#disney haunted mansion and phantom manor
inky-axolotl · 1 year
Hang on a second, if you're really taking requests atm, then are there any actual rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
I would say my only primary rules are 1) Nothing NSFW or suggestive 2) I won’t take OC requests.
Other than almost anything goes! Crossovers and various fandoms are welcome to request! Of course, I’d prefer if it’s fandoms I know, but I would still say be free to request because the odds are high that even if I’m not in certain fandoms I at least know a good amount. I’ll also list some fandoms I know/a part of in the tags for future reference. Thanks for asking! :D
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c-rose2081 · 11 months
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Raven & Dove
Melanie always wondered if ghosts could blush. So she tries her hand with Kimiko, just to see.
More Kimiko (Tokyo Bride) and Melanie because they are my best girls 🥰 my fav haunted mansion themed otp.
The only fanart they ever get is my own 😭 it’s such a shame to let a beautiful romance go to waste. I will do whatever I can to fill this empty void in my heart for my ghost lesbians.
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spookikookiboo · 10 months
Hello I really like your haunted mansion art and was wondering if you could draw more of hatbox. I hope you have a good night/day
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Hat Box Ghost
Why hello there stranger! Of course, how could I deny that request? I love this guy and I am so flattered you like my art too! Thank you for the ask! I may draw more of this fiend in the future~
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aurorarose2081 · 8 months
Haunted Mansion Art Archive
Since Tumblr may not reinstate my old blog, imma just start reposting groups of old arts on this new profile instead :) this blog thread will be home to my old Haunted Mansion inspired work and characters ^^
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duck4lunch · 26 days
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Phantom comm for my friend Morgan
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament: Bracket B/Tier 2 Round 1
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Madame Leota: Haunted Mansion -Disneyland, Magic Kingdom Disney World, Phantom Manor Disneyland Paris
"She floats at Disneyland and Magic Kingdom"
Murphy/Fantasmic dragon: Fantasmic - Disneyland version
"Listen. I know this dragon is famous for exploding. But also the sight of that head emerging from fog and a giant dragon looming over the stage I had walked on earlier that day did formative things to little me."
(Video is already set to start at the point of the animatronic! If it doesn't, go to 20:58)
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crypt-of-blunis · 3 months
American Ghost vs French Ghost 🖤
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tornrose24 · 8 months
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Some Disney related doodles.... and then I just realized that it's the 100th anniversary and THIS is all I can contribute for the day (LOL). Ah well.
-For all that Scratch went through whenever the Haunted Mansion is involved.... maybe there's one version of the mansion where his presence would acutally be very much welcomed.
-I was in a Bendy mood and thought 'Hey it'd be cute if I drew Bendy and Audrey as Snow White and Dopey, and it actually WOULD be canonically possible given the game's timeline. (Plus I'm sure it'd be a better adaption than the upcoming 2024 version).
-I had free space.... so... bonus Jack Skellington interacting with a little Halloween fan.
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aquilacalvitium · 5 months
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From the makers of Bullying the Hatbox Ghost, I give you the sequel: Bullying the Phantom/Henry Ravenswood
Affectionately, that is
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strange-doll-child · 4 months
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More henderbend content <3 Mortal Henrietta
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inky-axolotl · 2 years
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Madame Leota in this time of spooks and ghoulies.
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c-rose2081 · 1 year
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The Four Brides (Mysfit Manor)
In my mind, there are four Haunted Mansion brides, no more and no less.
From right to left: Constance, Emily, Mélanie, and Kimiko.
These four all have different curses afflicting them that result in their being stuck on earth.
- Constance is cursed with greed and wrath and is therefore wildly violent.
- Emily is Earthbound due to unfinished business and a broken heart.
- Mèlanie isn’t technically dead yet, but is trapped in an eternal damnation loop until she is.
- Kimiko is a vampire due to her vanity and lust for eternal youth in life. Therefore can’t die but is a monster for all eternity.
This took forever to render and finish but I love all of them. 💀🤍 I would love to do a series of small comics with these called Mysfit Manor about them all being stuck together XD
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spookikookiboo · 11 months
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The Haunted Mansion
I was not a big fan of the new movie however it did inspire me to draw my favorite ghostly boys again!
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cursedcupcakemaster · 1 month
This is a prequel of sorts to my ocs and how they came to be.
Each chapter will cover a different character
I don't own twisted wonderland or it's characters they belong to Yana Toboso and Disney
I own Celine Perrine ,her family, as well as Antabellows
Warnings;implied death, blood, gaslighting,manipulation, implied murder, descriptive of gore and blood, forced medicating.
Type:Night Shade Tea
Tales of Antabellows
Chapter 2:Secrets in the walls
Many tragedies had fallen upon the Perrine Family. The most recent one occurring only just a few days after the second eldest child had reached the tenth year of life. The father of the Perrine children Charles had passed away. Celine had gone to see him when he hadn't come from his workroom to join the rest of them for breakfast. It was quiet in that room filled with books upon books containing his research along with many test tubes, beakers and other such things. A strange smell was in the air making the child wrinkle her nose but she had found her father moments later. He had been sitting in his chair and once Celine was close enough she tried to wake him but the strangest thing was his skin was cold to the touch and he didn't seem to be moving a single inch worse yet the stink was stronger . Afraid she called to her mother who had come to see what was wrong and once Sofia realized what had happened she ran over getting her child away from the man knowing good and well her husband was no longer among the living. The funeral service was a short somber affair. Sofia and her children wept and Celine knew this wasn't the end of their woes. She could feel they were only just starting as her mothers sister her aunt Carmila approached her mother's side.
She offered the chance for her sister and her children to live with her own side of the family knowing her sister would grieve for some time and needed some way to provide for her children. Sofia knew there weren't many options if she was to feed the children and keep a roof over their heads so reluctantly she agreed to Carmilas proposal.
It wasn't long before the family moved into the Frassino household. It was a large estate situated upon a sprawling plot hidden in the midst of the woods.
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When the car pulled up to it Celine couldn't help but feel a sense of unease seeing the large home. As beautfiul as the house was it felt as if she were walking into the mouth of a larger being that already intended to swallow her whole, worse yet were the feelings of eyes being upon her even though she couldn't see them. Once they were unpacked and settled night soon came.
Celine couldn't sleep as she laid in bed staring up at the ceiling listening to the ticking of the clock in the room. She felt restless before she sat up and put on her slippers walking out of her room. Thankfully Celine had a candle ready so she could see in the dark.
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Walking down the hallway she saw many portraits and a lot of them seemed like they were watching her. That wasn't the only thing she felt that was wrong. She kept walking and walking until her shoe hit something wet. Celine stopped to see what it was, a strange smell reached her nose smelling of iron. She looked to see what it might have been only to see a dark red. Celine felt herself shaking as she followed the increasing trail of crimson blood as she heard whispering. Celine couldn't entirely understand it but she had a feeling whomever was speaking was trying to tell her something. The trail of blood seemed to end at a door which she could tell was locked subconsciously Celine began to reach for the door before a larger hand stopped her. Celine looked up and saw Carmila who looked at her with some irritation. "Just what are you doing out of bed?" She inquired
"There was blood I wanted to see where it was coming from" Celine tried to tell her before her aunt frowned. "What blood?" Carmila asked before Celine looked and it was gone. She rubbed her eyes trying to make sure before Carmila spoke "Go back to bed little girl. " Celine did so but questioned how could that blood have disappeared so fast she knew it was there before but could she have imagined it ?
The next week went by as if it were nothing but an instant in the family's life including Celines' but at night she couldn't help but feeling someone else was there trying to show her something. She had once more restless and felt the need to go exploring the house. Gathering the candle and her slippers she set to walking down the familiar hallway. The dim glow of the candles light seemed to flicker as she heard something or rather someone whispering. She raised the light and saw a faint outline of a figure who's face was covered Celine tried to see who it was only for them to walk further down so she quietly followed the unfamiliar figure.
The figure seemed to go down the same hallway that the blood Celine had seen before went. By the time she reached the door the figure was gone. She went to the door and when she tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. 'Surely the figure couldn't have just walked through the wall could they? ' she thought to herself before she heard a loud chiming, the grandfather clock had hit twelve. With each chime the whispers grew louder and louder as she saw figures appearing and Celine felt afraid but unfortunately there didn't appear to be a way away from them. Celines' ears began ringing as the figures seemed to notice her and laugh at her shrinking frame. It wasn't until a hand touched her shoulder that Celine looked over. It was her Aunt who looked irritated moreso than before "honestly what is driving you to -" Carmila started before Celine spoke "I saw them auntie, ghosts they were laughing at me " her aunt held a hand up "those were merely figments of your troubled mind. And I certainly have half a mind to have someone come to treat it. In fact I believe I'll send for someone in the morning. " she spoke with venom despite the smile on her face making Celine feel afraid
The next day filled Celine with dread as she was made to stay in bed while the doctor looked her over. Doctor Yule wasn't a cruel person by any means however her aunts smile haunted her. She had told Doctor Yule what she had seen and while the doctor listened it didn't seem he believed her. "What can you do for my niece Doctor?" Carmila asked with a sad look in her eyes. "Well what your niece is describing appears to be hallucinations brought on by grief from her father's passing, thankfully I have a way to ensure they stop " Dr Yule said as he held up a bottle.
The bottle was small in size and filled with toxic green colored liquid, just looking at the fluid made Celine feel ill. Long effeminate hands soon took the bottle poured some of the medicine onto a spoon and held it out to Celine with expectancy, which the girl promptly took, placing it in her mouth before the sickly sweet liquid ran down her throat. A strange disorienting feeling washed over her before her eyes closed and Celine felt herself lapse into the world of dreams.
With that a good set of seven months went by, and there wasn't a trace of blood nor laughing specters. Finally Celine had been able to sleep but something still felt off. Every day Carmila had Celine clean several rooms and every night she had been made to her music on her viola just before everyone went to sleep,Carmila looked at her with great expectancy. She couldn't understand why her aunt wanted her to do these tasks but the woman would remind her of the supposed kindness she gave by providing her the medicine to keep the supposed hallucinations at bay. The few times her mother had been home and tried to speak up Carmila would only give an excuse that it was for Celines' own good. It wasn't until the month of October came about that the illusion of safety would come crashing.
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It was storming outside rain pounding against the aged glass of the windows. Celine had found herself in the family library reading with the lights dimmed. A chill ran through the air making Celine look up and there she saw a figure the same one that led her to the door once. She tried to reassure herself, it wasn't real. She had taken her medicine surely it wasn't her mind that was the problem. The figure glanced at Celine as if to tell her to silence her irrational ramblings that took place in her mind before looking toward the door which she could infer as the figure desiring her to follow them. Setting aside her book Celine followed the strange figure. It led her down the hallway which seemed to stretch onwards with the old light fixtures allowing enough to see. The figure soon led Celine to the same door as the first time they encountered one another. Before Celine could say she didn't have a key the figure extended a skeletal hand which held a small very old looking key which she took. Once she placed it in the lock and turned it the figure vanished and the door opened. Celine peered inside as candles lit themselves as if welcoming the girl while she walked down the stairs. Celine picked up one of the candles looking around the room . She saw many paintings of people. Celine wasn't sure why her aunt would do this, she didn't recognize any of these people save for one. In the corner was a portrait of Carmila and her husband Nico only Nicos face was clearly slashed out from it , and before she could get any closer Celine was grabbed from behind forcing her to drop the candle. Celine felt a sharp pain in her side before feeling incredibly disoriented and fainting.
Celine woke up in her bed still feeling the pain in her side which she now realized could only have come from a needle but who had struck her with it she didn't know all she knew was someone didn't want her in that room. Her door opened and her Cousin Antonia came inside sitting at the foot of her bed. "Good morning " she greeted politely "good morning" Celine greeted back.
Antonia kept a calm but somber frown upon her face "you really need to be careful where you try to go around here, there's ears in the walls" the older girl said. "But who would want me to stay out of that room" Celine asked before Antonia pressed a finger to her lips "don't ask things like that, for now just keep your head down and don't drink the medicine" she glanced at the bottle of green liquid in disgust
Celine nodded at her cousins words before Antonia left.
Within a few weeks Celine felt her head was clear of the medicine. She knew she couldn't exactly find out what was hidden not yet. She needed help, little did she know she'd soon find it for this Halloween night someone was looking for her.
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Carmila had planned a grand party with plenty of people coming. She had asked Celine to perform for the party and Celine had a feeling she didn't exactly have a real choice when it came to her answer. The good thing was when she performed she felt a sense of disconnect as if she couldn't sense any of the other guests and she was safe. Once her performance was finished she noticed a blonde man who seemed to smile with an odd air about him. Carmila too noticed the man and she frowned. The man seemed amused by the animosity he felt from the woman. "You. Why are you here. " she hissed from her teeth. "I think you know quite well why I've come Frassino. " the man chortled. Antonia glanced at Celine who gave an equally confused look. "Just how long did you think you could hold onto them?" The man said with mirth in his voice.
"Clearly not enough. " she spat before he turned his gaze to them and Sofia herself approached
"You know you needn't stay here anymore there's somewhere far better waiting " he said kindly before he spoke again "forgive my manners I am Nathaniel Ropehagan, and I have an offer for you two " the gentleman said.
"What exactly are you offering? " Sofia inquired
"The chance to attend the school I work for, Antabellows Academy, they'd have everything they need to strive towards their goals" Nathaniel said
"I think it's a good idea Aunt Sofia" Antonia told the older woman
Sofia turned to her daughter "and you Celine do you want to go to that school?" The woman asked
It had been some time since Celines' mother had asked her what she wanted but she knew there might not be any other chance.
"Yes mama" she replied
"Great pack your things and we will leave in the morning, for now enjoy the party " Nathaniel smiled
Celine knew that soon enough, soon enough she and Antonia could find answers even if it was long before then they would be safe at their new school.
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my-imaginary-land · 5 months
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Phantom Manor Old painting version here !! 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆
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studiotriggerfan397 · 5 months
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Our tour begins before we even enter the Mansion itself in the Magic Kingdom, where you can see some of our guests in their corruptible...mortal...busts.
Pictured here, we have the Dread Family. Uncle Jacob Dread, Bertie Dread, Aunt Florence McGriffin Dread, Wellington and Forsythia Dread, and Cousin Maude (Dread, I'm assuming).
They were a family of six who once inhabited the manor before one day they all met their gruesome fate at each other's hands. Uncle Jacob was poisoned by Bertie for his wealth. Who was then shot dead by Florence as an act of revenge. Who was then smothered by bird seed by Forsythia and Wellington, who were then killed in their sleep with a mallet…by Cousin Maude. Who, as the sole surviving member of the Dread Family, burned to death because she liked to use matches in her hair instead of hairpins (really amazing thinking there Cousin Maude…🙄). And now, the Dread Family is no more and haunt the halls of the esteemed mansion.
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