#dimitri fanfic
bodty · 1 year
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Dimidue Fest Day #3
Sharing a Meal
Dedue refuses to use Dimitri's name, so he resorts to strange tactics to try convincing him otherwise.
In which Dimitri kisses Dedue whenever he calls him by his title.
Based off this adorable fanfic which you should totally check out
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whumpusgumpus · 4 months
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Give Dimitri one sneeze for every time Felix calls him a boar
Sorry this one’s messy was mad tired drawinv it last night but had to feed y’all
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mochipicchu776 · 5 months
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Chapter 1 of my new long fic "Vespertine" is up.
Byleth (unknowingly) wakes up in the body of Houses Byleth and journeys with a mysterious man in black to Enbarr on his quest for vengeance. Through many trials, heartache, and bad decision making, together, they learn the truth about the nature of her lost memories and grow from Feral/Ashen Demon to lovers who learn to embrace their feelings. I hope you all enjoy.
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gloomy-kitty · 2 months
𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 | 𝐝𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐲𝐝 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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minors don’t interact!!!!! 18+ only mature content under tab
synopsis: Dimitri is a vampire and he has no desire to listen to the pathetic pleas from a human. You are a slave to the king and only meant to fulfill his desire for blood.
warnings : mentions of blood, smut, blood kink, dimitri is kind of mean at first, possessive, long word count, rough sex, reader is really submissive and pitiful, consensual non-consent
authors note : this is a part of a mini series I will be writing. I have plans to write for Sylvain, Felix, Claude, and Yuri for this au. So stay tuned, or not lol.
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Dimitri was a cold man who was cruel and selfish at times, he only cared about his own desires. But at the end of the day he was your lover. At least that’s what you thought of him at first.
You had found yourself at the castle’s doorsteps only a year ago, pathetic and starving. A famine had plagued Faerghus and in a desperate attempt your village had tied you up, throwing you at the steps of the castle, as a sacrifice. All in a desperate attempt to get the king to end this famine. Of course though, the king could live off another type of substance - blood. He had no control over the weather, or the drought that was plaguing Fodlan.
You laid curled up in a fetal position at the steps. Not even able to fight back when you knew what your fate would be when those castle doors creaked open. Your frail body was brought into the castle by a tan man and you could barely move at this point; you simply were accepting your end. In and out of consciousness you barely remembered anything. It took nearly two weeks before you were able to walk around, the man nursing you back to health. “She’s too frail. Plump her up so I actually have blood to drink.” A blond, one eyed man would say whenever he stepped into your room. Everything felt like a dream.
Once you were able to be back on your feet you were confined to a dingy bedroom, only able to sit and gaze out the tall tower window all day-it on for a month. You only interacted with the man briefly, he never said much. He only brought you food, clean linen, and the bare necessities to keep up your hygiene. By now, a part of you wishes that you had died on those cold stone steps of the castle. But alas, you no longer were starving and weak, your once hollow cheeks had now filled out some. Your bones didn’t poke out your skin, and you had clean clothes and a warm bed to sleep on. But you weren’t safe, far from it.
The first time it happened you were asleep, the bedroom door swung open and a lantern suddenly illuminated the room. Your blankets were thrown off of you, causing you to immediately sit up in bed. Your back pressed against the headboard as your breathing began to get heavy, your frail body shaking. You were terrified as your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. There you saw the man who you presumed would end your life tonight. It was hard to see him in this lighting but what you did see, terrified you. The tall muscular blond king towered above you, he was missing an eye, a scar over where his stormy blue eye would be. “This better have been worth the effort.” The man muttered. He grabbed your ankles roughly causing you to let out a cry, your back and head slamming against the bed. “Quiet.” He ordered as he now got on top of you.
The man used his whole hand to roughly push your face to the side, you whimpered from the force of his hand. Your neck was exposed and your breathing was heavy, your chest rapidly moving up and down with each breath. This man didn’t care about your comfort at all, you knew that what would come next would hurt. He huffed to blow the hair away from your neck leaving you now fully exposed, his other hand pinned your wrist above your head. One of his knees was wedged between your thighs while his other leg pinned your side. You had nowhere to go and you were in no state to fight back. “Stay still.” He muttered as he lowered his head. You felt his long blond hair tickle your sensitive exposed neck, his warm breath against your skin.
You obeyed him, and just prayed that he made it quick. Squeezing your eyes shut you prepared yourself for the brief pain that you’d experience before your death. Then without warning you felt the man’s sharp canines sink into your skin. You cried out and squirmed in his grasp, it hurt so much. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes, “P-please.” You whimpered as you felt warm liquid ooze from the wound. The blond only hummed in content, “Quiet.” He said once again. You felt his tongue lick up the blood that dripped from the wound. He sucked, licked, and nipped at your skin for what felt like hours. Only your quiet whimpers of pain and fear echoed through the room.
Then he released your wrist, his hand that was pressed against your face now tilted your chin so you could look at him. “How do you feel?” He asked, but there really was no true concern in his tone. He was handsome, breathtakingly beautiful, but you were terrified of him. You didn’t say anything as your eyes examined him, there was blood smeared across his lower face, his mouth was open slightly and you can see the glimmer of his canine teeth. The man clicked his tongue in annoyance before he stood up, “Your blood, it’s good. Don’t worry I won’t kill you…yet.” He muttered and just like that he left your room, leaving you alone.
Pulling your knees to your chest you held your body close as tears streamed down your face. At some point you fell asleep from exhaustion and when morning came you were covered up in a blanket that you definitely had not pulled over yourself before. As you were slowly sitting up in bed, you saw small blood speckles on the white bedsheets, a reminder of the events from the night before. Hesitantly you placed your feet onto the cold stone floor, and you walked over to the dingy vanity mirror, your body felt so weak. As you were brushing your hair away from your neck, you saw the wound, a mark that you would be a blood slave to the king of Faerghus. A dark purple bruise the size of a coin was on your neck and faint marks of dried blood were on your neck.
Another week had passed without a visit from the king, you sat on a window sill in your room, blankly staring out the window at the stormy weather. There was a knock at your door but even as you did not say anything, the door opened nevertheless. In walked the dark skinned white haired man who had cared for you. He held a basket in his hands, “How are you feeling?” He asked you as he sat the basket onto the dresser. He stood at the entrance of the room, not coming closer.
You just looked at him, bags were under your eyes as you had trouble sleeping ever since that encounter. You were scared for when the king would come back and kill you. The man sighed, shaking his head, “You have no reason to be scared. His majesty won’t kill you. He spoke highly about how well you tasted.” The man explained matter of factly. A frown made its way to your features, “I..I wish he would just kill me.” You stated, your voice was hoarse from how little you had spoken since you arrived at the castle. “If you’d like I can arrange for you to be free?” He then asked you but you knew his words were false, just a way to comfort you. Sighing you shook your head, you had nowhere to go; your own village had tried to sacrifice you to the king. So for now you would tolerate what was going on, you really had no other choice. “I have nowhere else to go. I am stuck here.” You mumbled before turning your head back to look out the window. The man nodded, “I understand. I have brought you some things, they’re in the basket whenever you want to take a look.” He said before turning to walk out the room, but he paused, “My name is Dedue.” He introduced himself for the first time since you had arrived here. Your eyes widened and you looked at him, “Oh” You simply responded, it sounded foreign. “I’m ______.” You introduced yourself before returning back to look outside the window. You were not in the mood for pointless conversation.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Weeks passed and the king would visit you once a week to indulge himself in your blood. It was more or less the same every time, he was rough and uncaring of your comfort. But then the next morning after you would be showered with some luxuries, expensive food, wine, books, linen, anything along those lines. It was strange but you were in no position to turn down the gifts. You still had yet to leave the room in the tower, Dedue had become the only conversational partner you had. You learned the man was from Duscur; he was loyal to the king. You also had learned the king’s name, Dimitri. Dedue asked about your village and you would tell him stories, but your life was not very interesting. You were an orphan who had lived on the streets your whole life, there was nothing too interesting to speak about. That was more or less your life, locked away in the castle.
Tonight though was different, the king—Dimitri stumbled into your room late at night as you sat up in your bed reading a book. He stormed towards you, yanking the book out of your hand and tossing it onto the floor. He had no shirt on, but bandages were wrapped around his body. It was obvious he was hurt which explained why instead of you being pinned underneath him like usual, Dimitri sat on the bed, his back against the headboard as he pulled you into his lap. Your back was against his broad chest, and his fists balled into your hair as he titled your head to the side roughly, exposing the sensitive flesh on your neck. He wasted no time sinking his fangs into your neck, you cried out in pain. It hurt so much this time, he was relentless as he sucked on your neck draining the blood.
Your fingernails dug into the skin of his arm that was wrapped around your waist as you withered in pain. You felt your vision blurring, he was drinking too much. “P-please stop. Too much.” You warned him. “A bit more.” He breathed out before he returned to lapping the crimson liquid up. He groaned in delight at the taste, but when he noticed you becoming more lethargic he stopped. Dimitri supported your head up with one hand, his brows furrowing. “_____, are you okay?” He asked, a bit concerned. He knew your name? You figured Dedue must have told him, you tried to speak but your mind was a haze and before you even knew it you had passed out in the king’s arms.
Morning came like usual and you were wrapped up securely in a blanket that you most definitely did not pull over you the night before. There was a presence in the room, you could feel it. You were trying to sit up, but you had no strength and just collapsed back onto the bed. “Good. You’re alive.” A familiar cold voice was audible from your side. Looking to the side there you saw the blond king towering above you. He reached a hand down brushing your hair out of your face, you noticed that a different expression was on his usual stoic features. A hint of concern glimmered in his one stormy blue eye. “I went too far. I apologize.” He simply said, “I was injured last night.” He added not wanting to elaborate any further on the situation. You just nodded, not sure what to say, “Okay.” You mumbled. With a sigh Dimitri took a step back, “Anyways now that you are awake I’ll leave you be. Dedue will check on you soon.” He explained before leaving the room, the door echoing as it slammed shut behind him.
Why did he care if I ever awoke again or not? You thought, a strange feeling swelling in your heart. No, he only cares if I stay alive because he likes how I taste. You rationalized to yourself. To King Dimitri you were a blood source, nothing more nothing less.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dimitri still continued to visit you, his feeds became a bit more frequent nearly every other night. He fed on you for only a little bit, so you were as exhausted as you were before when he would visit you once a week. Yet he still remained as rough as usual, though he did stop pinning your face down with his hand. You had gotten to know Dimitri throughout the months, he was more than a bloodthirsty fiend. It seemed like he had a heart under his rough exterior. He had a tendency to drink a bit too much wine before he fed on you and you had come to learn why. It seemed like the blond disliked the fact that he was a vampire, he didn’t like feeding off of you which explained why he preferred you speak as little as possible. You had also learned that Dimitri was orphaned at a young age, he seemed to have a fear of people leaving him, he told you one night while he was drunkenly laying in your bed covered in your blood.
The man kept you locked in the tower for that very reason, he didn’t want you to leave him, he had grown a bit too dependent on his feeding sessions and speaking to you. But of course he did not voice such things out loud. Dimitri knew you were scared of him and he only wished that he wasn’t this blood sucking creature. Maybe things would be different which is why he was trying to be a bit kinder to you, but he had built up so many walls that seemed impossible to tear down,
Though tonight was different, Dimitri sat across from you on a chair sipping on a glass of dark red wine. His legs crossed as you gazed at you, “I have decided to move you to my chambers.” He simply stated. Your eyes widened in surprise, “Wh..what do you mean your majesty?” You asked him for clarification. He rolled his eyes, “Are you stupid? You’ll be moving to my chambers. I’m tired of having to climb all these stairs just to come feed off of you. In my room you’ll be available at my convenience.” He explained his reasoning.
So Dimitri did not come to feed off of you tonight, he simply came to inform you of your move. Your eyes gazed down at the wine glass in your hand, the dim lighting of the room faintly reflecting your face in the liquid. “O..okay.” You simply replied. You only hoped that his bedroom was not as cold as the tower, but you were also scared that perhaps being available to the king at all times would also be very dangerous. Dimitri finished his glass of wine, then he stood up wishing you a good night before leaving.
The next day came and Dedue appeared to escort you to your new bedroom. You still had no free reign of the castle, you were closely monitored. But at least now you were in a more cozy luxurious bedroom, there was a balcony you could sit out on. It was the first time you had breathed fresh air since you arrived weeks—no, was it months ago? You had been informed that Dimitri went out to deal with a rebellion in a different territory so you had the bedroom to yourself. There was a music box in the bedroom that you would play often as you danced around the balcony enjoying the fresh air and the feeling of the breeze blowing through your hair. You did that for the week while Dimitri was gone.
The king had returned late at night a week later, you were asleep in his bed when he stormed in. He flicked on a lantern and walked towards the bathroom, you two did not exchange a word. When the water came on from the shower you sighed before returning back to sleep. He was probably tired and you would not have to worry about him trying to feed on you tonight, at least that is what you assumed.
Once again you were awoken out of your slumber as you heard the balcony door shut. “Don’t ever leave that door open at night or when you aren’t in the room.” He said angrily. Sitting up you looked at the king, “Why?” You asked, still half asleep. “It’s dangerous. Plenty of people want to kill me.” He replied as he walked over, sitting at the edge of the bed. He stared at you, his wet blond hair clung to his face and he was wearing only his boxers. You noticed the scars that littered his pale skin. You had been staring. Oh..oh! He wants me out of his bed. You thought and quickly flung the bedsheets off of your body. “I will sleep on the floor. Please forgive me your majesty for laying in your bed. It was foolish of me.” You began to apologize as you stood up.
Dimitri shook his head grabbing your wrist pulling you back down onto the sheets. “Why would you sleep on the floor? You’re not a dog.” he frowned. Something was different about him tonight, his voice was quiet. Something seemed to be bothering the king. Without another explanation he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest as he buried his face in your hair. You two laid on the bed in silence, Dimitri’s breath hitting the back of your neck. His body was so cold. “You’re scared of me. Aren’t you?” He then suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
”What?” You breathed out, unsure of where this question was coming from. Truthfully you were scared of him, he was double your size and powerful. “You want to leave me? Why didn’t you escape while I was gone? You could have?” He then asked you, his voice was muffled by your hair. Your brows furrowed when he asked you that question, why didn’t you leave? The tone of Dimitri’s voice was fearful, like he almost did not want you to answer the question. “I..I don’t know.” You replied, your hands came up to gently rest on his. “I have nowhere to go. I don’t mind it here.” You replied truthfully but still avoided his question if you were scared of him. “So you are scared of me? I’m a monster after all. Everyone is scared of me…everyone always dies around me.” He spoke in a low tone. His grip around you tightened, he was scared.
You weren’t sure what had gotten into you but hearing Dimitri act so vulnerable made you only want to comfort him. So loosening his grasp around your waist you turned over to face him. You cupped his face in your hands and gazed into his eye. He avoided your eyes though, a guilty expression saturating his pale features. “I won’t die. I’m not scared of you, your majesty.” You said flashing him a weak smile. The king didn’t seem convinced by your words but he just nodded, “You’ll stay here..right?” He asked you for reassurance again. You hummed in reply, “Mhm..as I said I have nowhere to go.” You responded as you brushed his blond hair out of his face. He really was handsome, even though he was missing an eye and had faint scars on his face he was truly ethereal looking. It took your breath away, you had heard that was the charm that came with these beings—vampires. But being able to see him so close you truly understood where those legends came from.
Dimitri noticed you staring, he felt a bit insecure with you looking at him. He usually kept your face down so you couldn’t look at him so now he felt a bit exposed. “What?” He asked, brows furrowing as his expression hardened. You shook your head, “Nothing, your majesty. Are you hungry?” You asked him, you figured that was coming. After all, it had been a week since he last fed. He nodded a bit hesitantly, “Y..yes I am.” He mumbled quietly. This weird feeling overcame you, you just wanted to please him. The king was acting so vulnerable you just wanted to give him the one thing you knew he liked, something about Dimitri was intoxicating, it was drawing you in. Perhaps it’s because of what he was that made you feel this way? Removing your hands away from him, you reached up to brush strands of hair away from your tender neck - exposing it.
Dimitri licked his lips hungrily as he stared at the soft flesh on your neck, he wasted no time in pinning you to the bed by your wrists. His large muscular body hovering over yours, but instead of sinking his teeth into your neck he licked and nipped the skin gently. A moan left your lips, it shocked you why you had even made that noise. You felt a soft chuckle from the king against your neck and he continued to nip at it more. Then you felt it, the pain of his sharp canines sinking into your flesh. Your body flinched as you let out a whimper of pain, your eyes squeezing shut as you felt him lap up the blood that oozed out of the wound. Dimitri’s knee found itself between your thighs and without even realizing what you were doing you found yourself grinding against it, a quiet moan escaping your lips as you arched your back up.
Dimitri stopped and looked at you, “You like this now?” He asked you with an amused smirk on his blood stained lips. Slowly your eyes fluttered open and you gazed at him, “I..I think so. I don’t know why.” You whispered your brows furrowing in confusion at your own actions. The fear that you held for the king only a few minutes ago was replaced with something else—a desire to please him in any way. “If you really want it…I want you to beg, ______.” He ordered as he roughly grinded his knee against your core. “P-please your ma-“ you began only to be cut off by him. “My name is Dimitri. I’m over the formalities.” He spat out.
You averted your gaze from his intense one for a few moments before you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat. “Please Dimitri. I want to please you.” You whimpered. Dimitri seemed satisfied with your begging, his calloused hands tugging at the hem of your long silky white nightgown, he pulled it up slowly, it was like he was deliberately trying to tease you. “Please.” You begged him once again, goosebumps dotted your skin in wild anticipation. Then the gown was above your breasts, exposing you completely to the king. Your breath hitched as you stared at him eyes wide, scared of what he may think. “Mmm..so pretty.” He mumbled. His head lowered to your breast, he kept looking at you with that stormy blue eye while his tongue swirled around your hardened nipple, his other hand roughly massaged your other breast. His fingers pinching your sensitive bud, you let out a moan. He dropped the hem of your nightgown now satisfied with how exposed you were, and returned back to pinning one of your wrists above your head.
Dimitri began to suck and nip at your breast, he was trying to leave a mark, then when his lips left your sore nipple he moved up to curve of your breast. Without warning he sank his fangs into your soft tender skin, your body trembled in pain as a loud gasp left your mouth. “D-Dimitri!” You hissed as you felt warm crimson blood trickle out of the puncture, but the king did not let your sweet blood go to waste. He groaned in delight as he sucked the blood from the wound, “So good..” He mumbled against your skin as he continued to nip your skin to draw out more blood. You were soaking wet, unsure of why you were so turned on by something that used to cause you fear. Then you felt him rub against your thigh. He was hard and it made you want him even more. “Please Dimitri..I want you.” You begged as you tried to wiggle your wrists out of his grasp. But he was too strong, you couldn’t even free yourself if you wanted to.
Dimitri stopped what he was doing, and sat up, blood coated his lower face. In any other scenario he would have looked absolutely terrifying but to you he looked so incredibly beautiful. The way the warm lantern lighting glowed against his pale skin made him look otherworldly. “Are you sure?” He asked you in a gruff tone by now he had freed your wrist and his hand went to the waistband of your panties, he ripped them off of you. Literally. The tearing of the fabric caused you to flinch and he tossed the torn fabric aside, you saw how he eyed your nightgown so you quickly stripped yourself of it tossing it onto the floor. The blond’s looked at your vulnerable exposed body with nothing but pure lust in his eye.
He lowered his head and to your entrance, you smelled intoxicating and he wondered if you knew that? Your scent was driving him crazy. Placing his rough hands on the sides of your thighs he forcefully pulled your legs apart so he could look at you. You were embarrassed by how soaked you were already, a part of you was scared of what he was going to do next. “Are you sure you want me?” He asked you in a gentle voice. You nodded a bit too eagerly, “Y-yes please.” You pleaded. With that he lowered himself to your pussy, his tongue immediately went to your clit. Your body jerked roughly at the new sensation and an embarrassingly loud moan echoed through the room.
He wasted no time in licking your pussy, his tongue was masterful as focused on your clit. He sucked and swirled circles on it. Dimitri felt like he was drunk off of the juices from your pussy. His tongue left your clit as he hungrily moved his tongue between your folds, the muscle now poking at your entrance in a desperate attempt to taste all of you. He was trying to fuck you with his tongue, and it drove you even more crazy. An unusual warm sensation began to build in your core, your vision blurred you were sure if it was from blood loss or from how good you felt. Your thighs trembled in delight around his head as Dimitri switched between sucking on your clit and fucking you with his tongue. He was so careful as to not harm you with his sharp fangs.
Your hands flung up to ball Dimitri’s soft golden hair in your hands, you tried to grind your hips against his face but he held you firmly to the bed. It seemed like the king was intentional with every movement he made, when his focus was on tongue fucking you he made sure his nose still brushed over your clit. You felt so close, you weren’t sure how much longer you could last. You were going to cum. “Dimitri…please can I cum? Please. Please.” You whined begging for your release. Dimitri’s hands tightened on your thighs, you whimpered in pain you were certain that you would be left with bruises. “Mhm..cum for me _____.” He hummed still buried in your pussy. Then with a few more motions you came around the king and hard. Your back arched as your legs shook violently as you let out a loud moan. “Thank you. Thank you!.” you cried out as tears pooled in the corner of your eyes as you rode out your orgasm. Dimitri’s sucked on your clit for a few more moments as your body and breathing slowed down, until finally you were left a whimpering mess on the bed.
Dimitri sat up looking at you, his face now coated with a mixture of blood and your own wetness. He licked his lips as he got out of the bed, you now gazed at the man through heavy eyes as you tried to control your breathing. You watched as he slipped off his boxers revealing his erection. The king was huge. You weren’t sure you could take him, a look of fear washed over your face. Dimitri’s hand pumped his thick throbbing cock in anticipation as he still had that hungry look on his features. “If I do this…this means that you’re mine. Forever. Understand?” He said. You didn’t care, you’d be with Dimitri forever. “Yes. I understand Dimitri.” You replied.
With that the muscular king was now back over you, his blond hair falling in front his beautiful face as he began to lick up your upper body. He couldn’t let any of your sweet blood go to waste. His tongue traced over your perky nipple, to your neck, and then finally to the corner of your mouth where he stopped for a brief moment before he crashed his lips against yours. You tasted yourself, your blood and your own cum but you didn’t care. Then he pulled away, using one hand he held your hip firmly as he positioned his throbbing cock at the entrance of your pussy. Without a warning he pushed himself inside you. You cried out in pain, he didn’t even give you time to adjust to his size. You felt like he was ripping you open but goddess, did he feel so good as he filled up your pussy.
”Dimitri!” You cried out tears now falling down your cheeks, your hand flying to his chest in an attempt to get him to stop just for a moment so you could adjust to his cock. But he didn’t care, he needed to fuck you and he needed to fill you up with his cum so only then you would know that you now belonged to him.
Dimitri rocked his hips back and forth as his dick slammed into you relentlessly, the way your tight pussy clenched around him drove him crazy. Did you know what you were doing? “Fuck..” he hissed under his breath, his fingers digging into your hip. Only a minute later you were melting under his touch, you adjusted to his size and pure pleasure filled you. His cock kept hitting a certain spot deep inside you and it hurt a little bit with how rough he was being but it felt so amazing. That familiar warm sensation was now building up inside you again as you whimpered out the king’s name. He watched as your breasts bounced with every thrust he made, the face you made when he hit that spot deep inside your pussy, the way your sweet blood trickled slowly down your neck and breast, and he loved the way you took him so well despite his size.
Dimitri had never felt something that felt as good as your pussy did; he knew he was going to cum and soon. “You're so beautiful…the way you take me. The way you sound _____.” He praised you with a breathy voice. With a few more rough thrusts he came inside you, coating the inside of your pussy with so much of his cum that it was leaking out of you. He moaned loudly as he threw his head back in pleasure, just cumming more as he continued to fuck you mercilessly trying to ride out his orgasm. You soon joined him in his orgasm; clenching around his cock as you came once again, the warmth of your orgasm only made the king moan in pleasure. You body trembled you really weren’t sure how much more of this you could take. It seemed like Dimitri wasn’t going to stop fucking you any time soon, but he did. His erratic thrusts became slower and slower until finally he stopped moving.
He breathed heavily as he remained inside of you, then he lowered his head so he could now look at you. You looked so beautiful to him, your body was flushed with a faint hue of red and he noticed the dark red marks on your hips, thighs, and wrists from where he pinned you. Reaching a hand out he brushed your hair out of your face before he gently kissed you as he pulled himself out of you. He collapsed onto the bed on his back before he pulled your tired body onto his chest, his arms wrapped around you. He rubbed soothing circles over your back and arms. “You promise to stay..right?” Dimitri asked you in a quiet voice.
Tilting your head up you looked up at the king with a content smile on your pink lips, “Yes. I promise.” You replied back, after all you had already told him you had nowhere to go. Plus didn’t Dimitri know that he already had you wrapped around his fingers?
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roll-of-royces · 1 month
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Created another one of my fanfic covers, played around with image manipulation and editing a bunch for this one and I'm loving how it turned out.
If you're interested you can read this completed fic on my Ao3: An Elegy to Delusion
Untitled Version Below ->
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Dimitri: I am a monster... she is a wonderful person and she deserves so much better ... she most likely will despise me if she finds out...
Byleth if Dimitri DID turn into a monster: That's a very nice bear you caught with your bare hands, my dearest, and it is very smart of you to eat it raw, saves us the trouble of starting a fire. I received Mercedes' help to knit you a sweater in case you get cold running around in that loincloth of yours. Is the sun hurting your eye? I'll kill it if it's bothering you. I'll kill the sun.
Ooh, sorry for taking so long to respond! Here's a little drabble as compensation. It's female byleth/dimitri, since those are the pronouns you used in the ask.
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Dimitri knew that most of the hardships he had experienced were simply a byproduct of his true nature. All monsters were doomed to be abandoned, hated, and feared. Ending up alone was simply in his nature.
But when she looked at him, her eyes showed no disgust. On the contrary, she looked at him with… pity? He didn't know. Nobody had ever seen him like that. Not until now.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.
"Because I love you," she answered.
Love? How could someone like him ever be loved? Surely, she must be mistaken.
"No, I know what I feel," she shook her head. And then, she confessed in a quiet voice: "I would kill the sun for you."
And he knew, that she had the power to do just that.
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itsmoonpeaches · 1 month
Title: The Night We Met
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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Rating: M
Word count: 2,203
Summary: The first time he laid with her, he was afraid he'd break her.
Continue on ao3.
The touch of her calloused hand entwined in his lingered on the fringes of his consciousness, a flickering, fickle, featherlight sensation like the extremities of a dwindling breeze on a summer's evening. 
Yet still, Enbarr's cavernous palace brimmed with excitement. Into the night, the Blue Lions celebrated. And Dimitri, caught up in the festivities in only such a way a king must, was mindfully aware of his own shortcomings. 
The clinks of goblets were echoing, ringing—in a sense, all too loud. Mead and spirits sloshed liquid gold above their rims. Rationed slop was piled upon the plates they had purloined from the kitchens. To a victorious army that had just won the war, this was paradise. To Dimitri, fledgling ruler that he was, this was all some meager distraction to the duties he must soon face.
Across the way, the Professor glowed. She was, above all else, such a diamond that shone through the roughness of the muck and grime that battle produced. Far from blood and terror and shame. A world away from himself, for that matter, with a chasm yawning between them.
He would still yearn for her if it were an ocean that separated them. 
Continue on ao3.
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xicoqo · 4 months
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Prince Dimitri was always fascinated by the seaplanes and their pilots he watched beyond the palace walls. He loved his family dearly, but ever since Glenn showed him the world from so far above, the boy dreamed of escaping his status and Faerghus’ political turmoil, and running away to the sea and sky.
Promotional art for a new fic whose prologue i just posted. Please check it out :-]
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dpsisquared · 10 months
Discourse me: Does literally anyone know why the western lords were so pissed at Lambert? I think making peace with Duscur was a small part of it, but not all. Hasty reforms? Radical? *Tyrannical?* tf did he do? These plot holes make me cry 😭😭😭 Cross posting cause my discord friends said it was ok
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plantcrazy · 3 months
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Henry sighed, another failed timeline.
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Righty'o! After this chapter, Lost Children will be going on a short hiatus while I work on the next bunch of chapters for part 2. (You guys know how I work out of order, right? Well... I don't have any of the first 10 chapters done, so I need some time to do those ^^; )
In the meantime, I'll be doing some more art and maybe a comic? I'm thinking I might comic one of the chapters, so tell me which one you'd like to see in comic form!
Also, I'm opening my commissions today, so please check that out!
(Also, these are the new character designs I'll be using from here onwards, and Reginald looks FABULOUS!)
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Speed paint below,
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Vasili’s Retirement
Here's an aesthetic moodboard I made of Vasili when he was in the KGB!
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Summary: Charkov convincing Vasili to retire after giving his full service in the KGB. What made the General do so? And would Vasili agree to it?
Note: This is where I change some of the canon story for my Bell! General Charkov being a father figure for Vasili and Dimitri.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,293 words.
“Amidst the complexities that are rising in between the relationship with the East and the West, we solemnly take your contribution as a huge factor to handle the situation quite well, Major Vasili.” The General of the KGB, Anton Charkov talks as Vasili carefully listens to his superior who called in for an important discussion. Charkov pours a cup of tea inside Vasili’s cup and for himself.
“Take a sip.” Charkov offered Vasili to partake of the beverage, as he needed the conversation to be as neutral and calm as possible, even knowing it was a hard decision for the General who was holding a heavy heart within himself to tell the news. Vasili grabbed the cup handle and took a sip of the tea, before placing it back on the General’s desk.
“But as we’re worried about the safety and security of the organisation, along with your own being... you’ve already made a lot of enemies, Vasili.” Charkov furrowed his eyebrows, placing the brim of the cup on his lips as he sipped the tea inside, before pulling back and kept it on the desk, crossing his hands. “And it’s not because we don’t trust you, but we’re only trying to keep the secrets within ourselves. You know a lot more than they do. You’re their prime target.”
“You mean the CIA could be behind me anytime? Regardless they’re the ones desperate to catch me and miserably failed.. somehow?” Vasili raised an eyebrow.
“Possibly. You can’t always trust your wits, Vasili. This isn’t a game, but a matter of serious consideration. Your life's on the line, and it’s standing on a tightrope. You’d never know if the pressure would soon be unbearable, that would likely make not only you, but the whole KGB at risk. Even if you die or get captive, it’s the same consequence.”
“So... what do you want me to do?” Vasili questioned.
Charkov held a heavy heart while trying to reveal his response to the Major. He sighed, and shook his head, and faced the officer again, feeling prepared. “You should retire.”
Vasili was astonished by that order, and it made his eyes widen. He forgot about everything at that very moment, from hearing Charkov’s response. It felt like a part of him was about to shatter. The very duty that kept him sane and dedicated, only for him to be told that he should finally let go of it. “But... General I – “
“I know, Sokolov. This is a very, very hard decision that I took upon myself. But I also had to hold a cabinet meeting for it. They advised you to retire but go undercover with a new identity and appearance. Conceal yourself as much as you can... the Western powers would do everything, and anything to get to you. And I’m not saying this as a KGB General... but as a concerned father.” Charkov tried to assure Vasili that whatever he was doing was for the sake of the whole nation’s safety and security. He didn’t want to lose it... but he wouldn’t want to see his country fall as well, only because he disagreed with what Charkov told him to do so.
With a bitter understanding, Vasili gave the nod, not wanting to condemn Charkov’s order. “Sir, yes sir.”
“Otlichno. I’m proud of you, Vasya.” Charkov lit up a smile, but Vasili had his face drowned in deep emotions. He had so much to succeed in, but turns out, this was the end. It felt like his glory days were over, but for the better, he agreed to leave the KGB on the General’s order.
“Don’t worry about what happens next here after your departure. Major Dimitri Belikov would take your place from now on. I trust him as much as I do with you, too. You both made me really proud, and I wish you luck.” Charkov extended his hand towards Vasili for a handshake.
Vasili gave a slight smile and joined the handshake the General offered to him. As Vasili got up from his chair and started to leave the office and walked through the hallway, he saw Dimitri, who too was also approaching the General’s office. The man stopped in surprise, who concealed his pain by leaving the duty to greet his beloved friend. “Dima?”
“Vasya!” Dimitri gave him a grin. “What happened? Did you do something mischievous again, that made Anton Charkov give you a huge, philosophical lecture? Like the last time?” He laughed it out, but Vasili gave a sly smile, knowing the truth.
“Ah, no Dima I... I think this is my last meeting with you.” Vasili spoke in a demotivated tone. Dimitri’s smile vanished when he said that, but he tried to brush it off thinking he may be joking with him.
“Oh, zamolchi! You’re playing with me. Aren’t you?” Dimitri laughed it out, but Vasili shook his head back.
“I’m being honest.” There was a moment of silence for a second, in between each other. Dimitri was still confused, and Vasili was the one to break it again. “I’m retiring.”
“What?!” Dimitri said in shock. “Are you serious, how could you retire – “
“I understand you feel the same as me, Dimitri. But... this is only for the sake of the nation’s safety and security.” Vasili replied. “Charkov and I have talked about it, and he wants you to take my place instead.”
Dimitri was internally disagreeing with him, as he didn’t want to believe it at first. But hearing Vasili’s words, he felt conflicted. “But... I could never be like you.”
“You’re misunderstood. Charkov trusts you like he trusts me. You’ve been assigned with a responsibility, Dima... and you must do it. For me.” Vasili grabbed onto his shoulders, assuring him. “I won’t be there, but I’d never forget what you did for me.”
Dimitri tried not to break in tears, seeing that his friend was now bidding a farewell from his post. Vasili gave him a hopeful smile and hugged him. Dimitri too hugged him back tighter, not wanting to let Vasili go this quick.
“It’ll be okay, Vasili...” Dimitri sniffs as he tries to control himself at this moment. “If you ever need something, get to me first. And it should be me only.”
Vasili pats his back and chuckles. “Of course, moy brat. Your number would be dialled first.”
“And if you feel you’re in danger... and I had to take my life for it, I will.”
“Shut up, Dima. You’re not dying, and when I’m still here, nothing would ever happen to you. Never.” Vasili looks at Dimitri and sets his cap and uniform. “That would be betrayal. That I kept a promise and you still decided to give your life for me.”
“But at least it’s better than a betrayal of trust.” Dimitri mentions something that did hold weight to Vasili’s thoughts. But he was curious about something else so he asked ahead before he could leave.
“Besides, did General Charkov call you in too?” Vasili asked, as Dimitri wipes off his tears as he responds. “Did you do something mischievous, instead?”
“No uhm, I wanted to have a conversation with him... maybe I’d talk about your leave and the new steps that I might have to follow while being in your shoes.”
“Oh, that’s currently necessary. You may take your leave, Major.” He saluted Belikov before departing, and so did Dimitri in return. As they both started to walk in the directions they were supposed to, Vasili slightly turned around to check on Belikov, and saw him fumbling with something in his hand before shoving it into his pocket and leaving a trace. Though Vasili didn’t really pay attention to it, and the scene ends to black when he exits.
Translations: Otlichno — amazing, Zamolchi — shut up/shut your mouth, Moy brat — my brother
Tagging: @deeptrashwitch @islandtarochips @alypink (or if you want to be included, send me a DM!)
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pirdmystery · 3 months
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chapter three of my dimilix detective au/murder mystery is now up! i would love if you read it!
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sheikahwarriork · 11 months
prompt for childhood enemies dimileth!!!
When Byleth was 6 years old, and Jeralt left her in the care of an inkeeper while he was doing merc jobs, a traveling caravan of rich people arrived to the inn, and she heard an ugly rich bowlcut blonde baby say his dad was the strongest and could beat anybody's dad and she choose violence.
Someone had to put the bowlcut in his place and make him understand Jeralt was the strongest.
Dimitri didn't want to fight back for his crest until Byleth called him a wussy... which is a word the mercs used around her and she didn't know what it meant.
(she fondly recalls this story as the first time she won a fight)
(dimitri still has bite scars from the incident and was very scared of girls for a long time)
(gustave was worried sick a commoner kid got the crown prince rabbies)
(they haven't connected the dots)
(This is the same anon who hates Dimitri's hair)
(hello dear dimitri's hair hater anon, i loved this prompt a lot! i changed some little points in the narration, but the main plotis the one you wrote. i really hope you'll like this :3)
wordcount: 1.2k
Byleth was extremely bored. Jeralt— no, he said to call him dad— Dad ­­went to do some cool mercenary stuff he said were 'too dangerous' for Byleth to attend. How silly! She was perfectly capable of taking care of enemies. She had the best teacher in the world, after all; the Blade Breaker’s abilities were well known along all Fodlan.
Of course, she was still only six, while her father was… How many years old was Jeralt again? She realised she didn’t know exactly. Probably the same age all dads were. Like three-hundred years old or something like that.
Byleth frowned. Did she need to wait three-hundred years to become as powerful as Jeralt? No, it was too far away from now! The little girl stood up. She needed to go training now.
She went out the little inn where Jeralt— Dad left her some days ago, heading for that nice spot she found out the day before to train with her new super powerful sword. (Well, wood sword. After the last time Byleth tried to train by herself, she almost chopped her own leg, so Jeralt took precautions by giving her a weapon that 'woudn’t hurt his precious little girl'. How melodramatic! But he chose it precisely for her. It was special. She wasn’t gonna break it!)
Her wandering gaze stopped when she noticed some people a few meters from her. She frowned. A tall guy with dark hair and a younger blonde boy with an ugly bowlcut were talking under a tree, the very tree of her perfect nice training spot.
She frowned again. As people said, Byleth wasn’t… the best at social interactions. She didn’t like talking to people, especially strangers. And she hated when she had to. Like this moment. She needed those two to get out of her new special training spot. She needed to train! To become more powerful! Like, right now!
The urge to train was bigger than her despise for talking to strangers, so she got closer to the tree, holding hard her sword. Byleth repeated in her mind Jeralt— Dad’s lessons about how ‘not to be too scary with other people’. She had to act nice.
“Hi. Get out of my training spot”.
A greeting! Super nice. ‘Good job, me’, she thought, pleased with herself.
The taller boy looked at her with surprise, but his expression quickly changed in a smile. “Hello, you fellow warrior”, he said in a condescending tone, winking.
Ugh. That was one of the thing Byleth hated the most: grown-ups treating her like she was just a little child!
“Get out, I said! I need to train”, she said, pointing at her sword.
Bowlcut boy frowned. “But you’re too young to train by your own!”
“What?!” Byleth exclaimed to him, annoyed.
“Yes! My dad says children shouldn’t fight until they grow up. And you look almost my age! So, you can’t train”, Bowlcut boy explained, nodding.
Byleth crossed her arms. “It doesn’t make sense! My dad helps me train since I was… younger than you!”
Bowlcut boy looked troubled. “Why does you dad train you?”
“Because I want to become strong, and he’s the strongest mercenary of all Fodlan!”, Byleth said with a hint of pride.
Now Bowlcut boy looked annoyed. “That’s not true! My dad is the strongest one! Glenn, tell her!” he added, looking at the taller annoying guy.
Tall-annoying guy was watching at them holding a hand over his mouth as if he wanted to hide it, slightly shaking. Then he proceeded to burst into laughter, hitting the ground with his fist, without saying a thing.
Byleth frowned. What a weird guy.
Bowlcut boy frowned too, but apparently he decided to let the matter drop, as he looked at Byleth again. “My dad is stronger! He has big muscles, and he’s the only one that can use a super uper big powerful spear!” Then he looked down at Tall-annoying guy, who was still on the floor. “Glenn! Tell her!”
The guy tried to stop laughing, but miserably failed. “So… sorry, Dimitri… you’ll have to… deal with her yourself… PUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Byleth crossed her arms; then, she got an idea. “Let’s settle this with a fight. However wins, has the strongest dad!”
Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened. “N… no! I can’t! I’ll hurt you!”
Byleth was really annoyed now: how dared that little brat imply he could beat her?!
She lifted her sword, pointing at Bowlcut boy. “Prepare yourself!”
“Oh, fuck!” Tall-annoying guy stopped laughing and stood up between them. “Ok, party’s over. Let’s try to get along, shall we?”
Bowlcut boy sighed in relief. Byleth sticked her tongue out, looking at him. “Your dad’s just a… wussy!”
Byleth really liked the word ‘wussy’. The way it sounded was funny. She didn’t exactly know the meaning, but Jeralt’s mercenaries often used it when someone was arguing (usually when drinking that weird ‘grown-ups fruit juice’) with some other of the band, getting the latter very angry. And Byleth wanted to make Bowlcut boy angry.
And she succeded! Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened, and he proceeded to run towards her. Byleth was ready, and promptly dodged the boy. She grabbed his arm, and sinked her teeth in it.
The boy screamed in pain until Tall-annoying boy managed to pull him away. “Shit shit shit! What the hell is wrong with you two?!” he said in a high-pitched tone. Bowlcut boy started crying.
‘Pathetic’, Byleth thought.
“Okay, little girl, we’re leaving, but promise me you’ll stay away from Dimitri!” Tall-annoying guy said, while taking Bowlcut boy in his arms. “We’re leaving soon anyway, so forget about this and do not tell anyone!” he added, going inside the inn, without waiting for Byleth to respond. “Shit! I did tell Gustave I’m not a good babysitter…” she heard him muttering, while Bowlcut boy was still crying.
She looked at the now closed door for a few seconds more, then turned around. “Okay. Melee training for day: done. I should practice with my sword now…”
“You did what?!” Jeralt—Dad screamed in shock.
Byleth crossed her arms. “I bit him, I told you! He was saying some crap about you!”
Dad looked at her in disbelief, and then bursted into laughter.
‘Why is everyone laughing at me today?!’
“You… you bit him… you bit the… freaking… AHAHAHAHAHA!” Dad was laughing so hard he didn’t finish the phrase.
Byleth shrugged, deciding to let him be. ‘It’s not like I’m gonna ever see Bowlcut boy again…’
15 years later
Byleth didn’t know if she was getting better at reading people, or if Jeralt was acting strange more than usual. Since she told him she chose to lead the Blue Lion House, her father started to make a soft giggle everytime she mentioned the house-leader, Dimitri. It was getting annoying.
“Are you going to tell me why do you make that sound everytime I mention Dimitri, dad?!” she finally said one afternoon, while her and Jeralt were having tea in her room.
Jeralt smiled. “Ah! Never. But maybe, you’ll have your answer if you’ll ever see his arm… Summer is starting, after all…”
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mochipicchu776 · 22 days
💙💚 For my fellow a/b/o + possessive Dimileth enjoyers, I bring goodies:
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VW Byleth is kidnapped one night and imprisoned somewhere far away with little hope of being rescued. After spending weeks in isolation, she gains a new cellmate, the once thought dead prince, Dimitri.
A lot has changed, but his genuinely good nature hasn't, and when her heat begins, she desperately pines for him. To her behest, he is worried she only wants him because she has no other options. Somehow, she'll have to convince him that she's telling the truth.
Please mind the tags 🙏
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legendsoffodlan · 1 year
Verdant Wind AU where Dimitri survives the Battle of Gronder Field and gets dragged back to the monastery by Hilda and just kinda becomes the Vegeta of the Golden Deer. A angry bastard rat man who is still majorly fucked up but now he's fighting the enemy instead of us.
Dunno, could be funny.
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notesappwitch · 2 months
fe3h fic masterpost
omg i cannot believe we are celebrating the FIFTH anniversary of fe3h. the passage of time is Crazy
to honor the fandom that actually made me start writing seriously, i thought i'd put all my fe3h fics in one spot so you can revisit them or perhaps find them for the first time! these are in no particular order but my favs ARE at the top ;) (also all fics are explicit jsyk)
the lion pulls his own teeth out so you can love him
Dimitri/Felix/Sylvain; 14,983 words; explicit A series of scenes set over the course of the Blue Lions route, following Dimitri's fall to madness and the phases of his, Felix, and Sylvain's relationship.
no angels could beckon me back and it's hotter than hell where i'm at
Ingrid/Annette/Mercedes; 5,287 words; explicit Ingrid lacks experience, and Annette and Mercedes have just the type she needs.
when i'm down on my knees you're how i pray
Hilda/Marrianne; 7,822 words; explicit Hilda gets gravely wounded and stranded in a battle; Marianne is there to help her.
and the day that we watch the death of the sun
F!Byleth/Dimitri; 2,460 words; explicit Byleth is beyond thrilled that Dimitri has come back to himself, but there's still a part of her that misses when she'd first found him and he was still a little feral.
Riding Rank S
Dimitri/Claude; 2996 words; explicit Dimitri was visiting the eyrie on routine, kingly duties and not to watch for one flight-harness wearing wyvern rider in particular.
i'm drinking poison and expecting you to die
Dorothea/Edelgard; 7,208 words; explicit Listening to the Imperial Empress dole out commands was no longer of interest to Dorothea, but helping Edelgard unwind after delivering them was.
blood on my shirt, heart in my hand
Sylvain/Felix; 5,012 words; explicit Felix and Sylvain go out to the seclusion of the woods for the full moon. They're going to need it. (Vampire/Werewolf AU)
Pillow Princess
Linhardt/Caspar; 5,602 words; explicit Caspar asks, "Is it right to treat a princess so roughly?"
boar, beast, and other names of endearment
Dimitri/Felix; 3,109 words; explicit Dimitri didn't like being insulted by one of his longest friends. ...Right?
Unused Lipstick
Sylvain/Felix; 3,032; explicit Felix returns something that Sylvain has lost.
the funniest part about going thru my fics in chronological order is you can literally see where i decided all of my fics were going to have song lyric titles forever permanently
i hope you decide to check something out off this list! i know im going to go through my bookmarks and reread some favs lol
if you like any of these, i also write bg3 and stranger things you might enjoy <3 (theyre better, bc they're way more recent)
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