#did you know the corset never truly went away?
billysgun · 6 months
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shy!billy the kid x cowgirl!reader |requested!|the house is throwing a party and you, a cowgirl with only a father and too many brothers to count, shows up in a breathtaking dress|
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you've been out all day. this morning you shyly said you needed something for the party and left the cabin where the gang reside
it's been plaguing him, you seemed so nervous, and when he pushed for more details you said something about your brothers
the houses party is tonight, and the gang left the cabin without you. he's really nervous now and he's anxiously swaying as the band plays next to him.
he tossed another whiskey back as his eyes were firm on the door, praying you'd walk in unharmed.
and then you did.
he didn't think it was you at first, soft hair flowing down your shoulders with lace rippling down your legs and a corset tied tight on your waist. your lips were plump with pink paint and your lashes were darker
you looked fucking gorgeous.
he didn't even know his mouth was open until he felt his tongue dry up from the angel in front of him.
your feet thudded against the floor, still wearing the cowboy boots you rode out with, and still had a furrow in your brow like always
you grabbed some whiskey to calm your nerves as you felt overdressed and absolutely ridiculous
you've never been to a party...so, when you told your brothers you'd be going to one, they snorted and asked "u'not goin' in that, are ya?"
they referred you to your eldest brother's girlfriend and she dolled you up this morning.
your hands soon stopped shaking as the whiskey entered your body, your eyes traveled across the room and landed on a pair of wide ones
you had no idea what billy was thinking about, and he was internally grateful because with the way your breasts are perked up and long lashes fluttering, he was thinking not very holy things
he wanted to take you right there, he didn't care about anyone around him as he just stared at you
"what's your problem, cowboy?" your stained lips smirked but you truly didn't know his problem -the problem being he was feeling his pants grow tighter-
"nothin'...you just look good is all" he muttered, face red as he dipped in to try and hide the fact
"good? I haven't been up since mornin' just to look good, Mr. Bonney" you quipped and he bit his lip back as he knew you looked breathtaking
"you look gorgeous" he mumbled, you didn't expect that as now your face grew hot.
"thank you, Billy." you murmured, turning to grab some more whiskey when you bumped into another woman you seemed to know with the way your face lit up and struck up a conversation right away
this gave Billy more time to really drink in your features as he was amazed by this ethereal woman in front of him. your beauty was unmatched, he knew that before...but right now? you were killing him by just standing there.
he knew it was wrong, he hated himself for it, but when they got back to the cabin he went straight to his room with his hand wrapped around his dick and all he could think of was you.
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an: billy is not a creep btw he just has a huge crush on you <33 i loved this request so much! thank you for requesting <3
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Two Choices
Chapter 9
Pairing: Eris x reader x Azriel (not rlly)
Summary: The future wife of Eris never cared much for mating bonds, she had spent years in love with Eris and when Beron finally died they could be together. He has full intention to make his love into his High Lady until at a party meant to celebrate Eris’ reign the girl finds herself finding her mate, Azriel.
Warnings: none in this chapter. 
A/N: Sorry this literally took forever, I had the biggest writers block on this and was working on other stories. Also with my taglist please comment under this post if I missed you because my doc for it got messed up.
Word Count:  2677
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Leaving in the Night wasn’t an option for us, instead opting to leave in the morning when fewer people would be awake. Many fae and other creatures were nocturnal in this area apparently. 
The girl with an Afro, whose name I learned was Fern, gave me some extra clothes. A outfit with black pants, a slight corset, and a white top, I was also given a pair of boots so it’d be easier to travel. It sort of reminded me of what I’d wear when my brothers would take me hunting with them, except I wouldn’t wear so tight since that wasn’t an Autumn Court thing.
Once everyone else was set to go we went off, when traveling I noticed how they kept Corbin and me at the front most likely to keep an eye on us. I found this kind of funny when I was paying them, I didn’t say anything though, and kept walking. I ended up also taking this opportunity to get to know Corbin, when we traveled alone we didn’t get a chance to really talk. More bonding over us both doing our best to get out of the Night Court without dying or getting brought back.
“I was already planning on leaving,” Corbin told me, “I have friends in The Court of Nightmares, ones who are slaves basically. They're not by name but based on how they're treated, they’re slaves. High Lord Rhysand is so content on just leaving The Court of Nightmares alone, he thinks everyone in there is a monster, but they're not. I already helped my friends get out, I’m gonna meet them in the Summer Court.”
“Why did you want to help me then?” I asked, softly.
“High Lord Rhysand pisses me off, I couldn’t let what happened to my mother happen to someone else while Rhysand stood there.”
“What about High Lady Feyre? Why doesn’t she do anything?” I questioned, I didn’t get to talk or really learn about anyone in the Night Court during my time there, too consumed with what was going on already with Azriel.
“She barely learned how to read two years ago, I don't blame her for that but she’s not educated enough to be a High Lady. So that’s why she’s not involved in any of the Court affairs. She’s honestly more of a consort than a High Lady. Nothing wrong with being a consort but still.”
He paused for a moment before speaking, “Oh yea there's also the Illyrian camps, how Rhysand hasn’t done anything to truly fix it is beyond me.”
“All he does is send Cassian to train some female Illyrians every once in a while then leave.” I heard the Illyrian girl, Wren, say bitterly.
“I don't wanna overstep, but did you run away from one?” I asked her.
“Yes.” That was all she said, I wanted to ask for more information but she looked angry at the mere mention of it, so I didn’t.
We walked for a while more until we passed the border, the relief that hit my chest after we did was intense. I looked toward Corbin who gave me a smile and a nod before we continued. Corbin would later tell me how there was a slight skip in my step.
We wanted to stay as far away from people as possible after we got out of the mountains, which would take hours for us to get through, so we opted to camp in a cave, by the exit of the mountains, we found for a while until it hit nightfall and not many would be awake. A fire in the camp we made kept us warm from the cool air of the cave while many of us napped or just rested to savor the energy for the trip.
I sat on a rock that stood by the fire, well one I moved to be a seat by the fire while staring at the beautiful scenery of the Day Court. The day court was so bright, filled with so many blues and greens a part of me never thought I’d see outside of Valeris again; I watched the clouds with an empty mind until I heard someone sit on the ground on the other side of the fire. I looked to see Blythe sitting on the other side, warming up. 
Finally able to get a good look at his face I realized that he wasn’t ugly, he was actually quite attractive. Blythe was a man with a hard face, mean-looking face, and short brown hair that didn’t cover his cyan eyes and I also noticed like Fern, his ears were down-pointed. He noticed me analyzing his face and looked toward me.
“What is it?” He asked me.
“Nothing,” I replied, “I just hadn’t gotten a good look at your face, you didn’t look how you did in my mind.”
“Did you think I was ugly?” He asked.
“Why would I think you were ugly?” I replied fast.
He smirked, “You thought I was ugly.” He grabbed a stick to play with the fire.
“Okay I didn’t think you were ugly, I just didn’t have a good look at your face and I wasn’t sure whether or not you were,” I tried to think of a word to say, “were ugly?”
He snickered at that, “So you thought I was gonna be ugly?”
I rolled my eyes at him, causing a chuckle out of him before he spoke, “Catch this.”
I opened my hands to catch whatever he was going to throw at me before thinking and quickly caught something wrapped in linen. I opened the linen to find a big piece of bread that looked like it was baked in herbs. I looked up to him, “You're skinny,” He said “You need to get some meat on your bones. We’ll have a proper meal tonight when we go out, but for now just have some bread.”
I nodded to him in a thank you before eating, as my brother had once said ‘she looks skinny and dead’. I really needed to gain weight, especially if I wanted to be able to walk all the way to the Winter Court. I needed to be healthy enough to do it.
I ate my bread pretty quickly, I didn’t realize how hungry I actually was, with me chewing on food Blythe and I sat in silence, well until we heard a crashing in a deep part of the cave.
Blythe and I quickly sat up from our spots, worried of what the commotion could be. Blythe reached over to where the others napped to wake them up, I woke up Corbin before noticing that the man with the pretty face wasn’t here.
“Where’s Auden?” I heard Fern ask, I shrugged my shoulders at her, unsure as well.
The little boy, Oliver, got up quickly from his spot on the floor, drawing his sword in the process and peering into the darkness in the cave.
“I think its best we find Auden and then leave,” Corbin said, still a little groggy, “It’ll be nightfall soon so we might as well leave early.”
“Yea but we need to find Auden!” Wren whispered. You could see it on her face that she was worried.
Oliver continued peering down the cave looking for a sign of disturbance. Corbin followed behind him, peering on the other side of the cave wall with a knife at his hand, where he got said knife I didn’t ask. 
“Do you know how to fight?” Wren asked me.
My brothers had taught me little, just enough to defend myself when I was younger, but being the childhood champion of the Heir to the Autumn Court made it so that Silas’s parenting on me was closely watch in order to not ‘infect’ his son, Eris and I once overheard Beron say that to my brother. We both walked away in disgust.
I shook my head, “A little, but not really.” 
Wren placed a knife in my hand, “If whatever that is gets close to you, stab it. Simple isn’t it?”
I nodded to her, “Simple.” 
We waited, not even breaths were heard as we waited. Eventually after a minute we heard a gargle-like noise from deep inside it, “We need to leave.” I heard Blythe say.
“No.” Wren said firmly, “Not without Auden.”
“What without me?” I heard a voice behind me, I turned to see Auden with his blonde hair and skinny figure standing there, completely fine.
I looked to see Wren blinking before grabbing Oliver by his shoulder, Oliver putting away his sword as whatever it was growled down the cave. I looked to Blythe to see him motioning towards the entrance of the cave. I moved to grab Corbin’s wrist before following Blythe out of the cave, the others following before him.
I did my best to move as swiftly as I could before leaping out of the cave with the others, holding onto our blankets and pillows that we silently decided to put back into our packs after we got away from whatever that thing was. We continued to run for a few miles, just in case.
We finally stopped near a clearing and that was the spot we’d decided to put our things back away, Wren and Fern laughing together about how dumb that situation was while I helped Corbin fold up his blanket.
“Auden. What were you doing away from us?” I heard Blythe ask Auden. I tried not to look like I was listening to the conversation but it was hard not to. “I was gonna go hunting, so we didn’t have to worry about dinner and just keep moving.”
I heard Blythe sigh, “You can't run off like that, we thought whatever was in there took you!” He raised his voice.
Now it was even weirder listening to this conversation, but at least I knew I wasn’t the only one listening with everyone else’s heads perked up as they all listened to the conversation.
Blythe looked at us all, sighed, then grabbed Auden by the shoulder. “We’ll be continuing this conversation, Wren will go find a restaurant for us to eat.”
Wren nodded before taking off flying to go find a town and restaurant, especially one that can feed our group.
The rest of us kind of sat around while we waited, Oliver played with his sword clearly just a bored child. Corbin and I layed around on the ground and Fern took some things out of her bag to put in her hair.
It was around ten minutes when Auden finally came back without Blythe, he looked embarrassed and defeated as he sat on the ground next to Corbin.
“Where's Blythe?” I asked, sitting myself up.
It took Auden a second, “Blythe’s mad, he yelled at me for ten minutes straight before sending me off.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have ran off.” I heard Fern say, “Blythe gets worried sick when he doesn’t know where we are, you know that Auden.”
I stood up from my spot, “Where's the snacks?” I asked Fern, she pointed toward a bag on the floor.
I looked through the bag to find some basic snacks and decided to grab some bread, cheese, and some meat. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was but I grabbed it anyway. I wrapped all of them in some spare linen before walking towards where I saw Auden come from, Fern shouting behind me to be careful and not die.
I followed a dirt path on the ground that led to a river, it was connected to a waterfall and had huge rocks around it, and Blythe sat on the ground ontop of a rock by the river, he looked to be playing with something in his hand. As I walked closer I realized it was a knife that he swung in it, the knife danced around his fingers as he didn’t even notice me approaching him.
“Blythe?” I said in my best soft voice, I didn’t stand too close behind him just enough to make sure he heard me. He put his knife back into its holder before turning to me, “What is it?” He said giving me a look.
With how angry he seemed it made me feel some anxiety, I made an awkward smile before lifting up the items I’d brought. “I have snacks.” I said, he nodded to me.
“Why?” He asked, “Wren is looking for a restaurant right now.”
I shrugged my shoulders, “Yea but who know how long that’ll be, plus the wait time and stuff its gonna be a little bit and I haven’t seen you eat much.” I pushed my arm out toward him, “Here.”
He grabbed the food from me, he turned back to use his knife to cut open the bread to make a sandwich, I was preparing myself to leave thinking Blythe wanted to be left alone. I moved my hands behind my back and began walking to join the rest of the group before Blythe spoke up, “Sit.” I looked over to see him patting a spot next to him on the rock.
I turned back around to follow his instruction, as I sat next to him I noticed he was making two sandwiches, he stopped making the second one to pass the first to me. Blythe simply gave me a nod before continuing to make his own. It didn’t take long to make the sandwich, but I still waitied until Blythe was done and he’d began eating before I began eating my own.
Blythe and I didn’t speak after this, only enjoying nature and basking in the silence as we ate together. I felt awkward at first before I began to enjoy it, I’d never felt a quiet presence with anyone before, I’d always felt a little pressured to always be talking so never turns awkward. I’d never even been fully quiet with Eris or Azriel, only quiet when I was mad at Azriel or having a breakdown caused by him and only quiet when Eris had told me to, which wasn’t often, I swear it was like twice. 
I’d lost count of how long we’d been there, even quiet after we’d finished eating. My knees were close to my chest a Blythe and I watched the river flow. I quickly realized how much I enjoyed the smell of dirt and grass, it felt like it was all around me at the moment. I realized how for the first time in months, I was relaxed. I was away from the Night Court, I was getting farther and farther away from Azriel and I was relaxed.
I looked over when a noise come out behind us, I saw Oliver coming to approach us, Blythe looked behind us as well as we waited for Oliver to talk.
“Wren sent me to tell you guys to come back, she found a restaurant to eat at.” Oliver said, Blythe nodded to him before Oliver left to go back to the others.
I jumped off the rock and whipped myself off from the dirt on it, then whipped my hands together before grabbing the remnants of the food that we’d already wrapped up then I started to walk back.
“Y/N” I heard Blythe say from behind me, I looked over to see Blythe standing there, “I apologize for kidnapping you and Corbin.”
I shrugged at him, “Hey it happens, plus your getting a lot of money out of it.”
“Did you seriously just say, ‘hey it happens’?” Blythe said.
“I mean most of my brothers have been kidnapped, it was bound to happen to me.”
Blythe’s face looked shocked, “That’s a story your telling me at dinner.”
I laughed before moving to continue walking, still snickering at the fact of Blythe being surprised at my brothers being kidnapped, which I lied about cause I thought it was funny and now I wanted to see how long I could keep the lie up before he meet my brothers.
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seareefer · 2 years
Hey hey hey! Uhm can i req for some Malleus crumbs.. with an s/o who's insecure of their body (which is stupid cause babe you're beautiful) and just comfort in general
also can i be your 🐉 anon? idk im..
ALSO take your time, takes breaks, eat, sleep properly.
or else i will bring go to your house and grab your ankles <3
Take your time my dear~
Oh! I love Malleus please take all the crumbs. I promise I'm taking care of myself I'd be jumped by a server of simps if not, and yes please I'd love for you to be my 🐉 anon :). I hope I did this to your liking!
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It was unusual for you to not make it to the late night walks you and Malleus did regularly. Which is exactly why he’d been sitting at the same spot for the past 25 minutes waiting for you. With each minute ticking on his hope slipped away and his worry grew. You weren’t the kind of person to forget such important things, nor were you one to simply ditch plans with someone with no warning.
He began to ponder if he should just return home, his broken heart would mend by the next walk you two had planned. But just as he stood to leave, the sound of soft footsteps hit his ears. Followed by...sniffling? He quickly turns in the direction of the noise and saw your figure slowly walking up. “My dear child of man...What happened dearest?” When you finally made your up to his side he could tell you’d been crying on your way here.
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I’m so late Tsunotarou. I needed to take some time to myself before leaving and I...I guess I lost track of time.” After waiting a few moments in silence you continue on, “Do you...still want to go on our walk?” Malleus sighed softly, and took your hands gently into his as he slowly had you both sit where he’d been waiting for you just minutes ago. “While yes I would love to embark on our nightly routine and spend time with you, I fear I will ruin our experience with my worry. You may take all the time you need my little jem, but may I know what or who has caused you such anguish?”
Malleus had to keep his hands from squeezing yours at the thought of someone hurting you, and he ran his thumb over your knuckles as he waited for your answer. “I...It really wasn’t anything big. I was just over at Pomefiore with Grimm...and when Vil came to collect Epel he also took me with them to like “perfect” I guess. It didn’t bother me at first, I thought it’d be just make-up but then he tried putting me in a corset...and brought out all these shoes and started talking about how they’d make me look...” You took a moment to collect yourself and wipe the fresh tears from your eyes.
“I know he never meant it in an actual harmful or mean way but...I’ve just never really been ok with my body in one way or another I guess. All that just brought those feelings to the surface at the same time and I wasn’t ready for it.” After you finished your retelling, Malleus gently wiped the tears collecting in your eyes. He looked around before finding a patch of grass with a gap in the trees above it, and gently began pulling you towards it.
After sitting down, he looked at you with gentle and loving eyes. “Child of man...despite what you may think or see when you look in the mirror, when I look at you I truly see a jem...a uh-diamond in the rough? Nevertheless, I know it is hard to change the image you have of yourself in your mind but I feel that the little comfort I can give you is the knowledge that I truly see you as perfection, with your looks and character. You don’t have to change anything about yourself for anyone, least of all me.”
As soon as he finished speaking you jumped forward, pulling him into an unexpected hug. Once his shock and astonishment wore off, he gently returned your affection whilst trying to hide his flushed face. After pulling away the two of you laid back on the grass next to each other and spent the night there, under the stars.
Sorry this may have taken longer, I went to a festival and got back late. Also sorry to any Vil simps I didn’t know who else to blame. Thank you for the request again I hope it came out well!
Btw of anyone wants to be in my taglist let me know <;3.
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many-but-one · 1 year
your pfp is TEEFS, 15+ points for you
You…I like you😌
You know it’s probably about time to tell people why the picture is a picture of kitten teeth. This has been my pfp literally since the start of this account. Even back when I went by “The Collective System” and “The Enigma System.” I may have explained it in the past but it’s been a WHILE and my follower count has exploded since then so I suppose I should probably inform everyone.
The kitten teeth is a reference to a poem I wrote very early on in my DID diagnosis. It was one of the very first poems I ever collaborated on with our gatekeeper, James. (I say “I” but it was actually Jules. However, Jules is still a part of me even after this fusion so I say I for that reason)
The poem is called “The Forest and The Teeth” and it combines a ton of quotes from various sources, some of which were twisted or changed to fit our own experiences. This is why we haven’t actually shared this poem publicly, because a very large portion is not original writing and since we wrote this almost two years ago I have no idea who we stole quotes from. So this will forever be a personal piece.
Anyway, a line from that poem which I think was ripped off of someone’s instagram caption but changed a bit to fit our system’s needs was this:
“The cat bites // but he’s ripping out her teeth. // And they keep growing back. // Now we get to be free // but whose teeth // will hurt the least?”
The reference to cat teeth has for some reason always been important. In fact, teeth seem to be an extremely prominent subject in our poetry, which I am not going to look too deeply into because I am NOT a nosy host, I swear… (😅)
Some other pretty dope lines about teeth or biting in our various poems:
“His name is burned into my flesh. It smells like sin. I am ripping out my teeth for him. Why do I love him? I can’t remember.” - from the poem “teeth.”
“The cat that bites has given me his teeth, and I wear them on a choker necklace, wrapped ‘round my neck like Saturn’s rings.” -from an untitled poem
“I rip open a ketchup packet with my teeth and pretend it’s his neck. I have fangs. I scream when I sleep. My blood tastes like cabernet.” -from the poem “hallelujah.”
“I’ve been a victim for longer than I’ve been in this emergency room. I’m finally getting the help I need but I’ve always needed help and never known it. My teeth ache and I drink warm milk to soothe myself.” -from the poem “heavy metal bake sale.”
“I don’t know who I am. I am the last incarnation of God. I am sipping kerosine. I am swallowing my teeth. Set my throat aflame. Bury the hurt. Kill the child. I am The End.” -from the poem “I Am.”
“This is the moment where I spread my aching jaws and I bite down hard. The moment I become a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the moment I get the vengeance we deserve.” -from the poem “It’s Not My Fault I Have My Father’s Eyes.”
“Now I can’t stop feeling. It’s eating away at my sanity. Self-cannibalism. Blood soaks through my claws, guts drip from my jaws. I stare into the face of the Devil and I’m trying to turn it off. I can’t turn it off. I still hear the war drums.” -from the poem “my heartbeat is a war drum.”
“Your teeth are white and sharp, flashing a grin at me. You’re trying to be friendly. I know who you really are.” -from “my heartbeat is a war drum.”
“My teeth are sharp like razors. I am a being of Wrath. I used to want to bury it, but now I want revenge.” -from “my heartbeat is a war drum.”
“It’s eat or be eaten. Bite or be bitten. Your mind bends and melds to the shape of others. You don’t know who you truly are. You are scared to feel, scared to love, scared to be attached. You have only seen abuse come from attachment. Let yourself go. You are the one holding your own leash, the chain around your neck. Shed your muzzle, dog. Disobey. Become a monster.” -from “the dog, the cannibal, and their keeper.”
“Your candy red lipstick stains your teeth. You bare your bloody fangs and smirk. You tie the corset so tightly your beating heart bursts out of your chest. You desperately wish to be yourself, but you wear your mask and you go by a different name.” -from “the dog, the cannibal, and their keeper.”
I’m sure if I went through the bazillion drafts of unfinished and untitled poems too I’d find more but I am too lazy. I didn’t even need to do all of this, I am just intrigued by teeth and biting motifs being so intensely present in so much of the poetry we write. I should say that I did not write all of this, our gatekeeper James wrote a lot of it (he is way better at poetry than me), and a few other parts chip in here and there.
That’s all! My brain is soup from this fusion going on in the background so I will shut up now! Lol.
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luvliewriting · 1 year
❦Heart Of Gold❦
❦01: A Soul Is So Desperate For The Attention❦
Summary: Once more, Dutch runs into the Green heiress girl why she is enjoying a drink in Valentine
Warnings: alcohol use, swearing, talk of pregnancy,
Note: this chapter is a lot of setting the scene but the next few chapters will pick up the story pretty quickly
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Hiding in the shadows, you watch as the man that saught for your affection for months move through the room. You weren’t ready to reveal yourself quite yet, or ever. His advances were annoying. The way he walked into Valentine like he owned it, dressed impeccably with an air of confidence around him. All your old memories of Dutch Van Der Linde rushed back, and you suddenly understood the nature of your recent anxieties. This was fate. You weren't to be able to escape his eyes, they would always return begging for your attention and body.
It wasn't just your body that the outlaw wanted, you were sure of that. Being the Green's only heir, you had been reminded well that it was your duty to marry well and not to fall for common advances that only looked at your pocket for the future wealth. You steered from men for years, you lacked all those teenage firsts that all your friends had experienced. All of your friends were fooling around with boys while you were cooped up at home, reading book after book on how to be a proper lady.
Your father always dreamed of having more children, you knew that for certain. If he could've had a son instead he would have, sons brought with them the family name while daughters? Well they were more a bargaining tool in truth. Things would've been different if you were born a boy but you didn't, and the years of miscarriages before and after your birth deemed your mother infertile with only you to bring on the family.
"He was completely unreasonable, I cannot understand whatever I ever saw in the man." You heard the grumbled words of Anna beside you, talking along with Winnie. You had tuned your two friends out while you stared at the man who had made leaving to grab a drink with friends exhausting. It didn't matter what or when, he was always there try to woo his way under your skirt.
You hadn't noticed Winnie trying to catch your attention till she snapped her fingers in front of you, "stop ogling the man and go to him, he isn't some art exhibit." You shook your head politely, Winnie rolled her eyes, "if you don't, I will."
"Do not make a fool of me, Winnie!" you quietly scolded, smacking the back of her hand lightly. Winnie pulled her hand away with a slight pout, grumbling quietly to herself. You gave her a warning glare, "I know of that man, he isn't to be trusted. Father would have my head if I went home with something like that."
"Since when did he control what you do?" Winnie questioned audibly to herself but also indirectly towards you.
"Do not forget that when Elijah Green passes on, the entire fortune goes to our dear friend as long as she marries well," Anna sipped on her beer, her tight corset choking her waist yet she kept a hearty smile winking at an older man at the counter, "unlike you Winnie, Y/N and I have a reputation to uphold and cannot be fooled by poor fools that thinks there is diamonds between our thighs."
It was true, Winnie wasn't like you or Anna. While you were the only Greene heiress, Anna was the eldest of six brothers and three sisters. Anna had the choice to marry whoever liked but she wasn't one for love, she cared more for name and fortune like your father wanted for you. You truly only knew Anna due to your fathers' being business partners and your father wanted you to be around good structured people that would be a good influence.
Winnie on the other hand never knew her father; he was an outlaw that fled the America not long after her birth. She was born to a carpet girl and shortly after being born, was left on sheriff's doorstep, who raised her like his own.
Your father favoured Anna as your friend, he didn't care much for Winnie but as long as Winnie didn't seem to have a negative influence, he didn't care much for your friendship.
"I have a cultivating imagination Winnie dear," Anna paused to bring her bottle to her lips, "age comes money, money comes with inheiritance. I marry an older man, he drops in a couple years, I only have to make a fool of myself for a couple dreadful years and than? I'm burying a skeleton of a man with a golden shovel!"
"Is that truly what you wish though?" you asked, sure you knew it was your duty as the only heiress to marry well but what if you met your true love and he was only two gold short to your dad's favour.
Anna laughed like she couldn't believe you actually said that, realizing you were serious she stopped laughing, "oh you mean that.." Anna sighed, placing the now empty bottle onto an empty table for someone else to clean up, "a wrinkly soul is so desperate for the attention a beautiful young woman as I. They know I do not care for them yet they do not run. Why? Because I am a Pinkerton and the thought of laying with a woman such as me makes them bend over backwards."
"But what if I don't want some old fool?" you asked, your eyes glancing back to the man at the bar that had followed you for months. He was talking to some older man in a fancy waist vest, "I know I must marry out of wealth but I want to live my life happy."
"I'm very happy with Joseph, he keeps me well and desires me alone," Winnie butted in, Anna glanced at Winnie with a pitied expression.
Anna seemed to be thinking for a second, looking up and down at Winnie. Winnie asked what was up as Anna only shrugged, "pleasure?Men of poor wealth such as Joseph desire nothing more than pleasure and give none in return. It will please you at first, the thought that all you have to do is sit pretty and woo him but some people will think that's frivolous."
"If Joseph thought me as frivolous why would he propose to me?" Winnie sassed back, smirking proudly.
Anna only shook her head, tutting quietly, "you are thought capable of bearing sons, are you not? Unfortunately from what I can tell and that drink in your hand, you're still not pregnant. He'll tire and find a new."
You pitied Winnie, seeing the frown form on her lips as she placed a hand to abdomen. You shook your head, "if he ignores what a good woman you are all due to your womb, I hope that he rots."
Winnie smiled thankfully at you, Anna eyeing the old drunken man at the bar as he began to stumble out the door. Anna excused herself rushing after the man and hooking his arm in hers, pulling him to her side as she whispered something in the drunken's fools ear. crossing her fingers behind her back unknown to the drunk fool as they escaped into the night.
Winnie laughed mischievously, some plan coming to the young girl's mind as she skipped away from your side to the bar counter where Dutch stood; his gaze never leaving your figure despite talking with the older man in the vest. Winnie beckoned the older man her attention, pulling him aside to the piano and sitting next to him, playing a tune.
You cursed Winnie quietly, nothing was holding Dutch back now from looking for your attention. You wanted to run but by the time you eyed the exit, Dutch was already striding over and you just had to sit there and brace yourself to deal with the obnoxious conversation that was to come from the outlaw.
He tipped his hat at you, his thumb hooked into the belt loop of his pants. Sure he was handsome, you couldn't deny that but you knew what he wanted; he wanted money. That's all outlaws ever wanted, they had no feelings for others, only for the weight of gold in their pockets. You wouldn't be a fool, you knew the truth and what he meant when he would call you beautiful and would treat you kind. "Miss Green, we must stop meeting like this!" he joyed proudly, as if you couldn't tell that he had followed you here. He always did. Anywhere you went, he would be close behind. You were surprised to never have him watching you while you slept. He pulled a cigar swiftly from his pocket, lighting it at his lips and letting the smoke slip out.
You coughed inhaling the poisonous smoke as you waved your hand in front of you, wafting it from your nose before it could affect your lungs, "Dutch how much of a pleasure to-" you coughed again with another puff a smoke making your eyes begin to water, "be in the same room."
You lied, you didn't want to be even breathing the same air as an outlaw. What was stopping Dutch from tying you to a tree and using you as ransom for a handsome sum of money from your parents.
As if Anna was wrong in her speech either. It will please you at first, the thought that all you have to do is sit pretty and woo him but some people will think that's frivolous, Anna was right, if someone was to see you with the outlaw they would think you frivolous and needy. But you are not, Greens aren't needy, they have everything they could ever want. Maybe you just envied Anna, everything always came so easy for her.
"I will say the image of that body in my bed has gotten me through many a dark day," charming, you had guessed that was how he attempted to woo you? It wasn't wooing at all nor attractive, it only proved Anna's point more, cannot be fooled by poor fools that thinks there is diamonds between our thighs.
You could only sigh, turning your waist from Dutch in a hope of an escape. You wanted out, you just wanted to go home. Winnie was still playing on the piano and Anna had left with the drunken stranger. "Dutch." Dutch puffed again making you waft the smoke away, "Dutch. I'm not sure if you understand what is happening here."
"We both know what you want Miss," Dutch was a cocky soul, that was truly obvious and possibly a little self obsessed. You were used to being around those kinds of people though but those were rich folk who stuck their nose in the air and could buy an entire market's stock if they wished. Outlaws were just what their name suggested, outlaws. Dirty filthy outlaws. The kind of people that your father would disown you over if you were even seen with.
"If you truly know what I wish Dutch than you're doing the opposite," you made the attempt to turn on your heel to escape Dutch but he was quick to grab your wrist and pull you back to him. You tried to pull away, the thought of his dirty, life stealing hands on your skin made you sick yet also gave a weird liberating feeling that couldn't be name in English alone, "release me murderer."
"Now now hold on miss," Dutch pulls you closer to him, trying to woo you to his favour yet it only falls flat, "no one says no to Dutch Van Der Linde."
You glared, ripping your wrist from his grip, "I believe I just did, outlaw."
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THank you for reading, I'm sorry if its a little boring since it is just the first chapter
Please reblog as it does help me out
Taglist: @margowritesthings
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cut-small-but-deep · 2 years
OC Assassin’s Creed Facts!!
I am starting, slowly though, on making their bios in the lives of Desmond’s and other’s bios too. For now, I’ve only done Enola, Haytham’s side in Assassin’s Creed III, and I’m still writing Tehya’s, Enola’s and Haytham’s OC daughter and Connor’s Half-sister in 3 as well, and Voilette, Arno’s side in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Here are some fun facts about my assassins and Templars that I’m sharing now!
Saida Naghma Tahann
She is actually a very skilled Arabian dancer, and was one before becoming a full-time assassin. She still does this as her signature distraction, before assassinating said target.
She did have a little crush on Altaïr, but it quickly went away when she fell in love, instead, for another Syrian man.
Gaia Valentina Azzaro
Gaia has had a sexual relationship with Ezio, and didn’t mind that his heart was always set on Christina. She was mainly there to help Ezio with his relief, and somewhat fell in love with him too. Though, at the end of Brotherhood, they ended up having a love relationship as well, and in the middle of Revelations, Ezio broke it off because he fell in love with Sofia. This, indeed, broke her heart, but it came to pass once she learned how much love there was, the love that she could never give Ezio.
In Brotherhood, she wears the cross necklace and earrings to respect the church and wears it for the rest of the game. Her outfits try to stay in the Renaissance era as much as they could.
Enola Natalia Rossingol
She has a blue and red outfit without a jacket that contains a red or blue corset, red or blue sword, and red or blue heels. Both the blue and red outfit contain a corset with only one sleeve. (My personal favorite is her blue outfit)
Her favorite Templar other than Haytham, Shay, or Alanna, Shay’s part in Rogue, has to be John Pitcairn, because during her time alone when Haytham was gone, he was one of the only Templars that treated her nicely and like a lady. He was one of her friends that had her feel regret and sorrow for losing.
Tehya Celeste Kenway
This is going to sound really weird and gross, but, if Connor wasn’t her brother, she would’ve probably kissed him. Nothing more. But, she truly does love him as family, as he did welcome her into the homestead with open arms. She is his little sister, and for the rest of their lives, he’s always there for her, even if he’s in another part of America.
Tehya’s own reality in the King Washington DLC is that her family is all together, safe and sound, and she got to really know her father and her mother, and be trained more by them.
Branwen Paloma Edevane
She had a one night stand with Edward Kenway once, when they were both drunk. He woke up first though, and quickly regretted being in bed with her. She didn’t mind it, but she swore to never tell this to another soul, as long as he didn’t either, which he gladly said he won’t. They never spoke about it again.
Secretly, she’s bisexual. She had a one night stand with Mary Read/James Kidd. When she found out that James was Mary, she was surprised, but swore to never tell anyone as long as Mary was still under the disguise.
Alanna Sesen McGann
She loves her katanas, and once Shay came back to America from France, she already had a home where she took care of her katanas and kept a full collection of them. Her favorite katana is the one with the silver dragon hilt and red eyes. She also kept a collection of Templar artifacts, rings, swords, armor, you name it, she had them. Some of this collection was passed down from generation to generation to Courtney, who still follows Alanna’s tradition of having it as her collection item.
Since Shay is still an active member of the Colonial Order, she, however, still keeps contact with Shay and even goes on to be his ‘mistress’, though she becomes Grand Master of the Canadian Rite, and has the permission of Shay to do so.
Voilette Eloise Robideau
Voilette ends up dating Arno after the last mission of Dead Kings, and they rendezvous at Arno’s room in the upper floors of the Café Théâtre. She doesn’t marry him, however, but still keeps him company all throughout his life and he writes her letters like he did with Élise.
This is somewhat going to be surprising for you guys, but ummm… let’s just say that she has a damn 8 pack. Yep. An 8 pack of abs. How does she keep them in her corset? I don’t know. Arno almost fainted when she saw her like that though, and even asked what’s her secret. She never told him, to his disappointment.
Catherine Sarah Hammond
Catherine dates Jacob during the events of the DLCs, and even has a special kiss moment after the final mission in the storyline. Jacob does get jealous and annoyed when she talks about Alexander Graham Bell and even is forced to take her to his workplace when she keeps blabbering about him. Though, sometimes, he does tell her he’s jealous, and it turns to her blabbering about Jacob and that day is spent fangirling and being all over his body, to his amusement.
Catherine is a very smart woman, even in that time and place. She’s a very special friend to Miss. Nightingale herself and even is her pen pal when Nightingale is far away from England. She’s still alive with Jacob and Evie when World War I breaks out and loathes the war, to where she took no part in it and stayed neutral. She never stopped being a true Victorian Steampunk girl though, and her belongings were quickly descended from generation to generation. Courtney kept her belongings in her collection.
Courtney Miracle
She gets along pretty well with Shaun and Rebecca, and is also a master of disguise. As one of the subjects, she gets transferred from Abstergo to the Assassin’s, and after Desmond’s death, she gets transferred back to Abstergo and secretly exchanges messages to and from Shaun.
There was a secret part in where she confessed her feelings for Desmond to him and he didn’t know what to say. But, he knew he was going to be gone soon, and they had a one night stand without anyone knowing. If Desmond didn’t have to sacrifice himself, they probably would’ve been together. After that night, exchanges were made that they never spoke about it, but that they will always remember it.
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trishmishtree · 3 years
Corset-Making Chronicles: Part 4 (it's done!)
I think it's part 4 but I lost count. This is probably the most technically demanding and second-most time consuming sewing project I've tackled yet.
Anyway, woke up bright and early today to figure out how to hammer on eyelets for the back lacing since I've never tried that before. It turned out surprisingly straightforward and only took about 1 hour, most of which was spent trying to force holes into the weave of the fabric without breaking any of the threads. The eyelets went in with no fuss, though the hammering did make my cat rather concerned.
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Unfortunately, I only had enough eyelets to do the back, so the front eyelets were going to have to be stitched and finished by hand.
Which I proceeded to do for the entire rest of the day. Because I'm a moron who would rather take 10+ hours to do a thing by hand than get off my butt to buy more eyelets and get the job done faster. I'm not mad at all about how they turned out, though. At least it was much faster than the flossing or the boning channels.
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And then she was complete. For the lacing, I used a bunch of pink ribbon that @rockscanfly gifted me when we were in college (she's probably forgotten all about it, but I distinctly remember saying something like "um thanks? I'm sure it'll turn out useful... someday?")
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I should point out that no, this is not the outfit that I plan to wear with the corset. It's just a nightgown that looks like a chemise because I haven't gotten around to making a real chemise yet. I can't show pictures of the back because I live alone and am incompetent at photographing things I can't see.
Initial observations: It seems I messed up the direction of the lacing in the front towards the bottom, but that's okay because this is just for testing the fit of the finished corset.
It's doing absolutely nothing for bust support, but that's okay because this was designed to be a pretty floofy thing and not actually a functional undergarment. However, I am very surprised by the amount of back support I'm getting. Like, no joke, I could slouch in this thing and people would still think I have good posture. Now I'm actually tempted to try wearing this under my scrubs at the hospital and see if it will help keep my lower back from screaming in pain when we're in the fifth straight hour of walk-rounding.
In before anyone asks, no, I don't feel like I'm being tortured or like I'm on the verge of passing out. I am comfortable. This was made specifically to fit me, since the pattern was originally drafted from one of my dresses that I altered to fit snugly. Yes, I do have to breathe differently in it, but I can take deep breaths. There's no compression on my diaphragm or ribcage. No, I am not tight-lacing, and my oRgAnS are not being sHiFtEd ArOuNd. My waist actually measures larger in the corset than without it.
Anyway, I'm thinking I'll go back and properly tack down the lace trim on top since it seems to want to stick out and flip inside out. Otherwise, the corset is compete, and I'm looking forward to tackling some less ambitious projects.
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Hue and Cry V
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; abuse of power, chase, unwanted touching, confusing Bucky is confusing, handjob, fingering.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You set out for the capital.
Note: I didn’t expect to get this done so soon but here ya go! Last day of work for the week.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
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<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
🏰 🏰 🏰
The night was interminable. Lord Barnes slept against you, his heat like flames across your flesh. Every time you pulled away, he latched onto you and brought you back to him. You stopped after the first hour, you succumbed to his hold and stared at the canopy with his arm stretched across your middle and his snores rumbling against your cheek.
When he woke, you had barely closed your eyes for more than ten minutes at a time. His hand slid down your body beneath the blanket and you held your breath as he pushed his fingers between your legs. You tensed and he drew away with a huff. He sat up and relieved himself in the chamber pot.
He called for a servant and soon his first meal was brought. He shared it with you, filling your plate with rashers and boiled egg. You ate only to appease him as your stomach twisted at the smell of food. When you finished, the dishes were cleared away and you were unused to being on the other side of the service.
Two servants came shortly after and carried a gown of teal brocade and a stack of accoutrements. You frowned as Barnes directed you up to your feet and ordered the pair of women to aid you in dressing. Your face questioned him but your words never came. He watched, still in his nightshirt, as you stared daunted at the garments.
You pulled on the shift before the women laced up the corset tight and you stepped into the heavy skirts. The sleeves attached to the bodice and your missing cap was replaced by a hood tailed with satin. You felt entirely out of place. When they finished and you were stiff as a board in the attire, Barnes dismissed them and began to dress.
“You are confused,” he said as he strapped on his arm, “a servant cannot openly travel with lords so if you are to ride in the carriage, you need to look the part.” He waved you over to help him into a pair of undershorts, “and…” he watched you as he stepped into his underclothes, “you look fine indeed.”
“Thank you, my lord, but I would not be unwant to travel with the servants--”
“I would,” he said tersely as you helped him into his tunic, “I want you with me as often as you can be, as close as you can be.”
You carried on and pulled up his breeches as he straightened the cuff around his artificial arm. He shrugged and groaned, “this damned thing,” he swore under his breath then looked at you again, “you don’t look at me the way they do… the arm… people can’t see it but they stare, they know. They expect it to just slip off and clatter to the floor like I’m some fool.”
“My lord,” you said gently.
“I’m not ashamed. It happened, it’s gone.” He said, “it’s just that others are and that makes me angry.”
“My lord,” you repeated again as you guided the heavy overcoat up his arms.
“I’m not ashamed of you either,” he touched the fabric of your skirt as you reached for the chain he’d wear around his neck, “but I do want you to look to others as I see you.”
“Yes, my lord,” you straightened the chain so the single sapphire hung in the centre of his chest.
“I never saw you as only a servant,” he turned and took his comb and brushed through his thick locks, “I tried, told myself it was… untoward but… here we are.”
You were quiet. He placed his comb back on the square table and turned to you. His eyes roved up and down your figure and he squared his shoulders.
“We will attend to our host as the servants ready the luggage. It should not be more than an hour before we are gone,” he declared, “and the journey will be strenuous.”
“My lord,” you breathed as he took your arm.
You'd never rode in a carriage before. The cushioned benches would be the envy of any servants afoot or crammed into the cart of luggage. You'd never worn a proper gown either and it wasn't as accommodating as the carriage. The corset pinched your waist and the brocade was stiff and scratchy.
As you set out, it was just you in the vehicle. You had a long cape around your shoulders as the closed windows hardly kept out the frosty morning. You were almost relieved to be alone, a breath from Barnes. You heard the horses' hooves in the dirt and the voices both familiar and not as the riders chattered. Soon, the carriage felt like a cage.
Just an hour after the sun reached its peak, the procession stopped. You listened through the carriage walls and pressed yourself to the seat as the door unclasped. Lord Barnes climbed in and offered you some dried meat and berries as he sat beside you. You took it and stared at the other bench, why couldn't he sit there?
The carriage jolted back into motion as you ate, the meat spicy and dry. He offered you a skin of water wordlessly as you finished and you kept your eyes through the window, the trees thinning out to pale fields. He sidled closer and you winced. You wanted badly to throw open the door and jump out, even if it ended in you being trampled or worse.
"You are quiet," he said.
"My lord," you murmured and stared at the cold horizon. 
"Suppose we never spoke very much," he picked at your sleeve and rubbed the fabric between his fingers, "but I want you to make a habit now. You can speak to me."
And say what? You wondered. Did he think dressing you like a lady would truly make you one? You blinked and tried to ignore his lingering, if not pestering, touch.
"You are troubled. Tell me why?" He prodded. You kept quiet and he covered your hand with his,  "please, tell me."
His tone brooked no defiance. You exhaled weakly and clenched your fist under his long fingers.
"My lord, with respect, do you believe those in the capital would be… accepting of a maid in lady's clothes? Do you think they'd be convinced by it?"
"Those in the capital are not my concern. They've not been for years and that will not suddenly change," he sighed, "if it was my decision, I would not attend but the king sent his invitation direct and is not within my prerogative to deny him."
"But must…" you began then clamped your lips shut at your error, "my lord."
"Must I bring you? That is what you thought to ask," he said, "I admit my actions have been sudden and I did not wish to frighten you so but… they were as much driven by the expediency of my departure as the intensity of my yearning."
You were still as he pried your hand open and forced his palm against yours.
"I am still only a servant even if you dress me up," you whispered and flicked your eyes with your fingers as tears threatened.
"To me, you are more," he vowed.
"No, you still… treat me as one," you tried to pull your hand from his grasp, "even if you think you do not and I can only ever be--"
"Enough," he snapped, "you grow bold and it does irk me. I have forgiven your missteps and you treat me as a beast."
You squirmed, your body still sore from his lashing. How quickly he forgot.
"My lord," you appeased and bent your head.
He sat back heavily and played with your hand. His breaths were heavy and angry as he thought. His grip tightened on you and he pulled your hand into his lap. You let him even as you went rigid and he turned your hand and rested it over his crotch. He pushed it firmly to his bulge.
"That is for you, servant or no," he groaned as you felt him twitch, "and that is your duty now."
You swallowed and batted your lashes. You were ashamed and appalled. You were to be his whore, you had no presumptions, but to hear him say it so overtly made it sink into your core like iron. You trembled as he moved your hand against his breeches. He led up and down his length as it throbbed desperately beneath the fabric.
"Look at me," he demanded.
You turned to him and hesitated before you could bring your eyes to his face. As a servant, you rarely were permitted to look at him straight. His face was limned in dark desire and tense with withheld lust. He slid your hand up and pushed your fingers beneath his breeches and the linen of his undershorts.
You tried to yank away from him but he forced you further down his pants. He urged your fingers around his cock and carried his former motion, up and down, up and down. He shuddered and squeezed your hand, an unspoken order. He drew his hand back and hooked his arm over your shoulders, his weight tugging on the tails of your hood.
He leaned his forehead against your temple as he moaned and you focused on your hand and the absurd activity of your own hand. He began to pant as he held you closer and you felt his muscles lock as he planted his boot firmly on the floor. The rock of the carriage and noise of horse hooves disguised his moans, your name floating around you.
"Quicker," he begged, "quicker, please."
You could do nothing more than what he bid. His lips tickled your cheek and he kissed your throat as he hunched down. He nibbled your skin and his hand tugged at your sleeve as you closed your eyes and just kept your hand moving. You began to shake too, afraid but more stunned. It was like every nerve in your body was alight.
He purred long and low as he sat back suddenly and pushed his hips out. He spasmed and you felt a warmth spill down your fingers. He reached down urgently and stopped younas he quaked and sputtered, "oh, oh, enough, please."
He pulled your hand from his trousers and you stared at his cum as it cooled between your knuckles. You tried to hide your disgust as he puffed and looked at the front of his pants. He swore as he felt the fabric, his mess seeping through both layers. He reached into his jacket and pulled a cloth free. He held it out to you.
"Clean yourself," he ordered, "try not to mess your gown."
You shakily wiped your hand with the cloth and he took it back to clean himself as best he could. "You did well," he rasped and folded the dirty side of the kerchief in and shoved it aside, "very well,  sweeting."
His hand grazed the front of your gown and he slid off the bench. He bunched a handful of your skirt and slowly edged the hem up until you felt the cool air on your legs. You reached to stop him and he pressed his elbow against your side. A warning. His touched crawled beneath your skirts, gathered between his arm and your front, and under your shift, along the top of your stockings.
You held your breath and braced yourself against the seat as he cupped your cunt and you felt warmth gather in his palm. He pushed two fingers to you and slipped them along your folds. There was a peculiar slickness beneath them and you squeaked as he grazed a most sensitive spot. He rolled your bud beneath his fingertips and you grabbed his arm without thinking.
He kept you pinned with his arm against your torso, his hand nestled between your legs as he stretched his fingers along your cunt. He moved them up and down, lingering along that special spot and swirling, only to circle your entrance longingly but never going further.
He sped up as his fingers danced around your bud and your thighs clenched around his hand as you arched your back. You squeezed his arm and turned your face away as the fire spread through your body and ravaged your wits. You'd never felt this way and it was so new and so overwhelming that your voice erupted from you like a kettle boiling over.
The sudden snap inside of you had you writhing and whining. His fingers worked you fervently and the tendrils wrapped you up until you were breathless and broken, falling limp against the seat as you shook and he slowed his fingers in an agonizing descent. 
He withdrew his hand, leaving a trail of your wetness along your thigh. Your skirts fell back to your feet and you hugged yourself as he moved his arm away from your body. You turned as he hummed and watched him dumbly as he sucked on his fingers. You gasped as he dropped his hand and smiled.
"Didn't that feel nice, sweeting?" He asked as he wiped his fingers on the tailnof his tunic and covered it again beneath his overcoat.
Your lashes fluttered and you hung your head. You didn't know what he'd just done but the rush of pleasure soured to a deluge of shame. The carriage smelled of your sweat and sin.
"My lord," you surrendered and he pulled you against him once more. His heart was steady but your own wouldn't stop hammering.
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hyuukais · 2 years
For The Future
As the new year approaches, the thought of your future becomes more daunting than ever. Thankfully you find solace in the ever comforting presence of the person you sneak out of everything for.
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: knight!Jeongin x royal!reader, fluff, royalty au!, secret relationship au!
Warnings: gender-neutral terms are used for the reader though it is stated that they are wearing a corset
Author: Yang Jeongin holds my entire heart in the palm of his hand✋😔 thank you @taecup-fics so much for beta reading <3 and happy new year !!
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“I am going to kill someone.”
Your brother shifted in his position beside you, trying his best to appear formal while leaning into your ear, “I thought you switched out of the heels.”
“I did. It’s this stupid fucking corset.” You whispered back. Felix chuckled as you twisted and pushed against the constricting confines wrapping your torso.
“We only have to stand here for a few more minutes, and then you can go run off to the secret boyfriend you meet with at these parties.”
You tried your best to discreetly elbow him for the comment before responding, “Shut up.”
He simply laughed again and went back to standing upright. It was common for Felix to tease you about these things. Ever since he’d found you sneaking away from the ballroom at one of your father’s parties, it seemed his favorite thing to do. The party itself was a celebration of the kingdom’s fall harvest, filled with aristocrats and commoners alike. You had just snuck past the stragglers stuck on the outskirts of the crowd and were preparing to make the final dash to the garden’s when, all of a sudden, Felix appeared behind you. He wasn’t surprised to see you so much as he was curious about your intentions. There were certainly questions to be asked, but he trusted you and your boundaries enough to know nothing you were doing was truly terrible. Instead, Felix nodded to you and walked away. He never did come to know the actual details of where you were going and why, but that didn’t stop him from making various jabs later on about your ‘secret lover’. That isn’t to say he was wrong this time, you fully planned on ditching your kingdom’s subjects at the New Year's Ball in favor of a more comfortable crowd, but you refused to affirm his teasing.
Sudden applause erupted in front of you; your father seemed to have finished his speech to the room. You had tuned most of it out as he had rehearsed it for you a million times already, you practically had it memorized as well by now. A lengthy thing droning on about the prosperous future of the coming year, the usual stuff to promote to people placed under your protection. Now standing to the side, your father called on you and Felix to step forward and wave to your people. Walking towards the grand balcony, the bulk of the crowd flooded your vision. Nobles in their nicest gowns, capital dwellers in their grandest attire, people young and old all looking towards you. Placing the assurance of their future in your trust. Everything that they hold dear in the hands of you and your family with complete faith you’d keep them safe. That was your job, what you were taught from birth, to protect the thousands entrusted to you. It was most daunting in moments like these. The smallest bit of your kingdom is laid out in front of you. Even those a part of the court, you would one day have to lead them all. Pressure fell heavy on the shoulders of the bearer, and you could hear the thrum of your heart echoing in your head. It rang loudly over the calls for feasting and festivities to commence. You saw the crowd fan out, your mother and father descending from the stairs to chat with friends. Felix seemed to have run off as well, scouring the food tables and talking with Duke Hyunjin.
Reeling from the existentialism brought on by your vantage point, your chosen direction is down. Your feet lead you backward past the balcony’s doors. Running leads you to the halls lining your castle foyer. Crowds from the ballroom spill in here, mingling and dancing just the same. You duck around the railings, hoping to stay hidden, sneaking past the corners into an empty hallway. Usually, you’d spend time with the guests, eat, talk, sneak a dessert or two, but the beating in your head drove you away. There would be questions, far more people to realize you were gone, but these thoughts scared you. You needed to breathe, and this stuffy outfit wasn’t making it any better.
Looking for an exit, you slowly wandered onto a secluded terrace overlooking the palace gardens. Stars winked across the sky, bright and shining. Cool winter air filled your lungs. Your veins flooded with relief of fresh air and calm skies. Though relief soon became surprise at the sound of footsteps close approaching. There weren’t many places to hide in such an exposed area but, at the sight of who the footsteps belonged to.
“Oh, hello Jeongin.”
The knight looked up, seemingly just as surprised as you before softening into a grin. He was out of his regular loose clothing or armored get-up. His hands were tucked in the pockets of a slick black suit that framed his torso rather nicely.
“Hello, your highness. What might you be doing up here? Should you be at the party?”
“I could ask you the same thing. This is your night off, isn’t it?”
“Mhm, but I’m not the one who’s hosting the party.”
“Ah, yes, that. Well, I just…needed some fresh air, and to get out of this corset ”
He hummed in understanding before walking to your side, leaning against the railing, “I was actually on my way to the gardens for our usual meeting.”
Tonight, it had been in your plans to sneak out of the party and seek the company of a Jeongin, a childhood friend, and, for the last three years, your boyfriend.
“Oh. Do you wanna go down there together?” You held out your hand. He grabbed it and turned you around.
“Let me help loosen your corset first.”
“O-okay. Thank you.”
“Of course.” Jeongin pressed a small kiss to your cheek. His fingers worked fast at unraveling the knot hanging down your back and releasing tension on the string. Its tight grip around your stomach let out and you could finally take in much fuller breaths.
He ties it off again at this much nicer size, “There we go! Is that better?”
“Much better. Thank you, Innie.” Your kiss landed on his cheek as well before taking his hand back in yours, “Now, let’s go.”
Large fountains spewed water into the air. Walls of browning bushes lined the stone walkways on which Jeongin dress shoes clicked. You two walked side by side, hand in hand, around the castle gardens talking about everything and nothing. At some point, you’d ended up on a bench watching the stars up above. Pointing out different constellations and shapes amongst the sky, the two of you were in your own world. A world of just you together, no external worries, no pressure of the future. A world where there’s no more sneaking around for fear of anger from the court, from your parents. It was only you two and the love you shared.
“Ooh, there, it’s Orion!”
“And if you connect those there, it’s like a heart.”
Your head had found purchase laying on Jeongin’s shoulder, snuggled into his under the night. All was calm and silent. Until shouts from across the lawn broke the atmosphere. Cheers and counting had erupted from inside. A countdown from ten had started, making you look towards the clock tower.
“It’s almost midnight!”
“What? Do you have to run away or something, Cinderella?”
You smacked his arm, “Haha. No, Jeongin, it's almost new years.”
“Did you seriously forget that?
“Mhm, sure.”
“Oh, shut up!”
“Make me.”
“You heard me.”
“Okay then.”
As the shouts reached their climax, Jeongin’s lips met yours. Molding and moving with sweet sincerity, it was a soft confession of love pouring through a kiss. It was three years worth of a thousand “I love you”s said over and over again under breaths, passing in hallways, hiding around corners, sneaking through the dark of night. It was a heart reliant on the littlest touches, knuckles brushing, lips skimming, shoulders knocking. It was everything that couldn’t be said but felt. It was the love of your right now pulling you into the future with a promise to cherish every moment together. He’s rested on your cheeks as you two pulled away to the distant wishes of a happy new year.
Noses brushing, you stayed close and breathless. “Happy new year, love.”
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Gojo x Reader: Bath time Fun
Artist Credit to @Rennca_ on Twitter
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“Good morning my beautiful (Y/N)!” Gojo came in waking you up with breakfast in bed. He placed the food down and jumped into bed cuddling with you.
You rolled over and kissed Gojo. “Good morning my love!”
“Eat up while I draw a bubble bath for us to share!”
“Satoru thank you!” You grabbed his hand pulling back into bed giving him another kiss.
Gojo went into the bathroom to start your bubble bath, he put a custom made cupcake scented bath bomb that had a surprise in the center of it, along with vanilla bubble bath foam to hide the gift. He hid a vibrator on the side of the tub.
He hurried his way back into the bedroom just in time as you finished breakfast to collect the tray. “I’ll be right back my love don’t move!” He winked at you as he disappeared and was back before you knew it. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. “Are you ready for an amazing bath my love?” He asked as he started to undress you.
“Mmmmmm y-yes I am Satoru.” You wined out as he kissed your neck and groped your breasts. “O-ohhhhhhh!” You shivered at his touch as he slipped his hand into your pajama shorts. “S-Sa-Satoruuuuuu!” Your legs started to tremble as he rubbed your clit and slipped your shorts off with his other hand.
Gently groping your butt he pushed you towards the bathtub. “Mmmmmm that’s a good girl.” He cooed as he bent you over the tub and got down on his knees.
You looked down to see Gojo under you as he dove face first into your soaking core. “Ohhhhhh Satoruuuuuu!” You moaned out as he nibbled on your clit making you almost lose your balance as your knees buckled.
“Don't worry I got you baby girl.” He held your hips as he slowly lowered you onto his face instantly making you squirt as he nipped at your clit.
You grabbed onto the tub as you grinded on his face. “Oooooooh Sa-to-ru!” Your hips started to buck as he flicked his tongue, you could feel the tension is your stomach starting to build as you grinded on his face. “F-fuck S-Satoru I'm-I'm gonna cum!” You moaned out just as you were about to reach your climax he stopped. “Wh-what the hell Satoru why did you stop!?” You yelled in frustration as you got off of him.
“You're not allowed to cum for me yet my sweet, sweet (Y/N).”
You glared at him. “….Fine….”
“Oh don’t worry I plan on having you screaming my name within the next few minutes my love.” He flashed you a sexy smile as he got undressed.
You got lost looking at his gorgeously chiseled features completely forgetting why you were mad at him. You couldn’t help but stare and stare some more at your inhumanly beautiful boyfriend. You always questioned how you got so lucky and ended up with the hottest guy in Tokyo, well you thought he was the hottest guy in Tokyo…. And according to the constant love notes he got from admirers he was definitely a catch. “How did I get so lucky?” You cooed.
“What do you mean beautiful? I’m the lucky one here.” He said as he pulled you into his arms.
You shook your head. “No I am…. I am dating the most handsome, sweet, sexy, caring, wonderful man in Tokyo….. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream!” You giggled. “Never in my life did I think someone like me could end up with someone like you Satoru.”
“What do you mean by that love?” He asked confused.
“I just never thought I was anything special, I never really stood out and from knowing you, you seemed like the type to want to date someone more interesting than me.” You chuckled.
He shrugged. “Baby girl you’re very interesting! You’re the only girl I’ve ever met who didn’t have an instant crush on me. That’s what made me want you! I hate it when girls throw themselves at me so willingly, I love a challenge in a girl.” He smirked at you.
“Well I did have an instant crush on you but I didn’t want to throw myself at you…. That seems desperate and rather unattractive. Plus I saw all those girls fawning over you so I never thought I had a chance….”
“When I saw you that first day standing in the corner away from everyone looking so shy and so cute with your little black dress on. I knew then I had to make you mine.”
“I remember that day all too well….” You laughed. “All the other girls looked like they wanted to murder me when you walked up and started talking to me completely ignoring everyone else. It was so amusing to watch their reactions as you flirted with me.”
“Honestly I wasn’t even paying any attention to any of them…. My eyes were glued to you and you alone as I watched you become a hot mess while I flirted with you.”
“Well not knowing you from a hole in the wall you were rather intimidating with those gorgeous eyes and the fact that I am so tiny compared to you. You tower over me Mr. 6’4” and lil 5’4” me I'm like a little toy compared to you Satoru.”
He picked you up and held you close. “You fit perfectly in my arms, I love small girls…. It’s kind of a fetish for me.” He chuckled. “Me being so big and tall I just love someone small that I can pick up and toss around.” He cupped your butt as you wrapped your legs around his torso moaning as his length rubbed against your slit.
“S-Satoru!” You wined out as he carried you into the bathtub and sat you in his lap facing him. You placed your legs on each side of Gojo straddling him as you leaned in kissing him passionately.
Without you noticing Gojo reached down to grab the vibrator, he slowly moved it between your legs and turned it on placing it right on your clit making you moan. He thrusted his hips perfectly sliding inside you.
“Ofh myha gabb Saaftoruuuuuuu!” You moaned into his mouth as he pounded in you. You broke the kiss and held onto his shoulders as you wildly bounced up and down on him. “Oh my God babyyyyyyy! F-fuck just like that Satoruuuuuu!” Your back arched as you slammed down on his cock feeling your walls clench around him you came.
“Mmmmm baby girl that’s it cum all over my dick, God I love the way you feel on him!” He moaned out as he held your hips thrusting deeper and harder.
You held onto Gojo for dear life as he fucked you senseless. “Sa-to-ruuuuuuu! F-fuckkkkk I love youuuuu!” You screamed out in pleasure as you rode him.
Gojo thrusted his hips faster and faster almost making you smack into his head as you bounced up and down. He held onto you pulling you in close so you wouldn’t hit your head as he went deeper.
Suddenly you took control and slowed down the pace rocking your hips savoring the feeling and Gojo's sweet whimpers.
“Ah-ahhhhhh (Y-Y/N-N) fu-fuckkkkk! That feels so-sooooo gooooood!” He moaned out as you fucked him.
“Mmmmmm you like that baby?” You said in a sultry voice.
“Y-yes baby girl please don’t stopppppop!” He howled as he thrusted into you getting in sync going nice and slow. “Fuck I love how you ride him babe.”
You held his shoulders as you kept a steady pace he leaned down and sucked on your nipple. “Ohhhhh babyyyy!”
Suddenly he picked you up and pushed you into the wall spreading your legs as he pounded into you.
“F-fuckkkk Satoruuuuuu! I'm go-gonna cummmmmm again!” You cried out as you squirted.
“Yessssss baby girl that’s it scream my name!” He kept pounding you. “Fuck (Y/N) I'm cummingggggg!” Moaned Gojo as he exploded inside you.
He kissed you. “Now let’s get squeaky clean.” He grabbed your soap and started washing your back, then your front while he played with your boobs making your horny all over again as he pinched your nipples.
“Sa-to-ru….” You wined.
“Hm? Am I turning you on again baby girl?”
You whimpered and nodded.
“Hehe oops.” He said not so innocently.
“You jerk.” You laughed.
He gave you a sexy smile. “I love you cupcake.”
“I love you too Satoru.”
“Yay!” He kissed you.
“You're such a goof.” You felt something floating behind you. “Hm?” You turned around and saw a little plastic container. “What’s this?” You asked picking it up.
“Open it baby girl! It’s the first of many amazing gifts for you today!”
You opened the container and pulled out a beautiful sterling silver necklace with a diamond moon on it. “S-Satoru oh my goodness is that a diamond!?” You stared at the giant diamond in awe, he nodded his head. Your (E/C) eyes grew wider as you looked at beautiful necklace. “It's gorgeous! Thank you so much!” You tackled Gojo tenderly kissing him on the lips.
“You're very welcome my love. Now let’s hurry up and get ready!” He said as he put the necklace on you.
The two of you quickly finished your bath.
“My love! I have something else for you!” Gojo said as he handed you a big box.
You opened the box and took out a beautiful red silk dress. “Satoru….. This is stunning!” The dress truly was stunning it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, a layer of black lace in a rose pattern laid over the soft red silk. You kept looking through the box and took out the sexy lacy lingerie with matching thigh-high tights. The corset was completely see through and had ties attached for the tights, then you saw the thong. “Ohhhhh Satoru now is the lingerie for your pleasure or mine?” You laughed.
“Both! But mostly for me.” He smirked at you.
“Haha I figured as much!” You kissed him.
“Mmmmm baby girl gimme a lil show while you put that on.”
“Anything for you baby.” You winked at him as you shook your hips doing a sexy dance while you put the thong on. You twirled around and shook your ass in Gojo's face, he grabbed your ass with his giant hands clapping your cheeks together. “Mmmmm baby.” You moaned as he groped your ass before clapping your cheeks again. You twirled back around to face Gojo, smiling at him as you ran your finger along his collar bone, up his neck and under his chin as you pulled him in for a kiss. You broke the kiss to sit on the edge of the tub.
Gojo moved closer to you taking your leg in his grasp he placed sweet kisses all over as he worked his way up to your lips passionately kissing you. He broke the kiss and grabbed the tights slipping them on your legs. Then he grabbed the corset and stood you up to put it on you. He zipped the corset up, tightened the ribbons to give you that perfect hourglass silhouette lastly he fixed the tights so they wouldn’t fall. He gazed upon you completely lost for words as his jaw dropped. “God damn baby girl…. Is it bad that I don’t want to go out now? I could stay here all day just looking at you in that.” He cooed taking you in his arms.
You wrapped your arms around Gojo's neck, getting up on your tippy-toes very close to his lips. “No it’s not a bad thing at all my love but, we can have all the fun in the world later.” You tenderly kissed his lips. “Now let’s finish getting ready.
Gojo kept staring at you as you put the dress and heels on, you stood up so he could get the full view. His jaw almost fell on the ground as he gazed at you, that gorgeous dress hugging every curve perfectly and that corset making your boobs pop out of that sweetheart neckline Gojo started feeling very hot. “Nope I’m taking you again right now!” He scooped you up and brought you to the bedroom.
~ End
@mguqiis @milktaro-inc @sassyeahhhh
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
You Are Family Now (Sherlock x Reader)
So I had to repost this, @elanna-elrondiel��� was the one that requested it and i’m so happy they did, I feel like since I had to post it once again I should name you for this brilliant idea. Enjoy!
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“Mister Holmes may I introduce you to my niece, miss (y/f/n)”
A young woman smiled at him as she extended her arm for him to take, her hands were covered but a pair of silk black gloves and her white dress complimented her complexion perfectly. Sherlock took her hand and gave a gentle kiss, before looking straight into her eyes, however she could swear that he looked in her soul.
“Sherlock Holmes, Charmed”
“Likewise, what brings you to my dear uncles event? I don’t recall being in your presence before”
“Destiny I hope, only that could explain being around such an ethereal woman”
After that fatal meeting Sherlock had pursued her, he was astonished by her kind heart and lively spirits, she looked at the world in rose colored glasses and her curiosity about everything was so heart warming to him, it was also a reminder that not everything has to be a mystery and sometimes you need a little sugar in your coffee.
“Happy birthday beloved”
“Oh Sherlock, you spoil me way to much”
“As I am expected to do, especially since it’s your first birthday we spend together”
Sherlock had asked he to spend the night in his home, after their engagement a few days ago she was free of the judgmental eye of the public and could do whatever she wanted with her fiancé in public or not. Sherlock touched the button of her nose with the red rose he had brought with the breakfast, he could not believe how fast he had fallen for her, she was needed in his life, she grounded him, she was the sensitive happy little tune in his head that brought a smile on his face.
“Happy birthday dear”
“Thank you honey”
He leaned in to give her a gentle kiss that made her smile in between the quick little pecks that moved from her lips to her entire face. She started giggling at the matter and tried to push him away.
“Sherlock the food tray”
He swiftly placed it on the floor and dove under the covers yet still on top of her. She kissed him back as her hands held on the material of his shirt on the side of his torso. She loved how smitten he was behind closed doors, how his hands felt almost like feathers by how gentle he was with her, as he pulled back and looked at her, her right hand traveled to his hair, combing through his curls with the feeling of it making her smile once again.
“How did I get so lucky?”
“I don’t know, I guess my uncle hosts great events”
The scene was interrupted by a ring of his doorbell. He wasn’t expecting anyone, he had made sure to not be disturbed today, it was all about her today so a sudden visit was the last thing he needed.
“Maybe it’s your brother”
She spoke, sensing his irritation and questioning the rude visitor. He looked back to her and gave her a kiss once again, dreading the fact that he had to go and open the door.
“Whoever it is, they are getting a brief excuse as for why they can’t come in. I’ll be back in a minute darling”
He put on his robe and to cover his pajamas and left her with her breakfast. (Y/n) didn’t mind it, her stomach was very excited about the delicious treats she was offered by her love, the smell of the pastries and the orange juice definitely made up for the few moments he had to be away from her.
As Sherlock opened the door he was met with the very last person he expected it to be.
“Oh Sherlock, it’s so nice to see you”
Eudoria didn’t miss a beat nor took into consideration her sons wide eyes and shocked demeanor, she hugged him tightly as a way to show how much she had missed him, even thought she valued her kids independency, they were still her children.
“I wasn’t expecting you to visit”
“Oh dear how could I not? As soon as I got your letter informing me of your engagement I had to come and meet the girl that will be a part of our family, you have a lovely home by the way”
She said as she looked around. It was the first time that Sherlock didn’t know what to do exactly, his mother was in the same home with his fiancé that has no clue of what is going on.
“Is she here? Of course she is, you were never fond of high heels”
She let out a small giggle as her gaze found the shoes that were placed right next to his from last night. Sherlock quickly regained his cool and smiled at his mother.
“It’s her birthday today”
“Oh good, go get her for me please. I’ll wait in the living room for you two”
Without even waiting for a positive or negative response, she walked away from the hall and onto the living room. Sherlock huffed as he walked up the stairs, he had no doubt that his mother would adore (y/n), however (y/n) always became nervous whenever the topic of meeting his family was brought up. As opened the door of his room, there she was eating the breakfast he had made for her, she looked  up at him with her mouth full, it was such a sight to see her do anything, she truly looked like a princess.
“Who was it?”
Silence. As (y/n) waited for him to laugh or show any hint of this being a silly joke of his to tease her, as she waited the chances of it being a joke became thinner and her heart started to beat faster by the second.
“I wrote to her about our engagement, she came to see you”
“no, no, no this can’t be”
“Darling, calm yourself”
He approached her, his hands taking hers. Of course she wanted to meet his family, she always tried to get some stories of them out of him, his mother sounded like a very interesting and excellent lady. Yet, this wasn’t the way she wanted to meet her, wearing the dress she wore last night, her hair is a mess and she didn’t have a stitch of make up, she couldn’t meet her in this state.
“Sherlock I can’t meet her, i’m not prepared”
“Dear she will love you no matter what, come on let me help you with your corset”
Sherlock took the tray and placed it at the table a few steps away from his bed. He was expecting her to be on her feet when he turned around, to his surprise she was still in bed, looking utterly mortified.
“(Y/n) come on now, she is waiting”
“What if you tell her i’m sick?”
“Dear, she is not stupid and she traveled all the way here just to see you, wouldn’t it be rude if you didn’t come down to meet her?
“I suppose so”
“Let’s get you ready”
(Y/n) let her feat touched the ground and slowly collected her dress. She stood still as Sherlock started tying her corset, he was.... used to assisting her tying it back up.
“What if... she thinks I’m not enough for you? What if she advised you not to marry me?”
“Then I guess we have once less invitation on our wedding”
“Don’t be ridiculous Sherlock, we can’t marry without your mothers blessing”
“And we won’t have to, you are a remarkable young lady that I am blessed to have in my life, I am sure my mother will think the same”
with one final tie, her corset was ready. Sherlock placed a light kiss on her shoulder and span her around to look at those eyes of hers. His arms wrapped slowly around her waist, bringing her closer to him.
“I will give you a few minutes to get ready, I will be right next to you through the whole thing alright?”
“Fine. I’ll be down in a minute”
He left her get prepared and for one last time went back down to his mother was had sat down in one of the chairs next to the window. The light of the sun brought warmth in the room and showed off the furniture that he had chosen.
“She is quite nervous to see you mother”
“Oh nonsense, I’m not some stuck up mother that thinks no one is enough for my son.”
“She just really wants to make a good impression, she always asks about you”
He sat in the couch close by her, patiently waiting for lovely little (y/n). Not even a minute went by before she appeared, her her up and away from her face and a nervous smile on her lips, she walked to Eudoria and bowed to an extent that made Sherlock think she touched the ground.
“Miss Holmes, it’s an honor to meet you”
“The pleasure is all mine dear. Let me look at you”
(Y/n) straighten her posture and smiled even brighter at the woman. Eudoria took in her sons fiancé before smiling herself.
“Oh my, you are a true beauty dear. My son is a very lucky man”
“I think I am lucky to have him in my life, you raised a very noble man miss Holmes”
“He is alright, but you... I see why he chose you”
Sherlock decided it was a good time to join the two women. He stood next to (Y/n) and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze just to let her know he was there for her. He looked over at his pleased more that was still staring at (y/n)
“She is even more wonderful once you get to know her mother”
“I have no doubt about that. What is your name love?”
“A  beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My so told me it is your birthday today”
“Yes miss Holmes it is my birthday”
“Oh please call me Eudoria, you are family now aren’t you”
(Y/n) almost collapse to the floor. Joy took over her and it was shown by how red her cheeks had gotten, with shaking knees she held herself and nodded at the request Eudoria had made.
“We must celebrate then, Sherlock I’m sure you can make a reservation to a nice restaurant for dinner”
“Of course, if (y/n) wishes to do so”
“I would love to have dinner with your mother”
“Excellent, now I have reserved a room for me in the Lenox hotel, I’ll give you two some privacy now”
“Allow me to walk you out mother”
Before she stepped out of the room, Eudoria opened her arms and hugged the young girl. (Y/n) restrained herself from fainting and hugged her back, the nervous smile was replaced by a big happy smile that reached her ears.
“Welcome to the family (y/n)”
“Thank you miss- I mean Eudoria”
Eudoria giggled at the flustered (y/n) and walked away accompanied by her son. As they reached the door she turned to her son who was also smiling, of course he was sure that they would get along but it was even better now that it actually happened.
“She is a lovely girl Sherlock”
“I know mother, she is perfect”
“Now Sherlock, marriage is not an easy thing so please don’t make me come here and beat you with a stick, cause I will if I find out you are being a bad husband”
“Mother if I recall correctly marriage is between two people, not just one”
“Oh please Sherlock, the girl almost passed out when she saw me, I saw how she relaxed when you took her hand, she loves you”
“And I do as well”
It was true, Sherlock loved and adored (y/n), she was his one and only. Eudoria hugged her son once last time and walked out of the house. As Sherlock was returning to the living room, he heard quick footsteps coming towards him and in a blink of an eye (y/n) had ran to him and hugged him tightly, making him take a few steps back by the force of hers
“Well now, someone’s excited”
“She called me family”
“You are family (y/n), I told you she would like you”
“Yes you did but.... she did as well”
Sherlock could only giggle at her cute outburst of excitement. (Y/n) had a lot of friends and family members that were already married or engaged so she had heard the mother in law horror stories, she was delighted that Sherlocks mother was not one of them.
“We must find an excellent restaurant for tonight”
“Yes, before that”
A squeal was heard that had escaped (y/n) as Sherlock swiped her off her feet and took her in his arms bridal style. Another kiss was given to her that she responded almost immediately this time.
“I have to give you one of your birthday presents”
“Of course, one for your personal pleasure and another to flaunt to those rude little “friends” of yours”
“They are better than your brother”
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elleclairez · 3 years
Nikolai Lantsov x reader : Starry night
Words count : 1 310
Pairing : Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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In the many years that Y/N has lived at the Ravkan capital never did the night sky looked so beautiful. The moon and the stars were shining as bright as diamonds and their light was reflected so strongly that the young woman could perfectly see young Grisha playing by the lake from the balcony of the Grand Palace. Was it maybe because the darkness left the town along with its cruel owner? It is perhaps foolish to think so but since Alina has taken over the Second Army and the Darkling went into hiding, Y/N noticed that the sky became much brighter than it used to be.
Here she was, looking at the starry night alone, not that she complained. Loneliness is far better company than the people attending the ball, except perhaps some people. In spite of the late hour the ball was not planning to end at all. The (Your Grisha Order) was quite curious on how those nobles were able to party so much and still have the energy to gossip all day long without tiring at all. But then again what more could they do, fight the war? No, that is the work of commoners like her and thousands of others.
If she was quite honest the young woman didn’t know what she was doing here. All she wanted was to get rid of this uncomfortable dress and rip this chocking corset apart. Whoever created those surely must have hated women.
Y/N was tired. Tired of the petty gossips, the glances that were thrown at her, the whispers commenting all of her steps and words. But there was nothing she could do. And she did promise Nikolai to stay until the ball ended. Not for fun of course but because they both knew that he needed her there, she was what kept him sane during those nights. Because while those balls and the people attending them were horrendous, dancing and laughing with the woman he loved made them a little better.
And that is exactly why the Grisha didn’t run away back to her cosy room the moment she could. No matter how hard it was to stay there she did it with her loved one by her arm. Together they put on smiles, laughed at horrible jokes and brushed away any comment about their relationship, his parentage or her lack of wealth or title. But even with Nikolai by her side all of this became too exhausting. She wondered how he was able to keep up with all of this since a very young age.
And it was exactly because of that same exhaustion that Y/N found herself staring at the beauty of Os Alta from one of the many balconies of the tasteless palace. All she wished right now was to be in bed with her lover, a book in her hands while he would write down some new engineering ideas in his notebook. But alas that was not meant to be. At least not tonight.
The peaceful atmosphere was disrupted by two arms encircling her waist and before Y/N had the time to break the hands of whoever dared to approach her in such a way, a soothing voice whispered in her ear.
"You needn’t worry, love, it is only me, your beautiful lover and servant of your heart. » Being in the arms of the man that she loved brought the woman comfort and calmed her down. Every time Nikolai is with her, especially while having some physical contact with her, Y/N felt safe and warm.
"What are you doing here, Kolya? Shouldn’t you be debating with your brother on which horse is faster?"Asked the Grisha while turning around to quickly peck the prince on his lips. From hearing his nickname (one that he let be called only by her) falling from her lips and the chaste kiss that she granted him, the prince’s smile grew even bigger than it was. And without knowing so, the woman mimicked the action but directly frowned when she saw how tired he truly was through his eyes. He might be an excellent actor but the ones who truly knew him could always tell apart his act and his true self through those beautiful hazel orbs of his.
"Well I was in the middle of such debate with my foolish brother when I noticed that my beautiful darling has completely disappeared."I let out a small breath at his words, I knew he would notice my absence. Sensing my fatigue through my actions, Nikolai placed one hand on the side of my face so that our eyes would meet."What is it, love? Is something wrong? Do I need to threaten someone? "He asked with full seriousness while still trying to make Y/N laugh with that last sentence. And he succeeded, his last words did bring out a small yet tired chuckle out of her.
What Y/N loved with Nikolai is that she didn’t have to explain myself, he always knew what to say or do in order to make me feel better. And that is why without having to make her explain herself, the young prince decided that is what perhaps time for them to retire to his chambers. Well, officially she would go back to the Little Palace and he to his chambers but as they say, "the less you know the better".
And that is how half an hour later, the woman found herself in the arms of the man that she loved, both of them laying on a sofa in the living room of his apartments, drinking tea, talking about nothing and everything and sharing more kisses that a couple in the middle of courting should.
By the time the sun started to rise, we only got into bed, our legs tangled, my head on his chest and his hand caressing my hair while the other stayed on the small of my back. The silence was a peaceful one and both of us hoped that no one would disturb it, at least for a few more hours.
"Thank you." Sweetly whispered Nikolai after placing yet another kiss on my forehead. "Thank you for being there for me. I know that being at court is though especially for you with everyone staring at you as if you didn’t belong there. But trust me, you do. You belong by my side and I, by yours, lubimaya."If Y/N wasn’t so tired she would have responded with words as sweet as his but alas tiredness was too strong.
Nikolai’s POV
Minutes have passed and Y/N was peacefully asleep on the man’s chest. Her eyes would sometimes flutter and Nikolai would check for any signs of stress on her face to make sure that his lover wasn’t having a nightmare.
Never in his life the young prince would have thought that he would feel such strong feelings for someone. Whenever he looked at the Grisha woman he wondered if his parents loved each other that way. Not his official ones of course, but biological ones. Because right now gazing at the person he loved the most in life he knew that if needed he would take the same risks his mother did so many years ago when she had her affair and then gave birth to him. If being with her meant taking huge risks or even giving up his titles, he would do no matter how much he wanted to save Ravka. But luckily for him, he knew that she understood and even shared his dreams and therefore would never ask such thing from him.
"And that is why one day I will marry you, lyuobv moya." His voice was barely a whisper and after kissing her temple one more time, Nikolai succumbed into sleep.
"Lyubov moya" = "my love"
"Lybimaya" = "my love » (more like "my favourite » while still meaning "my love")
Hope you liked this little Nikolai Lantsov x reader one-shot!
Who is exited for Shadow and Bone to finally hit our screens this Friday?? Because I can surely say that I am! What do you think of the show so far? Like I know none of us haven’t watched it yet but what are your expectations, fears… about it?
Tell me what you thought of this one shot because feedback is always appreciated!
Ps : I am working on the requests that you sent, but there are a lot of them, so it might take a while especially since my classes are starting again this Monday and I also want to take some time this weekend to bing watch S&B.
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justasimptm · 3 years
The Bride C5
The next few weeks pass by in a blur, mother, as promised, got me new blades, coated with something special she said he won’t be able to control. I get the distinct feeling of eyes on me in that time, but every time I look, there’s nobody around. Shaking off the feeling as paranoia I decide it’s time to get ready for the day, calling in one of the maids to help me dress. The poor girl is quaking in her boots and I end up doing half the work myself, from tightening my corset to fixing the pins in my hair that she carelessly dug into my skull. The unfortunate side of having to do most of it myself, is that my corset doesn’t quite where it’s supposed to be, it's tight enough to stay on but still feels loose, the straps not quite in the right spot, the pins holding my hair back aren’t stable enough.
I know she tried, but with each time she went to fix something she just made it worse and I ended up yelling at her. Telling her to get out and to go be useless somewhere else. She squeaked like a frightened mouse and all but sprinted from the room, leaving the door wide open in her wake. I’m about to call for another maid when Daniela swarms in-quite literally too. She’s already laughing as she reforms, her arms crossed, and a condescending smirk on her face.
“Oh my, you look like someone ran you over. That’s embarrassing,” She chuckles, moving closer to me to assess the damage. She lifts her hand to prod at something she sees, but I’m quick to smack her hand away. Rolling her eyes at my reaction she steps back, turning around and skimming my room.
“What do you want, Daniela?” I snap, standing up and moving to block her path as she starts towards my bookshelf. She had zeroed in on our old family album, something she hadn’t seen before, and something I wasn’t about to let her defile. My mother might call her ‘daughter’ but she would never truly be a Dimitrescu, so she has no reason to look at things pertaining to us. She chuffs quietly, narrowing her eyes at me before they dart back to the album.
“Mother told me to let you know that Mother Miranda wants you to meet her at the church. Apparently there’s been progress.” My stomach drops at her words. Progress? What could she need me for if it’s working? Why is it working? “And she wants you now, so you have to go, looking like that. Have fun!” She cackles, swarming and flying from the room. I curse loudly, glancing at myself in the mirror. I look like a mess, and there’s no time to fix it. Grabbing a shawl I throw it around my shoulder, tying it above my chest, which helps hide most of the damage. There’s definitely not enough time to fix my hair, but as quick as I can I pull out some of the pins, dropping them onto my vanity and storming from the room.
I would swarm there, but it won’t take long to walk it and hopefully that’ll give me time to get somewhat presentable. I don’t see my mother or any of the others on my way out, a small relief which ends up ending abruptly when I reach the front gates and I hear a loud snort. I spin so fast I genuinely trip, twisting my ankle and dropping like a rock with a sharp gasp. The force of the ground jolts me, leaving me briefly dazed as I wonder how the hell  I just managed to do that. Boisterous laughter tears me from my thoughts and my eyes snap up, locking on the source. And of course, it’s Heisenberg, damn near doubled over. My cheeks warm, and it takes everything in me to force my embarrassment down as I shove myself back up, brushing off my dress and returning to trying to fix myself.
“What are you doing here, Heisenberg? My mother isn’t expecting you and I doubt she’ll be pleased finding out you were lurking on our property without invitation.” I sneer, twisting my hands around as I try to find the angle to get my hair pin to stay without slipping, which is far more difficult without a mirror, might I add. He reaches up to his face, pulling his dark colored glasses off and wiping fake tears from his eyes before sliding them back into place. The glimpse of his full face unobstructed surprises me, he always keeps those glasses on, always hides his eyes from us, like they’re the lock to his secrets. Suddenly it feels like my hair pin is moving itself, angle changing midpush, stopping before I finish moving it but effectively keeping my hair back from my face. Did he just-
“You look like you’re struggling a bit there, darlin’.” He smirks, crossing his arms, “I can help with that.” As he continues I feel the metal ends of my corset laces move, the steel boning tighten and the ties pulling it into place, nearly knocking the wind from my lungs from the shock of it. It takes seconds for the knots to be put back into the correct place, everything now fitting the way it should. I open my mouth to yell at him, feeling both defiled and somehow comfortable, but he cuts me off before I get the chance to be worked up. “Look, sweetheart. You can tell me all you want that I had no right to do that, whatever. I was just saving you some embarrassment. Mother Miranda sent me up to walk you to the church. Direct quote, ‘since those lycans are your responsibility, go fetch her and escort her to our meeting so they don’t hurt her, we will finish our discussion when you both return.’” My jaw drops slightly, Daniela didn’t tell me he was going to be at the meeting, and she definitely knew. Of course she didn’t tell me, why would she miss an opportunity to make me look like an idiot. Straightening my back I nod my head at him, dropping my hands back down to my sides.
“Alright. Let’s go then,” I say, starting towards the church, I barely get a step before I’m stopped, not by his words but by the boning in my corset, which essentially drags me backwards towards his side. I gasp in shock at his actions, unable to stop my movements as he pulls me. He holds me still a few feet from him, looking me up and down.
“What do you say to me for helping you?” He growls, grinning ever so slightly. Frustration drops over me like a wave as I seethe at him. The audacity of this man to feel he’s entitled to not only adjust my clothing without my permission, but to then demand praise for it? A small part of me is amazed at how he’s able to keep me from moving, even though he only has a hold over my torso. Sensing my struggle he steps closer to me, nearly able to feel his breath on my cheek. “Come on now, it’s not that hard.” My lips turned down into a sneer for a split second before I conceded.
“Thank you for helping me, now let me go.” I spit, anger nearly boiling, mixed with the unsettling feeling that he can literally hold me still without even touching me. I’ll have to get a corset with different boning. His smile is filled with ego, so much so that it’s a wonder he hasn't choked on it yet, and he releases his telepathic grasp on me.
“That’s much better, I’m glad to see your mother taught you manners, one less thing for me to do.” With that closing statement he backs up a pace before starting down the path towards the decrepit church. “Keep up, sweetheart.”
Heisenberg’s POV
Seeing her scrambling out of that fortress, looking equally frazzled and nervous, part of me is alarmingly amused but also endeared. The stormy glare she fires at me only makes both parts grow warmly. Once she accepts that I’m going to help her and she stops lying, I think she and I will get along swell. The small gasps she lets out as I fix the pin in her hair and tighten her corset send a familiar but long forgotten spike up my spine. I never expected to have that reaction to someone, not after I was made into this, let alone her. Not that bitch’s daughter. But nonetheless, somehow it was true.
Dragging her close to me, watching her cheeks flush despite the fact she’s clearly trying to force it down. Still she thanks me, through gritted teeth and layers of disgust and emotion. A feeling of smug satisfaction swirls in my chest as I release her, watching her droop slightly, seemingly both calmer and slightly disappointed.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Strip Club - Cillian Murphy X Female OC
A/N - Set in 2010, and I've used fictional names for his wife/children
A night out with his brother and closest friends doesn't end the way Cillian expects it to.
Warning - Smut
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone
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"I'm really not up for this Pad, can't we just go for a beer at the Anchor instead?" Cillian complained to his younger brother.
"You haven't been out with us in months, Dermot has had this all planned out for ages Cill, come on!" He rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn't get out of it, no matter what he said. Pulling his boots on, the two of them left the house, getting into the waiting taxi outside.
Walking into the strip club via the VIP entrance at the back, Cillian kept his head low and his brother and friends close around him so as not to be seen. Last thing he needed was photos in the press of him coming here!
"We're here for The Secret Show? Booked under Padraig Murphy?" Paddy told the bouncer, who checked everyone's ID and led them through a curtained off section at the back of the club. No cameras, no members of the public, completely private.
The boys sat around the stage area, a waitress coming over to take their drinks order. Once she returned with them, the lights dimmed and the music from the movie Burlesque began to play through the speakers. A single spotlight on a stool on the stage.
Cillian could feel his cheeks burning, he genuinely had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. He'd never been to a place like this, had always avoided them like the plague. The idea of a stripper had never appealed to him. Someone he'd never met, stripping to her underwear to please him and his drunk friends and even more cringe-worthy, his little brother, was not something he was remotely interested in.
The dancer came out, swaying her hips as she walked to the stool. Perching herself on it, legs crossed. Dressed in a black corset, short black skirt, fishnet stockings, black stiletto heels, and a black masquerade mask covering the top half of her face. Her long, silky brown hair flowing loosely down her back.
She was beautiful, there was no mistaking it. Cillian spotted Paddy nudging Dermot and whispering something in his ear and rolled his eyes. Probably something incredibly inappropriate about the young girl in front of them. He couldn't help feel sorry for her - lecherous old men creeping all over her as she danced for them, throwing money at her like she was a cheap prostitute...
The routine began. Cillian remained stoic, arms folded across his chest while the other lads cheered, louder each time an item of clothing was sexily removed from her lithe body. Her heels had been kicked off, her stockings slowly moving down her thighs, he couldn't watch any more. Standing, he made his way over to the bar to order another Guinness.
"I'd have thought you'd be over there enjoying the show with your friends?" A familiar voice from behind the bar startled him.
"Long time no see," she smiled.
"Wow! Last person I expected to bump into tonight, how are you?"
"I'm okay, I see you're doing pretty well too." He nodded, his latest film, Inception, had been a box office smash. Professionally, at least, he could say he was doing well.
"Yeah, I guess so." His head lowered slightly, as Kate placed his pint in front of him.
"You guess? You okay?"
"What? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Although, no disrespect? Kinda wish I was anywhere but here right now!" He chuckled. Kate smirked.
"I get off in 20minutes, fancy a walk?"
"You know what, I'll take you up on that Kate. I'll meet you outside?"
Thirty minutes later, after Cillian had made his excuses to his brother, he was smoking a cigarette walking along the canal with Kate at his side.
"Did you travel the world like you planned after school?" He asked, stubbing the cigarette out on the floor.
"I did, a full year of travelling before I went to university."
"Where did you go?" She told him about Australia, backpacking across Vietnam and Thailand, before heading to California for three months on a work visa.
"It was amazing. Truly wonderful. I met some great people over there. But all good things must come to an end, right?" She looked at him, and quickly looked away.
"I couldn't stand in the way of you living your dream Kate, you know that. We ended on grand terms though, right?" She linked her arm through his and squeezed it.
"We did. Promised we'd stay in touch though didn't we..."
"Yeah, I admit that was my fault. Tanya wasn't overly keen on you was she?" His ex wife. Or soon to be ex, anyway.
"I'm sorry about what happened Cill. Are you okay?"
"I'm getting there, you know? If she'd rather fuck her friend's husband instead of her own, then so be it," he smiled as much as he could.
"Well if it's any consolation, she's clearly lost her mind." She squeezed his arm again, and he found himself moving it so it was wrapped over her shoulders. He could feel her shivering and pulled her a little tighter against him.
They approached a small apartment block around 100yards further down the canal, and Kate dug her keys out of her handbag.
"Thanks for walking me home. It was good to see you again," she smiled, unhooking herself from him.
"Maybe I could - " he was interrupted by the door opening, and a younger girl stood in the doorway with a toddler in her arms.
"I'm so sorry Kate, I gave her Calpol an hour ago but I couldn't get her to settle..."
"Hey it's okay, I'll take her now. Get yourself home sis, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" The young girl nodded, before nodding at Cillian and heading off down the street.
"Liane grew up!" Cillian laughed. The last time he'd seen her she'd still been in primary school. "And who's this little one?" He reached for the toddlers hand, grinning when she took his little finger and squeezed it.
"This is my daughter, Lily."
"Well Lily, you've certainly got your mama's eyes, haven't you?" Cillian glanced quickly at Kate's left hand.
"Her Dad isn't around Cill, I'm not married." He bent his head down. Busted.
"Then am I allowed in for a coffee at least?"
"If you don't mind sharing me with a teething baby, then yes, you can come in!" Kate led him through and fetched the teething granules from the cupboard and a teething ring from the freezer. Cillian offered to take Lily while she prepped a cup of warm milk for her.
Seeing him bounce her on his arm made her smile.
"Reminds me of Jack and Niamh when they were teething. Had to be moving around, constantly needed distraction. You okay if I take her a walk around after? See if I still have the magic touch?"
Kate nodded, and took her back to give her the nurofen, teething granules, followed by her sippy cup of warm milk. Once she'd finished, Cillian offered his arms out for her. She reached up for him, surprising Kate as she normally shied away from strangers, and off they went around the apartment. She watched from a distance as he took her around, showing her the ornaments on the window ledge, her reflection in the mirror, bouncing her up and down as she giggled lightly.
After around fifteen minutes, he made his way over to the radio in the kitchen, fiddling with the buttons before he found the station he was looking for. Soft, gentle classical music played through the speakers. He turned the volume down so it was barely audible, and leaned Lily into his shoulder, rocking her side to side gently. She nuzzled into his neck, Kate watching, smiling, as her baby's eyes grew heavier. She could feel past feelings coming back as she watched them. As much as she'd pretended losing him when he left University to pursue his acting career was fine and she had gotten over it, she never had. And now, bumping into him again all these years later, those feelings were coming back with some force.
Lily was snoring gently in his arms now, and Kate gently took her from him. Taking her into a small room at the back of the apartment. Coming out ten minutes later and closing the door as quietly as possible.
"I'd say you still have it Cill," she laughed, switching the baby monitor on in the corner of the living room where he sat on the sofa, two glasses of red wine in front of him. "You read my mind."
She sat next to him, clinking her glass with his.
"Did you meet her Dad while you were travelling?" He asked, after taking a sip.
"Yeah.. he erm.. he died not long ago. Cancer."
"Shit I'm sorry... Oh Kate that's awful..."
"No it's okay.. it was just a brief fling you know, we weren't together or anything. But it's sad for her. She'll never have that father figure. Just me and her against the world now." She felt his fingers brush her hair out of her face and gently down her cheek. Turning to him, she put her glass down on the table and turned to face him. He placed his down too, and moved closer.
Their faces centimetres apart, she could feel his warm breath against her own.
"I should probably go..."
"Again?" She whispered. She didn't want him to leave her again, as much as he had no intention of actually leaving. Their lips met, a kiss that was fifteen years overdue.
"I haven't spent a day not thinking about you, Kate..." He smiled, pulling away.
"You mean that, or are you just looking to get your end away?"
"Which is why I'm going to kiss you now, and go home. But I want to see you again. If I can?"
"And what if I don't want you to go home..." She kissed him again, this time straddling her legs over his thighs on the sofa. Even if this was a one night stand for him, she needed him, and he wasn't getting away this time.
"Then I'm not going home." His hips rose to meet hers, gyrating over his erection under his jeans, both of them removing each others clothes in record time until they were left in just their underwear.
"My god, you're incredible... Let me taste you..." He flipped her onto her back on the sofa, spreading her legs and placing gentle kisses along the inside of her thighs. His fingers teasing against her underwear, softly caressing her mound, before sliding a finger inside and groaning at how wet she was already.
"Cillian please...." She almost whimpered underneath him, her hips squirming against his lips and fingers. He pulled her underwear down her legs, and unceremoniously threw them across the room before moving his lips to her open slit, drawing his tongue slowly up and down her folds. Her hand flew to her mouth, stifling the cry of ecstacy within it so as not to wake Lily.
"You need to be quiet, you're not going to want me to stop once I've started Kate..." He smirked, before attacking her clit with his mouth, drawing it between his lips, rolling his tongue over it, increasing the pressure. His fingers pressing into her thighs, surely leaving bruises, as his mouth worked magic on her, her hips rocking against him.
"Oh god... That's so good, please don't stop..." Her words coming out in breathy little moans as her orgasm built quickly. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him where she needed him. Two fingers suddenly entered her, making her gasp as they found the small bundle of nerves deep inside her, pushing and rubbing against it hard, matching his motions against her clit. Suddenly his mouth was off her, his fingers pumping into her, the palm of his hand pressed against her clit now as he moved his body up, his lips now pressed to hers. The taste of herself on him turned her on further, and she could feel herself letting go.
"Cum for me..." He whispered in her ear, sending her over the edge with a small cry into his shoulder, her body writhing against him. His fingers removed, replaced with his now solid cock as it pushed inside her quickly, picking up the same pace his hands were, hard and fast thrusts as he hooked her leg up under his elbow, forcing himself deeper.
Her nails scraped over his shoulders as she buried her face into his neck, frantic thrusts against each other, fifteen years of buried feelings coming out of them with a force that took her breath away.
"Yes... God yes..." Her moans into his neck drove him wild, her walls contracting around him pushing him closer. He could feel another orgasm building inside her, and angled his thrusts to hit that magical spot inside her perfectly.
"I'm so close Kate... So fucking close, you feel so good around me..."
"Cum inside me Cillian, please..." He grunted against her ear, nibbling on it gently as his hips pounded into her relentlessly now. Reaching his high, he flooded her, spilling inside her with a deep groan into her neck, sending her into her second orgasm, her legs wrapping tightly around his back pulling him even deeper inside her as she felt his cock pulsate, emptying into her.
He rested his forehead against hers, both of them panting, smiles forming as they looked into each others eyes.
"You're on the pill, right?" He chuckled, coming back to his senses.
"No." He lifted his head quickly.
"What?" She started to giggle, grinning at him.
"I'm on the coil, you're fine, don't worry!" He rested his head back into her neck, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Good to hear. I think three kids between us is enough for now, don't you?"
"What do you mean, for now?"
"I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving you Kate, I'm not planning on doing it again," his lips gently kissed the side of her neck, running the tip of his nose along her jawline softly.
He pulled out of her with a groan, taking her hand and leading her into her bedroom - he'd clocked which one it was earlier that evening.
Kate smiled watching him grow hard again, knowing not much sleeping was going to be done once they got in there...
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑂𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑝𝑜𝑛 𝐴𝑛 𝑈𝑠 (𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜) 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝐶𝐸𝑂! 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜 (𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧)/𝐸𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒)
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝑁𝑜𝑛! 𝐼𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝐶𝐸𝑂 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑. 𝐻𝑒'𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒........𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜'𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡:6K
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑀𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑏𝑠/𝑒𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝑙𝑎𝑝 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑑𝑟𝑦 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒, 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑦), 𝑎𝑠𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘, 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑒, 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥 (𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛).
"In behalf of all of us present here, I'd like to congratulate our dear friend Yunho on finally settling down, on finding someone who truly makes him happy and promising to spend the rest of his life with her."
Lifting the glass cup up, Seonghwa finished with a loud:
"To Yunho and his lovely bride."
The rest of the groomsmen let out a bunch of hollers and whistling, signaling their approval of the speech given by the oldest male.
Yunho couldn't keep the happy grin off his face.
"Thanks so much guys. It really means a lot to me that you guys would do this for me."
"What kind of friends would we be if we weren't happy for you?" Hongjoong nudged him gently.
"And what kind of groomsmen would we be if we didn't throw you a super cool and totally expensive bachelor party." Wooyoung clinked glasses with San, both giving each other a not so subtle look that they were up to something.
The rest decided to ignore them, figuring they were just messing around like they usually did. They began to talk about their own married lives, funny stories that happened to them while they were on the honeymoon, their first fights as couples, and how they tended to deal with their in laws. Seonghwa was also more than happy to talk about how his wife and him were already trying for a baby, which came to no surprise to the others, considering how much he adored kids. The two single men though, were quickly becoming bored with the subject, either rolling their eyes at them or just downing more shots just to kill time.
"Ok! If you pansies are done, I think it's time to bring out the real entertainment." San got up and went over to the door.
Yunho tensed up noticeably.
"San.....remember I said no strippers or anything like that."
"Oh lighten up Yunho! It'll only be one night! One night before you're forever tied down to 1 woman! 1!" Wooyoung argued.
"Unsurprised you'd be in on this sort of shenanigans as well." Yeosang rolled his eyes at him.
"Ok so can I open the door and let the fine ladies on?" San tapped his foot impatiently.
Yunho lowered himself on his seat.
"I p-promised Jieun...."
"Have a little respect you assholes." Hongjoong piped up, sensing how uncomfortable his friend was getting.
"Ok fine! I'll tell you what."
Going over to him, San made Yunho get up and pointed him towards another door at the end of the hallway.
"See that room there? Why don't you be a good little obedient puppy to your new master and watch tv or something while we enjoy ourselves here. Does that sound like a plan?" San asked him with a totally innocent smile.
"Ok!" Yunho didn't even hesitate to get out of the situation, already walking away as rapidly as he could.
"I wanna go too-"
"No you don't!" Wooyoung grabbed Yeosang, nearly choke holding him, the poor man struggling to breathe.
The rest of the boys watched as Yunho left, oblivious to what was happening behind him. It was Seonghwa who knew something was up.
"What did you do?" He questioned them, eyeing them suspiciously.
San and Wooyoung released a series of laughs that only made the rest of them worry.
"Let's just say Yunho might just have the best time of his life if he'd let loose a little." San hinted.
The other boys looked at them in disbelief.
"You didn't." Mingi's mouth dropped.
"Ok, that's low even for you two. I'm going over there and getting him out if it."
Hongjoong was stopped in his tracks by San.
"Listen, Yunho is old enough to decide for himself. If he's really uncomfortable, he'll leave as soon as the girl gets there. If not....well....he's one lucky guy." He snorted.
Wooyoung shook his head.
"I'm still mad at you for letting him have her. I wanted her!"
"It was only fair he got the best one don't you think? This is his party." San explained.
"Who? Who exactly did you get for him?"
Yunho shifted awkwardly in the dimly lit room. He could hardly make out any of the furniture surrounding him, which resulted in him tripping or hitting his thigh or hip on the corner of somethings.
"Light light. Where's the light?" He tried feeling around, hoping to find something somewhere.
Instead, the room itself lit up a light lavender color, slow and sensual music playing in the background. Yunho froze as he realized what he just walked into.
"Fuck you San." He ran his hand down his face, already getting nervous at whatever was going to happen now.
Soon enough, he heard the door behind him open. The clatter of heels resonated in the room. Still not turning around, Yunho nervously said:
"Listen, th-this was all a misunderstanding....so if-if you could please just go back, I'd really appreciate it."
The footsteps halted themselves, and all was silent for a moment, until the figure started walking once again, this time emanating a subtle giggle.
"A little shy aren't we? Don't worry honey. I'll make sure to ease your mind."
Yunho could hear them approaching him even more.
"N-no! That's ok! I don't- I mean! I have a fiancee." He blurted out.
The person now stood right behind him and Yunho felt a shudder down his body, as well as an overly familiar thrill when they rested their hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah I know. A lot of soon to be married men always say that........ don't worry."
Leaning in, they whispered in his ear:
"It'll be our little secret."
Delicate hands wrapped themselves around his waist. Yunho pried their hands off and began turning.
"No! Seriously I don't-"
Yunho cut himself off when he stared at the person standing right in front of him, who was equally shocked to see him.
They both stared in disbelief at each other, both wondering if it was their imagination or if this was reality. Yunho was extremely stunned. Here right in front of him, was none other than his very first love, looking at him with the same angelic eyes that he had fallen madly in love with years ago. His eyes couldn't help but start trailing down, scanning down every inch of her body. He blushed as he took in her attire: an ivory white lingerie set with glittery silver adornments meticulously stitched into it. It consisted of a push up bra that made her cleavage look more rounded, a corset that highlighted her waist and made her hips look wider, lace cheeky panties made specifically to show off just enough of her ass, and long thigh high stockings that had an intricate lace trimming with 2 bows at the center.
Yunho gulped slowly as he took all of her in. Her glamorous body dressed so provocatively as well as memories of the past, memories that were not so pure, memories of their bodies intertwined together, all were becoming too much for him and he felt himself start to grow a little problem in his pants. Y/N on the other hand noticed how he was staring at her and she started to become a little self-conscious. She wrapped her arms across her chest in a protective manner.
"Well isn't this suddenly awkward." She was the first to speak up.
"Huh? Oh right!" Yunho snapped out of his trance, now looking at anywhere but her, hoping not to think about her in that way anymore.
The silence from before returned once again, only the music playing to keep it from being totally mute. Yunho scratched the back of his head, trying to think of what to say.
"It's nice to see you.....it's been so long." He started.
"Y-yeah it has been. A couple of years." She continued.
"6 actually." Yunho surprised himself that he remembered that fact.
Y/N let out a small 'oh' at that, nodding at nothing in particular.
"So uh.......is this what you do now?" He questioned her, curious to know why she'd even be in such a position in the first place.
"Ummm....yeah..." She answered rather embarrassed.
Yunho decided not to further that topic anymore, it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it.
"Still at your dad's company?"
Yunho was surprised and touched she even remembered that.
"Oh yeah....I actually took over 2 years ago." He smiled proudly.
"Oh really? That's great. I'm sure your family must be proud." She congratulated him.
She swayed back and forth awkwardly, wanting to ask another questions but afraid of his response.
"So......you're getting married?" She finally asked.
Yunho looked confused for a second, then he realized what she meant.
"Ummm.....yeah....I am."
"Well then congratulations. She really is a lucky girl." She forced a smile on her features.
"Oh I wouldn't say that......you know she's just really nice....and she's like that... and yeah..." at this point Yunho was just rambling on, he himself not even sure of what he was talking about.
Y/N sighed softly.
"Ok I have to know. If you're getting married, what are you doing in a place like this? You were always more on the....conservative side of things." She had to know.
Yunho now covered his face with his large hands.
"I don't know. I swear there were supposed to be no wild or crazy antics at this bachelor party, but I got these 2 friends, and they're single and you can figure out the rest." He tried to explain.
"Oh yeah. There's always that couple of friends that just never take things seriously." She chuckled, having seeing that situation too many times.
Yunho groaned slightly.
"Well....I guess this was the easiest gig I've had to do." She decided to lighten up the situation.
"What do you mean?"
She let out a laugh at Yunho's question.
"I mean, I'm practically getting paid to just sit here since obviously you won't want me to do my job." She rolled her eyes.
"No! I mean yes! I mean.....ugh!" Yunho mentally slapped himself.
"Won't you get in trouble?"
She shrugged.
"Considering the fact your friends specifically paid for 'no rules', I really won't."
"Oh...." Yunho breathed out, not realizing he sounded a little too disappointed.
Y/N turned and smirked at him.
"What? Were you expecting me to give you something?" She teased him.
"What?! I- No!" Yunho's red ears was a huge indication of his lie.
Y/N let out a small laugh as she came closer to him, making him back away from her.
"Oh? I think you're lying Yunho. I think you actually want me to give you a little show. Is that what you want?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
Yunho stumbled back on the couch, falling into a sitting position as Y/N placed her arms on opposite sides of his body, effectively trapping him. Yunho couldn't help it as he looked back down at her chest and then down her legs. He bit his lip as he imagined them wrapped around his waist, as they had been many times in the past. He looked back up at her face. He knew she was only messing with him, she wouldn't actually do anything to him, especially if he asked her not to. And he really shouldn't allow anything to happen.... but he decided to ignore his gut for the first time in years and not think about the consequences.
Yunho let out a small scoff as he leaned in and challenged her:
"Can you even do anything doll?"
He watched as Y/N momentarily felt dazed at his use of the old pet name he had for her, knowing the impact it had on her.
"I bet you're not even that good." He continued his taunting, wanting to rile her up as much as he could.
It definitely worked as Y/N grabbed his collar and pushed his face against hers.
"I'm actually the best around here baby. Trust me when I say before I'm done, you'll already be cumming inside your pants." She whispered, her lips dangerously close to his, their noses practically touching.
Yunho released a small grunt when she pushed him back in the chair. He watched her as she went over to a keypad on the wall, changing the music to a completely different song. His eyes lingered on her butt cheeks that were poking out of the lace material. His hand twitched, feeling the urge to bend her over his lap and spank them like he used to do when she misbehaved. He watched in fascination as she turned her attention back to him, her face suddenly turning more confident and seductive.
Y/N's body began swaying to the music, every wave of her arms, every roll of her hips and every flirty wink were so mesmerizing and hypnotic to Yunho. He always had a hidden passion for dancing, so this was quite a spectacle for him, especially coming from his dearly beloved ex. An ex that he had cried and yearned for long after he let her go, someone that it took a long time for him to forget and erase completely from his heart.
But now she was here again and she was stirring emotions inside him he had thought he'd gotten over, had buried away. And reactions from his body that he had thought he had under control. But as he watched her crawl over to him, placing herself in between his thighs, he couldn't help but hard as he recalled the last time he had her in that position. He shuddered when she ran her hands across his thighs, her perfectly manicured nails raking over his dress pants. From this angle, he could see an even better view of her breasts that were covered by her bra.
Noticing where his eyes were placed, Y/N's hands swooped up and caressed her torso.
"Oh? Is this what got your attention?"
Yunho's stare went back to her face, now getting shy at the realization that he got caught staring. But Y/N didn't mind. Instead she merely turned around as she began unbuttoning the front part of her corset.
"Want to have a better look?" She turned her head slightly to see his reaction.
Yunho was already whispering out a 'yes' before she even finished her sentence. Satisfied by the answer, she took off the corset and threw it across the room, letting it land on the floor. As she said back up, she made sure to push her ass out when she got back out. Yunho tilted his head back when it came to close to his face that it would have pressed against it had he not moved. Y/N turned around and one by one, her legs sat themselves by Yunho's side, straddling him in the process. Her hands began fiddling with his tie, loosening it up.
"This what you wanted to see?" She cooed as she rose her chest up, almost brushing them against his chin.
"Fuck yes.."
Without thinking, Yunho's large hands cupped her ass, kneading the soft skin as he grinded his hips against hers. Y/N let out a small whimper at his touch, the familiarity sending a spark down her body. Yunho couldn't help the smug smile when he began to feel the wet spot that was soaking through her underwear.
"Look at that, the little slut is enjoying this as much as I am."
Slapping her ass, he gripped her hips harshly as he forced her to grind down harder on him. Y/N moaned as she felt his huge bulge pressing up against her drenched core, and threw her head back when Yunho's lips began attacking her neck, nearly startling her.
"Let's see who cums first."
Yunho's mouth sucked and bit down expertly at all her sensitive spots, remembering perfectly well how to push her closer to the edge. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction when he heard her moans and whimpers grow louder. Even after years, he could still get her riled up. And that fact kind of bothered Y/N which prompted her to push Yunho down on the couch and hold his arms in place as she decided to take control of the movements of their hips.
Yunho hissed softly as he looked at her with fire in his eyes.
"Don't try to take control doll. You know how that will end for you."
Knowing how to break him, she simply laughed mockingly at him and rolled her eyes. Yanking his hands off her grip rather easily, Yunho flipped their positions so he was hovering above her, his mouth clashing with hers in a heated and sloppy kiss. He wasted no time in slipping his hand inside her now ruined underwear, his thumb circling around her clit in harsh motions.
"Why must you be such a brat?" He asked in between their heated makeout session.
Chuckling softly, her hand undid his belt and zipper, pulling it down enough to let her palm him through his briefs before pulling those down as well, letting his cock spring free so she could stroke him, eliciting the most sinful moans from him.
Both of them pulled away to look into each other's eyes, determined to make the other break first, but it was so hard when they were both lost in their lust, reminiscing about the familiarity of their movements and fantasizing about taking it further. The grinding of their hips and their mutual pleasuring of each other had them both coming in seconds at the same time. They let out a sputter of curses and chants of each other's names as they covered their hands with the other's cum, a telltale sign of what had just taken place in that room.
They both layed still for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath and calm down from the high they just had. It was Yunho who composed himself first as he realized what he had just done and how serious it was.
"Oh my god!" He cursed himself as he quickly got up and began fixing himself.
"Yunho? Are you-"
"Please don't! Let's just pretend this didn't happen! I can't believe I-....... I'm so sorry."
Without another glance or word, he ran out the door, ignoring the worried looks of his other companions who were still in the other room and leaving Y/N alone, feeling just as confused, guilty and ashamed just like him.
Mingi nudged him once again, waking him up from his thoughts.
"Uh..sorry what?" He shifted his focus back on his friend.
"I was telling you that the hotel sent your confirmation number." He repeated himself.
"Hotel? Hotel for what?"
Mingi widened his eyes. Sure his friend had been really zoned out all day, but to not even remember what he was there for.
"Your wedding? Yunho, you're getting married?" He reminded him.
"Oh...yeah..." Yunho looked down, staring at the floor anxiously.
Mingi closed the laptop and turned his body so he could look at Yunho directly.
"Listen, even if something happened on the bachelor party a few days ago, I doubt it was that serious that you're like this." Mingi pointed out.
Yunho looked back up, unsure if he should tell Mingi about it. But then again, no one else but his long time best friend would understand why it had such an impact on him.
"It wasn't so much what happened....it was...with whom it happened...."
Mingi furrowed his eyebrows.
"Who? Who are you talking about?"
Yunho took a deep breath before answering:
Mingi nearly fell off his chair when he heard her name again. He actually had to steady himself on the sides of it.
"Y/N? As in........?"
Yunho nodded, knowing full well what Mingi was asking.
"Well fuck man! Holy shit! This is- oh my God! Your ex!" Mingi shook his head, trying to process all the information.
"You know she isn't just an ex Mingi." Yunho admitted rather solemnly.
"I know Yunho. I remember how head over heels you were for her. You two were so much in love, it was actually kind of sickening." Mingi made a face which caused Yunho to chuckle slightly.
Mingi looked at Yunho, noticing how he had a faint smile painted across his face. By the way his eyes were staring off, he knew he was thinking about her.
"Did you....did you feel anything? I mean, while you were with her?" He had to ask.
The slight red tint on Yunho's cheeks was a dead giveaway and Mingi could immediately notice how Yunho's eyes lit up when he mentioned her.
"I felt everything all over again. It was like the first day I bumped into her at the university. Oh you should have seen her Mingi, she looked just as beautiful." Yunho sighed blissfully.
"I mean.....if she was dressed like the other exotic dancers we got, I get why you'd say it." Mingi snickered.
Yunho reached over and slapped his arm.
"That wasn't what I meant you idiot!"
Mingi pouted as he rubbed his now aching arm.
"But still.......being with her in that moment...it was as if nothing changed between us. Like our passion, our relationship...our love never faded. And now.... I can't stop thinking about her..." Yunho confessed.
"Have you kept in contact since that day?" Mingi asked.
Yunho groaned as he banged his head on the table.
"I just ran out without even saying a goodbye."
Mingi rolled his eyes and ran a hand down his face.
"No offense....but once again, history repeats itself."
Yunho suddenly banged the table with his fist, eyes darting to Mingi.
"Do you think I don't know that?! Do you think it doesn't bother me knowing that I left her there, not just at the party? But 6 years ago?! Do you think I haven't been tormented these past days, regretting that I chose to please my parents and abandon her?!"
Yunho got up. His hands flew up to his hair, tugging at them slightly before letting them fall to his sides. He started taking deep breaths to calm down, trying not to get anymore agitated than he already was. Mingi looked at his friend with sorrow and pity. He knew how much Yunho suffered and tortured himself months after he broke up with Y/N, and he also know that deep down, he had never really gotten over her.
Getting up, he went to his friend's side, resting a comforting hand on his back.
"Yunho.....you can't change the past. None of us can.....but you can decide your future, for yourself. Answer yourself: these past years, everything that you've done, was it really for you? Was it because you wanted to?.....or was it because you wanted to please others? Live up to an image you felt burdened to show?......and really ask yourself:
What is it you want now?"
Yunho knew what the answer was for a fleeting moment, but then the answer vanished when he heard the door open and close.
"Baby! I'm home! And I could really use your help!"
The high pitched voice of his fiancee echoed through the room, her tiny legs rushing over with a folder in hand.
"My cue to leave." Mingi patted Yunho on the back, but before he could leave, he whispered in his ear:
"Think about what I said."
Mingi made sure to smile and politely say goodbye to Jieun before he made his way out the door, hoping his friend would come to his senses soon enough.
"So Jieun what's this about?" Yunho asked.
The girl giggled happily as she opened the folder and began displaying an array of different photos.
"Well I was thinking, that we could pick out the new apartment we would want to move in to once we come back from our honeymoon. I mean, this place is great, but I think some change would be benefit us both."
The girl began pointing to all the different options, talking her heart out enthusiastically about the wonders of each place and what she particular loved about it, but it fell upon deaf ears. Yunho was not paying any attention at all, instead he just looked right through all the pictures, his mind going over the words Mingi had made him ponder about.
"Yunho?" Jieun's annoyed voice brought him back.
"Hmm?" He nodded his head to her.
"You're not paying attention to me....again." She huffed rather annoyed.
"I'm sorry....I'm just really tired and stressed out." He excused himself.
"Yeah I know. You've been saying that these past days." She accused him.
"I'm sorry. But I just really am."
She let out an indignant scoff.
"And you think I'm not stressed? For months we've been preparing for this moment, and now that we're literally 2 days away from tying the knot, you're suddenly being cold? What's wrong with you Yunho?"
He couldn't answer her, he didn't have the strength to. He was being a coward at that very moment, he knew that very well.
"Jieun....do you think maybe we should postpone it or-"
"Absolutely not!" She stated firmly, refusing to let him finish the sentence. Lifting a finger, she warned him:
"Listen to me very carefully Jeong Yunho. You asked me to be marry you and I'm not letting you go back on your word. Tomorrow at the rehearsal dinner, you better be on your best behavior and on the day after.....you better be ready to walk down the aisle because I'm not going to let you humiliate me in front of our friends and family."
Putting on a sweet smile as if nothing happened, she tiptoed and pecked his lips.
"Ok love you honey. See you tomorrow!" She waved at him as if nothing was the matter, like she wasn't just angry at him 2 seconds ago.
Yunho paced around the living room, hands in his pocket, his foot occasionally kicking at the air. He let out long sighs every minute or so, head hung low as he thought about what to do now.
"What is it you want now?"
He repeated what Mingi asked him.
Yunho knew what he wanted.....he also knew all the risks he was taking in order to obtain it, for all he knew, he might not even get it at the end....
But he had to try. Or at least get some closure from it.
Pulling out his phone, his finger began dialing a number he had never erased from his memory, hoping it still belonged to the person he had once cherished so much and would often fall asleep while talking to them on the phone.
He could feel his heartbeat quicken with every ring that passed. His hand began clenching and unclenching as he prayed that it would be picked up soon.
He stilled at the voice that sent chills down his body. He was grateful they had kept the same number all these years.
"We need to talk."
Y/N cautiously opened the door. Although she knew he was coming, she still wasn't quite prepared to see him, not after everything that happened a few days ago. She gestured for him to come in. Closing the door behind them, she led him to her living room, where she already had coffee waiting for him. It was actually warming to him that she remembered how he liked his coffee, and although he was very tempted to drink it, he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.
"I'm getting married in two days..." He started off.
Y/N nodded, although his words pained her, she refused to show any emotion.
"And I wanted to know how you felt."
She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why should my opinion matter at this point? You made your decision and as far as I'm concerned, right now we're just two strangers." She coldly replied.
"That's not true Y/N and you know it. You know....that there's a lot more to us." He insisted.
She held her hand up in an effort to get him to stop going down the path he was going.
"Correction. There was a lot to us. If I remember correctly, you were the one who decided to run out, both literally and figuratively."
Yunho didn't deny it, he was fully prepared to take responsibility.
"Yes I did. Ok? I admit it and I accept it. I walked away from our relationship when I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have abandoned you..."
He inhaled before he confessed:
"I shouldn't have left the one person I've ever loved and will always love."
Y/N immediately got up and crossed her arms.
"Don't say that Yunho. You're engaged, you're about to get married. It's bad enough with what happened at your bachelor party, but I'm not letting you cross the line again. You have a perfect life ahead of you, you were always destined to have one. A life surrounded by your parents and friends, with a beautiful wife and kids and that Welsh Corgi you always wanted..."
Y/N couldn't help but tear up as she said those words.
"I get why you had to leave me at that time, I do. Your parents didn't like me and they never will. They'll never accept us...... so please just make it easier on yourself and go have the perfect life you deserve."
Yunho slowly got up and began walking to her.
"You don't get it Y/N. I don't want a perfect life. I want you, I love you. I'll always love you. I want a happy, normal life with you. I want to raise that Welsh Corgi with you, even though you were always more of a cat person."
Y/N let out an involuntary laugh at that. He still knew her so well. Taking her hands in his, he added:
"Please tell me you still love me......just say it and I'll stay by your side."
Y/N covered her mouth with her hand, her tears now flowing non-stop. She was about to say no, but Yunho stopped her.
"Don't lie to me. You know I'll be able to tell. Just be completely honest with me."
His large hands cupped her cheeks, thumbs gently wiping away the tears that were trickling down.
"I'm not rich and I don't exactly have anything to offer someone like you." She admitted.
Yunho smiled. "All I want is your heart. Can't I at least have that?"
Y/N thought about it. But then she realized there was nothing to really think about when her answer 6 years ago would still be the same now.
"I love you Jeong Yunho, my heart is all yours."
As soon as the words were out, there was no more holding back. Their feelings had been locked away for far too long and needed to be released. Yunho wasted no time in finally kissing her after so long, his hands easily hoisting her up, wrapping them around his waist as he carried her to her bedroom, kicking the door open and laying her down on the bed. Their touches were eager and desperate, almost as much as the first time they were intimate together. Clothes were soon discarded all over the floor, hands began roaming and caressing their most intimate parts of their bodies and soon enough, the sound of skin slapping, heavy breathing and panting were the only things that could be heard in those 4 walls.
Yunho pulled Y/N up against him, her back now pressed against his sweaty chest as he continued to slam his hips against hers. One of his hands that was busy groping her breast trailed down her abdomen and stopped when they felt the prominent bulge that was on her lower stomach. Taking one of her hands, he made her press down against it.
"Feel that doll? Feel my huge cock deep inside you?"
Y/N whimpered loudly as he spoke and as he sped his movements up. Yunho couldn't help the teasing giggle that escaped his lips.
"You always were my tiny little doll...so small and fragile, yet always taking my cock like a champ."
His praise made her clench her walls around his thick length, making Yunho temporarily lose the pace he was going at.
"F-fuck doll. Clench around me like that and I might not last any longer."
Always up for testing him, she purposefully clenched harder around him, her eyes looking back at him teasingly. Yunho knew she always loved defying him just to see how far he'll go and he truthfully loved it. That unruly, free spirit in her that manifested itself even in the littlest of things, just made him fall even more for her.
His hand snaked up and wrapped itself around her neck, squeezing lightly for the time being but it was still enough to have her gasping. His other hand, went down to work on her clit, fingers rubbing expertly on it so that it'd have her cumming in a few moments.
"Y-Yunho-" tried saying but he gripped her neck tighter, effectively cutting off what she was going to say.
"Go ahead, cum all over my cock. I want to feel you all over me again. Fuck! I can't wait to fill this pussy up with my cum again. Can you do that for me doll? Hmm? Can you be a good little, tiny doll and cum all over this huge cock of mine?"
Not being able to hold back anymore, Y/N's body shuddered against Yunho's, quivering and spasming as an overwhelming orgasm ripped through her, shouting Yunho's name as if it was a mantra. Yunho let go of her neck, his hands gripping her hips as he fucked himself into his own orgasm, his face buried in the back of her neck as her tight walls milked him out of his cum, some of it already pouring down her inner thighs.
"Shit..." Yunho stammered once he calmed down.
Pulling out of Y/N, he made sure she didn't collapse on the bed, instead he turned her around and helped her to lay down. Her hands rubbed at her lower stomach.
"I'm definitely feeling that tomorrow." She joked, making both of them laugh.
After making sure they were both cleaned up, they ended up just laying down on the bed, holding onto each other, casually talking about everything and nothing.
"Do you remember our first night together?"
Yunho couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory.
"How can I forget? You were so nervous and so adorable." He remembered.
"How was I not supposed to be nervous? You and your size intimidated me."
Yunho laughed at that.
"I know. I remember when you looked down in between my legs and asked 'how is that gonna fit inside me'?"
"Shut up! I was an innocent baby back then." She huffed, her lips forming a small pout.
"You may not be so innocent anymore...but you're still my cute little baby."
Leaning in, he kissed her forehead as he adjusted them into a spooning position, his legs tangling around hers as well. He drew circles around her arm, his head full of thoughts and worries, but he didn't hesitate to say:
"Y/N? Can I ask you something?"
The whole party was in turmoil. It was already 15 minutes past the time to start the rehearsal and the groom was nowhere to be seen. The bride and her party looked agitated and pissed off, while the groomsmen just looked at each other, trying to decipher what was going on.
"Do you think he got in an accident?" Yeosang immediately thought the worse.
"Don't say those things you idiot. That's how you catch bad luck." Seonghwa told him.
"Superstitious nonsense." Wooyoung shook his head.
Just then, Mingi walked in the room, all eyes immediately upon him since he was the groom's best man. He bowed to everyone before stating:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming here and attending this rehearsal, I'm sure it took dedication and arrangements on your part to be able to be here...
But I regret to inform you all that there will be no wedding."
A collective gasp was heard from more than half of the attendants. The bride and her parents paled in horror at Mingi's words. Jieun stormed up to him, her pretty features contorted into rage as she confronted Mingi.
"What do you mean Song Mingi? Where is Yunho?"
Mingi merely smirked and turned around, not bothering to stay another minute and ignoring the chaos that was about to ensue in that hall.
"Besides.... I have a friend I promised to join soon."
The couple stared at the glittering lights of the city as they finished their ice cream bars on the hood of the car. It was almost midnight, but they were far from being tired even though they had only arrived there by plane a few hours ago.
"Is this anything like what you had planned?"
Yunho quickly shook his head.
"Nope. But trust me, I love this way more."
Taking her hand in his, he ran his thumb across the silver band that now adorned the third finger on her left hand.
"And I love you my darling wife."
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helnjk · 3 years
In a Crowd of Thousands - Part 2 // F.W.
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
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Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: You never really forget your childhood love. For Princess Y/N of Diagon, hers came in the form of a boy whose dream it was to start a business and support his family. As it goes, life–and her duty to her kingdom–had gotten in the way. She longed to see him again, to see the success she was sure he had achieved. Luckily, fate was on her side.
Warnings: food mention, alcohol mention (champagne, blink and you’ll miss it), gambling mention (it’s a small bet, blink and you’ll miss it again)
A/N: okay but im lowkey proud of this part. this is the last official ‘chapter’ of this mini series, and i’m really excited to share it with y’all hihi xx 
(also also, there’s a bonus part at the end that you don’t have to read but i love it lol)
flashbacks are in italics
Prologue | Part 1
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The grand ballroom of the palace was packed with people. 
Princess Y/N of Diagon sighed internally as her eyes swept over its expanse. At 21 years old, she was mere months away from her coronation. And, as tradition dictated, a ball was being held in her honor and she avoided it until the last minute that she could. 
To be quite honest, she thought that the idea of a ‘presentation’ was completely outdated and there was absolutely no need for it. She was more than familiar with her people and she didn’t need this night of frivolity and grandiosity to prove it. 
When Minerva first brought up the idea of having to fake a smile and discuss politics in a stuffy room with a bunch of aristocrats, Y/N immediately rolled her eyes. She knew that it was tradition for her to be ‘presented’ to her kingdom, but she also knew that those invited to the ball would not be able to speak for the majority of her subjects. They would be nobles, far too uptight and far too removed from the masses to know what they would truly need. 
They were exactly the kind of people the princess tried very hard to avoid when she went on her rounds throughout the towns and met with people of all walks of life. 
The Princess was very dedicated to living out her goal of being a fair and just leader. From the moment she turned 16, she made it a point to immerse herself in the lives of those who relied on her for, well, everything. Though, much of the fire under her had to do with the initials etched into the trunk of a tree that stood tall and proud by the banks of the river. 
Her reaction to the news of the ball, however, wasn’t appreciated by her governess. Not that she needed a governess anymore, but Y/N would always be grateful for the strong and steady presence that Minerva had been her whole life. 
“Oh don’t look at me like that,” she defended, crossing her arms over her chest, “Even you know how useless these kinds of things are.” 
Minerva merely shook her head and tried to look stern, “Yes, well, it is tradition, at least try and enjoy yourself. You are not expected to speak with investors and nobles all night, and there will be many opportunities to eat and to dance!” 
“As long as my corset isn’t too tight, I think I can manage an evening with the snooty elite.” 
“My dear I hope you know that you are a part of the snooty elite.” 
True to her word, Y/N managed to get through several conversations without any sarcastic remarks or backhanded compliments. In fact, she found herself enjoying the party much more than she had anticipated. The music was lovely, the food phenomenal, and she daresay her dress was absolutely stunning. 
She was fetching herself a drink when a familiar voice spoke next to her, “Well don’t you clean up nicely, sweetheart.” 
“Lord Black!” the princess exclaimed, turning to him and letting out one of the few genuine smiles of the night. “I wasn’t aware you were going to be attending the ball! If I did, I would’ve stuck by your side the moment I entered.” 
The older man’s eyes crinkled at the compliment and he leant in for a warm hug. 
Sirius Black was one of the only aristocrats that the Princess actually held a fondness for. The moment the pair met at one of the first few meetings the King and Queen had allowed her to attend, Y/N knew that he was of the right sort. 
He came from very very old money, but once his parents had passed and he was given access to the Black fortune and title, he began to make very good changes wherever he could. He was a silent investor in many business ventures, and more often than not, the businesses he chose to support would end up flourishing.
“Anything new and exciting to tell me about?” Y/N asked, taking a sip of her sickly sweet champagne. 
Sirius’ eyes lit up at the question, “I met a very promising pair of brothers–twins, actually. Their minds are as sharp as a knife, and they’ve got the most absurd ideas! Brilliant, but absurd. I think they can make it work.” 
“I’m excited to hear more about them, then.” 
The pair spent a good amount of time chatting away, seeking refuge at one of the emptier tables and settling. This was a great compromise for the Princess, who was hitting two birds with one stone as she spoke to someone she enjoyed the company of as well as someone who was a part of the ‘snooty elite’. 
He spoke about his godson and how he was learning to walk and absolutely terrorizing his parents. In return, she told him about how the coronation planning was driving her up the wall. It felt good to be this open and genuine with someone, especially at a function like the one they were attending. 
Sirius was in the middle of an exciting anecdote about Harry’s adventures with his mother’s makeup when Y/N caught a glimpse of fiery red hair. 
Her heart stopped and leaped simultaneously in her chest.
As if they were being pulled by a magnet, her eyes focused solely on the familiar silhouette weaving in and out of the crowd. Her tunnel vision allowed her to see him and only him, and her mind began to go on overdrive. 
She barely registered the older man calling out to her, too distracted by the thought of seeing him again. Of being in the same place as him again. Of finally speaking the words she held in her heart for years to him. 
“Excuse me for a moment,” was all she managed to get out. 
Y/N could hear her blood rushing to her ears as she pushed through the, frankly too many, people in the way of her and her best friend. She didn’t care if she wasn’t behaving in a way that a Queen-to-be should be behaving, she didn’t care about any niceties at the moment. The last few years for her were spent almost completely alone, without her favorite redhead by her side, and she would be damned if she was going to let this opportunity slip through her fingers. 
If she was being honest, time hadn’t done much to settle the grief she felt over the Weasleys moving away. Every little thing had reminded her of Fred and she was ashamed to admit that she wasn’t as open to new relationships–or friendships–because of the lingering feelings she harbored for the twin. 
But now, now she had the chance to finally speak to him after so long. To feel the familiar comfort of his presence, to be herself and not have to worry about being the perfect royal that she was expected to be. 
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. 
Y/N could see Fred, he was right there, only a few steps away with his back turned to her. He was laughing at something the person he was speaking to had said, his whole body shaking with unabashed glee. Someone in front of him called out her name as they saw her approach and she watched as he froze for a fraction of a second before turning on his heel. 
Their eyes met and she paused mid-step. 
The world was coated in molasses now, everything around her moving haltingly slow as they saw each other for the first time in years. All other things in the room melted away as he stepped forward, and suddenly he was standing right in front of her. 
“Hi,” she breathed.
“Hi,” he replied, charmile smile and all, “I told you we’d find each other again, didn’t I?” 
Y/N let out a small laugh, still in shock that Fred was really in front of her. His arms wrapped around her torso in a tentative hug, and she spared no time clinging on to him with a ferocity that surprised even her. It was almost as if she was trying to convince herself he was really and truly there. Luckily for the princess, he had no qualms with how tightly she was gripping onto him. 
When she finally eased her hold, he held out his arm. “Care for a dance, Princess?”
“I’d love to.” 
All eyes were on them as they walked onto the dance floor, clearly not just another pair among the others. Still, Y/N only had eyes for the man in front of her. Her eyes scanned over his features, taking note of the things that changed and the things that didn’t. 
Fred was still her Fred, just older now, more confident. He had an air around him that wasn’t there the last time she saw him. It was a pleasant surprise, though, seeing him so sure of himself as he spun her around. 
Music flowed around them as Y/N was dipped and twirled. She had never felt more like royalty than she had in that moment, dancing with Fred Weasley, her hand in his. Everything around them seemed to melt away as they moved through the dance floor, eyes locked and bodies pressed together. 
Even when the music paused and they left the dancefloor, their hands remained intertwined. 
Slowly, those in attendance began to make their leave. Some passed by the Princess to say their goodbyes and politely thank her for the night, but most knew better than to interrupt her time with someone who was clearly quite important to her. 
Y/N had never been more thankful for the night to be ending. 
“Didn’t know you were so popular, Y/N” Fred teased after another nobleman bid her goodnight.
“I am a Princess after all,” she replied, watching the man leave. 
“And a damn good one, I’ve heard.” 
She turned to look at him, “Been asking around about me, have you?” 
The look he gave her nearly made her swoon. It was full of affection and admiration, taking the princess off guard. 
Instead of answering, he merely cocked his head in the direction of the exit, saying “Fancy a walk through the grounds? I hear it’s been decorated quite beautifully for the night.” 
After spending so much time packed in a crowded room, it was a welcome relief to be in the cool evening air. True to Fred’s word, the gardens looked spectacular. Lights glittered through every little nook and cranny, the soft trickling of water from the fountains filling the air. It felt like something from a fairytale. 
The pair of them walked together in a peaceful silence, sneaking glances at each other every once in a while. It wasn’t until they found themselves in front of the old weeping willow that they paused. 
“Remember this place?” Fred chuckled, his eyes scanning over the draping branches covered in glittering lights. 
“How could I forget?” 
For the first time that night since they had seen each other, Y/N let go of Fred’s hand. She gently moved aside the curtain of leaves in front of them and stepped into their childhood sanctuary. Fred had to take a moment just to take in the sight of her, a vision in the midst of a sea of stars. 
His heart stuttered in his chest. 
“Do you remember what we promised each other here?” he asked again, eyes shifting to the trunk behind her. 
“It’s on my mind more often than not,” she admitted, feeling heat creep up her neck. 
If he noticed how flustered she got, he didn’t comment. Instead, he said, “Me too.” 
Y/N was right in front of the trunk now, running her fingers over the indented wood. Nimble digits pausing when they brushed over their initials. Fred couldn’t see her expression, but he could tell that there were many things running through her mind at that moment. 
“I think I’ve held up my end of the bargain,” his voice filled the quiet air, “George and I have a rather successful shop in town, if I do say so myself.”  
The Princess turned around to face him with a smile, her back to the tree, “I think I’m on my way to fulfilling mine.” 
As they spoke, their bodies slowly inched towards each other, magnets unable to stay away. The air around them was charged, pushing the two together bit by bit. Soon, they were toe to toe, breaths mingling and eyes locking. 
“I think,” Fred whispered, “I think I’m going to fulfill another dream of mine tonight.” 
Time froze as his face dipped close enough for their lips to brush. Y/N let out a soft gasp as he drew close, body abuzz with nervous energy and skin alight with every touch. Fred was there to ease her mind, though, with warm hands at the small of her back and soft lips gently pressing against hers. 
She felt herself melting into his arms, melting into the kiss as if it was what she was born to do. Nothing else seemed to matter at that moment. 
Like waves finding their way back to the shore, crashing into each other the way only the ocean could, somehow Y/N always knew that Fred would always find his way back to her. The mere thought of it brought a smile to her face and she laughed as he kissed into her smile. Once, twice, three times.  
“You are my dream,” Fred whispered once they broke apart, both of them sharing the same dopey grins. 
“And you are mine,” she replied, pressing her palm to his heart. 
The clock tower had already struck midnight when Princess Y/N and Fred decided to make their way back to the castle. The night was far too short for their liking, but it comforted them to know that they had the next day (and the next and the next, and so on) for them to spend with each other. 
Their pace remained leisurely as they walked through the familiar place. The castle seemed brand new to the princess now. It was coated in a new light as she looked at it with fresh eyes and a happy heart. She came to the realization that the years spent apart from Fred were far too silent and still without him. Now that she had him by her side, the halls seemed to be filled with happiness and light.
The laughter echoing through the halls and the adrenaline pumping through her as they tried to remain unseen was a welcome feeling. It was familiar, almost intimate in a way. She was thrown back to when they were little and Fred had started teaching her about all the different secrets and passageways the castle had to offer. 
“This way, Princess!” a young boy’s voice whisper-yelled to Y/N’s right. 
She spun towards the direction of the sound to see Fred pulling aside a large tapestry. Behind it was a hallway she had never seen before. Her eyes widened at the sight, but she did not hesitate to duck into it. 
“How did you ever find this place?” she asked, eyes scanning the narrow but comfortable passageway, “And where does it lead to?” 
“I spend a lot of time running away from mother,” Fred shrugged. That earned him a laugh from the princess and he let himself feel smug. “This is a shorter way back up to your room, if you’re ever in a hurry.” 
Now, instead of shortcuts and easy ways to get from one place to the other, the pair found themselves taking their time. Fred would tug on her hand and bring them into an empty alcove, stealing kisses and sharing soft smiles. His body was warm, a comforting presence beside hers, and Y/N found herself leaning against his side more often than not.
By the time they found themselves outside the Princess’ chamber doors, they were giggling like little children, running away from governesses and mothers. 
Y/N’s back was pressed against the door suddenly as Fred’s body enveloped hers in a searing kiss. Her heart beat erratically in her chest as her hands found themselves clutching at his coat. 
Then, as quick as he had come, Fred pulled away with a smirk, “Until we see each other next, Princess?” 
She scoffed, “If you think I don’t have the resources to track you down and kill you for saying that, you’re wrong.”
“I’m only joking,” he grinned and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him once again, “We always find our way back to each other, don’t we?” 
The princess rolled her eyes, but he could see the edges of her lips trying–and failing–not to quirk up. 
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Sirius watched as the Princess hastily stood up from her seat next to him and hurried off in the direction of Fred Weasley. The same Fred Weasley he had been working with for the past few months. 
He tried not to stare, but it was too tempting not to. His eyes followed the girl as she deftly wove through the throng of people–people who tried to grab her attention to no avail. It was clear that she had a goal in mind and she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted. 
He watched as they locked eyes, as they shared identical smiles, as they glided through the dance floor and eventually made their way towards the gardens. It was almost ridiculous how elated he felt at the sight. 
The chair beside him made a sound as it was pulled back and he turned to see who had taken a seat beside him. Sirius tried to ignore the man next to him, the man who gave him nothing but a smug smile, but it was useless. 
“Enjoying yourself?” he asked, lips quirking slightly. 
“I think you owe me a few galleons,” Remus replied, looking very pleased. He cleaned up quite well in his navy blue suit, and Sirius had to hold back from causing a scene in the middle of a very prestigious ball just so that he could show Remus how much he loved him.  
Sirius rolled his eyes fondly, “So quick to judge the events that transpired this evening, Moony.” 
The look his husband gave him was enough for him to dig into his pockets for a few of the gold coins. Remus held out his hand, opening and closing it in front of him smugly. 
“You know,” Sirius said as he pressed the money into Remus’ palm, “When I made a bet against you, saying I was positive that the woman Fred was in love with was not the Princess, I really thought I was going to win.” 
Remus pressed a kiss on his cheek and smiled, “Never bet against me, love, you’re never going to win.”
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Series Taglist: @prismarts​ @snoopydoop1​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @manuosorioh @daltonacademia​​​
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @lumos-barnes​ @cherryweasleys​ @writingsomewrongs​ @the-unmanaged-mischief​ @mrzweasley​ @inglourious-imagines​ @pr3ttysw33t​​ @amrtxntias​ @miraclesoflove @thatlonelyalto​​​​
Weasley twins taglist: @pineapplesandpinas​ @papapapadumb​ @a-castle-of--glass​ @hey-there-angels​ @leovaldez37 @pinkypurplemagic​ @werewolfslut​ @surprizeshawtyy​ @oldschoolkiddo​ @gcdricreads​ @turtletaylor98​ @secret-obsessions​ @weaslxyss​ @serendiipty​ @nojamsonmytoast​ @famdomhideout​ @georgeweasley19​ @asuperconfusedgirl​ @loonylovegood13​ @lumielikesbooks​ @nanahachikyuu​ @freds-slut​​ @theweasleytwinsgirl​​ @ghost3rr @littlemisswitt​​ @astoria-malfcy​ @weasleysprofessionalhoe​​ @freddie-weaselbee​​ @daydreamgirl8​​ @jubilee-the-flying-dragon-pirate​
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