#digiadvs lore
koushirouizumi · 11 months
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{from stream} (Presented without Context or Commentary)
+ They reused the 'Apoc{a}lymon' blurb in the wrong place, but that aside...
(Caps/Cropping from Stream by Me)
{WOULD BE NICE If Asked to Use}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index}/{DigiAdvs}/{Head-canon[s]} The (Mis?-)Adventures of Steve & Frigimon
Since 'today' is basically Yet Another Day for me, I'm collecting a series of head-canon / reaction posts & Thoughts TM I recently made for a vastly under-acknowledged Long-Time Fav That Most People Apparently Don't Remember Exists! (even though they, too, featured briefly in 02's "World Tour" arc...)
This Series A.K.A, What It (May) Mean To Be A (Canon!)Jew In The Digital World (Yes! A Certain One Exists!) + Dealing with Certain Aspects of DigiAdv + 02 ""Lore""
Most of these I marked as 'no r.b'., but feel free to 'Like' anything involved, or refer to this index + if you also appreciate Steve & Frigimon! (of Inter-national Chosen fame!...)
Pt 1: "Gole...m"on Pt 2: "S...ephiroth"mon Pt 3: "Wizar"mon & "Witch"elny Pt 4: Meeting Daisuke Again ("Holiday"s in ..'03!) Pt 5: "Sister"mon{s} Pt 6: "Devi"mon Pt 7: {+"Belial"}"Vamde"mon? / Literally Any "Evil" 'Mon, really Pt 8: (~Totally Not Confronting~) Qinglongmon Pt 9: Meeting Jou Again & "Studying" Pt 10: "Pump"mon & "Costumes" Pt 11: "Gobli"...mon ("Let's Just...") Pt 12: Meeting Koushiro Again / Meanwhile With KouTai & Steve? Pt 13: "Snow"mons (Or ... Featuring, Frigimon! ...) Pt 14: The meaning(?) of "Becoming Adults" {Kizuna Spoiler} Pt 15: 'Meeting' Menoa {Kizuna Spoiler} ("You see, Frigimon was asking me about {MY}---") Pt 16: Lighting the Candles & "Potential" [Post-Kizuna] & an aftermath of Meanwhile With KouTai & What It May Mean to Be "Partners" (Mentioned: Tentomon) Pt 17: "Witch"mon Pt 18: "Witch"mon & "Pump"mon Pt. 19: Espimon Appears Pt. 20: Meanwhile with Steve, Frigimon, Espimon & KouTai ("You know, Espimon reminds me A LOT of...")
(If you have questions about any of these, feel free to send a respectful Ask, So long as my blogrules are followed!)
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” {Part 2} [Previous Parts: 1] [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro [Also seen: 2020!Sora, Adventure Chosen, Meiko, briefly]
Audio/Dialogue (C) Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: About 3~ hours (or a little more) on 08/07/22 My Commentary:
I have a lot of Thoughts on how Koushiro feels towards Taichi, Actually {And also in reverse, though this is mainly Koushiro’s Point-of-View.} (This part will have just a bit of Taichi perspective too, though.)
I also have a lot of Thoughts on Adventure{s} wider LORE on a grander scale, but also as it relates to Koushiro’s whole canon.
I’ll probably go back and smooth this out later, but for now it’s doing what I want it to do, and hopefully you can follow along by reading the dialogue below: (Note: Contains starting spoilers for the originating series, Chobits, though the context in this part is quite vague, and happens quite early in series.)
Scenes used come from: - Digimon Adventure [Eps 6, 21, 24, 48] - Digimon Adventure 2020 [Ep 20; Koushiro-relevant scenes] - Digimon Adventure tri.: Saikai [Koushiro-relevant moment; non-spoilery] - Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna [Adventure Chosen moments pre-final battle; Meiko relevancy] {Briefly} {It doesn’t necessarily spoil tri., but it’s a notable moment} It DOES spoil a significant moment of pre-final battle Kizuna w/out contexts} (Though 2020 is used, this is mainly meant as overall Semi[?] Canon-compliant, but 2020 Chosen can be in their own Time too...)
- Dialogue (Preview):
- As expected, there isn’t anyone in THIS CITY either.
- [THAT IS SOMETHING I “KNOW” WELL] Because, {I} [{Boku}/{Watashi}] am {ME} [{Boku}/{Watashi}].
{Note: In the J.P.N version, Koushiro uses “boku” as saying “I”, but Koushiro also speaks in overall rather formal/polite speech.} [This is the case in all current medias, including the newest “02″ movie, up until {supposedly} around the point of right about the Epilogue years] By then, he still uses “boku”, that is, but speaking just a bit less formally.] (In the originating series, the speaker is a girl using “Atashi”). (The rest of this ‘A.M.V’.s storyline will show itself in time...!)
[Extra Note: It is read in a storybook-like style, hence narration.]
(Check under the ‘read more’ for full text!)
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful are ok!]
Everyone was with “THAT.” They won’t awaken from the {FUN} [Dream] with “THAT.” The (TIME) they spend with “THAT” is a [Dream]. A [dream-like] “wonderful” (TIME).
“THAT” can make ANY(?) {W I S H} come [True](?)
“THEY” will make people happy by ‘doing what they want’
Because “THAT” isn’t a {Person}
Which is why “THAT” can [BECOME] a {person}’s [Dream]
It can [become] a “replacement” for one, but never [BE] ONE.
- [THAT IS SOMETHING I “KNOW” WELL] Because, {I} [{Boku}/{Watashi}] am {ME} [{Boku}/{Watashi}].
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wlwhikari · 2 years
{DigiAdv 02: Revenge of Diablomon} (J.P.N Version) ~ Koushiro[u] Character Traits + Koushiro & Mimi / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction + Koushiro & Takeru & Hikari / {Friendly} as Supportive/Group Efforts + Koushiro & Miyako / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction + Yamato & Sora / Moments & Interaction + Taichi & Yamato & Sora / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction {as Group} ~ DigiAdvs Lore: Holy Ring + “Kibou no Hikari” / “Light of Hope” {and how it functions with Imperialdramon in this Scene} ~ Daisuke Character Traits + Daisuke & Ken / MOMENTS & Interaction {KENSUKE}/{DaiKen}/{KenDai}
{Clipped by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) T0ei @nimation]
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(Note: This is mainly intended as Canon reference + Koushiro-informative + 02; Hikari-informative. Please respect that if interacting, Thank You!)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Some DigiAdvs Stan @ Me: DigiAdvs 2020 is about--- m E: DigiAdvs 2020 was about Tikkun Olam and how the Chosen are contributing to iT {as a Team along with the rest of the World{s}} because THEY {+Koushiro (in DigiAdv 2020 36)} WON---
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {DigiAdvs 02}
Takeru: ... Steve: ... Takeru: ..... Steve: ..... Takeru: :) Steve: :) Takeru: ..... Steve: (I won't say anything if Takeru doesn't...) Frigimon: (At least you two get along?) Steve: (Yeah, but I can't say this isn't awkward sometimes.) Frigimon: (Takeru respects Koushiro too, though.) Steve: (I know, I know.) Steve: (Breaking the ice is ... Something.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime not long post-02, Steve & Frigimon finally get the chance to be approached by... Qinglongmon: Qinglongmon: Steve, smiling: Qinglongmon: Steve, smiling: Steve, slow grinning: ... So, this is a little awkward, because I don't necessarily 'fully' believe in your existence, but... Qinglongmon: ( *coughs* ) Steve: I don't mind helping out, I'm just a little confused why we weren't included from the beginning. Steve: We were "Chosen" around the same time too, weren't we? Koushiro's explained it to me. Because Koushiro's super helpful and guided us where Koushiro could when we were newer and didn't know a lot. Qinglongmon: It's a little "complicated"-- Steve: Yeah, I get it. Steve: But it'd be nice to be "in the know" now. Qinglongmon: ( *t WITCHING* ) Steve, cheerfully: ... Which is why you should help out Frigimon & I with helping the others. Qinglongmon: ( *t W I TCHING*) ..... Steve: A power-up (similar to theirs) might be nice. Qinglongmon: Qinglongmon: Consider it done. Steve, equally cheerfully: {in Yiddish} Thanks! Frigimon: ('You know, you're really unnerving a lot of them?') Steve: ('You know why...') Frigimon: ('I know, but I can't say it wasn't also amusing to see Qinglongmon like that...')
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime during / after Adventures, Steve and Frigimon encountering... yet again a Devimon?: Devimon: Prepare to be destr--- Steve: You know, the concept of your 'being' exists differently to my people, at times, not at all? Devimon: Steve: If people don't 'believe' in you... Devimon: (!!!) Steve: (Do you---) Devimon: You can go. Steve: (in {Yiddish!}) "Thank you." Devimon, definitely not twitching: ... Steve, not looking back: Steve: (If you think you're winning...) Steve, later on, messaging Koushiro as quick as possible: (So, you know, "Devi"---)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Steve, learning the existence of "Witchelny": Steve: Steve: Steve: (Maybe I shouldn't say anything to this Wizarmon. At least it's a kind one.) Wizarmon, sweating: (The 'rest', though...) Steve: (Look, as long as they leave Frigimon and I alone) Wizarmon: (You might have to fight, though) Steve: (I'll figure that out later.) Steve: Well, bye Wizarmon: (You're just going to?--) Steve & Frigimon, leaving via however they accidentally got there: Wizarmon:
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime not long post 02, Steve and Frigimon encounter... a "Sephirothmon": Steve: (... That's not the "Zohar".) Steve, to "Sephirothmon": Are you aware there is a 'concept' similar to but very different from you that exists elsewhere? Sephirothmon: ( ????? ) Steve: (Yeah, me too.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Me, opening Digi-Twit: Me, closing Digi-Twit:
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
[Index] Koushiro{u} Izumi {DigiAdvs} Scenes (J.P.N Ver.)
{This is still actively being worked on; Please be patient as I continue to add more!!}
Because I got tired of not being able to immediately refer to scenes without having to use piles of caps / etc.
{More to be added shortly!!}
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. I do not make $$$ off my posts. This is being posted for Reference. Please actively support the series via any official means in your location{s} as well!!
Ep02: Koushiro + rapid Maths Calculations {+Moments; with Jou} Ep05: Inside the Battery; Interests + Adoption {+ Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep10: Koushiro Guides Mimi Out The Maze {+Friendly; with Mimi} Ep13: Koushiro stands to signal support for Taichi’s decision {Friendly} Ep18: Koushiro and Yamato discuss their Crests {+Friendly; with Yamato} Ep20; vs. Etemon Arc (Near-End); Koushiro assisting Taichi Ep21: Hosoda!Koushiro; Communicating from Vademon’s Dimension? {+Moments; with Taichi} [+Taichi’s Monologuing that follows in relation] Ep24: Searching for Crest; & Vademon’s Dimension {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro’s laptop + “Cosmic Power”?? activates communication with Taichi Ep24; Koushiro regains Inquisitive Heart + “I Want to Know!” {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro Snaps Awake {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep28 vs Tri. Kyousei: Motimon/Tentomon’s “Bond” {“Kizuna”} with Koushiro Ep28: The Gate sequence {+Friendly, with Taichi} + Part 2 Ep28: Ending moment; Taichi with hand on Koushiro’s shoulder Ep29 x Tri. Soushitsu x 2020 Ep59: Motimon / Tentomon Parallels Ep30: Koushiro {physically} intervening to defend Jou / Pushed from Bridge Ep31: Koushiro’s Polite{ness} +(J.P.N) speech {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Excuses + Adopted!Koushiro Scene {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Bad/bland jokes + Adopted!Koushiro  {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep31: Koushiro’s Guilt + Adopted!Koushiro & Izumi’s concern + Taichi’s worry Ep36: “Just leave your computer behind!” {+Familial; with Izumis} + “Let’s BELIEVE in Koushiro, in our son.” - Mr. Izumi, to Mrs. Izumi [Koushiro sets up Gennai’s “barrier”; Izumis discover Tentomon] Ep36: Koushiro sets off to help the fight; Izumis send him off with love Ep38: the Adoption reveal / “It’s not wrong for you to be obsessed with Computers!” Ep38: Koushiro & Izumis Figure Out the Prophecy {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep39: Koushiro Displaying Compassion for Parents {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep45: Yamato & JouMi Leave the Group {+Moments; with Yamato & Chosen} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc (Start); Koushiro showing concern for Yagamis Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; +Andromon; Fake-Fights {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; Taichi’s Confession {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep50: Koushiro (Totally Not) Showing off Skills {with Adv!Chosen; & Taichi} Eps 52~53: “Why WON’T YOU LET ME FIGHT?!?” {+Interaction, with Taichi} Ep52: vs. Piemon; crying out for Jou + teary-eyed {+Friendly; with Jou} Ep53: (Near End) Koushiro’s realizations {+Friendly; with Tentomon} + Tentomon: “But that’s what I like about you” Ep53: (Near End) Adventure Lore about The Crests
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
DigiAdvs + 02 + tri. + Kizuna A.M.V. ~ Title: "DEAD And SEEK" {1st Half} {original} ~ Pre-view / Un-finished / {Work-in-Progress} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai} + Friendships/Supportive dynamics: Koushiro & Chosen (briefly) {Implied} Adventure+02 Chosen Children (in general)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE.
Investigating your theory on that ILLUSIVE world With all its misfortune, its charm
Was it the world of "daydreams"? Just like the inner workings of "a fairytale"{?} It had the touch of unreality...
The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by
that midsummer day...
The original did not have a P.V. for this one; This A.M.V. was made based purely on feeling from the original as the song was rarely covered in the originating series' canon, though it clearly still had some relevance there too (namely, to the earlier part of that series' canon, but also extending throughout the rest).
It's a bit of "dark" song but has a really cool (rock) sound; (However, take caution if you watch!) Despite this, there's a layer of 'deeper' meaning connecting to originating characters from the series this one is from, as well.
The original P.O.V. is through a character relevant to the main villain of the originating series that inspired this take; however; this character might not be fully aware of own actions.
("Gennai" appears a bit in this one...)
{There are spoilers for mainly the initial 1st Tri trailers + Saikai opening in this; including a dialogue made at the start of "Saikai"; however, this was made a year+ or so back. Kizuna does not show A LOT 'yet'., however there is a semi-major spoiler as the precursor to the final battle involving "what happened to the {missing} Chosen Children".} (If I include more of it or not depends on if my editor lets me finish making this A.M.V. without it crashing.)
{"Dead and Seek" was released May 30th, however, we had a preview for it as early as May 12, 2k13. 10 years anniversary of this song too, so I'm linking my A.M.V. in progress.}
(it aims to eventually tackle a Bit of relevant DigiAdvs ""lore"") however, is the speaker truly "Gennai"? {Maybe it's half YGGDRASIL}?? (Watch to get an idea!)
{Lyrics} (This section):
This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since that accident we were plunged into Alone, now, I realized that
However, {THEY'VE} disappeared The warmth {their} words carried, repeating in my mind Put simply, I’ve grown to hate it...
For that ONE moment, my senses heightened My head was filled with countless CALCULATIONS Almost enough to make me faint
This is a reimagining of the human body These eyes of mine I’ve turned cold, their color – don’t they… Remind you of a {"MONSTER"}, somehow?
My cerebral fluids won’t find peace My cells, they try to understand The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by that midsummer day I’ll dissect it, and take your bloodstained hand in mine{???}...
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{Index} KoushirouIzumi's DigiAdvs Things
(Img's in general, extra not-O.T.P A.M.V.s, etc. KouTai O.T.P stuff etc....!)
{Note: I am always adding to this. New works may be added sporadically. If you Interact on any of my works, please read my F.A.Q to see if I've already answered a question.}
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{+on taggings methods: What’s the deal with the variations in spellings for Ko[u]shiro[u]’s [+Jo{u}’s] Japanese names?} [x]
(for conveniences’ sake, I use the US version, “Koushiro” which has also been used in some official merch/usages on the J.P.N side. (Most obvious example being Tri {Saikai}) Please respect my choice and understand instead of bothering me to or demanding I change it, because I won't, thank you) {As I have made close to 50+ postings (likely now 100+) about Koushiro it would be difficult to go back and edit any particular posting with any particular spelling, and I’m most used to the US version’s way from his full name; “Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi”.} (I do leave out ‘Izzy’ when I’m indicating the J.P.N version specifically. I note it can be ‘Koushiro[u]’ when listing out characters included/etc.)
{Taishiro / KouTai OTP}
My A.O.3 : Hikari @ A.O.3 {"Novel/Story Route"} Fic Index: [x] Other KouTai A.M.V.s Index: [x] (Any other tagged charas/ship's may also appear if briefly)
KouTai A.M.V.s - REPEAT?_Verse [x] {"Music Route"} KouTai F.S.Ts (Fan Sound-tracks) F.S.T #1 - READY?_ [x] F.S.T #2 - BEGIN [x] (To be Completed)
Main Index: “izzyizumi taishiro gifs” tag (Chronological Postings) [x]
KouTai{/shiro} O.T.P of O.T.Ps Compilation (with Moments across all medias) [x] Our War Game {/“Children’s War Game”} [x] 02!Taishiro [x] [x] Tri!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] 2020!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] [x] {This section to be Completed} (Very out-dated Index, check chronological postings above!)
JouxMi / JouMimi {Jou & Mimi} {JouMi Challenge} [x] [x] [x] (etc) [x] Michi / TaiMimi {Taichi & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x] [x] [x] KouxMi / KouMimi {Koushiro & Mimi} [x] [x] Mimaxto / YamaMimi {Yamato & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] So{ra}Mi{Mi} / MimiSora {Sora & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] [x] Joushiro / Jyoushiro {Jou & Koushiro} [x] Taixora / TaiSora {Taichi & Sora} [x]
{Familial & Etc. Friendships} Yagami{s} (Duo) [x] Yagami Family [x] [x] Sora & Mrs. Toshiko Takenouchi [x] Koushiro’s "American" Friend? Info + {Lore/Tri musings/refs} [x]* [*Note: Planning to revise/Update]
Adventure 02 Daisuke Motomiya [x] Daixkari / DaiHika {Daisuke & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] [x] Kenxyako / KenMiya {Ken & Miyako} [x] Kensuke / KenDai {Ken & Daisuke} [x] [x] Miyaxkari / MiyaHika {Miyako & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] Miyakeru / TakeMiya {Miyako & Takeru} [x] [x] Kou+Miya Friendship {Miyako & Koushiro} [x] Bi!Miyako [x]
Tri Meixchi / TaiMei {Taichi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] MiMei {Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] SoMiMei {Sora & Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] SoMei {Sora & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] Tri!Hikari’s Storyline Explanation / Parallels with 02!Hikari’s Storyline [x]
Kizuna Kizuna!Koushiro & Novels Kizuna!Koushiro {+Taichi; Tentomon; Menoa} [x] KouMeno {Koushiro & Menoa} [x] KouTaiMeno {Koushiro & Taichi & Menoa} [x] [x] (Note: TaiMeno in general may appear as an aside to anything listed above.) Adventure: (2020) 2020!Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x]
Ship Compilations: - MxF [x] - MxM & FxF [x] (+2020)!TaiKouMi [x] [x] YamaKouTai [x] TaiJouMi [x] YamaxJouMi [x] YamaxJouraMi [x] {Tri/BNM spoilers} KenDaiHika [x]
Other A.M.Vs: Older A.M.Vs (Made during my childhood/pre-tumblr days) I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings {Adv-02 Taichi-centric/Taichi & Friends} [x] Walk on the Edge {Adv-02 Yamato/Yamato & Friends [+bonus YamaxJou} [x]
Newer A.M.Vs: Ashita wa Motto [Tomorrow I’ll Be] {Adv-02 Sora-centric & Soraxto} [x] She Said {So[ra]Mi} [x] Numb {Meiko & BNM!/Tri!Taichi} [x] Encore (Adv+Tri!Chosen & Meiko Positive) {Gen} [x]
Warriors {Frontier} [x] A.M.Vs Index for the Rest: [x]
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{Its 2k23 Ppl Pls}
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izzyizumi · 3 years
Just Digimon Things
Bandai: "The Digital World still has unexplored continents, as well as the Dark Area. Plenty of Digimon must inhabit all those places, so that means /there must be lots of new categories to discover/, too!"
mE: (CHANTS) Dark Area Dark Area dArk arEAAAA
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
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BONUS: “The power to Begin...”
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{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages FIRST. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections/banner.}
{P.S.@: Gifs currently unfinished}/ {To Be remade for other Digi-blog}
So, ABOUT these ““new”” Lore drops..... {Tri spoilers & 2020 spoilers below}:
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{Note: the Mountain in sceneries makes a reappearance in Maki’s backstory scenes; it’s [implied] where the Four Holy Beasts [Qinglongmon; etc] fight Piemon in tri.}:
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