doomanddead · 2 years
A Grim Pilgrimage with Allsiah
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One of the great things about being a small reviewer is that it’s actually possible for me to check out all the bands that follow me on Instagram. Every month I pay back the love by reviewing one. This month’s pick is Allsiah.
UK solo act, Allsiah describes his approach to metal as “devotional drone”. The band’s latest offering, Hallowed Halls, Consecrated Stone, beckons listeners to a mossy path deep in the forest that leads not to a physical destination, but a terminus within. If you doubt for a moment that one dude with a guitar can carry an entire metal album, then sharpen your cutlery and prepare to eat crow. Hallowed Halls, Consecrated Stone takes you on a journey inside yourself and spits you out a changed person.
Hallowed Halls, Consecrated Stone by ALLSIAH
The experience opens on Hard Fought Stone. Things start off slow and introspective. A solitary guitar strums out a quiet tune. Gradually, the melody grows to fill the space, and the artist introduces new effects. Not every note is perfect, but he plays like a believer swept up in religious ecstasy. The passion of the performance is undeniable. Later we wander into a chuggy section cloaked in heavy fuzz. Crunchy riffs hang like bone fragments suspended in a peat bog. The composition takes an experimental turn, and the tempo staggers under crushing weight. The melody has become unwoven and only elemental noise remains, slowly dissolving into a mineral slurry. 
Hallowing is a tense track, keeping listeners on edge for its duration. This is a low and doomy beast that strains upward, clawing at the sky in desperation. It demonstrates how fervent a solo metal project can be. This emotionally charged performance closes on a huff of reverb.
Lauded in Heraldic Finery embraces chaos from its very first breaths. Fast strums do the backstroke in a chunky bisque of feedback. The track never abandons its signature riff, which helps to tie together the vast range of tempos and textures explored in this song. 
Sanctimony is a fascinating journey that starts at melancholy, and keeps on digging. Descend through layers of ennui, down to a gritty layer of sullen remorse. Slog through strata of sludge and tar, only to be baptized in fuzz. It’s over 10-minutes of glorious drone doom— wade in, and there’s no way you’re coming out clean.
Messianic Levy is ushered in with a drone. This unhurried composition takes its time establishing a riff, and carves a haunting epitaph into limestone with slow, deliberate strokes.
Tear Down the House of Royal Purple begins as a wisp of a melody— a dust mote floating through a ruined chapel deep in the woods. The tune swells, scraping up against the walls as it becomes more insistent. The melody expands, its skin splitting open to reveal urgency, frustration, and rage in the snarl of overdrive. The bloated riff is forced to evolve, until the track slumps to a bitter end. 
Don’t be intimidated by the title of Exclamations of Eudiamonic Joy. Instead, be intimidated by the wall of sound that’s about to smack you in the face. If self-actualization is a monolith, then the screeching reverb on this track is a laser burning off the grime, revealing the inscription beneath.
Hallowed Halls, Consecrated Stone wanders through a bleak landscape of plague pits and muddy roads. Brooding and solemn, this tune plucks out a path that becomes more ominous with every step. This track is an intense ear worm that closes out a grim pilgrimage. 
When you purchase the album you receive an extra treat— a tasty bonus track squirreled away at the end. These recordings build riffs, explore variations, and ultimately deconstruct them again. Hallowed Halls, Consecrated Stone is a passage between two separate states of being. An hour and 12 minutes pass in an instant. The work is perfect for a long train ride or an extended flight. Put on headphones and embrace the journey. 
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“Shuri, listen to me. The human world is a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got goin' on up there. The seaweed is always greener....”
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mpxcyhiraeth · 1 year
devotin' full time to floatin'
under the sea with @heatherxmp
It should really be commended that Cyhiraeth stepped out of her comfort zone (read: the water) long enough to make it to Mount Phoenix, get a job here, and actually interact with people. She resisted the urge to disappear again and maybe, just maybe, this could actually be the start of her next "hanging out with the mortals" era!
However. People are... a lot, and Cyhiraeth can really only take so much stress at a time, and so she finds herself underneath the waves again. Saltwater stings a little, but she doesn't mind that all too much, and she enjoys the freedom of movement down here. It's nice and quiet, with only the occasional creature interrupting her silent thoughts.
She finds a collection of rocks towards the sea floor; it's not deep enough for it to be pitch black down here, but the gentle darkness is comforting and almost cozy as she settles down. It's then that she senses the presence of another creature-- bigger, this time. Curious, she looks up, only to see a mortal diving in her direction, seemingly uncaring of the water pressure or lack of oxygen.
Right. Demigods. Cyhiraeth is going to have to get used to that.
He sees her, then, and Cyhiraeth really has no idea what to do (it's not like she can say anything), so she gives a bit of an awkward wave from her seated position beneath him.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Coin's Poems # 9
For The Morrigan
When I was lost I found comfort in the crows that made sure to sing to me and make their presence known. I’ve accepted the cycles of death and rebirth and I couldn’t have done it all on my own. Thank you, Morrigan for finding me and gifting me with the bravery you saw in me from the beginning. A black glass mirror polished to clarity always finding new ways to inspire me.
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e-devotion · 1 year
beginning of holy week
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This is an important week for those who have chosen to follow Jesus.  It is an invitation to a holy, to a celebration of new life.  It is a door to real life. The plan of God found it’s footing and final justice in that first Easter and holy week. 
It is Jesus.  It is the one that the prophecy was written about long ago.  Literally in front the people of the first century and now in front of us is Jesus.  
God is at work, and this work is vital.  We encounter the one sent from God as we focus on Jesus, the fulfillment of God’s plan for all humanity.  This was a big day, but this is also a big question.  And I begin…
Do you know Him or who is that?  Many where asked that on the Palm Sunday, and Jesus was the answer.  The fulfillment of prophecy.
Holy Week. Full of meaning. His love is depicted, draw out in vivid and living color in Holy Week. Love for you. Love for me. 
Walk with me through the week. We begin on Sunday. We will close on Thursday night. Next Sunday we will walk from Friday to Sunday and beyond. 
As the week began Jesus looked at Jerusalem from a short distance and began to speak difficult words.  It was also during this time that Jesus wept over Jerusalem and the people who are missing Him
Luke 19:41-44  NLT  
But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. 42 “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes. 43 Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side. 44 They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not recognize it when God visited you.”
Empty. There were some things that seemed very empty in the Palm Sunday beginning because many of the people that shouted his praise would change their words by the end of the week.  Their words and hearts were empty.
Palm Sunday brought life to the city because Jesus brought life.  As we begin this week may we praise the Lord and tell others about Him.
Psalm 118:26  NLT  
Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord.  We bless you from the house of the Lord.
Ask someone to go to church with you this Sunday.  It is at Easter that people are more likely going to accept that invite to church and hear the message of life in Christ.  Invite someone to come to know Jesus this holy week!
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cthonicascendant · 2 years
Idk movies but podcasts the magnus archives
ah ok i 5hould clarify im 5pecifically lookin for 5omethin i can fini5h in one day
im tryin to find 5omethin to do for my vvriggling day (the 13th)
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andrewpcannon · 2 years
Daily Devotional: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
Daily Devotional: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
After encouraging the Thessalonians about those who have died, Paul exhorts them concerning the treatment of others. First, he instructs them to appreciate their preachers and teachers—those who have charge over them in the Lord and give instruction. This instruction particularly concerns the congregation’s treatment of their pastors or positional elders. We are to esteem them highly because of…
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cat-cosplay · 2 years
Under the Tree 🎶
Under the Tree
Darling it's better
Down on this sweater
Take it from... me. 🎶
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Up on the comp they work all day
In front of a screen they stare away
While we devotin'
Full time doin notin'
Under the Tree 🎶 🎄
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Drinking with Rosaria & Eula!
CW: Male!Reader, swearing, reader and character are drunk to some degree, not proofread, ignore the implication of Disney existing in Teyvat okay?
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Rosaria doesn't stray from alcohol, not by any means. She never gets drunk, or at least that's what she claims. Not in public anyway. If the drinks pour a little too fast for clarity of mind to remain, the notoriously horny sister becomes a literal succubus. No five minutes may pass without a dirty remark of some sort, suggestive gestures or not-so-restrained touching. She also tends to cuss a lot. But who cares, if all of it is contained within your own four walls? Your drunk self certainly doesn't. 
The fifth anniversary of your dating was upon you, so you and Rosaria thought that a few drinks wouldn't hurt. Well, Rosaria has a different definition of 'a few drinks'. By now, two bottles of Dandelion Wine are completely dry, with a third one already open. The wine glasses are halfway full, the two of you already blushing heavily. Rosaria is sitting on your lap, placing sloppy kisses all over your neck. You playfully push her away every now and then, but she dives right back in no time. 
"R-Rosie… Your wine will get warm, you know?" You mutter, barely keeping composure under the barrage of kisses she delivers. 
"Pfffffffffffft. Who cares… You're alllll I need baby~" 
"No, seriously. Who wants to drink warm wine?" 
She pulls away, seemingly considering your words. It takes a while, but she finally nods her head. 
"Yeah. You're right." She down the entire glass in one go, and sighs loudly. "Mmm, That's the stuff…" 
You look at her. Despite the river of alcohol clouding your mind, you see clearly. You see her, your beloved, your chosen, your girlfriend. Her pale skin, her delicate yet sharp features, her slim, painted lips, her slender fingers, her rich chest… The wine turns your awe into obsession. You grab her jaw and turn her face to look at you. 
"Rosaria… you're… the most beautiful woman I have ever seen…" You mutter. So beautiful, mysterious, so unique, so enchanting, so tantalizing… 
Like a vampire. 
"Like a vampire…" Your thoughts escape your mind. Rosaria draws a smile. 
"Are you one? A vampire, I… I mean. You gonna suck my blood out, Rosie?" 
Even if you are drunk, your mind still works. It has some merit. She has pale skin, she goes out only at night, she likes red fluids… and those teeth… your neck, your hands, your arms, your thighs, your stomach and your… other bits know the sting of those canines all too well by now. 
Rosaria chuckles. "Nah, s-sorry. I'm not gonna drink your blood, but I will gladly suck something else, hehe~" She leans down and makes a small growling sound. 
"Rosariaaaaa!" You both laugh. She pulls back and wraps her arms around your neck. 
"I talked to a four-eyes once, you know? About my skin."
"Ah, I see… What did he tell you?" You finish up your glass of wine. 
"He told me that my ancestors may have come from Wat… Watsu…Tsu.. Watsumi Island, was it? Eh, close enough." She sniffs. "Fuckin' fish people, anyway."
"You are looking fishy sometimes, that I will give you…" 
"I never found any scales, gills, fins or whatevers on me. Sad." She hics. "I wanted to be a mermaid when I was a teeny tiny girl, you k-know? I wanted to swim below the waters, a-and sing songs, a-and play with my fish friends… I always wanted a crab, you know? I would name him… Sebastian."
You sit in silence for a minute, smiling like children at each other before the lyrics can no longer be contained. 
"Under the sea, under the sea, darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from meeeeeeeee, up on the shore they work all day, out in the sun they slave away, while we devotin', full time to floatin', under the seaaaaaaaaaaaa…" You sing in drunken unison, ending the broken auditory mess of a cover with a hard burst of laughter. When Rosaria calms down, she leans into you, her lips pressed right against your ear. 
"You know what else he told me?" 
"H-he told me that young men need to have sex to be healthy… And, baby, I will make you the healthiest man in Teyvat, heh~" She sloppily kisses your ear, sending shivers of excitement through your body. She pulls away, and pushes up her chest proudly. "D-doctor Rosaria prescribes you her tight, warm, wet cun-" 
"Rosariaaaaa stoooooooooop!" 
As expected, neither of you remembered the conversation in the morning. 
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Eula got drunk sometimes - during free days, of course. She was doing that more often before, mainly due to stress and soul-crushing loneliness. She would often cry herself to sleep after returning home, but now that she has you, that's no longer an occurrence. Since she tends to get very sad when drunk, she allows herself to be tipsy at most. Not to spoil your fun, since you tend to be quite entertaining to be around when you had too much to drink. 
"Are you sure you want another one, my dear?" 
Eula stops herself from pouring you another round from the bottle but you just wave your hand. 
"Go for it. I'm still standing!" 
She smirks, letting the liquid fill the cup. "Well, as you wish."
You grab the wooden vessel and instantly lift it to your lips. The cool taste of wine reaches your lips and the warmth spreads through your body oh so pleasantly. Mondstadt's wine never had low alcohol content. 
"You know, I don't get it." You speak, eyes barely ajar. 
"What exactly, Y/N?" Eula eyes her own cup carefully, trying to hold herself from filling it. Again. 
"I don't understand w-why they hate you… You didn't do anything wrong." You look up at her, your eyes filled with sadness. "You're a good woman, Eula. You do great w-work, you keep the people safe, you kill monsters…" 
She looks down, unsure of what to say. After a moment, she speaks quietly. "It is what it is."
She suddenly feels your hand move over hers. It's warm, so pleasantly warm, enveloping hers. She gasps quietly. "No, Eula. This cannot continue. I won't let you be sad anymore."
She looks up at you, straight into your eyes. This time, they are overflowing with kindness and love, the purest form of it. She frowns, trying to hold back the prickling feeling in her eyes. Why does she get so sensitive each time alcohol and you are involved? 
"I love you, Eula. I love you so much, I-I want you to be happy, and I will do my best to make up for all the hurt they have you. I… I never want to see you sad again, alright? I… love you, Eula. I love you so much."
She smiles at you, tears slowly falling from her cheeks. She doesn't deserve you.
"Go home, Y/N. You're drunk." Her lower lip trembles slightly. 
"H-home? But I am home, my love." 
Eula smirks, looking down at the bar table for a brief moment. "How so?" 
You reach over the table, and place your hand over her heart. Her skin is cold, but you feel the warmth radiating from within. 
"Home is where you are, Eula."
She blushes and covers her eyes with her gloved hand. She can no longer hold back the tears. She chokes back a sob. 
"I l-love you too, Y/N. I d-don't deserve you… truly…" 
"Hey, d-don't say that! And I told you t-that I don't want you to be sad, Eula… If you want to, we can go home a-and cuddle. Does that sound good?" 
She sniffs. 
"Yes, let's g-go home, Y/N."
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Thanks for reading!
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revenant-coining · 1 year
I'm back, you know who I am.
Maybe some Lovecore- everything? /hj (names, titles, honorifics & simple first person pronouns) Maybe sprinkle in a few that have some form of Ethereal-ish feel to them? >:P
[velvet anon]

here ya go:
Names: Love, Fond, Yearn, Lover, Gush, Crush, Flush, Heart, Cupid, Amare, Amor, Eros, Amos, Amo, Cupidum, Amans, Tenera, Tener, Lepos, Cor, and Corda.
1stpp (i/me/my/mine/myself):
ki/kiss/kisses/kissine/kisself or kisseself
cu/cudd/cuddle/cuddline or cuddine/cuddleself
the loving one
the devoted one
the one devoted to love
the fond one
the tender one
the one who yearns
the lover
the affectionate one
the one who’s flushed
the one with a crush
the one sending love letters
the one who cuddles
the one with divine kisses
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun.
@pronoun-arc , @nameresources
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Machina - Prologue
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Shu, Ritsu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"My winter break’s already in tatters from the combo technique of the kotatsu and mandarin oranges…"
Season: Winter
Location: Sky Garden
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Shu: Why did you make such a thing, Kagehira? Is our current state of affairs that unsatisfying?
Mika: No, that’s not it, Oshi-san…
I was just makin’ my own art. ‘M not tryna deny your art, Oshi-san.
Didn’tcha say you were lookin’ forward to my work…?
But the moment ya saw my work, you got angry. What’s wrong with what I did? I don’t understand, could ya tell me where I went wrong with my work…?
Shu: ……
Don’t disappoint me any further.
Mika: Huh…?
Shu: Kagehira. Even if I cannot convince you…
It must be destroyed. And everything else in this world.
No matter how absurd this end by Dues Ex Machina[1] may be…
I don’t want you to choose the wrong path, okay, Kagehira?
Location: Starmony Dorms Room (Ritsu, Mika's Room)
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Going back one week ago. In early January—
Starmony Dorms, in Mika and Ritsu’s dorm room…
Ritsu: … *chew chew*
Ah, mandarin oranges are so delicious. ♪ How are mandarin oranges eaten on a kotatsu in winter just so delicious…?
Do you want some, Mikarin? They’re sweet and delicious~! ♪
Mika: …Hey, Ritsu-kun, about that…
Hm, huh? My smartphone’s goin’ off, its from Oshi-san.
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Mika: Hello, Oshi-san?
Yes, I’m doin’ good. After SS I took a break, an’ now I’m devotin’ myself to my next work.
Like ya said Oshi-san, you won’t have t’worry about me gettin’ caught up in the New Years!
So, I’ll be seein’ you next week then. I’m lookin forward t’finishin by the time yer back, Oshi-san! Alright, seeya~♪
Nn~ …… Nnnnnn~……!
Nnaah, ‘s no good! I can’t even think of any ideas!
What do I do, Ritsu-kun? Oshi-san will be back from Paris soon, but I haven’t been able to make a thing!
Uu, I lied ‘cuz I didn’t want him to be disappointed in me. Otherwise, he’d be angry at this all…!
Ritsu-kun, won’t ya help me come up with an idea for my work?!
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Ritsu: Don’t rush, don’t rush. The entire world is on break for the holiday, so why don’tcha take a break too, Mikarin?
Don’t they say rushing is a waste of time? If you can’t come up with ideas, why work on nothing?
C’mere, warm up at the kotatsu~! ♪ If you join me in enjoying these seasonal delights I brought, you’ll stop caring about being productive… ♪
Mika: Th-There’s no way I could join ya in the kotatsu today! Ever since ya brought it into the room, my time to focus on my art has dropped like a rock…!
My winter break’s already in tatters from the combo technique of the kotatsu and mandarin oranges…
I gotta hold out until the end of break at this point…
Ritsu: Eh~, how gloomy…
Ah well, if I get in the way too much, then you’ll end up getting a new room. I understand Mikarin’s having a tough time, so good luck~.
Mika: R-Right! I’mma do my best and not give into temptation…!
Watch me, Oshi-san! Startin’ now, I’m a recoverin’ artist!
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Ritsu: …He headed out in high spirits.
It’s cold out, wouldn’t it be best to think of ideas somewhere warm at least… In terms of art, doesn’t “nothing beats speed” not usually apply?
Though, hopefully experiencing things outside will help Mikarin’s desire to create…
Ah, my water’s boiling.
What poor timing. I wish Mikarin could’ve at least been able to make me a cup of tea before he left.
What’s done is done… It’s a pain, but guess I’ll fetch the electric kettle myself… Oh.
I can’t get out of the kotatsu…!
Oh no. I underestimated the magical power of the kotatsu! Mikarin~, come back and take care of me~! At least for the rest of winter break…!
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Dues ex machina, lit. god from the machine; a plot device where a seemingly unsolvable point of conflict is suddenly resolved by an unexpected and often contrived occurrence.
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larz-barz · 2 months
Ariel listen to me the human world it's a mess life under the sea is better den anything dey got up dere de seewead is always greenah in somebody else's lake you dream about goin up dere but day is a big mistake just look at de world around you right here on de ocean floor such wonderful tings around you what more is ya looking for under da sea under da sea darling it's better down where it's wetter take it from me up on the shore they work all day out in the sun they slave away while we devotin full time to floating under the sea down here all the fish is happy as off through the waves they roll the fish on the land ain't happy they sad cuz they in the bowl but fish in the bowl is lucky they in for a worse fate one day when the boss gets hungry guess who gon be on the plate uh oh! Under the sea under the sea no body eat up fry us and beat us in fricassee we what the land folks love to cook under the seaweed of the hook we got no troubles like is the bubbles under the sea under the sea and also something else yeah
you have too much time on your hands XD
i love it X3
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tortue-blanche · 1 year
Wagging Tongue | 11.08.2023 | Oslo |
Ох, как мне нравится эта непонятная неразгаданная Wagging Tongue. Явно ларчик просто открывается, но мой мозг не может расколоть эти орешки как белка в "Cказке о царе Салтане". Ибо явно в этих музыкальных орешках DM - внутри чистый изумруд! ;-)
Очень красивое исполнение вживую! И пиджак-то, пиджачок на Дейве тот самый (привет из SOFAD и Devotinal era)!
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akonaman · 3 months
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i was able to retrieve my old books/notebooks sa old house namin and nakita ko lahat ng journals/devotinal notebooks/ mga diary na nakasingit between pages and ghaddd di ko na makilala yung old me. It was pretty nostalgic pero it wasn't me anymore. Sobrang passionate ko sa pagsusulat before and even sa wordpress dati sobrang active ko pero now ugh hanggang tumblr na lang si anteh. I like my old version but i've grown a lot and matured but along with that is the "unhappiness" sometimes. Dami ko kaseng gusto sa buhay HAHHA. Ang dami ko ding failures after failures but here i am now, typing this habang naka meeting na naman. I wanna practice the stoic mindset but super lala ng overthinking ko recently and it was on me.
Magbibirthday na si ally and buti na lang na approve ni om yung leave ko kahit medyo late na yung request. I am planning to go somewhere after ally's birthday mag isa. Kailangan ko na talaga ng me time.
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threecheersslxt · 11 months
Alex, listen to me The human world, it's a mess Life under the sea Is better than anything they got up there
The seaweed is always greener In somebody else's lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you Right here on the ocean floor Such wonderful things surround you What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea Under the sea Darling it's better Down where it's wetter Take it from me Up on the shore they work all day Out in the sun they slave away While we devotin' Full time to floatin' Under the sea
Down here all the fish is happy As off through the waves they roll The fish on the land ain't happy They sad 'cause they in their bowl But fish in the bowl is lucky They in for a worser fate One day when the boss get hungry Guess who's gon' be on the plate?
Oh, no, under the sea Under the sea Nobody beat us Fry us and eat us In fricassee We what the land folks loves to cook Under the sea we off the hook We got no troubles Life is the bubbles Under the sea (under the sea) Under the sea (under the sea)
Since life is sweet here We got the beat here Naturally (naturally) Even the sturgeon and the ray They get the urge 'n' start to play We got the spirit You got to hear it Under the sea
The newt play the flute The carp play the harp The plaice play the bass And they soundin' sharp The bass play the brass The chub play the tub The fluke is the duke of soul (Yeah) The ray he can play The lings on the strings The trout rockin' out The blackfish she sings The smelt and the sprat They know where it's at And oh that blowfish blow
Yeah, under the sea (under the sea) Under the sea (under the sea) When the sardine Begin the beguine It's music to me (it's music to me) What do they got? A lot of sand We got a hot crustacean band Each little clam here Know how to jam here Under the sea Each little slug here Cuttin' a rug here Under the sea Each little snail here Know how to wail here That's why it's hotter Under the water Ya we in luck here Down in the muck here Under the sea
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ghostalservice · 1 year
Tagged by the delightful @sweet-bazzle-bean and my beloved @petrichorca which is funny because three of these are going to be the same as hers 😅
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people.
Mi nombre es Jim. (wanna fly away (i don't know where my soul is), THEE Animorphs AU! This is a WIP with the previously-mentioned P and we are pouring our souls into it. The pre-chapter Animorphs-style monologues are mostly P's work and they're INCREDIBLE.)
They say that below the 40th parallel, there is no law. (Trade Your Winter for the Sun, A Polar Exploration AU written with @clairegregoryau! This is a Claire line and it FUCKS. The fic is much sillier and sweeter than you'd think from this line.)
Edward Teach retired from his long, storied career as a bandit and settled down two years ago. (The Ylp's Tale, a four-person medieval cryptid hunter collab with art that i'm buying to hang on my wall)
Stede, it turns out, loves human movies. (the seaweed is always greener (in somebody else's lake), a squssy one shot about fantasy and storytelling and really silly and sexy roleplay!)
Ed’s been dealing with paperwork shit all evening, the kind of thing he always puts off until he’s started getting pissed-off reminders. (devotin' full time to floatin', a series of squssy one-shots in collab with the absolutely legendary @zombee!)
The cabin’s quiet, after they decide their new status, but Stede’s joy is a tangible thing, filling the space golden and warm like the fireplace’s flickering light. (have your snake (and eat it too), a rare canon-era fic from me! A sexy continuation of The Restaurant Bit.)
“Soooo.... You’ve never been like, marriage serious with someone before, have you?” (you make me feel, a sequel to mighty real and a gift for Mems! A modern Pride AU where Ed is an influencer. Also known as the dildo trebuchet fic.)
It’s been four days since the former crew of the Revenge reappeared, and Ed’s hiding in his cabin. (Choose Your Own Adventure: Reunion!, my favorite project I've ever been part of! Absolutely brilliant work by many, MANY brilliant writers and artists.)
The first time Ed hears the Revenge perform, he thinks he’s losing his fucking mind. (man is a giddy thing, a Radio/Road Trip/Community Theatre AU! Featuring post-apocalyptic Shakespeare performances.)
The photography class is a requirement, and Mary isn’t thrilled about it. (rise up free and easy, an Ed/Mary modern AU and a present for @emi--rose!)
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG, and I'm tagging @zombee, @emi--rose, @chaotic-neutral-knitter. @knotwerk, @dracothelizard, @feliciadavin, @bizarrelittlemew, @xoxoemynn, @bomberqueen17, @outpastthemoat
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