#did he have like. shipping with tony or something??? i think i saw that
thesirencult · 5 months
You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f*****’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.
(Tony Montana, Scarface)
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana. He was consumed by his vices and they run the show for him. I'm telling you to do what you what to do and to stop lying to yourself and hiding from your true nature.
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A couple of years ago, I met a girl who had an obsession with finding a wealthy man. She did not care about anything else other than the money. In her defense, she grew up in a poor family where, her dad beat her mom up and he even did that while her mom was pregnant with her.
That girl was studying finance. She took up Arabic and wanted to work for off shore companies where she could find a husband. She specifically told me she wanted her husband to drive a Porsche which has more prestige than a BMW and buy her a BMW cause the woman should be beneath her husband. Overall she was "micey" in character. If you didn't know her you would think she was shy and religious, but. you should know better guys, these people have more ego problems than the most outspoken, egomaniac extrovert.
So, she looked "weak" but had an agenda. She also was trying to give off the "trad wife" vibe but salivated as soon as a man breathed her direction and shamed any woman who showcased her seductiveness.
A few days ago, she messaged me. She wanted to grab a coffee with me as she would be in town. I was surprised when I saw her. In the "kindest" way I can put it, she looked like women who run on every single rally around and fight for justice (nothing wrong with taht, but if you're following me I bet you get what I'm trying to convey). A white girl with Bob Marley braids! Yup, there it is!
She told me she had given up Arabic and no longer wanted to work in a big shipping corporation because that supported big oil and their agenda. She then preached to me about equality and why the left is supreme. Now, I'm pretty straightforward so I asked her, how and why her views changed. She wanted to own 3 cars and be a stay at home mom! She looked outside the window of the coffee shop and saw my parked car.
"Do you see this car?"
I said "Yeah, I see it."
"Whoever drives this car is a right wing egomaniac who doesn't care about the environment and just wants to flaunt their money." (my car is a hybrid you guys!)
"Do you drive?"
"No, I can not afford a license and my family owns only one car. Also, I'm scared of driving. Also, did I tell you I'm running on the elections with the *left wing side*. Will you vote for me? If I make it I'll get 2k per month plus health care benefits."
"That's my car. I was going to ask you, do you want to take the train home or will you ride with me?" I just wanted this meeting to bo over, to tell you the truth.
She came with me.
Wanna know why? Here is my hypothesis (and it ties in with Tony Montana's words):
99% of people give up on their dreams by age 23. In order to make it easier for them and help them soothe the guilt this breeds, they begin to drift to the opposite "side" of the court. Pornstars turn to trad wives. Playboys turn to "faithful" husbands who preach the word of the Lord. Money and power hungry individuals take up boring jobs and blame the rich and the goverment for everything. Men who can not pick up women turn to red pill guys and so on and so forth.
Most people can not handle their darker side. They can not handle their ego and their deepest desires. Now, I'm not telling you to become like Tony Montana, he was consumed by his vices and that's who runs the show. Either you run the show or someone else or something (an addiction) runs it for you.
We see all that often with sex. Body counts, "I can not find a good man/woman" etc. People who can not get what they want hate those that have the GUTS to get it.
If my acquaintance's beliefs are that strong why did she enjoy the drive in the luxury SUV? Why did she then ask me when are we going out again and if I can bring "that" guy friend who runs a tech start up?
Because they are not her beliefs. They are just a cover up. A mask.
We've all seen how happy some people get when a dreamer fails.
So, go one. Fail. You''ll succeed at some point. You're better than those who sit on the sidelines running their mouth.
They would want to be at your shoes. They would want to run free on the court.
Own that. Own yourself and run after your goals and desires. Fuck them.
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irondad-defensesquad · 3 months
The perks of being a wallflower - Chapter 1
Also posted on AO3!
I spent the entire day writing this. The second chapter will be posted shortly, I hope.
There might be some timeline inaccuracies but the MCU already sucks at that, so bear with me, lmao.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - mentions of bullying, death, suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
To Iron Man,
My name is Peter Parker and you’re my favorite hero! Look, I drew you! Your armor is pretty hard to draw but I tried.
I like building stuff too! I wanna grow up to be just like you one day. I heard you built stuff when you were just five. That’s so cool!
Peter, age 7
To Iron Man,
Hi! It’s Peter again. Parker. I dunno if you remember me. Did you get my first letter? You must be busy being the coolest hero in the world so I understand if you couldn’t answer.
Anyway I’m going to the Stark Expo! For a whole week! I’m gonna see you up close!! My Uncle Ben is the best. He’s a big fan too!
See you there!
Peter Parker, age 9
To Iron Man,
I can’t believe I actually met you!! Twice!!! You said “nice work, kid”! Did you remember me??
Yeah too bad I’m grounded… I really scared Uncle Ben and Aunt May. But thanks to you I’m okay! This was the best week of my life! Do you think we’re gonna meet again? I dunno but it would be nice.
I hope you’re ok after all that. That Hammer guy is nobody! That’s what he gets for messing with you!
Anyway I have to go to bed, good night!
Peter Parker
Dear Iron Man
Dear Mr. Stark,
Hi, Peter again! How are you? I got really worried… I never thought I’d see aliens like this. Then I saw on TV that you flew right into the wormhole and I got so scared that you would get stuck in it forever…
Do you ever get scared, Mr. Stark? Aunt May and Uncle Ben tell me they’re surprised that I don’t get scared often. But I was really scared something happened to you or to them. I don’t wanna lose anyone else…
We’re all okay though! But I still hope you’re safe now, Mr. Stark.
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
I saw what happened in Malibu and I got so scared! I’m really sorry you lost your home. I was so sad and afraid you were gone, but Uncle Ben told me you’re gonna find a way out of this. You always know what to do, Mr. Stark! You’re a genius! I know you’ll come back somehow and defeat the bad guys, like you always do! I’m rooting for you!
Peter Parker
P.S.: I tried to draw you again but no armor this time! Because you’re a hero with or without the armor! I hope you know that. Even if I never send you this… or any other letters…
Dear Mr. Stark,
Happy birthday!
I actually had a science fair today… and I built my own miniature arc reactor! It’s not as good as yours of course. But I got a pretty good grade! Even if I didn’t win the fair, I was in third place!
There’s this kid Flash, though, I think he got jealous and he tried to break my arc reactor. I didn’t let him! He really doesn’t like me and I dunno why. I never did anything to him. But I guess nobody likes me at school except for Ned, who’s my best friend. We like building LEGOs together.
Okay, sorry for rambling, Mr. Stark. Hope you have a great birthday!
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
I had a bad day.
I mean I guess everyone has bad days. Maybe you have bad days too. But sometimes my bad days are really bad.
Flash is even worse, because he usually just insults me and I ignore him, but he has some friends that do the dirty work. Like today they shoved me in a locker and the hallway was completely empty. It was dark and very tight in there, it was kinda hard to breathe. I screamed for help but no one would hear. I didn’t have my phone so I couldn’t call anyone. Eventually the janitor found me and let me out.
I think I might be claustrophobic like the doctors say. I felt like I was gonna die in that locker…
I didn’t wanna tell Aunt May and Uncle Ben. They’re always busy and I know Uncle Ben is gonna get really angry. Like he doesn’t get angry at me but he doesn’t have to worry. I don’t want him to worry and get upset because of me.
… Sorry for being a downer, Mr. Stark. Sometimes I just really hate school.
Hope you’re ok.
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
Have you ever seen Star Wars? I watched it with Ned and I love it! We binged the movies on the weekend, then we spent all day talking about it and all the theories we came up with.
Ned really gets me, we’re into the same things and we really laugh a lot. I’m really glad to have him.
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
I can’t really sleep.
I’ll be honest, I write when I can’t sleep. And I have to be real quiet or else Aunt May or Uncle Ben will find out and they’re gonna get worried about me.
I dunno, nothing particularly bad happened today. I mean, Flash was a jerk like always, but it never went too far. I just feel something tight in my chest that won’t really go away. Sometimes I find it hard to breathe, like I’m still stuck in that locker.
Now that I think of it, not even Ned knows about the locker thing. I guess only the janitor knows. And you. Kinda.
But I think everyone knows Flash taunts me and they don’t really do anything. But I don’t want my aunt and my uncle getting worked up about it. I feel like my school wouldn’t really care anyway.
Would you care, Mr. Stark?
I dunno. Maybe not.
Writing to you helps anyway.
So… thanks.
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
Liz is so pretty.
She’s a girl in my school. She’s not in my grade but she’s in the Decathlon with me. She’s smart and funny and cute and gorgeous…
Flash can tell and yeah, he loves being a jerk about it.
Liz is nice to me. Well, she’s nice to everyone. But she compliments me and I feel all fuzzy inside. It’s so weird.
I kinda hate that I started writing stuff to her too. I’m DEFINITELY not sending that to her. It’s so cheesy!
I think she likes Star Wars. She was super into my conversation with Ned today. And then I couldn’t really concentrate with her eyes on me, totally interested in what I had to say…
Mr. Stark, what should I do? How do you talk to pretty people?? And why am I asking this to Iron Man???
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
I really hate Valentine’s day.
I mean, I like Liz but she already gets a bunch of stuff, obviously, because she’s the greatest girl ever and it’s not like anything I do would be good enough. But all the Valentine’s cards I get are pranks. Once Flash and his friends pranked me and the card told me to wait after school. And I stayed there and nobody showed up. I even bought flowers and chocolate but I threw them away.
I did make a little card though. But it wasn’t that red heart we’re all familiar with. I kinda modeled it after your new arc reactor, Mr. Stark. I’m not really good at art, but it looked kinda cool.
In the end I just gave it to Ned, because he’s probably the only person who makes me feel good. And he loved the card so much. He gave me chocolate in return!
I guess it wasn’t so bad.
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
It’s my birthday! And I got a camera!
I remember playing with my uncle’s old camera as a kid, and he thought I was a great photographer. So he and my aunt surprised me with a brand new camera! I’m also in a photography extra class so I can learn more!
It’s really fun. I actually love analog photography. I love the whole process, the chemicals, that red light in the dark… It's still a laboratory and I’m all for it.
And at least it’s the class where I can enjoy myself without Flash pestering me so much.
I’m having so much fun!
Peter Parker
Dear Mr. Stark,
Sorry for not writing in a while.
First, would you get mad if I told you I went to Oscorp?
I mean, I went there with my school. It was okay, I guess. Though I would rather go to the Avengers Tower if I’m being honest. I dunno why Midtown never arranged it.
Anyway, I took some cool pictures with my camera. But I think I got bitten by something. Then I learned about the radioactive spiders they kept there. It was creepy. I don’t like spiders.
The bite in my hand looks pretty nasty. In fact my hand kinda hurts. And so does my head.
I should probably stop writing.
Dear Mr. Stark,
Okay. A lot of stuff happened.
1) I don’t have to wear glasses anymore. When I try, my vision looks pretty blurry.
2) I can glue myself to things and I think that’s worse when I’m too anxious. I literally couldn’t get out of bed one morning without my hands holding my blanket.
3) I can hear EVERYTHING. All the other floors in the building, even whispers or flies, stuff like that. I can overhear Aunt May and Uncle Ben talking or the calls they have to take.
4) My brain sorta screams when I sense any sort of threat. Like when Flash approached and I felt tense all over.
That definitely has something to do with that radioactive spider.
I had a pretty bad fever, my aunt and my uncle were pretty worried. No one really knew what was going on. I’m just glad it’s over. But now I have to deal with these… powers. And I wish I could turn them off. I thought of getting those soundproof headphones, y’know?
It’s so much. I know you don’t have powers, Mr. Stark, but what would you do if you were me? Would you be able to find something to quiet them down?
I can’t really talk to anyone else about this.
Dear Mr. Stark,
My Uncle Ben is the greatest guy ever. Besides you, of course.
He loves doing everything with me, like watching movies or going to baseball games. I love doing those things too. However, in the middle of the game, I think I had a “sensory overload”, like Aunt May said. Because I was really overwhelmed by all the screaming, the spit, the smells, the lights… I tried to be strong for my uncle but I made the excuse I had to use the restroom. Uncle Ben was going to take me there but I didn’t want him to lose the game so I decided to go alone. I think he could tell I wasn’t okay because he followed me and took me somewhere quieter. Uncle Ben is probably the most patient man I know because he didn’t get angry at me. In fact he suggested we should go home. I couldn’t really protest because I knew I wouldn’t handle the rest of the game with all those loud people.
He didn’t really talk to me on the ride home, but I heard him talking to Aunt May. He was pretty concerned. He said there was something off about me lately. Aunt May just told him to give me some rest for now.
I started crying in my room.
Now I can’t even enjoy baseball games with my uncle. Nor movies. When I found him watching TV, the noise and the light was too much for me. I felt so bad. I didn’t even eat dinner. Aunt May had to leave me some so I wouldn’t go to bed without any food.
I hate this. I hate these new powers, these sensations.
Why can’t I be a normal kid again?
Dear Mr. Stark,
I can’t sleep, again. Even less now with these powers.
I have so many more questions to ask you, but there’s one I really want you to answer.
I’m a good kid or at least that’s what everyone tells me. I like to play, I’m a good student and I don't bother anyone. I love Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and I know they love me too. But sometimes, I get sad. I don’t cry even if I want to. My eyes are heavy, I know I’m overwhelmed, but I can’t sleep at all.
Do you get sad, Mr. Stark? What do you do when you get sad? How do you not get sad?
I really want a hug right now but I don’t want to wake up my aunt and my uncle, because they have to go to work early. Is it weird to say I want a hug from you, Mr. Stark? Is it weird to admit I wish you showed up at school to save me from bullies and my own powers? That’s stupid, right?
At least you’re never going to read these letters…
Dear Mr. Stark,
Uncle Ben died.
He’s gone.
He’s really gone…
Ever since that baseball game, I started feeling more irritated. I distanced myself more and more. The bullying at school got worse. I started doing stupid things to my body. I didn’t want to tell you, Mr. Stark, but I began cutting myself again. I kind of stopped for a while but the habit returned. And when Uncle Ben found out, he got really upset. Like, he was more upset that I didn’t tell him I was suffering than he was angry at me being a brat. Even then, Uncle Ben could never bring himself to hate me.
But I was stupid. I ran away from home. Of course, he went after me.
And all I could hear was the shot.
Uncle Ben was lying on the floor, bleeding so much red.
I tried to say I was sorry… but I was too late.
He was gone.
I didn’t even want to go after who shot him. If anything, I killed Uncle Ben. I hurt him and I killed him.
Aunt May cried the entire week. I even stayed with her at night. I knew she didn’t want to be alone.
So the apartment is empty. Lonely. There is no TV airing games or movies anymore.
At least Ned is coming over sometimes or letting me stay over at his house, because I can’t handle that emptiness. It’s worse than loud noises.
I kind of wish Uncle Ben hated me so maybe he wouldn’t have gone after me.
I kind of wish he and Aunt May never took me in.
I wish I was never born at all.
My life just gets worse and worse… What's the point?
What’s the point, Mr. Stark?
I should’ve been shot, not Uncle Ben. He didn’t deserve it. I did.
I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. I’m sorry I’m this mess.
I wish I could just die.
Dear Mr. Stark,
I think I’m managing my senses now.
I made my own suit. It’s not fancy like your suits of armor, but it helps me focus.
I guess I was inspired by you and Uncle Ben. I could use my powers for good.
So… I’m a vigilante, I guess.
You can call me Spider-Man.
I don’t really do anything interesting but I help the best I can.
School is not really going well, I had to give up a lot of things, mainly sports. That would just draw too much attention.
I have to be there for everyone, or else I know I’m going to face my really bad thoughts. I don’t want them to take over me.
I don’t think I’ll have a lot of time to write, so I want to thank you, Mr. Stark. I know you’re not going to read this, but you helped me in a really bad phase of my life. You still do. I hope you know you inspire a lot more people out there. Thank you.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
(Chapter 2)
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Take you to A better Place part 4
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(Btw that's what you are wearing at the wedding, regular outfit, you imagine whatever)
Y/N had made it to Bergentown in time for the royal wedding. Making sure she was dressed appropriately for the wedding; she hides in the background singing along with the other trolls. She was going to talk to Branch after the wedding, as not to be rude and ruin this lovely couple's wedding day. You would have to be an egotistical jerk to interrupt a wed... "I object!!!," a mysterious troll says interrupting her thoughts and vows, doing exactly what she was thinking.
She sighs and rubs her face and watches walking up close to them and waits till John Dory finishes his little save Floyd speech and then lands in front of them . "Thank you John Dory for that lovely info but you ruined a wedding when you could have waited till after," she says brushing off dust from her jacket. "Who are you, random troll?" Branch says standing in front of Poppy. She was about to speak when Poppy squealed and jumped in front of her grabbing her hands. "Oh my gosh!!! Oh my gosh!!! Your Y/N from the old girl Group, Sugar, Spice, and Everything Thrice.  I love your music then and now!! What are you doing here!!!" Poppy squeals dangling. John Dory just looking shocked now cause he was interrupted. Y/n smiles and pats Poppy's hand. "Well, knowing John Dory is incompetent and a jerk," a hey was heard from John, " I was also there when John found Floyd,  I used to tutor the kids who have him captured. Long story short, when they beat me in the top song. I knew something was up and saw what John saw.  What he didn't see is that those twins, need more troll talent and are going to suck the life out of Floyd. So I didn't think Mr. Dory would find y'all. So I told that cutie I'd search for his brothers," she said casually. John and Branch said , "Did you just call me brother cute?" Poppy was in the background silent squealing, apparently she wrote scrapbook fan-fiction when she was younger, shipping Y/N and Floyd, feeling like their vibes matched.  "Anywho, sorry for the wedding interruption. , y'all should continue and then we should head out," she says and just as John Dory was about to speak, she covers his mouth and the wedding continues.
After the wedding, John Dory calls for his bug van Rhonda. After Rhonda licks Poppy, Y/N pets Rhonda chin and looks at the others. "Times a wasting, let's go find the rest of Brozone and save y'all's brother," she turns to Gritzelle and Bridget, "lovely wedding and ceremony. Y'all have a good. Honeymoon byeeee," she says dragging the three trolls into Rhonda just still having shocked John, Branch, and Poppy being pulled into the van. " Alright then , let's get this show on the road and find your brothers to save your other brother," she looks around the van for clues. "Woah, who put you in charger here Miss?" John says having doubts. "It's Y/N. And I was there at the concert btw. So I don't trust you in charged or things will mess up, so yeah. I put me in charger," she says sassily making Branch laugh at how his brother was being put down instead of in charge.
"Tiny,Branch, Poppy, the pretty lady,this random dude..." a voice says and Y/N awws and John Dory was like what , " on another musical adventure filled with heart, hilarity and happiness." "Tiny! What are you doing here?," Poppy says to Tiny who driving the bus. "Well, Aunt Poppy, for your information, I am no longer a baby. I am a big boy now.And I'm on a mansized rite of passage to learn lessons of life, courage and maybe love," he says wiggling his eyebrows at Y/N who was now at the front of the bus with everyone but Branch. "You're a cute kid. But I already got my eyes on someone, sorry," she says and Tiny shrugs. "More Tiny for others to love then," Tony says driving.  "Should we be letting a baby drive?," she says looking at Tiny. "Not to worry, fellow grownup. I have procured my learner's permit," Tiny says pulling out an obvious fake license.  "Who is Adulty Mcmanface?" Poppy asks. "The better question is, are you a narc?" Tiny says looking at his aunt. Poppy stutters , "Whatttt? Pshh no, Why? Are you?" John Dory tells Tiny step on it and the three adult trolls go to the back where Branch seems to be making a clue board.
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Edit 1: Please let me know in the comments or send me an ask about how you feel with this. I could really use the motivation
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nekoannie-chan · 11 months
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Title: Disappointment.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 590 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G2 disappointment.
Summary: Steve was disappoint when you signed the Sokovia Accords.
Warnings/Tags: Angst, break up, Sokovia Accords, Sentinel program.
A/N: This is my entry to @allcapsbingo​. AC1078.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @navybrat817​ @angrythingstarlight​ @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum​ @pandaxnienke​ @real-fbi​ @smokeandnailz​  @white-wolf1940​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @xoxonotme​ @bluemusickid​ @leyannrae​  @harrysthiccthighss​ @marvelatthisone​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @sapphire-rogers​ @lizzieolseniskinda​ @notyourtypicalrose​  @hallecarey1​ @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry  @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare​  @endlesstwanted​ @chemtrails-club​  @marigoldreamer​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​  @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit​
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The discussion between Tony and several of the team was getting very heated; you took the thick file, and you needed to think and analyze what was written, obviously, you couldn't do that with all the fuss.
Since Ross had gone, Steve had been trying to convince you not to sign the Accords.
Maybe if they had existed when you were a child, thousands of mutants and Inhumans would still be alive, maybe Nico, the others... all your friends would still be alive.
“Have you decided what you're going to do? “Steve asked you when he entered the room.
“Not yet “You lied, you had already made your decision, however, you were hoping to convince him, you would have liked there was some way to save everyone.
“Y/N, you know that if you sign, there will be more problems and no one will be safe."
You didn't say anything, but your decision was firm. You kept thinking about everything that would have happened if you had existed before.
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Steve almost fell off his chair when he saw your signature on the Accords, he felt betrayed and disappointed, things should not be like this.
He went into the bedroom you shared -soon you would not do it anymore, he was not going to sign the Accords definitively-, there you were, it even seemed that you knew what he was going to tell you.
“Why did you sign? Are you sure? “he asked you; he was angry.
“If something like this had existed years ago, maybe my friends would still be alive.
“You just condemned more mutants," he said.
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Steve knew they had to get out of that airport as soon as possible, he couldn't let them catch Bucky, plus he wanted to get away from you as soon as possible.
You stood in front of them, but you didn't dare stop them or attack them, you were beginning to doubt your decision.
The last thing Steve saw before he left was you, you were crying, but he could no longer hide how disappointed he was in you. You were supposed to want to change the world, not limit it.
Maybe it was a final goodbye.
It would probably be the last time you would see each other.
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You threw the papers that were on the table, you were so angry, things weren't supposed to end like this.
Steve paced back and forth in the hallway outside the bedroom you once shared, he was angry too, but he never thought you would see each other again, let alone under those circumstances.
Although he couldn't deny the fact that he was aware of what you were doing, it wasn't that hard, especially with the bulletins that the US government used to put out every time the Avengers they signed had some mission.
“Steve..." you said when you saw him outside.
“Y/N, it's been a long time."
You saw him, he looked a lot different than you remembered him.
“You were right, I condemned the mutants, I didn't think they were going to reactivate the Sentinel program. You were right," you confessed.
“It doesn't matter if I was right or wrong, we have to fix this."
“What are we going to do? I don't know if it happened only on our planet or somewhere else in the universe or what actually happened."
“First we have to find Tony," Steve replied.
“Steve, I'm sorry to disappoint you," you apologized.
He nodded. “ Forgive me too. We have work to do.
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jojolovesdogs00 · 10 months
Witch's Curse
Ship: Wanda x Reader
Ch 12
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You couldn't believe what just happened. You were kissed Wanda Maximoff. The most powerful witch in the world. The one who could kill gods. The one who has killed so many people. You felt a tingling sensation throughout your body. You were so happy. "Y/N?" Wanda asked curiously. You turned your head towards her. You were surprised by her reaction. She was blushing and looked down at her feet. "I… uhm…" she stuttered. "Don't worry Wanda. It's fine." you reassured her. She nodded and continued to stare at her feet. "I'm sorry." she said. "No need to be sorry. It's okay." you replied. "I'm sorry I kissed you." she admitted. "That's alright." you replied. "But you did not stop me. I mean you were holding me. Why didn't you stop me?" she asked. You stared at her. You were confused. "Because I wanted to." you answered simply. She looked up at you. She thought you would have been angry. You weren't though. You felt nothing but happiness. But also a little bit of guilt. 'Fury is still in hospital though' you thought. You looked away from Wanda. You realised you're staring at her too much. So you tried to focus on anything else. Anything except Wanda. But it was hard. "Y/N?" Wanda called out. You snapped out of your thoughts. "Yeah?" you responded distractedly. "There's someone at the front door." she said. You nodded and walked over to the door. You opened it and saw Steve Rogers. You let him inside. "Steve Rogers…" you greeted with excitement. He nodded and smiled. "Hey." he replied. You led him into the living room where Wanda was sitting. She had already gotten up from the couch. She walked over to Steve and they hugged each other. "How's Tony?" she asked. "He's good. What about you?" he asked. She shrugged. "It's complicated." she explained. They both sat next to each other on the sofa. You watched them interact with each other. Their friendship seemed very genuine. Like two best friends sharing secrets. You smiled. Wanda noticed your smile and smiled back. "So what do we have?" Steve asked. "Directly to the point huh?" you replied. He chuckled. "We've got an important assignment." he said. You looked at Wanda. She was nodding her head. You could tell she was scared. She looked at you and you knew she needed you. "So what do we do?" you asked Steve. He thought for a moment. "Well, we'll need some sort of bait. A decoy." he suggested. "What kind of bait?" Wanda asked. "Another problem like…" he paused looking at Wanda. "Scarlet Witch." he said. Wanda looked down. You saw her shoulders drop as she sighed. She looked up at you again. "Do you know anyone or anything can be a distraction?" Steve asked you 2. Wanda looked up at you again. You thought about it for a second. "I think there's something I can try." you finally spoke up. Steve and Wanda looked at you. "What is it?" Steve asked. You took a deep breath. "I'll have to go to her." you said.
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C A T for the ask game please hehe 😻
Cat!! My dearest Shrutual <3333
(Im going to answer alphabetically. Also this got so long omg)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I do have OTPs :D wolfstar and stucky (also previously: klance but im not into them as much anymore)
I even have a meme for this occasion:
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other ships from the marauders fandom:
wolfstarbucks <333 wolfbucks and prongsfoot are alright too but not in the long run, I think I prefer them as a trio (everyone is there and all is well and everyone is happy. I get sad when R isnt there and im worried about S's whereabouts when he isnt there, so. Trio)
jily - i wouldnt call myself a jily shipper per se, but its also very dear to me <3333. Would choose a fic with them as a supporting ship over alternatives when reading r/s , thats for sure.
james & sirius friendship but also remus & james friendship!!
basically... sirius and remus and sometimes james an lily. in any configuration at this point
(there are other ships I like from hp, mcu and other fandoms but im not into them that much at this very moment)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Oh boy. Do I have to choose just one?
... Ok that wasnt that hard.
I dont like Tony, I dont care about him, I dont like their relationship we saw in the films (tho i havent read the comics so im judging just the films), Im not into enemies to lovers, there is nothing for me there. zero, zip, nada.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Thats a really hard question bc apart from fighting "mainstream" fanon with canon info i dont think im that invested about most headcanons? so, i will try. i will not elaborate tho.
if sirius was into any muggle subculture it would be punk
black brothers weren't tortured with cruciatus every other day for any minor inconvenience they caused. sirius was abused psychologically and emotionally and until the last second walburga hoped he would come back and take the role of the heir he was supposed to.
regulus wasnt forced into becoming a DE, but he did it bc he wanted to prove himself
alphard was gay and had muggle lover(s)
sirius would become a curse breaker, a social worker, an activist, a mechanic or an engineer or something like that. idk why but i dont like it when he's a healer/doctor. However I can see sirius joining the aurors with james, but i think he would resign not long after finishing training when he realises he cant fix the system from the inside. idk if james would resign tho.
if we assume that the marauders form a pack, its not remus who is the alpha, even while in wolf form
the last one im adding just bc i saw a post about it right before i started answering this ask: the full moon doesnt make remus horny. its a traumatic experience for him and he associates it with everything he fears - pain and loosing control. for a few days before the full he feels sick and weak and he hates everything and sirius has to fight tooth and nail to just get him under a blanket for a cuddle. right after the full he is exhausted and in pain. the further from the full the easier it is to get him in the mood, basically. (i feel like im the only one. at least on this one post every response was the opposite. i read just one ff with a similar thing - where its the new moon that makes werewolves horny.) i am not opposed to remus being horny right after the full tho
las one I just remembered: the hogwarts express has more than two stops. for gods sake. those kids arent travelling to London from Edinburgh just to spend the whole day on the train on the way back. (check out this map) all of the stations have platforms like 3 ⅓, 2 ⅚ and so on of course.
ask game
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soliloquent-stark · 4 months
How about 2 (stony), 7, and 15 (steve) for the pet peeve ask game?
2. What's your biggest [insert pairing] pet peeve(s)?
i wasn't sure if it meant fandom takes or my pet peeves about the pair, so i went for the former because i could not think of a specific pet peeve i have about them as a duo?
so, from a fanfic/fandom pov, it's probably when someone has a preference that is so obvious, it ruins the balance of the ship. for example, being able to tell that someone kinda dislikes steve by making him uncharacteristically mean, or forgiving and justifying all of tony's actions but catastrophising all of steve's etc. i think the beauty of stony is that they're both fucked up in their own way and they keep misstepping and trying to fix things, and portraying one as a victim and one as evil doesn't sit right with me (it can work for certain prompts, but i'm thinking more about some mcu canon fics/takes).
7. (Without naming names) what's something you've come across in a fic that made you genuinely uncomfortable and/or angry?
ahh, this is hard. one thing that comes to mind is when an immortal supersoldier steve pressured tony into taking a not-very-safe early version of extremis just so they can be together forever? or something like that. i remember thinking not only would steve never ask that of him, but he'd definitely be against the risks?
15. Name an aspect of [insert character] that you think gets frequently overlooked in fanfiction characterizations/deserves more attention/exploration
this is for mcu steve: i understand why we all kinda minimise steggy as part of steve's journey from a stevetony perspective, but i always feel like her death and steve having to carry her coffin in the midst of the civil war drama is a bit overlooked. i think steve was at an all-time low in that film, and it reinforces why he fought as hard as he did for bucky. after she passed, he was truly his only anchor to the past. and as much as i don't like his ending, i think steve fooled us all that he's fine and has adapted to the new century, but i think he carried this trauma with him all the way to the end, and when he saw an opportunity to belong again, he went for it. i guess my point is that, canonically, steve presents himself as strong no matter what, but i don't know that he ever felt fully at home in the future. so, even if he's happy with tony, i don't believe that would be enough to fix it all, and similarly to a widowed person who will always love their late partner because it wasn't a breakup that separated them, steve would always have a part of his past deep in his bones, and he would need therapy, and him and tony would have to navigate that, together.
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dracwife · 1 year
a match into water
ship: about this dream & you → mickey/tim word count: 765 summary: tim asks mickey about his scars. tw for implications of (past) selfharm, set early on in the relationship.
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Timothy McGee did not fancy himself a particularly nosy person. Perhaps a tad oblivious, at times, but never so much as to overstep boundaries. He certainly was no Tony DiNozzo, overly intrusive and terribly persistent, nor was he any Leroy Gibbs, with the cold hard stare that would coax any secret out tumbling terrified into the open. It was with no malicious intent did he on occasion peruse Tony's desk drawers in search of uncovering what he so curiously and frequently tucked away in there, nor with any ill will did he capture a glance at Abby's texts after she so enthusiastically expressed in anticipation of her evening plans; Rather, it was his curiosity that so often led him down these paths. And never once did he intend to step on toes, or interrupt conversations, or allow it to steal his focus. No, his curiosity is what made him such a good investigator. And what good of an investigator would he be if he did not ask questions?
He was not afraid to ask them, nor was he naive, simply curious. And maybe that curiosity led him astray down paths he should not have so eagerly crossed, but for the better or the worse, he did traverse them.
And one such path, for once he almost regretted, when with anxious interest did he approach Mickey, who stood back turned to him in the kitchen of his own apartment. 
He watched him for a moment, from just into the den, from the doorway to the bedroom where he had barely a view of the other man. He was wearing Tim's shirt, something that did not go unnoticed, which left most of him regrettably bare; He caught a glimpse again of Mickey as he bustled about, gathering snacks and bowls. 
Tim'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a particular sort of fondness for the way the other found himself so at home here. He walked slowly towards the kitchen, and rounding the corner he finally saw the other man in full -- he let himself take in every patch of exposed skin, hair still damp from the shower, the way his head fell to the side as he hit 'Start' on the microwave. 
Tim wondered if it was out of line to ask. But that curiosity irked him more than the anxiety pressed.
The other turns, "Did you set up the movie?"
Tim nods, smiles. Pauses. 
"Can I ask you something?"
Mickey shrugs. "Anything."
He's unsure how to ask. Not outright. His head tilts to the side, he opens his mouth. Closes it. His brows furrow.
"Have you ever…Been hurt on the job? Like, seriously hurt?"
Mickey looks at him, confused. 
"Rolled my ankle once, while training. Hurt like hell. Uhm…" He thinks back. "Broke my wrist tackling a suspect. That sucked."
"That's all?"
Mickey chuckles under his breath, a nervous laugh, afraid to answer incorrectly maybe. 
"Uh, yeah. That's all. Why do you ask?"
Tim's eyes fall to the counter. "Just…Curious."
"You always are."
"I --" he stops himself. Whatever brevity and bravery he'd been so used to having was suddenly gone. He never really felt the need to keep them around when it was just them, alone. But maybe now would've been a good time to.
He finally resigns whatever mask he so desperately tried to fit to his asking. "I noticed the scars. I'm sorry for asking."
"They're not -- I really shouldn't have asked, I didn't mean to bring up anything, any -- Memories, or…I don't mean that they're…They're not distracting, or, or --"
"No! God, no. No, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I don't mind."
Tim waited, but so did Mickey. They stood in silence briefly. Solemnly.
"They're old. They used to be much worse."
"...The uh…The wounds must have been pretty deep."
"Yeah. Yeah, they were."
Tim's fingers find their way underneath Mickey's chin, and push gently up, tearing his gaze from his arms. 
"I didn't mean to be intrusive. You don't have to talk about it."
"I know," Mickey's answer is quick. Too quick, maybe. He softens his voice, "I know."
Tim uses his leverage to press a gentle kiss to Mickey's lips. His other hand finds its way to Mimi's own, tense and anxiously fidgeting fingers intertwine with stable. Tim's thumb runs softly over the rough skin of the other's wrist in reassurance.
"Maybe one day?" he asks. It's understanding, not urging in the way Mickey's used to people asking. Something sweeter. Quieter. More delicate. 
"Maybe one day." 
He answers in kind. A promise. 
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
a blast from the past?
As much as there are flaws to blogging, I'm so glad it exists because I don't have the patience for handwritten diaries. Electronic blogging lets me revisit my posts years down the track like a time capsule.
So back before the first Avengers movies came out, the characters I found the most interesting were Tony and Loki. I enjoyed the Avengers, because these two guys were the focus of the show. It's interesting that I said this in my review:
If anything, I thought the most slighted hero of the lot was Captain America. Played with blue-eyed sincerity (daheck?) by Chris Evans, he's just so unbending that in a pool of quirky characters he gets overlooked. But it's nice to see him take command in the end, the way he should.
So if I, a non-Steve fan whose impression of Steve at the time was bland, complained about Steve being even more overlooked and bland in the movie...I can only imagine what it felt like to be a Steve fan going in.
(Snip for length - comments about Cap movies under cut)
I didn't even write a review for the first Cap movie, presumably because I watched it pirated and couldn't see enough in the blurry pixelation to leave an impression XDDD I'm not even sure I watched it before the Avengers, although I did watch it before Cap 2 because I said this for the CATWS review:
Personally I thought Captain America was a weaker outing for Marvel. Something about him just didn't quite connect with me, and while the underlying message echos with anyone who had ever been bullied, the rushed and perfunctory 3rd act left behind a generally sour taste. Added to that, while all of the characters were cheerfully likeable, none of them were all that memorable.
(Huh so I guess I didn't like Peggy as much as I thought I once did.)
I did love Captain America 2 though, although according to my own review I said "I actually garbled a lot about this after watching it yesterday, so I'm in a bit of a word-drought regarding it."
My only disappointment is that I feel I still don't have a grip on Steve's character. He's selfless, yes, but he also has very personal attachments. It won't be the first or second time he's run after Bucky into danger. But at the same time he's also the person who can detachedly tell his comrades that he was going to 1) crash his ship, 2) shut off the space portal with Iron Man still stuck outside or 3) bomb the ship he's still on. I feel there's some sort of conflict in this, that in crisis he can make these noble, difficult and somewhat emotionless decisions - and yet he seems very much driven by compassion and emotion.
I'm sure my 2014 me will be delighted to know that I've figured it out by 2021 that 1) Steve loves Bucky and 2) Whedon doesn't get Steve and 3) Steve still loves Bucky XDDDD
I ended with this, which I will include because it's hilarious how the wheel turns:
I think the Winter Soldier could have been more, yet at the same time I don't think they could have fit any more without slowing the pace down too much. I hope this is addressed in the next movie because it would make up for what's lacking in this movie - the dynamic between Cap and Winter Soldier, the tragedy and disbelief and the see-sawing between trust and mistrust that made the Thor-Loki dynamic so magnetic. The Winter Soldier was a terrifying menace, and Sebastian Stan did bring a hint of vulnerability in the rare moments that his character was exposed, but there was not much more. That said, the Steve-Bucky bromance is probably the least convincing of all I've seen. Oddly, the Steve/Sam dynamic is the most natural brothers-in-arms of the lot.
The irony of fate aside, to a degree I still agree with it. For a relationship that defined a large chunk of Steve's character, and almost the entirety of Bucky's existence, their onscreen interactions were very, very limited in CATWS (and now with the view of hindsight, in the entirety of the series). Sebastian Stan was given such a short length of time (compared to Loki) to work through the shock and betrayal and grief and horror of Bucky waking up to the reality what he had been turned into. While Bucky was effective as a narrative foil for Steve, the actual buildup of their relationship was patchy at best, and a lot of what we do have now is by filling in the large blanks in between brief moments of tenderness we do see.
I do wonder about the comment about "bromance" though. In reflection, I wonder if the Steve-Bucky bromance was least convincing because it was so...exceedingly devoted and magical (breaking spells of brainwashing and all that). As someone who gets squicked by watching sappy romcoms, the end of the line scene(s) tripped all sorts of wires and I think I was reacting to that. It felt more than a bromance, and that was why it was less convincing. Sam/Steve felt like good bros, Steve/Bucky...something else entirely.
And wow yeah did I have hopes for a better Cap 3 movie, even though I wasn't a Cap fan.
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lenievi · 8 months
001 for both mckirk and spones please!
This is gonna be long :D I'm gonna have to use read more
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: mckirk
when I started shipping it if I did: so when the lockdown in 2020 started, I had nothing to do and just watched stuff. I have this favourite dubber and I was looking at the list of stuff he dubbed, and saw Star Trek AOS on that list. This guy is the voice of 2000s Alan Rickman, Tom Hanks, Tony Stark, he also apparently dubbed Garak in that one Star Trek series, and so seeing the reboot films on the list and his name next to McCoy, I was like, gotta check how he sounds. The fact that Kirk was also dubbed by a guy I generally like was a plus. (funnily enough Captain America/Iron Man and Kirk/McCoy are dubbed by the same guys here, which is funny to me). So I checked youtube and the scene I saw was the scene in Beyond where Kirk and McCoy are alone and are having a drink. And that scene did something to my brain, and I was like this is the dynamic I want, I wanna read fics, so before that I had to watch the films. So I watched AOS, basically through McCoy (Kirk/McCoy) lenses and started to read fics. Three weeks later, I decided to watch TOS because a lot of the fics referenced Kirk's backstory, so I wanted to know about it. The three weeks reading fics and looking through livejournal, kind of made me think that McCoy wasn't really an important character in TOS and that AOS made up the mckirk relationship (such a lie), so when I started watching TOS, I only planned to watch episodes heavy on McCoy. Which like... were most of them at the beginning lol I kinda decided not to trust the fandom after like three episodes or something. I binged the three seasons of TOS in like three weeks. I've had a hard time seeing tos!Kirk with men for a long time (I've had a complicated "relationship" with tos!Kirk for so long), so my interest in tos!mckirk was primarily as a platonic relationship [but it was always my fave relationship, I liked it even more than spones, actually] (but romantic in aos), but I started to insert Kirk into my spones fics, wrote a part from his POV, and then one day I just woke up and decided to write a tos!mckirk fic (it was actually because I started to read aos fics again, getting back into aos!mckirk, but... the tos version has been calling me) and just embraced the romantic (and sexual lol) aspect of their relationship.
my thoughts: I love their friendship so much. It's very important to me. I like that McCoy knows what to say to pull Kirk back on the right path, I like that Kirk can be vulnerable around McCoy. In AOS I like that McCoy is the only one Kirk shares stuff with about his mother and his insecurities (in Beyond it looked like he never even allowed the other crew to acknowledge his birthday... until McCoy finally decided to give him a party, after 5 years on the Enterprise...)
What makes me happy about them: we see both of them the most at ease around each other. They can forget who they are around each other, for a moment, at least. McCoy gives Kirk some of his most brightest smiles; McCoy can make Kirk genuinely laugh. Kirk needs him. badly.
What makes me sad about them: I eat angst for breakfast, so uhm...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the lack of their friendship even in gen fics T_T (we all know what annoys me in aos fic, we don't need a rehash)
things I look for in fanfic: having more fics would be fun lol You know, just a genuine intimacy they show in the the show. Jim's sense of duty being the cause of angst.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  McCoy with Spock (I do like the idea of mckirk to spones after the movie era, more or less). tos movie era Kirk? Actually, no one.
My happily ever after for them: buying a cabin in the mountains and getting two dogs (one big and one small) post TUC (then we can stop time lol or not...)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: idk haven't thought about their sleeping position. It would probably change based on what kind of story I'd wanna tell
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: .... you know, they're happy when they find the time to have sex...
spones under the cut
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: spones
when I started shipping it if I did: so above I said that I started to watch TOS because of mckirk, right? Mainly because of The Conscience of the King and Tarsus IV, right? Well... I finished that episode shipping spones LMAO It really was quite quick for me.
my thoughts: the most engaging dynamic in TOS imho
What makes me happy about them: The loyalty, the trust. They were in each other's lives for 100 years. 100 years. That they're more similar than different. That they actually understand each other, but would never admit it. "I don't think I could stand to lose you again." < what is that? so real to have McCoy say that
What makes me sad about them: that they would leave the other one behind and die if it meant to save Kirk (this isn't meant negatively, I'm not really explicit about it or talk about it, but my spones know that Kirk's life is a priority, sometimes even just to show that no, we're not emotionally compromised, we know what our duty is kinda way. I just think it'd be great to explore that in a fic)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: uhm (I'm speaking in general, it is just my opinion based on my taste; I believe that everyone should write what makes them happy, we can't ever please every single person) McCoy using hobgoblin, elf, jackrabbit (the last two are terms that Kirk used to make Spock angry) as a form of affection/endearment, or at all tbh. McCoy being insecure because of Kirk. (give me Spock being insecure because of McCoy-Kirk friendship) Some people feeling guilty about writing spones and therefore still making kirk-spock have the specialest bond *rolls eyes* I just don't get the need to quantify relationships, I guess. Any kind of pet names.
things I look for in fanfic: balanced relationship, mature arguments that don't rely on pettiness, trying to combine the different world views, not needing to express love in a traditional way, but a way that works for the two of them and their two differing cultures.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: McCoy with Kirk, obviously. Spock with Chapel or T'Pring (even during the movie era, yes).
My happily ever after for them: 100 years. What more do you want? LOL My personal hc is that when McCoy dies, and Spock goes to Romulus, McCoy's spirit is always there because a part of his soul stayed inside Spock's katra. So Spock is just haunted by McCoy's spirit until he dies on New Vulcan, and then they're put into the katra stone. Together forever.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I imagine them more as Spock sleeping on his back and McCoy's head on his arm/chest.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: banter (they especially enjoy if it makes Kirk exasperated)
[ask meme]
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theshakykid · 1 year
En Route (Peter Parker X Reader)
Summary: Peter Parker is aboard the Argo III, the world’s biggest passenger ship. He was sent by Tony Stark to strike a deal with Silver Sable, a wealthy businesswoman. But Stark’s deal will have to wait, as Peter has set his eyes on something- or someone - else.
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Warning: Mentions of naked people lol.
Peter saw (Y/N) three days later. She was lounging on the main deck, her head immersed in a book. Huge black sunglasses framed her face. Her white sundress was slightly sheer, leaving Peter's face a burning red.
He walked past her, hiding his face behind the photo album he was holding. Peter was too concerned with not getting noticed that he didn't see the woman standing in front.
"Oh my- Watch where you're going," the woman yelled, pushing him out of the way.
His mission of not getting noticed was now futile.
"Peter?! Hey, it's been quite some time since we've seen. I tried looking for you, but this ship is huge," (Y/N) giggled, removing the sunglasses off her face.
"H... Hey (Y/N), I was a little busy with some things so... uhm... yeah," Peter answered, trying not to meet her eyes.
"Come on, why are you still standing there? Sit here."
Peter reluctantly walked up to her and sat down on the nearest chair. He placed his album behind him, trying to hide it from her.
"What's that?" she asked, tilting her head.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just an album."
"An album? Of what?"
"Some... Uh... photos. That I took."
"Okay, you can't say that and not show me," (Y/N) grinned.
Peter sighed and opened it. He knew there was no way for him to deter her from looking at it.
He flipped through to the first page, gesturing her to get closer. The photo was of an old woman. Her hair almost completely white, save for a few strands in front of her face. She is sitting on a chair under a tree. A crochet hook hung from her hands.
"This is Bridget. I met her when I went to Germany."
"Is that a spruce tree?"
Peter hummed and replied, "She sits under it till the sun sets, waiting for her husband to return home."
"Is he not going to come back?"
"No, he died during the Vietnam War," Peter replied, his mouth upturned into a poignant smile. He flipped to the next photo. A man in his forties. He's sitting in a bar. The neon pink hair tie around his wrist contrasted against the light-yellow beer he was holding.
"This is Ivan. Met him at a Russian bar. He lost his daughter to cancer a few years back. He carries one of her scrunchies wherever he goes."
(Y/N) looked at the picture, and then up at Peter. For somebody who claims to be a casual photographer, he's really good at capturing the feel of the person being photographed.
Peter flipped through some more photos of people, but as soon as he reached the middle of the book, he quickly closed it.
"Wait, what happened? Is that all?" (Y/N) asked, confused why he did that.
"Uh yeah, yeah. That's it. I didn't take anymore," Peter replied, his fingers fiddling with each other.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes and grabbed the book before he could stop her.
She flipped past the middle of the book to be met with-
"Is this a naked woman?!" (Y/N) gasped, getting distasteful looks from the people nearby.
"Shh, don't yell that out loud! Yes, it is. And before you call me a perv-"
"Uh, too late, pervert."
"I'm not a pervert! It's art, ok? Like those photos we saw below deck."
"Uh huh, right," (Y/N) gazed at him with squinted eyes, not believing his claims.
"Fine, look at the next one," Peter tensed, taking the book from her hands. He went to the next page, and the one after that.
It was photos of women... and men.... either half-naked or completely nude. But (Y/N) could see what Peter was implying. It wasn't anything lewd or vulgar. It was simply, art.
"D... Do you understand now?" Peter squeaked; worry etched into his crimson face.
"Mm, Sort of."
"At least you don't think of me as a perv?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Peter let out a sigh and leaned back into the chair, ignoring (Y/N)'s look of amusement.
"Hey, what did you mean by that?" Peter started. He sat upright again and balanced his photo album on his lap.
"By what?"
"That day in the bar. You said it was quite some time since you truly smiled?"
(Y/N) took in a deep breath.
"Nothing. I was just drunk," she replied, her mouth drawn into a thin line. Her face suddenly lit up, almost as quickly as it went down. "Hey, let's do something. Come on, follow me."
Peter sighed and got up, following her out of the main deck. He already knew it was going to be something crazy. Fortunately, he liked crazy.
"Can I know where exactly we're going?" Peter asked, walking with a slight skip to his step.
"My room," (Y/N) grinned.
They stopped in front of a white door. (Y/N) swiped her key card and got in. It was a big suite. There was only one bedroom and bathroom, but it was much more spacious compared to Peter's place.
"What do you want to do?" Peter asked, sitting on her bed.
"Can you take a photo of me?" (Y/N) asked, grabbing a camera from one of the cupboards. "This camera belongs to my fiancé, Sean. You met him in that bar, remember? I want you to take a photo of me with this."
"Uhm, ok sure. Just sit somewhere and strike a pose," Peter shrugged. He took the camera and adjusted the settings.
"But there's a catch," (Y/N) said with a glint in her eye.
"Which is?"
"You should take a photo of me, wearing this necklace."
(Y/N) held up a blue pendant necklace. The locket was in the shape of a heart. The blue gemstone glistened under the sunlight coming in through the window.
"Wearing only this."
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unseededtoast · 9 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 31/37 | Part Thirty, Part Thirty Two
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
It hits me like a brick wall as I realize this could be my last night spent with him.
I wake up to bright fluorescent lights in my eyes. I squint and move my head side to side, I don't know where I am. Restraints hold me to a table when I try to sit up. The last thing I remember is being on the ship fleeing from Sokovia. I hear a door open and someone walks in. The table starts moving and puts me in an upright position. Fury is standing in front of me, arms crossed. I know I didn't leave him on good terms. He scowls at me,
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Averina." He breaks the silence. I swallow, my throat hurting from being dry.
"I can explain everything." I say, voice raspy.
"There will be time to explain, they're putting you on trial." He says.
"Who is?" I ask. I knew when I made the decision to help Wanda and Pietro escape that this was a possibility.
"Shield is. You'll be detained until the council comes together. You could be facing the rest of your life in the Raft."
"The Raft?" I ask, never hearing of it before.
"Max security prison out by Riker's." He says.  He takes a few steps closer to me.
"All I have to say is that you better have a damn good explanation." I look into his eye before he turns and walks away.
I close my eyes as he walks out. When I explain what happened who knows if they'll buy it, they might still choose to lock me up. I know in my heart I did the right thing, at least I'll be going to prison with no regrets.
Someone else walks in and I open my eyes. Steve stands in front of me, scowl on his face.
"I don't even know what to say to you. I mean what happened?" He asks, obviously not happy with me.
"Bruce called and said Tony had done something with the gem and that there were rogue robots coming after us. I had to protect them all." I give him the abbreviated version of the whole story.
"And what was that with Bucky on the ship from Sokovia? I saw him kiss you." Is this really what he's concerned about right now?
"Steve, with all due respect I think there are bigger issues to focus on than my relationship with Bucky." This should be the least of our concerns right now and I'm baffled that it's even being brought up.
"I'll be on that council, just so you know." He says and turns to walk out.
"I figured out how to undo the programming, by the way. It's almost complete." He stops for a moment before walking out of the room completely. I hope he comes to his senses and votes logically during the hearing.
Almost immediately after Steve leaves, Bucky comes in. Finally someone I'm happy to see. I smile at him, and he smiles back but I can tell his mind is preoccupied.
"What happened?" I ask, trusting him to tell me everything.
"Well, we made it to the ship. Your arm got totally dislocated when I pulled you up and so they sent you here. They had to screw your arm back into the socket." He says and I nod.
"Well hey at least you're not the only one with a metal arm now." I try to lighten the mood a bit. He smiles and shakes his head,
"Only you could crack a joke when everything is going to hell." He says tenderly.
"Things going to hell is nothing new to me." I say and he sighs,
"Adalyn, I'm going to be honest with you. It's not looking good. They're putting you on trial and Tony is campaigning to put you away for life. There was talk about putting me on trial too but Steve struck a deal with Tony if they benched that." He looks into my eyes and things really start to set in.
"I mean I did commit crimes, Buck. I can't just expect to get off scot-free. If they do put me away, Wanda will undo everything. She has what she needs. I had the book and flash drive in my suit, you'll need to find that and destroy them." I say, giving him instructions in case I never see the light of day again.
"If anyone should be on trial it's Tony. He's the one who caused Sokovia's destruction." Bucky says with anger in his voice.
"Tony has money and connections, he'll never face any time." I say. Though it sucks, it's true.
"Yeah. Anyway, I'm here to get you. You're instructed to stay in the room until the trial." He says and undoes my restraints. He helps me onto the ground and out the door. I feel the pain in my shoulder. My arm is in a sling, which helps alleviate some of the pressure.
We walk quickly to the room to avoid the glances and glares from the others in the building. I can tell most of the people here are likely rooting for me to be put away. Hopefully if I can get my side of the story out they'll understand.
Once we get to the room I sit on the bed and Bucky locks the door. He runs a hand through his hair and sits next to me. I don't know what there is to say. I lean against him, and he puts an arm around me, being cautious to avoid my injured shoulder. If I am put away for life I'll probably never see Bucky again. I soak in the feeling of having him near.
"I don't want to go to prison." I say, the full effect of what might happen hitting me hard. I know I'll be in there with a clear conscience but I don't want to be away from Bucky. I don't think I could live without having him, I can't be without him again. He means too much. After all we've been through it can't end like this.
"We could run away. Disappear, like we never existed." He says. It sounds like a good idea, but I know it could never last long term. I look up into his eyes,
"You know that isn't sustainable." I say. He brushes my cheekbones with his thumb.
"We can make it work. Adalyn I can't live without you." He says and I see his nose turn red, he's holding back tears. With my good arm I pull him in for a hug.
"When is the trial?" I ask.
"First thing tomorrow." He says next to my ear. I know we're working with a limited timeframe. There's one last thing to do before I might get sent away.
"Go get Wanda and see if you can find the book and flash drive. We'll undo it here and be done with it finally. If I am sent away, at least I know you'll be okay and the Soldier is dead." I say and he backs away from the hug.
"Are you sure?" He asks, I nod.
"As long as you're ready." I say and he stands from the bed. He gives me a wordless nod and leaves the room. I stand from the bed and start nervously pacing. This isn't quite how I imagined this would go, but at least it's getting done after all this time.
After a few minutes the door opens again and both Bucky and Wanda walk in. Wanda smiles at me and the air in the room feels heavy and somber. I take a deep breath. I walk up to Bucky and look into his eyes, seeing the fear in them.
"Whenever you're ready we'll do this. It'll be okay, I'll be with you the entire time." I grab his hand and he squeezes it. He leans down and gives me a kiss, I feel the emotion and passion in it. I kiss him back with equal enthusiasm.
He breaks away from the kiss and brushes some hair behind my ear. He bites his bottom lip as he looks over my face. He gives me another quick kiss and then nods his head.
"Let's do this." Wanda hands me the book and flash drive. I place them on the bedside table and go to Bucky.
He sits on the bed and I kneel in front of him. I take both of his hands and hold them tightly. I can see that he's scared, I would be too if I were in his position but I know this will work. Wanda walks behind him quietly and takes a few breaths while she closes her eyes.
"Are we ready?" She asks, accent thick. Tears well in my eyes, along with Bucky's. He grips my hands, and I feel a tear trickle down my cheek.
"I'm ready." He says and keeps his eyes trained on me. I see Wanda behind him start to conjure her magic.
I don't give Bucky any indication of what's happening, I don't want to worry him. I smile and try to put him at ease the best I can. His baby blue eyes close as Wanda's magic touches his temples. His grip on my hands tighten, his metal hand almost crushing mine but I ignore the pain. His needs are more important right now.
I anxiously watch as Wanda works her magic on Bucky. Silently I say a prayer, hoping this goes smoothly. I know once this is done I'll have to say the words to make sure the Soldier is truly dead. I watch as Bucky's face contorts and relaxes, his eyebrows twitching every few seconds. I bite my lip, the waiting is unbearable.
Suddenly, his face is still. Wanda's magic starts retracting itself from his mind. I watch with wide eyes. This is the moment we've been waiting for. Wanda opens her eyes and has an unreadable expression on her face. The silence in the room is deafening. Bucky's grip on my hands goes lax and I watch eagerly, waiting for him to open his eyes.
His blue eyes shoot open and stare straight forward before landing on my face. I can't tell what's happening.
"Bucky?" I ask, more tears threatening to stream down my cheeks. What if something went wrong? He blinks a few times and stays silent, still looking at me.
I worry that it didn't work and he's having an adverse reaction. The simulation showed it would work, and it never failed me for the many years I used it. Tears spill onto my cheeks as my mind starts spiraling.
In the blink of an eye he stands and grabs me by the waist. For a split second I worry that he's the Soldier and that I might be getting killed. However, he spins us around and I see the look on his face, bliss. He sets me on the ground with the widest smile I've ever seen, the brightest twinkle in his ocean blue eyes.
"Adalyn." He says breathlessly. I smile as he leans down to kiss me, the taste of my tears intertwining with our lips. I break away and know there's one last step before we can truly celebrate. I lightly push him back onto the bed and he looks at me with confusion. I wipe my eyes and sigh,
"There's one last thing. I have to say the words to make sure it really works." I say and his face falls flat.
"Let's just get it over with." He says and I nod. I nervously crack the knuckles on my hand and stand in front of him.
"If for some reason it didn't work, I know how to control you. You won't hurt anyone, I promise." I say. He nods and sets his jaw tightly, staring straight. Wanda takes a few steps back. In my native tongue, I start the sequence I'm all too familiar with.
"Longing." I say, his face remains stoic.
"Rusted." My accent becomes more prominent. It's been a while since I've spoken in Russian, especially these cursed words.
"Furnace." His face remains still.
"Daybreak." I say, increasing the speed that I deliver the words. I'm feeling hopeful. Usually at this point he starts reacting to the programming.
"Seventeen." Still nothing.
"Benign." I see his jaw twitch. I pause, waiting to see if anything is going to happen. He doesn't seem to be struggling with anything at all.
"Nine." He licks his lips, still staring straight ahead.
"Homecoming." He turns his focus from the wall to me. I see life in his eyes.
"One." I say, feeling a smile threaten to show itself on my face. I don't want to get too hopeful just yet. There's one more word.
"Freight car." I say. I hold my breath and watch, our eyes locked on one another.
Breaking the tense atmosphere, Bucky stands and once again pulls me in for a hug. His body shakes and I feel wetness soak through my shirt. It worked. It really worked. We pull away from the hug and we're both crying. Tears stream down our faces as we kiss one another.
"You're free. You're finally free." I say, a sob coming over my body. My hands shake with excitement as I hold his face endearingly. I see Wanda back out of the room quietly. Bucky holds my face in his hands, his eyes red and streaming tears.
"I love you so much, Adalyn. You're my saving grace." He says and kisses me. My tummy flips as I hear his words. I kiss him back.
"I love you too, Buck." I say and he rejoins our lips. He's careful of my shoulder, and is gentle as he lays me down on the bed. He hovers over me, lips still attached.
His lips travel from mine, to my jaw, down to my neck and sends shivers down my body. He licks the sensitive skin on my neck and travels to my collarbones. His hands are firm on my waist, my body ignites with heat. I lean my head back against the bed and savor the feeling.
I feel his lips lightly suck on the thin skin covering my collar bones and a soft moan leaves my lips. His fingers travel from my waist and lift the hem of my shirt, exposing my skin to the cool air. His lips leave my skin as he hovers over me,
"Are you sure you want to?" He asks, lips plump and red. I nod my head, knowing I've never been more sure of anything.
"Yes, please." I say, wanting to feel his lips on me again. Without another word he trails kisses from my jaw, down to my neck, past my collar bones until he reaches my chest.
He places soft, tender kisses on me as his metal hand slides under my shirt and teases one of my nipples. A shiver comes over my body as my back arches into his touch. The coolness of the metal sends a feeling of pure bliss through me. My breathing picks up as he continues to tease me, his lips leaving wet marks over my chest and torso.
He slides my shirt up and over my head seamlessly. I watch as he admires my body, his usual bright blue eyes a shade darker, his pupils dilated. I lick my lips and wish he would return the favor for me. With my good hand I tug at the bottom of his shirt and he smirks,
"You want this off?" He asks and I nod my head. He stands straight and pulls it off, his perfectly toned torso on full display. I see the scars around his arm, nothing I haven't seen before. I've seen Bucky shirtless a number of times, but never in this context.
He tosses the shirt onto the floor and hovers over me again, our bare torsos touching each other. I arch into the contact and use my good hand to pull him down to me. I kiss him sloppily, feeling my body pulse with need and lust for him.
I wrap my legs around his waist and move so that I'm on top of him. His hands hold my waist and I lean down to kiss his jaw. His stubble tickles my face as I litter his jawline with soft, wet kisses. I feel his fingertips dig into my skin with each kiss. I grind my hips into his and moan as I feel him underneath me.
I kiss down his neck and flick my tongue on the spot he reacts to the most. He pushes my body down onto his, and I close my eyes in pleasure. I wiggle myself down to rest on his thighs and place a line of kisses down his torso. He tangles a hand in my hair and I look up at him as I lick from the top of his pants to the middle of his abs. He throws his head back onto the bed and his chest rises and falls quickly as he pants in pleasure.
I grind my hips on his thigh as I put my fingers in the waistband of his pants. He bucks his hips up and lets me pull his pants down. He's fully exposed and I waste no time. I lean down and put my mouth on the tip, my hand on the base. I start moving my hand up and down with my mouth, tasting his saltiness on my tongue. I hear a soft moan come from him and I smirk, happy that I'm pleasing him.
His hand tangled in my hair tugs lightly as he moves my head up and down. I take as much of him in my mouth as I can, and flick my tongue on the sensitive spot right underneath the tip. I feel his legs tense up and he moans again, tugging on my hair.
"Come here." He says through his heavy breathing and I move so that my face is above his. He moves his hands to my waist and flips us over so he's above me. He places sloppy kisses on my body, working his way down. He puts two fingers in my waistband on either side and slides my pants down. I feel the cool air hit the heat of my body.
His hands grip my hips and he kisses down from my belly button. I close my eyes and lean my head back as I feel his tongue on me. I push my hips into him, needing him closer. His tongue flicks up and down over my most sensitive part and I can't help but to let out a moan.
I feel two of his metal fingers slide inside me, causing me to gasp. One of my hands tangles in his long hair, keeping his face in place. His fingers pump inside of me, and I feel myself become more and more aroused. He continues this for a few more moments before he takes a break and comes back to me, his face above mine. I kiss him, tasting myself on his lips.
I reach down and grab him in my hands, pumping my hand back and forth. His eyes flutter, his lips wet from me. I guide him to where he needs to be and rub his tip on my clit before he slides inside of me.
We both moan, the feeling is indescribable. I feel myself grip him as he starts moving his hips back and forth. I bring my lips to his neck and flick my tongue back and forth, causing him to moan once more. I feel for his metal hand and guide it to my neck.
I show him how I want to be choked, and he applies pressure to the sides of my throat. He uses his other hand to hold the headboard. I feel the pleasure all over and moan out loudly. His hips grind into mine, hitting my sweet spot just right. I wrap my legs around his waist and look into his eyes, my mouth open and panting.
I see his eyebrows scrunch together as if he's focusing. I take my hand and move it to my chest, teasing myself. I moan again as I look into his eyes, his pupils grow wider. His lips fall open as he pushes himself into me over and over again.
As his hips keep hitting just the right spot over and over I feel my legs tense.
"Just like that, right there." I moan out, feeling that I'm close. He continues his fluid movements, pushing into me and hitting all of the right areas. I throw my head back onto the bed as my legs tighten around him and I clench around him over and over.
I feel his movements become less and less rhythmic until he pushes himself deep into me. He moves his metal hand from my neck as both of his hands grip my hips. I feel him twitch inside of me and I can't be bothered to care. It all feels too good to think straight.
We both breathe hard as he finishes inside of me, and I moan again as he slides out of me. He rests his head in the curve of my neck and I remove my legs from around his waist. I move over on the bed so he can lay next to me, and he does.
We lay silently next to one another. He kisses my forehead and pulls me close, so that my head is resting on his arm. I look into his eyes, happier than I've ever been before. I cup his face in my hand and run my thumb over the stubble on his jaw.
"I love you, so much." I say quietly. He leans in and kisses me, the two of us soaking in the moment.
It hits me like a brick wall as I realize this could be my last night spent with him.
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missingn000 · 1 year
so i finally worked out the details of my jjk-sxf crossover au
-it's a no-curse modern au
-first fic in the series is a toji & yor oneshot where they meet in a dog park playing with bond and divine dogs. yor shows some feat of insane strength and toji realizes they're alike; they discuss the pros and cons of their similarities and it ends with them setting up a playdate for their kids. megumi has beef with anya already
-next story is loid & nanami bonding over their pink problem children. this one is a yuuji and sukuna are twins au. sukuna is still a little demon who shouts "unhand me, you mortal!!!" when nanami tries to get him to listen. nanami sighs & goes along with it like "not until his highness finishes his vegetables"
-i have this mental image of master henderson sighing at the itadori twins & anya being like "why is it whenever something happens, it's always you three?"
-can y'all even imagine the volleyball episode with itadori twins, megumi, and anya? rip bill watkins
LOTS more below cut
-all the jjk kids (itadori twins, megumi, etc) come to eden in anya's second year. can you even apply to eden after first grade? who knows, but in this au i'm deciding they can. they're all in the same hall
-don't ask me how yuuji got into eden, i don't know either. i like to think that despite being the most troublesome, sukuna is the first to become an imperial scholar. it does NOT help with his ego
-i got myself accidentally invested in partners in crime sukuna & anya??? after overhearing his classmates call anya creepy and violent for something she did a year ago on her first day of school, sukuna gets pissed they're being superficial and judgmental towards her, so he beats up some random kid to take the heat off her
-they become best friends after that. sukuna only gets one toni bolt too because henderson realizes he did it to protect anya
-sukuna doesn't approve of damian & scares the shit out of him. he gives damian the most terrifying shovel talk of all time when anya and damian finally get together
-wouldn't it be so cool if yor and toji went on a mission together? that could be an epic story in itself
-i think mamaguro still dies in this au (though she's still alive in the first story). toji doesn't go completely off the rails though since he has friends to support him. yor especially helps a lot since they're quite close by now
-that said, megumi still needs two parents to get into eden. yor does him a "favor" and gets loid to convince nightfall to pretend to be megumi's mother for the interview
-yeah, i accidentally made myself ship them. toji could fix her i think. imagine how awkward and adorable fiona bonding with megumi would be. also, trope of found family + melting the ice princess?? i am HERE for it. also fiona fushiguro just sounds really good
-gojo needs to be a dad in all stories of mine, so he'd be the adoptive papa of nanako and mimiko ofc, but also he needs zen'in kids so he takes in maki and mai. god what a household
-gojo and getou are married. gojo is a famous genius astrophysicist and getou is a (former?) concert violinist who cracked under the pressure and is mostly a stay at home dad now
-nanami is married to shoko. she's a surgeon and a total enabler of her sons' mischief
-still working on everyones' backstories, but i'm thinking the itadori twins' mom (kaori or kenjaku?? she couldn't have been possessed in a no curse au, but...i'll figure something out) was a serial killer who murdered jin, hence the boys needing to be adopted. still deciding whether or not kaori was caught or is on the loose
-the boys were first taken by a lab similar to anya's, which is how they got super-strength, but it was shut down
-took the boys a while to find a good home, since many potential adoptive parents had a stigma towards them because of who their mother was. nanami and shoko thought it absurd that children should be cast aside solely because of their parentage
-sukuna saw kaori kill jin and it scarred him pretty badly, hence why he's way more jaded and a problem child than yuuji. he kinda blames himself for not being able to save his father, despite being literally four at the time. his greatest fear is turning out like his mother
this is all still developing, but i'm really excited to work on it!! it def won't be a linear multichap like tpg, probably more like a series of oneshots as i get new ideas. hopefully i'll have the first part published soon!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Rhodey/Tony ship being less popular! I did a quick search and saw something about the actor change, which is super valid; I'm interested in hearing more too, tbh. If you're open to talking about it, of course. If not, feel free to ignore this. :)
I don't mind at all.
I'm a big fan of a number of ships with a black guy that were either unpopular or the less popular option. Many of them strike me as falling into fairly similar patterns, not just with the ship itself but with what the other "rival" ship is like and various other fandom dynamics.
Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs from Miami Vice are buddy cops with a super intense relationship of the kind where they spy on each other's girlfriends because they're always insanely suspicious of them and are forever ditching people the minute the other one wants something. The big ship in the zine days was Crockett/Castillo. That's partly due to Edward James Olmos being smoking hot in the 80s, but you basically never saw Castillo/Tubbs, and a lot of the comments C/C fans made were like "I don't think Tubbs cares about Crockett enough". There was a lot of coded talk about Tubbs being "full of himself", which basically means a black guy who doesn't have false modesty as a cultural value. The thing that annoyed me the most was all the C/C fics that act like they're buddy cops. If people are there for daddykink with the stern boss wrecking Crockett, I get it. (And those zine fics are extremely hot.) But to take a series with a zillion sets of buddies, including some for Castillo, ship a non-buddy ship and then go on about the buddy vibes... just... guys... have you heard yourselves???
A lot of ships where people think "Man, if he hadn't been black, this would have been huge" fall into similar patterns. The black guy is almost always the Sane Best Friend rather than the Single Perfect Tear Woobie. Plenty of ships, like Sam/Steve from MCU, further have the problem that the black guy is a side character who doesn't get the development of some of the white leads.
Tony/Rhodey strikes me as being a little different. It shares the problem of Rhodey being a side character while other white leads got a lot of development, and he's another Sane Best Friend to a compelling white hot mess, but it had some other things going on too.
Ships and fanon often form very early in a fandom's history. I know they used Rhodey some after I stopped watching, but the part of MCU I did see is where a lot of the fic trends came from for years afterwards. Iron Man 1 has some potential shipbait with Rhodey searching frantically for Tony, but all of that good shit is erased, IMO, by him being recast for the next movie. Since the majority of fic writers were just MCU fans, not comics fans, this is like a whole new character.
Maybe if he'd been styled the same and acted the same, it would have been less jarring, but IM2 Rhodey is also a dad sweater-wearing wet blanket who gets handed the humorless Nagging Babysitter role. This is not sexy. It is not shippy. Pepper got a bit of it, but she also got a lot of canon romantic development with Tony. Rhodey just got shafted.
Compare to elsewhere in MCU: Sam was presented as a hottie with a snarky sense of humor. A lot of people walked into TWS eager to see Bucky come back and walked out being more interested in Sam. It didn't lead to a ton of fic, but there was more Sam/Steve than Tony/Rhodey, and there was a lot more buzz.
Race isn't irrelevant, but Tony/Rhodey shippers crying about how racism sank their ship are just wrong. Fandom was never going to go for the unfunny babysitter over the zillions of other dynamics available.
I didn't keep up with MCU, but Sam went on to get his own buddy team up with Bucky, and Rhodey got... what? Not much that I heard about.
So yeah, I think we should lay most of the blame at canon's door relative to a case like Miami Vice or Psych.
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teenageheartthrob · 2 years
Final Exit- Part 3 (Stucky x Reader)
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Series Summary: Bucky is injured during a mission. It's up to you and Steve to rescue him, but is it too late?
Category: Angst, fluff
Ship: Steve x Reader x Bucky (Stucky x Reader)
Trigger Warnings: injury, mentions of death
Word Count: 1.4 k
The night was already grim. Rain and harsh winds smacked against glass windows, threatening everyone inside with its force. 
Shaky, shallow breaths wracked heavy coughs through Bucky Barnes’ body. Being told you are unlikely to survive the week, he realised now, really did squash any dash of hope left inside you. 
Bucky had always thought, no, known, that the most noble act he could commit was laying down his life for a cause. Until a few years ago, he didn’t have a cause, then you came into his life. Steve was always more than a friend to the soldier, but you were the missing piece that completed them both. 
In the evenings, it was common for you or Steve to sit by his side, often both, but with your other partner effectively shutting himself off from you, it was getting harder and harder to be around him- and now Bucky’s puzzle had a missing piece.
That night in question, Bucky had thought it was a Sunday, you had come in as usual to sit with him. Most of what you did during those hours was talk to him- telling him about your day and anything else you could think of that wouldn’t make him more scared for what was coming. 
“Hey, baby,” you’d said, taking Bucky’s noticeably frail hand in your own. You tried not to move his shoulder too much, not knowing if he could still feel the pain or was too far gone. “I just want you to know…I’m not upset. Not with you, anyway.”
The former soldier’s heart had a sudden, deep pang as he realised that you and Steve weren’t holding up as well you had been letting on. If he could have cried, he thought a tear may have slipped down his cheek at the thought of being the reason for you and Steve falling apart. 
He knew he wasn’t going to be a part of your relationship for much longer, at least in life, all he hoped was that the two of you got the happy-ever-after he knew you both deserved.
Your voice broke as you sniffed, unconsciously checking over your shoulder for Steve. You needed a moment alone with Bucky, you needed to say this. 
“I have never been prouder of you than I was last week. You saved so many people, Buck. And I know you think that you need to make up for your past mistakes or something, but I promise you, you don’t own anyone a thing.”
You were openly sobbing now, the strain grew on Bucky’s heart as he could do nothing to comfort you. Not even having the strength to open his weary eyes, he lay there, letting your voice wash over him like a warm blanket. 
Never once had you or Steve judged him for the indiscretions of his past. Neither of you saw him as that man, it was someone completely different to the one before you- who was so warm and innocent, in sickness and in health. Everyone saw that side to Bucky eventually. Even Tony, who had finally come around after learning how his parents truly died. 
Just like then, you and Steve would fight with him and for him. Till the end of the line. 
You cleared your throat and the brunet felt your breath against his cheek. 
“I love you, James Buchanan Barnes.”
With that, you left. 
You didn’t have to verbalise to Bucky the meaning behind your words, he knew that was your way of saying goodbye. 
As he lay there in thought, he yet again pondered life after death. In the end, he decided he was ready to face whatever lay on the other side. God’s judgement be damned, he had already experienced heaven with you two. 
Unknown to Bucky, Dr. Cho had informed his loves that this was likely to be one of his last nights. Of course, he probably could have told you that himself, had he been able to function on a human level. 
Steve decided the night should be like any other that week. 
The blond and yourself entered the brunet’s room at about 8pm, a few hours after your initial goodbye to one half of your life. 
Steve was carrying the third Harry Potter novel in his hand. It was one of the longest series he could think to read to his sick partner, and he was grateful for his choice, as the pastime had already burnt through two books so far that week. 
This was the routine. 
Steve was reading to you both in a hushed, even tone, and you held Bucky’s hand, trying to let your tears fall anywhere but on him. 
You weren’t concentrating on the blond’s narration, far from it. All you could think to do was try and memorise the way Bucky’s hands felt in yours, the way his skin moved against your own. 
You knew what was coming, you just wanted him to be at peace. Steve yelled at you for it when he found out but you didn’t care, you knew what your boyfriend needed. 
“Let go for me, James,” you had told him, leaning down to whisper as confidently as you could in his ear, “It's all going to be okay, baby. You can let go now.”
You didn’t sleep that night, not that you did any other. Somehow, deep down, you knew what would be waiting for you when you woke up.
When Steve Rogers found out, he had already been in the small library of the Avengers compound for three hours, where he could have been found any time in the past few days. He had his nose buried in one medical textbook after another, searching for answers, signs of hope.
He found out just as Gray’s Anatomy had failed him for a second time. 
When you found out, you were in bed. You felt extremely guilty about this, at least Steve was doing something productive. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed, to face it- your new reality. 
When you found out, your head was buried in the pillows, trying to block out any noise that wasn’t the sound of your partner’s voices. 
Bucky had done what you said, he let go. 
It was peaceful, and as cliche as it was, the light he saw had a warm embrace. He left this earth knowing he had accomplished some good, and he thought that was pretty alright. He left only one regret with his passing- that he never got to marry the loves of his life.
It was a Monday when Bucky Barnes died. He lasted longer than anyone had thought possible and although it would be the right thing to say you were glad his suffering was over, you were the furthest thing from it. 
Now that Bucky was gone, actually gone, you felt a hole inside you, where you’d previously felt numb. A big, gaping bullet wound of a hole that your living partner couldn’t and wouldn’t attempt to soothe. 
James Barnes was stupid and selfish and you were angry. The kind of anger that swells in your gut for days and you know there’s a very real chance that you may kill whoever it is unleashed on. The kind of anger that boils your blood and courses through your fingertips like lightning bolts do from Mjolnir. 
‘Funny how quickly death changed your perception,’ you thought. Until the brunet died, you genuinely weren’t angry. But now he was gone, and everything was different, horrible. 
Others around the compound tried to console you, but they weren’t who you needed. Bucky was gone and you weren’t getting him back. The only one who understood that pain was Steve. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t considered what you and Steve would do if-when, Bucky passed. You had assumed you would stay together, trying somehow to continue on and honour your boyfriend’s spirit, his memory. 
Now you weren’t so sure.
It had taken Steve three days after Bucky’s death to even sleep in the same bed as you, crawling beneath the covers and burying his head in the crook of your neck. Each of you cried each other to sleep that night, a mix of relief for the end of Bucky’s suffering and pain for your own loss. 
There were also tears of happiness shed, as well as those of confusion and a lover’s desperate, raw, hope.
It was the same Monday when Bucky Barnes arose from the dead. No one was quite sure how. As Steve Rogers could likely now recite to you, there is a roughly 4 minute long window in which you’re likely to reverse clinical death without the risk of brain damage. 
He had been gone for 16. 
But Bucky Barnes was alive. 
Almost finished! Parts 4 and 5 should just about round off the series, keep an eye out.
Taglist: @maryam0831
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adi06lena · 2 years
most of the public considers tony the leader because he is the most open to the public so i like to think y/n stark is the fan favorite since she is the most open sec to her dad and is also a choatic little shit and will never hide that fact even on live tv
avengers playing never have i ever
interviewer: never have i ever went thru a other avenger phone
r: i have
i: oh you do thru who's?
r: ... all of them
avengers: WHAT!?
r: yeah 😐... steve looked up ''how to use facebook''
steve: i did not!
r: like multiple times...
*r making the shippers go crazy by flirting/teasing steve and bruce, cuddling with clint leading to a gag that she can never sit straight*
years later
i: i don't want to be invasive but is that a wedding ring hanging on your necklace?
r sitting weird in a chair: yep romanoff is a stark now
i: wait you're gay!? why didn't you say anything?
r: why didn't you say you're straight?
*audince just losing their shit*
r: like i don't see the big deal why would it matter more if a woman nailed me to the bed over a ma-
i: woah lets keep it family friendly but if you are with natasha then why did you act like that with the men?
r: oh i saw online that people were forming ships saying i look cute with cap, thor or whatever so i decided to throw oil on the bon fire that was starting to form
yeah r basicly trolled the internet for over a decade cause she was bored
fan: i think i know the answer but who is the biggest diva out of the avengers?
nat: what do you mean you think you know?
steve: yeah who do you think it is?
fan: y/n
r puts on sunglasses: get that bitch off the moniter
r is basicly rdj just younger and more choatic she also cusses the most on tv out of everyone wouldn't be surpirsed if somebody made a count on youtube
i: truth of dare?
y/n: truth
i: did you ever got the cops called onto you?
r: yeah there was this time when i was like 16 or 17 basicly i was at my friend place we drank some alcohol and then played halo and idk if you know this but halo is like monopoly of the video games so everyone is curssing at each other as if they killed their mom then took a shit on the grave then lit it on fire leaving nothing but a pile of burning shit
r: but anyway my friend shouted something about murder i think and i guess the neighbour heard us cause the cops busted down the door guns and all ready to fight after explaining they told us to be more carefull but the mic was still on and the other team asked wtf is going on and i just turned to the mic and said ''apparently we were raping yo asses so hard someone called the po po on us"
r: they laughed and we just ended up with a noise warning
bro my lungs already aint right from covid and this shit made is worse cuz bro when i tell you i am dying i fucking mean it!!!! im still fucking dying omg
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