#did i just make a personal story zosan
elles-home · 4 months
i love zoro being oblivious to other people hitting on him trope on fics because that’s me too. once i accidentally agreed to go on a date with my ex boss (i thought i was just agreeing to meet up because he was gonna be in the city, he said he had concert tickets, would i like to join, and i said “sure!”) and then my then-boyfriend was like. elle you stupid idiot. you just agreed to go on a date with your former boss. i didn’t believe him so i brought in my roommate for clarification and she was like yeah you actually agreed to go on a date lmao. (i pretended i was out of the city to get out of it)
anyway zosan au. sanji’s fuming how dare zoro agree to a date and not even think it’s a big deal. zoro’s like “it’s not a date, dude” and sanji’s like i’ll kill you. i’m so serious. zoro calls nami over and she agrees that zoro has agreed to go on a date. and now zoro’s like :/ this sucks. :/ but okay
(ALSO sanji finds out zoro was actually kinda looking forward to the concert so he buys tickets for the next day and takes zoro. because he’s nice like that even to his marimo boyfriend. even when said marimo is an idiot. that’s his idiot marimo, damn it!)
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yukishirostar · 8 months
So people are talking about a post in the Zolu tag by a certain tumblr user in regards to their issues with Zolu as a ship. They shall be unnamed because i dont wish to bring attention to them and instead just want to focus on their arguments because they're not the first people to make some of these points and so this is also an opportunity for me to talk about these things (a tweet is going around on Twitter containing these screenshots with the username so you can find it there if you need to anyway).
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The way this person dismisses the relationship between Zoro and Luffy as a result of needing to pair gay Zoro with someone is too laughable, they must be very fit in order to be able to do these mental gymnastics. I believe that many people who are going on about the Zolu scenes in the OPLA were already Zolu shippers who were familiar with the original story and are enjoying the moments because they were well, really good Zolu moments? And there is actually, shockingly, many good Zolu moments in the original story too which is why many people ship them. Wild, I know.
Then there's 'straight-washed Sanji'. Equally if not more of a bizarre thing to believe. I might make some people mad especially the Sanji stans out there who constantly insist on the 'repressed queer' narrative with his character, but Sanji is written pretty explicitly to be seen as a cisgender and heterosexual character. The way you say with your whole chest that Luffy is 'canonically' aroace but don't acknowledge that Sanji is 'canonically' cishet is beyond hypocritical. If you believe Sanji looking like a 'misogynistic straight man' is different from the way he is written in canon then maybe you should go back and reread/rewatch series with your eyes open this time. If you wish to headcanon him with the frankly offensive repressed bisexual/transgender cliché then go ahead, but that is clearly not the intention Oda has with his character.
There's also the fact that aroace people can uh. Be in relationships. Get married. Have children. Did it occur to you that many people who ship Zolu ship them as an ace couple or-
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First thing I want to say here, as a trans man who is 'mlm', can other dudes stop with this idea that women or fem-aligned individuals enjoying homosexual relationships between two men is inherently fetishising or that as a masc-aligned individual your enjoyment of a ship is morally superior in some way. Stop pulling out your 'mlm/ transmasc / cis gay' card in order to justify why your ship is superior. Its cringe af.
But if we are to insist that 'cishet female gaze fetishising mlm' is going on then ironically Zosan fits that the better than any ship in the fandom. It being by far the most popular mlm ship means there is likely a higher proportion of people who identify as cishet women who ship it. Its also the classic 'two men who dislike/hate eachother and have a toxic relationship but hot sexual tension' slash/yaoi stereotype. Majority of Zosan I've come across is depicting Zoro as the masculine male man in the relationship while Sanji the effeminate twink that Sanji stans project themselves onto and they go crazy for the bickering that is apparently reminiscent to them of a toxic heterosexual marriage. Meanwhile every Zolu/Luzo shipper I've interacted with has been some flavour of queer and Zolu is closest to the 'falling in love with your same sex bestie' narrative that the majority if not every non-heterosexual person has experienced at least once in their lifetime. This is just my personal view of course, but I think noting a difference in perspective on this topic is interesting and reveals that at the end of the day this is totally subjective and based purely on anecdotes.
Also it's just a very weird point here that apparently OP has 'plenty of varied queer rep' (it actually doesn't have that many canonical queer characters in relation to its cast size but anyway) and other media doesn't so shipping aroace characters in gay relationships is valid in those but not in One Piece … HUH???? So you're saying if One Piece had 'less' queer rep, then Zolu would be fine to ship? Idek my brain hurts.
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"I have black friends so I'll speak for the black community and get offended for them" (btw this person then proceeded to block aroace people who had issues with their depiction of aroace people).
Also if we're talking canonical depictions, the only thing Zoro has been canonically depicted as is also aroace, equally if not moreso than Luffy. So by your own rules, you can't ship a cishet (sanji) with an aroace (zoro), therefore Zosan is now invalid. Stop erasing Zoro's aroace identity bigot.
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'Categorically wrong' makes me laugh. I don't ship Zoro and Nami but like, people can ship what they want to??
'The general public is aware enough of gay people and how to spot them these days' uh... firstly this sounds very homophobic. Secondly the general public (cishet ppl) are famously bad at recognising queerness even when its in flashing lights before them. Thirdly you make it sound like Zoro was going around on roller skates and booty shorts listening to YMCA and Madonna in the show. I do agree he was gay-coded but it was mostly because he had sexual tension with every man he interacted with, not for the strange reasons you pointed out...
Its kinda the elephant in the room too but like. These are just headcanons. You can have multiple headcanons and interpretations of a character's sexuality. I can see Zoro as aroace virgin one day and a gay h*e the next. I'm actually allowed, legally, to do that.
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The way they think shipping Zolu is harmful to aroace representation when BOTH characters are closest to being canonically aroace than anything yet ship Zosan, label being anti-Zolu as some kind of pro-ace activism, and then proceeded to block aroace people for criticising their incorrect depiction of what being aroace is...
This was a lot of words to say that you don't like a ship. Just say you don't like it, and it gets in the way of the ship you like, instead of writing a virtue signalling essay to justify your reasoning. Please.
They had some more to say on future posts I'll just pick my favourite bits
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They really have this narrative that Zolu is only popular because of OPLA and can't fathom that its just a popular ship in general and always has been huh. And they couldn't make it more obvious that they're totally salty about it ranking in the top 100 most popular tumblr ships, lmao.
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Your classic case of 'self-identifying ally who speaks over the people they are supposed allies of'. Its a general rule that you feel the need to declare yourself an ally you're probably not an ally, actual allies know they need to just shut up and do the work. Saying 'this character's aroace' and 'I have aroace friends' actually isn't what allyship is, thats just accepting that ace people exist which is like... the baseline.
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Calling a wholesome loving ship like Zolu an icky ship is a severe consequence of online brain (this person is 26 years old btw)
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leventart-den · 11 months
This should have been Sanji's Angst idea for a few sentences, I swear.
I'm still on episode 229 of One Piece so all my knowledge is only from spoilers and fanfiction and that means I know very little regarding Sanji's story. But the few fanfics I've seen about "Germa Sanji" make my brain work.
I just can't help but think what if Sanji had run away when he was little and met Zeff. So he learned to cook, fight with his feet, and was shaped enough as a person into the Sanji we know. But then, about a year before the canon meeting with Luffy and the others, he was somehow found and kidnapped back to Vinsmoke. He was again experimented, tortured and trained into the perfect soldier. Although his emotions could not be eradicated from him, so he is constantly kept on drugs that suppress emotions and feelings.
So these few years while the Straw Hats sailed the seas on adventures, Sanji did the dirty work of an assassin for Germa and the Vinsmoke. And then one day the target that Sanji was ordered to eliminate turned out to be the Straw Hat pirates. Of course this didn't end well for him and here he is tied up on their ship in the middle of the sea with Zoro as his overseer most of the time (hi ZoSan). He caused them problems in the first days, constantly running away and not having anywhere to escape, which ended in constant fights. Poor Usopp and Chopper all this time felt as if they were in a horror movie with a maniac on a ship who was hunting them. The nights were the most terrible times for them. Poor souls.
Although as the days passed, his escapes and attacks became less frequent. The crew did not understand why and were very suspicious of this. On Sanji's part, the reason was that the drugs with which he was pumped began to fizzle out and without a new dose he began to come to his senses. His emotions and feelings began to return and he began to wonder what he was doing and why, no longer being a weak-willed killing tool for his father. He began to remember Zeff and all the "good things". Although with this came the other side of the coin - a terrible withdrawal from the drugs to which his body had become so accustomed over all these years. The flow of negative feelings along with good ones turned out to be no less difficult. Sanji began to feel as if he was literally going crazy and dying. Although, he thought, maybe this is not so bad after all the terrible deeds that he committed and everything that his blood family and those around him did to him. 
The first couple of days were the most difficult because his training and the remnants of drugs in his mind competed with his awakening feelings and it drove him crazy. Those few times between the lulls in which he tried to escape and attack, Sanji was no longer a cold-blooded killer, but rather a driven monster. The crew had already begun to seriously worry about Zoro, who at these moments was left alone with him, only being able to hear all the screams and growls of anger and the sounds of a fight that made the walls crack.
It always ended in blood with Sanji manhandled and pinned to the floor and Zoro with another broken rib but on top, breathing heavily into Sanji's ear another "had enough?" And getting no answer, Zoro always dragged him back to the post, tying him up again. He wishes they had chains because the ropes are starting to run low with this bastard. He's strong, Zoro has to admit.
Although as the days pass, Sanji becomes less aggressive and more exhausted and sick mentally and physically. This stirred a spark of concern among the crew. Because when the constant battles for life and adrenaline began to end, they were finally able to look at the situation soberly. Everything about this guy was strange and abnormal. His eyes now had a very different look than when they first met. Not to mention his general demeanor. He even thanked Nami when she brought him food one day and tried to smile. Although it was very crooked and uncertain, like a shadow. It was as if the muscles of his face had become unaccustomed to this emotion and were trying to remember what it was like to smile. At some point, even Chopper, who was very afraid of him, volunteered to visit and check his condition, under the supervision of Zoro, of course.
Everything goes well in the sense that Sanji behaves relatively calmly, even perhaps overly clinical when answering Chopper's questions after learning that he is a "doctor". As if he was used to answering them. This worries the little reindeer. And not only this. What he learns about the condition of their unwanted guest upsets Chopper to the core. He expected anything but this. Awareness of the true situation turns everything upside down. When he leaves the cabin to meet the others, he does not explain anything (doctor's code not to disclose patient's secrets) but asks them to trust him and follow the instructions.
Over the next hour or so, the place where they are holding Sanji (they finally learn that this is his name) becomes more like a room with a mattress and a blanket laid down. A jug of water and a glass and a plate of sandwiches on a makeshift table from a box. They are hanging a few more lamps to make it brighter. Several books are placed not far from him. The ropes were removed although Zoro was now watching him even more closely.
The swordsman knows what this man is capable of better than any of them, he cannot underestimate the enemy. Although the more he watches him and listens to what he says to others, the more he feels the atmosphere is inexorably changing. He no longer clutches the hilt of his sword at every unexpected movement of the curly-browed man.
The Straw Hat Pirates don't know how or when it happened, but Sanji slowly but surely turned from a threat to someone who needed help in their perception and, a little later, a member of their crew. It’s just that one morning, when Zoro came to his shift, he didn’t find him in the room but with Luffy in the kitchen. He was making breakfast with unstable hands while their captain sat on a stool and silently smiled as he watched.
This was their new beginning.
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
Hello. Could you do a zosan hc where the reader has fear of abandonment and therefore avoids all and any forms of intimacy? Thanks in advance
This may not be exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it and i deiced to make it a story instead of a headcannon. I also just want to let everyone know that all the series that i'm doing will be on hiatus until i can get round to doing them, theres a lot going on this week alone (Two funerals and a hospital appointment) so i haven't been able to do too much. I'll still do requests though. Thank you all for the love and support <3
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, non-established relationship, reader is GN, Poly relationship
Warning: Abusive past, angst and Bad language.
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Everyone leaves eventually, its only a matter of time. It doesn't matter if they promise forever or say how much they love you, it won't last, they'll either get board or tired of you. That's how its always been, it started with your mother, after she had you she decided to do something else, so she left, One by one your siblings left too never looking back, they said they where sorry but that doesn't make up for them leaving you alone. Some went on to collage and others just left because of Dad's anger problems, you understood why he was upset, you were upset too. Even though your farther was an angry man and sometimes took that anger out on you, you clung to him since he was the only person left in your life but everyone leaves and soon he did too. You worked hard and made friend's but the small town you lived in didn't create enough opportunists, so they left too, they said they would write but soon the letters faded away. You didn't mean to Join the straw hats, it just happened, Luffy saw the way you kicked out a bunch of men from the shop you were working at and asked you to join his crew. You said no, the fear of being abandoned again stopped you form doing a lot of things, you stopped making friend's and focused on your job. The pirate captain was head strong though and most of his crew seemed happy to have you, something about them and their stories made you agree.
It took a lot of getting used too and it took you a while to open up and trust again, it even led to you falling in love with two of the crew, Zoro and Sanji were your close friends and even though they argued and fought each other you knew they liked each other's company. There where a few times when you wanted to confess only for something to get in the way or the fear of abandonment hitting you hard. When the two boys got together you were so happy for them but a part of you broke, knowing the two people who you loved more than anything would never be yours was hurting but you still couldn't help but be around them. You couldn't help but think back to your farther and how this feels so much like the old days. When Zoro and Sanji told you how they both felt about you it brought you so much joy and yet the only word that left your mouth was "No", the fear of abandonment taking over again, you loved them with all of your heart but you were so scared of them leaving you, having friend's leave you was hard but having those you love more than anything would tear you apart. They respected what you said and you three stayed friend's but as the fear got worse you started to withdraw slowly, hoping to distance yourself from the crew.
You couldn't help yourself, sitting in the closet on the floor all you could do was cry, your heart and lungs hurt feeling like you couldn't breathe. Only one thought ran through your head, maybe you should leave before they abandon you. The door to the closet opens while you try to stifle your panting and little groans of pain as Nami steps in looking you over with wide concerned eyes "Oh Y/N, I heard you crying from down the hall.. What's wrong?" The navigator rushes over to kneel in front of your placing her hands on your red tear stained cheeks, you try your best to explain between gasps for breath and sniffs. How the people around you leave, how you love Zoro and Sanji so much that it hurts, you want to be with them but you can't help but think about them leaving you. "I'm just gonna go" You finally finished now looking up at Nami who's crying slightly with a shocked face "w-what? N-no you can't leave us" The navigator speaks pulling you into a hug which you stiffen at "I know its hard, things haven't been easy lately, but we'll never leave you, not willingly" Pulling away the navigator panics seeing your expressionless face "Everyone leaves in the end. Some by chose and some are forced" The words you speak break her heart so in a last ditch effort she makes you an offer "Give me a week, I'll prove to you that we won't leave you and if your still not convinced then... I'll give you 10,000 for a boat and stop Luffy from going after you" The offer was too good to pass up, you knew if you left Luffy would be mad, you didn't care too much about the money though.
After agreeing Nami set to work, she tried everything she could think of but after 5 days your mind still wasn't changed, so she went to Sanji and Zoro and told them everything. The two were thrilled that you felt the same but heart broken over your reasons for not confessing and wanting to leave, Nami kept all of this hidden very well so Luffy didn't catch wind of it, but she couldn't do it alone anymore. The two agreed to help and the perfect opportunity came that afternoon when they stopped off on and island full of trees and waterfalls, there wasn't a village, and they knew you would get off the ship to do some foraging. Stepping off the ship with your basket in hand you scanned the beach before looking into the tree line spotting a natural path that would be good to follow "Y/N, wait up" Sanji yells with a smile running off the ship and dragging Zoro along "We'll come with you" The cook stops next to you holding into Zoro's belt "It's ok, i'm fine on my own" You sigh starting to walk only for the two to follow "it's been ages since we've all spent time together.. Come on" Zoro pats your back hearing you groan but give in walking down the path into the forest with the two behind you. They tried to make conversation with you but you'd only give them one word answers or a hum in response while picking berries and herbs that you knew were ok. "What's been eating at you lately?" The swordsman snaps earning a glare from Sanji not wanting to say anything outright in case you shut down completely, they only had two more days to convince you to stay.
Stopping in your tracks you look over at the river next to you bending down to pick some herbs and put them in the basket "tired" You lie standing back up and grabbing your basket "Bull" Zoro growls, his tone of voice made you stop and turn to look at the two "Nami told you i'm leaving, didn't she?" You ask realizing what's going on, it didn't exactly surprise you that she would get the two involved to stop you from leaving but it somehow warmed your heart knowing she cared. Sanji sighs and nods his head letting go of Zoro to walk closer to you "She told us more than that" The cook place a hand on your cheek, it was warm and soft and you so desperately wanted to lean into it but you couldn't instead you took his hand off your cheek and placed it back at his side "What i said was part of mental breakdown." You try to lie your way out of this not wanting them to say they love you or beg you to stay but a part of you did want that "So your not gonna leave?" Zoro asks stepping closer crossing his arms over his chest. "That parts still true" you state turning and walking down the path heading to the waterfall to see what's there. "We know your lying" Zoro yells after you as Sanji grabs the swordsman's hand following you down the path but you don't answer just trying to ignore them for as long as you can. Stopping by the edge of the river near the waterfall you bend down to pick up more berries and place them in your basket.
Soon catching up with you the two try their best to convince you to say "I heard it all before" You state trying to focus on what to pick form bushes and flowers before standing back up "We love you Y/n, and we know you love us back, please just give us a chance even if-" Sanji begs only for you to cut him off by turning to face him, your face now very close to the cooks, your eyes lock with his as you speak "That has nothing to do with this" Your heart aches at hearing those words, its something you didn't hear too often growing up and hearing it come form someone you truly love makes you feel right but again that fear is back and you have to make it stop. "So you do love us" Zoro states with a smile placing his hand on your cheek finally getting a break through, your eyes widen in realization as Sanji smiles taking your hand in his "Please, don't leave us. I-I will do what ever it takes to convince you to stay. I-i promise i won't leave you" You had hope as Sanji spoke until he said those last words making you push the two away and stepping back "Promises don't mean anything... everyone leaves, I won't be abandoned again" You keep stepping back until you feel comfortable with the distance between you and them, Zoro sighs pinching the bride of his nose "So, what? You gonna spend the rest of your life alone? You think thats better than actually being with people who care?" The swordsman steps closer making you step back a little only stopping when you reach the edge of the river.
Sanji walks closer grabbing Zoro's arm trying to calm the green haired down "I know you care... i not say you don't but it doesn't matter" You're trying to get them to understand maybe then things will be easier, looking at the two you sigh with a heavy feeling in your chest "It doesn't matter if you love someone with all of your heart, it doesn't matter if you do everything you can to please them or make them like you. They'll just leave when they feel like it, they'll leave and never look back, even if they promised you a thousand times" You tear up but try and stop them from falling, your kind and giving, you have so much love to give so why does everyone leave? Your thoughts are interrupted by strong arms around you, the two boys pulling you into a hug your head in between there's as they hold you. "We won't promise then" Zoro rubs your back to try and comfort you "We're never going to leave you and i know the crew will feel the same" Sanji looks over at Zoro with his head on your shoulder both giving each other a nod, pulling away Zoro cups your face forcing you to look up at him as Sanji holds your hands in his holding them close to his chest "We're telling you... We won't ever leave you." The swordsman's eye shows he telling the truth and it feels like a weight has been listed off your shoulders, for once you actually believe someone when they tell you that.
Sanji brings your hands to his lips giving your knuckles a kiss "Please love... we want you around even if we just stay friends" The cook breaks the long silence, you had no idea what to say or do but the word friend's made your chest hurt, you really do love them but you know it will take time for your mind and body to fully except it "I- i, I'll stay" You manage to get out soon seeing the big bright smile on Sanji's face before he pulls you in for a tight hug, you can feel him relax in your arms as your wrap them around him. Zoro lets out a sigh of relief before placing his forehead against yours while wrapping his arms around you and Sanji to keep you three close. The three of you stayed there for a while enjoying the feeling and silence other than flowing water around you, until the swordsman places a kiss on your forehead, you don't know why but you craved more. Physical affection isn't always something you let happen, over the years you've become used to hugs but kisses were very different. Looking up at the green haired man your eyes begged for more, it felt nice and you wanted more even though before you couldn't stand stuff like that, Zoro seemed to get the message though placing another kiss on your forehead but letting it last a lot longer. You closed your eyes and leaned into it your chest starting to hurt less as your body relaxes. Sanji pulls back a little while rubbing your back seeing your relaxed figure lean into the swordsman, it made the cook smile leaning over and placing a kiss on your cheek.
You stiffened a little at his touch but soon relaxed when the cook did it again and again. Zoro removes his lips and hands from you watching you lean into Sanji a little more "Feel better?" Zoro asks getting you to open your eyes and look at him, the cook pulls away moving some hair out of your face with a small smile as you nod "I'm still scared you'll leave me but... i believe you" You wipe your cheeks and eyes taking a deep breath to calm yourself down "Come on lets head back, I'll make some tea" Sanji takes the basket off you and puts an arm around your shoulders as the three of you walk back down the path. You reach out and grab Zoro's sleeve pulling him along, the swordsman lets out a small laugh before taking your hand and holding it "We don't know much about what's going through your head so i was thinking you could tell us" Zoro squeezes your hand a little as you look up at him "It'll help us understand" Sanji speaks up rubbing your shoulder but you only shrug not sure what telling them will accomplish but maybe getting it off your chest will help.
Back on the ship you sat with Zoro, Sanji and Nami in the aquarium bar, the relief on Nami's face when you told her you would stay shocked you. The navigator hugged you tighter than ever before and you froze not knowing what to do, it also didn't help when she refused to let go of you when you sat down, she clung to your arm sitting next to you. With some encouragement you told the three what your life was like and what's going through your head, most of it was just you rambling but the three listened to you and Nami started to loosen her grip to help you feel less uncomfortable. "I understand why you feel that way now" Nami looks down at her drink, she knows what its like to be alone but it was her chose to do that, she had to, to protect her family and love ones but you. You were just straight up abandoned "Your right, promises don't mean shit, especially when you have shit family" Zoro growls hating how the people around you at such a young age had no care for you, Sanji sighs and rubs the swordsman's arm while leaning close to him "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but we won't leave you none of us will." You smile at the cooks words feeling more confident that they mean it. "I'm guessing the whole confessing thing is what made things worse, right?" Zoro asks calming down a little now feeling more concerned than angry, you nod and look down at your hands "It's not your fault, i'm just not used to all this. I can deal with the hugs and stuff but... getting too close means that when they do leave it hurts more" You sigh feeling Nami rub your arm before standing.
The navigator looks you over before placing a hand on your shoulder "I'm happy to help in any way i can but i think this is a conversation for the three of you" Nami looks over at the two boys then back to you giving you a small smile before leaving. You knew she was right, maybe you should have been open about it form the start but you had no idea how they would react. Sanji and Zoro move to sit next to you the swordsman placing his arm over the back of the booth behind you while Sanji leaned into the green haired man "You don't have to do anything you don't want too but if you'll let us, I'd like to show you what love actually is" The blonde gives you a light smile, his eyes kind as he reaches a hand over and holds it out to you hoping you'll take it. Looking down at his hand you don't know what to do, the fear is still there but the kindness and love they are showing you is starting to force that fear away "You won't be mad if i don't want something?" You ask looking at the two who nod "Of course not, we'll take it slow and in the end if you don't want us three to be together then, we'll still be friends" Zoro's small smile makes you smile back reaching over and placing your hand in Sanji's.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
What do you think about Law x Luffy.
this one's going to be so much fun... i apologize if this ends up being long. i'm kind of a menace to society when it comes to writing.
okay so- i know how popular this ship is so don't come at me with axes and swords trying to murder me because i swear to god i like the ship.
i just don't like it in a requited way...
the thing is i knew about this ship way before meeting law because it's like what?? the second most popular thing on ao3 after zosan (if somebody asks me my opinion on zosan i'd be very happy bc i have unpopular things to say and i love being chaotic on the internet *evil laugh*). and, you know, i was excited as hell to see what the fuck these two had going on. because if people like it so damn much it must be because it's the most homosexual thing in the world. my fiancé LOVES them, too. i was so excited watching punk hazard with the hope of shipping them at some point.
but, you know, that point never really came.
i love their dynamic. they're so, so important to me. law is such a complex character he makes me want to dig a hole in the ground and just die there already, i literally can't handle his whole story. and luffy is just... so good to him. for him. i love how law starts his relationship with him only for professional reasons but slowly gets used to his shenanigans and by the end of dressrosa trusts him with his whole heart for him to end doffy (shout out to my husband he did nothing wrong besides being the hottest piece of shit in this show). i love the whole sun/moon dynamic they have going on. law, who's being haunted by his past and will not hesitate to die to fulfill cora's mission. and luffy, who will not let him die because they're friends and will help him no matter what. and for law, such a kind gesture is literally his whole world. they're so beautiful and dear to me... all of their scenes are so so cute and i want to put them in a blender and drink them they're so silly and angsty and cute and-
well! the thing is, referring to the ship: i ship it in an unrequited way. i do enjoy all the ship art and fics (i literally have and will keep reposting lawlu stuff bc their content is amazing and i do enjoy it a lot) but my views on it are a bit different.
i see law being completely head over heels for luffy (yay! welcome to the 'we are in love with luffy but he will never know' club. there are a lot of people here, bestie). i love seeing law as this quiet, reserved, edgy-wannabe guy who falls for a dude who's literally a sunflower and doesn't know how to deal with those emotions. because it's just too much. luffy is too much. and it's so beautiful... so intimate and personal.
and i just fucking love pain, so making it unrequited is just wayyyy better.
i just personally don't see luffy being in love with law. i think he loves him, like, as a friend and would do anything for him but in a, you know, very platonic way? and i'm not even fond of unrequited ships, but there's just something about unrequited lawlu that makes me go insane.
that being said, i LOVE their dynamic. and i LOVE the content. let's just say i like the ship a lot and the content but my personal views on it are a bit different ??
TL;TR: i love seeing law suffering bc i love him a lot. i swear it makes sense.
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wholecakes · 9 months
Zosan is something so special but even more special when it’s t4t. Zoro who has been sure of his identity ever since he was a little kid and sanji whose egg has been forcefully cracked with a sledgehammer in her early 20’s. Sanji who struggles deciding on how to present during fem days vs Zoro who has been wearing the same clothes for the last week.
Sanji who has been disconnected from her femininity nearly all of her life, shoving herself into awkwardly fitting suits since she was a little kid, her desire to be the perfect gentleman overshadowing her true identity.
Zoro who decided he’s a man and stuck with it ever since he was little. Zoro who knows himself better than anyone and is sure of it.
it’s such a harsh contrast. Sanji almost feels bested by the swordsman in this gender debacle. how has that grass brained idiot been so sure of himself for years while she needs to smoke 3 cigarettes at the mere thought of wearing a dress?
Sanji wishes deep down to ask him: “how did you know?” “when did you know?” “was it easy?” (She knows that one is rhetorical). And yet sanji cant ask him. At least not while she’s dicing an assortment of fruit for her lovely Nami and Robin and working on her 8th cigarette of the hour.
It’s not like Zoro’s the only other person on the ship who is similar to her. Robin’s been lovely, actually. Robin has always been incredibly knowing and insightful, as always. She’s been amazing, Sanji can’t appreciate her enough. She always knew the right words to pick. Sanji sleeping in the girls quarters allowed her to become closer to Robin through simple conversation and sweet smiles alone. Sanji can’t thank her enough for each chat they’d have over a cup of coffee. Robin had always been safe for Sanji to chat to. An observant woman who could read a person just like she did her books.
So just why did Sanji want to ask the moss-brained idiot about his experience with his identity? It’s not like he’s got some long story to tell, Zoro’s not the kind of guy to drone on and tell some deep story about his self-realization over a candlelit dinner. Zoro is Zoro, simple and straight to the point. A sharp edge that hardly falters. He’s simple-minded. A simple-minded moron. A simple-minded moron that picks fights with Sanji every chance he gets. A simple-minded moron that doesn’t have anything good to say. Sanji’s not delusional.
It’s only when in the kitchen with that same moron, Sanji realizes that she might be delusional.
It goes as any other night. Crew asleep, Sanji staying up a little later than usual to prep for tomorrow’s meals, careful hands massaging marinade into raw meat, and Zoro waltzes into the kitchen like he fucking owns it. Insomnia can make a man so cocky. Swords clanking against each other and the thump of his boots against the wood announcing his presence.
“Out. You’re not getting any booze, shitty moss.” Sanji says, simple and straightforward.
Zoro scoffs. He takes a seat at the dining table. Sanji can feel the swordsman’s eyes on her. “I didn’t come here just for booze, shit cook.”
“What else could you have come for? I don’t see you looking to handle tomorrow’s lunch.” Sanji replies, rinsing her hands clean and storing the marinated cuts in the fridge. The spices tickle her senses.
Zoro doesn’t reply. Great. Sanji would have to play a guessing game with an overgrown moss in the odd hours of the night. Unable to kick or scream at him because she can’t risk waking up her sweet Nami or Robin. She dries her hands and turns to look at him. Did he come here with the sole purpose to piss her off? She wouldn’t put that behind him. The air is oddly thick. She takes a drag of the cigarette she’s been working on before making her way to the counter and stubbing it out on the ashtray there.
“Whatever you want, spit it out or go.” Sanji tells him, not having time for any bullshit. “Or I’m going to sleep.”
Zoro’s permanent scowl turns into something confused. Tilting his head inquisitively, almost like a dog. Sanji takes the thought of Zoro being similar to a confused puppy and crushes it with the sole of her shoes. She can’t have that now. Stupid moss. Stupid puppy-dog moss. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“I wanted to say,” Zoro begins. Seeming to actually think about his choice of words. It’s something Sanji’s never seen before. Shocked that his brain works for anything other than swords and alcohol. “Congrats. On. Your. Finding yourself.” Zoro finishes.
The eye contact made after that is, for lack of a better term, terrifying to Sanji.
"Thanks." Is all Sanji can manage before retreating to the women's quarters for the night before Zoro can say anything else.
It makes her feel warm.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
Going through all my follows rn, what's your favourite character/ship (platonic or otherwise) dynamics?
(also I know I've just randomly shown up in your asks, your time travel au has been an absolute joy to read, keep it up friendo!!!)
Thank you so much :DDD!!! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed reading my time travel au and I super appreciate the ask cause I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY ONE PIECE OPINIONS >:DDD!!!! I'll put it under read more ouo
Anyways my OTP,,,, is,,, NAKAMASHIP!!!! There's nothing more that I love than the strawhat crew ; - ; I have literally shed tears over all of my strawhats and I love that they all love eachother deeply... On my one piece reread- I made sure to pay extra attention to all the character interactions and jokes. And can I just say, I see so many people talk about how the strawhats barely interact post time skip, or that some characters are basically strangers to each other (I saw someone say this about Franky and Zoro), but THEY DO TALK!!! THEY HAVE SO MANY FUN INTERACTIONS!!!
Oda is SO good at balancing these funny little character moments between important story beats >:O I think Zou in particular had a bunch of nakamaship moments that I really loved. One of my favourite lesser loved dynamics in the crew is usopp and robin (which you would know if you looked at my art of them XD) because they have a bunch of funny bits between them :3
My romantic OTP of all time is ZOLU THOUGH. And I tried really hard to not ship it immediately when i first started reading one piece, because I do this kind of thing alot when I get into media where I latch onto the protag and the guy close to the protag and ship em together??? Like I was so obsessed with JohnDave that DaveKat just hurt me,,, And I liked bakudeku so much that I couldn't get into kiribaku... AND I DIDNT WANT THE TREND TO CONTINUE TO ONE PIECE T - T And it SOMEWHAT did, but it also somewhat didnt. When I first heard Zosan was the most popular ship, like leagues above zolu, I was in physical pain,,, But REMEMBER; nakamaship is my first otp, so I still really enjoyed the idea of zoro and sanji because I enjoy the dynamics between ALL of my strawhats >:(!!!
I'm super duper obsessed with one piece and it sucks that there's all this great fanfiction out there that is effectively barred against me because there's a ship that I don't like >:/ So what I did to become more accepting of Zosan is,,, I drew them making out a ton XD If you look at my early one piece doodle piles, you'll see one of them with a couple of zosan things HAHAHA. Honestly it vaguely worked, but I'm super picky about the zosan fics I read, cause I feel like people can wildly mischaracterize zoro pretty easily.
Anyways I don't think I really answered ur question properly, I really love the king/knight loyalty but also just good bros dynamic that's happening with luffy and zoro :) But in general I just love a good sunshine person/grumpy person ship! (geraskier, bakudeku, megamenace, kagehina, hitomi and shousuke <<< quite upset that the ship sank, Fakir and Ahiru, wrightworth, etc)
Thanks again for the question <3
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clood · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @storybookprincess, @hxhhasmysoul, and @subdee—given the triple tag by such lovely folks i can't just not xD
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
so far i have only written for hunter x hunter, even though i haven't written and posted much for it (or anything) this year. i am soooo close to catching up with one piece and i want to write zosan and shuggy and when i do it's over for everyone. it's been the only other thing in a long time that has tempted me to write fanfiction!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
similarly to subdee, most of my top kudos-ed fics are some of the very first things i wrote for the hxh fandom and the fics i am most known for still xD
however, similarly to liv, i don't love looking at my stats by kudos lmao. instead i shall list my current 5 favorites, regardless of their kudos standing heehee
housewarming: leorio and kurapika have planned a small dinner with their friends to christen their new home, though it does not go exactly as planned. aka the only happy leopika i have written to date xD including any and all wips
until death: after finding the nostrade boss dead, kurapika must make a decision that could change the course of his life, and, perhaps, someone else's. this is a criminally underrated fic, in my not so humble opinion!!!
just a little fun: leorio finds himself drawn to a stranger at a club and ends up with just a little more than he's bargained for. I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE LOL
where are you roaming?: Gon has been sent by his father, the illustrious ghost hunter Ging Freecss, to investigate the Zoldyck Manor and its many instances of poltergeist activity. What he finds is nothing at all like the stories he's heard. this one is always always always going to be a favorite, i love it so much
night watchman: Gon has nightmares and Killua saves him from them. (aka five times Killua was there to save Gon from himself and one time he wasn't) a Clood Classic (TM) that will always have a special place in my heart. she's dramatic. she's second person. she's one of the first ones i ever wrote
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
oh god i try to. basically i will be staring at my inbox for a week after i post something so i can reply right away, but then comments on fics i haven't recently posted remain as unread emails so that the notification haunts me. i have some i need to respond to now.. actually..
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
by far it has to be until death. that whole fic is angst city usa and the ending is no exception xD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm a lot if not most of my fics have a happy ending... i vote housewarming for sappiest, arms unfolding for most classically romantic, and long lost for most heartwarming.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
if anyone does hate on me, they do it in the private confines of their discord chats, and this is how i would prefer it to stay. closest i've gotten i think is once someone was annoyed that i probably wasn't going to make gon and ghost-killua get it on and then i guess they got embarrassed that i replied to that comment and they deleted it hajdkshajdhak
9. Do you write smut?
i have written precisely one smut fic: hands on a clock, hands on your hips. i was so embarrassed about it i published it anon originally then decided that was stupid and un-anoned it. however i will be writing buggy/shanks smut soon because detachable hands has me thinking all sorts of thoughts.
10. Do you write crossovers?
crossovers are not really my thing, never have been!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nah, i am not famous (tm)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but i think i would cry if i did!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i actually have—as part of a greed island server event! spirit astray, september leaves, havoc in the hot springs, and hacker say what were written with kessya, shal, and hanamii as part of a 4-person fic exchange event :)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
the nostalgia for my 2021 killugon days is screaming that the only answer is killugon...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
the only wip that's live on ao3 is chip aisle, which i think someday maybe i could be persuaded to finish. i was on an idol au kick when i started it and it was originally just gonna be a oneshot, but then another greed island card led to another couple chapters.. maybe someday.
16. What are your writing strengths?
unsure if this is a strength but i can write some fat ass sentences. and nice chunky paragraphs every now and then. i like to focus on the little details in a scene too, which i think is fun.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at planning ahead and outlining. i feel like i end up patching a lot of plot holes because of it lol. i also feel like i can be repetitive and long-winded sometimes
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i'm on the fence about it, honestly. it has situations where it could fit, but i don't think i have encountered one yet in my own writing where it didn't feel awkward or forced to have it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i think where are you roaming? is my all-time favorite. i just love it so much, i think i did a good job with the world/situaion-building even though there are definitely some of those plothole patches i mentioned earlier.
i believe i'm supposed to tag 20 people but i am simply not capable of sending a notification to 20 people's inboxes so... @extratt413, @chubsthehamster, @shalnarkonice, @fireolin, anyone who used a blue mug today to drink their coffee, and anyone else who wants to do this you can say i tagged you!!
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demonzoro · 3 months
For the fanfic ask meme:
5, 7, 57, 75
Numbers chosen totally at random no really
I SEE THEM EVERYWHERE I GO.... R this was WONDERFUL it made me laugh as soon as i realised
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
sheeesh. i tried counting them but it got embarrassing. for the ones i'm actually hopeful to complete, 4 for nanago, 3 for zosan, and a couple character study fics for various one piece characters. jfc there's even a few dc fics in here too. rest in pages. blank ones.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
in terms of symbolism, very... it's like an illness. if i feel like there's an opportunity to extend a metaphor, i will. it's my main tool for making a story feel cohesive. i don't foreshadow things very often - don't have the future-planning skills for it.
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
forever blown away by the reception given to 'and then the sun came out'. it has no plot, just a string of scenes with heavy symbolism and indulgent dialogue. everyone has to understand that this fic lived only between myself and a couple of friends, and it very nearly did not get finished if not for their encouragement. i completed and refined it simply to give them a whole story for all their love and support. it's wonderful that others enjoyed it, and have been very kind to me for it :'))
7. Post a snippet from a WIP.
“It’ll be over by tomorrow,” she says, turning on her side and patting her hand over his heart. She leaves it there like a guard; like insurance; like if it broke, it’d be one more thing she would help to heal. 
Gojo looks at her. 
Shoko is a good friend. He should say it more often, that he loves her so much. He loves her, so he won’t tell her that with or without this cursed technique, pouring his affections into a man who couldn’t care less for it is more of a long-term, personal issue. It’s not about making it through tomorrow. It’s about having the desperate throes of his heart spelled out in aching and pathetic honesty for everyone to see.
Shoko is his best friend. He won’t tell her, but she probably already knows. “Sure,” he says. He puts his hand over hers and squeezes it. 
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foxydivaxx · 11 months
Gonna write two fanfic back to back. First the ZoSan love story. Yeah instead of a three-way situationship, I am gonna make it just ZoSan. The second one is the Aogiri reunion. Aogiri is the boyband that Sanji was once a part of. I have written stories about them but they never seemed to click because I was doing too much and trying to cram in way too many characters and as a result jumped the shark. Gonna slow down. Plus the lineup has changed again. The original lineup did not have Sanji in it but after joining the One Piece fandom and watching the live action plus reading the manga and watching some of the anime, I realized that Sanji would be the perfect guy for the group and the right person to anchor the story.
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quinloki · 1 year
How about 001 for One Piece of course?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: ... I have to pick ONE. Ah. Heck. Well, I gotta go with Eustass Kid if we're talking over all XD
Least Favorite character: Akainu. Aikanu? The admiral guy - not even for what he did. His philosophy rankles me, and his personality makes me wanna punch in the nose.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I mostly x reader with characters, buuut - Frobin's cute, I've seen great ZoSan stuff. Thanks to @yamiyamiart I'm down for Croco/Sanji. I like Law/Kid, but funnily enough I haven't read any xD and I love the two couples that are the Charlotte kids who basically stan'd their new families and not Mama's.
Character I find most attractive: Marco. Those eyes are cheating, that chest ain't hurting anything, I wanna steal those sandals, and look he can just talk to me non-stop.
Character I would marry: It's a Legit Toss Up - Kid, Killer, Law, or Crocodile. Marco too honestly. All for different, yet equal reasons idk that I could ever choose.
Character I would be best friends with: Usopp. I'm a chicken, I enjoy drawing and creating, and I love to fiddle and tinker, and I know he would protect me from the scariest stuff - bugs.
a random thought: I wouldn't actually want t a devil fruit power. I really really love swimming too much.
An unpopular opinion: Idk - I'm a live and let live kind of person. I guess if I had any kind of opinion, popular or otherwise, it would be that some people just need to take a deep breath. Someone else's pairing or POT or TOP or OPT or whatever doesn't invalidate your own, etc. etc. We all love these characters, that's enough.
my canon OTP: Errr... idk. Probably Bege and his wife. She's feisty, I like her.
Non-canon OTP: ZoSan probably? Idk, after reading 20 Year Waltz by - I think - @landeg (I'm bad with names, my apologies if I'm tagging the wrong person) I just fell hard for them. (I also recommend the comic, I think it's up on red bubble or some such, easily worth 20+ $ imo)
most badass character: honestly, I gotta say Kid - No mentor, no teacher, no granddad or anything. Aside from Killer and the people he eventually gathered up, he didn't have any real support or help, and how far he got on his own like that is impressive.
pairing I am not a fan of: None comes to mind. I can see the pros of pretty much any pairing. I'm personally not in for under age pairing, but I mean like, teenagers date. I was a teenager, I remember that. Cutesy stuff has no age concerns for me.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Ennnnnh. No strong feelings here. I'm just enjoying the story xD
favourite friendship: Zoro and Chopper. OMG the vibes, the art, the banter, I love it. Those two are just perfect buddies.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I mean... yes? lol Idk, for a more legit answer, honestly, probably Crocodile.
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
Thank you for answering my Ask even if I sounded rude to you and yes, it bothered me because honestly I have always had the belief each one interprets it in different ways what we read in the manga, sometimes very far from the canon and other times very close to the canon. And although now that you clarified better what you wanted to say and this time I agree with you more, there are still things in which I disagree with you
And look, I'm sorry if I accused you of things you didn't say, I admit that I did it because I am very defensive with this fandom because every person believes that they have the word of the truth and they are the only ones who ("know how the characters would act or react in the canon").
I think my problem was more that it seemed (I don't know if it's like that) that you believed that the way you interpret Zoro and how he would react if he were in WCI was correct and in character, when the truth is both you and the person that you complain about and that bothered you so much are also to a certain extent wrong and right, because as I said at the beginning, everyone is predisposed to interpret or misinterpret the story and its characters, especially when you have a favorite character or ship
And in the end I think it's okay to disagree and let the other know, to be able to talk about it, although yes, the way I did it was not correct and I apologize for that.
Exactly! People can have disagreements and to some extent they should. Arguments make the world go round no matter how annoying they can get.
You're right, there's a lot of shit opinions in fandom, it's normal to get defensive. But I hope you don't jump the gun from now on. And of course ships affect someone's opinion of characters greatly. While I like zosan I'll have to admit they're not even close to being my favourite op ship so that definitely shows in my opinion.
I accept your apology 👍🏻 sorry if I was too harsh too. Things like this happen we just have to learn from it 💕
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ishikawayukis · 9 months
Thank youu<3 I’ve been enjoying it, tho I’m slowly getting sadder now that it’s almost over lol
Ahora quiero ver ese video🧍🏽‍♀️JAJAJAJAJA but it’s okay that happens to me too, I’ll see if I can search it and find it LOL
No yeah Nolan’s story was pretty good I just didn’t want the details, the summary was enough and can be enough for many other flashbacks, pero pues, ¿quién soy yo para juzgar? JAJAJAJA I’m also very excited bc now I’m really curious about Sanji’s backstory AND Luffy’s family tree porque estos primeros episodios de Post-Enies Lobby arc me dejó confundida🧍🏽‍♀️ LMAO
SKIP SKYPIEA??? BUT THE COMEDY IS AMAZING?? Maybe it’s bc I watched it in 1.5x speed but I felt like that arc had a decent story and pace, great comedy and interesting enemies!! ALSO SAMEEEEE, I find weird watching things dubbed unless I did it when I was a child, that’s why I’m always team subtitles and lowkey side eye people who say it’s impossible to watch things with subtitles LMAO
They get carried away?? (sinceramente me tomé un buen tiempo tratando de pensar en la traducción y tampoco me acuerdo) but yes you’re right, I also feel like they take too much time sometimes lol ALSO JAJAJAJA when I saw kaku I got to confess I was like “why he kinda…” BUT IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE JAJAJAJAJ, I felt pretty sad that he turned out to be a bad guy but it’s okay I believe he could’ve been good in other circumstances 😔🙏🏽
NI YO TENGO POR ESO ME LO HICE JAJAJAJAJAJA but thank you hehe<3 I hope that if you get it your healing process goes by smoothly!!
Y graciaaaas, espero que también pases un buen tiempo en estas fiestas, even tho the year or past years could’ve been pretty dull or overwhelming, I hope next year is full of (small or big) moments that make you smile or feel excited or happy about it even if it’s just for that moment c: *sending you a new year’s hug🫂 *
LO ENCONTRÉ entre la estúpida cantidad de videos guardados AJAJAJ si no funciona ahora lloraré pq la tecnología en serio me va a ganar, weno es este (literal no me deja insertar el link???? tumblr te odio, voy a dejar el link completo bien ridícula al final del ask)
i love knowing the backstories of the characters but unless they're the strawhats/strawhats adjacent they could reaaaaally speed it up or give us a shorter version LMAO pero también, quién soy yo para juzgar AJAJAJJ luffy's family tree is a disaster but also a mystery there is not a single normal person in that family and honestly? we love them for it
NO I KNOW like was it a bit slow? yeah but that's like, all of one piece LMAO the arc after ennies lobby, thriller bark is also very disliked and when i found that out i was soooo confused because it's one of my faves? it's so funny but it has so many important moments and people are like "nah you can skip it" NO YOU CAN'T justice for thriller bark.
SKHDGL no but i do think that being able to read things with subtitles it's a uuuuh trained ability in a way (y no es por ser hater pero todos sabemos q los gringos no ven cosas si no es en su idioma y cómo se van a acostumbrar a ver cosas con subtítulos así, pero hoy no es el día de hablar mierda contra los estado unidenses AJAJAJ)
LMAOO NOT THE WHY HE KINDA but yeah kaku in another universe i know you would've been my n°2 (only 2 because so sorry no one is surpassing sanji any time soon)
tu 🤝 yo: cero control sobre nuestros impulsos JAJAAJJ and god i hope so because the healing process for the last two i got was... something. truly the only thing that is making me debate if i wanna get another one or not (lo haré pero lloraré antes de AJJAJ)
y si lloró 🥺🥺 no but i wish the same for you, hopefully it'll be a calm year for our minds, sending a bigger hug your way <333
literal peleando pa poder mostrarte el video más estúpido AJAJAJ
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
There not fish men (Zosan X reader) P5
Plot: During a freak storm the sunny gets battered sending Nami, Robin, Reader and Chopper over the edge and into the water. Deep sea creatures save them but the rest of the straw hats think their crew mates are going taken.
The creature is based off Lovecraft stories and thank you to @being-worthy for the suggestion <3. Im also going to be adding Jinbe in but im sorry if i get him wrong. Sanji X Zoro X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN. Reader is the photographer of the crew always carrying around a camera they made (Polaroid) that doesn't include a snail. (Yes the same camera form the Werewolf series)
Warning: Violence, Making out, Drinking and bad language
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Bonus
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Looking at yourself in the mirror you look over the cut on your head thats almost gone. Whatever the frog people put on it made the cut heal much faster than normal and you were grateful for it. When you got back to the Sunny Nami, Robin and Chopper headed off to get a bath, they asked if you wanted to join but you could tell by the way Sanji held you that he wanted you to stay with him so you waited until they were done and got a bath with your boys. After a relaxing bath, a fresh change of clothes and the stuff in your throat completely gone you felt so much better. Looking in the mirror you can see Zoro walking up behind you and place his hands on your hips pulling your back into his chest "Come on the party's started.. i need a drink" he smiles placing kisses along your shoulder and up your neck making you smile ans turn in his grip to wrap your arms around his neck "Booze hound" you comment the swordsman giving you a stern look before squeezing your hips "Your just jealous i can drink more than you" Laughing you pull away and take his hand shaking your head as you leave the bathroom and head down to the deck, Zoro next to you interlocking fingers with you.
Making it to the stairs of the ship heading onto the grassy floor of the main area you both spot a large table and grill full of different kinds of fish, sea weed and very old bottles of alcohol. Sanji cooking away as Luffy and Usopp drooled watching him while shoving food into their mouths. Some frog people where on the deck talking with Robin a large pile of gold and treasure next to them that Nami was hugging with berry sighs in her eyes. Franky smiled and laughs looking down at Nami as she fawns over the gold pile. Brook was sitting on the mast bench playing his violin some Frog people watching him in amazement while not too far away Chopper, Jinbe were talking to a frog person who seemed to be giving the doctor some supplys, probably medical stuff but it looked weird. Stepping onto the grass with Zoro you both make your way over to the food table "Wow these are old" you state grabbing a bottle of booze, the glass was thick and green, the label had some water damage but you could see the date and company name. "Just makes it better" Zoro laughs opening one and chugging some.
A plate was placed in front of you two looking away form zoro you turn to see Sanji a big smile on his face and a cigarette in his mouth. "They have some very old and unique things" The cook smiles watching you take a bite of food "Wow this is amazing.. Why does fish taste like mint?" you ask amazed at cooked fish on the plate, picking up another piece you go to eat it but Zoro leans over and eats it instead. "Your right it does taste of mint" he comments watching you puff your cheeks out at him trying to act mad, but he knows your not really. Sanji laugh before going back to cooking "Apparently there's a sea mint around here that the fish eat" the cook smiles cooking up another fish. "Y/N" Nami yells your name running up to you and crashing into your back wrapping her arms around your shoulders. Luckily you managed to not fall over and keep your balance while looking over your shoulder at the woman. "Did you see all the gold? Did you?" she smiles wide pulling away and showing you a gold necklace "This is the best day ever" she jumps a little her excitement showing. Zoro try's to stop his laugh watching the navigator freak out.
"They also have a very old photo in a frame they found on a sunken ship, do you want it?" Nami asks taking your hand and walking you over to the pile of gold. You had no choice but to follow her waving back at Zoro and Sanji as you leave, they wave back watching you walk away. "Hay feeling any better?" Franky asks as you get closer and Nami finely lets go of your hand to pick up the photo surround by a wooden frame "Yea much better thanks" you smile before looking over at Nami and the photo in her arms. Your smile drops and eyes widen as you look it over placing a hand over your mouth to prevent you form screaming, Nami looks at you concerned as Franky places a hand on your shoulder "Are you ok?" he asks looking confused as you start to laugh and smile again "Nami... This is amazing" Your reach out for the photo taking it in your hands, it was a black and white portrait of two people kissing in the middle of a busy street. Looking it over you notice the marks, the details and realize your assumption was right, its the original.
You look up to Nami her face in slight shock at your reaction "Do you have any idea what this is?" you ask the smile on your face hurting a little but you can't stop it. Your question catches most of the crew's attention Robin looks your way raising an eyebrow while Usopp, Sanji and Zoro walk over to see what all the fuss is about. Luffy of course takes the opportunity to eat as much as he can before walking over to listen to brook playing his violin. "No... why? Its just an old photo" Nami shrugs making you laugh "Just an old photo. Nami this is one of the five most famous photos in the whole world. V-J Day in Times Square depicts the day a long war ended and the joy that came form it. The original has been lost of decades... This is the original" you bounce on your tip toes as Nami's eyes widen "It- it must be worth a f-fortune" she stutters reaching for it only for you to pull away "No way... i'm keeping it" you yell trying to keep it away form the navigator, some of the others start to laugh as you two argue "Your not keeping it we're selling it" Nami yells trying to reach for the photo frame over your head "No i'm keeping it, dont damage it" you yell standing as tall as you can, so she can't reach it. "Take a photo of it, and we can split the cash" she yells trying to climb on you but you step back and away from her "You want me to have Polaroid of one of the most famous photos in the world.... hell no."
Luckily there's no hate between you two and the whole crew knows it but someone had to step in and of course it's Robin. Arms sprout up form the ground separating you two as the others laugh and shake their head "As much as i'm enjoying the show... i think Y/N should keep the photo and you take the gold" Robin walks over placing a hand on Nami's shoulder making the girl sigh. "Fine" with the arms gone you step closer and hold out your pinkie to her "Promise me you won't steal it or get someone else to do it?" you smile the navigator linking her pinkie with yours and nodding "I promise" she smiles a little the ordeal over the two of you go back to normal like always the others going off to get food and party. While Nami goes back to her gold Sanji wraps his hands around your waits and looks over your shoulder at the photo "We should hang that up in our room" he smiles liking the photo. "We could even recreate it" he whispers making you laugh "How do you know its the original?" Zoro asks standing beside you looking it over "There have been many photos of this but their cameras never seem to pick up the seam lines on the girls tights plus the spots on the ground are clear not blurry" you smile looking up at the swords man who leans down to you "So god dam smart" he whispers before placing his lips on yours.
With the photo safe in your room and night approaching the party was in full swing, some of the Frog people deiced to join in much to Luffy's delight. You sat on Zoro's lap, your head on his shoulder while he drank yet another bottle of old booze, you were nursing one not wanting to get drunk but also try out a very old style alcohol. Sanji had finished cooking a while ago and sat next to you two, Zoro's arm around the cook's waist as Sanji held your legs in his lap. The music was up beat and lively with Brook singing and playing music while most of the others danced. Sanji placed light kisses around Zoro's neck while his hand rubbed your leg, the night air cool but you kept each other warm, Zoro hummed a little making you look up to see him leaning his head back so the cook could get better coverage. You giggle a little and run your hand over his bare chest, his eye opening to look at you, placing his bottle down he moves his hand to the back of your neck pulling you up to him, so he can kiss you. Pulling away he does the same to Sanji pulling the cook away form his neck and up to his lips. His hands stay on the two of you his cheeks slightly red seeming a bit drunk but you both didn't care.
Sanji had finished yet another cigarette and you had finished your drink now just relaxing under the stars. Zoro got more drunk as the night went on, becoming very touchy-feely, refusing to let one or even both of you go, his lips were always on you two somehow either on your necks, shoulders or lips. You could say when he's drunk he gets love drunk too, it can get annoying at times but its hard to say no when he gives you that adorable look of pleading. Zoro's lips crash onto yours again but this time he bites your lower lip wanting more than just a kiss, you laugh against his lips and open your mouth for him, the two of you making out with his hand in your hair while the other grips Sanji's hip. You moan into each others mouth moving in sync as the world goes by, your hand travels up his chest and to his neck rubbing it lightly before going back down to land on his peck where you push slightly. He doesn't let go of you keeping you close so you push again finally getting the message through that you need air. He pulls away watching you pant to catch your breath, you tried breathing through your nose during the kiss but it wasn't enough with the very long make out session. "You ok?" Sanji asks rubbing your leg only earning a nod form you as you place your head back down on the swordsman's shoulder.
Zoro turns to Sanji but the cook stops him "As much as i love you.. i would like to breath" he laughs the swordsman placing a light kiss on the cooks lips "Just a little one" he whispers before nipping at the cooks lower lips. Sanji smiles and wraps and arm around the mans head pulling him in for a kiss opening his mouth for the drunk swordsman. The two make out a little, the cook being in control and pulling away when he needs too. "You want to suffocate?" Robin laughs a little walking over to the three of you a Frog person next to her looking very nervous "we were going to wait until you were done but i don't think thats going to happen" She laughs again making you and Sanji blush hard, The cook apologizes and babels a bit while you hide your face in Zoro's neck feeling the man chuckle against you. "What do you want?" Zoro asks raising an eyebrow at the black haired woman. The Frog person croaks its eyes looking at you as you move away form Zoro to look at it. Once your eyes meet it bows head almost touching the ground as it almost folds in half.
The three of you are shocked by this but Robin just smiles "She wanted to apologist to you all" The frog lady clicks a little before standing up right again but keeping her head down, You had no idea it was a woman, they all had the same bodies and faces. "She? Why?" you ask not meaning to be rude and Robin seemed to get that "She was the one that saved you from drowning. She also heard about your outburst Sanji and wanted to say sorry for any harm she caused" Sanji's eyes go wide and a dark red paints his cheeks out of embarrassment. Zoro gulps looking over the frog not knowing how to respond. You on the other hand smile, you never held a grudge against the one who saved you so you stand up getting out of Zoro's grip. Making your way over the Frog lady shy's away but you take her slimy hands and bow a little "Thank you" your grateful to her, and she seems to realize that bowing a little as well. You let go of her hands and walk behind the boys secretly wiping your hands on your top before placing them on the boys shoulders "Now boys what do we say to the nice frog lady for saving my life" you smile as the two look up at you and then to the frog. They bow from where their sitting and in unison thank the frog whose eyes seem to light up. "Apologies to her Sanji" you whisper keeping the cook bent over, you hand on his beck while Zoro sits back up to look at you. "Im sorry for threatening to kick your ass" he sighs, he can't be mad at a lady even if she is a frog, plus she did save you.
You let the cook go watching Robin sign to translate, the frog lady nods and waves walking off with Robin who says her goodbyes to you. "Good boys" you joke patting their heads only for a large pare of hands to grab you and pull you over the swordsman "Get over here" he laughs a little pulling you onto his lap again and holding you tight "Your so needy" you pout crossing your arms over your chest acting annoyed at him. Sanji laughs and leans over kissing your jawline "Come on my love... don't be like that" he laughs pulling you closer to place his lips on yours "Remember what you said on the sub?" His smile is almost cocky as he pulls away making you raise an eyebrow "Yes why?" you ask not knowing where he's going with this. "Good... lets keep it that way" Leaning in the cook places his lips on your running his tongue over your lips, smiling you hold his cheeks in your hands and open your mouth for him letting your tongues touch, he moans slightly one hand running up your side and to your back pulling you closer to him.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 3 years
Why SaNa over other ships?
Now, this is not to hate on other ships or downplay them, because what shipping really comes down to is often simply preference. What characters or dynamics you enjoy and what reasons you might have for liking different things. 
No, this is simply my own reasons for why I like SaNa and also why I think they could make sense and thirdly why it’s possible Oda could be setting it up to actually happen in canon. It’s all just my views and I apologize if I forget a moment or add something that is more head canon, but again, this is my reasons and they will always be partially biased. (And there are too many to remember them all properly, so if you want to add feel welcome to do so.)
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I think Sanji and Nami is a lovely ship even based just on fan content and the community. But we also get some great moments in the manga, and I personally think there is potential for Oda to make an actual romance work between them.
1. Why I like Sanji and Nami
I personally fell in love with Sanji before I even started to watch or read One Piece, simply based on his voice actor (Hiroaki Hirata), his design and his fighting style. So obviously I already have a bias towards Sanji (SanjiAFsincedayone having a bias towards Sanji? Who knew?). I didn’t ship Sanji with Nami from the start and even now I am a multi shipper who enjoys fan content with Sanji as a main part of several pairs, most prominently ZoSan.
So, when did I fall for SaNa then? Well, I have talked about it in various posts before which you can find in my Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone, but for me shipping Sanji and Nami more seriously didn’t start until Thriller Bark. 
Sanji took a knife in the back for her as she is dressed in a wedding dress, even this one scene is enough to explain why someone might like to ship them together.
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I for sure saw many SaNa moments before that, and felt Nami seemed special to Sanji, but I didn’t think it would have a big chance of happening and I preferred other ships above it when consuming fan material. Again, shipping is after all mostly fantasy and wanting more of something in a romantic/sexual way. Thriller Bark was when Sanji and Nami’s interactions caught my attention properly and I started to look a bit closer and actually note the way Oda wrote them and their moments. Going back after and rereading I think there is a lot of interesting things even before that. But the wedding theme and bridal carry and how Oda showed them in Thriller Bark was just too on the nose to ignore.
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What got me into shipping Sanji with Nami were mainly three things. 
1. Their dynamics getting more interesting over time and Sanji and Nami being two of the most well written and interesting characters in One Piece. 2. Sanji consistently seeming to have a preference for Nami in combination with my belief that he is after true love and isn’t just a pervert forever doomed to be alone. 3.  The manga showing the potential of it actually happening and them finally catching my attention in Thriller Bark. Basically there are moments to follow and look at in the actual story as well, which in turn also leads to more fan content and material for shippers.
So point 1 and 2 really is mostly about my preference and how much I enjoy watching them together and how well I imagine they would fit together. I think their personalities and desires overlap well with them being able to understand and compromise for each other while aslo being on a similar level of intelligence and communication. They also have their kindness and empathy as a highlighted shared theme for their characters.
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Them talking about the Children in Punk Hazard or Sanji helping Nami turn in the argument between both Luffy and Vivi and Luffy and Usopp are some examples. Or Nami letting Sanji smoke in her body because she knows how hard it is for him. Small gestures like this show both understanding and a willingness to compromise.
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I think they are fun and have a relationship that right now might need working on, but it’s clear how much they care for each other and how they actually appriciate each other a lot.
Simply put I think they are interesting together and I think they could work as a romantic couple in the future, where their dreams and family oriented views migh allign. Again, from how I view them as characters and interpret their wants and possible futures I think Sanji and Nami is a good match. They can have a restaurant either traveling the world or docked close to both Cocoyashi and Zeff, Nami can tend to her mikans together with Sanji and they can manage a restaurant for a living. I also think they are the most parental members in the crew and has shown some possible signs of wanting to settle down with families. This would also work well as a final contrast to their less than happy childhoods (You might also want to check out my post (Part 3) Sanji x Nami hints - Thematic parallels).
There is a lot of potential in their dynamics and how different they seem while they also seem willing to adapt and try to understand each other that make them interesting as characters of romantic plots. At the same time they have enough in common to relate to each other and work well together. Again, as a fictional ship within the fandom there is a lot of great artists, writers etc. that truly explore them and make Sanji and Nami a great and fun ship with an active fandom to engage with.
Of course there are more shallow reasons like them matching in age and being good-looking but really I could ship Sanji with almost any woman if it was only about the looks. I mean, Purin is basically made to be a perfect match for Sanji, but I personally find his dynamic with Nami much more interesting and his dedication to Nami is of course unpraralleled thanks to the time Oda has spent on them over many years.
I love Sanji and Nami as individual characters and with the amount of moments between them there is also a lot to explore and enjoy in the manga. It makes them interesting in a third aspect for me, which is of course analysis and the potential of them actually ending up together and looking closer at the way Oda writes them from a story perspective. For me what we have gotten from Oda in terms of Sanji x Nami moments is very interesting and I see potential there even though it would need more development to truly work for the current story.
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But, again shipping doesn’t have to mean anything for the actual story... There are crack ships or slash ships that surely will never happen but that could still be great and fun to explore for the fans. Honestly, everyone is free to ship whatever they want. We all have different taste after all.
So, what about the manga then? 
2. Why do I think they could make sense as a romantic couple even in canon?
First, my own view is that Sanji is someone who seeks true love, and as briefly shown with both Violet and Purin it seems like he would take an actual relationship seriously if given the chance. I also think it would make him happy and thus as Oda might want to create happy resolutions for the strawhats I think Sanji ending up with someone has quite a big chance of happening. This is combination with his preference for Nami and in turn Nami truly caring for him (though not yet in a romantic way) is something that makes me think it could happen. Other ships have potential too depending on how Oda decides to develop them, but considering how he keeps adding moments for SaNa in the way he does as of now I still think SaNa is the most likely ship for Sanji.
As I mentioned earlier I also think Nami has shown some possible inclinations for wanting a family (or at least being a great mother if we look at her with children in many arc, not the least Punk Hazard) and maybe even getting married eventually. 
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If she ends up with someone we will need to see a more obvious attraction and want for romance from her no matter what ship we might consider. She has at this point not shown a lot, but I do think the thematic parallels she shares with Sanji in combination with how their moments are written has the potential to grow into something more. 
As a romantic pair I think Sanji and Nami would be happy, he would adore her and take care of her and both of them would probably find that ideal. In fact it’s already a big part of their dynamics and seem to make them both happy. They also seem to try to understand and show interest in knowing each other as seen with several scenes and general attention towards each other’s backstories. They also challange each other in different ways and we have seen them compromise a few times. I think compared to many other relationship in the manga Oda has shown more personal moments between them. So a romantic additional aspect is not too far off. Not that Oda would make it happen now, but that he would lay down the groundwork for it to work by the end of the series.
In short I think they would make each other happy, but also challange and grow thanks to the other. I think their dreams of traveling the world with Nami drawing her map and Sanji cooking on all the seas and finding All Blue and then settiling down together close to both their “homes” in East Blue with a restaurant and family seems to fit them both. It wouldn’t always be easy, but I think they would actually enjoy their dynamics with Nami bossing Sanji around most of the time.
Now this all sounds nice and all, but it’s of course just my imagination based on biased interpretations of the manga. So where do I get it from?
3. The way SaNa is portrayed by Oda
Now this is really the biggest point... Because again, I can ship whatever characters I want and it is just for fun. It doesn’t have to happen for me to enjoy it or I wouldn’t ship Sanji with Zoro. But with Sanji and Nami there are legit reasons in addition to my preference that makes me think it could happen in the manga.
It might take years to actually go through it all in order with my additional interpretations, but I will try to go through the basics themes and moments that to me could indicate SaNa over any other Sanji or Namji ship.
I think the obvious thing to talk about first is simply how Sanji definitely has a romantic (and sexual) interest in Nami. No matter what other character you might see with either of them, this has been shown consistantly over the whole manga. You may argue that Sanji might be interested in others equally, and though I wouldn’t agree it’s a fair point. However from a story perspective it would still need to be resolved. It’s highly unlikely for Nami to end up with anyone unless Sanji ends up with someone else and gets a happy ending too.
As for Sanji’s interest in Nami I personally think Oda has paid a lot of attention to it in a way that makes it the most likely ship for Sanji. He might yet add moments between other ships and develop them (most notably San/Pu of course), but in my opinion the way Oda has added Nami in other potential romantic moments with Sanji it seems Nami is above every other woman so far.
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Most importantly I think we have seen: 
Sanji leave Violet who actually seemed to show interest in him to run off to save Nami (and the crew, but the point is that Oda chose to highlight and add this moment with focus on Nami to begin with).
Sanji being more focused on Nami even when Vivi and Robin has been on the ship or at the same place. Oda definitely puts Sanji with Nami above other women at least in amount of moments and involvment.
Sanji being very concerned with Nami in front of Purin and being shown happy with her (the bridal carry for example) and saying he loves her right in front of Purin.
Sanji having stronger reactions to Nami than other women. This could just be my way of seeing it, but I do think we have seen the strongest reactions from Sanji when it comes to Nami. Not the least with turning into a literal devil when he heard she was kidnapped by Absalom. For example compare Sanji rushing after Nami in both Skypiea and Thriller Bark even to him going after Robin. Or his reaction to Nami getting sick in Drum. We simply have a lot of strong reactions from Sanji towards Nami in different ways and more importantly Oda seeming to add focus on them. 
We also have him reacting to things like “women’s tears” or calls but only indicating Nami might be calling him personally. For example Sanji hearing Tashigi cry or saying he trusts Violet or Robin even though they are lying but for Nami adding things like “I think I heard Nami call out for me” or moments like “I leave my Nami to you”. Basically the way Oda writes it there often seems to be added a more personal stake in Sanji’s reactions and moments with Nami compared to with other women.
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So from Sanji’s point of view, and the way Oda has written them so far, I think he puts Nami above every other woman. But more importantly, Oda shows us moments between them that he doesn’t add for other ships as consistantly or in romantic looking ways. Keep in mind that both Nami and Sanji are main characters, but they are not Luffy. Oda choosing to not use Luffy (who will obviously have strong moments with all of his nakama, like how he had his own time with Sanji both in Baratie and WCI) for some of these moments but rather insert Sanji or Nami instead for each other’s stories makes it more relevant. Because it’s not an obvious choice in the same way. It’s a choice based on their characters and dynamics within the world, not because of their roles as main hero or heroine. Here are some examples.
1. Their first meeting. Sanji is for the first time seen in love cook mode and he basically seem ready to leave everything behind for Nami. Right away his reaction to Nami is stronger than what we have seen from him and it seems to hold true even with time.
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2. SaNa having interest and plot relevance to each other’s back stories. Sanji getting involved with hearing Nami’s back story and saving his sister.  Also, calling her “sister” which indicates a platonic familiarity where he puts Nami above Nojiko romantically (yes, despite flirting some with her). Nami in turn also getting involved and showing interest in Sanji’s backstory, pushing to go with Luffy to save Sanji and being the one to remind us of Sanji’s past and character traits.
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3. Sanji getting personally tantalized by using Nami. This has happened several times, the first with Kuroobi in Arlong Park, but also with Mr. 2 in Alabasta, Absalom in Thriller Bark and then in Fishman Island (Zou too, but that wasn’t just Nami) and on Zou. You can check my post (thought not updated fully) Sanji and Nami – Fights and danger for a more detailed view. (Even in movies like Strong World Sanji has a direct talk with Shiki about Nami and it seems most people are aware of Sanji being extra sensitive to Nami.)
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4. Sanji asking Nami if she is jealous or if she loves him, indicating again that he is interested to know is she is interested in him. Once even responding “I love you too”. In general Nami responding in these situations in a more “positive way” or Oda showing Sanji interpreting her actions as more romantic. For example the “proposal” or the hug in WCI.
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5. Romantic looking moments or themes. Now this is of couse not something that has been done mutually between them and thus aren’t actually romantic scenes. But the tropes and common use for many of the things that Oda has chosen to use for Sanji and Nami are romantic in nature. Of course the two forced marriages are the strongest examples with them rescuing each other from getting married to someone else. But we also have the switch body trope, the slap and of course smaller gestures like the bridal carries or the way Oda drew the hug between them in WCI. I am not saying that SaNa is the only ship with romantic looking moments, because San/Pu And San/Violet obviously has some as well. However, considering the amount SaNa moments and the fact that he has left Violet and Purin in particular for Nami seems to make the SaNa moments trump any other ship. At least for me personally SaNa as it is now and as Oda has portrayed it in comparison to other Sanji ships gets in the way of Sanji ending up with someone else unless Oda starts to make some changes.
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I want to make some emphasis on how Nami and Sanji seem to get some “bigger” moments between them in almost every arc. Again, compare this to Sanji with other women, or even Nami with other crew members.
Baratie - Their first meeting and Sanji’s reaction to Nami and interest gets focus. Arlong Park - Sanji shows interest in Nami’s past and Kuroobi mocks Sanji by specfically mentioning Nami. ( Loguetown Arc, Reverse Mountain Arc, Whiskey Peak Arc and Little Garden mostly have small moments, like Sanji asking if Nami is jealous or Sanji giving Nami his jacket.) Drum Island - Nami is sick and we see Sanji worry and care for her and in the end even sacrificing himself for her. Nami worries about him too. Alabasta - Sanji fighting Mr. 2 looking like Nami and lots of small moments like Sanji asking Nami if she loves him.
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Jaya - Nami showing interest in Sanji’s back story. Small things like Nami hiding for the bugs behind Sanji or Sanji. Skypiea - Sanji being hell-bent of saving Nami and making the others look for her. Then him saving Nami and Usopp from Enel and Nami being worried in return. (Both times Sanji gets hit by Enel Nami is there and worries.) Then a lot of small moments like him giving her a flower and Nami pulling Sanji’s ear for flirting with Conis. Long Ring Long Land - Nami encourage Sanji be the ball and win, but mostly small moments like Sanji getting annoyed with Aokiji for flirting with Nami or him sitting next to her and trying to kiss her. Water 7 - Sanji leaving his love letter to Nami and Nami being worried for (and impressed with) Sanji. Enies Lobby - Sanji losing against a woman, Nami being understanding and then stepping in to basically revenge him. Also Sanji hearing it as Nami loving him and then him showing up to save Nami and Usopp from Jyabura.
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Post-Enies Lobby - Not much, but Sanji stepping in to make Nami and Zoro stop fighting and make Nami understand Zoro’s pov. Thriller Bark - Sanji just being extremely focused on Nami and worried about her throughout the whole arc. Also him getting specifically selected by Luffy to save Nami. Of course the wedding theme with the bridal carry and Sanji’s reaction to Nami. Also Sanji’s Zombie protecting Nami (and later kicking Robin) and his “obsession with Nami” being mentioned. Sabaody Archipelago - Another smaller arc, but we do get Nami worried about Sanji possibly drowning. And smaller moments like Sanji being angry for Nami being put in danger by the Fishman Riders or him telling Franky to take care of Nami as he runs to protect Zoro. When they return we of course also get the nosebleeds, and Sanji daydreaming about Nami’s development.
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Fishman Island - Sanji’s reaction to Jinbei and Arlong. Also the fishmen pointing out that Nami might be their weakness due to Sanji’s “over reaction“ to her falling. Punk Hazard - The body swtich, Sanji’s body saving Nami and Sanji being careful with not hurting her etc. Also them working together to save the children, Sanji listening to Nami’s request and saying he loves her more because of her kindness. Also small things like Sanji giving his jacket to Nami again. Dressrosa - Sanji leaving Violet behind to save Nami, insisting that he should be the one to save her and then him getting attacked by Doflamingo and Nami getting worried and not wanting to leave him. Sanji basically tries to sacrifice himself for Nami for the 4th time (Drum, Skypiea x2, also maybe in Thriller Bark). Zou - We get a lot of focus on Nami and Sanji together, and then of course when Sanji is gone Nami is the driving force for his plot. Once again Nami is also used to taunt Sanji (inside Capone). Then Nami is both the one to mention Sanji being from North Blue and to listen to Pekom’s talk about his family. Not to mention her insisting on going with Luffy to WCI and having a fight with Zoro as she defends Sanji. Whole Cake Island - The way she pushes for them to find Sanji, her hapiness when they find him and her hurt and the slap. We even get something like Nami being tantalized with Sanji by both Purin and Brulee. The only strawhat besides Luffy who gets a personal story thread with Sanji and a personal resolution for their conflict is Nami. The tension seems personal and combined with Sanji having another love interest but choosing Nami above her it does seem like Nami is the more natural choice both for Sanji and for Oda. 
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There is also a distinct increase in romantic-looking moments between them, with them touching more than ever before.
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Wano - Even after WCI it doesn’t seem like Oda is stopping the SaNa moments. Sanji manages to save and carry Nami three times in the beginning of Wano. On top of that we have the bath scene and of course a lot of small moments and mentions between them like Sanji asking Usopp to take care of “My Nami-san” or Sanji jumping in abobe Nami to save her from arrows. 
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How many times have we had Sanji be the one to go after Nami or save her? By his own choice, by being the one present or even by Luffy asking Sanji to go. Oda puts Sanji next to Nami a lot, and I think it’s possible he might be doing it for a reason.
Who knows what we might get, but the fact that we have as much as we do really seems to show Oda having a preference to put them together in various ways.
The point is they have a lot of time and moments dedicated to them from Oda despite them both being secondary characters. At this point it’s possible Sanji is the person Nami has moments with the most in the story besides Luffy (and perhaps Usopp) as they often end up together. Of course this is including them thinking about and talking about each other as well, and not just direct interacting. For example counting the body switch and Nami being worried and focused on Sanji while on Zou. Oda doesn’t have to, but he has chosen to write it like this. On top of that he adds romantic interest from Sanji and romantic looking moments between them.
I could go on, and there are plenty of moments and examples to find between Nami and Sanji that are interesting to look a bit deeper at. You can check out my Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone for some of them. But as it is now here are the main points for why I think SaNa at least has a bigger chance to happen than other ships with the two of them as it is now.
One-sided attraction and romantic interest from Sanji’s side that needs to be resolved in one way or another.
Nami seems special to Sanji. Even small things like only using -san for her and -chan for others is a detail that makes her stand out to him.
Great involvement in each other’s stories. Oda likes adding Sanji and Nami in moments together both for interaction and explenation about each other. For example Sanji is also often used to save Nami.
Interactions of understanding and changing dynamics between the two, like them compromising for each other or wanting to know about the other’s past. Matching personalities and a possible future.
Romantic themes and moments, mainly the weddings, but also the amount of times Sanji has saved Nami and things like the hug being drawn in a very romantic looking way with Nami being more focused on.
Tension and urgency. This is basically Sanji and Nami having a lot of focus on each other in dire situations and Oda showing it with specific mentions.
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So, to summarize, I like Sanji and Nami both as indvidual characters and together. I enjoy them as a ship and to explore their dynamics in a romantic way no matter what they might end up as in the story. Anyone should be able to respect that people have different preferences. Additionally I think and speculate that they would work well and could happen in the manga as well. This is obviously a biased interpretation and opinion. 
I might be wrong, but you should be able to respect that too as we have yet to get anything objectivly confirming any ship. We don’t know if any ship with end up canon at all. Maybe Sanji and Nami will remain a ship that never becomes canon, but even so they are a ship that is definitely worth enjoying.
I hope you found this post interesting and can enjoy your own ship and fandom while also seeing that it’s ok for others to like something different than you. Thanks for reading.
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onamitaro · 4 years
Nami as y/n’s girlfriend
hi hello, i wrote some head canon for nami as y/n’s girlfriend. hope yall like it whbsis
You’re the only person she would spend, almost, all her money on.
Fancy restaurants dates 🥺
Surprises you with random gifts.
Remembers all important dates. And if you forgot one, she gets upset.
Posts a lot of snapchat/instagram stories with/about you.
You’re her phone wallpaper.
Likes to paint nails with you, do face masks, skin care, hair and everything that includes self care.
Makes sure you eat and drink enough water.
Whenever you’re sad, she’s the first that comforts you.
Wants a lot of attention. If you don’t give it to her she acts grumpy all day.
Cuddles >>> s3x
S3x >>> video games
Sends you a lot of relatable memes about you, her, your relationship and your friends.
Tea parties with Usopp, Robin, Brook and Sanji 😩
Double/Triple dates with the Sauso, Frobin, Zolawlu, Sanlu, Zosan, Sanlaw, Usolu and literally every strawhats ships.
May start an actual poly relationship with the other sh (strawhats), but i’ll leave head canons about it for later.
Always on vacation every summer because she loves summer.
Expensive gifts on christmas and birthday :3
Breakfast dates 😠
Good morning and goodnight texts are essential.
“Love you 🧡”
Sleepovers uwjziwn
Very jealous tbh
Mental breakdowns on how gorgeous you are.
Gives you her phone without hesitation if asked.
“[Meme] this u?”
“This ain’t some wattpad bs 🙄✋🏻”
Uses 😂😍🤪😎🤩😏😠😱😰🤔🤭😪🤢 a lot but ironically, of course.
“Nice ass”
You: 🧍🏻
“I don’t wanna speak to you anymore”
“Okay, fine”
You close the chat
Her after one minute: [Spams your phone]
After a fight she comes at your place to cuddle.
Uses cute pet names for you like “darling”, “honey”, “babe” and all
But also “bro”, “dude”, “bitch”
Gossip 😗
Randomly enters your room and goes
“Zoro is a hoe”
Is the first to like your posts in any social media.
(Has the notifications on 💀)
Slides in your dms like
“Hey there hottie 😍 you single? 😏”
Dark humor jokes 😭
For uterus owners:
“I don’t want kids ew”
You: My period is late
“Omg are you pregnant? i’ll take care of our baby even tho they’ll own me money”
“Oh wait we’re queers”
Again you:🧍🏻
Alternative ending:
You: My period is late
“Yeetus the fetus”
Y’all made each other a playlist with songs that reminded yall of the other
“Do you like me?”
“Nami, im literally proposing”
“Ok, but do you?”
Matching outfitsss
Everywhere kisses
At least 8 hours of facetime ✋🏻
Someone random hits on you
“Ayo thats my bitch”
When she’s sad, she just come ups to you and hugs you without saying anything. The when she’s more comfortable she starts to talk about what happened.
Robin makes fun of you two making yall blush fufu ;)
Nojiko cant wait for you two to get married.
Hand h*lds 👉👈
Send you paragraphs on how much she loves you and how lucky she is to have you in her life at 3 am.
She has a folder in her gallery with only of pics of you/related to you.
“I want to cuddle 😠”
She gets a lot of butterflies whenever something involves you/with you.
Y’all both big simps 😪
Snaps you a lot
“Send nudes”
“Or just selfie”
“Or both”
Shopping dates.
She pays.
You pay.
Arguing on who pays.
At the end of the day yall pay for each other lol
“Wake up i want to eat breakfast in ft”
“Can we get a pet please? 🥺”
“Fuck you, y/n. I do what i want!”
She did get the pet.
That’s all for now 😭✌️
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also take a doodle of nami and y/n
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