#and eventually i got it thru to her that no in fact those are not normal allistic things theyre actually normal autistic things
stealingpotatoes · 1 month
some ppl very kindly loredumped abt the organa-solo kids for me so gonna put that + responses below the cut!! ↓
@erkhyan asked:
Don’t mind me, just dropping some Organa Solo kids lore, hopefully summarized enough. Anakin: both motivated and intimidated by the fact that his name was supposed to redeem that of his grandpa. Had his grandpa’s qualities (excellent pilot, great warrior, very strong in the Force) but none of his negative trait. Traumatized by being unable to save Chewie. Died a hero at age 16 during a successful mission to destroy a Jedi-killing weapon. Jacen: a big, empathetic goof as a teen, but was traumatized by the war that killed Anakin. The war and the trauma of Anakin’s death turned him into an introspective monk who went to learn weird non-Jedi Force powers. Returned, fathered a secret daughter, fell to the Dark Side because the Force told him that every timeline in which he’s not a Sith ends badly for his daughter. Became a Sith Lord by killing mara jade Skywalker. Eventually died when he found himself having to choose between saving his daughter from an Imperial plot, and dodging his sister’s lightsaber. Jaina: best pilot, best lightsaber user, best warrior, earned the nickname of Sword of the Jedi. Unfortunately, people mostly remember the fact that she was stuck in the world’s most annoying love triangle for two decades in-universe. And that time she processed the trauma of Anakin’s death by trying to seduce her Jedi Master. And that time she was in a bug hivemind that tried to solve her love triangle with a sexy threesome. And that time she went to train under Boba Fett so that she could kill Jacen in Luke’s stead. And also because the Jedi Order finally recognizing that she should have been a made a Master years ago, was almost the LAST thing that happened in the Legends continuity. Heavily implied that her husband would have eventually become Emperor (but a good one) if the continuity had been allowed to go on.
CHEWIE DIED??????????? also christ thats a lot to put on poor lil anakin jr-- ALSO AGAIN. POOR LEIA. HASNT SHE BEEN THRU ENOUGH (poor han too but LEIA)
WHY ARE THERE MORE STAR WARSES!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!! a secret daughter hi i love those but AGAIN. POOR LEIA. A SITH. FR HE KILLED MARA JADE WHAT???????????? oh my god.
i support jaina's turboslaggery she's been thru so much also WHAT potential emperor husband????????? wow ok legends gets wilder n wilder
@novastargalaxydesigns asked:
I saw your Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin from Legends! And as someone who freaking adores that trio, I'd love to help point out a few things! In Legends of the Force, Jacen starts to affiliate himself with the Dark Side with his cousin, Ben, as his apprentice. Anakin was killed before the book, The Joiner King, and I didn't get the book that he was killed off in, but if I remember correctly, it was told in The Joiner King that he was killed during a mission as a fighter pilot. Jaina, in Legends of the Force I believe if I remember correctly, she gave up being a Jedi to be a pilot. I don't have all of the Legends of the Force books so I may be a bit spiffy on a few things. But we cannot forget Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca aka Lowie, and Jacen's childhood and teen hood crush, Tenel Ka whom is a princess and he accidentally cut her hand off with his new lightsaber during the book Young Jedi Knights Lightsabers. And Zekke who went to the dark side in the series Young Jedi Knights (I only got the first 3), but was redeemed. Anyone please correct my nerdiness if I'm wrong. But anygays, you has been educated by a fluffy bean. Had a lovely day!
sorry all i can think w the tenel ka thing is:
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@m0th-person asked:
To follow up on the solo kids ask, Jaina had a weird love life. Her love interest that she eventually married was Jagged Fel. He is the son of the former baron of the empire , Sootir Fel, and Syal Antilles-Fel (Wedge Antilles sister) . (a picture I found on Wookieepedia when he was imperial head of state, the white streak in the hair seems to be genetic) Jag grew up in Thrawn’s empire of the hand (and was grown up with the chiss expectations, that’s literally the second quote on his wookieepedia page)
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he had 3 out of his 5 other siblings die. He eventually became the imperial head of state (he first lost to his rival political candidate for the role because abeloth messed with it) and flash forward to the legacy comics, his descendants have revamped the imperial remnant into the Fel Empire. It’s mostly believed that his descendants are also Jaina’s because both Roan fel and his daughter empress Marasiah Fel are both force sensitive. And Jacen Solo’s descendant , Ania Solo, says she’s a distant cousin of Marasiah. (Roan)
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(Marasiah and her love interest) ( the imperial knights were grey Jedi that served the Fel empire) — and in legends Han actually had a family tree (ancestors, specifically, Jonash e solo (who was Corellian royalty and the admiral-prince during the old republic time period)) , and him and Jagged fel’s father used to rivals in the imperial academy. Darth Vader attended his class graduation and I only find this funny because Han became his son-in-law.
jaina was rlly living that booktok enemies to lovers life back in the 90s huh. go girl i love her and support her weird love life decisions so much
omg go han having fancy royalty ties <3 see hanleia IS politically advantageous
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planetamarte · 4 months
probably too soon to be thinking about this but i hope shadow gens is like. sega's way of establishing shadow's past for newer fans and the modern era so they can focus on his Present in future media. they've been focusing on his Past since 2001, there's only so much more they can milk out of it. i know what is essentially a mascot character for a big franchise can't get much more character development than what he already got in his first few years, but considering its been 18 real years since he "moved on" in shadow 05, i wanna see more of what the present looks like for him. like alright, our guy went thru his arc of overcoming trauma and coming to terms with his past, so what does his life look like currently? what's he up to, regarding both his mission to protect the planet and outside of that? i can only hope shadow gens will show us some of this kinda stuff, if not in the future.
(the twitter takeovers give us a taste of his day-to-day life with his little comments about the soup kitchen and local convenience stores and the fact that he raises a dark chao - murder of sonic was really good with this too, with the concert tickets bit and his like of chocolate - but i wanna see more of it in a serious and unambiguously canon context yknow?)
sonic team also has a REALLY good chance here to tell a story with shadow about recovery being nonlinear, whether it be in shadow gens or something else in the future. i doubt shadow hasn't relapsed and fallen into slumps where his mental health feels like his worst all over again. i wanna see what it looks like for him to get into slumps like that and come out of them. if they really wanted to they could use this to course-correct his character inconsistencies; tell a story about how ptsd episodes can cause someone to isolate themselves and seem like a completely different person. how the smallest seeming things can trigger someone into episodes like that. my amount of faith in sonic team to actually do something like this is a swinging pendulum, maybe i want a bit too much from canon. those are other topics entirely but it doesn't hurt to hope n i'll sit here n think about this stuff anyway <3
i want shadow to be more than just his Past, essentially. i want his character to be more than just fulfilling maria's wish; him coming to terms with being his own independent person means nothing if he's holding onto her ghost forever, like he's haunting her instead of her doing it to him. regarding the idea of a narrative about nonlinear ptsd recovery, something that goes hand in hand with that is what healing actually looks like. i think a wonderful example of that combined with something from his day-to-day life is the december 2023 sonic channel art of him:
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purely headcanon here but i like the idea that this piece isn't him just thinking of maria, but that it's the first time he thinks of her in a while and it doesn't sting like it would've before. maria and shadow's past will always be important to him, it isn't to say i want it all to be disregarded completely. i just want it to be regarded more in a way like this, yknow? maybe he'll fall into an episode that fucks him up every once in a while, but with time they become less frequent and eventually he can think of the past with more acceptance while focusing on the present.
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andro-dino · 3 months
could you elaborate on Essi and Juno's characters and how they are paradoxical? I'm curious, I'm taking any Essi crumbs I can get :D
OKAY SO LIKE BASICALLY I was thinking about some of their more internal struggles and things that they deal with and it’s so like, self contradictory to everything else about them and their personalities and I just find it so fascinating.
With essi, all around her personality is very much in line with a lot of protagonist type characters: she’s very energetic and outgoing, super hardworking and determined, and has her moments of silliness but also being very very cool. The interesting thing is that while she is for the most part pretty confident and self assured, she’s also in a lot of ways insecure. She gets very easily nervous and intimidated by other people, even if she tries her best to hide that and interacts with them despite her nerves, and sure, when she does warm up to people, she’s able to be her outgoing self very quickly, but that initial nervousness as well as the fact that she herself often doesn’t really know just how charming and likable she can be is kinda the cue that there is something more underneath the surface. More than that, when you look at her as a blader, I imagine there’s also some struggle there, because the thing about it is that Essi is a very strong and hard working blader, but she’s still not as strong as some others, and that is a source for some turmoil. Especially when she’s best friends with someone like gingka, it lends itself to a lot of comparison that maybe might not be the best for herself. The other thing about that is that she’s also very isolated in a lot of her struggles, despite the fact that she does have a lot of friends and people supporting her, because she doesn’t wanna be a burden to anyone. A big part of Essi’s character is the she likes to feel useful and helpful and she does a lot to support others, but she really doesn’t extend that to herself a lot and tries to tough out a lot of things she deals with on her own, not even feeling like her problems are really that bad/worth the concern. She’s so contradictory because of all of those contrasting features— she’s confident but she’s also insecure, she’s got lots of great friends but she’s also lonely, even just the fact that she is both strong and weak. Essi is a lot of different things but I love that about her and I feel like it works really well for her.
Juno, among my main four, I feel like is arguably the one who generally goes thru the least turmoil as a whole. She’s got herself pretty figured out. Since I kinda tend to depict her mostly in sillier/fluffier situations, I don’t really talk about some of the deeper parts of their personality a lot, but it’s kinda an important thing when I think about them plot-wise. As with most of my ocs, I don’t really have a concrete storyline for him so much as I do a general arc and progression of his character. The way I kinda imagine it, a lot of his early role would be kinda similar to the way takanosuke interacts with the main gang, in the sense that he’s not an antagonist and actually does tend to get along with the characters most of the time, but their appearances are sporadic and they don’t really tend to hang around a lot. It lends itself to them feeling more cryptic and mysterious, which is kinda the vibe I was aiming for there. A main idea with them though is that their first battle with any of the main characters which does eventually become a longstanding rivalry is with Kite, and I know I talk abt this a lot in a digivalen sense, but beyond that, it’s also what’s initially revealing about their character and that there’s more to her than what initially meets the eye. The idea with it is that juno talks a big talk about getting to know people more deeply through beybattles and revealing more about her rivals and their personalities through the act of communication via bey battle, and for most people, this ends up being a fairly enjoyable experience, but when kite battles her, he realizes one crucially important thing: Juno’s holding back. Kite ends up winning that battle, but it’s not a win he’s satisfied with because he knows Juno wasn’t giving it his actual best effort, and when he calls her out on this, Juno doesn’t let anything slip, still just as cryptic as ever, but does acknowledge him. I actually wrote a short drabble about this a while ago because the idea is so important to Juno’s character.
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This kind of thing continues with her for a while, and the thing about it is that while yes, being a blader but not battling people all out is generally risky and weird behavior, but when Juno holds back, it’s not just that they’re not giving it their all, but also that they don’t extend their own philosophy to themself. Juno’s main passion and motivation generally is to understand other people better, to get them to open up and help them understand themselves better as well, and while she is very in tune with her emotions and tends to be a very friendly and empathetic character, he notably doesn’t tend to open up much to others himself. There’s a level of emotional distance that makes them feel unknowable to a lot of people, but that kinda starts breaking down once Kite (and eventually others) start acknowledging that and confronting that. For a while, Juno is content to just getting to know others without opening up herself in the same way, but that becomes very shaky once he’s called out on it, and part of what I think their character arc within the story would be would involve him doing more for himself, which also includes going all out in beybattles more often, not being content to just sit by but actually be a part of it himself. Juno’s real power as a blader isn’t really known for a while because they don’t fully apply themself, but the fact that he can hold his own for so long against strong opponents even without giving it his all is a testament to the fact that she is much stronger than she lets on. She’s so weird and cryptic and hypocritical, I love her sm.
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Because Who Can I Talk To...
This post has so much potential to be cringe a year from now. Shit even months from now. I need it out of my head though
A friend of mine joked about setting me up with her friend. We met but I didnt really make a move. Too shy. She's cute though. Nice, smart, witty. It became a bit that I thought was still funny despite nothing really coming of it.
We eventually followed each other on instagram, which is good but my friend isn't riffing the bit anymore. A mutual of ours is communicating with me more often than before. Energy is weird but I'm not trying to look into it. Come to find out she likes me and I can't help but feel like thats why my friend stopped riffing the bit and advocating for me/us.
Despite that, the girl and I are kind of... idk playing tennis. Maybe fishing?! Idk the proper analogy. We are posting things kind of trying to bait the other person into interacting with it. I shouldn't say we... EYE, 100% am and she did at least once. Eventually a real conversation starts between us and it's like... legit awesome. Like she's so cool, and we've been thru some similar shit and look at the world in a similar way. I make points and she responds basically finishing my thoughts. Im like wooow we have so much in common. It excites me in a way that I haven't been excited in a LONG time. I think I'm crushing on her now... I can't wait for her to come into town.
She comes into town and I get no sleep the night before. I'm running on fumes. I have no energy to talk to her, to be charming or funny. I'm just listening and yawning a lot. I got her cookies... didnt even present them forreal. She was here for a week and that was the only day I saw her. At this point I'm FUCKING SICK. It's another display of how my friend is no longer trying to help out because she didnt try to set me up with some hangouts. Doubts about her interest because if she was hoping to see me, again you'd think the friend would hit me about plans or invite me over. I dont take initiative. Don't want to be too thirsty. I hold my L and get kinda sad because I like the feeling. I like talking to her, but it's over...
Until... the day after she gets back home, she messages me randomly about One Piece. I'm hype af. She thanks me for cookies, I apologize for zombie. We're talking again. And talking a lot. We are in constant communication. We message everyday. It's not a constant flow but it's fairly steady. We go like this for like a month and some. She's my favorite notification. I look forward to her responses and suddenly they stop. Not all together. The frequency though. A few messages a day to one a day. Now the response coming a full day or two later. Which would be completely fine if like... I didnt see she's been active mad times or when I see her message elsewhere. I'm not mad, but it makes me think.
We aren't anything. She owes me nothing. I like talking to her. Do I like her? I don't have an answer. The level of bothered I am, would imply I do, but it could just be the engagement. The attention. The fact that she activates something in my brain that hasn't been safely activated in over a decade. I don't say this to minimize her impact. I genuinely think she's special. She told me some of her story and I just wanna protect her at all costs even though we're probably not that close. I think she's great but I also still don't know her. We have yet to find a comfortable real life flow. We have yet to establish any sort of chemistry. So it's like cool, yeah we can text and send paragraphs to each other, but can we hold a conversation. Can we go back and forth without prep time?! Until we can properly test those waters, on the phone or IRL then I can't fully say I like her. Just that I like messaging her.
The problem is... does she like me?! Does she like messaging me?! Did her life get busier?! Am I boring?! I don't know how she feels about it. I try to sneak in things in the convo to like indicate I think highly of her, but I get no read on that the other way around. My friend no longer asks about it, or riffs the bit. No convo about us. Its triggering. I was often left on unopened while my friend was texting the girl I liked right in front of me. Her excuse was "oh me and him aren't having deep convo so it's easy to message back. me and you are having more in-depth convo so it requires more thought out answers." The truth was, she was fucking him and they were both hiding it from me and thus TRAUMATIZED. She can do what she wants. She can have a guy in MD, or a guy in her DMs. Again, we aren't anything, but I'd hate to get my hopes up again, just to be being placed on the back burner while she's got other stuff going on. Shits embarrassing. It's easy to feel like a loser and shit.
And so I am at an impasse. I can't be emotional about this. I can't ask for more messages, but I do want more. I want to explore what we could be, even if it's just friends. Just so I can like know its just friends. I want to talk on the phone or play a game where we can use out voices to connect instead of seining one big message a day. How can I do that?! I want to let her know I think she's dope, and I have but she's just kinda been whatever about it. Maybe thats my answer I should probably take that as an answer. I'M JUST TIRED OF HAVING TO PLAY IT COOL. I want to talk about it with somebody that can help me. I wanna be excited about the potential. I wanna laugh with her and learn more about her. I want her to know I think she's cool and I wanna talk about the future together. I wanna do things to connect with her and show her I think she's cool. But then im overbearing. I'm thirsty. I'm doing too much. Scare her away. if she's got another dude she's talking to, im humiliating myself.
I basically wanna embrace that side of life. Intimacy and romance. Connection. I wanna show her my interest and feel her interest. The push and pull. It was cool when we were playing tennis. It was amazing to go back and forth. Idk what to do. I kinda wanna end the convo and she what'll happen. But what if I just hurt my own feelings. How do I pivot the convo we have right now?! I don't know. I've gone crazy and I hate it here lmao.
Anyways, this girls cool and pretty and I wanna get to known her better like talk more intimately and frequently but I don't know if I will or if she even cares to... but I just wish I could be blunt about this thought/feeling. Who know's what'll happen next.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
I got a little too excited when reading rose and
so it took me a while to work thru the chapter since I write my comments as I read and I decided not to repeat everything started in the thats important to learn about the characters bc that would be almost the whole chapter so i saved it for my analysis here, but I kept getting lost in a cycle of too many thoughts and not much reading about the characters and everything going on oops
time to gather the base info we have (im telling myself analysing this is practising for my literature classes so im technically doing stuff for school when in fact im procrastinating stuff for school, ill do it after this I promise I just need to get this out of my head)
- studying to be the next consil and phil is giving him some lesson, but it seems hes only now going to get fully introduced to all the inner workings
- the ferronnière: hes basically constantly aware of it, both physically (keeps checking he has it) and mentally (aware of his position and controlling his actions, the metaphor of ferronnière pressing on his head as the pressure being put on him) which isnt really healthy but theres not really another option
also he keeps making sure the ferronnière is visible whenever he needs to be respected and we saw a guard doubt him before they saw the ferronnière so its not just a feeling but the ferronnière actually gives him respect and wilbur himself doesnt really have any
- his relationship with phil is as can be expected, phil is not a bad dad, he needs to prepare wilbur to survive in court, but he might be a bit too focused on that + his duties as consil and that results in very strict and bit distant parenting
from his fear of phil not telling him about the announcement and the flinch when called his full name you can see that wilbur is very afraid of disappointing phil, bc in the past that probably meant something like shouting and he was probably called wilum at those times
but its not that phil doesnt care, hes making sure wilbur will be able to be a good consil and I believe it when he says hes taking care of their family (which is just sandduo, or maybe techno too?) and so far he looks satisfied with wilbur, proud even (me when phil is proud of wilbur in any universe bdhdhdjjfjen)
- hes really close friends with niki, since childhood, and there is deep trust between them, with wilbur letting niki even touch his ferronnière, something very personal and important, sharing fidgeting with their rings....
they plan to hopefully rule together (which is not at all unrealistic in their situation) but it wont be able to work the way it has so far, the way they imagine it, already with the strain of wils promise to phil and more will surely com, niki will learn about wilbur not telling her everything eventually and idk how shell take it
im not saying their friendship couldnt work im just afraid it wont survive bc theyll keep trying to hold it up to their childhood standards which isnt possible in this situation and I predict a falling out maybe becoming enemies even
- we dont see much of his relationship with quackity and the tension of niki vs q with wilbur on nikis side is ever present, but theyre still friends
when quackity arrived at the palace they were all still kids and while they did know about the competition going on but they probably had some classes together and I assume wilbur and niki were there only other kids in an adequate position to play with so theres nothing weird about the friendship
also I wouldnt be surprised if phil encouraged it, it was him who told wil to keep his chances open on all fronts
they also both have mutual respect
theres also this undertone to their conversation that is just so tntduo of them
wilbur's ferronnière plays a rather symbolic role in the story. it's important to wilbur because it's his status symbol. it's the thing that, in his mind, gives him power. that's why he's constantly aware of it. that's why he's constantly adjusting it. it's representative of his position as the son of the consil and everything that comes with it
phil definitely isn't a bad dad in this, but he's not a great one either. he and wilbur have such a complex relationship I'm so excited to really dig into it. phil deeply cares about wilbur and wants the best for him, but wilbur is terrified of disappointing his father. phil sometimes sets his expectations too high, and wilbur scrambles to try and reach goalposts set out too far. but phil is still proud of his son, and just wants to see him thrive.
niki and wilbur's friendship certainly goes through a lot in this story... I'll say that
oh yeah phil 100% encouraged wilbur's friendship with quackity. they have a very... unique relationship i'll say. they're also childhood friends like he and niki are, but they're not as close in some ways and, in a sense, they're closer in other ways. you'll see what i mean later lmao
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lucyandthepen · 1 year
sweet cream, cold brew is so soooo *deep breath* fucking good. i surely need mark lee rn im not kidding at all. love this kind of slowburn aka their feelings for each other just get more obvious each time but none of them actually makes a clear move. ESPECIALLY markkkkkkk good god i'll bite him. no because I'd think twice too, it's like -- it really seems he likes her but also.... not? I SCREAM out of frustration but truly because of that the impact of them finally saying the things that should've been said and done long ago is wayyyy bigger than i expected. their little moments are so cute and sweet as if they're not (initially (????)) lusting for each other esp the mc 😭😭😭 huge thanks to youngho's existence (i honestly do kinda feel bad for him tho NDHDHDH i DO wish she actually gets him a present eventually and even treat him or something 😭) and jaehyun's nosiness they finally came thru lmaooo just wanna highlight that one when they were out buying those blind boxes..... THEY'RE SO FREAKING ADORABLE. but fuck mark lee being this shy, usually tripping on his words.... polite and nice and just overall mark lee but once already inside the bedroom and has already bared it all ....... dear god i want him too . (PLUS WHEN HE KEEPS GLANCING AT THE MC'S TUMMY WHEN SHE STRETCHES OR SOMETHING......... BITCH SO SLICK BUT COWARD FOR STILL NOT MAKING A MOVE BACK THEN. HIM HAVING THAT KIND OF THING THO.... WHEW. WE KNEW. we knew. oh my god)
*can't wait to binge all these new releases of yours can't believe i missed it >:(( i'm sure this is so late now but welcome baaaaack i've missed u here <3
hey jae! i hope it's okay that i call you that; i just find some importance in being able to connect using names or aliases together, so i always check just to be sure! i am so so happy you had a fun time reading this fic; it's my longest yet and i've honestly been so self-conscious about how winding and slow it seems, so i'm really happy you were able to enjoy the slow burn!!!!!!! i absolutely approve of the idea of you biting mark because HE DESERVES IT! >:( shy cutie pie with actual game?????? WE LOVE TO SEE IT!
i was also really worried about this mc because she's one of the more assertive ones with clear goals (i.e. get in mark's pants, even if she can't say it out loud in just so many words LOLOLOL) but lettuce be real... we need a pushy gal every now and then because mark was teetering on the edge of being obvious and being aloof and WHY WOULD HE DO THAT! (answer: he's a wittle baby........... a precious chicken nugget..............)
poor johnny really got his ass beat (figuratively) while he was minding his own business for WHAT!!! despite the fact that he was very nosy... his heart was in the right place SIGH i actually really love writing johnny in my fics — in this one and last night on earth — because there is an unparalleled SASS to him that i am a key enjoyer of!!! and jaehyun really pulled through with them big ears n bigger mouth WE LOVE IT!
smut aside, my favorite scene had to be the mystery box too!!!!!! just... something so sweet and pure about him sharing this little hobby of his with her because he wanted them to be closer and he really viewed her as a friend after some time :( i love his big ................................... heart LMAO
i am a big believer as well in mark being someone whose skill comes out the best when he's asked to step up to the plate fully so basically i just think he's someone who's always bound to surprise and i feel like that really just stems from how goofy and awkward he is but on stage............... he is a MENACE to society (and our hearts) so we love to see shy, polite, blushy mark let his instincts and possessiveness and kinkiness (tummy bulge may have to be a running headcanon for me with him from now on i fear......) finally come through!!!!! DESERVE!
i am so so sorry for my absence, but i am so happy to be back and so happy that people have been so nice and understanding even if i disappeared for a while. :( i am always so grateful to hear from you, and i hope that i continue to make things we can all enjoy (and possibly thirst over?? SJIDFSJDI). i hope you have a wonderful day or night, wherever you may be, and that we can talk more (see: endlessly) either like this or in private! <3
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icarussometimes · 2 years
alright i’ll bite. what are your (wrong and incorrect <3) batfam hair headcanons
uhhh okso. goddamn this is gonna be long, here is a cut for your health and safety <3
bruces hair has been 100% the same 100% of his life. maybe he had it like a little longer for like a year when he was 20 but that was IT. back to default right afterwards. hes like the settings ur videogame character is on when u open up customization
dick is fortunately a bit more interesting. he had the cute floppy little boy haircut until he was in like his mid teens and then he was like imma grow it out and he did. by the time discowing era rolled around it was LONG long, and he did in fact have a short but traumatic (mainly to bruce, poor man) period with a mullet. post-discowing he figured out what to do with it and settled into a style around shoulder length with lotsa layers so it does that 80s shag surfer rockstar thing. he was later a firm supporter of the covid era shag/wolf cut revival. looks fucking stunning, no doubt he is the supermodel of the fam. chefs kiss
jasons hair is curly (!! i am very particular about this! he has curls) and was pretty short before he met bruce, for easy keeping, and that obviously all the same length sorta look where u can tell it was buzzed at some point. when he’s robin obviously hes got the heart bangs and is just adorable all around. the one thing ur right about is that it gets long when he’s in zombie mode and they shave it in the league. i think in his red hood era he learns to cut his own hair and experiments with lotsa fun stuff like punk hairstyles and shaved sides and at one point a little mini mullet which he somehow pulls off. once or twice he probably bleaches the not-white-streak parts of his hair to try to make it blend in, and goes thru all the weird growing out stages after that. its an all around fun time, and he pulls off way more weird hairstyles than he has any right to tbh
tims hair is very very straight and for most of his childhood and early teen years its in a pretty basic short sides long top sorta cut, low maintenance and fine-looking. he dyes it blue once when hes like 14 and that’s the only time he ever does anything intentional and interesting with his hair, because to him it’s pretty much just a chore. when all the red hood shit starts going down theres a period where he goes full what-is-self-care mode for, like, many months and thus his hair grows out enough for like a tiny scruffy ponytail. its like very badly taken care of tho bc my boy doesnt have TIME to shower, bruce, youre not my REAL dad. once jason and damian both mostly stop trying to murder him on sight, he starts taking care of his hair, but i firmly believe that (for a while at least) he decides not to cut it. YES long haired tim. fight me. i think it’s almost always up, in various buns and braids, and dami and the girls (steph and cass, i mean) really love it which tim finds utterly baffling. but my boy needs to be loved more. cass calls his hair beautiful and he turns into a puddle of goo and doesnt stand up for like 2 days
dami keeps his hair short (not buzzed, but short) while in the league, and when he moves to gotham there’s a period of a couple months where he decides to try to be mini bruce. but bruces hair is kinda hard to recreate and looks a bit silly on him, and also every single one of his family members wont stop MUSSING IT so eventually he gives up and learns to tolerate his normal (if spiky) tweenage hair.
steph is our token blonde but we love her. i think she was one of those girls who decided at like 9 that she wanted to grow her hair out REALLY long, and was like moderately successful at it to the chagrin of most adults in her life (because long hair is SO HIGH MAINTENANCE). not long before her tenure as robin she gets sick of it and chops it to like,,,, idk, armpit length? yeeah. and later in her teens she has a whole cycle (or two) of bangs, she flipflops like weekly on whether she likes the way bangs look on her or not. she usually does them herself, and (everyone but her knows) she rocks them every time
cass i think had longer hair when she was doing the assassin gig, mainly ao it could be tied back, but as soon as she had more agency she went “nope” and chopped it to her normal short bob and has kept it that way ever since.
the one other thing u were right about i think is that duke has had the same hair his entire life, that just sounds correct lmao
anyways thats it, totally open to debating with you but just know that i am correct <3
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jakeperalta · 2 years
So back to the song! You should reply to this ask. The bridge starts with I gave my blood sweat and tears for this..translates to I went thru hell for this..being in high school..I tried to fit in. At one point I thought people would talk to me more if I was skinnier or prettier..so I starved my body makes me think of that. I'd spent most of high school dreaming and waiting to be kissed or liked back. It kinda probably goes back to hearing the song Fifteen too lol. The jokes weren't funny...my friends were never as disliked as me. I looked around in a blood soaked gown..and I just had to learn how to deal with it. The end of the song makes me think where I am now. Like the bridges burned and all of the mistakes I made ..but there was also a lot of stuff out of my control..make the friendship bracelets..that reminds me that I lost all my friends 5 years ago, and youve got no reason to be afraid..I hear as sarcastic cuz I'm afraid of everything and to be alone. Then I hear you're on your own kid..you always have been as mostly negative. Sometimes it reminds me that I've never been with anyone still after dreaming about it..and how I still have nothing after all this time. You always have been..sometimes I hear that as you always will be..instead of a hopeful thing. But the song still means a lot to me even though it's sometimes hard to listen to.
hi, sorry I'm late replying, I wanted to take the time to read it properly and then spotify wrapped day was distracting!
I totally get what you mean with it being a song that doesn't really feel hopeful (even though it obviously ends on a positive note for taylor), I'm definitely in the phase of feeling alone in a bad way still.
I'm sorry you went through all that mess at high school, I can see why the song means a lot but is a tough listen sometimes too. I hate how those years are so formative and like impossible to escape in your memory because they are just not a good time 😭 also I can really see where you're coming from with reading question...? as having that vibe of almost humiliation
fwiw I guess there's comfort in the fact that taylor didn't seem to get to the point where "you always have been" felt reassuring instead of depressing until quite recently and went through a lot of bad stuff in her teens and twenties to get there, so I'd like to think that relating to the other parts of the song means you'll eventually be able to relate to that feeling too!
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ckmusings · 5 months
I’m i a psychopath
Used to cut myself and be in a blood bath
Still stuck in the mind path
Least i can figure out the aftermath
Some people have a pack
I can’t even get myself on track
Look at these profession’s
They want me involved in these sessions
Asking me all these exclusive questions
Telling me i have depression
Feeling like i’m in an intervention
Wasn’t my fault inheriting this obsession
But they claim i can go in a different directions
All of them don’t get the message
That these hallucinations are aggressive
Uh-huh i go to a psyche
The ones i dislike
And out me on strike
To resist the fight
But my mind isn’t alright
So you try to give me insight
Fuck your side
You know how many times i’ve cried
And wish i could die
I try to hide
By holding it all inside
The bible say’s by his stripes i’ll be fine
I don't believe in that all the time
Because i have them too
And i’m confused
I’ve been bruised and used
Can’t understand why i was abused
Trying to refuse
I do the same crime
So it happens all the time
You know not a lot of people understand what goes on in my fucking head
Was in special ed
That don’t matter you can still get caught by the fed’s
It’s all written down
It don't count you can still drown
How come you say you want to help
But when i call you don’t yelp
In other words why can’t you answer your voicemail
Just need to ring a bell
Please answer your damn cell
You profession’s claim you can’t always tell
Maybe if you're involved
And absorb what i say
We can find a solution
Instead of me filling up the ashtray and fading away
Should we pray
Oh wait you're out the door way
I’m i a delay
You think i;m okay
But put me on these drugs
Knew you acted like you have earplugs
I have a hearing aid
So i can hear exactly what you say
For you to not make a mistake
Yes i ache
I can put on the brakes
So you can get in update
But you don’t know my fate
Anyway i feel like bate
Because of my mom’s date
Hurt me
And i have mutilate
Can’t think straight
Because of the illustrate
I keep storing this in my brain
Like i need a dose of cocaine
Do you recall the pain
Or did you sit back and blame
Because i got taken by the state
I wanted him to be an inmate
You gave him the light weight
And said i misstate
My question is
Why i’m i suffering
Cause you were always covering
Never comforting
Everyone’s puzzling
I know what i need to do
Gather all the clues
And stick them together like glue
But you're right i don’t have crew
The fact of the matter is they always cut thru
Feeling like i can be someone's tissue
To help them get thru an issue
I understand that's what people try to do
Maybe if you professionals open up
And tell us the truth
We can realize it will eventually be smooth
I got to break this
And verify my within
Congratulate where i’ve been
Cause all it's doing is giving me thick skin
Aside from all that unbalanced spin
Someone assist me with a violin
As a result i’ve been thinking to thin
I’ve endure in recovery
Seems to me that i’m constantly bubbly
Concern that i’m in custody
Can’t break out of this in a hurry
Can someone give me advice
I always do pick up that stupid knife
Although i’ve tried to commit suicide
People do try to guide
Then push you aside
Like they see eye to eye
Try to apply
What they put behind those white lies
They do have spies
Somehow they think they’re fucking wise
I can’t get inside your mind
So why you trying to get in mine
I’m i some type of shrine
That's what some dude said
When he crossed my boundary line
I’ve dreamed hurting him
So he can lose his limb
The one he touched me with
That’s just a damn myth
Cause i can’t go thru with it
Society say’s my personality is split
Some claim it's permanent
I do admit
That i might be a little psycho and shit
Some call me a bitch
That’s just coming from my fucking twin
She uses bobby pins because her hair is so thin
Accuses me of being the villain
Cause i stop giving her a million
She forgets i'm still a civilian
And i’m hyperventilating
Cause i’m devastated
About back then
But i told you all my friend’s
That i’m trying to cleanse
So i can actually see out these lens
There i go again
Picking up a pen
This is the part where i say
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icharchivist · 1 year
surprisingly i come to your askbox bearing a3-related thoughts instead of gbf. crazy i know. anyways i finished going thru conquering misoshiosa island!! my thoughts abt it are quite scattershot but i had a lot of fun. as i mentioned previously i almost went thru this event before starting autumn loll. was fun going thru the first bit again with autumn knowledge in my pocket now. the more i hear muku talk the more i want to sit and discuss manga recs with him. like in my heart i just KNOW he read basara. i've read a pretty large amount of shoujo so i think we'd get along.
it was pretty obvious muku and omi were gonna be the pair for this cg and like. i'm pleased about it. they're just such a good pair conceptually when u consider, like, definitions of masculinity and how it might apply to both of them.
azami regarding kazunaris flyers: damn. this is, like, needlessly impressive. what’s that quote about middle schoolers having the most accurate insults. this wasn’t really an insult but it really. Strikes Deep in a way only a middle schooler is capable of.
in any other situation i would gently tell muku that he doesn't need to panic about every eventuality BUT in this case i knew sakyo was planning on leaving them to fend for themselves so i was very glad for muku and omi's preparation. i think its really fun they watched that movie together.
kazu making an itinerary for literally just the trip to the island is sooo funny to me. like he must've known something was a little messed up. do u think sakyo gave him the info and kazunari looked at it, a little miffed that izumi's first instablam post was about spring and winter having a great time without them (and masumi liked the post first) and went. eh. sakyo can have his chaos.
juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related. love natsugumi teasing tenma abt being sleepless for this trip but like genuinely. its nice that he gets to like. Go On Trips now. like thats a thing he and misumi can do and its not rly something they got to do when they were younger!
i'm going to gloss over the bit with the monkeys where misumi can talk to them bc. i really.... they even acted to the guests in part 11 i do not think this had to happen. normally im all for a3 magic shenanigans so i dont know why this one didnt gel for me lol. anyways PSA wild monkeys can fuck u up so do be careful. don't get aggressive with them. i'm not an expert or anything tho.
the fact that running on the beach is part of their training makes me think sakyo has read knb. doesnt muku give sakyo manga recs? was that not a thing? anyways i think sakyo would read knb. he seems like the type of person to read it and be like. i dont think real high schoolers can go invisible or shoot sparks out of their eyes when they're focused. but i hope he enjoyed it. speaking og knb and a3 a hurrah for team friendship. i saw ur post abt it and like. i want a sticker thats like. I Survived That One Poll Where People Were Really Mean To Muku And Yuki For No Reason. muku and momoi was such a wonderful win to see with the art and propaganda and everything. and i was really rooting for momoi since her name literally comes from momoiro. i didnt actually know there was a knb a3 alliance until this poll but im very glad for its existence bc i love both things very much and theyre both very very dear to me.
was never worried for muku and izumi in the cave bc i Knew muku was doing a hansel & gretel with the way he was acting and i was glad to see it was buttons and not food so omi found them. i think its really cute that not only did omi rush off while people tried to stop him, a bunch of other people were ALSO trying to rush off and were probably stopped. makes sense it was omi who was able to actually do it tho. hes omi after all. look at how he handled banri and juza from day one. him showing muku the flower was so nice and the cg was SO CUTE like. look at those sparkling eyes!!! i also love queen of the night flowers... and im glad they got to go to a resort on the last day.
now some misc notes:
theres this part where taichi lies down in the sand and kumons like oh thats so nice! and lies down with him and i winced so hard like noooo dont u know... sand is just like glitter (Gets Everywhere)
i also just really like that muku is. for all that he berates himself for being weak and he wants to get like more stronger and prince-like and heroic etc. he very much doesn’t seem to correlate that with how he Looks Physically? (see: how he treats yuki) and like. that means so much to me.
finally i saw tenma being annoyed on the ship and island and stuff and. i just Know he complained during the trip and also to everyone when they got back but a year later he'll do an interview for some character that's very woodsy or like he acts as a castaway or something. and i just know he'll talk about how he was able to play the character well due to his own experience of staying on a deserted island… he'll say something abt how it was enriching and taught him a lot about coexisting with nature and some bs like that etc. and after watching that interview everyone in a3 will lovingly make fun of him for it.
YOO HEY THERE! always a pleasure, always no worries <333 a touch of cutesy a3 in the curse that is my inbox.
True i remember you almost read this one by accident ahah, at least now it's all in order again. You're SO right about Muku, he'd be a delightful conversation partner about manga and especially about shoujo. I'm sure you too would get along.
Also very good point for the CG yeah, they're conceptually a very good duo on that regard, they had such a sweet dynamic this whole time, and it's soft to see them with especially just this soft over a flower.
AKJDFMLDKMFLFD Azami and Yuki fit that description so well and now there's two of them. rip Kazunari.
Ah yeah, Paranoia is Paranoia until the day you're actually right. That's Muku right here. And honestly at this point, is it overthinking or is it a correct assessment of the type of person Sakyo is. Food for thoughts. But yess it's so nice they spent some time together to prepare it all.
FOR KAZU IT'S SO FUNNY. i have to believe that, yes, indeed. Especially also with like, how close Kazunari and Azuma can be as the two travellers type, and he knows perfectly what Azuma pulled last training camp. I trust Kazunari in putting two and two together while preparing his traveler log. Like he must have known. I believe in him.
"juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related." that's such a cute way to put it. YEAH IT'S SO SWEET FROM NATSUGUMI. and yeah i'm also team "always crying when Tenma and Misumi do anything that qualifies as a normal experience" considering their specific bagage about how little they could experience of the world bc of their families.
That's a fair point for the monkeys. It was totally buckwild but yeah this might have been a little too much in term of suspension of disbelief. taking notes for how to behave with monkeys in real life, we never know.
Oh my god a3xknb alliance real and it was thanks to Sakyo all along. And yeah Muku does give Sakyo manga rec. Also Kumon is really big on sports manga and him and Muku talks about this common interest a lot, so if it's not Muku, it's Kumon's fault, but also, i want to say it's Muku because it goes with OUR alliance type. Sakyo would indulge because oh well!
And god right. Team friendship…. and right :sob: remember when people were so mean for no reason. for the sake of cartoon's dogs. :(. but the alliance this competition around was so wholesome. i'm glad you've learnt of the alliance thanks to it now! it's honestly such a sweet phenomena i love it so much. I'm so glad you like those two so much that it makes it more worthwhile <3
Muku is such a clever survivalist on that regard. and Omimi finding them was so nice. the fact so many people wanted to rush to them really is amazing. And agreed, the CG and them being able to rest up really made it worthwhile <3
wow speaking about sand like a true Anakin Skywalker type… gotta give it to him. But yeah Sand does get everywhere. also speaking of sands, remember in the beachside event where Muku and Juza have to talk out a misunderstanding on the beach a way back? Muku then mentions "next time we should bring Kumon on the beach with us". It made me so emotional that the Summer/Autumn training camp was on the beach like that because i was just thinking about how much Muku and Juza wanted to have Kumon with them there….
agreed on Muku. And he's so cool this way :( that's a reason i really love Muku a lot.
and i lOVE what you say about Tenma. He'd complain so much on the spot, but give it a bit and he'll brag about how cool of an experience it was (especially since he was with his buddies) and everyone at Mankai would tease him for it. It fits them so perfectly.
as always, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the event <3333 next is Guy's chapter!!! be hyped ;D
Take care and it's always a pleasure <333
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stonewallsposts · 2 years
16 personalities questions: 16-18
Going through these in a more in-depth way gave me the idea that when I finish all these questions, I'm going to go back and use these answers to give more thoughtful responses to where I am on the spectrum of each statement. Then I'll plug those into the quiz and see if it gives me a different personality type than the ENFP-A that I originally got. As I mentioned, I was so closely in the middle that I had assumed I could probably take this on four different days and get four different responses. So it'll be interesting to see where I land after taking this much time to delve into where I fit. But given that I'm doing around three per day, it'll take 20 days total to finish it up, plus maybe another couple to settle Where on each statement's spectrum I fall.  
Anyway, on with the responses.  
16. You enjoy participating in group activities 
In general, yes. I call myself an outgoing introvert, meaning that I enjoy group activities, but eventually I have to get away and be by myself in order to recharge my batteries.  
But I do enjoy getting together with groups of people. 
One of my favorites over the years has been our holiday meetings at my brother-in-law's place. His place has become THE place where I can get together with both my sons. While I talk to my younger son regularly on the phone, and visit him a few times a year in Vegas, and I also get together regularly with my older son, about the only place I see them together is when we all meet for the holiday get-togethers at my brother-in-laws.  
But I love big get-togethers with friends and co-workers as well.  
I had mentioned in a previous section that we have a pretty social office atmosphere. When covid hit back in 2020, and everyone was working from home, my boss was not happy. Our IT guy stayed on premises the entire time. I came back after a month, and a few others came back quickly enough too. 
But as the time stretched on, and people stayed working at home, he was definitely missing the interaction. As we've hired on new people, one of the criteria has been finding someone who is willing to come in. I suppose that selection process has brought in people who are more comfortable socially, but for whatever reason, our office environment is filled with people who like the social aspect. So I love whenever we have parties or office lunches. We regularly gather to chat over things. 
I used to do this at church when I was in leadership, but not anymore. Though we still get together after drive-thru prayer for dinner. Or at least we did last year.  
Anyway, yes, I love group activities. 
17. You like books and movies that make you come up with your own interpretation of the ending 
I think I do. I'm trying to think of some movies or shows that have done this. It's not so much my own interpretation of the ending, but I certainly like shows that make me think. 
I was watching a Korean show called One Spring Night a while back. It's a love story between a young single father, whose ex-wife had deserted him, and an independent librarian who falls in love with him. 
The real hitch, in Korean society, is that he is a single father. Apparently that carries some sort of stigma. People figure there must have been something wrong with him to make his wife leave him, or maybe he just has bad 'juju' that caused the misfortune. Then there is a whole stigma about the woman getting involved with him because she would have to raise a child that isn't her own, which again, is apparently a really big deal in Korean society. All this is complicated by the fact that the girl is in a long-term relationship with a guy who checks all the boxes for marriage material, but who she clearly doesn't connect with, and is feeling increasingly distant. 
When she does finally decide to end it, the boyfriend tries to override this by saying it's not just her decision to make. He goes behind her back to get her father's permission. And then the role of parents in their daughter's decision comes up. The perspective of how both guys match up on the list of marriage material comes into play. 
What made me think was that in the show, this is portrayed as societal pressure. But I was recognizing that here, some of these same pressures are being applied by women on themselves. For example the list of qualifications that many women judge potential mates by, is essentially the same as those employed by the Korean parents. Of course self-imposed restrictions are always more acceptable than those placed on you from outside, so there is that, but at any rate, there was a lot that I found interesting in that show. The role of society and the honor/shame culture that makes it so difficult to go against the grain. 
Another movie that made me think was Munich. The story is about the PLO's killing of Israeli athletes at the 72 Munich Olympics and the subsequent retaliations. The Israeli's decide to retaliate with a series of public executions of the responsible palestinians, with the stated goal that "the world will understand that killing Jews will be an expensive proposition." But then the palestinians begin to hunt the Mossad agents as well and exact even more revenge. The entire scenario brings up questions about following orders blindly, the moral questions involved in doing so. And in particular, it made me think of the Jews entering the promised land and needing to execute the people living there. We know from reading the Bible, that the Lord was finished with the people living in the land, and that they had been given ample time to repent, but hadn't. This judgment was on them for their sins. But the individuals that had to go into those cities and hack down man, woman, and child, didn't have that luxury. They didn't know what the history was, they were merely being told to follow this order, and that if they didn't, there would retribution not only on their heads, but on the entire congregation. That's not an easy thing to swallow. 
I remember the charge that the Israelites gave Joshua- We will listen to you, but only be sure that you are following the Lord.  
There have been a lot of developments over the last 100 years with regard to this. The classic Nazi defense at the Nuremburg trials was that they were 'just following orders'. They had no choice.  
This was overruled in that the sheer moral horror of the acts should have been understood as immoral, regardless of the command structure, and they had, as human beings, a moral obligation to not follow those orders. 
So would I, as a believer, follow an order from God to kill another human? There are all kinds of questions that pop up, I know, but these are the questions that the movie confronted.  
Anyway, yes, I do like books and movies that make me think. The specific statement- do I like such that make me "come up with my own interpretation of the ending"…. I'm not sure I can think of a particular book or movie that has made me do that. 
Perhaps some of the Italian movies, which don’t seem to have 'endings' per se. Their modus operandi seems to be to show a slice of life. Things happen and then the end of portraying the events comes, but there doesn't seem to be a resolution. American movies like to tie things up. Italian movies don't. I guess that's more true to life, but it also doesn't feel as satisfying.  
I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing they are talking about with finding my own interpretation. I decide to google this very thing. Some of the movies they listed, that I had seen were Lost in Translation, Total Recall, Gone Girl, Inception, Blade Runner, the Graduate, and the Prestige. I liked all those movies, so I suppose I do.  
18. Your happiness comes more from helping others accomplish things than your own accomplishments 
Interesting statement. I do love helping other people, and the times I'm most satisfied with in my life have been when helping others. We took in a friend from church who was essentially homeless and kept her dog for 5 months, and then she too stayed with us off and on until she got her own place again. Because of that, we ended up having another lady we knew stay with us for 15 months. She was homeless at the time, and without our help, I'm sure she would have been permanently homeless. She is now back on her feet and doing well. Those were difficult days, but at the same time, some of the things I'm proudest of. Any of the people I've prayed for, and spent time helping, those are moments I wouldn’t trade and I've found them the most satisfying in my life.  
So I suppose that my happiness does come more from helping others, but then again, I wouldn’t be in a position to help them had I not accomplished things on my own too. Or at least it seems that way to me. Perhaps the Lord would have blessed me enough to give out, even had I not been working towards my own accomplishments. 
Back around 2005 or so, I had the opportunity to go to work for Cartoon Network. I was doing freelance work for them on the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends show, and several of the guys that had been at our studio, had moved on to work full time for CN. I was offered the chance, but chose to remain freelance so that I could continue to devote more time to the ministry work I had been doing. Several of the guys have gone on to better careers because of that move. My freelance work eventually dwindled until I had to give it up altogether and move where I am now. 
I don't know if I would have had a better, more fulfilling work career, but I certainly wouldn't have had as many ministry opportunities as I did. So I have made specific decisions in my life because I wanted to serve others more than myself.  
In the last four years, after having been blessed with more financial stability, I've often wondered if I should have quit freelance earlier and gotten a job. Perhaps I would have been making more, and I certainly would have been in a better financial position, but I'm happy now, I was happy then, so I suppose, while we can always second-guess our decisions, I'm not going to. I'm just going to be content in the circumstances I find myself in and let it be. 
And since the statement was particularly directed towards not just helping others in general, but helping others "accomplish things", maybe I should try to address that as well. I do, when I have the chance, like to see others succeed. I'm not jealous of others accomplishments, I don't get envious when other people are given accolades or recognition. I will offer help to just about anyone that asks me... at least if I know them already. I'm not gonna hand out money to solicitations on the street. But if a friend, or co-worker needs a hand, I'm usually up to help as much as I can. 
The answer to the question then is yes, my happiness comes more from helping others. 
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ookinky · 2 years
me in middle school: lmao yeah my mom told me that the school tried to diagnose me as autistic just bc i read book at recess instead of playing with other kids lmao isnt that hilarious me now:
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hainethehero · 2 years
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It's not even the fact that I write Harringrove fanfic or that I really ship Steve & Billy because I felt like Season 2 really set them up as enemies to close friends with sexual tension here and there (cough x2 bathroom scene).
But I sincerely hope they're not making them get back together again.
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First of all, THIS 👆 is the scene right here that symbolized Steve really letting Nancy go. He missed the idea of being in love and being in love with her. But after season 2, he accepted that she'd wanted Johnathan and had MOVED ON. It showed maturity on both their parts, but esp. For Steve who was going thru this character development of douchebag jock to reliable friend and a goddamn HERO to those kids! Making them get back together ERASES that.
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Steve has been a comic relief character for quite some time and I'm kind of tired of it. Season 4 opens with yet ANOTHER scene between him and Robin and ONCE AGAIN, he's looking for someone to date. Brenda, Linda, Heidi etc. It's insulting to the growth his character has gone through.
Why not show him coming into his own? And realizing that he doesn't need to be with anyone? Or maybe he realizes his worth? And that maybe he's not totally useless & one dimensional (the way they portrayed him in S1?
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And not only that, but think about how much this voids everything that happened to Nancy and Johnathan in S1, 2 and 3! Nancy and Johnathan worked through a lot of their own issues and eventually got back together again. So now what? Does this mean that Johnathan didn't really mean that much to Nancy even though they've been through hell together? And what about Nancy?
It's a cheap and tacky way of turning Nancy's character into a total badass, & then turning right around in that same light and totally decimating her growth by implying that because she hasn't been getting enough time & commitment from Johnathan, she'll now set her sights back on Steve.
It's bullshit.
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awhkacey · 2 years
𝐾𝑜𝑘𝑜𝑚𝑖 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑐𝑜𝑛:
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As one of my pretty followers said “Why tho?”
Self concept. Her self concept was on fucking point. She would walk down the street believing she was the prettiest girl alive and yes ma’am, everyone believed her. She believed everyone wanted to both be her and be with her, and the 3D reflected that by showing her every man to be at her feet. They all wanted to date her.
You might be asking “ahem what about saiki?”
And yes you are right on that one. She had dominant thoughts about how saiki was ignoring her and wouldn’t notice her, which then manifested.
Although i will argue that was a queen at flipping those negative thoughts into a positive. She turned “omg saiki just walked straight past me” into “he thought i was beautiful i was some kind of hologram” lmaoo.
Where did she go wrong with saiki?
Eventually she kinda gave in to the dominant thoughts and lost her ability to flip those thoughts into positive. Which obviously didn’t help her manifestation of him.
What she should of done is keep persisting in the fact he does love her and want nothing but to be with her as we all persistence is key when coming into contact with doubts and limiting beliefs.
So how is she a loa icon if she didn’t get her sp?
UM she got the whole world apart from one little stubborn leo man to fall in love with her and believe she’s the prettiest and most perfect girl that has ever seen. You can’t deny her power. She has a little work to do, yes. But that doesn’t make her any less of a powerful god.
Take this into consideration
Just because you haven’t manifested that one little thing you wanted, although you have manifested loads of other stuff, it doesn’t make you powerless. It doesn’t dethrone you of your god title. You’re a still a god if you have only just started learning how to manifest consciously. You are still a god if you are still ‘waiting’ for your manifestations to come thru. Don’t doubt your power on how fast you can manifest. It’s not a competition. Your desires are coming. Your desires are already here. Accept them and claim them.
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Can u write an au where carol’s cat (goose) keeps sneaking into fem!reader’s apartment and so carol and reader communicate with each other thru notes they put on goose’s collar and they eventually fall in love (((:::::::
Goose's Best Friend
Summary: After a stranger's cat injured in your apartment one night, you decide to attach a short note to its collar to give your apologies. They lead to something you could have never expected.
Pairing: Army Pilot!Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2,792
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It was the middle of the night, 2:57a.m., to be exact, when a loud crash shook you from the clutches of sleep. You sat up with a groan, rubbing your eyes to clear your vision enough to look at the clock on your nightstand. You swung your legs off the bed, eyes catching the shattered lamp on the ground. Fighting off the temptation to leave it on the ground for tomorrow, for fear that you might forget about it and slam your bare feet into the shards scattered around the floor, you slid your legs into some sweats and stood up.
You weren’t expecting, when you turned on the light, for something to move. When something darted around the corner you actually let out a high-pitched yelp, flying backwards and hitting your elbow hard off the corner of the nightstand. You felt tingling rush into the tips of your fingers as you tried desperately to comprehend what had just happened. Your breathing had already increased, and your heart was racing inside your chest. You took a hesitant step forward.
Despite being alone in the apartment, you flushed beet red in embarrassment when you found the creature you’d been so terrified of. The orange tabby cat stared up at you with wide eyes, letting out a quiet mew. Immediately your heart softened, its beat slowing down to a normal pace. When the cat made to step toward you, though, you immediately noticed the limp. Your eyebrows furrowed and you knelt down, letting it come to you. You reached out for its front leg, and it let you take it into your hand.
“Oh, sweet baby,” you muttered softly, wiping a bit of blood out of its fur with your thumb. “Come on. I think I have a first aid kit in the bathroom.”
It surely didn’t understand what you said, but it followed you when you stood up. It limped into the bathroom behind you, settling once it reached the tile floor. You reached into the cupboard under the sink and pulled out the red case, propping it up on the countertop and opening it up. Quickly, you located the roll of bandages and the scissors that came with it. You pulled it out and got some wet paper towels. Once more you knelt down on the ground next to the tabby.
A black collar around its neck caught your attention. You reached out for the silver tag that hung from it and spoke aloud. “Goose. Well, Goose, there’s no phone number here for your owner. Guess I’ll have to fix you up and trust you can find your own way home, huh?”
He meowed in response.
You continued to wrap up his leg. When you finally finished, you tucked the first aid kit away again. You clicked your tongue a couple times in an attempt to get him to follow you again. The both of you headed toward the kitchen, where you rummaged through the fridge for the leftover chicken from dinner the night before last. You pulled some out and set it in a small dish on the floor, a sort of apology for your lamp having done such damage to the poor animal’s leg. He helped himself quickly. Meanwhile, you dug through one of your drawers.
You popped the cap off a pen and cut a small strip of paper, struggling to keep your writing small enough to fit.
There was no number on the collar, so I opted for this. Goose found his way into my apartment and had an unfortunate mishap. I patched him up and gave him a treat. I hope that’s okay. He should be alright.
Hope he feels better soon.
You rolled the note around the tabby’s collar and taped it in place. He’d finished his treat by now, so you led him back to the apartment door. When you opened it, he cast one glance back at you, eyes shining as if in gratitude, then scurried down the hall. Just as he turned out of sight, though, someone else moved into your peripheral vision. You could have scoffed when you saw who had wandered into the hallway. She spoke before you could close the door.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Fuck off, Danvers.”
“Captain Danvers,” she hummed, a wide smirk on her face as she twirled her keys around her finger.
“In your dreams,” you scoffed. “And next time you’re using your stripes to get random women in bed, be a little quieter, would you? Some of us around here have self-respect.”
You closed the door before she could respond to that.
You and Carol Danvers had hated each other for as long as you’d lived there. The two of you were like hot and cold, or night and day. She liked loud music and late nights whereas you liked a nice book and an early night. You were quiet and soft-spoken, and Carol was a bully. In fact, she was your bully. You’d never endured such teasing and taunting from anyone else before. It wasn’t her harsh words that got to you, though. In fact, you weren’t entirely sure what it was that got to you. Maybe it was her arrogance, or maybe it was her ignorance for anyone around her. It didn’t matter.
Carol Danvers brought out a side of yourself that you didn’t know existed. You’d only have to hear a single word fall from her lips or see a glimpse of her from the corner of your eye, and instantly any semblance of a good mood would dissipate and fade into annoyance. The hatred you held for her made your blood boil in your veins at the mere sight of her stupid, cocky smirk. You sometimes wished you could just reach out and slap that stupid smirk off her stupid face.
You pushed the blonde from your mind, heading back to bed. Hopefully, the coming day would be one that didn’t involve the blonde captain.
It was three days later that a quiet meow caught your attention. It tore your gaze from the TV, and you glanced toward the source of the sound. The face that was watching you immediately brought a smile to your face. You pat the couch beside you and the tabby jumped up, settling onto the blanket. You ran your hand across his head, watching his eyes close in content. You were about to turn your gaze back to the TV when you noticed the paper around his collar. It wasn’t the same one you put there. You reached out for it and removed it, careful not to rip it, and unrolled it. You flicked on the lamp.
Sorry about him. He wanders around the building. This isn’t the first time he’s gotten into someone’s room. If you fed him, he’ll probably come back to you (which I don’t mind, so long as you don’t mind that he’ll keep coming back). That’s how I know you’ll get this. So, thank you for patching him up. The vet would’ve cost more. You were right. He was just fine.
Rolled up with it was a twenty-dollar bill. You chuckled, immediately standing up off the couch. You pulled a small treat out of the fridge as you passed it, Goose trotting into the kitchen at the sight. You handed it to him and he took it happily, chowing down as you stood up straight again and continuing on your journey toward the notepad on the counter. Once again you ripped a small piece of paper out of it, ripping the cap of the pen off with your teeth and holding it there as you brought the pen down to meet the paper.
It seems so. You were right. He came back. He’s a sweet boy. I truly enjoy his visits. I don’t get many of them, so he’s welcome here whenever he pleases. And I don’t need this. Keep it.
You knelt down on the ground to Goose once again. He sat still for you as you wrapped the bill around his collar, wrapped the note around it, and then taped them both in place. Once more, you led him back to the apartment door, opened it up for him, and let him into the hallway. He rubbed his head against your calf once more before dashing out of sight. You shut the door behind him.
You huffed as you stormed into the lobby of the apartment building. Work had not treated you well that day. All you wanted was to head upstairs, put on your coziest pyjamas, order takeout, cuddle into the couch, and watch a movie or two. It was all you needed to wash away the horrible day and ease the stress that was weighing so heavily on your chest. You only wanted to pick up your mail before you did, but apparently, the universe had other ideas.
“Looking for some mail from your mommy?”
Danvers was the last person you wanted to deal with today. You didn't even bother to grumble a response to your neighbour, who was still in uniform as she stepped up beside you and unlocked her own mailbox. You were going to step away without a single word, but once more, you didn’t get your wish. Carol snickered at something, making you slam your box shut with far more force than necessary.
“What, pray tell, is so fucking funny?” You snapped.
“Oh, nothing. Nothing. Nice keychain.”
The keychain was a souvenir one you’d gotten from your trip to Disney with your family a few years ago. It was a picture of you and your brothers all wearing Mickey Mouse ears and sticking your tongues out at the camera. If anyone else had said the words, you would have blushed and thanked them. When Carol said the words, you shoved the keys in your pocket and shot a glare so harsh that it would have killed if it could have.
“You’re a dick, Danvers.”
“Captain Danvers,” she corrected once more.
“Look, this whole army pilot thing might work on those girls you pick up from god knows where, but I’ve met you,” you sneered. “You use this uniform for detestable things, Danvers. It’s disgusting.”
You stormed away.
When you unlocked your door and stepped into your apartment, however, you found that you wouldn’t need pyjamas or takeout or movies to make you feel better. Your new best friend was sitting on your couch as if he had been waiting for you to arrive home. You dropped your bag at the door and moved to sit with him immediately. After stroking his head absentmindedly for a bit, you noticed the new note.
Take it. Please? Come on, you’re going to make Goose sad if you don’t. You’re going to make me sad if you don’t.
Attached with the note, again, was that same twenty-dollar bill. You rolled your eyes as you moved into the kitchen once more, handing Goose a few of the cat treats you’d bought for him. He accepted them happily as, for the third time, you prepared to write a note for Goose’s mystery owner. You didn’t even bother to sit down, hunching over the counter in a way that your back probably wouldn’t have thanked you for. You scribbled on the paper.
I’m sure Goose won’t mind at all. As for you? Well, I don’t really know you, do I? Just keep the damn money, will you? You know, Goose is going to gain a few pounds if you keep sending him back here.
Sincerely, Goose’s new best friend
After a few pats to the head, you sent Goose off with that. He was back later that day.
Goose’s best friend,
Goose does mind. He wants you to keep it. Please? Besides, if we keep attaching it with scotch tape to a wandering cat, it’s going to get lost. You wouldn’t want that, now, would you? I sure wouldn’t. As for the treats, I’ll make sure to walk him a bit more. Wouldn’t want to lose my new favourite pen pal over a couple extra pounds on the cat.
- Goose’s mom
This time, there were two twenties attached. You chuckled at that. Goose was gobbling down his treat as you wrote.
Goose’s mom,
I think that’d be quite a sight to see, you walking Goose down the street. Guess if I ever see Goose leashed and with some random woman on the street, I’ll know what you look like.
- Goose’s best friend
P.S. Just donate the money. Seriously.
As if it were habit by now, you reattached the bills, added your note, and sent the tabby out the door once again. You headed back to what you’d been doing.
It wasn’t long before the next reply.
Goose’s best friend,
Here, I’ll help you build the image. I’m 23, blonde, and about 5’6”. I’m in the army, so I’d probably still be in uniform after work. Oh, and Goose’s leash is blue, and he has a grey harness for walking.
- Goose’s mom
P.S. I split the $40 between the humane society and the local shelter
You once more had to laugh at the stranger. Of course, you immediately moved to respond. As much as you didn’t want to kick Goose out, you wanted her to get your answer as soon as possible. You grabbed your notepad.
Goose’s mom,
You sound cute.
- Goose’s mom’s best friend
It was a short note this time. You were having fun, though, and you wanted to tease your new friend a little. You attached the note to Goose and let him run off.
Once more, Goose returned with a new reply.
Best friend,
You didn’t give me anything in response. I’m offended.
- Goose’s mom’s best friend’s best friend
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the way she’d signed her newest note. A pang of confidence hit your chest. You scribbled on the note.
Goose’s cute mom,
Let’s go for coffee then. 2B. I’m free when you are.
- Girl with a crush
You regretted sending that last note. You’d never gone more than 12 hours without communicating with the mystery note sender. You’d grown quite fond of the little pieces of communication you’d exchanged with her. It was actually the highlight of your day, on most days. Since sending that last one, though, you’d yet to hear back from her. It’d been four days now. You were quite upset about it, and decided the best way to fix that was some loud music. Maybe it’d piss Danvers off as much as she pissed you off.
When there was a loud knock on the door, you immediately assumed that you’d sure pissed someone off. Of course, they’d complain about you and not her. Everyone loved Carol fucking Danvers. You wished you could whirl the door open and shout at whoever was on the other side, but knew yourself better than that. You’d probably open it up and apologize, then turn the volume down and wallow in your misery to the sound of softer music.
That is, if it were anyone but Danvers.
“What? Just now realizing how damn annoying it is to hear loud music blaring from the apartment directly below yours?” You rolled your eyes. “Fuck off, Danvers.”
You went to slam the door, but she stuck her hand in. It must’ve been a little harsher than you meant to, because she shook her fingers out when she retracted them. You didn’t apologize, because you didn’t even feel bad. She deserved it after giving you two years of hell having to live in the apartment below her. You’d not have been surprised if one day she invited an elephant into her room just so she could make as much noise in your apartment as possible.
As you were about to make another snarky remark, though, you noticed something. That cocky glint that was usually shining in her brown eyes was missing. She wasn’t even meeting your eyes. Her gaze was cast to the door beside your head, locked to the bronze numbers that were screwed into it. You raised a single eyebrow, waving your hand in front of her face to get her attention. She blinked as if coming out of a trace, looking back to you.
“What do you want, Danvers?” You snapped when she wouldn’t speak.
She didn’t answer. She only held out a small piece of paper. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but took it from her. The handwriting was one you’d seen so many times.
Goose’s best friend,
Coffee it is. But I’m paying. I still owe you.
- A girl who also has a crush, Carol Danvers
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leonhardt-simp · 3 years
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AOT girls + Hange reacting to ‘deez nuts’ jokes.
[modern AU]
this isn’t a request but it’s funny so, here you go as my first post. Requests are open ! reblogs are okay ! this is a repost since I moved acc !
cw/ kind of suggestive on yelena’s
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Annie Leonhardt: She would look at you with a whole lot of judgment for making such a joke in the first place. Expect a light punch in the arm or a pillow thrown to your face after said joke.
“what do you want to eat?” Annie asked, looking down at her phone as she proceeded to scroll through her phone. You both had been out all day and had both arrived at her house bit late.
Just as you were gonna answer, you suddenly had a grand thought come to mind.
you moved your body back to rest against the back of the couch, crossing your arms over your chest as you let out a light hum.
“hmm, how about DN?” you smiled at her, her expression suddenly turning into one of confusion as she looked up from her phone.
“what’s DN?”
“DEEZ NUTS ! HAH !” You laughed in victory.
Annie wouldn’t even respond. She just looked at you, her eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowed down.
She even tilted her head a bit, trying to understand how the joke was funny.
“Sheesh, tough crowd.”
Mikasa Ackerman: she would be genuinely confused at first because she didn’t understand who candice was. poor girl would actually think someone named candice was an actual person in your life. you would have to explain the joke.
Mikasa and you both would be hanging out at the library with connie and sasha when the opportunity had risen.
Connie had been joking around with you and sasha as Mikasa had been studying with the small chaos, using it a background noise.
it was actually also Connie telling you to make the joke in the first place, he had been getting everyone else with it but he hadn’t had the opportunity to catch mikasa off guard yet.
So, you did. “Mikasa.” you leaned over to her side, Connie and Sasha were already laughing and giggling like idiots across the table.
“hmm?” she asked, looking up from her laptop and over to you with a the most genuine expression. “what is it?”
You couldn’t back down yet !
“Do you know candice?” Her expression faltered a bit and look a bit confused.
“You never spoke of a candice to me before- Who’s candice?-“
“Lower your voice-“ Mikasa would interrupt you, your confidence almost instantly dissipating in the little pause between you both.
“Now, who’s Candice-? Is she someone from your class-?”
Connie and Sasha bursted out into laughter when the joke couldn’t even come out of your mouth. How could you continue now?
Sasha Braus: You can’t outplay her in these jokes, she knows them like the back of her hand. She always manages to flip the joke onto you. almost always ends up with her laughing at you.
You both had gone to go out to eat so you both had been just sitting in her truck, her hand resting in yours as you both waited in the drive-thru line.
You had been trying for a good minute to catch her in these jokes. It’s not like you would do it all the time but, you knew you were getting close to getting her back. So you found your chance.
Casually, you began to start up on another conversation. hoping, you could catch her finally.
“Sasha, You never really did tell me. Do you prefer tapes or cds?” you asked as you turned to her, playing with the wristbands she wore. Sasha didn’t take the bait.
“Oh? I thought I told you on our first date. Remember? I even told you I was huge fan of D.” She responded casually.
This was what suddenly caught you off guard.
“I never even heard of a singer named Dee-“
“god fucking damn it, sasha-“
Historia Reiss: She would just let out the biggest groan and just be like “Reaaaaally?” it’s funny. She later try to get you back but she would fumble on her joke and say it wrong. Eventually, she would get frustrated and just go “Man, whatever-“
it was an easy opportunity with Historia, especially now. She was more focused on playing animal crossing than anything else really at the moment.
She was resting comfortably in between your legs, the back of her head just resting against your abdomen as she ran around her virtual island.
“Hisu.” You couldn’t help but start laughing at your girlfriend’s impending doom.
Her hand movements paused slightly to tilt her head up to look at you. “hmm?”
“I heard you had a little crush on Venessa Paradis?” you questioned.
“I- what-?” Historia immediately sat up at the sudden accusation. “who the hell said that? who the fuck is Vanessa?”
“Pair a deez nuts !” You caught her and with that, you suddenly got a pillow to the face.
Ymir: Ymir doesn’t even give you the satisfaction of even answering questions. it’s usually gonna be like “If it’s another deez nuts joke, I swear-“ sometimes she will just tease you for the fact you still make those jokes.
Ymir often took you out for lil drives at night, since usually during exam season you both barely get to see each other. Just some light music playing and you both just enjoying each other’s company.
Of course, though during your usual catch-up conversations. You decided to pull another joke on her.
“Connie has been telling me you’ve been into imagine dragons lately? what’s up with that?” you questioned.
Ymir just looked at you, she let her lips press together in a little thin line as she just let the silence grow between you. she just looked at you as if you already knew the answer.
“you know, I’ve laughed at funnier jokes hisu’s niece had told me.” she said, looking back at the road ahead.
“low blow, ymir.”
“blow on deez nuts.”
Pieck Finger: She just kinda looks at you with a lil doe eyes. Sometimes she conflicted between saying “wow, you really said that.” and “wow, that was actually kind of a good one.” isn’t one to ruin your fun but doesn’t mean she can’t judge.
Pieck had just gotten out from her exhausting classes. She wanted nothing more than to just visit you and lay on you, let you just hold her as she napped for a bit of the day.
When she had arrived to your dorm, you could easily see that the day had taken a toll on her energy.
After tossing her bag to the ground, Pieck made her way on over to your side of the dorm room and crawled onto your bed to take her spot on top of you.
“Pieck, my love, darling. move a bit, I’m watching the Yankees vs Expoz game.” You asked, finding a more comfortable position. You would let your hand rest on Pieck’s lower back as your eyes turned back to the small tv you had.
Pieck’s head lifted up to look at the tv, somewhat interested. “Who are the Expoz?”
“EXPOZ DEEZ NUTS.” Without saying, she would just get off of you and go take her nap with her back turned to you.
“I- babe I’m joking-“
“nope- lost your chance.”
Yelena: Yelena doesn’t really care for these kinds of jokes. Sometimes they will just kinda fly over her head or she will just roll her eyes and continue on with what she was saying or doing.
Yelena and you had been getting both getting ready for a small gathering that she wanted to go to. Just her, you and some friends. It was to celebrate for finishing off exam season strong or something like that.
“Do you think this top would look nice with these pants?” she asked, holding up a white and blue stripped button up and some black pants.
“it’s just casual wear, right? then definitely, but make sure you don’t leave it unbuttoned like you usually do. I’m tired of seeing waitress ladies look at you.” You answered. You stepped closer to her, letting your arms wrap around her waist.
“Ah- is that jealousy I hear in your tone, babe?” she asked, her tone teasing as she leaned down to gently press her lips against the corner of your mouth.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s Ligma.”
“Well, whatever it is. I kind of like how it looks on your face.” she whispered against your lips, her hand dropping the button up onto her bathroom counter before letting it hold your jaw.
“I- ahaha- We have a gathering to go to, love.”
“hmm.. we have some time before then.”
Hange Zoë: They finds them absolutely hilarious. Kinda like Sasha, sometimes they will turn the joke onto you. Won’t actively make them but they will catch you sometimes.
You both were at the grocery store. Hange had a always had grown into a habit of forgetting to buy groceries so, when you came over to their house and saw that their fridge was borderline empty- you had to pull them to do some shopping.
“Ah- WHY IS MILK SO EXPENSIVE NOWADAYS?” They would groan out loud as you stayed by the grocery cart.
You watched them come back with a gallon, putting it in the cart with the other produce you both had gathered.
You knew hange didn’t like shopping so, to lighten the mood, you decided to joke around with them a bit.
“Milk is expensive but have you seen the price of fermented succondese?” you asked, leaning on the bar of the cart.
“What the hell is that?”
It was always pleasant to see Hange’s face go from surprised to laughing after the joke finally processed through their brain.
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