#didn't mean to hijack the song but it's just everything to me
tommyarashikage · 1 year
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bonded through the force, they cannot be who they are without the other
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pumpkinrootbeer · 8 months
This could differ from person to person but I do believe that at the start, Evan genuinely just wanted to help the Murphys and wasn’t sure how to do that other than to lie and he felt trapped by his situation (for lack of a better word) and that was sort of influenced by what Jared said to him (“you’re seriously gonna tell them all they have left of their dead son is a weird sex letter you wrote?”), though of course I’m not trying to say Jared like, did that maliciously. As time went on, particularly in Act 2, Evan did start to act out selfishly and trying to use his lie with the Murphys as a means to get what he wants rather than actually helping them. I really like your posts analyzing them, honestly Evan and Jared’s dynamic is so interesting, and at the end of the day they’re both just like. Awful teenagers. They need couple’s counseling or something
i absolutely get you, and like you said they're just awful teenagers!! they're kids who are going through so much and have no support, they're going to do stupid shitty things. and of course you're absolutely free to your interpretations!! no shame in interpreting media differently then me :) that's the joy of fandom! And thank you!!! i have really enjoyed rambling abt these losers I love them so much <3
Also you've activated my autism beam and now i get to talk Abt my interpretations even more hahaha my perfect victory.
So first thing, yes! I 100% agree that Evan did want to help the Murphys and try and alleviate some of their pain at the start. But there's a shift at some point throughout the play where it's less about helping them and more about helping Evan, which I think most people agree on that at some point Evan's interests shift to being more self centered— it's just a matter of when that change occurs that people disagree on.
I'm of the opinion that the change happens, or at the very least starts to happen, very early on. I would say the moment Evan's motivations start to shift is when he says the line "They didn't want me to stop." while talking with Jared (and I am going to talk about my interpretation of Jared because I have so much to say about that freak 😭). This is the moment, for me, Evan realizes he's getting positive attention for lying. And that maybe he kind of likes it.
And I've said this in my other posts, but Evan isn't admitting to himself that that's why he's doing this! I don't think he's even aware of why he's really doing this. When he says he's doing it for the Murphys, he genuinely believes that.
The moment where I think he's 100% doing it for himself, even though he doesn't realize it, is Disappear. Because Connor's memory is already forgotten and they are parading this fake version of him around, a fake version of Connor that makes Evan look better and one that is actively causing real Connor to get forgotten faster. And Evan admits in the song that it's also because he doesn't want to be forgotten, which is not this horrible awful thing to feel! Evan isn't a bad person because he doesn't want to be invisible. I don't think Evan is a bad person at all!! What he does that's bad is hijack this tragedy for himself, a thing that again, he doesn't even realize he's doing.
i would definitely agree with you that by act 2, everything is mostly for himself. Cue the "It's not my fault other people can" line. Which I would argue is probably the cruelest thing Evan says in that entire show 😭, and then we get Good for You where Evan realizes things are starting to fall apart and that Alana isn't completely unaware and Evan's hurt her and his mom cares so much and has been so hurt by what Evan has done and that Jared isn't going to always be at his beck and call to write more emails whenever Evan needs him to, and that he's also been hurt by Evan's actions. Probably the most important song in the whole musical tbh. And THEN we get Words Fail where Evan just finally has to come to terms with why he's been doing everything, and it's also such a crucial moment for Evan's character Words Fail baby I love youuuuu.
So yeah! I agree that Evan started out with pure intentions, felt trapped, and then ended up finally feeling seen. He's a complicated character that I think gets watered down to a one dimensional poor anxious bean too much, it does a HUGE disservice to his character. I love canon Evan my perfect asshole son WAAAYYY more than fanon Evan did nothing wrong ever he's too anxious to hurt anyone.
With Jared, I actually think one of the most interesting things about him is that line!! Why does he tell Evan to not come clean? He has nothing to gain from it, he isn't even using the lie to get closer to Evan yet because the lie doesn't really exist! And you can't even argue that he's trying to sabotage Evan in this moment because there's nothing to suggest Jared ever actively tries to ruin Evan's life.
Sure, he says he would if he had that letter but nothing in the show suggests that's something Jared would do. He keeps Evan's lie for him the entire show, even when he has no reason too. Jared had cause and means to ruin Evan's life, but chooses not to again and again. So I'd definitely agree that he's not acting with malintent.
How I read that line, and obviously people are free to disagree, is concern. He is genuinely worried about Evan here and what Evan telling the Murphys will do to Evan. It's not even self preservation because he has nothing to do with this yet!
And because Jared is... well Jared, him looking out for Evan is telling him not to come clean! Nod and confirm, boys. Nod and confirm. Like it's this really imperfect, messy answers right? Because he's a teenager whose go to answer is not telling people shit about what's going on with him. Like, so many of Jared's problems would be solved if he knew how to talk to people, like "Hey Ev you're my only friend and you inventing a fake friend who is your best friend kinda sucks and hurts my feelings. Also this thing you're doing is weird and selfish xoxo love Jared." But he can't say that, because he's well. he's Jared.
And then he just offers to write these emails for Evan, and then continuously tries to do shit for Evan in the second act when Evan wants fuck all to do with him it's literally insane how Jared acts. "I can't do any more emails this weekend I have to hang out with my REAL friends 🙄🙄" to immediately "wait I can help with the project please please involve me in your life" like the lie isn't really holding up there Jared 🤨🤨 and then the invite for Evan to come over and drink and just shoot the shit with him he's clearly so desperate for his friend but he's also such an asshole he had to constantly push Evan away at the same time 😭😭😭😭 OHHHH I love them.
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incarnateirony · 3 months
reposting the tweet posted the other day, because it's on a sixty tweet chain that Nashta/their great value Tyr came from but
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You right. I was not, in fact, expecting you to reblog putting the cowboy hat on. Like the cowboys and conmen already referenced in the 2013 interview. By Thenea. Which also basically is airing as a comedy on max right now. You know. The one about Tartarus. That one. Sex, Death and everything between, and it's like crazy disco lights. In the Winchester Mystery House.
Maam I have literally hijacked your majority timeline today, right down to thoth hiding in a tree cloaked in the rain during the car wash I called and spun your ass out on, wrapped in a nice cloth and tied off with a cheering gamer, and you still don't fucking want to accept the reality that
You have no earthly comprehension what "hermes" or any of these deities are. Google is not a path. You can't actually summon shit and know you're getting what you think, because you haven't been, hence you going schizoid in denial while I made fursuit friday into anubis whispering in your ear about kibble, because you have literally attached yourself to ME.
You do NOT understand transmigration AT ALL, what HAPPENED is your ex belongs to the hermes clownsoul, and you do not. There are many people on this clownsoul with many identities at many phases of development. You are not one of them. Your ex, however, is a graded magi with a great work who's song you put in your workout list, and took a gnosis bullet, and survived, but didn't really, but that's fine. You don't even understand what that means.
You cannot, literally, copy and paste over my self discovery journey you basically demanded I keep in a computer box for you and pretend you could channel while you fucked up every piece of art like thinking Thoth's snake was a scarf and clipping his wings and akasha connections to shove him in the wrong timeline, but that sums you up. You've confused my old shadows and bones as scarfs to wear instead of processed or accepted shadows, and you won't fucking accept it, even when everything on your fucking timeline is compelled, or a direct clone on fucking command overnight like "Tyr" you can trace exactly how I made you fuckin do it, same post as brokeback here.
Woman. Stop riding my astral dick, stop breaking in and trying to rip it out, stop projecting your bullshit at me, I will not stop until you are gone or accept the truth. You can fucking relearn but you gotta go back, and for a hot minute, you were thinking about 2010, before you got all fucked up and disassociative and shit, before we got so tangled up, and about moving water and breaking ice, and construction, and like. Someone without ghosts of me.
The ONLY reason you are this fucked up is your world of lies. You know you were speaking octopus horse shit, you KNOW you were on the wrong path, so turn the fuck around back to there and start moving like water again, figure out what you fucked up and learn again, stop doubling down, because this shit is only escalating.
I won't let you whine or plea your way out of this against all common sense signs, an actually traceable plot day after day, that you continue to deny and disassociate as random or pretend you can ignore or find a reblog to argue out of, while works are consistently weaved and performed, and you get more and more fucked up, and your bird gets eggbound with my shit and you won't even care then. I deadass said I was worried about that bird because of this, and you didn't even detect my death smileys or ironic phrasing any more than you understood why your brain locked on the cocaine bear goldmine of a quote. No, i let your shit slide you'll come pissing into my life to fuck it up again for another three years of your crazy dumb addiction.
Sweetie. You don't get to negotiate riding me for eternity just because you fucked your own life up and I drew a line after your last six month stalking campaign after three years. The wholeass reason you were still up my ass is you tying yourself to me with this, that's why you were fucking chasing me down across multiple servers to start shit, you were fucking furious I did not care about you here, and now you tried to fuck up my life again, and now you're fucked ten ways to sunday and just hope I get bored before it ends, and I won't.
Just face your shit, cocaine bear.
You are fucking up real people, fucking with real forces, that you genuinely do not fucking understand. There's a reason there's supposed to be elder guides, but you're the best your cult has while you spin circles about what beliefs you can change today because you ain't got a CLUE what you're fucking doing at middle age still, somehow. Despite HAVING a teacher, you refused all knowledge, and went the exact opposite way, and here you are.
Yo bear lady in denial, what part of me already telling you is missing you in this entire plot you've ignored but is very real, even if I'm henry is a metaphor it only kind of is, I'm henry and I love that nest, it's very cozy, even if you're a piece of crap person, you're less of a piece of crap person now, but still a monster? And that your bird got eggbound because of this shit?
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Yes. Yes it's a very good nest for eggs, miss manifestation bomb.
I've been telling you that on repeat then you keep having brackish draw me and/or pyramidheads complete with pyramid. And your bird got eggbound etc. Whats. What's not clicking in cocaine bear's head.
Is there anything at all clicking actually or is it just pure brain damage remaining.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 11 months
Oh answering second reponse now 😂 I forgot i sent two earlier omg, genuinely sorry for being so disjointed with these
Friends is so so so so good. I think it feels a lot more like Akari gen than anything else, and also oh my god it is so gay I can't even begin to explain but I have to
Love Me Tear/Karen and Mirai are basically girlfriends they are very cute, and good older sister types to the girls- espescially Mirai! Her fashion sense may be VERY questionable but she's really fun. Aine and Mio are adorable, I love their friendship and Aine is like the personification of a smile to me
season 2 is completely off the rails. the entire show is hijacked by a new girl whowent to space to do aikatsu on the moon in private because her idol girlfriend broke up with her. her solo is about how much she loves and misses her. their eventual unit song is literally a love song. (also the anniversary song for aifure, Brightest is extremely married of them)
I love her. her entire deal is that she's artsy and bold and misses her girlfriend very very much. The ENTIRE main cast drops everything to fly to Alicia's kingdom to help Hibiki win her back and also save an entire nation..??????????? and magic is real??? it's insane like you could literally just watch the character intro episodes of s1 and then watch s2 and you'd be fine 😂
I literally cant recommend friends enough I don't know what they were on when they decided to to that do it but GOOD DECISION
In terms of singing I think my favorites would be Mizuki (I'm a big fan of her Star☆Anis seiyuu Ritsuko!!! I love when she does jazzy songs, my favorite song she's in is Thrillling Dream, sooo pretty), Aoi, & #1 is Akari! A lot of people didn't enjoy Ruka's voice and I get why but idk she's one of my favorite singers 😂
Oh btw!! Ritsuko is currently on break from the group but Fuuri & Waka (Aoi, Ichigo) are all in a group together called Mia Regina! LOOOTS of good rock songs and they covered STARDOM from stars<3 their character voices aren't actually acting, it's their voices, so it's like a missing Mizuki/Ichigo/Aoi unit
Their STARDOM cover: https://open.spotify.com/track/10rFu2kz0OBN1fWhKYKjKi?si=i6rLEVmhT3ql1Su47BHkRA
I’m sorry I could not keep a straight face reading ‘a new girl who went to space to do aikatsu on the moon because her idol girlfriend broke up with her’ oh my GOD thats what happened? And I love that they straight up went ‘yeah we’re not even going to excuse this there is straight up magic now’ like woah okay! Sounds like a wild ride! I do like Alicia’s one solo song, I want to learn it but it’s been on the backburner due to ALL THE OTHER AIKATSU SONGS I AM TRYING TO LEARN
I really love Akari’s voice too! I don’t think it’s bad at all, I think she actually sounds a bit like me! Hopefully that doesn’t mean I sing bad…. But I’m in choir so I think I’m okays I like singing her songs because of that lol. Yume has the worst voice of the mains, I feel. Nothing against her VA at all I’m just not sure what the direction was going for…
Ooh I’ll have to check out Mia Regina! It’s really sweet that the VAs stayed together after Aikatsu ended :)
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sanjarka · 2 years
listen, i get where people are coming from when they say that the hunger games movies focused way too much on the romance but at the same time what romance? do you mean the ,,love triangle"? or adding that kiss between katniss and gale in catching fire? are you team peeta or team gale? who is hotter - josh or liam? because the actual romance doesn't exist.
what about he gives me a smile with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me? for a moment i feel foolishly happy? there's a whole world locked away inside of him? how don't his eyelashes get tangled up when he blinks? he plays with my hair while i make a flower crown? his voice is like the morphine they give me? in a minute i can see his smile and hear his laugh? i wonder if those kisses would feel like the ones from the beach, the ones i hadn't let myself think about until this moment? did you really hear him screaming? don't let him take you away from me? let me go - i can't? none of this is shown or implied.
no, this isn't a romance book and there are a lot of other extremely important scenes that the movies don't focus enough on (for example: the death of her father and how important that relationship was and still is so important to her? how much she misses him? how she never had the time to grieve him?) but the romance that does happen between the main characters is a big part of the plot - it moves the story, it creates conflict. the main story depends on it. this isn't just a story of war, it's also a story about the life of its protagonist and it's only natural to want her to find joy and peace. and no, not everyone has to like it, love it, be obsessed with it (i don't care about that, nor is it a realistic thing to expect or the focus of this post), but can we just stop pretending like it doesn't exist? like it's a bad thing to enjoy it. that you are exactly like the capitol because of that. that even katniss herself doesn't care about it and is somehow above that - she's a confused, traumatized child who doesn't have time to prioritize her own feelings and emotions. at 17, she should be able to think about that beach kiss for every second of every day and not feel the need to hide it because she's afraid of expecting too much, or wanting too much, or needing too much.
the movies left a lot of damage, not because they focused on the romance, but because instead of filming what was already on paper they went ahead and glamorized it, deleted it or changed it. they deleted the fact that seam people are poc. they aged up the cast. dehumanized kato, clove... didn't show how ugly the capitol really is. how haymich lost everything because he didn't want to be their piece in the games. how finnick was sold from the age of 14. how johanna isn't just angry and mad but damaged and broken. how gale isn't a war criminal but a teenager who got lost in trying to see what is right to do in a war. how war changes people and how, in the end, it usually loses its right side if it ever had it. how you can still be damaged and worth something. that the real revolution isn't in the fight but in helping those around you, by giving them bread on a rainy day or singing them a song when they are dying in your arms. that peeta lost his leg, his sense of self and his entire family. that both him and katniss had traumas prior to the games. that they truly loved each other and were each other's hope. that it would've happened anyway. that it's only him. that their love is a lot of things but never practical or just for comfort. 
the romance that the movies presented was shallow and superficial. the tragedy in their love story isn't gale, or that it only happened because it was forced, or because of their shared trauma. instead it was snow and the capitol. they weren't allowed privacy and to move at their own pace. they were used and manipulated with, hijacked. the tragedy of their love story was that it was tainted. that they weren't allowed to think about it as just theirs.
and then after everything they were still the only ones who could have healed one another. after all of that, they still somehow grew back together. the movies forgot to say that it was absolutely everything to both of them. that they are fully equal in that love.
so no, the problem with the movies isn't too much romance.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 2 』
· Sept. 26th → One Ball, Heart and Soul ·
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Testurou Kuroo, Bokuto Koutarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru, Terushima Yuuji
Prompts: A. favourite position/role + B. travel/journey
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I found it so hard to pick a favourite position/role, because they're all so interesting and important, and I love everyone 😭 But I settled on the role of captain because of the headcanons I thought of. Captain Sqaud, assemble! So, want to find out what these boys are like on a road trip?
(Just to be clear, I do love all these guys. None of this is hate 😂) All my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have some NSFW stuff on my blog, too. Feel free to check that out~ Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Comes prepared with all the food, drinks, snacks, med kit, camera – literally everything you could possibly need on a road trip
Plans out the route beforehand down to the tiniest detail nothing gets past this man
As well as multiple backup routes in case there's diversions etc.
Plans for regular breaks at two-hour intervals where everyone can pee, stretch their legs, buy anything they need, etc.
He's the one who's driving he's not letting anybody else get a scratch on his van, lmao
And he's good at it
No speeding he's a cop, y'all but he doesn't dawdle either, no running red lights, turns corners well, keeps an even foot on the gas, etc.
Just a good time, tbh
Nobody is getting car sick because of him that would be a damn disgrace
"Stop fighting right now, or I'm turning this van around"
And will actually do it if you don't stfu, lmfao
Don't even think about making a mess and dropping your rubbish in the van you'll be walking home
Everyone else thinks his music is boring and for old people, but Daichi honestly doesn't care
Besides, it's either that or no music at all, because he needs to concentrate on the road
He takes this shit seriously. People's lives are in his hands, dammit!
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☆ Testurou Kuroo ☆
Likes to switch between driving and riding shotgun/being designated navigator
Is fairly decent at both
Is constantly eating something but, like, he probably doesn't even know what it is
Some kind of edible is shoved towards his mouth by whoever's riding shotgun, and in it goes shut up. Not like that, you cretins 😂
Somehow manages to behave like an overbearing grandparent and an overexcited child at the same time?? Nothing new there, I guess 😂
I'm sorry, Kuroo, I love you. Please don't be mad 😭
Has a banging playlist full of throwback songs from the 90s and early 2000s
Drums along sofly on the steering wheel or dashboard constantly
HATES driving in rain he's low-key terrified he's going to aquaplane
Likes driving with the windows wound down and feeling the wind in his hair
Will plan the route, but then forget to save it/print it off, etc.
Cannot work Google Maps or SAT-NAVs to save his life Kenma, please help him
Actually packs properly balanced meals, but is heavy on the snacks, too
You'd think he'd drive too fast, but he's actually really responsible
Constantly telling dad jokes to try and keep people amused the groaners are the best
Would probably fight someone at the gas station if they started being a dick and causing trouble
Kuroo, baby. I love you, but please don't get arrested 😭😂😭
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☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Dear God, do NOT let him drive leave it to Akaashi, I'm begging you
Has really bad spacial awareness in a vehicle and drifts all over the place
Probably speeds without even knowing it, too
Likes to ride shotgun, but is a terrible navigator, so is nearly always made to ride in the back
Is the loud one that moves around too much and blocks the rear view mirror strap him in tight, Akaashi
Belts along at the top of his voice to whatever music is playing, he's not fussy
Was told to pack essential items in his backpack and proceeded to fill it with sweets and snacks and a pack of condoms??? and thought he did good
Bokuto: Bro, you said they were essential
Rarely ever has to pee, but when he does, it's always miles away from any service station, and he has to hold it for hours
Has definitely peed at the side of the road multiple times because he couldn't hold it any longer, but he wasn't even embarrassed as numerous cars zoomed past
Likes sticking his head out the window like a dog on the motorway which gives everyone else heart attacks
Like, get the hell back inside you maniac 😭
If the car has a sunroof, he's 100% standing up through it with his hands in the air just you try and stop him
And they will. Everyone will try
Will get out of the car in traffic jams to find out what's going on and end up chatting with random strangers until it starts moving again
And he's very sad when he has to leave his new friends. Droopy hair and emo Kou for the next 2 hours :(
Unironically enjoys playing 'I Spy' for hours at a time
Is a bit much to handle in such a confined space for hours on end, but he's just so excited for the road trip
Will fall sound asleep in a matter of minutes if you set him up with a travel pillow and it's freaking adorable!!
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
No music whatsoever it's distracting. Why would he want it?
Okay driver, brilliant paper-map navigator
Will sit and do absolutely nothing but stare out the window the entire trip if he's neither
Breaks too hard and accelerates too fast, though
Is also kind of heavy-handed with the gear stick he may or may not have snapped one off before...
Never give him a SAT-NAV, though, because he will follow the directions with 100% accuracy and end up driving through a wall or some shit don't try and deny it
Does he ever even blink when he's looking at the road? We may never know
Might be astral projecting, who knows
Forgets people need toilet breaks but refuses to make unscheduled stops
"Just hold it in"
Uh-huh, sure. That's how that works, Toshi
No snacks
Or rather, no fun snacks. Protein bars and mineral water all the way, babyyyy 🙃🙃🙃
Could probably drive all through the night without taking any breaks but that's irresponsible
Don't do it, kids
Will likely devour the entire KFC menu at the service station he's big, okay? He eats a lot
Is prone to leg cramp after long drives oh look, he needs a massage 😏
Doesn't get car sick. Ever. Upset stomachs are for the weak
Has garbage and recycling pouches on the backs of the front seats use them correctly, or feel his wrath
Isn't exactly a barrel of laughs, but it's somehow endearing just like always *happy sigh*
But it's actually a good thing
There's no hidden side to Ushi or any bad or annoying habits that come out of the woodwork on a long road trip
He's just the same old reliable, adorably straightforward Ushijima ❤
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Calls shotgun and demands the aux cord every. Single. Time but it's pretty decent music, so no-one really complains
Not that he's any good at navigation pray for Iwa-chan
Is constantly taking selfies, making TikToks, and documenting the trip on his social media
Will send all the photos in the group chat when it's over, and they actually come out pretty well
Will not stop complaining if the air conditioning is busted and Iwa-chan will threaten to dump him in the middle of nowhere if he doesn't can it 😂
Iwa-chan: I shoulda left you on that street corner where you were standing
Oikawa: But'cha dIDN'T
Bonus points if you get that reference, lmao
Has to keep taking breaks because his butt hurts when he sits down for too long because it's fLaT
I'm sorry, Tooru 😭😭 Forgive me. I love you, really
Is constantly on his phone
But he points out pretty views and interesting sights to everyone all the time awww
Low-key needs to pee all the time, but gets defensive if someone brings it up please stop bulling him, travelling is hard
"Are we there yet?"
Seems kind of annoying, but is actually just genuinely excited to go on a road trip and spend time with his friends 😭😭
Buys matching souvenirs for everyone in secret to surprise them with 🥺
When people complain about all the photos, souvenirs, and enthusiasm, etc. and ask why he has to keep doing it, Oikawa says:
"I want to remember as much of this as possible. I want us all to remember as much of this as much as possible," with a sweet little smile 😭😭😭
And that's when everyone realises how mean they've been to him about being over-the-top and irritating, and they all feel terrible
Just like in the freaking anime, man
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☆ Terushima Yuuji ☆
Will hijack the aux cord to play his incredibly niche music taste
Feet up on the dashboard when he rides shotgun
Shoes on is bad enough, but shoes off just stinks up the entire car you have to roll all the windows down, lmfao
Will break all sorts of road laws if you let him behind the wheel please don't
Daichi will come and arrest him 😭😭
Lives on energy drinks
That's all the drinks he packs. Nothing else
Travels in sports wear and sliders yes, even though you reallly shouldn't drive in sandals
Like he knows or cares 😭
Will chat to girls at the gas station and ask for their numbers, even though he's never going to see them again
"You never know, man! It could be, like, fate or something"
Yes, Yuuji, you do. And it's 'or something'
Thinks it's a good time to sext his current booty call because, like, he has hours of free time. What else is he going to do?
Probably forgot to pack actual food
Has to live off of snacks and cheap service station food for the duration of the trip
But not his own snacks, of course. Everyone else's one doesn't keep friends and buy one's own snacks
Genuinely doesn't realise if he's being gross or annoying, so let him down lightly like a bro and he'll probably make an effort to stop
Doesn't plan the route or anything, even if he's driving. Just punches it into Google Maps as he sits his ass down on the day and trusts it to get him there in one piece and on time
Entire Johzenji team: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
For some reason knows how to change a flat tire, though, so he's good for something, I guess 😂😂
Probably saw a YouTube video on it. Maybe a WikiHow article
Somehow still manages to be an endearing part of the trip??
He smiles a lot and makes a lot of jokes, particularly when things go wrong, so it keeps everyone's spirits up
It definitely wouldn't be the same without him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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thehollowprince · 4 years
I got a reblog from one of the people that really dislike Scott McCall on one of my asks today. Like, an actual reblog and not just another anon chasing their tail in circles trying to convince me, themselves and the rest of the world that Scott was truly just Bad™. I was super surprised because that usually doesn't happen until after their leaders Athena and Cole give them the signal, but in the same breath I wasnt surprised because they had me blocked so that I couldn't reply. Par for the course, I guess, but I managed to snag screencaps of the reply and I'm here to just... go through them.
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My favorite part of this is that they seemed to have been under the impression that my answer to that anon was a challenge of some kind.
For anyone interested, this was all in response to this ask that I answered yesterday. I went through and debunked all of their points and that's what I'm going to do again with this.
1: are we referring to the first season when they broke up after Night School because Scott "abandoned" them to save their lives from Peter? Because, yes, Scott did send her texts and a picture of them when they were together, and she got upset, and after explaining things, guess what, he did, in fact, leave her alone!
2: I've already talked about Scott's interaction with Isaac in Anchors ad nauseam, which can be read here and here. If anyone doesn't want to read the second one (I admit, I can get a little long-winded), what I said was that I didn't like that scene because of how out-of-character it was for Scott. As for Jackson, with the way he treated people, Scott in particular, I'm honestly surprised that no one beat him before that. Scott has the patience of a saint to deal with that for as long as he did without snapping.
3: what's really weird about this is how these people who really dislike Scott (and just by how that was phrased I think I finally found the anon) always fixate on that time Scott shoved Isaac. Just that one moment, and you know why, because their were no moments after that. Scott had no objections to Allison and Isaac hooking up (they never got around to actually dating).
4: this is one of those moments where I want to shake people and say "please watch the damn show!", because what this dingus left out, like everything else in their reply, was context (more on that in a minute). In that scene where Scott yells at Allison (Raving), its after their plan starts to fall apart. That's one of Scott's legitimate flaws in the show (conveniently overlooked in favor of fictional flaws). When things don't go according to plan, he gets frazzled and upset. It's why he and Stiles work so well together, because Stiles excelled at the spur-of-the-moment stuff. Their plan to capture Jackson (to save his life) and discover who his master was wasnt going according to plan. As a matter of fact, it went completely belly up, and a lot of people were in danger. Forgive me if I give a scared sixteen-year-old some leeway in that situation.
6: this is another instance where you just know that they either haven't watched the show, or they've seen the episode once (probably when it aired) and have never gone back to watch it again, relying solely on their Tumblr community to reaffirm their stance on the situation. What this person failed to include, was that the hunters were already hunting Isaac and Erica and Boyd. They were after Derek's pack since the moment Gerard came to town and declared war on all werewolves, whether they were involved in Kate's death or not (Omega). No thought as t all is given to why Isaac, Erica and Boyd were even in that situation to begin with. Why did Derek involve children in his issues?
What this person is also leaving out is that Scott and Allison didn't get to talk about what happened to her mother at the rave until season three. After she killed herself, she was manipulated by Gerard into actively hunting Derek's pack, and basically told Scott to leave her alone while she contemplated murder.
But once again, we have that double standard rearing its ugly head. Why is Scott supposed to tell everyone everything, but the same doesn't apply to characters like Derek or Stiles? Why didn't Derek tell Scott about his history with the Argents and why he hated them so much? Why didn't Stiles tell Scott about Donovan's or Josh's deaths or Theo's involvement? Why is that the fandom allows themselves to empathize with how these characters are feeling, with allowing them to be emotional in their decisions, but not the lead?
This is where context becomes incredibly important, because without context, we get people making blanket statements about a character in order to paint them in a bad light. Without context, I could make statements like "Stiles is a murderer for killing Donovan" or "Stiles nearly killed a police station full of people" or "Lydia was in league with Peter to bring him back from the dead". Those statements by themselves don't put those characters in a good light, do they? But once you add the context to those situations, it changes the entire perspective of things.
With context, I know that Stiles didn't murder Donovan, but that it was an accident that happened in a life-or-death situation. With context, I know that it wasnt Stiles that planted those explosives, but the Nogitsune possessing him. With context, I know that it was Peter's hijacking of Lydia's mind and untapped power that allowed him to rise from the dead. We're allowed to remember the context of these situations, but why not ever when it concerns Scott and his hardships? Another good example is painting Scott as an idiot because he had bad grades, while completely ignoring the circumstances around his life that led to his grades slipping, namely the werewolf shenanigans he was getting dragged into. The double-standard comes in when a legion of fans come to Stiles' defense for writing an essay on the history of circumcision for an Economics class, because "he has ADD/ADHD" all over one throwaway line about him taking Adderall.
Context is everything, and it's amazing how often it's completely ignored when it comes to Scott.
Two more points.
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Sadly, this isn't just something specific to the Teen Wolf fandom. Fandom in general seem to think that romance is the final evolution of any kind of relationship. It says something about them that that's where they're putting the emphasis on Scott's and Allison's relationship, and not the fact that they found their way back to being friends after everything that happened between them in season two.
And then there's this gem.
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Wait... what?
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I am so confused by this, because I'm not talking about a character I hate, but rather defending one I actually live against a campaign of misinformation. They use the word irony, but I don't think it means what they think it does (this isn't the Alanis Morrisette song).
Final thoughts: I often find myself wondering why I even humor these people anymore because it doesn't matter what I say, or what evidence I produce, they're just going to go out of their way to twist everything into making it sound like I think Coolsville sucks. But I'm like a cockroach, I persist. It's going to take more than they can throw at me to make me stop calling out the racism and double-standards that permeate this fandom.
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The New Girl, Part 1
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I'm going to hijack something else from you today, @m-faithfull. 😁 I saw you post this pic a little while back, and I was itching to write for it. Here you go, a leonine Robert going in for the kill. 😬 Just felt like making him a little more forward this time around.
Thanks to @starchild0985 for the argument idea a while ago, and thanks to @firethatgrewsolow for the sanity check on the emotional stuff. ❤️❤️❤️
Not smut yet, but there are "adult undertones." 😎
You round the corner with the food cart and hear them before you see them: the blaring radio and the boisterous, British-accented speech. And then there's a fearsome, metallic crash--a large, glass something, likely hurled into trash can.
You park across from the doorway, look into the room, and take a deep breath. It's your first night on the job, your first time serving a bunch of rock stars and their entourage. You've heard the stories and know that anything is possible in the green room: arguments, fist fights, food fights, hasty sex, even musicians too drunk or high to perform. But it's not just anxiety about the possible mood in the room that gives you pause. You are a huge Led Zeppelin fan, and you are as ashamed about your pink polyester work dress as you are excited to meet the young legends. You've daydreamed about meeting Robert, in particular, but certainly never under these circumstances.
You're glad to have had time to pull your copy of Led Zeppelin IV out of your locker while no one was looking and stash it on the bottom shelf of the cart, hidden behind the long, white tablecloth. An autographed vinyl would be a happy memory of the night, even if everything else went crazy.
Bonzo starts talking, and you realize things are not as jovial as you'd hoped.
"All I'm saying, Perce, is less talk between songs!" Bonzo's voice is colored with exasperation. "We both know damn well that you're just scanning the crowd to skim the finest birds off the top for yourself, innit?"
You're not sure if you should make your way into the room or stay out of the fray for a while. Since no one has noticed you yet, you decide to watch what happens next.
"How do you mean, Bonzo?" Robert's voice has all of the charm you'd expect to hear, but you don't know if his soothing tone will be enough to defuse the situation.
"All I'm doing," Robert continues, "is showing love and gratitude to the audience and setting the scene for you lot to release the sturm und drang, as it were."
"Fucking hell, Robert. Admit it, that's not the release you're most worried about! The crowds are bigger than in Birmingham, but you haven't changed your horny bastard ways one bit, matey…"
"It seems the song does indeed remain the same," Jimmy muses with a chuckle.
"I'm just surprised he ain't have a knee trembler onstage yet. G, Pagey, you're really lucky he didn't hump a pillar when you came to check him out back then. That's the sort of bollocks that I don't miss from this one." He frowns and takes a huge sip of his beer.
It seems this story is new to Jimmy and G, the imposing man you understand to be the manager. Both men exchange glances and shake their heads.
"Fuck it all!" Robert uncrosses his arms and picks up a cigarette package and lighter from the table. "Don't believe me, then." He turns his back on his critics and lights a cigarette.
You get a glimpse of his pout and his elegant fingers, marveling at how cute he looks when he's upset. Somehow this vision has neutralized any red flags raised by Bonzo's stories. You don't know why you can excuse Robert for things that would make you cold to anyone else. You are a little wary, but you know any objections you have left could be swept away with something as light as his sinful whisper in your ear, the brush of his lips against your neck, and the feathery touch of his fingers on your bud.
You are in danger of slipping deep into fantasy and decide to enter the room now to save yourself. Part of you wants to get your work over with, get your autographs, stargaze at the band and leave, but part of you wants to offer whatever comfort you can to the grumpy Robert before your eyes--just about anything he'd ask for.
Everyone else has moved on in a few different conversations. This ends up being a lucky occurrence for Robert, who is still sulking alone and notices you first.
He drops the hand with the cigarette by his side while he familiarizes himself with you. Then he lets loose with a dazzling smile.
G, the rest of the band, and the others in the room focus on you a beat later, while Robert quickly stubs out his cigarette in an ashtray. "And food saves the day. Your timing is impeccable, darlin'. Allow me to be your knight in denim and help you with that cart." He sidles up to you and rests one hand on your shoulder and the other on top of your hand. He winks at you, and you step aside so he can move the cart.
You drink in the sparkly, mostly open button-down that is hanging off of his broad shoulders, thankful that it ends just above the bulge in his jeans that won't be denied, so you can sneak a peek.
He is every bit as flirtatious as you've gleaned from the radio interviews. You get the impression that he doesn't mind the uniform you're wearing, that he's looking way past it in his mind, that he'd still flirt with you if you were wearing a potato sack. It is both a relief and something that leaves your stomach jittery.
"Our wonderful caterer…" he stares for a long time at the general region of your name tag, licks his lips, and relays your name with a wicked grin, "has brought the real food. Orange juice for Jimmy? And sandwiches and crisps for the rest of us. No need to gorge on three-day-old bananas anymore… Although there's one aged almost 25 years that's highly recommended, if you're into that sort of thing…" Robert murmurs the last part for your ears only.
You blush and are stunned by his boldness, but you get your bearings quickly, realizing things will be as out of control as you anticipated. You can't deny that you would love to spend some time alone with Robert, and you're ready to see what other bold moves he has in store.
You steady yourself to throw some of your own boldness his way. "Well, they are good for you--delicious and incredibly filling… And I do like them ripe, personally, so…" You reply just as softly and gaze into his eyes.
Inside of the stare, the two of you are zapped by a mutual, high-voltage flash of interest. Your heart races, and your body throbs.
"Prime example, this is!" Bonzo interjects from the couch. "Percy Plant plucking another flower for himself!"
"Not now, Bonzo," Robert mutters, still looking into your eyes.
You blink rapidly, realizing all eyes are on you. "Sorry… It's my first night here… I-- I've got to set these things out," you stammer to Robert. You want him, but to have things so very obviously play out in front of so many people… A curtain of shame weighs heavy on the lust that has engulfed your body.
Before you can pick up the tray of sandwiches, Robert steps in. "Allow me, love." He notices your conflicting emotions and removes all of the food from the cart for you. You're glad for his help because you feel lightheaded. The last thing you need to do is drop a tray of food on your first night and draw the ire of the rambunctious group.
"What's this, then?" Robert has peeked under the tablecloth and has found your record. "Fancy some autographs from us heathens?" He holds up the album for everyone to see.
"One of my favorites. I must commend your good taste." Jimmy's tip of his glass to you and his friendly words lighten your tension. Your thank-you to him is for his compliment as much as it is for the lifeline to normalcy that he has thrown.
Robert places a hand on your shoulder. "You know what? I'll let the rest of the lads sign first. You look like you could use some help getting this cart back where it belongs, yeah?"
You get the sense that Robert genuinely wants to blot out your embarrassment, but you know that he has other, wolfish desires alongside his altruism. You're okay with that, and you don't question why.
"That would be great." A weak smile grows stronger on your face as you think of how exciting a stolen moment with Robert will be.
"Yes, allow me to drive this for you then?" He begins to push the cart to the door.
"Thirty minutes until showtime, Robert," G calls out, knowing he won't return right away.
Robert doesn't respond to G but does motion for you to join him in the hall. You tell him which way to turn. You're back to bursting with excitement again as you leave the room in the distance.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary.
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pr-ay-the-gay-away · 5 years
Either Maverick is shit at doing their job, or they dgaf. I mean, how long would Lauren need to rebuild her image after this usless PR ends? Don't get me started on her mental health. 😭 What a piece of shit they are. It's like they're doing whatever they're doing rn just because they can and want to(?) What benefits they possibly got? Because they didn't do anything right to get Lauren out there. Jfc i hate Maverick.
Honestly, Lauren acknowledging her mental health struggles and strategies like seeing a therapist, are so so important. I’m so grateful for her 1) having the platform to share that, and 2) having the sense-of-self to share that with her wider audience. That’s like up there with her explaining gerrymandering on MTV and posting insta stories to explain proposed constitutional amendments in Florida in layman’s terms. Seriously I ❤️ Lauren
I actually don’t think it would be hard to rebuild Lauren’s image. It would just involve disassociating with the past (that is, her current) image, and focusing on her new one. You’d reinforce that with interviewers, promoters, etc, so that they’re not allowed to ask about the past stuff and they’re directed to focus instead on topics and lines of conversation that don’t lead back to having to acknowledge any past stunts. That would also mean disassociating with past material that tied into the old image, eg. anything to do with Ty, including IYP, possibly Expectations too (since her promotion made the song about Ty). And you know what? She’s already disassociated with IYP, and for good reason - it’s a bad track. Being associated with that track is not in any way gonna help your career lols.
Case in point? Her Zach Sang interview. Everything about that was going really fine up until the color commentator, Dan, interrupted Zach and Lauren to name-drop Ty and then hijacked the conversation to make it about Ty. Stop interviewers from doing that, you start to clear a path for her to step forward and come through.
But that requires her management, first and foremost, to stop instructing interviewers to bring up Ty, and to stop instructing Lauren to name-drop him. It’s transparent that that’s what’s happening.
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