#digital bulletin board
lararenne24 · 10 months
Digital Signage Solutions
Believe in the potential of your work experience regarding the marketing perspective and see how you can make better progress in this stream with no major changes made. Work on the aspects of digital signage solutions and see how you can make the most out of it in no time possible. Work on it right now.
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annabarnes82 · 10 months
Digital Menus For Restaurants
Digital menus for Restaurants have been called game-changers in the dining industry for a reason. They provide a dynamic and interactive way for restaurants to showcase their offerings. With vibrant visuals, real-time updates, and the potential to personalize menus on the fly, these digital menus are meant to uplift the dining experience for customers.
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glorialewis19 · 1 year
Digital Bulletin Board
Running a business where you have to show updates every minute? Then why not consider digital bulletin board which comes with a series of benefits for you to showcase your updates without any delay. Ensure to surf through multiple models and seek its perks. It comes in various models and styles to suit your infrastructure and business type.
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shermanjones25 · 1 year
Digital Lobby Signage
These days most of the businesses and other kinds of retail stores come with a lobby area to keep visitors relaxed and entertained. In this regard having digital lobby signage can add a lot to your overall experience betterment.
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colleenbuse36 · 1 year
Digital Signage For Schools
Hi-tech schools want a new direction to their education system to get it upgraded timely and bring the best changes for the new or upcoming generations. That’s where you can consider having a digital signage for schools which offers and displays crucial information in the best possible manner ever.
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gmanmedias · 1 year
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Random genders from my hoard: bulletboldinet
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🖥️ 🖥️ 🖥️
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ivansbadart · 3 months
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Our Blue Hours - The Bulletin Board
In my inner eye I see the fic that I wrote so vividly, and I wish I had the time and artistic talent to draw literally every single "scene" in it, but alas I do not.
New chapter of my Ghost/König fic should be up now. (Read on ao3)
this was so fun to draw, especially considering I looked like the Pepe silvia meme while storyboarding the fic;
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69ywivez · 1 year
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nacl2queen · 1 year
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Made with the controller stick in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
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jamebowers19 · 2 days
Digital Menu Board Software
Take full control of your restaurant's offerings with digital menu board software that grants you the ability to update your menu in real time. Showcase new dishes, update prices, and run promotions with the software that instantly boosts your brand’s popularity. The result is a friction less dining experience that wows your customers.
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pepperpepperz · 7 months
heres a little drawing of what i think sherlock's (shockingly clean) room looks like!
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[ID: a digital drawing of sherlock holmes' bedroom. the walls are painted green and white, and he has a large bulletin board filled with pictures and newspaper clippings hung right above his bed. on the wall adjacent is a bird poster. beside the poster is the window, which has blackout curtains. his bed is in the corner, and he has a traintrack pillowcase, weighted blanket, and bee plushie on his bed. archie also sits on the bed and wags his tail. an orchid with no flowers sits on his dresser, and his nightstand has books atop and slippers beneath./End ID.]
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just-a-jock · 1 year
Get Digitized
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Josh is your typical college kid maybe even a little nerdier. He majored in video game development and is a part of the gaming club at school he really didn’t take part in any social life. He was very average-looking, not too skinny but not too fat. Of course, he has some pudge around him One day while waking to his character design class he noticed a new flyer on the bulletin board
“Love video games? Want to earn cash? Come join our trail of Beta testers”
Josh loved the idea as he continued reading. It did pay pretty well and would provide all accommodations during the duration of the trial. He decides to take the pamphlet and heads to his apartment pondering if he is going to do it or not.
The next day Josh ends up driving to the address. Some big office parks with multiple buildings. “WAG” said the sign out front. He remembered seeing this developer when taking his Indie gaming class last semester. “We Are Gaming” is what the company was called and they specialized in virtual reality games and development. Josh was excited to see what project he would be helping in.
As he walked into the building he went to the front desk.
“Hello I’m here to be a part of the beta testing program,” Josh asked the receptionist
“Hello, please fill out the form on the iPad and one of our specialists will assist you momentarily”
Josh grabbed the iPad and started to fill out the questionnaire. It had all the reasonable questions you might think Until he got to the end
“What the fuck” Josh winced as the questions got more personal. Cock size, sexuality, perceived popularity. Josh decided to answer as he didn’t want to get disqualified and entered the form. Not that long after a man in what seemed like a doctor's uniform comes out from a secure door
“Hello, you must be Josh. My name is Doctor Houston. I’m the head of the VR department. Please follow me” Houston had a very stern voice with a seriousness that he did not want to mess around.
As he started to follow Dr.Houston Josh asked questions “Wow so you have a Ph.D. in gaming or computer science?”
Dr. Houston chuckled before answering “No, I have a MD in Internal medicine. WRG hired me to head the VR department as they want to see the reactions the body takes to long-term virtual reality gaming… and here we are” He finished saying as he opened a room to some sort of laboratory containing a monitor, sleek white gaming equipment and some sport of large computer. On the other side a window looking into what seemed to be a control room
As Josh walks in he hears a door close and lock
“Hey, what’s going on” he screams while banging at the door. After a moment he notices dr Houston walk into the control room across the room and sit down at a desk facing the main room.
Over the speaker “Dear Josh, I will be monitoring your experience from over here. Please strap onto the center platform near the screen so we can start”
Josh felt like this program was more of a medical drug trial and video game testing but decided to continue with what the doctor said anyway. As he walked up to the platform he put his two feet on the conveniently designated spots and looked at the screen as it turned on.
“Welcome player to your new life”
wait new life what did it mean by that. Before Josh could react clamps came out of the ground and attached to his feet holding him in place
“Hey what’s the meaning of this” he screamed
“Please stay calm as we proceed,” the doctor said over the speaker
Large laser pointers came from the side of the computer. “Beginning digitization” the computer screen announced
“Wait what?? What’s happening”
Slowly two beams from the computer started to travel up his body as everything it touched slowly disintegrated
“AHHHHH FUCK IT BURNS STOP IT STOP IT PLEASE” Josh pleated to the computer and the doctor or anyone that would notice
As the computer continued up his body in a burning pain he noticed on the screen a complete 1 to 1 replica of himself….. wait no not a replica that was him…
The computer finally made it up to his head as he pleaded one last time “PLEASE I DON'T WAN…..” He was caught off as his head was completely overwhelmed by the lights
Suddenly Josh regained consciousness but now he is in some white room with nothing around. He then hears a noise
“Customization available……. Character template chooses… JOCK…….. PROCEEDING MODIFICATIONS”
“What is happening stop this” Josh screamed but no one was around to hear him as his clothes completely vanished out of nowhere.
Slowly his body started to change to correspond to the data inside the computer
First Josh's feet grew from his regular size 9s to a huge size 14 which would be making noise anytime he walked anywhere. As the changes traveled upwards his calfs and leg muscles grew. His thighs ended up looking like watermelons and could easily break one if he wanted to between the two.
“Oh fuckkkkkkkkkk” Josh moaned as the changes continued
His cock and balls were next to change as his penis started to pull outwards slowly inching from a 6….7….8…….9……10 and finally ending at a huge size 11 which would make anyone fucked with It limp for days. His ball felt sore as they grew to baseballs filled with cum ready to fill and breed. The last touch to his groin area was the re-growth of his foreskin and ended with a continues leaky cock.
The changes moved to his torso as his abs started to chisel themselves one by one making a road all the way to the growing mountains that were his pecs. His chest looked like it was being inflated and his pecs were the Mount Everest of the range with a pointed nipple which faced downwards due to the muscle growth onto of his pecs.
“Ughh please make it stop…” Josh moaned as the changes continued
Next, his arms grew with his biceps growing to the size of footballs and his hands matching to be able to palm and grab any ball he wanted. The next set of changes started to settle in as hair started to grow across his body. His armpits started to burst out with hairs so thick that even when he put his arms down they would spew from the sizes. Next hair started to travel across his chest and legs thinking and giving him a nice rug that accentuated his already defined muscles. Lastly, but most importantly his bush started to grow more and more from his groin. Anytime of pants or underwear won’t be able to cover the spillage that will be coming over the top of them.
Josh was in a dazed state as the changes started to subside and finish up. He didn’t know how to feel…. Horny? Confused? Scared? Everything seemed so different as he started to hear the voice again.
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Wait that wasn’t his name why would it say that was someone entering all of this
Soon everything went black and it felt like Josh fell asleep.
“Oh god…. where am I” Josh woke up in what seemed to be a house much different to his one. It felt almost generated. Against his will, Josh got up from his bed and started to move to the kitchen where his body made a protein-heavy breakfast.
“Omg stop why can’t I control my body what is happening,” Josh thought in his mind completely scared of what was going on. Unbeknownst to him outside the computer his body was being fully controlled by someone on the outside.
After eating the breakfast his body immediately got up and started to walk to a new room filled with gym equipment. “Oh god no,” Josh thought.. His body started to go through an intensive workout against his will.
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by the end of it he was completely exhausted with the last bits of energy he had he was able to take control for a moment and scream out
“Um Doctor, there seems to be an issue,” the voice said
“What seems to be the problem?”
“The character said something weird… “Help, Im stuck” in like screaming pattern” he responded
“Ahh that’s strange don’t worry about that. We can fix that in the next patch. Might just be grabbing from some unused text files. Thank you for pointing it out” The doctor replied as he walked away taking notes and smirking
Josh was now completely trapped inside WRG new game “US” a life simulation game where gamers can be anyone their dreams can be. Unluckily for Josh, he was stuck being the complete opposite of his original self. Now is a template of a stereotypical jock for those who are too lazy to create their own characters in the game.
I hope you all enjoy. This was a story swap with @axeegliter. Check out their story and blog!
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ily-tomura · 7 months
Digital Farmers
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Autistic!Tomura Shigaraki, GN!Reader
You’d already played a bit of Stardew Valley when Tomura asks if you want to start a co-op farm with him. He doesn’t play it often, or at least not as often as he plays other games, but he’s pretty up there in hours.
Immediately upon the two of you starting up the world, he’s telling you about the best cash crops and the fastest way to fill out the items in the Community Center.
Tomura asks if you want to split the watering of the crops or if you’d rather he handle all the farming so that he can power level his skill farming early on. You say you don’t mind either way.
It’s relatively quiet when you’re in game, unless he has a question about what kind of seeds you want him to buy or if there’s any good quest on the bulletin board, but other than that it’s just you and him listening quietly to the music.
He talks to the fish as he’s trying to catch them. You are not entirely sure if he is aware of it or not, but you leave it be. It’s kind of cute.
The first real discussion is about what the two of you want to name your chickens. You both want to have themed names, but it’s between spice names and names from anime. Eventually you decide that every time you get a new animal, you’ll roll dice. Evens, you get to name it, odd, Tomura gets to name it. Your first two chickens are named Basil and Goku.
While Tomura does get a bit annoyed at not having late-game items, having you there playing with him is nice.
At the end of a four hour stretch of playing, you can tell he’s beginning to get tired, so you ask if you can call it a night soon. He nods and says he’ll wrap it up and call it after the day ends.
He knows you won’t be able to get on and play with him as much as he wants to, but he promises that he’ll only play in your shared world when you can both be there. He says the world belonging to both of you is what makes it special.
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thedroneranger · 1 year
Doggone It
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Précis: Jake convinces Mrs. Seresin she needs a furry companion.
Note: I needed a serotonin hit, and dogs make me happy. This piece is an imagine in the To-Do List collection.
Warnings: So fluffy you might die, disabled dogs, inaccuracies around how military working dog adoptions work
Word count: 1.1k
Jake was nervous. Although he thought he was hiding it well, he wasn’t. She knew. She always knew. No one read Jake better than she could. Of course, he found it particularly annoying. Especially if he were planning any sort of surprise.
Pretending to be none the wiser, she sipped her latte and hummed along to the music. The wind siphoning through the cracked passenger window, streaming through her hair felt wonderful. Sun was hitting her face as she stared through her aviators at the passing scenery.
All of Jake’s tells were on display: thumbs thrumming on the steering wheel, knee jumping nervously and he wasn’t serenading her to their shared playlist, but instead mumbling to himself under his breath. 
Finally, he broke the low lull of the music. “We’re headed to base.”
“I know.” She turned from the window to look at him as he shot her a quick glance before putting his eyes back on the road. She continued to watch his profile, waiting for him to elaborate further. 
A breath he didn’t realize he was holding left his body. “We have an appointment,” he added. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth for a second.
“An appointment?” She prodded, taking another sip of her latte.
“Yes, an appointment. You’ll see when we get there,” Jake finished. Her mind raced as she tried to imagine what would require both their presence on base. Her ID card wasn’t up for renewal. Her vehicle tags were up to date.
Once the truck was parked, Jake came around to the front of the vehicle, hand ready for her to take. They exchanged smiles as their fingers interlaced. Inside the building, nothing appeared familiar as they strode past sterile doors, and the overhead lights glimmered off the well-waxed beige tile.
At the end of the nondescript hallway, Jake pushed open one of the double doors to reveal a gymnasium dotted with dogs and handlers. Her eyes grew to the size of saucers. “You cannot be serious, Jake!” She turned to look at him. 
His expression was guilty yet hopeful. “Serious as a heart attack, sweetheart. We’re here to see which dogs are matches for us.” Her mouth hung open for a few seconds but nothing came out.
For months, she and Jake had been going back and forth about getting a dog. Given the uptick in the duration and frequency of his deployments and tours, he wanted her to have a protective companion around when he wasn’t. Plus, he couldn’t always rely on his friends—their assignments were as sporadic as his.
First, Jake looked at breeders, thinking a purebred puppy would be perfect. Although the idea of a pudgy puppy cuddled in her lap with velvet fur, premature wrinkles and unmistakable breath made her melt, she knew they had to adopt. So Jake changed his attack, sending her adoption events from rescues throughout the county. 
One day, he was on his way to the mess hall for lunch when a flier on the hallway bulletin board caught his eye. A smile curled his lips as he read the details for an upcoming military working dog adoption event.
He captured the information through the posted QR code and continued on to the lunch room. His squadron buddies ribbed him while he filled out the digital forms to ensure they got on the list as soon as possible. 
Jake remembered the day he got the approval email. He’d been incessantly checking. It also took all his willpower not to tell her. So often she did things for him that he really wanted to do this for her.
“Lieutenant Seresin? Mrs. Seresin?” A woman dressed in fatigues addressed them with a warm smile. They nodded in unison and each shook her hand. After introducing herself, she offered them beverages and then took the pair to a small sitting area. Then, she walked through how their application was vetted and they were matched.
“You’re perfect candidates for any of the dogs here,” the woman commended them. They exchanged affectionate looks as Jake slipped his hand into hers and squeezed it. “But there’s a specific dog we think is the best fit for you. Would you like to meet him?”
Jake was out of his chair before the word “yes” left his lips. The soldier smiled at his giddiness and waited for her to also stand. Once all three of them were on their feet, she guided them around the perimeter of the room until they reached another soldier, standing with a brindle Belgian Malinois. “Say hello to Ruck.” She motioned toward the dog. 
Jake listened so well to her list of must-haves that they were here, standing in front of a retired military dog in need of a home. She looked at Jake with a genuine smile. He thought his heart might stop. She looked so happy, which made him so happy. 
“May I?” She looked at the handler for permission to pet the dog.
“Please!” He looked at Ruck, giving a wordless command. Looking back at her, the handler offered a couple pointers for a successful first impression. Jake listened but watched his wife as she absorbed everything. 
Once briefed, she knelt to Ruck’s level and presented the back of her hand to him. Curiously, he nosed it, eventually nuzzling her palm. She smiled as she began to scratch his jaw, and then eventually behind his ears.
While Ruck warmed up to her, they learned he was a six-year-old that had served two tours in the Middle East and has been to almost all 50 states. The timing could not have been more perfect. As the handler finished with Ruck’s list of accolades, the dog excitedly popped up, rushing forward into her arms, revealing he was short a hindleg. 
Both she and Jake couldn’t help but smile, and the soldiers sighed in deep relief. Usually a hard sell, the pair was unfazed.
Heck, Jake felt his heart melt a little more. 
After a couple hours of socialization, Jake managed to convince the program manager to give a special release so Ruck could leave with them. Usually, they coordinated a home drop-off later, but Ruck had really taken to them. 
While they were outside, practicing commands and playing fetch, the handler came toward her only to be warned by Ruck not to come any closer. A smile crept across her face as she looked at the dog and rewarded him with a pat on the head. The handler and program manager were just as pleased.
On the ride home, Jake had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road as she and Ruck sat in the backseat. Ruck laid across the seat with his head in her lap as she stroked between his ears.
She caught Jake staring at her in the rearview mirror and pouted her lips in his direction. He cocked his cheek as though her kiss landed there and winked at her. 
Jake’s heart was so full, he thought he might burst.
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The Bradshaw Baddie™ Bunch (my taglist): @cherrycola27, @roosterforme, @galaxy-of-stories, @taytaylala12, @malindacath, @violyn20, @awildewit, @potato-girl99981, @shanimallina87, @i-simp-much, @blue-aconite, @djs8891, @linkpk88, @furiousladyking, @daggerspare-standingby, @princess76179, @jstarr86, @hecate-steps-on-me, @chicomonks, @darkheartcherry
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struggling-intuit · 1 year
[nct jaehyun] [12:48a]
nsfw bulletin board || [timestamps] · [scenarios]
warnings || boo-hoo minors, it's not for you; implied shower sex, mostly fluff
now playing || [intro] · [leonie]
[00:48] you still up?
he'd make it a habit to send you wee-hour messages, mostly because you stay up too late (his opinion)
"you still up?" and he damn well knows you are, otherwise he wouldn't have sent it
expect three or four messages in a row in the space of forty minutes because he knows you're ignoring him, you're not slick
he's casually reading a book while he does it too, one you bought him for the express purpose of getting him to leave you alone. fat chance, this man can multitask
imagine him in his lil glasses, peering over the novel at his dry-ass, thirsty-ass phone which still hasn't buzzed or beeped since he sent you that message a whole five minutes ago... text him back please, I can't stand to see him this happy to be digitally blue-balled
[01:23] shower buddy
when you guys stay out late, he’s one step behind you into the shower
actually that’s a lie, he’d be a minute. only because he wants you to have fresh towels and pjs after a night on the town
oh, and he almost forgot the aromatherapy oils you like. you didn’t ask for them but he really, really, really likes the way you smell with all that goodness rubbed deep into your pressure points
but he won’t be long because he doesn’t want to miss the sudsy action – specifically you dragging your loofa across his broad shoulders, along the contours of his back… better yet, skip a couple steps and go in with your bare hands. all in
fucking in the shower still counts as getting clean, right?
[14:14] open up!
it’s lunch time and jae wants to go out
you’re supposed to be working (your department is remote tuesdays through thursdays) but an hour or two can’t hurt
he twirls his fork in the air, twice for good measure, and pushes it to your lips. his eyes sparkle as you part them cautiously… your food is better, always is. nearly thirty years on this earth, and he still hasn’t mastered the art of ordering a good dish at a restaurant
you’ve only got thirty minutes left until your break’s up, but he wants to walk around a bit. you don’t mind. it’s nice here, with him
he’s never been to this part of town – so he says – but manages to stumble across a picturesque little stream. you stroll along, soaking in the breeze drifting off its surface, and then his arms are around you
you stand there in his embrace, looking out over the hushed scenery, and he’s busy chattering about some random shit he brought up over lunch but all you can hear is “i love you” because he does. it bleeds through each "suggestion" about jumping on a plane for an impromptu vacation to paris, through every squeeze deepening the bear hug he's got you in from behind, through all the tiny baby smiles he reserves especially for you, his forever only. he’s screaming for you on a spiritual plane
main masterlist here
and more nct headcanons here
time flies with jae...
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69ywivez · 1 year
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