Happy STS! If you were to design a deck of playing cards based on characters in your WIP, who would you assign to be the King? The Queen? The Jack? The Ace? And the Joker?
Happy Storyteller Saturday to you too!
This is an interesting question, one that I had to put quite some thought into in order to properly answer, honestly. Now that I think of it, I think I have some characters that would fit those roles quite nicely! (By the way, I did some - albeit rather superficial - research on the symbolic meanings of some of these cards and the opinions I found were varied, so I chose the meanings that best suited my characters of choice)
For the King card, I decided to take a more subversive approach rather than just outright choosing an actual ruler from my story. There are many kinds of King cards in a playing deck (king of hearts, king of spades, king of diamonds, and king of clubs) and each has its own "meanings" if you will. For this in particular, I choose King of Diamonds for my character Lord Nethen Fahris, a young man from the small nobility who is the rival and soon-to-be love interest of Princess Ellinnor Dallantes. It's a card usually associated with cunningness, secret knowledge, and shrewdness, as in someone who is good at finding advantages and navigating the situations they are in - but it is also considered an omen of protection by some, and I find that this is the perfect description for Nethen in The Last Wrath. Another character that I believe fits this card very well is surprisingly, a character with little to no noble blood, Julyan Ashiren - even though he is not actually a noble, he comes from a very ancient and powerful family of Mageborn, and is now their firstborn heir. There is also another reason for this choice, a secret about him that I cannot disclose as it is one of the main plot twists of the book, but one that makes him more than qualified for this card choice.
For this card, the choice seemed kind of obvious, as one of my characters from the main cast is the rightful queen of a kingdom but had her birthright stolen from her (I am referring here to Princess Ellinor Dallantes). So here, I would say I choose Queen of Clubs for my young lost princess, Ellinor. Of course, I think the name of the card speaks for itself, as she is a queen in her own right and is determined to take back what was stolen from her, bringing justice to those who have wronged her family and her people. As a Queen card, it is usually associated with authority, intelligence, and being a fair but powerful leader. Ellinor is not afraid to face a war if it means setting herself and her family's subjects free from her uncle's corrupted rule, and is just as cunning as her rival-turned-lover can be. One other character that could fit the Queen card is Nadinne Ahmirah, a Lady whose family has ascended from anonymity to considerable wealth and have risen to courtiers in the local noble court of Vellamere as their exploits as seafaring merchants have more than granted them prestige and influence. She yearns to be like her ancestors, a tamer of the waves living freely as the tides dictate, but she has now duties and expectations to fulfill that keep her - at first - from achieving her dream goal. And last but still not least, the elusive and endlessly charming mercenary with a heart of steel Morwan Destrin, more than fits this role - not only she is, in all but name, almost a mercenary queen, but she is also a scorned noble (though I cannot yet disclose her true heritage).
Also known as the Knave (rogue/scoundrel), the Jack card was a tricky one for sure. It's usually associated, as the monicker Knave might suggest, with a tricky or deceitful person. This is a perfect card for a few of my characters, to be precise. Raelen Ashiren is one of them, as she is quite the little rogue when it comes to standing up against unjust authorities and finding freedom in doing what is right, even if she has to be a little bit roguish or tricky to do so, and is currently wanted in several kingdoms after being wrongfully framed. Another interesting character I chose for this card was Emryc Thorne - one of Ellinor's best friends and a skilled thief who uses "street magician" tricks to confuse his opponents and make his heists successful), as he is a witty, highly intelligent, and extremely sarcastic young thief who is not afraid to use deceit to his advantage - in fact, he rather embraces it, as it is a key part of his entire "career" of choice. Emryc has earned quite a reputation as a scoundrel, for several different reasons. Luciya Anynth also fits quite well the role of the Jack card, as she is not only an outlaw to whom the value of life is freedom with no holds barred, but she is the lowborn daughter of a young man with a reputation for being quite the rogue. Last but not least, I chose Cassander Fynn as this card as well - a rebel spy, his entire occupation, as well as his life and that of hundreds of others, depends on his ability to deceive, lie and cheat his way into enemy ranks, though he maintains a strict code of honor even then.
A card that is associated with the number one, it can be simultaneously the card with the highest or lowest value on a deck depending on the game. Some people associate this position with success, power, and quality, as well as good luck, though it can also be considered quite unstable. Due to certain historical events, it has also come to be considered a "Death Card" or bad luck. So, considering all of this, my characters of choice for the Ace would be Vallerius Zyndrosar, Zephyr Tellian, Bryn Seperi, and Tanwin Lyrandeth. All of said characters are complex but good-intentioned people, and are incredibly loyal to their friends, though often waves of bad luck keep them from achieving their full potential. Vallerius is an incredibly kind and smart young man who despises his magical affinity due to events in his past that made him the most wanted man by the Morosyn Empire, while he is really just a sweet kid trying to make it through the chaos of his life with only blind luck and improvisation to help. Zephyr is a smart and talented sorcerer, as well as a doting older brother, but has fallen prey to a terrible hatred curse that makes using his recently acquired magical talents very taxing and painful. Bryn is a young mercenary turned bitter by past injustices, someone who despises the continent and would rather watch it burn like it did to him in the past, but who, despite all of this, makes the decision to fight for a better future - not out of a sense of altruism or for the continent he hates, but for the people in his life that make it worth fighting for. Tanwin, once a sweet and naive young boy, was captured and turned into a soldier by an enemy warlord, and now is one of the deadliest people on the continent, often struggling between who he was turned into and the person he wishes he could be, being at the same time one of the best friends anyone could have - on a good day, that is.
A card that is often used as a wild card in games, it is one that can be extremely beneficial and harmful at the same time. Because of this, it is also often associated with chaos, intelligence, unpredictability, and wit. It is also often depicted in cards as the court Jester, a Halerquin, or a Clown. Characters that fit this card's archetype would be: Azra Moorsworth, Fabian Anynth, Ansell Kallik, and Yuna Thyren. Azra, Raelen and Julyan's adoptive brother and the (adoptive) son of their godmother, is more than meets the eye in many ways - especially when it comes to the real truth about his past and origins, something that not even he knows about. He has a joyfully playful personality and tends to use humor to lighten the mood while underneath it all there is a storm of emotions raging inside his head. Fabian "Anynth" used to be Luciya's closest friend and secretly her half-sibling (though she is not aware of it), but a shocking betrayal on his part broke their bond forever - even though, the truth about this act of treason is far from what she or their friends could have imagined. Ansell Kallik is the best archer on the continent, as well as Princess Ellinor's closest friend and confidant, but he is also a very dangerous person towards anyone who might stand to harm his friends. Also, his unpredictability shines through in combat, as his enemies can never see him coming before they already have an arrow to the chest. Yuna Thyren, another friend of Ellinor, though not nearly as close, and the second to newest member of the Princess' elite group of assassins, is one to keep her secrets under lock and key, along with her mysterious past - no one knows the truth about her or her personal mission but herself.
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lostinthsauce · 3 years
Link: https://youtu.be/AwEq-FMXdhI
It's 20 minutes of pure cinema. They've been working on this for months and honestly its just incredible what they've been able to produce, I am so impressed. Shout out to community and fanart because that really was a short film. Brings back all those feelings lol
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dyzzythedemon · 2 years
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reference23 · 7 years
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109 Hackney Rd. E2
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Hero Destrin in wilbur’s stream :D
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theoscout · 2 years
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my sona, Storm
Bit of an art dump under the cut
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almwud's oc maxwell
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Cirrus Cosmic, aka Robert Fernsby. used to be my version of joey drew until I turned him into another character entirely
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my friend's oc, forgot her name but the name she has after being stuffed into an animatronic is Deerie
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cateringgrasch · 3 years
Amasake proprietà benefici e 5 ricette
Amasake proprietà benefici e 5 ricette
Amasake-proprietà Amasake proprietà : che cos’è Amasake proprietà è un dolcificante naturale originario del Giappone che si ottiene facendo fermentare un cereale come riso o miglio con il koji, un fungo filamentoso che si usa anche per produrre il sakè e il miso.Contiene maltosio (il 40%), fruttosio, sali minerali, fibre, destrine, acido folico e vitamine (soprattutto del gruppo B). Amasake…
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OC Picrew Tag Game (continuation):
I liked the OC Picrew Game so much that I have decided to make my version of it for the entire cast of The Last Wrath (the picrew template is available on the posts made by @writernopal and @elshells, I believe)
So here goes the next bit of the cast!
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@lassiesandiego @writernopal @elshells @lyutenw​ @rickie-the-storyteller​ @sam-glade​ @clairelsonao3​
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dyzzythedemon · 2 years
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infinity-trials · 5 years
Ronin: I have to go.
Destry: You haven't had breakfast.
Ronin: I'm the Supreme's right hand!
Destry: And I'm your wife. Sit down.
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thebunwangs · 7 years
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The satellite receivers and antenna receive signals through the colors of the sky. #colorofclouds #cloudscape #cloudscape #clouds #cloud_skye #sky☁ #sky #bluesky #surin #thai #thailand #chumphonburi #life #contrylife #contryside #contry #contrystyle #natur #natural #naturephotography #lifestyle #view #believeinyourself #top #beautiful #beauty #beautifuldestinations #destrination #sattelite #reciever #antenna #signals #line #television #radiorock #radio
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baddie-phi-baddie · 7 years
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Welcome back to the eve's weird question time circles. Now with the most weird one. What would your oc make an apology video about?
Thank you for the Ask, @repressed-and-depressed!
What would your oc make an apology video about?
Fabian Anynth: Would make an apology video to his sister for having joined the Morosyn Empire as a Radiant Hunter, and for leaving her behind.
Peregrine Duskeblom: Would make an apology video for making a dreadful mistake that ended up having dire consequences for the Order of Knights that trained him. He'd be entirely honest about it because his mistake literally haunts him.
Kerwin Illythe: Would make a joke apology video kinda boasting the fact that he was the one poisoning his nephew, Maeryn Renfelli, with dark magic, and for taking his place at the Council of Houses. (It would go like: "I am so sorry (*coughs* not really) for poisoning you with dark magic for the past few years, banishing your daughter, and taking your place as Regent. It's not like I'm proud of it, though, now that I think about it, I really am. By the way, ever wonder why your wife died so suddenly all those years ago? That was me, sorry, she was in the way of my glorious rise. Best of luck, nephew!")
Morwan Destrin: Would be convinced by Nadinne Ahmirah to make an apology video for all the people she killed in battle, but would unironically say "You people should've been faster, I'm sorry my axe caught you first"
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Hi! I just wanted to ask if your main character had a theme song or piece of music, what would it be and why? 💛
Hi, @conkers-theficwriter! Thanks for the Ask!
This is such a lovely question! Especially since I adore making character playlists for my WIP! For the sake of this answer, I'll only consider the main POV characters (who are the protagonists of their parts of the story, since this novel has a Multiple POV outlook) from The Last Wrath!
RAELEN ASHIREN (theme song) - Dance with Fire by Karliene and Sing of Manetheren by Wheel of Time (cover by Gustavo Steiner)
ELLINOR DALLANTES (theme song) - Noble Blood by Tomme Proffit ft Fleurie and Queen of The Kings by Alessandra
JULYAN ASHIREN (theme song) - Lightbringer by 2WEI ft Ali Christenhusz and Just a Man by Epic The Musical
DARIAN CAELESTIS (theme song) - Speechless (Aladdin Live Action Soundtrack) male cover by Caleb Hyles
JAMIE TELLIAN (theme song) - Protector by City Wolf and Open Arms by Epic the Musical
LUCIYA ANYNTH (theme song) - Over the Hills and Far Away cover by Hurdy Gurdy
And that's it for the main characters!
But since I love sharing my character playlist for this WIP, here are the (updated) songs for the supporting cast as well!
INNARA RENFELLI (theme song) - Touch the Sky - Merida (dark cover by Lydia the Bard) and Reflection - Mulan (cover by Anna Pantsu)
ORYON ZYNDOR (theme song) - Drown with Me by Falconshield
ANSELL KALLIK (theme song) - Higher Ground by Rasmussen
LORD NETHEN FAHRIS (theme song) - Hell to Your Doorstep by The Count of Monte Cristo Musical and All the Magic by Karliene
NYX FAESTORM (theme song) - Song of the Seven by Joey Batey (The Witcher Soundtrack)
KADEN RIHDEL (theme song) - Thus Always to Tyrants by The Oh Hellos and The Bard Song by The Blind Guardian
SYBIL RIHDEL (theme song) - Savage Daughter by Sarah Hester
SEIRA NIVAINE (theme song) - Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons and Just Around the Riverbend by Brittany J Smith
AZRA MOORSWORTH (theme song) - Dragon by Built By Titan
HELIOS MAEVEL (theme song) - Goodbye by Bo Burnham and Amen by Frankenstein the Musical
TANWIN LYRANDETH (theme song) - Heart of The Night by Divide Music and Perfect by Miracle of Sound
EMRYC THORNE (theme song) - Everybody Loves Me by One Republic
VALLERIUS ZYNDROSAR (theme song) - The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil
MORWAN DESTRIN (theme song) - Kings of the Sea by Karliene and Calling by The Amazing Devil
NADDINE AHMIRAH (theme song) - Grace O'Malley by Kinnia and Wild Uncharted Waters cover by Anna Pantsu
BRYN SEPERI (theme song) - Psychosis by Michel Dae
CASSANDER FYNN (theme song) - The Halfman's Song by Miracle of Sound
PEREGRINE DUSKEBLOM (theme song) - The World We Made by Ruelle and Alone by Cami-Cat
ISOLDE KIERAH (theme song) - Loyal, Brave, and True by Christina Aguilera
ARAMMIS DOHRFAREN (theme song) - Dance to The Day by Prince of Egypt The Musical
YUNA THYREN (theme song) - Mary Read by Karliene
FABIAN ANYNTH (theme song) - Dynasty by MIIA and Hero by Jeff Williams ft Caleb Hyles
ZEPHYR TELLIAN (theme song) - Monster by Frozen The Musical and Which Witch By Florence+The Machine
MYRAH FARON (theme song) - Dear Fellow Traveler by Sea Wolf and On My Father's Wings cover by Brittany J Smith
GENERAL TRYSTAN GRAYSPEAR (theme song) - Woe to The People of Order by Cami-Cat and Ruthlessness by Epic the Musical
LUKAN VELTERIN (theme song) - Legends the Score and Coast of High Barbary by Topgallant Jack
ELAIN (theme song) - Teen Idle by Marina and The Diamonds and Heart Of Stone cover by Matt Bloyd
CIRIEN SEPERI (theme song) - Blow High, Blow Low by Karliene (Only imagine a gender-bent version of this song. In the original song, the character is female, but this character here is male. It's just that the lyrics match too well with his story otherwise!)
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Random ask time! Who spends the most energy and effot in their appearance of all your characters, and why is it important to them?
Oh, this is a very good question. And the answer would surely be: Nethen Fahris and Morwan Destrin, for very different reasons.
Nethen Fahris is a nobleman and a political manipulator at that. He aims to be perfect, at the top of his game. Not a single hair can out of place nor an armor crooked. He has to be pristine and sharp, better than his opponents and peers in every possible way. And that includes being the best dressed, perfectly ready to intimidate anyone in the game of war, while also seamlessly blending in with the noble fools he is looking to uproot one by one. His past taught him that imperfection means death, that mistakes cost more than anything, and so, he aims to never again be flawed - even in his appearance. A perfect foil to the world that took the only person that cared to see him as he once was. He makes sure he has deadly perfection.
Morwan Destrin is a scorned woman, to whom her status as one of the most feared mercenaries of the land is all that she has left. Her beauty must be as deadly as her daggers and as brutal as her axes. She must slay her opponents before her blows even hit them. But there is one, softer reason for this. She yearns to hold on to the last thing that connects her to the life she was denied of, and to the past that was ripped away from her - and so, she is a fearsome warrior, but also the beautiful lady she wished she could fully have been. One of the few things she can control in her life is her beauty and her skill, so, she makes sure it is perfect. Even if she can't be soft and innocent, she can be beautiful.
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Hello! Oh shit, your blorbo fucked up. MASSIVELY. They need help. Like stat! Who do they go to and why do they go to that person above anyone else?
Hi! Thank you for the Ask!
(Sorry for not answering earlier)
I have many Blorbos/OCs - which are the cast of characters in my medieval dark fantasy novel The Last Wrath - so I will choose 3 for this answer!
RAELEN ASHIREN - One of the Main Characters from the book series, I firmly believe that, if she was in a situation like this, she would most certainly go to one of her two brothers, Julyan and Azra - though it would most likely be Julyan the one she would go to first for help. She would go to them above anyone else for quite a few reasons, one of them being that they're her only remaining family in the world (even though only Julyan is her biological older brother and Azra is adopted and around her age), and she has been raised by Julyan ever since she was a little kid, which makes him the person she trusts more than anyone else and the one she looks for in situations where she needs safety, certainty or help of any kind. Julyan is a pretty confident guy, and would most likely be able to adapt and find a quick solution to the situation at hand. Azra may not be as confident, but he is determined and relentless, so she knows he is one of the few people that wouldn't stop until they find the help she needs.
NYX FAESTORM - A pretty new character to my works, this Faery would, most likely, search for Kaden and Sybil in times of trouble - as the human twins have been his most trustworthy and loyal friends for the longest time when compared to his newer acquaintances. If the trouble is really serious, Sybil would be his best bet to find a safer way out, since she is pretty feral when it comes to protecting her friends and is most likely to be "no holds barred" in any kind of scuffle. However, if the trouble is of a more delicate kind or requires more subtlety, then Kaden would be his answer since the young human bard knows his way with words masterfully and is pretty good at improvisating on the fly.
MORWAN DESTRIN - A very independent character in my book, Morwan is used to never needing to depend on others for help and is extremely good at it. But if things really came down to it, and Morwan had to - begrudgingly - admit she has majorly screwed up and is in real trouble she can't solve alone, the first person she would go to is Ellinor Dallantes, an old friend with whom she had cut ties a while back, but whom she knows to be the only person she can trust (other than her girlfriend Nadinne, but Morwan would never go to Nadinne in a situation like this because that might put her girlfriend in danger) and who has the means to make her troubles disappear easily, even if she'd be hesitant to admit it.
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