#diavolo prompt
devilfemdom · 1 year
On a warm summer night you sneak away into the castle garden where you are serenading Prince Diavolo. He is standing on his balcony looking smitten down at you. At the end of the song he is applauding you and sending you up. You, like the dramatic bitch you are, climb the ivy up to him where you steal a kiss from him. He looks surprised before he laughs and tells you, you couldve come in through the doors. A smile adorns your features "I know. But isnt this more romantic?"
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pseudonymphomania · 4 months
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To celebrate the occasion, LETS PLAY A GAME!
You just know I have DiaLuci in the works but what are YOUR favourite canon x canon ships? I'd love to draw them ❤️🖤 Get your Rare Pairs here!
Give me a Ship and a Situation in the Reddit thread. Don't worry if someone has already said it. I will reply to you with Art!
Additional fun: feel free to respond to someone else's prompt and CONTINUE IT.
Person A: Solomon and Simeon cooking!
Me: *art*
Person B: and Solomon burns it!
Me: *art*
Person C: Simeon rubs burn cream on Solomons hand.
Me: *art*
Person D: Simeon kisses it better 😘
Me: *art*
I will stop taking requests at the end of June or if my hand dies. Whichever comes first. The results will be posted on my tumblr in due time. Reblogs are appreciated. :)
Please note: I will not be taking controversial requests. Thank you.
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2smolbeans · 1 year
Yandere Diavolo x Innocent reader headcanons
Tags: Mindbreak, corruption, forced marriage, black mail, Mc's partner gets murdered, suicide mention, Mc goes to hell, manipulation, hostage keeping, minor world building mentions, Mc is gender neutral.
Diavolo knows how humans are. He's been there since their very creation. Humans are greedy, vicious, cruel little animals with a mind of their own. They were almost similar to demons- no, if anything - most, if not - all demons were once humans!
So, for being so cruel, so selfish. It was amazing how he stumbled upon a rare soul like you. So pure, innocent, kind..He was sure that you were predestined to go heaven once you had died. You'd make the perfect angel, after all!
Diavolo was enamored by you. How gentle you were to those who were rough with you, the way you would so gracefully own up to your mistakes - something most humans couldn't do! How you would always keep your head high whenever you were ruthlessly bullied by the world. The way you would kindly treat strangers who would be cast aside by society.
For once, he had met a human with diligence and self-control! It made you desirable and interesting - different from most humans. He needed you. You were one of a kind.
Diavolo became more curious about you with each passing day. He just had to see you. So, with a change of attire and appearance, he visited your work as a customer. Falling hard for you when you gifted him with your voice that spoke directly to him - giving him your undivided attention.
He needed more. It had been so long since he's seen such pure kind innocence directed towards him. So, of course, with his devil's charm, he tried to persuade you to be his partner.
But, unsurprisingly, you already had a partner. Of course, that was no problem for Diavolo- such a small obstacle was no path for this ancient demon!
So kindly getting rid of the waste of space that contributed no meaning to your life, Diavolo tried again. Sweetly feeding into your sins. Pride, greed, envy, and lust. Trying to get you to fall for him.
But it never worked since you were now too busy grieving for your previous partner.
He was running thin. He didn't want to force his love and affection onto you. He wanted you to swoon over him, for you to look at him without him having to force you. To have you all prettied up as his royal spouse. To have his innocent kind spouse dote on him so diligently.
So he was left no choice but to haunt you. Whispering in your ears about the unspoken knowledge, taunting you to the point of insanity, breaking you to the point of committing unforgivable sins.
So when you came to your senses, unable to cope with the reality, you ultimately killed yourself out of guilt.
Happily waiting for you in circles of hell, Diavolo came to collect you.
You were so scared, shivering from the torture you had to endure with all the other sinners. Don't worry, he'll take you away from the bad place. Only in one condition. No? That's okay. He'll happily drop you off back from where you came from!
Aww, you're clutching onto him so tightly.. I guess that means you took up his offer!
Sooner or later, you ended up as his royal spouse. Always satisfying his needs, making sure to please him with anything he wants.
You don't want to go back to the circles of hell after all. Not when Devildom is nice and safe, barely far away from limbo!
Diavolo found it admirable whenever he looked at you. Such an innocent and meek demon you were. With your cute little horns protruding out of your head and that slim tail you had from behind.
He was proud to call you his spouse. So proud that he always hosts a party dedicated to celebrating your marriage with him. It's only fair, you must be bored staying inside the castle by yourself waiting for him!
Plus, it's not like you're allowed to go out.. He can't risk his little spouse getting hurt!
Aren't you glad this is how things turned out?
And isn't it better that it'll be like this for all eternity?
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authormars · 7 months
Just dance
Levi once did a streaming series where he forced his brothers to do Just Dance competitions against each other.
Mammon actually tried, Asmo refused, Satan almost always won, Beel liked the work-out, and Lucifer barely tried.
At some point, Diavolo found out and joined
And suddenly Lucifer was always winning
Idk if this is a story prompt or just a random headcanon, but do with it what you will
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sly-charm · 1 year
Obey me characters protecting your drink at a party
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Doesn't let anyone get close to your drink.
Mammon | Asmo | Mephistopheles | Thirteen
Holds it close to him and covers the top.
Levi | Satan | Belphie | Simeon | Barbatos | Raphael
No one dares to come close to your drink if he's the one holding it.
Lucifer | Diavolo | Solomon
Too young to be near alcohol
Drinks it
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stanmammon · 1 year
How about 10 with Dia?
10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
“You have to go home now.”
“I have to go home now.”
There’s tension hanging in the air, highlighted by sadness and a touch of heartbreak. Your relationship with Diavolo had done nothing but evolve over the past year, your interest in the Devildom then extended to its future king in a very normal progression of events. You had found yourself eager to spend time with him whenever he had a free moment, and it seemed lately he had more and more; he told you not to worry about Barbatos scolding him for dashing out on work as he had done most important things that day, his bright smile and boisterous laugh enough to distract you from his butler’s wrath.
You hardly ever saw a frown on his face when you were together, used to him recalling happy memories he had both with the brothers and from his own time experiencing new things in his home world. Used to him making new happy memories with you as you explored the town together, or attended festivals arm-in-arm. You had been nervous at first about appearing with such an important person but being an exchange student made it seem almost natural that the prince himself would show you around, though you knew better than that. Diavolo always, always, appointed himself as your escort when he could, which was a rarity but it always seemed to happen on festivals that revolved around romance or good luck.
“If there’s another opening for a human to come back, please send the invite directly to me this time. I promise to respond in a timely manner,” Diavolo chuckled at your overly polite speech but it faded all too quickly.
“I’ll be sure to find any excuse I can to have you come back to me.”
Not to the Devildom.
To him.
You don’t miss his word choice but you don’t point it out either, the delicate balance of your relationship was on the line. For the future King to be speaking of such things would not be taken well, and he cared deeply about the safety of his people. Wedding a human partner was still not something the Celestial Realm would take lightly and as much as he yearned to publicly claim you, it would irresponsible to do so. In another life, in his dreams, he was allowed to be as frivolous as he liked, but for the time being he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
You can see that he’s overthinking again.
“I’ll be back.” You promised; it was a dangerous thing to make a promise to a demon, especially one as powerful as Diavolo, but you couldn’t think of a better thing to say. You fully intended to find your way back to him.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
And then you moved like you always did, without thinking, only passion coursing through your veins. His large hand cupping your cheek struck away any other thoughts you might’ve have, his lips on yours and claiming you as his own. You hoped no other man dared to even look at your mouth again lest they be struck down, as the future King of the Devildom had sealed your promise with a searing kiss. You were his.
You would come back to him, no matter the circumstances, almost as if you’d sold him your soul.
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witheredapple · 2 months
DiaLuci writing prompts
I was so bored so I thought it would be fun to mess with a prompt generator using DiaLuci and I ended up taking 27 screenshots
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I have a headcanon where they both bought a body pillow of each other so they don’t get lonely (this is from my future au where they’re both married and before they had their kids)
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Diavolo acting like a teenage girl reading her crush/boyfriend’s love letters
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This but with puppies cuz it’s Lucifer duh 🙄
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What if they did this as a way to announce to everyone that they’re dating?? 🤭
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Ok but reverse the roles cuz Barbatos is always cooking for Diavolo and Lucifer is a single tired mom of 6
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I can see Diavolo doing this rather than Lucifer
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Reverse cuz ik damn well Diavolo would do this
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Could this go both ways? Although I like it better if it was Diavolo lending his jacket to Lucifer
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DiaLuci being high school sweethearts but going to different colleges—a few hours apart, Diavolo would be the first to drive to Lucifer’s college to surprise him and Lucifer started doing the same, they end up getting married a few months after graduating
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These two are similar to the two ideas I have for a fic
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The summer one 👀
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withered-blossoms · 28 days
Obey me scenario...
WARNING: this is a very long ramble so if y'all don't like rambles, skip this uhh post. Also it's quite self-indulgent. Actual ramble under the cut. Also this is not proofread so there may or may not be typos.
Where the MC goes by a different name depending on who they're introducing themself to.
Like for example, the MC obviously has a birth name right? (Like one assigned to them by their parents and is used by family and human classmates). But what if they chose to use a nickname/alternate name to introduce themself to future/current acquaintances?
Like if I were to use myself as an example, let's say that my "actual/parent assigned name" is Blossom. And so my human realm classmates and family call me "Blossom". But for online friends and acquaintances/friends I make in future, I go by "Bloss"? (It could also be because they don't speak my language and usually pronounce it slightly inaccurately which IS NOT their fault but it would make their lives easier to have them refer to me as "Bloss").
And MC gets so used to using their "other/nickname" that when they get kidnap transported into the Devildom and they gotta state their name, by habit their nickname slips out of their mouth? And technically speaking it is indeed a name they go by? Maybe because they feel more comfortable using this nickname instead of their "actual/real name"?
Now we know that Diavolo hates being lied to and has the power to tell lies from truth to back it up, so do you think he'll think the human is lying deliberately? Or would his aura turn more threatening and serious and ask for their real name? I personally feel like I'll piss all of them off if I were to meet them for the first time. Why? Take a look below to see how the convo would've gone:
Diavolo: Welcome to the Devildom. I am Diavolo, the Crown Prince. How should we address you?
MC: Please call me (insert nickname) (absolutely natural but debating whether or not it would count as a valid answer)
Lucifer and Barbatos: ...
Diavolo: ... That is not your real name now is it? It would not do you any good to lie. (Aura probably turns threatening but his customer service smile is still present, most likely assuming that MC has a dishonest purpose for concealing their "real name" aka name given by parents)
MC: Your Highness, with all due respect, that is indeed a name. I have fulfilled your request, and it is indeed one that I go by and have gone by for quite a while now. ("You only asked for a name to refer to me by, you never asked for the one I was given since childhood." Would probably be added in their head. It would not do for them to spit something so...snarky and potentially rude out. They are in unknown territory and an unfamiliar environment after all. Holding their tongue here would be more advantageous)
Now assuming that they accepted, should MC decide to reveal their name.later, would it bring a lot of trouble paperwork-wise? They've been writing this name on all of their assignments, their Devildom ID displays their nickname, and all of the official documents are signed with this alias. Or perhaps when they've grown fond of the sacrificial little lamb, they will allow them to suddenly change their names via a short notice to all academic lecturers? As for their Identification Card and personal documents, the card will be updated/changed (either via magic or by getting a replacement) and the documents will have a note/update stating their real name?
Of course, if the MC is comfortable with only their newfound family (the constituent characters are naturally chosen by you, my dear reader) using their real name, then those with said honour will guard it with their lives. For those that are prone to slipping up, they will perhaps flounder a little and give the excuse of confusing the sheep with someone else (yes Mams my darling I'm looking at you). For Levi I think he'll continue to refer to MC as Henry anyways but then again it depends on your personal HCs.
For those in the cast but are not chosen to be the MC's super close ones, perhaps they'll be a little confused should anyone slip up while they are around. Cue more floundering until perhaps it gets out, but you know the cast's mouths are shut, so tightly they'll put gorilla glue to shame.
So worry not, your real name won't be slipping out to the RAD public. Despite what I mentioned about Mams earlier, you know he will guard your precious name like dragons with treasure. And he'll do admittedly one of the best jobs out of the cast.
Now assuming that they do not accept that reasoning, it could go two (for what I can think of now) ways.
1) MC continues debating.
Given Lucifer's displeasure, he would most likely chide the MC for their rudeness and Barbatos would, with a chilly smile, advise them not to use up all their chances. The brothers on the sidelines may whisper a bit between themselves but will not interfere since it's not like they'll save a random human stranger from their Prince and risk being on the receiving end of the wrath of the Fantastic Trio (if you know where this is from, you know *wink wonk* sorry, couldn't resist using this .... Interesting group name.)
When it gets to a very bad point where MC is perhaps dishing out their reasoning with possibly an annoyed tone by now, they will have to bet or hope. Hope that Diavolo would be magnanimous enough to allow them to use their alias down here and accept their alias as the name they go by since he can confirm the genuine discomfort they have with using their "actual name" and spot nearly no lies in the reasons they offered.
But if Lucifer and Barbatos happen to get a little iffy before their Prince gets mad, MC will have to bet that they would not jeopardise this exchange program by hurting them in any way or exchanging them for another human.
Or for those beyond the fourth wall, get rid of this exchange student they've selected, either out of rage or annoyance or for convenience and success, reset the timeline or make another timeline the sole reality and pick another exchange student. Basically MC will have to bet on their value and importance to the exchange program and bet that Diavolo would care enough about having stains or guilt/reminders on what he had done to the MC (if he were to smite them or wipe them out for the safety of his kingdom cuz he suspects that they have ulterior motives for hiding their name) because most royals don't.
But then again they have magic so should things come down to it they may just erase MC's memories and send them back to the human realm unsuspectingly, choose another human and move on.
Also, who's to say that Diavolo didn't have Barbatos look through the timelines and pick the one which goes most successfully before bringing MC down? (Yes, fanfictions expanding on the aftermath of Lesson 16 have been getting to my head and giving me a lot of ideas and scenarios)
Diavolo is the Crown Prince. Acting ruler of a whole kingdom. There is no way he would be willing to toss an uncertain factor into the equation without knowing the future. If I had the power / someone with the power to look into the future freely without much repercussions (on my kingdom that is and preferably the person but the priority is on the kingdom), I would use those powers to see how my plans go, especially since my citizens and my kingdom, my responsibility and the burden I have to shoulder alone, albeit sparingly.
But ultimately as a ruler, one's responsibilities come before one's emotions. It's the price they have to pay for the immense wealth and safety they were born with. With so many lives resting on his hands, there is no way a ruler as benevolent but also smart, intelligent (terrifyingly so), cunning and manipulative (I mean that as a compliment cuz those are what a ruler should have, to use it for good ofc don't get me wrong) as Diavolo would not take "cheat a little" and look at the answer to the question (like those reference/practice question books that yall's parents buy for you when huge examinations are near. Just me? Aight then—)
Anyways, the route honestly depends on what y'all choose/think/headcanon. I'm just adding a drop into the ocean in hopes that any writers will write a piece on this or perhaps expand on my idea or something. I would do it but I don't trust myself to serve or deliver, not when I know some in the fandom have repeatedly left absolutely no crumbs. (Yes I'm a Gen Z I just don't use slangs often don't @ me—)
2) MC begrudgingly accepts the use of their real name.
That's all for now, may add more/ a Part 2 of inspiration decides to pull a Truck-kun and isekai me somehow.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay, Lesson 24. Honestly what do I even say about it other than the cliffhanger nearly took me out?
Fine, fine, spoilers below the cut, I'm gonna have to say something lol.
Okay this is a shortish one, but here I am!
I'm kind of glad they had Lucifer being the teacher in this lesson. Diavolo kind of made it sound like it's a temporary thing for right now before they officially start RAD, but like you can't tell me that guy is a student. I don't believe it!
The best part of that whole thing was Diavolo responding cheerfully to the brothers' complaints.
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Also is this the first time that Lucifer does this with someone's name other than Mammon?!
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I honestly can't remember. Lucifer you sound ridiculous lol.
Right, but anyway. I didn't write a post for the last lesson because I was out of time, sorry Mammon. But we got a pact with our boy and of course he was the first because it couldn't possibly be anybody else, right?
And now Asmo's acting up, which means we're not going in the OG order. I wonder if there's a reason for that or if it was just like... Mammon is first, Lucifer is last and we can mix everybody else up? 'Cause if Lucifer isn't last, I'll be surprised.
So uh... Solomon in this lesson, though... and then Barbatos shows up... and oh my gosh. The whole later part of this lesson was just me freaking out the whole time because I LOVE THEM so much.
Solomon being protective of MC despite being less powerful than normal? Barbatos just absolutely shutting everything down the second he gets there? Barbatos then telling Solomon how he's still upset with him? Both of them putting aside their issues for a minute to help MC find Little D No 5? MC being like nope you guys are intolerable, let's talk about this? THE CLIFFHANGER????
I was actually really surprised when Lucifer was like, go to Solomon! I was like hang on what? You want me to get Solomon? I don't understand. And then Lucifer was like y'know 'cause of his pact with Asmo! And then I was like ooooohhhh okay yeah that tracks.
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And our boy Sol can sense MC's presence? Now I headcanon that he reads auras, too. Of course he can. Of course he does. I love him.
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Oh nothing, just my true love serving all the sass.
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This man. He has also said (in an event I believe it was or maybe a Devilgram?) that he wants MC to scold him. Like sir...
Anyway, due to the fact that there was so much of Solomon and Barbatos in this lesson, I very much enjoyed it. I also love Asmo, though I am concerned about his current state. I actually liked the WW conference call the others had, though. It's so sweet that Beel was watching over Asmo while he was sleeping. Precious babies!
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deaddovedecadence · 1 year
the demon boys would be so scary as yanderes because they have diavolo’s full support. If Lucifer expressed we wanting the mc as theirs, guess what? no more freedom for mc. It’s just so fucked up and scary that i can’t help but want to write about it
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hyperfixat · 1 year
support and engagement would really motivate me to help post and work on the rest of this stuff!
This isn’t a fleshed out work, but it’s enough that I still think it’s good enough to share. (If someone wants to use this as a prompt; feel free! Just credit my ao3 or tumblr.)
Diavolo is as good as the king in the Devildom. His fondness towards MC will not go unnoticed by his citizens, though many dare not say anything about the human he insists on flaunting around.
Maybe you were alone, in a rare moment when none of your demons were around, or maybe you and your demons were outnumbered en masse. Either way you got kidnapped (demonnapped, humannapped?) Like everything in life it’s political. -_-
Not every demon out there approves of Diavolo’s feelings towards you, to the exchange students in general. They want to keep the underworld ‘pure’ or whatnot, perhaps they also express distaste to the brothers perhaps?
Back to the topic at hand: you’ve been kidnapped. The kidnapper uses you/your life as political leverage to attempt to get Diavolo or the House of Lords to pass some law that limits the inter realm travels.
Maybe it was even the House of Lords that had you kidnapped and they think Diavolo would do a better job leading the realm without you around as a distraction…
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2smolbeans · 1 year
You made a deal with the devil.
Yandere Diavolo x Celebrity Mc!
Diavolo hadn't been summoned by any human for any contracts for centuries. Diavolo, finally unbothered by the occult and humans on earth, continued to rule Devildom with an iron fist. That was until one day, a peculiar human decided to use a forbidden spell to sumon the prince of hell..
A/N: This will be edited later, so if some sentences or words don't make sense- that's why!
Diavolo wasn't surprised when you had summoned him. If anything, it was the typical drill to him. Typical human, desperate for power to the point of insanity- setting up those nostalgic marks of hell and a virgin sacrifice for him, chanting and screaming those ancient forbidden words like a hypnotizing song, calling onto him to fulfill whatever wish they may have.
When he appeared in front of you, he could feel a smirk spread across his face- his fangs beeming back at you with excitement. It had been so long since someone had summoned him onto earth that he couldn't hide his enthusiasm.
You were just like the others, disheveled, and already demanding for your wish without even pouring him a drink or greeting him! It was quite disrespectful on your end, I mean back then when humans summoned him, they always gave him the upmost respect- even kissed at his feet!
I guess modern-day humans were naive or had forgotten how interacting with the supernatural worked..
But regardless, he listened to your words, watching you closely as he could tell that your aggressive and strict appearance was only a mask to hide your utter horror. Letting out a chuckle, he couldn't help but lose composure as you exposed the reason for his summoning.
You wanted to be famous. Oh this was rich! You- a puny human who had kidnapped another innocent person, put them through abuse beyond human comprehension with ritualistic intent, sacrificed your body and soul- just to be some silly pop star?!
Sure, this wasn't the first time he had been summoned by a human to make a contract for fame in exchange for their soul. But Diavolo was still shocked, and even a bit insulted, that you - a simple boring human had managed to find this specific calling to summon him on earth, not even wishing for power, money, strength, control- but instead to be some popular singer!
Diavolo thought the books of the old ways had been burned and banished the spell itself! For crying out loud, he was the devil himself! Why and how would you dare try to contact him just for that small reason!? He thought that after a few centuries, humans would've learned something about consequences and self benefit? But looking at you, ready to give it all, he shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes as he apparently had his answer.
Letting out a small chuckle, Diavolo spoke to you like a child as he saw your quivering form.
"So, this is what you want? I hope you're aware that once you make this official, there's no changing or turning back your wish."
You shake your head, not speaking a word as he extends his hand out for you to shake.
The faint whispers and warnings of the previous lost souls that swirled and danced around Diavolo's figure, screaming at you not to shake his hand. But regardless, you shook the devil's hand.
You let out a scream as you felt the sharp stabbing burning sensation wave over your body. Crying and nearly passing out as you felt a foreign sensation and lightness leave your body. You were certain it had to be a part of your soul, since by the end of the binding, in the palm of his hand seemed to be a soft pure glow trying to escape from his grasp- only to be trapped and merged into his palm.
"Now, darling..I wish you the best in your life, and I hope your satisfied with your dreams."
You, who had fallen to the floor after giving a part of your soul to your now new contractor, tried to steady yourself to stand up. It took all of your strength just to get on your two legs while your body felt alienated from itself.
Wobbling away to return where you had came from, Diavolo began to speak once again.
"Oh, and before you go my little hummingbird, remember this - when the time comes, I will come and get you. Understood?"
Too weak to speak, you only looked into his eyes, which satisfied him enough. Snapping his fingers, Diavolo disappeared like nothing had ever happened. The body, the symbols, everything was gone from the scene, and soon, so were you.
Months had passed ever since that incident and Diavolo's blessings began to come into fruition. It felt like a flash- and there before you knew it- you had a manager, power, and luxuries that few could ever have.
The contract that you had with Diavolo was like a forgotten dream. Your singing career high up in the sky as everyone knew who you were. You relished in it, you bathed in their love, the admiration- it was all you ever wanted- it's why you even started your idol career in the first place.
As years passed by, you were finally retired as your contract with your manager had ended. Still, you had fans who adored and loved you, making online edits, fanart, and the whatnot, admiring your music and 'God-given' talent. All was seeming well for you on the outside, but inside, every time you tried to get some shut eye, your head would be invaded with terrors and lucid hallucinations that always ended with a painful withdrawal.
Unbeknownst to you, Diavolo had a close eye on you throughout the years. You, the first human who had dared to contact him after hundreds of years, making the same old 'celebrity' contract, had him curious.
Diavolo found it adorable really, your intentions of fame were so innocent and pure, but the actions you did to gain your success were far from it.
He was amused how you'd forgotten him. Most of the celebrities and humans he had helped had always remembered him - even paid him a symbolic tribute to their success! But you had forgotten him. Completely.
It made him raise an eyebrow as he watched you with conflicted emotions. He didn't know if he should've been insulted that you forgot him or if he was deeply invested in your every move because of it.
Either way, he had his full attention on you. You could say he's your number one fan!
Though the more time flew, Diavolo grew more obsessive towards you - watching you with hidden eyes with how you flourished in the life he gave you.
He gave you this, you came to him desperate, and yet..You don't even dare mention him once or give him an ounce of gratitude.
At this point, he could've cared less about the contract or promise he made to you. Sure, he wasn't supposed to see you until the day came to collect your body and the other half of your soul, but seeing you so happy...So full of yourself, it had driven him mad.
Espically when you wrapped your arms around some stranger who could care less about you, giving them paterage to your success and happiness. So, for now, he began to visit your dreams - scolding you and belittling your very existence.
Though something about visiting and tormenting you in your sleep began to brew another emotion inside him. Those moments when he talked with you, it became special to him, even if in those dreams you were trying to wake up and escape his grasp.
You were so annoyingly adorable. You, a small little human, somehow got him all worked up. He was the ruler of hell, the most feared by all - he could've chosen any better being to fixate on - but you somehow managed to put him on a leash and drag him along.
Your song, enthusiasm, your desire for love and attention. It was fucking with his head. You were like a small hamster to him, so tiny, so easy to crush- yet so..Lovable.
He'd wondered how you'd react if he took you under his lovely castle if he had showered you daily with the attention you craved so badly. Would you worship him and kiss every part of his body? Would you smile at him and hold him tight? Would Diavolo finally have a loving partner alongside him?
I mean, it could be possible.. If the lower demons of hell could have happy familes and spouses of their own, how could the king of hell not have one as well? Just the thought of it - of you and him - made his head spin even more.
"Do you remember me? Darling, my little singing bird.. Please tell me you at least know what I look like!"
Diavolo isn't the type to usually want any romantic relationship with anyone, and he's unsure if he wants that with you.
It's conflicting, really.
All he knows is that he wants you by his side. To hold you, crush you, make you weak onto his knees, look at him with those eyes of yours, to break you down and to make you worship him.
Diavolo laughed, stroking your hair as you sat in his lap in the world your mind had drawn. You pursed your lips, not knowing what to say as Diavolo continued talking.
"You know, before I absolutely wanted to tear you limb to limb for hurting my feelings..But I've realised, you humans are so..How do I put it.."
Diavolo stopped for a moment, your hair intertwined with his fingers.
"Very forgetful? No..That's not it..But either or, I realised I couldn't be mad at a small creature such as yourself for much longer!"
Diavolo cheeringly spoke, his voice booming loudly.
"Anyways, I'm sure things have been good for you. I know they have been, I made sure of it, I created your little singing career afterall!"
Still, in his lap, you were quiet - trying to examine his features. Your mind refused to show his features as he only appeared to you as a blur of colors.
"You know.. I've been wanting to talk again face to face like before... I think it's about time I see you again! How does that sound?"
"Maybe if you saw me again, you'd remember everything, right?"
It wasn't like you had a choice either way since moments after you had awoken from your sleep, Diavolo was standing there in all his glory. Smiling ear to ear as the large mass of his dark wings had encapsulated you in the room with little no escape.
"Hello there love, remember me? Oh... Haha! This reminds me of when we first met! When you were so plain, so pathetic. So..Needy of my help."
"But now look at you! Because of me, you're all prettied up - better than before!"
"I've helped you, given you everything you've ever needed. Yet.."
Diavolo paused, the room growing darker as his voice only shined brighter than before. Your eyes widened as the memories began to greet you like an old forgotten friend.
"I never once got a thank you from you. Now isn't that unfair to your number one fan?"
Diavolo pouted playfully, his head drooping down - imitating a dog while his demonic presence began to suffocate you slowly.
"After everything, the horrendous crimes you've committed in my name.. For someone so dedicated to me, only to ditch me.."
You could feel those clawed talons reach out to you, barely moments away from grazing your skin.
"I hate it, you know? I'm not usually like this.."
"All I want is for you to worship me, just like how they worship you..."
Diavolo only sighed as his eyes bore into yours, lulling you into a dark abyss.
"That's not so hard to ask for, right? I know it wasn't part of the contract..But I think I’ve undervalued the price for my help"
Now his clawed hands were gripping onto your jawline, your face now forced look at him and him alone. His hot breath fanning against your lips as little by little, you were now pressed against his chest. Your eyes widened as Diavolo kissed the side of your neck, the absolute delight in his voice loud and clear.
"I think it's time I collected my end of the contract"
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violetduchess · 2 years
Imagine MC and Diavolo are in the human world and they're on their period.
You groaned as pain racked through your abdomen. Periods suck. Life sucks. Everything sucks. Your only saving grace was your incredibly sweet boyfriend who had offered to get you some chocolate per your request.
Of course you were worried sending him out by himself (and your sure Barbatos and Lucifer are going to kill you if they found out), but you couldn't get up, let alone go shopping so here you were waiting on Dia. Besides your bed was so comfy.
The front door creaked and footsteps led to the bedroom and in walked the demon prince. You smiled relieved to see him until you noticed the extra baggage in his hands.
"I thought chocolate wouldn’t be enough, so I got you a —"
"Is that a Louis Vuitton Purse and Gucci belt?”
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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mrfancyfoot · 1 year
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Obey Me! Prompt: Freckles
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The headcanon:  Living in the sunless Demon Realm, demons don’t naturally have freckles.  They might have spots and stripes and tattoos and makeup and other demonic features, but most are unfamiliar with how sun exposure is actually the cause of skin freckling for humans and angels.
The boys might have seen freckles on prior exchange students from the Human Realm, but MC is the first one they’ve really cared to notice them on.  And they’re fading.
Featuring Lucifer, Mammon, Asmo, Satan, Diavolo & Gender Neutral MC.
Rating: G Warnings: None
My headcanon collection
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Since day one of their arrival, Lucifer has kept tabs on the health of MC.  However, he doesn’t intervene unless he believes that MC may be ill or in the way of harm.
MC’s been getting paler over the last couple of months and it has not escaped his notice.
He begins taking careful note of whether MC is getting enough vitamin D in their diet, going so far as to ensure that shared meals at the House of Lamentation are full of the nutrients their human needs to remain healthy.  If MC seems down or out of it, they’ll promptly find themselves whisked off to get a prescription for vitamin supplements to make up for any deficiencies they might have from now living in the Demon Realm.
He remembers the adjustments he and his brothers had to go through after they fell.  For most of them, it meant changing their diets, though Asmo in particular despaired over the loss of the spattering of freckles over across his nose and cheeks as he feared his beauty was fading.
It might not bring their freckles back, but he’ll be damned if MC becomes unhealthy on his watch.
Luke is also looking a bit more pallid these days.
He might have mentioned something to Lord Diavolo about MC and the angels looking overly pale these days due to the lack of sufficient sun exposure they’d normally have in their own realms.  It was only coincidence that a trip was soon planned to spend some time in the sun at Lord Diavolo’s private island.
He might not say anything, but seeing MC happy and healthy is a source of Pride for him.  He’ll admire from afar if they manage to get MC’s freckles back.
“Yo, human!  Where’d all ya spots go?”
It took him a while to figure out what was changing, but being in charge of their human means he needs to notice these things!
He freaks out at first thinking it means that MC is getting sick.  Even after explaining it to him, he’s a bit skeptical that it doesn’t mean that MC is unwell.  He knew that humans could have spots cuz he’s seen them during his time in the Human Realm,but he never knew it was because of the sun.  Now that he thinks about it now, though, it makes sense with the changes some of the brothers went through after the Fall.  And the little pipsqueak angel also seems to be significantly more pale.
He internalizes this for too long before finally mentioning something to Lucifer.  “Hey, maybe a trip out to that island would do them some good, yeah?”
Lucifer shot down a trip to the Human Realm just to go to the beach…but he’d see about organising a group trip to the Demon Lord’s private beach.
“Oh, darling, you’re looking so pale these days!  Are you feeling alright??”
Asmo’s one of the first to notice the sun-kissed color of MC’s cheeks and freckles fading the longer they’re in the Demon Realm.
It reminds him of part of his own transition after the Fall.
He drags MC to his room whenever he can to make sure that they’re keeping up an acceptable skincare routine.
There’s a specialty spa he loves to go to because it has tanning booths.  While normally scarce in the Demon Realm, they are popular in areas where Human Realm spa services and aesthetics are more on trend.  He uses them to get just the right amount of sun-kissed glow and dainty flecks back to his skin.
He’ll suggest they go there sometime and might drop a hint that they even have tanning there, though he’d never pressure MC into using them.
If MC likes the suggestion, Asmo will want them both to make a routine of going together.
He’ll be overjoyed when MC’s cute freckles start making a return.
Asmo is one of the first to jump onboard for plans to go out to Lord Diavolo’s private island.  He’ll never miss a good opportunity to get in some sunbathing (and pictures of him sunbathing for his Devilgram).  He’s one of the ones sure to remember sunscreen and insist on lathering up MC - it’s not sexy to get all red and burned from too much sun!
If MC is involved with Asmo, he’ll lay sweet kisses all over them for each freckle.
It was less that he noticed and more just that he’s aware that it’s something that happens with many humans and angels when they spend significant amounts of time staying in the Demon Realm.
Being born to the darkness of the Demon Realm, however, he did not realise the cause of the change being connected to the sun - or lack thereof.
“Ah, that’s…intriguing.  I’ve never come across such a thing discussed in any of the books I’ve read about human anatomy.  Is it painful to lose them?”
He scours books on skincare for humans and reads up on the effects of too much and too little sun exposure.  There sadly isn’t a whole lot written on this in the Demon Realm, yet.
Satan is the one that suggests that MC maybe should be seeing a doctor regularly during their stay to ensure that their health is being properly looked after.  After all, the human health books advise that routine bloodwork can signal of issues developing long before outward appearances may reflect a problem.
If MC doesn’t care of their freckles fading, then he doesn’t care, either, though the little spots remind him of the spots that some cats have. They're cute.
Is genuinely very concerned when he notices MC’s “spots” fading away.
They’re the first human exchange student that he’s become close enough with to notice such a thing happening.
He knows that many humans can have all kinds of spots; some many, some few; some dark, some light.
But he didn’t know they could start fading away.
Does it mean their precious exchange student is ill??
He asks Barbatos to assist him in finding books that might provide the answer, but they don’t have much luck.  It seems to be a phenomenon little reported on within the Demon Realm.
He isn’t sure how to approach it, so is just blunt about it one day when he and MC are enjoying some private time together, “I don’t mean to alarm you, MC…but I noticed that your spots don’t appear to be quite as plentiful as when you first arrived here.  Have you been feeling well?”
Is relieved when he’s told that it’s a normal thing to occur due to the lack of sunlight that the Demon Realm has, but is equally upset that he’s inadvertently been the cause of this.  The health of his exchange student is one of his highest priorities while they are under his care.
Even if MC is getting sufficient nutrients from their diet, Diavolo is skeptical that their freckles fading isn’t inherently a sign of bad health.  He tells Lucifer that they’ll all vacation at his island over Spring Break.
Is disappointed that a few days in the sun won’t be enough to ensure that MC’s freckles will come back and not fade again.  So that just means they’ll have to plan more sunny trips!
Maybe he should make a mini sun for MC.
Is skeptical that tanning beds are sufficient for the same desired effect but will confer with Asmo to find the best and safest options to explore with MC.
MC’s spots are one of his favorite features if they’re involved with the Prince.  They’re one of the cute unique things that humans can have.  They might be from the sun but they’re like having a face and body full of stars like the night sky.  He could spend hours lying together with MC and gently tracing them.
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Send me prompts~ ❤️❤️❤️
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Can I request the prompt-I think we’re past the point of being just friends with Diavolo?
❤️Prompt List❤️
It's one of Diavolo's worst kept secrets. And for some reason he doesn't think you've caught on yet. The words are intertwined with his actions, the swiftness in him finding a way to spend time with you. How he's yet to turn down a single invitation you've given him to hang out, and always replied with pure enthusiasm regardless of the occasion.
How many times have you caught him staring at you when someone else is speaking? More times that you can count. He's doesn't shy away when your gaze meets his, instead he grins. But sometimes someone else catches onto his staring, like Lucifer or Barbatos, who ask if he's been following along. He stops grinning after that.
"I value your opinion." He reasons, when pulling you aside to speak about an issue. But the frequency of his needs of your opinions has increased, while the matters that he's asking you about seem to grow less and less important as the days pass. Even so, he listens to every word of yours with great intent.
You've told him jokes that often get groans from others, but have him bursting out in laughter. Walked in sick, telling him you know you look terrible and that he doesn't need to tell you so, only for him to reply that he never even considered it. "I think you're always beautiful." He says it so unabashedly, that all you can do is smile.
The one evening where he walked you home, and almost kissed you. He had your face in his hands, his eyes drifting between your own and your lips. Only to pull his hands away, and bid you goodnight.
He likes you. It's very clear. And yet despite it all. "You've been a good friend to me." Is what he says to you, and you don't mean to laugh, but a snicker still happens. He's confused at your sudden amusement, tilting his head to the side, blinking rapidly waiting for an explanation.
"I think we’re past the point of being just friends." Your reply confuses him at first.
"I see." He says, with a pause. Only for his eyes to widen as it dawns on him. "I see!" A beaming smile on his features, "you'll have to forgive me, I had been wanting to find the right moment to confess, and now that it's here I'm not sure where to start."
"I have an idea." And like he did to you after walking you home, you reach your hands across to cradle his face in your hands. Instead of pulling them away, you pull him closer to crash yours lips against his.
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