#desktop is also fine tho
mechawolfie · 10 months
lonely + too overwhelmed to talk to anyone except a few very specific ppl who I find I can talk to no matter how I'm feeling + these people happen to be too busy or just don't wanna talk rn
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murderballadeer · 1 year
anyone having trouble seeing spotify links on desktop? i'm on mac and using chrome if that matters
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tastesousweet · 6 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (i)
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grumpy!matt sturniolo x sunshine!fem oc / reader
summary : matt is a grumpy tattoo artist and y/n books him for her first tattoo.
warnings : needles and pain (not very detailed tho)
mickey speaks : i don't have any tattoos so i actually know nothing ab the procedure lmaooo just guessing but i’ll be writing multiple parts for this. also i am very much self indulging bc i headcannon y/n as poc! but obvi anyone can read there's not much exclusivity ab how i write her, i js wanted to note that for any poc readers <3.
“SHITTT,” you draw out the last syllable at the rumble and screech of your car engine as you continue your attempt to start it.
eventually you throw your head backwards in defeat, annoyed by the unbudging car. this is the actual worst timing. you're supposed to be at the tattoo shop (that is a 12 minute drive from your apartment complex) for an appointment in less than twenty minutes.
you truly want to scream and border on throwing a tantrum but decide it would probably be better to find a solution than complain about the agony further.
you quickly find your roommate's contact, raising your phone to your ear and pinching your eyes shut as the vibrating ring hums through your skull.
"y/n? what's up?" andrea answers confused as you had only just walked out of the door five minutes ago.
"hi drea... so i know you have your own plans right now but is there any way you can give me a ride... please?"
you hear shuffling on the line, "mmm, where to?"
“thank you again for driving me,” you smile at andrea and squeeze her hand before reaching for the door.
“yes, of course. you can call me when you’re done and i’ll head over here- m’sorry i can’t stay with you.” she replies and exaggerates a frown.
"i'll be fine, i think- i hope..."
"you will be fine. just don't stress or it'll hurt more."
your arms are crossed tightly over your chest as you make your way into the shop (in its form of an oversized warehouse, fixed up to look stylish and comfortable- something you’d never really seen before). the rickety jingle of a small bell kindly indicates your presence to the rest of the shop.
a few people sitting in a waiting area look up before continuing their conversations (though some continued to stare as you walk by). you see a surprising amount of people crowding in a brightly decorated lounge area, housing many arcade games and a kitchenette.
you reach the receptionist desk and are greeted by a young man dressed casually, humming along to the music playing in the background of the space.
“um, hi. i’m here for my 1:30 appointment.” you state with a smile, you’re suddenly aware of how nervous you truly are.
the brunette looks over to a desktop screen with a soft scrunch of his face, “for y/n, right? huh, that’s crazy…” he rubs his chin, “1:30 was like nine minutes ago,” he looks up at you, almost like he was questioning you; who do you think you are? and why do you think you’re important enough to be late?
as soon as your face begins to morph into fear and embarrassment his own face splits into a large smile as he laughs softly. “i’m sorry- i’m such an ass but i had to- your file said you’re new clientele so i just had to fuck around.”
“you’re sick! i was fully prepared for a fucking lecture on timeliness or something,” you let out a soft laugh.
the boy comes from around the desk holding a paper and clipboard. “yeah, sorry, i’m chris,” he reaches a hand out to which you willingly return and restate your name to him, “‘m not usually up front so you probably talked to asha over the phone when booking.”
you nod and smile at the familiar name, “yeah, she was so helpful over the phone.”
“she’s awesome, i miss her,” he touches each of his shoulders then forehead before kissing his hand and pointing to the sky.
"oh my god? i'm sorry for your loss."
his eyes squint and lips pucker in confusion, "oh, she's not fired she's just on vacation right now."
"so why'd you...?"
chris cuts you off by handing you the clipboard and grabbing a pen from a cluttered mason jar on the desk as he explains, “okay, we’re just gonna have you fill out this quick consultation form; just so you and your artist will be on the same page about things.” you nod in understanding. “keep it brief, matt’s not big on reading large bodies of text,” chris laughs.
“got it,” you smile before turning to find a chair and begin writing. you truly were relieved that chris wasn’t hard on you about being late, for a second you thought you would be lectured and have to carry the guilt of dissapointing someone into a room where you'd be paying to lie in excruciating physical pain. (damn, double homecide)
the sheet had general information to fill before the questions specifically about the tattoo you’d be getting today came.
you go back up to chris once you’re finished.
“cool, follow me we’ll set you up with matt.” he leads the way and your nerves are suddenly back as it's feeling more and more real with each step. you pacify your thoughts by looking around at the many images and messages written in sharpie along the walls of the hallway. there's also plenty of hanging shelves around with vintage trinkets and succulents that compliment the space around.
chris reaches a curtain and dips his head past as if he were checking for something before giving you a chance to see. you notice the small "Matt" embroidered on the black curtain. chris then opens it wide enough for the both of you to walk into the surprisingly large space.
(who you can only assume to be) matt sits comfortably in a wheeled desk chair, legs spread. his elbow rests on the arm of the chair and he holds his head up with two of his fingers, as his middle finger grazes his irritated mouth with a stern look on his face while he scrolls on his phone.
he doesn’t move his position when he looks up at the two of you.
“alright! matt this is y/n,” chris motions between you two. matt hums, placing his phone on the desk and placing his hand out expectantly for the clipboard. chris goes to hand it to him and whispers, “fix your face, jackass,” then turning around to leave you some reassuring words, “good luck y/n, the tat’s gonna look amazing.”
but chris doesn’t see matt exaggerating a large, sarcastic smile from behind him in defense of chris’ words (he immediately drops it though). something that would make you at least giggle if you weren’t so nervous.
“thanks,” your voice is a little hoarse as you haven’t used it in some time. matt watches the boy leave before looking over to you. he rolls the chair closer, reading over your short (as requested) responses.
“you can sit down.” he forms it almost as a question like are you going to sit down or do i have to direct you to do everything?
you sit on the black cushioned bench, lined with a disposable white cloth and begin to fidget with your fingernails as matt goes over your paperwork quietly.
“''kay, so you’re getting a small hello kitty on your lower hip?” he summarizes while checking and signing a few lines on a paper.
“yeah, um, i told asha over the phone that way you could have it sketched already- she told me that’s best and saves time for the both of us.”
his response is a slowed nod and a breathy, “yep,” as he rolls over to his desk and places the clipboard on the surface before opening a drawer and digging through it.
you gaze around the room and wonder if he decorated the space himself or if he wasn’t the type to be bothered enough to add personal things to his work area. almost all the posters are of music artists or tattoos, the most personal things you see are a small picture frame on his desk and a pokémon plushie sat on a chair in the corner of the room. all of which just pose more questions in your working brain.
you notice him switching to a different swivel chair that is lower to the ground and bringing himself (as well as a moving table with already prepared supplies) closer to you.
you’re nervous again. even after your roommate and older brother have both given you advice on first tattoos and the pain expected you’re still finding yourself scared of what to expect. your ear piercings would have nothing on this.
“first tattoo?” matt clarifies, as if he could read your mind. you nod and go to speak but stop when he gestures for you to lay back on the cushion.
you’re sure that he only was searching for a quick confirmation from you and is not too interested in your life or what brings you here but you’ve found that talking relieves your own stress and you absolutely cannot just lay there and only speak when spoken to.
“yeah, i guess m’nervous. i just hope i don’t, like, die from pain or hate the outcome or curse myself in a couple years for the placement- but it's not that i'm doubting that it'd be cute. younger me would be screaming at the fact that i'm even here..." you pause just for a second. "but then again i'm not sure how much forty year old me will appreciate it. so i guess i just don’t know. you know?”
you lean yourself up to get a look at matt, only to realize he has airpods in and simply has not been listening or interested in you (just as you expected). he’s moving his head the smallest amount to the beat as he works on his sketch.
he notices your movement though and takes a headphone out of his ear, “are you okay?” is all he asks.
a pretty broad question. and an anxiety inducing question to ask a girl who's been questioning her decisions as much as you have. you hope you’re okay. will you still be okay when this (mostly) permanent decision is etched into your skin forever? is he okay? will he give you any sense of encouragement or comfort during this process? are tattoo artists typically like this or are you just considered especially needy clientele?
“yeah, i just was- like, curious, i guess.” you mumble a little and internally hate that you feel so insecure in this situation. so out of control.
“was just adjusting my sketch to be a smaller. nothing crazy happening over here.” he shrugs. “you can go ahead and pull your shirt up, though. i’m just gonna clean the area and prep before inking.” he explains to you very straight and to the point.
you fall back into place and obey, inching your shirt up further to expose your lower stomach. you drape your arms over your face to gain composure as you hear matt rip some packaging.
the coolness of the cleaning pad sends your stomach butterflies and you try to not think too hard about the fact that matt’s hands will be on your lower stomach and hip for a good length of time.
eventually matt speaks to you again, “i’m starting so if you’re feeling the need to get the fuck out you gotta do it now or for forever hold your peace.”
you smile a little at his dry joke but when you turn your head to see him fully serious you blink, “no, i’ll be fine. thanks though.”
he just nods his head and goes to put his airpods back in before you’re interrupting again, “wait. whatcha listening to?”
he’s suprised by the question. his clients rarely get too involved in what he’s doing. mostly because he does a great fucking job no matter how few words he may utter over an entire session. there's a mutual understanding there that he's never had to speak up about to anyone. other artists use a strong bond or charisma to secure returning customers but matt finds there’s nothing better to display than his pure talent and passion for his craft. that’s how he keeps clients. they ask and he will always deliver; and that’s how he particularly likes it. no questions and minimal conversation.
the sound of the tattoo gun begins and just for your sake he decides to answer the question without malice, “just some frank ocean instrumental tracks." he places his hands back onto your skin, "don’t start moving.”
you pinch your eyes shut and squeeze your forearms as soon as the initial pain takes over. it’s a feeling you can only describe as a needle poking into you a trillion times at once. which is literally what's happening to you.
you’re not oblivious to matt’s disengagement with your attempts at conversation but you need him to continue to speak to you or else you’ll think too much about the needle actively puncturing you. “oh yeah? i’ve never listened to him before…”
“surprising. he’s pretty big.” matt mumbles slightly, focusing on his work far more than his slight interest in your knowledge of frank ocean.
“mhm. i’ve been meaning to give him a listen. could you share?”
matt’s eyes just move to look up at your face as he tries not to beg you to just be quiet and let him do this so that you both can leave within an hour. “i’m good on that.” he returns to tattooing.
“huh? you can’t share music?”
“i would prefer not to but-” he doesn’t even know why he’s continuing to fuel this anymore.
“what if i add a pretty,” you pause to wince a little as the needle moves lower, “pretty please?”
“i’m almost done,” he mumbles the lie.
he pauses for only a second to glance over to you. he’s met with a face scrunched in pain with an attempted smile that he thinks makes you look more like a doped up hippie than the cute effect you were going for. you plead after his glance, “pretty please?”
he rolls his eyes and sets his tattoo gun down, reluctantly swiveling over to his desk. before you even realize what exactly he’s doing there’s a airy beat of drums and piano playing from a small speaker in the room.
once he's back over to you he can tell you’re smiling even though your face is mostly covered by your arms. “thank you, i needed a distraction or something.”
he mumbles an “mhm” and returns to his work.
there was generally no talking after that. only a few moments you observed (due to your need to cling on to literally anything going on besides the pinching at your lower side) that were any indication of matt's quiet presence. you noticed when matt would softly hum the lyrics to the instrumentals over the speaker and when you began to tap your fingers out of boredom and nerves, to which he simply placed his hand over them to force them flat while muttering a small “stop.”
when matt was completely finished he asked you if he could take a picture to add to his instagram and you agreed eagerly. he then added a strip of tattoo film over a layer of protective ointment. after he helped you to fully stand he explained how to care for it and how important cleaning is because “that shit will get gunky as fuck.” and you told him that you promise to do everything he said. he also gave you a detailed list on a card for you to follow just in case you forget.
you glance down at your tattoo one last time before you begin to leave the room you’d just spent a lengthy hour of your life in. you assume matt doesn’t want much else from you until he calls your name from his desk. you turn and see him still looking at his phone before glancing up, “uh, what’s your insta handle, so i can tag you in this?”
you don’t know why you’re surprised but you are.
you agree to exchange handles with him before deciding to compliment him once more, “my tattoo is perfect, by the way. i love it so much, thank you.” you want to tell him that you hope you didn’t annoy him too much but you don’t know if that will annoy him more. so you take his nod and hint of a smile as his way of showing appreciation, keeping your own smile bright to mask the crushing feeling of someone seeming so indifferent towards you.
after walking past the curtain and through the trinket-filled hallway you’re back to the main area of the warehouse. you see a different collection of people gathered playing pool and some more huddled on a couch looking at a girl’s phone in awe. chris is busy talking with what seems to be a close friend when you walk up to the reception desk.
when his eyes find your bright expression he’s bouncing back with energy, “hey! i’m assuming it went well?" he asks.
"very well. glad it's over though, i can't lie." you laugh while taking your debit card from your purse.
"yeah, definitely not the best feeling. especially when matt's ugly face is that close to you." chris jokes and takes your card to cash you out.
you laugh along with him but assure him that matt's looks weren't an issue. he raises his eyebrows and has a growing smirk that travels to his eyes when he gives you your card back. you try not the blush at the implication, "i didn't mean it like that."
"right," he nods and chuckles softly, "well hopefully you'll be back for another eventually?" he hands you a receipt.
"i mean how could i not with such a sweet receptionist asking me? i'm sure you get everyone to come back," you joke.
chris shrugs with a cocky grin, "somethin' like that."
"oh my god it's fucking adorable, what?!" andrea exclaims with a spoonful of frozen yogurt still in her mouth.
she initally begged to see it as soon as she picked you up but you dramatically told her you had just experienced the worst pain of your life and you'd need a sweet treat if you were planning to not sleep the rest of the day away. so she just rolled her eyes and demanded you show her once you both arrive at your favorite frozen yogurt shop (conveniently down the street from your apartment complex).
"i knowww," you respond and quickly pull the lower part of your shirt down with a smile, taking a seat across from drea.
"how'd it go, though? i'm curious. i've only been to warehouse 79 like once, and it was for an event."
"it was good, they were all generally kind and my guy did exactly what i wanted. i'm pretty happy."
"'my guy,' oh okayy?" she takes a bite and smirks.
"not what i meant! i should have just said matt. like, the guy who did my tattoo-"
"stop.” you smirk, “i mean he was not ugly by any means but he seemed to not care to get to know me at all. which is fine, he's not paid to care about me. but i doubt i'll ever see him again." you shrug taking another bite of frozen yogurt.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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btsqualityy · 2 years
BTS Dating Series #6: Falling in Love
Members x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, fluff
Summary: The realization of falling in love.
Warnings: None to note.
Kim Seokjin
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“Shit,” Jin whispered to himself as he sat up in his bed, having just woken up from an accidental nap. After having busy schedules with the group for the past few weeks, Jin had been happy to invite you over to his place in order to spend some time together. However, all of that ended when Jin had fallen asleep on you. 
After getting up from the bed and taking a second to fix his hair that had gotten messed up, Jin walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs when he heard the sound of something sizzling in a pan. Making his way into the kitchen, he saw you standing in front of the stove, wearing his apron as you moved around effortlessly.
“Jagi?” Jin called and you glanced over your shoulder, throwing him a wide grin.
“Hey sleepy head,” you giggled. “Are you hungry?”
“Starving, actually,” he replied as he stepped over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your body against his. 
“Good. I’m making bulgogi and ramen and I have some kimchi left over for you,” you told him. 
“Mm, that sounds great,” Jin smiled, watching quietly as you moved about the stove. As he did, he couldn’t help but to be thankful for how often you took care of him without him even having to ask. You were so selfless not only with him but with others as well, and that’s why he loved you. 
“What?” Jin gasped at the realization and you glanced at him again.
“What’s wrong?” You wondered. “You ok?”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me,” Jin assured you. “I’m fine.” And he really was because he loved you, and the thought had him tightening his arms around you. 
Min Yoongi
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Rushing out of the bathroom, you jogged into your bedroom and grabbed your phone that had been ringing loudly on the nightstand, picking it up and answering it. 
“Hey, it’s me,” Yoongi said. 
“Hey,” you sighed and Yoongi took instant notice of your tone of voice. 
“What’s wrong?”
“The sink in my bathroom is leaking again and there’s water all over my fucking floor,” you huffed. “And I called my landlord but of course, the jackass claims he’s too busy to get over here to fix it.”
“I’ll come fix it,” Yoongi replied simply and you froze. 
“Really. Give me 20 minutes,” he said before abruptly hanging up. Sure enough, Yoongi showed up at your front door 20 minutes later with a toolbox in hand and after pressing a quick kiss to your lips, he strolled into your bathroom and got to work. 
You stood in the doorway watching him, a soft smile on your face as you watched him curse under his breath as he focused intently on the task. You couldn’t help but to think of all the men you had dated before Yoongi, who never once offered to come and help you when you needed it, let alone come without you even asking. Everything with Yoongi was so damn effortless and you loved your relationship with him. You also loved him and the realization didn’t shock you or surprise you; in fact, it was simply the first time that you were acknowledging it. 
“Alright, all done,” Yoongi said as he stood up straight and you didn’t hesitate to walk over to him, cupping his face in your hands before you kissed him passionately for a few seconds before pulling away again. “What was that for?”
“Just a thank you, for taking care of me,” you murmured, nudging your nose against his. “I really appreciate it.”
“I like taking care of you so it’s nothing,” Yoongi smiled before kissing you again.
Kim Namjoon
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“Shit,” Namjoon huffed, making you look up from the files that you had been working on. The two of you were in his studio together, him working on the desktop while you lounged on the comfortable couch as you did some work yourself. 
“Everything ok?” You checked, even though you were sure it wasn’t anything that couldn't be fixed. 
“Just trying some different things for this chorus and none of it is working so far,” he sighed as he turned to look at you. “I won’t be too much longer though.”
“No, it’s ok,” you assured him. “I’m still working too, so take your time.”
“Alright but let me know if you wanna head out early,” he told you, waiting until you had nodded your head before he looked back at the computer. You continued to watch him though, in slight awe of him. This wasn’t the first time that you had watched Namjoon work but you always found yourself in amazement of how serious he took his music, and how important it was to him to get it as close to perfect as he could. 
The two of you had been dating for a few months by this point and you had expected yourself to be out of the ‘honeymoon’ phase by now but you still got the same butterflies that you had gotten the very first time that you saw him in person. Now you were a smart woman and you knew exactly why that was: you had fallen in love with Kim Namjoon, full stop. You didn’t have an issue with that though; the thing was just figuring out if he felt the same way or not. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Namjoon wondered and you broke out of your thoughts then, your cheeks warming up from having been caught. 
“Nothing,” you mumbled before turning your attention back down to your work and Namjoon just smiled fondly at you. 
Jung Hoseok
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“So have you spoken to Mom?” You asked your younger brother as the two of you had lunch at your apartment. “She said she was looking for you.”
“Yeah, looking for me to kill me,” your brother scoffed. “The woman tried to take my head off!”
“Because you had some bimbo in her house,” you shot back. “Be for real.”
“I’m 20 years old now, Y/N-ah,” he replied. “I’m not a baby anymore.”
“But you still live in her house,” you pointed out. “It’s a respect thing.”
“Meh,” your brother huffed and you just smiled. Just then, Hobi walked out of the bedroom and you smiled at seeing him. 
“Hey,” Hobi greeted your brother, the two of them doing a quick handshake. 
“What’s up man?” He smiled, watching as Hobi moved over to you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I have rehearsal and recording today so don’t wait up,” he murmured and you nodded your head. “Oh, is that fried chicken?”
“Yep,” you confirmed and Hobi immediately reached onto your plate, grabbing a piece of chicken and stuffing it into his mouth. 
“I’ll call you! Bye!” Hobi shouted as he hurriedly made his way to the front door and you just watched with a smile until the front door shut behind him. Once you turned back to your brother, he was smirking at you. 
“You never let anyone eat off your plate and trust me, I know because you’ve tried to kill me for doing it,” your brother mused. “Is someone in love?”
“I am not,” you rolled your eyes and thankfully, he let the subject drop. As you thought about it though, you realized that maybe you did love Hobi and that was slightly terrifying. 
Park Jimin
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“Well, isn’t this a pretty sight?” Jimin spoke up and you glanced over your shoulder to see your boyfriend staring at you with a sly grin. “You’re cooking for me?”
“I know that you had a long day of rehearsal so I wanted to be nice,” you explained as Jimin paced into the kitchen and stood next to you. 
“I appreciate it,” he murmured, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “You need help?”
“You could chop up those onions,” you said and Jimin nodded before grabbing a spare knife and setting to work. That’s how the two of you stayed for the next few minutes, side by side as you silently worked on getting the ingredients ready to cook. The radio that you had in your kitchen was on and when one song ended, the next song to play was the full version of Serendipity. 
“This song never gets old,” Jimin smiled as he turned to look at you. “Dance with me, Y/N-ah.”
“We have to get dinner on before it gets too late,” you tried to say, smiling when Jimin took the knife out of your hands and set it onto the counter. 
“Indulge me,” he said, grabbing your hands in his and you let him pull you into the middle of the kitchen floor where he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. 
“You’re a menace,” you giggled. 
“You love it,” Jimin shot back with a smirk and you had to bite your tongue because you did. You loved everything about Jimin; the way he made you laugh so hard that your stomach would hurt, the way he’d smile at you and light up the entire room, and the way that he treated you as if you were the most precious diamond in the world. 
You loved him. 
“I do,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and laying your cheek on his shoulder. Jimin smiled to himself, placing a soft kiss on your head as the two of you swayed around the kitchen together. 
Kim Taehyung
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You hummed your current favorite song to yourself as you moved around the living room in Taehyung’s living room, straightening up the multiple magazines that he had laid out before fixing the pillows on his couch. 
“Oh, here’s that earring he was looking for the other night,” you chuckled to yourself as you picked it up.
“Hey,” Taehyung called out and when you looked over, you saw him walking down the hallway. “What are you doing?”
“Just straightening up,” you shrugged. “You’ve been saying that you were gonna do it for like a week now but I know you’ve been busy so I decided to just help you out.” 
“Oh,” Taehyung muttered. “Thank you. Do you want any help?”
“Nah, I did most of it while you were on that call with your producer,” you replied. “I just have the records to do and then I’ll be done.”
“Alright. I’ll start on lunch in the meantime then,” Taehyung said and you just nodded in response. Once Taehyung went into the kitchen and washed his hands, he couldn’t help but to watch with a smile as you organized his collection of music records that were placed by the television. Taehyung was used to people fussing at him about his occasional forgetfulness and sometimes even trying to change that about him, but you didn’t.
You allowed Taehyung to be himself, even when that meant putting up with the less favorable parts of his personality. As a member of one of the biggest groups in the world, finding someone who accepted him as is was rare but Taehyung had gotten lucky. 
He had found you and fallen in love with you in the process. 
“I love her,” Taehyung whispered to himself. 
“What did you say, Tae?” You shouted. 
“Nothing baby, nothing,” he smiled. 
Jeon Jungkook
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“Knock knock,” you called as you slowly opened the door to Jungkook’s bedroom, your heart sinking when you saw him slumped over in bed, coughing loudly. 
“Y/N-ah?” He muttered. “How’d you get in?”
“Your hyungs let me in on their way to the shoot,” you said, setting the bags that you had brought with you on his bedside table before you sat down on the edge of the bed. “I heard you were sick so I came to make sure you were alright.”
“I’m fine but I don’t want you getting sick.”
“Please, my immune system is like armor,” you chuckled. “I’ll be fine. If it makes you feel better though, I brought you goodies.” As you opened the bags that you had brought with you, Jungkook couldn’t help but to smile as you pulled out containers of soup, medicine, some of his favorite snacks, and even your laptop so that the two of you could watch Netflix. 
You spent the next 45 minutes giving him the medicine before handfeeding him some soup and Jungkook couldn’t help but notice how patient you were with him, even when he couldn’t move that fast and you had to help him out. Not one time did you look annoyed or disgusted nor did you outright pity him and treat him like an invalid. It was almost like you knew the perfect way to be supportive while also still treating him like a grown man. 
Jungkook knew that he was falling for you but having you take care of him had him thinking about the ‘L’ word.
“Wanna pick a movie now?” You asked as you set the empty container onto the bedside table before turning back to look at him. 
“Um, I’m kind of tired actually,” Jungkook replied. “Do you mind if I nap?”
“Of course not,” you smiled softly. “Wanna cuddle?”
“We shouldn’t be too close,” he tried to say and since you were sick of him saying that, you leaned over and placed a firm kiss on his lips to shut him up. “Y/N-ah,” he laughed. 
“Now it’s up to fate if I get sick or not,” you smiled. “Now, come cuddle.” Not wanting to fight you off anymore (because he really did want to be as close to you as possible), Jungkook moved over and laid his head on your chest while you set your hands in his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. The sound of your heartbeat instantly put him at ease and he found his eyes fluttering shut. One of his last thoughts before he drifted off was about how he definitely loved you. 
Without a doubt or any hesitation. 
Tag List: @addictedtohobi @brittneymccray @cursedcursives @arata18nanami @leftieaquarius @devilsbooksworld @starmyy @werewolfbanshee-love @li-moonchild-il @kpop-servant
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
🤔 PC parts go on sale pretty often, plus there are a ton of budget guides online. Parts can also go for cheaper too depending on if you're fine with shopping for used parts. There's also websites that tell you what parts are compatible with the ones currently in your cart/that you're looking at. I won't go into in-depth recs since you've said you're not too invested in FPS and resolution (which is fair, I'm just a nerd who studies up too much on this stuff asjdasd) but as a general tip, consider what quality/performance you would like to play your games at and go for that over 'highest number' since that's a pretty easy trap to fall into. Budget, and what you want out of it, always takes precedent over the bigger number. There are countless videos going over how to build a PC, though pre-built computers are always an option (downside is that they're not very cost-effective, since it's the price of the PC plus hours spent assembling it and any other miscellaneous costs). Big general tip for budget PC shopping is to prioritize the GPU, it's the real powerhouse when it comes to quality/performance. You can get a pretty good PC for as low as around $900, and while that's still quite a bit of money it's nothing compared to how price-y higher end builds can get. I hope this was helpful in some way! If you have any questions at any point I'd be happy to answer them, I'm not uber knowledgeable on PCs but I do know a thing or two 😌 if it wasn't helpful, uh... full refund on this Tumblr ask (a whopping $0 in returns)
oh this is all super helpful!!!! i know a little bit about building computers and buying parts because my partner built his (and i also built one with my dad way back when...)
my main problem though is that i don't have space for a desktop computer. it's just a small apartment and i've already got my work setup from my desk (i work remotely on a work computer) so i do all my gaming on my laptop that i have hooked up to my TV (which also gets me out of my chair, which is nice, because i already spend too much time at my desk LOL)
so if i do get a better PC, i would get a nicer/updated gaming laptop, which is unfortunately a bit more expensive... 🥴 i'd also feel so bad getting a whole new computer just so i can have better graphics on DD2 LDKJFALSKDFADS especially with my rapidly deteriorating work situation... 💦
thank you so much for taking all the time to write this up tho! if i ever do have some setup changes and decide to go the desktop route, this'll be super helpful 💕
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thesoftestcowboy · 3 months
thoughts on the colors red, blue, green, and yellow? any comments on the shapes triangle, square, or circle?? rhombus
first of all i gotta tell you that im enjoying this ask twice as much cause i got multiple spam asks since yesterday and did not expect an actual question... anyway. im gonna answer this 200% in earnest, as it should be, obviously (yes i actually did write this out, strap in ig)
red: listen i know everyones favorite color seems to be blue for some reason but red is RIGHT THERE. i heard somewhere that not all languages differentiate the same colors as english (and other european languages), but the first color after light/dark there will be a word for is usually red. idk if thats true but seems plausible, cause yknow whats red? fuckin berries to eat, also blood (either concerning or also to eat, ig). cavepeople knew red was important business. also its pretty and you use it to make pink.
blue: not to imply that blue isnt also good. its got a range. looks very fresh. i do like a teal-ish blue but others are cool also. its really rare in nature ig? but if it does occur its looks rly good! (im saying this rn cause my desktop wallpaper has blue flowers lmao) also if i had a cent for every time i had dreams with intense, seemingly really significant blue night skies, i'd have 2 cents, which isnt much but weird etc etc.
green: ok i like green but, unpopular opinion time, i want neither a green couch nor a green kitchen. i want a pink couch and a blue kitchen. that being said green fucks and is part of some iconic things, such as HES GEEN, and also my favorite song green soop by dooboo, which references the fact that soups can be green (@geminyde)
yellow: finally yellow is super underappreciated. im kinda mad that yellow doesnt suit me super well in clothes cause theres so many cool yellow things id want on a shirt. people only ever think of bright neon yellow but it also had SHADES.
now, the shapes. people at art school will try to convince you that these have some deeper meaning and even a gender (??) cause some guy whose name i forgot claimed they do and thats bs. heres the actual truth about them. triangle pointy. also an instrument! theyre really flexible cause they can have wildly different angles and like?? thats different from squares, which are literally all the same, except for size ig? but thats nice it gives them a sense of stability. theyre ol reliable. ever wonder why they had town squares but never town triangles? well,
anyway the circle is most definitely the princess of shapes. you might think its really basic compared to like uhh a trapezoid or whatever cause you learn about it in kindergarten, but its so fucked up it has ZERO angles?? but then if you wanna render it its got a huge amount of angles/into infinity instead? you can calculate any shapes area with basic maths basically but ohh noo not the circle. its soo special. we love that for him but you gotta be honest.
ngl i had to look up what a rhombus is and its just idk a Raute ig. its a rectangle who wants to be special. which is fine we all need some attention sometime but like, its a rectangle on its side. its doing its own thing. i think it should have a different english name tho tbh. rhombus reminds me of the name rhonda and that has a different vibe. idk if that one was also a question or just an addition tbh but there u go
so thats it thanks for asking like comment subscribe
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saltminerising · 1 year
Rating of Fairgrounds games on mobile:
Runestones: Works perfectly fine even though it was a bit laggy at first
Shockswitch: Fucking miserable
Jigsaw: Unplayable unless you full screen, in which case my browser kept trying to select the entire program but its playable. 10x more sensitive than on desktop tho
Tidal Trouble: Why does this work better on my phone than on my computer? Also sensitive though but the framerates are leagues better
Higher/Lower: its not a "full blown game" so it works just fine lol
Artifracture: Somehow works just fine but it scrolls up if you try to make a match before the animations are over :(
Glimgloom: Flawless
Mahjong: I always thought I was too stupid for this game but apparently not! Anyways it works as good as GlimGloom
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hotfuss · 1 month
hello!! I have a few questions if that’s okay..? first question, do you know anything about the K thingy? the one they have on set! I’m planning to make my own (a much shorter version!) so do you know anything about it, the side detailing etc etc. also, in the Miss Atomic Bomb music video, do you have a screenshot of the scene where Izabella is dancing? it’s quite a specific scene and I’m not sure how to describe it, sorry!
first of all it's always ok to send me asks... this made me so happy, like we were back when there was a still thriving fandom on tumblr! 😭 second of all that seems quite a nice project i hope it turns out fine!!
now to answer your questions: the k debuted as a keyboard stand decoration for the day & age tour and after that has been consistently used for any off tour performance (2016 to any 2017 show before the official start of the ww tour, 2019 shows etc). for photo references the best is to just browse my the k stand at https://hotfuss.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/the%20k or https://hotfuss.tumblr.com/tagged/the%20k if you are on desktop/browser or just type #the k on the search bar of my blog if you are on mobile!
additionally sunsets and neonlights used to make nice hd edits of pics and mostly close ups, so it's worth browsing their d&a tag too if needed. i'm the only freak with an overly detailed tagging system so that's a more general era tag tho. but you can check it at https://sunsets-and-neonlights.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/day%20%26%20age and https://sunsets-and-neonlights.tumblr.com/tagged/day%20%26%20age!
for the mab video i took some screenshots and i'm posting them under the read more, hopefully there's the one you are looking for!
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
I might not finish this one tonight, we'll see, but the last one was a cliffhanger and I no longer remember how it resolves!!
[edit: I did finish]
s1 ep9 no princess left behind
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awww I know she's being evil but still
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You know damn well Hordak would want to know it was actually Catra, you manipulative bitch
it'll be easier to do these now yayyy
wait they buzz a lot. hm. like, constantly.
Angella: I never should have let her leave this castle
That's....a little much
"As a leader of the rebellion" you haven't been doing shit lately tho that's actually been Glimmer and Adora but whatevs
OH SHIT i just remembered one of my fave moments in the entire show is in this episode. hghhhh anyway you'll see lol
The buzzing in the headphones is A Problem. >:(
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"sorry for eavesdropping on your crying :D" you know it was Sea Hawk's idea to pose dramatically
Okay I'm just amused by this screenshot (after Sea Hawk lies and says he's an inspector and Scorpia appears to buy it)
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just. look at her.
"Harmonious teamwork with Entrapta can be...a challenge." and Entrapta NODS she knows this about herself it's fine
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it's not YOUR black garnet >:(
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i love her
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i love her (example 2)
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bow's emotional intelligence wins the day (...and also wins them intelligence in the sense of information)
(actually the scene later reminds me of situations where you're just sort of polite to a dude in a situation where you can't leave, like working a cash register, and he just tells you his whole life story and you're just like...I didn't ask...why are you doing this.)
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I mean, she's not wrong
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Does anyone have just like, a list of every time Adora does this kind of self-sacrificial shit
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this is gonna backfire on you so bad
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*squints* am I the only one seeing parallels to "conversion therapy."
"this isn't the REAL you, I'll make it so you were like before" (aka when you were faking being cishet)
also HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE I forget I think they talk about it later??? fuck
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more face-touching!
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that's the power of love, bitch!
(also how many screenshots have I accidentally saved to "documents" instead of clipboard? they used to all auto-save to my desktop and I've never cleaned them out, which means I have literally thousands of images on my desktop, which I never look at, ahahah)
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--and my heart rate just shot through the roof lol
no you don't understand
this moment is one of my absolute faves in the whole fucking show
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She's SO FUCKING PISSED, and she's realized that Shadow Weaver will never ever reward her efforts, and she hates Shadow Weaver SO MUCH, and she'd rather help Adora in revenge at this point, fuck it all
And think about it--handing Adora the sword means Adora's going to leave again. And she still does it.
ALSO Catra didn't overhear that Shadow Weaver was going to try and wipe Adora's memory. I'm...not sure Catra would've helped them leave if she'd known that. Oof.
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(yeah yeah it's technically because she hates Shadow Weaver but also bc she likes Adora, she's just refusing to acknowledge that)
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Her expression as she watches Adora transform is something else. She still (understandably) sees She-Ra as part of what took Adora away from her. She also knew damn well what Adora would do the moment she got the sword back.
It's such a fantastic character moment, and ALSO, bonus, it's hotter than hell.
so good
Oof, I forgot that's why they abandoned Entrapta there--they really did think she was dead.
Anyway I rewound and watched the sword-dragging scene again
A few times
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sneverussape · 1 year
For the fanfic writer questions (tho feel free to sub art if you prefer): ❤️🏷💕🥳🦈📗💭😎💘🚦🤩🤖🎨
God, that's like ⅓ of them... feel free to skip any you don't like, otherwise I'm all ears!! :) <3
omg this is a lot and idk if i'll be able to answer them properly so it's all going under the cut :))) (if read thru mobile some of the answers get cut off. idk why this is but it works fine on desktop lol. 🙃)
❤️ - what is your favorite line that you've written in a fic? it's definitely one of the evans!severus ones. this au is quite personal for me so everything i write or draw for it has a basis on something that i've experienced irl. it's a coping mechanism of sorts, and a way for me to understand certain things that happened in the past. my favorite lines are from the ficlet i did titled Hello World [ad infinitum] and it's:
You are ready to crawl out of your skin, jump out of your bones, and enter your child’s bloodstream. Hold him nerve for nerve. Calm the exploding suns in his mind. He births universes at least once a week. You all are surrounded by the ghosts of galaxies.
This was a fic that forced me to get into the headspace of parents forced into a near-impossible situation, but one which they powered through if only via sheer will and determination. i think the lines captured not only how the condition [epilepsy] itself manifests in the physical sense, but also the ephemerality and intangibility of it all. i was pretty chuffed too that i didn't have to think too hard about these lines; they just came to me! 🏷 - is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read? this applies more to a03. i don't really search tags unless i'm in a specific mood for something, like specific characters, certain pairings, or "______'s A+ parenting". :)) i grew up reading untagged fics on forums and later on livejournal, so tend to ignore tags when searching a lot of the time. i mostly depend on summaries. when on ff dot net (which is actually my preferred platform over a03 because of the amount of old fics on there), i filter by genre, usually sticking to drama, angst, hurt/comfort, adventure.
💕 - what is your favorite fic that you've written? ohhh, for hp definitely the first one i ever wrote for this fandom, which is with friends like these. i love how lucius is characterized here, and how he's just a step from the edge. the desperation and the intense level of his grief interspersed with guilt was so satisfying to write and to read over and over. i also like how i had written other people's treatment of him, as though he's a bomb set to explode. he's in disgrace, but he's still managed to keep the last shreds of his dignity intact, and is still capable of doing harm when pushed.
🥳 - why did you start writing fanfic? purely for my own indulgence, like most people! :)) i like imagining what-if scenarios but also still sticking to canon for a lot of other things. i also use it for catharsis.
🦈 - which character is the toughest to write? ooooooh i'd have to say eileen prince, mostly because i cannot for the life of me decide how i want her to be. i hate the idea of her being submissive. it doesn't sit well for me at all and not something i particularly want to read and write about. i want her to have a stronger personality but can't figure out what her exact story is, apart from having had an ambiguous past with abraxas malfoy (vague hints of a previous relationship which was cut short) and tom riddle (were they friends? rivals? both?). i'm not keen on the abused wife trope mostly because it's so overused and not something i like. i'd rather have her be apathetic and neglectful than be abused (because why? why would a witch allow for it? i can't find a reason for i, especially if you have another world you can escape into), but really haven't figured out the nuts and bolts of it.
📗 - do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? if so, what about? i used to want to, when i was younger. i used to want to be a writer! for the time being, i don't want to write any original fiction. i work in a very rigorous and mentally- and emotionally-draining industry which involves a lot of strategizing and diplomatic hoo-hah. life is far stranger than fiction, and anything i can write will pale in comparison, i think. :)) i'll let life unravel first and see where i end up.
💭 - what inspires you and your writing? my basis for writing is a lot of complex emotions - mostly grief and loss - that i want to sort through, and this shows up a lot in my work. some people have said that i create too many angsty pieces but hey, i create for me. :)) i find the act of creation very satisfying and is something that helps me figure out how to deal with things. alas, my blorbos suffer for it (and i'm not sorry). it also helps that i have plenty of enabler friends! >:)
😎 - what fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? oooooh, i like both! it depends on the plot tbh. i've read so many fics that were so au the entire world was practically rebuilt, and other worlds were created for the characters to traverse through. i love those! especially if the lore was thought through really well. some fic writers could honestly give tolkien a run for his money.
on the other hand, i also love canon-compliant fics because those present its own set of challenges. imagine creating your own world within a world that's already created? fanfic-writing is so great because it stretches the limits of creation and co-creation. i love how creative people can get while working with canon and never breaking its rules. i'm always in awe of what comes out of it.
one thing i love is when people incorporate something that they know about really, really well and make that the center of the fic. it can be a hobby, a culture, a language, a sport, etc. you can always tell when an author is knowledgeable or passionate about the topic because it shines through and i love that! if i like the writing style, these types of works can make me read about anything, even about things that i normally wouldn't be interested in in real life.
💘 - is it easier to write angst or fluff? definitely angst. these are emotions that are readily accessible for me because i internalize a lot and like to figure out why i felt x when y happened. usually that involves a lot of angst. not to say that i never experience any happiness irl but happiness/fluff is also not something i think too deeply about, and therefore not something i find satisfaction writing about. it's an itch that already gets scratched enough, but soothing angst irl is not something that happens, so i do it via fic.
🚦 - what sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc..? ambiguous! i like it when readers figure out for themselves what happens. i like the act of co-creation that happens in writing, specifically when the reader will have different interpretations of endings or events, and it's usually a reflection of their own experiences and thoughts. given the choice though between doing a good and bad ending, it really depends on the characters and what takes place in the plot. i normally don't have an ending figured out when i start writing. i'm more interested in the journey of growth that happens in between. my normal route is i plot that (the journey/change), then let the characters make their own way. i decide what type of ending they should have once we get there.
🤩 - what led to your interest in the fandom? i've been an hp fan for a long, long time but did not get involved in the fandoms outside of forums and various lj communities. even then i kept my distance, because i was still in school and didn't want it taking over my life lol. i couldn't afford to be on the family computer every day after school; i had to study and stuff, y'know? i was in varsity teams, orchestra, student council, etc on top of everything else so getting completely immersed in the fandom was not an option. the last few books were released while i was in university and the only fandom i could really get involved in then was the one among rl friends where we knew who was fans of which characters and we'd discuss the plot over lunch and thingss. apart from that, we were too busy to get involved in the internet wars that happened then ahahaha.
i only got really involved in fandom during COVID. i needed a space to just forget about the real world for a while and being in the snapedom worked. i got to writing again and started drawing digitally. i don't regret it at all!
🤖 - are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic? hahahahaha NO. i think one or two suspect it but they've never asked. these are friends i've had since childhood and who know i read fanfic (they do too), but we've never revealed whether or not we create fanworks ourselves. they know what fandoms i'm in however, and we share some of them, so i guess not knowing is the best arrangement. we like that we're able to keep our fan lives private, and are able to vent anonymously.
🎨 - if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? idk to be honest! it would be interesting to see a DTIYS (draw this in your style) based on my snape. or even the hcs i have of them, a fave being catholic!snape. i have many imagined works based on catholic!snape but i'm not brave enough to attempt them, mostly because it would involve a lot of rigorous and detailed work :))) i want to draw him in a huge empty cathedral sitting on one of the last pews, while looking up at the altar in front. the idea of the altar alone is enough to put me off the entire thing. my wrist already hurts just thinking about it. :))
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fae-iii · 11 months
Hello. Gonna post some pixel art in the pokemon gen 1 style that I also posted to Cohost.
Edit: Holy cats, this looks bad on mobile. It looks fine in editing on mobile and looks fine on desktop. Maybe I'll export them differently next time.
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This Meowth clock was envisioned to be like, a tile that would go on a wall in R/B/Y, but it’s too big for that:
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Espurr (idk why I kept the background color in when I exported this) :
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I kinda liked the rough draft of Espurr better tho, they got a diet pepsi:
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Alolan Persian (I’m really proud of this one, turned out really good and made me feel depersonalization or jamais vu or something like that. If there’s a proper term for when something you’ve created feels too good to be yours, I’m unaware of it.) :
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Hisuian Sneasel:
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Furfrou (I don’t really like this one, was trying not to make them face forward, somethings off and idk exactly what, good practice tho and not as bad as I remembered) :
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Alolan Meowth:
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Here’s some of my PMD OC’s:
This is Riolu (He doesn’t have a name other than Riolu) :
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This is his partner (avidly platonic; not, like, romantic), Fae:
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Here’s Riolu again, less shocked; with and without scarf:
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I want to do some kind of larger project with the two of them. I have the creative output of an incandescent bulb; so, like, who knows when or if that’ll happen anytime soon.  
Fae in particular has taken up a lot of room in my mind. Started a sketchbook that I’ve been posting to Cohost and have mainly been focusing on her design. Trying to get details consistent and from different angles, other art things I am currently unaware of, but maybe’ll learn later.  
Unrelated to my OC’s; here’s an Eevee:
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Anyway, here’s my Cohost: https://cohost.org/Childebert
I’m probably gonna be more active there and not bother posting *absolutely everything* here. I got the aforementioned sketchbook; dream journals; game thoughts; thoughts that I think are funny at the time, but I regret later, but not enough to delete; uhh I used to have a lot of disorganized stress posts that iirc were pretty negative, but I think I got most of them back into drafts now. They were long and rambly and I wasn’t really venting in a way that was conducive to figuring out solutions, I don’t think. Gonna use my private journal instead and try and keep stress-posting to a minimum.
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
legend of vox machina season 2 episode 1: rise of the chroma conclave OR [makes sparkly eyes @ dragons]
as per usual I have already watched this twice in the past 24 hours
be cool if the quality wouldn't bounce back and forth on desktop tho
like I am set to Best give me your Best
GOD the dragons just look so COOL
just grab the gnome by the head it's fine
given what we know about allura what kind of panic attack is she having right now
uriel's little smile kills me, his last thought was that his family was safe
umbrasyl and his awesome disgusting acid throat sack
oh I didn't get the heartbeat effects w/the raven queen before
also: foreshadowing~
fuck yeah gilmore
gilmore you have to tell me if you're a dragon otherwise it's entrapment
oh shit it's That Guy
goodbye That Guy
raishan enjoys speaking in the third person to establish herself as a named character
percy D:
fucking THORDAK he looks so fucking cool I can't
the way vex grabbed keyleth
the subtitles said "militia, fire" which is absolutely not what he said
thordak's FIRE VENTS
remembering matt going "I just destroyed something I created"
gilmore's dramatic ass
this acid-burnt motherfucker making dick jokes and googly eyes at vax
vex's literal thousand arrows she bought pre-stream so matt stopped making her keep track
this is how we get the broom without having to deal with chris hardwick
grog: the pointy end goes in the other man
I know we don't get "do you think this is what mother saw before she died" but I'm thinking if they keep it they'll move it to the thordak fight
the kid riding on trinket
"aren't you a tough little tyke" LARKIN WATCH
The Events Of Episode 85 are a lot more foreshadowed here than they were in the campaign
that's sam's kids again isn't it
(update after watching the credits: of course it is)
scanlan: can't do my world tour without the rest of the band mala: I mean you can. and will.
vorugal's russian accent
he's clearly from aeor
unreasonably excited for westruun, it's easily my favorite arc in this whole section
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tau1tvec · 2 years
What do you recommend that’s a good base pc to build off of over time, one that’s cost effective but good enough to run ts3 and ts4 simultaneously but I can add better graphics cards and ssds later on?
I think it depends, it's hard to really recommend any specific one bc, I've only ever used one, and they don't manufacture them anymore. I also got my PC to play Fallout 4, bc my old PC crapped out, and I was over sims at the time. Considering its open world, and all the mods I would likely cram into it, I didn't wanna waste money on just anything, so I did some research on gaming PC's ( which I'd never bought until then ) and ended up getting an Acer Predator for about 1299$ at the time.
When I bought it, it had a 1060 GTX, 500GB SSD, 1TB HD and 16GB RAM, dealt with 6 years of my bs with not an issue.
Now the reason I say it depends is bc, many games can run on anything honestly, a lotta them these days want to get in as many hands as possible, so making them work well on lower end systems, esp laptops and consoles, is the best way to do that, since a lot of gamers honestly couldn't give chicken noodle soup about how great a game looks, just that it doesn't lag. However if you plan to play on high to ultra settings, with mods and cc, esp high texture cc, you're going to have to keep some things in mind.
Intel i5's are pretty powerful for the cost, but I'd recommend an i7 if you can fit the bill. Replacing it shouldn't be too difficult, so long as you find one that's compatible with your motherboard, and they tend to cost a little less, and be more readily available than GPU's for instance.
I've seen some mid-high gaming rigs run on a 1660 GTX which I hear is a pretty good card, they also run a bit cheaper than the 20 or 30 series RTX, and honestly... you don't need a 20 or 30 series RTX to play The Sims 3 or 4, it doesn't even have any built-in options to utilize a lotta the innovative features these cards have.
I played The Sims 4 on ultra on my 1060 GTX, and it ran and looked fine. Though should you decide to upgrade, understand it might be quite costly, and also a bit difficult to find considering we're still technically in a chip shortage.
16GB is pretty standard these days, anything more is for those into heavy multi-tasking, however some games are beginning to suggest 32GB.
Main drive needs to be a 500GB SSD minimum... 250 will absolutely get you nowhere with how Windows updates gobble that shit up. You'll also be storing all your saves, mods, and cc on this main drive, so honestly if you can, go for the 1TB, you won't regret it, especially since upgrading mine to a 1TB was an absolute nightmare.
You'll likely need a second drive as well, and although it's common a second drive will be a regular ol' hard drive ( HD ), which is fine, you've gotta install your Spotify app somewhere, do absolutely consider getting another 500GB or larger SSD installed later, games these days basically start at 80GB install size easy, this doesn't include updates and dlc added later, and a drive doesn't run well when it's almost full.
I've had my Acer Predator desktop for roughly 7 years now, and it's an absolute champ... my husband's Acer Predator Helios on the other hand... crapped out like two years in, he only ever played Skyrim, and only ran it on medium-high settings. So when it comes to brands it's kinda... eh, I would just try to avoid anything that's like HP or Dell... they're kinda iffy and difficult to upgrade unless you're willing to drop 2k+ on an Alienware, I hear a lotta pretty good things about Lenovo tho, and MSI, if a laptop is more your thing.
Finally, a lotta straight out the box gaming rigs are outfitted with AMD processors and cards these days, and they've come a long way over the years. They're pretty powerful now, almost equal and at times even better than their Intel or Nvidia counterparts, but can be more cost effective if price is a big concern.
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atherix · 2 years
HI ITS THE ANON THAT POINTED OUT TUBBO BEING IMMUNE TO MIMICS!! IM BACK AND IM SO INSANE!!!! IM LITERALLY SHAKING YOU IN A SNOW GLOBE RN. Everything about this new chapter is so AAAAA I LOVE IT SM!! also also ive decided to reread the whole series so i could take notes on everything- ive been having a wonderful time <3Something horrible ive realized with the fact that Mimics can read anything’s mind is that they can change into the Warden (if the wardens are actually alive still). (1/4)
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HELLO ANON GOOD ON YOU FOR FIGURING THAT OUT!! <3 What kind of snow globe? Is it one of those cool ones you get from a zoo? :D
Thank yoouuuu <3<3 JFJSKJKSK that is a long read :o I wish you luck jgfddkgkfd please ignore any plot holes I may have forgotten to fill in along the way <3
:) Hehehehe now that's an idea isn't it... so this just in I quickly pulled up minecraft to make sure Wardens don't aggro on each other (since they aggro on literally everything else) so :) I'm just sayin, if there's a Warden or even something that looks like a Warden.... (of course, there's no telling if the Mimics can fool a Warden, since the Warden uses scent :) ) But gods, yeah, they would be pretty fucked if a Mimic mimicked a Warden- something intelligent and able to make choices and not run off instinct alone? Rip-
Half Fae is Fae enough but yes, if he was full Fae the backlash would probably have been much worse/outright killed him since full Fae are 100% made of Fae magic and Scar actually has a flesh and blood body alongside his magic so <3 That isn't to say his body isn't made of magic at all though... mm :)
hahahaha oh yeah, the water.... :) the Void-fog was foreshadowed by the "heavy" shadows Mumbo kept losing his own shadows in so <3 The smell of mold and water and Sculk........ That was honestly more to emphasize how long this place has been here, and was a very subtle hint (that won't be understood the first read through) that they're approaching an Ancient City. So the fun thing there isn't that Mumbo really doubts Scar loves him. Mumbo's real doubt is that he deserves to be loved by Scar, which the Mimic kind of twisted and then Mumbo started thinking about it, but he's stronger than that and has Tubbo there to reaffirm it <3 Lmao Scar would tell Tubbo little things that added up to Tubbo <3 Tis why Tubbo so easily trusted Mumbo the very first time he met him- because Scar holds Mumbo in high regard, he MUST be trustworthy!! :D lmao-
It's alright, I am no stranger to posting/messaging at 3 AM <3
I LIVE FOR MIDNIGHT!SCAR AND TUBBO'S RELATIONSHIP it is just so hjfsdjkhgfdjk I adore them <3 The funny thing is that line has actually already been revealed on my tumblr haha I won't reveal it now tho :) I don't feel like it's MAJORLY impactful tbh, it doesn't feel plot-essential to me, but. Ya know. It's fine <3
fhjsdfhjkgksd thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! <3 Hhhjjhgh <3
So the word count thing! If you're following me and you see me pop up on your dash (on desktop, idk about phone), you can actually hit my icon on your dash. It'll bring up a pop-up of my blog and if you hit ask on that pop-up blog, rather than going directly to my blog, it'll remove the character limit! It's how I have anons who send me essays <3
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flockofdoves · 1 year
i need this to be the summer i actually set up using grocy and make the executive functions involved in grocery lists and finding out what to cook soooo much easier
but its still just slightly too over my head for me to figure out. id probably be fine if i had a windows laptop and bought a usb scanner and just did everything on my laptop since it has the windows desktop application
but my laptop has very limited space remaining and its a mac so i dont want to dual boot it. i guess i could look into a virtual machine just for using grocy??
but also regardless it might be nicer (and helpful for other stuff too) to self-host grocy
then i could scan from my phone and have it go to both my laptop (mac mojave) and my desktop (windows 10 but also planning on dual booting with some sort of linux soon)
but im just not sure at all how to self host it/best practices even if i did figure that out. i cant even figure out docker which so many people say makes it easier
i also have a shitty old screenless mac laptop i can connect with hdmi to a screen if needed and install w/e operating system on that maybe i could use to host stuff?? no idea if thatd be convenient or needed tho??
tech mutuals help :(
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simstationdance · 2 years
hiii! just so you know, while in the app if i click one of the links on your pinned post i'm just redirected to the home page. it doesn't lead me to anywhere, the screen just refreshes!
it might be a tumblr-app-sucks issue, or maybe the links can be tweaked? on the browser everything works fine!
i'm loving lra btw 🥰
I'm sorry, I'm not really sure how to fix that :( I mainly use the desktop browser version of tumblr, and when I use it on mobile it's also on my phone's browser instead of the tumblr app. The links seem to work on both browsers, at least for me.
However, when I tried it on the tumblr app itself, it doesn't seem to work and just refreshes the page for me too, so I think it might be an issue with the app itself. Thank you for letting me know tho
Happy to hear you're enjoying the story :D
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