#destial vibes
xzerosparrowx · 4 months
Ao3 ship dynamics that I've learnt over half a year of reading fics for the first time
Drarry (harry potter):
Draco and Harry are both successful, but both of them are like going through it emotionally. Harry is a golden retriever and Draco is a cat in terms of vibes. Draco is obsessed with redeeming himself and Harry is suspicious, at first. Both are possessive.
Harry is successful but emotionally unavailable, he might be slutting it up or is just realising he's queer. Draco is having an awful time (emotionally or financially) but he has a great sense of fashion (leather, lace and billowy shirts). Draco redemption, Harry is wise and empathetic, but possessive. Very smutty.
Both Harry and Draco are having an awful time and find solace in each other. Lots of hurt/comfort.
Steddie (stranger things):
Eddie Munson is Rocky Horror Picture Show levels of queer and Steve finds that extremely hot. Eddie can be a successful musician or just sort of happy in general. Generally smutty, some hurt/comfort.
Steve is having an extremely bad time with his parents, Eddie is one of the few people who understand. Lots of hurt/comfort, drug use or smut.
Steve and Eddie deal with Upside Down trauma or shenanigans, but also being queer in the 80's. Hurt/Comfort all the way down.
Destial (supernatural):
Dean and Castiel deal with their trauma in a 'healthy' way by boning each other and never talking about their feelings. In AU fics, Castiel is generally a lawyer, the son of a priest, a doctor/student or a soldier (higher up the chain than Dean, at least). So much hurt/comfort in these fics. Also smut.
Dean is dealing with trauma about John being a bad parent and looking after Sam. He is also having a hard time acknowledging/reconciling that he is queer. Castiel comes into his life and Dean is feeling some type of way about it. Eventual found family. Hurt/Comfort, very sweet.
Castiel is dealing with being in love with Dean. Forbidden love. Sometimes Dean is a demon or a drunk.
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supernaturalconvert · 4 months
I'll tell you my idea. Jared is the glue between all the spn actors, you may like him or not as a person but he knows how to deal with the public and also with people individually. He is charismatic, energetic and knows how to entertain. Even when the questions are repetitive he tries to change or make the story more interesting. He is smart and knows what he has to give to people. He is also the intermediary between the spn actors; being friends, talking to each other is one thing... talking to an audience is another. Now that Jared isn't around everyone is behaving like primadonnas, everyone wants to show themselves superior, more beautiful, better, more talented...
The impression that Jensen gave with the panel with misha is like: who is this loser? (I'm only saying what was conveyed to me by the panel), he seemed almost disgusted. And before I get attacked I must say that this is also a lack of respect for the public who pays and who therefore must receive a certain form of entertainment.
Probably you are right and the presence of JDM might be a factor.
You know what you are absolutely right about Jared wanting to keep the audience at forefront. Some panels are better than the others but he can be funny, serious, sensitive, empathetic, quick witted, silly all at once. He doesn't get enough credit for it in the Fandom but cons like that versus those in Europe that happened recently tell you very clearly what's what. How the whole vibe is different? He lifts the whole thing up.
I haven't seen the panel but Jensen behaving like that is not something I can't believe. Even the Europe con reports were that he often checks out and is not fully there even from hard-core Destial shippers so it might be true.
I think Misha should tone down his remarks as well and the whole throwing Jared under the bus while he is gracious to him while Jensen is rude kinda makes Misha look like an even bigger ass. Also, act your age both for yourself and your kids. This ship baiting is getting embarrassing at this point.
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quail-with-a-nail · 19 days
hello tumblr!
I got here a little bit ago and just wanted to say hi! Is there anything important I should know about before I go and commit big mistakes by misjudging the vibe? I've absorbed enough from outside sources to know that the destial meme is for big news only (I'm bad at osmosis, that's all I really know)
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 10 months
(non spn watcher here) when did destial become a canon love story with writer intent? like was there more destiel-ness in the season leading up to the nov 5th confession?
Okay *cracks knuckles*.
First and foremost, I'm gonna tell you about my SPN history. I started watching SPN and got caught up with the show while s10 was airing and was watching live until the end of s12. I gave up specifically because Castiel's s11 plot proved to be just on the side of too miserable for me, and s12 didn't really make it any better (Cas dies at the end of that season). During this time, and until Nov 5th 2020, I was solidly on camp "Dean and Cas are never going to be canon just because of what SPN is fundamentally as a show, and even if they did, I cannot imagine a situation where it would be a good thing for Cas given SPN's track record on how they treat the angel."
When Nov 5th happened I was sucked back into the show. In preparation for the finale I watched all of s13-15 in the two weeks between the confession episode and the finale. Again, my perspective going into this endeavour was still very doubtful and pessimistic, specifically on the Dean side of the equation.
The beginning of s13 was a bit of a shock to me, honestly. It starts with what the fandom calls 'The Widower's Arc'. I think this was the arc that most solidly cements the feelings from Dean's side. It was so vehement in pointing out that Dean feels for Cas in a way so distinguished from how Sam does. In the very first episode of the season (so the first episode I watched after going back into SPN), Dean quietly wraps Cas' body with a curtain all by himself in a sunlit room. And I go Oh. Okay.
This vibe does wane after Cas comes back and regular SPN hijinks ensues. S14 actually ends with Dean and Cas fighting and Dean doing his usual Dean-isms. 15.03 is when that fight culminates: they break up and spend a couple episodes apart from each other.
15.09 The Trap features Dean and Cas in purgatory, and this was Truly An Episode. They bicker through-out the entire thing and are pretty pissed at one another, but then Cas gets taken, and Dean desperately prays to him, confesses his anger issues, forgives Cas and asks for forgiveness back. Later, they reunite, and Cas acknowledges that he heard everything Dean said.
This episode is so interesting to me because it culminates the Dean and Cas fight-separation-reconciliation plot of s15, and in doing so confirms it to be as important as it is. I cannot point enough that the plot reasons for the stuff happening in 15.09 is so pointless. They go to purgatory for a fetch quest for an item that can be interchangeable with literally anything else, specifically to put Dean and Cas back in purgatory (a meaningful place for them), have them be separated, and have the prayer happen. The whole point of the Dean and Cas portion of the episode is to do character work. We don't even see the scene where Cas finally gets the thing they're here to acquire in the first place. That's literally not the point. The point is Cas and Dean's story. S15 is the last season of a show with so many big things to wrap up, and they make it a point to have Dean and Cas go through a half-season arc that DOES occupy so much of the season and brings a new openness, vulnerability, and room for development into their relationship.
So yeah, before 15.18 there WAS very visible marks of the fact that Something was gonna happen. Interestingly enough all those marks were pretty dean-centric. I would say s4-10 destiel is the audience being inundated that Cas loves Dean. S11-15, ESPECIALLY 13-15 is so very much making it known that Dean loves Cas too.
On a related note, on Nov 21, 2020, a post is made here on tumblr claiming that around Dec 2016 (S12 was airing at this point), Warner Bros. conducted a market research about Supernatural, and from this person's experience, specifically about Dean and Cas and Dean's sexuality (link to a post that confirms the information in the post to be true). This market research was during the time leading up to s13, which I think does mark a big change in how the love between Dean and Cas started being framed by the show as something Dean both feels and is also aware of.
So, to answer your questions.
Was there more destiel-ness in the season leading up to the nov 5th confession? Yes.
When did destiel become a canon love story with writer intent? It became a canon love story by S15, but the writer intent to make it canon goes way back to s13 but probably even s12.
- Grey :))
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phdmama · 1 year
Hi. I’m hoping you can help. For various reasons I want to move over to fics that aren’t Larry, the only fanfic I’ve ever read. (Love your writing and always excited when I see you post anything; love fics about actual adults; any shift I make won’t keep me away from your Larry fics!) Do you have a ship you think is similar to Larry and maybe easily accessible? One problem is that I haven’t watched the shows that underlie some of the other big ones I see, like Sterek or Destiel. From what little I’ve seen, Destiel especially piques my interest. Should I watch the show before reading? Any starter/foundational/really well known fics you’d recommend I start with? I’m sorry for bombarding you with questions. 🥴😔 Thank you so much!
First, thank you SO much for your lovely words about my writing!! xox
And I love this ask, but I'll be really open about my own bias, which is that I read ships/fic in stuff where I've never really interacted with canon and I'm fine with that. I'm much less picky about specific ship and much much pickier about writing and stories.
The other thing that might help me would be if you had a specific vibe about Larry that you've enjoyed?
If you are comfortable with Harry Potter, Drarry is an absolutely phenomenal ship and there's such an enormous depth of history and writing and talent in this fandom, I just cannot even. I've written a ton of Drarry, and I tend towards less "being dicks to each other" and much more towards "we've kind of sorted our shit out now let's gooooo" vibe. Even if you haven't read HP but have a pretty good grasp from just the cultural infusion perspective, you should be fine. And again, there's SO much amazing fic there, and I can totally point you towards some of my own favs. This list is woefully out of date, but there's so much good content here!
If you have seen Captain America TFA and the Winter Soldier, those are all you need for one of the most brilliant Stucky series ever, by my darling friend @vmohlere, the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail. It's brilliant, just amazing, and I can't even tell you how many times I've read it or how much it's impacted me! (Honestly again, if you have sort of cultural knowledge of Steve and Bucky, you will probably be fine.)
I haven't read a ton of Destial, so I'm not sure I have recs there, but I will say, I've never watched the show and had no trouble with the fic!
I've only seen 30 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf and I have devoured about 8 billion Sterek fics and can give you so many recs if you want them! There's some absolutely stunning fic in that fandom!
Have you read Red, White & Royal Blue? I 100% recommend the book, I know not everyone loves it, but I really do, and it reads closer to a really good fic to me. And there's SO MUCH good fic!! @clottedcreamfudge is one of my all-time fav authors there.
Let's see. Are you familiar with Check, Please!? Online webcomic, gay college hockey players. Zimbits (Jack Zimmerman and Eric Bittle) might actually be one you'd enjoy. The comic is fantastic in and of itself, it's definitely a "small southern ball of sunshine and grumpy Canadian hockey-bot" (with a bunch of UST and pining and stuff)! So good. Highly recommend. And again, there's SO much great fic! I actually read a lot of different ships there, and there's great stuff!
Buddie seems to trend very much towards no smut/fluffy type fics, which I have to be in the right mood for, but there are some absolutely great writers in that fandom! (Including @hattalove who wrote some of my fav Larry fics!).
Okay, this is a lot, I know!! Please don't hesitate to message me for Sterek recs, and Drarry recs if you want! I'm currently absolutely OBSESSED with gay hockey players, both fictional and rpf, so reach out if you want some recs there!
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eziojensenthe3rd · 2 months
Midnight Gaming: The economy gets Deathspanked
So I played Deathspank past midnight, checked socials and found... the stock market has crashed... um ok, this is what.. the 4th major event that happened while I played a video game passed midnight?
This is news that I stumbled upon last night on tumblr, through the old tumblr tradition of getting news, via way of destial meme.
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It seems that through countless years of saying "the economy is fine!" while pouring money into worthless scams such as crypto, nfts and ai-gen, the wealthy have woken up to find that the economy is not fine, if anything its fucked.
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I dont have much of an opinion other than fuck the rich. This will likely effect alot of people, mainly those who make their money off of stocks. Im not the type of person who watches the economy so, hey, maybe stocks will be more affordable once this peters out?
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Lets talk about games, im more versed in that.
So Deathspank is an action rpg diablo-like that was developed by hothead games and published by EA and it brands itself as a haha humorous kind of arpg. A lot of that humour comes from Monkey Island series creator Ron Gilbert who covered the writing and a lot of the games humor does carry that vibe. Deathspank himself fits the mould of idiot hero, very bombastic and confident yet also moronic. Think Earthworm Jim or The Tick. Hes also voiced by Michael Dobson who was Supreme Kai and Nappa in the dragon ball z ocean dub. Just an interesting fact to know.
So controlwise, you have 8 quickslots with which you can equip a weapon or an item to use. Your incentivised to equip and use a variety of weapons to build up a combo, dont use the same weapon twice and you'll increase it along with your damage and gain more "justice" which fills the big skull thing thats on your health. A feature that can be simplified if you just use two weapons and make sure not to use the same one twice.
When the skull is full, you can use a "weapon of justice" which is any weapon that has a rank and purple quality to perform a super attack. You can also block attacks and its VERY necessary since any enemy close to your level can take a chunk of your health if unblocked. Also if you block as an attack hits, you do a perfect block and get a full charge of justice.
You'll also find runestones which can unlock another super attack for you to use when your justice meter is full by using botb a Weapon of Justice and an elemental weapon at the same time. For example, a justice cleaver and a fire weapon for a fire cleave.
Healing comes in two flavours, using a health potion for a burst of healing or eating food which comes in stronger variants as you progress, recovers health slowly and can be interrupted. Eating food, can be very grating because Deathspank makes a very exaggerated messy eating sound as he eats. It sounds like an ass lover was starved of rump, gets presented with a juicy peach and goes to town on it. If you're using a lower level food to recover a lotta health, you are going to hear that sound "a lot"
The game doesnt really have any skills outside of perk cards when you level up which are mainly just buffs. More melee damage, faster run speed, longer lasting block etc. Armour is also simple since theres no item sets for extra benefits and what you do get is just extra health with some small elemental resistance. You have a toggle on your inventory to equip your best armour automatically and you may as well leave it on. As for any old armour or items, you have a personal grinder that lets you turn old gear into cash which is kinda nice.
I had a nice enough time playing Deathspank, its humor may not illicit belly laughs but it aleast got a grin out of me every now and then. I think while it is sparse in some areas, the combat mechanics do make it engaging enough and are worth exploring. It does have two sequels, thongs of virtue and the baconing but theres not much word nowadays about the Deathspank series since Ron left after Thongs of Virtue and Hothead moved onto mobile games. Currently acquiring these games is troublesome. I tried looking the games up on the playstation store but couldnt find them, xbox 360 store closed down so thats a no go although thongs of virtue is backwards compatible so its still playable on one and series.
So far it looks like steam is the one place all the games are currently available on.
Its kind of a shame really, i feel like of all the games that get remade or remastered, Deathspank is atleast deserving of it. Theres not as many games nowadays that mix humor and action that it doesnt feel forced. Also these games have coop, thats kinda neat too.
Vanquisher of Evil
Dispenser of Justice
Hero to the Downtrodden
Crasher of the Stock Market because i am 100% blaming him for the economy being fucked.
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Anyways, see you all tomorrow. Feedback is appreciated, anons are currently on.
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Remember, remember the 5th of November.
Please i cannot stress seriously enough how much this is a joke
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beignetbenny · 4 years
What do you guys classify as long fics because i’ve seen some start it at 20K but that’s really only a few hours of a read to me i can finish that without thinking about it. A long fic doesn’t HIT until it’s 75K plus
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 years
who are your top 5 favorite mha characters (and your 3 least favorite characters)
oooo ive not been in the mha fandom properly for a w h i le but i shall do my best to remember o7
top 5 in no particular order: shinsou, deku, todoroki, tamaki, and uhh kirishima?
i mostly consumed fan content so depending on how well written the fics were i had recently read this coukd change a lot (cough villain/vigilante deku being basic and badly done cough)
as soon as i found out abt tamaki i tried to find as much content of him out there as possible bc he is so interesting i love his quirk so much!! u can do so much w it and his personality in combination. u know ??
todoroki and deku and my favs together bc i used to be a proper tddk fan (ive chilled out now) and i liked seeing how different ppl handled the intensity of that relationship in canon (aus that didn't cover that were less interesting to me)
shinsou is also another interesting one w how canon works w him - i hahe seen bits and pieces of the current manga chapters and how hes training w aizawa etc etc and i am so happy for him!! he is also a complete vibe and i like his colour scheme
kirishima is there bc i am friends w a Massvie kirishima fan so i kind of got infected w it fjdks - he is v cool and when explored more in depth is such a cool character
least favourites grape balls, endeavour, and perhaps deku again?
it rly depends bc deku is so inconstitrnkty written,, sometimes it just feels like the fanfiction authors mould him to be able to hit plot points regardless of canon (which isn't always bad if it had reasons other than: my poor cinnamon roll look how much everyone hates him)
the other 2 are self explanatory and one i wish w ever existed (though the destial moment w him and deku a while back was so funny tho) and the other is necessary for the story but it does not stop me hating him
bakugo is on neither of these lists despite me having v strong feelings towards his character - bc my feelings on him rly depend on who i talk to. he is a massive bully and what he did when he was younger was not ok to say the least and it's weird how much that gets glossed over. but he is such an interesting character that i love to see ppl explore why he is like that so ye. interesting guy
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Queen B Chapter 13 thoughts
Okay so I have some thoughts regarding this last chapter.
1. Literally X being Persephone Dalton was not a surprise. Hell they been dropping her name like it's a daytime soap opera.
2. Benji's name has been brought up couple times. But he's not on this X crusade. Like WTF!!! I'm waiting for him to make an appearance. If he doesn't I'm gonna be disappointed that.
3. Do you all think X could be both Perpshone and Benji? I would love all your thoughts on this.
4. Why the hell add Poppy in the running for the crown if she ain't ever in any of the chapters.
5. That scene at the end to me screamed Benji!
6. Look I have seen this multiple times. Poppy called her out too in one of the chapters too. But could Selene truly be Persephone possibly. But to me that girl.....idk I get weird vibe. I mean she wasn't in Zoey's and I dorm room after the council hall. Kinda wanna know where she disappeared too.
7. This seems so irrelevant but do you all think Trixie and Chloe are gonna get together?
8. I'm just done w the Dean. Like really you can't control your own school. But then again it's college and she is way to invested in all the students lives.
9. To me Chloe being Destial shipper and fanfic writer is the best thing PB could have ever done. I mean it's the most relatable thing ever! And the fact they were consistent with it throughout the whole book so far.
Those are all my thoughts regarding this last chapter. Let me know what your thoughts are .
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isabellaofparma · 4 years
Man I watched the first 7 seasons of supernatural and stopped and im in total shock that they made destial canon it is long overdue. are you watching and do you have any spn blog you follow?
Define ‘watching’. I’ve watched 9 seasons and now I’m here, vibing. I only follow a handful of people for SPN content but here you go @celestialsons @casgirl @fluorescentbrains @spicegirls @boykvng @stellakowalskis @valleydean @joharvele @richardsikenpdf @bisexualrowena @roguecas @carneestiel @hailtotheboyking @fiercedean 
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j2madhatters · 7 years
Hi, A non-tinhatter started following me yesterday. I know this because I viewed their posts. Reason why I am contacting you because it looks like we all see what we want to see. Those posts look so platonic and ours look so romantic. How are we all looking at the same people and have two totally different reactions? I still believe that J2 are bearding. Did you see Jensen on Kelly& Ryan? Now I'm convinced Ryan beards as well! And JDM. Part 1
Part 2 I guess I am really asking if we are being manipulated by the show to keep us guessing and to keep the interest in the show and te ACTORS hot and heavy? I don't really trust Hollywood and their ability to tell any story they want. I just find this very interesting how both sides, the Hets and the Hats along with the Wincest and Destial fan bases are keeping this show alive. The Hets/Hats keep the Cons afloat more so than the show.
People do see what they want to see. To a degree. But the reason theirs look so platonic is that there are a lot of giffers out there- popular ones- who are willing to cut out anything they see that looks like Jensen and Jared are together. I’ve seen people take out entire sentences, looks, and touches just to make the moment look less obvious. And that’s why at this point we say that Jared and Jensen could do virtually anything at a con and most of the fandom would handwave it. Because they don’t want to see it. 
I don’t agree that hats have anything to do with keeping the cons or the show afloat. Not at all. We’re a small minority and they know it. Actually people who ship or tinhat ANYTHING are a minority at both the cons and in the show’s ratings. Most of the people who go are just fans. They like the guys, they’re happy with whatever story they’re trying to tell us, they enjoy the show. Same with the audience of SPN. 
As for the rest of your ask: I don’t think JDM is bearding. Not at all. Go through pictures of him and his wife, look at the posts he does about her, listen to how he talks about her. He genuinely loves her. It’s not staged and phony at all. Ryan, on the other hand... Yeah, probably bearding. He’s got to project this very wholesome vibe for all of the family friendly stuff he does but I think he’s gay. I’ve always thought that. Just my opinion of course. --Admin N
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