#demon vs angels whoa
luxthestrange · 2 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#55 Demons Vs Angels
I've seen a lot of kings when they were kids, which gave me an idea,Kid Universe...boom everyone is a kid on earth,Gremlin Kid Mc and meeting the kid kings and angels- and it all started...with a kids local baseball-
Mr.Kim: Mc, how was practice?*Smiles as he sees you sit down next to Mihyeok at the table*
Kid!Mc: So good!
Mrs.Kim: Tell us everything~
Kid!Mc*Puff his chest proudly*-The boys in our baseball area were a little mean at first, but I handled it!
Kid! Mc: Can I warm up with you?
Kid!Bimet*Cant...really tell your gender,you look very androgynous*I don't play baseball with girls
Kid! Mc*Smirks at the Bully*Really? Your friend's playing with one~
Kid!Valefor:-oh oh!*Laughs at his friend*
Mr.Kim*Sniffs into the napkin, Proud at you standing up and roasting a sexist jerky kid*...I am so proud of you
In Your First game the other kids' team threw the ball aimed at Your head , You dodge in time
Referee: Penalty!
Mr.Kim*Stands up in shock angrily so*Whoa!
Mrs.Kim: Oh! Dear lord!
Minhyeok's older brother who is the coach for your team stops his parents from doing anything brash
Brother*Stops the faculty from getting in*Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it!
Brother: It happens, they're okay, Brush it off, Mc!*Giving you a thumbs up for being a better sport*
When You were given another chance ...the boy AGAIN aimed for you're face which you managed to miss last minute
Kid!Minhyeok*On the bench watching that and stands up enraged*Whoa!
Mrs.Kim*Glares at the scene before her*...What the hell?
Mr.Kim: Son of a bitch!
Brother: Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Hold it! We talked about this!*Is about to Lecture his parents but notices You angrily remove your headgear on the ground and run towards the other team player*MCCCCCCC!
Kid!Mc*Tackles the boy to the ground and gets on top of him*UGH!
Brother: Ah, well, here we go...
Kid!Mc: Eat dirt! Eat it!
Kid!Beel: Kick his ass!
Kid!Mc: Does it taste good?Huh?~
Brother*Shrugs it off and smiles and starts to cheer for you*Yeah, listen to your buddies Kick his ass!
Kid!Mc*Taunting the boy and continues to hit him with glee*You gonna cry?~ Huh? Do it! Cry!~
Kid!Gabriel*Is coughing up dirt as you shove his face in the ground and start punching him*
Mrs.Kim: Do something! Break it up!
Mr.Kim*Snickers not looking away from the scene now and pats his wife's shoulder*H-Hang on, they're winning~
Mrs.Kim: Mc! Mc!, you stop beating up that boy!
Kid!Satan*Next to Minyeok hyping you up* Punch him in the nuuuuuuuts!
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chelledoggo · 7 months
my Hazbin Hotel first watchthrough
(DISCLAIMER: this post is being typed as i'm watching. there may be inconsistencies in my attitude as i go on.)
Ep 1: blehhhh...
Ep 2: overall: "eh." villain song was pretty good.
Ep 3: something something something plot plot plot- LOOK IT'S THE SILLY SNEK AND EGG BOYS. 💖 "I'll Be Your Armor/Keeper" was a damn good song, even if at this point in the series i couldn't fucking stand Charlie.
Ep 4: ...okay i'll admit. this one for all its heavy subject matter was... handled alright. was nice to see Charlie finally grow some goddamn balls and show some righteous anger. kinda wanted to strangle Husk here until he actually showed some empathy. "Poison" was a good song, even if Angel's VA was pretty weird and pitchy at points. "Loser Baby" was a good one though.
Ep 5: i feel conflicted as a Christian finding Lucifer so charming. /j /lh also i think Charlie's starting to grow on me. and it only took over half the series. also fuck you Mimzy. the Alastor vs. Lucifer song was a goddamn bop. and "Hell's Best Dad" was beautiful.
Ep 6: WHOA. WHOAAAAAAAAA. WHOA. I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT FOR NOT SEEING THAT COMING. this episode is hitting all the Christian Universalist and deconstructionist sweet spots for me. and God i love Emily, poor bab. ;~; ALSO YASS ANGEL STICK IT TO THE MOTH MAN.
Ep 7: all my hate for Charlie is gone. i just want her and Vaggie to be happy. i feel so bad for both of them. also "Out For Love" beats the entirety of Steven Universe's soundtrack in every category lol
Ep 8: oh gosh this... ohhh... this was phenomenal... like i started out hating this show and now i'm just itching to see what goes down next season!! i'm glad i stuck through!
misc. notes:
i hate that this series basically requires you to watch the pilot to understand the first episode. luckily i've seen it but...
i like some of the background character designs.
i like the little one-eyed gremlin girl thing.
i know we're supposed to like Charlie but GOD she's annoying. I RECANT THIS STATEMENT
Alastor best character.
i kinda like Sir Pentious. he's silly. and i love his egg boys.
Vaggie's just as done with this shit as i am but the difference is she loves Charlie where as i just want to strangle her lmao.
Velvette's kinda hot ngl.
Camilla too.
seriously though am i supposed to like Charlie? when do i start to like her? I ALSO RECANT THIS STATEMENT.
i feel like i would like Charlie more if she wasn't essentially a ripoff of every "quirky" Disney princess from Rapunzel onwards. AND I RECANT THIS ONE TOO
okay, as of ep 5... i'm starting to not hate Charlie so much.
why do some of the denizens of heaven look like demons?
ep 6 is where this series finally really grabs me ngl. glad i stuck around. i'm on the beginning of the finale as i'm typing this point and i'm excited to see how it concludes.
the angels of heaven really do seem to be the "american evangelist/dispensationalist" archetype. they don't know why a soul can't be redeemed after death. they don't question it. they're not allowed to because... it's "breaking the rules" or whatever. as someone who grew up in that kind of environment, that really resonated with me.
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 4, Episode 10: Heaven and Hell
Not a chance
It's an expression, Cas
Let the angels cuss, 'screwing' sounds wrong
Okay then
What was that?
That's a lot of blood
Some kind of banishing sigil, probably
No kidding
Back to Bobby
Yikes, Ruby
Not good
That's one way to put it
He trusts her enough to leave her behind
Is Baby okay?
I didn't need that image
She's not wrong
Poor girl
Nice, Pam
Whoa, Sam!
At least she's taking it well
I've actually been hypnotized before
This isn't working
That's ominous
That went well
Again. Ominous
Better than falling to be a demon
Yeah, I bet
Something like that
Yeah, that's not good
It's a good thing I speak Dean Winchester
Hey, that's helpful!
Hey, it's 1/50th of the US
Yeah, that's valid
See, I'm pretty sure I know what they're talking about, and it's scary close to drugs
Fair enough
They won't
That's what I want to know
Also a fair question
Can't argue with cake
Oh, you'll find out
Dean gets it
Did I just hear his voice crack? Or am I hallucinating
Yeah, that'll do it
It's creation
It's like the opening of a bad joke
Dean and I have the same sense of humor
It's gorgeous
Let her handle it
That's not good
Chill, Ruby
That's a targeted message. That's got so many implications
Oh, Dean...
I don't blame her
It's what they do
Wow, they're made for each other
Oh no...
He'll never be able to
I wish he could believe it
Is Dean saying no?
Okay, good, I thought there was something wrong with him
So Dean has canonically had sex with an angel (not Cas) and no one remembers this?
You know, if you'd asked me in the first season who'd pick angels vs demons I would not have given the right answer
Ruby, what are you doing?
She'd be okay with that
Hm. Respectfully I have to disagree, but I don't blame her
Yeah, I don't know what she expected
Is he gonna get a shovel talk?
Yeah, that's Cas for you
That's a bold risk
Plot twist
Wow, so original
Is he trying to measure against an angel?
Sure, I totally believe that
The world's most deadly game of chicken
What is that supposed to mean?
I've heard this speech before
Poor Ruby
He would be a Nazi
Oh, I hope she doesn't break
Yeah, that works
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Or that
Oh Dean, I'm sorry
And Sam always comes first
Why did they cut to Cas' face there
I think he is, actually. But he doesn't realize it
Things just got interesting
Why does he talk like that 😭
Uh oh, Cas is in trouble
Dean to the rescue!
Yes, go Anna!
Something something humans cannot behold the power of God
Hey, they got the knife back
Hey, at least it ended well
Man, I should've known
Mm, probably not actually
You don't have to talk about it, Dean
That's a first for Sam
Oh, this is gonna make me cry
Oh, Dean...
It's not your fault, Dean...
Dean, I'm so sorry
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
Janon: (sleep-deprived because of the other Anons bothering him) BE QUIET, YOU PIECES OF SH**!
Iris/Curious: (scared of Janon's outburst)
Janon: (to Iris and Curious, in an oddly kind tone of voice) Not you two. You're both angels, and we're all thrilled you're here.
Iris/Curious: (smiling at Janon's kind words)
Source: Parks and Recreation
Myth: (singing) I want to see my little boy!~
Wyre: (runs in, holding Cannoli) Here he comes!
Myth: (singing) I want to see my little boy!~
Source: Vine
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbGiExvqi8)
Dream: Come on, Nerd! You've got to confess your feelings to Myth!
Scar: I agree with the Demon of Energy!
Nerd: (in debater mode) What are you basing your argument off of?
Scar: (dramatically) The spirits!
Scar: (under her breath) And also severe concern for Myth's health...
Dream: (proudly) My gut!
Nerd: (sarcastically) Great! So you've got ghosts and cellulite! Guess I should just go confess to Myth!
Source: Psych
Sparkle: (patiently waiting in the common room)
Fusion: (loudly) Sparkle!
Sparkle: (excited) FUSION!
Fusion: (running in, holding snacks in his arms while stimming happily) Sparkle! Sparklesparklesparklesparklesparkle! Today's the day! Did you tape it?!
Sparkle: (being purposefully cryptic) OH, WHATEVER COULD YOU MEAN?
Fusion: (betrayed by his fellow autistic) Sparkle! You promised me!
Fusion: (squealing and happy-stimming)
Sparkle/Fusion: (jumping in joy) HOORAY! STELLAR SERENITY: NEW STAGE!
Source: Steven Universe Future
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJpN9yWQsmI)
Fusion II: (to the other Anons) Okay! It has come to my attention that some of you think I'm a big nerd. This is egregious, so I am here to lay down the facts!
Fusion II: One: I am very cool!
Fusion II: Two: I am currently wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses!
Fusion II: Three: Nerds do not own aviator sunglasses!
Fusion II: Four: My friend Dream owns a volleyball, and I touched it once!
Fusion II: Five-
Source: Tumblr
(After the Freak Twin's cursed schemes resulted in half of Purple's poetry being incinerated...)
Purple: (with a dark look on her face)
Wet Sock: (slightly scared) Whoa there, Purple! You're being a little-
Purple: (rising fury) Obstreperous? Recalcitrant?! TRUCULENT?!
Egg: (shrugging) They were gonna say "cray-cray"!
Source: Modern Family
(During the Mastermind trial...)
Survivor!Eldritch: A-Are you a b-bad guy?!
The Fancy One: Well, it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?~★
Survivor!Eldritch: (confidently) HA! Gotcha! That's EXACTLY the kind of thing bad guys say! Oh, h-holy stars! You r-really are a b-bad guy, aren't you?!
Source: Red VS Blue
Please let me know what you think of these quotes, and stay tuned for more additions to AO3 by FatherFigureFusion! I hope you like this week's quotes!
-Fusion Anon
Very nice quotes!
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15, Episode 3
It's ep three, and was third try the charm? Well, we're still in that little town, which is infuriating. But don't lose hope, chickadees. There was some character arc action and some plot advancing, and just drama in general, and it moved at a decently quick clip, all of which is refreshing after last week's ass-disaster of an episode. 
If I were grading this ep, all things considered (including some damn fine acting moments that elevated the material), it's an A-. (Five points were docked immediately because we were still in the little town.) But seriously, this week's writer(s) had a LOT to make up for given the aforementioned last week as well as a largely lackluster premiere, so you know what? Props to them. 
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We got a loose end from season past tied up, got rid of some dead weight, and then there was a thing that happened that I’m not entirely sure was necessary at this interval, but I get why it happened. Of course, we had our requisite random hamfisted “solution(s)” and still-unexplained bits that should’ve been clarified ages ago, can’t not have those, it seems. Regardless, this episode was actually fairly interesting to watch. I’m still wary about the state of the season after the first two, but this one had some spark.
Spoilers below the cut, you know the drill.  
This one's in order, I was jotting stuff down as I watched. Past ep breakdowns linked at the bottom. If you’re new, hello, welcome, etc., I don’t do meta shit or reading into the symbolism of the color of a blurry wallpaper just over someone’s shoulder, I look at writing and cohesiveness and structure and flow and all that jazz. I basically just call things as I see ‘em. 
More spooky-scary still seems to be pouring from the hellpit, but at least this crypt is pretty, and Harry Potter tent-esque because the square feet inside is seemingly bigger than the outside.  
Rowena appears to be outfitted in one of my grandmother's housedresses, or a coffin lining, or a 1980s prom dress, whichever you prefer, and none of them have been pressed. I'm trying to say I don't like it. They also continue to do Ruthie's makeup in such a manner that she perpetually looks approximately fifteen years older than she actually is, so in a way I'm thankful this is likely her last episode. On the other hand, I trust these writers and the people who assemble/green light the promos about as far as I can throw them, so we shall see. In any event, Ruthie is quite the good actor and I hope she gets a million gigs after all this is done.  
This Sam-Dean moment with Creased Brow Sam and Gruff Voice Dean is falling so flat, not because of them, but because we're hearing The Same Damn Thing We've Already Heard. Move the plot along, please----- Oh wait here comes Belphagor once again with a solution, this time a nice little plot rescue MacGuffin! Lilith's Crook. Just gotta blow it like a horn. 
Motherbitch, this is stupid.
I got a thought: make it Gabriel's horn, so it calls in all the angels who should've come back with the reverse-y switch-a-roo, and they deal with sealing the hole, but bonus! At end of ep last scene is that it's also called Gabriel back, too. I'd announce to the universe that this show needs to hire me, but, welp.
Oh look, Ketch is in a hospital gown. Oh look, I bet Ketch is about to die in that hospital gown, instead of a badass suit like it should be. It looked like DHJ accidentally spoiled via a tweet that I happened to see----- 
I dodge the promo images and articles and such so I can give a view of someone who doesn't know what is coming in these things. 
-----because he talked about coming back just to leave again, that it was a pleasure, whatever, and y'all will have to fill me in on that because I kinda can't believe he whiffed that hard. I'm not looking it up, is my point. Did he whiff? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care. I mean, don’t go to trouble looking into it on my account.  
Hmmm. Was Ketch’s death entirely necessary? At least, right now? I dunno. Maybe. I’m 50/50 whether this, or have him be double-crossy then get killed later. In any event, well-acted by DHJ. He's quite fantastic. He is wasted in all the Hallmark dreck he's been in, I really hope he gets some good work after this. That's that. Moving on. 
We're 1/4 in, and I'll give it this: we've gotten some action, some drama, but they've GOT to make up for the lack of plot progression in episode 2. Belphagor is shady as shit, which we knew, and this just got reinforced by that demon who has such a hard-on for Belphagor getting axed. 
I do not mind rando badass lady hunter having lines and playing a tangentially-important role in the ep, but this means if we ever see her again, she'll likely get killed, so I'm not getting attached. 
So hell is an angry vagina. SFX, are y'all okay? Is that prick whose tweets occasionally come across my feed still working there? Y'all need some hugs? I know y'all need some better budget, that all the DC shows got it, but oh well, that ship's sailed.  
Well done set dec, I dig the ghoulish statues in that hallway. And hey costume design, I like the ring that dude was wearing, I would wear that in real life. It would also look great as a wrist cuff. I digress. 
We know this demon is not going to succeed in killing Belphagor, so once more we have a pointless halftime cliffhanger. Also, have I mentioned I'm done with Cas being a weak puss? I'm telling you, if stuff got rewound, he should be incrementally getting his mojo back, that tracks logically. See Ep. 1 notes for what I thought should've happened for a legit "Whoa" moment. 
"Do you have any idea what he is?" --- he's a poop demon. Again, see the first episode of @youtotallymadethatup​    /shameless plug
Is this show gonna end with a Jack vs. Jack battle royale? Because fuck that noise. But! Writing-wise, it's okay that ol’ Belph may become the big bad. Nash, why would you say that, you ask. Easy.
A. Ny. Thing. to get us the fuck out of this little town. I am so goddamned bored.
Cas, this is a mistake. You should leave. What are you doing. Leave. Don't fall for that. Leave. Go now. Whoosh. Okay, or glow worm and barbeque the body. That was a nice little catch of emotion by Misha at the end. Except are the demons now gonna jump into his body? Better not, we've seen that season. 
Commercials! Cannot believe I've not been inundated with the adverts for the convention here in the spring, that's usually the jam. Imma go get some frozen yogurt. Highly rec strawberry with a little warmed-up Nutella. Try it, then tell me I'm crazy. I'm not. It's heavenly. 
Aaaaand, we're back!
Don't look so distressed Cas, y’all were gonna burn it anyway. But this takes Jack v. Jack off the table. Hopefully this means we'll be headed back to the Empty to get some progress on that hanging thread from last season sooner rather than later. Still, I'm glad we are down a character for awhile, this character in particular was starting to work my nerves and honestly, is just dead weight. I want it back to Sam and Dean for the most part this final season with sprinklings of Cas. Everyone else is secondary.
[claps] Very excellent Ruthie and Jared. One critique: Wish there could've been some sort of line from Rowena, re: "And perhaps I'll get to see my boy again", something of that ilk.
But I want to say this, and say it emphatically:
The nonsensical spells pulled from asses must stop
The soul-catcher thing is an example of a great move because it drew upon the past, then built upon for the present. This heart and angel blood and salt shit, and then this “Oh by the way it needs my dying breath” stuff is just obvious “um um um well how about bleh” writing stumbles, and it shows. The only reason that lameness worked? Ruthie and Jared’s performances. Period. Because y’all gave them absolute garbage to work with, and they made it shine.
Hey! There's the two convention promos with one short local ad in between, followed by the same local ad again! I was beginning to think they'd forgotten! 
Oof, Dean. I mean, I figured this convo would have to happen one day, it's been building, because even though his intentions are good, Cas has been involved in his fair share of shit taking left turns. Hopefully Cas is going to go seek out other angels. Also, re: Cas saying he's getting weaker - because, why? WHY. This has never been addressed in a definitive, satisfactory manner. 
Right, so, like we do each time, let's check in to see if we've had any character development and/or plot progression: 
Do Ketch and Rowena and Belphagor count, since they've progressed to being dead? Dunno, that's more of a finality to their overall arcs. Dean's being an asshole and Sam's being weepy and Cas is being an Eeyore, that's about par. Meh. Okay. So did the plot get advanced? 
YES THANK YOU FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER SWEET LORD YES. But, eh... a little weaksauce. Yes, that chapter of the initial onslaught is closed, yet we know it's not over. So I feel like the ep should've ended with, after the bunker door slams, a cut to a little scene that serves as a clue about what lies ahead. I mean, ahead-ahead, season-wise. Like, twenty second blip, not even, then hard cut to black screen, then on to promo which appears to be MotW. 
So that's it, really. More adept writers could've made the material of #1 and #2 into the premiere (minus several things, most specifically minus Kevin, should've saved Osric for something else down the line), then this should've been episode #2 instead of #3. Can't unring that bell, though. Let's hope we hit some speed before Buckleming comes along to run us into a ditch, then (fingers crossed) we have a few eps after that to rebound for the finale.
See you next week.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 2
Episode 1
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imaginaryelle · 5 years
On Aziraphale and “I’m soft”
I was talking with @irisbleufic about differences between show! and book!Aziraphale, and especially about the line “I’m soft” in the show, because it really threw me for a loop, but the reblog chain contracted some incredibly odd formatting, so this is a hopefully more-comprehensible version:
@imaginaryelle:  random but re: Aziraphale's show characterization vs book: I enjoy both, but they are so, so different in weird ways and when I rewatch the show I'm just left with dissonance & wondering WHY that change happened. The "I'm soft" line struck me the hardest, because I have literally never thought of Aziraphale as soft. Not emotionally. The closest to the book we got was maybe the french executioner? But then he just ignores the implication. The show version feels almost unfinished, as a character.
@irisbleufic: I mean, Aziraphale is physically soft, no question, but in any other sense?  Whoa, nope.  Not unless you count how soft he is for Crowley once he gets put through the wringer of a failed apocalypse and unlearns some of those rude, holier-than-thou tidbits he says to Crowley from time to time.  I mean, he’s soft for Crowley before their ordeal, but the ordeal is what adjusts (and hopefully eradicates) his prejudice. I’ve always found the whole “I can’t expect you to know what love feels like” thing remarkably callous, and the fact that Crowley gets cut off before he can say what his perception of a great sense of love is like just…ugh, I’ve always loved that moment so, so much, because it’s quite a perfect encapsulation of this entire disconnect between book characterization / miniseries characterization that we’re talking about:
“Odd,” muttered the angel, “I keep getting these flashes of, of…” He raised his hands to his temples.“What?  What?” said Crowley. Aziraphale stared at him.“Love,” he said.  “Someone really loves this place.” “Pardon?” “There seems to be this great sense of love.  I can’t put it any better than that.  Especially not to you.” “Do you mean like—” Crowley began. There was a whirr, a scream, and a clunk.  The car stopped.  [Enter Anathema, etc.]
@imaginaryelle: Yes, yes, I love that moment too! Okay, it took a bit longer than I hoped but I finally got my thoughts in order on this, and it ended up way longer and more like an essay than I originally thought it would, but I really enjoyed playing with it so I hope you enjoy it too.
Yes, absolutely Aziraphale is physically soft. He’s even described exactly that way by Shadwell (“the soft one in the camelhair coat”), and it seems to be pretty clearly about his appearance and presentation. Shadwell thinks Aziraphale is gay, fastidious (tries not to touch anything in the WFA headquarters) and an easier mark than Crowley, though he still finds the idea of threatening him “terribly risky.” We also have Aziraphale’s plump hands in the gun conversation at Tadfield Manor and the Compline reference too. But those and the intelligent/English/gay footnote are actually the only description of him I can find in the text. The only reference to height is that snake!Crowley has to look up at him, but that doesn’t tell us much. Which was surprising to find, because I had thought there was a little more than that, but yes. Physically Aziraphale is soft and I love that about him.
On a non-physical level, yes, exactly, in the book Aziraphale is extremely callous. Quite often. It actually surprised me, going back through my notes, how rarely he’s portrayed as anything else, but I think it does overall build a picture of him that, to me, has always been pretty immovable. I’ve never really been able to set aside that Aziraphale is, as Crowley says, a bastard. And he’s fairly thoughtless about it a lot of the time. He’s offhandedly pretty harsh on Crowley on a number of occasions, most of which got really toned down in the show. There’s the conversation about love, yes, which got especially confused in the show (the presentation made it seem like Aziraphale was talking about the Manor rather than all of Tadfield and they didn’t follow up on it well, and then it’s further muddled by the stain-miracle interaction). I would love to read pretty much anything on the subject of what Crowley was going to say there and how things are different for demons, because mmmmm, world building, and of course I love Crowley too.
But back to Aziraphale: there’re other callous remarks to Crowley too. In their very first interaction we have this:
“Yes, but you’re a demon. I’m not sure if it’s actually possible for you to do good,” said Aziraphale. “It’s down to your basic, you know, nature. Nothing personal, you understand.”
And then, when Crowley keeps on with his “but what is it about, really” line of conversation:
“Best not to speculate, really,” said Aziraphale. “You can’t second-guess ineffability, I always say. There’s Right, and there’s Wrong. If you do Wrong when you’re told to do Right, you deserve to be punished. Er.”
Like, here, let me just rub your face in the Fall for a second. You can’t help your basic nature but also you deserve punishment. Ouch. (And this is not in the show. In the show he references Crowley’s being a demon as related to “[making trouble] is what you do” and has what looks like a pretty disturbing experience watching his gift of kindness result in the immediate death of a lion by flaming sword.)
It’s implied book!Aziraphale is embarrassed about having said that, but he doesn’t actually change his tune. He brings up the “you’re a demon” thing twice more, both in situations where it’s clear he thinks he has the moral high ground, because of course he does, he’s an angel. (book!Aziraphale is less openly doubtful of Heaven’s rightness until closer to the end, I think.) In contrast, throughout the show it’s often Crowley who reminds Aziraphale that he’s a demon, and thus not nice, not forgivable and not to be thanked while Aziraphale maintains that Crowley is a good person. For another example, book!Aziraphale, in the wake of failing to find records of Adam at the manor, has zero reaction to Crowley’s fear, and Crowley is pretty obviously freaking out:
“What are we going to do now?”
“Try and get some sleep.”
“You don’t need sleep. I don’t need sleep. Evil never sleeps, and Virtue is ever-vigilant.”
“Evil in general, maybe. This specific part of it has got into the habit of getting its head down occasionally.” [Crowley] stared into the headlights. The time would come soon enough when sleep would be right out of the question. When those Below found out that he, personally, had lost the Antichrist, they’d probably dig out all those reports he’d done on the Spanish Inquisition and try them out on him, one at a time and then all together.
He rummaged in the glove compartment, fumbled a tape at random, and slotted it into the player. A little music would …
… Bee-elzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me …
“For me,” murmured Crowley. His expression went blank for a moment. Then he gave a strangled scream and wrenched at the on-off knob.
“Of course, we might be able to get a human to find him,” said Aziraphale thoughtfully.
“What?” said Crowley, distractedly.
And shortly after this, of course, Aziraphale finds the Book and just leaves when Crowley’s trying to confirm they’re still on the same side. In the show, this interaction doesn’t even happen. Crowley’s annoyed that they can’t find anything, but he’s not scared, and Aziraphale’s idea about using human operatives and his discovery of the book are split across several scenes and a fair chunk of time passing. Tv!Crowley watches him go into his shop into a sort of confused way, where book!Crowley is “feeling very alone” after not getting a real answer to two questions in a row.  
In the show, lines like the Eden dialogue and “Crowley, do something, I’m the good one,” and “I don’t even like you” etc, are heavily offset by a wider range of scenes showing how obviously in love Aziraphale is, with both Crowley and with Earth. His love of food and clothes, his obvious joy in dancing, the adoration in his expression over and over when he looks at Crowley, and the pain in his face when they fight. And when he says “I’m soft,” after his jogging conversation with Gabriel, I didn’t get the impression he was talking about physically, even thought that’s what Gabriel was talking about. To me, that line sounded a lot more like “I don’t like conflict and unpleasantness, I’m too nice, I care too much, I’m a soft touch.” And for tv!Aziraphale this seems largely true. We see a lot of his softness, on an emotional and philosophical level, and a lot of investment in both Earth and Crowley. But the book only gives us little clues towards that. Mostly in little Earth details Crowley brings up while trying to convince him to influence the Antichrist, or notes about his learning the gavotte/helping with book translations/ those lines of, He ought to tell Crowley. No, he didn’t. He wanted to tell Crowley. He ought to tell Heaven, directly after which he admits to himself they have more in common with each other than respective sides.
The show also completely cuts out some of his more oblivious caustic-ness towards other people. Tv!Aziraphale watches that French executioner go to death in his place without any apparent care, and he stands by as terrible things happen (the flood, the crucifixion, even Armageddon in the start), but he worries about it more. He’s not smug about it, he’s concerned that maybe—maybe this isn’t right, even though it’s Heaven doing it. In both versions he seems to tell himself that any time something really bad is happening, it’s some one else’s fault and he can’t really do anything. But for all that he admonishes Crowley about not wanting to help Anathema and hypnotizing Mary Hodges, book!Aziraphale is quite smug (“We’ll win, you know”/ evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction/[..] and everyone knew Heaven would win in the end –literally there are two times “smug” is used in the book and they’re both about Aziraphale) and he’s pretty blithe about the use of guns, terrorists freedom fighters, the idea of killing Adam (at least until Adam is in front of him), and just straight up saying that Heaven doesn’t really care about humans at all (most obviously when he’s speaking through the television evangelist while body-hopping). For me, the “softest” we ever see him is at the air base:
“There are humans here,” he said.
“Yes,” said Crowley. “And me.”
“I mean we shouldn’t let this happen to them.”
“Well, what-” Crowley began, and stopped.
“I mean, when you think about it, we’ve got them into enough trouble as it is. You and me. Over the years. What with one thing and another.”
And I agree that he really needs to go through this whole trial with Armageddon to realize that he might be a bit wrong, about himself and especially about Crowley, and also about Heaven, and that he can afford to be a bit more compassionate and considerate and ask a few more questions all around. It feels like he’s learning things about himself that Crowley figured out a long time ago (Crowley gets a lot more description and character insight than Aziraphale does), and I love that. But I also feel like tv!Aziraphale is approaching from the opposite direction. That what he learns from the whole ordeal is to be firmer. To take a stand and act with more confidence and conviction. Which feels really weird to me. I like them both, but I watch tv!Aziraphale awkwardly pick up the sword and tell Crowley to do something and it feels like a completely different story, because book!Aziraphale is the one who initiates doing something, and he’s dreamy when he picks up the sword. He muses about “the good old days” and sets it aflame on purpose, and reaches for Crowley’s hand. And Crowley feels “free at last.” Finally free of fear, not terrified and desperate, and he takes Aziraphale’s hand and they turn to face Satan together.
It’s a good moment that illustrates what they’ve accomplished internally, and I’m actually really disappointed it was changed for the show, and the emotional payoff shifted to their trials.
I suppose in the end all of this is to say: I miss Aziraphale, when I watch the series, and I miss that story. The one that ends in crystal clear moments of taking responsibility for who you are and the role you’ve played and knowing yourself better, and then doing something with that knowledge. The series is fun, it’s a love story, and those versions of Crowley and Aziraphale are enjoyable to watch, but they feel very much wrapped up in each other, reflecting each other. I’ll probably play in that universe a bit. But it doesn’t hit the same chords, and it doesn’t speak to me the same way the book does, and I think the softening of Aziraphale’s character plays a huge role in that.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
One thing that stuck out to me about last night's ep was that with all the stuff Michael was saying about why Dean said yes, Dean never actually argued or refuted any of it. I'm not sure if that means that on some level its true, or if Dean *thinks* it might be true, or if its just Dean not wanting to talk about feelings.
Well, we know the data set Michael is working with, but like Metatron failed to understand the full emotional undercurrent of the data set he’d been working with back in s9, for example, Michael just… doesn’t really understand it.
(and with Michael, he doesn’t really CARE about understanding it, as long as he’s getting what he wanted– ie Dean’s silence)
Or to give another example. Toni Bevell’s kinda-sorta accurate (but occasionally outright wrong) but wildly misinterpreted data on the Winchesters back in 11.23 and s12.  (I started collecting this table of disinformation under the tag THE MURDER BOARD! but it eventually evolved into the men of letters vs hunters tag, because boy HOWDY did the MoL have some fundamental misunderstandings about, like… everything…)
But back to this specific scenario, because I think it’s important to look at what Michael said exactly here, because Dean’s response reminded me a heck of a lot of his response to Tony asking him about Benny in 12.02– you know, the vampire you befriended and brought out of Purgatory, she asked him, four years after Dean had last seen him, I mean… not exactly the freshest take on Dean’s speed dial there…
Michael: Well, this is fun.Dean: Get out of my head.Michael: You don’t mean that, Dean, not really. You may lie to them, but, deep down, I know you. I am you. You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he ‘gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.’ Or whatever. But since then, what has he done? Only made mistakes, one after the other. And, Sam – oh, Sam You know, Dean was his happiest when you quit hunting, leaving him with your dad, just the two of them. See, deep down, he knows that you will always abandon him, again and again.Dean: Shut up!Michael: You don’t need them. You don’t even like them. They’re not your family – they’re your responsibilities. They’re a weight around your neck. And deep down, you wanted – you were desperate to get away from them. And that is why you said yes.
Let’s break this down point by point:
- You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he “gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.” Or whatever. But since then, what has he done? Only made mistakes, one after the other.
Well, maybe Dean has thought that think in the past– like possibly during s4. I mean, in 4.16 he literally told Cas he’d made a mistake, picked the wrong guy to save the world. In his darkest moments, yeah. He’s probably thought Cas had made mistakes. I mean, in 7.02, while clutching Cas’s soaking wet coat immediately after his apparent death, and in the immediate aftermath of a horrific couple of days of feeling betrayed and abandoned by Cas in the worst possibly ways, Dean calls him “dumb son of a bitch” with a hitch in his voice and abject sadness and loss. I mean… This was s7 Dean speaking here, if anything.
And because Michael is Bad At Stories, he thinks this one out of context Bad Thought Dean had a long time ago is an accurate representation of everything Dean thinks about Cas overall. Because remember, Michael wasn’t trying to be honest here. He was trying to hurt everyone, to keep them distracted to buy himself time.
But to suggest that Dean really, truly feels that way about Cas, at his deepest core? It just… whoa that’s so far from the truth as to be horrifying, you know? If Michael actually believes that, then it just serves to prove how terrible he is at understanding stories.
I think it’s at least in PART Michael’s own judgment of Cas based on what HE believes about most of Cas’s actions in this universe, in direct comparison to the Castiel he knew in his own universe. And Cas has already passed judgment and dismissed Michael’s opinions on THAT.
But yeah, it’s also in part because somewhere deep down, Dean’s gotta know that this is something that Cas is afraid of– because Cas has TOLD him, multiple times over the years. From the end of s7 when Cas was ashamed and horrified and consumed with guilt over his mistakes, to the self-doubt that drove him to say yes to Lucifer in 11.10, to his painful need to bring a win home to Dean in 12.19… Dean understands this is one of Cas’s biggest issues. Therefore Michael would understand that saying this out loud had the potential to hurt Cas the deepest.
Let’s move on to the next point, shall we?
-And, Sam – oh, Sam You know, Dean was his happiest when you quit hunting, leaving him with your dad, just the two of them. See, deep down, he knows that you will always abandon him, again and again.
Immediately after this, Dean breaks in with SHUT UP!
Because there’s got to be some kernel of truth buried in there. I mean, Dean wasn’t happiest hunting alone with John. We know that based on fourteen years of watching Dean struggle to pry himself out from under John’s thumb. Sure, he put on a face of bravado back then, even going back to when he and Sam were kids– like in 3.08 trying to convince Sam that John was some kind of superhero, and putting a positive spin on the horrors he’d spent his life to that point trying desperately to shield Sam from. This is not just a simple issue that Michael has laid down on the table. It pokes at one of Dean’s deepest fears– that Sam WILL abandon him, or will choose a different life, run away to pretend to be normal. And yeah, he’s had to confront that over and over again in the course of the series, but it still hurts. Even if he knows they’re at a completely different place now then they once were about this.
This also pokes at the Performing Dean facade that sprouted from having essentially been placed as the emotional middle man in their family– knowing about the supernatural and protecting Sam from it at all costs. It tore him up, and he erected this safety zone around himself out of self-defense. Yeah, that mask has slipped a lot over the years, and Sam’s had more than a few peeks behind it at Dean’s squishy center, but this was Michael essentially using the fact the facade exists at all as a weapon targeted to hurt both Dean and Sam. Because this is all part of that lie, that everything was hunky-dory with John, as long as they stayed in line and followed orders.
Because heck, that’s kind of how Michael sees himself. He followed all the orders and was disappointed by his father in the end. But unlike Dean, Michael never actually learned to deal with it. Never learned that his father’s orders were maybe flawed. Never learned to think for himself, or try to become better than that himself. He just went right on blaming his own father for his failures. And we KNOW that Dean hasn’t done that. (and I think we’re gonna see that borne out in 14.13, which I am SO excited for)
But this also hurts Sam, because Sam KNOWS that the night he left for college was one of the WORST nights of Dean’s life. It was writ plain on Dean’s face in 5.16, when he learned that it was one of Sam’s “heaven memories.” So again, this is Michael maybe not understanding the context, only reading “WORST MEMORY” and thinking he’s hurling it like a truth bomb, when it’s more of an expired stink bomb…
That said, let’s move on to what Michael thought was gonna be the kicker:
-You don’t need them. You don’t even like them. They’re not your family – they’re your responsibilities. They’re a weight around your neck. And deep down, you wanted – you were desperate to get away from them. And that is why you said yes
Heck, maybe Demon!Dean would’ve had this thought. I mean, Demon!Dean kinda did say something like this in 10.03: 
Dean: You notice I tried to get as far away from you possible? Away from your whining, your complaining. I chose the King of Hell over you. Maybe I was just… tired of babysitting you. Or always having to yank your lame ass out of the fire, since… forever. Or maybe – maybe it was the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life.Sam: This isn’t my brother talking.Dean: You never had a brother. Just an excuse for not manning up. But guess what. I quit.Sam: No. No you don’t. You don’t get to quit. We don’t get to quit in this family. This family is all we’ve ever had!Dean: Well then we got nothin’.
But like Michael, Demon!Dean was kind of a nihilist, yes? He was driven to demonhood by the literal actual Darkness that only wanted to destroy all of creation. He didn’t care about ANYTHING. Not Baby, not Cas, not Sam… NOTHING. And his entire line of thinking here is just tainted by the worst thoughts he’d ever had on the subject. It was like talking to someone in the midst of a depressive episode. He couldn’t see any joy in anything, and that’s just not the Dean we know and love. It was the bleakest, most hopeless part of him made visceral.
But again, Michael lobbed this bomb entirely without context. The fact that Dean was ASHAMED after the fact of how he acted as a demon, and under the Mark’s influence. Because when he hadn’t had all the best parts of himself submerged into this darkness, we know he’d never in a million years feel that way about Sam (or Cas). It’s like Soulless!Sam telling Dean he just didn’t care about anything, because he didn’t have the equipment to care. So unless you can accept that Soulless!Sam spoke absolute truths about how Sam really feels, then you can’t assume that Demon!Dean truly spoke Dean’s honest feelings.
Because we KNOW why Dean said yes to Michael. It wasn’t about wanting to run away from his family. Quite the opposite. He was willing to throw himself on that grenade in the hopes of SAVING his family. And I don’t think that’s ever been in doubt, by anyone.
And wow, heck, this is getting long…
So I’ll just say, Michael was cherry-picking out of context moments from Dean’s memory bank and making wild assumptions based on them, while disregarding literally everything else we know and love about Dean in order to try and cause Dean, Cas, and Sam as much pain as possible. It was a delay tactic that he was almost relying on to either hit the mark emotionally and lead to immediate surrender, or else baffle and dazzle until his cavalry arrived to murderize everyone for him. And he failed. Because he’s just that bad at stories.
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”
I AM READY (slash not ready at all) FOR CAS BEING VERY SAD ABOUT DEAN FOR MULTIPLE EPISODES STRAIGHT (slash not straight at all)
i know almost nothing about this season besides dean being micheal for longer than he was a demon, and cas being :< the saddest puppy
yoooo i need to go find some headphones because i can hear all the BLRAHAHRGAH but voices are muffled
headphones acquired
now let’s do this recap again
i paused on alexander’s boobs
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i still don’t get why breasts are censored and non-breasts are not. like. they’re literally the same just less squishy???
WHOA THESE HEADPHONES HAVE BASS. i haven’t heard bass in months
okay no the issue with voices is the video file, not my speakers
welp guess i gotta just deal with it and squint at the screen because somehow that makes it easier to hear shit idk
still mid-key bummed about gabriel and dean yelling “gabe no!!!”
sam driving the impala alone is such a sad sight
i can head the adhan (muslim call the prayer) in the background
pffffff of course michael goes to arabia
i guess he teleported.... i guess that’s better than taking poor dean on a plane
oh wait the adhan was on dean’s phone??? jsdfghd unsure what to make of that
oh wait never mind that’s nOT DEAn
IT LOOKED LIKE HIM OKAY, in profile, lying in bed
oh god this guy better not die
i feel such immediate fondness
please let him be gentle and loving and important and not a terrorist or a red shirt
one time i was in the school playground and i think someone asked if i could speak any other language and i said nope but i could say that prayer...... and they made me repeat so they could laugh at me again
also the dude skipped a whole surah (verse) and a hands-on-the-knees-bow before sijda (kneeling)
i guess it’s a timing thing but jsdgjgd INACCURACY
his pronunciation was so beautiful, shoutout to whichever dialect coach sat there helping him say it right
“if you really cared about peace, you never would’ve left syria”
micheal: “you’re lost, and not worth saving”
definitely two distinct destiel concepts turned on their heads in six words there
cas’ “when he first laid his hand on you in hell, he was LOST”
and dean’s “you don’t think you deserve to be saved”
ooooo nice title card with the flapping wings
it’s so nice seeing the bunker crowded with good guys
this guy: sam season 18
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500 other people probably made this joke already
sam: “maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?”
maggie: “um................... no?”
god this makes me wanna write all the AUs where it’s not weird that character x is alive at the same time as character y. i know i do that a lot anyway but I WANT MORE
southern suit guy: “castiel... darling”
cas: “oh god” >:|
i love how cas is so done with everything and everyone, forever
my love for him knows no bounds
and i love that cas is still curious enough to ask “what did you just order?”
cas: *very calm, very stern, very slow* “does any demon know where dean winchester is?”
*throws monster against tree* “WHERE’S THE ANGEL”
demon: “and how is it you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.......” *gestures to crotch* “you know... everything”
oh cas :c
poor cas
he probably needs to read “how to win friends and influence people” tbh
if his first port of call to bargaining with demons is threatening them, that’s not getting him anywhere in the long run
not saying he deserved getting beaten up by a gang (hell no) but he probably could’ve offered, like, an angel feather or something
also whenever something bad happens to cas what makes me saddest is knowing that somewhere in the world there are people grinning with glee and taking it as confirmation that the character is worthless
i probably shouldn’t think about that but i do anyway
oh hey danneel!!! i didn’t know she’d be back, i’m glad she is
michael: “you don’t recognise me with this pretty face?”
1. michael thinks dean is pretty
2. i wonder how many casual viewers aren’t aware these two are married
you know what i find interesting
jensen seems to be able to control his face so that he doesn’t look obviously attracted to danneel in this scene (besides the chin touch)
i think his pupils are slightly dilated but that might be the low light
which leads me to believe
1. he’s trying extra hard because He’s Married To Her (and micheal has intense facial control anyway)
1.1. he doesn’t try so hard with misha because he doesn’t realise he’s doing it
2. he does the hearteyes and lip-licks with misha/cas on purpose because DEAN is attracted to cas
(and while 1.1 and 2 may seem to conflict, i theorise that jensen allows his natural reactions to show because he knows he likes misha and knows dean likes cas??)
anyway my point is that he showed less outward attraction to his wife than he does to his boyfriend and there’s probably a good reason for that and jensen was thinking about it while acting
the way michael hisses when he says “a placccccee..” and wobbles his head when he says “it’s very very human of you” reminds me of kaa from the jungle book (specifically the scarlett johannson live action/cgi version)
he a snek
micheal: “if they’re all these sad... lost... fallen things, maybe they’re not worth saving either”
clearly this guy never heard the story about the starfish
ugh lucifer’s still here? or ... wait is this the vessel?? oh mannnn poor dude
oh no sam, seeing his torturer being an okay guy now
everyone in this show is so traumatised
demon suit guy: “i’m the boy who’s got your angel! and you wanna seem him again... you know, alive, we should probably chat”
sam is having a bad day, i see
what’s cool about this episode so far is that yeah there’s a LOT going on
but it’s balanced and makes sense and is informative and entertaining, not a garbage pile of chaos like a deadly duo episode would be
cas does the best eye-rolls
and his eyelashes are so pretty
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kip: “so take the deal, sam, before i stop trying to be crowley...... and show you who i really am”
a good line
hey the black dude survived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the demon’s vessel is fine!!!!
that’s new
the fact the humans can all come out of that fight just looking lightly scratched and cas looks like he was attacked by a giant squirrel is quite a feat
jack: “all i did was get punched in the face”
cas: “to be fair, we all got punched in the face”
face punch solidarity!!
jack says without power he’s useless
cas: “oh jack... that’s just not true”
oh heckie deckie it looks like michael is gonna raise an army of monsters
i look forward to seeing charlie and rowena later!!! since they’re still alive in this universe i believe
god this show is so much better when people aren’t dead
i still mourn for kevin though
jack is a lil cutie patootie, maggie is adorable also. like mice in a house of rabbits
cas is still and forever my favourite. <3 <3 <3 and i love when he’s such a valued part of the team and knows it implicitly
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Hi! Since you have stories with the batman beyond characters, i was wondering if you can include Max in one? Like just a story focusing on Terry and Max's friendship like if she's the friend he goes to when he needs to get away from his superhero friends or a story on how they met? Anything really. I like their friendship
I think Max and Terry’s friendship is the best thing ever in Batman Beyond, I love it, especially since Terry seems to get the shaft where love interests are concerned. 
So, here’s a minor spoiler from the HfaB Universe, on how Terry and Max Gibson meet!
French Toast!
Terry McGinnis loved having a huge family. He loved it. Heloved having all those older siblings to turn to in his moment of need, andhaving younger siblings to look out for, and having nieces and nephews in hisage range so they were more like siblings than annoyances. He loved it. He alsoadored having a family that saved the world pretty much every other week, heliked that they were humans holding their own against meta humans, mere-people, aliens, gods,angels and demons, they were nothing special, just fighting the odds and theycommanded respect of the entire world. Also, B being a big time billionaire waspretty sweet as B had saved the world with WE.
However, his best friends; because all the kids in hisfamily at his age group, despite him being the eldest of the group, were GIRLS.That was… less fun. Girls were fussy, complicated, and full of emotions, theywere hard to understand and utter mysteries, however he was best friends withhis little sister, Helena, his ‘niece’ Lian Harper, and his other niece Mar'i Grayson.They’d grown up together since their time in diapers. Mom and all his oldersiblings had lugged them around, for stake outs, and parties, and play dates, he’dgrown up with binoculars in one hand and a batarang in another, and he lovedit. However, today was one such day that Terry found all the girls annoying.
Mar'i, Helena and Lian were all enamored with some new boyon their TV shows, and he just wasn’t interested. At twelve Terry was the oldestin their merry band of misfits, and he kind of was over it because the girlswere having a girl day, and he was stuck alone at lunch because of that.
It sucked having girls for friends sometimes. Especiallywhen they were family.
Terry looked up when there was a lunchbox across from himand a girl with sharp amber eyes and bright curly pink hair sat across fromhim.
“This spot isn’t taken right?” the girl asked nervously, shehad an odd, slightly flat voice that was entwined with the California laid backaccent.
“Nope,” Terry answered, picking at his food. Gotham Academywas a bunch of stuck up snobs so outside his family he didn’t bother makingfriends or alliances. He could totally kick all their asses too, Jay had taughthim a few moves that he knew Dad wouldn’t approve of but were useful to know.
“So…” the girl said nervously, and Terry sighed looking upat her. She was pretty, dark chocolate skin and squared features with sharpeyes, her mix heritage was obvious in her bone structure.
“I’m Terry, Terry McGinnis,” he said.
“I’m Max,” she smiled.
“You’re the new girl in my chemistry class,” he deduced. Hehadn’t paid attention in class today because he was arguing with Helena and Mar'iabout who would win a true fight; Loki vs. Dr. Strange and they had agreed theyneeded to ask Raven. Point was they hadn’t paid attention. That was the onlyclass he didn’t have with Lian too, so he was probably going to end up beingMax’s lab partner when things settled.
“You’re the boy surrounded by girls,” she said.
“Yeah, my sister and my niece and my best friend,” he saidwith a shrug.
“And you’re Wayne’s kid,” she said suddenly. His eyesnarrowed on her. “Why don’t you have his last name?”
“Just cause I don’t have B’s last name doesn’t mean I’m nothis kid. And Mom says it’s complicated,” Terry stated defensively.
“Whoa, whoa, I was just curious! Obviously, you’re Bruce’skid, you look just like him.”
“Thanks?” he said uncertainly.
“You go here long?”
“Yeah, since kindergarten, you’re a transfer though.”
“Yeah, my dad got a job for your dad and we moved here,” sheshrugged.
“Serious questions, what’s you’re favorite: Waffles orPancakes?” he demanded; the breakfast question was the best test for anyone hedecided if they were friends or not. Jay had taught him it’s significance, ithadn’t failed him yet.
“French Toast,” she answered. Terry frowned as he ponderedthat.
“Okay, we can be friends,” he decided.
“What’s breakfast have to do with being friends!?” Max sputtered.
“Obviously if you had something like crepes or cereal we couldnever be friends.”
“Dodgers or Yankees!?” Max glared.
“EW!” Terr grimaced. “If I have to choose past the Knightsthen I’m picking the Yankees, at least off them I’ll make money and Luci won’t curse me.”
“You’re weird,” Max stated.
“This from the girl with pink hair.”
“Pink seemed better than purple!” she snapped.
“True, true, pink is very fashionable, I’d think you were aLove Lantern,” he mused.
“You’re a superhero geek!” Max grinned in glee as she grabbedher bag and rummaged through it. Terry rolled his eyes; she had NO idea howmuch he loved superheroes. “Who’s your favorite!?”
“Batman,” he answered automatically; it was his family’smantle after all!
“Really!?” she sputtered.
“But Aquaman’s cool too, he talks to fish and controls theoceans! Oh and Wonder Woman, she’s amazing, and is all commanding!” Terry statedwith glee. “Superman is pretty sweet too, but take away his powers and he’snothing.”
“You like Wonder Woman!?” Max looked at him in awe.
“Obviously,” he rolled his eyes. “But she’s not as cool asCatwoman!” His mom was Queen of Cool. “Or Raven, or Spoiler, or Batgirl, orBluebird, or Orphan, or…” he started.
“You’re a big Batfamily lover?” Max giggled.
“Well, yeah, they’re human and in Gotham, obviously they’rethe best,” he stated smugly. “Who do you like?”
“I like the Titans!” she smiled.
Terry blinked owlishly; someone actually liked Damian’s team!?A.J. was cool he supposed, Melvin hated Damian, Djinn and Crush were okay, Ireywas pretty cool, Jon was always chill, Don was weird, and blue boy was just odd,and Omen was wimpy.
“Yeah, Robin’s cool, and I like Aquaboy, they saved me once,”Max grinned. “When the tsunami was coming for San Diego,” she clarified.
“I saw that on the news!”
“Yeah! They were so cool!”
“Okay, we can be friends,” Terry decided.
“For real?”
“Yeah, you like the Bats, and French Toast!”
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sunnydaleherald · 6 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, March 23-Sunday, March 24
Xander: Boy, that Cordelia is a regular breath of vile air. What are you vixens up to? Willow: Just sitting here, watching our barren lives pass us by. (sees a roach) Oh, look, a cockroach. (stomps it) Buffy lifts her eyes to see and then turns them back down. Xander: Whoa, well, let's stop this crazy whirligig of fun! I'm dizzy!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A Place For Everything (Fred/Spike, M) by kats_meow
Ampata (Xander/Ampata, M) by CantSpeakFae
Wild (Darla/Angelus, M) by Cornerofmadness
Flipping Coins and Rolling Dice (Warren, crossover with Yu-Gi-Oh, T) by KaibaSlaveGirl34
Soldier Boy (Xander, M) by CantSpeakFae
kiss me with your fist (Buffy/Angelus, E) by usuallysunny
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Helpless (Spike/Reader, not rated) by writing-fics-instead-of-homework
Date (Spike/Reader, not rated) by Charlotte
Reunion (Angel/Reader, not rated) by Aaron
Attack (Giles/Reader, not rated) by Charlotte
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On Her Shore (Buffy/Spike, R) by SzmattyCat
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Sam Rosenburg and the Shadow Demon, Chapter 1 (Willow/Tara, T) by charmedfan120
Awaiting Serendipity, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Elialys
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Notes from the Hellmouth, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by All4Spike
Back In The Game, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Loup Noir
Awaiting Serendipity, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Elialys
Beloved, Chapter 68 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by spikes_heart
Holes, Chapter 10-11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Twinkles
No Happily Ever After, Chapter 52 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Irishrose
In Death, That I May Live..., Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Irishrose
Need a second to breathe, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Axell
Chupacabreunion, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by bewildered
Liebestod, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Iamblichus
Unburied Hearts, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Fancyflautist
Skipping the Stone, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, R) by sandy_s and Badwolfjedi
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Screencaps: Season 5, Episode 1 by ariane
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Cosplay: Buffy, Faith and vampire Willow by awena626
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Video: Coda - Karaoke - Buffy: Once More With Feeling by Phizzy
Video: Cordelia Chase | Salvation and Love by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Video: Buffy Summers | She Is Love by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 Alternate Opening by KingJamis
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: season 1 rewatch by jules85
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PODCAST: Forever/Disharmony by Chosen – Buffy The Vampire Slayer Watch Through
PODCAST: Beauty and the Beasts by Prophecy Guys: The Gospel According to Buffy
[Community Announcements]
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Signups open! by fandom5k (multifandom exchange for fic of 5,000 words or more)
[Fandom Discussions]
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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Angel would love Baudelaire so much by dadgiles
It’s funny how the...vampires "main characteristics" already existed in their human form by rhaigals
Defend your favorite character's worst moments (Xander in Entropy) by luscious2
Re: Did you like Faith? by initiumseries
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Defend your favourite characters worst moments by Multiple posters
Correct Comic Order (buying, not reading) by Puppet
Spuffy was the most realistic relationship in the show by Multiple posters
Buffy and Christianity by Multiple posters
Characters You're Too Harsh On vs Characters You're Too Easy On by thetopher
Spike love by Multiple posters
My Article on Buffy and Evil Dead by burrunjor
People reacting to the Buffyverse by Puppet
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Favourite Podcasts by Multiple posters
Defend your favorite characters worst moments by Sosa lola
Spuffy Fanfic Recommendations by Multiple posters
Buffy characters assigned to Hogwarts houses by Multiple posters
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Dawn is just so annoying. Like the sister I never wanted. by kevavz
Is anyone interested in recommending their favorite BTVS episodes? by Theofficeisgreat
You "rank arrogant, amateur!" Thoughts on S6 & S7?! by AliasAmy
Why did the monks think that turning the Key human would be safer than just turning into a bicycle pump or something? by Slash_Raptor
Does Joss not know what snow looks like? What is this? Shaving cream? Lol by thissucks32
The most unrealistic thing about the Buffy series is that they could afford this house working at an art gallery by mrekho
Casting modern Faith by LightBlueSky55
Best Meta Moments? by Thechoosingestbeggar
Buffy clue on today’s NYT crossword by ssfoxx27
Series Master Arc Breakdown by BrianMagnumFilms
Looking for advice on how to watch Buffy S3 eps with my current watching plan... by theslayer91
I loved Kendra, such a brilliant character by bratholym
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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VIDEO: Buffy the Vampire Slayer @lex_con Complete Q&A Panel Video (ft James Marsters, et al) posted by dontkillspike
PEOPLE: Pregnant Eliza Dushku's First Child with Husband Peter Palandjian Will Be a Boy by Dana Rose Falcone
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willow-bolton · 3 years
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like a match in gasoline || a willow and riley mix (or how this was intended to be about their relationship and turned into a if they ever worked together they’d be hell to deal with mix- so basically badass bitches AU) (in no particular order, 21 tracks)
01.  hell to pay- five finger death punch Feels like I'm running in place/A past I can't erase/I'm breaking, breaking apart/(I know they're after me)/It's like I'm fading each day/They took it all away/Left nothing, nothing but scars/(They make it hard to breathe)/Don't know where it went wrong/But my love for this is gone/I tried to numb the pain/But I can't get away/Hiding behind this disguise/The games I had to play/The hell I had to pay/Everything comes with a price
02. go to hell for heaven’s sake- bring me the horizon For the love of God, will you bite your tongue/Before we make you swallow it?/It's moments like this where silence is golden/And then you speak/No one wants to hear you/No one wants to see you/So desperate and pathetic, I'm begging you to spare me/The pleasure of your company/When did the diamonds leave your bones?/I'm burning down every bridge we made/I'll watch you choke on the hearts you break/I'm bleeding out every word you said/Go to hell, for heaven's sake/I'm burning down every bridge we made/I'll watch you choke on the hearts you break/I'm bleeding out every word you said/Go to hell, for heaven's sake
03. king of the world- porcelain & the tramps Keep your head down/Until I tell you to speak/And not giving me the run around/When you fall back into my coffin/No, you shouldn't stay in my way/Dare you test me/I'm the fucking king of the world/Get on your knees/I'm the fucking king of the world/Do as I please/So get up and get out and I'll show you/What it takes for me to control you/'Cause I'm the fucking king of the world
04. gasoline- porcelain & the tramps Don't get in my face/Don't invade my space/I'll put you in your place/I'll only tell you once/I'll never tell you twice/And this is me being nice/You cross me once and you'll see/It's like a match in gasoline/Gasoline'/Cause I'm highly flammable/A caged up animal/I will go off for you/You better take it back/I'm about to snap/I will go off for you, oh
05. love the way you hate me- like a storm I don't care if I'm not good enough for you/I don't care if I don't live the life you want me to/I don't care what you wanna think of me/'Cause all you are/Is everything/That I don't wanna be/You say/I'm a/Freak/I say/I am/Free/Come take a shot at me/I love the way you hate me/You say/I'm insane/I say/You're afraid/I get stronger from the pain/I love the way you hate me/Take another shot at me/I love the way you hate me
06. anti you- blue stahli Another command to succumb/To sucking you off with a smile/A vanity culture like a congregation/Identity dogmatism/The image is always in style/Stroking the ego with media masturbation/Conditioning to canonize/Gospel of this vox populi/Force feeding/Misleading/I'm burning the altar/And I'll pass right through/Erasing/Debasing/I want to be the anti you
07. fragile minds- silent theory Cut me open and you'll find/A brain, heart, liver, lungs/And a knife in the spine/It's chilling to know that the last place you go/Might be where the fat lady sings/Does it hurt? I don't know, and where do we go?/We don't tease fragile minds with such things/So sell me down the river/First help me sell my soul/It's something I know I can deliver/I think we've finally broke the mold
08. disarray- lifehouse I faced my demons/Wrestling these angels to the ground/And all that I could find Was a thin line between/All the saints and villains/It was crossed in my own mind/Someday I'm gonna find it/Wish I knew what I was looking for/Inside the disarray (inside the disarray)/I woke up this morning/Don't know where I'm going/But it's alright/I wouldn't have it any other way
09. the one who laughs last- downplay There's a war inside of me/And you watch it silently/Any idiot could see/That I killed all the hope that I had/There's a war inside of me/Burning red and honestly/And I wave it constantly/Like a flag, like a flag, like a flag/This knife that's in my back keeps twisting/Anxiety attacks/This is a battleground, I'm caught in the crossfire/My words are weaponry and I'm waiting patiently/You win the battle now but I will return the fire/'Cause I'd crawl on broken glass/To be the one who laughs last
10. i get wicked- thousand foot krutch I'm a beast came to rip this spot up/Stick to chords cause the devil wears prada/We want peace but we can make this rowdy, stop/We don't want to hurt nobody/You can't hate me cause my nature's nice/And my heart's for the people of the world tonight/If you got a problem with it take it up with life/Cause if you try to push me it ain't going to be nice/I get wicked, wicked/I get wicked/There's no escaping it/Wicked/You wanna kick it/Watch me get wicked/Step up and get it/'Cause I get wicked/I am not afraid of this mountain in my way/You can push me to my knees I believe/And I am now awake/Uncontrolled and not ashamed/When it washes over me I feel free
11. waste- seether Go unnoticed, let the freedom wash away./Losing focus, the pretense is second nature/It's a broken life that I cling too/Trying to make right/I feel dismayed, just like you do/I feel decayed../So find me a way, to leave this wasted life behind me. (this wasted life)/So find me a way, to leave this wasted life behind me after all/Yes, I see you surrounded by the hopeless/When they need you you're much to good and bloated/By the hopeless life that you cling too/Trying to make right.  
12. kill the lights- the birthday massacre This story's missing a wishing well/No mirror to show and tell/No kiss that can break the spell/I'm falling asleep/Every prince is a fantasy/The witch is inside of me/Her poison will wash away the memory/We kill the lights and put on a show/It's all a lie/But you'd never know/The star will shine/And then it will fall/And you will forget it all/And after midnight we're all the same/No glass shoe to bring us fame/Nobody to take the blame/We're falling apart
13. had enough- diamante I hate everyone that I meet/But I'm getting better/Think before I speak because I/I know I've got a temper/Think I've blown a fuse/There's blood on my knuckles/The smile on my face is fake/And the vein on my head suggests you get running/I've had enough, had enough/Had enough, had enough yeah/Cause I've had enough/I think I'm reaching the limit/You should keep your distance/Cause I've had enough/Take a deep breath and count to three/And then I'll be behavin'/I feel like people just don't get me/Maybe I'm crazy
14. paint it black- ciara I see a red door and I want it painted black/No colors anymore, I want them to turn black/I see the girls walk by, dressed in their summer clothes/I have to turn my head until my darkness goes/I see a line of cars and they're all painted black/With flowers and my love both never to come back/I see people turn their heads and quickly look away/Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day/I look inside myself and see my heart is black/I see my red door I must have it painted black/Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts/It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black/No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue/I could not foresee this thing happening to you/If I look hard enough into the setting sun/My love will laugh with me before the morning comes
15. curbstomp- meg myers I'm a sinner/I'm a liar/Want forgiveness/But I'm tired/I'm addicted to the fire/Let go, I'm ready for it/Let go, I'm ready/I'm a victim/I'm a coward/Try to wake up/Don't have the power/I'm a daughter in the choir/Let go, I'm ready for it/Let go, I'm ready
16. gasoline vs. savages- marina & halsey Is it running in our blood? Is it running in our veins?/Is it running in our genes? Is it in our DNA?/Humans aren't gonna behave as we think we always should/ Yeah, we can be bad as we can be good/Underneath it all we're just savages/Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages/How could we expect anything at all?/We're just animals still learning how to crawl/We live, we die, we steal, we kill, we lie/Just like animals but with far less grace/We laugh, we cry like babies in the night/Forever running wild in the human race
17. moments- tove lo I, I'm not the prettiest you've ever seen/But I have my moments, I have my moments/Not the flawless one I've never been/But I have my moments, I have my moments/I can get a little drunk, I get into all the dont's/But on good days I am charming as fuck/I can get a little drunk, I get into all the dont's/But on good days I am charming as fuck
18. calm down- krewella Got all my keys don't you follow me, call on me/Ain't mood for no drama/Outta my face, didn't you read my policy/I do what I wanna/You ain't my therapist, ain't got the formula/So stay in your corner/Last thing I need is my head underwater/Didn't I warn' ya'/Wanna feel the good/Wanna feel the bad, feel it all/Got a human heart/I'ma let that fly and fall/When I feel insane/And I rap that pain/No doubt/I'ma spell it out/Don't tell me to calm down/I'm about to tear this fuckin' place down/Kinda like the way I let it go.../Don't tell me to calm down/I'm about to tear this fuckin' place down/No, I ain't afraid to let it go.../Don-don't tell me to calm down/Don't tell me to calm down
19. middle finger- bohnes You show me love then spit in my face/Making your money off all of my pain/You put an eagle inside of a cage/And you think I'm not strong enough to escape/But I refuse to let you make me feel like I can't fly/Not only will I soar again, I'll own the fucking sky, yeah/So I put my middle finger up/I'm done being your slave/My generation's had enough/And you should be afraid/Oh-whoa, oh, not your prisoner/Oh-whoa, oh, better listen when I say/I put my middle finger up/I'm done being your slave/You couldn't even look me in the eye/When you let me go and then left me to die/There was no question that I would survive/An artist on fire is one that's alive
20. dead af- krewella Throwing pretty pennies/Down a wishing well/We ain't fucking with you/But we wish you well/Wonder where your friends is/Are they heads or tails?/We ain't fucking with you/'Cause we see you/At the bottom of the party/With the silver spoon under your tongue (under your tongue)/You're all about the money/But your bullshit doesn't add up (doesn't add up)/Dancing with the skeletons out of all the graves you dug (graves you dug)/All your friends are Benjamins call 'em but they won't show up/'Cause everybody dead as fuck.../'Cause everybody dead as fuck.../'Cause everybody dead as (Brah! Brah!)/Dead as fuck
21. bones- ms mr Dig up her bones but leave the soul alone/Boy with a broken soul/Heart with a gaping hole/Dark twisted fantasy turned to reality/Kissing death and losing my breath/Midnight hours, cobble street passages/Forgotten savages, forgotten savages/Dig up her bones but leave the soul alone/Let her find a way to a better place/Broken dreams and silent screams/Empty churches with soulless curses
0 notes
Sorry again
So I am high again and doing replies and so I’m very sorry if any of my replies were weird as fuck (I’m pretty sure I’m queuing most of them.)
Also, it is really fucking trippy to watch Supernatural while high. All of these episodes are blending together and I don’t actually know what the fuck is going on. And everything goes  so much not right. Likewe watched thepisode where they go  back to 1860 and the next episod eI expected them to go back to the fututre but they were already in the future cause it was a different episode. And I could have sworn Cas was talking to me in the beginning of this episode. And when they showed Cas exploding,, it looked like it was slowing down and zooming in on a prat of the blood instead of coming right at you . and holy fuck do Crowley and Cas have a strange love affair eye sex shit going on when I’m high. Like Cas called him with the Jerrfefson Starships wong, it wounded like a differen tsong. So like one of those weird romcoms where they’ve got theold Jukebox stuff and there’s like this slow walk up and no one else is conventiently in the diner. And holy shit atht hunter really looked like Bobby and when did Bobby get possessed again. Wait its not Bobyand Cas just fucking shoved that demon right back in his body and killed him. He can just fucking gripped the smoke and shoved it back in. Why can’t he just fucking grab each demonn out of the sky and kill them there.And holy shit there’s suddenly more suits and why are all the angels in fucking suits .They anin’t gotta be busineess all the time. Like have you seen Gabriel and Luci and even Anna? They just ggotta get out more, live a little. SNRK. And Casiteil is talking but his lips aren’t moving and the was the actuall fuck. 
“You never look like your joiking.” Like why the fuck are angels so stoic. Do they know how to smile? Like i understand they don’t feel emotions, but come on. Also isn’t Balthy and what’s face stlll in Heaven? Why aren’t they in businessy like attire. And I’m sorry, but Dean is fucking in love with Cas. And Netflix spells it Cass and it bugs me. Also, why were they mad at Cas?Is this where he offres him a sandwich and Dean or sam refuses it? This episode keeps doing freeze frames and what the fuck. I miss badass Casiel. Bobby just picked up his hat from the Glass without even shaking it out like won’t he get glass in his head. Doesn’t Cas work with Crowley at some point? Did he just say Superman turned to the Darks Side?
And also my bones feel weird. Like you know the wooden snakes that have the slits for joingts. Like when you move them they do the clicking thing like they have to stay in place? That’s how my bones feel, especlliain my neck. When was Dean raking leaves? Is he with Lisa at this point? Why would they other raking the leaves near Bobby’s housee? Isn’t it in the middle of the junkyard. Where the fuck are they. 
What if someone broke whatever the thing is in Hell where they have to stand in he line and just fucking WENT down the line. Where the fuck would they go then.
“Kick the candy out of each and every angel”
My auditory processing is shit when I’m sofer. This is fucking weird. 
Also Crowley like talkING LIKE THIS WHERE he starts to scream in the middle of a sentence or word anD I LOVE IT.
Did he just call Cas Ducky? What season is this? 6? Did they realy talk about Purgaotory that early. How does this season end...next on is the Dick season I think but how the fuck does this one end.
No shnk just Thunderfist. RAPHAEL VS CASTIEL FIGHT!
BUM BUM BUMMMMJ! CASTIEL’S INT A CIRCLE OF HOLYL FIRE WHOA. Shit Casitle only knew the reference because they were talking bout the reference and he was watching then. 
SON OF A BITCh, Dean is upset that Cas is chillin with Crowleey like no, that’s my Cas. What was happening in this episode?
I am the one who raised you from perdition. But he didn’t grip you tight hmmm???
I keep seeing my cats where my cats arn’t.  
“Artfully tousled hair”
They’re standing awfully closeand Getout of my sight. Where are his demon wingmen? They ain’t swirling arougn outside anymore. Did thye just up and bolt when Crowley when to have a spat with his boyfrind?
I don’t know why I started laughing but I can’t stop
BUT YES THAT FACE tHE super frown thing. You know where they like push their chin up to their nose? That thing? Howthe fuck do you describe that thing in words with the words
I don’t know man. But I’ve got a bunch in my drafts and like 7 qqueued up that I’m so sorry for because I’m sure they’re completely incoherent. 
Thank you for joining us on the ramblings of and ADHD stoned man. This is essentially my inner monologue aside from all the “breathe in” “look up” “why oes your neck feel weird” That’s essentially my brain while making this pst. So AWESOME if you could understand any of it and feel free to talk to me when I’m sober tomoorrow. 
Also, do you guys wanna see my face? I can post weekly Sam’s and stuff on Munday if you guys want.
And ADHD stoned man livestreamed/thought while watching Supernatural and it probably makes no fucking sense and I’m sorry for and the people I repliped to and the people reading this. I probably should have posted a thing if people wanted to talk to me while stone. Though I’m sure it would be more fun  to skype. HMU if you want my skype. I’ll try to get it workkgin for that.
This TLDR became to long and people probably didn’t even get this far, but I’m sorry
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glapplebloom · 7 years
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Power Rangers VS VoltronPart 6 of 7 for this final week of the year!
My original plan for Part 6 was to highlight other shows that were inspired by Death Battle. But many of them were taken offline for some reason. That lead the list to be stack with questionable choices that I feel would be unfair to compare them to the ones on top. So I decided to scrap the idea. Sorry. I got something else planned though
Anyway, that means this one gets moved up and I have to say it is one of my favorite seasons. Lots of fun matches and researching opportunities.
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#10 - Sephiroth Vs Vergil
This was an awesome way to end the season. Final Fantasy finally gets a win, showing how much would change if you didn’t control the character, showing off just how much potential Sephiroth really has, all the research that went into this fight and the swordsmanship and techniques displayed was all amazing to see. The only reason this fight is as low as it is ultimately because I didn’t get into Vergil as much as the others were. 
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#9 -  Power Rangers VS Voltron
If Godzilla Vs Gamera was the Superman/Goku of Giant Monster Battles, this was that for Giant Robots. Grew up watching both, wishing to have said Giant robots to battle each other against. So to help with the research for this is like living my childhood dream. This is also their most expensive Death Battle to date (I believe) and I say it is worth the price. Its through this match I found out Justice League crossed over with the Power Rangers. So overall, this was a fun match to do and see.
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#8 - Natsu VS Ace
I figured this was going to be similar to Zoro Vs Lucy. I was going to skip it because they both had a lot of stuff to get through. But one thing got me into researching this match over others: “Ace scales”. I’m not a fan of scaling but I know when it should be used. But while looking at how other topics debated on the subject, it seems less like scaling and more like seven degrees of bacon. So I decided to throw in my researching hat into this and look into their Manga.
I was shocked by how little Ace has. Thinking he was Luffy’s brother (which he wasn’t really), I thought he would have a lot of stuff like the rest of Luffy’s crew. Heck, he did joined up with them in the anime for a while. But to my surprise, only a handful of pages. In comparison, Natsu had a LOT of screen time to the point I wonder what all this “Fairy Tail is overflowing with Fan Service” coming from. Is it overflowing with violent fan service?
But in the end, Natsu was decided the winner. This is high up for how tough it was to decide who’ll win as well as how well it all came together. Especially with the animation feeling like a sequel to Zoro Vs Lucy. Seems like its in the same location. If a third One Piece Vs Fairy Tail happens, I expect both fighters to be chased out of the town.
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#7 - Metal Sonic VS Zero
There is a reason why there are multiple researchers. Not to research multiple things at once (even though we could) but to also have multiple viewpoints in one fight. When I researched it, Zero didn’t seem like he was able to win. Another thought otherwise. When we presented our arguments, mine held very little water in comparison and the winner was decided. I personally blame it on Sega for not using Metal often or well.
But despite that, the episode was great. The research portion was fun and I loved the animation. The speed it was going to points where I wonder if there was 3D Animation in it, to all the custom sprite work into this fight. Thanks to Jerky, I got my hands on that Metal Madness sprite at the end. It is massive.
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#6 - Shredder VS Silver Samurai
Talk about a mind blower. I came into this match thinking Silver Samurai got this. So I researched the comics, found his bizarre original costume, and more evidence against his faster than light particles being a real thing. But then I looked into the Nick TMNT cartoon. I was shocked. While I did watch it, I eventually stopped when they went to space and forgot details like his faster than eyesight slashes. 
And then seeing his Super Shredder. Whoa! And he killed Splinter... Twice! It might as well has been just the Nick Shredder Vs Silver Samurai. But the others looked into those and found more stuff from the comics and the original cartoon. You know what’s scarier than finding out about all this? Finding out not only did he survive the Joker Gas, but he overcame it through sheer hatred.
And the fight, wow! Using DCat’s Shredder was a great choice. And all the other custom spriting work used was amazing. And that ending was brutal!
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#5 - Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake
This is as high as it is for me because of the research. Between the two of them, I only played one game demo. But after researching, I totally get why these two are popular. Nathan is a great character and was fun to follow from beginning to end. I hope his movie does him justice. But with Lara, wow! I think she can give Batman a run for his money.
Classic Lara and her cutting the wire of an elevator to ride it up, one handed, to reach the roof. Legends Lara and wielding the Hammer of Thor. Survivor Lara and the, no other words to describe it, Hell she went through. She fought demons, aliens, dinosaurs and deities. And the only negative I can find of her is that she was in Angel of Darkness, which that studio deserved to be shut down after making it.
The episode was great. It explained both characters the best it did and the fight was fun. But like I said, this is as high as it is mostly because of the researching I did for this. I believe this is the most fun I had doing research.
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#4- Naruto VS Ichigo
Personally, I only looked into the Manga for Ichigo. But even after that with my limited knowledge of Naruto I saw it as a win for the #1 Knuckle Headed Ninja. Ichigo doesn’t grow as well as Naruto does. He constantly loses his powers and his biggest wins aren’t just his own doing. It was all conclusive to me that Ninjas beat Samurais in this fight.
But the episode did a great job explaining everything between the two and why Naruto was a shoe in to win. Not to mention the fantastic animation to go with it. And the long explanation was the icing on the cake, as this specific Death Battle needed that extra time dedicated to explain the results.
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#3 - Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight
I looked into... EVERY! SINGLE! ENGLISH RELEASED! SCROOGE COMIC! And also everything with Shovel Knight. And Scrooge would have won even without those guns or the Omnisolve. He has a laser gun that can pierce titanium. He has a time travel watch so he can go into the future or the past. He frikkin tore down those steam pipes with his bare hands. Scrooge is a scary old man.
And the fight was a glorious tribute to 8-Bit. The music selection, the custom sprite work involved, the action and that ending. It had to have been against Shovel Knight to get this level of tribute.
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#2 - Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog
I live for fights like these. Obscure characters to most, a wacky premise, and all animated like a cartoon. The moment I heard this match was going to be done this was my most anticipated Death Battle to wait for. And it lived up to it all. It would have been my #1 if it wasn’t for one fight...
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#1 - Balrog VS TJ Combo
To me, this is the perfect Death Battle. From the Analysis portion including custom images and video to the fight itself. The theme of it being a boxing match, the choreography to make it seem like a boxing movie, and especially the music choice for this fight. I saw a preview of the fight and was immediately hooked to this song. And seeing the full version, it blew what I was imagining. This is a Death Battle I would recommend anyone to see first.
And that’s my top 10 of the seasons. Tomorrow, let’s talk about the other fights not mentioned.
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steel-and-fire · 7 years
// 1. They are legendary skins :o voice lines!!!!!! Whoa. Also @exfury the theme is darkness and chaos vs order and light. Sure has a demon, angel feel, but the names fit very much.
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
Any thoughts on the significance of the bright yellow bathroom in 13x2 (especially since there's been so much color meta going around re: Cas and yellow and the curtains from 13x1)?
HECK I HATE TUMBLR. I had a really long reply written out for this, and freaking tumblr ATE IT. oh my god. Stop being such a jerk tumblr… Okay, gonna try and recreate it >.> Okay… what had I been saying now…
That entire motel room (oh, excuse me, HOTEL, according to their sign >.>) was decked out in some really bold jewel tones, despite having gone a bit shabby with age and use. Some of the paint was chipping off, the whole place was dingier than a lot of the motels they visit, and whoa nelly that was a really sickening sulfurous shade of yellow.
Let’s start with the other parts of the motel, though. (partly because this is what I remember from the version of this post that tumblr nommed). Their room itself was a dark sapphire blue, highlighted by this deep red, diamond and flower pattered sofa:
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These have long been our conflict colors, blue and red. And the diamond pattern itself reminded me of Lizbob’s meta about the diamond-pattern (sulfur yellow) bedspreads from s1 that made a reappearance in 12.19 in the motel room where Cas was hiding out with Kelly…
go read that real quick… I’ll wait.
Dean had already been the subject of prison imagery (when he first entered the motel room and the louvers of the blinds cast him in reddish light that resembled bars), and now the diamonds cast him against even MORE cage/prison imagery, this time embedded with FLOWERS (which have long been a symbol associated with Castiel… I mean even the wallpaper in 12.19 was a flower motif…)
That brings us to the hallway outside their room, painted the same deep red (and peeling away in places) as their sofa. Everyone knows about Dean’s shirt that color we all refer to as the Murder Shirt or the Shirt of Bad Decisions… But blue and red in contrast to one another like this have been used as a warning of conflict, and breaking the codependency… 
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But that red is also the Winchester Family color, and so many “adopted Winchesters” have worn it, from Kevin to Mary to Charlie to Claire…
(I won’t even go into the symbolism of the light giving Dean a halo in the red hallway as he throws an angel blade to kill a demon, because I talked about that yesterday… :P)
Which brings us to yellow (and also yellow and blue together, which have always been a warning sign on Supernatural… she says as she’s watching 9.01 and looking at Hael wearing a sulfur-yellow sweater over a dark blue dress. Those are the colors of Heaven and irresistible duty). First, the bathroom itself:
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Dean opens the door, reaches in and turns on the light, then leaves the door open. He doesn’t even go in, just gives it that look… Later when he’s fighting the demon, we get this shot, with the brightly-lit duty color set against the deep blue humanity color…
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It seems that so much of the imagery around Jack (and the Winchesters) is about this duality– humanity versus (in this case) non-humanity. Jack is about as clear a dual-natured being as it’s possible to be, and in turn it’s divided Sam and Dean against one another. Sam sees Jack’s humanity, but Dean can only see the potential for his power to “take over” and for human Jack to be lost to that power.
To copy/paste what I said to @shixpe when I was busy crying about how tumblr ate this original post, right now “Jack�� and “Jack’s Power” are two entirely separate entities. Nougat vs “unimaginable cosmic power,” and he hasn’t even BEGUN to reconcile those two halves within himself. Right now, he doesn’t even identify with his powers at all…
We’ve seen a lot of the s9 and s10 imagery of duality coming back into play again with things like the return of the Panheads sign which we also know will be in 13.03, along with Patience wearing these same bright primary colors in various promo pics. I eagerly await how they continue to use these colors as the season continues to unfold.
83 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 7 years
Dark Horse Comics’ July 2017 Solicitations
Dark Horse has provided CBR with covers and solicit information for products shipping in July 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these Dark Horse releases with fellow readers.
Dark Horse Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping June 2017
Product shipping May 2017
Product shipping April 2017
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 (of 4)
James Stokoe (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
With one last gambit aboard the space station, Wascylewski finds himself ambushed by two more deadly xenomorphs that will stop at nothing until he’s dead.
The conclusion to Orc Stain creator James Stokoe’s thrilling and claustrophobic Aliens story!
Aliens: Defiance Volume 2 TP
Brian Wood (W), Stephen Thompson (A), Tony Brescini (A), Eduardo Francisco (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Massimo Carnevale (Cover)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Colonial Marine Private First Class Zula Hendricks is AWOL and on a mission to prove her mettle by eradicating the Alien species. She must battle with xenomorphs, fend off space pirates, and elude the insidious Weyland-Yutani corporation that wants their freighter back, all while facing rehabilitation from an old war injury.
Collects Aliens: Defiance #7–#12.
American Gods: Shadows #5
Neil Gaiman (W), P. Craig Russell (W/A), Scott Hampton (A/C), Glenn Fabry (Cover), and David Mack (Variant cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Strange things continue to plague Shadow and Wednesday as their mad American road trip takes them all the way to a surreal roadside attraction, the House on the Rock, where they encounter Mr. Nancy and the world’s largest carousel!
The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award–winning novel and upcoming Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a comic series for the first time!
A Starz TV show!
“Russell’s lyrical layouts bring Gaiman’s visual, vivid prose to life like no other artist.”—Comic Book Resources
Angel Season 11 #7
Featuring Angelus and Darla!
Corinna Bechko (W), Zé Carlos (A), Michelle Madsen (C), Scott Fischer (Cover), and Stephanie Hans (Variant cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
On a ship filled with zombies, pirates, and a plague of zombie-creating beetles, Angel is torn between saving his past evil self—to save his own future—and making sure that the ship he is on never reaches land.
“If the past is haunting Angel, there’s no telling where this story can go, but I’m eager to see where. The story is intriguing and the art top notch.”—SciFiPulse
Art of Over the Garden Wall HC & Ltd. Ed. HC
Sean Edgar (W) and Patrick McHale (W)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 184 pages • $39.99 • HC, 10” x 11”
FC, 184 pages • $49.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 10” x 11”
Venture into the Unknown! A complete tour through the development and production of the hit animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, this volume contains hundreds of pieces of concept art and sketches, and a comprehensive look at the show’s breathtaking production art. Also includes commentary from creators Patrick McHale and Nick Cross, interviews with the cast and crew, and more!
Never-before-seen sketches and a comprehensive look at the production art behind the multiple-award-winning show!
Limited to 1, 000 copies Worldwide.
The Art of Rick and Morty HC
James Siciliano (W), Justin Roiland (P), James McDermott (P), Jason Boesch (P), Carlos Ortega (P), and Andrew DeLange (P)
On sale Sept 12
FC, 224 pages • $39.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
The animated science-fiction adventures seen in Rick and Morty are irreverent, shocking, and hilarious—from the cynical and rapid-fire one-liners to the grotesque and endearing character designs. Now, take a deep transdimensional dive into the creation of these many insane universes with The Art of Rick and Morty!
Exclusive never-before-seen concept and production art from the making of the hit animated series!
Bankshot #2 (of 5)
Alex de Campi (W), ChrisCross (A/Cover), and Snakebite Cortez (C)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Marcus King was shot in the back, paralyzed, and left for dead. But fate, a beautiful woman, and science intervened. Now King has returned, better than ever, on a mission to take down the most dangerous adversary from his past: the Dutchman. Spies! Intrigue! Betrayal!
Written by Eisner nominee Alex de Campi (Archie vs. Predator).
Art by ChrisCross (Convergence: Justice League of America).
The Black Beetle: Kara Bocek HC
Francesco Francavilla (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 6
FC, 56 pages • $14.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
The masked American hero ventures to the Middle East incognito (as Tom Sawyer) to fight Nazis in pursuit of a mysterious object of terrible power—a weapon of unknown origin, older than the pyramids, which could fuel the Thousand-Year Reich of Hitler’s dreams.
This story originally appeared in Dark Horse Presents #28-#32.
Afterlife with Archie cocreator returns to his acclaimed original series!
Black Hammer #11
Jeff Lemire (W/Variant cover), Dean Ormston (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
He was born into the Red Tribes of Mars. He walked the streets of Spiral City as a police officer by day, vigilante hero by night. And now he’s trapped in the sleepy-but-sinister Rockwood. In each of these places, Barbalien has been an outsider. He’s never felt at home. Maybe, in the end, home is not a location . . . it’s something to find in other people.
B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know #1
Mike Mignola (W/Variant cover), Scott Allie (W), Laurence Campbell (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Duncan Fegredo (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Before they were vanquished by the BPRD, Lovecraftian monsters created a Hell on Earth. Now Liz Sherman leads a crew through monster-infested ruins on the most important rescue mission of her life. As society tries to rebuild, strange cults vie for influence, and a demon emerges to lead the way . . .
Briggs Land: Lone Wolves #2 (of 6)
Brian Wood (W), Mack Chater (A), Lee Loughridge (C), Matthew Woodson (Cover), and Fiona Staples (Variant cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
When Isaac Briggs went overseas to war, he shed his quiet, reserved personality for something fiercer and far more nationalist than the rest of his family are prepared to deal with.
Brian Wood’s critically acclaimed series returns for its next chapter in an even more relevant postelection America.
Briggs Land is currently in development for a television series at AMC TV!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #9
Christos Gage (W), Georges Jeanty (P/Variant cover), Dexter Vines (I/Variant cover), Dan Jackson (C), and Steve Morris (Cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The great escape is underway as Buffy, Faith, and Willow infiltrate headquarters at the Safe Zone. Everything and everyone they expected to stop their mission is in the way. The question is, can two powerless girls and one Slayer succeed with these ridiculous odds? Elsewhere: unexpected vampire complications . . .
Featuring everyone’s favorite “bad” Slayer, Faith Lehane!
“Any Buffy fan is going to be stoked about this new series, Season 11, and a new story arc of awesomeness!”—ComicWow!TV
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus: Season 8 Volume 1 TP
Joss Whedon (W), Brian K. Vaughan (W), Drew Goddard (W), Jeph Loeb (W), Georges Jeanty (P), Karl Moline (P), Paul Lee (P), Cliff Richards (P), Andy Owens (I), Dave Stewart (C), Michelle Madsen (C), and Jo Chen (Cover)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 592 pages • $24.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. Aptly named Season 8, these comics are the official sequel to Buffy and continue where the live-action series left off with the Slayer, her friends, and their ongoing challenge to fight the forces of darkness.
This oversized omnibus edition is one of two volumes that will contain the entirety of Season 8. Contains Buffy Season 8 Library Edition Volumes 1–2 (excluding sketchbook materials), all series covers (Buffy Season 8 #1–#20), the Willow one-shot Goddesses and Monsters, and the “Always Darkest” short from MySpace Dark Horse Presents #24.
A New York Times bestseller!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Big Bads & Monsters Adult Coloring Book TP
Karl Moline (A/Cover), Georges Jeanty (A), Pablo Churin (A), Yishan Li (A), Newsha Ghasemi (A), Stephen Byrne (A), and others
On sale Sept 6
b&w, 96 pages • $14.99 • TP, 10” x 10”
Demons, horror, and fantasy fill these original illustrations based on Joss Whedon’s cult-classic television series. Inside this volume focused on their greatest foes, you’ll find heroes Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles fighting to save the world from the likes of the Master, Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, and other supernatural beasts and beings. Features forty-five original black-and-white illustrations.
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Joss Whedon’s cult-classic television series!
Colder Omnibus TP
Paul Tobin (W) and Juan Ferreyra (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
FC, 424 pages • $24.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Declan Thomas, the former patient of an insane asylum that was destroyed in a fire, has the strange ability to step inside a person’s madness—and sometimes cure it. He hopes to one day cure his own, but time is running out, as a demonic predator pursues him.
Collects the entire Colder series.
Written by Eisner Award winner Paul Tobin (Bandette)!
Art by Green Arrow’s Juan Ferreyra!
“A fantastically twisted comic that uses horror elements brilliantly to create a suspenseful tale absolutely worth reading.”—Graphic Policy
Dark Horse Comics/DC Comics: Mask TP
Various (W/A)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 256 pages • $24.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Grifter and the Mask team up and face off against smugglers at a Las Vegas weapons show. After destroying a planet, the Mask has a bounty on his head and Lobo hot on his tail in a mind-bending, time-twisting showdown between madmen. And last but not least, the Joker stumbles upon the mask, which inspires a new superpowered reign for the Clown Prince of Crime!
This volume collects Grifter/The Mask #1–#2, Lobo vs. the Mask #1–#2, and Joker/Mask #1–#4.
Collects never-before-reprinted material.
The Dark North HC
Martin Dunelind (W), Peter Bergting (A), Henrik Pettersson (A), Joakim Ericsson (A), Magnus Olsson (A), and Lukas Thelin (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
FC, 232 pages • $34.99 • HC, 9” x 11”
Originally crowdfunded in 2015, this illustrated prose/art book fusion features five unique tales ranging from Norse mythology to science fiction. The Dark North showcases artwork by Scandinavia’s leading illustrators and concept artists Peter Bergting, Henrik Pettersson, Joakim Ericsson, Magnus Olsson, and Lukas Thelin, prose by Martin Dunelind, and a foreword by author and filmmaker Clive Barker!
Foreword by Clive Barker!
Featuring artwork by Baltimore artist Peter Bergting, as well as popular game artists Henrik Pettersson, Magnus Olsson, Joakim Ericsson, and Lukas Thelin!
Dept. H #16
Matt Kindt (W/A/Cover) and Sharlene Kindt (C)
On sale July 19
FC, 28 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Looking into Hari Hardy’s past, it’s clear that Mia’s father’s long history has made him the author of his own destruction, and perhaps Mia’s as well. Meanwhile, some of the Dept. H crew appear to be going insane, for they feel compelled to aid a sea turtle older than time . . . and it demands to be worshiped?
Dragon Age: Knight Errant #3 (of 5)
Nunzio DeFilippis (W), Christina Weir (W), Fernando Heinz Furukawa (A), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Sachin Teng (Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
With Varric’s help, Vaea sets out on a rescue mission for the Inquisition. After dodging societal niceties with the stuffy prince Sebastian and the even stuffier Seneschal Granger, Vaea catches up to her quarry . . . only to discover the mission will be far from that simple!
Empowered Deluxe Edition Volume 3 HC
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 13
b&w, 704 pages • $59.99 • HC, 6 1/2″ x 9”
Prepare your puny intellect for wonders awe-inspiring, comedy gut-busting, and images steamy within Adam Warren’s Empowered Deluxe Edition Volume 3. Collected within its vast confines are Empowered Volumes 7, 8, and 9 plus a priceless hoard of unpublished artwork, author’s notes, and arcane wisdom both illuminating and terrifying to behold!
Hardcover edition, 704 pages, limited to initial printing only!
2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Empowered!
The End League Library Edition HC
Rick Remender (W), Mat Broome (A), Eric Canete (A/Cover), Sean Parsons (A), Ashley MacDonald (A), Wendy Broome (C), Matthew Wilson (C), and Naomi Baker (C)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 248 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8″ x 12”
The genre-bending New York Times bestseller is now available in a deluxe oversized format! A thematic merging of The Lord of the Rings and Watchmen, The End League follows the last remaining superheroes on Earth as they embark on a desperate quest to find the one artifact that can save humanity—the Hammer of Thor. Superstar writer Rick Remender (Fear Agent, Tokyo Ghost) is joined by comics legends Mat Broome (X-Men, Batman) and Eric Canete (Iron Man, Martian Manhunter) on a perilous journey to save the world!
Collects all nine issues of the series.
Oversize library format matches the best-selling Fear Agent library editions!
Game of Thrones Jon Snow “Battle of the Bastards” Limited Edition Bust
On sale Aug 23 • Measures 6” from base to the top of his head, plus sword extension • $89.99
The pulse-pounding climax of the most recent HBO season of Game of Thrones was the “Battle of the Bastards,” where Jon Snow faces off in a life-or-death struggle with evil Ramsay Bolton—considered one of the most ambitious and elaborately choreographed battles ever staged for filmed entertainment. A key moment is when Jon prepares for his last stand by drawing his sword Longclaw and facing the Bolton army seemingly alone. This is the moment sculptor Dave Cortes and his studio capture.
This prepainted bust measures 6” from the base to the top of his head, plus sword extension. Edition size TBD at press time. Full-color deluxe packaging with a certificate of authenticity.
Groo: Play of the Gods #1 (of 4)
The return of Groo!
Sergio Aragonés (W/A/Cover), Mark Evanier (W), John Ercek (C), and Tom Luth (C)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Shakespeare wrote, “The play’s the thing.” Or was that Nathan Lane? Either way, the play matters, whether you be man or god . . . or even Groo.
In this, the first installment in the newest Groo miniseries (which is continued from the last Groo miniseries), the stupidest hero in the comic book shop finds himself in a new village . . . a village where you pray to the proper god or you pray for your life. And even the other gods know that they are all players. It’s from the award-winning team of Sergio Aragonés and Mark Evanier, with lettering by Stan Sakai, coloring by Tom Luth, and a running commentary by the gods above.
The all-star team returns: Sergio Aragonés, Mark Evanier, Tom Luth, and Stan Sakai.
Eisner and Harvey Award–winning creators and an Eisner Award–winning title!
Halo: UNSC Vulture Limited Edition Ship Replica
On sale Aug 9
6” limited edition • $49.99
The UNSC Vulture, also known as the AC-220 Gunship, is a heavy gunship used by the United Nations Space Command during the early years of the Human-Covenant War. The premier aerial combat vehicle for extended air-to-ground battles, the Vulture was originally produced to combat the rebel threat during the early years of the Insurrection.
The Vulture is heavily featured in the hit game Halo Wars 2, and now you can own this beautifully detailed polyresin, limited edition 6” replica. Includes display base. Limited edition of 2,000.
Hard Boiled HC (Second Edition)
Eisner Award Winner!
Frank Miller (W), Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 136 pages • $19.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
Carl Seltz is a suburban insurance investigator, a loving husband, and a devoted father. Nixon is a berserk, homicidal tax collector racking up mind-boggling body counts in a diseased urban slaughterhouse. Unit Four is the ultimate robot killing machine—and the last hope of the future’s enslaved mechanical servants. And they’re all the same psychotic entity.
From comic masters Geof Darrow and Frank Miller!
Recolored by Dave Stewart!
Collected in hardcover for the first time ever!
Joe Golem: Occult Detective—The Outer Dark #3 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), Christopher Golden (W), Patric Reynolds (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Dave Palumbo (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Joe discovers that the supernatural voices driving men insane may have roots in another dimension, and Church takes matters into his own hands when Lori starts to ask too many questions.
“Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden are a heck of a team, and Patric Reynolds continues to complement them perfectly by bringing unique worlds to life stunningly with his art.”—Big Comic Page
Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact TP
The fight for Earth’s future!
Matt Mair Lowery (W) and Cassie Anderson (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 6
FC, 192 pages • $12.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
In the wake of an alien invasion—and her father’s death—a young girl must fight for the future of Earth. Aided by a shape-shifting rebel alien posing as her father, the unlikely pair bond, fight back, and ponder what it means to be human. The powers of choice, courage, and unity are examined in Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact, an unforgettable debut work from creators Matt Mair Lowery and Cassie Anderson.
The first work by up-and-coming creators Matt Mair Lowery and Cassie Anderson!
Young adult sci-fi adventure starring a relatable, endearing young heroine.
Mass Effect: Andromeda—Tempest Silver Finish Limited-Edition Ship Replica
On sale July 19
8”, limited edition silver ship • $49.99
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a hit, and the new Tempest ship is key to the intergalactic exploring experience. Long and sleek, the new design is an instant classic.
Our 8” replica is also a hit, so we are offering collectors a special silver-colored, metal-plated limited edition. Approximately 8” long, this collector piece captures all the detail of the regular edition. Only 1,000 will be produced for worldwide distribution.
Mass Effect: Discovery #3 (of 4)
John Dombrow (W), Jeremy Barlow (W), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Kate Niemczyk (Variant cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Following a lead to the lawless space station Omega, Tiran Kandros is closer than ever to uncovering the Andromeda Initiative’s biggest secret. Unfortunately, so is the deadly Agent Zeta! In a story that ties in to the highly anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda game, writers John Dombrow and Jeremy Barlow and artist Gabriel Guzmán team up to create the next exciting chapter of the Mass Effect comics series!
From Eisner Award–nominated writer Jeremy Barlow!
Direct tie-in with Mass Effect: Andromeda for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!
Misfits of Avalon Volume 3: The Future in the Wind TP
Kel McDonald (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
b&w, 216 pages • $14.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Smart-mouthed teens Elsie, Kimber, Morgan, and Rae have enough to handle with magical rings, talking dogs, and faeries, but when they discover that the knight they’ve been battling for Excalibur is a familiar face with a mission of his own, they must get to the bottom of the real intentions behind the quest they were given.
Mister X: The Modern Age TP
Dean Motter (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 368 pages • $29.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
In the retrofuturistic metropolis of Radiant City, its mysterious creator, Mister X, must protect the city and its residents from the architecture of the city itself, which poses a danger to all those within it! Collecting every Mister X comic published by Dark Horse Comics, this trade includes Condemned, Excavations, and Razed, along with never-before-seen behind-the-scenes material!
All of Dark Horse’s Mister X material collected in an affordable paperback!
A great jumping-on point to the classic series!
Moebius Library: The Art of Edena HC
Moebius (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 176 pages • $34.99 • HC, 8” x 10”
A companion volume to the critically acclaimed and New York Times best-selling World of Edena graphic novel, Moebius Library: The Art of Edena collects four fantastic Edena-related short stories and a mother lode of Moebius illustrations. A celebration of the imagery of Edena and the creative enthusiasm Moebius held for his Edena universe, this volume collects the short stories “Seeing Naples,” “Another Planet,” “The Repairmen,” and “Dying to See Naples,” as Moebius explores his imagination with Stel and Atan, two of his favorite characters.
Out-of-print stories and hard-to-find images—collected in an affordable hardcover!
The second volume in Dark Horse’s Moebius Library series!
“Glowingly illustrated in the elegant clear-line art and rich colors for which Moebius is justly revered, the book careens spectacularly through science fiction, fantasy, allegory, pop psychology, and psychedelia.”—Publishers Weekly
The Once and Future Queen #5 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Enemies are revealed and plans are set in motion as the Fae go to war! Can Rani, Gwen, Lance, and Merlin save humanity? And even if they do . . . at what cost?
“Fun, upbeat, and Wonderfully diverse.” —Big Comic Page
Predator: Hunters #3 (of 5)
Chris Warner (W), Francisco Ruiz Velasco (A/Variant cover), and Doug Wheatley (Cover)
On sale July 5
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Contact! The assault team encounters the Predator at night on the tropical island! First blood goes to the alien hunter, but ten-to-one odds and machine guns favor the humans . . . unless there’s something about their quarry they don’t know!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #5 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
As a veteran of the War of Independence, Seth Abbott retired to his Vermont cabin and lived a quiet life. When his son John returns from the War of 1812 to a bustling, vibrant America that’s finally found its place in the world, what awaits him?
“Gutsy, well-written and with solid artwork, it is the first part of a grounded historical tale that will elevate the literary value of anyone’s pull list.”—Word of the Nerd
Shadows on the Grave #6 (of 8)
Richard Corben (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
A hunter becomes the hunted when he ventures into restricted woods, but the nature of his adversary is truly terrifying. Recurring dreams haunt a man every year around his birthday. And Denaeus surprises his enemy, the king, when he reappears with an offer to help.
“There’s also something about Corben’s distinctive artwork that’s inherently unnerving, from the grotesquely exaggerated facial features to his tense, claustrophobic panels and layouts.”—Big Comic Page
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #4 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Dave Stewart (C), and Genndy Tartakovsky (Variant cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Bullets, claws, and fists fly when the evil congress of King Crab and the Revengers play their final trump card and attempt to pass a ban on the Shaolin Cowboy, who filibusters heads in the most dogged way possible. Who has the stronger constitution? Find out in issue #4!!!!!!
Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book Volume 2—Where No Man Has Gone Before TP
Juann Cabal (A), Will Conrad (A), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), and Derlis Santacruz (A)
On sale Sept 13
b&w, 96 pages • $14.99 • TP, 10” x 10”
The coloring voyage continues with Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book—Where No Man Has Gone Before. This beautifully illustrated volume features all-new, stunningly detailed black-and-white images from seasons 2 and 3 of the iconic sixties television show. Printed on high-quality stock, each illustration offers an array of diverse details to color as faithfully or as wildly as you choose and is single sided to avoid unsightly bleed-though. This is a must-have collectible for Star Trek fans throughout the galaxy!
Forty-five brand-new black-and-white images from the second and third seasons of the classic science-fiction series!
Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #1 (of 4)
Zodiac Starforce returns!
Kevin Panetta (W), Paulina Ganucheau (A/Cover), and Jen Bartel (Variant cover)
On sale July 5
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
An elite group of teenage girls with magical powers have sworn to protect our planet against dark creatures . . . as long as they can get out of class! Known as the Zodiac Starforce, these high-school girls aren’t just combating math tests—they’re also battling monsters!
After defeating a former ZS member and her mean-girl minions, the girls thought they’d get a little break! But a new big bad’s come out to play, and demons are starting to overrun the downtown!
The post Dark Horse Comics’ July 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.
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