#disscuss things normally
aynut · 11 months
#how did i get to special school especially for scientific shit and fail miserably at the subject#what the fuck#it's second quarter and i still do not get this shit#teacher already explained it clearly but my smooth ass brain decided hey what if we had didnt braincells today#5/20 in the hw:))))))))#i dont get it at all. i have no fucking clue what to do. i dont know what i dont understand either.#and my anti social ass didnt even bother to ask the peps who knew it because im a fucking coward and i feel like wasting someones time when#they try explaining it and i still dont get it and ill have them explain in again and i can see the frustration on their face#and i dont have a thick face and make them explain again and again and again theyre not the teacher#so when they explain it once i just thank them and go off to fail another homework#parents are busy.and tired. sibling doesnt really get it either. teacher is busy.along with an extremely bad case of not Doing Normal Things#when i think theyre a waste of time to the other party. friends dont get it either.#and i wonder why im so fucking dumb#literally almost everyone gets it at this point and im the only one who doesnt which pisses me off and so i go to the blame game#but theres no on to blame is there. its just me.#'go to yt or google it' cant u get it. i literally cannot understand it. it refuses to enter my brain and im doing nothing about it#i have this really bad case of feeling like crying whenever someone explains shit to me and i still dont get it or they dont really explain#The Thing I Don't Understand. it annoys me#worsr thing about this is that next time there will be a new topic. yay! another topic to fail#i feel like the teacher never disscussed this but actually did. i just didnt listen properly.#end of story basically#i really thought that venting my problems on a site where ppeeps dgaf abt my problems would be the solution to this huh#i dont want to go to school tomorrow#aynut
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
Lean on me a little longer
AN: This is straight up depression hours my friends. Very much self-indulged and very heavy. Seriously, don't read if you're in a negative head space already.
Pairing: Crosshair x gn!Reader 1.8k
No mentions of outer describtion in anyway
Warnings: (experienced) disorderd eating, self-starvation. Very clear hints of (past and current) suc!c!dal thoughts/ tendencies by both the Reader and Crosshair. Nothing is disscussed out loud, nor depicted in a graphic manner but be warned. Ends on a positve note.
Description: Reader get's Crosshair to eat, after observing a very concerning behaviour.
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You worried about him; quite a lot actually. Crosshair probably wouldn't appreciate your worries. Getting defensive at every slight display of concern from anybody really. He didn't seem to appreciate anything any longer since he was back with the Batch, not even being here still. Of course his brothers had noticed and maker they tried to do something, anything , but the wounds endured from all the things that had happened - all of what had been said and done - were still fresh. Too fresh for them to handle any sort of healing or rebuilding when it came to their interpersonal relationships. Hunter, maker you knew he was the most effected by this whole thing, tried to make things right. You saw how he gave it all he got, desperately for rekindling the relationship with his brother. But neither he or Crosshair were ready for that just yet.
While the snipers behaviour never had been out-going affectionate at any point, you knew that what he currently displayed was severe. Very severer. The self-isolation had been something you cold tolerate at first, accepting that he needed space to sort anything out but after more time had passed by you noticed that it wouldn't get better, in fact, it got worse. You knew that Crosshair thought of himself as smart. Admittedly he was, cunningly so and really observant. It was something that gave him a sense off superiority. It was true, his senses were superior in that field but it also gave him a blind eye on the fact that he wasn't alone with those skills.
You yourself were quite observant when it came to certain behaviour patterns and the once you had picked up on him left a foul taste in your mouth. You didn't like it. Not one bit.
The sniper probably thought he was slick. Granted his brothers didn't seem to notice, bit you did. You did notice how he stopped eating, how the intake of food got less and lesser with every meal that would pass by. How he not only physically isolated himself but also mentally zoned out more and more often. How his whole being became more tense with every day, how his jaw tensed the whole time. How his teeth ground against each other and his stomach growled out of hunger while he slept and how he wouldn't fill it.
You heard it. You saw it. You felt it. And as you looked at Crosshair the man before you vanished as nothing but the husk of a prior self looked back at you. Maker, you wouldn't let it go any further from here. You wouldn't let him drown, wouldn't let him break after everting endured. If he wanted it or not, you would go into battle for him.
The Marauder was dead silent due to the fact that only you and the sniper currently were on the ship. Sighing heavy you straightened yourself, mentally preparing for the interpersonal assault you had planned on Crosshair. Would he put up a fight? Of course he would and it would be a messy one, but you wouldn't let him win on this. He wouldn't walk away from this, from you.
Armed with a high sugar protein bar you knew for a fact he liked way back when things were a bit more normal than right now, you made your way into the back of the ship. Movement carefully placed as you walked up to him. He said at the stairs of the gunners nest, cleaning his rifle obsessively while lurking in the shadows. Maybe he hoped that he would simply disappear into them if he sat in them long enough.
He didn't bother to look up at you at first. Eyes kept glued shut on the weapon in his lap. You simply stood there and waited. The advantage was on your side since you had him pretty much cornered. There would be no escape route past you and the only other available one was the exit lid of the gunners nest but he wouldn't be quick enough for that. You knew that and he probably too should it come so far.
Eventually he shot you a glance. It was meant to hold annoyance, to be hard and intimidate you. It did nothing to you. His eyes lacked the spirit, they were dull and you could see right through it. Face sharper than it should have been the hunger he endured due to self starvation finally crept through the cracks of his facade.
“What?”, he hissed, like a cornered rattle snake ready to strike.
Pulling your hand out of your pocket you held the protein bar up to him. He locked at it as if you pointed a blaster at him, ready to blast his insides out. It probably felt like exactly that for him being that you had figured out what he was doing. And of course he tried to deflect at first, to bite to get you away from him. The look his eyes held said it all.
“What am I supposed to do with that? I'm neither a kid nor a dog you can bribe with this sorta thing”, he mocked you. You didn't care.
One simple word. You had spoken it in a tone that didn't allow any kind of denying you. Crosshair glared at you. His jaw tensing around his toothpick.
“The others might haven't noticed yet, but I did. You don't actually take in any food. Eat”
Like a wounded wolf he glared his teeth at you. Hitting directly into a sore spot and pushing further. By the way his body moved and tensed, how his mimic flaired up you knew that this was about to get messy. But you had to push through that too, for his sake.
“Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? I don't care what my brothers did to make you think you hold any weight of saying around here. But let me be very clear with you. I don't want anything from you. You don't hold any significance to me, so quite frankly, I don't care about what kind of kriffing delusions you come up with. Leave. me. Alone”, he hissed at you. Words drenched in pure venom, spilling out of his mouth.
They hit you, yes. A bit harder than expected but you could manage. You held the glare he spat at you, not lowering your extended arm either, not backing down one bit. Blinking slowly you gently tilted your head. An innocent gesture that seemed to irritate him even further.
“There is nothing in this galaxy you could possibly say to me that I haven't said to myself at one point. Nothing you could do that I haven't already done. I know what you're doing. I did the same to myself and worse once I crossed over a certain point. A point I wont let you cross, ever. Not as someone who just happens to know you, not as a friend, not as someone who cares. Eat”
Dynamics shifting he now held your glance. The last flare up of his unyielding nature, stuborness engraved deep into his bones. His eyes spewed hate. You let his fire rage. Let him try to burn you down. But the fundament your world stood upon was made out of the ashes of the same hateful flames. Flames that had been your own. Flames that had nearly succeeded in devouring you.
After an eternity his eyes dropped. You had won. A victory you celebrated internally as to impede feeding his already raising feelings of humiliation further. Not wanting to push him into the opposite direction of where he needed to be.
He took the bar and lacked any kind of spirit in his movement. He simply took it. No glances, no remarks, no harsh pulling away.
You watched as he rotated the bar a few times in his hands, stomach now audible growling at the sight of food. He looked so fragile, like a wounded animal that had lost it's lost ounce of will to fight back.
You sat beside him. And as you pulled the rifle out of his lap he'd let you. He also let you help him unwrap his protein bar as his trembling hands failed to do so themselves. There was no further need for words, both of you already knew anything worth knowing.
Once he took a bite of the bar a few tears spilled out of his eyes, shoulders beginning to tremble violently. Your hand found his back, travelling up to his neck to gently pull him closer to you until his head softly collied with you own.
A moment went by, then another and eventually he melted into the shared contact. He ate the bar slowly, softly sniffling between the bites. All it took was a quick glance from your side to know that it took him everything to not instantly devour the food in his hands. It was his way of regaining the last bit of composure in him.
Softly caressing the side of his scarred head with one hand, your other one found his free one, instantly inter whining both of your fingers. His body shook violently but eventually stopped.
You said there for a while. Wordlessly, connecting only through touch. He let you hold him. Sighing heavy once in a while, eyes closed as he allowed himself to receive affection. Neither of you knew how long you sat like that but it didn't really matter. You would hold him as long as he needed to, now and in the future. You wouldn't let him give up on himself.
At one point he shifted slightly.
“My head hurts”, he croaked out. Voice hoarse, sounding like it hurt him to speak. You'd understand. “My heart too.”
You pulled him even a little more close.
“I know”, you cooed softly, “I got you”
“Will it ever stop doing so?”, he asked after another short silence.
“I don't know. But it will soothe over time”, you answered him truthfully. It never stopped hurting for you. As said, once you crossed a certain line there was no hope of ever getting rid of all of it. A small part would always remain, but it was okay. You learned to live with it. Learned to live because of it. Realizing that there were people you had come to love out there that you wanted to share your short existence a little while longer with. Bath yourself in the warmth of their their love for you and the fortune to exist in this very moment with them, enjoying every second.
Crosshair only hummed. “I'm tired”
“Then lean on me a little while longer”
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gh0stlymoth · 2 years
top 5 newmann moments (canon or headcanon/made up)
U r getting both. Also, this is long bc i have "can't shut up" disease :[
Top 5 Newmann moments (canon)
1. "Say it with me, my man. We are gonna own this bad boy" / "By Jove, we are going to own this thing for sure"- like what can i even say about this scene, the first time i watched it, i had to pause the movie, everything about this scene is just so good, the awkward handshake, the fact that Newt says "my man" and "bad boy", the fact that Hermann smiles at him with a smile rivaling the sunniest of days as he awkwardly holds Newts hand, the fact that they are drift compatible i just. Yeah.
2. Uprising Hug - Hermann breaking his PDA rule to bodily throw himself at Newt, do i need to say more, this was not a normal side hug, this was a "i missed you i missed you so much i am so glad you are back and christ we just did that" hug and newt maybe doesn't even know about it and i bite bite, precursors meet me behind the walmart.
3. Passionate and Fascinating Letters - they had no reason to include this as canon lore but it kills me inside, especially cause i am pretty sure they had emails but these two nerds just decided to do the most yearning thing of writing, assumingly, pages upon pages to eachother, disscussing theories, sharing research, slowly dropping in more private stuff... looking forward to coming home after a day at the labs or wherever they where at the time cause maybe there will be a letter waiting for them in the mail box i am ngh.
4. The choking scene - listen i love angst, i think deKnight or whoever else was responsible for editing out Newts tears in this scene is a coward, but this scene. The emotional impact of it? Hermann not fighting back? Newt looking at him like that in one of the only moments we get to hear and see the real Newt shine thru the Precursors control?? Newt saying "I am sorry, Hermann." Newt in the novel saying: "Help me, Hermann" Yeah. Yeah.
5. In uprising when they pan over Hermanns lab and you see that's it's kinda messy with cups standing everywhere (with. Heavy implication that it's because of the Drift with Newt) and him having a fucking picture of the two of them on his desk even though at this point it's been 10 years, i am ;_; even after Newt left him... he never left Hermanns mind... Aaaa
Honorable mention: the hug cockblocked by Tendos entire body - the little taps on the back, man. The taps.
1. The little time between Hermann finding Newt seizing on the floor and getting Pentecost bc Newt must have gotten from "unconcious" and "one the floor" to sitting in Hermanns little green shivel chair, concious with a glass of water, also Hermanns quiet "I don't know what to do" when he comes in with Pentecost heavily implies that Hermann did try to comfort him in a Hermann way and listen. Listen.
2. Their first meeting in real life - "they instantly disliked eachother" lives in my head rent free, i want to know what happened, did Newt role up in Kaiju themed shoes while Hermann overdressed because he was nervous? Did they both missread eachothers nonverbal communication things because talking in real life is way different than just writing? What happened that they looked at eachother and mutually went "yo fuck this guy"
3. Newt saying goodbye to Hermann to go to Shao and the build up to that bc i am a glutton for angst, imagine Hermann and Newt after the drift finally figuring some shit out, Hermann maybe thinking no matter what comes they will be together and then Newt slowly starts to pull away. Not that noticable at first, maybe he gets a bit quieter, but then it ramps up, Newt spends more time away from Hermann and then one day he tells him he is leaving for Shao and Hermann has a little crisis over it because how did he missread the signs so bad, ofc Newt would not want to be with him but it hurts watching Newt leave their lab for the last time and i am a big fan of that concept. Bonus points the first few days of Hermann discovering something and wanting to share it with Newt, only to turn around and see that his station is cleaned up and empty and yeah ):
4. I like to think that when the war in the first movie was under full force, they had little moments of vunerability between eachother. Stuff like after a especially tiring day they just wordlessly find their way to the others room and the talk in for them unusual quiet voices and maybe they allow themselves to cry in those moments and it doesn't really matter because they can hold eachother up in these moments. Them learning over time to read eachothers signals. They still yell at eachother and fight but who is gonna call them out if Newt plays his music a little quieter when Hermann is having a bad day or Hermann leaving out food for Newt if he gets too focused on science to take care of himself
5. This is self indulgent but that they have the typical german riveraly of "we come from diffrent regions and we say some words differently and it's common knowledge, but i will fight you because this is not how you say that word, i am correct you are wrong /light hearted" and they tease eachother every chance they get about it
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scaryarcade · 2 years
Hopefully this is okay to disscuss this kind of thing here. But in my own (and still on going) discovery of my plurarity ive found myself in a weird spot in DID/OSDD community where i relate to the some or most experiences of being a system but still feel like the way symptoms i DO experience is "wrong".
One of the examples i could give is criteria for DID/OSDD being "having repeated trauma before 6-9 years of age". But the only traumatic major event i can recall that started to affect me was at 11 years old. Before that age i almost zero memory from that period (which is terrifying on its own tbh). And from 11-13 i started devolping BPD and was probably the beggining of fragmatation of my identity/personality. My own dissociative spectrum feels more on then "just BPD dissociation when in stress" but still less severe in what you see in pwDID who have seperete identities. Though, lurking through your blog (im normal trust me /j) and knowing about "median system" did resionate with me a lot. I still feel like a huge imposter because i "dont have the worst trauma ever and have total seperate identities that make living hell", i for sure am disordered plural/system but i feel guilt when being plural doesnt completely ruin my life like it does with a lot of pwDID/OSDD. I am aware i probably have it better in this aspect of mental health in this community but i want to hear and knlw more about atypical/nonstereotyped way of living with DID/OSDD. And your blog gave me that comfort/closure i looked for so long lol. So honestly thank you for creating this little blog i appreciate you adding unique experience/opinions to the community a lot!!!!
I hope my ask is understandable and sorry for any errors i might have put here 😭😭
(Also im fucking losing it over the coincidence of sharing the same name/pronouns/age-range/interest ☠️☠️)
hi!! thank you for the ask + hell yes name twins!!! LMAO
i really appreciate you taking the time 2 share ur experience. there are a few things that came to mind while i was reading ur ask. this is not meant to imply you need to change how you view yourself/selves, but since you mentioned feeling like the way you experience symptoms is "wrong", you may find these things useful to know if you didn't already:
you do not have to recall trauma before the ages of 6-9 to be diagnosed with DID or OSDD! actually, you don't have to recall any trauma at all to receive a diagnosis.
anecdotally, there are a lot of people with DID who do not experience clear, rigid separation between parts/alters
also anecdotally, a ton of trauma survivors (especially those with complex and/or developmental trauma) struggle with imposter syndrome and feeling like they have it better than others.
i frequently feel guilty like i'm invading spaces/taking up resources/just generally don't belong in places for trauma survivors because "other people have it so much worse". this is a pretty normal way to feel, but it fucking sucks, so i'm really sorry you're dealing with what sounds like a similar feeling. i think this is what happens when we have been forced to spend a lot of time rationalizing the bad things that happen to us. mentally, we have to normalize and minimize our own trauma in order to endure it. so it's a lot easier to look at someone else's experience and go "wow that's horrible and traumatic!" than it is to do that with our own.
happy 2 hear that median terminology resonates with you!! it definitely was immensely comforting for me when i found a term that encapsulates the often REALLY confusing experience of, like. "we're separate people we're the same we're different from each other yes we are no we're not <3".
i'm rly glad to hear my blog has been a useful resource for u. i hope you know there is no threshold of suffering that you have to meet in order to deserve resources, support, and community. you belong here!
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liarian · 2 years
Severed Bonds
So... I'm writing next chapter right now, disscussing with Serirei (That's what I do with them most of the time).
I'm not sure it will work with the rest of the story in his actual form and I need to do a complete overhaul of it but I thought of sharing his draft form. There's always strenght in raw writing that sometimes gets lost in editing.
So yeah... Don't read if you don't want spoilers of Severed Bonds next chapter. But if you're curious about it's actual shape before it gets axed. Here it is!!
Birthdays had never held much meaning for Katsuya when in their monotony the days blended into one another. His thirtieth birthday had been something that had passed him by without any fanfare. Thirty hadn't felt all that different from twenty when all he had done was trade one cage for another.
And yet, that had been the year his life had changed forever.
Katsuya yawned, sitting up on the futon and scratching at his eyelashes. For a moment, he shivered as he noticed the chill seeping through the walls. Temperatures had to have plummeted overnight. The early morning light illuminated the room and reflected off the straw-colored locks of the still sleeping figure beside him. It was testament to how much things had changed that he would no longer need absolute darkness to feel at ease within those four walls.
Taka stirred beside him, seeking the warmth of his body. Katsuya watched him, unmoving in those first hours after dawn. The stillness still felt unnatural in the confines of his completely naked body.
Katsuya stroked his cheek with tentative fingers.
Katsuya had always thought it unreasonable to be called lovemaking when it was just a frantic, irrational act but he had finally understood. Memories of the night before flashed in his mind and spoke to him of the vulnerability of putting oneself in the hands of another. The shame and nervousness of losing his virginity at thirty-two had meant nothing under the complicity of two people who had nothing to hide.
"Why are you already awake?" Taka asked still half asleep. "Another nightmare?"
The scar glowed on his arm, a testament to how strong his Soulmate was. Maybe someday Katsuya would manage to convince him of how much truth there was behind his words.
"I wouldn't call it a nightmare" Katsuya blushed as he remembered where Taka's mouth had been only a few hours before.
"What are you thinking about?" Taka frowned, sitting up in bed and letting the futon fall to barely cover his lap. "It's not like you've never seen me naked before."
"It's not the same, now I know what faces you put on when," Katsuya gestured at him, unable to look at him.
"Pervert. Mm." Taka's hand started up his thigh. "So it was okay, then? Wasn't it disappointing?"
"How could it be?" Katsuya hugged him tightly, completely silencing the insecure song humming in his head. "I don't think I'll be able to think about anything else all day."
"Oh, I guess that's okay then." Silence enveloped them. Taka seemed content to let himself get lost in his arms, enveloped by the smell of sweat and musk. "Better than I expected."
"Did you have your standards that low?" Katsuya jabbed his finger into his side. "What grade would you give me?"
"Idiot!" Taka laughed. "But I don't know, it's not like I had any expectations either. It's just sex but with you it's fine. Everyone talks like it has to be something extraordinary and they always manage to make me feel weird."
Taka rolled over until he was lying in Katsuya's lap. Sex and him had always had a complicated relationship. It wasn't the first time Katsuya wondered if the scar on his arm had anything to do with it.
"Do I seem weird to you?" Taka looked at him expectantly. His melody reflected the hope in his eyes.
"Have we ever been able to think of each other as normal?" Katsuya bent down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "But thank you for telling me."
"Oh," Taka blushed. "It's what you asked of me, isn't it? To talk things over. It's not like you make it too hard either. And now I feel like a jerk!"
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anyasjournal · 2 years
Death to true crime! 
 are we truly after education on criminals or is that a vain excuse for our sick fascination? 
The 21st century has brought with it wave after wave of new technology and with that came social media, endless streaming and information at our fingertips. That has made it exceptionally easy for us to get to know whatever we want, see whatever we deem necessary and occasionally what we don’t, with the never-ending scrolling on TikTok and auto play on YouTube you’ll find the usual ‘fit-check’ and travel vlog but go deep enough into the internet and you face some much darker things.  
When I was around 10, I got an iPad, it was my introduction to the internet and I spent hours on YouTube watching whatever came up, it was before parents could even think of using blockers or screen time limits. Although most of my consumption was harmless some not so much, some instilled fears I still haven’t gotten over and some I’ll never forget. Now this isn’t to scare parents away from the internet and social media it is simply a conversation I think needs to be had and a necessary reflection on my own media consumption. Most of the videos I watched were makeup tutorials I’d never follow and video games I’d never play, through the makeup videos I found sfx makeup, people able to transform themselves into terrifying things, but I wasn’t afraid, that ignited in me my love for horror, something I still hold to this day, in my family I was the one who could watch any horror film and not be scared, sleep through the night after watching something that made you jump out of your skin. And because of this ‘immunity’ to horror I dove deeper into the pit and ended up where everyone seems to go, true crime, serial killers, cannibals and more. Even at my young age I knew my limit, I knew when to stop and for a while my interest in true crime remained just that, I’d know random facts about famous killers but never anything more. 
Despite this limit I put on myself I was still an incredibly paranoid person, I still am to this day, I’d check the house before I went to sleep make sure the doors and windows were locked, made sure I had an escape if needed. Looking back, I can see that all of this was most likely a side effect of this consumption I deemed normal. For years I never was too afraid of any true crime story or any serial killer, I watched all the videos, read all about them but still slept at night, lucky me. That all changed when I took a step over the line, my immunity against fear faltered and for the first time I couldn’t sleep all because I watched an interview and that lead me to the wrong pictures. I was 14 maybe 15 at the time, thinking I was mature for my age but I was still a kid, I was watching a video on YouTube probably an unsolved mystery and then looking over to the recommended saw an interview of a killer I’d heard of before but never looked into: Jeffery Dahmer, thinking nothing of it, thinking my immunity would protect me I watched it, I faced Ted Bundy and read endlessly about the Zodiac and knew all the canonical five of Jack the Ripper so why should this scare me? But there’s that old saying, curiosity killed the cat, and in this case it surely did.  
I clicked the video, it was a simple interview but Dahmer's eyes, his eyes terrified me, I didn’t know yet what he had done, he spoke to the interviewer calmly, eerily, I could feel my heart race, I needed to know, no I wanted to know what he did so as anyone could I looked it up, I saw the articles read them then I saw the pictures, pictures that I still see today in the back of my mind pictures I wished I’d never seen. My heart beating out of my chest my hands shaking I closed the tab, all the while the video playing the background, Dahmer's monotonous voice echoing in my brain, I couldn’t bear to hear it anymore, I felt nauseous, I felt afraid.  
After that I didn’t dare watch anything like that for a while, the occasional video or documentary crossed my path, but nothing could make me go back down the hole I’d fallen in. 
So why is it that I become so interested with true crime? Why did I fall down that hole? And if I came swimming back up gasping for air, how long till you do too? 
Often people claim their interest for such disturbing things comes from a simple need to know more or to educate themselves on true crime cases. But to me that argument is silly and wrong why would you want to educate yourself on the tragic death, torture or rape of a person, it isn’t because you need to know more it is because you want, this morbid curiosity has become so normalized its concerning. There are websites dedicated to leaked crime scene and autopsy photos or murder victims that people can look at without any censoring the links to these websites are shared in comment sections on TikTok, which is an app marketed to teens. Labelling this as just curiosity is damaging and could be seriously harmful it shouldn’t be taken lightly, and it shouldn’t be so normalized. 
Again I'm not saying any of this to scare people off the internet or shame those who are interested in true crime, it is simply something to think about or reflect on, looking at the actual crime scene photos or autopsy reports or even watching interviews can seriously affect you and your mental health, as much as we like to believe we are above it we are not, and if you're reading this thinking you aren’t afraid and I'm wrong true crime has no effect on you, you're probably the person this applies to most.  
If you see nothing wrong in the continuous consumption of morbid media and even illegally leaked photos or information, if this leaves you feeling nothing maybe you should really reflect because those photos are of real people who had families friends dreams jobs, they loved and were loved and you're looking at a photo of them dead without feeling anything, you are using the deaths of these people as entertainment to satisfy your so called curiosity, to put it simply t is wrong.  sure, maybe the photos are interesting and teach you more about the killer, they are still completely unnecessary to look at, there are hundreds of harmless documentaries thousands of articles and YouTube videos that you could watch to learn more but instead photos of dead mutilated bodies are what is deemed interesting, what is used to learn, that in my opinion is wrong. 
But you don’t have to listen to me, I'm no one to you but maybe just look at what you consume and how you react to it, look at who it affects and think of the people you are looking at yes, they are victims of your ‘favourite murderer’ but they were people who deserve to be remembered as more than just a victim, they deserve respect over your curiosity. 
It is no surprise the internet can be a dark place, I've been told that as long as I've been on the internet and I have no intention of stopping being on the internet and I'm not implying you should either, all I'm saying is watch what you consume it may not all be as surface level as you think there are lives affected by it beyond your screen. 
The morbid fascination and normalisation of true crime, especially in its extremes can lead people to much darker things and the consumption of such morbid things should be monitored or limited, I learned the hard way but I'm glad I learned. Again, I'm not saying you can’t be interested or curious but please be cautious and be respectful, the world is bigger than the internet bigger than our phones and we must remember that.  
There is a lot more I could say about this topic so there might possibly be a part 2 but if you have any of your own opinions, please let me know 
Thank you for reading.  
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creeperapologist · 4 years
I cannot WAIT to see ranboo and techno interaction (bonus for philza) because ranboo so far is the comple OPPOSITE of tommy in the ways that
1. he won't consider himself living with them until techno tells him himself even though Phil said he could
2. got nervous over taking a stack of dirt and promised to replace it
3. is activly planning doing stuff to help techno (?) (in a non-political/ business way)
like with tommy, he just kinda showed up and refused to leave, and the reason they were so funny together way the way the clashed which is ALSO the reason they couldn't really ever talk anything out and ended up screaming over each other during doomsday. RANBOO however has treated techno as an actual PERSON (albeit a scary one) and is joining techno out of a genuine respect and his friendship with phil
I think that techno and ranboos relationship will be a lot more long lasting and a lot more healthy than tommy and technos ever was purely because of the way it originated
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Why Are ppl so into incest, like do you not have siblings? Does the idea of wanting to see two brothers romantically interacting not sour other Normal sibling bonds? Can even brothers not have normal healthy bonds or talk and disscuss things passionatly without ppl going "OMG THEYRE SO GONA KISS".
Y'all gross
Um. Anon. I don’t know how to tell you this, but if seeing depictions of incest in fiction makes you start lusting after your siblings in real life, that is very much a you problem. Like if watching Jaime and Cersei kiss on Game of Thrones or scrolling past a piece of thorki fanart sours normal sibling bonds for you, that’s on you. Stories depict lots of things like murder or war or violence that we don’t like in real life, bc they can contribute to a good story; this is no different. I’m just out here trying to enjoy good and thoughtful and emotionally engaging fiction. Good luck figuring out whatever you‘ve got going on tho...
Edit: Wait. Now I want an AU where thorki the ship is a thing in the MCU and Loki hates it with a burning passion and goes on a crusade against it but it’s actually bc of the repressed pining he’s been in denial about. I feel like comics!loki would do that.
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le-cat-nipp · 3 years
About Ethan Winters- I kind of understand people think he is generic and plain character. After all, we see him making stupid decissions over and over again, reacting to things in a way that make us think wtf? and cracking cringy oneliners from time to time. I understand that some of u are baffled by how easy he defeated main five, who supposed to be like centuries old and have more knowledge than him just by shoot them many times. It could work for Bakers, since they were having those powers for 3 years, while bosses in 8th used their gifts for a long time. Compare to how many times we had to kill Jack and he always came back stronger and deformed in 7th, those ancient creatures were killed on spot, which makes some of you more upset cause they were so easly defeated. So even thou they improved ethans character a bit, he still seems a bit off for some, therefore they weren`t connected with his character or upset when he sacrificed himself and died (second time lol).
Despite all of it I can`t agree with some of the haters statements. Above his stupidity and somewhat naivety, he is loyal, loving, caring person, who put everyones live above his own. His determination to save his wife and daughter, his strong morals shows that he is more than just some vanilla man.
Jacksepticeye said that he founds characters around ethan more interesting than himself- yes, they are more mysterious, cause they are living for centuries. They will be more attractive than a simple family man, who just want to live a normal live with his wife. Its not true that the events of 7 didn`t take a toll of him and changed him. He become more paranoid, especially for his daughter. He even get a basic training to help improve his skills in the fight. So I think despite all, Ethan winters earn at least a bit of symphaty.
Haters are free to come at me. We can disscuss :)
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ragrottend0ll · 4 years
School Crush (Vinira Fanfic)
(In december I posted this little idea and now I decided to started it, hope you enjoy and forgive the misspelling, english isn’t my first lenguage)
Chapter one:
‘‘I like girls’’. Emira started.
‘‘I like girls, too’’. Amity seconded after a few seconds of silence.
‘‘Ok...’‘. Alador responded a little shook. ‘‘I-- Wow, yeah, ok.’’
‘‘Is that all you are gonna say, dad? Really?’’. Asked Emira. She didn’t spend seven years in the closet for just to get an ok.
Alador shruged a little. ‘’Congratulations...?’’
‘‘Fine, that’s better’‘.
The Blight siblings and Alador were hanging out. This was something that have been happening some time ago. At first it started as a sisters’ night, just for Amity and Emira, but then Edric discovered this and was begging, crying and basically annoying his sisters for let him ‘’in’’. 
He finally achived it.
So, every friday night, while their parents were in important meetings or fancy restaurants, the three would reunited in Emiras’s room and just talk. Sometimes they watched a series or practice some makeup. Even tried on clothes from either Edric or Emira. Sometimes they would sing a karaoke or just talk about their day, their friends, Luz, and throw bullshit of their parents.
They didn’t need to worry about the mansion’s staff. They all like them and have never said something bad of them to their parents. Plus, some have sewn up mouths so... Anyway.
What they did not expected was that, one night, their father would return early. 
Alador was honestly tired. He have been awake for three days straight and needed some sleep. Even when his lovely wife, Odalia, told/demanded him to stay awake and attend another important meeting, he denied. Alador was sure that, if he stayed awake for another hour, his body will just collapse.
When he arrive to the mansion, the buttler (he never can remember his name, really) was there and took his coat. Alador didn’t wait more and went upstairs. The Bight manor was splendant, huge and, now that he was walking alone through the corridors full of old portraits in the middle of the night, he would consider it spooky.
The portraits gave him chills in his back. He felt like the eyes of his wife’s ancestors were following him in every step he took. 
‘‘I wouldn’t be surprise’‘, Alador tought. ‘‘They may be haunted for real’’.
‘‘I should probably ask Odalia about it’’.
Alador walked to his bedroom’s door, and when he was about to open it he heard something.
It was a scream. 
‘‘The kids’’. He tought.
Alador ran as fast as his tiredness allow him to the wast wing, where the children’s bedroom were. The screams kept going, ‘’Where is the staff?’’ Alador asked himself mentally. His kids could be diying and non of the guards he hired were even near.
The screams were coming from Emira’s room. But the shouting didn’t sounded like Emira.
He looked at Amity’s and Edric’s doors. They haven’t come out and their doors were closed. Alador was tempted to open the other two door, but decided not to. If his children were being kidnaped, he’ll deal with the kidnapper in Emira’s room first.
Alador took a deep breath and casted a spell, ready to attack if he needed to. He opened the door, fast and hard. What he saw let him speechless.
There was no kidnapper. There was no danger.
But, he really didn’t know what to think about the scene that was display infront of him.
Emira’s room was a disaster. There were snacks in the ground, Alador wonder if Odalia would be mad about it, he answered himself almost inmediatelly with a yes. The room was dark, except for the karaoke that, Alador supposed, one of the twins bought.
Edric was lying in the floor with a microphone in his left hand, while his right hand where finger-brushing his hair. Oh, and he was using Emira’s lastest grom dress and a twelve centimeters tall heels. 
Amity was sitting in the little sofa that Em buy two years ago. Her face had some very excentric makeup, specially her eyes. A wildly combination of pink, glitter and black. With red-sparkled lip gloss. Her triangular earings were replaced with a pair of Emira’s expensive earings that were only used for important meeting or fancy parties. She was wearing her regular pajamas, with the slight difference that, over her pants, she was wearing a puffy skirt. And that her feet were covered with long cowboy boots. 
 Emira was sitting in her bed, face was covered in some kind of skin care treatment. A phosphorescent green skin care treatment. Even with that, she was the most normal looking of the three. All her makeup was in the bed, (probably the responsable of Amity’s face) and her hand was grabbing her scroll, that was recording Edric’s  performance, before he opened the door, at least. The scroll was still recording, by the way. Em didn’t have time to stop it before his father abruptely came in the room.
The Blight siblings were looking at him like deers flashed by a light. Each of them praying in their heads that if they don’t move Alador wouldn’t be able to see them, like some of the animal in the isles.
‘‘You... uhm,... arrived early’‘. Edric stated the obvious, crearly nervous. But, can you blame him? Not everyday your dad found you wearing a dress and using heels . Actually that never really hapened to him. 
The music of the karaoke was still playing. Alador connected the dots and figured out that his son was the responsable of the screams.
‘‘Yes, I did’‘ Alador responded. He never had been a man of words, but in this moment he didn’t know what would be the correct way to react.
Should he scold them for being up at one in the morning making a fuss? Or He should just close the door and pretend that none of it happened?
He was definitely going to ask the servants if this was something that happened often and why they had not reported those... meetings that their children did.
‘‘Mom’s here, too?’‘ Amity asked. Her face now was now also covered with a strong blush of embarasment, that reached even her neck.
‘‘No, she is still in the meetong with the Hogson’s’‘ Alador answered.
‘‘Do you want to talk this now, or would you preffer to wait until the sun comes out?’‘ Alador asked. He wan’t sure if this was the right thing to do, but the words came out of his mouth even before he could think about it. That was something that didn’t happened to him since high school.
The kids glare at eachother and said a ‘’now’’ at the same time. If they waited for the sun, Odalia was probably going to arrive and they didn’t wanted to have that conversation with their mother. 
None conversation, actually.
‘‘Alright’‘ their father said ‘‘Clean your faces and put on presentable clothes’‘ 
And with that he leave the room.
‘‘That could have been worse, right?’’ Edric said. He finally stoped doing the pose with his hand trought his hair.
‘‘Yeah...’’ Emira answered him ‘‘Mom could have catch us’’
‘‘Titan forbid’’ Amity said.
Once they cleaned their faces and put on their pijamas, the three siblings made their way to Alador’s office, who has completely forgot how tired he was.
They were nervous, Edric, specially. And were honestly surprised when the scolding was more about how they broke the curfew than about all the mess they did. 
And after that, things evolved rapidly. The kids felt better in Alador’s pressence than ever before. They trusted their father even more because he didn’t said a thing to Odalia, and even gave the order to the servants to keep those meetings as a secret. 
 Two months later, Alador found himself spending the family-bonding-time, as Edric renamed it, with his children. The bonding-time had to be moved to saturday’s night, because Alador had the obligation to go to the meeting on friday. But the kids weren’t mad at all.
‘‘Dad?’’, Edric called for him. It has been five minutes since Emira and Amity’s comming out and Alador haven’t said anything esle since the congratulations. ‘‘Girls, I think you shouldn't have done it at the same time; now you’ve killed him’’.
‘‘We didn’t!’’ Amity shouted inmediately.
‘‘No, I think we actually did it, Mittens’’ Emira seconded.
‘‘I’m fine’’ Alador said some time later. The twins were disscussing if they should call an ambulance or just leave their dad there. Emira was drafting in her mind all the possible ways to hide Alador’s corpse in the manor, too. You have to be careful, right?
Alador sit up straight in the couch were she was lying. Before his both daughters come out to him some minutes ago, they were all watching a movie. If Alador had to be honest, he wasn’t really paying attention. He was falling asleep. This week has been rough, but for no reasom he would cancel the saturdaynight bonding time™. 
‘‘None of my kids are straight, huh?’’ Alador thought. 
Ok, to be fair, Edric haven’t come out to him (yet), but Alador prectically confirm his son’s orientation when he founded him performing when he discovered that friday sisters’ night. No straight, cis, man would use a dress and heels. Not even walk on them in the propper way Edric managed to do. 
‘‘So, uhm, are you... mad or...?’’ Amity began.
‘‘Oh, no. No!’’ Alador answered, with a little laught that lately the siblings were more used to hear ‘‘I’m actually kind of relive.’’
‘‘Relieve?’‘ Edric asked, genuinely curious.
‘‘Indeed. I don’t have to worry about any potencial boyfriend and the concecuences that would imply-’’
‘‘Shut!’’ Amity and Emira shouted at the same time. ‘‘The school already teach us that. No need to repeated.’’ Emira continued.
‘‘I was talking about a heartbroken, but yes, sexual education is very important too.’’ Alador said. And, tho he seemed serious, he was teasing his daughters.
‘‘So, you are ok with this?’’ 
‘‘Yes, Amity.’’ 
Actually, I’m kind of a pansexual, myself. Alador tought,  but keep shut.
The movie was paused. Probably since some time ago but Alador didn’t notice. He glare at Emira’s wall clock. 12:05, it marked.
It was early, Odalia wouldn’t be back until three in the morning. Anyway he open his scroll to verify that his wife haven’t texted him or something.
There was nothing, as expected. Only Odalia’s last message where she told him that she was going to leave the party at 1:45 and was expecting been home around 3:00 a.m.
‘‘So,’‘ Alador started ‘‘any particular reason to tell me your orientation?’’ 
Yes, it was sweet, but Alador did knew his daughter a little and can almost tell that, at least Emira had something else to say. 
‘‘No, no reason.’’ Amity answered. ‘‘Just to tell you with Em.’’
Alador look at his older daugher, waiting for her answer. 
Yes, they were closer than bever before, but the sad truth was that even if his children did trusted in him, he didn’t think that they trusted him that much. 
It was reasonable, not less hurting, but understandable.
‘‘Well...  You see, er. Ok, so. I actually wanted to tell you because, uhm....’’
Alright, now this was new. Alador never in his life had heard Emira stutter.
All his children were raise to be the embodinment of perfection, as Odalia describe it. The three took classes of everything. From music to etiquette, and diction was not left behind.
Now, Alador was sincerely curious.
‘‘There’s this girl in the school, and well-’’
‘‘Emira has a big crush on her.’’ Edric interrupted.
‘‘But Emira can be around her without being a red mess.’‘
‘‘You are one to talk, huh, Mittens.’’ Emira asked. Her cheeks were already a little blushy.
Amity looked away and Emira continue: ‘’My point is, that, her dad is kinda, a little... short budget. And-’’
‘‘Emira, I love you, but if that girl is using you for your money-’’
‘‘No! She isn’t! Sh doesn’t even know that I liked her’’
‘‘Well that’s debatable’’ Edric said ‘‘It’s really obvious and Viney it’s not as oblivious as Luz, plus-’’
‘‘Who’s Luz?’‘ Alador asked.
‘‘It doesn’t matter right now’’ Emira stated. ‘‘The point is, dad, that she didn’t even tell me his dad was in a little hurry. I was walking towards her and she was talking to her friends about it and I just heard a little. When I told her I could give her some snails she declined and actually was pretty mad about it, until last week, when I apologized. But I really want to do something about it.’’ Em talked fast, but Alador, as the good listener he had always been, didn’t missed anything.
‘‘And how can I help?’’ Alador asked.
‘‘Well, you can make him get a job? Maybe here in the manor or somewhere else. Her dad is in the construction coven, I think he is like, the right hand of the leader.’’ 
Alador hummed. Contruction coven right hand? He was a right hand once, before he was level up to coven leader. And he knew very well the salary of the seconds on board. It was a great amount of snails.
‘‘And before you say something like ‘she’s scamming you’, I want you to know that her family is really big. She has like, twelve siblings, not including her.’’
Alador sigh.
‘‘She really is a good person, dad. And if I can help her, I will.’’
‘‘She’s one of the noblest people we’ve met. There’s no danger’’ Edric said in favor of Emira’s propose. 
Alador looked to Amity, who haven’t said much, and asked her with his eyes for her opinion.
‘‘I don’t hang out with her a lot, but she’s indeed good.’’
‘‘Well, I guess I have no other option, do I?’’
‘‘Thank you, dad!’’ Emira shouted and jump to her dad’s lap to trap him in her arms in a tigh hug.
‘‘I don't promise anything, but I'm going to see what I can do.’‘ Alador responded and hug Emira back. 
He looked at Edric and Amity and with a head movement he invited both of them to join the hug. 
Edric took Amity’s hand and join to it.
Well, Alador thought, I guess I have some work to do now.
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rurifangirl · 3 years
chile, could ya explain the magic system in yo oc world more? im kinda confused w how it works👁👄👁
Oh boy, here we go bitches.
So as an intro to this, I said bout last oc post in Qiran's part that their fam was full of mages n shit, but also some of em weren't, n since they do have magic istelf Imma do more parts (3 parts)
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First part- how does It all work (Humans/Mages)
First of all, not all of em have a connection with magic, for example Evelyn doesn't at all while Lyva does but only through a magical item so It doesn't really count.
Other then that, if you're born you can either be born with some kind of magic, or simply not. It all depends from your family's lineage, for example If you come from a family of mainly rougues it's hard to get some kind of magical power, while if your parents have both some kind of power or even if it's only one of em, it's more likely you'll end up with something really similar, or a mixture of the two. (In case both of your parents have magical powers of any sort.)
It also depends on where you're living, for example If you'd be born from a cold place it's unlikely ya'd have magma magic rather than snow magic.
Between humans/mages the system Is kinda the same, but that does change for Hybrids/Demi gods/anything that isn't born between the same species.
Between humans/mages it's more of how their ancestors managed to treat its powers, as some got even destroyed for not being worthy of its usage, so If anything at this point and time they're lucky about getting somethin.
Mages are far more cautious about It, having both a lot of hidden knowlege about spells or even origins of some types of magic, though that being the most "common" ones, (for example fire, water ect.), because it's not only them of course, there's far more variants and all are different from eachother.
They can also get stronger by the worshipping of certain gods, which I don't think I will really talk about, at least in this post. (And also because they're still a wip of mine)
But the gang until now really never relied on any of them, or at least Lyva/Rui n Naexi never really did, while the others absolutely did. This Is also why I will do another post as a sorta of a part 2.
Anyways back on topic, most people in all parts of my oc world aren't used to worshipping anymore, or at least a great part of It, mainly because of a loss of knowlege about anything about them.
It's kind of taboo even mentioning most gods names, as they fear something will go wrong if they would (*ahem*being suspicious n allarmin the cult*AHEM*). In fact it's hard to get on most religions because the only remains of It are extremely either hidden, or destroyed in the meanwhile.
I wanna say that another reason because the worshipping stopped Is also because of Rui's cult. Yes, remember that?
It's gonna be talked about on its own post, but let's just say that for them, it's a safe way to restrain anyone knowing far too much about how everything works.
They're the only ones owning most stuff about different coltures to avoid having them against their side,
If there's no worshippers, no knowlege, n more weak magic because people don't strengthen them, who's gonna go against em? (It'll turn out to be the shittiest idea they've ever had but that really did work for the longest time.)
Oh I think i forgot to mention this, but since magic goes lineage to lineage, It also weakenens as generations pass by, as THAT'S the reason they absolutely need those texts.
That's also the reason most humans struggle w keepin magic. Mages can manage, though it's a small portion, since sometimes not even what they've learned over generations works anymore.
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Second part- how does It all work (Hybrids/Demi gods n stuff)
Oh boy, so, I'm also gonna use Shou n Naexi a lot here, so bear w me. As I said earlier, it's different from em, since it's not about lineage at all.
Apart that the union between different species Is both a taboo n seen as something "ashaming",so even if they had a child It was more likely they'd Hide It or leave It behind. So it's already a really, god-awful situation for them.
The magic works kinda randomly, in the sense that since the hybrid's nature is seen as unstable to begin w, there's no real critere to handle how the child born Is gonna turn out to be.
Sometimes it's really hard to notice, having yeah some features but can be hidden really easly, but other times Is just, a real mess between the two species, n the magic Is also uncontrollable, especially during their first years of life.
For example, in Shou's case he used to really switch a lot between em, that being the reason he later on prefers not to switch, n havin to learn as soon as possible how to learn how his magic n form would work w It, having again a lot of preassure comin from people he knew.
This Is unfortunatly a really common situation between most hybrids. And there's also no choise.
If you as an hybrid can control magic w/o anything to rely on then you can live, while if you cannot do It, it's a matter of time before you'd get zoned out by everyone and everything.
This Is a big issue, other than having everything fucked by the cult but that's another story.
Aight now bout demi-gods, they're also really not seen well. Most of them prefer not to interact at all with anything that Is not godly related, and in fact, most of em even refused to adknowledge their mortal parent, since they all have resentment over the sudden disappereance of all belivers.
If anything Naexi Is a weird one at that, as they did have a suddent interest in humans and ungodly creatures, though still recognized about how cruel any of them could've been, especially she's a demi-god and has a bad reputation at that.
The magic system Is relatively simple, they just get a certain amount of power from their god parent and are actually pretty capable of controlling them in confront of Hybrids.
That mainly comes from a special connection w their god parent's power, so in theory they're sort of devoted to them.
I wanna expand this when I'll do the gods post n finnaly introduce some of em (And potentially Naexi's mother👀), so I'll not go beyond this atm.
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Third part- Magical items/weapons
Aight onto another important part, which Is basically how tf would that work. We have that comin from Qiran's sword n Lyva's earrings, so they'll also be later on disscussed bout.
Even though it's a tough and long procedure, you can transport some of your own magic onto somethin as ordinary as an hat or as sharp as a dagger.
This Is being mainly used in emergency situations, as that energy can eventually be re-used later on by its user.
The user can be changed as long as there's a deal between both parties, whether that being a gift, buying It, or anythin up to them really.
It can also be a great way to hide mage's power, since there are some parts where they arent exactly that respected, so they could blend in with normal humans.
In fact, Qiran does that continiously thanks to their sword, daggers and other lil weapons, and they keep a big part of It there, to seem rather a normal knight/adventurer rather than havin somethin supernatural goin on.
They have a great holdo it since their father did make them learn to fulfill their request to be freerly goin round.
With Lyva it's not really different, even if she kinda stole It n there wasn't really a deal at that moment, but before runnin away from everyone n everything she convinced her mother to give her something that she could use to defend herself, since they were never around and when they were, they would've kinda avoided her.
Oh, and to add this, you could also curse an item. It's a way to mainly punish since ,well, it's a curse,
and makes the user either completely obsessed with the object itself or makin them do somethin w/o any type of consent, whether physical or emotional.
In some cases It can also be a torture tool. Though, as some recent stuff happened, they're somewhat hard to find.
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If you still have somethin unclear lemme know cuz idk If I covered everythin or if somethin ain't clear enough😭
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queenhendric · 4 years
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sorry, but i'm once again back to my bullshit
im just. this scene is so beautiful. how he stops and he is very close of a breakdown. just, keita machida, you're amazing.
but what i really want talk about it is how this bl represents internalized homophobia. it's sutle in a way that lgbtq+ people can see and understand. we know how is to love someone and have to repress, have to think it's not normal and this scene. this scene gets right there
kurowasa is probably thinking he fucked up. he could have this beautiful friendship with adachi but he can't control his feeling, his love. now he had said. he said directly to adachi and all he can think is he'll be reject and if he's lucky adachi will talk with him again like nothing had happened.
when he asks for adachi forget in the morning after it’s for trying to keep their friendship because he thinks once adachi knows he wouldn't be his friend anymore (i disscussed this here).
this. this is one of thoughts we have as lgbtq+ people. that people will reject us and not want to be with us in any way.
also this
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his voice in this scene. he wants to forget or let it go of this feeling. you can almost hear that "why won't you forget it? why won’t you let it go?". he had tried to let it go of this feeling because he thinks is not normal. but he can't. when he first sees adachi out of breath, looking troubled his first action is asks if adachi is okay.
it's just another thing. we can't control our feelings and sometimes we desesperaly want to let it go, but just... we can't.
ps.: i took this last scene from a brazillian translation. it’s written: “forget/let go this now”
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supernaturalnardog · 5 years
Brotherly things in season 15!
It looks like there’s enough interest, so I’ve decided I am going to try making a brotherly things list for our last ride :).
It’s the very last season now, so I want to cherish and appreciate every bit of brother lovin’ we have left, and this list is a way to help me (and anyone else who reads this list) do just that. For those of you who weren’t following me when I was making the lists before, this is simply a list of all of the moments/scenes in Supernatural that showcase Sam and Dean’s bond. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a moment that Sam and Dean share together, hence why the list is titled “brotherly things” instead of “broments.” 
Just a few rules before I get started:
If anyone thinks I missed any brotherly things in an episode, feel free to comment or reblog and tell me what you think should be added to the list! This isn’t just a list I’m making for myself but also a disscussion for anyone who loves Sam and Dean and the incredible bond that they share.
If you reblog this post, please do not use the Wincest tag. I have nothing against Wincest and I follow many Wincest blogs, but I know there are some people out there who may have Wincest blacklisted but still love Sam and Dean’s brother bond and I want them to be able to enjoy the list too.
Please do not use this list to make fun of, ridicule, or put down destiel shippers (or shippers of any other ship) in any way. There are plenty of people out there who love Sam and Dean’s bond but also ship Destiel and I want to keep this list as hate free as possible.
I will try to reblog this post by the Saturday after Supernatural airs througout the season to add the scenes from the new episode but I make no promises. Please do not send me angry anon messages asking me why I haven’t updated the list yet, I’ll just delete your message anyway.
okay now let’s get into the brother lovin’!
Ending scene by the impala, part 1: nurse!Dean tries to “fix up” Sam’s gunshot wound. Nurse!Dean (and nurse!Sam) broments are probably my all time favorite type of brother moment, so I was absolutely over the moon to see a moment like this in the season premier. First, big brother Dean insists on taking a look at Sam’s wound so he can “fix him up.” It’s obvious that Dean wants so desperately for the wound to be something normal that can be healed with time and bandages. When Dean sees that there’s no exit wound and confirms that the wound is not normal in any way, he shifts into “distraction” mode by bringing up a memory from their childhood while attempting to clean the wound to distract both himself and Sam from the severity of the situation. The little smile Sam gave as Dean told the knock knock joke he used to tell injured!Sam when they were kids  made me absolutely melt, as did Dean’s proud smile and “Still got it.” Dean was so proud and content that after all these years, he’s still able to be the big brother and distract Sam from the pain. When Sam turns away, Dean’s smile disappears and his worried big brother face comes out, Dean is obviously worried that Sam is hurt in a way that he can’t heal and that it’s only going to get worse.   
Ending scene by the impala, part 2: It’s now Sam’s turn to take care of Dean. Dean is doubtful that they’ve ever had free will and believes  that this whole time they’ve just been “rats in a maze” but Sam insists that even if they didn’t have a choice, everything they did still mattered because they still saved people, still made a difference. Sam knows that Dean will continue on a downward spiral if he keeps believing nothing he ever did mattered, so Sam is desperately trying to get Dean to see his point of view, and tries to cheer Dean up by telling him “It’s just us” and Chuck is gone, so now they’re free to make their own decisions. I’m not sure Sam entirely believed what he was saying, but either way he desperately wants to get Dean to believe it before he completely loses hope. 
Ending scene by the impala, part 3: You and me against every demon in hell. The scene by the impala ends with Dean seemingly coming around to Sam’s point of view (though based on his convo with Cas in 15.02, it seems like maybe he was just trying to be strong for Sam) ans exclaiming “You and me against every demon in hell? I like those odds” and Sam agrees, giving a little smile and saying “me too.” I loved the “you and me against the world” vibe that the last part of the brother moment had, and the “we got work to do” callback made the scene even better. As long as Sam and Dean are together, they can conquer absolutely anything, and they know it in their hearts, just as we do. 
Big brother Dean automatically jumping out when Sam’s wound started to hurt (as a result of Chuck touching his own wound) and he was visibly in pain. The moment was brief, but I loved Dean’s “Still with the shoulder?” and his worried stare after Sam said it was getting better. No matter how old they get, Dean will always worry when Sam is hurt or in pain, and that’s why I love this show. 
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
i have the text dump, it has lots of lore and will probably break the text limit-
so basically they first meet in act 1 of the main plot (tm) which is really just adventure to go stop odd thing thats happening (idk exactly what atm but thats not really important).  Jarcian is basically a knight whos working for an unknown(at the time, we'll get to it later) person, and he has been tasked with impeding the progress of the main group.  how does he plan to do this? well, despite literally having troops at his disposal (who all adore him and are 100% loyal to him, they love their goofy captain), of course he challenges the main character group to a one on one duel, because he is just a goofy villain who fights fair and lives by his honor.  Of course Taiana accepts his challenge, being a knight herself, and they proceed to have a draw.  Out of respect, and because he's lowkey thrilled that someone has taken him seriously for once, Jacian concedes and retreats for the time being, but not before he and Taiana declare each other to be rivals (with like 75% of the main group just being so done with both of them and wanting to leave).  They have a few more encounters after this, with taiana always insisting that they take up his challenge fairly rather than just like have everyone defeat his forces because she feels he's not a bad guy and actually at this point considers him a friend, and after a while Jacian begins to think that he might be developing feelings for Taiana, which he really doesnt know how to feel about so he consults his second in command, Anton (short for Anthony; this man is just a side character but he is like the best side character ever and im 100% giving him a unique design bc he's just like the most supportive dude ever-). i plan on making a short comic based off the conversation they have but basically Jacian has his suspicions confirmed, and goes full panic attack and sad mode bc oops literal forbidden love this is so sad : pensive : .  There are like 2 more encounters between the main group and Jacian's group, both of which Jacian is just like being very obvious on accident but taiana has no idea what a social cue is so she just doesnt pick up on any of it, and then major plot shit happens and we're onto part 2.
in part 2, things get kinda angsty and really can split off in 2 different directions, with one being significantly less angsty than the other. basically, shit goes down, and all 3 of the main kingdoms are all just kinda in conflict now.  Taiana ends up becoming the queen of her kingdom (called Serenia) and, despite her appearingly newfound confidence and leadership skills, she is internally in turmoil due to previous plot events (and this only gets worse with future ones) and is beginning to fall into a state of self doubt due to the pressure she puts on herself to protect everyone coupled with the fact that she cant, and failed to protect her own father and brother.  After a bit of rebuilding and strategizing, Taiana decides to lead a counterattack against the neighboring kingdom of Grysia who's king, Natalio, has basically backstabbed every other kingdom and had invaded Serenia while the main group was out doing other stuff (his son is also part of the main group, and some real shit happens there but thats another tale for another ramble-).  It turns out that Jacian serves him, and is having one hell of a moral struggle right now.  His knights honor forbids him from betraying his lord, but he's unsure if he's truely doing the right thing as he's been complacent to so many inhumane atrocities that Natalio has preformed.  But in the end he decides that he must stick to his duty to the very end, no matter what (and let me just say, once natalio shows his true colors he does some bad shit, like really damn bad. but again, another disscussion for another day).  Eventually, the main group is pretty much on the castle's doorstep, and so Natalio makes the decision to send Jacian to put a stop to them. More specifically, to their leader, who at this point is Taiana.  Jacian of course, really doesnt want to (but as he later figures out, Natalio knows of his crush and plans on having the two destroy each other, with the result of one being killed and the other being emotionally destroyed. as I said, natalio is a very bad man), but his duty commands that he must, and so he tells Anton to make sure his troops escape the conflict together, and heads off to his final duel, where he intends to head to his grave and take his secret with him.  When he confronts the main group, he is much more solemn than he normally is, and he challenges Taiana to one final duel. and despite every other duel they had resulting in a draw, this one results in a loss from Jacian.  As a final wish, Jacian begs Taiana to take his life, as he'd rather die at her hands than at Natalios.
now, since im thinking about the plot in terms of it being a game, there actually is a branch in the plot based on a choice made at this point (mainly bc the angsty one is more interesting character development wise but the not angsty one makes me happy and i want to see these 2 be happy together-). so the two choices are basically to take Jacian's life, or to spare him.  ill go over what each choice leads to in order.
choose to take his life:  Taiana tries to take Jacian's life, but she just can't bring herself to.  She already internally feels as if she's lost or come close to losing many of the peopleshe holds dear, and she could never bring herself to kill someone she considers a friend.  Seeing this, Jacian smiles before apologizing to her for everything, and thanking her for the joy she's brought him, before telling her he loves her and taking his own life via stabbing his sword through his chest.  His intent is to save her the pain of taking his life by ding it for him, but this ends up pushing her over the edge, as she blames herself and sees it as yet another failure to protect someone she cared about.  The main group ends up defeating natalio and liberating Grysia, but Taiana is left with menatl and emotional wounds that would leave her unstable for much of the remaining plot. it doesnt help that she eventually realizes that she loved him too.  His former troops, which had deserted the war just as he asked, end up joining the Serenian military, with Anton becoming the captain of the knights.  This mainly leads to alot of character development for taiana, and how she learns to cope with and accept the fact that she cant protect everyone, no matter how much she wants to.  (there also is another really angsty part later bc main villian has some bs powers but uhh we've had enough sad i thinkand this is getting really long-)
choose to spare him:  Taiana refuses to take Jacian's life, to which Jacian retorts that she had to if she wanted to get past.  Of course, she once again refuses as she wont harm someone she cares about, especially when she's already lost people she cares about and is really close to just losing it.  She then states that if one of them had to die, the he should take he life, much to his dismay.  She stands firm on this, and he attempts, but his feelings finally overpower his sense of duty, and he just cant.  but at the same time, his honor won't let him betray his lord, and if he goes back he will just be killed.  He and taiana argue a bit, with taiana trying to convince him to join her before finally breaking down and just letting out everything she's had pent up inside since the the end of part 1 of the plot (different story for a different day)  Jacian lets out some emotional baggage of his own, including confessing his feelings for taiana,which she is completely surprised about.  They talk and mildly argue for a bit more, with Jacian eventually surrendering to his feelings, and vowing to right the wrongs made by his complacency before thanking Taiana for helping him to remember why he became a knight in the first place, and abandoning his old sense of honor to take up arms with the main group and find a new sense of honor, fighting for the people as taiana does rather than just for one corrupt man.  Natalio really isnt suprised by this, and simply says that he'll send them both to the grave by his own hands, before being defeated by the main group with the help of Jacian's troops because yknow, theyre loyal to Jacaian before theyre loyal to the king.  During the 6-year skip between part 2 and 3, Taiana and Jacian end up getting married, and similarly to the other option Anton is appointed captaianof the Serentian Knights, and remains a close friend to Jacian (along with the rest of his troops, theyre his bois).  This mainly leads to more development of Jacian and how he interacts with the other charcaters in the main group, as well as him helping taiana to cope with many of her insecurities and issues, and offering support in a way that none of the other characters in the main group can (i meant to not this earlier as well, she may be very close to other characters as well, such as xayvion, but they just dont understand certain aspects of her personality deep down as well as Jacian does. The two are just a pair of overly excessive goofy knights, and though they may be slightly different they understand each other in a way no one else does).
and uhh thats basically it, this was way more than i meant to write and i really need to go to sleep now so uh yeet- anyways i love these 2, thank you for coming to my ted talk-
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lucy-shining-star · 3 years
Second chapter of my carteo fic(don’t ask my first chapter has title and the second doesn’t):
To stop being forbidden
Chapter 2
: Chapter 2Chapter Text
-Elena?-Mateo started to ask unsurely. -Yes?-She asked, not looking up from the paperwork. -Have you…Have you maybe thought about freeing Victor from spell?- Now she looked up with suspicious face. -Why are you asking about that? -I just thought… -You were talking to HER, weren’t you? -Yes,but listen… -I don’t want to hear any lies she told you. And you shouldn’t listen to it either. We have never disscussed freeing Fiero, we will not be disscussing freeing Victor either. -But…She said that Ash did it to Victor because he said he wanted to stop with dark pursuits, so maybe... -No. End of disscussion.-She stayed, walked towards him and putted hand on his arm.- And Mateo, please don’t be naive. She just wants to use you again. Don’t fall for that.-He walked away with sad face. Elena looked at him worryingly, her hand forming a fist. She went to a dungeon.-Delgado!-Carla turned around hearing Elena’s voice. -Don’t manipulate my royal wizard again! -I didnt manipulate him!-Shouted Carla. Elena raised an eyebrow. -Oh, didn’t you? I imagined the whole Rita thing? -I mean…I didn’t now.-She started to make a curl of one of her hair.- I told him the truth. My father really decided to stop evil pursuits… -I won’t believe your lies. -She crossed her arms. -I’m supposed to believe that your father decided to stop being evil right after he escaped from prison? -Because he decided it’s too dangerous for me! Cause I almost fell of a cliff! And when he said that, mother turned him into a stone!-She looked at Elena with pleading face.- Did you think she did that without a reason? -I still don’t believe you.-She come closer to bars.- And as I said, don’t you dare manipulate Mateo again. He was really hurt last time, and I don’t like when my loved ones are hurt. Don’t you dare play with his feelings. -You think he has feelings for me?-Elena thought that maybe she said too much. -Definitely pity about your father. Stop trying to make him feel more sorry for you. Listen if you do manage to manipuate him, it’s just gonna make more angry, and prison may be the least of your problems when I finally catch you then.-Carla swallowed.-Bye. Elena went to Mateo’s room. He was just looking at aquarium. She come closer. -Are you anry with me?-He asked, not turning around. -No, I’m angry with her.-She answered. -I’m worried about you. And I’m gonna be honest, I’m worried what you are going to do. She wants to use you again. And I’m afraid of you believing her. She definitely is just lying again.-He turned to her. -You talked to her? -Yes, I did. And I don’t believe her. -But there must have been a reason why Ash… -I don’t care. Maybe they were fighting who will get some power. Mateo, stop listening to her. Why did you go there anyway? -Cause she is so lonely…She is sitting there alone for weeks. -Guards bring her food, she is not alone all the time. -I don’t think they are talking to her? -Which is good. She managed to pretend to be another person for so long, she will manage sitting alone. Maybe she could talk with her made-up persona. -Elena… -No, Mateo, stop. First of all, I…I already lost one..kind of two people. I don’t want to lose another because he let himself be manipulated.-Mateo looked at the floor.-Second of all…She already broke your heart once. Don’t let her do it again.-Mateo sat on the sofa. -I…I’m not… -Don’t lie.-She sat next to him.-But remember, she was pretending to be another person. You didn’t have crush on Carla, but on Rita. And she is completely different than who she pretended to be then.-She put hand on his shoulder.-Please, remember that. -Listen, she was really heartbroken when we found here then. She …she couldn’t pretend this sadness. -Just because she was sad doesn’t mean she stopped being evil.-She got up and went outside. *** -I don’t know what to do. I’m really afraid he hasn’t let go of his crush. Was it that serious then?-asked Elena when talking to Gabe later that day. -Well, from what he said, it was his first crush, so…I guess it as least felt serious.-said Gabe.-And he thought it at least got a chance of being reciprocated so. -First? Didn’t he have crushes as a kid? -Too busy learning magic and hiding it from Shuriki and guards. And your cousin. -Oh, yeah, forgot Mateo didn’t have a normal childhood. Because of Esteban. Wow, as I needed to have more reasons to hate him.-She looked at Gabe. -You didn’t really have normal childhood either? -Not to this level. I mean my parents own bakery, Shuriki didn’t outlaw cakes. Anyway, I kind of got impression Mateo felt a little too sorry for Carla when we catched her. -Can you talk to him? -Okay, I can try, but I don’t know if I would manage anything. I feel Naomi would be better with this. -Well, she isn’t here, is she? I don’t know if I should write to her about this. Maybe we will manage to do something about it before letter even go to her. -Will not hurt trying. -Okay, so I’m going to write to her. *** Later that day Mateo went to see Carla again. Carla looked at him with surprise. -Listen, Carla, I know Elena talked to you…Anyway, as I said, I can’t do anything without her permission, so sorry. I won’t help you.-He said with sad voice. -I understand. Mateo…I didn’t see you in that robe before. What is it?-She asked. Mateo looked down at his master wizard robe. He forgot that he didn’t have it on him when he went there earlier. -Oh, it’s…I became a master wizard. -How? -I…- He told her about getting his grandfather from a book, his death and later duel. -So you lost your grandfather because of my mother…I’m so sorry.-She putted her hand on his shoulder. -Well, that’s not your fault. -Doesn’t change the fact I’m sorry. -She looed at the floor. – Good you get rid of Zoopitole. I really hope you will catch her. -We will for sure. Now I have to go. Goodbye. -Goodbye. When he was going out of dungeon, he walked into Gabe. -Gabe! I was…uhm…-He started to panic. -I know you were talking to Carla.-Gabe said.-Let’s go to your room, we need to talk. When they were in Mateo’s room Gabe started talking. -Mateo, what are you even doing? -I just…I felt sorry for her. -You can’t feel sorry for enemies! Especially the ones who manipulated you once already. -But.. -Listen, you can’t be even sure that Victor getting turned into a stone isn’t some part of another evil plan. And she is malvago, you know you can’t trust her. -But… -Mateo, please. I told you you need to be prepared for different scenarios while in battle. And we are currently in battle non-stop. -He sighed.- And…You said yourself how dark magic and it’s user are dangerous. And I told you how afraid I was of magic. And that I was afraid of you because of it. I trust you know, but please, don’t associate yourself with dark magic user, cause I’m gonna lose that trust again. You understand? -Mateo looked at the floor. -I…,yes, yes I do.-Gabe ruffled his hair. -That’s good. And Mateo, please, just generally be careful. You can got hurt again easily if you are not.-He walked out of the room. Mateo layed down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. He started to think about Rita and Carla. ‘Are they right? If the person is had crush on didn’t exist, does that mean I never actually had a crush? Or are they wrong and I actually had a crush on Carla? Had? Still have? No, I can’t, that’s too dangerous…And if had or have a crush on villainess…What does it say about me?’. He got up and took some random book to read to stop thinking about it. But he couldn’t. ‘Maybe it mean nothing, I mean, it just could mean I think she is pretty. And that’s probably because of unique appearance. I mean, purple eyes are really rare…’He realised what he thought and hide hitted himself in the face with the book. ‘Oh no, so I definitely think about Carla, not Rita!’
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pendulum-sonata · 5 years
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Okay anon, first things first, I’m gonna have to answer like this because of the words of your ask it could make Tumblr showing them in the tags, sorry but I prefer to not publish these in fandom tags.
Second, I’m gonna give youthe benefit of the doubt and answer you as politely as I can, since you seem nice.
Also this is gonna be under read more, cuz it got kinda long.
So, basically the thing is the harassement began way before vr was even announced, the people who first started with this were all fans from the different series, they were people who the moment they didn’t like the direction the series was taking, rather than take the sensible route and just drop the series or dunno, post actual criticism, were all people who started to hate on everything related to the series, not just inside the series, but seriously anything, the fans, the fanwork (except conveniently the ones that were labeled as fix fics  ¬.¬)  heck, they even started shady rumors about the production team of the series; there was little site where one could disscuss the series without some random person dropping by to remind us that the show was awful and that were dumb for still liking it.
The worse thing is that some of them were what some people may call “Big Name Fans” or just seasoned fans who happen to be either mods or even run entire sites or channels dedicated to the franchise and influenced others to do this too, and in at least one case they encouraged the fandom to copy this behaviour whenever they interacted with the A5 fandom.
Now anon, you could probably be thinking: “But awfulness exists in every fandom right? You just have to learn to avoid them and keep doing your thing.” and normally I would agree because that’s what we as a fandom did, slowly at this constant harassment and the inaction of others who just shruged or turned a blind eye to it, we simply withdrew in out own corner and do out thing.
And what happened? People started to send anon messages, (sometimes not even bothering with anon setting though) even private chats wanting to pull us into some thinly-veiled discussion that was just about trying to convince us a5 was awful, they posted their salty opinions into the main fandom tags, sometimes even vagueing specific users, they constantly hijacked our posts with their unwanted opinions and then got angry when people called them out or blocked them. for the people who write fics, sometimes we got passive-aggresive comments in them, disguised as criticism.
Among some specific incidents I remember are:
A ygo discord group about fanfic that had a channel for each series, in the a5 channel were just disscussing ideas and out of nowhere someone stormed in, saying they “needed badly” a fic that fixed “that shitty ending” 
Someone sending me an anon message about how I was dumb (they said other things too)  for defending a5
In the nak site every disscussion about the new episode turned into a complaining fest not even 24 hrs after it aired.
A BNF calling us a “cancer” in the fandom.
One incident in the private chat where someone I will not name, called me a bunch of awful names because I would give in into their ideas of the series and then posted the entire conversation online to “shame me” then threw a hissy fit when I blocked them.
There are many more, but these are the ones that bothered me the most.
In reality the idea that vr fans were the only ones behaving like that is a illusion created by the fact many of these people took the series as a chance to keep shitting on a5 via comparision, and jumped the bandwagon into it, I bet some of them weren’t even into the series, they just wanted an excuse to continue indulge in this awful behaviour.
And now these people,(even people who just stood there and watched it all happen with a shurg or even with amusement), are posting things about how “we should all get along” and shallow passive aggresive “apologies” that are not apologies at all are calling us elitist because we’re not buying it?
If that’s not fucked up then I don’t what is.
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