#didnt even know i had it to begin with!! ugh hes the worst
blearyfaced · 1 year
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Also also an equally important ask!
FUCK ROBERT! there i had to say it as well, get it out of my system!
Whether Rhaegar loved or didn't Lyanna is irrelevant because we all know that Robert never gave a fuck. He was infatuated and once she was "taken from him" he felt insulted and slighted that something that "belonged to him" was now someone else's. (Poor man had to fuck everything with legs to forget his sorrow during the war ugh)
His ego was so hurt that he had to make it Cersei's and everyone's problem for decades. Bitch ass man hiring assassins for Daenerys get the fuck outta here Bob.
Damn what happened at the Trident. Grrm give us an AU where Lyanna slays him on their wedding night and then keeps living her chill life just serving cunt in Winterfell or wherever.
my god i hate robert so fucking much thank you for giving me a vehicle for my hatred
my guy,,, you got a HOT WIFE who was obsessed with you in the beginning and you could not give up on a CHILD
AND THE WORST THING TO ME IS HE DID ALL THIS FOR A CROWN THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN RESPECT this man didn't do a single actual kingly thing, he just wanted a get out of jail free card!! he doesn't rule, he doesn't care about anything bc he can't get over A GIRL WHO DIDNT EVEN WANT HIM
and we all know lyanna would've hated being married to robert and he would've hated being married to her wild and strong-willed ass!!!
i want that au so bad, lyanna would've absolutely ate robert for breakfast, if he thinks cersei was bad,,,
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extasiswings · 4 years
That episode truly put me in such a sour mood after what they did to Eddie!! Like the real Eddie would never do any of that stuff! He's a devoted loving father (the best father) who wouldn't do anything that his son isnt okay with! And I'm still super bitter that we didnt get a Eddie/Christopher scene once he got him from Bucks. Like I love the Buck/Christopher scene and it was important and lovely and I'm glad it was in the episode but a Eddie and Christopher scene would've been even more important and definitely needed! And don't get me started on her calling Chris sensitive 🤬 and Eddie not having a reaction towards that like he should! Ugh this is not the mood I want for the next 6 weeks! I'm just hoping that our Eddie, The real Eddie is back in 6 weeks and stay permanently and doesnt let that imposter use his face again!
I feel like the worst part is not only how dirty they did his character but how much it was a total waste of an extremely important and emotional arc.  Like...Eddie taking his first steps into moving on and navigating that with Christopher should have been big, should have been meaningful, should have been handled with at a minimum the same care and attention with which they handled the skateboard incident and Eddie and Christopher’s related conversations in “Fools,” and should have been something that clearly established (or at least strongly foreshadowed) what’s going to happen with their development moving forward into the rest of the season.  I was looking forward to it!  I wanted to see it!
And at the beginning, the rest of the absolutely cringeworthy and barely watchable date scene aside, it was clear that yes! Eddie was reluctant to talk about this with his son!  He was worried!  He had concerns!  And I thought, oh excellent, this is going to go well.
Then, Eddie got home and immediately lied directly to Christopher’s face about it and I thought...oh no.  But even then I still thought, hey now, they can pull it back!  I did actually love Christopher’s reaction!  That part was great!  And honestly, I can even accept Eddie deciding to give Christopher time to cool off instead of going after him to talk immediately.  
There was no reason to have the video call with Ana.  It was unnecessary and only ended up being a vehicle for Invasion of the Body Snatchers Eddie to *checks notes* be totally dismissive of his son’s extremely valid feelings without even having had a real conversation about why Christopher reacted the way he did and what exactly his concerns were!  Not to be dramatic [lie, I’m always dramatic], but I felt like I’d been slapped, it was so abrupt and OOC.  [And, as I mentioned in a separate post, it makes zero sense to have had Eddie be worried about telling Christopher at all if he wasn’t going to actually care about Christopher’s feelings, so not only was he ultimately wildly OOC, his characterization wasn’t even consistent within the confines of the episode.]  
And I’m sorry, I love the Buck and Chris scene, I do, but as much as we joke and clown, Buck is not Christopher’s parent. Plus, their conversation wasn’t even directly about Eddie dating!  It wasn’t directly about Christopher’s concerns with Eddie dating [so therefore, I’m still not clear on exactly what those are/were although I can guess] and there wasn’t even a token attempt at directly addressing that particular elephant in the room!  Yes, kids need reassurance and support from multiple adults they love and look up to in times of crisis, but we got nothing from the most important person and most important relationship in Christopher’s life: his dad. 
It would have been SO EASY to have cut the video call [avoiding the OOC bullshit] and used that time instead to have added on to the Buck and Christopher scene.  Example: Buck and Chris end their conversation, Eddie arrives, having rushed over in a panic, hugs his kid and says some variation on “we can continue this at home, but I’m sorry I lied to you, I should have told you first, but just know no matter what happens or who else comes into my life, I love you and you’re never going to lose me.”  THERE! DONE! I FIXED IT IN THIRTY SECONDS! 
Ideally we would have gotten a longer extended Eddie and Christopher scene because, again, their relationship should have been the focus of this storyline, but if we had even gotten just that little bit on top of the Buck and Christopher scene, it would have cut my salt levels at least in half.  Instead though, we got NOTHING and the next time they were on screen it was because Ana was coming over to the house and suddenly everything was A-OK????? WHAT???? 
Writing tip 101: YOU CAN’T RESOLVE SOMETHING THAT IMPORTANT OFF SCREEN! Like???? Christopher ran away from home and we got zero acknowledgment of the severity of that, zero acknowledgment of the resolution of that, not even a token throwaway line about “we discussed it and everything’s fine now” [which would have been a gross cop-out but still would have been SOMETHING more than the whole lot of absolute BS NOTHING we got].
Once again...Eddie didn’t even let Shannon back into Christopher’s life for months when she came back, but we’re supposed to believe he’s bringing over a new woman he’s not even serious with yet after just a few dates because...what, she was Christopher’s teacher so at least he knows her?  Make it make sense!  [And as a side note, what was the point of having Ana point out multiple times that they could/should go slow with respect to Christopher if she was ultimately going to be totally cool with that weird Meet the Girlfriend introduction? And a side side note, I completely agree, the “sensitive boy” comment rubbed me the wrong way completely and came off as super condescending so thanks I hate it on MULTIPLE levels.]
Anyway...yeah, the whole thing was a goddamn travesty.  I may be a Buddie clown, but I am an Eddie Diaz lover first and foremost and idk who that was in the episode but it sure as HELL was not Eddie Diaz.  @ the guest writer for this episode, the door is that way, please let it hit you on the way out.  Hoping they can do some serious damage control after the hiatus [currently Christopher is credited for 4x9 but Ana is not so there may be some room to set things right] but right now I’m just...very pissed.  Haven’t seen a character assassination this bad since Lucy Preston in the Timeless Christmas Special.  Fucking YIKES.  
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jennrypan · 3 years
I rewrote the part where Scourge and Sonic have that "Just like me convo" so it can fit my au of them.
Fiona cheating on him with his anti didnt make Sonic angry..
Fiona actively lying to him didnt piss him off, maybe annoyed him..but it didnt piss him off.
What did piss him off however was how she antagonized Amy and Tails, and how she seemed to preen at the slightest attention Scourge gave her..because she wanted someone to protect her..someone to care about her, he didnt know..and what set him off was how she slapped Tails away, mocked him for crying and all to impress his anti! 
"What the hell Fiona!?" 
Sonic snapped, though this just caused the vixen to roll her eyes before she looked at him..god her attitude was grating his nerves,
"What?" She mused as if she didnt just slap his best friend for no reason,
That ..that made him scowl, and without warning he moved- he wanted to actually..throw her, her attitude annoyed him, her disregard for his friends pissed him off- he hadnt accounted for Scourge actually protecting her, as when he moved..so did the green hedgehog and before he could touch Fiona a fist crushed into his cheek causing him to let out a sharp grunt and lose his footing for a brief minute, instantly turning his attention towards Scourge..he still had that same sleazy smile..taunting. 
"Bad move, blue." 
Scourge drawled out, and Sonic just clicked his tongue watching as Scourge slowly paced around him..hes been itching to fight him for who knows how long..that much Sonic knew, but Sonic just hummed,
"Oh so you can help other people besides yourself, I was beginning to worry you had no redeeming qualities!" He stated sounding visibly amused, 
Scourge just scoffed lowly, "Please, thats not a redeemin quality, raise your standards." He sneered, and without warning he ran forward..and the fight began.
Amy had since charged at Fiona but Sonic could barely focus on that as Scourge kept matching him blow for blow..only thing was Scourge was a lot more violent..a lot more aggressive.
It wasnt everyday Sonic worked up a sweat fighting an opponent as not many people matched his speed..Shadow and Metal were the only ones..now Scourge had been added to that list of people that seem to want to kill him for no reason.
"Jeez its hard to believe someone so bitter could be me, like damn dude, did your favorite jacket get discontinued?" 
Even during this fight Sonic didnt stop being taunting, as he landed on top of a rock- narrowly avoiding being kicked into a tree, watching as Scourge turned towards him, his eyes were surprisingly still shielded by his shades but Sonic could still feel him glaring at him, 
Scourge moved again and this time he successfully swiped Sonics legs from underneath him and when Sonic fell the blue hedgehog instinctively moved to the side as Scourges fist came crashing into the floor were his head had previously been,
"Lets see you keep makin jokes when I break your fuckin legs." Scourge hissed- despite his words he sounded delighted by the thought, pleased with the thought of hurting him and hes use to this from Shadow and Metal, they were both assholes who worked with Eggman on their worst days and they just genuinely didnt like him that much but Scourge? Theyve only met three times before this and he didnt remember antagonizing the male enough to make him want to hurt him that much-
Scourge charged forward once more and Sonic quickly moved to the side, arm pulling back before he crashed his fist into the side of Scourges face as he had done to him earlier..knocking the shades from his face which caused his anti to pause briefly, glancing down at the shades for a millisecond as they landed on the floor, cracked and lopsided.
That millisecond was soon forgotten as Scourge retaliated..his body moved lower and his leg rose before he kicked Sonic straight in the chest causing the male to grunt, stumbling back at the force but the kick wasnt enough as Scourge had soon punched him in the stomach,
"God- I still got a few more jokes- first, those shades were lame anyways- not a joke but a fact!" 
Sonic stated quickly, jumping out of the way from Scourge once more as the male just growled,
"Im not takin shit from someone who thinks 'Way past cool' is a thing people actually say!" Scourge retorted, 
"Hey people said it before!" 
"No ones ever said that shit before!" 
It went on like this for what seemed like a few minutes with both of them arguing with each other, Sonic just wanted to see exactly why Scourge was going out of his way to hurt him- even trying to actually break his leg if he was given the chance..the rage was so weird..he knew antis were different but he didnt expect his anti to be so..angry,  so violent- his anti seemed more like a very verbal Shadow with the way he kept attacking him, 
"Ya know being an asshole isnt as rewarding as ya think it is right?" 
Sonic questioned- grunting when he got into a tree, thankfully avoiding Amy as she chased Fiona around still, she had tried to help but Fiona kept distracting her.
"Pfft, its more rewardin than wastin my time saving a buncha useless dicks who dont deserve it!" Scourge replied, sounding amused by the sheer thought of saving someone else...Sonic couldnt imagine not wanting to save people..yeah sometimes he thought some people didnt deserve it but still, 
"Youre still a Sonic! Still me- you should want to at least try and help people!"
"Why? Cuz thats what you do?" 
Scourge just laughed and without warning he moved forward..punched him in the stomach, then his chest- he didnt wait for a retaliation as he kicked him into a tree, he found with the purpose to bruise and scar while Sonic fought to distance and distract-
His head spun for a split moment, the wind knocked out of him, 
"You dont get it! Rulin people with fear and hate, is soo much better than tryna be some glorified saint!" 
Scourge stated, his eyes were blazing..the rage was back..he looked nothing like him right now..something was off, Sonic didn't like how unhinged he was,  how cruel- 
"That isnt true, and it never will be."
Sonic declared and Scourge just sneered at him, laughing, fist pulling back as Sonic quickly moved from his spot, his knuckles slammed into bark instead of Sonics nose,
"When you finally realize not everyone deserves to be saved, when you see how much more freein it is to be above people than to depend on them- you'll be like me, all it takes is one bad day, one bad situation and you'll see that." Scourge hummed out, side stepping as Sonic went to kick him, only to have his leg grabbed and he was forcefully thrown down, causing him to grunt lowly, and without warning Scourge stepped on his chest, Sonic could only stare at him for a brief moment before he just grinned- 
"Thats where your wrong dude, a bad day doesnt just make someone a villain..but a good day? A good day could change a lot, all it takes is someone showing you an ounce of kindness, someone showin you the love you never got and you'll be like me, a good person..maybe even a hero." He stated, grinning.
He expected another mocking laugh instantly, expecting Scourges foot to press down but for a brief minute..the green hedgehog paused, eyes widening ever so slightly, and for that minute Sonic was sure he got to him..he knew deep down Scourge wasnt evil, he could just show him he didnt have to be like this, he could help him..he didnt know anything about his anti besides the fact something was severely wrong with his mental state and he took too much enjoyment in hurting him but he knew he wasnt evil.
Then.. the green hedgehog just smiled, his expression hardening as if it hadnt changed in the first place, 
"How naive." 
He sneered and that slowly shattered Sonics hopes of getting through to him..he just dismissed his words-
"Not naive..hopeful." Sonic retorted, moving his arm to grab his ankle but his foot had moved towards his neck and Sonic jolted- the malice in his eyes was so..floundering..he could never imagine that look on his own face.
"Same thing." Scourge stated dismissively, and Sonic didnt get the chance to reply as a blur of yellow and brown crashed into Scourge, pushing the older teen to the ground successfully allowing Sonic to sit up instantly,
"Get away from him you bully!" Tails screamed, Sonic heard Scourge cursing and soon Tails was thrown back, causing Sonic to quickly move to catch him.
"Thanks bud." Sonic murmured, staring at Scourge who just fixed his jacket- appearing inconvenienced as Fiona neatly landing besides him as Amy ran up next to Sonic, "Stop running you coward!" The pink hedgehog hissed, Scourge just plucked out a warp ring from his jacket, just smiling at Sonic.. His smile was so..mean looking, it was too sharp..too fake,
"Til next time blue."  
Was all Scourge said in a sing song like voice as he let Fiona into the portal first and he followed quickly after just as Amy chucked her hammer in their direction, who she was aiming at specifically he had no clue.
"Dammit! Stupid! Assholes, ugh!" Amy screamed, storming over to snatch her hammer up,
"Theyre such bullies! Why did I even like her!" Tails exclaimed, Sonic just frowned before he sighed quietly, glancing from Amy to Tails. 
"Lets just go, theyre gone now, might as well enjoy the peace." He stated with a simple shrug, giving them a small smile, the smile made Amy visibly melt while it comforted Tails slightly, the young pink hedgehog was at his side instantly, clutching his arm- which he allowed for the time being while Tails was a little slower to approach him, still dejected.
He knew his anti despised him but he'll never get the reason why, and unfortunately..Scourge was too far gone to talk down from whatever path he was taking..the friendly route was no longer an option.
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Oh! What about a classification universe where everyone takes a test and gets their classification (little,neutral, caregiver). Everyone gets what was expected (Virge and Ro little and Pat, Lo, and Janus are caregivers). Everyone expects Remus to get neutral but he gets little. He tries to hide it for a bit until Logan walks in and finds out! (Maybe Pat could be Virgil's cg and Janus could be Roman's? What ever works for you!) Thank you!
Warning: there be a few cuss words here babies.
Remus fiddled with the corners of the envelope he held between his fingers. The friend group had all taken the tests together so they could find out their classifications at the same time. And now here they were, all sitting around in Patton's living room.
He wasn't nervous of course. He knew what everyone including himself would get. Patton was literally the dad friend so of course he would be a caregiver, and if Patton was the dad friend, Logan was the stricter, more cautious mom friend. Then there was Janus who was also a mom friend, but a little more relaxed. He would bet money that Virgil and his brother were littles. Vee already exemplified basically all of the traits and he and Patton pretty much already had a caregiver, regressor relationship going as it was. Then of course Roman was just childish and creative. But Remus? Remus was all crude jokes, chaotic energy and innuendo. He would not be a good caretaker and definitely not a regressor. So he was okay with being the only neutral in the group and told them all as much.
"Now kiddo, we havent even opened our envelopes yet! We dont know what any of us are going to be. Don't make assumptions."
Patton wagged a finger at him playfully.
Logan straightened his glasses. "Actually the true answer lies between both of your responses. While we technically dont know what our results are yet we can make an educated guess based on the traits we exemplify and how likely it is for us to be sorted into each category baised off our traits."
"Ugh! Let's just do it already! I'm tired of waiting!" Roman said exasperated before practically ripping into his. He beamed at the results. "We were right! 'Regressor: 4 to 7 headspace!" He cheered. Janus rolled his eyes with a smile. "Now that one was obvious." There are cheers and congratulations from around the circle and they move on to the next person. Janus is of course a caregiver, as are Logan and Patton. When the circle reaches Virgil he shrinks in on himself and fidgets with his envelope, looking at it like it might come to life and bite him.
"Here kiddo," Patton offered, holding out his hand "would you like me to read it?" Verge nodded and handed it to Patton, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking down.
Patton carefully opens the envelope and scans the contents before breaking out in a smile. "Regressor: 1 to 4 headspace!"
He immediately pulls Virgil in for a hug, likely to comfort him and quell any panic that might be arising as everyone else congratulates him. Virgil of course latches on like a sea monkey and rests his head on Pattons shoulder with a small smile, giggling as the dad friend whispers some joke in his ear, almost assuredly a pun.
Finally only Remus is left. With all eyes on him he smirks and tears open his envelope, ripping out the paper only to stop dead at what he sees in print. He only has a few seconds to think quickly, keep his poker face and turn it into a smile as he tucks his paper back in the envelope.
"Well no fucking surprise here! Nuetral!" Patton reprimands his language but they all smile and clap for him, although Janus looks at him a tad suspiciously.
"Well we should all probably get home. It is getting rather late." Janus commented.
Roman gets a ride with him and Virgil decides to sleep over at Patton's place. That left Logan and Remus.
"Do you require a ride home Remus?" Logan asked.
"Nope! Just gonna shove a broomstick up my butt and fly home on it like a witch!"
Logan looked unimpressed.
"...yeah I could use a ride."
"Well alright then." Logan smiled and grabed his keys. The two waved to Patton and Virgil before heading out the door. They got in the car and Logan double checked to make sure Remus had his seatbelt buckled. He hadn't forgotten the time he almost flew through the windshield and got glass in his forehead because 'seatbelts just take all the excitement out of driving'
Remus rolled his eyes but complied and satisfied Logan began the drive to Remus's house, playing some nerdy music on the car audio.
Remus didnt look at Logan the whole drive. He just stared out the window and felt his stomach turn as he recalled the actual contents of his results.
A regressor. But he couldn't be! It had to be wrong! Roman was the childish one with his disney and cartoons. Remus was...punk, feral, deranged some might even say...he was the furthest thing from a kid.
A few minutes later his thoughts were interrupted by his phone buzzing and he sighed. It was Roman telling him that Janus had agreed to try out being his caregiver and he was going to spend a few days at his house instead. He was going to have a few very lonely days ahead of him. But that might be for the best as he has to process everything.
Before he even realized it Logan was pulling up to his house. He thanked him devoid of his usual energy and walked inside. Missing the concerned look Logan threw his way.
The first thing he did was hide his letter under his mattress and then he stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out how this could have happened.
He came to the conclusion that he wasnt a regressor. The tests were wrong. Or at least he wasnt going to be. He was Remus for satans sake and he intended to stay that way. And if he ever started to feel SMALL. Well then he would just ignore it until it went away. That shouldn't be too hard right?
Wrong. It had been three weeks since they all got their classification and Remus felt like absolute shit.
Both Roman and Virgil had regressed a few times and were settling in with their caregivers. They seemed...happy. but Remus? He was just tired. Every once in a while (especially when things seemed to get ovewhelming) he would feel his head start to go fuzzy and he would begin to feel an odd sense of calm and a sinking feeling. However he was always able to push it down and shake it off before continuing on with his day like it hadn't happened. The only problem was it seemed to be increasing in frequency. It had gone from happening a few times a week to a few times a day and truth be told he was starting to get overwhelmed.
Then it happened. The worst episode hit him while they were all hanging out at his house. The others were having some sort of conversation but he couldn't focus on what they were saying. Too busy trying to get rid of it. It wasnt working though. He subconsciously leaned into the nearest person to him for comfort, which happened to be Logan. He raised an eyebrow at this as Remus was generally not one for physical affection. He wraps an arm around his waist anyways. If Remus needed him he would oblige. "Are you quite alright Remus?" He asked causing Remus to jump and realize what he had been doing. He had to get out of there. Now.
"Mhm! Yuppers, fit as a fiddle...I'm gonna go lay down. Bye!"
And with that he scampered off to his room. Curling up in his blankets he took his envelope out from under his mattress and glared at it as if that would somehow magically change the results. But of course it didn't. All of a sudden his emotions were alot harder to suppress and he was just so confused and upset and angry all at once. He felt something warm on his face and realized he was crying which made him cry harder, he stuffed a blanket covered fist in his mouth to try and muffle the sounds and hugged a pillow close to his chest.
There was a knocking at the door then. "Remus? Are you quite alright? You left rather suddenly and I thought it best to check on you." Logans voice drifted in from outside his door and part of Remus wanted to open it and launch himself into his arms and just stay there, cuddled up while Logan comforted him. But he didn't. He wasnt a baby, he could deal with this on his own.
When no answer came Logan tried to knob and the door creaked open. Remus cursed himself silently for not locking it.
Upon seeing remus curled on the bed, teartracks down his face and obviously upset, logan rushed over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Remus? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
That's when his eyes caught on the envelope on his bed and he picked it up. Remus emmiting a high pitched whine when he did.
Logan looked confused for all of a second before he put the pieces together.
"...you arent actually a neutral, are you?"
He shook his head sadly and Logan sighed, sitting on the bed with him.
"Remus, you didnt have to hide this. We're all here to support you." He rested a hand on his shoulder again and Remus leaned into the touch, giving Logan an idea.
"Remus, may I hold you?"
He practically jumped at the offer and noded vigorously. That's all he wanted right now.
Logan smiled softly and crawls on the bed, leaning up on the headboard and pulling Remus against his chest, where he instantly relaxed. He hummed softly to him and rested a hand on his back.
"May I see your results?" He asked and Remus nodded slowly. He trusted Logan.
Logan nodded and pressed a kiss to the top of Remus's head as he opened up the envelope and took a look at the contents inside.
Regressor: 3 to 7 headspace.
Logan nodded to himself and slipped it back in the envelope.
"Thank you for letting me see that Remus, can you tell me how old you are right now?"
"M seventeen." He mumbled and Logan sighed, changing tactics.
"How many times have you regressed in the last three weeks?"
There's a long pause and Remus shifts awkwardly against him.
"....none." he whispered. He knew it wasn't good to suppress regression but he had done it anyways.
Logan pursed his lips, but honestly he had expected this.
"Come on love," he coaxedRemus out of the bed. "We're going to get you out of the house so you can regress without being around everyone. Is that alright with you?"
He noded and followed Logan. They left with some excuse about running an errand and get in Logan's car. He made sure Remus was buckled and started the engine.
"Where we goin?" Remus asked curiously.
"The store." Logan responded. "I assume you dont have any supplies?"
Remus blushed and nodded his head. No use buying little gear if you told yourself you weren't going to regress.
They pulled into the parking lot of a store for that purpose a few minutes later and Logan took his hand as they walked through the parking lot which only served to make him feel smaller and push him further into regression.
When they entered the store Logan took him down a few aisles, stopping when they reached the toys.
"Okay, you may pick out two toys, I'm going to go and get you a few more things. Stay there alright?"
Remus nodded, in awe of all the options the toy isle held. While Logan was off shopping he picked out a nerf gun and an octopus plushie, running up to the cart excitedly to drop them in when Logan returned.
He smiled. "Did you find something you liked little cephalopod?" This caused Remus to nod and giggle happily and Logan chuckled back in response. He had filled the cart with other supplies. Sippy cups, pacifiers, a couple of snacks and small foods as well as some assorted juice boxes.
Remus looked at them all in excitment. And Logan led him through the checkout. Buckling him back up in the car with his octopus, the rest of the bags in the back.
Remus swung his legs happily in the passenger seat while he clutched his new stuffie. Gaining a small smile from Logan.
"Are you alright if we go back to my apartment cephy?"
Remus nodded happily and they made their way to where Logan lived. He was the oldest and so he lived on his own in an apartment just off his college campus.
He quickly unloaded all the groceries and picked Remus up, carrying him inside much to his delight.
The two spent the rest of the day together. Remus ate dinosaurs nuggets and ketchup for dinner which he used to create a whole mess that Logan rolled his eyes fondly at but cleaned up. Then they watched cartoons and snuggled together and Logan watched as he used a new coloring book. Praising every drawing even if they were slightly... unorthodox. Eventually Logan announced that it was bedtime for little boys and while Remus pouted when he was set down on the soft bed he couldn't help but look at Logan like he put all the stars in the sky and he gathered up the courage to ask him his question.
"Yes Chephy?"
"Will you be my caregiver?"
"I would be delighted to."
The day ended perfectly for both of them, cuddling on the bed until they fell asleep.
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gothamdad · 4 years
This is going to be a bullet point list of incidents that occur in the movie, and will either have my general commentary or an analysis of what makes the scene terrible (or in some rare cases, good). TRIGGERS FOR SUICIDE, MENTAL HEALTH, AND DYSMORPHIA 
-bruce trying to kill himself in the beginning of the movie. 
Hes reckless, and willing to risk his life, but not suicidal. But he just purposefully gets into a wreck at 2 minutes into the movie?? for no reason??? theres literally no reason for it other than it being angsty bc they COULDVE started the movie with the mutants doing crime, as the next scene cuts right into it and the following news reports 
-"This reporter hopes that wherever he is, hes enjoying a toast with good friends" said when its the anniversary of batman’s disappearance 
this is stupid I hate this movie. You're telling me Gotham forgives Batman for just disappearing on them? DID THAT NOT HAPPEN IN NML AND EVERYONE GOT PISSED??? Like everyone in this movie seems to have forgot he abandoned the city. Not to mention, and I'm gonna go off on a tangent here, bruce will be batman for as long as he lives. He calls himself batman in his mind even when hes retired. He believes that Bruce wayne is the mask. His whole identity is batman. Saying that hed quit because of jason is not only stupid because it implies Jason's death isnt just as important as his parents, but shows that any tragedy is enough to permanently knock him down. And as if the league, or the family, would have let him give up. Anyway the whole reason the retirement in batman beyond works is because it shows bruce was going to fight until he literally died on the spot, but instead he pointed a gun, didn't even use it, just pointed it, and he realized he wasnt fit to HONOR batman anymore. He broke the rule. And he doesnt deserve to wear the mantle. This is so good because 1) bruce still wants to be batman and 2) it doesnt imply that he gave up at all, and at this point with his decreasing wellness his family WOULD be telling him to stop
-Gordon toasts with Bruce on the anniversary
FBKSBSOANSISSB OH MY GOD IT JUST SHOWED HIM SHARING A TOAST WITH GORDON. this is the anniversary of the last time batman is sighted and gordon. JIM FUCKING GORDON. Is celebrating. When they were literally partners and hed shine the batsignal each night TELL ME WHERE THE LOGIC IS!!! I CANT FIND THE LOGIC!!!!! I'm literally 3 minutes into this movie..... and already this is how its going...
-Gordon and Bruce talk
"You're not worried about me, are you?" Asked when hes in clear danger of being attacked by mutants "noT MorE tHAn i aM tHe ReST oF tHis CItY" ah yes. I forgot that Bruce hated gotham and jim Gordon. My mistake. Common misconception.
-the mutants are introduced
Ugh and it's the worst kind of villains too, jim just described the mutants as "the worst kind of criminals. They are only after violence, with no humanity at all" GIVE! VILLAINS! REASONING! I hate these joker wannabes Joker was already enough we dont need a million more "lol I'm just evil deal with it" villains
"Talk to Dick lately?"asks Gordon "You know I havent" Bruce responds
-tangent on how it’s overlooked that Dick Grayson was the one to make Robin, not Batman
This is a sin that not just the movie, but the batman franchise in general seems to always make. Robin was made as a tribute to the flying graysons, and is meant to be colorful and aerodynamic for acrobatic tricks. it should always be dick’s to pass down, or the next robin after. 
-Bruce begins having trouble with holding back his urge to be Batman
-Carrie Kelly
her first ??? Appearance??? Is her going into KNOWN MUTANT GANG TERRITORY instead of going through the rain. And scolding her friend for not having backbone WHEN THEY COULD LITERALLY DIE and saying, and I quote, "its better than out there." then when interviewed about the incident her friend says  "It was a flying monster! With wings and fangs!" and she replies with "Reality check, Michelle, it was definitely a man, but he had to be like 12 feet tall" OH YEAH THATS VERY REALISTIC CARRIE. Shes an asshole to her friend and we're supposed to like her.  Oh and Carrie's reason for wanting to be robin? She saw the bat signal while her parents were talking about public marches. That's it. That's her reason. Not because she was attacked by mutants and almost died.
-Giving the movie credit
Okay but if theres another thing I'll give credit for, and I'm sure its unintentional, is that Harvey is the first criminal he wants to take down. Because Harvey is always going to be Bruce's priority. He didnt go after the mutants, but Two-Face. And the way that confrontation goes when it’s revealed harvey thinks both sides of his face are scarred. the Arkham staff fixed his scars before he was ready for treatment, and his mental health wasn’t priority. he was going to have dysmorphia either way, but not treating mental illness worsened it.  kinda? good writing? But I think it was unintentional to have the idea that Arkham didnt know what they were doing and the belief that scars are important before trauma, and how trauma has to be helped first. I dont believe for an instant that's what's meant. 
-Carrie Kelly part two
She gets a Robin costume and goes out onto the roof and is like.... almost dies. THEN THE NEXT SCENE WE SEE HER SHES LIKE COMPLETELY ACROBATIC? WHY IS SHE SO ACROBATIC NOW!!! THIS TAKES PRACTICE!!!
-Batman confronting the man who supplied the mutant gang with guns
Oh, this scene...He hands a guy a gun, knowing full well that he was depressed because his wife was dying and he had to make more money to save her by supplying the mutants with weapons, and just walks away as he kills himself. (input from a friend which i like:  think about everything bruce did to help mr freeze and his wife now think about this scene )
Batman vs Mutants 
oh, and the "batmobile". Aka his tank. Rubber bullets. Ok fine, whatever, but RUNNING THEM OVER AND SHOOTING MISSCLES ISNT LETHAL? AND HOW IS CARRIE KELLY GOOD AT FIGHTING ALL OF THEM WHEN SHE COULDNT HANDLE HERSELF WITH ONE LIKE A WEEK AGO.  hate that the mutant leader is just a ripoff of bane with long pointed nipples I hate this. I hate that batman cant take him down, but carrie kelly can. AND THE MUTANT LEADRER TOTALLY DIED WHEN BRUCE THREW ADHESIVE ON HIS FACE AND HE WAS SUFFOCATED BUT LATER ON IT SHOWS HE LIVES ??
Bruce talks to Carrie 
"What is this thing?" -carrie "Dick called it the batmobile" -bruce "SIR!!" -alfred over the radio There are no words. Then she pops his arm into place and creates a makeshift cast And he says "where'd you learn to do that?” and because she’s a mary sue she says nothing, because miller doesnt know why she should, so he cuts to "what's your name?" and she says "Carrie. Carrie Kelly. robin" and HE FUCKING GOES "MINES BRUCE." and then immediately tells Alfred hes bringing "robin" to the cave. I hate it here I hate that he forgets what happened to Jason aFTER ITS HIS LITERAL REASON FOR QUITTING. WHAT IS THE POINT IF HE’S GOING TO ACCEPT THIS GIRL HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW AS ROBIN?
-Bruce talks about Jason
OH BRUCE'S FUCKING LINE. HIS LINE. IM FURIOUS Alfred asks "have you forgotten what happened to Jason?" And he says "I'll never forget. he was a good soldier. He honored me" I AM !!!! SHAKING!!!! WITH HOW MAD !!!! I AM!!! Bruce would NOT say that shit. Implying that jason wasnt his son, or that jason was only a casualty in a war, or that HE FUCKING HONORED HIM AND NOT THE CITY, OR THE TITLE OF ROBIN "He honored me" shut the fuck up I hate this and dont even get me started on the misconceptions of Robin in the first place. i dont want to go into the debate on whether or not they’re soldiers, which I personally don’t believe. but its just stupid because Jason considered being Robin the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and he was THE BEST. it wasnt his fault he was killed, either. 
-The ending
So the mutant escapes his cell by going through a VENT. A . V E N T. AND ENDS UP IN THE SEWER. I hate that these mutants are just an army of evil people and have no motivation and the leader is just a brute I fucking hate Bruce calling him "son" And the mutants become the sons of batman who fight crime......??? because their leader is gone?? werent they supposed to be evil criminals with no humanity in them?
Okay but Joker being absent the entire first part , only to show up in the end hearing news reports about batman, and then smiling as he stands up and just fucking creepily says "darling" holy shit that gave me goosebumps. another credit i have to give. 
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winterscaptain · 4 years
first round!
re: isaac & some misc
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@averyhotchner​ ahh!! so glad you liked it love. i hope you got some sleep <3
@/anon i love you
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@deagibs​ omg when you have them pls share them with me!! i CHERISH your thoughts!! i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@/🦄anon AH! me too. that was that first image i had of this fic and i just loved it so much i couldn’t let it go. i will be including a fic with spencer finding out the baby’s named after him, and one that explains why they named him after spencer, too! i love you thank you!!
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@/🥂anon oh my GOD babe i like??? i am full of joy reading this i love you!!
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@/🥂anon YES aaron is so concerned with doing it right because i really think he’s fucking TERRIFIED of making the same mistakes he made with haley, because so much of their marriage fell apart when they had jack and the responsibilities of home and work just collided in the worst way. i just... i’m SO glad that was a clear little thread in there! thank you babes 😭
@/👻anon derek is my BOY and it was his time to SHINE!! (i also had to give him something nice before derek/a beautiful disaster and hank’s kind of nutty birth) i am SOFT thank you babe!
@/anon oh my god thank you my love!!!! ahh!!
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@/anon omg i was SO nervous writing so much of derek without canon dialogue to back me up! it makes me so happy that you think he sounds true to himself in isaac! thank you so much omg 
@/🥥anon brienne is so quickly becoming one of my favorite little tertiary characters in this world! i adore her. and yes!! jj was such a poor role model mom was like “ah yeah that’ll work fine for me i can work until i’m 39 weeks no problem” ugh thank you honey!
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@bowtiebrendon erin it won’t let me tag you but YES this damn website has been munching on fucking EVERYTHING my god. and YES jack is the BEST brother he’s my heart and joy god what a gift. mom and derek’s friendship is so special to me - i am always shooting to make it special and significant without stepping on his relationship with penelope or mom’s friendship with aaron (in the beginning) because they’re so important to each other in canon! okay and i just LOVE that their middle names are the same for entirely different reasons. like derek has his thing with spencer (fellas, is it gay to say your best friend is your soulmate through 500 years of time and space?) and there’s something that happens with mom and spencer that cements that for them too, specifically regarding isaac. i can’t wait to share that one with you. thanks erin!! i love you!!
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@/🌻anon oh man i KNOW?? like god aaron you almost fucked it again didnt you?? but of COURSE he made it!! i needed those moments with derek and mom for my very SOUL and it was specifically why i made isaac’s birth time so late in the evening - the other babies are born in the morning! thank you honey <3
@/anon isaac is so special to me, too!! i’m always excited to know people have a favorite - it tells me i’m doing something right :) and YES derek just gets it and he knows what its like to be overwhelmed, too!! (i personally think that’s why he always has his headphones on in the plane - it calms him and helps him wind down)
@forgottenword​ god, i love you. need i say more?
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@/anon bruh this is a MOOD
@/anon oh babes!! idk if you’re already past them, but just remember it’s okay to take breaths and breaks and to feel the things you need to feel! (and drink lots of water, but that’s a general rule)
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@itsalwaysb33nyou​ oh babes thank you. i cherish you!
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
Reader (Ler) x Jungkook (Lee)
Description: Jungkook loves scaring the crap out of you and you just had enough of it. After an interesting information you heard from Jimin you decided to take revenge
Author: Eyyy I'm back...with another fic. I feel like this is a mess because I didnt even bother to proofread this (Im hella lazy sorry mate). Uhm anyways let's get on with the fic
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"Boo!" You turned back and screamed, falling to the ground scared as hell after you saw a scary clown infront of you.
"Haha got you!" The clown then removed his mask revealing your best friend Jungkook "Oh my gosh have you seen your face? That was Hilarious" He started laughing his ass off
"Ugh!" You grunted as you stood up fixing yourself "Jungkook!" You screamed at him
Jungkook ignored you and continued laughing as he turned around, walking away from you.
"That f*cking prick" You said through gritted teeth.
Jungkook just recently knew how easily scared you get. And because he is known as the Evil Maknae he has been scaring you every now and then. He was a fond of your reaction when you get scared. You were extremely annoyed of his doings and worst of all he manages to get away from it aswell
Up until now you were still upset with what Jungkook has been doing to you. Your arms were crossed and frustration was written all over your face. "Y/N are you ok?" You turned your head to owner of the Voice which was Jimin's.
"I'm good" You said. Knowing it was a lie Jimin sat himself next to you
"C'mon Y/N I'm your friend, I know you better than that. Now tell me what's wrong"
You sighed "It's nothing, really...Just so f*cking annoyed with that muscle bunny!" you slammed your fist against the table in front of you startling Jimin
"Chill" Jimin said
"How can I?! Ugh! He does it all the damn time! and gets away with it aswell" You pouted with your arms crossed
"Since we're friends I might have something that can surely help you" You tilted your head in confusion. Jimin then gestured you to come closer for him to whisper something into you ear.
After hearing what Jimin has said a smirk formed on your face as began mentally planning your revenge on Jungkook
Oh Jeon Jungkook you are so gonna get what's coming for you
It was a Saturday morning. Jimin has given you an extra key to Jungkook's apartment. You entered his place and found him asleep like you expected him to be. You were lucky he was the type of person who wakes up late aswell. Perfect for you to continue your plan
You cleared out his bed making sure only Jungkook was on top if it. You then positioned him into an X position (which was hard by the way because he had an odd sleeping position and he was hella heavy). You then took out the straps tying his wrists and ankles to the bed post making sure he wouldn't be able to move once he woke up.
Once that was done. You took out items from your bag such as Feathers, Baby Oil and an electric toothbrush. After everything was all set all you have to do now is to wait for the muscle bunny to wake up. I mean you can start right now if you wanted too but where's the fun in that? You wanted to see his reaction first.
After what felt like years (it was only an hour actually) Jungkook finally woke up. The boy tried pulling his arms down only to find them stuck above his head "What the f*ck?" He tugged on both his arms and ankles only to find out that he was strapped
Jungkook turned to his side to see you sleeping on his study table. "Y/N!"
His yelling suddenly woke you "Huh what?" You said, you wiped the drool off your mouth, letting out a yawn then stretched a little. "Oh your finally awake" You looked at Jungkook with a smile
"What the hell is this Y/N?!" Jungkook asked glaring at you
"Why that's my revenge dear friend" You stood up walking towards him
"You know if you wanted to f*ck me you could have just asked" You looked at the smirking bunny in disbelief after hearing his snarky remark.
"Eww no, What I had in mind for you is something different" You smirk back at him "Just you wait"
Without further a do you then sat on stomach. "You sure you don't plan on f*cking me?"
"You pervert!" You slapped him, not too hard though and he just laughed at your reaction "Oh laugh all you want, I'm gonna make sure of it"
You took out the baby oil and started rubbing it against his exposed stomach (He was shirtless). "Nice revenge there" You rolled your eyes at him, you ignored what he said and continued on
Once you finished you took out a feather. Jungkook looked at you now aware what this little revenge you planned is all about. But he is Jungkook the Golden Maknae he does not show fear well...that failed today
"What's wrong Kook? Afraid of a feather?" You smirked at him. It didn't start but I know this will be so much fun
"What? No! It's just a feather what's there to be afraid of?" The maknae said with confidence laced in his voice but oh how nervous he felt inside. I am so gonna regret this later on
You raised your eyebrows at him expecting that kind of attitude "Ok, then you won't mind me doing this then" You then slowly dragged the feather around his toned stomach drawing random patterns
Jungkook started biting his lip trying to hide his laughter. But it was so damn hard, it felt too ticklish.
"What's with the face Jungkook? You seem rather ticklish" You smirked
"I am not ticklish!" He yelled
"Oh I see" You then stood up
Jungkook thought it was over but boy was he wrong. He suddenly felt you rubbing oil over his foot. "I wonder what will happen if I do this?" You said wiggling your fingers on his bare sole.
"S-stop that!" Jungkook said a small giggle escaping his mouth. His eyes widened after realising it
"What's that? Is that a giggle I heard?"
"Nope, you heard nothing! You're just crazy!" He spat out making you gasp
"Well that wasn't nice, we can't let that slip now can we" You started using your nails scratching his bare two feet fastly.
Jungkook balled up his hands into fist, eyes tightly shut trying his best to bare it "C'mon Kook laugh for me" You teased
And just like that he realized he couldn't take it any longer so he decided to let it out "Oohohohohokaaayyy I'm tihihihihihicckliiisshhh nohohohoww pleheheheheaaseee stopppp!" He laughed loudly wiggling around the bed like a mad man. He tried tugging on his ankles to escape your wiggling fingers but sadly it stayed in place
"I know you are sweetie, look at how well you are reacting. But this is just the beginning" You finally stopped tickling his feet as you then went to get the electric toothbrush, two electric toothbrushes
"Now Y/N let's not have any of that please! I'm sorry! I won't mess with you again" Jungkook pleaded
"Hm let me think for a second" You said looking up, tapping your chin as if your thinking "Nahhh I'm having so much fun I don't think I wanna stop" You then turned on the two electric toothbrush with an evil smile as you went to his feet again using the electric toothbrush on them.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" He let out a cackly laugh as he began wiggling once again wanting to escape.
Already having enough with his feet you then positioned yourself back to sitting on his stomach and roaming the electric brushes around his upper body, from his sides to his tummy then to his ribs. At this point Jungkook's face was red as a tomato and warm tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Because you are so kind you turned the two electric toothbrushes off and set them at the side. Allowing Jungkook to have a quick break.
You watch Jungkook catch his breath heavily panting "My my Jungkook you are the most ticklish person I have ever met, Even Jimin can't beat your level of ticklishness (it's not a real word but eh😂)"
"I've never been tickled this much before" He said
"Yeah? I bet you enjoyed it"
"Did not!" Jungkook lied. He unexpectedly enjoyed it. He didn't know why but he just did. Of course there is no way his gonna admit that.
"You know there's this one spot I haven't tried yet" You smirked, you decided to use your fingers this time. To tease him you started wiggling your fingers  above his face then slowly you bring it down to a specific area
Jungkook realised where your fingers were going. He looked at you in horror "No Y/N! Don't you dare!"
"Oh I do"
"Y/N no no no no no n-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" You were now tickling Jungkook's armpits. And so far you received the best reaction out of the other areas you tickled
Jungkook was harshly tugging on the straps and head shaking side to side "IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCCHHH" Jungkook screamed through laughter
You giggled "I can see that"
It's been 20 since you were torturing his armpits, poking them, scratching them, using the tickle tools on them."I cahahahahan't tahahahake it aanymohohohore"
"Almost done!" You blew raspberry on his left armpit
"Stohohohohop" Then u blew again on his right armpit "Pleheheheheaaseee"
"Last but not least" You said then did a final blow to his tummy. Jungkook's laughed has now turned silent.
After that was over you then untied hus wrists and ankles.
Jungkook was extremely exhausted. His hair was messy, he was sweating, his tummy was hurting from laughing, his cheeks were hurting from smiling a lot. but nonetheless he still he enjoyed.
"Hey Look Listen..." He looked at you scratching his nape "I'm sorry for scaring you the past few days, I have totally learned my lesson and I wont do it again"
"Don't worry I already forgive you" You smiled at him
"I-I don't like like admitting this but you're right...I did enjoyed it" You looked at him surprised.
"Really now?" You grinned at him with your eyebrows raised "Guess I have to do it more often then"
Maybe you should
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Some Seamster!Quinn Cooper HCs
I didnt intend for this to be this long, but my seamstress heart was inspired. I got kind of carried away, and had to refocus, so I'm going to do another post soon with some advice and anecdotes for wrighting costumers.
For the last couple of months I have been absolutely Obsessed with @poindextears 's Crickets, her SMH post-Waffle Frog OCs, and I have had a lot of headcannons about Quinn Cooper: a theatre kid extrordanare and Hoh icon who talks like he's from 50s and is the boyfreind of Nando (Cricket dman) as we have quite a bit in common. All of Mel's fics are amazing, and I would highly recommend! Give them a read on tumblr or AO3
I know Mel has said that Quinn's favorite place is Joanne's, which is completely understandable for someone who doesn't live near actual textile markets... but Joanne's (and similar chain craft/fiberarts supply stores) suck.
Like first of all, on a monetary level... I'm going to start with the assumption that high school Quinn didn't have a large project budget (reasoning: 1. his family is already tight with money, 2. I can't imagine his not-particularly-supportive guardians gave him lots of spending money (esp with theatre fees and materials) 3. I can't imagine he brought in tons of money on the side with a theatre schedule + grades good enough to go to med school + time with his old lady freind + time for sewing)
With that being said: Fabric is expensive. Way more expensive than people expect. Especially if you don't have expensive machinery (like overlock machines) that make cheap synthetic fabrics usable. Also I like to imagine Quinn is in the "fabrics made of plastic are itchy and bad for the enviornment" club like me.
All that is to say: Joanne's is absolutely the worst place that isn't actively upscale to buy fabric (or materials) on a budget.
- The shop's target demographic is stay-at-home white suburban moms who have the time to clip coupons, buy materials on a "when it's on sale" basis as opposed to a "my sister didn't notice the four seperate places I marked my shears 'fabric only' so now I physically cannot continue this project without buying new extra-sharp fabric scissors'" basis, and importantly: can stop by the store every day for a month because discounted items change on a day to day basis, all of which is not particularly conducive to someone a high school kids on a budget.
- Even with all the discounts in existance, the fabrics there are still super expensive and especially for the often lackluster quality (like... they are fine but if I'm paying literally $40/y for enough faux fur to make a big enough "mane" to cover the gap between the cowardly lion's padding and the actor's neck, we shouldnt have to sweep the fur bits off the stage at intermission)
- Additionally if you need a lot of fabric, say enough 7ft squares of heavy mustard yellow fabric for 30 lioness cape/pants? You might just need to run 4 seperate Joanne's out of two different fabrics that were close enough to each other to work
If you are putting in the time and effort to make something complicated,
- Also, and this is probably the most obvious: there just aren't that many options. If you want anything other than a cotton or fleece, than you better hope the single shade they have in the right color works
So I have established: Joanne's = Bad
So how does Quinn factor into all this?
Well first of all I would like to imagine that at some point Quinn helped out in SMH costuming, where they teach him the magic of using something that already exists. Samwell being as liberal as it is, I would like to think that the costuming people are aware of how awful the current state of fabric waste is, and, how his sewing skills are so much better used altering things at thrift shops beginning his journey twords my completeley basess headcannon that he one day adopts some vintage looks
While I think he would be down to adopt some of these practices in his costuming (a la my personal anectode below), I have a feeling that Quinn is one of those people who just likes to make things from scratch. (reasoning: 1 his general personality, but far more importantly, 2 THIS BOY WANTED TO MAKE EVAN HANSEN'S POLO BY HAND, WHY??? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE??? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME THAT TAKES???????? YOU ARE WILLING TO SPEND UPWORDS OF TEN HOURS OF YOUR LIFE ON A MODERN STYLE SHIRT THATS GOING TO BE SEEN 4 TIMES???)
I get it, especially for historical reconstructions, there are people who genuinely love sewing by hand, I love Bernadette Banner as much as the next seamstress, but I honestly don't know how they do it.
I like to think that Quinn would be wandering around some thrift store and out of the corner of his eye notice some curtains and have a vision of frolicking through a meadow like Julie Andrews in cloths made out of a curtain... metaphorically. But he def gets "Do a Dear" stuck in his head every time he wears it
Of course the SMH Costuming crew introduce him to some better places to at least get draping and mock up fabrics, but I think they would also introduce him to an actual fabric store.
Samwell is close enough to Boston that I'm sure there's an actual fabric warehouse within driving distance, so when Quinn can't find a suitable material at his beloved Joanne's, and is understandably skeptical about ordering fabric online, Ford is just like dude, go to the fabric warehouse, so he gives it a try.
Ok his fist thought when he gets there is omg everything is so big. Ok, that's his second thought, his first thought is ugh this smells like the SMH locker room, bc a giant block of concrete with no internal climate control in the New England humidity stuffed to the brim with moisture-holding fabric is def gonna make some kind of funk.
But after that like...
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Ok, on the left is your average Joanne's while on the right is your average fabric warehouse
I can totally imagine him physically getting lost. He is tiny, and those places are total mazes, absolutely ginormus, they are all stacked literally 8 feet tall, and all the rows look the same.
Fabric in warehouses is stored for maximum capacity as opposed to places like Joanne's where it is purposely stored in ways that display the whole selection at once. Additionally, while hobbyist bolts face out as much as possible so you can see it at a glance, professional grade bolts face in for protection
...If it's on the shelves at all, the hallmark of a textile warehouse is just dozens of bolts leaning haphazardly in precarious places
This tiny boy is just absolutely surrounded by rows upon rows of fabric, stored in ways that are absolutely not conducive to being looked at easily, and is incredibly frusturated bc Aggghhh I can't look at any of this without moving all of it around, and I can't reach any of it!!!
Guess what he has?
Nando to the rescue!
Quinn's big strong dman boyfriend is more than willing to move around and carry the bolts for him and when need be he'll just straight up plop Quinn on his shoulders so he can see the stuff at the top :)
Ok, that's the gist of what I had to say, some other little seamster!Quinn hcs:
his old lady friend taught him the absolute basics, and his wedding gift from her is her 70 year old sewing machine that he first learned to sew on and he treasures that thing FOREVER
bc of his apparent love of hand sewing he is one of those people that swears by genuine leather thimbles, idk why it just feels like him
whenever people compliment his outfit he is just casually like "Oh thanks, I made it" (bc non sewers are always astounded by that and we get to gloat) because I said so
he makes Nando cute crop tops
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antihero-writings · 4 years
His Butler, and the Problem with Magic (Ch2)
Fandom: Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji x Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Crossover
Fic Synopsis: Life at Hogwarts isn’t all bad…usually. But when Valentine’s Day rolls around, and Lockhart throws an extravagant ball, the number of couples at school the next day skyrockets, and Sebastian finds himself a new object of devotion…Can Ciel save his butler from the spell on his own?
Character Focus:  Ciel (Edward Midford, Grell, Lizzie, Snape)
Notes: I bet you all thought I forgot about this fic didnt you? SIKE! I forget nothing.
(By the way, I'll definitely repost chapter 1 of this as well, in case you guys forgot about it XD)
I was informed that Valentines day with this coming Sunday and I couldn't believe it. I had been wanting to work on multiple valentines fics and I thought I had weeks left to write them XD So in light of that, I knew I had been slowly chipping away at a chapter 2 of this over time, so I decided to check it out and see how much work I had to do to make it postable in time for valentines day. To my surprise, the chapter was pretty much ready to go! So at long last, here it is!!
I really hope you enjoy it!! If you do, I implore you to consider commenting and/or reblogging!! I assure you its much much more likely this fic will get a chapter 3 if I know that people are interested in reading more <3
@elegantkittycat Tagging you in case you’re still interested in reading more!!
Chapter 2:
Ciel jerked his hand away as the cauldron sizzled, muttering curses under his breath—(the normal kind, not the magic kind). Usually Sebastian managed their clandestine dealings and he didn’t have to worry about burning his fingers off.
His conversation with Tom Riddle had left him with a list of ingredients, and a method of combining them into a potion that would allegedly cure Sebastian and others of this ailment.
He was fully aware trusting strange voices in diaries wasn’t the best decision he could make on the career path of life, but considering he had found no other options, and a whole lot of annoyance, he didn’t have much to lose. Besides, Sebastian was a demon, so even if it was supposed to make your eyes pop out or something, he’d probably be okay.
Ciel looked down the instructions and grimaced, reaching over for the next ingredient, trying not to look directly at it.
Despite the potions classroom being the main place to get potions, and potion making materials, he was not in the potions classroom. This late in the evening, Snape probably would have killed him. He was in a room on the seventh floor which Sebastian had found last May. It seemed to hold within it whatever the person walking by it required.
He dropped the last ingredient in, raised his wand, muttered a very complicated spell and sighed.
The only thing left to do was wait. It had to brew for twenty-four hours, which meant it wouldn’t be ready until six o’clock the next evening. Twenty-four hours was too much time with a love infested school to deal with.
Ciel packed up his stuff and headed out into the hall—making sure to check for Filch first. He was almost back to his common room when—
He nearly tripped and toppled to the ground taking all his supplies and homework with him.
As he righted himself, he jerked his head up to observe the source of the disturbance: a tall, blonde boy, a few years older than Ciel, sporting his Gryffindor robes as if he was the reincarnation of Godric goddamn Gryffindor himself.
Ciel had the displeasure of knowing this boy.
“Edward?!” he growled, recovering his dignity and dusting himself off. “Are you trying to kill me?!”
“That depends,” he said in a low murmur that seemed to hide waves of anger.
He marched up to his future-brother-in-law, stopped far too close, and stared into Ciel’s eyes like he could bore into his brain with his gaze.
“What. Did you do. To my sister?”
“What did I— ?” Ciel blinked, rivalling anger disappearing in the face of concern. “What?”
Edward was the son of the proud, and not to mention handy-with-swords Marquess Midford, and all this noble, virtue-loving, God-fearing, paladin energy was often channeled into being protective of his younger sister Lizzie…who also happened to be Ciel’s fiancé.
“Lizzie. What did you do to her?!”
“Yes, I’m familiar with to whom you’re referring!” He pushed him back, “What’s wrong with her?!”
It was Edward’s turn to blink. “You don’t know?”
“You may or may not have noticed I am otherwise occupied! I’ve been running around trying to save my butler from this hell, thank you very much!”
“Oh,” his eyes flickered.
Ciel looked up at him, then blinked. “You think I caused this?!”
“Well you don’t exactly foster an atmosphere of peace and calm, now do you?”
“I’d thank you to have more confidence in me in the future! For your information, Undertaker caused this!”
“Undertaker?! Oh that slimy bloke hasn’t seen the last of me!” He turned, putting his fist into his palm, beginning to march out of the room.
Ciel lazily grabbed the sleeve of his robe, pulling him back. “Hunting him down isn’t going to get you any answers—and will likely make you more frustrated. Believe me, I’ve already tried. Now, if you’d be so kind, I’d like to know what’s wrong with my fiancé.”
Edward rubbed the back of his head. “Well…”
“Tell me, Edward.” It was Ciel’s turn to stare him down. Apparently it was effective, because Edward couldn’t meet his gaze.
“Well…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I went to go say hi, and I found her sitting in the common room, staring out the window. She barely took any notice of me. And when she did she started spitting prattling nonsense about this man she met,” he said the last words like men were the most revolting things in the planet. “Naturally I assumed this was a newfound appreciation for you, or she simply was admiring Lockhart like she usually does.”—Ciel made a face at this—“But apparently…not.”
Ciel blanched. He was about to speak, but Edward continued:
“When I learned it wasn’t you, I told her to have some decency, but it was as if she couldn’t even hear me!” His air of forced calm broke. “Apparently she’s madly in love with some—some—some idiot!”
“She’s… what?” The words were soft.
“I said—”
“I heard what you said!” He grabbed his robes.
Some third years walked by at that exact moment and stared at them. Ciel released him, and he and Edward paused and waved awkwardly. After they passed, Ciel continued in a shout-whisper.
“How the hell did this happen?! I specifically made sure she stayed away from the punch at that party!”
“The punch? What punch?”
“The punch Undertaker spiked!”
“Undertaker spiked—?! Oh…Maybe she drank some when you weren’t looking? You can’t have been keeping her under constant surveillance, can you?”
“I was watching her very closely, she couldn’t have!” He said, realizing his usually-more-than-adept butler was quite possibly compromised at the time. “When did these symptoms start? The morning after Valentines Day?”
“Um,” Edward put a hand to his chin, thinking, “I…I’m not sure.”
“Oh you’re just useless aren’t you?”
“More useful than you! If you knew it was spiked at the party, why didn’t you tell everyone?! Or try to stop him?!”
“It seemed like a harmless prank!”
“What are we up to?” Snape’s greasy form appeared, cutting the scene.
“Nothing, Professor Snape,” Edward said quickly. “We were just—”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” He folded his arms and stared down his hooked nose at Ciel. “Your detention is to take place tomorrow evening at six o’clock. Meet me in my office. Try not to earn yourself another one before then.”
“Yes, Sir.” Ciel said softly.
Snape’s black robes swished passed them.
“So Lizzie—? Wait, did he just say six o’clock?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Damn it!” Ciel groaned, leaning against the bannister.
“What’s wrong?”
He waved him off. “It’s none of your concern.”
Edward folded his arms and glared at him.
“I’m working on a potion to try to neutralize this whole…love mess.”
“I’d say that’s very much of my concern! You have the antidote?!”
“I said I’m working on it. It’ll be ready at six o’clock tomorrow evening—six o’clockexactly.”
“I guess you’ll have to get it after you get back.” Edward shrugged.
“It’s a very delicate potion I have to—Ugh Nevermind.”
After a pause Edward asked, “…And you’re sure this antidote will work?”
“I’m not sure of much of anything. The only thing I am sure about is if the potion doesn’t kill me, if I’m late to his detention, Snape just might.”
As Ciel sat down to breakfast he made the silent resolve to quickly finish the potion at six o’clock, then speed to the dungeon as fast as possible, taking the bottle with him to his detention, and hurry to Sebastian right afterwards. Snape wouldn’t be happy, but, despite what he said to Edward earlier, the worst he’d do was give him another detention, or take a large sum of house points. And he wasn’t so strict he’d make students empty their pockets, so he shouldn’t notice while he sat sitting for a few hours cleaning viper guts off potion bottles. There was no telling what this potion would do if he left it for however long detention was, so it took priority. And even if his detention went into the night, that would be the perfect time to test it—the demon wouldn’t be asleep anyways.
Ciel was currently trying to make his seat in the great hall a little corner of peace and calm, and block out the chaos in the rest of the hall, setting down his knife properly, trying to ignore the food flying across the hall, when—
“Oh, Brat~!”
Ciel sighed resignedly as his least favorite redhead came swinging into his vision.
“What are you doing back here so soon?” Ciel grumbled, holding his scowling face in one hand, sticking his fork aimlessly into his eggs with the other.
“And when I came all this way to see you, too?!” He turned up his nose in disgust. “I couldn’t possibly get my beauty sleep after I saw my Sebas-chan in such dire straits.” He pulled a scroll out of his jacket pocket, “So I was up all night thinking of ways to get him back to his sexy self!” He unrolled its impressive length, the end landing in Ciel’s eggs.
Ciel couldn’t help but skim through some his ideas, if nothing else for a good laugh.
They ranged from the more simple and reasonable Find the spell, and make a counter curse, and Bash his head in, to the not-so-reasonable Maybe true loves kiss will work~?
“What’s this?” Ciel squinted at a particular line. “‘Put that brat he calls “master” in mortal danger’?”
It was starred and underlined several times.
“Oh you noticed that one did you?” He said in fake innocence. “That’s one of my personal favorites!”
Ciel’s eyes lidded.
“And how exactly would putting me in mortal danger solve the problem of my butler being in love with you?”
“For some reason—can’t see why—Sebas-chan is very attached to you—”
“Sure, it has nothing to do with the contract we made.”
“Yes, yes.” He waved him off. “Well he’s very against you being in any sort of danger. See the idea,”—He put a nail on the table— “is that if we put you in mortal danger his primal demonic—”—he said the word in a way Ciel was not fond of—“inclinations will override the spell and snap him out of it.”
Ciel blinked, staring down at the line of text.
The worst thing was…that actually made some smidgen of sense. You know, in a sadistic kind of way.
“And how would you propose we do that? You know, without actually killing me?”
“Oh all part of the fun. I have a number of ideas as to how we could push you riiight up to the edge! It’ll be delightfully diabolical. Of course, if it doeskill you, well…” he turned away and muttered, “All’s well that ends well, as they say.”
“Not that that doesn’t sound fun…” Ciel stood, pushing the list away. “I’ve found my own way of breaking the spell thank you very much.”
“Oh?” Grell blinked, intrigued. “Have you now?”
“Not that its any of your business, yes.” He brushed himself off, gathering his stuff, “If you’ll excuse me, I have my own business to attend to.”
“Well when that fails don’t hesitate to come crawling back to your favorite reaper Grellypoo ~!” He rolled up the scroll.
“You’re not even my fifth favorite reaper!” He threw over his shoulder.
“But at least I’m on the list!”
Due to the fact that little real learning was happening on either side—unless you count learning too much about various students and teacher’s romantic habits—they had decided to cancel classes for the time being. This gave the teachers more time to devote to finding the cure as well.
Ciel decided to take this time to ascertain the validity of Edward’s statement the night previous and visit Lizzie.
She was a Gryffindor like her brother. Visiting the Gryffindor common room wouldn’t be first, or even last, in a list of things he wanted to do…but he’d half to bear it.
As he walked up the stairs he bumped into someone. At first they apologized and continued walking but soon the other person called back:
“Hey, I ran into yesterday didn’t I?”
Ciel turned to see none other than Harry Potter.
“Did you happen to see a diary? Like when you were helping me pick up my stuff?”
“The great Harry Potter keeps a diary?”
Harry rolled his eyes. “It’s not my diary. Just a diary.”
“A diary that just so happened to find its way into your bag?”
“Sorry to say, I haven’t seen it.”
“Hmm…Alright. Thanks anyways.” He waved as he continued down the stairs.
As another Gryffindor left, he slipped into the common room.
Lizzie was sitting in a chair against the window, just like Edward said she would be. She rested her hand on her chin, her elbow on the table, and watched the rain fall.
“Lizzie!” he ran up to her.
“Oh…Ciel…it’s you,” she said in a dreamy, nonplussed tone.
“Yes it’s me. What happened? Have you completely lost your senses?!”
“No I’d say my senses are in tact thank you. And I’d thank you not to ask a lady such an impolite question.”
“Sorry but…what happened? Why are you—?”
“I don’t know. I just, of a sudden, found him to very attractive one morning, and I’m having trouble thinking of much else.”
“Who?” He sat in the chair across from her.
“That’s not really of your concern, is it?”
“It is when I’m your fiancé!” He said a little too loudly, making Gryffindors turn towards him.
“Mm…” She muttered like it wasn’t an issue.
“Lizzie, I tried to make sure you didn’t drink that punch at the party! How did this happen?!”
“Party?” She paused, and for a moment he wasn’t sure she was even going to continue the conversation. “…Oh I don’t know. I seem to faintly recall the most beautiful man I’d ever met saying I simply must try it.”
His eyes widened. “Someone gave it to you directly?! Who?! Why?!”
“I’ve already tried that, I don’t think you’ll get much luck. She won’t tell me either.” Edward arrived at his side, then leaned over and whispered, “I think she knows we’ll come after him.”
“I was going to opt for slow psychological torture,” he muttered back, “but I’d like to hear more about your method.”
Edward tried to suppress a smile.
“And you really love this man?” Ciel asked Lizzie.
“Oh, with all my heart!” She seemed to gain a rush of energy.
He sighed, realizing more questions would be futile, and getting up.
“Alright well…” He ran his hand gently over Lizzie’s fingers. “I-I’ll see you soon.”
“You’ll give me the potion as soon as you can, right?” Edward demanded.
“I’m going to use Sebastian as a test subject, but, if it works, then this will be my next stop.”
“The password is ‘chocolate frog.’ Feel free to wake me up. I can’t stand another minute knowing Lizzie is in love with some-some lunatic!”
“We’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Ciel carefully held the porcupine quills, and gingko leaves over the cauldron, dripping them in one at a time, stirring counterclockwise with his other hand, glancing continually back to the instructions.
Finishing off the potion was proving no easier than making the rest of it, but at last, it gave a final sigh, and turned a foggy white.
Ciel gave his own sigh of relief, before using tongs to dip and fill the bottle beside him, making sure to clean off the sides of it—(it was a good thing he used a towel to do so, because the stray drops burned through the fabric).
He held up the bottle, staring at the potion. At long last. Finally, after three days of slow torture, he’d finally be rid of this curse, and the world could return to its normal state—demon butlers included.
He slipped one into his robe pocket and the moment he stepped out of the room, he sped off towards Snape’s dungeon for his detention without a moment to clean up the rest.
He hadn’t intended to burst through the door, but he found himself doing that a lot over these past few days.
Snape’s black eyes narrowed upon his panting form as if he were a worm to bottle. Then they flicked to the clock.
“You’re late.”
“I’m sorry, Professor, I—”
Snape held up a hand to stop him. “The last three days have been longer than the past few months, and am not interested in feeble excuses, Mr. Phantomhive.” He glided around his desk, but instead of setting him up at a desk, he marched past him, swung open, and exited the classroom.
Ciel paused a moment, leaning over to the side, watching him exit, a quizzical look on his face, before deciding he wanted him to follow him.
“Where are we going, Professor?” He asked as he caught up—(not altogether happy that he’d have to do more walking after the run he just made).
“Your detention is to take place in the Forbidden Forest tonight.”
Ciel’s eyes widened.
Snape raised an eyebrow. “Is our dear Mister Phantomhive afraid of the dark?”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m just a little surprised, that’s all…due to it being forbidden and all.”
Snape smirked. “Most of the time, yes. But on some extra special detentions we may take students inside.”
He was right: The Forbidden Forest wasn’t exactly a common detention spot, though it wasn’t unheard of either. What was more surprising was that Snape taking him there. Usually Snape’s detentions consisted of pickling rat brains, or cleaning octopi suckers off desks. Not that he’d been to very many of his detentions—he’d always been pretty good at potions. It was this godforsaken spell that had reduced him to a less-than-model student.
“Professor, may I ask what exactly will we be doing?” He asked as they traversed the grounds, the trees growing ever closer.
“You will be coming with me to gather a rare flower that lives in these woods.”
Ciel gave a curt nod. It was a moment or two before he asked, “May I ask what it’s for?”
“I am a potions master, Mister Phantomhive. I encourage you to use your brain.”
“I understand that. But what potion is it for, Sir?”
“I am attempting to remedy the spell that has plagued the school.”
Ciel fell silent at that, resisting the urge to tell him he already had the solution in his pocket.
They arrived at the edge of the forest, the trees reaching towards them with gnarled claws, the darkness like curtains for a stage set.
“Lumos.” Snape spoke, and Ciel drew his wand and did the same as they ventured into the shadows.
The trees seemed to taunt them, to whisper about them, to dare them to come any closer, any phantom sound at home here.
After more than a few minutes walk in silence—quite possibly half an hour—Snape stopped and spoke: “They should be around here, nor should they be difficult to spot. Look for a glowing blue flower.”
Ciel made a move to venture off in search of them, but Snape grabbed his arm, warning:
“Don’t wander off where you can’t see me.”
Ciel nodded before venturing into the trees, scanning the ground for anything glowing, or blue, continually glancing back to make sure he could still make out the figure of his teacher.
It wasn’t long before he saw something glowing, and ran up to it. …It turned out just to be a mushroom.
As he sighed disappointedly, and stood back up, he saw two beady eyes staring at him from the darkness.
His heart began to pound as he stared, unsure if he should back up, stand his ground, play dead, or attack, the ghost of a certain name forming on his tongue.
He never had to fear beady eyes, bandits, or bullets with Sebastian around. This was the first time he felt real fear in a long while.
A black spectral horse reared out of the bushes, its eyes aglow with more than just a reflection of the dark.
It stepped towards him in slow, calculated hoofbeats, flaring its nostrils a little too frequently for his liking.
He’d read about these before.
He continued backing up, as the thestral didn’t seem like it planned on stopping its pursuit anytime soon.
“Mister Phantomhive,”—Snape’s voice was low, warning—“I am aware you likely don’t see anything but—”
“I can see it.” He continued his reverse walk.
Snape gave him a short glance like he had a newfound respect for him.
These creatures only appeared to people who had seen death, and he was sure the look in his parents’ eyes that night sufficed. But they didn’t commonly act like this.
Snape lifted his wand, casting a nonverbal spell, and the thestral fell to the ground with a bloodcurdling whinny too much like a scream, ropes binding its legs.
Ciel let out a relieved exhale as Snape joined him.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine…Thestrals…they aren’t commonly…aggressive, are they?”
“No.” Snape muttered softly, gazing for a moment at the now-helpless creature, then turned sharply to Ciel, pointing his wand at him. “Empty your pockets.”
Ciel jerked his head to the professor, saying a little too loudly, “What?!”
The thestral fought against the binds, and Ciel took a step back.
“I said, ‘empty your pockets.’”
Snape flicked his wand, and his pockets’ contents excavated themselves of their own volition.
Snape grabbed the potion from the air, and let the rest of spare quills and things fall helplessly to the forest floor. He held it up and stared at it, observing the contents, his emotion as imperceptible as always. Then he lifted the cork, sniffing it. His eyes widened and he jerked to look at Ciel, his eyes almost more terrifying than those of the thestral, and definitely not holding a look his eyes had ever contained for him before.
“Where did you get this?” He whispered.
“Excuse me?”
He lifted the potion up, and violently smashed it on the ground, the contents breaking out with a puff of smoke, spilling helplessly onto the forest floor.
Snape grabbed his arm as Ciel made to reach for it, as if to save the unsalvageable.
“I said—” he grabbed both his arms, forcing him to look at him. “Where. Did you get that?”
“Sir…. I don’t understand…”
Snape’s face was far too close to him for comfort.
“Listen to me and listen to me very carefully. That potion is more than dangerous—it’s banned in every major country. It’s not something I could easily mistake. If you were to use it, you wouldn’t just die an excruciating death, it would rot you from the inside, and leave you open to the possession of any vile spirit in the vicinity. A fourteen-year-old boy such as yourself shouldn’t be carrying it around in his pocket,” he spat. “And I’d like to think that you didn’t know what it was when you gained possession of it. Now.” His grip tightened on one of his arms, his nails digging in, as he put his wand to his throat with the other enunciating each word, “WHERE. DID. YOU. GET. IT?!”
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benreyplush · 4 years
ok so
benny is some sort of benrey clone after some weird shit happened when benrey was defeated and made his way back into gordon’s games like payday 2.
he somehow got into terraria and has no memory of black mesa or who he was even based off of. he barely remembers his name and all it came out to him was “benny”
he’s also freakishly tall
when jack (the world’s guide) found him, he was very quiet and seemingly apathetic about his surroundings. didn’t really talk much and jack thought he was an enigma for a while. he did his usual and helped him begin his life there.
but then benny started doing some weird shit that jack wasnt prepared for. enemies couldn’t hurt him. he could freeze time. destroy and create items indefinitely. he has no idea what benny is and the order of the guide never talked about anything like this so obviously he’s very freaked out at first
slowly benny starts remembering some of his old personality and would say things that make 0 sense to jack. jack doesn’t know what “poggers” means.
eventually benny remembers a lot of it and actually feels kinda sad. like he feels like he has to be this “benrey” but he doesnt want to be. hes different.
and jack tells him he’s not benrey. he became his own thing and that was good! and he doesnt have to be like him. benny was very relieved by this and sorta became his own thing. like he was still like benrey but less of an asshole and really just goofed around. he still found himself harassing the new npcs that move in but he never harasses jack. he likes jack.
jack says he wont call him benrey. to him, he’s benny. and benny really appreciates it.
jack always wondered what benny meant by “self aware” when he talked about his memories. benny talked about the “npc ai just getting a mind of their own” and said when he joined this new world, it must have turned everyone in terraria self aware like in half life. so thats cool.
eventually jack like. realizes he might have a lil crush on benny and feels bad about it. because he knows his fate is to be sacrificed in the end and he doesnt wanna grow too close to benny.
but inevitably they end up together and jack is starting to question if he needs to die. like originally he came to terms with it a long time ago but now he’s actually reconsidering??? wow! they have at least one argument when jack actually sits him down and explains the wall of flesh thing.
at some point jack convinces benny to take him on an adventure and they end up in the underworld. jack’s plan was to go through with the sacrifice and almost succeeded but benny grabbed him and told him not to do that again. and jack was like “you have to let me do this” and benny was like “no dude i love u” and then they kissed and it was like. the first time either of them have kissed anyone ever but it was still nice.
and jack is like “ok actually i want to live with you forever lets go home” but a demon appears when they arent paying attention and attacks them and jack gets knocked into the lava and the wall of flesh is summoned. and benny is devastated. 
when thats over a new guide shows up but benny wants nothing to do with him bc he is not jack. and benny is mad at himself bc he can freeze time, control enemy spawn rates n shit but he cant bring ppl back to life and he feels worthless about it
so the rest of the story is about benny having to move on and accept his death :(
so its a sad story 
but here’s some nice things
benny knows the sweet voice still and uses it on jack all the time. it was confusing to them both when he did it the first time. eventually jack gets used to it and actually really likes it. 
jack is supposed to be the helpful npc so he usually keeps himself together but as he grows closer to benny his emotions start coming out more and whenever he’s stressed he can just look at benny and say “sweet voice pls” and benny calms him down with it. benny also uses it to get jack to sleep (”blue and red means its time for bed :)” ) because normally he shouldnt have to but being self aware is tiring.
oh also whenever jack gets burns from the voodoo dolls in the underworld, benny heals them with the sweet voice healing beam :). benny has no idea how he keeps getting burned and eventually just assumes its bc of the furnace and is like “bro stop shoving ur hands in the furnace lol” and jack cant bring himself to tell him the truth so he just goes with it.
benny was the first to confess and he did it by serenading jack with the worst guitar playing that jack has ever heard <3 but it still made him smile. i know he really had to think about it before accepting it bc wall of flesh, can’t get too close, blah blah blah.
plus idk how relationships work in the order of the guide. he probably really didnt expect to get into a relationship and the new guide that comes along probably found it super strange.
anyway this is a lot of text wow im gonna just add on to the post as i think of shit but if u read all of this i am in love with u
after defeating the moon lord, either the order of the guide or maybe even the spirits of terraria herself brings jack back because benny deserves that after saving all of them.
so benny notices the new guide is gone and was like “weird but whatever” and then he hears someone call out to him. he’s like “ugh what” and turns and its jack and he like. drops his weapon in his hand in shock and takes his eye mask and helmet off to see him properly. like he isnt sure if he’s dreaming or not.
and then he runs to him and grabs him and he’s real holy fuck. so he’s overjoyed and both of them fucking cry (first time jack actually sees ben cry ever!!!) and they kiss n shit and its incredible the end. since the world has been saved, the two live a more domestic life and benny is like “we’re never going to the underworld again ever and also im going to be around u a lot bc i missed u so much and i cant lose u again” so he’s extra clingy but jack is so happy to be back with him that he doesnt care!!!!!
also funny fact but the mechanic was the first npc to move in with them and (i think her name was shayna in my world. will change it if not) was overly annoyed at their constant sappiness before jack was killed. ben was extra affectionate to jack around her bc he likes annoying ppl (except for jack). but when jack comes back from the dead, she still acts annoyed but she’s actually relieved to see benny happy again.
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theworldsoul · 3 years
Okay so basically... lets talk.
I should've seen this coming. I should've known that after such a long period of happiness, something would give.
I went to pick up my glasses from the dinner table today, because that's where I left them. When I put them on... they wouldnt stay on. I checked and they were missing the two plastic parts that hold the glasses up and still on my nose.
I check the table for them, and I dont find them. Then I ask, like hey, did any of yall touch my glasses? Both the plastic things are missing. My dad IMMEDIATELY assumes that I took them off ON PURPOSE. For some reason. And I tell him no, i didnt touch them, all I remember is picking them up from the table and seeing the plastic bits missing.
Then I spend like an hour telling them no, I didnt break my own glasses, I FOUND them that way. And my dad is like mocking me, going "u always say 'I didnt do it!!!' Like you never do anything huh? I guess you're just perfect." And I'm like... BUT I ACTUALY DIDNT DO IT!!!!???!? and hes like "you never take responsibility for anything, blah blah, you're so fucking stupid, you act like a four year old, stop fucking crying, how dare you ask us if we know what happened, why are you trying to blame us, you obviously did it on purpose and now you're acting all surprised.." and I'm just sitting there. Taking it. Thinking to myself... wow. They automatically assumed the worst in me. And THIS SORT OF THING HAPPENS OFTEN!!! I get blamed for shit I didnt do all the fuckign time.
So I'm just. Crying. Because theres a certain amount of verbal abuse i can take and it's not very much. I'm being interrogated. And its distressing, because I cant PROVE that I didnt do it on.purpose, because i GENUINELY DONT REMEBER WHAT HAPPENED!!! so they just get to assume that i broke my own glasses.
Why would my dad jump to that conclusion so quickly? Simple answer: he literally hates me. He holds back, I know, but hes done this before and he'll do it again, hes shown and said what he REALLY THINKS and he'll say it again and do it again and again and again because his mask is slipping. I dont know what I did to make him hate me but he does. That's just how it is. I can't change that. Man, my parents behave like children.
Anwyays so I'm just very upset, in distress, crying really hard, trying not to say too much so I dont make them angrier but also always telling the truth, which is that I DIDN'T DO IT AND I DONT REMEBER ANYTHING HAPPENEING TO THE GLASSES!!
He asks me, who did it then? I say I dont know but it wasnt me. He said who then, if not you. I said I dont know. He didnt believe me!!!
I hate when I tell the truth and people dont believe it. Like... this is the truth. I have nothing more to offer you. Take what little I give, cos it's my fucking blood.
Anyways in the meantime my mom is checking, looking for the plastic bits. She finds them in my coat pocket.
I am proven innocent. At what cost? Well, now I'm shaking, curled up into a ball, crying, and in actual pain. My brain cant handle so much pain so it transfers it to physical pain. So there I am. A fucking kid. Who's been punished for somehting he didn't do. And theres the proof.
My dad fixed the glasses. Left me there on the couch, still trembling. Gave them to me in a case. Said I gotta be careful. I said thank you. Because, even if I'm upset, I gotta make sure other people dont get upset. He said sorry, but he said it in this huffy way that made it sound reluctant. Then he was like, I said sorry so stop crying.
He wanted a kiss on the cheek and I was gonna give him one because I dont want to seem like a dickhead, he DID apologize... and if you dont accept my dads apologies and move on and pretend that the word "sorry" fixes everything, he gets even more angry and i REALLY dont want to deal with him guilt ripping me over it. So I lean in for a little kiss and... I cant. I cant do it. My face crinkles up all ugly and I start crying hysterically every time I get close. I try a few times but I'm overwhelmed with a feeling of like... oh god. I felt so hurt. Like a scared little rabbit. Oh shit, I was fucking scared. I couldnt do it. It made me feel disgusted.
I said, later I'll do it.
I dont know why he thinks he can hurt me so bad and make me cry, then give some shitty apology and expect me to change my mood entirely and go back to being all happy. That's not how it works. If you hurt someone, they stay hurt. Your shitty little word, "sorry", doesnt make me feel any better and doesnt fix any of the damage.... but I have to pretend like it does because if I dont you get mad, and you say I'm mean for not accepting the apology,,,
Later on, he did come for a kiss again. I was in my room, pretending to be busy so he would ignore me but he didnt. This time, I didnt kiss him but I allowed him to kiss me. I just... I couldnt kiss him. I was holding back tears, and i knew if i tried to kiss him i would start crying all over again and make him upset or angry. So I just sorta... let him kiss me on my forehead. Then I went to the bathroom fast as I could, acting like I had to brush my teeth.
I locked the door, sank to my knees, and cried. Hard.
I just wish that I had a dad who loved me, or who knew how to love me... or who I knew loved me, a dad who knew what he was doing, so I didnt have to debate if he loved me or not in my head.
God. I feel so small. Like I literally feel like a little kid right now. Fucking hell. Looks like tonight I'll be indulging in my delusions, playing pretend.
It's sad that my parents fuck me up, but its sadder that afterwards I dont have anyone to comfort me and help heal me.... only myself and whoever I bring to life in my imagination.
Sometimes when I get overly upset, when I'm pushed to the edge like this, I begin to feel... a lot younger? Like shockingly younger. I'm not even the same dude anymore, I'm a fucking five year old all of a sudden. Which makes the situation even more scary and painful.
Just imagine like, a hurt scared little kid with no one to help him. He's tryna pick himself off the ground and hes telling himself "shhhhh... it'll be okay" that's me. That's literally me and it makes me feel so fucking BAD but its true.
I've been breaking down. Earlier in the day I had trouble on a quiz because I didn't know the definition of a word in a poem and I couldnt answer the question (does character A like character B?) And when I asked they said they couldnt tell me which was bullshit but whatever. Uhm so I got upset. Like, scarily upset. I gave up, wrote that i didnt want to do the question on the paper, guessed at half the answers, crumpled it up and threw it to the ground. Then I just... spaced out for the rest of class because I was STILL upset and fuck them.
At one point I left to go cry in the bathroom, but when i went in there, all the stalls were taken and there was a huge group of guys in there, like maybe ten people in there total, so I ran back out and was like fuck now what. Now I wait. I waited and nobody came out. I double checked and they were sitll there and I ran out again. I dashed to another bathroom down the hall hoping it was empty. I was blasting metal in my ears to try and drown out the FEELINGS, I hate feeling things. Got into a stall, slammed the door, started CRYING, sobbing, talking to myself, all of this with metal music blaring out of my headphones. I composed myself. When I went out of the stall I checked my eyeliner and it was... well, you could TELL I cried. I didnt bother with it tho, i just ran out of there.
Ugh and when I got back I kept doing the stim that usually evolves into literally hitting myself, so that was. Bad. At least this time I refrained from beating the shit outta my own left arm.
God.. I hope everyone who hurts me, everyone who ever fucking hurt me, feels GUILTY as all hell. I hope whatever being made me FEEL all these emotions so hard so strong so fast, ROTS. because nobody deserves to feel so intensely upset that they resort to the worst ways of coping. No one.
I'm just glad I didnt relapse. That's a positive.
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writr4luvrs · 5 years
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Request: "zane is a regular at moxxi's bar for the bartender (reader)"
Moxxi's brand spread successfully throughout the galaxy, good marketing, management, and drinks even on the worst planets. You needed a job, one that didn't involve killing or risking a bullet to the brain, as hypocritical as it is, you killed the bartender, he kept bragging about great it was to sit around doing nothing while on Moxxi's payroll. It wasn't like he would be missed, he barley took good care of the place and the drink tasted like liquid trash. You doubted if Moxxi even knew his name considering you've never seen her visit the bars, assuming she was busy with her terrordomes and the Crimson Raiders. With an application, some makeup and a new uniform, some replacements and fixes to the establishment, the place was good as new and the bar was gaining traction, not that the citizens on Pandora cared, they just needed a solid drink and a place away from explosions for ten solid minutes.
Even new customers were attracted, regulars would mention how the old drinks tasted horrible or how the bar didn't smell of rakk scat as much anymore. A couple years later, you made enough cash and tips to buy a ticket off this ruthless planet and catch the first ship to Elpis. Sure you may have been sick the first could of weeks adjusting to the gravity and having to focus in proper breathing but you managed. Though, occasionally during work you would be flirted with, flattered but drunk or sober, there would be the more "touchy feely" ones or the ones who would not take "no" for answer. Usually you would kicked them out, shooting them as a last resort... usually.
"You fucking bitch!" the creep hopped and hobbled on one leg, holding his foot in agony as it bled. You watched, placing your pistol on the bar, rolling your eyes.
"I told you "no" or to get out," you stated. "And now you're getting blood all over my floor, ugh."
"Screw you! I'm filing a report against your ass! Arrrgh! Fuck!" They fell into a booth seat.
"And...I- I'll kill you if you somehow still have a job." Your brows furrowed, glancing behind you in annoyance only to look back at the creep, grab your pistol and shoot him again. "ARRRGH! SAME! EXACT! SPOT!"
"Get out!"
"Yeah! Get out of the bar, you're killing the mood, you bum." You turn to the voice, an silver haired Irishman grinning amusingly, no doubt caught the entire situation.
"I don't need help." you sung agitatedly. You press into your echo to signal the cleaning bot, "let's get cleaning" it happily chimed, hovering to the bloody mess. "Excuse me, sir." it sung.
"I saw." The man smiled, waltzing to take a seat at the bar, directly in front of you. "Shooting a man in his foot is quite intimidating." You scowled at him, knowing his sarcastic demeanor antagonized you.
"Want anything to drink or am I going to have to do the same to you?"
"Ah! Exciting! But I'll have some gin if you dont mind." You poured him the drink along with a ice sphere and he immediately begins drinking it in large takes, was he trying to impress you? It was not working. "Say, haven't I seen you before?"
"I work here."
"Nononono, I've definitely seen you, you were uh...uhhhh..."
"Again: I'm here majority of the time and I know my regulars..."
"We went on a date! Yeah yeah, on Dionysus! Remember? I do, me, the handsome fellow as always and you...gosh darn, dashing."
"Hm..." you eye to the side, taken aback, unsure how to respond only seconds later you laugh. This completely false story, facetious persona yet it was pretty charming. "Riight, it was... great? Until of course you spit take all over my "dashing" outfit." His eyes light up and he chuckles back.
"How can I make it up to ya?" He smirks flirtatiously leading you to immediately place your tip jar in front of him. He chuckles and gives a nod, you leave to serve other customers, help them out the bar, and clean your glasses, the silver hair man smiling at you while you worked, chatting with you every once a while until he leaves, realizing the number of drinks he order was just... a man with a problem. When closing, you notice the jar had been filled with bills, no one has ever tipped you this much, you were very much flattered. The following nights, you began to notice the witty man more, he'd come in for a glass or two only to leave on "professional" business you didnt question, when he'd come after work he'd always smell odd, each smell being different but work was work you suppose.
"So," he begins, sitting in the same usual spot at the bar, ordering a variety if drinks, you learned he has a very high tolerance. "We're both adults."
"Oh...okay." you snicker, refilling his glass. "What do adults do?"
"Tell each other how we feel-"
"To be honest, I didnt take you as the lovey dovey sort."
"What? I'll have you know, I was rated as the second more eligible bachelor once."
"Out of how many? Two?"
"The two of us can lead into something romantic, yeah? I know your busy here pouring my drinks and filling people's feet with bullet holes and all-"
"Yes." you answered quickly and automatically.
"I love that word."
"Then I'll say it again: yes." you smirked, he smiles back with a wink and let's you get back to work. Someone was trying to... seduce the slot machine again.
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abusedapricots · 4 years
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I JUST finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. WOW
I really enjoyed it, though not sure if I’ll feel the same way in a week when the book high has worn off, we’ll have to see.
*UPDATE: its meh, I dont regret reading it but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. Honestly this book didnt need to be a thing but its not the worst.
I’ll admit, at first I was skeptical. I thought this would be a cash grab returning to an old world with guaranteed readers. I was worried that Panam would feel phony, after 10 years away from the original trilogy I didn't think it would feel real. I was quickly proven wrong. Coriolanus Snow definitely had his own story. The post-war capitol felt real even district 12 felt real. This book surprised me. Though my expectations were low I’m really happy about TBOSAS.
I just quickly typed this up for some unbiased thoughts before I watch/read some reviews. As I'm sure there are lots of typos grammatical errors, and sloppy writing, I'll be back in a week to revise this review once I've let the books simmer.
Spoilers Ahead
I loved Coriolanus’ story. LOVED IT. He was smart, reserved, calculating, only ever giving away what was needed of a situation. Maybe it was the narcissist in me but I loved being in his brain. I liked how this book dealt with the other side of classism. How the once-revered Snows had fallen and Coriolanus need to keep up appearances, refusing to let the snow dynasty die. I like how thought-provoking the three C’s, chaos, control, and contract were. I liked how Coriolanus didn't have hard-set opinions, they changed as he grew. I find that a lot of the times with YA novels characters had a very strict world view of what is good and what is bad. Coriolanus’ view of humanity is never really clear until the end. He teetered on good and bad. Suzanne wrote a great villain, Snow was always able to justify his actions. He says it himself, he’s a capitol boy and he decides to play the game of fame and fortune instead of rising against injustice.
Coriolanus’ Superiority Complex
I think my favorite aspect of the book is how unattached Coriolanus was. Every time Coriolanus had to do anything he always weighed his options. He never rushed to help because it was the right thing to do, he did it to preserve an image. He’s all about his image. In the beginning, when he and Lucy Gray begin their relationship, Coriolanus never felt fully in it. Suzanne Collins writes in a way that obscures his motivations. He would often do and say things that made me believe that Coriolanus was really falling for Lucy Gray but then shortly after Coryo always mentions how he could benefit. He’s ‘love’ for Lucy Gray came from the want of the prize, the full ride to university, to bolster him and his family name, I don't think Coryo ever did anything out of pure intentions. He was never blind with love, he could still clearly see the options in front of him and every move was calculated, always self-serving. This is why him switching up on Lucy Gray wasn't very surprising, he saw a better opportunity and he took it. He never really loved her, he loved what she brought him, fame, attention, a chance at the prize, freedom once he used her up he had no use for her. Sure he was drawn in by her charm but in the end, he never really knew her, he had been too self-involved to ever really get to know people.
I think his lack of attachments was best represented in his unwavering distaste towards Sejanus. While he and Sejanus grew close (even just by proximity) Coryo never failed to look down on him, he never seemed to acknowledge that Senjanus’ worries were valid rather, he brushed them off as Sejanus being a district kid, never worthy of respect. When it came to it he was ruthless in his betrayal. Returning to the capitol and having the Plinths care for him as their own only solidified Snow’s heartlessness. I don’t think Snow was a psychopath, lacking all emotion, I think he definitely could have teetered over to the good side, but his superiority complex kept him from doing so. His classist need to divide and look down upon only grew as he goes on to become president. He has a very us against them mentality, a rich vs poor outlook where if you were born district that's all you'll ever be despite proving otherwise. Call it old fashion or heartless? He even had to convince himself and the capitol that Lucy Gray wasn't ‘truly’ a district kid, much less from district 12. He couldn't bear it, to be into someone from the lowest rung of society. It wasn't he style, not for the exceptional Coriolanus Snow. Funny how during the game when choosing which of the remaining mentors to eat with he thought “cannibal over cutthroat” while he was the most merciless himself.
Thoughts On Lucy Gray
I didn’t think she was anything special. Sure she was that cool, quirky™ girl but I’m not head over heels for her. I wasn't ever super invested in her. This might be because I’m reading in Coriolanus’ head, not seeing her as more than something to be used. I liked that she was nothing like Katniss though.
I liked it when Coryo saw her as a killer. When he had found the guns when his heart decided to kill her then. Lucy Gray knew the future too when she saw the guns, she knew it before Coriolanus knew it. She was smart, maybe reading from Coriolanus’ point of view shrouded her intellect as he refused to see anyone being better than him. He justified killing her by thinking of her as a killer. He altered his thoughts of her arena killings as a must for survival to cold-blooded. He no longer saw her as a ‘Poor Lamb’ but instead the “clever, devious, deadly girl”.
It was a shift for both Coryo and Lucy Gray. This showed that Lucy Gray wasn't without fault, she too could be cunning and ruthless, when need be of course. These few pages of the book were monumental in proving why Coriolanus was a bad person. It allowed the audience to see that everyone had this malice in them yet the majority chose not to listen and do the right thing while Coriolanus lead his life with that voice. He actively chose to do the wrong thing to move up in the world. His behavior was not special to him, his up growing, experience, and hardships didn’t make him an evil person, Coriolanus’ choice to choose evil at every turn to do good made him an evil person. Everyone has this malice in them but the majority chose not to act on it while Coriolanus welcomed it.
For Coriolanus, it showed that in his head, he could justify any action despite how cruel. I think this is where Coryo lost any last bit of humanity. He refused to see the world and its people to be good, to be capable of free thought. He saw the world to be controlled. These few pages were my favorite out of the book, I feel it to be the catalyst of his tyrannical rule. He couldn't trust the girl he “loved”, much less the district people.
Concluding Thoughts
This book made me think about responsibilities to preserve humanity vs our individual need to survive and be successful. If this what it takes to be president then so be it? how can you stop someone's pursuit of success? At what cost is someone's dream. At least we know that Coriolanus knows that the hunger games are wrong, he knows but to him its worth the cost of keeping the district complacent.
I think the cruelty of Dr. Gaul was needed to make Snow seem like a halfway decent person. With the addition of Dr.Gaul, it softened Coryo’s shitty behavior because what Coriolanus thinks and does pale in comparison to what Dr. Gaul thinks and does. Without Dr. Gaul, Coryo would have been the only one with these sick cynical thoughts, amplifying him to be the bad guy. I think it would be interesting to re-read this book while writing off Dr. Gaul’s action just to see just how evil Coriolanus is without the comparison of Dr. Gaul’s cruelties. I wonder if I would still be as understanding towards Coryo and if Dr. Gaul’s character had that large an impact to make Coryo seem not too bad.
Though I am left wondering how Tigris was left in the dust by the end of Mockingjay. It seems unlikely that Coryo would have just left Tigris to fend for herself given how fondly he spoke of the sacrifices she made for him and the family name. I wonder how she ended up with a failing fur undergarments business by Mockingjay. Had Coryo betrayed family? Coriolanus is callous but he still had loyalties, his family, Pluribus. It just doesn't seem like his style to leave the few he actually cared about to fend for themselves while he had the means to help. I mean even as peacekeeper Coryo sent most of his money back home. Maybe Tigris was the one that left Coryo as she was made out to be kind and caring, lacking the grandiose nature Coryo possessed. Also given that Tigris is older than Coryo, and him being a pretty old dying man in Mockingjay I can't seem to see Tigris being alive much less as active as she was in helping Katniss (and crew) in killing Coryo. Maybe it was her capitol surgeries that allowed her aging to slow?
I think its interesting that in the end Coriolanus still saw what he had with Lucy Gray as love. Maybe to him what he had was his version of love, being able to use someone and for them to be used so willingly. I wonder if he knows the difference between the two and what real love looks like. I wonder what he thought of Katniss and Peeta, stupidity? what's the point in being with someone if they dont benefit you?
Some stand out quotes:
“Oh, no. You don’t like it?” he exclaimed. “I can try and bring something else. I can-” Pg. 85. When Coryo brings Lucy Gray the bread pudding Tigris made. Coryo’s care of Lucy Gray’s taste preference was sweet. She hadn't had food in a while, having this bread pudding should the highlight of her day. The fact that Coryo cared that she didn’t like it and was quick to offer something else was very sweet of him. Ugh, image the type of gentleman he could have been if he had been genuine and not so rotten.
I like how Suzanne Collins didn’t try to get the audience to love and sympathize with Coriolanus. Instead, she makes it clear that Coryo activity chose to do the self-serving thing at every turn.
I genuinely really enjoyed this book. Maybe my second favorite out of the entire Hunger Games books (bold ranking!!! but it might change once the magic of being nose deep in a book for 3 days has worn off). I think this book works great as a stand-alone, I wouldn't be afraid to recommend it to those who haven't read the trilogy.
UPDATE* woah my post book high is bad. DEFINITELY NOT second favorite??? HUHH?? what was I saying? what was I thinking?? (my deep seeded resentment towards mockingjay is showing) this book in no way supersedes any of the trilogies, yes including mockingjay 😒.
I’m not gonna lie, I did start developing a crush on Coryo in the beginning. Him being so smart and driven, so gentlemanly, caring about the little things like handkerchiefs SWOON. Buuuuut he quickly became an ass.
I said that the title “The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes” was a ripoff of “A Song of Ice and Fire” before reading the book. I thought Miss Collins just wanted a super sick book name but as I have finished the book, I would like to formally apologize and retract my statement. The title does fit this book.
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ashisbaeee · 5 years
maybe one where the reader is peter's best friend (she's also in love with him) and they promised each other that they'd go to homecoming together if they didnt get dates, but peter forgets to tell her hes going with liz...
A/N: here you go, lovely! i apologize for the delay. I really hope you like this. 
From the very beginning, you and Peter, your best friend had made a promise to each other. You both promised to be each other’s date to the school’s homecoming if no one asked you. You’ve been best friends for what seemed like forever. He has always been there for you and vice versa. You couldn’t help but fall in love with your best friend. Wanting something more but too afraid to tell him your true feelings out of pure fear, fear that he would not feel the same way. The day he told you that he was interested with Liz, your heart shattered. You remember running home from school and locking yourself in your room as you cried. You cried like never before. Your heart smashed to smithereens. Your worst fears coming to life. Of course he’d never fall for you, you were his best friend, and only that. Nothing more and nothing less. You arrived to school and tried to not let it bother you. You had to pretend like everything was all peachy and that you didn’t spend hours crying over him. He can’t know. 
The Homecoming dance was just 2 days away. You were really looking forward to it. As it stood, you both were still going to be each other’s dates. You had already bought your dress and heels. All that was left was to practice how you were going to do you hair and makeup. 
<Fast forward>
Tonight’s the night. The night you’ve been waiting for. The night where you were going to go to the dance with your best friend. You were going to live it up tonight. 
You rushed home and got ready. After taking a shower, you proceeded to blow dry your hair, opting to have your hair in a half up half down hairdo with soft waves. About an hour later, you were finally pleased with how your hair looked. Now off to do your makeup. You opted for a shimmery neutral eyeshadow look with a subtle wing and paired it with a  nude lipstick and gloss. Once finished, you put your dress on. It was now 6:30 and Peter told you that he’d pick you up in about 15 minutes. So you sat on your couch and waited. 
6:45 the time Pete should be here.  No worries you thought, maybe he was having trouble with his tie and had begged May to help him. 
7:00 he’s late, is he alright? It’s not like him to be late and not let anyone know of his whereabouts. I guess I’ll text him, to see if he’s okay. 
7:01 Hey Pete, is everything alright? I’m still at home waiting for you. Please text me as soon as you get this, thanks. send
7:10 still no word of him, he didn’t even text me back. That’s so out of character, he never not answers his texts. The dance was set to start in 20 minutes. Where is he? Come on pete, please don’t do this to me. 
7:20 I guess I should make my way there and just text him to meet me at the school. 
7:20 Hey Pete, I’m headed to the school now. Maybe I’ll just meet you there?see you send
7:30 Homecoming dance was set to begin.  Oh Ned is here, I guess I should go and say hey and ask him if he heard from Peter. 
“Hey Ned, how’s it going? Looking really handsome!” you greeted him
“Y/N, hey. Thank you, thank you, you know I have to look good for the ladies” he replied earning a scoff and an eye roll from you. 
“yeah, yeah, sure. So who’s the lucky lady tonight? Anyways, uh, uhm,  have you seen Peter? We were supposed to come here together but he never showed up at my place, and uh, and that’s not like him at all. And he hasn’t answered my texts. I just want to make sure he’s alright. Did you happen to hear from him?” you inquired. 
“No, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I haven’t heard from him, last I spoke to him was during 12th period”
“Oh, okay, thanks” 
You stood beside him and spoke an effort really  to keep each other company until Peter came. 
About 10 minutes of little chatter, you saw Ned’s eyes widen as he was telling you a story. 
Intrigued, at the boy’s sudden change in expression you tried to figure out what he was looking at. Following his gaze, you turned around. Immediately matching his expression. 
There he was in all his glory. There was the boy who unknowingly stole your heart, the boy you were head over heels in love with; Peter Parker. And beside him? Liz. Liz Toomes. So that’s why he didn’t come to your house as promised. That’s why he didn’t answer your texts. Because he was with her. He should’ve came to you and told you that he wanted to go to Homecoming with her, you would’ve been fine with it. (I mean not really, but you didn’t want to be selfish). Had he told you sooner, you would’ve went with Ned, as friends of course. He had broken your promise as well as your heart. 
Maybe he forgot, you thought. Maybe he just forgot to tell you? No, he couldn’t have. He immediately saw you two as you stood by the punch bowl, eyes widening. Maybe now he realized. 
He whispered something in Liz’s ear before making his way towards you. 
“Y/N, hey. You look so pretty. I-I mean not that you’re not pretty before, it’s just ugh. You look really nice tonight. Ned, woah man, look at you! Y/N, can I talk to you please?” he asked, as he brought his hand to rub the back of his neck.
“There’s nothing to talk about Peter. Listen, if you wanted to come here with Liz, you should’ve just told me. My parents were waiting for you to come so we could take pictures. I would’ve just came with Ned or something”
“I’m sorry. I forgot. I really did. I meant to tell you sooner but it just slipped my mind” he pleads. 
“It’s whatever, Peter, now I suggest you get back to your date, you don’t want to have her waiting, don’t you?” you spoke, anger clearly evident in your tone. 
He sighed deeply before leaving. Muttering a quick apology again before he made his way back to Liz. 
You tried to enjoy the night. You really did. But you just couldn’t. You apologized to Ned for bailing on him so early as you decided to head home and call it a night. 
He completely understood and hugged you before you left. 
You walked home in record time. You wanted nothing more but to rid yourself of your dress and heels, wash away your makeup and slept the night away. 
As you settled into bed, you couldn’t help the waterfall of tears cascading down your cheeks and onto your duvet. Oh how you wished the night didn’t turn out the way it did.
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pact-ideas · 5 years
 Your home is the beautiful hidden city of Leira a haven for the wood elves to hide away from the cruelty of the outside world, each house was made from the wood of a different tree and the city was warded away from the rest of the world by a magical forest that never let anyone through its majestic depths, life in Leira was peaceful as it had been for a thousand years
you fucking hate it
ok maybe not the peace, the peace was nice everyone can agree that peace was if a little boring generally a good thing but.... well.... ok first of all that magical forest thing works two way no one can leave. ever. this didnt stop you trying when you were little you used to take off into the forest determined to see what was at the other side but no matter how hard you tried or how you navigated or how long you were walking or anything you always ended up back in Leira it was always the same you would end up right back at home and your mother would brush the twigs out of your hair and say how “silly” you were to get lost in the forest it made you indescribably angry but you didnt even understand why
growing up in this place was a nightmare, Leira was created by melora the goddess of nature so as you can imagine the culture of leira was pretty heavily dedicated to sucking her metaphysical dick, everyone’s a vegetarian and natures roams free throughout the city which is nice and all but when your late for school and you get stuck behind a 20 ton bear it easy to loose your fucking patience and it not like you want to kill an animal or anything but your desperately curious to know what meat tastes like. one night there was a big wild fire and a bunch of birds got roasted in the flames and yeah it was sad and all that but my god the SMELL! it was amazing and theres no way you can ever get any kind of meat since theres no privacy anywhere in the god damn city, you live with your family and streets are ALWAYS busy with people and even in the rare moment when theres no other elves around theres always some kind of nature around and since most of the elves if the city can speak to animals your pretty sure if you did anything too sacrilegious it would be reported before you could say “barbecue”. and the people ugh the FUCKING PEOPLE you mother keeps nagging you and telling you off for regecting all your sutiors but in fairness your not really regecting 8 or 9 suitors your regecting one because EVERYONE HERE IS THE FUCKING SAME THEYVE GOT LONG FLOWING HAIR THEYRE SLIM AND DELICATE LOOKING THEY WRITE POTRY ABOUT NATURE AND THEY PROBABLY PLAY THE FUCKING PAN FLUTE.
ok what the fuck is up with pan flutes theyre anoying to play and they dont even sound good why cant we just bang some fucking sticks together and make some real noise!
and the worst thing about it is that everyone you have ever met god damn loves it here if you go to a town elder to ask about if people can get through the forest he just pats you on the head and says some shit like “dont worry little one no outsiders will ever get in” and you have to fight back the urge to scream beacause NO LORENCE YOU DONT GET IT but you just nod and smile because if you say anything than you get branded as even more of a fucking outsider than when you decided to tie up your hair for the first time.I mean by the GODS what is wrong with tying up your hair? ugh you know whats wrong with it in Leria elves belive that hair should flow out beautifuly and naturally its common for full adults to have hair that reaches the floor and some elders employ neighbourhood kids to pick up their hair after them when they walk so it doesn't trail behind them on the ground but whoever decided that elvish hair was contantly elegant never seemed to be able to get your hair to obey. your hair constantly got caught on buttons and jackets and even door handles! your hair is only down to your waist and its already the biggest nuisance in your life you cant imagine it reaching the floor and always getting stepped on so one day you had had enough, you got some twine and tied up your hair you thought it looked pretty good but when your mother saw it for the first time my god it was like you were dying she asked what was wrong if you needed some kind of help and after she hear that your hair was getting in the way she decided to spend three hour THREE FUCKING HOURS brushing it which is not only fucking painfull but its the kind of stupid bullshit you were trying to avoid when you tied it up in the fucking first place. eventually people got a little more used to you tying up your hair there was always a limit there was always a “oh honey grannies coming round for dinner so dont you think you should take down your hair?” and its like ..... why? but becuase theyre your family you dont question it and let your hair down but secretly you think that maybe granny wouldnt mind it if you could eat without accidentally getting stray hairs in your mouth every....single...time you took a bite to eat.
buuuuuut theres some hope theres a legend of a warrior with a great connection to nature who must leave the safty of the city and defeat a great evil in the outside world and your determined that that person will be you you got to the libary at noght and read books on the outside world and FUCK it sounds so fucking interesting so different  so god damn DIFFERENT you read about beings who live between dimensions and every single member of there race is completly different to each other every single one is entirly unique some are good some are evil some have physical forms some are made of gas and some of them are just a mad pile of limbs I mean can you imagine? the very idea of beings like that sets you mind ablaze and your determined to meet one but the fucking problem with that is the the legendary hero is suppose to be able to connect with nature and you... struggle with that. you call out to the trees to obey your commands you try to connect with the animals and you appeal to the elements but nothing ever works its so fucking frustrating this is your only chance of leaving the city and you can even begin to make progress everyone in the city at least has SOME connection to nature there are toddlers that can make flowers bloom and you cant even bend a branch. everyone teacher youve ever had tells you not to give up and to keep trying and that you just need to look deep down withing yourslef and find the connection you dont know is there but that just bullshit the reason you can connect with the trees is because deep down you dont WANT to connect with the trees you know it and the trees know it why cant anyone see?everyone in the world from your teacher to your parents tyo the town elders to the fucking animals seemed to think that your just one attitude adjustment away from being a perfect happy elf “keep trying” they say “you’ll get it eventually” all your fucking life youve been hearing that but you know what? you dont want to be a perfect elf with long hair and a dozy smile you dont want to be the hero who connects with nature and is celebrated as the perfect figure you dont want to be here anymore! you want to eat meat and wear clothes that dont make me look like a plant obsessed ballet dancer and fight people with your bare hands and play the drums and do whatever you want with my hair and be FUCKING FREE
you sneak into the library the books your looking for is old and worn but within it is the ritual that you need. The great one Uthuctarr is surprised to be contacted by an elf but you get along like a house on fire. soon the terms of the pact are agreed you have the pentagram scrawled onto the library floor in chalk all you need to seal the pact is a part of your self, most people use blood but you have a better idea, you take out the dagger you stole, its carved out of bone it was used by ancient elves to hunt in the days when the world was new, functionally the bone dagger is everything the elves of Leira stand against but they couldnt destroy it without discrediting their precious history. its perfect, you undo the twine holding your hair and let the blond mass fall forward over your face. with your left and you grab a clump of long blond hair near the base and with your right you take the blunt bone dagger and cut. you hand is not steady and your hair is thick but that doesnt stop you and soon a huge chunk of blond mess falls away into the centre of the pentagram. you pause for a moment thinking about what youve just dont and you realise you can feel the night hair against your ears and in all you life youve never felt anything more divine you begin to laugh, truly laugh. not at a joke or out of politeness but out of pure unfiltered joy. quickly you grab another clump and get back to work. after a few more minutes of frenzied cutting your finally free of you long messy STUPID hair, you gather the hair into the centre of the pentagram and step back. suddenly all on its own the hair bursts into dark blue flames, the small is awful, you love it, from the fire a tiny thread of blue flame pushes out of the flame and begins to weave its way out of the library though the city and into the forest the locals are mystified but you know whats happening after all these years you are finally being shown the path out of Leira.
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