#despite all the problems i have w my mom at least she never made me feel wrong or different for my autism symptoms
pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 6 months
re parent regret article.... recently got my mom to admit she and my dad are deeply unhappy and the only reason they got married and had kids (in their early 20s, and it has dictated every moment of their lives since) is because it was what was expected of them and they felt like it was just the thing to do ... its very upsetting to think of how unhappy and unfulfilled my parents are but at the same time its kind of freeing because I understand a lot of their actions better now and their inability to raise us and give me the care I needed. this year I am older than my parents were when they had my oldest sibling and I kind of feel like im older than them now because theyve never fully grown past that point at least not as individuals. ya I suppose everyone has their paths in life and it all fits together and works and means something but it is very sad to realize your childhood was painful because your parents were really just not suited to be parents and couldn't have done any better. im trying to not be weighed down by their lack of self actualization and to be an example for them by manifesting my life in the way I want despite them being upset by it, and to encourage them to become real people now that theyre 60.. umm ya sorry your inbox has become my therapy sessions recently it just feels so much better to confess these things anonymously and write it all out to someone instead of trying to explain to someone face to face and have it deal with their responses. plus i think u understand a lot of my issues although objectively our lives are quite different! anyway yeah hope you have a nice day!!!! xoxo 2012 :3
ilu <3 i relate to much of this i will detail my thoughts below , im glad my inbox can be of use to u i believ The Confessional is a very necessary function in society it can be so transcendent to get something off your chest w/o having to affect your personal life in any way ^^ and i did have a super nice day ty i hope u did too..<3 :readmore:
it is really crazy to think about the pressure ppl face to start families , seems to be less prevalent now but yeah even 20-30 yrs ago it was just, What You Do.. for my parents, they were in love, and i think they rly did want kids, they were together for 5 years before doing it they planned it out, i DO believe they were soulmates. but then once the reality set in idrk there was just this disconnect. my dad was the more nurturing parent, and he had kids from a prior marriage so he knew wat he was in for, i think he missed my brothers a lot so he had perspective. i assume anyway. but he was also major alcoholic which i thought was normal for so long (in england it is i spose). that took up a lot of his time. i know so little about him or his inner workings its quite torturous to me lol.
and my mom is still alive but i know so little about her too, other than stuff i learned thru drunken outbursts. when i try to ask her anything remotely personal or emotional now she stonewalls me so hard :/ she's always just been closed. her childhood was Horrific tho like both her parents were still minors when she was born, her mom is a WW2 orphan and her dad was a delinquent forced to enlist in the navy instead of being sent to juvie. all the stuff she HAS revealed to me abt her life is absolutely bats**t. its awful like i genuinely can not feel a single morsel of bitterness towards my mom knowing wat she's been thru.
that being said i WAS extremely angry at her for a big portion of my life its been a journey to unravel. but at this point i feel so much forgiveness idek how i got here or when. but i love her unconditionally! i also feel that my moms self actualization was rly stunted, not even by having kids but by my dads death, and being left with these kids she has to care for alone, oh god if i try to imagine how she felt it turns my insides to stone. like it really fractured her soul and made existing problems spiral out of control. although that being said she is doing WAY better now in comparison to the past, im rly proud of her. when we talk i try to always encourage her like u say..
really the best medicine is being able to zoom out and view the big picture of Life, not just your life but how all our lives fit together, when you zoom out you can spot the patterns find the order in the chaos. for ages n ages i cldnt understand the reason everything in my life was hell while all these other ppl i knew seemed to have it so normal. Nowadays i can understand how it lead me here, the trajectory and timing of everything, it brought me a lot of EXPerience i can use to help others..Even just by having this blog where i can talk about vulnerable topics , ppl tell me it helps them, i begin to see a new sense of value in my endured sufferings. if i feel like im healing someone that heals me ..
thanx for the msg :] ermm i hope my response dont come off as traumadumping or something LOL i write this all with a matter-of-fact tone in mind. just explaining some stuff for anyone who may need it. hope u have a good night 2012-chan keep shining bright for your family.. <3pmd9
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ookinky · 2 years
me in middle school: lmao yeah my mom told me that the school tried to diagnose me as autistic just bc i read book at recess instead of playing with other kids lmao isnt that hilarious me now:
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kyuublu · 3 years
Haunt me
Toji Fushiguro x reader (she/her)
Neighbor AU - angst
note: the bold passages are flashbacks + Megumi is an only child in this one lol
song inspo: How to dissapear - Lana Del Rey
Blue skies and big fields of green; the road had always stayed the same, y/n noticed as she left the bus. Once the young women made her way home, she took in all the familiar sights she hadn’t seen in years. She had missed walking through the familiar streets, despite disliking her home town when she was younger, since it didn’t have anything really interesting for teenagers around her age. There were no clubs, cool stores, really anything that was rebellious or at least didn’t look like it was owned by a 70-year-old man. Everything always stayed the same.
Y/n’s footsteps came to a halt, right before the door of her own home. Subconsciously turning her head to the side, she was suddenly aware of the presence that stood further away. The familiar figure leaned against the railing of his porch, back turned to her as he focused on something in his hands. Toji Fushiguro.
Had he stayed the same too?
For a moment, y/n had thought about greeting him but was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door infront of her.
“Y/n! Why didn’t you knock? Oh, come here-“ The older lady put her arms around her daughter lovingly and pulled them inside.
“I made a bunch of your favorites, but there are going to take a bit more time.” She pointed at the stove as both of them entered the kitchen.
“Where’s dad?”
Her mom rolled her eyes at the thought of her stubborn husband, they apparently had argued about the maintenance of their garden a couple of hours prior. Y/n chuckled at her mothers’ frustration, but went to look for her dad on her own, since her mom seemed too busy with cooking. After greeting him and exchanging a couple of words, the daughter convinced him to let her mow the lawn. “But you better not break it again like the first time!” The man teased playfully, earning an eyeroll from y/n as she ushered him inside.
“Damn it-“
Muttering under her breath, the girl almost kicked the device infront of her in a fit of rage. The lawnmower had suddenly been stuck before she could really even start, and was now only a rattling mess.
“Fuck...” She sighed one more time, putting her hand lazily on her hip and the other over her eyes, shielding her from the sun.
“For a young lady, ya do seem to swear alot.”
Y/n whipped her head towards the strangers’ voice, almost gasping as she realized who the voice had belonged to. He was the husband of the new family that had moved next to their house a few weeks ago. Before that encounter she hadn’t seen him up close, but now his appearance immediately burned itself into her brain. He was handsome, not the kind of handsome that she had seen from popular boys in school or the hollywood actors on tv, but the attraction she had to him felt a thousand times better.
“I- uhm-“ The girl stuttered as she avoided his eyes, only to look back at the problem at hand.
“It’s broken.” She pointed at the lawnmower dumbfounded, smacking herself internally at the way she was behaving like a 7-year-old.
“Let’s see if I can help, shall we?” A confident smile appeared on the mans’ face, making the girl’s knees even weaker, before he approached the device. He had quickly figured out the problem and got rid of the piece that had been stuck inside the lawnmower, but continued talking to y/n casually, throwing in a joke or two.
“I’m Toji by the way, but I’m guessing your dad already told you about us.”
She watched as the dark haired man held his hand out to her. His politeness felt strange from the start, as if he was playing a character in a movie and she couldn’t quite figure out why.
“What was your name again?”
“Y/n.” The girl shakily took his hand, getting even more nervous at the roughness that was contrasting her own.
“I also wanted to ask ya something - my wife has been buggin’ me about it for days now. Are ya any good with kids?”
That day Toji had asked her if she could babysit his 5-year old son, since he had a job that required to be available at any moment and his wife had to take night shifts at the hospital. Y/n agreed to it without any question, since her dad had taken a liking to the family and she wanted to earn some money on the side. She had just graduated in that same year and wasn’t sure as to what her next step should be in life or what her future looked like really. But right now, the man walking away from her seemed like the best distraction from the dull routine she had been used to.
Shortly after y/n finished the rest of the lawn, her mom waved her inside to eat. The dinner had tasted better than ever, y/n thought as she greedily dug into her plate and asked her mom for more. The older lady only chuckled at her antics, appreciating the sentiment behind it though.
“I really wouldn’t have thought you’d go through with it, honestly.” Her father spoke with his usual sarcastic tone as he watched his daughter take another plate full of food.
“With college? Yeah, I guess I understand what you mean. I’ve always been the lazy type.”
Y/n knew her dad well enough not to argue with him about what he believed his daughter was like. He only knew what she had let him see, and three years ago that had been an 18-year-old girl that took a year off to stay at her parents home without any plans or direction. Only she herself knew that lazyness hadn’t been the real issue, it was her fear of growing up and failing. Before they could dig any deeper into the topic, the daughter decided to ask about the one thing that had been stuck in her mind since she had seen Toji on the porch.
“So, how are the Fushiguro’s doing?” She casually picked at the food on her plate.
“I thought I’ve told you on the phone already? About Toji’s wife and kid.” The mother looked at her child in disbelief until she saw the genuine confusion in her eyes and started explaining.
“His wife died almost a year ago. She became very sick all of a sudden and then it just happened so quickly. Toji hasn’t really been the same since.”
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock, she couldn’t comprehend the fact that something did change so drastically around here, and it hat happened to the family she had wished it upon the least.
“W-What about Megumi?”
Ms.L/n eyes locked with her husband’s, both of their heads hanging a bit lower now.
“Toji gave him away for adoption. He didn’t seem to be in the right state of mind to be handling a child on his own after an incident like that.” The daughter only nodded her head slowly at her dads’ words, as she remembered the big pouty cheeks on that little boys’ face three years ago and his mother that had the same big blue eyes.
Since the very first time y/n had visited the Fushiguros’ house, the wife had always been extremely caring and sweet towards her, reassuring her that she’d be a great babysitter (and even mother someday, which always made her cringe a little). Eventhough she wanted to be grateful, she felt a tinge of jealousy, almost resentment towards her. The woman was beautiful in every way posssible and even stood up against her husband plenty of times, never doubting her confidence once - Y/n had been the complete opposite.
Especially confrontation was something she had always struggled with, even feeling bad when she overheard some of the fights that the Fushiguro’s had occasionally.
One night when y/n had been taking care of the little boy again, Toji came home earlier than expected, leaving her a bit taken back at the sudden appearance. Thankfully, Megumi had already been asleep at this point, making it easier for the parent to just arrive home without worrying about the whole putting him to bed routine. He had walked straight pass her, only muttering a short “Hey” before grabbing a beer and sitting down on the couch. The girl recalled the fight before the couple both headed off to work but didn’t expect to have to deal with his mood already.
What was she supposed to say to a man twice her age that was visibly pissed, sitting on the couch that she was supposed to sleep on tonight. She could only stare at the back of his head helplessly, wondering if she should just change into her normal clothes again and leave.
“Are ya gonna stand there all day?”
Y/n’s eyes snapped back to the man, as he streched one of his arms over the back of the couch.
“No, I just thought-“ Stopping herself from ending the sentence, she thought about actually engaging in conversation with him. The girl didn’t have the chance nor the guts to talk to him completely alone yet, since he always kept his ‘nice neighbor facade’ up around other people. Stepping closer to the couch, she could feel herself getting more tense. She knew Toji wasn’t going to give her much attention, since he hadn’t ever given her any signs of actually liking her in any way, but somehow the girl couldn’t overlook the weird tension. Once y/n settled down a bit further away from him, she noticed his eyes had been glued to her since she’d walked over.
“Wasn’t too hard now was it?”
He muttered with a slight smirk, before taking a swig of his drink. Y/n let out a nervous chuckle before leaning back more comfortably.
Just stay cool.
“So, I heard you’ve graduated not too long ago, congratulations.” It was more of a statement than a question but she still answered nonetheless.
“Yeah it’s crazy, actually- I also turned 19 a week ago too. Everything is going by so fast now.” She cringed at herself once she heard the deeple chuckle from the man beside her.
Why would you tell him that? Your age of all things?
“Well, why are ya still stuck here then? Ya should be out there in the world, not in this shithole.” Toji had his eyes back on the bottle as he tapped his finger on the dark colored glass.
“Or is a boyfriend of yours keeping ya here?” Glancing to the side teasingly, he leaned in a bit closer, making the girl’s heartbeat race even more.
“No! I’m j-just...” Y/n shook her head, staring at him with big eyes until she mumbled out
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Raising his eyebrows, he really began acknowledging her presence. The way she acted more shy around him and always seemed to be shaking a bit, making her look like a scared little puppy. Then he noticed her clothes, or rather lack there of. “What? Don’t tell me a pretty girl like you didn’t get chased by the guys at ya school.”
Does he really think I’m pretty?
Y/n almost held her breath once he lowered his eyes down her figure, remembering now that she was only wearing a top, without a bra, and shorts to sleep in, because summer had just started and the temperatures felt like hell at night.
“Not really, I guess I just wasn’t anyone’s type.”
The girl let out a nervous chuckle yet again, her body feeling like it was overheating and her brain was about to explode at any moment. It only worsened once the dark haired man loosened his arm on the couch and bend it towards her face, his hand slowly pulling a piece of hair behind her ears. Their eyes locked for what felt like an eternity; She couldn’t get enough of this feeling.
“Too bad.”
Y/n waited for something more, anything to explain what he had meant, but got startled by the sudden ringing in her pocket.
“A-ah uhm, sorry-“
She quickly picked up the phone, only to be bombarded by questions from her father. Eventually she ended the call and turned back to Toji, who still hadn’t looked away from her.
“I have to go. My dad he- he thought that I wasn’t going to babysit tonight and now he’s kind of mad, so...”
The man nodded understandingly until a smirk appeared on his face, as if he had just read her thoughts for a moment.
“I guess ya can’t keep me company then, huh?”
Y/n only shook her head, almost sighing in frustration. Tonight had already felt like a dream, but a way too short one.
Cleaning the dishes had always been a task assigned to y/n since she could remember, but hoped that she could’ve escape tonight. Sadly not though - making her the last one to go to bed. She dragged her feet up the stairs that led to her old bedroom but stopped before falling into the soft pillows. Instinctively the woman looked out her window, only to catch a glimpse of the one across from hers. Before the Fushiguro’s had moved in, it had always bugged her that the neighbors view directly faced her room. Her mom had always warned her daughter to close the curtains as much as possible and change in the bathroom instead, but like most teenagers often do - she didn’t listen, or just wasn’t planning on walking back to the bathroom for every time she had to change her clothes. But y/n did remembered the first time she had changed infront of the window on purpose.
With only a towel draped around her body, the girl quickly peaked at the neighbors house as she stood with her back to the wall. She had panicked at first, seeing the husband leaning against the window frame, a cigarette hanging on the side of his lips. Y/n didn’t know if he had seen her walk in with the towel but she was intrigued by his sight, the way he had just casually leaned forward, as the thick smoke escaped his lips. Without thinking any further she stepped away from the wall and infront of the window, her back turned towards the dark haired man on the other side.
Was he going to notice? Would he even want to see her like this?
Dropping the towel and slowly putting on the underwear that was layed out on her bed, she kept imagining what he might’ve looked like in that moment. Thousands of pictures would pop up in her head until she couldn’t help but want to see for herself. Her head moved on it’s own, as she turned it to the side, only to see that the figure was gone.
Y/n blinked a couple of times, utterly confused on how to feel, should she have wanted this? This was exactly the opposite of thing’s a girl of her age should feel excited about, but she couldn’t deny that the tiny bit inside of her that wanted him to watch, wanted to be desired by him - had been disappointed.
Y/n tossed and turned, never seeming to find any rest from her constant thinking. She couldn’t’ help but feel bad about disappearing from the small town, even though there had never been any reason for her to stay in the first place - there hadn’t been any jobs that would have been interesting to her, no new people to connect to. The deep heavy weighing feeling inside of her told her the opposite though, probably resulting in a restless and never ending night of overthinking.
I have to see him. Sitting up, her buzzing head turned to the side, she considered going with the idea that had popped into her head momentarily.
Y/n let out a huff, putting on the robe that had been draped over the chair in the corner of the room (and took the keys with her, of course) and made her way downstairs carefully, each step creaking slightly under her shaking feet. Fleeting moments of feeling like a teenager again went through her mind; even though she had rarely snuck out of the house back then, the young woman had only wished that those years would’ve been that exciting. Shrugging at the thought, she finally stood infront of the door of her home, opening it slowly. As her hands pushed the wooden surface back, she slipped through and looked to the side, towards the house she hadn’t stepped foot in in 3 years. Suddenly the pace of her heart quickened, not only by the thought of seeing the older man again, but by the figure that was leaving the house at that moment. Y/n squinted until she recognized that it hadn’t been Toji leaving the house. The long black hair immediately made her perk up and lean back, she didn’t want to be noticed by the guy - even though he might’ve been easier to approach than the man sitting in that very house next door.
It had been in the middle of the day that Mrs.Fushiguro called the young woman. Y/n had the spare time of course and agreed to come over, happy to see the little boy and maybe even catch a second to talk with Toji again. She hadn’t seen him often after that night and couldn’t quite place yet what the dark haired man thought of her now. How was she supposed to behave around him? Groaning in frustration the girl began walking towards the house, but as the door opened, the student began slowing down. An unknown man, visibly younger than the parents that lived in the house, suddenly locked eyes with her. Y/n imagined him to be around around his mid-tenties, which made her curious - Toji didn’t ever seem to invite any guests over, so why would he choose to be around a guy that young?
The stranger smiled politely, which she only returned while approaching the porch he had been standing on.
“Don’t tell me Toji has another kid he didn’t tell me about.”
Thrown off by the sudden comment, y/n’s eyes widened as she snapped her head back to the stranger. The mans’ soft laugh made her feel more at ease, ultimately making her laugh too.
“No, I’m just the babysitter slash next door neighbor.”
“I’m Geto Suguru, it’s nice to meet you.”
His smile was smug but sweet, she noted. Before Geto could leave, the girl spoke up once again, the curiosity getting the best of her.
“How do you know the family? Do you work for them too?”
The man turned, giving her his full attention.
“Oh, god no I’d never work for that idiot.” He chuckled yet again, shaking his head in the process. “I am a colleague of Toji. Sometimes I just come around, since he does have a charm that I can’t resist, you know.”
By the looks of it he had only made a joke, but to y/n, that only chuckled in response, the vibe had felt off.
“What do you do exactly? I’m not trying to pry or anything, but Mr.Fushiguro has never really told me about it, so...”
Geto quirked a brow, he had caught a slight glimpse of her in that moment that almost gave her intentions away - but he looked past it, she seemed too young to actually be interested in Toji’s personal life. “We work at a workshop not too far from here, repairing cars and all that. It’s probably not something worth mentioning to be honest.”
The girl infront of him didn’t believe a word. She didn’t have any evidence not to, but the way he talked had been so sugarcoated, that she couldn’t help but feel suspicious of him. “You’re probably right, I don’t know a thing about cars.”
Smiling innocently at the guy, she slowly began turning back to the entrance of the house.
“Well I’ll see you around then.”
Geto only held up a hand smoothly, smiling yet again - which only confirmed what y/n had been thinking this whole time. This man was too much of a flirt, a smooth talker to be around someone like Toji as a normal friend. It only raised the question as to why the father always seemed to avoided talking about his job, and what the hell it had to do with this Geto guy. Y/n shook her head lightly until she was met with the devil himself.
“Right on time as always, mh?”
Toji’s smirk only drew her eyes down his face, making her noticed the scar in the corner of his lips.
“Oh uh- yeah.”
Y/n nodded as he let her inside. She stepped in, thinking that maybe there was more to the man than she originally had thought, a side of him nobody knew about.
It took a long time before a shadow appeared at the foot of the door. To the young adult it had felt like hours until she could finally hear the lock being opened. The girl inside of her was screaming, begging to see him again - as to why she did feel that way still, she didn’t have an answer to. Then the door creaked open just a bit. Y/n could see him peak through for just a second, the dark bags under his eyes were alarming, but to be expected. He must’ve been through alot, things she wouldn’t be able to grasp at her age.
A sigh escaped Fushiguro’s lips as he leaned away from the door, only letting a crack of light fall through, contrasting the dark of the night. Suddenly the door swung open, the brightness of the light illuminating her completely now, as she squinted her eyes to adjust to it. Toji had his back turned to her, trudging towards the living room without a word. She watched as his body disappeared into the room and followed slowly after, unsure of what’s to come.
As y/n stepped in, closing the door after her, she began taking a peak at the rooms that she passed by. They had all been in the same conditions as the day she left, which made her wonder how much of that was really Toji’s doing - he had never been the one to clean the house or cook. It was always one of the things his wife had complained about the most, y/n remembered the bickering everytime the woman left for work. Mrs.Fushiguro had been right about the way her husband had never participated in doing his part, but the girl couldn’t deny that back then she would’ve done anything to be a housewife if that meant she could call the man she had been infatuated with - hers. Y/n often joked about it to her friends at school, but deep down she knew there was an inexplicable feeling she couldn’t get rid of as soon as he left her sight.
The young woman almost gasped once she stood in the doorway of the living room, it contrasting to the rest of the home so much that she almost wanted to laugh. Beer cans were scattered across the floor, half eaten food laying around on the table and in between the rest of all the mess, was Toji, his head hanging low.
Y/n had expected some sort of comment from the dark haired man that was now sitting on the same old couch that she had imprinted into her memories - but he hadn’t uttered a word.
She knew she was the one that had to initiate the conversation, but couldn’t shake off the anxiety that was creeping up. Once her feet were ready to move without shaking, she approached the man, sitting right on the spot next to him that she had been used to back then.
“What are you doing here...”
Toji’s low tone almost made her shiver. His question rather sounding like an accusation, an observation than anything else. It was the same old thing he’d always do, where he didn’t ask for the other person’s sake but rather to emphasize that what they were doing was almost a joke to him, something so obvious that he didn’t need an answer for.
She shouldn’t be here - nobody asked her to come and he was probably the last person to know what to do with her. They weren’t friends, y/n told herself as she looked at his disheveled state, she was only an old memory, coming back to haunt him.
“I just thought-“
The womans’ eyes began watering, but she swore to herself that she didn’t want to be that stuttering mess in front of him ever again. She didn’t want to remind him of that same girl he had met three years ago. Y/n was a grown woman now, and for some reason she felt the need to prove it to him.
“I heard what happened. I don’t know if it makes any difference, but I just wanted to give you my condolences.”
A creak of one of the beer cans made her look up to the man, his face unreadable. Toji scoffed as he watched the can crinkle between his fingers.
“Everyone says the same shit. It was stupid of me to think ya would be any different.”
Y/n watched as he let the empty can drop to the floor, making it painfully obvious how silent it had gotten.
“Did Geto say the same too?”
Toji finally casted her eyes towards her form, almost seeming caught off guard by the question.
“He came to the funeral after everything that happened. Suguru was never somebody I would’ve considered a friend honestly, but there he was, standing next to me in a black suit.”
The dark haired man paused for a moment as his eyes darted to the glass door that led to their garden. A sudden chuckle escaped his lips, without any certain emotion being evident on his face.
“He didn’t once pity me. The guy just padded me on the back and said he’d see me at work again.” His gaze found it’s way to the girl in the robe.
She knitted her brows in confusion, unsure of what to say. “What?” He laughed at the quick response, turning away to shake his head.
“I never really understood you, y/n. Even before you left-“
Toji leaned forward, prompting his arms on his thighs as he looked down at his hands.
“You were always looming around but ya never got to the damn point. It was like you were hiding something in that pretty little head of yours.”
Suddenly the young woman felt defensive, finally grasping the fact that she didn’t have to stand back anymore - this was her only chance.
“And you weren’t?”
His head turned, as he looked over his shoulder questioningly. Y/n took the opportunity to go further, staring back at him intently.
“You always acted all polite infront of others, casually waved at the neighbors, talked to my parents with a friendly smile - but once you were in here...”
She scoffed at the memories flooting her thoughts again. The harsh words Toji had thrown at his wife, the way he wouldn’t as much as look in his son’s direction most of the time.
“You were awful, Toji.”
The mans’ eyes grew dark with every word she uttered, but y/n was insistent on not taking it back this time, she needed answers.
“Sure, make me the bad guy all ya want. I’ll let ya have that, but don’t act all innocent on me.”
Slowly the distance between them became smaller, as the man leaned closer to y/n with a devilish grin.
“Do you really think I didn’t notice your little attempts? Ya think my wife would’ve appreciated the way you acted around me?”
The hand that was propped onto his leg was dangerously closer to her thigh, y/n noted as her eyes flickered down nervously. He knew all along - but what did that mean for her? Y/n gulped before speaking up again and meeting his gaze.
“You were already fighting with her about every possible thing you could, but you think that the girl next door would’ve made her break? Really?”
Toji’s stare was cold again, his lips shut close as he almost mumbled to himself in disbelief.
“What did I ever do to you?”
“Nothing.” The woman shook her head as the tears slipped down her cheeks. “You didn’t even spare me a glance.”
Her voice broke as she smiled sadly, not knowing how to put into words why she had felt the way she did. Y/n couldn’t quite grasp it herself.
“I didn’t understand why even though you did everything your own way, disrespecting her multiple times and seemingly not even giving a fuck about your own family - you still never even dared to look at me in any other way than the fucking babysitter.”
A sniffle broke through the silence of the house, Toji still not wavering as he watched the woman break right infront of him.
“I know that you shouldn’t have and that it was selfish of me, childish to think you could ever see me as more, but I was so frustrated. I just wanted to be desired by you, and the little amount of attention you did give me just made it hard not to be addicted to you.”
In that moment, y/n felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn’t explain everything perfectly but she felt as if maybe this was the only way she could’ve made him understand, even just a little.
The girl back then already knew that her way of thinking had been selfish, and even now she couldn’t look past at how toxic it was to think that way about someone with a family, someone much older than her - but y/n still never stopped thinking about him.
Y/n closed her eyes, sparing herself the embarrassment she might’ve felt by looking at Toji’s reaction but suddenly felt his body moving beside hers. She opened her eyes as the man took her chin in his hand and looked down her lips longingly. Just for a moment, y/n thought that maybe she had been wrong all along - Maybe Toji had catched a glimpse of her when he smoked out of the bedroom window, maybe he too had wondered what it would be like to lay next to her and hold her for just one night.
Then his lips crashed into hers, softly but with a lingering determination. Before y/n could even react properly, Toji had moved back again. His eyes staying on the spot he had kissed her, tracing his thumb over it lightly.
“I can’t give you what you want. I never could.”
No. No. No.
Y/n thought back to when she had arrived today, when she claimed that everything had stayed the same. “Why?”
She pleaded with glassy eyes, her e/c ones boring into his.
“Because you don’t belong at a place like this - and I do.”
Even as the young woman sat there, watching him move away and stand back up, she didn’t feel any hatred towards him. He never did anything bad to her. He never treated her the way he had treated his wife. He never once took advantage of the situation.
But both of them knew he wasn’t a good person, and maybe letting each other go was the only way to avoid causing any more damage.
“I’m sorry.”
Y/n didn’t know what exactly she had apologized for; if it had been for leaving the town out of the blue, or for crashing into his home without any warning. Maybe even for something that only Toji could know, like what circumstances he had been in to become this way - but she did feel sorry. Toji’s steps come to a halt at the doorway, turning his head, only to give her one last smile.
He had left the room without a response.
Y/n knew there hadn’t been anything left to say - this was their last chapter and she was finally ready to turn the page.
My first jjk story for now, but I’ll probably write more for other characters from the show soon. Also please feel free to correct me on anything grammar related since english isn’t my first language & i’m only trying to get better. ^^
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ walk you home ❞ l.dh
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synopsis → “it’s just a suggestion but you could maybe put your lips on mine?”
request → “hi ive reading your works and honestly thank u for being a blog that doesn’t write smut. i feel like there are so few blogs like so. all your works make my heart feel fluffy and warm 😊 i was wondering if i could request a fluffy prompt kinda based off the nct dream song: walk you home with haechan? you have full creative freedom ❤️ thank u”
word count → 1.6k
you didn’t walk home often but when you did it always proved to be a peaceful and serene experience. 
you take pleasure in the sound of the pavement beneath your feet as your legs carry you home and your hands hold on tightly to the straps of your backpack. the calm breeze blows some of your hair around and the sun’s rays shine down on you delightfully. 
you decide it can’t get much better than this.
but, of course, you can’t have anything nice. 
you realize this when you feel a pair of hands grasp your shoulders firmly resulting in you effectively jumping out of your skin with a loud shriek.
the culprit, none other than lee donghyuck, laughs as he watches you place your hands on your knees, trying to steady your racing heart. 
“not funny, donghyuck!” you punch his arm to express your frustration. “you almost gave me a heart attack, for christ’s sake!”
he holds up his hands in defense. “okay, okay. i’m sorry. i was messing around, i thought it’d be funny.” 
“oh right because sneaking up on a girl walking home alone and making her think she’s going to be kidnapped is just hilarious.”
“i really didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, genuinely. “i came here for a reason, i swear.”
you raise your brows, expectantly.
“i was just thinking i could maybe walk you home?” 
you observe the way he tugs gently at the string of his hoodie, almost as if he were nervous. but why would he be nervous in front of you? you were just his best friend’s little sister. 
“you want to walk with me?” 
he nods in confirmation. 
you play with your shirt collar, not entirely sure what to say. “that’s fine, i guess.” 
with that, you continue on your route not even waiting for donghyuck who jogs to catch up to you. despite your houses being only a couple blocks away from each other, you and donghyuck had never walked anywhere together. at least, in your high school years. 
when you were all much younger, him and your older brother mark would almost always walk to the bus stop together. your mother had you tag along with them and your tiny figure would often be seen trailing behind them, trying your best to keep up. 
as you grew up, many things begun changing. most notably, the way you felt about donghyuck. before, all you had seen him as was mark’s obnoxious friend who pestered you relentlessly. but you had finally realized how cute and charming he truly was. you started to enjoy the way he teased you as long as it meant you had his attention. it wasn’t long before mark noticed your change in attitude and connected the dots. it was easy to say he was displeased. first of all, having you follow donghyuck all the time like a shadow proved to be very irritating. second of all, his best friend and his little sister together was something he didn’t want to even think about. 
when he commented about your strange behavior to donghyuck, the boy had only said he didn’t mind it. in fact, he seemed to enjoy your little antics.  
mark realized had no other choice but to take matters into his own hands. so, he sat you down one evening to have a chat with you and he certainly had no problem lying straight to your face.
“donghyuck hates you,” he had said. 
you had stopped stroking your dolls hair to stare at him with eyes as big as saucers. “w-what?” 
“yeah. he told me. he thinks you’re super annoying.” 
and just like that, your little heart had been broken. you remember crying for hours that day and begging your mom to drive you to school so you wouldn’t have to face donghyuck in the mornings. mark even suggested that you avoid him at school too so that he wouldn’t find you anymore unpleasant than he already did. you obeyed and soon enough your trio had broken up.
ever since then, you had stayed in your own lane away from lee donghyuck who, according to your older brother, could not stand you. 
“so... what’s up with you? i feel like it’s been so long since we caught up.” 
you sigh, kicking at a pebble on the sidewalk. “i’m pretty okay.” 
he waits, expecting you to add on. he clears his throat awkwardly when he realizes you’re not going to. you had been so talkative during your childhood, what happened? “oh, that’s good.” 
for the sake of clearing the tension, you force yourself to ask him how he’s doing. “what about you?” 
his face brightens up. “i’m doing good! well, grade-wise no. actually, maybe? i have straight c’s which is technically passing but not super good, you know? but other than, i‘m not bad. i finally tried out for a basketball team. remember how when we were younger i always wanted to play but they told me i was too short?” 
“i remember a lot of things from when we were younger,” you mumble, bitterly. 
he continues, dismissing your comment. “yeah well, i finally grew! i’m actually three inches taller than the average male. isn’t that crazy?” 
you’re not entirely sure how to respond so that you just nod and try to give him the most sincere smile you can muster. “good for you.” 
“hey, didn’t you want to take art classes when we were kids? but your parents made you do ballet instead?” 
you hesitate as the memory registers in your brain. “yeah. i did, actually.” 
donghyuck chuckles. “you were so mad. and then you ended up not even taking it. i’m pretty sure it was because you threw a huge tantrum outside your house.” 
you titter at the embarrassing memory. “i totally forgot about that. you must have a crazy good memory.” 
he shrugs. “kind of. but i think my favorite one has to be when you tried sneaking out of your bedroom window but you fell and ended up with a fractured ankle.” 
your eyes dart to him. “oh my god, how do you know that? did mark tell you? because i swear if he did i’m gonna—”
“it wasn’t him.” 
“then who was it?” 
he suddenly becomes shy. “i, um, heard  you telling your friends about it.” 
“you were eavesdropping?” 
he fiddles with his earring, nervously. “i guess. but i swear it wasn’t to be creepy—”
“sounds pretty creepy to me, donghyuck.” 
he sighs in defeat. “i just wanted to hear your voice.”  
you stumble over nothing. “i’m sorry, what?” 
“you’re never around me anymore,” he says, sounding hurt. “i know you’re avoiding me. and i don’t know why. but i still try to be close to you without upsetting you. i try to meet your eyes when you pass by in the hallway, i try to go by your house as much as i can so i can catch a glimpse of you. but it never works.”  
ever since mark had told you how donghyuck felt about you, you swore to yourself you would stop caring about him. although, at this moment, you can’t help but feel slightly guilty. you try to come to your senses.  
“i thought i was annoying,” you mumble. 
he squints his eyes. “what? who said that?” 
you stop dead in your tracks. “you’re kidding right? you did! you said i was annoying and that you hated me.” 
he stares off into the distance, trying to concentrate. “i really don’t remember saying that to you.” 
“you didn’t. you told mark. mark told me. i never forgot it.” 
“okay, i definitely didn’t say anything like that to mark. the only thing i remember telling him was—“ he stops, abruptly. 
you press further. “what did you tell him, donghyuck?” 
“that i had a crush on you.” 
it takes you a moment to process the words that come out of his mouth. “are you messing with me?” 
he scowls. “no! it took a lot of guts, i remember being so nervous to tell him. i thought he would tell you for me but i guess he said the complete opposite.”  
strangely enough, you believe him. you decide to confess too. “well... i had a crush on you too.” 
now it’s his turn to be stunned into silence. “seriously?” 
“yes! i thought it was so obvious.”  
“i would have never known.” he runs a hand through his hair. “just imagine what would have happened if mark had told either of us how the other felt. why do you think he lied about all that stuff, anyway?”  
“knowing him, he couldn’t stand the thought of his little sister and best friend liking each other so he tried to keep us apart by lying and hoping we’d just forget about each other or something. what an idiot.” 
“jokes on him if he thinks i would forget you. we might’ve been like 12 but i was ready to commit.”
you chuckle. “and how about now? still willing to?” 
he smiles, pearly whites on display. “always.”
you stop at the front steps of your house, turning to donghyuck and grinning from ear to ear. “well, thanks for walking with me. i’m glad we finally got things sorted out.” 
he nods. “i’ve missed you.” 
you bite your lip. “i’ve missed you, too.”
he ruffles your hair. “you’re still super adorable, by the way.” 
“and you’re still super—“ you run your fingers over the smooth skin of his cheeks before squeezing them. “annoying.”  
he pouts. “that was mean.” 
you place your hands on his shoulders. “sorry, cutie. i couldn’t help it.” 
“make it up to me?” 
“and how would i do that?” 
“it’s just a suggestion but you could maybe put your lips on mine?”
you smile, more than happy to follow through with his instructions. as you lean in, you feel your inner little girl get the best of you. your heart speeds up and you hold your clammy hands together tightly behind his head.
“what is going on here?!” 
you both jump back from each other to face mark standing in the doorway of your house. he wastes no time dashing down the stairs, coming straight for the brunette beside you.
“lee donghyuck, i’m going to strangle you!”
at hearing the pure anger in mark’s voice, donghyuck’s face drops. he presses a quick kiss to your lips. you don’t even have time to feel any form of surprise because before you can even register what was happening, he’s making a run for it with mark right behind him.
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Return to Amphibia Chapter 3 Preview
Sprig nodded, “Well that’s interesting, So I wanted to say to ask-”
“No.” Polly cut off.
“You don’t know what I wanted to say?”
“No, I will not do the speech for you.”
Spri threw up his arms, “Come on, be a pal, It’s only just one Speech.”
Exactly,” said Polly, “Just one Speech.” she recited back in her pitch perfect impression of his voice.
“Oh come on, It’s not that hard.” Sprig responded, “Any idiot could do it.” he said trying to imitate her, he sounded like a twenty year old trying to impersonate a fifteen year old girl.
“... Was that supposed to be me?” said Polly, confused.
“Yeah, Sorry it’s been a while since i need to impersonate you and well it’s harder with my voice changing and…”
“No I get it, It’s hard to impersonate as well, But whatever No I won’t do it.”
“Fine.” said Sprig despite it not being fine, he then leaned against the warehouse wall, “I guess I’ll wait here and wear you down.”
“Fine, I’ll just keep resisting your attempts to wear me down,” said Poilly, sitting on her chair looking at her brother.
Things were quiet for a minute before Sprig spoke again.
“Sooo, Andrais?”
“You mean his new leg, Working on it, I want to try and help him out, Get him walking again.”
“Just “Huh?”” said Polly, curious.
“No, I’m glad it’s just a lot of people would-”
“Screw other people, If I can make him new robotic limbs I’ll be able to make small one’s for all of Amphibia, Grime, Stumpy everyone.”
Sprig nodded, “That’s pretty cool,”
“Yeah and Imagine all the work I could do while not doing a stupid speech.”
“Fair,” said Sprig.
Silence returned, for a few moments then it was broken by Sprig giving one last argument in his favor.
“NEVER.” Yelled Polly.
“Come on Polly it’s just one speech, I just can’t do it this year.”
“Why not, You’ve never had a problem with talking before.”
“Polly, I had a dream about her last night,” said Sprig.
Polly just looked at him, Quiet her mouth opened.
Sprig took that as a win, “I have a dream about her, she was lost and calling for me and I wanted to try and find her, the problem was that well. I couldn’t find her, she was calling for me and …
“Shut up,” said Polly trying to control her voice.
“Polly, I’m sorry but that speech, It’s just after that dream and it’s a load of lies any…
“SHUT UP.” Yelled Polly, “JUST SHUT UP.”
Sprig knew he messed up when he saw the tears in her eyes, the hate in her stare, He made a mistake somewhere along the line.
“Polly, I’m…”
“No just shut up, You’re not the only one who misses her, You think just because you have Bad dreams You can walk away from this Stupid speech and force it on me.”
“Polly it was just…”
“At least you still have dreams about her.”
Sprig froze, “What?”
“I barely remember her at times, I know the statue, I know the stories but Sometimes I don’t even remember what she sounds like, What her hugs felt like, How she made me happy.”
The guilt crashed into Sprig harder than anything, “Polly I-”
“I keep losing people, First Mom and Dad then Anne, You’re barely here and I almost lost Hop Pop.”
Shock joined the Mixture of emotions inside Sprig.
“He didn't want to tell you but, He felt while you were away, I was scared Sprig, I was really scared, He fell asleep and he didn’t wake up for a day, Everyone was looking after me but I was so afraid I’d be left alone, and then when you come back you ask me to do a stupid speech,”
“I didn’t know he didn’t tell me.” Sprig said Weakly.
“Of course, he didn’t because the men in this family are morons.” wept Polly, “Frobo can’t keep you out, Hop Pop won’t tell the truth and You just want to dump your responsibilities on to me.” she turned away from and started to cry on her desk.
Sprig Stood there, He was probably the worst brother ever, it’s true he didn’t know what happened to Hop Pop but he still tried to force his sister to do his job.
“Polly I…”
“Just go away, Spring.”
He stood there hearing her cry, He knew he needed to do something but what, this was a field he wasn’t usually good at, Polly was always the strong one, he needed to help her but how?
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sputnikissweet · 4 years
Thoughts on “Fate: The Winx Club Saga”
My last Winx related post got good feedback :)!! and i swear i’ll post more on other stuff but there are just some things i wanna get off my chest. this is also lengthy.. oops
also gifs aren’t mine!!!
let’s start off with characters
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Netflix, do y’all just hate Musa... Her powers are so downplayed. it’s utterly disappointing.
I understand that Musa is the emotional girl out of all of them but they took that and ran with it. I’m just not a big fan of the whole mind fairy thing because every fairy can connect to things that’s based on what kind of fairy they are.
she can do SO MUCH MORE. She can literally control sound waves.. She is Vanya Hargreeves in fairy form yet all she does now is feel others emotions.. cool.
Fairies (regardless of specialties) can also read aura’s and some can connect with their given specialities (Flora w plants) so a mind fairy serves no helpful purpose compared to the others?
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The reason Stella was popular was because despite being a spoiled princess, she was still the nicest and most welcoming person ever. She never used it against people. ( I mean the Solarians were literally so confused when they were reporting how Stella was evil during Valtor’s reign)
It felt more like Diaspro with Stella trendencies.
Stella was literally the one who convinced Bloom to go to Alfea and was so patient with her. She even had Bloom fake being her friend in the original just so she could attend alfea but this stella willingly put her life in danger.. FOR A BOY???
Yes Stella was a bit boy crazy but she wasn’t really serious with any of them except for Brandon so she would not have tried to kill Bloom for Sky. Who wrote that and for what??
That is not Queen Luna, that’s countess Cassandra 2 seasons early.
Why did they have to give her mom issues like Bloom? Her mom was her emotional support from the little bits we saw her? Her parents not giving her attention on top of upcoming issues with her dad would’ve been interesting enough.
Also the whole ring thing was a major thing and they just touched on it then never again, just don’t mention it then..?
A bit morbid but i think the whole blinding her best friend plot has potential.. hear me out... for her enchantix, especially when she can use the dust. But netflix if you include enchantix, please do not butcher it.. please.
She had such a sunny disposition and it was only ever her teasing that upset the girls at times but she was mostly at the core of each other their problems. She may look exactly how i pictured stella but she is the farthest thing from.
also stella getting her strength from anger? who is this?
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Please tell me how Aisha would be the teacher’s pet-
She’s the one who literally ran away from a marriage and was breaking all these princess streotypes- She’s very strong willed and would not have kissed ass to authority figures (except for mermaid guards of course)
her outfits weren’t bad though, i think she was the best dressed next to Beatrix.
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Why were they so rude to her-
I still wish she was a WOC because then her brother and dad would’ve been too so just a chance for more representation then netflix just turned a blind eye to
Where did her storyline go- We saw her being insecure in the first two(?) episodes and Musa saying Stella is everything she wants to be and then Riven and Dane just make fun of her for the rest of the episodes then Stella tries to compliment her? I feel like there was so much material to work with and make into a powerful arc or moment but they just swept it under the rug and pulled off something quick.
I like her character though, she’s a huge softie and a lot like her cousin, let’s not hate on her oo much cause Flora would not have condone it
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Why is this Bloom so angsty
Actually OG Bloom was too but i feel like they tried making her so seem “mysterious” and if you’re mysterious, apparently you can’t be nicer?
I wish we saw her more vulnerable cause i liked that Bloom was such a badass but always cried HAHAH you know what i mean?
Disrespect Vanessa- No.
Okay i think there’s potential in the changeling thing but i think Mike originally finding her in a burning house and saving her is so heartwarming :((
this is related to bloom so i’ll keep it here... WHERE IS DAPHNE!!!
not gonna lie tho, the actress is exactly how i imagined bloom irl
bloomerang... i’ll leave this here.
Rosalind and Dowling were two evil and eviler versions of Faragonda. Not even they were just split Albus Dumbledores and one is enough for all universes.
Beatrix is woke ig..? I like her style tho and the actress is pretty good. Also like how by the finale it’s kind of known that she’s a witch and not a fairy so ancestral witches storyline? I’m also not mad they made her one character, it fit better for the story they were going for.
I know Riven is an ass but it was d r a g g e d. Like let’s lead this guy on! Oh and do drugs on campus! I’m 16 btw but let’s get drunk every other scene! Not to shame though.
I just don’t like Sam, he was boring to me and contributed nothing. sorry
Dane had potential to be a great self discovery story but no let’s make him fat shame Terra because that’ll be cute! no.
It’s just weird to think that Sky’s father abandoned him to raise a completely different child.. I don’t- yeah..
Kiko is- oh wait he wasn’t there.
Why are they on instagram? If anything, they would’ve probably had something wayyy more advanced.
Adding more fire fairies just lessened the stakes of Bloom’s whole reasoning for trying to master the powers of the dragon flame because she was the only one left so she had no choice but Fate makes it easier to argue that she was just being selfish when in WC, it had to be done.
I do like male fairies and female specialist, power! but i wish they kept the schools separate.
I know everyone says this but.. their outfits could’ve given us another Euphoria like moment and they wasted that opportunity. I mean seriously, you put Bloom in Brandy Melville?
I wish SkyxBloom was more slow burn and had more build up. It was reasonable but idk the pace still seemed a bit fast.
There should be no world where SkyxBloomxStella would exist. Not in this or any other worlds.
MusaxSam was just boring.
TerraxDane just no.
wheres nabu for aisha? actually, respectfully do not let the same people cast Nabu and Helia because i just don’t trust y’all-
RivenxBeatrix, eh follows the og plot but i wasn’t really a fan of it back then too.
RivenxDane, seems queerbaity? maybe it was intentionally set up that way for development but it rubs me off wrong.
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years
My My I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
A/N: Is it too late to say that Sasha’s wedding takes place in the first week of August? (edit: I realized my mistake and I fixed it) Tbh this chapter is short and just filler BUT it does set up what will happen in the next few chapters. You could say it helps with the subplot. I did make a few edits to the fic, especially last chapter because I’m nit-picky like that. 
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 8: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
2 months before the wedding
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Kalokairi, and Hanami could not agree more as she sips her coffee in front of the Swell Cafe Bar.
The smell from her coffee was wafting her nose, the warm sunlight on her sun-kissed skin, the beautiful view, and the slight breeze that moved her sundress a bit were perfect for her. 
She tapped her foot to the music playing in the background. The owners were playing an old 80's jazz song. Hanami wasn't familiar with it, but she liked listening to the beat. She also noticed the waiter shyly glancing at her every now and then as he worked. 
Aw, she thought. It seems like he's too shy to walk up to her. He kept subtly glancing at her since she sat down. 
Hanami looks in the man's direction and gives him a bright smile and a small wave, causing the guy to blush and look away with embarrassment for getting caught. 
Hanami chuckles to herself. She considered winking at him, but she didn't want the poor guy to blush much. 
She rests her head on her palm, and her gaze returns back to the sea. She reflects on what has happened in the past few months.
2 months ago, during Easter break, Jean approached her with a plan to win over Mikasa. At the time, Hanami was unsure if he would be able to pull it off. Everyone knows how much Mikasa likes (is that even the right word?) Eren. Yet, everyone knows about Jean’s huge crush on Mikasa. 
She only agreed after Jean offered to pay for everything during their "meet-ups" (she insisted that they take turns instead and Jean agreed), assist her with her Maid of Honor duties for the wedding when she had to go back to college (Hanami did her best to exclude him from anything related to Sasha’s dads), and do any other favors for a year. Hanami knew Jean was serious after the conditions. 
You see, Hanami used to not like Jean back in high school. He was cocky, arrogant, and annoying (at least to her and (not)surprisingly, Eren). Hanami made sure to express her dislike for him. However, Jean changed after an incident when Marco broke his right leg and Jean was too late to stop it. He became more mature and considerate of his friends. As a result, both he and Hanami decided they could be friends, and everything went from there. 
And so, Hanami agreed with one condition: Jean must teach her how to dance. 
The reason being is Hanami’s Austrian friends invited her to one of the many balls held during ball season in Austria. Everyone in Hanami’s friend group knows she cannot dance, especially in heels. 
Luckily for her, Jean was the only available guy with a decent enough dance experience to teach her. 
(All the guys agreed that Jean was the best dancer of all of them. Eren is a close second.)
The two would sometimes bicker, but they had each other's backs. They define their friendship as comfortable, per se; they were comfortable enough to actually kiss each other to get out of a sticky situation.
Hanami could remember an incident a few days ago when Sasha decided that the two, plus her and Niccolo, to take a trip to Skiathos to take a break from all the wedding plans. They had settled for a party at a local beach bar at night. Skiathos is known as a party island after all. Niccolo and Sasha had separated from the group to swim in the sea, so Jean offered to buy Hanami a drink since they were alone. 
About 10 minutes had passed since and Jean did not return, so Hanami went out to find him. She did not expect to find him at a table near the bar surrounded by girls without holding any drinks. Despite how cocky Jean looks, he cares about personal space and making sure his friends are ok. He would hate it if someone decided to harass Hanami while he was gone. 
The girls were getting a bit too close to him, so Hanami decided to step in. She strutted to his side while ignoring the other girls and proclaimed how much she missed him. She then grabs his hand and subtly squeezes it, to which he squeezes it back, giving her permission to do what she was about to do. 
Jean had turned to face Hanami, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her close to his body. Hanami looks up at him and grabs the collar of his shirt with both hands. She pulls him down for a kiss while ignoring the other girls who were still present. She wrapped her arms around her neck, while Jean's hands played with the hem of her cover-up. It was nothing sweet and cute like what normal couples do. Their kiss was more heated and was enough for the other girls to leave them alone. 
They never brought it up again just for their own sakes. Jean and Hanami made an agreement to help each other by acting as if they were dating as practice for Mikasa. Hence why they kissed during the party. The two even agreed to squeeze each other’s hands as a sign if they were comfortable to proceed. Jean had no experience with dating, and Hanami had one boyfriend back in high school. She had more experience with dating than him. 
(Hanami only mentioned that Jean had improved on his kissing skills and left it at that).
Hanami continues looking at the view as she waits for Jean. Apparently, he requested that they meet up one more time, and this is very important. Hanami questioned why this meeting was important. Did they not cover everything in the plan? Is there a plot hole they might have missed? She does not turn her head when she hears the man of the hour heading in her direction.
“You’re late. If you came any later, then I would go on a date with the waiter instead,” she teases and turns around to fully face him. He wore a white long-sleeve button-up shirt that he rolled up the sleeves. He also had on slacks and a pair of dress shoes. She found it strange that he decided to dress nicely when it was only 10 am. Usually, he dresses in casual clothes. She eyes the camera in his hands.
Jean sits in the chair across from her and places the camera on the table. “This is not a date, Hanami.” He dismissed with no hint of a laugh anywhere. “I’ve-” he hesitates for a second. “-been thinking about something lately.” 
“Oh,” Hanami says and leans forward a bit. She noticed his hesitation and folded her hands on top of the table. She gestures to the camera on the table, “What’s with the camera?” 
"I’m just practicing for school. I need to take a picture of something I admire and paint it for the school's art exhibit."
Hanami chuckles. "Too bad Mikasa is not here. She is the perfect subject for your painting."
Jean shifts around in his seat uncomfortably. Hanami notices but does not ask about it out loud. Why did he look uncomfortable? She thought he would at least agree with her. 
"About that..the plan with Mikasa..." He trails off, sounding almost uncertain and confused. 
"What’s up?." Hanami asks and raises an eyebrow. She was taken aback. Did Jean notice a hole in their plan? She sits up and stares at him intensely. She's getting the answer one way or another.
“Did we miss something with the plan?”
Hanami knew that Mikasa would not arrive at Kalokairi until days before or maybe the day before the wedding. Jean’s plan was a long shot. Who knows if Mikasa would fall for him in such a short amount of time. Then again, they have been friends for a while now.
“No...It’s nothing,” He says dismissively. Hanami raises an eyebrow. Jean was never this jumpy during their past meet-ups. She is not one to pry, but something is clearly on Jean’s mind and he was the one who insisted on meeting up today. Looks like she might have to play a secret weapon.
“Ohhhkayyy,” she says, holding out the word. She slumps in her seat, feigning disappointment. 
“Don’t tell me you’re backing out of the plan? It would be a shame to put all that time to waste.” Suddenly, she smiles a wicked smile.
 “Don’t you agree, Jeanbo?”
Jean breaks out of his trance and looks at Hanami with shock. He was speechless. Jean could name only two people from his friend group who knew his childhood nickname. Marco, for obvious reasons, and Armin. Armin found out on accident and promised Jean not to tell anyone.  How did she know? 
“How do you know that?” Jean asks with a hint of fear. 
Hanami places her elbows on the table and rests her hands on her head. “How did I know?” She smiles slyly and raises her eyebrows.
“I met your mother last summer when Sasha and I were visiting Annie in Paris. Sasha wanted to take a road trip around France, and we ended up in Strasbourg as a stop for some sightseeing. You should’ve seen how shocked we were to find your mom in town. She was even shocked when we mentioned that we knew you! It’s a good thing we recognized her from the various letters she sent and the old photos.”
Hanami looks at Jean, who is still speechless. She continues her story.
“You were on your trip in Spain with Marco at the time, so the girls and your mom wanted to keep it a secret. Don't want to ruin the surprise, you know?"
Hanami chuckles to herself.
"Although she did ask if one of us was your girlfriend though. I think she wants grandchildren soon, Jeanbo.”
Hanami laughs at her little joke. Jean was too busy blushing to even laugh at her joke. Doesn’t his mom know that he is too young for that?! He decided to take note to never bring any of his female friends back home. 
“Anyways, she even made us her famous omelets, which were the best I ever had! You have to make me someday, Jean. Don't even try to back out of it. Your mom said you could make it." She looks at him  
She even showed us your baby pictures! You look so adorable!" she gushes. 
Meanwhile, Jean has not said a word. He was too shocked to even talk. 
"It's too bad you changed…" Hanami trails off and glances into Jean's golden-brown eyes. Suddenly, she stands up from her seat and leans forward. One of her hands rested on the table for support, and the other was reaching out to Jean's face. 
Jean only watches as Hanami gently grabs his chin. He was too flustered to make any move to stop her. Her thumb was in the front, and the rest of her fingers were in the back. He doesn't make a move to stop her. He only blushes instead. 
"You just had to grow a beard and your hair out into a mullet. You know, most guys can’t work it, yet here you are. Congrats, I guess."
She tilts his head left and right as if she was examining him. She leans closer to his face that Jean can feel her breaths fan his face. 
"You also got taller and muscular too." She tsks with slight annoyance. "I wonder why no other girls on the island haven't jumped you yet, huh, lover-boy?." She laughs while referring to the fact that Jean harbors a crush on Mikasa for years now. 
Her hand trailed up from his chin to cup his cheek. Jean stays still and continues to watch by looking into Hanami's espresso brown eyes behind her glasses. He hoped she could not see him short-circuiting with how close she was. 
He feels her shift the hand on his cheek to pinch him. Hard.
"Ow! What the hell, Hanami?"
"You just had to lose all that baby fat and get a sharp jawline instead! I’m going to miss the pinchable cheeks I never actually got to see!"
Jean breaks out of his trance and raises his hands up to stop Hanami. 
Two can play this game. What was the best thing to do in this situation? Grab both her cheeks as retaliation.
"You hypocrite! You're the one with chubbier cheeks than me!" 
The two continue pulling at each other’s cheeks and throwing insults at one another. They completely ignored that they were in a public area and people nearby can see them. There was an elderly couple nearby who watched the scene unfold. They couldn’t help but laugh to themselves because it reminded them of when they were young. The waiter from earlier was starting to doubt his impression of Hanami. Who knew she was also childish?
Hanami and Jean’s bickering went on for a few minutes until Hanami gave in.
“Ok. Ok. You win, Jean!” she says after sitting back down in her seat. She rubs her now sore cheek. Yeesh, that guy has a grip.
She looks up at Jean’s face. It looks more relaxed and not as tense as before as a result of earlier. 
Hanami mentally high-fived herself because her plan of getting Jean out of his whatever he was going through was a success. Now it was time to get serious.
“Jean. I can tell something is on your mind.” She reaches forward to place one hand on top of his on the table. She does not make any motion to hold it.  
“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me specifically. However, just know that I am here for you, and I am happy to listen. I promise not to say anything.” She finishes with a smile.
Jean gulps and takes his hand away to tug on the collar of his shirt. Hanami just watches him patiently. 
“It’s about the plan with Mikasa...I think we need to change tactics.”
Hanami crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. “How so?”
“We...need to get Mikasa jealous.” 
Hanami chuckles a bit. She has never seen Mikasa jealous in all of her years knowing her. Unless you consider that one instance with Annie training him, but Hanami thinks Annie didn’t view Eren that way. Hanami could not help but wonder how they can get Mikasa to feel jealous of a random girl with Jean in a short amount of time. Again, it depends on when Mikasa and Historia arrive.
“How do you plan on achieving that, Jean?” Hanami asks and takes a sip of her coffee. Things are starting to get interesting now.
“How are things with the bachelorette party?” Jeans suddenly ask, changing the topic. Hanami places her cup down on the table and looks at him suspiciously.
“Well, it is definitely going to be at the hotel plaza. Sasha had requested it there. Oh! Hange and her band are going to perform too. Hange wants to relive her glory days, or so she says. Why do you ask?”
Jean presses his lips in a thin line as if he was contemplating what to say next. 
“I need your help with something for the bachelorette party.”
Hanami’s suspicious look never left her face. She takes some time to think about what Jean just said. 
Suddenly, it all clicked in her head. She points an accusatory finger at him and glares at Jean.
“Don’t tell me you plan on inviting male strippers to the bachelorette party?!” Hamani yells and startles Jean as well as some passersby. 
“No! Do you want me to get killed by practically this whole island?!” Jean exclaims, leaning forward in his seat to cover Hanami’s mouth. He keeps it there for a minute before leaning back to take a deep breath. Of course, Hanami would quickly jump to conclusions.
“No.” He says again calmly. “I need your help setting me up with-” He glances around him, looking slightly unsure. “-Rico when she arrives.”
Hanami looks at him dumbfounded. “Come again?”
Jean sighs and looks at Hanami with a serious face. “You heard me. I want you to set me up with Rico.”
“Rico? As in Rico Brzenska, the three-time divorcee? You do realize she is old enough to be your mom, right?”
“Of course I know that! It’s all part of getting Mikasa jealous!”.
Hanami nods her head, trying to understand whatever just came out of Jean’s mouth. To her, it sounded as if he must have gone mad or something. “Uh-huh. Do you plan on going after Pieck next?”
“No! She’s married!” He exclaims while blushing.
Hanami smirks and crosses her arms in front of her chest with triumph. “Exactly.” 
Jean rubs his temples and looks at Hanami with a serious face. “Look, Niccolo came up with an idea about crashing the bachelorette party. Of course, we will make sure to let you have your fun before the guys come in.”
Hanami nods along, showing Jean she is following the story. “So you want me to help you get close enough to “seduce” her (she uses air quotes on the word seduce) that you end up dancing with her at the party and hope that Mikasa notices? Let me guess, you plan on adding more attempts right before the wedding and maybe at the reception?”
“Exactly. You can even try to put in a good word for me when Mikasa comes.”
Hanami nods again in understanding. “Ok, but I won’t do it for every interaction, ok? Only if it is just us two. I don’t want the other girls to raise suspicions if I start complimenting you randomly. Also-” She clamps her hands together. “-I won’t gatekeep Mikasa from Eren. If they want to talk, then I will let them talk. I don’t want to raise any suspicions between the two if that makes sense.”
Jean nods in agreement. “Ok. That sounds like a deal. You will help put in a good word for me to Mikasa, I can try talking to Rico before the party, we will work together to get me close to Rico. You also can't tell Mikasa about my old nickname. It's embarrassing enough that more people know it.” He holds his hand out for Hanami to shake.
Hanami laughs at how serious Jean was. She thought it was kind of funny to see how dedicated he was to this plan. She shakes his hand to seal the agreement. “I promise not to tell Mikasa, Jean. I do have some doubts about the Rico part. I don't mind saying ‘I told you so’ if things go south.”
She places her hand back down on the table and looks at Jean. She smiles, and it even catches him off guard. “You put a lot of effort into this, Jean. You deserve to be happy with Mikasa.” 
“Y-y-yeah. You’re right.” Jean rubs the back of his head nervously, causing Hanami to laugh again. 
Hanami continues smiling as she stands up and grabs Jean’s hand. “C’mon! I paid last time, so it’s your turn to pay for the food and I’m very hungry! I’m craving some walnut pie with ice cream!”
Jean never questioned her request. That woman had a sweet tooth second to Annie’s. He sighs as Hanami lets go of his hand to call over a waiter and start ordering a whole list of food.
This woman is going to be the death of him.
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
I know this is a filler chapter, but I am currently working on ch 9 right now. It is a good way to look at Hanami’s character though.
Updates may take a while because the semester is about to end
I chose Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy because I can see it fitting Jean and the many Nicosasha Tiktoks I used to get with this song. 
The timing in this fic might be weird because I try to make it somewhat accurate with the research I find.
Speaking of research, this fic is basically a list of places I want to go to in the future. Too bad I can’t go now 😭
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thewickedkings · 4 years
Tell Me What You’re Thinking ~Part 2~
Part 1 || Masterlist
A/N: You asked for part two, and you shall receive. If you haven’t read part one, it’s linked above! This may or may not be more than two thousand words, but I couldn’t help myself. I really wanted to explore Jude and Cardan’s struggles and insecurities in their relationship post QON. Hope you guys like it :)))
Trigger Warnings: Mild Cursing (Let me know if there is anything I missed)
Jude wraps her hands around the warm tea Vivi made for her.
Vivi watches her expectantly. “So?”
Jude sighs. “Just… give me a second. I need to think.”
Vivi nods and moves to clear away the dishes drying next to the sink.
“Cardan and I got into a fight.”
Vivi snorts. “No shit.”
Jude massages her temples. “I know, but I think I really messed things up. God, I’m so stupid.”
Vivi doesn’t say anything, waiting Jude out.
“I- I just, I don’t know how to tell him things, things that are messing with my head, you know? And he could tell I was being distant, and I hurt him.” Jude squeezes her eyes shut.
“You aren’t the best at communication,” Vivi hedges. She looks up, eyes searching Jude’s face. “What couldn’t you tell him?” she says slowly.
Jude’s neck heats up, and she sips her tea to avoid the question.
But maybe if she can tell Vivi, it will be easier to tell Cardan. “The people, they’re talking about a-” Jude clears her throat. “An heir.”
Vivi’s face softens in understanding. “And what exactly about that is bothering you?”
Jude swallows. “I don’t even know if I want kids yet.” She pauses. “But if- if there were to be an heir, it would be half-mortal.”
Her skin feels tight, the fierce urge to flee and protect herself running through her at the confession. She forces herself to push through, staring intensely at her tea.
Her voice is rough. “It would destabilize the rule. You know how the fae are, they wouldn’t take the heir seriously with mortal blood running through his veins.”
Vivi finishes drying the dishes and pulls out the chair across from her. “Jude, you are their queen. If they have a problem with that, put them in their place.” She pushes a strand of hair behind her pointed ear. “That’s not the issue though, is it? At least not why you can’t talk to him about it.”
Jude takes a sip from her tea, studiously avoiding a response.
“Jude, if you don’t talk to anyone about it, you won’t be able to move forward.”
Jude’s hands clench around her mug. “I know.” Her voice lowers, barely a whisper. “What if he doesn’t want a half-mortal child?”
Vivi’s voice hardens. “Then screw him. But Jude, if there’s anything I’ve learned from seeing the way he is with you, that won’t matter to him.”
“You don’t know how he was, before. He always brought up how mortal, how weak I was. I know he’s changed, I know that, but I still-” Her voice breaks.
Vivi sighs. “Jude, this is something you have to talk to him about it. You can’t just keep avoiding it like you always do. Trust me, I know. You’ll just hurt both of yourselves.”
“How?” Jude rasps. “How do I tell him that?”
“Just like you did. I know it’s hard, but it will be better after you do.”
“But he was so angry. He couldn’t even look at me. What if he’s still mad?”
“He was mad because you weren’t talking to him. I can see how much he loves you, and you probably hurt him. You have to at least talk to him. You owe him that.”
Jude nods, shutting her eyes and letting out a soft breath. “Okay.” She gets up, her motions jerky. “I need to- I need to go. I need to tell him.”
Vivi puts an hand on Jude’s shoulder. “You need some rest. I know you feel like you should go, but you should get some rest before you figure this out.” Vivi gently tugs Jude into the living room and onto the couch. Jude is too exhausted, both emotionally and physically, to protest. Vivi pulls a blanket over Jude, her hand resting on her shoulder for a beat longer than normal.
Before she’s pulled into the welcoming tendrils of sleep, Jude reaches her hand out, fingers grasping Vivi’s arm. “Thank you. For helping me.” She falls asleep before she hears Vivi’s response.
When Jude returns to the palace, something immediately feels off. The flowers outside the palace are wilted, and prickly vines have encased the walls. The air is taut with tension, and Jude hugs her cloak around her.
Instinctively, she knows Cardan will be in the throne room. But instead, she makes her way in the opposite direction to their chambers to wait for him. It seems fitting, to work through this where it started. She gets ready for bed and slips into the blankets, picking up a book to distract her thoughts as she waits.
When Cardan returns to their rooms, it is late. The telling glaze of alcohol is absent from his eyes, yet Jude gets the sense that he had drunk after she left. He pulls off his intricate doublet, leaving only the undershirt beneath, exhaustion marring his actions.
She resists the urge to wrap her arms around him and rest her head in the junction between his neck and shoulder, to relieve some of the burden she had placed on him. He gages her wearily, opting to sit on the armchair next to the fire. He remains silent, and Jude realizes he is waiting for her to speak.
Jude moves to the chair across him. “Cardan, I’m sorry.”
He barks out a laugh, sudden against the steady crackle of the fireplace. “For what?”
“You were right. I was being distant. I wasn’t telling you things.”
His jaw ticks. “I know I was right.”
He has every right to be angry at her. “I’m not good at this. I don’t know how to-” Jude shrugs helplessly, “I want to try to be better. I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I love you.”
Cardan swallows. His gaze is trained on the fire, shadows jumping across the smooth planes of his face. “You left.”
“I was scared.” She says, her voice small. “Sometimes it’s easier for me to go back to hiding.”
Cardan finally turns to look at her. The vulnerability, the openness in his eyes, even after everything she said to hurt him, rocks her. Despite everything, he is still trying with her. And she… well, she had run away at the first sign of trouble.
Jude reaches out hesitantly for his hand, and Cardan doesn’t pull away. She wraps her fingers around his, and Jude’s words stumble out. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I lied. The break was a lie.”
Cardan sighs, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “I want this to work, Jude. But you have to talk to me.”
“I know,” she says, voice small.
“I know what I want. What is it that you want?” Jude opens her mouth to respond, but Cardan continues. “I cannot… I cannot keep playing these games with you. If you do not want this, then tell me and leave me in my misery. Do not give me hope.”
He rises from his chair and gets on his knees in front of her, clutching her hands between his, his palms warm against hers. His eyes are gazing into her with determination. “You must know I want this future with you Jude. I want everything with you, everything I never thought I could have. You must know...” His voice changes then, something a little like yearning slipping in. “You must know that I want to spend my whole life with you, even have a family with you, if you’d want that.”
Jude flinches slightly, and Cardan catches it.
His gaze roves over her, assessing. “You do not want children?” he says slowly.
“No, that’s not what I… I don’t know Cardan.”
His jaw clenches. “You do not want children with me.”
“Cardan, that’s not what this is about.”
His voice softens, a tinge desperation sifting through. “Then tell me, Jude. What is it? Let me in.” In this moment, he is not the High King of Elfhame. He is her husband.
Jude tightens her grip on his hands and averts her gaze, unable to look Cardan in the eye as she lays herself bare. “The people- they are talking about an heir.” She feels completely and utterly foolish, yet she continues, forcing the words out. “And if we were to have an heir… it would be half mortal. If you do not want that, I understand. It would be smarter for the kingdom, and the people…” Her voice trails off.
Cardan’s hand reaches up to gently cup her cheek. “Jude, look at me.”
She grudgingly lets her gaze return to his, something inside her feeling scraped raw.
“I do not care that our child would have mortal blood. Mortal blood does not make you weaker. You are the strongest person I have ever known, and you are a mortal.” He pauses, his next words tentative. “I know… I know I have said things in the past, but Jude, believe me.” He presses a kiss to her knuckles. “If you wanted a child, with me, I would be the happiest man alive.”
Jude feels as though the weight of mountains has been lifted off her shoulders. Some irrational part of her thought that he would prefer to have children with one of the fae, all her old insecurities still lingering inside her despite everything.
“Okay,” she whispers. “Okay.”
Cardan‘s next words are hesitant. “So that is what this was about?”
She nods, a little ashamed. “What did you think?”
His jaw clenches, and his eyes focus on the wall behind her. He removes his hands from hers and gets up, turning his back to her as he fidgets with papers on the desk. She waits, letting him gather his thoughts. His next words are quick, as though he forced them out. “I assumed you didn’t want me anymore.”
She opens her mouth to protest and then shuts it. It’s his turn to speak. She knows that no matter how irrational his thoughts may seem to her, they are there and it isn’t her place to dismiss them.
His speaks in a rasp. “I think I’ve been waiting for you to leave, because that is how it has always been with me. Why would you want to stay, when you can do so much better?”
Jude’s thoughts start piecing together what he’s saying. His mom, his dad, even Nicasia. They all left him eventually or didn’t even want him in the first place. Something inside her breaks knowing that she had done what everyone else in his life had. Yesterday, he had told her to leave before she could leave him, protecting himself in a way. And she had listened, like an idiot.
The way he gotten on his knees in front of her, telling her how much he wanted her, suddenly made sense. He was genuinely scared she was going to leave.
Jude moves towards Cardan and slowly wraps her arms around him, leaning forward so her head rests against his chest. He shudders and sags against her, his breath warm against her hair. His arms grip her like she’ll disappear if he lets go. The fierce urge to ward him from any evil overtakes her, to keep him here in her arms forever.
“Cardan,” she whispers, pulling back and pressing her forehead against his. “I’m not going to leave. I’m staying right here with you. You are better than anything, anything I could have hoped for.”
His dark eyes bore into hers, searching for the lie. When he finds none, his palms reach out to cup her face, and then he kisses her softly, so softly. She sighs and tangles her hands in his curls, kissing him deeper.
The connection between them, the string that has always been pulling them towards each other, strengthens until it’s almost tangible, an ethereal soft glow. The prickly vines that had grown around the edges of the room begin to soften, jasmines blooming on the stems, their soft scent wafting around them.
And Jude knows, in that moment, that what they have is irreplaceable, the love between them is more valuable than anything in her life. She cannot let him think he is undeserving, that she does not want him.
“You deserve to be loved, Cardan. You do. More than anyone. And- and- falling in love with you is the best thing that could ever happen to me.”
He smiles softly against her lips. “Your love is the greatest treasure I possess,” he murmurs. He pulls back and gazes at her, as if to commit this moment to memory. Slowly, his grin turns playful as his hand reaches for hers and pulls her with him as he walks backwards to the bed. “You are my greatest treasure. And I would very much like to cuddle with my treasure.”
She giggles, stumbling into his warm chest. “Treasure? That’s new.” The seriousness of the moment fades into this, this wonderful thing between them as he pulls her onto bed and into his arms and peppers her face with kisses.
He pulls back teasingly. “Is it not to your liking? I have several others.”
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to hear them.”
Cardan presses his lips to her jaw, whispering against her skin. “My sweet villain.” His lips move to her nose. “My darling wife.” To her cheek. “My love.” And finally, finally, to her lips.
Thank you for reading!! If you have sent me a prompt, I have them written, I just have to edit! Thank you so much for your patience <3
@jurdan7 @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @ireallyshouldsleeprn @woodsbeyond1 @st00pid231 @thefolkofthefic @alittledribbledrabble @nomotivation-lads @afexiss  @herladyshipxx @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @fandomfanatic987 @judiecardan
Let me know if you’ve liked to be added to my general tfota tag list! (It’s separate from my Between the Two of Us tag list, just FYI)
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
Grade for Each Other (Part 8)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
Luka’d never had any sort of "fancy dinner experience," so seeing Tom and Sabine run around excitedly to prepare one was very new to him. His mother wasn't the type to follow any sort of schedule or pattern, which inevitably rubbed off on him and Juleka (for better or worse). Eating was something they just did, not something they planned for, often leading to any of them grabbing anything at any time so long as they were hungry.
It made him feel weirdly spoiled to have anything close to a "normal" family dinner. Having Marinette be part of the equation didn't help him feel otherwise, nor the way Tom and Sabine stared at him from across the table like they were his biggest fans.
He'd barely taken his first bite before Tom dropped his forearm casually onto the table and asked, "So, Luka, how's having our daughter in your class?"
"Papa!" Marinette rushed to scold him, mouth half-full as she pouted at Tom from across the table.
Luka chuckled, swallowing his bite of food before answering. He'd honestly expected something like this; after all, he was a boy spending a lot of one-on-one time with a girl, so suspicion - or excitement apparently, in Tom's case - was to be expected.
"It's alright," he assured Marinette. She gave him a confused look, but he merely turned his focus to Tom. "Marinette sits next to me in class. It's great."
"She sits next to you?" Sabine inquired, seemingly intrigued.
Marinette piped up, "Luka's a very good student and he doesn't get into trouble. The teacher thought it'd be best if I sit next to someone like him, and he was right."
She almost looked proud of that and Luka hid his smile behind his hand.
Tom picked up one of the rolls off to the side, offering it to Luka as he asked, "And you're in a band? You were here before Marinette skipped grades, weren't you?"
Luka nodded, taking the roll gratefully. "I play guitar for Kitty Section."
"He's really talented, Papa," Marinette cut in tersely. "He's going places, even if the rest of the band decides to quit."
Tom let out a laugh, waving at her dismissively. "I know, I know. We trust you."
Luka looked back and forth between the two, needing a moment to understand exactly what had just transpired. He'd spent so much of his life around his music-enthused mother that it hadn't occurred to him that people would question the life of a musician.
...Well, not to mention that Tom's wording made it seem largely like Luka himself was already dating Marinette, which had briefly thrown him off. Actually, Marinette's wording kind of implied that too and—
Luka nearly shoved the roll into his mouth to force himself not to think about it, only to then be blindsided by how good the bread was. He let out a pleased hum and Tom and Sabine's grins assured him that they got the message.
Sabine took a bite of her food, looking Luka up and down before asking, "You're passionate, right?"
"Yes, very," Luka assured. A moment then passed, with him trying not to let the realization show on his face that Sabine had meant music and not his relationship with Marinette when he'd been thinking about the latter just a few seconds ago.
At least his answer would've been the same regardless.
"See? That's the kind of spirit we like!" Tom exclaimed, throwing his hands up. When they enthusiastically slammed back down on the table, Luka saw his plate shake from the force. "Us Dupain and Chengs are all passionate about what we do! Why, the very start of our bakery was built on it, and—"
Luka welcomed the change in topic, nodding along as Tom rambled. It was clear who Marinette had gotten it from and Luka liked seeing how strongly people felt about the things they enjoyed. He supposed it was because the people he grew up with felt strongly about things in general, even if Juleka felt those things more internally.
The rest of dinner was spent in idle conversation, Luka answering the occasional probing question from either of Marinette's parents. He had nothing to hide and felt it important for them to know and trust him regardless of how close he was to Marinette. He'd already expected the food itself to be beyond what he was used to, given that he was dealing with bakers, but he was more thankful that the atmosphere they gave off - as weirdly overwhelming as it was - didn't make him feel judged or unwelcome.
All four of them were in the middle of cleaning up the plates, glasses, and cutlery when a sudden crack of thunder startled them. Luka glanced over at the window, seeing the raindrops that had gone unnoticed until now. He was surprised that such a storm would—
...Oh. He hadn't thought that his mother had meant it literally when she was talking about a storm. Or—maybe she didn't and it was just coincidence?
He was jarred out of his thoughts as Sabine took everything in his hands, stacking it on top of what she was already carrying. She frowned at the window, observing, "That would be dreadful to walk home in."
Luka managed a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me. I’ve done it before, and rain isn't—"
"You can't do that!" Tom protested. "You're going to make these two meddlers feel guilty if you go running out in the middle of a storm!"
Huh. So they were at least admitting to their meddling.
Sabine sighed, turning away to head to the sink. "We're sorry about this, Luka. Will you stay for the night?"
"Maman," Marinette interrupted, passing over the dishes she was carrying to Tom, "please don't pressure Luka into staying if he doesn't want to."
"We wouldn't want to pressure him into anything!" Tom insisted.
Marinette gave him a flat look and vaguely gestured to the plates. He proceeded to ignore her.
"We're worried about him catching a cold out there! Who will sit next to you in class if he's not there?" he asked with dramatic flair.
"Papa—!" Marinette cut herself off with a huff, apparently resigning herself on the matter.
Luka chuckled. "I'd love to stay. It wouldn't be any trouble?"
"Not at all!" Sabine replied. "You'll just need a place to sleep!"
Once she'd gotten everything into the sink, she turned to Tom with an urgent look, the two seeming to communicate wordlessly before racing off together. Marinette must've noticed Luka’s confusion at it, what with how she abruptly explained, "We have spare pillows and blankets for stuff like this. They're probably going to get them."
Then, with a sigh, she added, "I really am sorry about them."
"It just means that they like me," he replied, "so I'm happy."
"Really? Wait—" She squinted. "Did you think you'd say something that'd make them not like you?"
He shook his head, though amused at how shocked she seemed by the concept. "They're really open, like my mom is, and they trust you and who you pick out for friends, right?"
"Yeah. Well, a lot more now, especially." She paused, thoughtful. "Are you really okay with staying? I-I know you have your hood that could’ve protected you in the rain."
"Why would I mind being here with you?" he asked in reply, enjoying the way her cheeks tinted pink. "And I wouldn't want your parents to feel bad. They were the ones who asked me to stay for dinner in the first place."
The talk of family reminded him of Juleka. Pulling his phone out, he went straight for his contacts so he could text her to let her know that he wouldn't be coming home that day, remaining short on the details as she probably didn't want to hear anything extensive about Marinette at the moment.
Just as he'd slipped his phone back into his pocket, Tom and Sabine came barreling through the door like a pair of superheroes, arms full of pillows and blankets. Had Luka not been so skilled with sounds, he might've mistaken the slamming of the door for another crack of thunder.
"Marinette!" Tom shouted urgently. "The couch!"
Marinette jerked up, pointing to herself. "Wha—the couch? ...Oh!"
Luka had to step back as she rushed past him, the family of three seeming to be in sync as they began sorting various blankets and pillows onto the couch. He almost felt overwhelmed trying to watch all of their movements; Tom was unfolding and laying out the blankets, Sabine was efficiently fluffing out the pillows, and Marinette apparently had a problem with the appearance, insisting that one color had to go above the other and that any level of comfort worked better that way anyway.
"Luka," Sabine called out, stopping mid-fluff to glance up at him, "how do you like to sleep?"
He blinked at her cluelessly, having never thought of alternative sleeping positions in his life.
Seeing that she wasn’t getting an answer, Sabine turned her gaze to Marinette instead. "He said he plays guitar, right?"
Marinette nodded.
"...Back support then," Sabine concluded, Luka feeling somewhat called out as she adjusted the pillows accordingly.
He was left awkwardly standing there, simply observing as the three finished what they'd defined as "the perfect bed." He couldn't lie, it did look really perfect, and now he was left feeling spoiled again.
"Alright!" Marinette shouted the second they were done, making gestures at her parents. "Now, both of you, shoo!"
Even though it wasn't late enough to exactly sleep, the two relented, probably still feeling bad about making Luka stay longer even if they couldn't have known about the weather. They both gave Marinette a simultaneous cheek kiss on opposite sides of her face, then patted Luka on the back on their way out.
It was strange how they'd patted him with the exact same pressure despite their height difference. Luka supposed that they were just that in sync.
When he looked back at Marinette, she was still making tiny adjustments to his bed, her inner organizer somehow not satisfied until everything was perfectly aligned. He approached and admired her, particularly how adorable her focused face was. Though he knew it'd be pointless to try and tell her, he nonetheless insisted, "You don't have to go through all this effort for me."
"What if I want to?" she challenged with a smile, not looking at him due to being preoccupied with the bed.
He feigned a sigh. "Then I guess I have no choice but to take it."
She hummed smugly, in the process of smoothing out the blankets as she asked, "So, Luka, what do you want for breakfast in the morning?"
He wasn’t expecting the question. "What?"
"I'm sure Maman's going to ask me about it, or she'll just ask you if I tell her that I don't know," she explained. "What do you like?"
"Oh, I’m not picky," he assured, "and I don't need anything anyway. I don't usually have breakfast."
Marinette stopped mid-smoothing, her head darting up and staring at nothing. Finally, she made eye contact, even gaping at him. "You don't? B-but it's important!"
He grew apologetic under the intensity of her gaze, resorting to looking at the wall. "I used to make it for Jule when we were younger, but we stopped once she started feeling like I was playing too many of her notes for her." He shrugged, showing that he wasn't bothered by Juleka’s choice. "Besides, I like taking my time walking to school."
Her tone worried him. He looked back, confirming that she seemed discouraged. "Marinette—"
"That's okay!" she cut in, standing and holding her hands up. She clearly realized that she'd been showing too much emotion and he’d caught onto it. "I'm just so used to it here but it's fine if that's not what you're used to! I know my parents can be a lot and I don't really help and I wasn't thinking of you at all—"
He reached up, grabbing her hands and gently saying, "Marinette, stop."
She halted mid-sentence, her mouth still hanging open as she stared at him.
"It's... you're right, it is a lot, but not in a way that's distorting my sound," he corrected.
She tilted her head in response, not understanding what he meant.
He struggled to find the words. "Things are so much different on the Liberty. We all love each other but I'm the most physical one there. My mom's okay with whatever we want to do and Jule doesn't think of me as someone to worry about - neither do my friends - so I'm not used to people checking on me."
"Y-you mean fretting over you," Marinette gently cut in with a pout.
He squeezed her hands. "There's nothing wrong with that."
"But..." She sighed, staring at the floor. "s-still, you shouldn't have to worry about what I said. I was just... fantasizing about having breakfast with you without thinking about what you'd want. I know that your lifestyle doesn't match up with mine."
He smiled softly, bending over to be more level with her. "If it's you, I'd like to get used to it."
She looked at him questioningly, but he could see the glimmer of hope in her eyes now.
"It's how you show that you care, and I want to get used to being fretted over, especially if it's you doing it."
Her brows rose in surprise. She looked away sheepishly, but he gave her however much time she needed to respond, noting that she wasn't feeling anything negative.
"...How—" She peeked up at him, though not turning her head fully to face him. "How about a compromise?"
"I can make something for you—for us?" She pulled her hands out of his just so she could grab his hands in return, rotating them so his palms were facing upwards. "Something portable? And then we can walk to school together and eat at the same time. We can still take our time but you get to eat too."
He considered telling her that the Liberty was farther away than the bakery from their school, but he imagined that she already knew that. Plus, his heart was focused on something else.
"You'd make breakfast for me?"
"Of course!" she exclaimed, as if it were obvious. "I can't let my parents outdo me all the time!"
He tried to contain it, but the laughter was too hard to hold in. He hunched over in his giggling fit, only glancing up at her to ensure that she wasn't taking it the wrong way.
Thankfully, she was smiling at him, thoroughly amused.
Even after he'd managed to compose himself, the warm, bubbly feeling wouldn't leave him. "You're an extraordinary girl, Marinette."
Her smile widened. She pulled his hands to her chest, clasping them in her own. "Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody?"
His gaze softened, his heart skipping a beat that she'd remembered what he’d said so exactly. "The song that's been stuck in my head since the day that we met."
The blush that had started small bloomed further to that happy red color he loved so dearly. She took a breath, dropping his hands and fiddling with the corners of her jacket.
"And...if the breakfast thing works out," she began, "if you wouldn't mind stopping by the bakery on your way to school—"
"I wouldn't," he immediately reassured.
"—then we could do it all the time?" she asked hopefully. "Walking to school together and eating breakfast?"
He chuckled. "You call it a compromise, Marinette, but I just feel spoiled right now."
She stared at the floor, shrugging shyly. "B-but it's still even at least?"
He let out a confused hum, sure that she heard it by the way her gaze flicked up to him.
She raised her head back up, actually daring to wink at him. "Because I feel spoiled with you too!"
He opened his mouth to respond, but his words left him. It apparently wouldn't have mattered if he’d had anything to say anyway, as Marinette suddenly got even redder than before.
"A-AH, ANYWAY, I need to get ready for bed, it's late!"
It was absolutely not late, but Luka didn't stop her from rushing past him to head up the stairs. He knew very well that they were both probably feeling too much to have a proper conversation.
After she'd shut the trapdoor, he could vaguely hear her shouting - panicked but happy - to her kwami about how she "couldn't believe she just did that."
As for himself, he was already taking off his hoodie and jacket combo, the room spontaneously feeling too warm. He threw it to the side of the couch that was devoid of blankets, then sunk down onto his bed.
That was definitely flirting; it was the most blatant she'd ever flirted with him. Her wink wasn't even perfect but—
He buried his face in his hands, feeling the heat of his own blush against his palms. He needed to rethink his approach with her before she caught him off-guard again.
Not that he technically minded, but still.
[Part 9] [Part 10]
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 years
(6/6) the best is yet to be
five times someone realized Ronan and Adam were basically married and one time they actually were
Part 1 │Part 2 │Part 3 │Part 4 │Part 5 Read on ao3
They were getting married.
It wasn't exactly planned — any part of it, really, all just came up on its own or spiraled into place after years of floating in the air. Adam came from his final year earlier than expected — than Ronan expected, really, apparently Adam planned it to be a surprise — having taken a heavier workload in the first semester and finishing his dissertation in March. He had told Ronan he would miss Easter and he did, coming only two days later.
It was the beginning of April and the weather that week had been unexpectedly good and they sat in the fields, Ronan was braiding his third flower crown — one had been eaten by Opal, one was on Adam's head.
"It's so warm in Virginia," Adam said, directing his face into the sun. He always complained about Harvard being cold, no matter how many blankets and sweaters Ronan had sent him. "It's the most dream-like part here. We should get married in spring and have a wedding in the meadows, it would look like from a Victorian novel."
He said it way too casually to justify Ronan's heart attempting to escape his ribcage at such alarming speed. He also didn't add anything, just leaned further on his elbows, touching Ronan's shoulder with his forehead.
Ronan didn't even think before he got up, making Adam fell on his face, and told him, "Fucking wait here and don't move even an inch."
It took him twenty minutes to run to the house, throw away all the cookbooks from the shelf in the kitchen — the shelf Adam was forbidden from touching after his third attempt at crêpes — grab a small cardboard box from behind the backboard, and run back. Making his way through the meadow, he wished he had put it in something better-looking and not just left it in the same box he picked it up from the jewelry shop.
Adam was still sitting where he left him, this time with Opal on his knees, showing her how to finish the flower crown Ronan abandoned.
Ronan felt his hands sweat.
He kneeled down.
Adam stared at him, his arms going limp around Opal. He frowned. "Ronan?"
He said it so softly Ronan could feel his heart growing at the sound.
When he resized the ring — one of his mom's, one of the few she wore outside of her wedding band — he had told himself that he will make a plan. At first, he thought about taking Adam to Lindenmere, but they were there too often for it to be something special and Ronan wanted it to be something special. He thought about restaurants and hikes and dreamt fireworks and writing it on a cow's fur and going on a boat on the lake. He thought about putting the ring in a birthday cupcake — although with Ronan's luck, Adam would choke on it — or in a flute of champagne — Adam didn't drink alcohol — and he thought about a hundred different foods he could cook for him. It all didn't seem right, seemed overly cheesy or normal or conventional, and they were anything but that.
Adam was anything but that.
So Ronan kneeled there, in the meadow full of spring flowers and fresh grass, and both of his knees were getting wet from the muddy ground and he had the most gorgeous view of Adam's face drawn by a flower crown made of buttercups, golden ragworts, and with Virginia bluebells falling onto his forehead and ears. With his warm complexion and light freckles and even warmer blue eyes, Adam looked like the spring personified.
They had to marry in spring.
"Fuck," he said finally. "I don't know what to—how to..."
Adam turned around to the side more, Opal's head falling more onto his right shoulder. They were both looking at him, the same shade of blue piercing through Ronan's soul.
Adam raised one hand to his face, stroking his thumb over Ronan's cheekbone. "Hey," he said. "You don't have to."
He did have to.
Ronan ripped the box, throwing the scraps on the ground.
"Marry me."
Adam's hand moved down, curving around Ronan's nape. "Of course."
It wasn't a question and it wasn't a yes, but—
But it was enough and they were engaged. And Adam Parrish, the boy of his dreams, was his fiancé.
When they got back home — and Ronan hadn't let go of Adam's hand the whole time, even when Ronan protested saying she wanted them to swing her back and forth between them — Adam stopped in the foyer.
"Go wait in the kitchen," he said and went upstairs in a quick stride.
So Ronan did. He made them coffee and sat down, suddenly feeling nervous, the tension fleeting back into his tightly wound shoulders.
Adam came back downstairs, sat on the other side of the table with a grin.
"I got you a ring too," he said, lying a velvet box onto the table. "I was going to propose on my graduation day."
He opened the box. It was a simple black gold ring with Celtic engraving but it must have cost at least a month of unstopping hard work, divided between a longer time — it meant so much more if one knew the true value.
The room suddenly seemed very quiet, Ronan could only hear the humming coming from their old fridge and his own thoughts sprinting through his head.
Ronan started crying.
It was an involuntary response. He didn't know he needed it, needed to know that Adam wanted it as much as Ronan did, that he wanted Ronan to feel as special as Ronan wanted Adam to feel. He thought that it was implied, that he was the one to notice when Adam was ready and he was the one to propose then.
Adam was still smiling. "Is that a yes?"
"Have I ever fucking said no to you?"
Adam licked his lips. "Well, yesterday, I asked you to do the laundry and—"
"Just give me the ring, Parrish."
So Adam takes it out of the box — which was way prettier than Ronan's because it was Adam and Adam paid attention to every detail, always — grabs Ronan's hand with an unbelievable gentle touch and puts the ring on his finger.
He leaned over the table, holding Ronan's hand in both of his, and pulled it closer to his lips, kissing Ronan's in slow and light as a feather movement.
Ronan couldn't stop crying for good fifteen minutes.
The next Sunday, Ronan asked Adam to go to the mass with him. He had never asked before but Adam sometimes came with him — when he was back from Harvard only for the weekend and didn't want to leave Ronan even for an hour — and Ronan always celebrated it deep within his heart. He didn't tell him why he wanted him to come with him.
The mass ended, people started to leave and Ronan went the opposite way, to Father Cohen who was still standing at the front of the altar.
"Boys," he said, despite the two of them being twenty-three. "I haven't talked to you in a while. How are you doing?"
Adam opened his mouth to say something that was probably polite and good-natured, but Ronan said instead, "When is the closest opening for a marriage ceremony?"
Adam turned around and raised his eyebrow. Father Cohen didn't look any less surprised than him either, wide-eyed, his mouth open but not making a sound.
"Let me grab our calendar," he said after a very long silence. He was clearly stunned that Ronan, who he had known since he was about two and was brought to church for the first time, was getting married.
Ronan was stunned too.
He left to the sacristy in a daze and Adam, as soon as he was out of sight, asked, "What are you doing?"
"What? You said you want a spring wedding. It's spring."
Because St. Agnes was a small church, Father Cohen gave them a list of dates that weren't open, rather than the open ones. It consisted of a whole total of three dates in the next three months, the first open spot being in two weeks.
Ronan said they would take it.
They — or rather Ronan, seeing as Adam was still so shellshocked that Ronan felt like he was tricking him into this marriage — thanked him and Ronan gave Father Cohen Adam's email to forward them any documents they needed to fill.
They were outside the church and Adam still didn't say a word.
"If you don't want to get married now—"
"Do you know how much paperwork it's going to be?" Adam interrupted him.
Ronan blinked, very slowly and — if he dared to admit — fondly. This was the man he chose to marry. The man who agreed to marry him. Who asked him to marry him back.
"Are you fucking serious?" he asked. "This is what you're worried about? We just have to get the marriage license and we're done."
Done sounded like this was something Ronan was forced into.
"Yeah, but I'll have to call DMV, SSA, my bank," Adam listed off. "I'll have to pay for the last-minute change of my diploma if Harvard even lets me change it so close to graduation."
He wasn't making sense. "What? Are they suddenly adding married to on a diploma?"
Adam scrunched his eyebrows in the manner that always made Ronan want to kiss his forehead — he would always do that when dealing with someone stupid.
"No, but I'd prefer not to deal with the explanation why my name doesn't match the one on my diploma to any of my future employers."
Oh. Oh.
"You want to—like, take my name?"
Adam smacked his side. "Don't be an idiot," he said, frowning. "Of course I—I mean, unless you don't want me to—"
"I want you to," Ronan replied instantly.
"Well, then you're helping me fill all those documents."
They filled the paperwork Father Cohen sent Adam and went to the courthouse the next day, getting a marriage license and leaving it, and newly bought wedding bands, in church on the way home.
Then came the first problem — telling everyone.
They had been sitting on the couch, both of their phones on the coffee table in front of them, and argued about who was going to tell Gansey.
It was, technically, not a big deal. Gansey would be, in the end, happy for them, but in the end was the keyword here — it'd be proceeded by a rant, a scolding, lots of detailed questions like, why didn't you tell us sooner, and none of them knew how to answer them. Calling Blue would result in the same outcome, as Gansey was bound to butt into the conversation once Blue forwarded the message.
"Maybe we just don't fucking tell him and the maggot," Ronan suggested.
"And how is gonna know to show up for the wedding?"
Ronan groaned, hitting his forehead on Adam's shoulder. Repetitively.
"Maybe I'll just text him," he added. "Or you text him. He's used to being ghosted by you after you text him."
This wasn't actually such a horrible idea so Ronan took his phone, typed out something that would have minimal detail, showing it to Adam, who retyped something else.
The final result was, bring maggot and cheng next sunday to the barns at 1. wear something nice.
Ronan sent the text. Gansey called him within three minutes. Ronan declined the call. Gansey called Adam after another two minutes, which he also declined. Instead, Adam texted Maura, with the same but slightly more polite message.
It left them with Declan and Matthew.
"They are your brothers," Adam said when Ronan suggested he could call them.
"I texted Dick," he countered. "It's your turn."
"It's your turn," Adam mocked. "Is this how it's gonna be for the rest of our life?"
Ronan grinned. The rest of their life sounded so good. "Yeah, get used to that."
Adam bit his lip, holding himself back from grinning back. "Fine."
Adam texted Declan, Church is at 1 30 next week, be at the Barns at 1, kind of lying. The important thing was, Ronan didn't have to deal with Declan. If he was the one to send such a text, Declan would inevitably start calling him as soon as he read it, not giving up until Ronan picked up or straight up driving from DC just to know what was going on.
Which put them on Sunday next week, preparing for the arrival of everyone.
They had prepared the meadow the day before, taking a dreamt stretchable tent there and carried the grill there, among with the living room table and chairs and a dreamt stereo that connected to Spotify despite now electricity or no Internet connection. The field now turned mostly yellow, with occasional bluebell here or there, but it was still an amazing view — Ronan planned to make another flower crown for Adam, once they were already married. Right now they left the tent without food, watched by Chainsaw who soared in circles, sitting on the table from time to time.
It was cozy, probably cozier than even the smallest wedding receptions were but Adam would never agree to have a big party in some rented venue and Ronan hated any venue he had looked up online. It suited them.
Opal was ready, dressed first out of the three of them. She had insisted she wanted to be a flower girl — they didn't even know she knew what that was — and allowed them to put herself in a better-looking pair of culottes and a white shirt.
She had a fool basket of dandelions and buttercups ready — hidden, so she wouldn't eat it before they even left for the church — and probably was already muddy, seeing as she left the house as soon as Adam told her she was done.
It left Ronan and Adam, squeezing in front of the main bathroom mirror while they both put on their suits.
"So, how pissed Dick will be?"
Adam didn't look at Ronan when answering, concentrating on making his tie straight instead. Ronan planned to crook it again as soon as he was done.
"Gansey? He'll be fine, he is used to you, isn't he," he said. "I'm more worried about Blue. Or your brother."
Declan. It was clear he meant Declan.
They had become better over the years, to the point that Ronan could finally, without any guilt or any anger, call him family. The first time he had referred to him just as his older brother and not his dickhead older brother, about two years ago, Ronan was taken aback but not with an unpleasant aftertaste. They talked about the stuff that made them angry and about their dad, but he still could easily come off as judgemental towards Ronan's impulsive life decisions and Ronan had never really learned what he thought about him and Adam, and those two things were unvaryingly connected in this case.
"You don't think he will, like, leave?"
Adam turned around, his full attention on Ronan. His face softened in a way that used to be foreign as he took Ronan's face into his hands.
"No, Ronan, of course he won't," he said. "I'm sure he's going to have gray hair before he turns twenty-seven, but he won't leave. Jordan would make him sleep on the couch if he did."
He smiled at Ronan, the reassuring kind of smile that was mostly transmitted through his eyes.
Ronan grabbed one of his palms and kissed it. Then he crooked Adam's tie.
Fifteen minutes before everyone was about to arrive, Ronan and Adam sat down on the porch. Opal was sitting in the grass behind the banister, her pants already a bit muddy, observing snails. Or maybe eating them.
The first car came, the obnoxious orange of it visible from the beginning of the long driveway, followed by a shiny black Volvo.
Adam and Ronan stayed seated until all seven of them were out of the cars.
"What is going on?" Blue asked.
Hennessy, Jordan, Declan, and Matthew were standing on the right of the stairs to the porch, and Gansey, Cheng, and Blue were standing on the left. Ronan felt surrounded, especially with Adam now pushing his lower back and staring at him like he wanted Ronan to begin.
Ronan was not going to begin. "You go first, Parrish."
"You shithead," he grumbled under his breath, sending him a death glare. "Can't believe I'm signing myself for an eternity of this."
Ronan's grin widened.
Loud enough for everyone to hear it, Adam said, "We're getting married."
"In half an hour," Adam added.
And the chaos erupted.
Matty, bless his heart — and Cheng, but without the blessing — was as excited as if it was his wedding, Blue was asking, again and again, how could they not tell her, and Gansey and Declan kept on asking, shouting over each other, whether this was a joke. Hennessy had to step away because she was laughing so loud.
"I hate this," Adam told him, close to his ear. "Why did we decide to get married again?"
"So you can have a brand new name and steal my fortune?" he said, nudging him with his elbow. He got a beautiful chuckle as a reward. "Cover your ear, baby."
Ronan came to the agreement with Adam — after an argument about Murder Squash in the car — that Adam's hearing was to be prioritized and he was to avoid ear-splitting noises at all costs. So no sudden, loud noises around Adam.
Adam covered his ear and stepped aside.
"SHUT UP," he shouted with the voice of someone who trained traditional Irish singing for ten years, making everyone quiet down. "We're getting married, end of the story. You can now move along with the crowd or leave."
Ronan hoped nobody left.
Nobody left, but everyone did shut up. Blue, Gansey, and Declan were all looking like they wanted to say something still, and Jordan now looked as amused as Hennessy.
Adam stepped up closer to the stairs, grabbing Ronan's hand on the way. "Gansey, you're going to be our witness."
Ronan squeezed his hand. "And you, Dickwad," he said, clearly looking at Declan, "are our second witness."
There was a very long silence when everyone stared at Ronan as if he grew a second head, Declan, in particular, like he was about to cry. Adam squeezed his hand.
When they discussed who they wanted to be the witness at their wedding, they agreed on Gansey immediately. Declan was Ronan's first choice for the second person, Blue was Adam's. Adam wasn't surprised, even expected that apparently, but Ronan realized that while his and Declan's relationship was getting better, there was a lot that they would never fully leave behind. Ronan didn't mind that and this was supposed to convey it without using the words. Clearly, it was a very bold statement.
"I told you I should have put on a suit," Gansey broke the silence, turning to Blue. "I can't go to church just in a shirt." He had dress pants and a white shirt on.
"Jesus fuck, Dick, you're not walking Adam down the aisle, you don't need a three-piece suit," Ronan said, hoping they have somehow omitted the rant and the scolding for now.
"Yeah, but Declan might walk Ronan," Adam added with a smirk. Ronan squeezed his hand hard enough to be uncomfortable, but he didn't budge, continuing, "Opal wanted to be a flower girl so someone has to do it."
Declan still didn't say anything.
Everyone packed back into their cars, Adam managed to put Opal in her car seat without getting the mud on his white suit while Ronan grabbed her flower basket from the house.
In the church — where Calla, Maura, and Dean were already waiting — the two of them left Opal with everyone and went to Father Cohen. After that, Adam told him he would go to the bathroom before the ceremony began and asked Ronan to watch that Opal didn't eat the flowers.
"Hey," he spoke up before Adam left. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
He tapped his cheek and Adam chuckled.
"I'll be back in less than five minutes," he noticed.
"Don't care."
Adam rolled his eyes. Ronan leaned in and Adam kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll be back. In less than five minutes."
"I'm counting," Ronan told him.
He was left alone in front of the altar, what with almost everyone sitting down, Gansey having Blue adjust Dean's tie under his collar — it was too long to ever fit him properly — and with Father Cohen back at the sacristy.
It, unfortunately, left Ronan alone with Declan. "Ronan," he said.
"Yes, this is my fucking name."
He made a face. "Can you be serious for a moment?"
Ronan could, if he wanted to, but right now, he wasn't in the mood.
"Do you really want me to—to be your witness?"
This was exactly why Ronan didn't want to tell him about the wedding.
"You just have to sign your name on a stupid piece of paper," Ronan said, which was technically the truth but also not really. "It's not a big deal."
And Declan didn't say anything, just stared at Ronan with a blank face. If he wasn't so used to it, it'd make him fidget.
And then he hugged Ronan. It wasn't even the arm-clapping-his-back hug, it was the arms-around-shoulders and I'm-not-letting-you-go hug that he used to give Ronan when he didn't want to go to elementary school.
Over Declan's shoulder, he saw Jordan, giving him a two-handed thumbs up. Ronan hated all the weirdos in this family equally.
Which meant not at all.
"You will get snot on my jacket if you start crying," he said. It was probably too late for that.
Before he knew it, Matty was sandwiching the both of them in between his arms with a grip of someone who played in a college league lacrosse team, squeezing them to the point that both Declan and Ronan had to protest. Together.
Adam came back in front of the altar with Father Cohen in tow.
Ronan stood on the left side, Adam stood on the right. Declan was behind Ronan, Gansey behind Adam. Opal, right now holding their rings on a cushion that was tucked into her flower basket, was in between them.
Ronan smiled and Adam smiled back.
The ceremony began.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
(Commission) NS.FW Spinner/F!OC: Closer
Word Count: 3114
Contains: Smut, oral sex, dirty talk, some alcohol consumption
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Shuichi Iguchi wasn't a "people person". It wasn't for lack of trying, but years of schoolyard rejection and social isolation had left him with no desire to reach out to the world around him. Still, even if he was an isolated otaku as Shuichi Iguchi, he was proud to say that he'd become a slightly less isolated Villain after taking on the name Spinner. Hey, baby steps, right?
Normally he'd have been holed up in his room at his parents' place in the sticks, playing video games; now he was at a bar, his fellow Villains' hideout, enjoying a drink he wasn't even having to pay for. Hell, there was even a woman sitting next to him! A pretty-looking one at that, too. And...wait, was she looking at him? It was hard to tell with the shadows that made up her body obscuring her line of sight. How long has he been looking at her? 
"Something on your mind?" She spoke up and jolted Spinner out of his own thoughts, making him almost spill the drink in his hands. She laughed, and Spinner immediately felt a burn in his cheeks that wasn't caused by the whiskey in his throat. "Guess there was," she teased.
Spinner turned around slightly to face the bar and set his drink down. He was used to being teased, but it was still too easy for girls to fluster him and catch him off guard. "Not what you probably think," he insisted, scowling a bit. "I was just...thinking, that's all."
The female Villain tucked a stray shadowy tendril behind her ear and scooted her chair at the bar closer to him. "Aw, I didn't mean to make you feel that embarrassed," she replied gently. Her glowing eyes drifted to the side for a moment as she glanced at him. "To be fair though, you DO look pretty cute when you're getting teased."
Spinner's cold blood suddenly felt red hot.
The shadowy woman grinned, her golden eyes and mouth lighting up in contrast to the dark purple shadows that made up the rest of her body. "I said you look cute," she replied, leaning over and taking a gulp of her drink. "You're acting like you've never had someone call you good-looking before!"
"I haven't," Spinner said, admitting that a little too quickly. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean...Mandalay, one of the Pussycats did, but that was just to distract me while I was fighting her." He puffed his chest a bit. "Didn't work though. I don't fall for that kinda fake flattery n' shit." He took another gulp of his drink. "Catgirls're overrated anyway…"
____ cocked her head and angled her chest subtly towards Spinner. "Yeah? How about shadow girls?"
Spinner's eyes widened and he finished his drink as he stared at the woman in front of him, noticing how she was not-so-subtly bending forward to show off her cleavage. Wait...if she had a shadowy body like Kurogiri, did she even have cleavage? His eyes quickly flitted to her black tube top and leather vest--yep, she definitely did…
Suddenly, Spinner jolted in his seat as he felt a pair of fingers pinch his shoulder. He looked over at his arm and saw a disembodied purple-ish hand attached to the shadow of a section of the bar that cascaded over part of his body. It sank back into the shadow and disappeared, and the Villainess next to him gave him a wave and a smirk. "If you wanted a closer look, all you had to do was ask," she said smoothly. "I'll even let you touch me, if you ask nicely enough."
Spinner's mouth felt dry, and it was only slightly because of the whiskey. Holy shit. It was happening. A girl was flirting with him. Fuck, he might actually get some action, too! He set his drink down as casually as he could and gave her a smile that he hoped looked more charming than nervous. "Can I at least get your name first? Just so I know who I'm...uh...looking at." 
The shadowy woman leaned forward with a stray napkin on the bar to wipe a bit of alcohol off his chin. "Overcast," she replied. "That's my Villain name, at least." She felt his lips tremble a bit as she ran her thumb over his mouth, and she smiled. "Believe me, I already know yours." A strange shade of lilac seemed to flush across her cheeks for just a moment. "I've had my eye on you ever since I first joined the League."
"Really!?" Spinner cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice from sounding so high-pitched and excited. "Uh. Really."
Overcast snorted and nodded. "Yeah, really." She leaned in close and moved her hand from his chin to gently run her fingers through his hair. "You wanna know what I was thinking about whenever I had my eyes on you?"
Spinner felt a shiver run up his spine as he felt her fingers brush through his purple hair. She was so close to him. He hadn't been this close to a girl since his mom would kiss him goodbye on the cheek before sending him off to school...wait, what the fuck, stop thinking about your mom Shuichi, you're about to get laid! 
When Overcast moved to whisper one of her filthy fantasies from whenever she'd look at him during meetings, he didn't have to worry about any more awkward thoughts; with how his eyes bulged and his jaw slowly dropped as she went on in raunchy detail about what she wanted to do to him, his brain had basically short-circuited from a torrent of never-before-seen attention and desire.
Overcast moved her head back and giggled at the dumbfounded look on Spinner's face. "Oh c'mon, that's one of the tamer things I've thought about doing with you!" She tucked a stray strand of purple hair behind one of his ears. "So...would you be interested in something like that?"
Spinner's mouth felt dry and his boxers felt incredibly tight as she played with his hair, looking down at him with a sultry smile on her face. "I...uh…" Yes! Yes, yes, holy shit yes. I'd be glad to just make out with a girl like you that's into me, much less all sorts of kinky sex. Oh my god, yes. He blinked and willed himself to speak. "Uh…" He laughed nervously. "Could I at least get your real name first?" 
Overcast smirked and tilted Spinner's chin up as she leaned forward to kiss him. "Occa," she replied, her lips mere millimeters from his. "Promise to moan it for me when I make you cum?" 
Spinner's lower lip trembled and he nodded eagerly, taking some initiative and putting an arm around her waist as she pressed her lips against his to deepen their kiss. Occa smiled against him as his hand trembled slightly behind her back; his inexperience and shyness was so cute, and such a turn-on for her. She gently bit his lip and moaned when Spinner boldly took the opportunity to explore her mouth with his tongue. It had a slightly strange texture to it, with a bit of extra weight and musculature to it as he snaked it around her. Despite the sudden outburst of confidence when he first kissed her (or...anyone) with tongue, his movements were unsure and tentative now that it was finally a French kiss. Occa did her best to guide him with her own tongue, and after a moment or so they worked out a steady natural rhythm before finally breaking the kiss. 
Spinner panted, not even having to look down to confirm just how hard his cocks were as they strained against his costume's zipper. He could still taste her along with the lingering whiskey from his drink earlier. Holy shit. He'd just gotten his first kiss, and with tongue! Tongue that he initiated! And she liked it! She liked him...He looked up at her in awe, wanting to continue hearing and feeling and tasting her but having no idea what to do next. "I...Can w-we…"
Occa put a finger to his lips and smiled. "Do you want to go to the couch? Everyone else is out, and I don't think Kurogiri would mind giving us the room for a little bit," she said sweetly. She turned her head towards the other shadowy figure behind the bar, who'd said nothing as this entire scene unfolded. 
"I have no problem giving you two some privacy," Kurogiri replied smoothly. "I'll create a portal for Master Tomura and the other members when he calls, but I don't need to be at the bar to bring them back." He gave the two of them a stiff nod and left to go into the small wine cellar located underneath the bar area, leaving them alone. As he closed the wooden panel that led down to the cellar, Occa gave him a casual wave before turning her attention back to Spinner.
"Shall we?" She held one of her hands out to escort him to one of the plush leather couch in the middle of the room. Spinner bit his lip and eagerly nodded, taking her hand. Occa chuckled and led him a few steps to the couch, kissed him again once they were in front of it, and gently pushed him down onto the seat without letting their lips part. Now that the initial shock of his first kiss had (almost) worn off, he was much more active when their lips met again; when he accidentally bit down on her tongue, she moaned and he immediately pulled her closer as he pushed his long tongue deeper into her mouth.
Spinner shivered in anticipation as one of Occa’s hands wandered to his pants’ zipper and dragged it down. His legs wobbled and he was thankful that he was already sitting when she’d started to undress him; he definitely would’ve fallen flat on his ass if he’d still been standing. He broke the kiss and helped get his pants down to his ankles, and he noticed Occa eyeing his two bulges pitched against his dark red boxer shorts. “I uh, have two,” Spinner said sheepishly. “Two dicks, I mean. That’s...okay, right?”
Occa looked up at him while on her knees, her golden eyes shining even more than before. She smiled and bit the corner of her lip as she hungrily stared at his cocks. “Definitely okay,” she replied in a low voice. She placed her hands on either of his thighs and slowly made her way to his waistband. “I never would’ve guessed you had two of these.” As she pulled down his boxers, she couldn’t help but giggle at how he was subtly rocking his hips a bit in his seat. “Eager, aren’t ya?” When she caught her first glimpse of his two members, each of them deliciously thick and a fleshy shade of pink. The place where she expected his balls to be only had a small opened sheath of scales where his cocks seemed to reside--well, when they weren’t about to be played with by a lovely lady like her, that is. “Oh my God,” she sighed, “You’re so fucking hot.”
The moment Spinner felt her fingers gently wrap around his lower cock, his eyelids fluttered and he let out a small gasp. Occa kept up her pace with her right hand while quickly unzipping her pants, shoving them down and pulling her panties down a bit to play with her clit. Not wanting to leave his other dick unattended, she tilted her head slightly and licked a long stripe from the base all the way to the glistening pink tip. Spinner let out a shivery moan; her hand already felt so good, but now all he wanted was to feel her velvety tongue against his cock again. Occa smirked and looked up at him playfully, still pumping his other member as she spoke to him. “Could you guide it into my mouth for me? I’d do it myself, buuuut--” She moved her hand faster, making him buck his hips as she increased her pace and sighing pleasurably as she toyed with her cunt with her other hand--”I’ve kinda got my hands full…”
Spinner nodded, panting as he grabbed his other cock with a shaky hand and supported the back of her head with the other hand. He had planned to be slow and gentle but the moment he felt her lips envelop his tip, he hissed with pleasure and shoved his hips forward while gripping her hair tightly between his fingers. Occa eagerly bobbed back and forth as she stroked his other cock, and the two Villains moaned and sighed as the pressure and heat inside of them continued to grow and grow with every minute they spent intertwined with each other.
Occa gleefully moved her lips off of Spinner's length with a small wet pop. "Fuck," she whined, biting her lower lip, "I can't decide if I wanna have one of your cocks in my ass or if I want both of them inside my pussy." She felt his other member twitch in her hand at her lewd words, and she rode her other hand more vigorously as she grinned up at him. "What do you think, baby?"
Spinner let out a strangled whine and bucked his hips as she gently squeezed his shaft. A strand of drool fell from his lips as he panted, and his eyes fluttered when she leaned forward again to envelop his other cock in her mouth after saying something so lewd. God, this couldn't be real, it had to be a dream. This felt so good, she felt so good. No amount of hentai, erotic video games, and fantasizing with his own hands could have prepared him for the feeling of a real woman sucking him off and happily stroking him.
"Fuh--f-fuck," he hissed through gritted teeth. "Haah...Whatever you want." He felt a strange twinge of guilt as he stared down at Occa with half-lidded eyes; here she was with her hands and mouth full as she worshipped his cocks, and he was just lying on the sofa. That was probably rude. Women like it when you touch them and stuff while they blow you, right? He shakily reached out and cradled the back of her head with his hands, with his thumbs resting by her cheekbones as he brushed them against her smooth skin. Occa let him guide her head as she went back to giving his other cock more attention with her tongue, licking one long stripe up the shaft before suddenly taking him into her mouth completely.
Spinner involuntarily shoved his hips forward and Occa giggled, letting the vibrations of her voice run up the head of his dick and down his spine. She goaded him into going faster, stroking his lower length at a quicker pace while she eagerly moved her head back and forth. His fingernails dug into her scalp as he bucked into her warm mouth and hand at a feverish pace, panting heavier as the flickering warmth and pressure in his core came to a head. 
Occa felt his hips jerk forward and took his cock in her throat as far as it could possibly reach, and as she watched him come undone she felt her own climax about to peak as she used her free hand to furiously circle around her clit. 
Spinner groaned her name as he came, filling her mouth and sprayed her chest with his seed. He heard her let out a muffled moan and looked down to see her eyes rolling back slightly as she squeezed her thighs together; the wet sound of her digits pumping her drooling cunt left him salivating. He wanted to see it for himself, he wanted to taste what was on those slender fingers. He needed it.
Occa moved her head back and swallowed the cum in her mouth, panting heavily through parted as she slowly rolled her hips in the lingering afterglow of her orgasm. She saw Spinner reach for her arm and let him take her hand. The ache of her now-empty cunt was annoying but when Spinner eagerly sucked on her glistening fingers, it was quickly replaced with a feeling of pleasurable heat; for a virgin, he was so damn good at turning her on. 
She kicked off the pants and underwear around her ankles and rose up to join him on the couch while he continued to suckle and lick every drop of arousal from her fingers. "Mind if I get my hand back for a sec?" She smirked and tugged on her black leather vest and tank top. "Unless...you know, you don't wanna see my tits bounce while I ride you and play with 'em."
Spinner shook his head and parted his lips, and Occa giggled at how he'd immediately let her fingers go at the prospect of seeing some bare breasts. He watched her with wide eyes as she tossed her jacket and shirt aside, leaving her in a black bra that just barely stood out from her smoky purple skin. She quickly undid the clasp and teasingly rocked her hips a bit against his hardening cock as she got rid of her last piece of clothing. Spinner stared in awe at her chest, eyeing the lighter shade of dark purple that made up her nipples. They'd only been exposed to the cold air for seconds and they were already hard as she reached up to play with them with her saliva-covered fingers.
Spinner gasped softly when Occa reached down to set her hand on top of her left breast, kneading the soft warm flesh between his scaly fingers. His mouth felt incredibly dry as he tried to think of what to say. Your tits feel as great as they look? I've never been this hard in my life? 
"...My name is Sh-Shuichi," he blurted out, thumbing her nipple as she continued to grind against him. "My real name, I mean."
Occa cocked her head slightly and smiled. He really was a sweetheart, wasn't he? She leaned down to kiss his neck and jaw. "Shuichi," she murmured. It felt so strange to not call him Spinner for once, but she didn't mind it at all. "Shuichi" felt more personal, more intimate. "Mmm, I wanna feel your cocks inside me so bad." She smiled against his scales as she felt a trickle of his precum run down one of her thighs. "Shuichi...I can't wait for you to fuck me."
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novannna · 3 years
Idk if this counts as a fic request? But If you're cool with it, maybe you can write a little thing about your OCs? I really liked hearing about Sloane and Jordan!!
ahhh i will forever talk ab them 🥺🥺 i love them so much tysm for listenign me scream incoherently ab them
i wasn't exactly sure what you wanted, so i wrote their first meeting (if you wanted something different, lemme know, i will happily write more of them ajhfsadf)
some background info that i may or may not have already said, idk, but im saying again: Jordan's name is technically Lydia Jordan, she changes it after she meets sloane, sloane works for a nameless organization where people hire thieves to steal for them, through the organization, and the organization in turn provides housing, and food, and safety, as well as guaranteed jobs.
this is all probably v confusing im so bad at explaining stuff, ask if you have questions!
also i kinda dont like this i was only partly coherent when i wrote this, but whatever :)
Sloane pulled at her dress, nose wrinkling as the fabric itched against her skin.
“Are you sure I have to wear shoes Elias?” She asked the man next to them.
He glared at her. “Yes. Sloane, this is for real now. You have to act proper. Stop fidgeting.”
Sloane sulked. “I am proper.”
Elias groaned. “Why did I have to be the one stuck with a fucking child?”
“I’m not a child!” Sloane protested. “I’ll knock you to your ass again, if you want me to prove it. And you’re only 10 years older than me, it’s not that much!”
“If you’re so grown up, then stop complaining.”
Sloane glared but didn’t say anything. They were sitting in a carriage, waiting to arrive at the Duke of Cantol’s manor. They had been hired to steal a case of jewels, hidden away somewhere within the grand building. The only way to steal them was to pose as nobles, and infiltrate the Duke’s solstice party themselves.
This was Sloane’s first real job. Before this, she had only done petty crime for the elders. Minor pickpocketing, and stealing for low paying clients.
This was their chance to prove themself, both as a thief worthy of jobs given out by the elders, and a chance to prove that she wasn’t merely a child.
The only problem was, Sloane had never interacted with nobles before. The other thieves had put her through rigorous training, everything from how to respond to questions, to which cutlery to use.
But it didn’t matter if this was all new to her. Sloane was prepared. These were high stakes, where they worked best. They wouldn’t fail.
Slowly, the carriage pulled to a halt.
“Remember, do not speak out of turn. You know your job?” Elias asked.
Sloane nodded. “Find out where the jewels are, then report back to you. I remember everything.”
Elias nodded, only partially sated. “And-”
“And don’t complain,” Sloane interrupted. “I know.”
“Good. Don’t forget who you are, and who they are. Don’t give them a reason to doubt you.”
Sloane nodded. Though her face was a perfect mask of emotions, her stomach was writhing. Their fingers were tapping out a pattern onto her leg, the familiar motion a relief.
Elias opened the door, and together they stepped out onto the lush lawn.
Lydia hated everything, she had decided. She hated her dress, which pinched her ribs and kept her from breathing in a deep breath. She hated her shoes, terrible contraptions that threatened to send her tumbling to the floor with each step. She hated all the formal dinners that her family had to attend.
It was ridiculous! Why couldn’t they just stay in Roidan? It’s where they lived, after all. There was no point in traveling across the country to attend a pointless dinner.
But, despite everything there was a glimmer of hope in Lydia. A week ago, she had heard whispers of priceless jewels within the Duke of Cantol’s manor, and an anonymous person who had wished to possess them. Lydia had heard that someone would steal them, and she was determined to stop them. Determined to show how skilled she was with both her blades and her wit. Determined to show that she wasn’t the helpless little girl everyone insisted on seeing.
Lydia was so much more. She just needed everyone else to see it as well.
“Lydia! Stop pouting, and hurry up!” Her mom bustled into the room, her gown an atrocious combination of velvet and tulle. It nearly swallowed Lydia up, as her mom grabbed her hand, and pulled her through the doorway.
“The Duke was kind enough to allow us to stay here, and you thank him by making us late?” Her mother sighed. “When will you grow up?”
Lydia bit back a retort, instead gripped the handle of a dagger buried within the folds of her dress. It had been her fathers, until she had stolen it years ago and taught herself how to use it.
Lydia kept her mouth shut, and her fingers strangling the hard hilt. Head raised high, Lydia followed her mother down the grand stairs, and into the dining room.
The room was large, with at least twenty people sitting around a large, deep mahogany table. Lydia vaguely wondered how much it had cost.
Looking around the table, she barely registered the faces. She knew everyone. Until her gaze settled on a mismatched pair, sitting closest to the door.
A man, with short red hair, and soft pink skin sat next to a girl, looking to be about Lydia’s age. The girl had dark skin and hair a black so deep, Lydia thought she was looking at a starless sky. She was not from here, that was for sure. Lydia felt herself be drawn to her, as if some form of magnetic attraction.
“Lydia,” her mother hissed. “Sit!” She nearly forced Lydia into the chair, right next to the duke himself.
Lydia tried not to grimace. She didn’t want to spend the evening wearing a forced smile and pretend to be the perfect lady. She looked up again, trying to spot a glimpse of the other girl. She sat perfectly still, her back almost like a ruler. Her face was perfectly poised, just the slightest hint of a smile, no sign of anger or uncomfortableness. She looked perfectly at ease.
Lydia had to stop herself from sighing. Disappointing. Another perfect noble, someone Lydia could never be. Never wanted to be.
And then, she spotted the crack in the other girl's impenetrable armor. Her fingers, tapping out an anxious rhythm against the elegant table cloth. That tiny sliver of personality, of imperfection made Lydia almost burst into a grin.
Under the layers of makeup, and finery, and jewels, she was still a child, just like Lydia. She was human. She was human, and she was real, and maybe, just maybe, Lydia could be real too.
But it was foolish to entertain such an unrealistic notion. So Lydia tamped her smile down, and turned to her food, ignoring the stare the other girl was burning into her head.
“Who will be most likely to know where the jewels are?” Elias asked Sloane under his breath.
Sloane glanced around the table. “The Duke, and a few of the servants.” Her eyes were fixed on the only other child at the table. A girl, around her age sat next to the Duke, her blonde hair twisted into a bun. A few strands had escaped, and were floating loose around her head. The girl was staring at her food, refusing to look around.
“Sloane!” Elias hissed.
Sloane stiffened with annoyance. “What?” they spat.
“I asked who you will need to talk to to discern the location of the jewels?”
“This isn’t a quiz. You don’t need to test me, I’ll get it done.”
“I do, actually,” Elias responded. “I’m not just here to steal, I’m here to supervise and see if you actually could handle a permanent position within the organization. The elders asked me to oversee, and if all went satisfactory, then you would get a chance. And if not… well failure isn’t tolerated.”
Sloane froze. She knew a lot had been riding on this for her, but she hadn’t known how much. She hadn’t known everything was.
“I’ll ask again. Who will you ask?”
“The girl,” Sloane said quickly. She nodded across the table pointedly.
“Her? She has no idea where they are!”
Sloane sighed. “Yes, but young ears are attuned to what others miss. And, I’m her age. Befriend her, get her to trust me, and I’ll find them.”
“You think that’ll work?” Elias scoffed.
“I’m willing to bet everything on it,” Sloane responded. She turned her fiery gaze to him. “Trust me, I can do this.”
Elias hesitated, before reluctantly nodding. “If you’re sure… But the servants would be a better choice.”
Sloane didn’t respond. They turned her gaze back to the girl, mind already racing to plot it all out.
Lydia walked her perfect little steps, completely in sync with her mom. She kept her head bowed low, and eyes downcast.
Perfect daughter, perfect lady.
God, she was tired of it all. Her hands had the imprint of a dagger on them, from clutching the blade so tight.
A hand reached out, touching her shoulder.
It was the girl, a slight smile on her face and a far off gleam in her eyes.
Her other companion stood right behind her, his suit tailored and pressed to perfection.
“My Lady, if I may,” he said smoothly, his voice like butter, “my young cousin hasn’t often gotten the opportunity to interact with ones of her own age. I was wondering, with your permission, if the two of them might be able to talk, if only for a bit?” His hands rested on the girls shoulders.
Lydia looked up at her mom, daring to hope.
“I suppose. My little girl is much the same. Why don’t we let the two of them run along to the library.” Her mom knelt down her face at Lydia’s level now. “Learn what you can about them, yes dear? What threat they may pose to your future crown. And don’t forget who you are.” She gripped Lydia’s shoulders tightly.
Lydia nodded. Always some scheme, and other motive. Just once, could her mother let her have something with no string attached?
“Good girl. Now run along, and don’t forget.” With a barely concealed shove, she sent Lydia tumbling down a side hallway, the other girl close behind.
Lydia led them to the library, not bothering to talk. Her throat was tight with something other than tears. She pushed open the ornate wooden doors, and practically collapsed inside.
The other girl looked around the room with a critical eye. Looking at everything, Lydia noted. Interesting.
“Where are you from?” Lydia blurted out. “I’ve never seen you before.”
The other girl turned to face her, amused. “You presume to know everyone in this world, then?” Her voice was more rough than Lydia expected, and strangely lilted, as if trying to hide something underneath.
Lydia blushed. “No. But I know most nobles. I’ve never met you before. So, where are you from?”
“Abrynth, as are you.”
“You don’t look it,” Lydia retorted bluntly.
The other girl laughed. “Straight forwards and honest. You're different.” Not a question, just a simple fact.
But it was so much more.
“And is that good?” Lydia couldn’t help but ask.
The other girl paused. “Well, I personally think that when everything’s the same, we lose sight of what we are as a whole.”
“And that is….?”
The other girl grinned, showing a flash of white teeth. “One people, no good and no bad. All unique and all the same. Something so beautiful and powerful.”
“So good then?”
“Definitely.” The other girl extended a hand out to Lydia. “I’m Sloane.”
Lydia paused, hesitant to reply. She didn’t want this girl to know the proper lady she was supposed to be. The one raised to one day court the prince, and hopefully become queen. The one whose very name meant royalty. Her mom’s voice echoed in her head, saying, “Lydia means noble one, beautiful one. You’ll live up to that one day. Focus, and one day you’ll be queen, at the King’s side.”
Lydia hated that version of herself. It wasn’t true. It wasn’t her.
But she was a Jordan. Sharp tongued and quick witted. Handy with a blade, but not so with words. She was her fathers daughter, the son he had wanted in every way but gender.
“Jordan,” Lydia replied, shaking Sloane’s hand firmly. Just a single word, but it changed everything. And it felt so right.
“I’m pleased to meet your acquaintance,” Sloane said, grinning.
Despite everything, Sloane couldn’t help but like Jordan. The noble was more aware than the others. She was smart, and bright, and honest.
But Sloane only felt a little guilty about using her. It wasn’t like she was hurting Jordan by doing this anyways. She was helping herself, and no one else. It wasn’t as if Jordan wanted for anything, after all. She was a noble. The world practically bowed at her feet.
“Is this your first time here?” Jordan asked, breaking the silence.
Sloane nodded. “My cousin doesn’t often travel. This is his first time bringing me anywhere.”
“Your parents don’t bring you?”
Sloane froze, unsure how to respond. What had they decided her backstory was? Fuck.
“They’re dead. I live with my cousin now, at least till I’m old enough to be on my own.”
“I’m so sorry,” Jordan said, actually seeming sincere.
Sloane smiled slightly. “Thank you. I try not to think about it too much.”
Jordan nodded. “Well, that’s understandable.”
Sloane nodded, with what they hoped was appreciation. In truth, it felt more like a grimace.
For a few hours, Sloane let them get lost in the world. She and Jordan talked about everything. Sloane was surprised by their similarities. It was only when Jordan’s shoulders finally relaxed, and her fists stopped clenching in her dress, that sloane knew the other girl fully trusted her.
“I was wondering,” she added, making her tone more shy, and apprehensive. “My uncle had mentioned the Duke was an avid collector of all things old. Have you seen any of them?”
Jordan’s face gleamed. “No, but I know where they are,” she said, smirking. “Do you want to see?”
Sloane hesitated. “Is that allowed?”
Jordan’s grin widened. “No.” She extended a hand, and Sloane hesitantly placed her own inside it.
She knew she had been right. Jordan had been the right person to use. She was leading Sloane towards the goal, not a doubt in her mind. Sloane would earn her place within the organization. The elders would see that she truly was a worthy thief. She’d show them.
Sloane followed Jordan as she led them out of the library, and through the halls. They were mostly quiet now, the guests retired to the parlor by now. It was just Sloane and Jordan, almost as if no one else had ever existed.
Jordan stopped in front of a door, and slowly pushed it inwards.
Sloane bit back a gasp as she saw the trove of treasures within. The room was a study, but it seemed more storage than anything. Priceless pieces were arranged on bookshelves and cases all over the room.
Old pieces of pottery, and intricate blades. Tapestries, and scrolls cracked with age.
But no jewels. Yet.
“Oh,” Sloane breathed, breathless from the beauty. And anger crackling within her ribs. These were all no doubt stolen from other nations and people. She couldn’t help but wonder how many of these things had come without the price of blood.
Jordan was similarly mesmerized, her eyes stuck on a pair of matching daggers.
“This is amazing,” Sloane said. “There’s so much.”
Jordan’s eyes brightened. “But would you like to see more?”
Sloane’s body tensed with anticipation. She was only supposed to locate the jewels, but if she could steal them now, then it would be less risky, wouldn’t it? No one would believe Jordan if she said the other girl at dinner had taken them. Barely anyone even noticed them. She doubted that they had all even realized she had been there.
“There’s more?” Sloane widened her eyes.
Jordan grinned, and stepped to a tapestry hanging on the walls. “I heard from a servant that the Duke had demanded nobody touch this tapestry. Claimed it was fragile. But-” she tugged it off the wall, sending the fabric tumbling to the floor. “I believe differently,” she said proudly, standing next to a newly revealed hole in the wall. A small wooden chest gleamed from within. Sloane felt her feet carry her closer, her deft fingers opening the box, and a smile lighting up her face as a collection of red, blue, and white stones gleamed up at her.
“Are these…?” Sloane asked, barely needing confirmation.
Jordan peared over her shoulder. “Ruby, diamond, and sapphire,” she whispered. “That’s gotta be worth…” she whistled. “At least 300,000 crowns.”
Sloane grinned. Confirmation enough. She snapped the lid shut, and turned to face Jordan sharply.
“Thank you, My Lady,” Sloane smirked, curtsying shallowly. “You’ve been quite helpful.” She grabbed the tiny chest, and shoved it into a pocket sewn into the inside of her skirt.
Jordan stared at her slack jawed with confusion. Then, realization dawned upon her. “It was you! You were the one who was going to steal tonight.”
Sloane stared at the girl, head cocked in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“I knew someone was attempting to steal tonight. But it should have been a man! An adult! You… You’re just a little girl.”
Sloane snorted. “Well, that little girl has places to be, and money to make. Get out of my way Jordan.”
“You used me,” Jordan spat. “I wanted a friend for the night, and you just wanted those jewels.”
Sloane rolled her eyes. “Don’t take it personally. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t completely lie about everything, I was pleased to make your acquaintance. You led me here, after all.” Sloane smirked. She was on top of the world. She was going to prove the world that she was good. She wasn’t just another useless pickpocket. That one day, she was going places. “Now get out of my way, and forget you ever met me. It’s easier for both of us that way.”
Jordan’s eyes narrowed. “I can’t let that happen.” She reached into the folds of her dress, and drew a long silver dagger.
“Put that back before you kill yourself,” Sloane scoffed.
“Try me.” Jordan was all hard edges now. Gone was the soft laughter, and gently smiles. She was completely serious.
Sloane was starting to think that Jordan was more than she had said she was. But it didn’t matter. No matter how good Jordan might be, Sloane would be better. She wasn’t ready to let herself be defeated by a noble. Not now, not ever.
Sloane darted forwards, quicker than lightning. She jabbed under Jordan’s stomach, knocking the wind out of the girl.
Jordan recovered quickly, and threw a punch towards Sloane’s face, grazing her cheek bone.
Sloane ducked under another blow, and kicked her legs out at Jordan’s face while flipping out of the noble’s hands.
Jordan knew what she was doing, Sloane would admit. In a fair fight, she may even stand a chance. But Sloane didn’t fight fair. She fought rough, and dirty. She survived, no matter what her actions were. That's where the two girls differed.
Sloane tackled Jordan, knocking them into a display case, the glass breaking under their weight.
“You aren’t getting away,” Jordan grunted.
Sloane laughed. “Keep telling yourself that,” she hissed. Sloane grinned, and leapt away from Jordan, right before the girl swung a punch towards her unprotected face.
Sloane backed away quickly, letting Jordan block the door.
“Nowhere to go,” Jordan taunted. “What’ll you do now.”
“My lady, it has been a pleasure,” Sloane said, bowing deeply. “But I’m afraid I’m needed elsewhere, and must call it a night.” In a single smooth motion, Sloane leapt out of the window, sending jagged shards of glass everywhere.
Jordan leapt forwards, too late to stop her.
Sloane had managed to catch a hold of the balcony on the next room over, and was quickly scaling down the wall, using ledges and decorative gargoyles as holds, Jordan’s silver dagger clenched between her teeth.
Sloane finally dropped to the ground, and waved up at Jordan standing far above. She slipped the stolen dagger into her waistline, and reached up into her skirt, pulling out the jewels.
The box was still shut tight, the contents rattling around inside.
“What the hell?” Elias screamed, running around the corner. “Locate them! You were supposed to locate them! We need to go, before the Duke realizes a child tried to steal his prize jewels.” He hooked his arm through Sloane’s and started dragging her away. “You aren’t ready to steal them. You ruined the job, for both of us.” He glared at Sloane. “You are taking blame for this. This is your failure.”
“Failure?” Sloane asked. “What do you mean? I got them!” She held out the box, rattling the jewels inside.”
Elias stopped dead in his tracks. “You got them? You actually succeeded?”
“Yes,” Sloane responded, her voice laced with annoyance. “I’m a good thief, a good fighter, a good liar. I’ve been trying to prove this to you all along. I did it. Will you recommend me to the elders now?”
Elias sniffed. “You are reckless, arrogant, loud. You are unable to follow simple instructions. But, you got it done.” He smiled slightly. “You impressed me, little thief. Well done.”
Sloane grinned. She cast her gaze back to the broken window one last time, where she could make out the shape of Jordan, still standing and staring at the two thieves.
Sloane bowed, as if she was on a stage, performing some great act. Then she hurried to catch up to Elias, and her future.
Lydia was furious with her mother, with Sloane, but mostly with herself. She had allowed Sloane to find the jewels, and couldn’t even stop her. Lydia was a failure.
But she wouldn’t be again.
Sloane may have bested Lydia once, but never again. She’d see the thief again, and Lydia would catch her, and prove to the world that she was more than just a lady, meant to sit and look pretty. She was strong, smart, and talented.
She’d catch the thief, and show them all who she was.
Not a beautiful noble lady, as her first name suggested.
No. Lydia had never felt right for a reason. It wasn’t who she was. She was Jordan, loyal to the country, and to herself.
She wasn’t anything but that.
Her name was Jordan, and she would catch Sloane, and make her hurt for giving Jordan a glimpse of a future she could never have. .
12 notes · View notes
omg can you write more of rowan, aelin, nino and aurora? any scene is fine. it doesnt need to be in the SH plot
Ngl it took me a hot minute to understand that SH meant Safe Haven lol. I did a scene with all four of them, but it is not in the SH plot and I wrote it in like half an hour so the quality can be heavily questioned. I hope you still enjoy it though, my best friend gave the green light to post it
Hallway fights
“I’ll fucking kill you, Malik. Stop oogling my mom.” Nino was saying the moment they walked into the classroom. Everyone was already seated, and Mr. Whitethorn was pointing at something on the board. Immediately all the heads turned to them.
The class wasn’t too big, only ten people other than the two of them. Phedre and Evangeline were seated by the windows, two vacant seats in front of them. Marion, Mr. Salvaterre’s daughter, was seated by Killian. A few of his teammates from hockey, one girl that never bothered to talk to them— only avoid Malik—, and Josh.
The little bitch.
“Oh shit.” Malik whispered, but Nino knew everyone could still hear them. “I think we are late.”
“No?!” Nino mocked his best friend, his ears turning pink at all the attention both of them were receiving. He looked at Mr. Whitethorn apologetically. “We are so sorry, Mr. W. We thought we still had five minutes.”
“Nino is shit at math, the poor boy can’t count to save his life, that’s why.” Malik said, going to his seat by Phedre and Evangeline, both of which looked like they were trying very hard not to laugh. Nino gave Malik a slap on the back of the head, sitting down while his classmates giggled.
Mr. Whitethorn looked slightly amused, and Nino thanked the gods for his history teacher being so chill. If it had been Salvaterre he would be hanging from the ceiling by his underwear. “Do I even want to know?”
His tone left clear that it was a rhetorical question, but Malik was completely oblivious to it.
“I was telling Nino that he would be more attractive if he looked like his mom.” Nino shot him a look and Eva started laughing uncontrollably. “He’s butthurt because he knows it’s the truth.”’
Phedre flicked him on the back of the head while Eva tried to contain her laughter.
“Malik is right, you know.” Killian, one of Nino’s best friend and teammate added, a slow smile taking upon his face. His arm was around Marion’s shoulder. “Nino would be prettier if he looked like aunt Ace.”
“Can we please stop talking about my mom?” Nino grunted.
“But…” Malik started again, but was interrupted by Mr. Whitethorn.
“Yes, we will stop talking about Mr. Galathynius’s mom and focus on the class.” His voice was hard, but his face didn’t show any type of anger or annoyance. Being such a small school, Nino and his friends had had Mr. W for three years now, and would probably get him again next year. The guy was calm and his humor reminded him of his mother’s, so he instantly liked the classes. It was such a small one that Mr. W usually gave them more freedom than bigger classes would get, which was also fucking good.
Nino sent a thank you to the gods the moment Mr. W returned to the presentation, happy that the subject wasn’t on how his friends thought his mom was hot anymore.
He finally relaxed, thinking that now the day would go by without further problems.
He had gotten into a fight.
Her calm, smart son had gotten into a fight.
Aelin was more confused than angry when she received a call from the school asking her to come pick Nino up after classes were over because he had shoved another kid into a locker. Nino had been living with her for six years now, and he had never even raised his fist. For him to get into a whole fight was something so out of the blue that Aelin was extremely worried.
She took Aurora out of the car, the six year old clinging to her neck like a little monkey. Aurora was usually loud and booming with life in the privacy of their home. She had no problem talking to her family, to her brother’s much older friends or to her best and only friend Lachlan, but unknown places always made her retreat into herself.
Aelin’s heels clinked against the school’s floor. She had left work as quick as possible, picking Aurora up and going to Nino’s high school. She still wore her blue navy pants and blazer, a white button down underneath. Usually, when going to the kids’ school, she wore something more casual but she didn’t have the time to change.
When she approached the secretary’s desk, Aurora took her hand out of her mouth, saying a little hi to announce their arrival. The old woman looked up at them and Aelin smiled at her.
“I’m here for Dominique? Dominique Galathynius?” She asked the secretary, her smile becoming a little embarrassed. “He got into a fight earlier?”
“Oh! Nino.” The old woman exclaimed, a smile taking up her face. “Lovely boy, always stops by in the morning to say hello.”
Aelin smiled with no little amount of pride. Nino was one of the most polite people she had ever met, always making sure everyone got attention and was feeling comfortable. “I got a call to pick him up. Do you know where he would be?”
“I believe Mr. Whitethorn has taken the responsibility for the fight, so you could look in his history class. Room 163, go down the hall, two lefts and one right.” The secretary pointed to the hallway. “So unlike your boy to get into a fight.”
“Yeah, I know.” Aelin sighed. “I’ll go see what that was about. Thank you so much for the help.”
Aelin’s heels against the floor was the only sound until she reached the hallways that Mr. Whitethorn’s room was supposed to be. There, in front of a class, stood a small group of teenagers Aelin knew way too well considering the amount of time they spent at her house.
“Do I want to know what he did?” She asked, and all heads turned to her. A chorus of “Hi, aunt Ace” sounded, and Evangeline even stepped up to give her godmother a quick hug. Without warning, she took Aurora from Aelin’s arms, the little girl delighted to be in her cousin’s embrace.
“It wasn’t his fault, aunt Ace.” Malik said, his voice barely restrained with anger.
“Josh is a fucking scumbag.” Killian added, and Aelin knew his harsh tone wasn’t directed at her but Marion gave him a little slap on the chest anyways. He looked down at the girl and she signed say sorry with her hands. Killian smiled sheepishly at her and then at Aelin. “Sorry, auntie.”
Aelin turned to Phedre, knowing the girl was probably the only one calm enough to explain. She was completely surprised by seeing the girl shimmering with anger. “Kil is right, and so is Malik. Josh is an asshole and it wasn’t Nino’s fault.”
“It really wasn’t, aunt Ace.” Eva added, looking at Aelin even as Aurora played with her hair.
Aelin nodded. She believed her son’s friends. They had been an inseparable group for six years now, and Aelin knew each one of these kids as her own.
He had a busted lip, Marion signed, her hands moving slowly. All of her friends, Nino included, had learned how to use sign language so Marion wouldn’t feel left out. Aelin had started learning too, but she was slower than Nino or even Aurora. Just so you don’t look surprised when you get in.
“Thanks, Ma.” She nodded and knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
When Aelin stepped into the room, her eyes went immediately to her son. His face had a purple bruise on the left side, making his green eyes stand out more, and his upper lip was busted. His inky black hair was a mess, but beyond that he seemed fine. Tired.
“Hey, mom.”
“Hey, sweetheart.” She said, her voice soft. She turned to the teacher, staring at him a second too long before saying. “Hello, Mr. Whitethorn.”
“Ms. Galathynius. I wish we could have meet under more adequate circumstances.” He was talking and Aelin took the chance to look at him. Despite the whole situation, she couldn’t help but almost gape at how handsome her son’s history teacher was. His skin was tanned under his button down white shirt, the sleeves rolled back to reveal a tattoo that went from his left wrist and disappeared into the shirt. Mr. Whitethorn was extremely tall, and Aelin found herself needing to look up at his face even with her heels on. She eyed his toned body, broad shoulders, strong jaw and the lines that made up his face. Soft mouth, straight nose and pine green eyes looking directly at her, he looked like he belonged more on the cover of some magazine than in a history class.
“What happened?” She asked, shaking her head slightly. She had to focus on her son right now, not on his teacher.
“Your son pushed me into a locker and started punching my face.” The other boy, Josh, spoke. Where Nino had one bruise and a split lip, the other boy looked ten times worse.
She knew it wasn’t the ideal reaction, but a little smugness bloomed inside her chest.
“He was talking shit and bothering Eva.” Nino looked at his mom, his chin raising. “I won’t apologize for protecting my cousin.”
She gave him a barely perceptible nod, and his body relaxed. She turned again to Mr. Whitethorn, finding him staring at the two boys. “It’s the beginning of the hockey season and the middle of the football one. I don’t want to punish neither of you because I know it can affect your ability to participate in the games. But I hear about the two of you throwing punches on the hallways one more time and I will personally make sure that the two of you are out of the teams. Understood?”
The two boys nodded, and Aelin knew that her son wouldn’t be getting into fights anymore. At least not on school ground. Nino loved playing hockey with Malik and Killian way too much.
“The two of you are dismissed. I have called your mom already since she is traveling, Josh, and the other part of your problem will be dealt directly with Principal Blueblood. Ms. Galathynius, a word please.” He nodded at the boys as they got up to leave.
Aelin grabbed Nino’s arm as he passed by her. “Everyone is waiting outside.”
He nodded stiffly, whispering in her ear. “Am I in trouble?”
“You should be, shouldn’t you?”
He smiled, knowing his mom well enough to know what that meant. “I’m sorry you had to leave work early because of this.”
“Next time do it outside school grounds, Dominique.” She joked. “Your sister is outside. Were you planning on going home with everyone?”
“Yeah, movie marathon night. I have her seat in my car so I can take her with us while you talk to Mr. W.” Aelin nodded and Nino smiled, giving her a kiss on the forehead. He turned to his teacher and grinned. “Bye, Mr. W.”
“Don’t get into trouble, Dominique.” He said, but there was a small smile on his lips.
“I never do.” He responded, leaving the room.
Aelin and Mr. Whitethorn stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.
“He’s a great kid.” He said, gesturing for her to sit. “I was completely shocked when I heard he had gotten into a fight.”
“You and I both. I never saw Nino being even slightly aggressive outside the ice, Mr. Whitethorn.”
“Please, call me Rowan, Ms. Galathynius.”
“Then you can call me Aelin.”
Rowan gave her a small smile, sighing before he talked again. “Josh was making rude comments about Evangeline being adopted. Teasing her endlessly, and when Nino stepped up to help his cousin, Josh turned his attention to him. Repeated things he had said to Eva and included you in the conversation. Phedre told me he was barely containing his anger when Marion stepped up and put a hand on his arm, tugging him away. It would have probably ended at that if Josh hadn’t made fun of Marion for being mute. That’s when your son punched him.”
Aelin’s blood boiled and she was tempted to go punch the boy herself. She had taken Nino and Aurora in when she was still in college, barely twenty at the time. With her parents’ help along with Lys— who was Eva’s guardian since she was eighteen— and Aedion’s, she managed to raise Nino and Aurora. They were her kids as much as they would have been if she was their biological mom. She had always feared they would hear uncomfortable comments about it, but never thought it would be bad to the point that her calm boy would beat one of his classmates to a pulp.
Aelin also half wished she could see Lorcan punching the kid.
“Will I seem like a bad mom if I smile at the fact my son punched a boy to a pulp?” She genuinely asked, looking at Rowan.
His smile was warm, eyes glinting with humor. “No, but I’m a teacher so don’t tell anyone I said that.”
Aelin’s laughed was loud and bright.
Nino and his friends were watching his mom talk to Mr. W. They were going home, but Eva was curious to know if their teacher was pissed, so she looked through the little glass rectangle on the door. Then Malik and Phedre. Then Killian pulled Marion along and Nino had no option but follow, Aurora asleep while he held her in piggy back.
They watched Mr. W talking to her, his face relaxed. Watched as his mom answered. Watched in absolute confusion as he smiled at Nino’s mom and she threw her head back, laughing.
“Bro.” Malik said, sounding as if he had found the Holy Grail while he watched Aelin and Rowan talking and smiling. “I have a fucking idea.”
@abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass
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edendaphne · 4 years
“Discordant Sonata”- Ch. 15
Have some quarantine reading material!!
>>Read it here on Ao3<< >>Read it here on Wattpad<< 
Music glossary:       Bravura - (from Italian “bravery/spirit”) Style of music in which the performer plays boldly, requiring exceptional agility and technical skill in execution.
 (Mood music: “For the Love of a Princess” - James Horner )
Sunday Evening
Marinette knocked on the guest bedroom door, or rather, on Chat Noir’s bedroom door, as it had now officially become.
“Come in! It’s open,” she heard from the other side.
Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Odd, she thought. For someone who was supposed to be guarding a secret identity at all costs, one would think that Chat would always keep the door locked. First the “bathroom incident” and now this? She wondered what his aversion to locked doors was all about.
Marinette peeked her head into the room and saw him at his desk, writing in a notebook.
“Hey Kitt–uhh, Chat Noir, dinner will be ready in a minute. Would you care to join us?”
Chat’s cat ears perked up. “I’d love to! Thanks! I’ll help set the table in a sec.”
“What are you up to?” she asked, sitting at the edge of his bed.
Chat swiveled his chair around to face her. “Oh, it’s...” he grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck to ease the stiffness there. “I was doing some calculations, figuring out a monthly budget and that kind of thing. Trying to figure out how much all my bills will cost.”
“Me-owch,” Marinette cringed. “Sounds suuuuper fun.”
“Yeah, definitely,” he replied with matching sarcasm. “It’s actually been more complicated than I thought.”
“How so?” she asked.
He let out a long sigh. “Well… this is gonna sound weird, but my father as a civilian is, uh… pretty well-known. There’s a lot of people who would recognize me. Any potential employers would be getting in contact with him, asking him questions, or even give him an idea of where to find me. So I can’t apply to jobs as my normal self.” He ran his gloved hand through his hair in exasperation. “But where could I possibly get a job as ‘Chat Noir’?? ‘He’ can’t start a bank account, has no birth certificate, driver’s license, address, phone number. I’d have to get hired under the table, but I might run into some shady people. They might take advantage of the situation, and there’d be nothing I could do to contest them. Or they might try to use me to get free advertisement, and then my father would know where to find me anyway. Ugh, it’s all just a mess,” he groaned. “Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I’m sure I’ll figure something out, so don’t worry.”
Marinette hummed, thinking. “Well, actually…” she said, tapping her chin. “Since the school year’s starting up again, a couple of our full-timers are switching to part-time to accommodate their university schedules; so the bakery will need some extra help. Obviously you wouldn’t be able to work at the front of the store, attending to customers and whatnot. But there’s still cleaning, washing, and heavy lifting that needs to be done behind the scenes. So if that sounds alright with you, we can talk to my parents about it. I’m sure they’d be happy to have you aboard.”
“Really??” Chat’s head shot up and he chirped excitedly, accidentally dropping his pen in the process. “Th-that would be great! I’ll work really hard, promise! Are you sure it would be okay?”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll say yes! My mom’s already taken quite a liking to you; she’s always talking about how polite and sweet you are.” Chat’s ears perked up and his cheeks reddened upon hearing this, which she found much too adorable. “And I’m sure my dad’s slowly coming around; I can tell, even though he’s stubborn.” She reached over and squeezed his hands. “I’ll put in a good word for you,” she said with a wink.
“You will?!” he replied with a laugh. “Best job reference ever!!” He hopped out of his chair, then bent over and wrapped her up into a tight hug. “You’re the best, Marinette. Seriously.”
She shook off her initial surprise and squeezed back, smiling wide.
“Anything for a friend.”
Dinnertime went over even better than Marinette had hoped. When the subject of a job was broached, Marinette’s mother took to the idea immediately and, citing the need for some extra muscle, eventually managed to win over her father.
Thus, they hired Chat Noir on the spot for part-time work, adding a few extra household chores in lieu of charging him rent. Marinette could hardly contain herself when she saw Chat’s face as he heard that; he looked like he’d won the lottery. And if anyone else had noticed how his eyes got misty and his voice began to quiver as he thanked them, nobody had mentioned it.
After dinner, Marinette invited Chat Noir upstairs to her bedroom, saying she needed help picking out the perfect outfit for her first day back to school. Truth be told, she really did need to choose an outfit; but it was mostly an excuse to hang out with him and serve as a distraction from his stressful circumstances.
Behind his cheerful smile and never ending stream of jokes, he always carried such a lonesome air about him. She’d never noticed it until that first night; the night they danced during the ballroom akuma attack. Or rather, she’d never allowed herself to open up to the possibility that he might be suffering. It would have made fighting him much more difficult had she known.
But as they swayed to the music that night, she could feel the melancholy in his voice, how it seemed to be yearning for more, and she couldn’t ignore it anymore.
It was shocking to her; mind-blowing, even. Not the same shock as one might get from a slap in the face, but rather like she’d woken up from a deep sleep. And yet, even then, she never could have anticipated how things would’ve unraveled from that day forward. They had come a long way, and there was still much more ahead of them.
In any case, he was sure to appreciate an evening goofing around with his new roommate, to get his mind off of both his superhero problems and his civilian worries.
“So, what do you think?” she asked as she peered into her closet. “Classy? Trendy? Girly? Vintage? Boho chic?”
Chat furrowed his brows, cocking his head in uncertainty. “I dunno… You’d look great in anything! Just close your eyes and grab something, and voila!”
She wrinkled her nose at him. “What if I grab my fuzzy, pink bathrobe?”
“You’d look great in that too! ‘Comfy chic’, the newest trend on all the cat- walks!” he grinned cheekily.
She rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, you dork, be serious! I wanna look good!”
“But you already look good!” he said, lifting his arms and motioning up and down her entire length for emphasis. “You’d even look good in a burlap sack. I mean it! You’re really cute, Marinette! Besides, it’s not like you need to impress anybody. Everyone already loves you.”
She felt her cheeks warm up at the praise he gave so freely. “I-I… th-that’s sweet of you to say. B-but I wasn’t trying to fish for compliments or anything. I just… want to look a little extra nice. Maybe even stand out a little bit, that’s all,” she added more quietly, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
Chat paused and forward on the chaise. “Hang on,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. “Marinette... ARE you trying to impress someone? Someone special, maybe?”
Marinette made a startled noise that would best be described as a squawk and whipped back around to face the inside of her closet. “Uhh, NOPE! Nope, nope. Not at all! What makes you say that?!”
Wow, Marinette, very convincing, she groaned inwardly.
Despite her stammering and weak attempts at protesting, Chat exclaimed with a gasp, “So there IS someone!”
He hopped off the chaise towards her, trying to get a peek at her reddened face. “So who is it?? Would I know them? Are you in the same grade, or just the same school? Do they already know you like them? How did you two meet?”
Marinette let out a long screech, rushing away from the closet towards her vanity desk and plopped down on the chair, dropping her head onto the table with a small thunk.
Chat practically glided across to where she’d sat and put his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. “Our little Marinette has a crush on someone~!” he crooned in a sing-song voice. “That’s so romantic! You’ll invite me to your wedding, won’t you?”
Marinette let out another long, muffled groan, which only spurred him on, becoming giddy like a small child who’d been given a pile of candy.
He’s never going to stop now that he knows, is he? she bemoaned, cursing her inept, awkward self.
Foregoing any further attempts at denial, she decided to just be honest with him. After all, Alya knew about her crush, and so did her other gal friends. She could confide in Chat too; especially since they were going to be living with each other from now on. Surely there was no harm in him knowing. It’s not like he’d go around blabbing it to anyone. She knew him better than that.
She sighed heavily, not bothering to hoist up her head, which felt like it weighed as much as a boulder at the moment. “He’s a classmate,” she replied in deadpan.
“A classmate, huh?” Chat repeated, voice full of wonder. “That’s so adorable! What else can you tell me about him? Is he cute?”
“Gorgeous,” she replied, with perhaps more emphasis than she intended. “And thoughtful and gentle and kind. A little awkward and nerdy, but friendly and optimistic to a fault. He’s practically perfect. At least, perfect in all the ways that matter to me, anyhow. I’ve known him for a few years, and I’ve been in lov– I MEAN… I’ve had a crush on him pretty much since we first met.”
Sensing her shift in tone, Chat dropped all the playfulness in his voice and asked in earnest, “W-wait… D-did you say… in love?”
Marinette let out a long, pitiful whine, grabbing the hair by the sides of her head and covering her face with it like a tent, trying to hide her eternal shame.
“I can’t believe I just said that…” she moaned wretchedly, very much wishing she could shrink to the size of a mouse right now. “Can you just cataclysm me and pretend you didn’t hear that, please?”
“Wait, so that means…” Chat interrupted, his brows scrunched. “He doesn’t know how you feel about him?”
She shook her head, or rather, kind of shuffled it back and forth on the table’s surface. “I’ve always been too afraid to say anything to him. I never wanted things to become weird between us, so I’ve always just… not taken the risk. He always just kinda… seemed to need a friend more than he needed a relationship, y’know? And I didn’t want to take that away from him. From us.”
Chat paused for a moment, pondering her words. “But what if he feels the same way?” he countered. “Wouldn’t you rather get it off your chest and find out for sure?”
Marinette hesitated, turning her head sideways. “Have you ever liked someone you were too afraid to lose?” she replied quietly.
She could hear Chat’s breath hitch, but he didn’t respond. She wondered if that was something he’d been worrying about as well. He’d never confessed to Ladybug about his own crush; but was that merely due to shyness, or from not wanting to complicate their relationship and their duties as superheroes? Would he jeopardize it?
Chat was a romantic at heart; of that she was certain, judging from his taste in media and books, from their late night conversations, and especially from what Plagg had told her a few days ago.
However, despite his playful flirtatiousness towards her as Ladybug, he’d never verbally expressed any serious interest in a romantic relationship. She could only assume he wanted to keep things as friendly and professional as possible, in order to work on strengthening their relationship as a team, instead of risking a fallout.
Or, at least, that’s what she’d started to tell herself. Everything in her brain was a terrible jumble. Especially after hearing about Chat’s family situation the night before, after the akuma attack. Ladybug had finally learned about Chat’s mother, Hawkmoth’s wife, and things were way more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
Chat Noir had introduced a variable of unpredictability in her life, and she was still trying to sort out her own growing feelings towards him. Were these merely feelings of protectiveness, or was it something else? Had she been projecting her desire for Adrien onto Chat? She didn’t think so, and yet, she’d never experienced anything like this before. How could she know for sure?
Unrequited love felt awful, but at least it was fairly straightforward. Trying to figure out her thoughts and feelings when adding another person into the jumble was frustratingly confusing.
In addition, Hawkmoth’s cruel words from the akuma attack echoed in her head despite trying to dispel them countless times. They resonated within her, trying to worm their way into her brain to plant undeserving guilt and shame. Accusations of taking advantage of Chat; of blind infatuation; of festering doubts and lack of trust.
Not to mention the elephant in the room: the giant, seemingly impenetrable wall of having to hide their identities from each other, which prevented them from being able to grow closer.
Pursuing a romantic path with him right now would not be prudent.
Especially since she was still in love with Adrien.
UGH. She was in love with Adrien. Why had she allowed herself to fall for him?!? Why did he have to be so darn wonderful, so awfully talented, so ridiculously considerate?!
The uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment slithered down her spine once again, traveling all the way from her head to her toes. How could she possibly face Chat Noir now that he knew what a coward she was?
Moments passed and neither of them had broken the ice. She supposed she should be the one to do it, since she was the one that had made things awkward in the first place.
Before she could say anything, however, she felt Chat’s hands settle on her shoulders, and he gently pulled her up into a sitting position. He gazed at her reflection in the mirror, a kind smile painted on his handsome face that she couldn’t help but feel her face flush. His emerald green eyes were so piercing, so sincere, which caused a multitude of butterflies to swarm in her chest despite her having banned them.
Bringing his arms in front of her, he draped a colorful garment across her collarbones so it would cascade all the way down to her lap. Apparently she’d been too busy internally freaking out that she hadn’t even heard him rummaging around in her closet.
“How about this top?” he asked softly. “The cut of the neck will draw attention to your jawline, especially if you wear your hair down, so the sides can frame your facial features. And if you wear this necklace here-” he said as he lifted the accessory from her vanity table, “-it will emphasize your blue eyes very nicely. For bottoms, I’d either go with some dark-wash skinny jeans paired with low heels, or a skirt with a bright pattern and some close-toed flats. Keeping it simple is best, in my opinion. Clean and sophisticated.”
Wait… what?? How did he–
Marinette hadn’t even noticed her jaw had dropped until Chat closed it gently with his index finger, her teeth coming back together with a soft clink.
“You should ask him out. This mystery person,” he added. “You never know what’ll happen. He’ll either like you back, or he won’t. But at least you’ll know, and whatever happens afterwards, it’ll mean you can move on.”
She held the shirt in place with her own hands, but never broke eye contact with him through the mirror. “Would you do the same?” she asked quietly.
Chat looked away, cheeks darkening. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed deeply. “Someday, perhaps. But… I’m not ready yet. Maybe once I become a better person. Somebody worthwhile.”
She turned around to face him, studying his expression. A weight settled uncomfortably in her gut, urging her to fix it, FIX IT!!
But fix what?! Fix it how?? She didn’t know; but she had to try regardless.
She stood up, setting the garment down on the chair, then practically stomped over to him. Chat looked a bit taken aback at how close she’d gotten, his eyes widening in confusion. She threw her arms around his torso, pulling him as close as physically possible without literally merging together. She laid her head on his chest, relishing the sound of his heart thumping in his chest.
“You dumdum. You’re already amazing. Anybody would consider themselves lucky to be loved by you.”
She felt him freeze up, unsure of what to make of this sudden and almost aggressive display of affection. But a beat later he relaxed, practically melting into her embrace and hugged back just as tightly.
He laid his own head on top of hers, a motion that still felt so comforting and so familiar; and yet she couldn’t figure it out. Whenever she would come close to making a discovery, the thought would slip away, as if by magic.
Or, come to think of it, most likely because of magic. His mannerisms and speech were so familiar, and yet she couldn’t place where she knew them from, or whom they matched up with. Chat had said that they knew each other outside of the costume, so surely that was why they felt so familiar. But the glamour of his miraculous was quite efficient in protecting his identity; therefore, despite teetering at the edge of her recognition, she still could not identify him. She supposed that was for the best, even if it was maddening.
“I wish I could believe that. I really do,” he murmured sadly, interrupting her train of thought.
She nuzzled her head into him. “Stop being so hard on yourself. Life doesn’t revolve around achievements or some arbitrary measurement of greatness. Being you is enough.”
“I... don’t really know how to stop thinking that way, to be honest,” he said with a shrug.
Marinette let go of him and took a small step back, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, it’s too bad you don’t have a choice, then. ‘Cause from now on, you’re officially enrolled in the Dupain-Cheng self-esteem boot camp, where you learn to be nice to yourself… or else, I’ll kick your ass!” she said, poking him lightly on the chest.
His eyes popped open for a moment, then he threw his head back and laughed. “I believe it!” he said, squeezing his arms around her once again. “I’ll do my best to meet your expectations and avoid all the ass-kicking, sensei! Bring on Du PAIN!”
She let out a snort and giggled, looking up at him from her lower height.
Her gaze softened once again, then added, “By the way... thanks for your help, and for your advice, Minou.”
Chat chuckled at the term of endearment, and Marinette’s brain froze.
How could she forget?? Again. She wasn’t Ladybug right now. Marinette didn’t have nicknames for Chat.
Before she could backpedal, Chat leaned down to kiss her forehead, then replied, “Anytime, Mari.”
She relaxed again and gave him one last squeeze, unable to contain a giant, satisfied grin.
She released him so she could return to the task of getting ready for school tomorrow. She asked, “Will it really be okay for you to go to school? Won’t it be risky, since your father will know where you are?”
Chat let out a thoughtful hum. “He’s a pretty powerful person, but even he can’t walk into the school and drag me out of there in front of everyone. I should be okay, as long as I’m always around other people.”
“Well… if you say so,” she said, crinkling her eyebrows. “You’ve got my cell phone number, so call me if anything ever pops up and I’ll be there in a jiffy, no matter where you are.”
Chat smiled at her fondly. “Thank you.”
She smiled back. “Come on. Let’s go watch a movie downstairs. It’s our last day to be certified couch potatoes and I’m not gonna pass it up.”
Chat winked. “Aye aye, Captain Spud! Lead the way!”
(Mood music: “The Chairman’s Waltz” - John Williams (Memoirs of a Geisha OST)
Monday Morning
Chat Noir landed on the roof of the school without a sound, eyes darting around the perimeter to verify that no one was present at this hour. Upon seeing that the coast was clear, he slinked towards the door that led inside the building.
He tried the doorknob. Locked, as expected. He detransformed, and without a word, Plagg phased through the door. It clicked, then Adrien slipped inside.
Heart thumping, he shifted his backpack and continued down the rooftop stairwell until he reached a hallway. It was empty, although that didn’t do much for his nerves. Getting caught on campus before the school opened would mean getting asked questions he would rather not have to answer.
Adrien wasn’t a rule-breaker. He was courteous, mild-mannered, and above all, obedient. He did things by the book. Or, at least... he did as Adrien . Chat Noir was another story altogether.
Trying to shake off his jitters, Adrien took a deep breath and tried to summon the playful part of him that enjoyed more mischievous types of activities.
There wasn’t much for him to do for the next couple of hours but to wait until people slowly trickled into the school. He decided to occupy himself by organizing his locker, so he stepped out into the common area from the dark hallway and carefully crept to the locker rooms downstairs.
As it turned out, it was a good thing he checked it before anyone was around, for the loud gasp he let out as he discovered its contents would have surely attracted the attention of the entire room.
Inside the locker was a duffel bag full of belongings– his belongings: his passport and birth certificate, his wallet, some clothes, his favorite blue scarf, a photograph of his mother; school supplies and stationary, a brand new laptop, and an indistinct burner phone.
There was no written note, no card, no name left behind. The only identifier provided was a picture of an black and red butterfly on it.
A butterfly? Surely this couldn’t be a gift from Gabriel Agreste. He’d never be this thoughtful, not in a million years.
He studied the picture, flipping it over for more clues, and found some small text on the back.
“Scarlet Peacock Butterfly”, the caption said. “A vivid red and black butterfly that ostensibly poses as another toxic species in order to deceive predators.”
Adrien gasped.
A fake.
Could it be…?
Adrien’s fingers trembled as he picked up the phone. It was an older model flip phone. He opened it.
It had a single phone number saved in its contacts.
He selected the number, fingertip hovering over the “call” button. With a shaky breath, he pressed it. And waited.
A few agonizingly long seconds passed. Then the ringing stopped; someone had picked up.
Adrien’s breath hitched and he gulped. He couldn’t help the crack in his voice as he whispered hesitantly into the phone.
(Mood Music: “L’Indifference” - Café Accordion Orchestra)
For once, Marinette Dupain-Cheng managed to make it to school on time, having set her alarm for an earlier time just to make sure. Tardiness always seemed to be her calling card, but she was determined to not let this happen today; not after all her preparations from the night before.
And so she walked into her first class, happy to see a room full of (mostly) friendly faces. Alya smiled at her from her desk across the room, waving her over enthusiastically. Marinette returned the smile and headed towards her.
She gave a wide berth to Lila and their teacher, who stood by the door. The new teacher listened, enraptured, about the stylish Italian girl’s most recent trip to the Malagasy islands and how she single-handedly founded a lemur rescue organization. Marinette fought the urge to roll her eyes and quietly passed them by, without challenging the validity of her claims.
Not today, she told herself. Not on the first day of school.
On her way towards her best friend, Marinette also walked past Chloe Bourgeois, her former bully. They made eye contact and gave each other a brief nod.
“Chloe,” Marinette greeted her plainly.
“Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe acknowledged in return, then turned her full attention back to her phone, vigorously texting someone with a dragon profile picture.
Marinette couldn’t quite call Chloe her friend, though they were definitely more than just acquaintances. They’d come to a sort of unspoken truce a couple of years back. They’d both done some growing up these past few years, and for that, Marinette was grateful. Especially since this arrangement made it possible for them to remain mutual friends with Adrien.
Marinette went up the steps to where her best friend sat, and they greeted each other with a hug.
“Hey, Alya! No Nino?”
“Nah, looks like we only have three classes together this year, bummer.” Alya shrugged. “But that means I get to sit next to my Mari-bean!”
Marinette noticed a markedly cheery-looking Adrien entering the classroom, only to be stopped by Lila at the door, who flipped her hair theatrically and batted her exaggeratedly long (and most likely false, hmmph!) eyelashes at him.
She decided to ignore it and turned around to fully face her wavy-haired friend. “So, how was your weekend? Did you and your aforementioned husbando do anything fun?” she asked with a knowing smile.
Alya’s cheeks darkened, but she tried to cover up her blushing by pretending to adjust her hair. “Well, we did get ahold of the new Super Pinguino III. You’ll have to play it sometime and try to beat our high score.”
Marinette giggled. “I dunno, that might be the one game where I’ll never be able to beat you.”
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that,” she gave her a wide smile in return. She exclaimed (rather loudly even by her standards), “By the way, Marinette! Your outfit looks AMAZING! Don’t you think so too, Adrien?”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she whipped around to realize Adrien was headed their way. Her face felt like she was sticking it inside a furnace, and suddenly she felt quite naked, wanting nothing more than to hide in a dark corner somewhere rather than display the outfit she’d meticulously chosen the night before. What if it was too much? What if she was overdressed? What if everyone could tell she was trying too hard? What if it was way too last-season and not avant-garde enough? Or what if it was too avant-garde and she should have dressed more conservatively?! What if–
Adrien’s eyes met hers and he gave her the brightest, broadest, most radiant smile, so stunning it should be illegal, so resplendent that it caused her brain to suddenly fizzle.
“Absolutely! You look beautiful, Marinette,” he said, his voice so earnest and sincere that Marinette felt she might combust on the spot.
Marinette wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing there, mouth agape, feeling like her feet were no longer touching the ground, when Alya nudged her with her elbow, coaxing her to reply.
And reply she did. Or at least, she tried; for only for a brief noise somewhere between a croak and a squeak managed to emerge from her throat.
“Uhh, I think Marinette means ‘Thank you,” Alya replied helpfully.
Marinette nodded enthusiastically. “Y-YES!! That’s right!! Th-thank you, Adrien!” she stammered, forcing the air out of her lungs.
Adrien beamed at her. “It’s great to see you guys again. I’m really glad we have our first class together this year. It’ll be a great way to start off the day.”
He waved goodbye to them, then walked to sit at the empty seat next to Chloe, who greeted him with a loud, happy squeal and friendly cheek kisses, then proceeded to talk rapidly about a subject way too complex for Marinette’s current brain-dead state of gleeful stupefaction.
And most definitely too dumbstruck to notice the daggers Lila was glaring at her from across the room.
(Mood Music: “Closer Than Sisters” - Abel Korzeniowski )
Marinette’s mind managed to rejoin her body sometime around halfway through their first period, and the remainder of her classes went by without a hitch. There was a lot of chatter and gossiping about Ladybug and Chat Noir, and whether they were actually working together or if it was some sort of elaborate publicity stunt. Conspiracy theories abounded, but for the most part it was merely curious conjecture. Ladybug had always worked alone, so what would this mean for the city? Would she finally defeat Hawkmoth now that she was no longer outnumbered?
Alya, of course, was utterly buzzing with excitement about these recent developments. Marinette wasn’t quite sure she’d be able to stand all her wild speculations and hypothetical questions; so it was both a shame and a relief that they only had two classes together this school year.
Despite the mental toll that hearing all these conjectures took on her, Marinette was still in high spirits by her last class of the day.
Or so she’d thought, until her absolute favorite classmate made her way over to her desk, giving her a sickly saccharine smile that would put high fructose corn syrup to shame.
“Hi, Marinette,” she lilted in a hollow sing-song voice.
Marinette brought out her phone and pretended to look busy. “Hello, Lila.”
“Did you have a nice summer?” Lila asked.
As if you care, she thought. “It was peachy,” Marinette replied curtly.
Lila pouted. “You don’t sound too happy. I don’t suppose you’ve already heard?”
Marinette sighed. Might as well play along. “Heard what, Lila?”
Lila leaned into her personal space, which made unpleasant goosebumps rise on the back of Marinette’s neck. “Well, I don't suppose you and Adrien are close enough friends that he’s told you all about his secret girlfriend, right?” she said more quietly.
Marinette’s brain screeched to a halt, but she forced herself to keep typing into her phone. “And I suppose he's told you?”
Lila giggled coyly. “Oh, well, I’m not one to blab secrets around, but the poor dear’s just not very good at hiding those hickeys. A scarf and concealer can only do so much, you know.”
Marinette felt sick to her stomach, but she refused to indulge Lila into thinking that she actually believed her.
“Go away, Lila,” she hissed through gritted teeth.
“Don’t believe me? I can prove it-” she replied, with that false cheerfulness that always carried a secret smugness to it. “-as soon as he walks through the door. He’s told me his schedule, you know… We really are very good friends, he and I.” She lifted her head to look around. “Ah, there he is.”
Adrien walked into the classroom with Kim, joking and laughing together.
Lila waved them over, and Adrien smiled as they both walked towards them.
“Adrien, I was just talking to Marinette about our plans for the school year. What does your modeling schedule look like?” she asked, as she thumbed the fabric of his scarf. “This is the year before we graduate. Is your father going to ease up on the photo shoots? I do so remember how very busy you were last year,” she lamented with another fake pout.
Adrien replied, his voice harboring a tinge of nervousness as she ran her hands up and down the length of his scarf, “Uh, actually, I won’t be- uh, modeling. This year. To… prepare for university exams and whatnot.”
“No modeling gigs, you say? That’s awfully kind of him,” she replied sweetly, as she slowly pulled back and forth on the two sides of the scarf like a seesaw. “Letting you focus on your studies and whatnot.”
Before he could reply, Lila tripped sideways with a dainty yelp, yanking the scarf along with her, and she fell towards him. Adrien caught her and she wrapped her arms around his neck securely, the scarf falling onto the ground, forgotten by all.
All except for Marinette, of course.
“Lila, are you alright?” Kim cried, and Adrien weakly echoed the question.
“Oh… clumsy me… I’m still getting used to these new shoes. I haven’t quite broken them in yet, you see,” she remarked as he helped her up. “I mostly wore combat boots over the summer while helping build schools in Bali for impoverished children, so I guess you could say I’ve gotten out of the habit of wearing heels.”
Marinette got out of her seat to retrieve the fallen blue scarf. The scarf that she had made for him almost four years ago for his birthday. Lila’s tugging had rubbed the fabric against Adrien’s neck, and the center was stained with make-up the same tone as his skin. She gulped heavily, then looked up at him.
And there they were, peppered all over his neck: various small bruises below the sides of his jawline, barely noticeable, but still visible if you looked closely.
“Umm, here,” Marinette said numbly as she handed him back the scarf. His hesitant eyes met hers, and he looked guilty, as if all his secrets had been laid bare for her to see.
“Thank you,” he said, almost too soft for her to hear.
“Why, Adrien!” Lila said, feigning secrecy but still speaking louder than she should have been, had that been the case. “I know you said you didn’t have to model anymore, but you really ought to tell your girlfriend to take it easy when you guys make out.”
Adrien sounded genuinely puzzled. “Wait… Girlfriend? What are you talking about?”
Kim’s features scrunched up in confusion. His eyes traveled towards where Lila was looking, then his face lit up with excitement. “Dude, you got a girlfriend?? That’s amazing, congrats! When were you gonna tell us??”
“Huh? I don’t have–” Adrien tried to interject.
“Oh, no! I’m so sorry Adrien,” Lila pretended to realize she’d said too much. “I didn’t know you wanted to keep it a secret. How silly of me! Surely your father would take away your extra free time if he knew you were spending it with a girl instead of studying.”
Kim pumped his arms excitedly. “Don’t worry, bro! We can totally keep a secret! Right, Marinette?”
Marinette smiled weakly, trying her best to look cooperative, and nodded.
“So, tell us about her, Adrien! Tell us about this girl you love so much,” Lila prodded.
Adrien’s cheeks turned bright red. “W-well, she’s not actually my girlfriend, b-but–”
Kim waggled his eyebrows. “But does she want to be?” he asked playfully.
Adrien laughed, voice high and skittish, “Uhh, I-I don’t know… Umm– w-we’ll see what happens. I-I want to take things slow.”
“Do you like her?”
Adrien’s head whipped around. It was Marinette who’d asked the question, her voice soft and curious.
Her eyes searched his, sincerely seeking the knowledge she both yearned and dreaded to hear. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest, knowing that his answer could change everything.
And yet, she needed to know.
Adrien’s face softened, the corners of his mouth crinkling with the ghost of a smile, and his cheeks gained a more subdued shade of pink, which contrasted with the embarrassed shade of red he’d worn earlier.
“A lot,” he replied breathily, like a wistful sigh, like he’d rather be with his loved one than anywhere else in the world.
Marinette swallowed heavily, and she forced herself to smile. “I’m happy for you,” she said as earnestly as she could manage.
After all, Adrien’s happiness was always paramount. No matter the source.
Their conversation was cut short by the sound of the bell, and the group scattered into the surrounding seats. Lila gave Marinette one last self-satisfied smile before walking away; not that Marinette even noticed. Her body felt too numb, too limp, too weary to see or care. All she could see in her mind’s eye was the way Adrien’s eyes lit up when he talked about the person he cared for. It had been brief, but it had been enough. She’d seen it. She knew now.
Adrien Agreste was in love.
(Mood Music: “No One Knows Who I Am” - (Jekyll & Hyde, the musical) Frank Wildhorn)
The last period of the day went by more sluggishly than any other she’d ever experienced in her life. Marinette’s mind replayed that conversation a seemingly infinite amount of times by the time the bell rang and it was time to go home. She lethargically packed up her belongings and left the classroom.
Before she reached the locker room, however, a hand gently tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around.
It was Adrien. Of course. It just had to be him.
He meekly asked if he could talk to her in private. She agreed. They stepped into an emptied room, and he looked around to make sure no one else was present.
“I’m… sorry about the awkwardness from before, Mari,” he muttered uneasily.
“It’s okay, I’m just sorry you got put on the spot,” she replied, twisting her hands together, her shoulders tense with discomfort.
He seemed to squirm a bit himself as he continued, “D-did… Did you see…?” He gestured towards his scarf.
Marinette froze and her gaze dropped to the ground. She couldn’t get herself to speak, so she nodded.
Adrien took a deep breath. “W-would it be too much trouble if I asked you to not tell anyone? Things could get really difficult for me if- if people were to find out.”
Marinette’s head bobbed up and down quickly. “I-it’s okay! I won’t say anything! I-I don’t want to get you into trouble. Anytime you need help, I’ll be here.”
Before she knew it, she was being pulled into a brief hug. She willed her arms to hug him back, although she couldn’t really feel her body right now.
Adrien let go of her and put his hands on her shoulders in reassurance. “I promise everything is going to be okay. Everything is fine now. Trust me. Thank you, Marinette.”
Marinette’s mouth smiled back, and she heard her own voice say, “Anytime.”
Adrien thanked her again, and opened the door to leave. “See ya tomorrow.”
“S-see you,” she called back.
The door closed behind him, and Marinette was left alone. Everything felt like it was steeped in a thick haze. As if she was stranded in a vast fog with no discernable way to go. She felt hollow, yet heavy, which didn’t make a single bit of sense. A gaping, empty hole where her chest was, ripped away suddenly and without warning.
Is this... is this what heartbreak feels like?
Chat landed on Marinette’s balcony and knocked on the hatch five times, as they’d previously agreed. He listened for any of the code phrases or sounds that they’d gone over and practiced. There was no answer, which could only mean that she wasn’t home yet. However, since the latch was always unlocked for him now that they were roommates, he had permission to enter.
He felt pretty silly wearing a backpack as Chat Noir, so he didn’t dally in her bedroom, and instead went to drop it off in his own room.
Chat wondered what could be going through Marinette’s head after she saw his bruising. Had she figured out that Gabriel was abusive? She’d agreed to trust him, so maybe she believed he’d been able to work out his home situation. Did she think he still lived back at the mansion?
He plopped face down on the sofa. UGH, this all sucked. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he couldn’t tell her the truth, either. She was the nicest girl, and all he’d been doing lately was be dishonest with her. Not without reason, but still. He felt horrible about it.
And she’d looked so out of it at the end of school. He wondered what might have happened to her, since she’d seemed in such high spirits at the beginning of the school day. And what was that weirdness with Lila all about?
He didn’t have to wonder long, because a few moments later, his cat ears perked up as he heard footsteps that led to the front door. He sat up and turned around, excitedly awaiting her arrival.
Marinette opened the door and entered the living area. She closed the door and silently set her backpack down. He got up to greet her, but something was wrong. Her whole aura was different. Even in the dim late afternoon light, Chat could see the weariness in her expression, the sadness in her posture.
Several long strides later and he was there, in front of her, holding her by the arms.
“Mari, what happened?!” he asked more urgently. “Are you okay??”
She looked up at him, her glassy blue eyes becoming damp. Then she crashed into him, gripping him like he was the only thing keeping her from sinking into a sea of quicksand.
She cried, and he held her. He was desperate to know what had happened, but he waited, stroking her hair, running his fingers through it soothingly, not pushing her, but always willing to listen.
Finally, after a few moments, she spoke. “There’s someone else,” she whispered simply.
Then he understood.
Chat held her, and she sobbed quietly, and together they slumped to the ground. She didn’t need words of comfort, or any reassurance that she didn’t need this guy, or to be told that she was too good for him, or that there were other fish in the sea. She didn’t need to be told any of those things. All they needed at this moment was each other. And that was enough.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
TMNT 2014/2016 Raphael x Reader-(Short Story) Chapter 2
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"You should have just let me take him, he was right there! "
"Come on Raph, we're just supposed to help not make it worse. Besides, we stopped the train. They won't be bringing in any more weapons." Raph grumbled, sheathing both his blades. Apparently they were discussing what took place in their most recent case. Raph lived to defy Leo, it wasn't anything new.
"Whatever, next time I'm going out on my own." he shoved Leo as he brushed passed. Leo grabbed his shoulder, halting him. 
"You're not going out on your own, we do this together Raph!" You really hated it whenever they fought. Despite that, you never said anything when it got like this. Even Mikey and Donnie knew better. Raph pushed Leo back roughly, and the blue bandana turtle hit a shelf close by. Lucky for him he had his shell to take the brunt of the hit. Unlucky for you, you didn't. You were on the other side of the cupboard, and when it started to fall you panicked.
Raph saw it falling, yelling out for you. You braced your hands, closing your eyes. You heard a few items clattering to the floor at the sides of you, but when you realized you were unharmed you looked up. Donnie had his arms spread, holding up the cupboard. He lifted it in the other direction, bracing it back against its previous spot. "Are you alright?" Leo was at your side in an instant, and you sighed relieved. You smiled at Donnie who was already checking your body for injuries.
"T-Thank you Donnie you might have just saved my life." He gave a sheepish smile rubbing his neck.
"I-It was nothing. "
Now that the danger was over, Leo glared at his brother. He stomped in his direction enraged. "What the hell are you doing! You could have really hurt (Y/N)!" You stepped over placing a hand on Leo's arm to calm him down.
"I-It's fine Leo. I-It was an accident. H-He didn't mean to." Raph would never intentionally harm you.
"Yeah Leo, listen to your girlfriend. " That made you a little annoyed. Because he was already angry, you just let it slide. Leo was still sizing Raph up, and you knew you wouldn't be able to handle it if they got into another fist fight because of you. Leo glanced down at the unease in your eyes. Reluctantly, his shoulders slumped. He stepped down, and Raph just wore an arrogant smirk.
"Just like you to fold. Sometimes I wonder why you're the leader." Leo didn't reply, taking your hand and guiding you out the room. You wanted to stay there and try to get both brothers to work out the problem, but you didn't have it in you to pull away from Leo's hold, especially since he looked so worried when he thought you would get buried under the cupboard. So as he pulled you along, you sent a longing look in Raph's direction. He looked up at the last second, right before you went around the corner. That split second, you could have sworn you saw a hint of hurt in his eyes.
"Are they still fighting?" you were chatting with Donnie on your cell phone. It was pretty late, and you knew you wouldn't be able to sneak out, so you were in your room, laying down on your bed.
"Yeah, don't worry too much. Master Splinter will make sure they don't go at each other's throats." you smiled.
"That's good to hear. Well I'll check in tomorrow. Spring break is about to begin so I'll get to spend more time with you guys."
"Hey is that (Y/N)? Dude what's up!!" you laugh hearing Mikey in the background.
"Hey Mikey, I was just telling Donnie about the upcoming break. We may finally get to settle that score in Call of Duty."
"I'm so gonna kick your butt!" You couldn't wait.
"I'll be looking forward to it." you spoke. After giving your goodbyes, you hung up the phone, flopping back on the mattress. Somehow you'd become a little better at interacting. Before meeting the turtles you pretty much avoid interacting with people.
For good reason to. But with them, it was never a challenge. Leo was like an older brother. Mikey the goofy childish younger brother. Donnie was like a middle child. Smart, techy and a little bit of a dork. Raph was obviously the rebel. Even with all their differences, it was weird that you found comfort trusting them rather than your own species.
Maybe it was because the turtles lived by a code. They were natural born protectors, saviors. At heart, their main purpose in life was helping. And they did. They helped you, not just physically. But also mentally, emotionally. If you could offer them the world, you would do it without a second thought.
You flinched when you heard a small knock on the glass on your window. You looked over at the curtains. Maybe it was a bat? You stepped out of bed, moving to check the glass. When you shifted the curtain, you were shocked at who was hanging unto your window sill.
"R-Raph!" you slapped your hand against your mouth, because that came out much louder than intended. Opening the window, you ushered him inside quickly. As soon as you did it you ran over, turning the latch on your door.
He was lucky your room was located in the back of the house, covered by trees in your yard. It would be pretty awkward if you had to explain him to your neighbors.
Now that you were no longer in autopilot, you stood by the door. Raph was still by your window. He rolled his shoulders after climbing through the small space. And now he was just standing there, clearly unsure of what to do, or say.
"This is awkward.." you had absolutely no idea why he came, and the fact that neither of you had ever had an actual conversation alone didn't help your nerves.
"This is stupid." He groused. You kept playing with your fingers. "W-Why are you....is something wrong back home with Leo?" at the mention of his brother's name his face turned sour. "It's always about him isn't it. Leo. I came all the way here to apologize to you and that's all you have to say!"
Unconsciously you took a step back. You never did like it when he yelled. Especially since this was the first time it was directed at you. Not just that, but yelling right now wasn't the best thing since your parents were only a couple doors down. He must have realized, because he turned his head. "Forget about it. I don't even know why I came." You could feel him fuming from all the way over there. And as much as you wanted to say something, you'd already irritated him, you didn't want to say anything to make it worse. Although at this point just about anything would.
"I'm sorry." you whispered. Raph stopped in his spot, looking over his shoulder.
"I-I know I barely ever talk to you. And I always make things awkward when it's us two. I don't mean too. A-And I didn't mean to get you in trouble with Leo the other day. I-It's my fault that you guys are fighting right now." In a way it was.
Raph sighed defeatedly. He came to apologize, and instead he scared you into doing what he should have done the moment he stepped in, instead of picking a fight.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one that always messes everything up."
"That's not true." When you said that he turned to you fully. You burrowed your hands behind your back, finally feeling a little confident now that he wasn't as pissed.
"You do have a bad temper, and you suck at taking orders, but you don't mess things up." Where those words came from, you had no clue. But you were liking your sudden boldness.
"Your brothers depend on you. You guys have each other, no matter how much you think you mess up, they'll always be there for you. You just need to be better at working through your issues rather than just walking away from them."
Raph was just standing there listening, he seemed to be actually taking in you words. When he sent you a small grin your cheeks darkened.
"Here I thought you were just a little shrimp. You're a lot braver than you look. " you giggled softly. "I mean, compared to you guys I really am." you joked. Raph was smiling at you, actually smiling. He looked so damn sexy when he smiled. "No! Stop it stupid brain! I'm actually having a conversation with him, don't' ruin it!" Right now really wasn't the best time to fall for his charms.
"Thanks (Y/N)." He was thanking you. Could your night get any better.
"(Y/N) sweety are you alright?" you stiffened, and Raph looked side to side panicking.
"Aw shit!" he mouthed. You shook your hands advising him not to make a sound or move.
" I thought I heard yelling."
"I-I'm fine Mom. It was j-just a nightmare. I didn't want to wake you or dad. I-I'm sorry."
"Nightmares, do you want to talk about it." you could tell she was offering to stay awake longer to help you.
"I'm really fine mom, I promise. It was nothing. I'm going to go back to sleep. "
"Are you sure? I can make you a cup of tea or something. "
"There's no need. I promise I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." She lingered at the door for a while, before she relented. "Alright, but if you change your mind let me know."
"I will. I love you mom."
"Oh sweetheart I love you too. Try and get some rest okay. "
"Yeah I will." You waited in your spot until you heard her footsteps retreating. When you heard her bedroom door close, you sighed, placing a hand to your chest.
"That was close." you whispered. Raph was smirking at you, and it did weird things to your chest.
"Nothing." It didn't look like nothing.
 "Come on tell me why you're wearing that smug little woah!" you had planned to march over, but you slipped on something on your floor. Raph was quicker, he caught you almost instantly. You must have stopped breathing for at least a few seconds, because you just stayed there in his arms. Your eyes connected, and that's when you let out a shallow breath. Raph was just as taken as you. He didn't move a muscle, just held you upright. You palm flattened against his chest, eyes never straying from his hypnotic gaze. With him slightly bent, all you had to do was lean up a few inches and you could close that space.
"Raph.." the sound of his name broke the spell. He straightened your body, pulling away. He cleared his throat, taking a couple steps back. "I should get going I need to-" he knocked into your desk behind on his way to leave and you winced at the sound that echoed. Raph froze, listening to make sure he didn't give your mother another reason to come back. When there wasn't any sound he relaxed, moving to your window.
"Be careful." you said gesturing to his head as he almost ran right into the glass. He just gave a force laugh, raising the window glass. You smiled. He was sort of cute like this. All fidgety. He ducked, creeping out the way he came in. "I'll come by tomorrow." you stated.
"Yeah..." he responded, but it didn't sound like he was really listening. He looked distracted.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
He nodded, inching up the wall.
"Yeah tomorrow." And just like that, he was flipping to the top of your roof. You bent your head, watching as he took off into the night.
You were looking forward to tomorrow, that was for sure.
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