whats-in-a-sentence · 5 months
Table 24.5 outlines some common denaturing factors and the regions of the protein that are affected.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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joelpersels · 4 months
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aplpaca · 5 months
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
[raises hand to ask question] so can regis eat black pudding or blood sausage or any of these kinds of foodstuffs. is it like a slice of rum cake. or is it like a weed brownie
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trannypresident · 2 months
she came over and we went for a night swim (heated pool <3) and world conflict would be over if everyone tried making out and grinding on someone in water because holy shit i never have before. you can grab and hold each other and it feels so uniquely exhilarating and floaty without being exerting. just intimate and easy and so fucking good i feel altered
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riodoesstuff · 10 months
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i have missed this huge bitch
his design is supposed to be all over the place since they are. mentally AND physically all over the place as well
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ra-assputin · 1 year
This protein has a binding site? I didn't even know it was trans?
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charbon69 · 10 months
here's some quick water color ✨️frosty✨️ deepcut :>
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i-spilled-my-soup · 2 years
could you draw plague!will?
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i dont know what plague dude is supposed to look like or how he's supposed to work so you get biology and chemistry flashcards instead
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artificial-father · 1 month
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Little Debbie, what did you do to my cupcake?
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festivalfoxes · 4 months
'man its crazy how people think laios is the most evil man alive just for really intensely engaging his special interest' in the latter half of the 2010s there was ongoing Discourse about newt geiszler pacificrim's interest in kaiju being a disgusting and insensitive thing that, since kaiju are ~basically~ weapons of mass destruction, makes him A Creepy War Fandom Guy who loves human suffering (this was before pac rim2, which is bad, but is not relevant here for other reasons beside it being the Worst. also, there were no statements on whether the guys in the military hierarchy of nuclear-powered punch robots were also Creepy War Fan Guys.) never mind that he is actively yk working against the kaiju, and his pursuit of knowledge of them does in fact majorly directly contribute to saving the world. obviously newt and laios are different characters in different contexts, but presumably .1% or less of the people involved in newt discourse personally knew or were someone victimized by a kaiju so yeah it's actually really easy for me to imagine a bunch of in-world dm people thinking laios is gross and horrifying and dangerous for being interested in monsters. if he wasn't the fandom's Precious Autistic Mascot people here would be saying that about him already. give it a few years and they'll forget the autism and start talking about how shipping labru is bad because laios as a disturbingly socially inept White Man who won't shut up about monsters would be traumatizing for kabru to exist near
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st4rstudent · 8 months
Y'know for actual purposes I think brian's brain is probably made outta like a silicone mold with wires inside that act as like- the actual neurons and stuff that an actual brain has or something along those lines (explains why it explodes so easily when overheated), but it would be so hilarious if it was an actual brain cause like . as you said, where on earth is this man getting all these brains SBDBFSDBS
YES! i was thinking something of similarity. some sort of robotic makeshift brain, but he insists its real and everyone just raises an eyebrow.
toontown brian conspiracy thumbnail that looks like this:
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brokelover · 4 months
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tswwwit · 2 years
Hiya! I'm a bit of a newbie to writing billdip and I struggle the most with dialogue and generally Bills character. I really admire your writing and was wondering if you have any pieces of advice for writing Bill.
I am highly unqualified to give advice on this subject! But here's a few things that come to mind when I think of how I write Bill!
Bill kinda has three main settings: Disinterested, Excited, and Angry. Think of them like levels on a sound mixer, while also being very Impulsive and having an Easily Shifting Mood.
Bored but willing to keep up a conversation because it *could* get interesting. Engaged in the talk he's having, but annoyed enough to insult the person he's talking to at any chance. Furious and excited enough to start making really creative threats!
Dialogue-wise, he's either dismissive, upbeat, or pissed off. He loves mocking people, displaying his superiority, and implication and wordplay. If there's a way to slide in a jab he'll often take it! Puns are not off the table, especially if they'll get a disgusted look or groan. And if he's making a metaphor or comparison he'll often reach for something obscure or downright bizarre.
He's also very manipulative, and convincing. He's got charm to him and can use it - but he also tends to throw in double-talk while he's doing it. (think the 'All I want is a puppet!' scene from the show)
Another point: Talking directly about himself (unless it's to brag) is basically Not A Thing. He might drop hints, but you need a heavy-duty crowbar to drag out anything even slightly beyond surface level.
And that guy's never going to admit when he's having a negative emotion that isn't anger! The best you can manage - if you know him well - is to realize when he's projecting like a motherfucker.
I have also violated all of these vague rules multiple times and will again! So take my suggestions with several grains of salt.
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icharchivist · 8 months
though honestly i expected some clownery and i expected eventually gatekeeping will start happening, but i think it's so so funny how the big drama now is that some newcomers are complaining about "the censorship" in Relink (ie they gave girls shorts under their skirts so you don't look at their panties) and about "the bad translations", and i'm seeing Veterans ratio them with "post your grid and whenever you can solo Lucilius asap" or "what's your 0click set you nerd gw is around the corner" and it is. so funny to me.
specific gatekeeping: if you're being a creep over our girls you better at least have soloed Lucilius or be prepared for gw to prove you at least care about the game enough to be a pervert you piece of shit
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lightluxcollie · 10 months
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Posture is important. ... https://www.sabercolliestudios.com
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