#did he do it bc the humans killed all the other vampires in their village and he wanted her
maria-ruta · 6 months
22. and 49. for all three! :D
I just DID NOT have time to sit and properly answer this, bc its such a big question for many characters! but today my classes are dismissed due to the storm so HERE WE GO
Ronya, Blueberry and Veronica!
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Ronya - I'd say it was magic. Not like most people can do it but lot of people in fantasy setting can though. But throughout the game she had to put up with a lot of magical stuff and got involved too so she got used to... But something more mundane? I'd say getting to dentist or getting teeth removed or see others getting teeth removed or seeing removed teeth - puts her in big unease. That's because after Nabassu demon killed eveyone in her village, it was bringing her ripped out goblin teeth as a gift for some time, when she was sleeping. I think she still has trigger for that kind of thing
Blueberry - some kind of serious fancy dinners/tea parties where you have to be all polite, good manners etc make his stomach curl and sweat nervously. He remembers all kind of fancy danning he had to attend when he still was part of lumeris society and how many times he failed them missarably or just sat there silently, prettending he's not there. He is also bad at negotiating (even though now he has to do it sometimes)
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Veronica - I have troubles thinking of something specific - it is a complex and interesting question... but its hard for me to think of anything
okay lets say - sunbathing ahahaha lol. but thats what HUMANS can easily do
I'm trying to think of something that would be simple activity for most vampires but not for Veronica and hm... She has tabo on drinking blood from kids and teens, but not because she's scared of them of course. But because she is scared to hurt them. She strictly feeds only on adults. Acidentally drinking kid's blood can put her in frenzy state
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
Ronya - No. hahaha
she would be like "urgh. I'm not eating that"
BUT if she specifically want to try to be polite
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and she will not elaborate. X) (feat. bard Mao, character of my friend Kate, who knew the etiquette very well and was good at negotiations and such)
Blueberry - yeah he would, but he would look soooo missarable while doing so hahaha
like a pathetic kicked puppy
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and if its some kind of fancy dinner too - oh well rip (look up the question and answer above lol)
Veronica - OHOHOHOO now thats an interesting topic to discuss! Overall - yes, Veronica is the type that would do that (also she's a people pleaser)
BUT! she is a vampire, and she doesn't have merit for eating food, like some of her vamp friends, like Charlie or Johny. So if she eats human food she will puke almost instantly (or would have to spend her blood energy to bear it). So she would avoid eating human food at any cost (she has so many made up excuses, from lying she has allergy or diet or recently visiting a dentist etc). BUT she doesn't find human food desgusting.. she still likes how it looks and smells - she just knows that its poisonos for her bc shes a vamp.
Though the question is specificall about eating something, that character finds disgusting - what could it be? In Veronica's case we are talking about blood. It's not a secret that packaged blood taste worse than FRESHHH one, but Veronica is used to drinking it from time to time, so she doesn't find it gross
What would she find gross and digusting though? The animal blood of course! She had to drink it few times I think, during her anarch phase, when she was traveling around usa - not only it tastes horrible, but she always felt bad for the animals too (to get at least one point of blood energy, vampire has to drink the whole animal's blood, obviously killing it)
So let's say Rene gave Veronica a mission to visit some other city and negotiate with some nosferatu from this city (Rene is the nosferatu with yellow crocodile eyes and crocodile scales, also he is the head of Veronica's coterie and in future he will become the prince of New Orleans, and Veronica's elysium is patronized by him too btw. He bought the building for it, and Veronica was renovating and furnituring it herself. I drew Rene here, here and here. He is also a character of my friend Kate haha)
And so Veronica comes to visit those nosferatus, and they offer her the best and most fresh rat blood they have (it's hard for nosferatu to hunt humans since they don't look too humane, and drinking animal blood is regular to most of them, since they also don't have as much problems with drinking it as other types of vampires).
This offer is also kind of a test to see how serious are Veronica's intention and aslo is a little bit of trolling bc it's fun to see if cute pretty toreador girl would do in such situation
But of course Veronica would accept the offer and drink it and even big chance that she would be able to hold a straight face during it (she isn't too worryied about it being poisonned or with something else bad added there because only an idiot would want to anger Rene tbh)
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Veronica: mmm! such an interesting flavor too!
Nosferatu: of course! ^_^ we got those specimens just recently, from kindred who breeds them with a big blood lump growing on them! :D
Veronica: oh! how smart! very convinient "screaming inside her head"
Thank you for such great questions! here is a link to the whole questions list, in case anyone wanna ask more
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So I was going to start working for school, but have some vampire related asks before I leave:
Anyway, some questions: where to they find these damn kids to turn? Who turning kids into vampires? Are they just yoinking them? Like do they just decide “Iwant a kid now” and claim one? (this one’s for all the known kids btw.)
Do most covers work with like a coven leader (who seems to be the oldest and turns all the others)? Is that a regular thing and does that then make Phil (ancient) and exception.
Also how did Missa get stuck in a well for 3 centuries? How?
Do I want to know why Quackity turned Wilbur and how he ended up in Phil’s coven? Also, why is Quackity alone? Is he that much of a bitch. Was it an non-consensual turn?
Are turns usually consensual?
Also, Forever is a werewolf, but he’s still part of a vampire coven?how’d that happen.
Sorry if these are too many questions in one ask.
All the kids were turned for different reasons! It depends on the individual vampire. Some hold onto less human morals and if they find a kid they like and feel a bit lonely they might just yoink them bc they have shit impulse control. Others though might do it to save the child's life if they're in a life threatening situation.
For example: Missa found Chayanne after he'd been attacked by another vampire, and was horrified because almost no vampires ever attack children. To save his life he turned him, and then realized he didn't know jack shit about taking care of a kid especially when he was still getting over the whole being stuck in a well thing. It was a good thing Phil took pity on them
I have backstories for how all the kids ended up with their parents with most falling in the saving their life category, but a few are, uh, morally questionable (looking at you Cellbit). If I went into them here though it'd take up sm room so I might make another post for that lol
I'll answer the rest of your questions under the cut
for your next question, it depends on the coven tbh! Bigger covens might be more structured with an unofficial 'leader' who helps guide the group (Etoiles is the unofficial leader of the French, Cellbit is technically the leader of the Brazilians but only in the sense that he's the oldest), but for the most part there's not one person they all obey. Also, in the past most covens used to be made up of one sire and several vampires who were turned by them, but in present day it's a lot more varied.
ngl I haven't decided exactly how missa fell in the well, but I like the idea of him getting discovered as a vampire back in like the 17th or 18th century or something by this really small and remote village, and subsequently got chased into a well so he wouldn't be able to harm any of them. then they all just. forgot about him. and he couldn't get out.
Quackity and Wilbur met at a nightclub one night and did quite a bit of dancing and flirting together. Quackity was originally planning on feeding from him, but they got interrupted by other people before he could bite him and then Wilbur got dragged away by his friends, so Quackity was like "well shit." He ran into Wilbur a few more times at the club and quickly decided he didn't wanna feed on him because he liked Wilbur and didn't wanna risk killing him by accident (Quackity tries not to kill people when he drinks from them but he's, uh, bad at it). Then one night when he was leaving the club he found Wilbur bleeding on the side of the street because he got mugged and stabbed, so Quackity turned him to save his life. When Wilbur woke up he stayed with Quackity for a few days before the reality set in, and he got pissed at Quackity for not letting him die. So he ran and Phil found him a few weeks later starving in an alleyway and was like "goddammit why do I keep taking in strays"
Quackity has friends in the vampire 'community' (he hangs out with Jaiden and Roier a lot) but he was abandoned by his own sire so tends to stick to himself. He's lonely but pushes people away and all that fun stuff.
Again it depends on the situation if turns are consensual or not. Like if someone is dying they need to be conscious to be asked if they want to be turned and then give their consent, but they aren't always able to do that. If the situation isn't dire like that though, it's generally a good idea to get consent before turning someone or they'll be pissed afterwards, like Wilbur was
Ah Forever... he's a fun part of this au. Werewolves are WAY more rare than vampires in this world. Like, so rare that most of the vampires in the group don't even think they exist until they meet Forever. Werewolves used to be a lot more common, but there was a whole vampire werewolf war a few centuries back that the Federation led that mostly killed them off. The Federation no longer actively hunts werewolves, but some older vampires still do on their own time. Forever's mom was the one who was a werewolf in his family, and she got killed by a rogue vampire when he was a teenager. He's never met another werewolf since, but he met Cellbit and the two ended up becoming friends when he realized Cellbit hated the Federation just like he did. Cellbit already had Tazercraft with him at this point, so eventually Forever pack bonded to the three of them, and the way a werewolf ages is dependent on who they view as part of their pack. If a bunch of werewolves are in a pack, they age like humans. If their pack consists of just humans, again, they age like humans. But if a werewolf's pack is made up of vampires, they age so slowly they're practically immortal. Hence, Forever's situation.
ty for the questions!!!
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Spooky season doodle dump of doodles for my Supernatural Beings AU, bc it fits and I’ve been having brainrot so why not!!!!
More info about them and this au under the cut :)
(Read with caution as I will discuss things such as death and other ghosty stuff, nothing much, but still!)
Vampires and werewolves, in particular, have a cursed and mostly very dangerous type(???? If that’s what you can call it?) that instead of preying on humans alone, require the blood of other supernatural or undead beings to survive.
We’ll call these “dark vampires” or “dark werewolves” for the sake of the fact that they use darker magic than regular types, and are typically very evil :) (A regular vampire/werewolf can be turned into a dark type bc it’s basically like a curse)
We’ll call these “dark vampires” or “dark werewolves” for the sake of the fact that they use darker magic than regular types, and are typically very evil :) (A regular vampire/werewolf can be turned into a dark type bc it’s basically like a curse)
Tsunagu is a dark vampire. He’s a born vampire from both his mother and father, but was turned by an ✨evil ex-lover✨ and therefore he requires the blood of undead folk to stay alive, and is a lot more powerful than the regular vampire.
Shinya is a demon spirit. I’ll have to go a little more into detail for his, since it’s me so you’re not gonna get an easy explanation /lh
He was a guardian of his village, and died to protect it when they got ambushed. He died by almost losing his head and drowning in the river.
After this, he turned into a vengeful water ghost, haunting the river for many years and being very very hostile and aggressive, killing anyone who trespassed among the village or the river. He seemed revenge from those who killed him and his family, and eventually he got it! And should’ve been able to be at peace….but…
Instead of this, the spirits of the village were all freed and he basically transformed into a protective demon guardian spirit, manifesting a physical form as well as a ghosty form. And his lust for blood had subsided, leaving him to basically just be free to wander around as a ghost/demon spirit.
He is already dead, so cannot die, however in order to keep his physical form in tact he must consume human or undead souls. And if his physical form “dies” he must basically just be a ghost until he can form the energy to re-manifest it.
His vengeful spirit form did not entirely vanish however, and since he died by drowning, being submerged in water or in water of any kind will bring this side back out of him.
Basically this just makes him aggressive and have a more spooky appearance and also try to kill anyone around him. (Things such as reflections and mirrors will also show this side of him.)
But he can travel through things and possess things like normal ghosts when he’s in his ghosty form!!
The two of them met bc Shinya followed Tsunagu home after finding him “familiar” and decided “eh, I’ll just spook him and take his soul” and so he tried….only for Tsunagu to spook him back and he finds out that he’s a dark vampire and ends up just living in his house!
They end up getting used to each other’s presence and after a few different shenanigans and near-“death” (though the can’t die, they can still get hunted by hunters) experiences, they end up forming a bond with each other and treasuring each other dearly <3
That’s all I have for now, but if ya wanna know more about this au, please do ask!! There are plenty of other characters in this au with their own stories!!
(Here’s an old bonus -slightly old- doodle of Tsunagu trying to get Shinya to take a shower, bc <3):
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
ok but the little back and forth about being a convincing human between nadja and guillermo just highlights how hilarious a subplot of them trying to survive in london together would have been lol I'm still hopeful there's some footage and info of stuff they did we don't know about yet, but it still would've been so funny to see it play out a bit in real time. i can just see them arguing about appropriate attire while trying to get out the door to some event (a battle that guillermo never wins), the both of them coming to realize over time they have a similar intelligence and knack for scheming and respecting each other for it, constant drama, constant chisme and kvetching about their respective (and shared) husbands back home, nadja being at least partially responsible for guillermo meeting and getting together with freddie (her giving her thumbs up and toothy grin to the cameras while watching guillermo ask him out from a corner or smth, explaining to the cameras how expert matchmaking skills run in her family, that's how they were able to breed the most delicious goats in her village, like this could have been a whole subplot), nadja spending most of an ep preparing for some vampiric council event/presentation she's really nervous about and then the vampires in attendance end up making fun of/disrespecting her or something and guillermo's like NOT. ON. MY. WATCH. and then kills all of or a lot of them so he and Nadja gtfo and decide maybe it's time to go back to NY, them getting drunk and Nadja opening up about her insecurities and the pressure she feels to be successful and Guillermo tells her she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone and somewhere in that convo she admits she doesn't even want to be doing this council bullshit she wants to open a fun nightclub bc why the hell not and then at some point their 'oh' moment is realizing they've become best friends EW
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finitepeace · 3 years
this week i read...
Darling, Keep the Lights On (Until I Get Home) by capsicleironman  💙
Summary: When Steve Rogers is awoken from the ice early, he is assigned as the personal assistant to Tony Stark, the man on TV with the strange glowing light in his chest. The plan was simple - protect and gain intel. It was supposed to be just another job, but then again, nothing in Steve's life has ever gone according to plan.
Iron Man 2 Divergence where Steve ends up working for Tony instead of Natasha, and his interest first in the arc reactor and then in Tony himself, leads him through the events of the Avengers, Iron Man 3, and Captain America 2.
17k words 
It's Only Half Past (The Point of Oblivion) by LadyHabren (equalopportunityobsessor)
Summary: "I think it's generally agreed that all of Steve's senses are powered up by the serum? He can hear people whispering on the other side of the room, probably sees a hell of a lot further, etc.
But there are definite downsides. How does Steve control this side effect of the serum?"
Captain America is more than a man - he is a hero, he is an ideal, he is pure muscle held together by patriotism and moral fibre... And not even Captain America can fight it when his own brain turns against him.
4k, sentinel/guide au, not set in mcu, 
Do-Over by gottalovev  💙
Summary: Steve woke up six months ago into a future that leaves him indifferent. There is work, and not much else. His current mission is a basic search and rescue operation to retrieve an American who was kidnapped by a terrorist group ten days ago. He won't let the fact that the hostage is Howard's son be a distraction.
14k words, ironman 1 - 2 but with steve on it!, 
Calls Me Home by steve-capsicle-rogers (adorable_lab_rat)
Summary: Tony can't help but notice the far away look on Steve's face. The visible pain and loss. It wasn't right and giving Steve back everything he'd lost was the right choice. The right thing. And honestly Tony didn't do the right thing near enough.
9k words, post avenger 1, tony time travels to victory day with steve to make him happy 
Memorial by hanyou_elf
Summary: Here rests in honored glory an American Soldier known but to God.
Steve visits Arlington's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in lieu of visting the tombs of those he's lost.
600+ words, steve visits his grave and tony supports 
Damaged by orphan_account
Summary: Prompt: Can you write a story where Tony is having heart problems again even after the shrapnel and arc reactor is removed, like he needs a pacemaker or something please? :)
Steve is worried about Tony after the doctor tells them Tony needs a pacemaker. Tony being Tony decides to build something better.
2k words, arc reactor + health problem 
Warning by laireshi
Summary: Tony's left arm hurts.
100 words, angst post-civil war au 
Told You Dirty Jokes Until You Smiled by ChibiSquirt  💙
Summary: Steve was waiting at light, casually checking out the man in the car behind him, when his phone pinged.
75k words. WIP T_T . steve is cap but tony isnt ironman (yet?). steve is awaken before ironman 1 and meets tony, proceed to have friends with benefits arrangement... 
blood, Lies, and Love by Ridley160
Summary: When Steve Rogers volunteered for Project Rebirth they told him they would make him a hero. No one bothered to tell him that the serum would change him into a monster that needed to feed on the blood of the living for survival. Now he has woken up 70 years in a future where there are more like him and his affliction is now seen as gift. Only Steve is convinced that he is at his core still just a monster.
Then he meets the brilliant, quirky and charismatic Tony Stark, the only person in this crazy new world that seems to understand Steve's misgivings about what he is, but Tony is haunted by something. A secret he has carefully guarded for many years that forced him to push everyone away.
33k words in 13 chapters, steve is cap + a vampire but tony isnt ironman, 
Blood Loss by wisia
Summary: The serum really did work a miracle. It created Captain America, and Tony would like the serum to work a miracle on him too. If only he didn’t fall in love.
5k words, set in captain america 1st avenger, tony is scientist/adventurer looking for a cure for his heart problem 
scientific Heresy by antigrav_vector
Summary: In the process of running the particle accelerator in his basement and fixing the arc reactor, Tony finds himself flung into the past where he has to take on a fight not his own if he wants to get home to stop Vanko. At least he had a chance to replace the old rector that had been killing him with the new one before everything went sideways... But now he has no choice but to face off with family, friends, and old heroes, and none of that sounds remotely appealing. Well, okay, getting to meet them all during their glory days kinda does.
But as it turns out, they're not exactly what he imagined, and his path home is a lot longer than he'd hoped it would be.
And a lot more complicated.
34k words in 12 chapters, time travel au @ cap 1 and ironman 2, steve/tony/bucky 
we will meet in another life by theappleppielifestyle
Summary: Tony is there instead of Howard during Project Rebirth. He ends up following Steve into the Howling Commandos, into the Atlantic ocean and into the 21st century.
6k words, canon divergence. 
Keep on Beating by itsallAvengers
Summary: There were an awful lot of things Steve loved about Tony. But one thing in particular Steve could never get enough of was his heartbeat.
6k words, self-sacrificing tony strikes again and steve is upset.. so tony comes to a solution... 
Coming Up Roses by NobodysBloodyPrincess  💙
Summary: Those with a death wish referred to the High Commander’s infatuation with the late Tony Stark as an ‘obsession.’ They were wrong. It had to be more than that, after all there was no word for what the High Commander was about do in the name of making things right.
No one gets a redo of life… no one except High Commander Rogers that is. Everything is coming up Roses and Sunshine for him. After all, he has a dream and it’s going to come true.
41k words in 3 chapters, beautiful but a bit dark and sad, just like the author said: “‘i’ll be with you till the end of line’ but stony”, definitely one of the best fic i’ve read because THEY ARE HAPPY T_T 
The One With Bucky's Biggest Fan by justanotherpipedream
Summary: Steve still can’t believe how long it took for him to notice. It wasn’t a secret really, just something that no one had cared to ask...it honestly took Rhodey pulling him aside and pulling out an old photo album, before Steve really understood.
Tony Stark was a Bucky Barnes fan.
(aka The one where Tony is the biggest Bucky Barnes fanboy, Steve is a supportive boyfriend, and Bucky is perplexed by it all.)
2k words, it’s all in the summary 
Sins of the Mother by skullshy  💙
Summary: All she could see when her eyes closed was Steve’s face in the courtroom. Stern, pained— with that fucking all-American self-righteousness.
Toni wondered for years whether it would have made a difference. Told him that she was pregnant, that Ultron was to protect their baby, and how sorry she was.
On her worst days, she imagined it wouldn’t have mattered.
23k words in 23 chapters, female tony stark, civil war (or age of ultron?) canon divergence 
So this is bonded life by Captainstark12
Summary: Steve had been protecting the human village from hydra creatures like him for five years. And now he was ready to take his prize as he had the privilege of choosing an omega to bear his child. Hopefully his chosen omega human would want him back as much as he wanted him
4k in 6 chapters, mythology au 
I don't think there's a manual for this by itsallAvengers
Summary: So. His son can stick to things, apparently.
If only Tony had realised this before he'd caught him hanging off the 89th floor of the tower.
Well. Parenting was never going to be a smooth road, was it?
2k words, stony adopts peter parker and then they become superfamily 
For Your Eyes Only by SarahHBE
Summary: Every soldier looks forward to mail call. But Alpha Steve Rogers gets a big surprise with the letter his Omega, Tony Stark, has sent him.
2k words, explicit bcs of sexual content 
It Was Just A Matter Of Time by babynative
Summary: The clock was ticking. And then, black.
719 words, civil war canon divergence, angst 
This Can't Be The Last by MusicalLuna
Summary: Hours after a mission ends, Tony's heart starts to race.
1k words, tony had a heart attack, but not angst! 
The Billionaire and the Army Captain by Neverever
Summary: Facing finanical ruin and needing to care for his sick daughter, Steve Rogers agrees to marry Tony Stark, who needs to get married by his 30th birthday to inherit. It's just a job for Steve until he starts to fall for the enigmatic billionaire.
12k words, non-powers au, 
Adopt by greenteeth  💙
Summary: Steve's life is the same as usual. He goes to work, fights super villains, banters with other Avengers and goes home to an empty apartment. Until the son of an old friend shows up asking for help, well sex first, then help. Suddenly Steve is married, fighting super villains, worrying what Obadiah Stane and coming home to Tony most nights of the week.
42k words in 17 chapters, ABO, tony is not iron man, the story is complete but it’s a part of series that seems to never see the light T_T 
The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation  by scifigrl47  💙
Summary: When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
84k words in 8 chapters, stony but mostly looking through his AI bots a.k.a. jarvis and dum-e, definitely one of the best fics ever! 
Bewitched, Body and Soul by iam93percentstardust
Summary: Almost ten years after joining the British Army, Steve Rogers returns to his childhood home after his mother's death. The house seems quiet in a way that it's rarely been. But the peace is shattered when his oldest friend stumbles into his home and into his life, seeking an escape from an arranged marriage to a cruel lord. Steve provides that escape but finds himself engaged to be married instead. This wouldn't be a problem - except that Steve is, always has been, and always will be deeply in love with Tony Stark.
16k words, regency AU, ABO,  the classic stony misunderstanding trope 
Right place, right time by hkandi, ralsbecket
Summary: An alternate take on the Captain America: The First Avenger movie. Tony is working with his dad to help out the SSR on this new project, though he and Steve happen to run into each other before that, and sparks fly from the start.
8k, CA: First avenger AU with tony stark present
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nandoor · 4 years
some nadja meta bc i’ve been meaning to write this out for awhile now: 
if we take laszlo’s description of his turning at face value, i think it’s obvious that nadja has a type when it comes to humans that she turns. mainly, i see it as her trying to take agency over what she could not as a human. we know that nadja grew up in a large family w/ multiple siblings & that her mother was killed by a bear, assumedly when nadja was quite young. she also grew up poor on an island that was hard-hit by misfortune (most likely due to nandor invading nadja’s village 200 yrs beforehand), making it a miserable place to live. in the wwdits shorts on the fx network yt channel, we learn that nadja was turned by a vampire pretending to be a snake--it can be assumed that she wasn’t aware of vampires up to this point. 
this is all to say that nadja’s human life was miserable. but when she became a vampire, she gained power and agency over her life that she did not have as a poor girl from a ransacked village. so who does nadja gravitate towards? humans who are down on their luck. she turns laszlo because she sees something beyond the misery and despair, beyond the sadness that laszlo admits permeated his life before nadja (laszlo: “when i was a human man, i had rosy cheeks, yet between those cheeks, there was never a smile.” / “she [nadja] opened a window to my soul & let the darkness in.”). my personal headcanon is that laszlo, having just been infected w/ the plague, was rather depressed abt his lot in life. he may also have been born to a wealthy family (as the window to his room was on the 3rd floor, he makes mentions to having had a university education, & also seems to be classically trained in a wide number of instruments), but was likely misunderstood and/or treated like the black sheep of the family. as a vampire, laszlo does what he pleases, never hides his personality, & is just, overall, a very jovial person with a touch of dark humor (as expected, bc, y’know, he is a vampire). 
similarly, jenna was being bullied by those that she considered her friends & nadja gave her the gift of vampirism to give her agency in her life. as a vampire, jenna has learned to stand up for herself & now has a power that separates her from other vampires in its rarity. in other words, jenna is standing out for the first time in her life & is finally being noticed by others. after spending so long blending in, being forgotten, being a soft, quiet person, jenna is finally getting the chance to be who she wants to be without worrying abt what other people may think. 
furthermore, i love that it seems like nadja has an innate urge to make a family/coven for herself. i’m a sucker for the found family trope which is tbh one of the reasons why i love wwdits--the staten island crew really should all hate each other, & sometimes they genuinely do, but they’re also a lowkey ride-or-die group. even if they may grumble abt it, when push comes to shove, they all do show up for each other in different ways. & of all the vampires in the show, nadja seems closest to her progeny. laszlo being her husband, of course, & then her relationship w/ jenna, which reminded me personally of an older sister mentoring a younger sibling (but i do realize some ppl ship them together, so whatever dynamic floats ur boat!). i love that nadja so readily shows her love for others & that she isn’t afraid to take responsibility over her progeny (unlike, say, nandor, who turned benjy into a vampire & then dumped him at a gas station). 
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wygolvillage · 3 years
have you ever wanted to read a rewrite of the plot of castlevania: lament of innocence that replaced leon with sonia (bc lets face it she deserves better), doesnt overuse the dead wife trope, and has LESBIANS IN IT??? NO??? well too bad here it is
fair warning it might be a bit cringe? im hardly a writer lmao
Sonia Belmont was a peasant girl of insignificant origin, however, she found herself at conflict with a nobleman after her dear friend Sara Trantoul was arranged for a marriage with Count Mathias Cronqvist, who lived not far from her village in a remote castle that few dared to visit. Sara, however, did not wish to marry into nobility, let alone marry a man, and Sonia helped her make an escape to another town.
Mathias was furious with jealousy and rage, and pursued Sonia. They did battle, and Sonia was the victor: Count Mathias Cronqvist was dead. However, having killed a man of significant power and renown, Sonia was now wanted for murder, and she opted to hide her identity so as to not arouse suspicion. She tried to convince Sara to leave her side, out of fear that they may be found due to her previous connection to the Count, however Sara refused out of love for Sonia.
Sonia became a vigilante knight, trying to do battle against injustices in the world in whatever way she could. She often would have to take trips across the countryside to pursue those she thought wrongdoers, often other men in positions of authority like the detestable Count who had targeted her dear Sara.
In 1094 she received a letter informing her of a man named Walter Bernhardt who had been kidnapping townsfolk, however when she arrived at his palace she found it empty. In fact, the letter had been a trap, and when she returned to her home she found Sara gone- with signs of a struggle. When she asked around the town where Sara had been taken, all the answers pointed to the dilapidated castle near the village where she and Sara had grown up.
The Count was dead, of course... There was no way he could be behind this. Still, she followed this guidance, and found that the area around the castle was covered in thick trees and darkness, and her hometown was no more, enveloped by a forest of eternal night. Curiously, the castle was no longer in the crumbling state it had been left in, but instead looked as if it had been built the previous day. One man remained in a shop in the forest, someone who Sonia had known years ago before she had killed Mathias: Rinaldo Gandolfi. He recognizes her, and tells her to stay away from such an awful place, and that his whole family was slaughtered by the vampire that lived there. She refuses, stating her intentions to rescue Sara, and Rinaldo acquiesces. However, he does let her know that should she need any goods for her quest, he will provide them. He gives her a whip said to be able to kill vampires.
Rinaldo explains that he spotted the vampire with a large crystal that was the source of the darkness, and that as an alchemist he theorized it was connected to legends of a Crimson Stone that can impart great power to one who pursues a path of evil, and to be wary. He also stated that the crystal was what had restored the castle to its current state.
Sonia enters the castle and finds it infested with horrible monsters. She fights through the mindless horde, but after facing a first boss, a mysterious red headed vampire appears in the room and identifies himself as Walter Bernhardt. He taunts her a bit with an unwinnable boss fight, says she’ll never find Sara and teleports away.
Sonia pursues Walter through the castle’s various areas such as the House of Sacred Remains and Anti-Soul Mysteries Lab, but is ultimately unfruitful in her search, often being led through the mazes only to find traps with terrifying monsters laying in wait. At one point she tries to confront Walter and he drops her into a pit containing the Forgotten One, and has to fight her way out.
Eventually, after completing the castle’s areas, she finds Sara, but finds that she’s too late, and that Sara has been turned into a vampire. Sara laments her fate, terrified that she’s lost her humanity. Sonia escorts her out of the castle to be cared for by Rinaldo, horrified at what Walter has done and furious at him.
She storms through the castle once more, heading for the Throne Room to confront Walter. However, when she defeats him, he reveals that it was not him who turned Sara- it was his master who had orchestrated the whole thing. Walter dies of his wounds soon after, and Sonia wonders who Walter’s master was- though she does not have to wonder for long.
Mathias Cronqvist, revived from the grave as a vampire by the pure evil in his heart, then reveals himself.
“Sonia,” he begins. “I want you to understand that you took everything from me. My life, and the only woman I thought was worthy of my grace.”
“You’re a monster,” Sonia spits in his face. “You stole much more from her than I ever stole from you.”
“I loved her, Sonia, just as you do. Now she and I can be together forevermore, and you will be punished for your sins.”
“How can you claim to love her?! You’ve never loved, and you never will! True love does not drive people to hurt!” Sonia then attacks him.
The ensuing fight is a near-equal match, and Sonia eventually prevails, but is grievously wounded. Just as she thinks it’s over, Mathias pulls out a large red orb from the wall behind the throne, one that Sonia now realizes is the Crimson Orb Rinaldo spoke of. The roof of the castle opens, and the full moon shines upon the glistening orb in his hands. As he does this, the castle begins to crack apart as the crystal had been removed.
“The blood spilt in the village you called home, and the despair all around us... This shall give me strength! Even Death will be at my command!” He announces to the sky, and the orb begins to emit a horrible red light. “After all... the Dark Lord is given power by the negativity in the hearts of mankind. All that fury and hatred for me will only be your downfall.”
He is then transformed into the ultimate force of all evil, the Dark Lord. He takes on the name Count Dracula, abandoning his former humanity.
Sonia cannot hope to win, but she fights on in exhaustion in the midst of the crumbing castle. Dracula laughs as she collapses. Sonia spits out blood, and in her assumed dying moments as Dracula approaches, she curses his name and tells him, in an oddly prophetic way, that one day he shall experience true loss, his children shall turn against him, and her descendants will cheer on his downfall.
Dracula is enraged by her words, and is about to deal the final blow before Sara jumps in front of her. Sara tells Dracula to let her live, or else kill her as well.
Out of perceived "love" for Sara, Dracula lets the two women go, and Sara carries Sonia to safety as the castle falls to eternal ruin. The fog of eternal darkness recedes from the forest and the sun rises as they meet up with Rinaldo.
Sara retreats into the shadows to avoid the sun's rays, but Sonia follows, telling her that no matter what she will go wherever she leads her.
"But I am inhuman. I am a monster, just as Walter and Dracula were." Sara avoids her gaze.
"To be inhuman is to reject love and kindness and to seek evil ends. Dracula made that choice himself... And you have chosen to save me." Sonia embraces her tightly.
"You love me, despite my newfound home in the night..."
"If the night is your home, so it is mine. The Belmont family shall henceforth walk the path of shadows in pursuit of the Dark Lord... and we will hunt the night for eternity."
And then the credits roll yaaaay
After the credits it is stated that Sonia has had a child, and though that child shares the cursed fate of a Belmont and a bloodsoaked lineage of a vampire, that child will one day be hailed as a hero.
The End :)
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novadreii · 3 years
my thoughts on castlevania s4 SPOILERS obviously
wow, i was actually impressed with hector for once. he collected the last wit about him to turn his situation around and take his balls out of lenore’s hands back into his pants. i thought he would go sicko mode on her and feared it getting a little revenge misogynistic, but i was pleasantly surprised at how civilized it was between them up until the end.
lenore was a little useless, wasn’t she? i half expected her to go, “you know what? fuck diplomacy” and just go mach 1 on everyone. eh.
isaac, oh. isaac. my favorite secondary character. wanders the desert conquesting, killing and raising the dead which made him realize things. he realized so much he marched right into carmilla’s castle while her beserker and army were away and owned her ass. good for him.
carmilla. oh, carmilla. tied with isaac for my favorite. so determined and single-minded that she sent away all her forces while she schemed in her fortress. she depended too hard on her partners doing all the work for her, and as a result she wasn’t much of a thinker, just a bloody, murdery doer. for example, she didn’t think that there were other formidable forces in the world that may want to impede her whole world domination plan? did she forget about isaac, out in the world rogue forgemastering? that was a threat she should have checked on before going global. she got too greedy, too quickly, and she paid the ultimate price for it. she went out like a fucking boss though, and i was pleased with her arc overall. as far as villains go, her raison d’etre was relatable and hard to argue with. 
the dialogue style is both one of my favorite parts of the show but also at times a pain point for me. when it’s good, it’s relaxed, comfortable and realistic and the characters play off each other really well with it (like quipping back and forth during battle which i normally hate but works well here). when it’s bad, it’s a little cringe. some dialogue scenes went on wayyyyy too long while the characters repeated things they’d literally just said verbatim, which is awkward af in screenwriting. i.e. Isaac telling Hector twice in the space of 30 seconds “Dracula earned his rest.” which is odd because impactful phrases like this usually are not repeated so as not to, yknow, dilute their impact. Also Carmilla waxing spiteful about “evil old men” and repeating some variation of the phrase 15 times in one scene. lastly, the liberal sprinkling of the word “fuck” in every other line is also like, mostly welcome but once or twice just sounded silly given the context of the scene. i’m nitpicking, here.
saint-germain. Idk much about his woman, but she definitely seemed worth slaughtering a village and raising dracula from the dead for. violent and hot as fuck, she never uttered a single word which i want to think is indicative of something but what? did we ever figure out why she kept eluding him via dimension-jumping? imagine she was trying to get away from him all this time lol. yikes.
the smartest people in this whole show are the vampire lesbians who peace tf out immediately when they see their castle is under siege and figure out carmilla is dead. LOL at them assuming useless lenore is dead too (bc, she’s useless) and just leaving her there. they packed their shit up, moved out west, presumably to build a lover’s stronghold where they could just be in vampire love forever. GOOD FOR THEM.
trevor: continued to drunkenly yell Fuck while being masterfully proficient immediately at any weapon he picks up, though eventually always ending up using his fists like the brawler he is.
sypha: if she met the avatar, she'd be like “lmao, you can ‘bend’ the elements, huh? i can use them in ways that would make your skin crawl and your head explode to even think about. sit the fuck down.”
alucard: adorable himbo with a heart of gold, needs a tough as nails gf to jerk him out of his moods and organize his kitchen for him. another round of good for him. i was a little scared they would kill off his gf but that would have been unimaginably cruel considering what he went through in s3. alucard had imo the best/most stylish fight sequences of the season. and they know what we’re about, since he was shirtless or at least in a very deep V cut most of the time. thank you.
i had 2 major predictions for this season going into it: trevor would die (permanently), and sypha would have a kid/get pregnant. i was 75% on the money.
i liked the ending message of why humans win these wars against vampires despite being slow meatbags compared to them. the vampires’ fatal flaw is resistance to change, provoked by their immortality, arrogance, and insatiable desire for power in order to provide themselves long term stability in the world. whereas humanity’s best trait is the polar opposite: adaptability. throughout history, the ability to adapt has been proven to be the determining factor in a species’ survival. vampires, for all their god-like strengths, prove to be no exception to this rule. alucard, with his human heart, is the only one with vampire blood who has proven he can make major changes and overcome personal prejudices to live a better life.
And my final thoughts on the ending are: everyone major got a satisfying end to their arc. BUT. it was just too happy. either trevor should have stayed dead, OR dracula and lisa should have gone back to hell. but not both. having everyone come back to life and go on to skip in fields just seems contrary to the tone and messaging of the whole show, which is pretty high up on the edginess scale.
i love a bittersweet ending in general, so i’m biased. imo, the joy of a mostly good ending is rendered all that much sweeter by reflecting on what was lost to obtain it. imagine:
alternate ending 1: trevor comes back, the gang lives happily ever after at Belmont Village or wtvr they name it, BUT. we see alucard lost in thought thinking about his parents, how he saw a flash of their souls during the penultimate battle. there’s regret there, the regret of shit left unsaid and shitty family dynamics unsolved. we cut immediately back to hell, with lisa and dracula embracing, maybe whispering a few lines of doomed lovers dialogue and something about their son. they’re in hell, but ultimately, they’re together. cut back to alucard, yanked out of his sad thoughts by his pretty gf who won’t let him get too deep in the weeds. shot pans out of them together with the gang. the end.
alternate ending 2: trevor is DEAD dead. sypha stays with alucard and the gang at belmont farms and raises her kid. maybe we get a 2 year timeskip and we see the little shit have some of his dad in him/her. sypha is sad about trevor but doesn’t mope about it. she runs that town like it’s a business. alucard is the best uncle to that kid & the orphans they could ask for. everyone gets trained in ass-kicking next door at the belmont hold. lisa and dracula are miraculously alive through whatever convoluted bs makes it work, and contemplate one day moving back to see their son. dracula has a moment to realize that his family is mostly human, and what he loves in them he can learn to tolerate from all of humanity.
don’t those feel happy but just. TINGED. with just enough sadness to be more memorable? idk i may just be a masochist.
i haven’t mentioned the technical aspects such as animation and direction because they were amazing. really, really incredible animation that is going to be hard to follow up (and netflix is going to make copycats of this formula, you bet your ass they will). where cgi was used, it was excellent and barely detectable, really well integrated with 2d. so engaging to watch.
overall: 9/10
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azuchifairy · 4 years
Dead of Night
Jerza Vampire! AU One-shot 
Inspired by the suggestion from @jasnoor-kaur​ I realized Jerza needs love an attention bc their ship is so pure so this is my attempt at it! I’ve never written about Jerza before and this turned into something kinda long but I hope you enjoy it and maybe I'll make a little one shot series or something !!
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Erza stood at the tree line with the moon as her only light. The forest behind her was teeming with the sounds of the night eventually erupting into a symphony as she waited. In front of her was an open field with tall grass with a path that led to the main road. It usually didn’t take that long for him to show up, but she couldn’t worry, Jellal was quite good at taking care of himself. She didn’t jump when the trees above rustled and force impacted the ground behind her.
“You’re late, did something hold you up?” She asked casually, turning around to see the blue haired vampire behind her. He glowed under the moonlight as he stood, his red eyes looking at her with hesitation.
“My apologies,” He brushed off his coat, “something did keep me.” He said, his tone harder than normal. Something was off and Erza sensed it immediately as she approached him.
“Did something happen? Are Natsu and Juvia okay?” She asked regarding their friends that had been a part of Jellal’s undercover mission for some time now.
Jellal looked away, his eyes distant, “They’re safe. I thought you’d already know. You should’ve known when you killed her.”
Erza understood suddenly and her eyes widened. She took in a breath before responding, “I see, so what’s the Order’s next move?”
Jellal directed his eyes to her incredulously, “That’s your response? How can you be so casual?” His fists clenched, “They want you dead Erza, they want the life to drain from your eyes. Not only that, but they’ve ordered me to do it.”
She shouldn’t have been surprised by his words, but his reaction surprised her all the same. Before that moment things had been going fine and on schedule, but now there was a complication in their plan. Erza was a hunter, not to any specific degree, although recently those of the Order were calling her Titania, the vampire hunter. She was a member of the most dangerous hunting guild across Fiore, Fairy Tail. With the help of her comrades they took on countless different creatures that threatened the lives of humanity and doing so put an obvious target on their heads. Erza had been trained to deal with different types of creatures and climbed up to S class when she was only 14.
Humans had an ongoing fight for centuries with the vampires, unfortunately there were vampire nobles who thought they were above all other beings. An Order was created as a place for those nobles to share their ideas to conquer humans. They were known as the Blood Order and almost every human alive feared their reign. The Order had many powerful vampires that possessed incredible gifts and their ranks grew everyday.
That being said, there were plenty of vampires that wanted to live with humans, even admired them so much that they became vegetarians and only consumed animal blood. Even Natsu Dragneel, one of Erza’s closest friends since she was a child, had been turned into a vampire. Yet he still remained on the side of humanity and a part of the Fairy Tail guild. Jellal was also one of those vampires. He had come up with the idea to infiltrate and gather intel from the Blood Order with both Natsu and one of Fairy Tail’s other members, Juvia Lockser, insisted on joining since they too were vampires. Even while they were supposed to be enemies it didn’t change how Erza cared for Jellal.
Wherever she went he was always watching. When she was visiting the bars downtown, going shopping at the marketplace, or walking the trail home through the forest. He knew she was capable of taking care of herself, but there was a fear he felt inside of the day that she needed help and he was too late. He, over everyone, knew the dangers that lurked in the shadows of the forests. With the Order being so widespread and the target on her head so coveted, he felt compelled to protect her.
Jellal had walked the road of darkness for decades and he had accepted it. He committed heinous crimes against humanity, immoral acts for the Blood Order, and fed on those of innocent blood and youth. There was a time where his loneliness and cost of his sins drove him to want to be evil, to enjoy killing and succumb to the darkness creatures like him were inevitably enshrouded in. But somewhere along the way, someone changed that. In the time he felt the most lost, he was found.
He could still remember the first time that he saw her in front of him. He was giving in to his thirst that night and almost devoured a young man in the forest when he sensed the scent of even more delectable human blood. His fangs were bared and as he turned around to change his prey he was stopped.
In the moonlight, so delicate yet so brave, the woman with red hair stood gripping her arm in pain. She was shaking so hard that it seemed she was about to drop the knife coated in her blood, yet even in agony she pointed at him with a stern glare. He swallowed hard, nothing but the wind made a sound. Her scarlet hair flowed underneath the light and touched his tainted black soul. After spending years trying to atone for his sins, dying by her hand didn’t seem so bad. He was ready to accept that fate over all others and stayed still in place on the ground where he knelt.
Something must’ve changed her mind, because within seconds she cast the knife down to the side and approached him. He was so struck with shock that he didn’t even feel the burning sensation of thirst anymore. She took her bloodied hand off of her wound and standing above him she cupped his face. Her eyes appeared to be soft, full of sorrow, yet she was still smiling.
“It really is you..”
That was all she said, and all she needed to say. He was so captivated that he would follow her to the ends of the earth. She had grown into such a beautiful young woman that if he could blush, he would’ve.
“You.. know me?” He asked skeptically trying to remember where a gorgeous being such as her would’ve seen him.
She chuckled brushing her red hair from her face, “Of course I do. I knew from the moment I saw you I would never forget.”
He stood abruptly and pulled her hand off of him, “What are you..” he remembered the blood on his hands and mouth, “Don’t look at me, I didn’t want you to see-”
“You don’t think I know?” She interrupted with her tone remaining soft. “You saved me then, and got me to safety.”
Then he realized that it was her, the infamous Erza Scarlet, but the moment she was talking about was before that. It was the night that the Blood Order had decided to choose a small village on the outskirts of the country for their ceremonial feeding. The vampire nobles had come up with a sick way of getting the specially chosen vampires fed by holding a cultist ceremony before purging a village of innocent people. In their minds they were rewarding their strongest members who benefitted the Order by gathering recruits, slaves, or intel and Jellal almost always got chosen. It was sick and immoral but it fed the hungry demon inside of every vampire, including him. To prepare for the ceremony, the chosen vampires were to go as long as possible without feeding to induce the ultimate level of thirst. This ensured that the entire village would be destroyed, and every drop of blood shed.
Fires had broken out and soon enough the whole village was aflame as vampires attacked the people trying to flee. Erza was one of those people but still a child at the time which made her significantly slower than the others. She ran as fast as she could but she wasn’t quick enough to outrun the vampires. Her body smacked into one of the higher ranks and she was thrown to the ground on impact. The vampire before her was called Zero and he was a ruthless killer amongst the Order. He held no care for human life, like animals to the slaughter.
Erza cowered in the ground trying to crawl backwards away from his figure looming over her. The moment he went to grab her and end her life Jellal threw himself in front of her. He grabbed onto Zero’s hands and growled against his strength.
Zero was surprised by this, since it was against the Law of the Order. No vampire had ever protected a human, “Jellal?! What the hell are you doing?!”
He couldn’t speak, Jellal was working against the will of his thirst and if he lost focus he might end up hurting Erza. This berserk mode was the most dangerous state of a vampire, but also their strongest. Their desire to consume blood takes over their minds and bodies becoming something truly worse than just a vampire. Erza watched the scene unfold before her knowing that the blue haired man was also a vampire, but not knowing why he was protecting her.
Zero had claws much like a beast as part of his gift and he was strong enough to tear through human bodies. Jellal was carefully dodging his moves using his immense strength to throw and smash him to the ground repeatedly. Nearby there was a strong scent of blood that smelled so good it distracted both Jellal and Zero.
Both tried to resist the thirst to focus on their fight and Jellal paid the price for letting his guard down. He had turned around to check that it wasn’t the girl who was bleeding and Zero lunged himself towards with his claws. Erza yelped suddenly, “Look out!!”
Jellal was able to send himself backwards just in time to not take the full brunt of Zero’s attack but he was still slashed by the five claws. Jellal cried out in pain and fell to the ground holding his abdomen.
“TRAITOR! I’ll kill you for protecting a scum human!!” Zero bellowed continuing his attack.
Unfortunately for Zero, those were the last words he ever spoke.
In the dead of night he snapped Zero’s head off. Jellal had no choice but to kill his own kind and burn the body, or else he would tell the Order of his treason. It was only until after Zero’s body was burning did he pick up Erza and bring her into the woods all while his mind was swimming. He wanted to drain her of blood, he wanted to save her, the contradicting thoughts and intense pain he felt were probably the only thing keeping her alive. When she was far enough away Jellal set her down and stumbled as he started to lose focus.
“Get out of here!” He pleaded, “Hurry, run and don’t look back! Don’t trust anyone!” During that whole time he had barely looked at her but for a second he caught a glimpse of her scarlet hair.
“No, you need help! You were hurt badly because of me.. I have to help you!!” She protested coming closer.
Jellal didn’t have time to be shocked that not only a human, but a little girl wanted to help him, “NO, please, I’ll be fine just g-go.. I’ll heal on my own. R-Run..before they find you..”
Erza had tears in her eyes and stayed there for a moment longer on her knees, “T-Thank you..”
Once she said that she got up and immediately started running away wiping her eyes as she did. He looked up to the night sky and thought of the trouble he would be in, and he couldn’t find it in him to care. He stayed there through the night remembering her gratitude and the way she looked at him, like he wasn’t a monster.
After that night, Jellal wanted to be better than what he was so that he could start atoning for all the sins he had committed. He began freeing blood slaves of the Order and killing vampires of the lower ranks to shave off numbers. No one ever suspected that he was working against them, they even thought he was responsible for organizing new recruits. He tried feeding off animals instead and the transition was sickening at first, but became bearable over time. However, from time to time his thirst woke again for human blood and he would either fight or give in. That’s how they were able to meet again. She stood before him a true warrior, fearless, selfless, and stunning.
“I’m a monster Erza, you shouldn’t be here. We were never supposed to meet again.” He said shamefully, turning his head away.
“But that’s a lie. We were supposed to meet again because you never stopped looking after me. I know you were there, even if you thought I didn’t.” She said, pulling him back to her.
Jellal gulped having never been backed into a corner, “I-I was just making sure you were alright.”
Erza raised her brow, “Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you come out?”
“I didn’t think it mattered to you.. I’m not someone you should be associated with. I’m with the Blood Order, I’m much more of a monstrosity than you think.” He cringed thinking of how he must have looked when she first saw him.
“That’s another lie. You saved me that night, you took me somewhere I could be safe, you’ve watched over me, that has nothing to do with being in the Order or being a vampire.” Her eyes were hard, unwavering, “If you were truly evil you would’ve just killed me. Instead you controlled yourself and rescued me from certain death. On top of that I know you’ve been working against the Order. I know you feel the same way I feel, so you have to think of what you want to be instead of what you think you are.”
He couldn’t say anything, all he could do was stare at her while her words captivated him. Erza looked to the blood on her hand, “Look at you now. I’m standing in front of you dripping in blood and you haven’t done a thing. I know there is goodness in you, Jellal. Stop making yourself believe that you're something you’re not.”
“I..can’t walk in the light like you do, Erza. That just comes with being who I am.” He paused and noticed her glare deepening, “But, maybe I’ll try to..become something better. Especially if I have your support.”
The smile in her eyes did more than just lift his spirit. It truly motivated him to become someone she could walk with, someone she might care for. Maybe that was when he fell in love.
From that night on Erza and Jellal met in the town at least once a week, sometimes more often, to get him used to being around humans. It was easy for him from the start, whenever he was with her he could care less about anything else around him. She even introduced him to all of her friends she had met through Fairy Tail and even they accepted him almost as quickly as she did. When he felt hungry Erza, and the other vampires from Fairy Tail, would help him hunt. It amazed him that Erza had become stronger than he ever imagined she would.
It started to concern Jellal how much time he spent with Erza. His feelings only grew for her the more time they shared. He tried forcing himself to stay away, to leave and hunt for longer periods of time. But none of that created a solution for his love of her. Someone as dark as him, could never be with someone so pure. That was why he came up with the plan in the first place. Infiltrating the Blood Order alongside Fairy Tail helped Erza towards her goal. His mission with Natsu and Juvia continuously fed the guild with information so Erza was always able to position their forces in the ideal places for attacking.
For a while it went unnoticed and Erza’s bounty would rise from time to time. She had triggered the Blood Order the moment she killed Kyoyka, one of the highest ranking vampires. They met unexpectedly while Erza was trying to evacuate the next village to be used for a ceremonial feeding. When Jellal saw Kyoyka’s head burning on the ground he knew there was no turning back. Now that Erza had killed one of the higher ups, her bounty turned into an assassination plot.
“They want you to kill me..” Erza finally answered.
“I won’t do it! I would never hurt you, you have to believe me Erza,” he took her hands in his chilling ones, “please, you must kill me instead.”
Erza stepped back in shock throwing his hands down, “Are you insane?! What good is it going to do if I kill you?! The Order is going to come after me regardless, let them send someone else.”
“I wish it was that easy, but I think they’ve been suspecting me for a while. If I don’t do this the infiltration mission is over and we’ll be caught. You have to do this Erza.” Jellal insisted as he stared into her eyes.
She raged on, “No! I won’t. I refuse to have you throw your existence away for some Order. That would be pointless!”
Jellal clenched his fist, “I’m just trying to protect you! If that means giving up this meaningless immortality then I couldn’t care less.”
“You shouldn’t want to give up your life if you're trying to protect something, you should live to be there! Killing you isn’t the solution here, besides how dare you ever think that’s something I could ever do!” Erza retaliated with a voice full of passion.
“Erza, I.. I just don’t want anything to happen to you. I’d rather go in your place.” Jellal said, casting his eyes down. He felt defeated and utterly useless. Everything he tried to build was about to fall and this was the breaking point.
“Coward! Instead of dying for me why don’t you fight with me?! This world won’t be able to change without you, my world will never last if you aren’t in it! Stop talking about things out of sorrow and let’s both look up for our future!” She threw her hands up, “Forget about the infiltration, we have all the intel we need. Now I need you, I need you to be by my side and come be where you belong. This is the time to turn the tide Jellal, not the time to give up.”
Jellal’s eyes went wide listening to how her voice never wavered, she held no hesitations, no reservations. She wanted to fight with him, she said she needed him. The future, he never truly thought about the future. He was always dwelling on the past, focused on molding the present, that he never stopped to think about what comes after. In every place he could recall the one common thing pushing him forward towards the future without him even knowing it, was Erza. Her light, the radiance in her heart was able to act as a beacon for him to follow, to move forward to. It was clear to him at that moment why he felt the need to protect her, why he relied on her very existence. She was the one pulling him towards the path those like her walked, the path of light. She was the one he fell in love with.
For as long as he had existed he didn’t believe it was possible to escape the darkness of the shadows, the evil he was programmed to have, but she showed him it was attainable. She believed in him and was willing to fight at his side for a future where they could be together, so he would too.
“Erza..” he said picking up her hands while his undead heart felt like it could catapult from his chest, “I want to ask you something.” He watched her blush and her whole demeanor switched.
“If we fight together, will you stay by my side and let me protect you?” He asked while his mind swirled in an endless whirlpool of thoughts.
She nodded, “Of course. Until my last breath, I want to be by your side.”
Jellal felt a tingle in his chest and cleared his throat trying to regain his coolness, “Erza, what I really need to say is.. I-I can’t have a future without you. I have to have you with me, I want to live in a world where I can make you smile everyday. If that's the future we can both fight for together, then I want it more than anything.”
Erza’s hands trembled in his, “Jellal.. Are you..”
“Yes.” He started firmly, “I need you to know why I would give it all for you. I couldn’t help falling in love with you. I tried to stay away, just to help you in whatever ways I could from the shadows. But you have made me want to be in the light because without you, I’d have nothing.”
Before he even finished speaking Erza had thrown herself into his arms,“J-Jellal.. Why would you do that?” She asked quietly.
If he could blush, he would be red like her hair. “I thought I didn’t deserve you.. Vampires are meant to be predators..killers. I wanted to become better, maybe you could see me as something more. But regardless, I’ll still be here whether or not you feel the same.” He responded, cracking a smile at her.
“Idiot. You’re an idiot.” She said with her face in his chest. His eyes went wide when she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “I thought I was going to die before you told me that.”
Jellal was in utter shock. He had never seen her cry like this, and she was crying because of him. “Erza..I..”
Her fingers curled into his coat putting her head back down, “You might live forever, but I don’t have that time. I’ve waited.. for you to realize that I’m the one who fell in love with you first.”
He shook his head in disbelief but she continued anyways, “I didn’t want to push you, I didn’t want you to not be ready. But then I started to worry that you would never be ready, that I would die and never get to share my love with you.. I’m just glad, you feel like you can finally love others and even, me.”
The moonlight lit up her face the next time she looked up, and she smiled. Her hands lifted and she cupped his face admiring the realization in his eyes. Jellal’s hand slid against her cheek and she didn’t react to the chill. She nuzzled into it and pulled him down to her slowly with all the stars in the sky to watch.
He let her draw him in and fell slave to the way her lips parted in the darkness. In seconds, he received more bliss than over a hundred years of living. He felt her soft lips send him into nirvana, a feeling that even drinking blood couldn’t give him. Each of them couldn’t help but want more of the other. There was nothing else on his mind, not blood, not the Order, not himself, just her. His hand slipped behind her head cradling her in their kiss all while he was able to touch her smooth red hair holding in his grip. He was gentle with her, but his passion was stirring his supernatural strength.
Her hands were on his chest when he pulled back from her. She was breathless, and so blushed before him. He had never seen a woman like this before him. If he were alive he would be feeling those same sensations.
“I-I’m sorry.. I-” She kissed him again, just for another moment to cut him off from useless apologies.
She rested her nose against his like she was going to kiss him again, but remained still with their foreheads touching, “I love you Jellal, I always have.”
Fireflies began to glow around them, never in his life had he been able to feel so much happiness. “I promise you won’t have to wait for me any longer. You alone..have given me the strength to conquer anything.”
In that moment, everything was perfect. It didn’t take long for that moment to end.
Taggies: @unvalley
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hatake-kakashi · 4 years
What are some of your fave animes
- DEATH NOTE (netflix, crunchyroll, funimation, kisscartoon)
it follows a guy named Light Yagami who discovers that a shinigamai(god of death) dropped a notebook into the human realm and that whoever’s name is written in it will die(and you can specify how, if you’d like). it shows how he becomes sort of a vigilante to put criminals in place. he is then under suspect as the killer by L, a smart and elite person who works with the police and has never lost a case. 
seasons: 1 total episodes: 37
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence/murder, major character death but like thats expected, religious themes(i guess), light swearing
fave characters: matsuda and L are high up there...as well as Mello, Mikami, and Gevanni ships: i mean the most common ship is Lawlight(LxLight) but i think my main are lawtsuda(L x matsuda), mikalight (mikami x light), mikanni (mikami x gevanni), and mellodramattic(mello x matt)/nearlymellodramattic(near x mello x matt)!!! remisa is also cute:( notes: i just spent all my money on the manga! i’m so excited to read it!!! 
- SIRIUS THE JAEGER (netflix,  probably kisscartoon but i havent looked)
the main character, Yuliy Jirov, is the last of his tribe (he is a sirus. so like...sorta like a werewolf) and he is set to revenge his family’s death as a jaeger(hunter. but like. a vampire hunter) but it turns out his brother, Mikhail, is alive and was turned. the main goal of the plot is to find and also somehow protect this thing called Ark Of Sirius , which is sort of like sacred power that was given to Yuliy’s tribe, from falling into vampire hands. 
seasons: 1 total episodes: 12
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence, action, major(?) character death
fave characters: Yuliy...i love him so much; Mikhail, Hideomi, Willard ships: so uh i wouldn’t recommend going thru the ao3 tag because its a common thing to ship the brothers(*disgusted emoji*) but i am working on writing something to fill the tag with hideomi/mochizuki, hideomi/willard, and yuliy/phillip
notes: i think the way the creators did the vampires is really interesting. honestly i watched it bc of the pretty vampire man in the cover. i learned that i hate him but he’s still pretty. THIS SHOW IS REALLY SHORT PLEASE WATCH IT I AM BEGGING TO HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH
- CASTLEVANIA (netflix, ???)
Dracula sends creatures of the night(? literally don’t know another way to describe them. uh. monsters?) to attack the cities of Wallachia because they killed his, albeit human, wife (her name is Lisa)because they thought she practiced witchcraft. It follows Trevor Belmont, the last son of the Belmont family (a family that basically killed these creatures + vampires); Sypha Belnades, a badass speaker magician; and Adrian ‘Alucard’ Tepes, the son of dracula. their goal is to end the war against the human race. It also shows Dracula’s side of things and follows the two humans that are on his court, Hector and Isaac (they both denounced humanity because of their bad upbringings/experiences)
seasons: 3 total episodes: 22
RATING: 10/10!!!
warning: violence/gore, action, death/killing, sex, angst, religous themes, swearing
fave characters: really love the main three of course but like i also love Hector ships: trevor/sypha/alucard, hectorcard, alucard x happiness, hector x happiness
notes: it’s based off the video game. season three fucked me up(it’s AMAZING THOUGH!) i cannot wait for season 4 omg:(((( 
- NARUTO (netflix, cruncyroll, funimation, probs kisscartoon)
naruto uzumaki wants to gain recognition from his peers and also become the leader of his village(hokage)
seasons: 5 (i didn’t watch shippuden. i’m talking the OG naruto) total episodes: 220
RATING: 10/10 but like tbd bc ive only seen the first 3 seasons so far
warning: violence, action
fave characters: kakashi, iruka, gaara, rock lee ships: uhh kakairu(kakashi x iruka) i don’t really ship a lot of things. kobuto x orochimaru is kinda good too but like LKASDFASD
- B: THE BEGINNING (netflix, ???)
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer "B" emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the group's -- or a target. When the RIS investigates a death that appears to be linked to B, Keith disagrees with the crime being connected to the criminal mastermind. An attack on a member of the RIS leads members of the group to suspect a traitor within their ranks. After being declared a murder suspect, Keith turns himself in. Koku is forced to fight for his survival
i copy and pasted that bc i cannot remember it that well but i do remember liking the show!! i will rewatch and update accordingly w my own summary
RATING: 8/10??? i can’t remember it that well which is why the rating is lower than the others
fave characters: oh dear i cannot remember a lot about this show but it’s good i promise. MINATSUKI was pretty tho ships: idk....
notes: yeah i need to rewatch it but its good i swear
- tokyo ghoul ( i haven’t seen the new season so i don’t want to review it before that)
- free! (i haven’t seen it in a while aa)
- one punch man (i watched it on a bus w this guy i used to like so it has a place in my heart aa)
- yuri on ice (honestly the fandom sucks but if you ignore that it’s actually pretty cute)
- dramatical murder (uh. this was a bl game and the game was very bad but i think the characters are cute.)
- haikyuu (currently watching)
- bleach (currently watching)
- 7SEEDS (currently watching and like it’s good but it’s kinda slow for me so i might give up on her...)
- d.gray man/d.gray man hallow
- psycho pass
- k
- death parade
- darker than black
- devil may cry
- kabaneri of the iron fortress
- hunter x hunter
- kakegurui (?? idk yet but i like the art)
- inuyasha
- god eater
- hero mask
- sailor moon
- fruits basket
- blue exorcist
- no.6
- sword gai: the animation
- wave!! (when it comes out!)
- hellsing (?)
- fullmetal alchemist
- devilman crybaby
- psychic detective yakumo
- 91 days
i have no idea if any of these are problematic and some probably are and if they are and i find out , i will keep that in mind but like sometimes i just like to enjoy things lol
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feykyung · 4 years
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hi friends!! i’m jessie bringing u 450 yr old do kyunghwa who honestly needs to find better hobbies 😔 i wrote up a little human lifetime snippet here, but the rest of kyung’s 400+ yr history has yet to be filled with tons of Fun and Angsty stuff so that’s something to look forward to! :^) i’m weak for deep plots and i’m super excited to build sum intricate past/present connections with other vampires/species. granny doh has traveled far and wide carrying a book of all the stupid ways she can entertain herself... definitely in need of a few people to ground her. i managed to write a short PROFILE and PLOTS, but i also jotted down some more vague ideas and brief tl;dr below the cut! pls hmu if anything interests you! 
born april 30, 1570 to a crippled scholar and two siblings. although the padre taught her to read and write, he was also silently struggling to support the household by just rewriting confucian texts and his own outdated books.
got engaged to a government official’s bastard and started something of an orphanage with him, but the children were massacred while trying to flee across the nam river from invading samurai. only kyunghwa and one of the little girls, sookja, barely survived after kyunghwa dragged them to another village with a doctor. 
worked under him for a while but before they could leave to search for hubby samdeok, the japanese launched a second widespread attack. while the villagers & nobles were escaping, a nobleman got shoved off the side of the cliff by his own ox and pulled kyunghwa down with him 😳
just before she was about to give up and die on the forest floor, a passing (godsend) vampire offered a second chance at life and turned her into a fledgling. all she wanted to do was see sookja grow up and marry someone nice, partly to atone for her failure to protect all those children, and partly because she hadn’t yet sought retribution on their murderers. lived with her sire for some ~20 years 
after bidding him farewell and helping out with sookja’s children, kyunghwa disguised herself as a man and served as a field surgeon of sorts during the first manchu invasion. after three months, went to work in the rice paddies to initiate her mission of Not going back to living in dirt
for the following couple decades, all she really focused on was making money and refining her supernatural abilities. the first time she got rich, she hadn’t heard of Financial Responsibility and nearly lost all her fortune until her sire had to relocate her and tell her to stop 
fell in love with another human while travelling, but after remembering how lonely it is to watch your lover grow old and sick while you’ve haven’t aged for a hundred years, she stopped trying to have meaningful relationships with most mortals
was once much more cutthroat and feral toward humans and hunters, mostly because the worst ones would always use death as a means of escape. now, though, she doesn’t fuck w/ humans too much as a vampire, only when she’s disguised as one of them in society
has a painting/picture of every house she’s ever owned. before she turned 150, she used to also keep a written list of her closest human friends and lovers so she would always remember them, but kept forgetting to add to it so it’s somewhere collecting dust in the attic rn 
regularly donates to orphanages and children’s programs, and established a couple mostly in the countryside
has developed an “it is what it is” mentality. she doesn’t actively seek death, but no longer exhausts herself just to avoid it. though when she’s killed, she’d prefer it to be when she no longer has any regrets 
loves to admire her different masters degrees and like two or three doctorates, all acquired from frequently changing her profession on whim. 
played sims when it first came out and *naturally* became an interior designer after, which is what she’s been for the past 6 years
highkey thinking about learning how to train elephants now (on a side note, she tried to tame a werewolf in wolf-form once but almost got killed by their entire pack)
uses telekinesis to get her cat out of the tree
vampires she’s known for centuries or ones just meeting each other for the first time
has sired two fledglings in her lifetime
currently not the biggest fan of killing humans to keep them silent, which is why she almost exclusively drinks from donors/donor bags. when you guys are out one night, one or both of you loses control. somehow you always bring out the worst (or feral) in her and a few weeks later, she still won’t get over how you “made” her kill that human after her 24 year clean streak
any genera friends!
classmates from grad school who wonder why this bitch looks the exact same as she did a few years ago
witches that she lends a bit of her blood to as long as she gets to see the final result of the spell. also might’ve been friends w/ ur great grandma
a witch she’s been pestering to invent the spell that makes blood taste like human food
cat-and-mouse dynamic with a hunter bc even tho kyunghwa’s unafraid of death, she still hasn’t built her greenhouse to grow banana plants yet
um that’s it so far if i think of any more i’ll probably plop them on my plot page but yeah!! if there’s anything particular you’d like to explore, i’d love to flesh things out/brainstorm through ims or discord ♡
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imlostinsantacarla · 5 years
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Romanian Coven Headcanons:
(A/N: This was literally so much fun to write. I love doing this sort of stuff bc I get to incorporate my sad ass humor into these things. I love to see how other people see these characters too. So if you have any headcanons yourself please make some and tag me in it. These guys need so much more love! - Admin Kat 🌙❣)
- Probably the more playful one of the two. I totally see him pranking Vladimir or messing with him constantly.
- And you bet your ass that Vladimir just  S I G H S ! You know, the one where he’s just done with his coven member’s shit.
- Enjoys to sit on the damp earth in the forest whilst it’s raining and listen to EVERYTHING. It’s something that’s become a delightful past time of his over the centuries and it helps keep his anger at bay when it’s not needed.
- He definitely uses his cunning-ness to lure his prey to their deaths. He makes the experience more playful for himself because - as he explains it to Vladimir - “It’s no fun if you get them to sit down and rip their neck to shreds. I’m draining them of their life, it must be theatrical, honorable!”
- But let’s be honest, he just has a fucking flare for the dramatics okay?
- Is the better fighter of the two I suppose.
- “Plays” with his food.
- Makes terrible puns 25/7 that are very PUNNY. haha kill me i’m not sorry
- Always knows what Vladdie boi is thinking.
- I think these funny fellows joined the circus, which is why they’re so ace at acrobats.
- Screeching ‘HOOPLA’ during every show tbh.
- Until the day Stefan was goofing off and fell a 500 foot drop in front of a billion people, got back up, dusted himself off and was like, “lol did you see that Vladdie boy? I just got wrecked!”
- And I shit you not, Vladimir was up on that platform 500 feet in the air, pissing himself with laughter until he too fell.
- And that’s how they never pursued their circus careers ever again.
- They pretend to be bats with their long ass black trench coats. Fight me! You can’t change my mind!
- But be real, don’t let Stefan’s goofiness sway you, he’s pretty brooding also and his anger is like the sharpest blade.
- Genuinely the more brooding of the two, though he’s never opposed to a sense of humor.
- Literally done with Stefan’s shit 110% of the time.
- But I swear,  D O N ‘ T  E V E R  T O U CH   S T E F A N !
- Can totally see him sitting there trying to meditate on how him and Stefan can crush the Volturi with their bare hands and Stefan’s just sitting there talking to a squirrel about how he’s worried for his friend.
- He’s seriously there for 20 years trying to ignore Stefan fucking clowning.
- Tiny but can fuck you up in a heartbeat.
- Fights anyone who mentions the Volturi.
- Fucking  Y E E T S  them halfway around the world and then chops them to tiny pieces if they support them.
- If you’re on their side he’ll dust you off and profusely apologize in Romanian.
- You’ve just made two friends, my mate.
- Goes on a 100 year rant to Stefan about the Volturi and Stefan knows it off by heart and is just muttering the same words under his breath.
- Vladdie boi is not impressed.
- I think he’s definitely into the arts. He loves classical and ancient art the better, all of it. Literally breaks into museums and steals them.
- “Vladimir why is The Mona Lisa in our-”
- Loves to swing upside down on branches and screech like a banshee.
- Him and Stefan deffo mess with the humans and have been the beginning and end of several myths of two mysterious sparkling men fucking up the village for a fortnight.
- The Volturi just left them to their desperate shenanigans.
- Misses his mate and comrades immensely, just like Stefan. But he’s glad that he at least has someone with him that was loyal to him back then.
- Stefan soothes him so much and vice versa.
- They can’t be separated for very long. It creates genuine terrible panic and flashbacks.
- Like they’re not mates, but they’re like best friends/brothers and they’re both the only pieces left of their broken past sobs
- LOVES to dance!
- Is the quicker of the two and dodges like a fucking maniac.
- Likes to stalk his prey before ending their lives.
- And he insists that he’s not dramatic at all... stefan ghost wrote that
- Just misses the good old days where his kind didn’t have to hide who they were, the humans and the vampires having a coercing relationship and the terribly perfect HONESTY!
- Both of them aren’t afraid of jack shit tbh.
If you enjoyed this, please like, reblog and follower for more! ❣
Where I found the gif/gif credit: ❣
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countvss · 4 years
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( ANYA CHALOTRA, 23, SHE/HER )┊DAVINA LABELLE is the child of the VAMPIRE COUNT and they are an ONLY CHILD. they seem to enjoy living in auradon. i’ve heard they’re known to be RESILIENT + STOIC. it looks like they’ve decided to PLEDGE LOYALTY TO UMA. we’ll be keeping an eye on them to see how they’ll write their own story.
here’s the child of the vampire count ( one of the vampire brothers from nbc, the brothers don’t actually have to be blood related bc i’m not 100% sure of her ethnicity in case anyone wants to bring in other vamp kiddos )
her father and mother passed away when she was young and so she became the countess and returned to the land her father owned outside of halloween town
unfortunately for her she had no idea the rumors that circled the castle her father used to live in, rumors of monsters and demons that had drained villagers dry centuries ago
while her father was not a cruel or heinous man even he had a few decades of uncontrollable blood lust that began these rumors until he had to leave the land to find peace with himself because he had become appalled at the monster he had become
davina does need blood to survive but she had always planned to get it through animals or blood bags, never from a living human if she could help it
however, once she moved into the castle, as a girl with striking purple eyes (a mark of her mother’s coven), the rumors started all over again
the people in her county had ruled themselves for centuries after her father disappeared but her return unsettled them and the oldest that were still alive to know the bloody stories spread them in warning like wildfire
she had never taken a life but was labeled a monster when they didn’t even know what she was, she had never intended to tell them, she just wanted a peaceful life in the home that held memories of her deceased parents
her heart grew bitter and cold under the assumptions and hatred directed towards her and eventually it was too much
people had come to attack the castle and so she showed them the monster they wanted to believe in and killed them all
afterwards, she told everyone in the county that as long as she was supplied with blood she would leave them alone
they supply her with blood bags every week but otherwise the county would seem like any other if the stories of the blood countess could be ignored
after uma took control of auardon, she pledged her allegiance without hesitation because the land of good had never been kind to her and she sympathized with the vks
enemies ; she has plenty and they probably all believe the false stories surrounding her
blood bag ; somebody that lets her drink their blood in exchange for something or because they fell in love with her and would do anything for her
weakness ; this is probably the one person that has never seen her as the blood countess and she adores them for it, she would give her life for there’s if she had to
hook ups ; blood lust is not the only lust she feels but they do have to be brave to try to get into the bed of the blood countess, even if they don’t believe the stories she’s not an easy woman to charm
reincarnation ; she’s much older than she looks and she did once have a lover, this person would be someone that is the spitting image of her deceased lover, she would definitely want to know them but it doesn’t necessarily have to lead to romance
vk friends ; it’s probably a lot easier for her to relate to vks and she probably lets a few stay in her castle (she has a portal that leads into auradon for quick travel thanks to the help of a witch)
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troublcmvker · 5 years
TASK ONE: make a new year’s wish.
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I. mun based questions.
question one. i’m always open for pain and evil ideas! i Live for drama and wouldn’t be opposed at all. but i also think it’d be pretty neat to sometimes post a general request? especially if there’s a plot where a bunch of characters would fit and you guys could decide who fits Better! and that way everyone gets a chance to be part of Something. 
question two. i’d probably suffer a lot but i don’t mind the getting hurt. sometimes actions have consequences and they need to Learn. i’d be cool with that in any way tbh, most of my characters are vampires so... eh, they can just re-attach their arms for all i know. same with elijah but as a fellow human, it sucks to suck i guess.
question three. i would probably need to mentally prepare myself first, i’d get back to you on this one someday. 
II. muse based questions. 
ASRA - volturi guard vampire. ( pansexual, homoromantic )
i. i have a hc that during his human years there was one person he’d been in love with. the only being in his entire life he’d felt something for. asra never really confessed bc... times were different and their relationship would have been forbidden; but i imagine they were close friends. ofc, after he became a vampire and found out someone killed his family he went on a killing spree & pretty much everyone in his village paid the price. but he doesn’t know for sure if this person was a victim too. imagine if by some chance ( him not actually killing them and accidentally turning them; or them not being around at the time and being turned later by someone else ) they find their way into seattle... and them and asra meet. asra’s dramatic ass being reminded that he does actually have feelings! 
additional info: would have to be a male aligned korean fc around the same fake age as asra so... early 20s. 
ii. i think finding his singer would be something fun to explore? not in a... romantic sense because i highly doubt he’d even consider that. but more in a how dare you exist and make me feel like a monster for wanting to murder you, kinda way. bc.. he’s not exactly someone that kills for fun, mostly because he has to if he wants to survive ( and he does ); so someone that brings out that... feral? part of him and reminds him that he is, in fact, a killing machine would be fun!
iii. asra is someone that finds humans... very interesting; in the same sense of a zoologist finding animal behaviour interesting. he observes them from afar, never gets too close. what if someone comes so utterly... fascinating ( maybe bc they’re just a trainwreck of a person, or just... so different in the way they act ) that actually makes asra want to see them up close, interact with them or even... gasps care for them? unheard of! 
iv. this one is for my vamps out there. it’d be neat for him to find someone that calls him out on his “i have no feelings” bullshit, and gets close to him enough for asra to actually want to open up to them... long story short a friend someone he truthfully cares about. i see this as mostly platonic but it could be romantic if there’s chemistry.
additional info: they’d have to be male for any sort of romantic relationship to happen
v. maybe someone from their old covens ? i imagine he’d been in two before joining the volturi guard. nothing more than that, just someone, or multiply people ( squad ? ) that knows him from a long time ago and he banters with, or fights with, or maybe has a nice relationship with! 
vi. vampire he’s hooked up with ? most likely during his newborn days tbh, or before he joined the volturi. bc now it’s Serious Business Only. 
additional info: could be any gender.
ALICE - olympic coven vampire. ( pansexual, panromatic )
i. i WOULD LOVE CYNTHIA BRANDON. OR ANY LONG LOST RELATIVE !!! that’d be such a chef’s kiss connection to explore considering she doesn’t remember anything about her human life. if it’s cynthia just imagine her pain of her recognizing her sister but alice having no memories, absolutely nothing in her mind other than a weird feeling of ‘have i seen you before?’ or if it’s a long lost relative... them recognizing alice from really old family pictures and being like ‘isn’t this one of my relatives that disappeared from the asylum? wtf???’
additional info: cynthia brandon/any other relative would have to be at least half korean.
ii. i have a hc that after being turned, as a lost newborn she was found by an extremely nice and welcoming coven that took the time to teach her how to live her new life. i think it’d be cool to either meet her sire or an old coven member again!
iii. when she was just turned alice had no idea what the visions in her mind meant. she had forgotten everything about her life, and had no choice but to start all over again. at first she did everything she could to ignore the images on her head; and focused on simply making the most of this 2nd chance she was given. there was this one other vampire ( could be from that old coven, or just someone else she met ) that seemed to understand her so well. and for alice, someone that had never experienced love before, they were... everything she needed at the time. they helped to shape her into the bright and loving little angel that she is, they were so good to her. but soon enough came this vision, of her surrounded by so much happiness, a loving family and a mate that wasn’t them. a vision she couldn’t ignore. they were good, they understood, in fact they were the ones that encouraged her to seek for them, because it’s what she deserved. and so... she left in order to find her destiny. what if alice and this vampire met again? ( obviously alice loves jasper more than anything and she’s 100% sure he’s her soulmate but... mayb the pain :^) or just that Good Good loving and purely platonic relationship !!! )
additional info: could be any gender!
iv. humans/other vampires/cotm she’s blessed with her fashion knowledge as a fashion consultant ?? idk ! friends !! 
GARRETT - nomad vampire. ( pansexual, demiromantic )
i. this dude’s been alive since mid 1700s. always involved in american wars! i feel like in one of them, when there was someome that truly needed it. he turned a fellow soldier to make sure they come back from war. he thought them the basics, helped them through the bloodlust. what happened after they come back from the war is utp. but garrett is their sire. maybe they resent him, maybe they’re grateful. all there is to know is that they’re alive thanks to him.
ii. he’s quite the adventurer so... maybe vampires he’s met through the years on his expeditions? could be friends, could dislike eachother.
iii. i imagine at some point during his long life there had to be someone he was extremely close to. someone that could have been his mate, but for any reason they didn’t quite get there. maybe because at the time one of them ( most likely garrett tbh ) wasn’t willing to settle down, or maybe their feelings weren’t deep enough for that. but they worked well together in any other way. they could have drifted apart, moved along on good terms, or on bad terms. but seattle becomes the city they once again collide in.
additional info: could be any gender!
iv. the idea of a coven... wasn’t the most appealing for a free spirit like garrett. but it wasn’t something he had completely ruled out. maybe there was a time he was a part of one, or got really close to. they come to seattle and find him here, still a nomad, as free as ever. could be fun to explore!
v. this seems like a crackhead plot but hear me out... a human completely oblivious about the existence of supernatural beings. obsessed with american history. finding a similar looking guy in every single picture from all the american wars there have been since cameras were invented. and oh my god? does that tall dude in the library looks exactly like the dude in the pictures too? what the hell is going on? am i on x files?
ELIJAH - human. ( pansexual, demiromantic )
i. any possible platonic relationship you could imagine! childhood friends, high school friends, college friends, training/cop/detective friends ?? legit ANYTHING. i’m always sipping that ‘i love platonic connections’ juice
ii. this one connection is important. but basically... elijah gained his status by making the Right Connections. but there was someone above everyone else that helped along the way. they were together pretty much since they both started college, and they had everything elijah wished to have growing up. their relationship was mostly physical, their feelings for eachother weren’t that deep and they were both aware of that. elijah would get the exposure/connections he wanted; and they’d get the excellent academic status that came with elijah. but the fact that they were pretty much the reason why elijah got the chance to make those connections made them think they held some sort of power above him. and since elijah still wasn’t in a place where he could just let everything crumble down, he’d comply and do as they said. this relationship was toxic, there was no love between them at all. and it was bound to end at some point. there were some nice moments, not including the amazing sex, that would make elijah consider the possibility of a future together; but the bad moments would always make him go right back to his senses. if anything elijah is thankful for them, but he’s also extremely grateful that things ended without any of them hurting the other more than they already had.
additional info: could be any gender!
iii. past hookups ? exes ? there could be lingering feelings from their part.. or not. they could be bitter, or ended up in good terms! ( he’s married, in love AND faithful so it wouldn’t really be anything more tbh )
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❦  30/2500+
❦  November 16th circa 480 BC
Cateline was born over 2,000 years ago in an area that is now modern day Romania as Ecătălina. Her mother was a witch and her father was a werewolf, but Cateline inherited her father’s werewolf genes. Her mother was High Priestess of a coven in the area and though she regarded magic with all of the respect it was due, she was much closer to her father and the other wolves who resided in their little prehistoric village and farming community. In the ancient world, her family held some power and Cateline lived a relatively easy life during those times. She did not have to worry about when to eat and they had more things than most. Cateline was happy during those days. She loved her community and she loved the magic that surrounded them and in nature. During those years as a werewolf, she felt alive, blessed and had such a taste to experience everything. 
When Cateline was 20 she was married off to a ruler who lived in an area of what is modern day Hungary who was in need of a new wife. Cateline wasn’t sure what to expect when she was sent off with a whole litter of carts carrying her, some belongings and her large dowery. Her new husband was aware of the supernatural and agreed to the marriage to increase his power since he was human. He had a vast wealth, but wanted the security that came with supernatural creatures. When Cateline arrived, she was surprised that she soon fell for her husband. He was good to her and they were truly happy. It was rare during those times for people to have a happy marriage, especially a political one. But, even if you took away the furs and jewels and prehistoric castle she now lived in, she truly was happy. It was not long after that Cateline became pregnant. For years they lived in happiness and she gave birth to five children, though only one son and one daughter lived past infancy. 
When Cateline was 28 everything changed. There was a very wealthy and powerful man who lived in the kingdom who had always wanted the throne for himself. He had slowly been building an army over years and finally he knew it was the time to strike. The attack came at once in the middle of the night and caught Cateline and her husband completely off guard. Cateline watched as her husband was killed and her children were slaughtered in their beds. The only reason she was spared was because the new ruler didn’t want war with the supernatural community. He wanted Cateline for himself. It took a large amount of his army to subdue her, Cateline had killed many in her rage after her family’s slaughter and when they did finally capture her and tie her down in silver chains, she was shipped back to her family after refusing him marriage. It was soon after Cateline returned back that her mother devised the plan to save her children and turned them into vampires. 
Something died in Cateline after she was turned, her humanity had already been suffering with the loss of her family but the cold, absolute power she now felt shoved the humanity she had left into the back of her mind and she turned it off. Soon after discovering just how powerful she was, Cateline traveled back to her kingdom. She slaughtered the man who had taken everything from her and every single one of his followers. Setting the castle that had been her home and half the town on fire, she stepped over the ashes as the new ruler. Cateline ruled by herself as a stoic and strict queen for over 200 years before she finally left the kingdom to another she trusted. After that, Cateline traveled all over the growing ancient world. She traveled to kingdoms and gained power for herself and getting to the top before growing bored and moving on somewhere else. This continued even when the ancient way gave way to the medieval world and then to the modern world. Cateline would always meet up with her siblings through the centuries, but she mostly traveled alone gaining more power and wealth for herself to satisfy her. None of it meant anything, but with her humanity turned off it was the only thing that she wanted. Cateline has a countless amount of blood on her hands, empires and dynasties have fallen at her hands. With the dawn of the modern era, her tactics changed to taking over modern business dynasties. 
In the last few months she received a call from her sister Myla. Her prized pet town of Mistfall, Maine was in trouble due to a murder. Myla wanted her siblings there to help her solve the rising tension and restore order. Leaving a high life of luxury behind in Europe, Cateline arrived in Mistfall and quickly established herself at the top. 
❦ Is your character aware of the supernatural?
Yes, she was born into a supernatural community. 
❦ How do you feel about the other species in town?
Cateline views werewolves with what could almost be considered a slight interest and warmth for the woman who turned off her humanity. She views vampires as children as she knows they all come from her and her siblings. Sirens and witches hold about the same level of interest in her mind and she views humans as only good for a snack and entertainment. Cateline views all of the species as below her and her siblings though and requires respect from all of them. 
❦ How do you feel about the rising tension in town?
She honestly could care less if it was not for the fact that it matters to Myla. 
❦ How do you feel about the murder of the murder of the regent witch keeping the peace over the town?
Cateline doesn’t care about the murder of someone she never knew. But, the murder is important to her sister and she will try to find out what happened for her sake. 
❦ Who are your loyalties to?
Herself and her siblings only.
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riviae · 6 years
⭐fave lines per chapter MoF? Also your personal fave chapter and why?⭐
[cracks knuckles] k, let’s get to it! (bolded sentences are like my most favorite line) 
under a read more bc this is,,, a lot: 
chapter 1: “Oh, we’re plenty talkative. A side effect of immortality, I imagine. When one can live forever what is the point in conserving words? I have all the time in the world, unlike you, nameless witcher, who will die a bloody, forgetful death. No one to mourn you. No one to even bury your body. You could die here in this abandoned hut and no one would come looking for you. That is the pitiful fate of a witcher, abandoned by humans and gods.” Regis grabbed the witcher by the collar of his armor and threw him, slamming the man into the wall. -regis hitting the witcher nail on the head–witchers in-universe are relics of a bygone era. they are a testimony to how low humanity would go to preserve its progeny, taking abandoned or stolen children & turning them into killing machines… :/// 
chapter 2: Regis nodded, pouring Geralt another glass. “We are quite alike, you and I. Family sounds like something made for other people. I am not easily tied down. The fiercely independent sort, which I’m sure you’ve guessed. This world we younger vampires have been born into, the one we are merely sojourners in, is not kind. It breeds fierceness and mistrust. Even among my own people, though I am popular, I cannot say I have any close friends. Vampires know of me, but that is all. I guess that is why you’re still alive. Perhaps I’ll find more in common with a witcher.”-another regis monologue; oh man, if he only knew what was coming. the irony is still hilarious. 
chapter 3: “Thanks. You’d make a good healer, you know. If you ever wanted to give up terrorizing villages.”
Regis laughed, exposing the tips of his fangs. “Perhaps in another life, Geralt. I enjoy being a fiend, to some degree. Healing sounds like a lot of boring, thankless work.”
“So is being a witcher. But someone has to do it.”-another nod to canon bc i love doing that lmao. good thing vampires can basically have multiple lives due to their longevity!! ‘cause joke’s on young regis lol 
chapter 4: A sense of déjà vu seized Geralt when he awoke a few hours later. He was perched carefully on the back of Roach, a certain vampire taking up the majority of the saddle. 
At his shifting, Regis turned to look at the witcher, giving a grin.“I do say, I’m starting to feel like your caretaker. Have you always been such a handful?”
“I…I’m alive?” Geralt said, tone laced with surprise.Regis rolled his eyes. 
“Yes. Thanks to my quick wit, I was able to drain most of the poison out of your system. Which tasted horribly, might I add.” -i apparently have the most fun w/ young!regis’ dialogue lmao. but tbh 99% of the witcher series is geralt’s friends taking care of him bc he’s a disaster and prone to bouts of, well, near death ^^; 
chapter 5: “Comfortable?” Regis asked, a teasing lilt taking over his voice.
“As comfortable as I’d be sharing a coffin with a corpse,” Geralt retorted.-ch.5 aka the start of the bed-sharing™ trope and also the beginning of genuine banter between geralt and regis!
chapter 6: “Thank you, Geralt.”
The witcher gave a small smile. “No problem.” Reaching into his pouch, Geralt retrieved the white vial and downed it in one go, closing his eyes. The White Raffard had the added side effect of being a mild sedative and tiredness—from the blood loss and the day’s events—robbed him of coherent thought as he felt himself drift off beside Regis. His head lolled against Regis’ good shoulder and he soon fell into a light slumber.
“Geralt,” Regis muttered with endearment, looking at the sleeping man, “you are truly an awful witcher.”-this is probably my favorite chapter tbh! we get a lot of bonding between geralt & regis, and this was also where i caved and made it a geralt/regis fic lol. i just think, in a technical writing manner, this was one of my better chapters. the scenes flowed well and i got some good banter in. my favorite things to write are generally dialogue and action–so i really enjoyed doing this one. 
chapter 7: The innkeep’s mouth formed an O, worry knitting between her brows. “Thank you for the warning. I’ll write a letter to put on the notice board. In the mean time, did you find your lodgings to your liking?”
“It’s fine.”
Regis grinned. “As Geralt said, the room is good. No mites, fleas, or termites. Quite the sturdy bed, too…”
Geralt choked on his ale, sloshing some of its contents onto the tabletop in his surprise.If anything about the comment and the witcher’s subsequent panic startled the innkeep, she did not show it. She busied herself by checking the wine glasses for dust with a cloth, a soft smile upon her features.“Have you two known each other long? It’s quite rare to see a witcher traveling with another person.”
Geralt shook his head. “No, we’ve only been acquainted a short while.”
“I think you’re selling our relationship short, Geralt. We both know a great deal about each other.”
“That may be true, but—“
“Time doesn’t dictate closeness. I think we’ve experienced much together. Enough to make us close acquaintances, at the very least.”
The innkeep laughed. “I must agree with you, sir. Many travelers pass through my inn, but none as chatty and argumentative as you two. You remind me of an old married couple.”
“Well, one of us is ancient,” Geralt muttered under his breath to where only Regis could hear him.
The vampire, to his credit, merely snorted into his mug, giving a tight-lipped smile.-lol more geralt/regis banter.™ the innkeeper is truly the mvp here. -also, regis’ thoughts here make me sad™: The vampire pulled the hood up as he waited by the noticeboard for Geralt, the warm Toussaint sun fixed high in the cloudless sky. Regis closed his eyes and listened to the chatter of passing townsfolk, the sound of children splashing at the bank of the lake, the creaking of wicker chairs and the clacking of knitting needles, and felt something akin to peace. Quaint village life… perhaps in another life, in a time where he deserved such a respite, he would have settled down in a village like Francollarts and spent his time as a healer. He could imagine himself living on the outskirts in a yellow-roofed home, spending his free time reading on the porch and giving coin to the village children so they could buy sweets from the traveling merchants. He could see himself living a full life and then growing old, giving in to the gentle lull of time, and dying in a room full of people who loved and cared about him—people that he too loved and cared about.
But that wasn’t—and never could be—his life.
chapter 8:There was a sort of natural aristocratic shape to Regis’ profile that the fire highlighted, his high cheekbones, strong features, and onyx eyes begetting otherness in the same manner that Geralt’s cat eyes did. He looked out of place in a village, as if he were instead a traveling noble who had taken refuge at the inn, content to spend the day pretending he was just like the common folk.
And Regis was pretending, to some effect, that he was normal. Human. But the witcher had spent enough time with the man to see the nonhuman traits he tried to hide: his pointed nails that clutched the stem of the wine glass, the barest glimpse of his teeth which gleamed white and dangerous from behind his thin lips, the reflective layer of tissue in his eyes that Geralt had seen glow in the pitch-black darkness of their room, and the man’s lack of shadow, as if Regis wasn’t really there at all.-geralt checking out observing regis in this chapter was fun to write. i like that witchers are canonly observant and whatnot for their job. 
also, this scene which i shamelessly borrowed from the book: “I apologize for leading you astray. But truly, you are much too easy to manipulate. It must be due to your youth. This world is cruel. It hasn’t broken you yet, Geralt, but it will and I’ll be there to see it.”
“No, you definitely won’t be,” Geralt said, pointing his sword forward.
To his surprise, the vampire moved so that the tip of the blade pressed against the center of his throat, scraping against his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.
“Go on, then,” Regis leered. “Thrust it in.
chapter 9: “Hmm, how lovely. Truly, you are everything I’ve ever wanted—and more.”
Regis cupped the nape of Geralt’s neck, clawed hand digging into his mess of white locks to tilt his head up, capturing the witcher’s lips in another searing kiss. 
Geralt melted into the touch, a warmth settling in his chest. He felt whole. Complete. It was beyond anything he’d felt before.-that dream sequence tho ;3c in all seriousness, i had fun writing this scene bc it was just.... end game geralt x regis. like how sweet they’ll be by the end of the fic. 
chapter 10: “Thank you, Geralt."
“For what?”
“For giving me something to cherish.”-dream sequences, am i right? they’re always fun!! and give me the chance to show what characters would say if they weren’t inhibited by their pride. soft & sweet and to the point--regis is slowly falling for geralt and he’s gonna just... meet it head-on. bc what else can he do? he’s not gonna leave geralt unless the witcher asks him to. 
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