of his bravery.
“Because I’ve fallen in love with you.” He nuzzled her cheek. “You’re all I think about.” He kissed a new scar at the tip of her eyebrow. “You’re all I want.” He trailed his nose to her ear, tracing the shell of it. Delia shuddered beneath him, lighting his blood with hope and desire. “I was a fool, and I’ll never be able to apologize enough.” He buried his face in the crook of her shoulder, mustering the last of his courage.
“You needn’t say anything, only please…” he took a deep breath. “I’ve no right to ask you, but please don’t make me go,” he whispered. Delia had begun to shake. Bracing himself for the worst, he pushed himself up to look at her.
Tears streamed down her face and Rogier’s heart sank like a rock.
Too little, too late.
He reached up to brush her tears away. “Don’t cry, darling. It’s okay. I don’t blame you.” He tensed himself to rise, trying to unpin his trapped arm from its place beneath her waist, but her legs came up to lock around his hips at lightning speed.
She pulled him down with both hands fisted in his jerkin, kissing him fiercely, and the embers of hope in him flickered back to life.
She spoke against his lips. “I love you.” His heart soared as she kissed him again. “I have loved you.” Her hands were all over him, running over his body and through his hair, pulling him tightly against her. “And I will love you.”
For the first time in his new life, he felt tears prick his eyes. He began to laugh. He wrestled his arm free from under her, squeezing her with all his might as he kissed her.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” she breathed.
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twcfaces · 1 year
🚼 x Gilda obviously
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Ms. Delia Dent, law student and artist on the side.
She met her father through the glass at Arkham Asylum a few days after turning 18. With everything she'd heard about him, she was prepared to see some kind of caged animal, some hideous thing to be ashamed of, but he wasn't anything like that at all. Instead, she found a deep well of compassion.
Once or twice a month, she visits him and he helps her with her studies, even if he's a little behind in practice. These visits seem to improve his quality of life tremendously. It's all he talks about for days after the fact.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
My Soul To Keep
by VenusCrytrap In the fall of 2012, your soulmate helps you go to sleep. {2/2 Deleted videos mentioned in Good Luck, Babe!} Words: 2021, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Kiss Me More Verse Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Reader, Reader Insert - Character Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Reader Additional Tags: Terminal Illness, reader dies at the end, Assisted Suicide (Injection), Delia Dent Suicide; Mentioned (heights), Harvey Dent is Two-Face, Reader has a Daughter (Mentioned), Death Positivity, Death With Dignity, Not Graphic I Promise! via https://ift.tt/CyGvK0n
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nightmaretheif · 4 years
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So i done a thing a thing that involves these three ladys because i can. So we have sone DC babs: Jokers 'Daughter' Harley Quinn Punchline ive been watching a Youtuber by the name of 'Casualy Comics' and they had covered Dcs Joker Wars, which apears to of introduced Punchline anyway yhea something a lil different charicters (c) DC Comics art (c) Nightmaretheif
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earth627 · 4 years
Delia Dent: Hey, is anyone else d-
Grant Wilson: Dead?
Zachary Zatara: Drunk?
Terra Markov: Drained?
Greta Hayes: Depressed?
Thad: Deprived of sleep?
Uriah: Drowning?
Delia Dent: …done with your drink? What is wrong with you people?
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kitty-does-stuff · 4 years
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Love this clown
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kitty-draws-stuff · 5 years
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so in a fanverse (dc) i have with @autistic-redhood there’s a Teen Titans East team so i wanted to give them some redesigns (Zach’s is from a while ago) anyway from left to right
Mera Al Ghul | Grant Wilson | Zachary Zatara | Dee Dent/Delia Dent (aka one half of DeeDee) | Thad Thawne | Uriah | Terra Markov | Owen Mercer
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transguygardner · 2 years
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this could be a scene in johnny test (complimentary)
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minaslittleone · 3 years
Unabridged & Overwhelmed
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable
Summary: I felt like writing more soft, domestic Delia x Mina - sue me. Title comes from Three by Sleeping At Last.
Word count: ~2200
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Even as the supreme, Cordelia had yet to determine how her mountains of paperwork always seemed to double behind her back, as if by magic. In spite of her best efforts she never seemed to be able to make a dent in the piles which thankfully Mina kept perfectly sorted and ordered. She allowed her forehead to fall on to the small patch of clear desk in front of her with a dramatic thump, which was answered almost immediately with a somewhat tentative knock at her office door.
Cordelia groaned. "Yes." She wasn't sure she had the patience left to deal with any drama or teenage spats today.
Zoe had the good grace to look sheepish as she entered. "I'm sorry Cordelia, I know you said not to disturb you unless it was urgent but it's past seven. Dinner's being served and you've been in here since breakfast. You really should take a break and eat something."
God no wonder she felt so wrung out and frustrated. She lifted her head from her desk, consciously dropping her shoulders and shooting Zoe a somewhat tired, wan smile before replying.
"Thank you, Zoe. I'll be down in a minute."
Zoe nodded and closed the door gently behind herself, giving Cordelia a moment to compose herself before presenting a face of warmth and contentment to the coven. It wouldn't do for the girls to see the toll that her schedule had taken on her in recent weeks. It was a bad time of year she reasoned, mid year exams coinciding with financial reporting dead lines, compounded by damp dreary weather which seemed to lower the mood of the coven like a leaden weight.
She had gotten better at leaning on the senior girls and council members though. And Mina. God some days she felt as if her girlfriend was the only reason she had retained even a shred of sanity. The way that Wilhemina seemed to be able to take a mountain of tasks that left Cordelia's head spinning just to think about and condense it into a list of achievable tasks in a logical order was astounding. The fact that during this process she also usually removed any tasks that she or any of the council members could deal with probably also helped. Cordelia was usually too overwhelmed to notice the specifics of when this happened but she was very well aware that Wilhemina did it. And she was utterly content to let Wilhemina think that her sleight of hand had gone unnoticed if for no other reason than to watch the small self-satisfied smirk appear on her girlfriend's face everytime she thought she had gotten away with it.
By the time Cordelia reached the dinning room most of the girls were already eating, having long since learned that if they waited for her to arrive before starting, their food would likely go cold. She noticed gratefully that one of the girls (probably Zoe) had served a plate for her, but she was considerably less pleased to notice that her chair was not the only one that remained unoccupied. Wilhemina was missing as well.
"Don't look so devastated Cordy. You know it is possible to survive without being physically attached at the hip with your girlfriend. Probably make dinner much more enjoyable for the rest of us, without having to watch the two of you make goo-goo eyes at each other when you think we aren't watching."
Cordelia silently wondered if perhaps one day Madison would stop getting under her skin. She doubted it. As much power as the girl possessed as a witch she more than eclipsed it with her ability to needle and antagonize.
"Thank you Madison"
Zoe shot a very pointed glare at her girlfriend, before meeting Cordelia's gaze across the table. "I'm sorry, none of us have seen her all afternoon and she wasn't in her office. I did check."
Cordelia felt something cold settle in her stomach. "It's fine Zoe, thank you. I'm sure she just wants some space, you know how she gets."
Cordelia did her best to hide how quickly she finished her meal. She did her best to participate in the various conversations taking place around the table and steadfastly ignore the empty chair beside her. And after she had finally remained seated for a sufficient period after finishing her meal she did her best to keep her pace steady as she made her way into the kitchen to clear her plate.
No sooner had she entered than Zoe appeared at her shoulder and pointedly removed her dishes from her hands.
"It's ok" the younger witch assured her, "I can finish this, you go. Let us know if you need anything."
Cordelia was obviously conflicted but it didn't take much for her to allow Zoe to shoo her from the kitchen and in search of her girlfriend. A quick inspection confirmed that Wilhemina was not in her office, nor was she in their shared bedroom. Cordelia was not entirely surprised. If Wilhemina was indeed hiding there was only one place she was likely to be.
Even though the two women spent most nights together in their shared bedroom (which had originally been Cordelia's), Wilhemina also retained her own room. And everyone in the coven knew that if she retreated there it meant that she did not want to be disturbed. Except perhaps by Cordelia.
One of the hardest parts of loving Wilhemina, Cordelia mused, was sometimes giving her space when she needed it. It wasn't that she begrudged Mina her space (even if it did bring some of Cordelia's own demons of abandonment and isolation rising to the surface), no it was the knowledge that if her girlfriend had retreated it meant she was hurting but she wasn't ready to let herself be soothed. As if she felt that she had to sit alone in that dark pit a little longer before she was allowed to reach for Cordelia's outstretched hand and let herself be tenderly guided into the light. Cordelia hated nothing more than sitting idle while those around her suffered and most especially when it was Wilhemina.
She wasn't surprised either when her gentle knock at her girlfriend's door went unanswered. She eased the door ajar before trying again.
"Mina, honey, are you alright? I missed you at dinner."
No response. Cordelia eased her way into the room, quietly closing the door behind her. The room was illuminated only by the faint warm light from beneath the ensuite door, the curtains sharply closed to keep the outside world at bay. Still the low light was enough to make out the form of her girlfriend on the far side of the bed, curled in on herself, back to the door.
Wilhemina's eyes might have been closed, but the tension between her eyes and the tightness of her jaw dispelled any notion that she might have been asleep. No, she was in pain.
Cordelia eased herself down on to the bed, occupying the small gap left by Wilhemina's hunched frame, taking great care not to jostle her, lest she be the source of further discomfort. Tenderly, she threaded her fingers through her girlfriend's hair which lay uncharacteristically loose against her pillow. How she loved Mina's hair. Even with all the magic of the supremacy coursing through her veins, Cordelia doubted that her hair would ever come close to how long and thick and beautiful Wilhemina's hair was, and she would spend the rest of her life telling her girlfriend that until she believed her.
Under Cordelia's gentle ministrations Wilhemina finally opened her eyes, fighting to keep the full extent of her pain from showing there.
An affectionate smile graced Cordelia's face. "Hi baby." Cordelia moved her right hand to cup Wilhemina's cheek, thumb lazily stroking against her porcelain skin before bending forward to press a feather light kiss to her girlfriend's forehead. "What can I do?"
Wilhemina closed her eyes, knowing there was no deceiving Cordelia when her eyes laid her heart so broken and bare before her. "I'm fine" she bit out.
Cordelia didn't acknowledge her girlfriend's rebuffal, instead continuing to stroke lovingly against her cheek. "Is it your back or your hip?"
"I told you that I'm fine" Wilhemina snarled.
Cordelia remained unfazed. "And I know you well enough, honey, to know that is an outright lie. Let me go fill the hot water bottle for you."
"You really are insufferable, you know."
"Oh I'm quite aware, my dear" Cordelia replied, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend's forehead as she stood. "You regularly remind me."
When she returned moments later, hot water bottle in hand she curled herself in behind Wilhemina, wishing that her love were enough to shield her from such torment. Cordelia, having guessed based on the way that Wilhemina had curled herself on her side rather than her back that it was her left hip and resulting sciatica that were bothering her, draped the hot water bottle over the swell of her pelvis, keeping it in place by draping her arm across Wilhemina, holding her close. If the way Wilhemina's body sagged in relief at the heat was any indication she had guessed correctly.
"Don't you have more important things to be doing?" Wilhemina bit out.
"Nothing is more important to me than you" Cordelia pressed, hoping that if she said the words with enough conviction she could seer them on to Wilhemina's very soul and use them to stitch together the multitude of wounds which resided there.
Wilhemina was too tired to fight. She allowed herself to sink back into Cordelia's embrace, for a moment allowing her girlfriend's warmth to chase away the voices in her head that whispered that she didn't deserve such kindness.
It was in moments like this that Cordelia wished that Wilhemina would let her try to provide her with some relief. As the supreme surely she could find some spell or incantation that could soothe this but every time she offered Wilhemina refused. She refused to submit her body to something she did not understand. And perhaps there was a little sting in Cordelia's heart that maybe Wilhemina didn't trust her completely but she understood. After spending so much of her life, and especially her youth, being poked and prodded with little say in what was done to her it had made Mina fiercely protective of her bodily autonomy. And she understood that and she respected that. She just ached so much to ease this suffering. So instead she pressed herself into Wilhemina as much as she would allow, as if she could will the pain from her girlfriend's body.
For a few moments the universe granted them a reprieve, curled together in the face of it all, Cordelia's hand trailing lazy paths up and down Wilhemina's forearm. A moment of quiet. The eye of the storm.
That was until Cordelia felt her girlfriend tense against her, a clammy warmth settling on her skin. "Are you ok honey?"
Wilhemina only managed a grunt in response.
Cordelia was well aware of where this was going. They had played this narrative out countless times and yet Wilhemina felt no more comfortable expressing herself than she had the first time.
Cordelia sighed. "Are you nauseous, baby?" She received only a curt nod in response.
"Come on, let me help you up" Cordelia said as she extracted herself.
Slowly she eased Wilhemina into a seated position, allowing her a moment to regain her equilibrium, before gently helping her to her feet and tucking her securely against her side, taking as much of her weight as possible. Wilhemina's eyes were scrunched tightly shut, hands fisted, nails digging sharply into her palms in a last ditch attempt to control her body by force.
Slowly they edged their way towards the bathroom until Wilhemina wrenched herself away from Cordelia's side to lunge the few last steps towards the toilet alone. Cordelia was back at her side instantly, restraining her long red hair as she coughed and choked and spluttered.
Cordelia made short work of braiding Wilhemina's hair and tucking it beneath the collar of her shirt, hands then free to rub soothingly at Wilhemina's spasming body which had long since rid itself of the last of her sustenance. Honestly it didn't seem as if there had been that much for her to purge, as if she been anticipating this all day, preparing and planning for her body's eventual revolt. So instead only bile remained for her to choke and gag on.
"Shhh" Cordelia cooed. "You're ok, I've got you. I've got you. Deep breaths now. I've got you."
Eventually the tremors coursing through Wilhemina's body stilled and she fell back exhausted against Cordelia. With a flick of her wrist Cordelia summoned a damp flannel and a glass of water. Wilhemina may have forbidden her from using magic to treat her but that didn't mean she couldn't use it to make her more comfortable in small ways like this.
As Wilhemina rinsed her mouth Cordelia ran the flannel against her neck and face, cleansing and soothing. Apparently satisfied that the worst was over Wilhemina tucked herself into her girlfriend's side, allowing herself to be held.
"I'm so sorry" Wilhemina rasped from within Cordelia's embrace.
"Don't even think about it, dear. You have nothing to apologize for." Cordelia intoned, pulling her girlfriend more securely into her lap.
"I promise you, no matter how hard it gets, I'm not going anywhere."
Taglist: @lovelypeasantjellyfish @lilypadscoven @lucyintheskywithxanax
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pkmnrewritecenter · 2 years
In the Shadow of Zekrom
“The Pokémon world, a place teeming with the most amazing creatures imaginable, populating the land, the sea, and the air. Wherever you may find yourself, chances are, Pokémon will be there right beside you. Including the Kanto region’s Pallet Town, home to this young man, Ash Ketchum.”
Ash zipped up his new short-leave jacket with a grin. His partner Pikachu let out a “Pika!” as he jumped onto his trainer’s shoulder. They laughed together, spinning around in their room before Pikachu settled on his shoulder. Smile still prevalent on his face, Ash grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder before running out the door.
“A Pokémon trainer with hopes of becoming a Pokémon master.”
“Oops!” Ash said as he rushed back inside, grabbing his red cap. He put it on with a hum before he smiled at his partner, “Psyched for our trip, Pikachu?”
“Me too, feels like forever since we’ve taken a trip with Mom.”
“Ash?” Deila Ketchem leaned in through the doorway, “Professor Oak is here to pick us up.”
“Great!” “Pika!”
Ash’s mother pursed her lips at Ash before gently fixing his cap, “There! Perfect!”
Outside their home, Deila wheeled her suitcase to Professor Oak’s car as Ash raised an eyebrow at the researcher’s pineapple-themed shirt.
“Let’s hit the road!” Oak chuckled in a cherry tone.
“Why are you dressed like that?” the trainer asked.
“Why to get everyone in the vacation mood of course! It’s been years since I’ve been on such a drip,” he explained.
“But this is work-related, right Professor?” Delia asked.
“Well yes, but whatever I do between conferences is up to me. Now everyone, hop in!”
“You heard him, Pikachu!”
Both of them quickly jumped into the car. Delia was quick to follow, though she paused to turn back to the house.
She waved, “Bye, Mimey! Are you sure you want to stay?”
Mr. Mime stopped leaning against the doorframe to give the group a goodbye wave, “Mr. Mime, mime.”
“Well, if you’re sure.”
Mimey continued waving as Delia turned around to the car.
Inside of Team Rocket’s base, Jessie, James, and Meowth stood before a video of Giovanni, with only his Persian and assistant beside him. The two human agents were dressed in black versions of their normal white uniforms. They were surrounded by black as they stood in attention.
“Now once again, what is Team Rocket’s number one goal?”
“Our goal is to capture Pokémon,” Jessie said.
“Those that are powerful and rare,” James sounded off.
“And to use them to concur every reign,” Meowth finished.
“Very good, I have a new assignment for you three. I’m sending you to the Unova region. We’re trying to establish a presence there. Additionally, there’s a new mysterious organization operating there, they’ve been putting dents in our operations. It’ll be up to you to put a stop to them.”
“Sir yes sir!”
“You’ll be sent there, undercover, by plane immediately. You won’t be able to bring any of your Pokemon from other regions, Meowth will already be drawing too much attention.”
Giovanny ended the call, turning his attention to his Persian. 
“You actually have faith they’ll be able to accomplish anything in the Unova region?” 
The team leader turned to his assistant, “I doubt they will, but I know their antics will draw out that troublesome group. Then our other agents will be able to properly deal with them.”
She let out a satisfied hum as he continued petting his feline Pokémon.
The plane's propellers buzzed as it left Kanto, flying into the sky. 
“The Unova region,” Ash read from a pamphlet. The concept of an entirely new region made Ash excited enough to read, a rare sight. “I bet there’s all kinds of Pokémon I’ve never seen before!”
“Of course,” Pr. Oak informed him, “Unova has only opened contact with other regions recently. There are numerous Pokémon ingenious only to this region! I doubt you’ll find any wild Pokémon you’ve seen before there.”
“Wow! That’s awesome, this is going to be so much fun. Right, Pikachu?”
The two partners looked eagerly out their window, “I can hardly wait to land in Unova.”
A man with blue hair, dressed in a blackish blue coat, bowler hat, and sunglasses, sat down next to his company, a woman and a Meowth wearing matching attire.
“Who would have guessed we’d run into the twerp on this plane?”
“What should we do?” Meowth asked.
“We wait for now,” Jessie said, “We have to be smart about this, I doubt the boss will tolerate another failure.”
The two nodded in agreement, the three glaring at their enemy.
After far too much time staring at clouds, Ash saw a forest-covered coastline, “Wow!”
“That’s our destination, Ash!”
“Yeah! I’m so excited!” 
Once they landed, Ash quickly rushed off the plane, Professor Oak and Deila behind him. The two adults continued waking off the dock while Ash stretched, admiring the ocean view.
“Smell that ocean air, Pikachu,” the trainer sighed, but his companion hopped off his shoulder to the end of the docks. 
“Pikachu?” Ash asked, concerned, as the electric type only stared at the ocean. The trainer joined him just before a large fish Pokémon leaped from the water. It was a graceful pink with long fins. It let out an “Amollllla!” before it landed back in the ocean.
“Wow! We’re already seeing new Pokémon!” Ash cheered. Pickachu, however, shifted to the left. Where, away from them, an electric storm was approaching.
“What’s that?” the trainer whispered. No one could answer his question because, one: the only thing near him was Pikachu, and two: a metallic cage materialized around said Pokémon. The attached line snapped back to its source. The partners shared a startled yelp just as Ash grabbed onto the cage. He looked up to the end of the line, where he saw three cloaked figures. The shortest of them operating the machine.
“Hey! Who are you guys?”
“Who are you is the question indeed,” the woman started.
“We’ll answer you as we feel the need,” the man said.
The three threw off their disguises, revealing themselves, Jessie, James, and Meowth. 
“Team Rocket!” Ash snarled, “What are you doing here?”
“We could ask you the same question,” Jessie replied.
“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!”’
“Pikachuuu!” the small Pokémon sent a jolt of electricity through the wire, only for it to be blocked before it could reach them.
“Wasted effort!” James called.
“This baby’s Thunderbolt proof,” Meowth grinned.
However, the storm was fast approaching. Deila and Pr. Oak looked up in worry as it surrounded the airport, scenes licked on and off dangerously. Soon, a bolt of blue lighting, right from the glowing center of the storm, stuck between them, destroying the machine in an explosion. Ash and Pickachu were knocked violently to the ground while Team Rocket flew off far away. The entire airport shook as it lost power.
“My Ash!” Deila cried in worry, rushing out to find him as Professor Oak followed.
Ash groaned as he picked himself up, opening his eyes to Pickachu struggling, surrounded by blue electricity. As far as they could see the electricity surged all around them like a tsunami powering down over a small town.
“Pikachu!” Ash struggled out, trying, begging to push himself up from the dock floor.
Pickachu found a way to stand once the blue light washed off him. He panted like a small creature running for its life from its predator. The partners glanced up to the center of the storm. 
“Pickachuuu!” the electric Pokémon surged with its elemental type, forcing him to release an electric surge into the glowing eye of the storm. This forced the eye to dissipate, revealing that inside there was, most definitely, a very powerful Pokémon. The partners were partially blinded by the blue electric surge and black storm clouds but they could make out the clawed arms, rigid wings, hulking tail that was glowing darker than the electricity around it, and the glowing red eyes piercing down at them.
“What’s that?”
Far away a dark-skinned girl popped her head out of a tree, her small partner following suit. She gasped as she looked at the raging storm.
“You see that Axew?”
“Something amazing is happening. We have to go!” she said, leaping from the tree as Axew climbed into her gigantic hair. She grabbed onto a vine and swung in the direction of the airport. 
Ash and Pickachu stared in bewilderment at the creature. It seemed to stare back before it blasted deeper into the sky, riveting off like a jet engine. The partners let out a cry as they were knocked to the ground. The once-powerful storm dissipated without the Pokémon, making it look like there was never a storm at all. 
“The systems are running again, everything’s normal,” one of the airport control pilots mumbled, confused, as the screen and lights regained power. The group looked out the windows in pure confusion.
Ash stifled a groan as he stood back up. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to find his partner. And he did, the Pokémon lying on the dock, unconscious.
“Pikachu!” the trainer cried, picking up the electric type. He wiggled in Ash’s arms. His small eyes slowly fluttered open, “Chaaa.”
Ash let out a shaking breath, pulling his partner into a tight hug, “I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Ash, dear!”
Deila and Oak came rushing to him.
“Are you okay?” Ash’s mother asked him, grabbing at his shoulders.
“Yeah, we’re good.”
“Are you sure?” the Kanto professor asked. 
The trainer nodded as Pickachu simply cooed. That is, until a small jolt of electricity escaped his cheeks, surprising both of them. However, the electric type only shook his head and happily climbed onto Ash’s shoulder, almost as if shrugging it off. The adults shared a sigh of relief.
“That was some strange storm,” Deila breathed out.
“Yeah, I wonder who that was.”
“Who?” Oak questioned the trainer.
“I’m sure we saw some kind of Pokémon in that storm cloud,” he glanced out to the sea.
The Kanto professor hummed, “We only could only see that giant cloud.”
“Right,” Diela said.
“Uh, man that’s weird,” Ash muttered, “What could it have been?”
“Professor Oak!”
The four of them turned to see a woman in a white lab coat walking up to them.
“Ah, what do you know? Professor Juniper,” Oak greeted.
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” the professor apologized, “How are you doing after that huge thunderstorm?”
“We’re doing just fine, thank you,” Oak nodded, “I’d like you all to meet Professor Juniper. Don’t let her youthful look fool you, she’s one of the most important and impressive Professors in the Unova region.”
“Nice to meet you!”
‘It’s lovely to meet you too,” Delia hummed as Ash smiled wide.
Professor Juniper drove the four of them in her jeep, Ash couldn’t help but be astonished by the different Pokémon they passed, grazing fawn-like Pokémon, flying dove-like ones, and scurrying rodent Pokémon. 
“You’ve never seen these Pokémon before, right Ash?” the Unova professor asked.
“No, not in any of the regions I’ve visited.”
“Oh, how many regions have you been to?”
“Me and Pickachu have been across Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh.”
“That’s very impressive,” Juniper said, “I only know a few trainers who’ve visited any other regions at all.”
“Huh, I guess that is impressive. Huh, Pikachu?” 
“Pika!” his partner cheered, but another electric surge startled them.
“Is Pikachu still sparking?” Delia asked her son, conserved. Ash hesitantly nodded.
“Once we get back to the lab I’ll have a look,” Professor Juniper offered.
“Wow, thanks, that’d be great,” Ash said.
“As you should know, Kanto Pokémon are quite rare here. I have a lot of questions for you, Professor Oak.”
“Oh, alright then.”
“Is Pikachu rare here too?” Ash asked.
“Definitely, we hardly see any trainers with one, let alone in the wild.”
The trainer smiled down at his partner, who returned the expression.
“Actually, Ash, you’ll be able to see new Pokémon at Professor Juniper’s lab,” Oak smiled back at him.
“Yep, you should enjoy that,” Professor Juniper added. 
“C’mon! Let’s go!” a young boy giggled, running down the sidewalk with a young girl and an excited, gray furred Pokémon. The new Pokémon gained Ash’s attention as they drove by.
“This is Nuvema town!” Juniper announced, driving through the humble town. The other three let “Wows” while Pickachu cooed.
“My lab is just up ahead, we’ll have Pikachu looked at there.”
Pikachu groaned in the examination device. Several tubes were attached all over him as holographic rays washed over him. 
“What do you see, Professor?” Oak asked. He and Juniper looked at the data screen while Ash stood by Pickachu.
“I can’t find any visible problems.”
“So he’s fine?” Ash asked.
“He should be, but I need to run a few more tests to make sure.”
“Oh,” Ash mumbled, “Hear that, buddy? Just a little longer.”
“Professor Juniper!” one of the Professor’s assistants walked into the room, “The trainer scheduled to receive a starter Pokémon has arrived.”
“Is it really that time again?” the professor mumbled.
“New trainers?” Ash asked.
“One of Professor Juniper’s many duties is to give out the Unova starter Pokémon to new trainers,” Oak explained.
“Unova starter Pokémon?” the trainer asked excitedly.
“Would you like to meet them?” Pr. Juniper asked, laughing slightly.
Ash brightened for a second before he worriedly turned back to Pickachu, “Will he be okay?”
“We’ll watch him,” Deila comforted him as Pickachu let out a “Pika-pi!”
“Okay then, this way Ash,” Professor Juniper led him out of the room. 
A young, blonde-haired boy in an orange jacket snapped a picture of the laboratory’s lobby with his camera. He looked over the photos with a neutral expression until he heard footsteps coming toward him. He turned to see Professor Juniper, some trainer, and an assistant wheeling a tray cart.
“Hello, Trip, welcome. It’s good to properly meet,” the professor greeted.
“Hi, Professor Juniper,” Trip said, a smile now clear on his face, “I’m finally ready to start my journey as a Pokémon trainer.”
“I know you’ve waited a long time for today, welcome to the world of Pokémon!”
“Hey, I bet you were so excited last night you couldn’t even sleep a wink,” Ash chuckled. “I was the same way when I started.”
Trip turned to him slowly with a neutral expression, “Who are you?” he asked, dryly.
“Trip, meet Ash,” Juniper said, “He’s a trainer from Pallet Town in the Kanto region who’s been all over the world.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ash held out his hand for a handshake, but Trip only glanced at it.
“Pallet Town?” Trip sneered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ash asked, voice flat.
He shrugged, looking to the side, “I didn’t say anything.”
Ash didn’t halt his slight glare
“C’mon now. Today’s your first day as a trainer, it should be a happy day,” Professor Juniper tried to lighten the situation.
Juniper walked over to the cart, “Trip, you two can choose between these three Pokémon.”
The professor picked up a pokéball from the tray cart, “First is Tepig, a fire type!”
She threw the ball into the air, releasing the orange pokémon. 
“Wow, so you’re a Tepig?” Ash kneeled to the fire type. It realized a huff of fire from its nose, scorching Ash’s face. Ash coughed, “Yep, definitely a Fire type.”
The Pokémon hurried to the open floor, oinking as it went.
“Now here’s Oshawott, a Water type,” she released the otter-like Pokémon. 
“Aww, aren’t you cute,” Ash rubbed the water type’s head, making it blush. He stared up at Ash, eyes sparkling.
“And finally, the Grass type Snivy!” 
The last starter materialized left of Tepig, giving a proud look to the people, “Snivy!”
“Wow, that one looks confident!”
The three lined up together as Trip gave them a blank look.
“Man, all these guys would be great to train. It has to be a tough decision,” Ash muttered.
“Then good thing I’m choosing, not you,” Trip side-glared at him.
“Yeah, yeah, obviously,” Ash mumbled, standing up properly.
Trip took a quick photo of three. He glanced at the photo before sliding it back into his pocket.
“I’ve decided,” the blonde said calmly, surprising the other two.
“Just like that?” Ash asked.
“Yep, I’ll be taking… Snivy.”
The grass snake grinned while Tepig only huffed. Oshawott on the other hand… looked utterly heartbroken. 
“A good choice,” Juniper said as she handed him a device, “Here’s your Pokédex.” 
Trip nodded as he took the device, pointing it towards his Snivy. Activating, it read off its description: “Snivy: The Grass Snake Pokémon. Cool, calm, and collected, Snivy uses photosynthesis to collect energy with the leaf on its tail.”
Having glanced at the Pokédex screen, Trip pocketed it with a huff. 
Ash pet Oshawott’s head, “Don’t worry, I’m sure a trainer will see how great you are soon.”
Oshawott looked up at the trainer, starry-eyed, “Osha.”
“Here, five pokéballs for whatever Pokémon you may catch for the both of you.”
Juniper handed the two trainers each a case of five poke balls. 
“And here’s Snivy’s Pokéball,” she handed him the red and white device. He pointed it to his Snivy.
“Alright Snivy, let’s get this journey started.”
He recalled him with a flash of red.
“You’ll be able to carry five additional Pokémon at a time, if you catch any more they’ll be sent to me. You’ll be able to swap around your party if you need to.”
“Well, that’s basic,” Trip shrugged, chuckling slightly.
“I hope you have a great journey, Trip.”
“Thank you, Professor Juniper, for everything.”
The new trainers looked to the door next to him. Trip calmly stepped forward, leaving the laboratory. Ash shook his head before running after him.
“I’ll be right back, Professor Juniper!”
Ash excitedly opened the laboratory door to see Trip walking away from the property.
“Hey, Trip!”
He turned around to Ash, skeptical. 
“Going for gym battles?” he asked, walking over to him.
“Well, that’s just basic,” Trip grinned, “Pokémon trainers travel around challenging different gyms to compete in the Unova League.”
“Really? That’s just like in other regions!”
“Oh, well-” Trip flattered, “I didn’t know how it worked out there, I guess.”
Ash glared slightly, but his smile returned after Trip glanced back at him.
“What… other regions have you been to?”
“I’ve actually been to four other regions before now, counting Kanto,” the trainer smiled.
Trip hummed at him. They stood there awkwardly, Ash not knowing what to say while Trip waited for a chance to leave.
“Pi Pikachu!”
Ash excitedly turned back to the lab at the sound of his partner. The electric type leaped onto his shoulders as Trip’s eyes widened.
“All done with your tests, buddy?”
“Woh! What’s that Pokémon?” Trip asked as he pulled out his Pokédex.
“Pikachu: The Mouse Pokémon. An Electric Type. The evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu’s tails are occasionally struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surroundings.”
Trip gasped softly, before quickly snapping a variety of photos.
“What are you doing?” Ash asked, stepping back slightly.
Trip groaned, “Listen up! A Pikachu in Unova is a really big deal.”
“It’s not a big deal,” he shrugged, “Pikachu is my number one partner, not to mention my first Pokémon. Like your Snivy.”
Trip hummed, “Is it strong?”
Ash smirked, “Oh, you bet.” “Pika pika!” “Wanna see?”
“Sure I do.”
Quickly the two trainers were face to face on the small battle course on the side of the path.
“Snivy, I choose you!” Trip threw his pokéball onto the field, releasing the grass snake with a blue glow, “Snivy!”
“Pikachu, let’s go!” 
“Pika pika!” the electric type leaped off his trainer’s shoulders onto the battlefield. They let out a “huh?” at the click of a camera. They glanced at Trip, who was photographing the battle scene instead of actually starting.
“I’m recording my journey, and this is Snivy’s first battle,” Trip smiled, seeming to be enjoying himself.
Ash gave him a confused look, before smiling, “That’s really cool! And since it’s your first battle you can go first!”
“Alright! Snivy, use Tackle!” 
“Snivy!” the grass starter rushed towards the Kanto Pokémon with a glare on its face.
“Pikachu, use Quick Attack!”
“Pika!” Pikachu rushed towards the other Pokémon, a streak of white trailing behind it. He slammed into Snivy before the other could hit him, knocking them back to the ground.
“Get up, Snivy!”
It struggled as it returned to its battle stance, “Sni.”
“Good, now use Vine Whip!”
The grass snake sprouted vines from its back. It whipped them forward to the opposing Pokémon at breakneck pace.
“Use Iron Tail to deflect it!” Ash called.
“Pika!” the electric type slammed the hardened tail above its head to hit the fast-approaching vines, knocking them away.
“Huh?!” Trip sputtered, confused at Ash using an attacking move defensively.
“Great! Now finish it with Thunderbolt”
“Pika pika,” Pikachu charged power before releasing… nothing. “Chu?”
“What?” Ash was beyond confused at the result. Pikachu groaned, uncomfortably, shaking slightly.
“What was that?” Trip mocked, “Snivy use Vine Whip again!”
“Sni!” the starter retried the attack.
“Pikachu counter with Volt Tackle!”
“Pika!” Ash’s partner rushed forward. That is until he simply tired out, no electricity gathering around him. Pikachu tried to catch his breath, his body slightly quacking with pain, which allowed Snivy to land the hit with its vines.
“Why can’t Pikachu use electric moves?” Ash asked himself.
“Is this some kind of strategy? Calling out moves you can’t even use?” Trip chuckled. 
“Okay Snivy, let’s finish this with-!”
“Stop! Trip, I forfeit, there’s something wrong with Pikachu.”
The new trainer scoffed, “Figures.”
“C’mon Pikachu, we need to get you-”
“Pika! Pika Pikachu!” the Pokémon shouted, raising his paws up like fists despite the sweat gathering on his head.
Ash was stopped in his tracks by Pikachu’s outburst. The trainer gave him a confused look, “You want to keep battling?”
Ash beamed, “Well, alright then! Let’s give it all we’ve got.
“Finally,” Trip grinned, “Snivy, attack with Leaf Tornado!” 
“What move is that?”
“Don’t know that one, do you?” Trip raised his head, making Ash growl slightly.
Snivy whipped himself around, creating a barrage of sharp leaves from its tail and sending them towards the opposing Pokémon.
“Quick Pikachu! Cut through with Iron Tail!”
The electric type swirled its tail through the leaves, preventing them from connecting to him as he made his way to the Snivy. 
“Now land the hit on Snivy, then finish it with Quick Attack!”
“Pika Pika!” Pikachu, still airborne, used the remaining momentum to knock Snivy to the ground before landing. The electric type dealt the final blow, sending the Snivy to Trip’s feet, swirls in its eyes.
“Snivy!” Trip exclaimed, kneeling to his starter, which only moaned out its name.
“We did it!” Ash cheered. Pikachu let out a tired, “Pi Pi!” 
Before falling to its feet.
“Pikachu!” Ash dropped to his knees, gently picking up his starter. Ash nearly leaped up, turning around and rushing inside the laboratory. He stepped in front of the doors, but stopped and turned back to the battlefield to see Trip walking away, his starter recalled. 
“Hey, Trip!”
The Kanto trainer smiled, “That was a great battle!”
Trip only huffed in reply, continuing away from the property. Ash’s smile disappeared as he worriedly looked down at his partner. He pushed through the doors.
Professor Juniper stared at the data screen before her. Professor Oak and her assistant stood next to her. Ash was next to Pikachu, who was put back into the scanning device, worried as Delia stood next to him in a vain attempt to comfort him. Even the Oshawott from earlier stood at the door frame, pecking his head in.
“So something’s really not right with Pikachu after all?” Ash asked, nervousness apparent in his voice.
Professor Juniper rubbed her chin, “It appears that Pikachu has suffered an electrical overload of some kind.”
“All that electric energy Pikachu absorbed in that thunderstorm was too much. He just couldn’t handle it.”
“That explains why Pikachu isn’t able to use any Electric type moves,” Oak added.
Ash’s expression grew even more worrisome as he glanced back at his partner, “You mean Pikachu won’t ever be able to electric type moves again?” 
Before Juniper could comment the screen glitched out, making a loud noise, while electricity gathered around Pikachu’s cheeks and tail. The electric type struggled to contain the energy as some of the tubes around it detached.
“Piiiii ca!”
“Pikachu!” Ash shouted worriedly.
“Professor Oak, it’s that storm again,” Pr. Juniper pointed to the window, where the electric storm surrounded the lab.
“Oh my.”
Iris could only stare at the dark storm encasing the town from the tree she had settled on.
“That again,” she muttered.
“Axew,” her small partner muttered.
A lightning bolt violently struck the laboratory’s satellite, the electricity seemed to go straight to Pikachu, he was encased in electricity, freeing him from whatever wires were left, as the rest of the power went out.
“Reboot the system, now!”
“Yes, Professor Juniper,” one of her assistants nodded, rushing out the room. The Professor gasped as the thunder grew louder.
“It couldn’t be. Could it?”
“Could it be what?” Oak asked.
“Could the source of those clouds be Zekrom? The legendary Pokémon of ideals?”
“Zekrom?” Ash breathed out.
“Zekrom’s quite infamous here. It’s said that from within its storm cloud Zekrom watches over people and Pokémon. And its lightning bolts are judgments from above, that they’re the pillars that hold up the sky.”
Pikachu suddenly cried out its name as it surged with even more electricity.
“Pikachu!” Ash cried in concern.
“Pikachu has been affected by a mysterious phenomenon. Can it regain its electric type power? A dark cloud of confusion has suddenly fallen over Ash and Pikachu as the journey continues…”
I don't actually care that Pikachu lost to Trip's Snivy. I changed it for story reasons.
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sunshinegearbox · 3 years
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“𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘴; 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘴!” ― 𝘔𝘦𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘢𝘯 “In the winter of 1968, Kya sat at her kitchen table one morning, sweeping orange and pink watercolors across paper, creating the plump form of a mushroom. She had finished her book on seabirds and now worked on a guide to mushrooms. Already had plans for another on butterflies and moths. Black-eyed peas, red onions, and salt ham boiled in the old dented pot on the woodstove, which she still preferred to the new range. Especially in winter.” ― Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
okok here it is, i don't have a working title yet lol and i wrote the first like three paragraphs a year ago and only now finished it
but uh here it is ig (it's long so below the cut)
oh and i named the characters before i read chog believe it or not so there is no correlation lol
Prologue - Cordelia
May brings with it the memory of battles fought and won and the ever looming presence of a war not quite lost but certainly nowhere near done. As I hand out threadbare blankets around the flickering fires of the temporary war camp, I have to force my mind not to stray to all the people who should be here but are not. Well, the one person, really. I don’t allow myself to dwell, for I know that if I let my heart open to loss, there will be no hope at closing the hole left behind. No one here will tolerate that.
Yet no one criticizes Halen when she fumbles and breaks her fragile composure, storming out of the planning tent, the memories glistening in her eyes threatening to spill over. No, when it’s her, they rush to comfort her, to appease her, and they tell her to take all the time she needs. After all, has the poor girl not been through enough? they whisper pityingly as though we all haven’t lost others to this fight. But, of course, it’s not my place to comment on the actions of the mighty Chosen One. Even if she is my friend.
I look down to find my hands are empty. Tir has taken the last blanket from me without my noticing, and he’s settling down against his pack with his bare feet at the fire. I scowl; he isn’t allowed to speak against Halen either, despite being her older brother.
Heaving a sign, I slump down next to my friend and pull a corner of the blanket over myself. Tir shifts slightly so I can lean against his shoulder. We don’t speak. There are no words big enough to dispel the cloud of grief that hangs over us.
I know Tir is thinking of Zo today, just like he knows I’m thinking of Cherry.
Both of us, I’m sure, are also thinking that Halen ought to be here. She ought to be spilling those tears she always threatens and apologizing meaninglessly for deaths that aren’t her fault. Since when did she choose to be distant and calm? Couldn’t she at least have the decency to break down with the rest of us?
I scowl at a gecko as it skitters through the dirt toward the treeline to the west. I should say something to Halen. I should scream at her, sob at her, cry out until she understands that we need her as a friend, not just a commander.
My mind made up, I stand quickly, earning a confused stare from Tir. “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice thick.
I shake my head. “Somewhere that isn’t here.”
He chuckles and reaches up to squeeze my hand. It’s enough. He was never one for many words.
I smile sadly down at him and set off to the eastern shore, where the purple and gold tents of the Eneris royal tents have been set up. Their fire and sun emblem shines bright on the tent flaps behind guards dressed in layers upon layers of robes and wraps and blankets. I scoff. The army settled just twenty yards away is shivering under thin blankets and dying fires while the royals and their company dine on mutton and venison. Not that I’ve come to expect anything else from them. They recruited Halen and built this army from the ground up—of course they believe themselves worthy of a few more precious coins exchanged for better conditions.
Even today, the first anniversary of Monvira’s troops storming villages and uprooting lives, they haven’t so much as acknowledged the flood of pain that’s sweeping through their army. I wonder if they even know what May first means to their people.
I stop mid-stride, staring straight ahead at the Strategy tent, where I know Halen spends most of her time these days.
It hits me: May first. The sky is clouded and the birds are silent, but it’s May first and no one bothered telling me that I forgot my birthday. Which was April thirtieth. No one noticed.
Weariness pushes at the back of my eyes, and I blink heavily against the tears blurring my vision. Memories from last year flood my mind as I turn and hurry towards Halen’s private tent. It bares the same colors and seal as the others.
I collapse on her bedroll and let out a single sob.
Last year, on the night of my birthday, Cherry had wrapped a blanket around us both as we stumbled back to our village after a whole day spent together at Renton Lake. She’d kissed my hand and twirled me toward the hut I shared with Halen, giggling in the moonlight, her dark unbound hair spilling over her shoulder like a waterfall of night. The memory rips through me, forcing another sob out of my quaking body.
The next morning, she’d been gone.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, my tears collecting in a pool around my head, but eventually the shaking subsides and leaves behind a solemn heaviness. Only when I hear the tent flap ruffle do I stir. There’s a small gasp, then: “Delia?”
Halen’s nickname for me only makes the smallest dent in my sorrow. I push myself to a sitting position, sure that my face is red and splotchy and my hair wild and tangled. All in all, I don’t blame her for looking taken aback. “Delia, what is it?” she gushes, crouching before me and taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
This is exactly what I wanted when I stormed in here. Now, I nearly laugh. It’s pathetic, really, all this time I’ve spent cleaning up after Halen, chasing her, thinking maybe she could do something that would fill the cavity growing inside me. I see it now, as her hazel eyes rake my face. “Nothing,” I tell her. Her thumbs are soft as they wipe away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. “Not anymore.” My voice is scratchy, and I push down against a wave of shame. I’m better than this. I’m better than breaking down in my friend’s plush tent. I’ve never been the emotional one—that was always Halen.
I wipe away my tears, feel myself stand and walk out of the tent, my mind still occupied with hazy revelations I’m too exhausted to fully pursue. There’s a feeling in my gut, the only one that matters right now, and it’s an overwhelming cry to get out.
The grass is silent under my feet as I walk, and I’m distantly aware of Halen calling after me. Her cries of “Wait!” and “What’s going on, Cordelia?” follow me, even after she stops.
I keep walking.
I don’t look back.
so uh yeah that's it 👉👈 i can give u the idea of the book if u want or you can just take this offering and run lol <33
Im gonna give you my unfiltered thoughts with no order or organization
1) i have a basis for how the crown is unfair (based on cordelias description) ALSO HOW CORDELIA DESCRIBED "i wasnt even sure if they knew what may 1 meant to their people" IDK BUT I LOVED HOW OT WAS WRITTEN. Its not explicit BUT LEAVES THE MESSAGE SAID
2) basis to whats going on? C H E C K
Artie i've told you a million times but I adore your writting style, i always adored it BIT READING YOUR ORIGINAL WORK
Your style is perfect
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
My Soul To Keep
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CyGvK0n by VenusCrytrap In the fall of 2012, your soulmate helps you go to sleep. {2/2 Deleted videos mentioned in Good Luck, Babe!} Words: 2021, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Kiss Me More Verse Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Reader, Reader Insert - Character Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Reader Additional Tags: Terminal Illness, reader dies at the end, Assisted Suicide (Injection), Delia Dent Suicide; Mentioned (heights), Harvey Dent is Two-Face, Reader has a Daughter (Mentioned), Death Positivity, Death With Dignity, Not Graphic I Promise! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CyGvK0n
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loredumptime · 3 years
20s STORY: clarice, [southern man], iola kleeman, petra aveson, cleo aveson
APAMA STORY: apama, iotape, roxane, kleandros
APOCALYPSE STORY: foyoko suzuki, nguyen duong, ramona ahmad, roxanna, maisel, pablo
BAND STORY: electra, andromeda, venus, juno, bijou, milan, kiki, amber, dorian
BASIL LOUISE: basil louise callaway, maxine greer
CIRQUE NOELLE: mellie patch, leo fig, noelle tuleja, quura, areck johansen, mirissa acquati, orion floros, lula marinos, prissy, the lemon girls
COLD WAR STORY: lukas petrauskas, alexei, nadia pavlovsky, annika, sasha petrauskas, natasha petrauskas, tina petrauskas, valentina campos, ximena aguado, ilya bykov, ona petrauskas, lyosha petrauskas, vladimir, svetlana
DYSTOPIAN DELILAH: lemonade blackstone, eun-ha park hakim, jared smith, alexander moore, delilah yoshida, andreaus choi, emil olsen, erzsebet kemeny, zsofia kemeny, liam kishka, cory anderson
EZRA AND THEO: ezra ramirez, theodore rundle, ebony wilson, madeleine drozdov, jade wu, maple wells
HELL STORY: ashari astiela, baphomet, azri diotallevi, lia diotallevi, ark, the devil
HOMEFRONT STORY: henri, tucker, mirabelle
HONEYPOT: eleanor sabina, carlotta fernandes
KING TUT STORY: king tutankhamun, [girl] 
KORE’S UNIVERSE: kore mariangela, gertrude muller, leon ryland, dyani chuchip, hanzou kenta, aurelie babineaux
LESBIAN PIRATES: maeve finch, mariana finch, elena-rose finch, aerynthe milleny
MARY STORY: mary, [killer], [brother], hotaru saito, magnolia lewis
PANDORA STORY: william vasilescu, adam lysander, pandora chung, [pandora’s mom]
PETER PAN RETELLING: pan, wendy, hook, [hook bf], tink
PROFESSOR STORY: [professor], [inspector]
RAVIOLI: aika, augustus, olympias, [augustus sister], [evil prince]
RHIANONH: rhiannon mitchell, micha amos, lark beaumont, micha amos, richard mitchell
SACRILEGIOUS KIDS: lamb, rowan march, belle melangell, finn laurier, shiloh st. james, adam page, marley grey, haniel, gabriel SADIK STORY: ahmed, mihr nush, sadik bin abdullah, roshanak, fatima 
SLASHER KIDS: milo saint, charlie messer, jack colton, eli shaw, oliver shaw
TUTOR FROM CORINTH: philippos, tullia, calidus, berenike, galene
WEREWOLF STORY: alicia hughes, marlene hughes, wolfsbane hughes, alfred hughes
WILD WEST STORY: wes, beau, lottie, eve
WOODSTOCK STORY: annamae sinclair, jolene dixon, [hippie mother], [hippie cult leader], [hippie girl], [hippie boy]
WW2 STORY: wilfried achterburg, pepper porter, felix alberton, kostya vasiliev, luciano vargaz, carla neguirra, gwendolyn achterburg
YOKAI STORY: rio watanabe, sol costa, sumi ito, chiyo ito, hana ito
ARCANA OC: amaris natale, rishva bakhshi, tallulah devorak, maksim devorak, nyneve satrinava, lorelai natale, asanna natale
BREAKING BAD OC: cager myers, elise myers
DC OC: phoebus, constance, ella nashton, duela dent, cyril bloom, elsa king
FICTIF OC: diego perez, beatrix sparks, malou rossi, heidi dunajski
FNAF OC: trixy cat, ollie, hope
GORILLAZ OC: margo green, lemonade blackstone, jackson haywood, anita baker, connor bailey, eun-ha park hakim, marla kekoa, mason kekoa, delilah yoshida, jemima green, etienne green, catalina, francesca, camila, louis miller, juliet
HARRY POTTER OC: freya thrawcliffe, fern marden, circe ellis, yoon hye-in, aiden carter
HETALIA OC: agnes escalona, carla / andorra
JOJO OC: cecilio grande, delia sallow, miguel, jean, consuelo grande, maria grande, leandro 
MARBLE HORNETS OC: nicholas hill
SLENDERVERSE OC: alice burns, beam, [the rest of these guys aren’t my ocs, i just want to reblog stuff with their aesthetics] sally williams, jeffrey woods, tim wright, brian thomas, jane richardson, kate milens, tobias rogers, nina hopkins
SOUTH PARK OC: coral kelley, nia valez
WAKFU OC: hanezil the xelor, amodri the osamodas, nella the cra, rook, isre, fionan, milien, cleora, totio the ouginak
WARRIOR CATS OC: roseleaf, foxtail, frostspeck, snowpaw, [df mentor], sheep, lily, [riverclan guy], violetpelt, goldenfur, hawk, sardine
YURI ON ICE OC: leena makela, wynn virtanen
DEAD OCS: sheena, hina takahashi, jazmin lafleure
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kitty-does-stuff · 4 years
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So Earth-627 has a weird team called Teen Titans East
Mara Al Ghul, Delia Dent, Grant Wilson, Uriah, Thad Thwne, Zachary Zatara, Terra Markov, Owen Mercer, Greta Hayes, Laney/Jon Lane Kent
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