#didnt this happen to that one tumblr witch
milks-thoughts · 5 months
to the anon who request peepaw leo, bless your soul, I didnt know i need father figure peepaw in my life.
I got a idea, what if peepaw leo, take reader to the hidden city? to more aware of the yokai kind and stuff?
I WAS STRUGGLING WITH THIS AND A RANDOM TUMBLR POST BROUGHT ME IDEAS, also I can’t write shit without angst what the fuck happened here
TW: mentions of cheating, and overall wholesomeness
summary: Peepaw Leo takes Reader to the hidden city to make them feel better (reader is 16)
He Doesn’t Deserve You
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⚔︎ Peepaw had gotten more than used to seeing you around the lair
⚔︎ it’s been like 3 years what is he saying-??
⚔︎ they even got you your own train car
⚔︎ you’d leave every day to go to school, then you’d come back
⚔︎ you were so giddy coming back one time with CJ everyone just HAD to know why
⚔︎ the moment you got a boyfriend he was suspicious- of the boyfriend- so was his younger counterpart so-!
⚔︎ can you blame him for being on edge? the boyfriend you got was like a frat boy
⚔︎ You we’re just sitting on the beanbags in the living room, scrolling through social media before you came across a post from this girls account. okay- maybe it’s his cousin! Yeah they look similar enough. You decided to read the caption, that’s when you paused. You stood up suddenly and walked to your train car, slamming the door closed you plopped down on your bed and started sobbing. Apparently you weren’t very quiet because the next thing you knew Mikey and Leo were sliding open the door “ what’s wrong? “ Mikey asked gently which only caused you to cry harder. You could only show them the phone before they looked back at you with a soft look “ oh it’s okay…it’ll all be okay “ Leo soothed before looking wearily at Mikey “ do you want us to get Big Blue? “ he asked you, you paused and nodded. You could really use one of his hugs right now, the crushing hug that’s a mix between warm and cold from the metal. He could wrap his arms around your entire body and cover you with a hug, so yes, you would like a hug from him. Leo nodded and stood up, he sent one more glance before closing the train car and walking away, your sniffles had been fluctuating from calm crying to bawling. Mikey had wrapped around your frame and hugged you, looking up you saw your father Leonardo standing there a soft look on his face when he took Mikey’s spot. He wrapped his arms around your frame and buried your head in his plastron. His arms tight around you as you curled up into a ball in his hold. A new round of sobs came up but they were filled with incoherent sentences. “ was I not good enough for him? “ you asked in a small voice, Leonardo hushed you quietly and rubbed your back “ why don’t we go into the hidden city? You can meet Bone man and see the mystic stuff “ Leo asked and Mikey nodded. You liked the idea, it’d help you get your mind off things. Leo smiled “ buuut me an everyone else have some plans, why don’t you and Big Blue go? “ You blinked and you swore you saw him calling CJ and Mikey texting someone..? Leonardo smiled and started walking, you were wearing enough, a black tank top and weird kinda muted orange sweats. As you two walked along you could help but let your mind wander. Why did Leo call CJ and why was Mikey texting April & Cass? When you came back to reality you were shocked, so this was the hidden city! You had brought your phone and it was going off with alerts. But every time you went to check Leonardo pulled away your attention and kept you hooked. You had gotten pizza at his favorite joint, seen the battle nexus and witch town. Your eyes sparkling with admiration every time you saw something new or unique. When you returned home, the lair was empty. The air in it was uncomfortable but Leonardo didn’t seem worried. It wasn’t long before everyone came back with dinner, you couldn’t help but question why Raph had some red on one of his spikes. You never voiced your concerns. Your ex had died in a breaking-and-entering gone wrong
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
WARNING: spoilers for end of Deathly Hallows Part II, and also some HEAVY angst in this one
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Glass Heart
George’s tired eyes turn to the window, finally seeing the sunlight he had restlessly been waiting for. Sitting up and bed and swinging his legs over the side, George sighs, hanging his head and closing his eyes. He wishes more than anything that he could allow himself to sleep, but he knows what will greet him if he does, and he cant face it, not yet.
Strolling down the hallway, George’s footsteps echo down the eerily quiet flat, setting his teeth on edge. He catches sight of the envelope that he left on the table yesterday. He recognises the handwriting on the front as that of his mother’s, and he knows that it’s a Howler of some kind. Judging by the fact it hasnt exploded, it isnt an angry one, which disappoints George a little. All night he was waiting for that explosion of his mother’s voice, the anger that he would love to hear in response to the pranks that filled his childhood. He’d choose to hear that over his mother’s sadness any day, and due to this Howler not revealing itself as Howler’s typically do, George worries that his mother’s sadness is exactly what is concealed in the envelope.
Unfortunately for George, his selfless love for his family gets the better of him, overtaking his own grief and anguish in order to hear his mother’s words and try to help in whatever way he can. Popping open the seal, George drops the envelope back on the table and leans against the wall, knowing there’s no way he can prepare himself for whatever he’s about to hear.
“Hello George, dear.”
The gaping hole in his heart aches at the softness in his mother’s voice, tears already stinging his eyes.
“I worry about you, up in that flat. Will you come home soon? We miss you terribly, your father and I…it isnt easy, for any of us, but with you not here, it almost feels like-“
His mother is too broken to utter the words that George knows she wants to say. With him not there, it feels like she’s lost both him and Fred.
“(Y/N) misses you terribly, too, you know.”
She changes the subject, the mention of you lifting her spirits even now. You were still back at the Burrow, where you had spent most of your life thus far. That first year at the train station, your muggle parents happened to ask the Weasley’s for help crossing onto the platform that they’d previously denied the mere existence of. Your parents both worked overseas, so even if you hadnt ended up as a witch, you would have been sent to a boarding school of some kind. When the Weasley twins returned home from their first year at Hogwarts to tell their parents all about what a wonderful friend you were to them, and explained that you wouldnt really have a home to go to, they were more than happy to have you stay with them, and you did. On occasion, your parents were home long enough to spend a few days with you, but for the most part, you were the Weasley’s plus one, and you couldnt have been happier.
“Ever since you moved out, she’s been quieter. She wears that old jumper of yours everyday, I have to sneak into her room just to clean it when she’s not home!”
George’s mother laughs, and the sound brings a smile to his face, despite the tears rolling down his cheeks. He didnt know you were still wearing that jumper he gave you after your fourth year. Well, technically he didnt give it to you; Molly accidentally placed it in your laundry pile and when you tried it on, George told you to keep it because it looked better on you anyway.
He last saw you on the worst day of his life, but before that, it had been months since he’d laid eyes on you. Having already moved out of his family home by the time the whole world started to change, he only heard about what had happened to you through what his family told him. Apparently, you’d gone into hiding with your muggle parents, because they were always travelling from place to place and with their absence in your life, nobody working for the dark lord would ever think to look for them. Still, you sent coded letters to the Weasley family by owl whenever you could, wishing them all safety and telling them not to worry about you.
Seeing you that day, running straight for him and stupifying anyone who got in your way, George remembers the feeling of his heart getting caught in his throat. Wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the ground, clinging to each other like it was the last chance you’d ever get to do so, because you didnt know if it would be. Neither of you spoke a word, there wasnt time, in seconds you were placed on the ground and standing back to back, fighting evil from two fronts. He remembers his heart pounding in his chest in the aftermath of holding you close, feeling like he could win the battle singlehandedly because he knew you were safe. That heart is long gone now.
“She’s quieter now…we all are. Your father and I arent sleeping well, and so many nights I’ve walked by her door, hearing her crying, and when I go to check on her, she’s sleeping.”
Fresh, invisible wounds tear through George as he relives all the times he’s heard you cry. In your first year, when you found out your parents wouldnt be able to afford taking time off for Christmas, and Fred and George had to beg their mother to let them stay at Hogwarts with you while they went away to Romania. In your second year, when you were scared that your muggle blood would get you killed in the Chamber of Secrets, and George kept you safe. In your fourth year, when you came up with a cover story to get Fred and George out of trouble and Umbridge forced you to write with a quill that carved the words “I must not lie and think it is brave”, and George very nearly stormed into Umbridge’s office to destroy her, but you clinging to him as you cried held him back. In your seventh year, when Fred and George left Hogwarts to open their shop, and moved out of their family home to live in the flat above it; you cried your eyes out and told George that you loved him, but there wasnt time to explain what that meant. And finally, on the worst day of his life, when you screamed and sobbed beside what was left of Fred.
“She dreams about what we’re afraid to dream about, dear, and she needs you, just as much as you need her.”
If his mother had said such a thing at any other time, George would have disagreed. Before, there was never time to explore whatever it was between you and him. The twins were always off planning new pranks and inventions, and while sometimes you were their accomplice, there was never a moment long enough for you and George to just talk. Every time the twins were around, it was like you were living life at a higher speed, everything happened so fast and it only slowed down when they were gone. They were a force to be reckoned with, and you adored them for that. It was only when George told you about their plans to leave Hogwarts that things really set in for you. Like the Hogwarts train had hit you at full speed, you realised that you had wasted every moment with him, and although those moments had been fun, they could have been so much more, and then he was gone, just like that.
Before, George would have agreed that he was always too busy, too excited about whatever was coming next for him and Fred. His world had slowed down to a speed he didnt like, ever since his other half had gone, just like that.
“I think it would be good for both of you if (Y/N) came to live with you, she’d liven up the flat a bit. Maybe she could even help out with the shop someday! You need her, George.”
He can tell by her voice that Molly Weasley has never been more sure of anything in her life, and George isnt in any position to challenge her on that. Soon enough, he finds himself showered, dressed, and lifting his wand. By no means does he think he’s ready to accept help from anyone, but he will do anything to get out of that flat, and regardless of what his mother really means, he knows that she’s right. He needs you.
Apparating outside the Burrow, George feels miserable. His family home is still in the process of being rebuilt after the war, and seeing it barely standing is almost enough to make him want to turn back, until he hears laughter. From the other side of the front door, George can hear his mother and father actually laughing. It has been months since he’s visited home, and that sound was a forgotten memory even then. Gently pushing the door open so as to cause as little disruption as possible, George steps into his family home. He’s immediately greeted by the sight of you teaching his mother a silly dance in the kitchen, while his father watches, and all of you laugh together. You’re wearing an apron over the jumper George gave you, and splatters of countless ingredients cover it, as well as stain your face in places, but George swears you have never looked more beautiful. The sound of the door closing brings three pairs of eyes to him, and the laughter stops quite suddenly.
Before he even has time to register what’s happening, George is in the arms of his mother, who still manages to hold him even when he’s so much taller than her. His father hugs him next, as tearful as his mother as they embrace the son they were beginning to worry they would lose to grief. Neither of them say anything, they’re too shocked to speak, and they move to stand either side of George so that he can see you.
With Ron living with Hermione, and Ginny living with Harry, it would make sense for you to go and find a place of your own, fly the nest like the rest of them. But you stayed, to care for the people that had cared for you when you needed them, to help them feel a little less lonely.
And there you stand, your hands covering your mouth as tears blur the perfect image of George Weasley standing before you. The first genuine smile he has felt in months wobbles on his face as he stares at you, and unlike the last time you saw him, you dont run at him. You take one careful, unsteady step, and then he strides over to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.
“Missed you, Georgie.” Your shaky voice reaches his ears, and he feels the shattered fragments of his heart tremble, the fight to bring themselves back together reigniting.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.” George sniffles, and you feel your own fractured heart clench at his words.
Sweetheart, that was something he first called you in your second year, when you were crying in fear of being killed for being muggle born. George had pulled you into his arms and told you “I wont let anything happen to you, sweetheart, promise”, and ever since, he has been your safe place. Every single time he was there when you needed him after that, that is what he would call you.
“What are you doing here?” You question, pulling away from him to wipe your eyes.
Obviously, you’re ecstatic to see him, but if he’s just dropping by to pick something up and leave again, you dont want to get your hopes up.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…move in, with me. Maybe help with the shop, if you’re up to it. Supposed to be a two-person place, after all.” George had planned to chuckle as he said that, but the weight of his own words cause a lump to form in his throat instead, and he can no longer hold your gaze.
He doesnt see the way you cast a worried glance to Molly and Arthur, who both shake their heads and smile at you encouragingly, assuring you they’ll be fine if you choose to go. And he doesnt see the way you look up at him, staring into the anguish that sits deep behind his sad, sad eyes, that are too scared to meet yours.
“It would be my honour, Georgie.” You tell him, causing his head to snap back down to read your face, checking for any sign of doubt, and when he cant find any, he smiles, and you smile right back.
“But first, have you had breakfast? I was just making some.” You gesture to your dirty apron, which has consequently smeared George’s clothes with some stains as a result of the hug you shared.
“I havent eaten, no.” He admits sheepishly, knowing before he’s even finished his sentence that you’re going to give him a disapproving look, and you dont disappoint.
“Well, that’s one thing we’re gonna have to sort out when I go back with you: regular meal times! Routines are important-“ You begin, but George cuts you off by rolling his eyes playfully.
“-because they help make everything feel more manageable, I know.” He finishes your sentence, having heard that phrase from you a thousand times. Glancing at his parents, George knows for a fact that if it hadnt been for you, the two of them would have fallen into the same irregular schedule, ruled over by grief. You saved his parents from that, and in turn, their company saved you. Well, as much as their company could. You were always a little lonely whenever George wasnt around.
Molly and Arthur choose to go and sit outside while George follows you into the kitchen. He leans against the counter, watching as you busy yourself with cooking spells.
“I’ve heard that you’ve formed quite the attachment to that jumper.” He cant help commenting, a cheeky smile on his face as he effortlessly slips back into the flirty banter that the two of you have always had, but something about you doesnt quite feel right.
Looking over your shoulder at George, you sigh dramatically. “Guess you could call me the clingiest witch in the west.”
George chuckles at that, shaking his head. “Nah, not clingy. Utterly adorable, but not clingy.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh, utterly adorable, am I?”
George smirks. “Definitely.”
Silence ensues, throwing you both into the sickening realisation that at this point in your flirting, Fred would usually interrupt. Sadness casts her cloak over the two of you, shrouding you in a grey, slow haze.
“Im sorry I didnt save him.”
And there it is. Your words cut through the air like a knife, straight to George’s heart, or rather, the place where it would have been. By no means was your happiness an act, but it was something you exaggerated to help heal his family, it was only a matter of time before its permanence wavered in his presence. George has always been able to see right through you.
“What are you talking about?” He questions carefully, very worried about what you’re going to say next as you fix your gaze on the dishes you’re washing with your bare hands rather than a spell. In the background, your spells continue to cook whatever wondrous breakfast you have planned. Washing up is your chosen distraction, or subtle punishment.
“If I hadnt stayed with you, if I’d gone to find him, I could have- he could still- even if it meant…” You close your eyes, tears slipping down your cheeks and you squeeze your lips inside your mouth to hold back a sob.
“Dont even think that, not for a second.” George’s voice is low, firm, and deadly serious.
You shake your head, eyes opening wide as you stare at him. “I cant stop thinking it, George. I have seen this family in so much pain, people I adore living through such agony every single day, and you disappeared completely! If I’d been with him, if I saved him, if it had been me, none of this would have happened! All of you would have been better off.” You look away from him again, and George takes the single stride necessary to reach you, gently lifting your hands out of the soapy water and grabbing a towel to dry your raw fingers that have been scrubbing through your anxiety-fuelled vent.
“Listen to me, (Y/N). There wont be a day that goes by where I dont miss Freddie.” That’s the first time he’s said his name since that day, it chokes him up immediately. “But I would never, ever want you to trade places with him, to have you gone instead of him. If you had gone, none of us would have been able to hold the rest of us together like you have, like you’ve always done. You are everything, (Y/N), and I wouldnt trade your life for anything, or anyone. I cant even think about a world without you in it-“ George shakes the thought out of his head, tears stinging his eyes as he’s briefly sent to kneeling at your side and holding your cold hand, sobbing and begging you to just open your eyes.
Your warm hands on his face bring him back to the present, your bright eyes staring up into his.
“Im sorry George, I cant imagine a world without you, either.”
Holding your hands against his face, George sniffles. “You’ll never need to.”
A small smile curls in the corner of your mouth, and he cant help mirroring it.
“You and me, we’re gonna get through this, you hear me?” You raise an eyebrow playfully, making George chuckle through his tears.
“Loud and clear, sweetheart, loud and clear.”
And as if by magic, he feels the first shattered piece of his heart slowly slot back into place.
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hiemalstar · 2 years
my opinion on niragi and his controversy with chishiya/dynamics between them
wssup tumblr, welcome to my opinionated and probably overthought rant. todays rant is on niragi suguru and chishiya shuntarou from the hit series alice in borderland - based off the netflix vers. why? cause my ass has not gotten the manga yet; so all i can scrap is scenes from netflix and knowledge on character creation. 
so dont come at me if this is not accurate to the aib manga, i can assure that i will probably update this post or make a new one once i have bought and read the manga. time to start
opinions on niragi ; character, backstory, actions and final opinion 
we all know niragi is a narcissistic, self absorbed and of course, proclaimed psychopath by aib fans. hes confirmed a sex offender at the least, and he views everyone he believes to be below him as an object he can do anything to. this is proven in both season one and season two; he attempted to rape usagi not one but two times throughout both seasons- niragi assures he gets what he wants through violence and threats. 
narcissism - character  this narcissism and desire to get what he wants really shows near the end of season one, where hatter is announced dead. niragi uses his weapon as a tool to threaten people into voting aguni as the new leader of the beach, as he also pairs up with last boss. this provides some solid evidence of his narcissistic element, not to mention his cruelty towards everyone else. for example, in season two, when he crosses paths with someone who had failed their suicide, he acts as if he is going to put them out of their misery. however, he grabs the gun just to walk away, saying how they can suffer. 
psychopath - character this brings me to his psychopathic side. if you do your research, youd know nirgai lines up with the symptoms of being a psychopath. if you didnt know; - narcissism [rightfully proven] - lack of guilt : he does not feel any remorse for what he has done to other people, no matter how many innocent lives he ends or what pain he causes. he does not care as long as it benefits him.  - aggressive and reckless behaviour : this follows up with the explanation on his narcissism and lack of guilt.  these are just some symptoms, but theyre definitely some major ones of his.
backstory lets talk about his backstory. from a flashback on the top of the roof during witch-hunt / 10 of hearts in season one, we can see he was not treated fairly at all. he was used as a target by his peers, being forced to stay still against a wall while students [assuming they are the same age as him] threw baseballs at him. said classmates counted 'points’ depending on where on his body they striked him. to add onto this already fucked up situation, he had been told if he didnt stand still he'd be forced to eat rice with piss in it. this is just one scene, but who knows how many other things had happened to this man before borderland.   he says he doesnt know if he became twisted because they hated him, or if they hated him because he was twisted. if niragi had been twisted during that time, he probably would've fought back, but this cant be confirmed for sure considering his persona between borderland and the little we know about him in the real world cant be compared and contrasted as well as it could be with more evidence. 
actions now, im not saying his backstory excuses his actions. his past is no reason for him to attempt to rape [and he probably has successfully done this before to other characters] usagi and the amount of other fucked up things he had done. lets think about this for a moment; putting the rape aside and moving to the crimes he had committed involving murder, just put it into perspective. theyre in a world with no laws. theres obviously more people out there like him killing people just for the fun of it, or even to eliminate them from getting in the way. similar to how in solitary confinement, the girl with the blue dress (i cannot remember her name) plays queen bee and manipulates the group into lying to other players to kill them. for players like her and niragi, borderland is just another word for doing whatever the hell you want, especially murder. we see it everywhere in alice in borderland, even in the rest of the militia. the only action left would be his rape, which cannot be justified. 
final opinion here are my final thoughts on niragi as a character; hes not the best person ever, but its also not his fault hes such a horrible person. the way he was treated for probably most of his life probably really changed his personality and morals. once again guys, i dont justify him assaulting and/or raping people. i say hes a complex character and deserves more recognition and attention rather than always been viewed as this extremely evil guy from the inside out. even when at the end of season two, he was found in the hospital bed next to chishiya, he actually seemed like a normal and decent human being. however, this is obviously my opinion. tell me what you guys think! at the end of the day though, hes probably just an insecure, scared little boy always trying to validate himself and prove himself as a villain. he seeks the validation of being known above others, being able to feel better about himself through this. he has a huge superiority complex.
edit: another point about him being with chishiya in the hospital- when chishiya says he is going to turn his life around, niragi asks something along the lines of “you were a piece of shit too, huh?” he acknowledges his actions, and he knows what he did. 
dynamic with chishiya- controversy around their relationship 
and time for the most controversial part of this entire rant; niragi and chishiya. whats with their dynamic, and what can i say about it based on my speculations on niragi? taking into consideration what type of character chishiya is, it would and wouldnt work if they were dating. 
they definitely had some sexual tension [obv referring to the netflix series, if they had anything in the mangas lmk], and it was even confirmed by the actors. i believe the translation was that they had kissed in an unreleased part of the show, but they took out the scene. shocker. even if the kiss had been a mistranslated, the sexual tension still gives us enough of an idea. the reunition of chishiya and niragi but not chishiya and kuina also might say something about their relationship, or whether they knew eachother in the real world or not.  we know they dont have any memory of borderland, as proven from arisu and usagi meeting again, so what was the purpose of that? 
i dont really have much to say about the idea of them having a relationship; im cool with it, and it's gotten me interested with their personality dynamic. what do you guys think? this concludes my rant. thank you all for listening!! if theres anything else you would like to see me cover in the aib series, lmk. until next time. <3
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autisticandroids · 1 year
tw mentions of transphobia homophobia racism and bullying, here's my ramble
what if i cant make amends? i made amends before, i fucked up with the person again, i fucked up , badly, i acted bigotted and i regret it now, for real this time. and i decided at that time to cut that person off from my life. simply because keeping that cycle of "im sorry, i fuck up again" was unhealthy. i think that making amends with people is needed if and only if the person comes to you for explanation - and apologies.
i think about bojack horseman's apologies episode - but he ended up hurting everyone. it's not because he simply didnt mean it - but also because he showed up, impromptuly, in the life of people he hurt and didn't want to hear about him, ever.
now to say i fucked up as badly as him - but the guilt i feel is there, and this impresion of "what the fuck are you doing back in my life, go away' the people we hurt in the past have - is real.
the internet crowd also - wouldn't be happy about making a donation to a cause. for example - imagine you used to act transphobic or homophobic or racist, and you decide to make a donation to an association. no matter the amount, people will say "you're just performing" or "what, only x dollars? arent you (job)?"
that's why attonement feels impossible, no matter what you do, it's not possible to feel 100 percents healed from the past, because you never will.
voicing your regrets, striving for the best, treating the next people better, being kinder isn't ignoring closure from the past.it's quite moving on from it. i know pretty much so many people who told me they wouldn't want to deal with me again because of views i had, actions i made in the past. with those situations, how am i supposed to "atone for my sins" where i must respect the boundaries those people set, aka "get out from my life"? i can only carry regret in me.
it's good to note that i made those awful life choices when i was between age 17 and 19, i have identity disturbance problems and acted like a sponge to bad influences. getting cancelled is something i fear but that i'd honestly roll with "yeah that just happened, i'm sorry for everything" which is honestly the bare minimum - but at the same time, you can never ever appease everyone.
i remember once someone who bullied me apologized to me, i felt nothing. so when someone fucks up badly, making amends is useless, it's just self serving, because what tells that the victim will actually accept your apology? what if it sinks them down further?
i don't know how comfortable i am answering this ask. it asks me to solve a problem that i'm not really qualified to solve, or frankly able to solve with the information you've given me. i am just a rando on the internet and you should not be treating me as an authority figure.
that said, you are clearly in the middle of the kind of anxious death spiral that is both destructive to yourself and useless for any kind of self-improvement, so... my attempt is under the cut.
i mean, you have to seriously consider whether an attempt to apologize will do anything for the other person - maybe it will, maybe it won't, that's on a case by case basis. i'm not the person to ask about that. i do think in most cases that a properly non-self-centered apology probably won't hurt. but that's just my opinion, i'm not god. it's something you have to decide for yourself. i don't peddle redemption arcs.
but primarily like. the thing you need to do is learn your lesson and then Move On Dot Org. don't wallow, just learn, accept, and live with. it actually doesn't benefit anyone for you to hurt yourself.
now, obviously, there are some things you can do which i think should bar you from being or having certain types of authority.
for a rather small, petty example, i can think of one person i know who was a bully in high school and deeply regretted it, but then got deeply into the "callout witch hunt" side of tumblr social justice and replicated their old bullying behaviors pretty closely, but this time just in a way where they could have it fit with their code of ethics. so like, "i believe i have the right to decide who should be harassed over a callout" is a kind of authority to grant yourself, and i am kind of ambivalent on anyone having that authority, but also specifically That person should not have had it, because they just used it to satisfy their desire to put other people down in a "more ethical" way.
so like. it is more effective to strip yourself of certain types of authority than to punish yourself. if you don't have the right to decide whether people deserve cruelty, you cannot be cruel to them. but this is not a punishment, it's simply a loss of certain privileges.
and things like "being happy," "having friends," "having a nice time playing video games" are all rights you shouldn't have taken away as a result of past behavior. but "presenting yourself as an authority on a topic," "being involved with one specific person," and "making money off your reputation online" are all privileges you might potentially want to strip yourself of if your past behavior showed that you can't be trusted with them. again, this is not a punishment, and is not intended to induce misery - it is simply a reasonable precaution.
and also, with respect to being cancelled or not - do not worry about this. that doesn't really have anything to do with you. get thicker skin. if someone tries to cancel you and they are more popular than you, you will be cancelled. if they are less popular than you, they will be cancelled. whether a cancellation is successful is purely a product of social power and is unrelated to morals. my recommendation is to make peace with the fact that if you live your life in public people will sometimes hate you. this is their problem, but also it's their right. you can't stop them and i would go so far as to say you shouldn't try. they can't do anything to you unless they doxx you, which probably won't happen unless you're really famous. or they can take your internet income stream away if you have one. the best way to defend against this is to have a real job.
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themaybejade · 1 year
a bit about me and my canon mates
this isn’t going to be comprehensive, just based on who and what i can remember. i have had art made for some of them, but not everyone.
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roxy calmasis lalonde, one of the loves of my life. though, if you can believe it, we actually didnt get along very well at first!! she was very loud and over-the-top when we met, and i was resentful of how much of roses time she took up (though rose and i had been separated for a while by then). but she keyed in on the whole “dont overstimulate the autistic puppygirl” thing eventually, and we grew super close.
i think the thing i remember the most is her laugh. it was such a sweet sound, and after jane and i helped her overcome her drinking problem, we got to hear it all the time. she was cute, and silly, and fun, and she loved to sit or lean on me while jane combed my ears, telling nonsense stories and helping with my need for pressure stimming by pressing her fingers into my skin.
both of us were transfem switches, so we got along amazingly in the bedroom. she had a major hand fetish, and loved when i would wear the sheer lace gloves that jane got for her birthday.
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i still need to get a good stand-alone drawing of jane. its been rough, trying to remember her - a lot of my earliest memories that i ever uncovered were blocked out again after an incident where someone who was supposedly my canon mate abandoned me years ago. they had reached out on tumblr, reminisced with me, and then just left out of the blue. and that really hurt.
its getting a bit easier now though. it was her idea to help roxy overcome her addiction, and she was the one who took care of me the most when i had breakdowns. i remember the first night after we entered the session, i had a huge freakout over things that had happened in the game, and went running. the first room i got to was janes, by coincidence, and she stayed up all night with me, just holding me and talking me through things. i think thats when i fell in love.
she was 100% a domme top, and she was amazing at it. she helped keep both roxy and i in line with firm rules and routine discipline, both inside and outside of the bedroom. she absolutely loved when i was feeling comfortable enough to wear flashier outfits, and couldnt keep her hands off me in a short skirt.
she was the lover, mama, caretaker, and friend that i needed more than almost anything. right up until i was captured by the empress, she did everything she could to take care of me, and also take care of roxy, and theres nothing in my timeline that i appreciate more than the love she showed me.
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vriska fucking serket. my kismesis. the biggest pain in my ass ever, she was absolutely obsessed with riling me up whenever she got the chance, usually by calling me a lolicon for being attracted to her, because she was so small.
shes the reason that all of our friends survived their time on the meteor - she had been experimenting with her god tier powers, and accidentally managed to do the impossible: she radiated luck for a brief moment, and it saved everyone. every blow that fell was nonlethal, just barely missing vital spots or otherwise being survivable. the only one who actually died was kanaya, but she got better because she was a rainbow drinker.
she hated me a lot, because i was easily the most powerful player across all the sessions at that point, and i didnt really use that strength for anything. i was meek, quiet, shy, scared. and that made her furious. she would always push me to go farther, to move out of my comfort zones, and to hone my skills both as a witch of space and a first guardian.
conversely, i hated her because she was so dishonest with herself, and the people around her. she could never admit that she needed anything, shed just manufacture a way to get it. a lot of the time that included wanting to have sex: she would get me worked up until i was good and mad, and then taunt me to do something about it - at which point i would catch on and kick her ass. she got better over time as i started to train her to ask for things, but that never extended to the two of us having sex.
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dave is the last of my pictured friends. he was albino and african-american, and was ridiculously obsessive about his hair. he would spend hours keeping it pressed and straightened and perfectly coiffed. he wouldnt say it out loud, but i knew it was because of his bro, and not wanting to look like him.
we had a brief fling together, but it didn’t last super long. he was very handsy and cuddly, nearly as touch-starved as i was. he was a “cool kid”, which is to say a massive fucking dork, and one of my best friends. we would just chill a lot, hanging out and eating shitty snacks and just chatting each others ears off. i dont remember much more than that, but he was a great guy.
rose and i were very on again, off again partners from a young age. honestly we were terrible for each other, but we both kept clinging desperately to what we had. she remained my moirail, even after our last falling out, but she was much happier and far better off with kanaya as a matesprit
she was the one who helped me discover that i was trans, and helped me come out to our other friends. it was her strength and courage and love that got me through the game itself, and i will never be able to repay her for all the things she did for me.
we had a very physical relationship, even before we met in person. we would talk on video a lot (our pesterchum client had that feature), and she introduced me to a lot of my kinks. we only had sex a few times throughout the game and shortly after reaching the meteor, but we separated not long after. we were only sort-of together when i killed myself, and i dont think she ever totally forgave me for it; after that, while we were still very deeply pale, we never went beyond cuddling and some gentle cheek or forehead kisses again.
egbert, of the three friends i went into the game with, is the one i can recall the least. a prankster, a jokester, a mischievous little imp; hung around with vriska and terezi a lot, and they were all horrible influences on each other :P
i found out through dave that she transitioned some time after i left. i never actually got to meet june; it wasnt much longer past that that the end came. but i hope she was as happy as i can remember being as a girl.
the last one i have any strong memories of is nepeta, and theyre unfortunately not the best memories. rose and i were on the outs - though still technically a couple if in name only; we hadnt really told anyone else we were going to break up - and she had just gotten let down pretty roughly by karkat. she got completely sloshed on faygo and came into my room on the meteor, while i was in the middle of a breakdown and not really thinking right. she talked for a bit about how nice it was to feel desired, when i had flirted with her not long after coming aboard the meteor, and we eventually ended up having pity sex.
equius found us the next morning and it turned into a big shitshow. he accused me of cheating on rose, of taking advantage of his moirail in a moment of crisis, and only stopped barely short of claiming that id raped her. almost everyone took his side because nepeta couldnt remember much, and since they wouldnt listen to me, i tried to get rose to help me out, but it wasnt working very well.
that afternoon, rose and i had our last big fight, when i told her to leave and not to come back. and then i killed myself. not that i stayed dead, of course; suicide like that is neither heroic nor just.
afterwards, the shock got the others to think a bit more rationally about the whole situation. things calmed down, and nepeta and i stayed good friends after she sobered up enough to tell equius off and apologize for everything. we probably would have been matesprits if i hadnt ended up falling so hard for jane and roxy, but we were still super close nonetheless.
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
if you told me a few years back i was gonna revive @single-malt-scotch and not drop it in a week and enjoy it genuinely i would have never imagined it. as much as i consume "cringe" content and enjoy things like hot wheels or barbie unironically, there has been a strangely complicated relationship between me and mcyt- for those who have only followed this blog (and even the one i had before this) youd have no idea i was incredibly involved with and enjoyed the old mcyt smp, mindcrack. after my early fandoms in 2010-2012 mindcrack was my thing, for years (the url of that side blog was what i used to have).
no matter how much i try to throw out the disclaimer "if you remember my mcyt days understand i was a teen and im not a weirdo about these people", the reason i even detached further and further over time wasn't purely that i fell out of it (i did, the server started to dwindle) but the.... shame in never wanting to look back at those days came from the automatic association people gained about mcyt over time, and tumblr's rampant witch hunting culture over calling people out for liking "problematic things".
should be said im talking about this shame and callout culture in the context of 2015 tumblr- to now. i was 16 and that stuff was ingrained in my head. it ruined my consumption and joy for media for years. i liked a lot of stuff without problem but i liked them all with intense, fear filled awareness to not unknowingly be ~bad~ but just touching something people could deem problematic. the moment i registered that my behavior as a 13 year old was "bad" bc i wrote mcyt fanfics was the moment i closed off all of that past and decided it was bad, and i was bad, and i could never ever look at it the same way again.
even as i stayed subbed to some of those people out of not wanting to let go of subs i made almost ten years ago- there was no way i was every going back i thought. i looked at mcyt fandom stuff and cringed, and that increased when the distaste of dreamsmp arose-- which ever valid to dislike dream, the wave of cringe culture over dreamsmp and the general concept of mc smps only furthered my shame in the last years. i was told even more in the present now, that mcyt fandom is Bad because its all weird people shipping real people and its strange and youre obviously bad for associating in any form at all. nuance in enjoying gamers on youtube was suddenly lost. even in that period of dsmp getting popular, i couldnt imagine myself getting to this point again, it really was so engrained in me to never consider mcyt a point of joy for myself, when my inability to do so was always tied to shame.
it sounds silly-- but applying this to a broader range of interests? it doesnt matter if im talking about mcyt or something else. it was so hard for me to decide in my head that there was nothing morally egregious about watching people play fucking minecraft on youtube. even if i draw fan art. even if i indulge in the characters they play in a way that isnt strange or crossing their personal boundaries. im not sure what happened to make people decide "mcyt" was a catch all for the Worst of the bad examples for people within such a large community but the moment that happened it made it so hard to feel like i was allowed to like this ever again. i made my existing sideblog in the early summer and i didnt say anything about it. i had it for months and i said nothing. i was so afraid of considering i might have fun, and find joy in this, i wanted to make sure if i destroyed it, it wasnt tied to here and there were no strings attached.
i slid away to enjoy this in peace. and im glad i did in the sense i took away any stressors of just posting straight to my main with little time to decide my feelings. but through the last months i have on and off added it to my pinned post. added it because fuck it, took it down because anxiety. back up, i have nothing to lose.... back down because i saw some post that made me feel bad again.
i am tired of it. the effect of early tumblr culture stress hangs over me even still and it fucking sucks. ive sat here drawing stuff for months on this sideblog unable to tie it to my name for reasons that dont even make sense, out of fear of a reaction from people id never regard or listen to in the first place. that being said im keeping that blog, its on my pinned, im queueing the art to post here whenever i share it, and taking all my old DA art out of storage was a big one to covercome as it uplocked all my old mcyt art to the public again even stuff i felt the most shame for-- by no means was this fandom what it was when i enjoyed it with 30 other people on tumblr 10 years ago... but im finding joy in this again, and my heart swells for every old mutual i see again and im not denying myself that anymore.
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aldercaps · 2 years
fantasy, gothic and zombie for the spooky asks 🦇
AH im so sorry tumblr didnt tell me i had another ask and ive been so busy avoiding my exams but thank you for the ask! 🦇🎃
Fantasy -  What’s your favorite mythical character?
Oh boy, mythical? I'd love to have a more niche and specific answer considering I own like 7 different books on folk tales and myths i am just SO bad at actually reading them, but I do love a Gawain and a Morgana le Fay. There's something about a knight who is not very good at being a knight but also too good sometimes, and a lady who lives out in the woods casting spells and potions and generally having fun causing a bit of mayhem that i love.
HOWEVER there was one story in a scottish fairy tale anthology I read recently that was just delightful- about a wee bannock who decided he didnt want to be eaten so he ran all around the hillsides running into different people's houses to warm up by the hearth and they all wanted to eat him because he looked so tasty that he kept on running away until eventually he was eaten by a fox. That was fun
Gothic - Who’s your favorite macabre figure from history?
hMMMMmmmm does Fransisco Goya count? He's most well known for his black paintings and his works depicting the horrors of war, and I used him as an inspiration for my paintings in high school (alongside beatrix potter, which my painting teacher found very bemusing) and his black paintings are some of my favourite pieces of art! The one below I painted for high school using witches' flight as a model :)
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Zombie - How long do you think you’d survive if a zombie apocalypse happened?
Oh boy, probably not very long. I know some very basic bushcraft skills if I needed to like, escape into the bush or something? but the wild pigs would probably scare me right back out, I have seen pig sign on hikes and walks before and I am Not a Fan. I know how to shoot a bow and arrow but I have not much experience shooting at a distance, since I didn't stay in the archery club long enough to move beyond 20 metres. I think my best shot would be forming a strong community and trying for some kind of self-sustaining group commune type thing, in which case I would be very happy to garden and sew and repair things and cook and clean and all that kind of stuff. Actually facing down zombies? Would probably just try to run away tbh, unless they are very slow and easily decapitated with like, idk, an axe tied to a branch or something.
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
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I posted 6,693 times in 2022
That's 6,693 more posts than 2021! becausw the account didnt exist then
936 posts created (14%)
5,757 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,048 of my posts in 2022
#rambling - 123 posts
#not my art - 111 posts
#save - 48 posts
#my art - 47 posts
#tsp - 45 posts
#sploon - 44 posts
#ask to tag - 39 posts
#witch's heart - 35 posts
#milgram - 34 posts
#reaper no clicky - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i rbd a post from robin but i didn't check to see if robin pyt anything on it and ibtagged u in it i think so i might ahve just tagged u whe
My Top Posts in 2022:
That reminds me my mom let me get the sims 4!!! So i played it today and i made a sim with the like "answer these questions and well make a sim" thing (her name is stacy) and then she went to the library and made some food for herself and then she went home and slept and then i stopped playing
20 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
HFJOne 8 theory
spoilers for one 6, 8, 13 and 17 under the cut
TL;DR: Airy explodes in one 8 and spends the next 7 months trying to get back to the plane.
So we all know in one 8 airy shattered his fucking face right? I have a theory on what exactly happened
It appears airy is an oil lamp as seen earlier in one 17 (he's fumbling around in the dark and turns on and there's a flame in him) and if you don't care for or use your oil lamp properly the glass will crack and shatter and it will explode.
Considering how stone opened liams zipper and out the notes in, how liam unzips open later in the episode, byrce cant go underwater because he is a bottle, and airy can turn on: peoples objects probably function just like objects would normally, at least from where airy and liam are from (liam asks airy if hes from earth and he says yes if i remember correctly)
My theory is that since airy is living in the middle of god damn nowhere he wasn't able to care for himself properly or maybe he was trying to turn off but he fucked up and exploded halfway through eliminating liam, causing his bulb to shatter and him to die. He would then go to the waiting room, and see Julien (toothpaste) waiting there. He'd then probably use the radio to try to get back to the world with the plane. However: he doesn't know the number so he's stuck trying to guess it for 7 months until he finally makes it back.
Now you may be thinking: if Airy was in the waiting room then wouldn't he see Julien and revive him when he gets back? The answer is yes, but no.
When Liam first dies in one 6, he goes to the waiting room and skts down next to Julien. Later on when he, Byrce, and Texty get struck by lightning in one 13, they aren't on the plane anymore and they go to a waiting room without julien and a bunch of other people, probably dead.
This leads me to believe that each universe has it's own waiting room, where people who die in that universe go to. So if you die on the plane you go to the plane's waiting room, if you die on earth you go to earth's, etc.
If Airy is transporting himself to different universes for 7 months, and then dying in those universes to get back, then he'd be in a different waiting room each time. Doing 7 months of the same thing repeatedly would probably make him forgey Julien was even still waiting in the first place
So that's my massive theory hesdcanon thing
20 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Do you think fictional men with poor morals and me could on purposed kiss
23 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
hello I tried to make a quiz but I didnt want to sign up for uquiz or quotev
I give you a character from my kinlist
31 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Witchs heart spoilers probably idfk
Ashe, writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
42 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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semi-imaginary-place · 11 months
Started watching anime on a whim
Watched 5 episodes of uh the one about the edgy feral witch"s apprentice and i kept waiting for it to get good and theres some good story ideas but too much of is stupid. Also would have worked better with a female protag. Wow he really is consistently feral rather liked that concept actually. But too much of it is contrived like dude's phone has a command to conveniently unlock all the cells with no restrictions or in general the lack to security checks on weapons. Or really the put the one witch baby tree where the humans can get it? And then protag levels half a city but struggles to kill this one dude. Also anime crimes against women: rape for cheap drama is so boring to watch. Op ed songs were great tho.
Finally watching jujutsu kaisen and over the last few years i have seen sooo much stuff for this show and i still didnt know that pink? hair was the protag i usually see the white and black haired dudes. Oh this is well produced, and the animation is good. I see why people like it. Lesbian. I love her already. Oh black hair ive been seeing isnt megumi its the dude with plugs and hair tied up.
Ep5: ok thats very interesting the dynamic. Megumi's trying to get himself and itadori out alive. Initially tries to pressure ... Sukuna? To regenerate even willing to sacrifice his life then switches to suppression because he has no chance in a fight even if that risks itadori bleeding out. Oh theres the dude ive been seeing he's an antagonist? Also whiplash from itadori dying (im assuming some bs happens that revives him) to school tournament.
What is up with all these dudes ripping their shirts off?? This is like the 3rd time this has happened??
Office bro is dead he's challenging the final boss in ep like 9/24.
13 oh yeah they all still think he's dead
18 uh what happened to the run away plan? Eh this arc is pretty boring for me.
I cant remember do sukuna and itadori remember when the other is in control? Also for a series about highschoolers there is remarkably little highschool stuff the cast could easily be in their early 20s joining an organization.
former punk fushiguro lol. also love how the 3 others instantly jump on the opportunity to troll him.
24. it's interesting to see how anime has changed over the years. if jjk had been released in 2003 this would have been an episodic monster of the week style show where every episode they would take out a different curse with reused animation.
i love her. kugisaki murdering a dude in front of their family and boasting about it. damn. jjk draws the line between curses and humans and immediately like next episode blurs that line. i like how this si getting to itadori
Movie: i like how for once the big monster is a girl. The contrast between jjk 0 and the main series really highlights two genres jjk could have taken. With okkotsu(?) Jjk is a darker supernatural horror thriller with its shy low self esteem protag like deadman wonderland or tokyo ghoul among others there was an era where this style/subgenre was very popular. The second genre with itadori is the hotblooded battle shounen. I actually like the latter so im not complaining just an observation. Also i see why tumblr and twitter like geto.
S2e1: gay. The op end ed might as well be ship amvs
i might like this better than the first season wow.
uhhhh wasn't it suppose to be really bad if the girl died
bro that sounds like burnout you need a vacation.
aw i liked the flashback arc. back to 2018
hmm robot kun might not make it out of this. wow yeah just add more death flags.
gojo sure has changed huh. used to be more amoral. kinda sad geto is actually dead he was a good character although given what the series has established so far the author could revive anyone plausibly.
from curses to sapient curses and transformed humans to curse users aka the bad humans i wonder when it'll just be whoever jujutsu highschool doesn't like.
I think I've come around on gojo its funny how the show goes out of its way to tell the audience how good looking he is like girls swarming him or characters commenting on his pretty eyes and flawless skin and then the part i really like how this is contrasted with his annoying personality that no one likes. Its so funny, his coworkers tolerate him at best theres like maybe 3 people tops that actively like being around him. Also he only really started covering his eyes after the flashback arc, i wonder if its because of those events whether its the unlocking 6 eyes (why is it called that) or geto leaving. Because with the blindfold he mostly just looks like a weirdo. I also cant help but wonder if gojo losing sight of his humanity during the tengen incident, like he seemed very... unmoored? meant geto didnt have a grounding point to rely on later. So by the time gojo had figured himself out and how to be a functioning person again geto was already gone.
Scrolled through tumblr and wow people are horny for the deadbeat. Also nanami. The oldest womb dude too but i expected that since he's a half dead looking goth which is just up tumblr's alley. Wow i havent seen a reader insert plague this bad since haikyuu. Go straight girls go (just stay away from me).
judge jury executioner the jujutsu world really is a lawless mobstate.
37. huh. what was that spaghetti scene
39 eyy reached the last currently available episode. lots of active plot threads. i still don't know what was up with chrono(?) or where he ran off to. deadbeat zombi toji has picked out megumi. mahito and whats his face are roaming around. not sure I'll read the manga but i might skim it. the best part of this show is the cool fight scenes afterall.
Was thinking about the framing of the flashback arc op and ed. And they appear so carefree and warm because we're seeing how gojo remembers his highschool days. He's dreaming of days past wishing he could return to them.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. oldy honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😅
Oh no, that's not good. Are you feeling better now? I definitely hate that feeling, if I packed enough or not. But hopefully you did, and if not, there's nothing to worry about because you can just buy what you missed. The most important thing to remember is that you need to have fun with your family 😌
I'm doing slightly okay but I'll be fine. Just trying not to really think about the things that happened. Oh but I went to get my glasses today. It was the right one that I chose hehe.
Nah don't go to sleep, stay up til 4am and just be ready to go 🤣 just kidding. Hopefully you get to sleep soon and sleep some more during the flight!
Dang I would've cried if I lost parts of what I wrote. Especially since writing it at that moment, everything flowed then when you check again it's not the same feel to it.
Also, I was just asking how much have you written for part 4. Will it be a good ending? A bad ending? An angsty ending? Hahaha and I know I know, you'll probably respond saying "no spoilers!!!" 😒
Hm I think I know what you mean then by pet play. I think I saw some stories on here or on wattpad.. yeah that one I can't read either.
I like country music, but the sad ones lol I used to like Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood. But I don't think I've heard new music from them in a while.
You really like Glass Animals don't you. I need to check them out to see what the hype is all about ahaha.
Songs that remind me of my crush:
1. Secret by Maroon 5
2. Hot by Avril Lavigne
3. Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Hm has anyone ever serenaded you? If yes, what song did they sing?
- CuriousGeorge
Hello hello pouty righty eyebag!
Yeah i feel better, even little thoughts start to think if i forget something. I even think if the house okay, did i forget to turn off something or if i lock the front n back door or if the garage door close or not. 😅
My mind just keep thinking stuff like a rapid flashes but when i need it to think important stuff it turns so slow in a second.lol.
Thank u for the wise word corn-punn! I appreciate it. I will try to remember what u said. 😊
Oh okay..im glad u r better. I really wish i could help u n be a listener for u. 😊
U got ur glasses??? Yaaaaaay. No more headache n annoying contacts! Haha. N also yaaay u got the right glasses! I wish i could see it. 😊
Yeah i almost gave up n didnt want to write it but that dark fic idea has been on my mind for a while so i had to let it out plus it's dark scarlet witch wanda so i cant ignore it..lol. hv u read it? Im just curious. 😊
Oh for pt. 4, i havent write that much but i already know what i want to write. N yess u r right! No spoilers policy..😅 if i answer it here, everybody gonna read it n know.. that wouldnt be fun.hahaha.
Oh i see..yeah i got what u meant. So u r on wattpad too?? So did u find n read my story in tumblr or wattpad?
Yesss i love Glass Animals. Pls do check them n let me know what u think about it. 😊
U really like Maroon 5 as much as I do! Haha. Also, talking about them, i end up listen to their song today because of u. Lol. N some backstreet boys n nsync plus britney songs too.
I was think n wanted to tell u that their accoustic albums are so good n i actually like the accoustic versions of some songs from songs about jane album than the original one. I love how Levine improvise singing it.
The Harder To Breath is really good but my favorite one on that album is The Sun.
Oooh those nice songs for a crush.. is this ur current crush? Now im curious about this crush of urs.. is she in tumblr? Or someone from real life? Tell me more bout her pls if u r comfortable to do so, of course.😁
Hm. Did u mean sing for me? Yeah, my husband sings for me pretty often since we started dating until now 😅 he sometimes sings random songs or sometimes sings n evem rap his own song about me.🤣🤣 but now he sings more about em.lol
What bout u?
Next question?
0 notes
souleaterpostanime · 2 years
"serious" update and "concept art"(old scribbles)
So anyways, as I have alluded to in the past, a certain deadline is fast aproaching. Basically, without oversharing to much, I will have open hearth surgery around the 25-27(well actually thats when I have to be in the hospital, the surgery could happen a few days or weeks after that), depending on time zones and stuff. Basically, it shouldn't be deadly but you never know, and because it will open the rib cage and shit, the whole rehibilitation time will be around two months, so, even best case scenario, dont expect a chapter before that, and thats not counting readjusting to life or rethinking things and you know.
But in the case I only leave a glowing red orb after a doctor cuts the wrong artery or something and says "yeah sorry" to my corpse:
I dont want to leave the two of you, that may care how this story was supposed to go and end, hanging. But even if I personally don't think that spoilers ruin a story, Im not here to argue this and I also dont want to set into stone something in case I do survive.
So anyways the plan is, that I will set up a schedulde post, and if I dont make it, in around a year on my tumblr (because that lets one schedulde post) a summary of all the spoilers and shit will apear, with all my planed payoffs, weird arc and villian ideas and other esoteric concepts.
But to make up for possibly waiting that long for the inenventible, I found some old toilet pap-- I mean very important and not totally random notes, that show some scribbles I had so here you go.
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Patty, hopefully not touching the stove or anything
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Back from the exiting “hardrive broke suddenly and I lost a lot of stuff arc” a classic
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Some witch desings, one’s more generic than others
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Remember when that “this is halloween” amv was popular?
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Kind of a spoiler, if you get what it’s supposed to be
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How can the sun cast a shadow on itself like that, guess if it smiles and has a face, why not?
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other witch design
(Still have more somewhere but didn't have time to find everything)
And for everyone reading, I will reveal one spoiler, even if it was totally clear to everybody, but confirmation is allways nice...
The one pairing, that everybody is reading... Yes it will happen by the end, and they will lead a happy family life, even after all the trauma they both had to experience.
Yes everyones favorite OTP, the reason people even still care about this show...
Ragnarok and Tsubaki is canon.
But all jokes aside, I'm thankfull for the people that liked and left comments on the stupid comic, even if it was out of pity or morbid curiosity or just midnlessly clicking the hearth symbol. And I'm also sorry to the people that felt offended if I didnt follow them or didnt like their work, and here I try to explain my reasoning: even if it sounds contradictory, the main motive of writting the comic was to actually get out of fandom brainrot, by turning it into something productive, that would make me make a whole story and get experience for any future original works and apreciation for the actuall creation of something and not just mindlessly criticise it. Anyways, thats why I tried to hold a distance - I didnt want to become a "member of a fandom", because I personally thought it would just lead me to a madness of obsession, and I didnt want to show a bad example, thought that I just made a work that stands by its own, I can avoid the pitfalls of it all.
Ofcourse I am a hypocrite and I seeked validation and engadgment, even if it conflicted with my personal ethics and morality, especially the more my thought evolved. So yeah, thats basically why I didnt follow anybody and why I rarely commented or liked others work, but when I did, I usually tried to encourage the creation of storys and exploration of ideas beyond of just wishfullfilment even though by the end my own comic contains a lot of it, Im a hypocrit afterall But whatever it be, I apreciated all the support of everyone and hope all of you archieve your creative aspirations, especially beyond just of soul eater. But if this still seems just like excuses for my behaviour: yeah sorry-
Nah actually if you are still reading, I'll give more updates:
If Im surviving, Im doing the unthinkable fandom sin of making an soul eater iceberg video,probably to be released on an apropriate date like the first of a certain month.This one will be the most weird, dark and esoteric one, so jf you have any truly obscure or bizarr knowledge or connections to soul eater - you can share it with me.
And finally, the next arc after this is going to be called "The desert of the real", and star Patty, while having a cowboy/b movie vibe while also subverting it all, as maybe the title gives a hint, if you know you know.
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(Baudrillard turning in his grave, although I just continued the process of simmulacra on hos work making it, unreal and fake, even his theory is, revealed to be nothing under it, so actually I’m just continuing his project in my praxis!)
(oh also if I comment, post or like after the 25-27, dont assume that Im a ghost haunting this app/blog/site,but its just the fact that Im waiting on the operation while being there, because that can take days or even weeks till the whole thing itself takes place, so before you just lay bored in a hospital bed full of anxiety, which may be relieved by mindlessly posting shit, even if it breaks ones prinicipals
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coinandcandle · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you could give me your opinion on some stuff?
i started to practice divination very young with my mother gifting me her viking runes and a tarot deck, nowadays i still have the runes i have my own tarot deck and oracle deck, plus a bunch of pendulums which i also use for divination.
i also started working with sigils and charms on my own. i later found out they had a name and there were other methods while searching on the internet but originally i didnt know they had an specific name.
i have always learned all this stuff alone so sometimes when i look up stuff in tumblr that talks about appropriation and so on i wonder if i am doing something wrong? i am also a bit terrified of asking other people about this stuff since one time a woman that my parents know insisted that i was a medium and that i had to be "trained" by her teacher or i would suffer.
i said no and she told me a bunch of very awful stuff so that was a bit traumatic and cemented all this working stuff alone.
am i doing something wrong? sorry if this ask is out of place you seem knowledgeable and approachable
Howdy my dear!
Let me start off by saying I'm sorry any of that happened to you. No one should try to force into a path in any religion, faith, or belief system. Especially since she tried to scare you into it, it sound like maybe she was trying to scam you in some way. If you are a medium, great, but that's something you can decide to work on if you want to.
That being said, I don't know you personally, I don't know your path or what you practice so I can't really condone or condemn anything that you're doing.
I will say that It's not your fault that you didn't know that things were appropriation, a lot of us were taught by older (white) witches that these things were okay when they very much are not. It's good that you've clocked it, and as long as you continue to learn and listen to the affected communities then I'd say you're doing alright!
Also, it's 1000000% alright to practice alone. No one says you need to be in a coven or that you need to share your practice with anyone else! However, it is beneficial to plenty of withes and pagans to talk to each other, even in non-coven situations like a discord server or something of the like.
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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mcd-ms-rants · 3 years
anyways it’s finally here
• ok but the animations here are great. actually tho they're so fluid and clear. Credits to whoever made them!!
• and now let’s do the real thing
• ok so first off this is where the actual plot starts. I know that some people were getting bored of the monotony of the slice of life episodes so they liked it. Again there’s nothing inherently wrong with having it but you have to remember that these characters most likely weren’t written to be in a plot and I say this because their personalities are funny and lighthearted. Their clearly meant for comedy. This also makes them redundant for plot since most of them a few characters barely have any development which is probably why like half the cast was dropped. im not sure how far back jess had planned the plot but needless to say most of the characters wouldn‘t be able to fit there. Travis, Katelyn, KC and the sk’s just dipped for the whole season and even when kc, Travis and Katelyn do show up in s5 their personalities really took a beating
• WHERE DID LAURANCE AND DANTE GO?? We never see them after s3. its probably because their personalities were too funny for plot but laurance was a shadow knight in mcd and since the whole of mys is so hyped up on the whole ‘mcd and mys are connected’ thing by all means he should’ve been there too
• it makes sense that since the lodge is jointly owned by the Ro’meaves and the Lycans, Garroth, Zane and Aaron- and by extension, Aphmau- would come along. it make sense that they would ask Lucinda for help- she’s a skilled witch and has been their friend since high school. theyre literally neighbors. it makes NO SENSE to being Kim- a girl whom they’ve barely ever interacted with and whom they barely know- to a place meant for close family to go to. Ok from a plot perspective yes Kim needed to be there but Aphmau logically doesnt know that yet.
• how does ghost/emmalyn even exist?? We’ve seen emmalyn and kenmur in s1 and they’re ok. not dead or anything. Yes I know that this is mcd emmalyn and she is directly referencing mcd Zane when she says that’s the only name she remembers from when she was alive but that raises two questions- first, how can both mcd and mys versions of her exist at the same time?? and second, what exactly happened between her and mcd zane?? It sounds like she either hates him way more than she loves kenmur (or she’d remember him too) that it’s the only name she remembers or its Stockholm Syndrome.
• I feel that since the plot demanded a ghost vessel thing that was the only reason Aphmau brought Kim. it’s pretty clear that Dante and laurance wouldn’t fit the role because of their personalities so she just remade an older character and changed her completely right down to her skin to fit the plot. her whole personality changes with it- look at her I mean she even becomes more open when she talks. Again this only happened because none of the existing characters could fill that role because IT WASNT MEANT TO HAVE PLOT
• no one likes you michi girl take the hint
• seeing liochant brings back meMoriEs
• what was that potion that lucinda made and which Garroth threw on Zane?? its clear that it cured him from the effects of the forever potion but the bigger question is WHY DONT THEY USE THIS IN S6?? Ok yes in s4 Aphmau gets freed by the power of love(TM) but that doesn’t mean you do that for everyone
• as someone who liked Laurance’s character I miss him :(
• ok there’s WAY TOO MANY PROBLEMS with Ein and his villain shtick. Ein is basically some obsessive werewolf yandere boy who has an unhealthy obsession with aphmau and hates Aaron. and the cherry on top is that Aphmau is his HALF SISTER. THATS INC*ST. That’s GROSS. What is it with Aphmau antagonists and not having a clear motive or backstory?? mcd Zane and Ein both suffer from this and it shows. there were definitely better motives to give him- he doesn’t have to be centered around Aphmau all the time!! And even if you don’t want to go to all the trouble of rewriting the plot you could at least make it so that Ein knows that he and Aphmau are related. Maybe he wants a perfect sister instead and he’s willing to go to any lengths to get her there. it would still be dark and serious but it would be SO MUCH BETTER than the current plotline. Also showing the contrast between his pdh and s4 self and then not giving any semblance of an explanation really makes it difficult to imagine where it all went wrong. yes Michael definitely had something to do with it but to what extent?? How much is Ein actually in control of?? Is he under the influence of a forever potion when he turns Zane, Lucinda and Aphmau to his side?? Is he still under its influence when he fights Aaron?? look I get that they can’t reveal everything but leaving out THIS MUCH and not even revealing it in s6 makes it very difficult to accurately nail Ein’s character.
• how is Aaron even revived?? is that Irene?? how is she here and what is she doing here?? Can we have answers pls. also it makes no sense that she saves Aaron TWICE- once in s4 and second in s6. How does death even work here if Irene can just swoop in and bring them back to life. i feel like none of the villains ever count as threats then because you know that a cryptic mysterious goddess who somehow looks just like your girlfriend will revive you.
• how did Aaron even survive?? No seriously how?? We know that there’s no service or wifi up there at the lodge so using their phones is out of the question. i don’t think Lucinda would be able to conjure up a whole medical team for Aaron. and they're on a MOUNTAIN. It takes precious time to get down from it. for context, even if they sent Garroth (since he’s the fastest) down to get help they’d have to wait for him to reach the village area at the base of the mountain, get a phone, call for help, wait for said help to arrive and get Aaron to a hospital. meanwhile Aaron is bleeding out from multiple gashes on his chest made at like point black range that are critical at best and fatal at worst. (his only saving grace is the snow he’s on which would help to numb the wound because its cold but he has like FIVE deep chest wounds and the snow isn’t even on his wounds.) Ya sorry I don’t see how he manages to survive.
• did I mention that I miss Laurance?? • Why is Aaron not at a hospital I don’t even see a ventilator or oxygen mask near him. Listen I’m not a medical expert but those gashes landed straight on his chest which means straight on his lungs and dangerously close to his heart. how is he alive. how is he not choking on blood right now. we know he’s bleeding out- I’m pretty sure one of the doctors even says “Mrs Lycan, we need to draw more blood for your son.” yes he’s bleeding out why is no one trying to idk stop the wound through pressure with a cloth or something?? (Note: it’s been a while since I’ve watched s4, so if I do get anything wrong thats why!!) also why are the werewolf doctors so chill about Aaron’s ultima eyes? like yes they’re doctors they could’ve been sworn to secrecy or maybe they work for the Lycans but Derek is shown to be really paranoid about anyone finding out about Aaron being the ultima. how does he know they won’t tell it to someone else??
k imma head out now-
thanks for reading!! <3 <3
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scribblesandsorcery · 3 years
Tagged by @celta-diabolica and @bedeliainwonderland 🖤 Thank you!
1. Why did you choose your url?
All the previous usernames I'd used had been based around fandoms I was in when I made them, so I was looking for something not fandom-specific that could encompass my current interests and whatever else I might get into. I chose "scribbles" because it covers both writing and art, and "sorcery" for the alliteration and because witch vibes have always been a thing with me.
2. Any side blogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I had an old Tumblr back in the day (2010-ish?) that I barely used, but I lost the login. I made this blog in 2019, but it didn't really get used until 2021.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No, I still don't really understand Tumblr or its user interface (I miss the LJ/Dreamwidth system tbh), so I just reblog stuff as I feel like it.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Back in 2019 I was considering dipping my toe back into fandom for the first time in a few years, so I made a new Tumblr, but then I got busy with work and real life stuff so it sat inactive until lockdown. During lockdown I watched the first 6 seasons of The X-Files and became a fan of Gillian Anderson, and then I watched all of Hannibal on Netflix in like two days, and well...Bedelia is very much my type of character. And then fic ideas started happening, and that's when I started actually using this blog.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's a stock image that I thought fit the vibe of my url.
7. Why did you choose your header?
It was big enough and the right colour scheme, mostly xD But also, Yuuko Ichihara has been a major influence in my life since my troubled teen years. She's one of my favourite characters, I RPed her on LJ back in the day, and she was the subject of the first fanfic I ever wrote, so it felt fitting. Also it's just nice artwork.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
This shitpost about writing that I made in the middle of the night is the only post of mine to hit triple digits, and I gained four or five followers from it (doesn't sound like much, but I was new on here and had maybe six followers at the time).
9. How many mutuals do you have?
...something like 6? I don't know many people.
10. How many followers do you have?
About 25? And I think half of those are bots. I hang out in my little corner of fandom and I'm pretty shy, so I've only made a few new friends on here.
11. How many people do you follow?
82, apparently.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
That's basically what my Tumblr is for. I get the shitposting out of my system on here rather than on social media that has my professional name attached. Well, mostly.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I check in regularly.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. I just hang out in my little corner, and most of my fandoms are dead enough that there's no one to argue with anyways.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I mostly ignore them.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! I'm very shy, but I'm always happy when people tag me in things.
17. Do you like ask games?
I haven't posted any yet, but I have a bunch of fic/writing ones I'll get to at some point.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
I mean, I have maybe 12 people following me, so y'all are famous compared to me.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
If we've ever interacted at any point, I am still thinking about it and worrying that I said or did something stupid/weird, so uh...interpret that how you will.
I tag @the-girl-who-didnt-make-anysense @ohhalefire @boojums-snark and anyone else who wants to play 🖤
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Aaaaa thank you so much for answering my ask !! Now can we get Bucci gang with the witch ask please ??
Your wish is my command!
I added Trish to this one too 🌹
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I love Mista’s smile in the other one but I really needed one with Giorno
- I think less of the Bucci gang will be attracted to witchy based on their aesthetic. 😆 Giorno has kind of a mysterious aura. I think he would have caught the eye of witchy first.
- Giorno is a charmer, too. Gifts of flowers, showing them butterflies and birds and other beautiful living things; dare I say they fall hard and they fall fast for him
- He is also very attentive and observant of others though; especially of his s/o, he’ll notice something is different about them rather quickly
- As Giorno is prone to action, sometimes even to the extreme, he’ll get them to reveal their abilities to him in some extremely over dramatic fashion - maybe he gets himself gravely wounded, knowing he can heal himself with Gold Experience should his hunch be incorrect
- Of course, it isn’t, and his s/o will spring into action to help him, revealing their magic
- Depending on how they react to revealing to him they’re a witch, Giorno will reveal his own abilities only if they aren’t upset about it
- He did also just trick the person he’s supposed to care about most in the world, that’s not exactly something to be proud of
- As far as witches go, he’s not that bothered by it. Frankly, Polpo was weirder than this. Also I don’t remember if Giorno knows his father was a vampire or not, but if he does than a witch is nothing lol
- He can use Gold Experience to create animals and plants for his s/o’s magic, which they are incredibly grateful for
- Absolute power couple, you do not fuck with the boss of Passione and his s/o, or the absolute unit of a dog that seems to be always with them
- Witchy definitely approached him. They probably even know who he is, cuz I feel like Bruno is pretty well known in the city. I can see how a witch would absolutely, totally want to get with a member of the Italian mafia.
- Bruno is more affectionate than anyone the witch has ever had in their life. They are completely and utterly charmed by him. At first they even wonder if it was some kind of spell, but no, it’s just Bruno and how charismatic he is.
- Bruno is ashamed of the blood on his hands, and wishes to keep his s/o from that world. Witchy wants to become closer to understand the underworld
- Similar to Risotto, he finds out about his s/o’s identity after he discovers a plot to kidnap them for ransom; he arrives to find a similar scene, the hellhound spitting fire and the witch kicking ass
- He’s mostly quite relieved at first. He doesn’t have to worry about them, because they are clearly capable on their own
- Bruno is a little worried about his s/o, however. He’s protective of those he’s close to after what happened with his father, and he fears if their secret gets out that Passione might want to try and use them
- He will continue to try to keep them out of the gangster life
- He will support them the best he can, and he will dote over them as much as I can see Bruno being extremely doting over any s/o of his
- The hellhound likes him a lot because Bruno respects its power, but is strong enough on his own to protect witchy
- He is the exception. He is absolutely attracted to witchy at first because of their witchy goth aesthetic.
- Witchy was instantly attracted to him. I mean look at him, he’s literally the ideal goth husband
- You’ve never seen a hotter couple
- The hellhound is not a submissive pet, it only listens to the witch; except when it comes to Abbacchio. It is entirely submissive to Abbacchio
- I kinda have this funny headcanon that Abbacchio was very into the occult when he was younger, and he started getting back into it after his life fell apart but before he met Bruno; so he picks up rather quickly that his s/o is a witch
- He doesn’t bring it up for a long time though, because he didn’t think it was relevant
- It’s just so not a big deal to him that it shocks witchy
- Also probably was a little attracted because of the witchy goth aesthetic. He thought they were way out of his league, but hit on then anyway
- He was entirely shocked when they flirted back.
- Witchy thought he was extremely cute (I mean who doesn’t??)
- They absolutely love how superstitous Mista is. Superstition goes hand in hand with magic.
- Mista is enjoying his relationship with witchy so much that any indicators of what they are go straight over his head
- When they finally tell him his reaction is about as exaggerated and comical as you can imagine. His eyes practically pop out of his head and he’s yelling to high heaven “WHAT you’re a WITCH?!”
- Witchy probably has to kiss him to shut him up
- Mista thinks it’s really hot and would absolutely be down to be a little guinea pig for them
- Narancia was blown away the first time he saw them and was nearly love at first sight
- His earnesty and passion won them over almost instantly as well
- He loves the hellhound and the hellhound loves him
- Thanks to Aerosmith and it’s incredible tracking, Narancia always knows when someone is approaching him
- His s/o notices the pattern immediately, wonders if Narancia has some sort of ability they’ve never come across
- They approach the subject of Narancia’s abilities, to which Narancia explains his Stand to them and they are just very confused
- Narancia gets overexcited and thinks they have a Stand too
- He’s very confused when they say no. So what has he been sending all this time on his radar around them?
- S/o explains what they are and Narancia has a very exaggerated reaction similar to Mista
- He didn’t know witches could exist! Stands are about as weird as he’s seen
- Will become incredibly protective; I mean, he is already, but as soon as the idea that someone might hurt them over their powers comes to his mind, it never leaves
- He and the hellhound have an interesting relationship because they both kind of annoy each other but at the same time respect
- Also is probably okay with being a guinea pig a little for their spells, as long as they give him lots of love and attention afterwards
(I’m so mad bcuz Fugo was the one I had completely written out and it was so good and tumblr didnt save it and I totally forgot everything I wrote so it’s just lost to the void forever)
- Witchy approaches Fugo first. He catches their attention one day, and the look in his eyes has them very curious
- Fugo is guarded, immediately suspicious of them approaching him, and wants to determine if they’re a threat to Bucciarati
- Once he recognizes that they aren’t a threat though, his walls come down
- Like Giorno, hes very intelligent and observant. The closer he gets to his s/o, the more he realizes their odd behavior
- Eventually he confronts them and they come clean about being a witch
- Fugo doesn’t believe them at first and kind of gets angry, but he can recognize the sincerity to their words
- He is a cautious person, and is worried about their safety despite the hellhound.
- Witchy constantly reminds him how special he is, how he caught their eye in the middle of the street
- Okay you know that thing how they used to say Barbie vs goth but now it’s Barbies and goths love each other? That’s Trish and her s/o
- They met because they were both trying to compliment one another
- What a goddamn power couple based on looks alone
- I don’t think Trish would catch on to her s/o being a witch. She strikes me as a bit similar to Narancia in that regard
- Witchy probably notices some weird patterns too, that things seem to turn a soft jelly consistency for a moment when Trish is around
- When her s/o tells her they’re a witch, Trish is also shocked but at the same time, she isn’t. Stands were the thing that kinda shattered her perception of reality. Learning about witches so soon afterwards I think her surprise would be tempered
- Really gets into it when her s/o shows off their abilities. She finds them amazing
- Loves the hellhound even after finding out its a hellhound. It would never hurt her, it loves her too though it might act a little tsundere toward the affection Trish gives it
[A/N: sorry this literally took me forever some reason. I’m gonna blame it partially on tumblr pissing me off when it deleted all the Fugo I had written the first time]
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