#dimensional scissors
hailkingphantom · 2 years
Dp x dc
Danny making dimensional scissors ( like the ones in star vs the forces of evil) to one of the family members
Shenanigans ensue
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mumblelard · 3 months
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thank you for your service, fiskars eight inch non-stick titanium softgrip scissors
you lived, ready-to-hand, in the hone slot of my knife block and together, for the last six years and seventy five days, we have opened bags and boxes, snipped ties and tape, shaped paper and cloth. sometimes though, i asked more of you, we trimmed the woody stems of herbs, we pruned the branches of plants, and as your final task, we cut through the rib cage of a spatchcocking spring chicken. i tried to repair your broken handle, but it was not to be. for now your slot sits empty. you will be missed
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Is it ok if I could make a fanart of Caterpillar?
Sure, that's fine! Thanks for asking.
His full name is Prince Monarchimedes, but most people call him Prince Arch for short.
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lightasthesun · 5 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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Finally made a skeleton arm for my Ianthe cosplay! Video does not do justice to how shiny this is. I debuted worst girl’s skelly arm at FanimeCon 2024 this past weekend and got a lot of questions about how I crafted it.
⬇️ Details are below the cut ⬇️
The TL;DR: Each bone was a piece of craft foam wrapped in gold spandex fabric (via tacky glue) and tacky glued and subsequently whip-stitched on to a matte black glove.
Why I chose the materials I did:
Comfort in cosplay is a very important to me, so I wanted to ensure that everything on my hand would be able move comfortably on my arm. Thin craft foam, spandex, and tacky glue were all materials that I knew could hold up to my hand flexing. Tacky glue has the added benefit of being non-toxic. I selected the “Thunder Hologram Spandex” from Blue Moon Fabric in “Gold Gold” as my fabric choice as I felt it could give some good texture and dimensionality to the individual bones that I knew would be pasted flat on the craft foam. I didn’t want to make the base glove, so I purchased one of the seamless gloves from WeLoveColors in black.
I traced my hand and looked up reference images of skeleton arms and used it to draw a skeleton hand fitting the dimensions of my own hand. For my forearm, I used a classic cosplayer patterning trick: I first wrapped my arm in cling wrap, then covered with duct tape. I then drew on the forearm bones based on my reference material. I used transfer paper to then trace the pattern on to the craft foam, and cut out the pieces with scissors (an x acto knife would’ve worked better but I couldn’t fine mine and I was feeling lazy). I kept my drawn pattern of the skeleton hand to keep my many foam pieces organized.
For this section, I will be referring to the foam pieces as having a “right” and “wrong” side. The right side is the side of the foam that will be lying up, and the wrong side is the side glued to the base glove. I rolled out my gold spandex fabric, with wrong side facing up with a layer of parchment paper underneath. I applied a thin layer of tacky glue using a brush on to the right side of the foam, then pasted it down to the wrong side of the gold fabric. I left plenty of room between the foam pieces glued to the fabric as I would need to wrap the edges of the fabric over to the wrong side of the foam.
Once the tacky glue was dry, I cut out the pieces, being sure to leave an allowance of fabric around the foam to be wrapped over to the wrong side of the foam. Each bone contained many convex and concave curves, so I clipped and notched the fabric allowance as necessary. See guide below:
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Once the fabric was clipped and notched, I used a brush to apply tacky glue to the allowance on the wrong side of the fabric. Then I folded the allowance over to the wrong side of the foam, held in place, and used a hair dryer with my free hand to help accelerate tacky glue’s slow dry time. Once the glue was tacky enough to hold the wrapped fabric in place, I let completely dry on parchment paper wrong side of the foam down.
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Attaching to glove:
Now that my bones are dry, I can attach them to my glove! To initially place down the pieces, I put the glove on to my arm, used a brush to apply tacky glue to the wrong side of the fabric wrapped foam piece and then placed on to the glove, using a hair dryer to help speed up the glue process, then moving to the next piece once every piece was set. For this step it is extremely important you use a non toxic glue, as some glue will seep through the glove and get on your skin. It will take a while for the glue to dry, so be patient and take some time to watch some TV or listen to a podcast/audiobook.
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I made sure to show it off to my cat.
Once dry, I carefully removed from my arm. I knew immediately I couldn’t get away with solely glueing the pieces down. I had some gold metallic thread in my stash already, so I used that to whip stitch each piece on to the glove. Metallic thread can be a little annoying to work with, so be sure to look up some tips online before purchase some.
Then I was done! I definitely think this is one of the coolest things I’ve made. I’ve been brainstorming how to make this for quite some time, so I feel very accomplished and so happy other people appreciated my handiwork.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them!
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theveesbf · 3 months
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Hazbin Hotel X Star Butterfly!Reader (part 1 - Charlie)
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︴Notes - Hello everyone! This isn't a request but I got this idea and I needed to write it... Also, I was thinking of maybe a oneshot or series with it but idk because I would be so slow to update it lmao. Anyways yeah I hope you guys enjoy it! <3 if you guys want it to be a one shot, pls tell me!!
︴Content - Headcannons of the hazbin hotel characters with a reader who is like Star Butterfly.
︴Summary - Reader was in Mewni and just got their wand, but they didn't have a lot of control, so their parents decided to send them to the afterlife to be more responsible.
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Charlie was really surprised when she saw a human in Hell. That made her get really worried about you, like, what the heck were you doing here??
She obviously went to help and took you the hotel, introducing you to everyone in there.
Charlie and you quickly became close, I mean, just look at you two, you were really similar in so many aspects!
She also noticed you had a wand. And at first she thought it was something only for the looks. You're a human, there's no way you have powers.
But you were really excited to show it off so Charlie happily agreed on seeing you use it.
And she was so shocked when she saw you destroy a random building with one of the spells.
Charlie made a lot of questions to you, and then you remembered that you had forgotten to properly introduce yourself, that's when you told her your name.
"I'm a Magical Princess from another dimension!"
The way Charlie's eyes lightened up when she heard you were a Magical princess. She's a Princess you too!!
I don't why, but that probably made her very happy.
Charlie wanted to know more about where you came from and how was your life there. She was also really curious about the heart on your cheeks.
You then explained that Mewni was a really magical place with real magical powers!!
And for the hearts, it was probably because you touched the wand and also for genetics.
You and Charlie spent all day just talking about Mewni and this stuff.
After some time, you remembered that you didn't have a place to sleep, but Charlie said you could stay at the Hotel!!
And you obviously said yes, being excited to meet the others and also to just have a place to be.
Eventually you met Vaggie that somehow you never saw before??
Vaggie was definetly more reserved and less talkative, but you didn't really care.
You didn't leave her alone until someone else showed up.
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One thing that you were a bit scared about was everyone's height. You were around 5-6 foot tall (trying to be less specific with it😭) but everyone else was at least 6 foot.
With the exception of Niffty of course.
But yeah, it was still something to considerate.
Also, lots of people had powers. But not powers like yours, who usually needed spells or wands or whatever.
No, just pure demonic power. Definetly something to be careful with...
Charlie also told you to never, ever, make a deal with any demon. No matter how good it might seem at first.
You still had your dimensional scissors, but you didn't show them to anyone yet.
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starleska · 1 year
The Spot x Reader headcanons
just some ideas exploring The Spot as a character and how he may be with a significant other 👀 content warnings for bullying, harassment, possessive/yandere behaviour, and weird Eldritch portal-murder.
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⚫ despite The Spot’s obvious ego, he struggles to believe you find him attractive. when you first meet he’s in something of a transformative period: volleying between being in awe at the power of his new physical form, and caving in to the abuse he’s received from friends, family and strangers for how he looks. The Spot rambles to you in a half-nervous, half-manic sort of way about the quirks of his bodies: how his spots fizz when he’s angry and feel like heartburn; how his blank-coloured skin stretches over his skeleton like too-tight rubber; how he isn’t even sure if he has a skeleton anymore. he’s convinced that you’re waiting for him to ‘turn back to normal’ - or, in the suspicious part of his mind, that you have an ulterior motive for getting close. it takes a while for The Spot to notice how blown your pupils become when he looms over you, or how your breath quickens when he says something equal parts charming and devious. but once he’s aware that you truly are captivated by him as The Spot...the power goes quite to his head 😉
⚫ The Spot is hesitant about physical contact at first, but once he knows you’re not a threat, he melts. understanding The Spot’s body was difficult at the start: one time, you tried to hold his hand, but accidentally stuck your fingers through a portal on his wrist and punched him where his nose should be. yet you soon learn to be careful, and with time, The Spot stops flinching away when you rest your palm on top of his, or gently cup his cheek. his skin has a smooth, dolphin-like quality: dry yet slippery like linoleum. you know you’re doing things right because The Spot is a vocal man: he voices his content audibly, with a pleased sigh when you nuzzle into his neck, and a gentle hum when he wraps his long arm around you and pulls you against his chest. when it finally clicks that you want him, The Spot can’t enough of you. he’s forever touching you on the arm, the waist, even the lips. it’s as if now his original form is gone, he can’t get enough of your physical humanity 🖤
⚫ becoming intimate with The Spot does your social life no favours, which makes him fiercely protective of you. it’s no wonder that the two of you found such common ground: you’ve been victim to your own share of bullying and trauma, and feel for The Spot’s plight, having had his whole life wrenched away from him without so much as a sympathetic ear. one day, you’re cornered by several locals who start berating you for being a ‘freak-lover’. they shove you to the ground and tell you to get out of town, and to take that ‘mutant’ with you. but before you can open your mouth to reply, portals open up underneath each your would-be attackers and swallows them up to the shoulders, keeping them pinioned in a kind of trans-dimensional bondage. 
The Spot pops through a hole in the sky and rushes to you, checking you for injury and asking, “Did they hurt you?” when you say no, but tell them what did transpire, you watch a ‘frown’ crease the upper half of the hole in his face. he turns away, and strolls over to his new captives, his demeanour languid and cocky. 
“Thought you could get away with this, huh?” The Spot asks. a chill thrills up your spine: his voice is two-toned, with something much darker belying his usual sweet tone. the captives are too terrified to reply. 
“Don’t bother,” he continues. “You’re just going to waste your breath. How about I do you a favour and...”
he raises one hand, and splits his index and middle fingers apart, like a pair of scissors.
“...cut things short?”
with a violent snap, The Spot snips his fingers together. the portals close in a sickening crunch, and you watch as the limp, lifeless bodies of your attackers slip through the open holes, and disappear into nothingness.  
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 8th: Rockstar | Times Like These - Foo Fighters | Confident a/n: rockstar!eddie & corroded coffin. steddie. suggestive themes but not explicit. un-betaed because I’m challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to masterpost on ao3
When Eddie was a teenager, he pictured himself on stage, surrounded by pyrotechnics and aggressive bass riffs. His hair was long, his skin mottled in tattoos with maybe a love bruise or two, and his favorite ruby red guitar slung low to his hips as he belts his vocals into the microphone. 
All but the last part comes true. 
He does end up sweaty from the heat of the fire cannons on either side of their set. Freak shreds his bass every fucking show, his fingers undoubtedly calloused beyond repair. Eddie’s hair gets in his face as he plays his own guitar, his Sweetheart, but he doesn’t get to sing. 
That’s all Steve. 
Unassuming, surprisingly talented Steve Harrington who Eddie discovers can fucking sing when he’s home from a tour, driving around together through the empty streets of Hawkins, Indiana. The 90s bring a new landscape to heavy metal and rock and roll, and as cocky as Eddie might be, as confident as he is when it comes to his music, he can see when someone has one up on him. Steve’s rendition of The Foo Fighters’ Good Grief as he drums along on the steering wheel sets his heart aflame– and maybe another appendage that he’s tried to ignore for the better part of ten years. 
Steve agrees to join the band with a heavy bit of convincing, agreeing only when Eddie offers to retain his role as frontman.
I don’t wanna be a rockstar, Ed. That’s all you. 
The band truly takes off when Steve joins, his voice adding a different flavor and Eddie’s backing vocals rounding out their sound. Eddie tells Steve night after night, show after show, that he’s happy he’s there, because he is. Maybe being in love with his bandmate hadn’t part of the teenage fantasy, but it’s become his favorite part of the reality, even if it’s one-sided or unrequited. His skin remains unbruised, no groupies or flings to be found, but he’d prefer a blank canvas over meaningless artistry anyways. 
They end up touring again, exploring the country and parts of Canada together but always with different hotel rooms. Eddie never minds sharing with Gareth, or Jeff, or Freak but he also doesn’t make a habit of thinking about their dicks. 
After their show in Toronto, the end of this leg of their tour, Eddie and the rest of the band celebrate in Eddie’s room– it’s the biggest of their block and Eddie won rock-paper-scissors to claim the lone room this time around. 
Drinks flow, smoke from their joints curl out the window screen into the night, and before Eddie realizes it’s happened, he’s left alone with Steve.
Steve, who hasn’t had a thing to drink and only a few puffs of his joint, but is laying across the bed with his feet crossed at the ankles and his head resting in Eddie’s lap anyways. Steve, who Eddie listens to as he hums the melody of their encore and whose hair he can’t help but thread through his fingers. Steve, who Eddie has been watching night after night sing the words Eddie’s written himself, some of which are about Steve. 
It’s a dangerous position to be in. 
“Gettin’ tired yet, Harrington?” Eddie asks, grinning as Steve rolls his eyes. 
“Oh, we’re back to Harrington now, Munson?” 
Eddie just shrugs and continues playing with Steve’s hair. It’s soft, still damp from his shower, and Eddie’s surprised he hasn’t shoved him off yet with some comment about how he’s gonna fuck it up. But he doesn’t, and Eddie doesn’t know what to make of that. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” Steve asks, shifting his gaze from the ceiling to Eddie’s eyes. “It’s weird.” 
“I contain multitudes, don’t try to make me some one-dimensional agent of chaos.” 
Steve laughs and it’s better than any song Eddie’s ever written. And he’s written some damn good songs, if he does say so himself. 
Eddie lets out a little oof as Steve sits up, bracing himself on Eddie’s stomach to turn and face him. There’s something in Steve’s expression that Eddie can’t place– searching eyes, furrowed brows, one corner of his lips quirked up. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“You just did.” 
“God, you’re so annoying sometimes, you know that?” 
“I do, actually. But yeah, go ahead.” Eddie bites his bottom lip and shrugs.
“How come you never wanna share a room with me?” 
Eddie just about chokes on nothing, inhaling oxygen into the wrong pipe or something. His ears turn red, a tell that no amount of shaking his hair out can hide, at least not from Steve. He feels the soft skin of Steve’s hand graze his cheek as he tucks hair back behind his right ear, exposing the bright red shade of embarrassment. 
“Is it me? I can’t imagine that I, Steve Harrington, make you, big ol’ Rockstar Eddie Munson, uncomfortable after all these years.” 
You motherfucker, Eddie thinks, his mouth a little behind the speed of his thoughts, effectively leaving him speechless. 
“Little bit, actually,” Eddie manages to admit. 
He shouldn’t admit anything, but he’s alone in this quiet room with the boy he’s loved for so many years, who’s touching him like he loves him, too. Who can blame him?
“How come?” Steve whispers, his lips suddenly closer, their noses nearly touching. Eddie may or may not be breathing, but he tries. Fainting would definitely kill whatever this energy is between them. 
“Ed, c’mon. Just, just tell me you want me, too. Please.” 
Too? He thinks.
“Too?” He asks.
Steve smiles and nods, running his thumb across Eddie’s chapped lower lip before resting his palm against his cheek. 
The following morning, Eddie and Steve meet up with the rest of the band in the hotel restaurant for breakfast– or, well, brunch at best given the time they actually make it downstairs. 
“Notice you stayed in Eddie’s room last night,” Jeff asks, one eyebrow raised halfway up his forehead as his eyes flit back and forth from Steve to the very clear, purpling bruise on Eddie’s collarbone. 
“Astute observation,” Eddie grins and answers for him, digging into the stack of pancakes in front of him, ravenous. 
“Sure did,” Steve just grins, shrugging as he shifts in his seat. 
Gareth, Freak, and Jeff all exchange a look, the kind of look that comes with inside jokes and long-suffering waiting. 
“Wait–” Steve starts, pointing an accusing finger at Jeff. “You all left early on purpose, didn’t you?”
Gareth laughs the hardest, rivaled only by Eddie who watches them all with incredulity as Jeff parrots Steve with casual confidence. 
“Sure did.” 
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deadshadowcreature · 1 year
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Stack up some lmk headcanon after season 4, let’s see:
- Erlang comes to help after the inter dimensional shock in the finale (first 3 pics)
- Nezha being Red Son babysitter during those 500 years of guarding the map and DBK being trapped under a mountain (4th and 5th pics)
- This one is probably canon because that’s literally his build in the show (6th pic)
- Again, with the golden scissors snakes in the first episode being his pets (7th pic)
- Daddy issues to its core (last 2 pics)
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It appeared to be that Janna had stolen the dimensional scissors that Marco was given after the hell he went through to earn them.
She didn't even think about the risks and effects of the Neverzone, as she just made her way into it through a portal she tore open in the air.
Janna made her way into the Neverzone, standing in the middle of that desolated looking domain, with her usual dark green short and blue coat, making visible a little bit of her chubby belly, with her yellow skirt covering over her slightly tubby things, as she looked around with... No surprise at all.
"Cooooool~ So that's why Marco kept these well hidden...".
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As soon as a portal opened up Hekapoo sensed the interloper. Seeing it was a human and Marcos scissors a grin grew across her face. In a poof of fire she appeared before Janna. Wearing a casual attire and sticking to her usual appearance. If maybe a bit bigger in the butt.
“Oh sup. You one of Marcos people?” Hekapoo asked as she took a deep sip of coffee.
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airas-story · 4 months
Love Notes
Stephen’s gaze darted around the foyer. There had been the brief tug from the sanctum to let him know that someone had arrived, followed almost immediately by the indicator that they had left. Stephen would be more alarmed if this hadn’t been happening every day for the past thirteen days. 
There was a rose lying against the dark wooden bench against the wall. His heart pattered like rain in his chest as he stepped down the stairs and made his way to the bench. The rose petals were a deep, rich burgundy red, beautiful against the mahogany of the bench. 
There was a thick strip of paper rolled around the rose’s stem. He picked up the rose and rubbed his thumb over the paper. The paper was expensive, thick and almost soft to the touch. Each note the past two weeks had been short and sweet with different reasons why his mysterious visitor claimed to love him.
The same beautiful script from the other notes greeted him, spread gracefully across the thick piece of paper.
I’ve told you that you’re brilliant and beautiful and brave. That you’re clever and creative and charismatic. I told you that you make me believe in miracles and magic and mysteries of the universe.
But these are all just attempts to quantify and qualify the feeling in my chest, potent and powerful. But, some things are simply what they are.
So let me keep it simple with this last rose: I love you Stephen Strange.
Stephen ran a trembling finger over the paper, tracing the last sentence over and over again.
I love you Stephen Strange.
His heart thrummed like hummingbird’s wings, fast and light. It gave him a strange sense of buoyancy, like he could fly even without the support of the cloak.
There was no name on the note, nothing to tell him who it was who had left him the roses.
“You’re doing this wrong,” Stephen said, the words echoing in the quiet of the sanctum. “You’re supposed to give me a name at the end of this so I can find you.”
He ran his fingers over the elegant handwriting again.
I love you Stephen Strange
No one had ever given Stephen roses before. 
He tapped into the magic of the sanctum, asking it to transport him to the sanctum’s kitchen. The shift was smooth and seamless and he found himself next to the kitchen table pressed against the wall. There was a vase of flowers already there. Stephen found scissors in a drawer, cutting the bottom of the stem before sliding the rose into the vase with the other roses.
He’d already cast a careful spell on the vase to help prolong the life of the roses. Even the oldest rose, now over two weeks old, still looked as fresh as it had the day he’d gotten it.
For a long moment Stephen just stared at the roses. 
Someone out there loved him. Him.
Stephen felt a mix of cherished and cheated. Someone loved him, which was something Stephen hadn’t even realized how much he wanted until the first rose in the sanctum’s foyer. But Stephen didn’t know who. 
But with the note in his hand he could find out.
He hesitated a single moment, before he tapped into the sanctum’s magic again. He ended up in the library. He skimmed through the books for a tracing spell.
It took him less than five minutes to find what he was looking for. He didn’t let himself pause, setting the note on the table and channeling dimensional energy into his hands. Everyone had their own signature within their native dimension, whether they used the mystic arts or not. The note he had now, one infused with genuine emotion—he hoped—would carry enough of a signature for Stephen to follow.
He took a deep breath as he finished the spell. He could back out, could stop and never know… But he wanted to know.
And, he suspected—hoped—that this person who claimed to love him would know Stephen well enough to know that he’d find a way to find them.
With an exhale he let the spell go, the magic spreading out.
The note lit up in golds and blues. Stephen closed his eyes and focused on the signature, visualizing it.
Show me, Stephen thought. Show me who you are.
He wrapped the magic in towards himself, getting a sense and feel for it. He slid his sling ring on and brought his hands up focusing on the signature of the person he was trying to find.
The hum of the portal opening up in front of him was warm and familiar, the ability one that he’d harnessed and honed.
“You’re here early,” came a voice from the other side of the portal. A familiar voice. 
Somehow he was both utterly shocked and completely unsurprised. Of course it was Tony.
Of course Tony loved him.
Tony had been showing him that in so many ways, big and small for months now. Stephen had always just been too afraid to see what could be if he let himself acknowledge that.
In this, Tony had been braver than him.
Stephen opened his eyes to see Tony standing on the other side of the portal, bemused furrow of his brows. “I thought we weren’t meeting until tonight.”
“Tony.” Stephen swallowed. “I got your note.” Tony’s eyes widened, mouth slipping open to an oh. “All fourteen of them,” Stephen added.
Tony leaned against the table next to him, arms crossing over his chest. “I probably should have expected this,” he said finally. “You’re not very good at leaving things be.”
That was very, very true. “Come on, Tony,” he said lightly. “You know me too well to think I wouldn’t try to find you.”
Tony’s lip twitched up into a smile. “I do know that about you.”
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say you love it about me.” He kept the words simple and self-assured, hiding his uncertainty.
That earned him a laugh. “I suppose I do,” Tony agreed. His eyes were warm and soft. “But I told you that.”
Tony had. And it was so much more than Stephen had expected to hear from anyone. He’d told himself that love wasn’t in the cards for him any longer. Stephen stepped through the portal, letting it close behind him. “Tell me now,” he pled. “Let me hear it from you.”
For a moment Tony looked unsure, but then he nodded. He stepped closer, right into Stephen’s space. “I love you Stephen Strange.” Tony’s smile was hesitant, almost afraid. “And I’ll tell you that as many times as you want.”
Stephen swallowed. “Give me a chance,” he said quietly. “Someday I’ll be ready to say it back.”
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ts4ritsa · 9 months
Can I request Tom Lucitor surprising his s/o on their anniversary?
₊˚ପ⊹ surprising s/o on their anniversary oneshot ;
ft. tom lucitor from star vs the forces of evil * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: gn!reader, he calls you love, star is your chauffeur, she loves happy couples, I’m actually very happy with this
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Tom was anticipating this day for so long — he gazed at the calendar hanging from his bedroom wall after he rose up from his bed and immediately broke out into a smile.
It was a special day; the anniversary of when you two first started dating.
It had to have been one of the best days of his life. Being able to finally hold you in his arms and kiss you like he always wanted to. He could finally call himself yours.
Honestly, he couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
Tom wanted everything to be perfect, so he already had ideas in mind for what you’d both do.
He had already found a special gift to give you too. Tom scoured the entire kingdom of Mewni to search for the perfect one. He loved giving you gifts and seeing your reactions, so he made sure the one he got would be the perfect one that expressed his love for you.
He had arranged for you both to meet at one of the places you both had your first few dates in. It was an enchanted forest, filled with cool colors and beautiful lights that emit from fairies.
And, although it was a place that held significance in his and your heart, you may or may not have forgotten where it was.
But no fear — your friend Star Butterfly is here!
She knows her way around basically everywhere. So she was happy to help you get there when you asked. Delighted even, because she knows how cute you and Tom are, and she’s happy to see you both finally being happy.
So, when it was finally time for you and Tom to meet up, Star picked you up and you both used her conveniently placed dimensional scissors to travel to the place where that beautiful enchanted forest was.
As the sun began to set, Tom's excitement grew. He meticulously decorated your favorite spot just how it had been the first time you both had a date there.
Just as the stars started to emerge, Tom heard footsteps approaching. His heart raced with anticipation.
As you stepped into the clearing, your eyes widened in surprise. Your face illuminated with a mix of curiosity and amazement.
The lights from the fairies known all too well by you twinkled in the trees, casting a warm glow. Soft sounds of nature music played in the background, creating an captivating atmosphere.
You gave him a soft smile and giggled, "Tom, what is all this?"
That pretty voice and that smile. The same one that he fell in love with. It still sent butterflies in his stomach, even after all this time.
But he smiled back at you, he couldn’t contain his excitement and joy.
"Happy anniversary, my love," Tom replied, his voice brimming with affection. "I wanted to create a magical evening just for us."
Your eyes shimmered with joy as you took in the romantic scene. He came over to you and gently took your hand in his. As he walked down the path surrounded by the ethereal beauty of the forest with you, you realized what was going on.
Tom had prepared a picnic, complete with your favorite treats. It was the same place where you both had once laughed, shared stories, and lost yourselves in each other's company.
And today, you’d do it all over again.
As the night deepened, Tom pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. He held it out to you, his heart pounding. "This is for you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
With trembling hands, you opened the box, revealing the gift that hid inside.
A delicate pendant. It was a shimmering moonstone, reflecting the light of the stars above.
“Oh, Tom," you gasped, being unable to contain your excitement and breaking into a huge smile. "It's beautiful."
He smiled, his eyes filled with adoration. "I thought it was perfect for you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Whenever you wear it, remember that my love for you is as eternal as the moon and stars."
You couldn’t help but giggle and you threw your arms around him, tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks.
In that moment, surrounded by nature's embrace, you sealed your love with each other with a tender kiss.
As your both sat there with your arms wrapped around each other, Tom whispered, "Every day with you is an adventure, my love. Happy anniversary."
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© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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les8ean · 2 years
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art by @regal-bones - original post for above gif - Posted with permission
The Dimensional Pocket Knife
Need a screwdriver? a pen? Maybe a crowbar to open that locked chest? Say no more, the Dimensional Pocket Knife has all you need and more!  ...Well, most of the time.
The Dimensional Pocket Knife starts with 5 charges, and at the end of each day restores 1D4 +1 charges (to a max of 5). Upon use, a player can try to pull a tool of their choice from the pocket knife. They must roll a WIS saving throw, against the DPK's DC of 13. On a successful roll, the player draws the tool they desire. On a failure, the player instead rolls a D100, and draws the corresponding tool from the below list. (NOTE: the DPK works using the rules of Hammerspace, and so can draw tools much bigger than itself from it’s body, e.g, a spear, a crowbar, etc. The DPK itself is the size of a standard pocket knife)
Downloadable version of the below table
1 - Whatever tool the player desires, but a mimic 2 - Ladle 3 - Lockpick 4 - Telescope 5 - Knife 6 - Fork 7 - Spoon 8 - Scissors 9 - Crowbar 10 - Toothbrush 11 - Hairbrush 12 - Ink Pen (ink not included) 13 - Ink Pen (ink included) 14 - Wrench 15 - Hammer 16 - Flute 17 - Handsaw 18 - Pliers 19 - Chisel 20 - Ruler 21 - Trowel 22 - Shovel 23 - Allen Key 24 - Screwdriver - (Head type is randomly chosen by DM) 25 - Wire Cutters 26 - Paintbrush 27 - Toothpick 28 - Hatchet 29 - Nail File 30 - Lighter 31 - Hand Drill 32 - Salt Shaker 33 - Pepper Shaker 34 - Umbrella 35 - Whip 36 - Tuning Fork 37 - Baton 38 - Tree Branch 39 - Spatula 40 - Frying Pan 41 - Can Opener 42 - Bottle Opener 43 - Key - (roll a d10, on a nat10, the key opens the door it is inserted into. On a nat1, the key becomes jammed, and must be forcefully removed from the DPK. In this event, the key cannot be rolled again (i.e, cannot be drawn from the DPK). On any other roll, the key fails to open the door.) 44 - Handfan 45 - Longsword 46 - Dagger 47 - Bell 48 - Grappling Hook 49 - Magnifying Glass 50 - Pickaxe 51 - Fishing Rod (Bait not included) 52 - Whistle 53 - Broom 54 - Mop 55 - Tankard 56 - Bubble Wand 57 - White Flag 58 - Compass 59 - Mirror 60 - Teapot Spout - (The spout pours a random liquid of the DMs choice) 61 - Razor 62 - Whisk 63 - Bouquet of Flowers 64 - Bouquet of Dead Flowers 65 - Walking Cane 66 - 25ft of Rope 67 - Leash and Collar 68 - Binoculars 69 - Tentacle - (Tentacle moves of it's own accord, and does not respond to commands. It is neither hostile nor cooperative.) 70 - Feather Duster 71 - Wax Seal - (Seal is an emblem of the DMs choice (family crest, city flag, etc)) 72 - Extending Grabber - (Has a max reach of 1D10ft) 73 - Sickle 74 - Rapier 75 - Slingshot 76 - Tweezers 77 - Adze 78 - Drawing Compass 79 - Awl 80 - Metal File 81 - Mallet 82 - Hole Punch 83 - Sextant 84 - Calipers 85 - Whetstone - 86 - Tongs 87 - Gouge 88 - 2ft of Colourful Ribbon 89 - Icecream Scoop 90 - Meat Skewer 91 - Thermometer 92 - Small Sundial 93 - Fly Swatter 94 - Smoking Pipe 95 - Scalpel 96 - Spear 97 - Crab Claw - (Crab Claw moves of it's own accord, and does not respond to commands. It is neither hostile nor cooperative.) 98 - Vegetable Peeler 99 - Pinwheel 100 - Butchers Knife
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Excuse me, where could I find the series, Caterpillar Chronicles?
Hello, thank you for the Ask and I apologize for the delay in answering.
I never wrote Caterpillar Chronicles; Star vs. The Forces of Evil kept producing episodes and I lost attachment to the characters as the series went on (Had a hard time stomaching some of the stuff that was happening because I found it uncomfortable so I lost desire to keep up with the series).
I don't currently intend to write Caterpillar Chronicles as I've moved to other fandoms, but thank you for the interest! I love Prince Arch and I'm glad you were interested in learning more about him <3
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Accidental Confessions (Tom Lucitor | Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Summary — You’ve been keeping a secret for a rather long time... until Star lets it slip.
Requested by anonymous — Can I request a fluffy imagine with prompts: “I love you.” and [starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in passion] about how would Tom Lucitor (Star vs Force of Evil) reacts to his shy!gn!human! reader accidentally confessed their romantic feelings to him? Hint: He has his romantic feelings for them too! 💗 I live for flustered Tom Lucitor (Star vs Force of Evil)! 💕 Please?? ~🐇
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Pure, simple fluff; love confession; kissing; Star can’t keep a secret; Tom being the Prince of the Underworld; I haven’t watched this show in forever.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 427. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ This isn’t very long, but I hope you enjoy it! ➳ “I love you.”
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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You loved Star Butterfly with all your heart. Truly, you did. She was one of your best friends and confidants... which may have been a mistake because she couldn’t keep a secret if her life depended on it.
When she had introduced you and Tom to one another, she didn’t think much of it. That is, until a few months ago when you confided in her, revealing that you had a major crush on the Prince of the Underworld.
She had immediately squealed and ripped out her dimensional scissors, eager to transport you both to Tom’s doorstep so you could confess your feelings for him. Her smile, however, had quickly disappeared when you swore her to secrecy. There was no way you were telling Tom anything.
But now, Star was in trouble. Her hands were covering her mouth. Her eyes were wide and unblinking as she stared at Tom. His jaw had dropped in surprise, leaving him almost incapable of asking, “They like me?”
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” said Star, though her words were muffled. “Pretend I didn’t say that!”
“Star!” exclaimed Tom, grabbing the magical princess’s shoulders. “Is this for real?!”
“What’s for real?”
The two were startled by the sound of your voice. Star quickly made her escape, avoiding eye contact as much as possible when she breezed past you. Once she had disappeared, you furrowed your eyebrows and gave Tom a confused smile, “What’s up with her?”
“I love you.”
You reeled back in surprise. You looked around the room for any sign that your friends were playing a (cruel) joke on you. Tom took this as his opportunity to approach you.
Coming to the conclusion that there were, in fact, no cameras in the room, you chuckled nervously, “What?”
“I love you,” he repeated, stepping closer. “Did you not hear me the first time?”
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, “but what exactly did Star tell you?”
Tom smiled, “Enough for me to know that you like me back.”
“And you’re okay with that—?”
Tom groaned loudly, deciding that words clearly weren’t getting through to you. He reached out to hold the back of your neck. In the blink of an eye (or three, in his case), he had pulled you in for a gentle kiss. It didn’t take you very long to weave your hands into his hair, tugging him closer to you.
Meanwhile, Star peeked around the corner and sighed in relief when she realized that you (probably) weren’t going to be mad at her for accidentally spilling your secret.
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Whats your favorite lore in the fic thats not likely to ever come up?
I'm picturing this fic as an animated series in my head and there are certain visual elements I can only sort of work into the text (because a veiwer of an anime would notice but someone living in-universe would not) but:
-Anubis and the other Gods are always portrayed with only one side visible to the viewer, and flat/without shading, like they're hieroglyphics. At least until they decide to affect the Material plane and suddenly they become much better rendered and 3-Dimensional.
-Funny Bunny is animated relative to Pegasus *exactly* the same way Rodger Rabbit is relative to Detective Valentine.
-It's mentioned a bit but Ammit is constantly shape-shifting which parts of her are Lioness, crocodile, or hippopotamus. Anubis and Thoth both Shift from Dog/Bird to Human-With-Animal-Head formats as needed for DRAMA. [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] who also has appeared on page changes sizes based on how much trouble they think their Votary is in.
-TK is animated at a higher frame rate than everyone else, because he's had 5,000 years of practice being a ghost, and Yami is animated at a lower frame rate than everyone else for a while while he learns. Both of them ignore conservation of mass and shape when they're ghosts, mostly manifesting in "wearing what their host is, but longer/floatier and trailing off into aesthetically pleasing shapes, rather than anything fabric would realistically do" and "Floating along with minimal effort like they're kites being dragged along by the Items."
-Yugi literally has to take two steps for every one of Seto's.
-Both Shadis have extremely symmetrical faces. Like. Uncannily symmetrical. But they don't have the same face, because each is a mirror image of the half a face they grew back from.
-People do the Himuro Arakawa thing where they turn into minimalist blobs when something stupid happens, and the JJBA thing where their faces suddenly over-render when the situation gets serious.
-Everyone else has Black pupils but Bakura's are always extremely dark blue-green because even in normal lighting his tapetum lucidum are always a bit visible.
-Odion's face markings are white/pale pink because they're the result of ritual scarification (like Marik's back markings), not tattoos. Even though they're in Hawai'i right now, Marik always keeps his back and shoulders covered, and Odion always keeps his arms, legs and upper back covered as well.
-All three Ishtar siblings have substantial crimp to their hair. Odion and Ishizu braid theirs- Odion has thicker braids with beaded caps at the ends and Ishizu has thinner ones with spiraled ends. Marik wears his hair in twists most of the time.
-Tristan's hair looks like a thicker, brunette version of TinTin's from the 3-D animated movie. Téa has a Phyrne Fisher 1920's bob. Joey has somehow developed a reverse mullet in much the same way one develops a septic infection. Bakura has what the kids are calling a "Wolf Cut" but it's really a "tried to trim the split ends and bangs out of his face in the bathroom mirror at 3 AM with kitchen scissors and NO instructions" cut.
-Yugi's hair is straight-up anime bullshit where I've decided that humans have mutated a new type of stiff guard hair follicle like you find on bears and boars. It's very stiff but smooth and weirdly pettable.
-I don't know how this deviated into hairstyles but there you go.
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