dinadine · 2 years
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Edible Subs now available!
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Further to our post yesterday about some bumnugget attempting to hijack Simblreen for their own money making ‘Halloween Fest’, it turns out she’s got past history for making custom content over at Mod The Sims incorporating other people’s mods, but when complaints are made the thing doesn’t work, she makes no attempt at repairs.
Ho hum.
Read it for yourselves if interested, we’ve spent enough time on this crap without regurgitating it over on Dumblr again, when we could be playing with the new, and free goodies from a reputable modder.
Bottom line, anyone who gives that arseturnip a single penny or cent of their money had better not start crying if it doesn’t work - ‘cos that one-trick pony has past form for it - buyer be-VERY-ware!
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branmer · 3 months
omg tho Susan could be Lancelot and then Delenn is Guinevere and Sheridan is Arthur 👀
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nonbinarylowkey · 2 years
a brief respite
"Have you considered not being such a violent prick all the time?" Mordred asks. He watches his cigarette smoke float away.
"No," Gawain answers, punctuated with a drag on Modred's stolen cigarette. "Someone has t'protect you when pacifism gets you in trouble."
"I'm not a pacifist. I fight when I need to."
Mordred registers the gleam in Gawain's eyes too late. By the time he braces himself, Gawain's arm is already around his neck, tugging Mordred until he face plants into Gawain's chest. Gawain's knuckles rubbing at his scalp are more irritating than painful so Mordred's only half heartedly shoving at Gawain to get him to let go when Arthur cuts in—
"Should I be worried you two'll burn Camelot down if I leave you in charge?"
Gawain's fist leaves Mordred's head. His arm around Mordred's neck relaxes until it's wrapped loosely around Mordred's shoulders instead. Mordred straightens, but stays close enough to lean into Gawain's side.
"Nah, Peacemaker 'n' me'll do just fine, uncle. Who else could be my partner? No one else has the balls to say no to me."
Arthur's mouth is open to respond, but it's Dinadin's voice that drawls: "The height of irony, really—and not one of us misses it."
Mordred thinks Arthur's soul may have left his body along with his breath, the sigh he heaves is so great. And when Arthur's exasperated gaze cuts to him, it takes all of his willpower not to succumb to the laughter that's got hold of Gawain.
"Sorry." Mordred shrugs.
He doesn't sound very sorry at all.
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thebleedingwoodland · 1 month
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Sama-sama! Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasinya, komunitas The Sims!
我很高興知道我的CC有中華,印尼,亞洲文化更好的代表性 👍
Karena orang Asia itu populasinya terbesar di dunia dan memiliki budaya yang khas di negara masing-masing. Jadi kalian orang Internasional, terutama Barat, juga belajar mengenali budaya, beradaptasi dan menghargai budaya Asia ya.
Reminder that Murfeelee & Dinadine are Western creators from USA, they both are Black girls. They are not Asian.
Consider to use Asian CC from Asian creators for more accuracy. Because Westerners don't know anything about Asian culture besides famous pop culture and they are foreigners who cannot feel the Asian culture.
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aisquaredchoco · 1 year
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎶
Was tagged by @hazely-sims. Thank you, I feel the loveeee 🥰
I always have my music playlist in a crazy shuffle mode, and as it goes on I may skip one or more songs depending on my mood. So I'm listing the ones that I *almost* never skip when it comes.
*drumroll please*
I wasn't even born yet when this song was popular, but thanks to the huge age gap with my siblings I found myself growing fond of music from this decade. Feels like a nostalgia that you never had..
Yes, another song from the 80's. Though I only discovered it just two years ago, when I was playing GTA: Vice City Stories that features Phil Collins himself and this song. Then it just got stuck in my head days after, even memorizing the drum pattern at the near end of the song lol.
I first discovered Angela Aki when she sang a cover of FFVIII's 'Eyes on Me' and quickly fell in love with her. Then came this song and I loved her even more. I don't even have to translate the lyrics to know this is a great song.
The short version itself is already a masterpiece, but boy the additional five minutes even makes it ten times (pun intended) greater! Fun fact: I always use this song as a ten minute timer of everything.
Of all the story songs Taylor Swift has ever written, this one takes the number one spot for me. I really like the revenge-murder theme in it. Kinda unusual of T.S., but it worked.
So. Here it is. The hardest part of this kinda post...tagging someone hehehe. But yeah I'm gonna do it..
tagging these ten to appreciate the nice comments they've made throughout my posts..
@bast-sims @puffkins2000 @bioniczombie @parystrange @joshttew @curmudgeonness @nornities @fluttereyes-ts3-blog @kevinvoncrastenburg @misspats3 @dinadine @ilvansims3
(wait I tagged more than ten, but anyway...)
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aroundthesims · 2 years
Food maker - Late replies!
First of all, I’m sorry that it took me so long to reply; I’ve been caught by real life (after having fixed my Sims objects, I had to “fix” real life ones, and I’ve spent days at painting fences, gates, doors... Not a single minute for computer!)  
 @echoweaver @mspoodle1​ Food makers are objects that can generate morsels, drinks, objects or recipes. For recipes, you don't need anything special, but for morsels, drinks and objects, the creator (or someone else eventually) needs to add a specific resource to their object, the NMGP (I keep having these coming in bad order...), allowing the player to "call" the morsel/drinks/objects. It’s quite easy to do actually, Arsil explains how to do it here, I try to always add an NMPG to my food a drinks (well, sometimes, I forgot, that’s something I fixed with my latest big update), but I was wondering if anyone else added NMPGs to their morsels, so I could use them with food makers too.
  @deniisu Indeed, those crepes are super cute! I remember having helped for their sims 4 version! :) But can they be called by Arsil’s food maker? Morsels need to have that specific resource mentioned above.
 @desiree-uk​ Got all your links, thank you very much! @nausallien custom drinks are indeed Food Maker compatible! Yeah!!
 @bietjie​ Thank you, I didn’t know about @dinadine. (told you I was in cavern those past years!!!) Her food looks gorgeous!!! But still no NMGPs to be called from Arsil’s food maker! (But I’m so downloading everything anyway! ;))  @anitmb Awesome! That’s exactly what I needed to study! Thank you very much!
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ladyl · 7 months
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Dă-mi un singur motiv să zâmbesc și o să țes încă o sută-n jurul lui, de jur-împrejurul nostru, în spațiul ăla dintre mine și tine în care nu vreau să las loc liniștii de teamă c-o s-auzi cum bătăile inimii mele împrumută ritmul vocii tale.
Dă-mi tot ce poți să-mi dai, voi păstra cu sfințenie fiecare detaliu, fiecare promisiune, fiecare greșeală. Gestul dăruirii va naște-n mine recunoștința pentru intenție și rădăcinile ei vor prinde profunzimi mai ales toamna, atipic, în anotimpul celor mai frumoase apusuri și covoare de frunze.
Dă-mi un singur motiv să nu te uit și o să te păstrez cu mine în felul în care îmi aranjez ondulat părul, în amprenta olfactivă pe care o purtam când te-am văzut ultima oară și-n rânduri dinadins alambicate, atât de-n văzul tuturor și totuși, atât de bine păstrate.
#laurisme #scriuCaSăNuUit #scrisori #inimadeazi
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mcpuliotjr · 1 year
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dinadine · 2 years
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Patreon Download
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pis3update · 3 years
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treefey · 4 years
Sir Palomides is the original “supporting black character/black best friend”
Change my mind
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lalafoxtrotart · 5 years
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This is Dinadin, my roleplay character for Spire. Super great rp system that anyone who likes DnD should try out.
Art by @lalafoxtrotart
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gwyndulac · 6 years
Chapter 3 of “Heirs and Usurpers” is up! 
Ambrosius' plotting begins (very slowly) to take shape due to the machinations of Gareth and Guinevere. Also, Dinadin puts his foot in his mouth, but removes it before any lasting harm is done.
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spiritul-lumii · 7 years
epilogul mâinilor uitate: amintiri din alte vieți
roluri prefabricate. șabloane. stereotipuri. tipare cognitive.
mă deranjează distorsionarea realității printr-o prismă predominant patriarhală, masculin-hegemonică, dar o practicăm cu toții, condiționați socio-cultural.
istoria măsluită, trunchiată, obturată. inechitatea de gen. nerecunoașterea, și astfel invalidarea, întregului travaliu psiho-emoțional, creativ sau spiritual ustură, mai ales în dedublarea standardelor. negarea existenței. realități crude și tăgăduirea experienței feminine în vria cotidiană. 
știi cine a fost auguste rodin, ai auzit de el? dar de Camille Claudel? ea era un geniu creator încă de dinainte să-l cunoască pe rodin, dar a murit în sărăcie și obscuritate, din cauza cenzurii și discriminării de gen. el i-a semnat multe din lucrări, plagiatură social admisă, și a consumat din plin succesul, fiind predat astăzi în școlile de artă, epitom al mediului sculptural. 
Sylvia Plath. a devenit mai cunoscută post-mortem, în urma suicidului senzațional, dar în viață era percepută din conul de umbră al soțului poet, el fiind considerat unul dintre cei mai mari scriitori de secol XX, ted hughes.
Frida Kahlo, apreciată de posteritate, nu și de către contemporani. în schimb iubitul ei, omologul masculin diego rivera, a savurat o faimă exuberantă chiar în timpul vieții, considerat cel mai mare artist mexican al acelor vremuri.
Dorothea Tanning și max ernst. probabil numele lui are ecouri pentru cunoscători, considerat unul din pionierii mișcării suprarealiste, dar cei doi au avut cariere artistice la fel de impresionante, ea murind abia în 2012, doar că asta n-a însemnat o celebritate mai izbitoare în cazul ei. el a trăit până-n ‘76, dar i s-a zugrăvit portretul de artist prolific și avangardist, progresist.
Lee Krasner și jackson pollock, pictură în ulei. el a beneficiat de instruirea ei formală, ajungând în colimatorul public, deși imaginea ei ca artistă s-a pierdut în negura vremurilor.
Lee Miller și man ray. de numele lui e foarte probabil să te fi izbit, notorietatea lui fotografică nefiind totuși integră. deși ea i-a fost inițial asistentă în fotografie și muză, multe din fotografiile lui man ray din perioada aceea au fost operele ei, oferindu-i lui mai mult timp pentru pictură. Lee Miller a descoperit tehnica solarizării, care a devenit semnătura lui man ray.
și lista poate fi înșiruită în continuare...
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murfeelee · 3 years
May weekend! Late replies! Belated bday wishes! Oh my!
Everything’s stressing me out and annoying me lately. I seriously wish Tumblr would do something about its awful new mobile-on-desktops setup, I effing hate it @staff​​ . It deletes my post drafts every time my screen ACCIDENTALLY MINIMIZES (which is often), and erasing everything I’m typing!
I shouldn’t have to make a effing Notepad/Word document just to type up a text post!
ISTG, it makes me not even want to post anymore; I hate this! It deletes my whole draft every time my tabs so much as moves! 😡🤬
[EDIT] Omfg now Firefox is telling me Xkit’s disabled cuz my save profile’s corrupt? Tumblr, what on earth....
Alright, rant over, woosaaaaaahhhh~~~~!
Thank you for all the belated bday wishes that keep coming in! Yup, I’m one year younger, and more determined to keep playing with my virtual barbie dolls than ever, LOL! XD
rachel-homeanddesign-sims replied to your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
Wishing you a very happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful special day!! Like Spock said, live long and prosper! 🖖💖🍀
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ktarsims replied to your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
OMG I forgot your birthday was this month! This is fabulous, Murfeel! Hope your birthday was fabulous as well. 💙
nornities replied to your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
Happy belated birthday and thank you so much for this cc feast!
dinadine replied to your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
Happy birthday
simsmono replied to your post MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
Happy birthday 🎂🥳🎉 hope its a good one!!
jolifleurbleu replied to your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
These are all amazing! <3
catbrokensims3 reblogged your post “MurfeeL’s 2021 Bday Bonanza! 🥳 Another year...”
Pretty pretty! ❤🎂🎉❤Thank you so much!
Thank you! I wanted my April uploads to be very colorful, fanciful & spring-time-like, so we could all celebrate my fave month/season together! 🌈🌺
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obscurus-noctem replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
Yesss, all the fishy cc 🐠 thank you!
schokokokatze replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
So prettyyyy *u*
solori replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
yesssss!! ♥ ♥ ♥
rachel-homeanddesign-sims replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
bioniczombie replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
Thank you!!
jolifleurbleu replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
Oh! This is so cool! <3
faerielandsims replied to your post “Plants & Animals”
Thank you for converting these fishbowls and TS4s fake aquarium. They are lovely!
Thanks! I TRIED to make the fake aquarium a functional fishbowl, but MAN that was an epic failure. (I haven’t figured out aquariums yet.)
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misspats3 replied to your post “C2077 Mox INSP Miniset”
Amazing, was looking for CP77 to TS3 conversions, this is perfect!
I’m glad you think so, thanks! NGL C2077′s one of the most annoying games I’ve ever extracted from, and the whole project lost its lustre about a month in, so some of my next uploads probably won't be as ambitiously grand as I had originally hoped. U_U I’ll keep trying though!
flowerhoneysims replied to your post “TS4 to TS3 SLYD Medusa Headdress ACC”
Me seeing this today is kind of a proof of the law of attraction, lol
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Happy simming!
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