#dimitri bby
unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
I've always enjoyed watching you eat, Felix. There's something almost heroic about it.
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randomnameless · 2 years
As im also a big rhea fan i do have to admit i also don’t like “alone b4 u” and at least enjoyed the church moments in hopes. However, i think that can easily be fixed with a few lines of dialogue (instead of the huge revisions ykb needs lmaooo): everything was normal between seteth and rhea and flayn until the eisners arrived, and then rhea started acting strangely; she started pulling away from seteth and flayn, being distant and weird and withdrawn. It can even tie into the diary scene/seteth questioning her, since he and flayn were obviously not privy to her homunculi, until the magic green hair dance happens and they suddenly understand. It can also fix a certain s support by reframing it under “i lost sight of my present and future by focusing on the past” instead of Alone B4 U. It doesn’t even need to change the game’s timeline of events or routes!
As an aside i’m still mighty pleased beach rhealeth is a canon duo and they like spending time together with the sand and the fish. All we need now is duo beach seteth n’ flayn to match them (and cyril but feh is mean to male characters so we’ll have to settle for him being a tempest trial unit i guess) and it’ll be a fun family beach episode 🐉🐠🌴
AG is kind of an AU in an AU, but yes, in FE16 proper, I think even with Seteth who returned 20 years ago and Flayn who woke up last year, Rhea's still kind of closed of.
Like, she can goof around them because they are her family and she loves them, but there are still things, imo, she wants to do herself and she doesn't want them to know of, especially the "Rez Sothis" project.
Something like, she's more open with them than with the rest of the world and all, but they have been separated for so long that she and Seteth aren't as close as they were in Zanado, or even, in the War of Heroes.
Also there's something I noted thanks to voice line anon on their transcript of her lines in Nopes, at one point, she says this :
Flayn - "You have been working hard, Flayn. You have my utmost respect." 1,000 Enemies Defeated (same quote for Seteth) "We must strive to build a world where you need not dirty your hands in such a way."
(on pk in the jp version she says this instead "あなた方が手を汚さずに済む平穏な時代を築かなければ……" which more or less means the same thing?)
Coupled with her lines both in Golden Shower or Tru Piss - when she urges them to run away or, in Tru Piss, expected them to run away - this imo tells me Rhea takes her "duty" to protect and guide Fodlan personally.
It's not something Seteth and Flayn should do, and they shouldn't "dirty their hands" to make a better world, her own hands can be "dirtied", but theirs? She doesn't want that.
So yeah, in that sense, Billy's return and existence is somehow tied to her own duty - the one she cannot share with Seteth'n'Flayn - of watching/looking/guiding Fodlan.
And we know Rhea is desperate, because she thinks she's doing a crap job, but instead of complaining about it, she keeps it bottled. A bit like that meme "everything's fine" when the house is on fire, and Rhea has to keep pretening everything is fine, because it's her duty to watch over Fodlan, and Seteth'n'Flayn shouldn't worry about it - she's the one burdened by that, not them. Billy popping up would be her lifeline "it's fine everything is fine look Mother returned and at the end of the month everything will return to the way it was supposed to be, Sothis will fix everything wrong with Fodlan since I'm not able to do so"
and I could see the devs thinking this...
But - and this the biggest "but" - Rhea's lack of supports and ties to characters can't decently be erased by a mere "she ignores them because she hyper focuses on Billy", Rhea's close to her "brother like" figure, dotes on her niece, trains with her knight and protégée, and she'd just ditch them all due to this hyperfixation?
I don't buy it.
As you said, she could be acting weirder and weirder with Billy's signs they're awakening as Sothis's host, or something.
Maybe they could have made supports where Rhea avoids like plague to talk about the "current situation" and big events going on, and just talks about random stuff, like memories, training or picking on Seteth, encouraging Flayn and Cyril to make friends, etc etc...
And with the events of the game happening, her support convos could become more troubling, having supports where she refuses to talk to Seteth about "the demonic beasts" investigations, what's going on in the Empire and all, maybe with the final convo happening just before Jerry kicks the bucket, Seteth would try to grill her one last time, asking her to please let him in, he wants to help, and Rhea considers for a moment (with meaningful "..." points) but she doesn't and say everything's fine, Seteth seemingly abandons, saddened and when he's gone Rhea says she cannot allow him to help her again, it's her burden - (when he discovers the homonculi projet thanks to Jerry's diary he puts 1+1)
And the similar thing with Flayn would be just before the Holy Tomb map - Flayn worries about the "current state of things"and those people who took her blood, but Rhea oddly starts to talk about a celebration for the millenium year festival, how they could celebrate in the Monastery - Flayn could invite her new friends, and then she namedrops Flayn's mother who could also join, to Flayn's surprise, what the fuck is she talking about her mother's dead is she alright?? "yes everything is fine at the end of the month everything will be fine" -
And we know how it ends lol
In the end Rhea's revelation would be something more classical in the lines of her "relatives" pinching her cheeks saying she doesn't need to do everything alone, they can help her too - maybe with them telling her that both back then and now, they help her and Fodlan because it is something they want to do, not because she asks them to.
Maybe they'd tell her to stop feeling bad for what happened during the WoH, sure they lost people dear to them, but they do not regret it at all (with a bonus "Rhea feels like crap because if she never asked for their help during the WoH Cethleann would still have a mom and Cichol a wife and this ate her for 1000 years").
As for Billy -
instead of the "alone b4 u" maybe we could get a Billy centric piece about them feeling kind of bad Rhea apologises for... their existence? No matter the reasons behind their birth or heart transplant, they exist thank to her, right? So they'd tell her thanks, and it breaks her, because everything she thought she did wrong and her biggest sins - creating life - weren't sins since the people who were created were and are grateful to be alive?
I like your idea of "stop being so fixated on the path, look at the present and the future" and it's doubly nice if Billy is the one to say it, because they're Billy, not Sothis!
And it'd make a nice parallel in Nopes - Nopes is supposed to be a kind of bad AU where people don't develop as ideally as they do in FE16 without Billy - because in Nopes Rhea's all on the nostalgia trip, which prompts Seteth to remind her that 1000 years passed since she "borrowed" his shield or since Indech was last here (or since Willy died), they have to focus on the present.
Back to Billy, I'd think they'd be important as the person who tells Rhea that no, she didn't "royally screw up" since they exist thanks to her, and they're grateful + she can rest now, they will take up her job, or even better : since no one can guide the world etc etc alone, will she help them?
Revamped SS without "alone b4u" would still imply slightly tweaking some CGs and cutscenes, instead of having only Billy be present, Seteth and Flayn are here too - when she tells them they're in charge before transforming? Have Seteth with her (maybe saying Flayn already ran away, so what the frick is she doing, they should go, and Rhea nods, talks to Billy, and transforms). The cutscene when she's freed from the prison? Have Seteth pick her up, instead of Billy, maybe Flayn working some sort of magic, and Billy in the scene, visibly relieved as she thanks them and everyone for coming to rescue her. Shambala? More scenes with Cyril and Catherine, asking her if she's alright, if she needs to rest, maybe a CG of Catherine supporting her to walk or something similar with Cyril.
The final scene in the Cathedral ? Seteth enters first with his weapons, because he is the one who said they should kill her (even if i hate this plot mandated fight lol) so he feels like he has to be the one to do it, but Billy catches her and the scene goes as it does in the game.
Anyways - yeah I also like how FeH, Engage (and Cipher to a lesser extent?) represent Billy as liking to be with his lizard family, popping up with them, let it be for a swimsuit alt or for a Halloween alt - sure Gremlin!Sothis ruins the thing - but M!Billy's still on a event with Rhea, just like F!Billy. In canon they need to work a bit on their relationship, but there's no mistake were intended to be on good terms!
(even if in canon you have to be sad to fight against Supreme Leader, so Rhea must be sus, and everyone must tell you Church BaD else Rhea won't be sus, and Supreme Leader might not have a point, and we can't have that + FE16 made Billy the avatar/self-insert so they have to be empty enough to be able to pick each route and support every character)
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anistonjen · 2 years
The main issue I have with Dimitri kissing Tatiana is not related to his behaviour. It bugs me the choice of the person. He did the same with Tasha in the books but at least he considered her to be a good person. Tatiana is garbage and he knows it. So yeah, go avoid your feelings for Rose but not with Tatiana please.
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decvyed · 2 years
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Hey guys, for this drop, I wanted to do some casual pieces inspired by Y2K aesthetics. They can be worn together as a set or separately. This drop includes the following: Firecracker Flare Jeans 14 Swatches - Male Frame Frayed Graphic Tank 15 Swatches - Male Frame XXS BBY Tee 20 Swatches - Male Frame New Mesh • Med-High Poly • HQ Texture • BG Compatible • Teens to Elder • All LODs • Custom Thumbnail • Disallowed for Random Base Mesh Credit: Alokverma210 & weo.vu Additional Texture Map Credit: @squaresverse Render Credit: @huestudios Poses by: @sciophobis Models: Dimitri & Mateo
Conversions are not allowed regardless of the gaming platform
Do not reupload
Do not claim as your own
Do not edit or recolour the mesh
Alternate Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/firecracker-set-77170928 Thank you for shopping DECAYED. Feel free to tag us on Instagram or use the hashtag #SHOPDECAYED on Tumblr. We love to see you in our content.🙏🏾💫 You can also see our previous releases on our Pinterest Board 🌟
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sentimentalkeyboard · 7 months
INFO DUMP ME ON OUR BABY BOY TEYO‼️‼️ he needs some attention and lovin🥺👉👈 and maybe his relationship with our girl Dawn?☺️👀
Me when MJ releases the evil and brewing thoughts in my mind
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Let's start with the simplistic: Teyo is the baby Salamanca! He's Dawn and Charlie's little brother [he's 18, Charlie is 20, and Dawn is 24!] And the 'brains of his siblings. He's very crafty and a tech whizz and makes a lot of gear and security for their apartment to keep safe in a place like Disturbia. He also helps fix up Charlie's gear! Adding his own little touches here and there.
He's a excitable, rowdy, and energetic teen who is trying to experience life to his fullest before entering adulthood... At least experience it as good as he can in a city like Disturbia.
Teyo isn't exactly a 'Vampire Slayer in training' given he never went to school/training for it [that'd take 4 years of school] but he has his own weapons and gear and tags along with his sister on missions even if she doesn't allow him to come the first time.
Teyo also acts as Charlie's more sympathetic side, as playful, and teasing as he can be he has a kind soul and heart of gold. Whatever he does he does with intentions of sticking up for him and his sister- she's the most important thing to him. He was also the one who even suggested bringing Dawn back him with them after their run-in to her when Charlie wanted nothing to do with their oldest sister.
He and his sisters are Hispanic-African American!
As sweet and angelic as Teyo comes off- which he is! Sometimes he is just a bit... Havoc wreaking and can create some pretty nasty bombs and just keep them sitting around on a kitchen table.
Because of his amazing brain and work with inventing, he is wrapped up in some dangerous work with a Vampire named Dimitry and his coven/gang. Charlie doesn't know, but she's suspicious of his late nights away and coming home during the day or missing tools and inventions.
Teyo is girl crazy but God forbid any woman even look at him or he's a wreck.
He and Dawn's relationship was practically healed the second he saw her. It'd been years since he'd seen his sis and now here she was right in front of him! Dawn reconciled the same way and they were already goofing around and being brother and sister- he could care less about the new vampirism. He loves his sisters and wants them to get along more than anything so they can all be a family like before, even if it'll take a lot more work than he thought.
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A doodle of the little fella for your troubles. 🥺
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
commissions are closed (slots: 2/2)
Hehe time to work ♡♡♡
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Kofi link
Most information is in the picture!!! Here's some additional things I can't list in one PNG so please do read it!!!:
Commissioned works: (you'll notice why I said 1.5k+... Why do I keep writing much longer lol)
Saudade (Dimitri Blaiddyd/Reader)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader)
Q: How do I give you a plot description??? Help-
A: Doesn't have to be so specific. Honestly I love vague AF prompts. Just tell me what you want to see in a fic and go "ansy i want a yandere dainsleif fic so bad where he's a king and he falls in love with you amidst a battle" like first off anon, "same bestie", and also my friend you should play Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Also, fair warning: I'd proooobably add some spices to your prompts. I got an anon request before that just asked for Ei taking away a reader's vision and I made it into a Shoguji fox!reader with Khaenri'ah plot elements.
Just like how Alhaitham values research autonomy, I have a thing for creative freedom too <3
Q: "Oh shucks I want to change the plot-"
A: As long as I haven't already started writing, do notify me. And as much as possible PLEASE give me all the details you want added and NOT added from the start. WARN ME IF YOU DON'T WANT A SUDDEN CANNIBAL!YANDERE PLOT TWIST- /hj
Q: Are you going to automatically post commissioned works on Tumblr & AO3?
A: Hmm hmm, sorry but I really want to post all the writings I do there… Dw, you can remain anonymous if you want. I just feel incredibly miserable whenever I don't post my works, especially if its finished ;;--;;. (I get sad whenever I remember my old enemies-to-lovers diluc x merc!reader fic who will never see the light of day.)
Q: Is it possible that you'd say "no" to my request?
A: Pats your shoulder It do be like that sometimes in life. If I feel like it's a super massive project, then yep. You'd get ur money back lmao
Q: Hey, can I make you write for a Canon Character x OC?
A: If you'd let me send you an Canon Character x OC copy then post a Reader Insert version, then sure!!!
Q: Is female/male reader okay?
A: Comrade I've always written things in "they/them" pronouns. At this point I believe I don't have a gender but for you bby I'd use whatever pronouns you identify with <33
Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Depends!!! Tell me what ship it is and let's see if I'm game!!!
Q: Is fluff allowed?
A: Are you sure… you trust me with fluff? Haha… Hahaha… It's allowed but are you sure you trust me wit- (if you make me write fluff, trust me, crack will somehow be added.)
Q: How about angst-
A: Y e s.
Q: How long would you take writing?
A: Depends if I'm busy with college or my health is acting up (I'd notify you right away abt this), my friend says "2 weeks to 4 months" is the most reasonable thing to say to this lmao but don't be surprised if its earlier than that.
Q: damm ansy this is expensive. $4 for a 1.5k yandere fic?
A: im sorry i just desperately want my husband dainsleif to come home some day… i need the welkin...
Q: You're new to this, aren't you? Why did you only list two fandoms?
A: Yep. And I only listed 2 cause Three Houses and Genshin are the only games I'm somewhat confident with my lore knowledge on lmao
Q: There's a question I didn't see answered in this description, Ansy.
A: Whoops, then please message my @throwaway-yandere account on tumblr!! I don't bite :D (or send anon asks at @faceless-ayato if you want to talk to the deranged yashiro commissioner. PS: he definitely bites.)
Q: "What am I, Mx. Ansy? Your mascot?"
A: You're… not? C'mon My Lord. You know you love talking to my anons.
Q: "…"
A: H-Hey hold on why are you holding the sereniteapot again-
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kyogre-blue · 11 months
Quickly dumping out the Enbarr notes, since I'm sure the Shambhala section will have a ton of infodumping to note.
I think the only difference from VW is that we run some weird plan where a lot of our troops sneak into Enbarr ahead of the rest of the army moving in. Because uuuuh I guess we're weaker than the united army with Leicester? Everything else is pretty much exactly the same, including Dedue's part and the Edelgard death cinematic.
tbh I think it actually ends up feeling even weaker here? I thought it would fit better, since this is the "you like Edelgard but can't agree with her" route, but since she appears so little and her writing is so bizarre and confused... It actually feels kinda worse, since her dialogue feels incredibly inconsistent.
I thought I'd have some more appreciation for Edelgard after this route, but uh. I don't. Hm.
Anyway, onto more interesting points, I am starting to get the impression that Rhea and Seteth don't actually know much about the Agarthans. I think they might not actually know that the mysterious "those who slither in the dark" are from Agartha (and that's why they have beef), and it's basically explicit that they don't know who helped Nemesis make the Sword.
Which isn't an issue, but it's hard to remember that they know so little in practice.
A priestess mentions that they lost contact with all church personnel in Enbarr when the war started.
A soldier mentions that some of our troops have already departed for Enbarr dressed as merchants and traveling performers. We have an entire plan to have small squads sneak toward the capital and link up with the main army. The Empire apparently thinks we have abandoned our plans to invade (after Merceus).
Sylvain didn't think he's live this long (in the war)... bby. He wants to strike down the empire for Dimtri...
Apparently, we think Rhea is in Enbarr because of a soldier from Merceus. I guess Judith only told us that the Empire captured her. I already forgor.
The pre-battle blurb also mentions the troops moving in secret and our surprise attack on Enbarr. I don't recall this from VW. We were already outnumbered there, so I guess here with just the Church and Judith's troops, we're even worse off.
Based on the map close up during the pre-battle exposition, it looks like Enbarr was built on the delta where a river forks into two, with both ranches leading into the sea on the west.
Oh, Dedue is here! AC lied to me :( (/jk)
The music for his entrance is uh... imo it's a bit too heroic, given that he's here because Dimitri ended up like that.
He came after Gronder field, so... two months ago, since there was Merceus in between but not anything else. He gives us info on the inside of the castle (layout, presumably) and tells us that Rhea is at the palace.
Edelgard's axe, Aymr, is described as "a Crest Stone weapon designed to Edelgard's specifications, allowing her to use Raging Storm."
Edelgard's class, Emperor, is "With unparalleled defense, Edelgard appears as an unstoppable force in the legendary armor of the Adrestian Emperor." Note that her armor is a boobplate. So like... did they modify it for her, or....
Edelgard is so confusing. Even to the last, she goes on about how determined she is to "free this world" from the "vile grasp" of the "false goddess and her minion." But like... Edelgard has NO basis for beef with Sothis or Rhea. It's so puzzling and empty.
Dialogue with Seteth: He tells Edelgard to return Rhea and release her grip on Fodlan. Edelgard says that if we strike her down, "they" will return. So she can't permit what we desire (????? what? like, you'd assume she means the Agarthans, but everything else points to her talking about the Nabateans). She also knows that Seteth is a child of the goddess and thinks he can't be permitted power over the people. This is SO wild.
Anyway, to get this dialogue, I let Seteth get the last hit. The Edelgard death cutscene makes equally little sense on this route, btw. Edelgard was going "fuck you guys, I didn't think you'd make it this far, but I don't care and I'm never giving up" in the battle, but now she's all "you must strike me down to move forward, I wanted to walk with you..." GIRL WHAT
Hubert going behind Edelgard's back to write us a letter where he's basically entrusting the future and Fodlan to us is like....... l m a o This was whatever on VW, but on a route where we are the Church and those lizards Edelgard hates so much... god.
Anyway, Seteth apparently didn't really believe the Agarthans were behind all this, or else even around at all. He's very shocked and unhappy about Hubert's letter.
OK, unlike VW, where Claude is there for the info dumps and Rhea holds at least some stuff back, here she has no reason to hide anything. And she says she does not know where or how Nemesis got the Sword of the Creator. They only guessed that someone must have given him this power and tried to investigate it, but they never found the answer. They only NOW surmise that it was the Agarthans. ...hang on, do they even know that "those who slither in the dark" are from Agartha....
Felix and Sylvain are together at the monastery, cute. Felix even calls Dimitri by name when talking about defeating the Empire and the Agarthans to let him rest in peace.
Catherine backstory: She was born in House Charon in Faerghus > was called Thunderstrike Cassandra > attempted Officers Academy, was saved by Rhea as a student > was implicated in "a plot to kill the king" (seems to be Duscur) > fled to the monastery since she felt it was safe > Rhea hired her > and had her execute Christophe when he tried to assassinate Rhea, though the charges given publicly were regarding Duscur.
Is that right?
Anyway, next time: Shambhala
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blondemenfight · 2 years
Dimitri is insane <333 bby go be gay do war crimes. <333 Hang her head from the gates of enbarr. <333 kill every last one of them <333 slay the day! <333 Be gay with Claude <333
This is one of the best asks I have ever gotten thank you anon
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janumun · 1 year
Okay so I gotta ask, are you by any chance familiar with the Fire Emblem games? Because...I;;;;;mayyyyyyy have gotten into myself thanks to this other close friend of mine dragging me into it and I'll frigging tell you why, in two little words.
Yuri Leclerc. x////x End my suffering. I hate it here. So I'm just wondering if you too are in FE hell. Also, I sincerely hope you've been well since it's been a bit since we last talked.
Also. I lost the 50/50 to Diluc when I was trying to get Nahida so I have Diluc now and am now guaranteed the Hydro Archon but;;;; not gonna lie I was so upset. ;_; I mean don't get me wrong, I did want Diluc just;;;; not. On. The. Event. Banner.
Firstly, I hope you have been well too, Juno. I’m doing fine, just a bit busy. Thank you for asking. ♥️
Unfortunately, I don’t own a switch so I haven’t had the chance to try out any of the FE games 🥹 I am, however, familiar with some of their popular characters from Three Houses and their ships like Claude(Leth), Byleth and Dimitri among some others thanks to social media.
About Genshin; nooooo, I’m sorry to hear that. I got my Diluc on a 50/50 pity loss last year too and although I did want him, losing pity on an event banner did hurt 😩 I absolutely feel you on this right now. May you get her on her next re-run 🌱
I haven’t pulled on Nahida’s this phase, I will resist and try to get her on some other re-run since I’m still waiting to pull my first Kazuha before I go looking for our bby daikon archon.
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Picturing Rodrigue grimacing as he eats something sweet and bby Felix next to him making that same grimace but exaggerated as kids do, and Mama Fraldarius is just fondly thinking Like father, like son!
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randomnameless · 1 month
One thing I realized when it comes to the meritocracy proposed in CF/SB is that you kind of have to get rid of crested people and Nabateans. Like Dimitri is regarded as a powerful warrior due to his crest and training‚ he would dominate any physical career (‚ not to mention Hilda as well since in GW she blocks his strike). And while I don't know the exact process of getting crests‚ first gen (non-Nabatean) crest-bearers live a really long time (Willy‚ Jeralt‚ and Yuri) with no perceived (1/2)
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That's what I've been saying since day 9 lol
Crested people skew the "meritocracy" angle because, even if the game did its best to curb down the ludonarrative experience - unlike FE Jugdral where HB means an unit is better than a non HB unit - it still exists.
Flayn with her crest will always be able to heal a fractured lung by clapping in her hands, when Ignatz would need to use all of his magic because he doesn't get the "boost to healing spells" Flayn's crest gives her.
Same with extended lifespans - let it be training martially, being "wise" or even being a polyglot, by sheer virtue of having at least 200 years on "regular" humans, first gen crest bearers and nabateans would... have more knowledge than Leonie's grandma.
Jerry questioning Rhea about bby!Billy is one of those things that, even if the 10 years of lore existed and were revealed, would never be developed because it was done at the cost of that world's consistency.
As you mentioned, regardless of Jerry knowing what Sitri was or not, Jerry knows he "oddly" older than everyone else and might have the same longevity as the Elites, he should have seen people like him around (cardinals), he lived through the Alliance's birht and Nopes reveals he was around when Rhea faked the death of the "blonde archbishop who was painted by an Adrestian and loved birds".
So unless Rhea indeed called the baby "mother" - which would not match with all the later interactions she has with Billy - there is so much "weirdness" going on with Jerry and/or around him that... suddenly being afraid of Rhea and ditching everything to become a merc with a newborn is either stupid, or plot contrived.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
tagged by @allfoolsinluv and @psychedelic-ink thanks bbys 🤍
three ships: oh sweet fuck UHM han solo x leia organa, bucky barnes x steve rogers, eddie munson x steve harrington
first ship: WHY IS THIS SO HARD ummmmmmmm the first one I can remember loving is ariel x prince eric LMAO OH OR ANYA X DIMITRI FROM ANASTASIA
last movie/tv show: the last of us, duh
last song: vienna by billy joel (I’m having a time LOL)
currently reading: the rogue one novelization (when I actually pick up a book instead of fanfic which is almost never hahahaha)
currently watching: the last of us, narcos, waiting for season two of vox machina to drop on friday, forever rewatching andor
currently consuming: toothpaste I guess? (I just brushed my teeth LOL)
currently craving: I literally just told my sister I could FUCK up a box of thin mints….
np tags: @prolix-yuy @mandoblowmybackout @gnollengrom @iamskyereads @munsonownsmyass @mindidjarin @itwasthereaminuteago and anyone else who wants to play 🤍
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sleepyivoryrose · 1 year
Persona 3 Reload, and now the new .hack// merchandise...I’m eatin good these days! qwq
But one thing after the other: I’m doing a bit better. Not in terms of lifestyle, per se, today I only slept 2 hours and these days I’m eating (food wise) not that great but...there’s always room for improvement. At  least my morale is high after this!
Persona 3 Reload- what a time to be alive. I don’t feel like Persona 3 was that long ago, but it is actually well over 10 years now, incredible. The art and the style looks reeeeally good, it actually is Persona 3 if it came out like, five years ago. I like that they expanded upon the social links (Bebe in HD! qwq Minato in HD! qwq) it seems, Maybe it’s time to reread My Life Is A Goddamn Mess again! 
They also have a full-on new voice cast. They’re great voices and absolutly professionals but...I kinda got used to the old ones, you know? Well, I probably watch the Lets Play anyways, because I sure as heck aint gettin an Xbox only for that game, but...I’m so happy to see one of my favorite videogames ever remade in such a wonderful fashion. 
I will miss the Aigis social link though, it was emotive. Maybe DLC? Maybe? Who knows. 
Aaah, I can’t wait to see everyone again. 
And today i found out that the .hack// anniversary was yesterday, I think? Anyways, new merch!! They can’t ship to the country I live in, though qwq I guess I will have to stare longingly throught he screen qwq The plushies are A-DORBS!! SO FRIKKIN CUTE HDFSHIOH I want a kite and a haseo one qwq And the little charms!! look at them in their tiny suits!! haseo is grinning like he knows exactly what he’s doing. That little bastard, I love him so much. No dice on an Endrance or Elk one though, only the protagonists from different media. 
There was an image from hosokawa with mia and elk tho!! Elk, my bby, my little ball of rainy day, my lonely tear in a vast lake..:! I don’t know why I associate him so much with water and ice when his element always has been wind...
- clutches her halloween chibi kaorus- i have to survive off of crumbs...that’s why I get for liking a side character comic relief of an ancient videogame...
Oh, and in a few days I managed to catch two shinys in pkmn!! One in Violet, a Mudbray which I dubbed Pinata (He’s yellow, so cute qwq) And I shiny Litleo in Y, I called it Dimitri! Only the best for the royal sinammon bun. 
Right now I’m trying to get a Farfetched and a Riolu...they’re both quite rare (not quite as rare as MY SHINIES THOUGH; OOOOHHHH) 
someone should do a gangster rap, just that it isn’t about money, but about pokemon shinies
it probably already exist, everything has been already invented at least once, as proved AI, which bases everything of off things on the internet
It’s way too hot out here...i am very much so in the mood for ice cream, but I have to get my shti together...sweet stuff isn’t good anyways when it’s warm, it produces only more heat...so much craving...i should go outside and move, get my natural vitamin D, yet...I bet all the benches are full when it cooled down a little...global warming be damned
Maybe the world will turn up like in Nier:Automata in a few thousand years and there won’t be a night anymore, or it will be 24/7 summer, like in the Canary Islands...my chair is sticky...
Okay, enough bitchin around. Positive thoughts! Sunshine! Warmth! Happiness! Reaggeton! Power to me! HAAAAAHHHH!
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ofdraiocht · 2 years
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I was pulling for King of Faerghus Dimitri in FE:H and not only did I get him first try but I also got bby Dima too in one pull.
 I should play the lottery 
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articianne · 5 years
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big soft and small cute ;_;
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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I just really love these because they show how hard Dimitri works to maintain good relationships with any other land, both in and out of Fodlan. He’s the busiest person in the game by far, to the point where the game consistently reminds us he not only doesn’t get enough sleep, but he tries to work during times he should be resting.
Not only did Dimitri learn how to write in Duscur’s language to keep their relations positive and keep them updated on things, but he frequently travels to Duscur in person. He doesn’t send an envoy or a messenger. He goes in person because he wants them to understand how serious he is about everything.
When the Alliance starts working with the Kingdom, Dimitri is suspicious that they may not stay allied when their current goal is done, yet he stays up all night incorporating them into the army. He doesn’t have someone else do the work for him even though realistically he could - he could easily just have someone else get the Alliance situated. Instead he personally mingles with these soldiers and is presumably getting them set up for their stay.
Dimitri is very protective and caring over his own people, but he acts equally as kind and generous to people who aren’t from the Kingdom. There’s technically no reason for him to personally do any of these things either - he could be focusing on other war efforts. Instead he seems to feel like it’s better to be involved with these things in person and not delegate them to someone else.
I feel like it goes a long way just how much he does things himself and how hard he works to make sure anyone, whether they’re from Faerghus or not, feel just as valued as anyone else. He cares about foreign relations as much as Lambert did and he maybe could have even been inspired by Lambert physically going into towns in Faerghus, or choosing to personally take trips to foreign locations jus to be there in person.
Dimitri just wants everyone to be accepted and wants people to be equal. He doesn’t mind where anyone is from. People are people to him and he just wants to make sure they’re all treated as such. He doesn’t just stay near his personal circle of friends as a king, but puts himself among any group of people and even visits the commoners’ towns.
It’s sad how much he overworks himself, but it’s also really endearing just how much effort he puts into being approachable and helpful to anyone and not just people in his immediate circle or just from his own home.
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