#distortion world emmet
critterbitter · 7 months
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Revisiting relatives at chargestone cave! Here’s tynamo’s cousin, here’s tynamo’s cousin, here’s tynamo’s cousin, here’s-
Anyways I like to imagine chargestone cave’s magnetic fields are so strong it causes rock islands to float and gravity to get a tad funky. Or maybe it’s due to the thinning barrier between the material world and the distortion world…
Master list for more pokemon shenanigans!
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electric-blue24 · 2 years
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a continuation of @salsa-di-pomodoros ask once ingo dose finally catch up with the current time line he starts hanging around the distortion world version of the battle subway and the longer he stays somewhere the thiner the barrier between the real and distortion world becomes, turns out strong emotions will also affect it. poor emmet has no clue whats going on but the longer ingos gone the more unusual things he notices happening.
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monith-13 · 1 year
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Giratina has taken a liking to Emmet. It's familiar with the feeling of loneliness since it's been stuck in the Distortion World for Arceus-knows-how-long. Deep down, the poor worm just wants a friend, somebody who won't use them or fight them on sight.
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egginfroggin · 4 months
Happy 1-year anniversary to the start of Emmet's terrible, no-good, very bad day(s).
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Which is to say, Pandemonic Paradise turned a year old today!
In honor of this vague occasion, I have attempted backgrounds, of all terrible, no-good, very bad things (help me).
So I did some looking, and apparently it seems that the Distortion World is dark blue in the games and purple in the anime. I never played D/P/P, and only watched one of the animated movies probably close to a decade ago (ough), so my brain just assumed lots of purple.
Anyway, this was fun! RIP planned Ingo companion piece, there is no way you'll be finished by the end of the day, sorry.
Thank you all for sticking with this extremely self-indulgent fic for a year! We're almost at the end as of chapter 7, and hopefully I can finish the fic before the end of summer.
Thank you all so much! I hope you all have a wonderful day! <3
(Program used: Krita; time taken: about 2 hr 30 min)
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robinaa · 22 days
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direct follow up to this art and just whole idea of Emmet using Missingno to try and bring Ingo, who doesn't remember him, home!
I have a whole little story bouncing around in my noggin of the two jumping around different places like the void, distortion world or ultra space!
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browniefox · 2 years
just put together the spreadsheet for the Cynthia/Blacephalon/Saturn/Jupiter battle there's like 12 pokemon and I had to look up moves and shit bc I don't know them off the top of my head. Hopefully, though, it'll make writing the actual scene itself a lot faster
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proxycrit · 8 months
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Elesa climbs to celestial tower to ring the bell. Emmet, stuck in between the distortion world, finds his way home.
Part 1/ Part 2
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The conductor falls, down, down, down.
“What’s my name?” He calls to the abyss in terror (what is terror?)
He’s a singular being, right? (That’s not right. He’s one of a pair.)
The abyss gazes back. It has no answers to give, in its multitude.
Not to someone that’s so, so alone.
Somewhere else, one Elesa of Nimbasa rings the Celestial Tower’s Bell, over and over. Her companion, Chandelure, keeps watch.
Nothing happens.
Elesa’s stomach sinks. The reverberations of Celestial Tower’s brass bell mocks her in its echo. The vibrations of it’s distortion only makes the tears she tries to hold at bay worse.
In the blur of her failure, she sees chandelure’s flames suddenly die. Part of her panics.
The rest of her is apathetic and numb.
What’s the point? It didn’t work. Elesa closes her eyes. Tries to swallow, and fails. She’s so tired. She’s so, so tired. The deal with Azelf, the media storm she’s weathered, the constraints of her job, the almost loss of chandelure-
Emmet has been gone for three months. Ingo has been gone even longer.
They have gone where she can’t follow.
Elesa, the ghost whispers in her head. Elesa shakes her head in denial. She doesn’t want to plan right now. She wants to curl into herself, and disappear, just for a bit.
“I can’t do this,” she croaks. The sob in the back of her throat bubbles outwards. She wants Zebrstika. She wants Skyla. She wants her friends.
The paliphet Azelf forced her forward. It permeates her thoughts, drowning out logical thought.
(Too much willpower, and it will become an obsession, Azelf had warned her once in Ingo’s voice. And then, in Emmet’s voice: And when you fail, it willll break you. And finally, in her own voice: you will not have a choice but to move forward, with this curse.
I accept, elesa and told it back in the lake.)
I’m so tired, Elesa thinks now, two months later.
But she keeps moving forward. The bell rings again as Elesa strikes it, with all the hurt and rage and longing forced by her own hand into her soul-
-And that’s when chandelure screams, and there is a terrible rolling crack, and Elesa feels the sudden lurch in her gut as she looks up, her apathy torn into shreds as-
The sky tears open in a fractal wave.
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Elesa gapes.
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She can not comprehend the sudden black webbing across the sky. In the distance, sirens suddenly start wailing as people stop to perceive the impossible.
But Elesa does not care, because in that moment, the wrench in her gut is so great she almost staggers off the platform. Chandelure is by her side in an instant, her glass body a warm comfort to the sudden chill, because-
Something white is falling.
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Elesa’s doesn’t know what she yells. But the tug in her chest feels like the beat of a drum, and she is helpless to the melody that calls for action.
Azelf’s blessed takes a leaping step forward, off the building. Chandelure lets out a panicked chime and the warmth of psychic cradles Elesa as she reaches out, arms outstretched, falling and flying and-
And Emmet, sparking with white electricity, reaches back.
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AU’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Everybody has a Bad Time. (Emmet and Eelektross go to Hisui and learn about the joys of the distortion world. Elesa hunts legends and makes bad deals. Ingo babysits some sneaslets.)
Backstory and explanation:
Prior this scene, Emmet was travelling Hisui with Eelektross before he falls through a mirror and becomes lost in the distortion world for a month. Elesa and Chandelure, meanwhile, refuse to give up on their remaining friend. (Ingo’s fine! He’s in Hisui right now trying to get fired so he can go searching for his memories. Eelektross is… less fine. We will Worry about That Later.)
Disclaimers: Everything’s a work in progress and subject to change!
Part 2!
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bellsartblog · 3 months
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Below is my ramble about this au.
This au combine 2 headcannons that being: ingo and emmet are zekrom and reshiram (they don't know about it) and volo is immortal.
The events for this au would go as:
ingo got transported to hisui via arceus because it needed zekrom, the dragon of ideals, to change a few key events in the timeline. it assumed that he knew he's zekrom and just threw him through with the arc-phone. Ingo lost his memories still.
Volo and his pokemons were sent to the distortion world as purnishment and spent his time there making little progess on his recovery. He's geniune and open with his love for his pokemons now, yay :DDD
Giratina released him again when he was docile enough. When volo was out he was in modern day.
Meanwhile emmet just losing it day by day. At first it was managable but as time went on and less and less people care about ingo's disappearance, he was getting angrier and angrier but he kept in under control in public.
In the morning he was at the stations, battling and managing the trains and at night he researched for clues to find his brother. He kept this routine up for so long that he didn't realise he has gone days without sleep.
Eventually, in year 5, he met volo and they went on an adventure to find ingo :)))
For their dynamic, i think emmet would tolerate volo for the sake that he knows this man is telling the truth and he's the only real physical lead? he has had for years. While volo is planning to take advantage of emmet as reshiram (and potentially ingo too) to get back at Arceus and remake the world anew once again.
This is all i have for now. Thank you for reading :)))
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raisans-art · 1 year
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Chucks pokemon-ified Emmet at you at Mach speeds
Never talked about this au at any considerable lengths but it’s an au @gender-nuteral-nut-boy and I made where Volo promised Emmet that he’d help him find Ingo but just used him in order to get the Azure Flute and open up the stairs to Arceus’ domain. Once the stairs appeared, Volo had Giratina drop him into the distortion world after taking his pokemon. With Emmet taken care of and the stairs to Arceus’s domain open, he also abandons Giratina, breaking the ball he had him in to leave him stranded in the distortion realm as well.
So Emmet and Giratina are chilling in the distortion realm. Emmet is pretty pissed at the betrayal and Giratina is not helping matters. Giratina is trying to relate to and sympathize with Emmet but ends up stoking the fires of his anger, riling him up further and further as he deteriorates in the distortion world. When Emmet passes, his soul is so full of rage he forms into a new pokemon, his memories left fractured and hazy.
Giratina manages to find a way to let Emmet out to Hisui in order to find Ingo and retrieve his pokemon from Volo. Though, maybe leaving an enraged, volatile pokemon alone in the hisuian wilderness with no supervision might not be the best idea.
Some notes about the design: I wanted it to be kinda banshee based with a bit of reaper/psychopomp too. He’s got permanent tear marks and a red stripe supposed to look both like his nose and like an exclamation mark. Little scythe fingers :) he keeps his eyes closed unless he becomes angered, where they open and his hair starts to flare out. He turns into his rage form if his team or trainer become injured at all. His typing becomes Ghost/Ice instead of Ghost/Steel, his scythes turning into ice claws and his hair looking like ice spikes. His chest is supposed to look like a rib cage and his eyes completely black out for “going into a blind rage”
Ok I’m done rambling -u-
Also I made shiny variations!
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Enjoy =w=
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spiderware · 28 days
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this is probably going to get retconned sooner or later, but this guy’s a fusion au! coming from the cosmic goo that is emmet and ingo, birthed from the distortion world!
although they remain unnamed, they are, of course, their own person. but they hold emmet and ingo’s memories of eachother and the people they knew. it’s a strange feeling, remembering you were two people. how odd is that? anyways..
their coat is actually chromatic! it changed colours depending on the angle you view it from. so does their hat!
they actually do have a mouth too. it’s just.. hidden..
okay, wrapping it up in a bow, thank you for reading! hope you enjoy your day until the moment you wake up tommorrow! toodles!
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quietmakesglark · 2 months
Holy FUCK I just woke up and immediately realized an incredibley dumb AU idea for submas.
hear me out:
Somehow Ingo instead of being ebee deebied to Hisui is kidnapped for the main star role of the show.
Of course he doesn’t remember, whoever runs the show probably keeps Ingo on some kind of drug or something that has them not notice the cameras (yo drugs maybe also double as memory suppression)
Other people on the show include more fallers like Looker, Abigail, Dawn, etc.
People are slowly becoming immune to the drug so they see the cameras and other weirdness happening.
Ingo is the last to see and everyone tries to help him escape, sadly watching him deteriorate as he remembers his old life.
The show is being recorded/shot in the distortion world to stop outside influences
Volo is the director because why not, he makes sure everything runs smoothly
All the Pokémon are controlled unwillingly by Giratina? Or maybe aren’t real??? Lmao idk
Everyone on the outside of the distortion world is freaking out about the show, not knowing where these missing people could be.
Emmet is horrified by his brother’s treatment of course and watches as Ingo sinks further into despair about his returning memory and realizing he’s just a plaything.
Giratina is befriended and decides to help them get out, realizing Volo is a bad friend or something
Reunions are had because of the end of the movie ends happily and the boys are reunited
Uh. Wow.
Submas brainrot got hands man
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critterbitter · 10 months
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Lampent enters her miku stage in unlife, much to the fear and consternation of the rest of the staff. ((One day in the future, the twins will turn the Gear Station into a battle faculty and put Chandelure’s cute aggression to good use. Today is not that day.))
Link to submas masterpost!
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electric-blue24 · 9 months
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thought id end off the year (its not 2024 yet shhh don't worry about it) by drawing ingo from my distorted shadow au in all his eye straining glory, also to match this emmet i drew back in January 2023
and now that im playing pokemon again hopefully ill have gat that big ass distorted shadow comic done (discord peeps you know the one ;-;)
2023 jan vs 2024 jan
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also while trying to draw the distortion world background i made a new header image thats below
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monith-13 · 1 year
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Back at it again with more au content, this time with a whole comic :D (I have never drawn a comic before it took me a while to make) I’m thinking of naming the Giratina and Emmet fusion “Giremm”. the au itself will probably be something like “distorted fusion” (still on the fence about it though)
Giremm gave Akari a scare when they first arrived, who knew that the space-time distortion she was chasing after for rare pokémon was actually a small rift that spat out a whole dude. Luckily, she and Laventon managed to drag the unconscious man into the safety of Jubilife Village without much trouble.
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egginfroggin · 5 months
Imagine a crossover between Pandemonic Paradise and Best Intention. So much angst...
I'm gonna be completely honest with you, Anon, I don't think that Volo would survive that.
Either Akari and Rei kick the life out of him and he doesn't even get to take the Plates from Emmet, or Ingo just freaking goes for the throat when he gets there.
(Or Emmet hits him with the doe eyes and Volo just keels over from the guilt of even thinking about hurting such a cute kid)
But on the off chance that Emmet does get sent to the Distortion World and Ingo goes after him... well the knife situation won't be as potent, at least, Ingo can just kind of dodge around and scruff him.
(He's so tiny, he's much too tiny, why is he so small, even for the age he's been reduced to, Ingo doesn't remember him ever being so small, so scared, so scrawny and thin, so haunted)
(Emmet is a tiny, shaking bundle of bones in his arms, kicking with everything he has to escape, and it's sickening to know how impotent he is against someone with good intentions, let alone how utterly helpless he must have been against Volo and Giratina)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! I hope you have a great day. ^^
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waywardstation · 7 months
I really enjoy what we've seen from the PMD au so far!
Not knowing too much about the games since I never had any of the games and I suck at the demo of the PMD game on switch!
But I do know that Protag is usually a human turned Pokemon with wiped memories.
Considering that you've inserted Pokemon versions of a lot of the Characters of PLA (and possibly Black and White?) I was just thinking jokingly, maybe they all are humans turned Pokemon! We just need to find the regular Pokemon in the bunch! (I know its very likely untrue but I'm really just joking here!)
Thank you so much!!
And hmm, that would be pretty interesting.
In PMD Sky, there is a big issue with time stopping and falling apart, involving the present and the wrecked future, but I’ve been considering turning it into an issue with space-time and Giratina’s distortion world instead, basically inserting PLA’s distortions into the story and making those distortions temporary ‘dungeons’ to explore and survey.
Perhaps not for every character, but it would be interesting if there were more victims to this than just Ingo (and possibly Emmet). They’re both from the future in this setting, technically. Maybe a few could be from the past as well — again, not every PLA character, but maybe some.
I’ll think on this more to see if I want to move forward with this concept or not. Thanks for the ask!!
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