#dentist Glasgow
alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Enhance Your Smile with Composite Bonding at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow
In the bustling city of Glasgow, Complete Dental Care stands out as a beacon of excellence in oral health and cosmetic dentistry. Among the array of services offered, composite bonding emerges as a popular and effective solution for transforming smiles and restoring confidence. Let's delve into the art of composite bonding and discover how Complete Dental Care in Glasgow is reshaping smiles with precision and expertise.
Composite bonding is a versatile cosmetic dental procedure that involves the application of a tooth-coloured composite resin to enhance the appearance of teeth. Whether addressing chipped, cracked, discoloured, or misshapen teeth, composite bonding offers a quick and minimally invasive solution to achieve a radiant smile.
At Complete Dental Care, the experienced dental professionals leverage their expertise and state-of-the-art technology to deliver outstanding results in composite bonding. Through meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, the team at Complete Dental Care seamlessly blends composite resin with natural tooth structure, creating a flawless and harmonious smile that complements each patient's unique facial features.
One of the primary advantages of composite bonding is its versatility. Unlike traditional porcelain veneers, which require multiple appointments and irreversible alterations to the tooth structure, composite bonding offers a conservative approach with immediate results. In just one visit to Complete Dental Care, patients can enjoy a transformed smile without the need for extensive preparation or downtime.
Furthermore, composite bonding is highly customizable, allowing patients to achieve their desired aesthetic goals with precision and accuracy. Whether it's correcting minor imperfections, closing gaps between teeth, or reshaping irregularities, the skilled dentists at Complete Dental Care tailor each bonding procedure to suit the individual needs and preferences of their patients.
Another benefit of composite bonding is its durability and longevity. With proper care and maintenance, bonded restorations can withstand the rigors of daily wear and tear, providing lasting results that enhance both the appearance and functionality of the smile. Additionally, composite resin is stain-resistant, ensuring that the bonded teeth maintain their brilliance and vitality over time.
Moreover, the patient-centric approach of Complete Dental Care ensures that each individual feels comfortable and well-informed throughout the composite bonding process. From the initial consultation to post-procedure care instructions, the compassionate team at Complete Dental Care prioritizes open communication and personalized attention, fostering a trusting and collaborative relationship with their patients.
In conclusion, Complete Dental Care in Glasgow is committed to helping patients achieve their dream smiles through the art of composite bonding. With a focus on excellence, precision, and patient satisfaction, Complete Dental Care continues to set the standard for cosmetic dentistry in the Glasgow area and beyond. If you're ready to enhance your smile and boost your confidence, schedule a consultation with Complete Dental Care today and discover the transformative power of composite bonding.
Complete Dental Care – Dentist in Glasgow/Dentist in Cambuslang
Complete Dental Care
253 Paisley Road West
G51 1NB
Tel: 0141 427 0296
Web: www.glasgowdentalcare.co.uk
Complete Dental Care
151 Western Road
G72 8PE
Tel: 0141 641 2107
Web: www.glasgowdentalcare.co.uk
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thebibliosphere · 20 days
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Pennyworth: The Daring Young Man
Chapter Nine
“What’s a Batman?”
Alfred, who had been reading over some Wayne Foundation proposals he thought Bruce should look at, froze, then tried to make it look like he hadn’t by carefully circling his spot on the page before offering Richard a placid smile.
“Beg pardon, young sir?”
[Keep Reading on Ao3]
Sorry for missing last week. A dentist appointment threw me into a massive flare-up, and I’m still not quite back to baseline.
Fun fact: I based Alfred’s version of Clue on something my dad made for me as a kid. My dad called it “Murder, murder polis!” which is an old Glasgow children's song about getting your head smashed in with a glass cup. Glasgow!
Anyway, my dad had me solving murders staged doon the barras the likes of which would make the Joker say “Jesus Christ,” so that probably explains some things 😂
Also don’t worry if it feels like you’re going mad and don’t remember liking this post before. I’m reusing an old one so I don’t have to faff around building a new one 👍
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uwuowotf2waslife · 1 year
Inflict your misery on your blorbos! The mercs having to go to the dentist?
Scout: that guy who swears he aint afraid , up and down hell preach he has never once cried at the dentist. But also the guy who once the appointment is over he is outta there faster than light.
Soldier: not really afraid, just hates how close the dentist is to his face. ( i can tolerate many things, but seeing each individual pore in someone face who is using a medieval torture device (lil scoop mirror) its something i cant).
Pyro: do they even have teeth?? Sorry lil firebug, but oh well, ya know sweets and pop tarts aint best food for your enamel ( basically a Spy but they needed to have crowns)
Demo: unironically most carefull person with his teeth. I mean yeah, life is tough when you are a one eyed black scotsman with a police record roughly the length of the entire city of Glasgow, you gotta have at least something gucci about your face. Homeboy has never had a single cavity.
Heavy: he isnt afraid per say, but gulag life never had dental care in the healthcare provider section. His idea of a dentist is using pliers on a tooth , so id argue based. Mouthwash guy who doesnt rinse because , he wants his breath extra fresh
Engie: sanest man in the whole group (not) but was forced to have the ugliest braces known to man so each time he prays he doesnt get flashbacks
Medic: he may have done some oral/dental healthcare (with or without patient consent) but he knows the basics of dentistry. Also forced to wear hideous braces becauSE hE iS. A nErD geT iT ??? ( nah homeboy just succed on em pacyfiers so hard his teeth were like a crater)
Sniper: crooked tooth police BUT he is amazing at dental healthcare. A dentists best patient. HE ACTUALLY FLOSSES DAILY, he isnt that unhappy about his teeth but he has a few of them chipped and in his opinion he makes him feel goofy
Spy: will use all torture training techniques in the dentist. Never flosses, never brushes but uses an obsene amount of mouth wash. Has semi trauma (his fake teeth were a necessity cuz imo prolly got them all taken out without consent -he is a spy; pulling teeth was a very common form of torture-) so yea he hates anything sharp/pointy/metallic touching his teefs.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On 29th February 1904 the Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow, opened.
Designed by Bertie Crewe for Thomas Barrasford, the Pavilion Theatre opened at the corner of Renfield Street and Renfrew Street, Glasgow on the 29 February, 1904. It was regarded as luxurious for its time with its decor being described by the owners as “pure Louis XV”. An electrically operated sliding roof ensured good ventilation.
Performances in the early days were mainly variety, melodrama and pantomime. Many of the leading music hall artistes of the period appeared at the Pavilion, including Marie Lloyd, Little Tich, Harry Lauder, Florrie Forde, Will Fyffe, Sarah Bernhardt and a then unknown Charlie Chaplin.
Since the 1930s, the Pavilion began to host pantomimes with top name stars of the Scottish variety scene, such as Harry Gordon and Dave Willis. In more recent times it has produced plays, such as ‘The Sash’ and ‘The Steamie’.
The Pavilion Theatre is now the only privately run theatre in Scotland and one of a few unsubsidised independent theatres left in Britain.
“Defying all the odds, Glasgow’s Pavilion regularly purveys variety to this day. All the more remarkable as it is completely unsubsidised and receives no funding from the Scottish Arts Council and kindred bodies whose thoughts and cash are directed at higher cultural activities. It remains the last stronghold of a long music hall tradition in Europe’s City of Culture owing everything to a dedicated staff and patrons and nothing to the public purse.
With its imposing terra cotta facade, the Pavilion Theatre of Varieties was designed by Bertie Crewe in the grand manner for Thomas Barrasford. The domed ceiling was surmounted by an electrically controlled sliding roof for ventilation. Fine Rococo plasterwork on the circle, balcony and box fronts; decoration executed in pure Louis XV; handsome mahogany woodwork and the marble mosaic floor all lent the 1800 seat theatre an aura of splendour.
No less amusing than the dentist advertising in the Pavilion programme “painless extractions with nitrous oxide for 4/- (20p) or cocaine for 1/- (5p)”, were the press observations on the “fashionable company” which attended the Pavilion’s first house on 29th February,1904. We learn that “among the elite there was quite a preponderance of ladies and gentlemen of quality in evening dress”. Alas, class consciousness and respectability were all in Edwardian Britain!
The ‘forties and ‘fifties saw pantomime runs of sixteen weeks, the happy and hilarious summer seasons were emulated during the 1960s and early 1970s by Lex McLean. Another regular crowd puller to Renfield Street was Jack Milroy.
Lulu from Dennistoun (real name Marie Lawrie) broke box office records in 1975, Billy Connolly, Hector Nicol Andy Cameron portrayed their own distinctive brands of humour while Scottish songstresses Lena Zavaroni, , Sheena Easton, Lena Martell and Barbara Dickson also scored heavily with Pavilion audiences.
It was anything but plain sailing for the Pavilion and there was gloomy speculation of closure after incurring heavy financial losses in 1981. Spared the fate which befell the Queens, Metropole, Empire, Alhambra and Empress Theatres, the 80 years old Pavilion was rescued by James Glasgow and transformed into a modest profit maker. Smash-hit shows with Sydney Devine; spells from hypnotist Robert Halpern; pantomime with Denny Willis, and one night gigs from the foremost modern television entertainers have kept the cash tills registering.
The Pavilion also played a major role in the annual Mayfest – Glasgow’s International Festival of popular theatre, music, the arts and community programmes.
Little altered and virtually unspoilt since its inception, the seating capacity of 1449 is made up of 677 stalls, 341 circle, 413 balcony and 18 box seats. While the stiff shirts in chauffeur-driven cabs have given way to coach parties from the rural areas of Strathclyde and beyond, a policy of providing the best in live entertainment has been pursued consistently. The portents look good for the vibrant Pavilion Theatre of Varieties.”
The Pavillion is, in my view a survivor, even over the past few years tragedy has struck the area with a series of fires.
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brightlotusmoon · 11 months
Evidence for this hitherto hidden taste for the nutrient-rich plants and algae was hard to detect in the archaeological record, according to the study published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. Previously when researchers uncovered evidence of seaweed, they explained its presence as a fuel, food wrapping or fertilizer.
Prior research had suggested that the introduction of farming, starting from around 8,000 years ago, prompted ancient humans to largely stop eating seaweed. In Europe, by the 18th century, seaweed was regarded as a famine food or only suitable for animal feed.
“It is very exciting to be able to show definitively that seaweeds and other local freshwater plants were eaten across a long period in our European past,” said study author Karen Hardy, a professor of prehistoric archaeology at the University of Glasgow, in a statement.
The oldest sites examined in the study in Spain and Lithuania dated back to more than 8,000 years ago, while the most recent were around 2,000 years old.
The researchers were able to detect identifiable chemical markers in dental calculus — the bacterial gunk and food debris that builds up on teeth over time — in 37 samples belonging to 33 individuals. And of those, 26 samples revealed that seaweed or aquatic plants had been on the menu.
“Dental plaque …is very common and once it develops it can only be removed by scraping. This is what dentists do as part of the cleaning process, today,” Hardy explained via email. "But in the past, it simply accumulated, particularly in the small gap between the tooth and the gum.  It is common on most archaeological skeletal material throughout the past,” Hardy added. “It acts as a trap for material that came into and passed through the mouth. Since it is found in the mouth, all the material found within it, unequivocally linked to ingestion.”
Seaweed, freshwater algae and aquatic plants have “distinct, unusual and complex organic chemistry” that allowed for the preservation and detection of “highly resilient biomarkers” from three types of organic compounds — lipids, amino acids and alkylpyrroles, according to the study.
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gilfrespecter · 8 months
Also WHY did the dentist give me like. A quarter of a glasgow smile. What happened to doing things whole assed.
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menalez · 2 years
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A gang who trafficked vulnerable women into Scotland for prostitution have been jailed for a total of 31 years.
Jagpal Singh, 52, his partner Donglin Zhang, 49, along with Vlassis Ntaoulias, 33, and Boonsong Wannas, 63, lured victims from China and Thailand with the promise of legitimate jobs.
The women instead had passports taken from them before being forced to work in brothels across Glasgow.
All four members of the group were sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow.
They returned to the dock on Thursday following a trial last month over crimes carried out between 2018 and 2020.
Singh, Zhang and Ntaoulias were convicted of human trafficking. Wannas had earlier admitted the same charge.
'Cold and callous'
Singh was jailed for 10 years. He had also been convicted of a charge of keeping a brothel.
Sentencing, Judge Douglas Brown told him: "You accuse the victims of lying.
"I also note you have displayed no empathy and that your attitude has been cold and callous."
Zhang was sentenced to eight years. She had also been found guilty of the brothel charge as well as aiding and abetting prostitution.
The judge said Zhang, who claimed to have formerly been a victim of human trafficking, had played a "leading role".
He added if she had been a victim of trafficking she should have been aware of the "pernicious nature" of the crime.
Ntaoulias, who was said to have a lesser but still "significant" involvement, was sentenced to seven years, while Wannas was jailed for six years and four months.
Wannas was also involved in the running of a brothel and was said to have "plainly exploited" a woman from Thailand.
Detectives caught the trafficking gang following an investigation in 2020.
Three women recounted their ordeals, though several others are also thought to have been affected.
A number of flats were used for the prostitution - including one in Glasgow's Albion Street and another city centre property in Oswald Street.
There were others in Charlotte Street in the east end, in Cathcart Road in the southside and in Linden Street in the west of the city.
'Female boss'
One victim told jurors that she was brought to Glasgow from China in September 2018 in the belief she would be employed as a dishwasher, babysitter or masseuse.
But she recalled being ferried to a city centre flat and her passport seized by Zhang - branded the "female boss".
The woman stated she initially did cleaning work but was not paid. She was then taken to a second flat by Singh and Zhang who ordered her to sell her body.
The woman told the court: "I said no and she said if you don't listen to me ... I will make sure you never go back to China."
She went on to meet men "every day" at the flat or in hotels.
Singh and Ntaoulias - who ran an Airbnb property business - exchanged messages where they spoke about "new fresh Chinese girls."
Property manager James Taylor told jurors that he encountered two Chinese women in nightdresses during an inspection of Singh's Albion Street flat.
He stated the property contained CCTV and a dentist style waiting area outside two bedrooms - one of which contained a naked Glaswegian man.
Singh eventually left Scotland, but Zhang and Ntaoulias kept the prostitution business going.
Ntaoulias and Wannas were also involved in the brothel at Charlotte Street.
this is repulsive… the women involved who said they were previously victims of trafficking are such class traitors. i can’t imagine forcing other women through something when knowing firsthand how traumatic and painful it is. all their sentences were too fucking light
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
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Here is the other paternal uncle of Aria! Meet Owen Campbell! He is one of the two eldest siblings from her father's side of the family. He is referred to as "Uncle Owen" by his nieces and nephews and as "Dad" by his two children.
Finn Campbell (father)
Evelyn Campbell (mother)
Thomas Campbell (twin brother)
Roy Montgomery (née Campbell) (younger brother)
Isla Montgomery (née Campbell) (younger sister)
Yvette Campbell (youngest sister)
Heather Montgomery (née Campbell) (youngest sister)
Spouse: Scarlett Campbell (née Montgomery) (wife)
George Campbell (son)
Josephine Campbell (daughter)
Other relatives:
Richard Montgomery (father-in-law)
Hazel Montgomery (mother-in-law)
Katherine Campbell (née Montgomery) (sister-in-law)
Esme Montgomery (sister-in-law)
Gordon Montgomery (brother-in-law)
Oliver Campbell (née Montgomery) (brother-in-law)
James Montgomery (brother-in-law)
Ethan Campbell (nephew)
Aria Montgomery (niece)
Irvin Montgomery (nephew)
Mia Campbell (niece)
Logan Campbell (nephew)
Freya Montgomery (niece)
Jonas Montgomery (née Olson) (nephew-in-law)
Interesting facts about Owen:
Owen's name is of Welsh origin, meaning "noble-born" and "young warrior". His parents gave him that name as they knew he would become a person with good sense of morale and a heart of gold.
Owen has a fast metabolism, meaning that he could eat what he likes without gaining any extra pounds. He loves to drink pop (soda) everyday as it is his favorite drink. That said, he watches how much of it he drinks. He even has a healthy diet that he lives off of.
He works as a dentist in Glasgow. At one point, Owen revealed to his family that some of his female patients tried to flirt with him. But he would turn them down flat as he knew that they were nothing but gold diggers. His heart belongs to Scarlett only.
Despite his silly side, Owen does have his moments where he can be serious. After finding out what Prim did to Roy and Esme, he held an understandable grudge against Prim. It was to the point that he refuses to even want anything to do with her. Once his children were born, Owen did everything in his power to make sure that Prim knew nothing about their existence.
He doesn't like coffee. Nobody knows why, but he refuses to drink it. It's speculated that it could be the smell that triggers him.
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poisonandpages · 1 year
Today my sister had to go all the way into Glasgow for the dentist so she decided to make a day of it; I tagged along and after the appointment we went to see Barbie again. It's far from a perfect movie but I cried at the line “We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.”
Our mother would have been 52 today. I miss her a lot.
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quintessbrit · 2 years
The Prince of Wales' Patronages, Charities and Affiliations
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Automobile Association - Honorary Life Member
Club for drivers, providing insurance and other motoring services.
British Trust for Ornithology - Patron
Promotes bird conservation through volunteer-based surveys of national bird life.
Centrepoint - Patron
National charity providing accommodation and support for socially excluded, homeless young people.
Child Bereavement UK - Royal Patron
Offer support to children and families who have been bereaved.
English Schools Swimming Association - Patron
Encourage school children to learn to swim and compete at several levels - for their school, their district, and their country.
Fauna & Flora International - Patron
International conservation body promoting sustainable conservation and biodiversity.
Fields in Trust - Patron
Organisation seeking to protect and improve playing fields and other recreational spaces in the UK.
Gloucestershire County Cricket Club - Honorary Member
Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund - Joint Patron
Aims to lift children out of poverty through education. Funds are directed to projects in south-east region of Uganda.
The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple - Royal Master of the Bench
Middle Temple is one of the four Inns of Court which have the exclusive right to Call students to the Bar. The education and training of advocates lie at the heart of the Inn, but we are also a professional society for our membership worldwide; and we maintain a heritage estate in central London housing chambers from which barristers practise.
Irish Guards - Colonel
Infantry regiment of the Foot Guards of the British Army.
London's Air Ambulance Charity - Patron
London’s Air Ambulance is the charity that delivers an advanced trauma team to London’s most seriously injured patients. Using a helicopter from 08:00 to sunset, and rapid response cars at night or in adverse weather situations, London’s Air Ambulance brings the hospital to the patient when time is critical. The Duke of Cambridge is Patron of London's Air Ambulance during 2019 for its 30th Anniversary year.
Metropolitan & City Police Orphans Fund - Patron
The Orphans Fund began in 1870 as an Orphanage, which makes it the oldest police charity in the world. In 2020 we will be celebrating our 150th anniversary. The Orphanage closed in 1937 and the modern charity began, which makes 2017 our 80th anniversary.
Mountain Rescue Council England & Wales - Patron
The national co-ordinating body for volunteer search and rescue teams in England and Wales.
National Emergencies Trust (NET) - Patron
In the event of a domestic disaster the National Emergencies Trust will launch a public appeal and then work with charitable bodies to distribute funds to support survivors.
NHS Charities Together - Patron
NHS Charities Together is the membership organisation for more than 240 of the NHS charities across the U.K. It provides a forum for nationwide campaigns; specialist advice and guidance; bespoke events and training opportunities.
Royal African Society - Patron
Aims to strengthen links between Africa and Britain and encourage understanding of Africa.
Royal Air Force Coningsby - Honorary Air Commandant
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow - Honorary Fellow
Aims to advance good medical practice among doctors, surgeons and dentists.
[Information from royal.uk - websites linked when possible]
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alisondentaldesign · 1 year
Transform Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow
A confident smile can leave a lasting impression and boost your self-esteem. If you're looking to enhance the appearance of your teeth and achieve the smile of your dreams, cosmetic dentistry is the solution you've been searching for. Glasgow is home to several exceptional dental clinics that offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services. In this blog post, we will explore the world of cosmetic dentistry at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow and how it can transform your smile.
1. Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry:
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the aesthetics of your smile. It involves various treatments and procedures that address common dental issues such as tooth discoloration, misalignment, chips, cracks, gaps, and more. Cosmetic dentistry aims to enhance the overall appearance of your teeth, resulting in a more attractive and confident smile.
2. Complete Dental Care: Your Destination for Cosmetic Dentistry:
Complete Dental Care in Glasgow is renowned for its comprehensive range of dental services, including top-notch cosmetic dentistry treatments. Their team of experienced cosmetic dentists is dedicated to transforming smiles and helping patients achieve their desired look. Here are some popular cosmetic dentistry treatments offered at Complete Dental Care:
a) Teeth Whitening:
Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile. Complete Dental Care offers professional teeth whitening treatments that can significantly reduce stains and discoloration caused by factors such as aging, food, drinks, and lifestyle choices.
b) Dental Veneers:
Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. They can correct a wide range of imperfections, including chips, cracks, stains, and gaps, providing a natural-looking and flawless smile.
c) Dental Bonding:
Dental bonding involves the application of tooth-colored resin to repair minor imperfections such as chips, cracks, and gaps. This cost-effective and minimally invasive procedure can greatly enhance the appearance of your teeth.
d) Invisalign® Clear Aligners:
For those seeking a discreet way to straighten their teeth, Complete Dental Care offers Invisalign clear aligners. These virtually invisible aligners gradually shift your teeth into proper alignment, providing a straighter smile without the need for traditional braces.
e) Smile Makeovers:
Complete Dental Care specializes in smile makeovers, which involve a combination of cosmetic treatments tailored to your unique dental needs. By addressing multiple concerns, such as misalignment, discoloration, or worn-down teeth, a smile makeover can completely transform your smile.
3. The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry:
Undergoing cosmetic dentistry treatments at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow offers numerous benefits, including:
- Improved self-confidence: Achieving a beautiful smile can boost your self-esteem and enhance your overall confidence in social and professional settings.
- Enhanced aesthetics: Cosmetic dentistry treatments can correct flaws and imperfections, resulting in a more attractive and harmonious smile.
- Long-lasting results: With proper care and maintenance, the results of cosmetic dentistry treatments can last for many years, providing you with a dazzling smile for the long term.
If you desire a smile that radiates confidence and leaves a lasting impression, cosmetic dentistry at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow is the answer. Their skilled team of cosmetic dentists offers a wide array of treatments, including teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental bonding, Invisalign, and smile makeovers. By availing yourself of these transformative procedures, you can achieve the smile of your dreams and experience the joy of a radiant, confident smile that will enhance your overall well-being.
Complete Dental Care – Dentist in Glasgow/Dentist in Cambuslang
Complete Dental Care
253 Paisley Road West
G51 1NB
Tel: 0141 427 0296
Web: www.glasgowdentalcare.co.uk
 Complete Dental Care
151 Western Road
G72 8PE
Tel: 0141 641 2107
Web: www.glasgowdentalcare.co.uk
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ahz-associates · 7 months
MSc in Oral Medicine from Top UK Universities!
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Oral Health Care You will be able to handle the most typical oral, dental, and jaw issues after taking this course. You will gain knowledge of oral physiology, dental anatomy, and the treatment of common issues involving the dentition and supporting structures. As a student of oral medicine, you will also take part in significant simulated or real-world clinical scenarios. Treating patients with disorders affecting the mouth, face, and jaw is the main focus of the Study MSc in Oral Medicine, which bridges the gap between dentistry and medicine. Choosing to practice dentistry often stems from the difficulties in diagnosing conditions and treating patients without the need for surgery.
Primary care physicians and general dentists refer patients to oral medicine, which is primarily an outpatient service. It connects with numerous medical specialties, including genitourinary medicine, psychiatry, dermatology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, ophthalmology, hematology, and psychology. Oral medicine specialists frequently offer continuing education for dentists in practice as well as postgraduate training for candidates taking professional exams in the UK.
Synopsis: UK Oral Medicine Course
This one-year, full-time degree program is intended for dentists who wish to expand their knowledge in clinical oral medicine. By emphasizing the identification, examination, diagnosis, and treatment of patients presenting with common oral and maxillofacial disorders, it will provide you with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of specialist practice in the UK. The essential ideas of evidence-based medicine that apply to clinical and modern translational practice are also considered and included.
Modern instructional techniques will be used to set and monitor knowledge levels, and workplace-based assessments will be used to determine clinical competency. In a reputable, fully integrated, specialized clinical training and educational environment, you will be working under the close supervision of clinical and academic professionals. Regular verbal feedback and support will be given to facilitate the development of self-reflective and introspective skills.
Career options in the UK for oral medicine students
Candidates who already hold a degree in medicine or dentistry only need to spend a total of three years completing this. Admission requirements include completion of a two-year postgraduate foundation degree in dentistry, which includes clinical practice in primary and secondary care settings. Getting relevant experience and publication possibilities through a DCT or clinical teaching post in the specialty is advised before applying for a specialty registrar position. Trainees spend a significant amount of their training time in outpatient and specialty medical clinics, where they visit and evaluate new patients while working under the supervision of consultants.
Effective communication with patients and colleagues, active listening skills, self-awareness, leadership qualities, an inquisitive mind, and a desire to help patients live better lives are all necessary for success in the field of oral medicine. Most oral medicine specialists work as honorary consultants at universities or as consultants for the National Health Service.
UK's Top Universities for Oral Medicine Programs
The top UK universities offering MSc programs in oral medicine are listed below.
Plymouth University
Every student at the University of Plymouth's Peninsula Dental School benefits from early clinical engagement thanks to the school's extraordinarily close partnership with its NHS partners.
Glasgow University
Teaching at the University of Glasgow places a strong emphasis on practical experience with actual patients under the guidance of professors who are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the field. Since its founding in 1879, the Glasgow Dental Hospital & School has helped students pursue prosperous professions in medicine and dentistry. It is now ranked top in the Guardian University Guide 2022 and second in the Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024.
Belfast's Queen's University
Clinical rotations will be mandatory for first-year students at Queen's University Belfast, whose dental program has achieved a flawless score in the National Student Survey.
Aberdeen University
The Institute of Dentistry at the University of Aberdeen is a brand-new, cutting-edge structure created especially for dental education. There are just 20 spaces available in the University's fiercely competitive dentistry school, therefore very few students are accepted each year. When an alumni of Aberdeen Dentistry School completes their degree in oral medicine, they are 100% placed in full-time work.
Dundee University
Aspiring dentists and dental therapists in Scotland can receive a thorough education at the University of Dundee, where they can also gain clinical experience in the school's dental hospital. The University of Dundee is the best in the United Kingdom (UK) for giving students a great educational experience, according to the Times Good University Guide 2020.
Prerequisites for admission to the UK's MSc program in oral medicine
Alumnus of a dentistry program with accreditation, or an equivalent program abroad. Dentists should be ready to provide verification of their professional status and current clinical experience when applying for jobs. Before you can be hired, you must have at least two years of clinical experience following the completion of your dental degree.
English language proficiency required for UK oral medicine courses
Candidates whose first language is not English must be able to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English, and they must have received a score of 7 or above on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Cost of tuition for a UK oral medicine course
£41,700–£57,700 annually for international students.
In summary
The area of dentistry that focuses on studying the mouth, salivary glands, and teeth is called oral medicine. An oral or maxillofacial surgeon is a dentist who focuses in oral medicine. It could seem like a daunting endeavor to locate dental medicine degree programs and universities in the UK, but it will be well worth it if you ever have to do it. Understanding the formation, function, and histology of the mouth's defensive and sensory organs is a prerequisite for studying oral medicine. You must have a general understanding of dental anatomy. This will contain an overview of the anatomy, development, and eruption patterns of the various jaw teeth as well as knowledge of the deciduous (baby) teeth and how they are replaced by permanent teeth. The course Principles of Oral Medicine provides a thorough understanding of the developmental and functional anatomy of each kind of tooth.
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drjoydentalclinicdubai · 11 months
Meet our Specialist Pediatric Dentist Dr Sapna Hedge.
Dr. Sapna Hegde, our specialist pediatric dentist brings over 25 years of dedicated service in the field.
Dr. Sapna holds a Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) degree and she is also a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). She also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management (PGDHHM) and the Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) – FDS RCPS (Glas)
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butchswag420 · 11 months
i hate trying to find a job. im scrolling through indeed amd every job is just
- you are too young to even be in here
- this place does not allow piercings
- you already applied here and got ghosted
- you dont have a drivers license
-you are too young
- again your not even old enough to be in this place
- another place that ghosted you
- prison officer
- we will pay you £7.20 an hour!
- we have security footage of you stealing from us two years ago
- got ghosted lolz
- once again, you are too young to be in this place of business
- yeah sure you can work for us, that is if you speak mandarin!
- well this place just has its location as ‘Scotland’. oh what you want specifics? too bad were not even gonna get back to you
- got ghosted
- you can be a dentist! no we dont care that your 17 with no dental training whatsoever
- this is a teaching position at the high school you dropped out of a year ago
- heres another place that just has its location as ‘Scotland’
- whoops we ghosted you soz
- this is the place your mother works at! and her mother before her! and her mother before her!
- well thats in Edinburgh
- you can join the army lol!
- manchester?
- thats your old job
- you need your license. yes i am aware this is a retail job within a short walking distance from your flat. you still need your licence
- well this is the place that fired you after you asked when you were gonna get paid
- 18+ only kid so sorry. yes this is for a position at WHSmiths, whats your point
- haha you thought this was gonna be a great way to start a career with this company that mainly surrounds something you genuinely enjoy doing! omg i bet the look on your face when the first thing you were asked at the interview was if youd take out your piercings was hilarious!
- your best friend used to work here and has told you the horrors of what that was like
- yeah were gonna pay you £7.60 an hour
- hey its your primary school, long time no see. wanna be the head teacher here?
- wanna sort shit? no yeah we do mean actual shit, like human feces
- you could be a prison officer!
- do you have a laptop? no? oh well, bye!
- yeah no the boss here Really hates trans people
- this in Glasgow
can i not just work on a light house? please?
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uncloseted · 1 year
I live in the UK and am still in high school, i want to study biochemistry or something similar at Cambridge before doing dentistry at another university, what are some good extracurriculars to do? and what should i do in university to prepare myself for applying to dentistry as i want to get into a top university for that as well.
Pretty sure i will get 10 9s at gcse and hopefully 3/4 A* at a level but not sure if that’s enough to get into a top university? (nowhere near as competitive as ivy leagues but still it’s obviously difficult to get accepted)
From what I can tell, dentistry is a 5-year degree that you can enter upon completing your A-levels, so you don't need to take a biochemistry degree first. You may be able to do a 4-year degree course for dentistry if you already have at least an upper second class degree in a relevant subject (biology, chemistry, or biomedicine), but that seems to be less common, and it means you'll have done 7 years of school for a degree you could have finished in 5.
When you apply for a dentistry course, you may be asked to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) or BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT). They test the skills you'll need on the course, like critical thinking, problem solving, data analysis, communication and scientific knowledge.
The best dentistry programs in the UK are University of Glasgow, University of Plymouth, Queen's University Belfast, University of Dundee, and University of Liverpool. A list of other qualified schools can be found here.
For those programs, you will need at least 6 GCSE subjects at Grade A/7. This typically includes some combination of Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and English Language/Literature.
You will also need A*AA – AAA grades on your A-levels. Two of those subjects should be be Biology and Chemistry. The third A-level can be in something that isn't science based.
If you do want to do a degree in Biochemistry at Cambridge, you'll apply to the Natural Sciences program.
For this program, you will need A*A*A*- A*A*A grades on your A-levels. The combination of subjects you take can vary, but should generally include some combination of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology. You will also need to take the Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment (NSAA) at an authorised assessment centre. Cambridge does not have any GCSE requirements.
Unlike in the US, universities in the UK generally don't care about extracurriculars. Your A-level results are far and away the most important thing when it comes to whether or not you'll be admitted. Your personal statement is the only place where you'll have the opportunity to show the university the passion you have for the subject area you're applying to and to show that you have the skills and experiences that will enable you to succeed at university. That said, extracurriculars that are related to the field of study you want to go into may give you a bit of an edge. For example, you might work in a dentist's office or shadow a dentist/dental student if you're applying for dentistry. For biochemistry, you could look for volunteer positions in a biochem lab at a university, get involved with a course at university, or participate in biology olympiads. But your grades will be much more important, so they're the thing to focus on if you have to choose.
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