#diffrent spokes
zero-is-nebulous · 3 months
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Tee bee atech I might jig this design a bit but this is what I have so far, he's a Japanese dragon because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh he's a big tall strong handsome man and allat
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demonsword586 · 3 months
Leviathan Attacker part 2
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Walking down the hallway with a stomach full of Leviathan was an experience you didn't know whether to call exhausting or exhilarating.
With each step he took,Leviathan's cum oozed from between your buttcheeks and dripped on to the floor.
MC: Urgh,ugh,ugh....
Your moans in time with his footsteps also made the quiet hallway noisy.
He strode forward as if there were no doors or walls in the corridors of the palace of Hades.
And if a door stood in his way,his subjects would appear out of nowhere like ghosts and opened it for him,silently bowing.
MC: ( What the Hell is happening in Hades...no,to Leviathan today?)
But no one could hear your question and even if they could,you thought they woudn't answer.
After passing through so many doors that you coudn't even remember how many there were,you felt you had reached the very depths of the palace.
Barbatos: Ahh,you came,MC!
MC: Barb,ugh..tos?...
A few steps ahead,Barbatos greeted you at the door,the largest,most beautiful and most intricately decorated door you had ever seen.
His sunny smile was still there,but the only diffrent thing was that he had lowered his eyes and didn't look your way.
MC:(Is this consideration for me or his king?)
Even at this moment you were absorbing the gaze of another handsome man without even realizing it.
He quickly opened the door, making sure Leviathan didn't hit it and let him inside.
MC: ( This is....?!)
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The moment he opened the door,you inhaled Leviathan's scent all at once,as if you had struck your nose inside his head and felt your mind go into a trance.
His scent lingered strongly in the room,as if he had sprayed a heavy perfume made from his body odor.
The room that seemed to be in the deepest parts of the palace of Hades,
Had a completely diffrent vibe than the darker corrodors and halls of Hades.
MC: (It's really snug,cozy and comftrable!)
It fwlt like a cradle of a child and also the bedroom of a newlywed couple.
MC: (Bedroom...?)
You instinctively noticed that this was Leviathan's bedroom.
MC: ( Satan and Mammon said that 'Leviathan sleeps in a narrow coffin'...were they joking?!)
Because Leviathan was still inside you,you were walking while he penetrated you.
Barbatos: MC...Your Majesty....I hope you take a safe rest at a safe place.
Barbatos's sunny smile remained intact as he lowered his eyes,but there was a brief cruch of grinding teeth.
The door slammed shut with a slight,but hard-to-point-out sound.
And the next moment.
MC: Levia-...!
The name that you didn't even finish calling,it was your last word. Leviathan's lips had swallowed your voice.
It interrupted your words,but you replied to his kiss as though you had been waiting for it.
Although no one was interrupting,no, when this palace and perhaps all devils in this country were helping.
Leviathan and you pressed your lips together,swallowing each other's lips and breaths hard like you were in a hurry.
When Leviathan lay you on the bed with his lips on yours,
The mattress of the bed groaned behind your back as it tried to aupport your weight and Leviathan's at the same time.
Leviathan's penis slid out of your hole as you shifted from being held and penetrated to lying down.
MC: (He suddenly left me...)
You felt hollow inside,empty,but Leviathan's kisses alone made you frantic.
What's more,as the thing blocking the entrance dissapeared,the enormous amount of cum Leviathan had filled you with gushed out,making you shudder,completly overcome by the unfamiliar sensation.
As you lay there,seemingly trapped in Leviathan's arms, you briefly wondered if he intended to squash his entire body and not only his tongue in your mouth.
That's how much he has pressed you,frantically absorbed in the kiss.
As he pressed more and more of his weight against you,your legs naturally spread wide to the sides and Lwviathan took his place between them.
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Leviathan spoke to himself with an expression that was at once maddeningly focused and equally dazed.
Leviathan felt both murderous and affectionate toward the being infront of him,lunging for something hot and waem that was filling him at the same time.
You felt your breath catch in your throat as Leviathan's tongue curled around the root of your tongue,meeting your lips without the slightest hint of seperation.
You reached out and let your fingers dig into Leviathan's hair,then grabbed a hanful of the sweaty strands.
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With your other hand,you hastily unbuttoned Leviathan's shirt.
The unbuttoned hem of the shirt brushed against your stomach and the tip of your chest, sending shivers down your spine.
Then just as you thought you were concentrating on the kiss,Leviathan suddenly grabbed one of your legs and lifted it over his shoulder.
You reflexively squezzed your inner thighs together which made you spread your legs even wider.
MC: (Ah,this is embarrassing!!)
Even in this state,Leviathan bend over and kissed you.
Leviathan: (I should go even deeper)
Just as Leviathan acted like a beast ready to pounce at his prey.
Your eyes locked with Leviathan's,which seemed to have no focus,mainly moving faithfully to his desires.
In that moment,you felt the uncontrollable lust that Leviathan was feeling in the addition to the perversity and lust you already had,spread to you like fire.
MC: Leviathan...come...deeper inside me! Give me your everything!
Leviathan: Deeper...where it's warmer...
Leviathan slowly straightened his back.
And so your eyes were filled with the sight of your leg draped over his shoulder and the sight of Leviathan's face which was not at least bit disturbed by what he had done to you.
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MC: !!!
Once again,his pole penetrated you again and filled you inside.
Your toes twiched as your legs surged into the air.
You coudn't even manage a moan as you felt your toes twich in embarrassment.
Each time Leviathan rocked in you,your body shook and scream-like moans filled the room.
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Spawled out on the bed with your hair disheveled,you didn't know what expression to wear at this moment.
But after a moment of useless consideration,Leviathan leaned forward a bit more.
The delicate eyebrows filled your field of vision instead of the ceiling and at the same time,the pressure filling your insides increased.
MC: (This is...visual bombardament...It feels...fuller on the outside than the insides...)
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Leviathan: I like your face...
Your image filled Leviathan's vision.
By then,Leviathan has somehow managed to see you through his glazed mind.
Leviathan: You are the daughter/son of Solomon...You shoudn't be in Hell...
Leviathan growled to himself.
Leviathan: If there is a 1% chance...that you're a danger,you must be destroyed. You are a danger...better to kill you right here...
Leviathan uttered terrifying words,but his action said otherwise.
But with eaxh thrust of his hips,each time your moans echoed louder beneath him,his impatience ebbed a little.
Despite being the sturdiest,most solidly made bed in Hell,the frame cried out as Leviathan strained against it,unable to withstand the force.
Even the sound was stimulating and you grabbed Leviathan's forearm as you squezzed your eyes shut.
Rhen you could hear more vividly the squeking and gurgling noises Leviazhan made as he engaged with you,
Because the end of his pole was still dripping with cum,unabated from earlier.
Fhe music that echoed in the hallway,but somehow didn't play in this room - the sound of flesh against flesh,the squeak of the bed,seemed to lick your ears.
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gavisfanta · 3 months
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summary: you and Gavi don't need words to communicate.
a/n: short one but Im working on the requests
warnings: none
"words are very unnecessary"
Gavi asked you out on the 24th of April 2023.
You said yes, nothing more.
Unlike others relationships, yours and Gavi's was... quiet.
"How was your day?" You sometimes asked after he came from practice, you always waited for him to come home before going to sleep.
"Good, yours?" He asked while taking off his shirt and his pants too.
"Good too." You answered and he flashed you a quick smile before going to brush his teeth.
After he was done in the bathroom he crawled onto the bed with you and fell asleep, with his head on his chest and your arms around him.
Sex wasn't diffrent either.
Nothing more escaped your lips than a few moans and swearing under your breath. For Gavi it was the same, after you two were done and all cleaned up, he mostly sealed the act with a short and quiet "I love you" to which you responded quickly.
"I love you too."
The friends of you two considered you crazy.
"Relationships are based off of communication?!" Pedri asked the two of you, but in reality, a relationship was built off of comfort.
Gavi and you didn't feel uncomfortable while being around eachother. It was exactly the other way around.
You two were both very shy, quiet and not talkative. That's why it was perfect that you two found eachother.
Even if people often told the press after being asked about your and Gavi's relationship that you two are crazy and never talk. That wasn't entirely true.
Gavi learned to read your body language and your looks, just two days after meeting you. Now he could easily tell if you wanted to leave the place, and that only by a single motion.
The same was for you with Gavi.
One move with his arm or his head and you immediately understood.
So one day you and Gavi were sitting on Pedri's couch, on the opposite side of each couch, still facing each other.
As soon as they started talking about their hookups, Gavi and you made eye contact. He raised his brows as soon as he saw your eyes. He saw that you were uncomfortable since some of the guys have been hooking up with your friends and you didn't wanna listen to them talking about it. He then tilted his head to the door and you nodded. Then you two stood up at the same time and Gavi put his hand on your lower back and then turned his head back.
"We'll be right back." Pedri nodded as soon as Gavi said that. As the two of you left the room and went outside, Ferran spoke up.
"That's actually creepy, did you hear them talk?" He asked and looked around the room.
"I told you its creepy what they do" Pedri laughed out and Ferran shook his head.
"taken only to heart"
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andreaheartscats · 4 months
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Ellie Willams
->stressed out reader about school work. -> fluff i guess? no smut. ->roommate Ellie
a/n: helloo there beautiful people! i hope you like this little fic i came up with, please dont mind any bad grammer (if there is any..i hope theres not) english isnt my first laungage so yea. love u all!
Five hours. Youve been studying for five hours now, the tiredness and sleepeness was carching up to you at this point. But the stress was like no other.
It was the last semester and you had so many tests coming up from every possible direction. You were sure that your eyebags had eyebags now, if thats even possible.
The dask was filled with random papers, books from diffrent subjects and many of your mostly filled notebooks. While looking through the papers you had laid messily around your desk, a gentle knock was heard from your bedroom door.
"come in." as you said those words the door opend slowly and there stood Ellie, your roommate and your best friend....and the person you had feelings for.
For a momment Ellie just stood there leaning on the doorframe as she looked at you for some time and finally spoke up. "havent seen you much today." she seemd a bit upset as she said those words.
"sorry Els, im really busy with studying.." saying that, you let out little sigh as you take your reading glasses off to rub your temples in frustration. Ellie takes a notice of your messy desk. Your tired eyes and the empty cans of many diffrent energy drinks laying around your bedroom floor.
Her face frowns a bit as she sees you in this state, honestly feeling bad for you. She noticed how much work you put in school and how much you try.
She walks towards you and crouchs down infront of you while you sat comfortably in your chair. The sight of her this close to you set shivers up and down your spine.
"how 'bout you take a little break yea?"she said with a soft smile forming on her face. The idea didnt sound too bad.. i mean you were pretty tired and a little break couldnt hurt.
Without saying much you just nodded your head at her while giving her a tired smile. You both laugh a little and decide to go to your shared living room and watch some TV.
"alright, you just sit there and ill get you somethin' to snack on babe"
you plop yourself onto the comfortable couch you two bought. Babe. those words triggerd the butterflys in your stomach. Even if you two were just friends, you melted every time she used some kind of pet names.
After sometime, Ellie came back with a bowl of popcorns and some other snacks. She sat them on the table carefully and looked at you with a proud smile. As if a kid would look at their parents when they do something good.
You couldnt help but smile at her. She sat next to you and threw her hand over your shoulder which caught you off guard a bit but you didnt mind.
As Ellie scrolled through the list of series and movies, she looked at you from thr corner of her eye. "you know..i just wanna help you a bit to relax. Youve been working so hard lately."
Her words were so calming. You snuggle into her, your head falling on her shoulder as she traced a little circles on your upper arm. "thanks Els"
you mutter quietly but making sure she knew you were greatful for her and for the things she did. In response Ellie just hummed as she choose a movie.
For the first hour of the movie you enjoyed it. Ellies arm around you as she held you close to her while your head was comfortably laying on her shoulder.. But for the next hour of the movie Ellie heard little snors coming from below her.
She glanced down and noticed you fast asleep. Not daring to move even a inch, not wanting to wake you up from your peacful sleep, she just stayed there watching the rest of the movie untill she finally feel asleep too.
Honestly this might be the best sleep you ever had. Literally cuddling Ellie, "your best friend" , roommate and most importantly your fucking crush!
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brights-place · 5 months
John Dory X Country Troll! reader? PLEASEEE
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John Dory X Country! S/O
Pairings: John Dory X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst at the end neheheheh
A/N: Ah yes the country trolls I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE SO CUTEEEEEEEEE! anyways love yall ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ - COUNTRY TROLLS ARE SO CUTE LIKE OML HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR DESIGNS?!? OMG LIKE THEY ARE SO COOL LOOKING! - John dory once he broke up with brozone explored and met diffrent genres but then... He met you when visiting the country trolls - You were an country troll and you were gorgeous you had the basic troll body type from the waist upwards and wore you usual country troll attire with the lower half of their bodies being that of a horse, complete with hooves and tails. your F/c tail and hair and 2nd f/c skin - Your hair was fluffy and puffy it was gorgeous and made john dory eyes widened you were talking to delta with an huge smile the two of you sitting at an table together as you re-tuned delta is banjo - John dory couldn't help but slow down his walk to stare at it before seeing you noticing John dory as an look of confusion appeared on your face - You walked over staring down at John Dory and the fact you towered over him made him blush slightly as he stared "Uhm- I-" he started as you raised an brow "Whats your name sugar cube?" you said as he became even redder - "John... John Dory" he said trying to sound tough and dominant but became quiet once you raised an brow "John what?" You asked again as he blushed as Delta raised an brow judging John dory - You decided to welcome him but delta judged John dory and telling you to be careful which you were but you wanted to make him feel safe with you guys - Delta soon was fine with John dory around as Delta spoke pointing towards you doing your daily chores "Don't be scare bumpkin'! Our precious (name) is one of the best cowboys in town and you won't find someone like her! She's like a needle in a hay stack, she is!" Delta said chuckling as John dory watch you from afar - He asked about you and country trolls whenever he was wondering and you explained some common values and beliefs often associated with Western societies include individualism, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech, equality, and a strong emphasis on personal and economic freedom. - He literally paid attention to every single thing you said and literally fell in love with you the moment you turned to him smiling and then asking him about pop music and pop troll culture - You wanted to know stuff about him? he literally smiled talking about himself self and he introduced you to some pop music which you then decided to introduce him to country music showing him and teaching him about country music but you literally froze when he spoke up - "Whoa... so its hillbilly music?" literally had to run away as you chased him around he easily lost the small cat and mouse chase and was close to being beaten the shit out of by you - Delta and other cowboys had to hold you back before you told them what he said and everybody was close to beating Up JD who apologized quickly but got stink eyes from many Country trolls
- Since most of country trolls eat  BBQ good most of the time you make him food for fun - He likes when you take him out on rodeos or take him out for dinner whenever he finds it nice and relaxing - He was dancing with you at an barn dance and you placed your cowboy hat ontop of his head and walked away some country trolls jaws drop - "Wow! They done give y'all their cowboy hat? Y'all have a good time now, (Names) sure are picky 'bout what they like." Delta said chuckling patting John dorys shoulder as John raised an eyebrow at her confused "What?" - Wear the Hat and ride the cowboy IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! -Because of your four legs your quite fast at running, have great endurance and are quite strong all of country trolls are but loves when you run around with him sitting and chatting with you as he tells you stories about his trips while you do your duties
- You two started to get close and he'd randomly kiss your cheek whenever he can or pull down your cowboy hat to tease you while your chatting with country trolls who snicker at both of your interactions - You would go on picnic dates and teach him how to do survival skills and he'd learn them and find most of them useful using them himself when he goes exploring - You and Him would have an photo of both of you together smiling and singing that some country trolls took - But John dory explores and travels around he doesn't stay in one place that's normal for him but for you... you were hurt - You cried calling out to "John Please you can't just leave" you said tearing up "(name please you know I move around alot you know this had to be coming right?" You stared to the sand floor before looking up to him with furrowed eyebrows as he spoke "(name)" he started but you cut him off as he reach an hand out to you "Don't... John listen if you do this I won't forgive you we literally are together and if you do this I'm repeating myself but I won't forgive you and what we have will no longer - He left... like he did with the other genres of trolls he left you after you begged him to stay longer or just live with you
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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b0g-b0y · 7 months
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Is It So Hard To Believe?
Price x M reader NSFW
“I got to say Y/n i'm surprised you really haven't slept with anyone?” Gaz spoke as the water fell from the group showers. “ Why is it so hard to believe that I haven't?” Y/n asked. This time Soap spoke. “ Your a bonnie Y/n” Soap said with a small chuckle. “ Think you have all gone mad” Y/n said. Throughout this whole conversation Ghost and Price havent said a word.
It wasn't long until Y/n was drying his hair with a towel. “ Think you need to go out more Y/n '' Gaz said as he walked by. “ Think you need to mind your own business Gaz, I don't put myself out there but I do have someone and we are taking things slow” Y/n said with a small sigh. “Whatever you say Y/n '' Gaz said.
Later that night y/n stood in the captain's room taking off his jeans he had on throwing them on a chair in the room. Price came into his room not to long after he finished brushing his teeth. “Don't give me that look, John.” Y/n spoke as he sat down on the bed with a small sigh. “ You really never had sex before?” Price asked as he looked at his lover with curiosity. “No i havent. Is it really that big of a deal that I haven't?” Y/ns eyes met Prices for a moment. “ No it's not a big deal, just surprised, Soap was right you're a pretty guy it's just surprising is all. I think you'd at least have a few partners in bed. I mean look at you doll.” Price spoke as his hand held Y/n's face softly. “ I'm not that pretty, and yeah i've dated other people just as far as i ever got was sexting that's it.” Y/n says as he grabbed John's hand and held it. John's blue eyes looked Y/ns body up and down. “ Would you ever want to try anything like that… maybe I don't want to make you do anything, I'm just asking for a doll” Price spoke.
And that's how/n ended up under Price as Price softly kissed down his body before he gently sucked and nipped at Y/n's nipple earning a small whine from Y/n. “ That's it making pretty sounds for me, didnt think youd be so sensitive doll” Price spoke before going up for a quick kiss. “ Me either, it's just different when it's someone else” Y/n said as he reached out to hold one of John's hands. The moment was intimate but sweet at the same time soft moans fell from Y/n's lips as Price loved him worshiping him, there was a smile on John's face as he looked at his work Y/n's chest rising and following as he panted softly. Y/ns stomach and chest were covered in marks that john left behind. Johns hand pulled down Y/ns boxers, John brought up the hand he held and kissed it softly before he started to stroke Y/ns cock. The sounds that fell from Y/ns mouth was like music to his ears, Y/ns yes were half lidded as he watched John stroked him. It wasn't long until Y/n came.
After a few minutes of coming down from cumming Y/n looked at John. “ What about you?” Y/n asked. “ What about me? This isn't about me it's about you doll” John spoke. “ But It would only be fair- '' Y/n said before Price cut him off. “ We can go all the way a diffrent night doll, I just wanted to please you. But don't worry love, I've made a mess in my boxers.” Price said as he showed his pre cum covered boxers.
It didn't take much convincing him that it was ok if he wanted to finish himself off. And after a quick clean up the both of you snuggled together, John kissed y/ns neck softly a few times. “ I love you for more than your body. You know that right. You know that I love you and no matter what I'll be here for you, and that my body is yours. I love you Y/n get some rest” Price said before the both of you fell asleep.
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strangererotica · 2 months
tagging some peeps who liked a similar edit I made previously ❤️ @thicksexxualtension @hopeluna @unbetaedimagines @djo-decide @goosna @diffrent-spokes @valerievortex
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icypenguin · 10 months
☆゚.*・。゚ Promise me
small lyney drabble! this is your uh dating anniversary? yeah whatever you call it, enjoyyy! also the reader is female!
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you wake up from your slumber, feeling the sun shining right on to your face. you rub your eyes and looked to the left. only to be greeted with an empty space. seeing your boyfriend was not there, by your side, you frown. you thought you will spend your day together today. but you guessed he forgot. you saw a note on the bed table and the first thing you thought of was lyney. could he possibly left that note for you? out of curiosity and excitement, you opened the folded note and recognised who’s writing it is. it was a note from lyney. he was apologising for he couldn’t spend the day with you. but at the bottom it said “happy anniversary to the love of my life, see you at 6 pm.” ofcourse you were sad you couldn’t spend the day with your boyfriend. atleast he still remembers it was your anniversary together.
at 5pm you were getting ready. you didn’t know what it was for. so you just dressed in lyney’s favourite dress on you. being like most other girls, you worry how you look. is it too much? is it not enough? am i not enough? but that thoughts got interupted when lynette knocked on the door. “y/n? can i come in?” lynette stopped knocking. you yelled “ofcourse!” so lynette can hear from the other side. when lynette came in, her eyes were sparkling while she teases you “awww trying to look best for lyney huhh?~ i know its your anniversary today! lyney wants me to give this to you.” lynette gave something. it was a tiara with lyney’s colour. you blushed from lynette’s teasing and thanked lynette as she left.
you wear the tiara and look at the mirror to make sure you look great. after you make those overthinking thoughts dissapear, you pick up your bag and gift for lyney. you told lynette and freminet you’re going out. they told you to stay safe and said happy anniversary to you and lyney.
you then went to you and lyney’s secret spot. when you got there you saw there was already flowers everywhere and a table with a flower in a vase and two seats across eachother. just then lyney appeared out of nowhere and kissed your lips in suprise. “happy anniversary darling!” he handed you a flowers like booping your nose. you blushed in full suprise and accepted the flower that lyney gave you. “oh lyney! happy anniversary..” you chuckled as he guide you to the chair and table.
he took the chair out for you “ooh such a gentleman~” you teased him. he chuckled and replied “oh its just my job darling”. he sat on the chair across you. and did magic tricks to teleport his favourite dish. which is cubic tricks. “voilà there we have it! now eat up.” lyney looked at you. admiring you while you were eating the dish. “what? is there something wrong?” you asked in a worried tone. you thought there was something wrong until lyney chuckled and told you everything is fine, “oh no! not at all.. i was just admiring the beauty of my lovely girlfriend~” he teased. you blushed and looked at him in awe. you can already feel your heart melting but that was no diffrent from the other times before… lyney will always steal your heart.
after you both finsihed your food, lyney spoke up “well darling.. i still have another suprise for you”. “oh really?! i have something for you too yknow?” you told him while grabbing something from behind. he tried to peek but you noticed “hey no peeking!” he only giggled as a reply. you took a small box from your bag and told lyney to close his eyes. “close your eyes!” lyney closed his eyes and you put the box on his hand. “okay now open!” he opened his eyes and saw the small box. it was a maroon box with a navy ribbon on top. he pulled the ribbon and opened the box. there, it revealed a necklace with a heart pendant. “oh my oh my, what a gift!” lyney said as he took the necklace out of the box. “try opening the pendant!” just then he opened the pendant and it revealed a favourite picture of you both at last year’s anniversary. “happy anniversary lyney, i love you!” you told lyney as ypu kissed him on the lips. his face became a bit pink and you chuckled at it. lyney didn’t mind and continue admiring the necklace, “so.. do you like it?” you asked. “i.. no i don’t like it y/n.. i.. i.. i love it!” lyney picked you up and spinned you around and around. you both giggled in joy and you helped lyney put on the necklace.
“thankyou love.. i really love it! now its time for mine..” he then pulled something out of his hat. it was also a small box that looks alike like yours. lyney then opened it by slowly and it revealed 2 rings. you thought of what you thought it was. “l-lyney are you going to-?” you asked in a voice full of curiosity. “no love, not yet.. but soon. i promise you, you will be the one that stands by me at the end, we will spend our lives together and not break apart. i promise you that..” he promised as he slipped a ring to your finger. your eyes were full of tears, they were at the edge of falling down to your cheek. lyney looked at you passionately and he noticed a tear falling. he immediately wiped it with his thumb and he kissed your lips. “l-lyney.. oh lyney i love you! i love you so so so much! you’re the best boy in teyvat and i won’t leave you! i swear you’re the love of my life and noone will replace you. i promise we will stay together until the end” you promised him back and he nods, signaling you to put the other ring on his finger. you slipped the ring and in the end you both kissed eachother passionately. muttering ‘i love you’ to eachother and other sweet words.
you both promised eachother dearly and we know it won’t be broken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thanks for reading! sorry if it’s too long and sorry if there’s any mistakes but i hope you enjoyed it! advices are accepted, thankyou!
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cherry1sblog · 10 months
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PAIRING: Lee heeseung × fem!reader . a
GENRES:smut, fluff, bullying, alcohol,party,unprotect ed sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won't be silly
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he's a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that's until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn't have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup..
y/n and sunghoon on the couch asleep "holy shit heeseung hyung is not gonna be happy" jungwon picked you up and ran with you on his back you being confused when jungwon locked his door and threw you on the bed *WHAT TH-
" jungwon covers your mouth muffling your yelling until you stoped "shut the fuck up unless you want to make heeseung hyung and sunghoon hyung hate eachother more right now " honestly you couldn't give a fuck less and if this made heeseung miserable then you had every reason not to care " why should I care on fact I actually don't mind going back ou " jungwon grabed your hand pinning you on the wall wtf is it with everyone pinning you on the wall " look I know heeseung hyung did fucked up shit and I know it's fucked up we didn't do anything but we all grow from our mistakes and plus now your like hot so please just shut the fuck up and well stay in here
/the next day after all that//
You got home after sometime of being stuck with jungwon you were honestly so feed up with everthing at that point but being stuck with jungwon wasn’t too bad you got to knwo him actually as a person and the way he talked about heeseung made you actually see there is a diffrent side to heeseung getting lost in your thoughts you didn’t know that chu was talking to you “oh sorry chu I just have a lot on my mind rn” she looked at you with a smirk confused you looked at her “I bet you are having a lot on you mind scince you slept with Sunghoon “ afraid someone would hear you covers her mouth “chu first of all we did not sleep together second of all please don’t say that” you wind to her “okay oaky I’m sorry “ she wisperd “ but if you guys didn’t fuck what did you do “ obviously her not buying it “well I mean we actually just watched a movie “ chu was in disbelief “you telling me you spent that night at his house and didn’t fuck!” “Omg shut up chu “everyone now staring at you and her apologizing “speak of the devil” you turned around confused at chu it was heeseung jake and sunoo sunoo smiled happyily at you giving you a hug sunoo was normally like this even when people were rude to you he made really nice gestures making you at least happy one person back then didn’t totally hate you “hi y/nnieeee” avoiding heeseungs contact a bit embarrassed from What hapoend the last time you guys spoke “didn’t know you had a nickname other than doll y/n “ sunoo smacked his shoulder “cmon now hyung don’t be a dick”sunoo said defending you “what ever “ heeseung said walking away sunoo being left behind “oh btw y/n I was wondering if I could get your help with something “ nodding at him curios to what he could need your help with “I know you and heeseung aren’t best of buds but cause you help me plan his birthday par-“ you stopped him “hell no sunoo” “why not th-“ you get it that sunoos action didn’t mean to hurt you but why would you do anything to help him “please y/nnie “ sunoo made it so hard to say no “your lucky your pretty “ sunoo smiled happily “okay well I’m his party is next week and all of the boys are pitching in and I need your help with decorations “ nodding but you didn’t want heeseung to know you helped cause that would cause problems “sunoo just don’t tell heeseung I’m helping you plan this “ nodding and not questiong you “oh and chu would you mind going with Jake the day of to get drinks “ you could see chus eyes light up in mention of jake “ofc!” Sunoo thanked you guys and had left
//2 days later//
“Okay sunoo so we have all the Ballons ordered and the banners nikis and jungwon and gonna pick up the cakes Sunghoon sunoo getting all the food so we’re set “ being so tired staying up late at night to plan more things for heeseungs party even tho as much as you hated him you still put a lot of time in this for no reason you couldn’t exactly pin point why you were putting so much thought in it being worried he wouldn’t be happy with it…. anyways back to sunoo “yes everything looks perfect !” Being happy everything was set in place for Saturday “wait y/n have you chosen your outfit yet “ omg after picking out everything and setting it all up for heeseungs party you completely forgot to buy and outfit with only 1 day left before the party “oh shit” sunoo being confused “what’s wrong?omg you didn’t chose one out yet did you” you shook your head “okay well you should have some time tommorw right I can go shopping with you” you thanked that sunoo even reminded you or it would have been so bad “your a life savor sunoo ilysm “
//The next day//
Sunoo arrived at the mall but not alone he came with sunghoon you hadn’t talk scince that day so you too were a bit awkward sunghoon just standing there as sunoo ran up to hug you “sunghoon hyung are you broken” laughing a bit at what sunoo had said “what no” sunghoon being defensive you ended up greeting him by just waving as he waved back “okay!let’s go shopping “
You guys had gon into a dress store to find a dress for the party you wanted somthing simple not to much it still being a little awkward beetween you and sunghoon but you guys lightens the mood by just saying some jokes sunoo had handed you a dress scince you weren’t liking any that you chose and sunoo really had an eye for clothes showing them the white dress sunoo had chosen for you his and sunghoon mouth hanging open “y/n I think you broke sunghoon” you both started laughing as sunghoon was a bit embarrassed but you knew that this was the dress you were gonna chose
After you and sunoo had spent all night and the morning of the party decorating at jakes house you finally had to go home and change tha fully the party was supposed to be a Suprise so you didn’t have to worry about heeseung seeing you…”hey y/n “ nudging you head at chu “what up “ she seemed like she was being held back by the question “e-even tho heeseung bullied you and none of his freinds did anything to stop him why are you still nice to them “ you yourself didn’t fully understand but as much as you say you hated heeseung you really well didn’t how could you hate him from the moment you saw him in middle school till now you could never get over his Bambi like eyes and you’ll never forget the first encounter you had with him either heeseung was super nice the first time you had met him he had accidently number into you the first day of 6th grade helping you pick up everything and apologizing but reassuring him that it was okay every year from that money on you guys always had the same class but 6th grade heeseung was much diffrent then heeseung now “I’m not really sure chu but I know that I don’t hate them and I can’t really blame the boys either at times they would tell heeseung he was doing to much or that it was enough and I thanked them for that it was never there fault “ nodding chus head understating you now and feeling simpathy for you “but chu that’s not important right now cause we’re gonna go party!”
//at the party //
Beomgyu had driven all of you to the party you walked in thrue the door and you were so proud of the decorations and that everyone loved them “holy shit y/n “ beomgyu said “I need you to be my party planner cause damn “ giggling you made your way to find the rest of the boys leaving you freind for a bit instead you ran into heeseung you rolled your eyes as he starred at you “cmon doll you can’t be rude to the birthday boy “ he walked closer to you “what ever happy birthday tho ig “ he just nodded surprised you said happy birthday to him at all jake and sunoo seeing you and going up to you and heeseung “y/nnieee!!” You hugged sunoo and Jake “do want a drink y/n? Chu got a pack of beer that you like” you nodded pushing thrue the crowed to go get a drink getting déjà vu as you saw sunghoon agian in the same place as last time “oh hey y/n” Sunghoon seeming a bit tipsy already “hey hoon are you drunk?” He shook his head “no not drunk but what ever you do do not drink jays punch” “noted” you said as you guys laughed he passed you a beer as “are you enjoying the party so far” he asked you saying it to you ear as the music was too loud nodding to him “do you wanna go dance?” You asked him being a flustered but agreeing as you two were dancing you had made eye contact with heeseung but he didn’t look away you were in a trans you didn’t even realize sunghoon was talking to you till you felt him pat hour back “hey are you okay?” He asked a bit concerned “yeah I’m good “you said as you look back to heeseungs spot as he smirked and left with a girl sunghoon noticed and looked in the same direction “don’t worry about heeseung “ he told you “I’m not dont worry” you saw him smile as you to continued dancing
//later in the party//
You saw heeseung with a girl making out you were staring so hard you were sure they’d be able to feel u you “yo y/n “Jake was talking to you now “you seem a bit to munch into heeseung making out with other girls “slaping jake for making that remark as he laughed “shut up Jake “ you rolled your eyes beomgyu laughing at his joke “ you two are so immature “ soobin added “I can’t belive you choosing sides “ “Jake hee not choosing sides he just has a brain” now you were laughing but still going back to heeseung every now n then but this time was different heeseung made eye contact with you and you had gotten flustered going outside on the balcony for some fresh air you were two into you thoughts you didn’t know heeseung standing behind you “you know y/n if you wanted to keep watching you should have tooken a picture “ being scared as he talked in you ear grabbing you wait being flustered at his comment and his gestures “what’s wrong doll you always have so much to say “ you turned around just to be caged into him “heeseung go away “ he tilted his head “why you don’t like this “ he came close to you neck sucking on your skin moving your neck to let him have more access but you knew it was wrong “no I’m not gonna be one of your quick fuckes “ you said as you pushed him back you could tell he was a bit drunk “why cause I’m not sunghoon? Are you now to good for anyone” you were a bit confused on why that even mattered “yk what heeseung you seem a bit drunk so I’m just gonna g-“ he grabed your arm and tugged you back the drink he had placed before down before he had it in his other hand but it got on your dress he himself was a bit upset he had gotten it on you dress and by now you were furios “why do you hate me so much! What have I ever done to you for you to hate me you can’t just fuck with my feelings heeseung” he was taken aback by your question “yk heeseung Even after all the times you hurt me I never hated you but you always hated me and still do I don’t know what I did but I don’t think I even deserve this “ tears coming in your eyes now he could see them even tho it was dark he get bad now “y/n I-“ “no heeseung save it I’m done with you bull shit have a nice night happy fucking birthday lee” and with that you stumbled and ran out the door realizing soobin was the one who had driven you so you had to walk home now.
//back in the party //
Part three will be out quickly I just couldn’t write on this page anymore for some reason tha my oh for waiting !!
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
Hey sorry to disturb you but can you write about reader trying to delete genshin because they couldn't download the update but for some reason they couldn't? The self awares are desperately trying to stop that. I wanna see the chaos and angst 😈
İ feel even happier than a certain bard in wine festival--
İ was gonna send it earlier but i felt lasy to open my computer and draw ;;
Also im sorry if somethings don't make sense i used translator for some parts cus english isn't my main
More under the cut!
Reader deleting genshin
You took a frustrated sigh, another error, you wondered how many you've gotten in the past hour.
For some reason, your favorite games update is taking a bit long, crashing midway or giving an error that causes the download to restart again.
İnternet isn't giving much answers to you either. You tried almost everything you could try, to opening more storage space to deleting your game photo file, and at this point, you were growing desperate.
İnside the game, your characters were worried. You certainly took your time, they knew it was profably not too much of an issue and you were just busy. But for those who grow anxious EVERYTİME that you grow late, like Zhongli, Jean and Ninguang, it was a diffrent story...
Why are you late? İs everything alright in your world? Are you abandoning them? Did they do something not to your liking? Were their damage low? Will you log in faster if they do better?
Not knowing what you think or what happens in your world is killing them, they need to see you, HEAR you, so then maybe... Maybe you'll see them as well.
What took you so long? They need you...
When Buer was born, the first thing she could feel is how grass felt on her knees as she sat down, how flowers smelled like a dream and how vibrant everything was! She seemed to know everything, remember everyone and understand everything at that moment. While knowing nothing at the same time! How curious she was at everything she saw and felt!
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But at the base of it all, she knew where all of this was created, she knew you.
She could only feel gratefull to you for creating such a wonderfull world, the world where countless travelers and artists fell in love. After all of the feelings she felt about you and your world, how could she say no when the Archons asked her about what they can do to meet you.
She wants to show people how perfect you are!
"Might as well delete it. Maybe that will fix all my problems?"
This was the first thing they heard you say. All of the Archons froze in their places.
Delete? What do you mean? Why would you.. no.. how could you?!
First person to finaly stop the dead silence in the area was the god of freedom, Barbatos.
"Delete it? Are they talking about... No that can't be! They love us! They said so themselves!"
"They won't do it! İ KNOW they won't! They're talking about another world! Or, or..."
"what is.... İs that... Paimon? The travelers friend?" Buer looked at the big canvas (Or perhaps a window to another world). What is the meaning of this?
"Barbatos are you seeing what im seeing..?" Spoke up the god of contracts. Pointing out a big picture with some words on it, and on the picture there was...
God of justice looked around, and saw a triangle looking white thing fly across the artwork that is displayed infront of them.
Their thoughts were cut short by the sudden feeling of emptiness and screams they can feel from their followers.
Buer fell to her knees with a scream, it sting, it hurt to breath, the very feeling of the things she hold near being tore apart broke her heart and her core.
She felt the trees get reduce to nothing, something big and dark swallowed everything,
She saw her people, her first followers, trying to protect their nations with everything they got,
General Mahamatra moving people away from the empty, dark spaces to 'safety', Dancer Nilou helped him with controlling a huge crowd,
Forest ranger Tighnari's situation was worse, he tried to stop the hatred from spreading even from plants,
the academia has just Heard of all of this but the unforgiving wrath of the creator was too fast, Buer felt their followers' bones get crushed with force and skins get stretched in impossible ways. She died with her followers, countless times, but all she could do was watch as you took away the world she fell in love with..
"why are you angry? Why are we the ones that are suffering from it? Do you hate us that much...." Was all of the questions that she wont have the time to get them answered.
The second to grow affected was morax, before reaching out to help his friend he instead fell to the ground, he was... Crying.. he could hear and feel his peoples painfull cries and prayers for him. And yet he couldnt move, couldnt breath, what is this power? İs this what it feels like to suffer from his gods wrath?
He worshiped you the longest, she knew about your presence the longest so... Why?
He saw xiao, trying to keep the void from reaching wangshu Inn, by nearby monsters, weapons, ANYTHİNG to stop it from reaching the öne place he could call home. Some of The things he threw didnt got deleted and stayed in that position, but some were stuck mid air.
He saw liyue, as ninguang tried to stop the void by sacraficing the jade Chamber again, it got deleted and everything was destroyer before even reaching to the ground, including people.
"How could you do such a thing? Were we not enough? Even so, we didnt deserve it, no, They... They didnt deserve it. Please hear our prayers, they dont deserve to die your Grace, not like this... Please not like this"
Beelzebub tried to run away, to her own people, but was stoped by the god of natlan, what is the point? İt is in ruins now, it cannot be saved.
Her knees gave up as the harsh truth hit her, she promised her people a dream, a dream that their nation will reach eternity, live longer than gods and all the nations combined.
She saw yae just sitting near the shrine and enjoying tea, perhaps she didnt knew, but she doubted that she would do anything if she even did.
Kujou sara and sangonomia kokomi joined their powers to make sure the losses were minimum, but before they could even begin the plan...
She lost everything once again, what did morax say about you? How kind and forgiving you are? İf it were the case, why would you take everything from her for the 5th time?
"....i have failed.... Them..."
Before all of the gods got to the ground with a burning feeling accross their chest and their body, the god of justice turned to the painting of you and put her head on the ground,
"Your highness please, please forgive us and our followers for our sins, if the fault is ours we will pay it with our blood, but please... Don't take your anger from us, your followers, please dont destroy the world please PLEASE WE BEG OF YOU-"
"İt is futile...." Buer managed to speak, pain worsening by the second "they... c- cant hear us without.... Without the aid of our own world..."
"They're praying to us.. to THEM! We have t-to do something!!" Barbatos screamed, he was always there for his nation when they realy need it, he won't let it be the first time he wasn't!
He can feel the Tevat strugling to breath as all plantlife and elements are being corrupted.
He looked up from where he is, at your painting, you helped his people once, made them live another day, he was eternaly gratefull to you for it.
But why? Why are you taking back what you once gave without even thinking? İs this all a game to you? Do they even matter to you?
He listened to his followers last thoughts, they too were asking the same.
"All of them gave up their freedom for you, for you to explore this world to your hearts content. What made you so cruel to them?" Jean asked while trying to protect the last citizen of Mondstadt, despite her invisible limbs she kept on fighting nothingness, even if that meant angering you further.
They screamed untill their throaths bled, trying to get your attention in anyway possible, but you weren't paying them any mind. You were busy looking at another painting.
Untill they.. stoped.
As the deletion bar almost filled up, all of their pain seemed to vanish. Asking themselves;
Why... Why were they here?
They wanted to protect someone? Some... People? But how?
As far as they can remember, its always been them alone.
They were sad and angry but why? They cant even remember anymore.
As the last archon stood there to look at you, they could only say nonsense that theyre not even sure what it means;
"i hate you, creator"
Quick scetch of the currently known archons being traumatised BC of us ;; (i always delete my game and re install BC of the update oop-)
Mfs trying to confort you about it but was too stuned to speak
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theyea · 2 years
Dan Diehl is a bike rider, and fisherman from North Jersey. He's had some epic sections in some videos you may have seen. I know the audio isn't perfect. I'm still getting used to the new setup. and I could of asked a bunch more questions but this was also the first time Dan & I have ever spoke. Good times for sure and I'm happy to have Dan on again to cover anything else.
6:00 Early Video Influences 11:00 Deprived Child 19:00 LFS 22:30 Missing the premiere of LFS 1 24:30 Where did the name LFS come from? 38:30 LFS 2 42:00 Sobriety & jail 45:00 Working on a boat 47:30 LFS 3 1:10:00 Future Plans 1:14:00 is a USB drive considered a " Hardcopy" ? 1:15:00 Mediocre at best intro clip. Show Links LFS 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk9Cp... ( Full Video )
LFS 2 - https://digbmx.com/videos/lfs2-dan-diehl ( Dan's section )
LFS in California - https://digbmx.com/videos/lfs-in-cali...
Outro Jam: Wasp - Animal ( Fuck like a beast ) 
Follow Dan: https://www.instagram.com/dandiehl_lf... 
Follow Matt: https://www.instagram.com/mattheyea/ https://twitter.com/mattheyea 
 This podcast was brought to you by:
Hub City Cycles https://www.hubcitycycles.com 
Rays MTN Bike Park https://raysmtb.com
215berks https://www.instagram.com/215berks/?h... 
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 Subscribe to the Diffrent Spokes youtube channel for more video podcasts. https://twitter.com/DiffrentSpokes https://www.instagram.com/diffrentspo...
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nemzd · 2 months
Purification and Order in a plave no diffrent then hell~
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Part:01 /??
You were praying, like any child of the lord would. You were peacefully praying and prasing the Lord in your prayers when suddenly a weird head was poking from the celling.Even though you saw the entity you just continued your prayers and closed yours.. which shocked the entity.. but he had a small smirk, seeming well.. pleased in a way... the entity waited til your prayers were done.. then you spoke..
You: State your business, otherwise leave this house immidieatly.
???: You speak very weirdly Mortal... but you seem to speak with Authority... oh well, your no diffrent from the other sinners, so just die..
He pulls out a scythe and pointed it at you, you looked unfazed at him as his scythe was pointed, and right when he was about to slice you in half you.. began to glow.. and you smilled. You finally opened your eyes.. and saw.. a being.. that resembled a .. Angel?... You were slightly alerted.. of the Angel Entity.
???:.. God has left heaven.. but is in the presence of this human?..WHY!??!
You just looked at him in shock.. what did he speak about ? God would never leave heaven alone and this is something he would promise!
As you had those thoughts the Angel Entity grabbed your wrist and said.
???: I will take you to heaven and the Lord will finally return!
He said so with a crazed face and you couldnt even think a thought before a hit to your neck was given and you fell unconcious....
???: How could the Lords presence be with a simple useless and sinful mortal... .. once this mortal wakes up... this person will have to answer some question when I return in heaven.
All you saw was.. black.. nothing could be seen.. but then you woke up and jerked up opening your eyes and as sweat fell down your face, you looked around the place you have been put and saw chains around your wrist and you seemed to be in a room, on a bed ... high dosis of light and honestly a bit to much white on the walls but it was safe to say that you were nervous to say what was going to happen to you but your faith in the lord was strong which is why you stayed strong.
After some time.. someone knocked..... you were very nervous and had small dosis of fear, you quickly begged for the lords mercy and protection over you...
???: Under normal circumstances I would have said to safe your prayers as the lord has left heaven... but you seem to be quite the blessed individual.. more so then us..
You just looked at the being... he also was in some way ... a bit radiating?... But you paid no mind to it...
You:... Who are you and where am I?
The diffrent Angel Entity just looked at you and then began to talk...
???:.. My name is Archangel Micheal.. one of the 3 Seraphs of heaven.. and you.. are in heaven, blessed chosen mortal from the Lord.
You just looked schocked at the...Angel?... this was.. Archangel Micheal.. the one who fought and kicked out Satan from heaven itself... Micheal.. The Angel of Light.
First of all I dont know the whole Story so sorry if there are some errors in the narratives, but I hope its just about right. If this story does get attention from you all, I will continue to write another part for the Story and so on as the idea
Also I wanted to write a long time so I hope ya enjoyed this story, have fun and if ya want more of this just ask for it.
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demonsword586 · 5 months
Leviathan Bloodshed story part 1
(I apoligise for spelling mistakes,I been writting this for two days and I can't feel my arms. I forgot how long the prolouge is... Also I think this may go slower than I anticipated,sorry. Also I might take a day off of this,my arm feels like it wants to go on it's own funeral)
(bg inside the castle of Hades)
Mc: It somehow seems like it's loud outside the palace today...
It was unusual for the devils of Hades,who always lived by a strict discipline,to make a ruckus.
Barbatos: That's because it's Halloween today!
Foras: Everyone must be busy preparing for the festival.
Mc: They have Halloween festival in Hell too??
When you asked,the devils around you stared at you as though you were a total hillbilly.
Glasyal La Bolas: Ha ha,how many times do we have to explain to this small human that the things in the human world were made under Hell's effects?
Glasyal spoke pathetically with a bad-tempered smile.
Foras: Don't be impolite to a guest of his Majesty Leviathan,Glasyal La Bolas. It is not a sin to be stupid.
Barbatos: Hmm? His Majesty Leviathan said 'ignorance is a sin.' though.
Foras: ....Mc,let me apoligise. These guys are all fools.
Mc: (Wait,you just said I'm stupid...)
You felt victimized and glared at the three devils,but to no effect whatsoever.
You were sometimes confused if the devils of Hades were kind to you or if they disliked you.
Barbatos: We might as well! The son/daughter of Solomon is curious about the Halloween festival and we have a Halloween festival going on right now!
Barbatos: We might as well go and enjoy it together!
Foras: Barbatos,how many times are you repeating the phrase 'we might as well'?
Glasyal La Bolas: Ahh,a festival. It is such a melodious word. It is a dangerous day where the smallest conflicts can cause a riot.
Glasyal La Bolas: Although it will never happen in Hades.
Glasyal La Bolas spoke with a look of ecstasy,then turned gloomy and muttered in dissatisfaction.
Mc: Is the festival in Hades very diffrent from the festivals in other countries?
Barbatos: There would be no better answear than seeing it for yourself!
Barbatos grabbed your hand with a look of excitment.
Foras: Wait,Barbatos...! You should have fun at the festival after you finish your work...
Barbatos: I see! Foras please take care of my job as well!!
Foras: ?!?!
Glasyal La Bolas: Hahaha! I knewthis would happen. Foras,what are you doing? Go and grab Barbatos by his throat!
Foras: ........Never mind. We needed a devil to guide the son/daughter of Solomon around the festival,so we'll just say Barbatos is in charge of it.
Glasyal La Bolas: Pfft,boring.
You heard the conversation of the remaining two devils while Barbatos positively dragged you through the corridor.
Fortunately it looked like Foras would deal with it.
Mc: (I'm sorry,Foras...!)
Apoligizing for something you didn't do,you headed for the streets with Barbatos.
(bg changes to the streets of Hades)
The faster Barbatos walked,the harder your heart pounded.
A festival in Hell?! It has to be several times as big and fun than festivals on Earth.
Once you and Barbatos left the palace,you headed for the central square where they all gathered.
Mc: (Such flashy street decorations! Mouthwatering street food! Lively people laughing and talking!)
Mc:....Where are they all?
Next to Barbatos who stopped at the square,you tilted your head.
The biggest crowd you have ever seen was gathering in the square,but it had neither the street decorations nor street food.
(bg changes to a giant fire surrounded by devils)
Instead,there was one thing that was diffrent from the norm in the center of the square...
Mc: ( A mega sized camp fire?!)
There was a fire that burned as tall as the palace in the central of the square.
Even while sweating because of the heat,the devils were holding hands with their family or friends around it.
They were not in their normal uniforms or medival clothes,but in the most casual type...so,how humans on Earth dressed.
The devils who looked like humans except for their horns were smiling and greeting each other.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes from the Earthy atmosphere you haven't felt in a long time.
Mc: They're in diffrent clothes from usual.
Barbatos: Hmm! They say the costume for this year is 'human'!
Mc: Haha. The humans on Earth are probably wearing devil costumes.
While you felt amused,Barbatos stayed quiet nect to you. You thought it was strange and looked...
Barbatos: Isn't it hot and splendid and beautiful? Although it's not as beautiful as the sun!!
The flames were dancing in Barbatos' eyes
Mc: Do you mean...that the Halloween festival in Hades is enjoying a mega sized camp fire?
Barbatos: A mega sized camp fire? Ha ha ha! That's a stake!
Mc: A-a stake?! Who committd such a heinous crime that they'll be burnt on a stake this big?!
Barbatos: Ourselfs from last year.
Mc: ....?
Just then a young male approached the flaming fire almost precariously-
And took off the noose around his neck then threw it inside the fire.
When the huge flames instantly deveoured the noose,the onlooker devils cheered and clapped.
The noose wasn't so big,but it burnt brightly with a huge purple light when entered the flames.
The devil's bangs were burnt and curly in a funny way,as he backed away and bowed to others.
Barbatos: Those nooses around the necks of the devils in Hades,mean that they dedicate their lives to his Majesty Leviathan.
Mc: What?! Then what's that supposed to be? Treason?
Barbatos: It's determination!
Mc: ???
While you look doubful,the others followed suit of the brave devil and began threwing nooses to the stake.
The devils rushing towards the flames and shimmered backwards so the fire woudn't devour them.
It looked like they were dancing to the wavering flames.
The long shadows streaching out from their feet around the fire looked like petals of a huge flower.
Barbatos: Halloween is the day of the dead. In other words it is a day for the 'dead'.
Barbatos: So we perform this ceramony thinking that we burn our previous deaths and wait for the next ones.
Barbatos: And...we the living devils carry the lives of the devils who protected Hell before but died before us.
Barbatos: By burning our old nooses and hanging new ones around our necks,we are promising to walk along the same paths as we honor their gone lives.
Barbatos: So when we burn the old nooses,we claim new nooses from the person we want to risk our lives for after his Majesty Leviathan
When the nooses of all those in the square went into the fire,a woman approached the young man who burnt his noose first and hung a new,clean noose around his neck.
The woman's cheeks were flushed and she had tears in her eyes.
You could see grannies hanging nooses around young children and middle-aged devils hanging nooses around their best friends.
The same scenes continued here and there and you somehow felt a twingle of emotion in your nose.
Mc: ( This is beautiful)
It wasn't the magnificent or joyful atmosphere you anticipated but the Hallowwen festival of Hades had a coolness to it like that of a sacred ritual.
The devils with new nooses around their necks went to their houses and changed the tall wooden pillars standing before their houses.
The pillars were taller than an average male adult devil and had devices to hang things at the end.
Mc: ...Those pillars standing in front of all those houses...
Barbatos: Ahh,are you talking about the simple hanging devices they prepared to die if anything happens to his Majesty Leviathan?
Mc: ..simple hanging devices..
Barbatos: Hmm! They fix it or place new ones every year on this day!
Barbatos: It's troubling if they need to die but the pillars are weak and break.
Barbatos explained all the savageness with a smile as glorious as the fire in the center of the square.
Mc: The devils of Hades are too extreme...
Barbatos: That's the source of our power!
Mc: Yea,I'm still worried...but think that they're very wonderful at the same time
Barbatos: !!
Barbatos looked a little suprised.
Thanks to his distincts features of his face,the big and small shadows of the fire danced across his face,but his eyes wavered most promitently.
Barbatos: Son/ Daughter of Solomon,I think you...
Small devil: Son/ Daughter of Solomon! Have you not placed a noose around your neck yet?
Almost at the same time Barbatos opened his mouth with an overwhelmed look on his face,a small devil that barely reached your knees tapped your calf and spoke to you.
Failing to realize as the adorable devil who resembled a puppy was asking you with a look of anticipation,you shook your head.
Mc: No I don't normally hang a noose around my neck...
Small devil: In that case,may I place one on you?
Mc: Hmm? On me?
Small devil: I know you're not one of his Majesty Leviathan's subject. Even so,this is a festival!
When the small devil spoke with a beam,you succumbled to his adorable appearance and nodded.
Mc: I won't say no then.
Small devil: I-i-in that case,could you..perhaps put a noose around my neck too?
Mc: Huh? Of course.
Small devil: Wowww!!
When you bend your knees before the small devil who now had tearful eyes and hung your head,he hung a noose he weaved with his small hands around your neck.
Looking up,you saw a blushing devil with his eyes tightly closed,holding the noose to hang around his neck in his hands.
When you took the noose from his shaky hands and put it around his neck.
Mc: All don-
Small devil: I like you too, Son/ Daughter of Solomon!!
Mc: Huh?
Startled by his sudden confession,you finally saw the devils around you.
Mc: (T-They are looking my way with terrifying eyes!)
You didn't know when they stopped clapping and cheering but they all stared at you.
Mc: B-Barbatos...C-Can you explain what's happening...
Barbatos: Huhu..you hang nooses around the devils' necks on Halloween with your closest friends or lovers!
Devil with a loud voice: Pfft! Had I known,I would have spoken with the Son/ Daughter of Solomon first!
Devil with a loud voice: I thought the son/daughter of Solomon would not participate in this ritual!
Sensitive devil: I'm so upset! So jelaous! If I throw him into the pit of fire and hand over my noose again!!
Small devil: Hehe,hehehehe
Barbatos grinned and spoke lightly
Barbatos: It looks like you're loved in Hades!
Just as the devils burning in envy as hot as the stake grounded their teeth.
Mc: Huh?
With everyone staring in your direction,you saw a familiar face at the back of the crowd
(Levi appears)
Mc: (Leviathan..?)
For some reason,Leviathan was in an unfamiliar suit.
Mc: ( Is Leviathan also dressed as a human like the other devils?)
Already curious about 'What would Leviathan do while the others perform the ritual at the stake?' you furtively ran towards Leviathan while everyone directed their envy and fury at the small devil.
(bg changes to streets of Hades)
He was leaving the square as though he wasn't there on a business but passing by.
Mc: Levia....
Just when you were about to call him to stop out of happines,you closed your mouth before even calling his name.
There were lots of devils talking and laughing not too far away,
Heading somewhere on his own, Leviathan's face had nothing but sadness,let alone a smile.
Mc: ( Can I talk with him...?)
Although all devils,especially the seven deadly sins gave off difficult aura for normal people to approach,Leviathan emitted that aura way more than the others.
Responsibility,emptiness and a deep sadness that surpassed it.
That was what you felt from him.
You somehow felt yourself from difficult times from him
Mc: ( I don't want to leave Leviathan alone!)
You knew the diffrwnce between someone who wanted to be alone and someone who had no choice but to be alone....because you were the latter.
Mc: Levi! Where are you going?!
You pretended to be brighter than usual and gathered the courage to approach Leviathan.
When he turned to your direction,you gasped out loud,because you were overwhelmed by the beauty when you faced him head on.
The transparent eyes under his thick,long eyelashes especially took your breath away!
Mc: ( It's like I can understand why Barbatos who worshipps the sun would be awed by Leviathan)
Leviathan: ....Don't call me like that. I shall kill you.
Leviathan: What are YOU doing here instead of enjoying the festival?
Mc: I was enjoying it! Look,I even got a noose.
Leviathan: (angy jely glare) .......
Leviathan 's eyes momentarily turned vicious,but you were oblivious to the fact as you asked him a question.
Mc: Leviathan,where are you going yourself? Not enjoying the festival.
As you were going to compliment him that he looked good in a suit he normally didn't wear...
Leviathan: I am going to the graveyard of my fallen associoates.
Mc: ...?!
Leviathan: Because Halloween is the day of the dead,I am going there to commemorate them.
Mc: I-I see...I wasn't aware. I was only excited about the festival.
Leviathan: Me going to commemorate the graveyard of Hades,has nothing to do with you..
You felt sheepish at his cold tone
You wanted to talk with him some more but !ou coudn't think of anything to say.
And Leviathan watched you with cold eyes.
Leviathan said no more as he walked past you.
You hung your head,unable to say anything more to him.
You heard the sounds of Leviathan's footsteps receding.
You suddenly felt immensly sad.
And Leviathan's footsteps stopped.
Leviathan: Near where I'm going...
Although his voice was small and from afar you coudn't hear it properly,you turned back to look at him.
Leviathan has also turned his back to look at you.
Mc: What?~ I coudn't hear you!~
You shouted,cupping your hands around your mouth like a trumpet in case Leviathan coudn't hear you.
Leviathan chuckled,it was definettly a cold and spechless laugh but he smiled.
Leviathan: There's a shop near where I'm going that sells jewels.
Leviathan: There are rare jewels that allow people to become closer.
Mc: (If you're going to talk from auch a distance at least raise your voice..nevermind,I'm going to him)
You hurried to Leviathan
Mc: Jewels??? Closer???
Leviathan: I'll buy you one as a present
While you approached,you could hear Leviathan's voice well
Mc: ( If I approach,I don't become estrangled)
You don't know what the source of Leviathan's sadness was but you thought you knew what to do
Normally you sould have asked WHY?? but this time you shouted energeticlly instead.
Mc: Thanks Levi!!! I'll be waiting for you!
Leviathan: Don't call me that. And stop shouting so close to me,it hurts my ears.
Leviathan: I am the one giving you a present. Why are you telling me to go where you are and offer it to you?
Mc: ( Suprisngly he's answearing everything and hes even twlling me to pick him up!)
Mc: ( I think....I get it a little..)
Mc: Until when should I go meet you?
Leviathan: About two hours later,go where I am and accept my present
Leviathan: Barbatos guide him/her well
Mc: Huh? Wheres Barbatos?
Barbatos: Yes,your Majesty!
Mc: What the...! When did you come here?
You jumped up at thw bright and reliable voice behind you which has been quiet until now
Meanwhile Leviathan turned as though he was going to continue and spoke coldly.
Leviathan: Also take off that noose around your neck,it doesn't even suit you!
There was great displeasuee on Leviathan's face as he said those words.
Mc:(Don't tell me you were jelaous this whole time?!)
Mc: Then put a noose on me yourself!
Mc: But I won't take this one off. The devil who put it on me looked really happy
Mc: Still,I'll put your noose on top of it.
Leviathan stared at you as though he wanted to say 'what a loud and dislikable being'
But the harsh words never came and Leviathan turned back on his way.
Barbatos: You're looking happy son/daughter of Solomon!
You smiled and nodded as Barbatos placed a firm arm around your shoulder and led you back to the central square.
But this time you stared at the giant clock tower instead of the stake where devils were dancing
Mc: ( I hope two hours go by quickly...)
Two hours later..
(Bg changed to Hades streets at night)
By the time thwenooses around the devils necks were all changed to new ones and the hanging devices have been fixed
Barbatos: It's nearly the time for us to go!....I bet that's what you were witing for me to say
Barbatos was smiling as he led you through the sqaure
You wanted to meet Leviathan as soon as possible and were ready to run to him...but...
Barbatos didn't even run but laid down a coffin that he was carrying with him-the coffin didn't have any strings but was always floating behind him- he opened the lid
Mc: Barbatos,we don't know where Leviathan could be...but don't you think he's waiting if we don't hurry?
Barbatos: This is the fastest way.
Barbatos winked at you,climbed inside the coffin and layed down
Barbatos: You should come in too!
Opening his arms with a tempting smile,Barbatos urged you. And you lied down next to him since you had nothing else to do.
Lying on his side to make space for you,Barbatos' firm chest pressed against !our shoulder.
Barbatos: I'm closing the lid now.
The lid closed over the jam-packed coffin with you and Barbatos in it.
(Bg changes to darkness)
Mc: ( ...I-is this a funeral experience?!)
You shuted your eyes in fear the moment the lid closed and was absorbed in the most coplicated feeling
You evaided an angel swinging a scyte in your face but were now shut in a coffin while you were still breathing.
But the dark fearful feeling you expected never came.
Mc: (In fact it's suprisingly cozy!)
The coffin was full of the scent of the man emating a sweet rosy scent and his arms were soft and warm.
And for some reason it felt like you were liyng on a dark but spacious and cozy lawn!
You were suprised when you furtively opened your eyes.
(Bg changes to a universe)
Mc: Weren't we...inside a coffin?!
Barbatos: We the devils of Hades carry our own universes inside our coffins instead of the dead.
There was a sky full of stars- no a universe spreading before your eyes.
Barbatos: Through this space we can travel whereever we want to go. That's why no one can evade the devils of Hades.
Mc: Oh! So are we going to where Leviathan's coffin is?
Barbatos nodded
Meanwhile stars whipped past loudly and swiftly as though finding their way to Leviathan's coffin
Mc: But why aren't the other devils going to commemorate? Why is Leviathan going on his own?
Barbatos: Because it's a special graveyard that his Majesty Leviathan made himself.
Barbatos: Those buried there are the childhood friens of his Majesty Leviathan,the great king who build Hades.
The look on Barbatos' face darkens as he lays next to you and watched the stars past.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan was kidnapped by angels when he was very young, he was raised and experimented on...and abused by them for a long time in Heaven after which he barely escaped.
Barbatos: Managed it out alive,might be better fitting...because as far as I know the other children all died
Young devils,kidnapped,death. The words should never have been connected in a sentence,hit you over the head in a succession.
Barbatos: At the time,four of the young devils,imprisoned with his Majesty sacrificed themselfs to help his Majesty Leviathan escape.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan said he'll never leave alone but this is what they said to him
Barbatos: You'll become a kig,so cross the rivers of Heaven to return to Hell and build the strongest kingdom that will come save us. That will be fine.
Barbatos: That's what they told him....but they knew they woudn't be able to return. So they gave his Majesty the objects they treasure.
Barbatos: Those objects are said to be buried in the graveyard
It was impossible that young devils kidnapped to Heaven could have anything properly valuable that they could treasure
But whatever the objects were,there was no way that the ones entrusting the objects and the one being entrusted with them woudn't consider precious
Mc: (He visits the place where such things are buried...every year,alone..)
Barbatos saw you darken and smiled with pity.
Barbatos: I once visited the graveyard and saw their names written on the gravestones.
Barbatos: Numbers,1987,1988,1990,1992...
Mc: Numbers?
Barbatos: The angels would never have given proper names to young devils who were test subjects and entertainment!
Young children who were called by numbers and not even proper names.
Leviathan was one of them.
Feeling like the noose was tightening around your neck,your eyes burned.
Barbatos: They were his Majesty's saviors and heroes of Hades
There was sadness in Barbatos' eyes
Barbatos: But his ordels didn't end there,even after the young heroes sacrificed their lives.
Barbatos: Because of the fact that he escpaed Heaven,his Majesty Leviathan and the devils of Hades had to prove that they were not spies from Heaven
Barbatos: And we had no choice but to determinate the country's rules stricly.
Barbatos: To show actions that do not harm Hell,to show their attitudes that are concerned the most for the safety of Hell
Mc: ( I think I have a vague idea of where Leviathan's sadness,responsibility and weight came from..)
Barbatos: Currently,Hades is the most hellish place in Hell with the strongest devil as king.
Barbatos: Once his Majesty Leviathan became king,he never missed out on visiting them on Halloween.
Barbatos: Even if that day he had the most brutal battle.
Perhaps it was because no matter how many brutal battles Leviathan had fought,he could never get over the horrors of his childhood.
The devils of Hades all said,that Leviathan was the most powerful king in Hell. Because he overcame such a big ordeal when he was young...it's understandable that he's the strongest devil.
You felt solemn and grave when you thought of the tragedy that Leviathan and all those nameless devils have endured
Barbatos: You're sad upon hearing this. You really are devilish.
Barbatos stroked your head softly with a large hand.
Just then you felt a dream-like situation you once experienced flash before your eyes.
(bg changes to Mc and Minhyeok's home at Earth)
Minhyeok: People don't experience bad things because they're bad people or because they have a reason to.
Minhyeok: They're just unlucky.
Minhyeok: At those times...people who don't collapse,resenting the unfairness of such fates are surely great.
Minhyeok: You're such a person.
(bg changes back to the universe)
Mc: ( I remember Minhyeok once said that to me...)
Whenever you felt sad about your parents deaths,Minhyeok consoled you like this.
Mc: ( Was there a devil saying things like this...to Leviathan too?)
Mc: It would have been nice if I was there with Leviathan at that time...oh,of course..I might not have been of help to him much..
Barbatos: I think the same way sometimes too. Because at that time,I also didn't know his Majesty Leviathan.
Barbatos smiles bitterly
Barbatos: And you would have been a great consolation to him,
Mc: How can you be sure?
Barbatos: Because you consoled me just now.
When Barbatos smiled at you brightly like the sun,the stars sprinting gloriously above your head slowly came to a stop.
Barbatos: It looks like we're connected to his Majesty Leviathan's coffin. Shall we get up?
Said Barbatos,moving closer as though embracing you,then covered your eyes with his hand.
(bg to darkness)
Barbatos: You can open your eyes now.
With Barbatos' voice,the hand covering your eyes receded.
At the same time,there was a creak-and the lid on Barbatos' coffin opened.
(bg changes to a graveyard)
When you opened your eyes and sat up,you felt your heart poundind a little.
Mc: ( This is strange..I'm going to face Leviathan's sadness. There's no way I should have butterflies in my stomach!)
And when you finally stood up and extracted yourself from the coffin.
You saw a black stone wall and a stone floor shining black and...
Leviathan on the floor,covered in blood
And not too far from him were scaterred angels who looked way worse
The dozends of angels were dead in a cyrcle around Leviathan
Mc: Leviathan!
Barbatos: Your Majesty!
You and Barbatos shouted in union and rushed towards the fallen Leviathan.
Leviathan was on the cold ground with his eyes closed,the rain pouring on his entire body.
The graves around him were perfectlly fine unlike Leviathan.His scarlet blood rain in puddles through the gaps in the stones.
Big and small wounds ripped his clothes and skin to make red traces on his pretty body.
Blades of light dug brutally in his muscles.
Mc: Leviathan!
When you knelt down to check on him,the rain and blood seeped into your knees
Barbatos quickly put his fingers below Leviathan's nose and placed hia ears on his wounded chest.
Then he grabbed your shoulders with a rare dark expression.
Barbatos: It looks like I should go.
Mc: W-Where to?!
Barbatos: Every sceond matters. It looks like his Majesty Leviathan is in critical condition.
Barbatos: I will return immedietlly to thw place and bring back the devil who can heal his Majesty.
Barbatos: Until then please stay by his side...son/daughter of Solomon.
You tried to make an expression that was reliable as possible and nodded to Barbatos.
Mc: I'll be waiting.
Barbatos didn't even reply to you properly as he went back in his coffin and hurriedly closed the lid with a boom!
You stared at the large coffin that swallowed Barbatos and looked back at Leviathan.
Mc: S-still..h-he's still alive...it will be alright...Yeah its going to be alright...
Mc: (because if Leviathan really did die,Barbatos woudn't go looking for a doctor.)
You clutched Leviathan's cold hand and muttered.
Normally he would say 'I will hang you if you don't unhand me' in disgust but right now he was unmoving with his eyes closed.
It began to rain harder,turning the air cold.
Leviathan was laying on the cold floor like he was cold,you felt sorry for him.
Afraid that his body might go completly cold you bend over to resusicate him.
But just then the most feeble white steam curled out od his mouth.
Mc: ( It's weak...but he's breathing properly)
Touched you looked down at his mouth.
Mc: (Leviathan...is mumbling something)
Between his light breathing Leviathan was quietly saying something.
Leviathan: Run now...I'll hold...them back...here...
Mc: ...!
Leviathan who was collapsed on the floor started shouting despretlly at someone.
You precipitously stared at the pieces of gravestones that rolled next to him.
Studying a few perfectly intact graves compared to the others who now looked close to ruins.
You could easily guess that Leviathan sacrificed himself to protect them.
Leviathan: This time...don't die..
Leviathan's old sadness creeped out his mouth and scattered into the cold air.
Mc: Leviathan..come back..Your nightmare is over now...please come back from that memory that's colder than here...
You begged Leviathan with a tearful voice,shaking his shoulders and gently slapping his cheeks but he only minutely groaned.
Just when you thought you wanted him to stop saying those pitiful things,you found yourself kissing Leviathan.
When your temperature risen because of your tears touched Leviathan,his lips warmed up as though they were slowly thawing.
Mc: ( Please...if the souls that saved Leviathan before are here...please save him once more!)
Feeling guilty for asking the young souls who met such a merciless end for a favor,tears flowned down your cheeks.
Your hot tears ran down your cheeks and sepped into yours and Leviathan's lips.
Just then a clear blue light shone between Leviathan and your lips.
Leviathan: ....
Leviathan's eyelids twiched...and slowly opened.
Leviathan: Solomon...
Leviathan:...his son/daughter.
Mc: Leviathan!
Leviathan momentarily pulled a confused expression as though he coudn't disentangle reality from his dream.
Maybe he was feeling confused between the borders of life and death and not fiction from reality.
He was scrowling because of the pain but watched you with a vague look in his eyes.
Mc: Leviathan,are you awake...?
Leviathan: ...What happened?
Mc: That's what I wanted to ask! What went on here?
Mc: I came because it was the appointed time and you were on the ground in a mess like this!...
Leviathan: Ahh...
Only then did Leviathan scrowl his pretty forehead as though he just remembered what had happened before he collapsed.
Leviathan:It looks like there were spies in Hades. Since angels knew I was alone and attacked this place on time.
Mc: Spies?! In Hades?!
Leviathan: It's not suprising.
Leviathan: But...these angels were crafty. I would have ripped into them if they attacked me from close by,but they threw a chakram made of light from afar...
Leviathan: Urgh...
Mc: Leviathan...!
Leviathan bit his lips and curled up as though he was in pain.
You bit your lips harder than Leviathan and cried in sadness.
Mc: ...I heard from Barbatos. About what is buried here in this graveyard and how important it is to you.
Mc: But still,protecting them at the cost of your own self like this...!
Mc: That's...even they woudn't want that!
You said and closed your eyes tightly.
You did so because you found it hard to see Leviathan in pain,but also because you were afraid of his cold comment that would follow.
However...you thought Leviathan would say 'what does that have to do with you?' as he normally did,but he was only staring at you with a dreamy look in his eyes.
Mc: ...Leviathan?
Leviathan: I cherished this place..out of atonement for them.
Leviathan: What's more,their intact remains aren't even buried under these tombstones. I know that.
Leviathan said,his eyes on you.
Leviathan: I can simply build my broken heart again and make new tombstones to remember them.
Mc: Then why would you go to these lenghts to...
Leviathan: That's not what I was trying to protect.
Leviathan took something out of his pocket with a click of his tongue. It seemed like the slightest movements made the wounds covering him throb.
And handed the thing he took out to you.
Mc: Isn't this...?
Leviathan: You..don't tell me you're going to say you forgot what you came all the way here for?
( They're rare jewels that allow you to get closer to the person you love)
Mc: Don't tell me..this is what you were trying to protect...
Your hands trembled so much that you coudn't take the purple jewel from Leviathan's hands.
Leviathan: It is a rare jewel. But if you say you don't like it now...
You almost snatched it out of his hands before Leviathan even finished talking and cried.
Mc: *sobbing* Leviathan,you really are..an idiot!!
Just when you shouted,wiping away the tears from your eyes with the hand holding the jewel.
A tremendous light burst from the jewel that was drenched with your tears.
Leviathan: ...?!
While you and Leviathan were both startled,the light emanating from the jewel surrounded you both.
Then,our body that had been feeling so cold you had,began to heat up and your palm touching Leviathan began to burn.
Just when you were about to let go of Leviathan's hand in suprise,he held on harder so your hand woudn't run away.
Mc: Leviathan..?
Leviathan: (looking flushed af) Ugh...what the...Hell is going on..
Leviathan glared at the jewel in your hand and panted.
You both knew as soon as you saw the other,about what your states were like.
The energy flowing from the jewel had entered Leviathan and your bodies, and was egging your impulse and desires.
Your feverish red eyes took in every part of Leviathan's body.
The scarlet blood oozing out of his wounds looked sweet to the taste and his pale cheeks seemed to be waiting for your hot hands.
Leviathan: *gulp* ...
Like the masterpiece of masterpieces that God made,the delicate color of his hair he alone possesed shone even more myseriously in the rain.
Then,Leviathan's eyes met yours.
Although you coudn't see in yourself in the mirror,you could instinctively feel that you had the same expression as Leviathan.
Mc: ( Leviathan...wants me now too...I can feel it...)
But Leviathan was currently severly wounded. You coudn't act on your desires in a situation like this...
Leviathan: Get over here.
Leviathan reached his hand off the floor and pulled your arm.
There was only one answear you knew in a situation like this.
Mc: Okay...!
You bend over as Leviathan led you.
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mischaswife · 9 months
Hoi-hoi! I recently got a new hyperfix on Hobie Brown and wanted to ask you if you could write me something with reader who is really similar to Hobie(same beliefs, piercings and makes most of their clothes/things themself)? And then they meet through kids(Pav, Gwen, Miles?) and mb add smut with Hobie if you're ok with it (if not I'll appreciate something romantic 👉👈)
Please and thank you, love your works <3
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Paring: Hobie brown x Punk!spiderperson!Reader
Genre: fluff
" You have to meet them! They are just like you " Pav yelled at hobie, hands on his shoulders, " Only difference is that they play the drums and they have 3 nose peirceings " pav said putting his hands on his sides. " Listen pav, ive never met a single bloke like me. Its just not possible " hobie said witha sniker and he put his hands in his pockets. Pav sighed dramatically and followed him
Pav saw you and grabbed hobie and immediately dragged him to you. " You. I have soneone thats just like you but diffrent in a way " pav said as hobie stood up as straight ad he normally does and looked you up and down. " hey " he said. You looked at him and smirked " hey " they said softly and nodded.
Hobie started to walk away but pav grabbed his shirt and pulled him back " Talk! Go become freinds! " pav said. You and hobie walked away and talked. " So are you in a band? " he asked you. " mhm. You? " you responded. He nodded. " what instrument " you ask. " electric guitar, you? " He asked. " drums " you said. Yall find a bench and sit down.
You look elsewhere but hobies eyes are on you. You were like the mona lisa in his eyes. You were stunning. (to him) most people found you scary in your universe but here? Hell no. How would he find you scary if your the most Gorgeous person he has ever seen in his lifetime. In his 19 years old liveing he had never seen anyone that was like him, like you. He didnt notice you were stareing at him untill you spoke, " Put your eyes back in their sockets " you smirk with a slight laugh. Hr snapps out his tance and lets out a soft laugh " Sorry mate " he said, " Its good dont worry about it " you smile.
Your smile. Oh my goddess its like he fell in love, head over combat boots even. He loved it so much. It just suit you so well. " You have a nice smile " he said and you blushed slightly " and you have a nice face " you said with a giggle. " Really? You like my face " he said with a soft laugh " yes i do. " you smile and boop his nose. You get up and stretch " I love talking to you but gotta go, Dorito man said i have to go his little room thing " you said. You then wrote down on a peice of paper and gace it to him. " Bye! " you smile and leave
He reads the paper
This is my number, cal me! ***-***-***
He puts the paper in his pocket and thinks that today might have been an okay day
121 notes · View notes
clock-onyx · 15 days
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"Do you understand what this power holds, my dear child? Having a planet all to yourself is no easy task."
Name: Marmura
Age: 70,000~
Pronouns: He/They/Star (Mainly uses he/him)
Gender: Omnigender
Orientation: Omniromantic
Height: 15' (~457 cm)
Species: Star
Title: God of the Stars
Status: Deceased
YAYYYY FINALLY DID A FULL BODY FOR HIM!!! This was one of my most difficult designs to master, as he always had something changed to his design... this is so crazy I had so much motivation after drawing Veda's design
Marmura's basically the one who kickstarted everything, from convincing Sol, Selena and Emory to rule a planet to the creation of Vizion and Oculus. While in paper he seems like a good guy heeeessssss not
Star's a greedy, selfish bastard that is, used to shield behind the others when danger came around, willing to let any of them die for his sake while they did nothing, well that sure ended in karma huh?
Marmura was the first to shapeshift out of the first generation, opting for a more 'divine' look, where he gave up his two legs for a centaur look, mimicing the colors of the North and how Stellaris' rings shine to give that illusion
He was also the one to rename the planet itself, before he and the others came down towards the planet, it had a completly diffrent name spoken in an old and now lost language all ancient civilizations spoke togheter now lost for eternity. And also hes the one that convinved Selena and Emory to conceptualize and create the artificial moon, Octavian, ALL so he could create some servants outta that.
Etc etc, It'll be so much more to talk about JUST the relationship he had with both of his children YEOUCH!!! BUT ill save it for later mwaahahahahaha...
I MIGHT still change some aspects of the design, the whole 'Marmura's a centaur' is still fresh out of the oven and I might play around with the colors (although hes super shiny and reflects light that mames him pastel)
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Fun fact: Marmura's entire character was created because I just randomly imagined him one day and was like "lmfao what if I make them an awful person" LMFAOOO
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OLD DESIGNS?!!! Ignore if they ugly af all of these are super old and not canon at all 😭
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brights-place · 3 months
Hiiiii!! (๑>◡<๑) i was wondering if you would do a prince d x pop troll?(≧∀≦) thank you so much!
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Prince D dating a POP! S/O
Pairings: Prince D X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Prince D is so cool man! plus the fact he is voiced by Anderson Paak is so cool! most of the characters are voiced by amazing artists and I love it so much! so here is some headcannons (๑-﹏-๑)
- You met Prince D with Cooper since you saw him escaping and told him you would come along since he was your best friend and you wanted to take care of him cause you also knew he was... diffrent - You would always tug Cooper away from any trouble but when you both passed out due to the dehydration well more like you on the brink of passing out and cooper being very dehydrated you looked up noticing a space ship that hovered above both of you - You woke up earlier then cooper eyes squinting when looking up seeing 3 trolls glancing at eachother and staring at cooper is body with you eyes wide seeing the trolls look exactly like cooper with long necks and some are quadrupeds instead of bipeds like all other Trolls their hair as wool-like dreads. Instead, their bodies are covered in Troll hair or fur like you and other pop trolls but that didn't make you scream loudly in shock making cooper open his eyes and looked up as you stood infront of cooper protectively as cooper looked at you and the three trolls like him - Your eyes met with a male who looked EXACTLY like Cooper but he had a more chilled, laid-back face yet his eyes were staring at yours. - The male has gold tinsel-like fur on his neck. He has shorter and thicker dreadlocks than Cooper, which appear to have rings of gold on them and also wears an earring on his left ear, which matches the one worn by the older looking male troll beside him.
- Your eyes shifted back to coopers who stood out beside you as you whispered to cooper to be careful - Yes you were a pop troll but you were actually cautious! unlike poppy your lovely queen well you loved poppy but that girl could NOT be cautious enough unless its a life or death situation. - You stood beside cooper the whole time who heard his whole past and how they were looking for him the whole time while your jaw dropped eyes wide when glancing at cooper before your hands went towards your hug time bracelet fiddling with it to calm your anxiety - "So... from what Im getting is that cooper is a whole diff genre. Okay cool cool my bestfriend is a funk troll! I need to breathe before I pass out" you muttered to yourself as cooper walked over to you and spoke "You good?" "Cooper I'm glad you found your family but im shocked how fine they are" you muttered sweat dropping as cooper laughed - His parents and brother found it hilarious before Prince D walked over to you "Thanks dude... you ain't to bad yourself" he said playfully nudging you making you laugh - As you two conversed and enjoyed hearing the story more about funk troll you mainly focused on Prince D who is normally amiable and chill. - You notice He is welcoming to other Trolls but is reluctant to trust them unless he gets to know them, especially the Pop Trolls which was well you he was kind of wary but smiled. - You seemed to smile when you noticed he considers himself to be Hip hop rather than just Funk, and accepted Cooper considering himself both Pop and Funk after Cooper said that one doesn't have to be just one thing. - He's also an encouraging guy, as he is the first to invigorate Cooper to make music, supporting him by making his own tunes as well. - You asked to hear some samples of funk and hiphop which they gladly showed you which you enjoyed and every now and then doing small dancing knowing since you were in a new environment it would be hard to not be judged for... your music and dancing - But when you watch funk trolls dancing it was adapted to fit with their body type which involved a lot of footwork! with quadrupedal ones taking advantage of having four feet over most Trolls' two. They also move their neck and head a lot in conjunction with this, and bend or swing it to the beat, which is another physical trait other Troll Tribes don't have. - You loved how amazing funk was but you enjoyed pop more but you knew the history of what pop trolls had done so you didn't bother at all - But when Queen essence and King Quincy asked for you and cooper to show some Pop music. You noticed how cooper cheered but how prince D nodded his head smiling as you glanced towards cooper who turned to you quickly as you spoke "I know that look- No! No Cooper don't you dare- YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVEEEE!" You screamed trying to runaway as Cooper chased you around shouting "YOU CANNOT RUNNN!"
- And there you stood infront of the three who sat down as Cooper held you up and placed you down as you were red in embarrassment but couldn't help but turn even redder when hearing Prince D is laugh - You sighed before glancing at cooper who started making a beat with his foot which you started to join in adding your fingers snapping together - Soon you started having a smile stretch on your face as you satretd to sing with Cooper you both dancing and tewirling as you started to have fun while singing as you cheered when you finished singing as you threw glitter in the air out of nowhere before pausing when realizing you threw it and panicked apologizing to them ebfore noticing prince D had some glitter on his face - You panicked apologizing to them and ran over to wipe off the glitter from prince d is face unaware you were cupping his and were too close King Quincy and Queen Essence glanced at each other with pursed lips as Cooper laughed at your panicked state - You two realized you were close making you both flush as you both apologized quickly to each other you now standing beside cooper glancing up to cooper who giggled at your face "Your red like red velvet cupcakes!" "You literally poop out red velvet cupcakes" you muttered rolling your eyes chuckling - When Poppy and Branch came up the space ship you were standing beside Prince D and Cooper before poppy screamed your nickname loudly and tackled you to the floor as you hugged her back tightly and fist bumping branch - You were staring at Prince D and cooper laughing making you giggle slightly at the two be - When poppy started to talk about uniting all trolls together you glanced over to Prince D who shook his head letting out a sigh as you placed a hand on his back(?) to comfort him - When they were sent off you made sure to stay beside cooper you wanted to help your best friend and his family - You soon joined Prince D on his hover DJ set before the lights were cut out - After the whole world tour situation it was silent and you looked to the floor with no colour as you slowly raised a hand clutching your heart as you turned to Cooper and Prince D who were making music with you soon joining in making Cooper smile more and Prince D glance towards you two - You two smiling towards eachother adding more beats with all the other trolls joining in - You and Prince D were dancing together vibing with the music smiling as you glanced towards Prince D who was singing with his mother before singing with you making you laugh - You and Prince D soon gotten closer after awhile - when you two hangout you lay against him when your both just sitting down playing with his hair out of boredom and sometimes adding some colorful beads beside the golden rings on his dreads - You like hearing the random beats he makes or snippets of some songs of hiphop and enjoy staring at him - After awhile you two were developing feelings for eachother which was very hard for Cooper to deal with cause well he tried so hard not to burst out the secret of you two liking eachother even though it was very difficult for him cause he finds it confusing how oblivious you were - You would scrapbook beside him if he is busy and would show off your works to him. He enjoys how you explain how your dya went with your scrapbook - If he finds any cool stickers that you would like he would get them and hand them to you for your next scrapbook which surprisingly enough was a scrapbook of you two hanging out with each other and sometimes cuddling
- Prince D enjoys your small blush and cute noises when he stares at you with a soft smile - You end up visiting eachother alot and when you went to visit cooper he asked you out on date as you stared at him turning around screaming and turning back to him nodding "I would like that!" "Cool its a date" - You started shaking cooper when he was mid-conversation with his mother as you squealed as Queen Essence giggled "He finally asked?" - You have a good connection with the Funk troll royal family -  It's known pop Troll is extremely happy, strives happiness and seeks fun above all things which is so like you but its also true that they are prone to absolute panic when things go wrong, often overreacting in a comical way and that what was going on right now you panicking for the fact that you messed up playing an song or you messing up a dance move - The Pop Trolls have a holiday for every day of the year, meaning they are constantly having one party or another. So you would always invite him to ones that you know he'd enjoy! - When you started to get too close almost seeing around each other with you smiling around him and clinging to his side as you blabbered away as he listened nodding his head - when someone gets the Cool laid back prince D jealous you giggle because he likes to look away with a slight blush with a pout on his lip if you point out - You love to make up some little dances that follow along to Prince D's beats just to get him to snort-laugh and smile at your shenanigans. - You and Darnell went on dates pretty often you already hung out constantly but you two had actual dates 2-3 times a week! - even if your diffrent trolls he cares for you ALOT your his partner after all Pop, Rock, Country, etc etc! he doesn't care he loves you for you
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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